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What time of day the roach bite better. How to catch roach in the spring. Wrong bait presentation

Being a lover of fishing roach with fishing rods, I managed to answer my own questions to myself, the answers were obtained by themselves while fishing, and one of the questions will be discussed further. And so - when roach does not bite? Personally, I can name six reasons that can result in lack of bite... Moreover the reasons these have nothing to do with the weather. And to make it clearer, let's consider each of them using the example of fishing roach float rod in cold water. Why roach, and not bream, ide, or pike? Yes, because each of us at least several times in our lives caught this fish with a float tackle.

Incorrectly chosen fishing spot

With all the abundance and availability, the fish of interest to us does not live in every body of water. Of course, roach the size of a little finger can be easily trained on a maggot in any puddle, "but specimens weighing 100 g and above are not always and not always caught on the hook. The reason for this is the different requirements for mute and nutrition in juveniles and mature fish. The fish chooses habitat according to two principles: safety and availability of food. Small fish decides other safety due to their large numbers. In a large, densely packed flock, each of its members has a much greater chance of surviving. And omnivorous juveniles have no problems with food in shallow grassy waters. But an adult fish is much more careful in choosing a habitat.

Firstly, due to its small number, it cannot stray into large flocks, therefore it gravitates towards shelters in the form of flooded trees, sharp dumps in depth, large stones, etc. Secondly, the nature of its nutrition changes, low-calorie food for an adult the fish is no longer interested in and it switches to feeding on shells, large underwater insects, leeches, etc. So, if you managed to find a place in the reservoir where there are edges with shell rock near the depth, or flooded trees where leeches, crustaceans gather , crustaceans, amphipods and other living creatures, you should know - somewhere nearby a dozen large roach constantly spinning. And it makes sense to hunt for them on purpose.

The bait does not fit

Roach is an omnivorous fish. Depending on the season, she can eat any food. In addition, this fish quickly gets used to the food that anglers most often offer it. However, all this does not in the least prevent the roach from being very selective about their diet. For example, maggots have become famous among anglers as a universal all-season bait. And in the past two decades, it has become so popular that many of us have simply forgotten about such traditional baits as bread dough or steamed cereals. I, too, used to be very fond of catching maggots, which I now regret. Having rediscovered black bread dough, steamed wheat and peas, I was surprised at how many large roach live in our reservoirs.

Moreover, contrary to popular belief that only baits of animal origin "work" in cold water, the best bait for catching autumn roach than rye bread dough, I don't know. December, it will look something like this: rye bread dough, semolina dough, maggot pupae, bloodworms, small dung worm, water donkey crustacean, small dragonfly larva, amphipod crustacean, maggot.

In defense of the maggot, it should be noted that this bait most often plays the role of a "scout" for me. Having started fishing with maggots, I always know if there is any fish at all in a given place. The rest of the baits from the list are distinguished by their selectivity, that is, the ability to weed out trifles from the hook. Going to fish for roach. Especially during the transition from autumn to winter or early spring, I try to take several lures with me to the pond, because you never know which one the fish will like today.

Wrong bait presentation

Large roach is a cautious fish and, most likely, will not rush to a bait that is alarming it in some way. In cold transparent water, the natural caution of roach sharply increases, even the most "correct" bait and exquisite bait will not be able to induce it to bite if the fish did not like the presentation of the bait. To overcome the alertness of the fish, you need a properly set tackle. Most of the year, roach reacts most readily to bait freely moving in the bottom layers of water. So, in my understanding, a tackle properly tuned for fishing for roach is a load consisting of several sinkers with a total weight of 23 g decreasing in weight, and a spindle-shaped float.

Moreover, the sinkers should be fixed on the fishing line in such a way that during the fishing process they can be moved up and down. This allows you to quickly adjust the speed of the fall of the bait in the water. Only in the spring, when I have to catch anadromous fish in the current in a river heavily littered with snags, I use a load consisting of a sliding sinker - "olives" and one massive (0.3-0.4 g) paddle. Depending on the bait used, the leash length ranges from 15 to 40 cm. Short leashes are needed for steamed cereals, dough and semolina, long leashes for animal baits.

Groundbait is not suitable

When groundbait suits the conditions for bait fishing, this is the key to success in catching any "white" fish. For catching roach in cold water, the mechanical properties of the mixture, or rather the size of its particles, are very important. The most effective way to calibrate groundbait is to sift it through a sieve. Even expensive imported mixes contain a certain amount of large particles: hemp grains, granules, peanut shells, etc. They can quickly saturate the roach and thus ruin fishing. If you do not have a special sieve, the mixture can be pushed through a mesh colander. But the widespread opinion that only special "roach" baits are needed for roach, I think is not entirely correct.

Every autumn on roach fishing I use stocks of mixtures not consumed over the summer, mostly bream. Moreover, the original color of the "bulk" does not in any way affect the working qualities of the finished bait. With the help of earth, you can give the finished mixture any color: from light gray to black. A good roach bait for stagnant ponds should be loose and compress into a lump only with a decent amount of effort. But what kind of "worms" (bloodworms, maggots (or chopped worms) and how much you need to add to the finished bait depends on the situation and the desire of the angler. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the presence of "meat" in the bait is not always a panacea for barking.

Noise on the shore

For all the seeming harmlessness, unnecessary noise on the shore is a very effective way to keep the fish interested in bait for a long time. It would seem that everything was done correctly: the place was chosen, the bait was selected, the tackle was set up, the bait was mixed. It remains only to be rewarded with the process. And then, according to the well-known law, someone else appears on the shore. After the traditional question about biting, it begins to noisily settle down on the shore in the immediate vicinity of you.

Consider that fishing is over here for you. And you have no other way to continue it, as soon as you change the place. However, most often such conditions are created by the fisherman on the shore. I know from bitter experience that after feeding a place, any noise (walking along the shore, entering the water, loud rearrangement of buckets with bait and other objects) should be stopped. Respect for fish is almost always half the success of fishing.

Roach weather

The concept of "good" and "bad" weather varies greatly between humans and fish. So, comfortable (sunny and calm) weather almost always accompanied by a complete lack of bite. Rather, in such weather the fish prefers to feed at dawn. But cloudy, with a moderate wind (or maybe with a light rain), the weather almost always contributes to a good bite. Wind noise and ripples on the water partially compensate for the same noise on the shore, which was described above. In addition, the wind current creates an attractive movement of the bait in the water for the fish.

Of course, each of us can name a dozen more such factors and will be absolutely right. But just as an artist's painting consists of individual brush strokes, so a successful fishing consists of a number of "little things" that are worth paying attention to. The above remarks are relevant not only for roach. Any large fish behaves in a similar way. The angler's task is to notice these behaviors, analyze them and use them in practice. Enjoy fishing!

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Fishing for roach, especially during the open water period, is fascinating and interesting, you can learn about what and how to fish this fish by reading the article to the end.

Immediately after the ice melts, the roach move closer to the bays and to the coastal zones, where the depth does not exceed 1.5 meters. Why? The fact is that the water here warms up faster and is enriched with oxygen.

Where to look for roach immediately after the ice melts

Everything will depend on the weather conditions and the characteristics of the reservoir. It is important to know that during the melting of the snow, water flows into the reservoir in streams, carrying with it in large quantities a variety of food (larvae, worms, etc.). In the area where the stream flows into the reservoir, the water will be muddy, but, despite this, it is here that you can find flocks of roach that will actively feed. More often you can find roach a few tens of meters from the jet, namely, on the border of muddy and clear water, closer to the shallows or reverse flow.

In spring, even large roach can be found in areas with a depth of about 0.3 meters, but they do not stay here for a long time. She leaves the shallows as soon as the water in the reservoir begins to warm up a little. It is possible to accurately determine whether there is a roach in a shallow bay or not by the presence of underwater vegetation, which serves not only as food for it, but also as a shelter from a predator.

An excellent place for fishing for roach are coastal areas overgrown with reeds, rubble, areas in the reservoir with trees or growing bushes felled into the water - there is always a lot of food here, which attracts roaches. Also one of the favorite places of this fish is the border of the shallows and the beginning of the rapid flow.

Excellent roach is caught regardless of weather conditions before spawning, when it eagerly rushes to food of any origin. Roach begins to spawn immediately after the water temperature reaches +8 degrees. During spawning and the first few weeks after it, the roach ignores any food other than the silkworm.

What to feed the roach, and what should be the food

Immediately, we note that the outcome of fishing will depend on how correctly the feed is selected for the preparation of the bait mixture.

Important! You should use complementary foods only in clean water, in turbid water there will be no sense from it.

Today you can buy ready-made dry mixes that are diluted with water from a reservoir. If you don't want to overpay, you can cook roach bait yourself, using cake, breadcrumbs, semolina, etc. as the main ingredients.

When preparing groundbait, it is important to take into account the conditions of the reservoir, namely the strength of the current and the depth at which fishing will take place. Why is this needed? Based on this, the viscosity of the bait is determined. It is important to know that the groundbait should sink completely to the bottom. When feeding a fishing site, the depth at which exceeds three meters, it is recommended to mix the bait mixture with clay or river sand.

What to catch roach in the spring?

In early spring, it is best to catch roach with bloodworms or maggots. With the onset of floods, when the water begins to become cloudy, especially large roach is best caught on a dung worm. The worm should be placed on the hook so that it hangs no more than 5 mm from the top and bottom. Why exactly a dung worm? The main advantage of this nozzle is the specific odor emitted. Excellent results can be obtained by using shitika as bait. It is impossible not to mention the semolina talker, from which the roach are simply crazy, but this bait will be pecked mainly by medium-sized roach.

How to set up your roach tackle correctly

As a tackle, you should select light rods; a carbon fiber rod 5 meters long would be an excellent option. The reel is installed on a fishing rod, any of its main task is to store a supply of fishing line with a diameter of 0.17 to 0.2 mm, the leash is made of fishing line with a diameter of 0.12 mm. For hooks, use 3 or # 4 is sufficient.

A float can be bought ready-made in a fishing store, but it is better to make it yourself or a piece of foam or goose feathers. It is very important to correctly determine the load, which should be enough so that after casting the bait into the water, the float takes a vertical position, while looking out of the water only 1/3 of its length. The weight should be at a distance of 15-20 cm from the hook. After the tackle and bait are ready, the baits are selected, you can go to the pond and start the most interesting process - fishing for roach.

The abundance of fish and good taste make many anglers decide to hunt exclusively for roach. The fish has become widespread in most water bodies in Russia. Roach are not particularly careful, but they have their own habits, depending on the season. Spring is the most promising time for fishing, as the roach begins to eat, preceding and completing spawning. In spring the best biting of roach is observed, the fish are the most active and indiscriminate to baits.

Ways and tackle for catching roach in spring

The main fishing methods:

  • Fishing for roach in the spring with a float rod turns out to be quite effective, because the fish swims to the shore in search of food. Usually, fishing in a stagnant reservoir is carried out in one place, which is lured in advance. A fly rod with a length of 4-6 m is often used;
  • tackles for fishing roach in spring on the river are selected taking into account the peculiarities of fishing in the wiring, the fisherman has to change position relatively often. Fishing for roach in the spring without a reel is becoming more and more popular, because it reduces the time for stringing the bait, and during the zhora, the catch comes across even without baits. Fishing for roach in early spring allows you to fish a large area;
The best roach bite is observed in spring
  • light versions of bottom gear are also applicable in the spring fishing period;
  • begins to be effective only after the water warms - after mid-May. Roach swims near the coastline in March and April, so there is no point in using long-range feeders. Fishing for roach in the spring with a picker or feeder line allows bottom fishing, but now there is no need for long casts.

Most tackles require a spinning reel to be mounted to allow long distance casting. When fishing near the shore, the line can be immediately tied to a stick on plant attachments.

In practice, it is better to alternate the bottom gear: use the feeder to deliver feed to promising areas, and then switch to the classic donkey without a feeder. A rod with a length of 3.1-3.9 m is used with a test load of 5 to 30 g. It is better to take a small reel with a spool of 1500-2000.

Tackle for fishing roach in spring

If the rod for fishing roach in the spring is selected correctly, it is time to move on to the selection of equipment:

  • fishing line for fishing roach in the spring on the "float" is taken with a thickness of 0.15 ± 0.01 mm. The main rule for choosing the thickness is the range of the tackle and the mass of the rig. On bottom types of gear, it makes sense to put a line with a diameter of 0.2 mm;
  • the float has to be selected taking into account the fishing conditions. On a slow river, it is better to put a drop-shaped form;
  • sinkers must ensure that the gear is immersed to a suitable depth. The most promising depth is 1.5-2 m. In order for the sinker to quickly immerse the rig, it is better to use an olive with padding (3-5 pellets, between which the distance is about 5 cm);

Tackle for fishing roach in spring
  • leash. It is better to put a fishing line with a diameter of 0.07 ± 0.01 mm on the "float". It is better to put leashes of 0.15 ± 0.01 mm on the feeder with a length of 50-80 cm;
  • hooks. Many anglers, not knowing what hooks are needed for catching roach in the spring, find themselves with a small catch. It is important to set thin hooks, because fishing is done with gentle baits. By installing large hooks, the bait will begin to subside, and it will become more difficult to ensure the safety of the bait.

An additional anti-twist tube will have to be installed on the feeder, and it is better to take a rectangular or triangular feeder.

Spring roach fishing spots

Fishing for roach on the lake in spring is effective in shallow water, where the fish gather in schools. The representative of cyprinids prefers to stay in overgrown places where the sun warms the water well. Sunny weather for fishing roach in spring is attractive for fishermen, because the catch will swim directly to the shore. Another promising time is the period after the rain. Streams of turbidity wash away various insect larvae, eggs of predators, etc. from the shore.

Fishing for roach in the spring in the pond is carried out in one place, initially we feed the site and throw the tackle a little further, and then pull it to the desired site. Bait for roach in spring is almost always required, the only exception is fishing is carried out from the leeward side, where feed from the reservoir is nailed.

It is better to look for prey in the following areas:

  • near the exit from the bay;
  • on the nearest edge;
  • in deep backwaters;
  • in places with an abundance of underwater vegetation.

Fishing for roach in spring is effective in shallow water

During floods, roach tend to look for calm and deep stretches of the river close to the shore. The best places are under overhanging trees, from where the larvae constantly fall. In spring, it makes no sense to look for roach at a depth of up to two meters, or even better - to look for depressions and unevenness of the bottom. A suitable depth for the feeder is 2-4 m. In case of cessation of biting from the bottom, it makes sense to start searching for roach in the middle horizon.

There is one important feature of the behavior of roach - in the morning and before the evening dawn, the fish swims straight to the shore and swims along the thickets of algae. Masking the fisherman will significantly increase the chances of getting a catch.

Lures and baits for spring roach fishing

Initially, bloodworms show the best results when hunting roach. It is possible to place 2-3 larvae on the hook. With the help of a bloodworm or a chopped worm, good biting begins a little later, after the start of heating the water. Already in the warm season, the roach is used for dough and barley, the second bait is good in that it allows you to cut off the bite of small things.

Winter baits are used until the second decade of April, and then animal feed is combined with vegetable. If none of the available spring roach attachments helps arouse the fish's interest, we recommend making sandwiches using several baits.

For spring fishing for roach, lures and baits are used in a variety of

Non-standard attachments:

  • fishing for roach with semolina in spring is carried out similarly to other baits, but an important condition is that semolina should be present both in the bait and as a nozzle;
  • it is interesting to catch roach with a crawling worm in the spring, because the bait allows you to catch exceptionally large fish;
  • roach often attacks foam balls as well. If the white bait is not doing well, yellow balls will do. A moisture resistant marker is used for staining. In addition, we recommend using vanillin as a flavoring agent, it will create additional interest in the bait. It is better to plant the foam so that the tip of the hook passes through the ball;
  • an unusual method is to catch roach with an ant in the spring. It is better to use large, forest ants, which will have to be caught in advance in the vicinity. We string them 3-5 pieces by the abdomen;
  • sometimes batter is used as bait. For transportation, we use a medical syringe without a needle with a large capacity (from 20 ml). Squeeze the dough directly onto the hook, closing the sting;
  • caddis flies are useful when fishing in the wiring. Before stringing it onto the hook, remove it from the "house". There is a lot of bait near the coast: in thickets, in creeks with warm water, in small streams.

Bait for spring roach fishing

Roach bait differs depending on the fishing method and location. It is better to use a low-viscosity bait on a float tackle, if it is easy to throw it manually to the place. If fishing is carried out at a distance from the coast, where you have to throw food with a slingshot, it is better to make the bait more viscous. Loose baits create a cloudy cloud that attracts prey from a long distance.

The mixture is set in the feeder, taking into account the force of movement. Empirically, you will have to determine the rate of depletion of the feeder, but the stronger the current, the more viscous the bait should turn out to be.

Depending on the fishing method and location, the bait for roach is different

Important! When using vegetable baits, it is worth using them as part of the bait. Eating the bait, the fish loses its vigilance and swallows the bait more actively. For example, if you are fishing for roach with barley in the spring, the mass fraction of barley in the bait should not exceed 30-40%.

A simple and catchy bait recipe:

  1. Mix 500 g of bran and 500 g of chopped crackers.
  2. Add 400 g of corn porridge, 3-4 tbsp. l. powdered milk and 150 g of oatmeal.
  3. We make seasonings: 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt.
  4. We add flavors, for catching roach in the spring the most common and affordable is vanillin - about 50 g. The amount of flavors depends on the heating of the water; in a warm season, it is better to reduce the amount of odorous substances.

Features of fishing for roach in different periods of spring

In spring, there is a strong temperature drop, to which the fish reacts in its own way. Fishing tactics may vary slightly each month.

Fishing for roach in early spring

When the water melts for the first time, oxygen seeps into the reservoir, which sets the fish in motion, forcing it to wake up. After winter, the roach need to replenish their strength and begin to prepare for spawning. In most regions, roach fishing begins in spring from the ice. The principle of fishing is not much different from catching other types of fish with winter fishing rods. Fishing for roach in spring with jig and nod is still popular.

Fishing for roach in the spring on the last ice has already changed somewhat, it makes no sense to fish deep wintering holes, their fish has already left and went to the shore, which warms up faster. More often inhabits the edges along the banks and channel. Trophy individuals tend to live at a depth of about 3 m.

In spring, roach fishing begins from the ice in most regions

Fishing for roach for a match in early spring begins after breaking the ice. Now the best biting is observed in cloudy weather with drizzling rain. Low pressure is good for fish activity. In sunny weather, roach leads an active lifestyle and constantly moves in the water. A promising place is next to the river bed, where it floats in different horizons. It catches well in places where caddisflies flow into, where cracks in the ice have appeared or have depth differences.

Features of fishing for roach in April

Most of the ice has already melted and open water fishing is on the rise. In April, roach spawns; now they are heading against the current in search of a tributary of the river, suitable for spawning. Spawning occurs in areas with lush vegetation or water-filled meadows. In small bodies of water, roach approaches the border of vegetation on the shore with clear water. Catching roach from the shore with a line in spring turns out to be incredibly effective, because the fish actively feeds before spawning.

Fishing for roach in the spring proves to be successful only with the help of classic fly tackle or a plug. Plug-in gear requires a clean coastline.

Under natural conditions, fish have little food, so one of the main food is caddis flies. Fishing for roach in spring, in April, on caddis flies brings the best results, although worms and maggots also perform well. Fish prefers animal feed with a high energy value.

Fishing for roach in May

May is the period after the spawning of roach, when the post-spawning gorge begins. As soon as the fish sweep away its eggs, it leaves the shallow waters, more often being at the close edge, and in the future it goes even further from the coast. Float tackle for fishing roach in spring is still popular and effective, but it makes sense to use match and Bolognese rods. Fishing for roach in the spring on small rivers is usually done with the help of a "float" or in a line.

Gradually, the season of fishing for roach in the spring on the river with a fishing rod ends, it makes sense to use a float rod from a boat. Bottom gear is now more commonly used. Fishing for roach in muddy waters in spring is effective with a feeder or picker rod.

The bite goes well for the worm, bloodworm and maggot.

Most roach fishing in spring is open water fishing, but winter fishing also takes up a significant amount of time. Each period has its own characteristics.

Secrets of catching roach in the spring:

  • in March, the fish is relatively passive; groundbaits made from crushed crackers and powdered milk are suitable for it. Roasted seeds have shown themselves well as flavoring agents;
  • in April, it is better to add animal elements to complementary foods, this will help to make a more attractive composition. It is important to prepare a composition with the correct viscosity, so that after being cast, the ball will break on the water and dissolve as it falls. Only animal particles should reach the bottom;
  • the more the water warms up in May, the more finicky the fish becomes. Closer to summer, it is better to reduce the diameter of the line.

Roach belongs to the carp family; it is common in almost all rivers and water bodies. Roach does not live in closed ponds with low oxygen concentration. This schooling fish can reach a weight of 2 kg, but most often there are individuals weighing up to 300 g. In different regions of the country, roach and its subspecies are called path, chebak, vobla, ram.

Bite calendar

Seasonal Fishing Guides

Roach bite all year round, taking breaks in feeding during the dead winter season and during spawning.


Roach loves warm and calm water, rich in aquatic vegetation. The unpretentiousness of the fish allows it to take root in small and large rivers, large reservoirs and small flowing ponds, quarries, oxbows. In winter, it prefers the deepest places of the reservoir, and in spring it rushes to the shoals and into the rivers flowing into it. In summer, the roach is dispersed throughout the entire territory of the reservoir, and with the appearance of grass it passes into tributaries and backwaters, approaches bridges and baths. Depending on the season, weather and mood, it can be at the bottom or in half the water.

Spawning roach

Roach reaches sexual maturity by 3 years of age. Before the spawn, the body of males becomes rough to the touch due to the appearance of numerous tubercles. The fish spends their mating season in water heated to 8-10 ° C. This period falls on April-May. In warm weather, the spawning period is 5-6 days. If the weather conditions worsen, the spawn is delayed up to 12 days.

The spawning grounds for fish are floodplain meadows, flooded with water, where there is last year's vegetation and shrubs. Caviar is laid by roach at a depth of 0.3-1 m; during mating games, the fish splashes noisily.

Roach feeding

Roach feeds daily throughout the year. The main food in winter is bloodworms, caddis flies, crustaceans and other inhabitants of the bottom layers of the reservoir. In spring, the roach diet includes such animal food as insect larvae, worms, small leeches and shells. In early summer, the fish feeds on flying insects, dragonfly larvae, and worms. As fresh aquatic vegetation emerges, the roach revises their menu in favor of greenery. By autumn, the vegetation becomes rough, the fish switches to feeding on larvae, crustaceans, and algae seeds.

Finding a place to fish for roach

Roach is caught with a line all year round. In winter, you need to look for fish in deep places, as well as at depths, in thickets. On the last ice, the roach approaches the places where melt water penetrates under the ice. In the spring, schools of fish go to shallows, rivers, oxbows, where spawning will take place. Before spawning, the roach comes close to the shore to search for food in last year's coastal vegetation. In summer, fish should be caught at a distance from the coast, depth drops, near islands of fresh grass. By autumn, the fish gather in large schools and head to the depths.

Lures and baits

  • Ice fishing is carried out using attachments such as bloodworms, burdock moth larva, maggot, pieces of worm and dough. Winter fishing for mormyshless jigs such as "devil", "nymph", "goat" is quite successful.
  • In spring, roach hold such animal baits as bloodworms, worms, maggots, as well as vegetable baits: dough, semolina, pearl barley.
  • In summer, the fish becomes finicky. To please her, you need to have baits such as caddis flies, worms, barnacles, shell meat, greens, steamed grains, dough, maggot, bread crumb and grasshopper.
  • In autumn, you need to catch roach for maggots, dough, grandma, steamed wheat, peas and pearl barley.

Large roach is good for boilies.

Roach bait

At any time of the year, bait is required for successful roach fishing (recipes for the best bait for roach). Only with its help it is possible to keep the flock at the point of fishing, as well as attract fish from neighboring areas.

The composition of the bait depends on the season, water temperature and the presence of a current.

  • In springtime, the food should be finely dispersed so as not to saturate the fish. When the water warms up, you can add coarse fractions of the used nozzle.
  • In the summer season, when fishing on the river, you can feed the fish with a large amount of a mixture with large fractions. A careful approach is required for feeding fish in small bodies of water.
  • In winter, the fish is held back by periodically lowering a small dose of bloodworms or bread crumbs.

Fishing methods

Feeder is the most popular way of fishing for roach far offshore. It is used on large and medium-sized rivers.

Roach is the main catch of many fishermen, since it is widespread in many domestic water bodies. Fishing can be done in different seasons, but spring fishing is considered the most effective.

However, to get a good catch, even in such a good period, you need to know the basic rules for finding a suitable place, preparing tackle, as well as choosing a bait and bait. All such nuances that can help novice anglers are discussed in detail in this article.

Fishing time

The spring season for fishing roach in different regions starts at different times, since it depends on the climatic conditions of a particular area. Since this prey is characterized by increased activity throughout the year, then after the ice melts, it is only necessary to change the places of fish search and prepare spring tackles.

  1. Biting is present in any spring period, as soon as ice leaves the reservoirs. With a gradual increase in temperature and warming up of water, the activity of potential production will also increase.
  2. Spring fishing for roach is relevant until May, when the fish begins to spawn. There is a zhor in front of him, so fishing is the most effective, besides, during this period, the highest probability of fishing for trophy specimens, the body weight of which can exceed a kilogram.
  3. Spawning in different bodies of water does not start at the same time, therefore, breaks in spring fishing can be omitted if you periodically change places.
  4. Starting in mid-April, roach begin preparing for spawning, at which time the prey should be looked for in small rivers or narrow streams. The fish get lost in small flocks that constantly move around the reservoir, the fisherman must also change his location, since during this period it is impossible to attract roach to a certain area for a long time, even with the correct use of complementary foods.

Fishing tackle

Beginner anglers are advised to use ordinary float gear or donks, as they have increased sensitivity, which does not allow even the smallest bites to be missed. More experienced fishermen can use feeders.

The main requirement for a rod is its lightness; other features of the equipment that need to be taken into account are discussed below:

  1. The optimal rod length indicator varies from 4 to 6 meters, first of all, it depends on the conditions of fishing and the distance of the casts.
  2. A cord with a section of 0.14-0.16 mm is used as a working line, and the diameter of the leash should not exceed 0.12 mm. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only the weight of the rig, but also the estimated casting distance.
  3. Hooks are selected individually in each situation, their size depends on the size of the bait and the estimated weight of the prey. It is recommended to choose thin but sharp and durable models as they work best with the delicate baits that are used for roach. Too thick and oversized options can cause a large number of descents or the need for frequent lures change.
  4. You can use the most common float, but special attention should be paid to its competent loading so that even the lightest touches cannot hide from the angler. The shape depends on the fishing conditions, when fishing in bodies of stagnant water or little currents, teardrop models are best suited.
  5. A spinning reel of small size is required only if it is necessary to make long casts, in other cases the working line is fixed and tied directly to the tip of the rod.
  6. Correctly selected weight implies the presence of olives as the main load, as well as from 3 to 5 pellets, between which a distance of about 4 cm must be maintained.This scheme is optimal and suitable for most situations, since spring fishing for roach is actually always carried out in the bottom layers or at a depth exceeding 2 meters.


The rules for feeding roach in the spring depend on the fishing period and are as follows:

  1. In March and the first half of April, the composition of groundbait mixtures should not include too many high-calorie ingredients. This is due to the low temperature of the water, which slows down the metabolic processes in the body of the fish, so it needs less food for full saturation. If you oversaturate potential prey, it will negatively affect the bite.
  2. Closer to the spawning period, the need to use bait mixtures disappears, since the roach begins to eat, and it actively bites on virtually any bait. In addition, at this time, the fish actively moves through the reservoir, and it is impossible to attract it to separate areas even with the help of complementary foods.

To attract the attention of prey to the place of fishing, you can use the following types of bait mixtures:

  1. Specialty store mixes targeted at roach.
  2. A handful of worms or maggots are best when using float rods, since spot feeding is still possible.
  3. Self-prepared mixtures, their structure and density are selected depending on the fishing conditions and the gear used.

Many anglers are biased towards store mixes, preferring to prepare the bait on their own. A good and versatile option can be obtained by mixing the following components:

  1. 500 gr of bran.
  2. 500 grams of pre-crushed crackers.
  3. 400 gr of porridge cooked on corn grits.
  4. Granulated sugar, no more than one tablespoon.
  5. Table salt in the amount of one teaspoon.
  6. Powdered milk in the amount of 4-5 tablespoons.
  7. One glass of oatmeal.
  8. Aromatic additives, vanillin is the best choice for imparting an appetizing scent. The recommended amount should not exceed 50 grams, since a strong-smelling mixture is a way to scare prey away from the place of fishing. If the water has already warmed up well enough, then the amount of added vanillin can be halved.

Small balls are fashioned from the resulting mixture, the diameter of which should be 5-7 cm.Depending on the intensity of the bites, one ball is thrown into the water every 30-60 minutes, such an amount of complementary food will attract the attention of the fish to the selected section of the reservoir, but at the same time will not allow it oversaturated.

How to increase your fish catch?

For 7 years of active fishing enthusiasm, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator... This pheromone supplement attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. ...
  2. Enhancement the sensitivity of the tackle. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific tackle type.
  3. Baits based on pheromones.


During spring fishing, you can use various options for lures, the most effective baits and baits are discussed below:

  1. Bloodworms are the main bait in the early spring., several baits can be put on the hook at the same time, which increases the likelihood of biting.
  2. As the water warms up, you can use dough with aromatic additives, worms, maggots as baits. In the absence of a stable bite, it is recommended to combine all of the listed varieties, which increases the attractiveness of the bait for potential prey.
  3. In the middle of the spring season or closer to the spawning season, it is recommended to use barley., since it allows you to exclude false bites from small fish.
  4. Caddis flies are the most effective bait if the chosen tactic involves the implementation of postings.

  1. Instead of using standard attachments, you can try using foam balls. The main advantage of this option is the ability to paint the bait in any color using special waterproof markers. According to most experts, yellow balls are the most effective.
  2. Many anglers fill medical syringes with dough and then squeeze it directly onto the hook. This practice ensures accurate dosage selection, ease of application and good masking of the hook point.
  3. When using float rods, it is recommended to choose crumbly mixtures for feeding, since they cover a fairly large area of ​​the reservoir. When using donuts with feeders, the requirements are the opposite: the selected mixture should be as viscous and thick as possible.