Repairs Design Furniture

How to insulate plastic windows in winter with your own hands. How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands - instruction. Preliminary preparation of wooden windows

With the advent of metal-plastic windows there is a tendency of universal implementation. In many questions, they are really more practical than wooden. Many users lead their tightness and lack of need to care for them as wooden. But after the expiration of a certain period, they need maintenance, so it is important to know how to insulate plastic windows. The article will discuss the reasons for the need for such services, as well as ways to identify distressed places.

Causes of problems

Consumers who choose plastic windows are mistakenly confident that they will be able to maintain tightness throughout the service life. Over time, such windows really reduce heat loss and bill carrier bills. Much depends not only on the quality of plastic windows, but also on the way they are installed. If the latter was performed with a violation of elementary rules, then you can not see the differences with old wooden windows. In addition to errors that were allowed during installation, the situation may worsen the following factors:

  • insulator wear;
  • detachment of the lining from the glass package;
  • change of window geometry;
  • wear of shut-off reinforcement;
  • wear PVC Basics;
  • incorrect installation of windowsill;
  • dissection finishing technology.

In most cases, the insulation is represented by rubber pads, which are dissolved from constant drops of temperature and humidity and come into disrepair. The consequence of this is drafts and loss of tightness. Problem places are also a glass clock package to the windows frame. If the planks begin to lag behind, it will lead to the appearance of condensate and the appearance of ice on the window. At the production of the angles of the frame and windows, the windows are made ideal, but their geometry may be impaired with physical effects. For example, shrinkage of the building can change the angle, which will lead to the leakage of the sash or the appearance of the slot near the wall.

Metal fittings, which is used in plastic windows for fixing the sash, over time fails. In this case, the window cannot be pressed with due force because of what problems arise. Each material has its own service life, it also applies to PVC profile. It may also be the reason that the window lost its tightness. Can be through the windowsill. If during the installation, the windowsill on the plastic was replaced, then errors could be made when installed, which left the slot through which the cold air falls. Speaks require compliance with technology when finishing so that they can perform their tasks. If they are not sealed, then problems will necessarily arise.

Solving issues on the repair or maintenance of plastic windows can be entrusted to the firm that specializes on this. Usually in the arsenal of masters there are components that often fail and require replacement. Works will be performed quickly, but it is worth considering that for such a procedure will have to give a certain part of the budget. Therefore, it is easier to warm up the plastic windows with your own hands.

Detection of reasons

Before embarking on the elimination of the problem in plastic windows, it is necessary to accurately determine the place of its dislocation. To do this, carefully examine the window frame for any defects. If we could not be visually identified, then you can do it:

  • tactile;
  • with the help of a lighter;
  • sheet of paper.

If you want to wet the hand in warm water and bring to the window, then you can immediately feel the place where the draft pierces through the gap. Sometimes it is not enough, then you can resort to help lighters or matches. It is enough to light the flame and spend the plastic window near the problem space if the defect is really there, then the flame will be deviated in one of the sides, everything will depend on the direction of air flow. To detect tightness loss due to insulation, a sheet of paper is used. You must open the window, put a sheet of paper and close the window. If the sheet is easily pulled out, then you can safely talk about the protested seal.

When to carry out work

Maintenance and insulation of plastic windows in winter is not always convenient. Therefore, the best time will be the spring-autumn period. This is explained by a suitable air temperature that makes it possible to freely open and close the windows without fear of cold or increase the flow rate or other carrier for heating. The insulation of plastic windows may require the use of building mixtures. Most of them are used only at the plus temperature, which is the key and proper drying. Excessive humidity, which may be present in late autumn and winter period is also a hindrance for normal work. With optimal temperature, it is easy to carry out not only internal, but also outdoor work.

Outdoor insulation windows

Proper insulation of plastic windows implies external and internal work. First include:

  • decoration of outdoor slopes;
  • warming of sings.

Each type of work requires its approach, so it is important to consider separately.

External slopes

Most often, during installation of windows, the outer slopes are finished, so they are the first item that should be taken care for the insulation of the plastic window. Without this event, you can do anything from the inside, but the effect does not give it. The insulation of plastic windows from the street makes it possible to move the dew point. Thus, moisture condensation will not occur on the glasses from the inside. Often, this leads to the appearance of mold, which not only spoils the appearance, but also harmful to health. Another factor that requires the decoration of slopes is the mounting foam. If it is not protected from ultraviolet and precipitation, it will begin to crumble, because of which the draft only will increase.

For work, it will take the presence of insulation, glue and tool. As a heater for slopes, the extruded polystyrene foam is best used. It has minimal thermal conductivity and easy to install. This insulation also perfectly opposes moisture and is not subject to rotting. To secure it to the wall you will need a dowel in the form of umbrellas, as well as special glue.

Note!If you wish, using stone wool for insulation of the slope, it is necessary to take care of its high-quality waterproofing. If this is not done, then it will pick out moisture and lose the properties of the insulator, which will not solve the problem.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the window slopes from the garbage. If there are influxs from the old plaster, then they should also be knocked down with a hammer or a puncher with a chisel. In the case of cracks and other damage, they must be sealed with tiled adhesive or similar solution. After that, the surface is covered deeply penetrating acrylic primer. If the first layer is absorbed too quickly, then one can apply one more and wait for complete drying. With the help of a construction knife, the insulation is cut to the required dimensions. The adhesive basis is applied to it, and it is placed in his place. At the same time, it should fit tightly to the window frame.

Using the perforator in the insulation and the wall, several holes are drilled. They blow up a small amount of foam and plastic umbrellas are clogged, which will additionally fit insulation to the surface of the wall. The glue close all the remaining gaps that may be between the insulation and the plastic window. The insulation is covered with a small layer of glue. After that, the reinforcing grid is mounted on it, which increase the strength of slopes. The grid spatula is pressed toward the insulation so that the glue evenly performed onto its surface. After grouting and drying, you can proceed with finishing work. Video on the insulation of slopes of the window can be viewed below.

Work with lowers

The insulation of the popular plastic window is not a challenging task, so it will easily cope with it and there will be no big funds. It is important to carefully inspect the space and eliminate all the slots that are between the wall and the window. A metal plank is mounted on the tump, which closes the part of the opening and prevents its wetting. Under the bar, you can put a small piece of the insulation, which is firmly glued to the surface. All the gaps are additionally filled with sealant.

Internally insulation windows

In the process of how to insulate the windows with your own hands, the internal finish of some nodes is also included. These include:

  • internal slopes;
  • insulation;
  • windowsill.

The insulation will require special patience and care.

Internal slopes

The process of how to insulate the slopes of plastic windows from the inside is very similar to what was described above. Internal slopes require careful processing to achieve a pleasant appearance. It must comply with the selected interior. First of all, it is necessary to cut off protruding foam, as well as add it in those places where the gaps were formed. The old finish is completely removed, which was near the old windows. The surface of the slopes is processed by the primer of deep penetration and is left until complete drying. The next step will be the installation of plasterboard, plastic panels or putty and plaster.

Note! After finishing, the slopes can be painted using water-mounted paint or separate with decorative plaster, which is better than the use of plastic panels.


The windowsill is an integral part of the window. For plastic windows, PVC window sills are used, which can be different sizes and execution. But the correct installation must be combined. First of all, it is necessary to find out where the heat loss is going. The gap can be between the window and the windowsill, as well as the windowsill and concrete part. In the first case, it is necessary to close the gap using the sealant. For a white profile, you can buy a white sealant, and for other colors is perfectly suitable, if there is no color required.

If you blow out from under the windowsill, then certain errors have been made during its installation. In the case when the complete disassembly of the window sill is not possible, there is an option using foam, try to blew distressed places. After the procedure, it is desirable to put something heavy on the windowsill so that the foam does not deform him and did not raise it. If you can remove the windowsill, you can additionally use the window adjoining the window to the wall. Also, under the windowsill, a small layer of insulation is stacked.

Tip! Warming can be performed using a special film. The process of such insulation is shown in the video below.


In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the insulation on the window sash and on the frame. In plastic windows, the insulation replacement is not good. It does not require the use of adhesive compositions. The rubber base is fixed in special grooves that are located on a plastic profile. Old insulation is liquidated. To make it easier to survey the insulation in the grooves of the sash or rams, it can be slightly moiste with soapy water. It is worth remembering that it should be laid by one contour. For this, it is important to measure and make a small reserve correctly. Stop your choice is better on the black insulation, which is also made of PVC. Insulation, painted in another color, have a less durable structure, which leads to their rapid wear. In some cases, the replacement of the sealing gum is required, which holds the glass. To do this, it is necessary to remove the retaining strips and the glass itself. The progress places are cleaned of dust and other dirt, after which the insulation is installed and the installation of the glass package.

Tip! Before replacing the insulation on the window, you must try to adjust it or translate it into the winter mode. The illustration below shows how it can be done.


As can be seen, plastic windows also require insulation. If after counting the costs of time, forces and means it becomes obvious that during the independent insulation you can earn a big amount, then it is better to hire specialists who will do everything on their own. While working on the insulation of the window, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and follow the safety regulations, especially if the window is not on the first floor.

Warming up windows for the winter is an unchanged ritual, which holders wooden frames before starting cold, allowing to increase the temperature in a room by 5-10 degrees and reduce heating losses. There are many ways to insulate windows for the winter, both using special seals and sealants, and with the help of healthy means available during the times of our great-grandmothers.

Principles of insulation windows

The meaning of insulation is to create the most sealed inner airspace between the frames. As you know, the air is an excellent heat insulator, provided that it is enclosed in a closed space. It is this space that the distance between the outer and the inner frame is. It turns out to insulate the windows, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps that allow you to penetrate the cold air flow from the street.

In case of insulation, wooden frames usually use three receptions: use sealing gums, close the slots between the frames and are sampled by their paper strips, tape or tissue. At the same time, the outer frame is not recommended to stick to the steamproof scotch - this will lead to their strong fogging, and in frosts - to freezing. The inner frames, on the contrary, it is better to stick to avoid the penetration of moisture into the space between the frames.

Between Ramami, it is advisable to pave an adsorbent - silica gel, activated carbon, soda or salt. So that they do not spoil the appearance of windows, they are placed in small packets of white paper. However, in the urban apartment with normal humidity you can do without adsorbent. If the humidity is raised, it is better to sacrifice the appearance of windows: moisture, condensing on the glasses, flows onto the wooden frames, as a result of which the paint peckles, and the frames begin to rot.

Before the start of warming the window and the frame, you need to wash and wipe dry, check the presence of large slots, as well as the density of the adjacent glass. Badly fastened glass not only passes cold air, but also rattling with wind. The need for glass can be strengthened, how to do it - told below.

Repair and sealing of glasses

It happens that even insulated frames do not protect the apartment from draft, and most often the problem is in poorly fixed glasses. Previously, the glass was put in the frames on the window putty, by the appearance of a dirty-gray frozen plasticine. Over time, the melting starts to dry and crush, and after a few years or decades it does not remain at all. At the same time, the glasses begin to rattle, and large gaps are obtained between them and the frame. Silicone sealant helps to correct the situation.

Technology repair and insulation:

  1. Evaluate the status of the strokes - the racks holding the glass in the frame. If they rotted, walk and crumble, it is better to immediately buy new in the required quantity.
  2. Carefully find the strokes and pull them together with cloves. Remove the glass.
  3. Frames to cleanse from the remnants of old putty and surplus paint at the installation site of the glass.
  4. Remove the residues of putty from glasses with an alkaline solution, for example, calcined soda. It is not recommended to scribe the glass with a knife, while the scratches will remain, remove which is impossible.
  5. The frames wipe dry and drag them around the perimeter with a transparent silicone sealant, after which the glass is installed.
  6. The strokes are nauseated, using window nails. It is necessary to do it very carefully, trying not to press the glass, otherwise it will crack when the temperature drops it.
  7. The remaining slots are also wicked by a sealant, removing its surplus with a damp cloth. Allow it to dry for 2-4 hours. After that, the windows are wiped using a means for washing windows and proceed to warming frames.

Materials for insulation of windows are sold in housekeeping stores, they are an unbreakable sealing tape with an adhesive layer of foam rubber or soft polymer. Sealing ribbons from polymeric materials can be used for several years, while you can open windows, wash them without removing the tape. The foam insulation when drinking water turns, so it is better to delete it annually.

How to glue a sealing tape? This process is very simple: to open the window of the window around the perimeter paste a seal with an adhesive layer applied to it, after which the frames on constipation neatly close. So they do with external, and with inner frames, with large slots of the window from the inside, you can additionally go to paint scotchball - it is also sold in household goods stores.

Warming windows having large gaps

If the frames are too old or strongly shied, there may be huge slots in them, it is impossible to overlap which the sealing tape is impossible. In this case, you will have to legitate the cracks with cotton, foam, rags or paper, or sharpen them with special mixtures. This is done like this:

Warming windows with putty

A more radical method that allows you to warm up not only the windows, but also cracks in the windowsills, is to use building mixtures. For this purpose, we can use glue-based powders, a solution of alabastra in a mixture with chalk in a 1: 1 ratio, as well as window sealants.

The selected mixture is applied to the slot using a metal spatula, roll up and leave until complete drying. It should be remembered that the removal of such smelings can lead to paint detachment, so it is necessary to use this method neatly. However, it is very effective for old frames, which soon suppose to be replaced - to insulate them with the help of the sealing tape it is often impossible, and putty and the solution of alabasra perfectly seal the space between the frames.

You can also use moisture-resistant sealants for external work, while choose white or colorless. The sealant is applied straight from the tube, missing them all the gaps, as well as the joints of the glass and frame.

Cardinal method of insulation windows

If you do not plan to ever open the window, you can use the mounting foam. It fills the slots, wait for its expansion and frozen, after which they are cut off with a sharp knife. To avoid yellowing and destruction of foam, it is covered with ordinary white enamel for outdoor work.

In practice, this method is extremely rare, and the mounting foam is usually used for the warming of the window box, filling it with the gap between it and the walls. Perform this operation at the installation stage of the windows, but if you think that heat loss occurs precisely for this reason, you can open the windowsill, window slopes and fits and replete the window box.

Video - How to insulate wooden windows for the winter?

It seemed a perfect solution, like plastic windows, there are a number of potential problems.

It may not be warm enough in the room and even sometimes there are drafts. When it blows up from the window opening, and the usual cold becomes a permanent companion, it's time to do this issue. It is thorough to approach this problem thoroughly by purchasing the necessary building material that the process of insulation smoothly did not switch to the prolonged long-term or worse, in prolonged treatment.

What materials and tools are necessary for emergency elimination of drafts and subsequent high-quality insulation.

  • Mounting foam.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Adjustable key for fittings.

Causes of poor wind insulation

At this stage, it is necessary to establish the cause of draft.

  • The work of the fittings is not debugged.
  • They quit, or not pressed tight, sealing gums of the sash and frame.
  • The strokes hold the glass loosely and do not press it.
  • Sweets from under the outer sweats, windowsill or inner slopes.
  • The window opening during installation was not well propented and heat insulated.

Adjusting accessories

To begin with, we define the density of the window of the window sash. This is done with the help of an ordinary notebook. The sheet clamp the window with the sash and close tightly with a handle. Now we are trying to pull it out if the sheet is not pulled out, or it turns out hard, in this case there is no need to worry, the sash is an excellent adder. If the sheet easily leaves with a closed sash, then proceed to the elimination. We open the sash and on the locks located on the furnishing of the sash, exhibit the winter position by the adjusting key, turning 90 degrees. It will provide tight pressing. And again we return to our sheet.

Replacing sealing rubber

If the leaf, again easily leaves, then it's all about the sealing gum of the sash and frame. From the time they fucked and lost elasticity. Replacement required. Cut out a small piece of sash, just from the frame (they are different in volume), and we go to the nearest retail chain of supermarkets of furniture accessories, to the market or apply to installers. You need to measure how much you need the meters of both seals.

Lovely adjacent stapups

The search and replacement of the strokes, the occupation is rather a tedious, better contact the specialists. Well, if there is a desire, exclude drafts, without replacement and on our own, then carefully remove the strokes from the landing grooves. It is necessary to produce it with the help of a special spatula, short and sharp blows, at an angle of 45 degrees by the pipple body. Be sure to hold the glass: hand, head, we ask a neighbor to make the glass when removing the strokes did not fall out of the sash. We charge a cylinder with a sealant into a piston pistol and fill the space between the glass and the sash, along the perimeter of the sash (frame, if a deaf window, without sash). With the help of a rubber hammer, I clog the strokes in the sash grooves. It is necessary to start with short staps and from the corner of the sash. Now in this place will never think, even with a loose glass fit.

Thinks from the street side from under the siblings, the cornice

With poor-quality installation of external sweeps and eaves, there remains unfinished cavities between them and wall opening, in which the thermal insulating material must be located. It provides good thermal and noise isolation at home. To eliminate this problem, you need to open the sash and carefully examine the seats of the fitting of metal tips and eaves to the wall.

If they discovered the gaps, cracks, emptiness, then you need to fill them with the mounting foam. For this, be sure to be improved. And leaning out of the window on a half-rope, you can easily get to the places that are not filled with thermal insulation.

If you have, windows are not standard (stained glass windows, balconies, loggias), do not risk! Contact your specialists.

Surplus dried foam can be cut off in a few hours. When it is not possible to refer to specialists due to the banal lack of extra money, and at the same time there is no desire to be subjected to drafts, throw this idea, until better times and produce insulation from the inside.

Warming of window opening under the windows

If you find that the space is not filled with foam between the eaves and wall opening, and there is no possibility to fill it from the outside. Then we do it from the inside. Under the window sill there should be a distance to opening about 2 centimeters filled with heat-insulating material. With a screwdriver, a knife or rigid wire, remove a foam to carry out access to empty voids under the street eaves. All the foam is not necessary, it is necessary to choose so much to cover the spout of the gun, for uniform filling of emptiness under the cornice. Corvenis harvest that the foam would not raise it.

Cargo insure from a random breakdown (people can be at thenime!)

The junction of the window sill and frames seal with silicone sealant from the inside and outside, clean the surplus with a wet rag.

Thermal insulation of the window opening

One of the causes of drafts is not enough filled emptiness between the window (wall) opening and the windows frame. Therefore, we look at it for the presence of insulation and check for the absence of drafts. You can check with the help of a flame lighter (candles), or hand palms.

For complete confidence, in the absence of draft, you can ask someone to open and close the door to the room. While you smoothly spend along the window opening open flame lighters (palm). The air will definitely make himself felt if there are gaps in the opening.

After eliminating drafts, an energy-saving film is used for more efficient insulation and maintain heat. Film self-adhesive and for its installation you need to remove the glass from the window. Remove dust and dirt, moisten the surface of the glass with soap solution. Stick the film evenly distributed. Rubber spatula squeeze the residues of the solution. Excess films Crop the stationery on the edges of the glass. Gently insert in the frame (sash), score the stroke rubber hammer.

With the help of these practical advice, you can easily warm your windows.

Plastic windows quickly gained their popularity due to the simplicity of installation and high thermal and sound insulation properties. Unlike simple windows, modern double-glazed windows have high strength, less toxicity and long service life.

But even such types of windows over time arise problems. They begin to skip cold air out of the street. Why this happens, and how to deal with it in detail described in this article.

Causes of the appearance of drafts in plastic windows

To solve problems associated with heat loss, you must first determine the reasons leading to drafts. There are three main factor in the plastic windows of places through which heat leaves the room.

  1. The destruction of the heat insulating layer. If, during the installation of double-glazed windows, the heat insulator was poorly protected from direct sunlight, then over time it will collapse. As a result, through holes are formed in which cold air falls out of the street.
  2. Incorrect assembly or installation of design. From poor quality installation with time, the glass is thrown out. Cracks between the frame and window opening appear. Warm air begins to leave the room. The problem may also be the use of poor-quality fittings.
  3. Unexpected replacement of seals. The glass is constantly experiencing large temperature differences. In summer, heats up so much under the rays of the Sun, and in the winter cools. As a result, rubber seals deteriorate, losing elasticity. Incoming replacement leads to constant drafts.

Determination of the place of penetration of draft

After parsing the main causes of malfunctions, it can be proceeded to eliminate them. But initially you need to determine where it blows. For this there is a special device that estimates the temperature in different places.

In the absence of such a device, you can check by people. To do this, you need to bring a match or a candle with fire to the estimated places. If the fire begins to fluctuate, this is a sign of draft. Determine the place of air penetration will succeed, affecting the palm. You will feel like light chill penetrate the room.

Thus, you need to check the places around the frame, moving parts of the window (handle, door) and under the windowsill. These are the most problematic zones.

Adjustment of the clamping lock of the plastic door

If you feel the draft passing through the gap between the frame and the door, then this means that you need to adjust the clamping mechanism. He is responsible for the power of pressed. Over time, the mechanism is cleared and need to be twisted. This process is simple and takes a few minutes.

Required tools

  • screwdriver flat or curly;
  • set of hexagon keys.

On the side of the door there is a clamping lock with regulators. Take the key or screwdriver, start tapping the screws. Turning counterclockwise, you tighten the mechanism. Try not to drag, otherwise the door will be badly closed. Find and adjust all the screws. They must be tightened evenly.

After adjustment, check the slots for the presence of drafts. If you did everything right, they will disappear. But sometimes the problem cannot be solved alone by adjusting the clamping mechanism. The reason is the corrupted seals that need to be replaced.

Seals are in special grooves passing along the inner perimeter of the window. They consist of rubber or silicone. Over time, this material dries and loses elasticity. As a result, the thermal insulation of the window is worsening.

To solve the problem, you need to replace all old seals. The process of time consuming and requires the use of various tools. For work, you may need a partner. It will help evenly distribute seals throughout the perimeter of the window.

Required tools

  • screwdriver or knife;
  • means for degreasing;
  • sandpaper or file;
  • special glue for seals.

Remove the old seal with a knife or screwdriver. Slide the groove from rubber residues and glue with a file or emery paper. After careful sweep, degrease the groove with a special fluid. You can use medical alcohol if there is no special solution. Gently apply glue to the surface of the groove.

Equally distribute the seal around the perimeter of the window. Do not drag and do not compress the seal. Otherwise, during operation, it can break or will not be tightly pressed against the frame.

After replacing the seals, the drafts from the window will stop. If this did not happen, it means that errors were allowed during installation. Or again adjust the clamping mechanism.

Insulation of slopes and windows

Most often, the draft penetrates the slots in the windowsill and slopes. The cause of the formation of large slit areas around the perimeter of the window is poor quality installation or, which has come into disrepair, insulation. To get rid of this common problem, you need to dismantle the decorative panels of slopes and the windowsill, and then warm up well. There are several common species, materials.


  • mineral wool;
  • mounting foam;
  • warm mixtures;
  • styrofoam;
  • penoplex.

Choosing the insulation, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics. For example, the mounting foam is often used, but it is a short-lived material. Under the action of sunlight and temperature drops, it gradually collapses. The remaining insulation are durable, therefore it is recommended to carry out thermal insulation of plastic windows with such materials. Take care of the selection of tools.

Required tools

  • electrode with a nozzle for the stirring of the solution;
  • knife and scissors;
  • stapler and brackets;
  • putty knife;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • line;
  • corner.

First dismantle the slopes and windowsill. Carefully examine the status of the old window insulation system. Remove the former thermal insulation material (if present). Carefully clean the surfaces from dirt and dust.

After preparatory operations, make a plaster solution to align the damaged surfaces of the slopes and the windowsill. After soaring the layer of plaster Start the installation of selected insulation.

Shut up with the heat insulator of the slot all over the perimeter of the window. Cut out of the foam (or other material) plate width equal to the width of the windowsill and slopes and stick them to the posted surface. Shakes and corners set the putty.

For decoration, use plaster or moisture resistant plasterboard sheets. Apply a special decorative putty on the surface of the windowsill and slopes. At the end you can paint suitable color, but it is already at will.

This is another way to warm the plastic window. A special heat-saving film helps reduce heat loss indoors. It has a double effect: heat resistant and protection against ultraviolet. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the fogging of the glass. The film is glued on the inner side of the window.

Required tools

  • double-sided tape;
  • hair dryer;
  • sharp knife;
  • scissors.


Clean the glass and frame from dirt. Then degrease the surface of the plastic frame so that the tape is secluded securely. To check the quality, peeled, surface, take a piece of paper and, pressing your finger, swipe on the frame and glass. You will hear a characteristic, unpleasant creaking, it means that the surface of the clean.

Plug the perimeter of the box with double-sided scotch and remove the protective, upper film. Cut from the heat-saving film a piece of window size. Start gently glue it on the tape. Then wipe the perimeter of the window with a cloth so that air bubbles disappeared between the scotch and the film.

Take the household hair dryer and start to warm the film. It must be done only in the corners, and not all over the glass area. It is enough to make several circles so that hot air sues film on the glass. After completing the work, cut extra pieces of the film.

Now you know how to independently carry out the insulation of plastic windows. It is easy if you neatly approach the process. The result of labor will not make himself wait and be sure to appear in the form of heat and comfort indoors.

Video: How to insulate a window or balcony

Ideally, the insulation of window structures should be engaged in the installation phase. Of course, in this case, the total cost of each window will increase significantly (approximately a third), since the price of thermal insulation material and work will be added to it (if they are not carried out with their own hands). But the operational period of the entire design will be extended. Moreover, it is not necessary to subsequently dismantle the windows (from the inside and outside).

But if no one took care of the thermal insulation during installation, then you will have to do this very much. Therefore, today we will talk how to warm the double-glazed windows.

Design features of PVC windows

Any plastic window includes the following structural elements.

  1. Profile.
  2. Sucks.
  3. Seals made of rubber.
  4. Windowsill.
  5. Double glazing itself.
  6. Adjusting accessories.

What is characteristic if a breakdown will occur with one of these elements, the window will blow.

What materials will be required?

For thermal insulation of modern double-glazed windows, it is preferable to apply the same modern materials. In this case, the insulation for the window structure may be postponed one of the following options:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • some "warm" mixture;
  • minvata;
  • mounting foam.

Choosing one or another of them, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the properties of each of the materials, but also on the features of the installation and further use (external and internal). The most convenient option is, of course, the mounting foam, but under the influence of ultraviolet rays, temperature differences or even air it is easily destroyed. Therefore, external work is desirable to perform with the use of "warm" mixtures. And for waterproofing a solution for plaster, you can apply both staining and primer with moisture protection properties.

Note! The only disadvantage in this case is that it is difficult to choose a consumable insulation material, for the installation of which it would not be necessary to dismantle the slopes and other components. Only in such conditions can accurately determine what material should be and how much it will be necessary.

For sealing small slots in places where the window profile adjoins the windowsill and other elements, the sealant can be used. Even the usual household will cope with such work - you just need to follow the instructions for the use specified on the package.

What is the essence of thermal isolation?

The thermal insulation of double-glazed windows consists, as noted above, it is in the slopes. If we talk about other structural elements, then only troubleshooting will be required. For example, due to the profile, drafts never appear. And the modern technological plastic, which is used in the windows, it is no longer wood, it is unable to "move" or disappear.

Plastic windows lose thermal energy if certain parts of the structure are deployed. And if you do not want to penetrate the cold inside the room, then take care of the isolation of slopes, or do it search for the cause of problems. As, we proceed directly to how to warm the double glazing, but begin with the insulation of slopes of window structures.

7 ways to insulate windows for the winter

Earlier we gave several instructions on how and the best way to insulate the windows for the winter, in addition to this article we advise you to get acquainted with this information.

We are engaged in insulation of slopes

As you know, in metal-plastic windows, the slopes must be plastic. As a cladding should be plastic, and necessarily hard. What is it caused? The fact is that this material is ideal for additional thermal insulation.

And here the opening, formed between the window frame and the surface of the wall, it is necessary to blend with the help of a mounting foam. Of course, there are other options - for example, insulating plates (they are produced from basalt fiber) or foamed insulation. Therefore, you can choose the material that is ideal for current purposes.

Both from the inside and outside the wall should be isolated. But in this case, the materials used will not only be warming up, but also to protect. The insulator itself is necessary to protect against all sorts of external negative factors.

Correct the peashed sash

As you know, in some cases, even plastic window structures can be satisfied. And with this, alas, nothing can be done. As a rule, from such a problem "suffer" mainly at home, which are built quite recently. And because of the shrinkage, respectively, the sash are slightly reversed, which has a negative effect on the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure. But this problem can be solved - for this you need to debug fittings.

What instruments need?

Conditions of sash can be adjusted by the personnel with special eccentric. When the handle turns, they move for "Calling Square". Establish such elements is necessary throughout the perimeter of the frame. And to ensure the maximum dense clips, eccentric must be scrolled strictly clockwise.

Each of those mentioned above elements there is a special "drawing". If it is directed towards the street, it means that the clamp is weakened. But if this pointer is directed to the seal made of rubber, the window sash is perfectly pressed against the frame design.

A little about loop

The loops in metal-plastic window structures also have their own mechanism that is responsible for pressing. The device is adjusted using a special hexagon. It is followed here with one simple rule: if the tongue is greatly nominated, then the window flaps are tightly adjacent. To push this tongue, you need to scroll through the hexagon, heading against the clockwise. In case the loop in the window are located on the right, the hex manner is necessary to turn in the opposite direction. That is, here it is clockwise. It turns out that there is nothing difficult in this event - the elimination of the skew is performed easily and simply.

Note! If the manipulation described above did not bring any result, and the cold air will penetrate into the apartment, then, most likely, problems are more serious. It remains here only to seek help from specialists.

We continue to talk about how to warm the double-glazed windows. Now find out how the preparation of windows by winter is being done.

We change the rubber seal

What is the seal made of rubber? The main function is to ensure the maximum dense fit of the window frame and sash. So that it was more reliable, it is made of rubber, so it does not miss the cold air even if it is closed.

Under the condition of proper care and periodic processing using special mixtures, the sealant will last for quite a long time. But only some of the glass owners do it, because this element is almost all the time behind the flaps. What is already there, only some know that the seal should be periodically to handle something.

For this reason, after five years, the density of the element is leaking. When the sealant comes to unsuitability, it must be changed. For this window, the windows are removed from the sash, then the stroke is removed and the sealing material itself is removed. Replacing the latter nothing difficult: the old seal is removed, and the new one is placed by the groove. If desired, the element can be fixed using glue. It is not necessary about the difference in colors in colors - the element can be both gray and black, but there are no special differences between them.

Note! Limit caution should be shown when removing and installing the stroke. The fact is that he is extremely fragile, so it is pretty easy to break it. And if the stroke break, then the design is no longer installed.

What are there still insulation options?

It is worth noting that there are other ways to protect your housing from the cold. We will get acquainted with some of them.

Method number 1. Shutters out of wool

A non-standard method of thermal insulation of the window structure, but quite effective. Ordinary blinds must be wrapped with woolen cloth strips, because of which they will prevent the penetration of the cold into the room.

Method number 2. Isolation of the window sill

Through the junctions between the elements of the window sill, the cold air can also penetrate. Therefore, these joints should be carefully close. In addition, in the case of illiterate installation, "black holes" can occur under the windowsill themselves, and therefore the element must be dismantled, and the gaps between the block and stove are carefully processing.

To this end, the plugs open, the windowsill is unscrewed with a screwdriver, and there you will find all the slots (if any), transmitting cold air.

Method number 3. The use of heat-saving film

The glass can be insulated with the use of heat-saving film - cheap, but at the same time effective material. It must be glued in such a way that there are no air bubbles under it, because not only the aesthetic indicators of the entire design will depend on this, but also thermal insulation properties.

And if you decide to use such a film, it is better to take care of it to go even before the installation of the glass accessories themselves. Although, in principle, this can be done upon completion of the installation.

Video - Glowing the heat-saving film

Method number 4. Curtains

This may sound ridiculous, but in another way of how to warm the double-glazed windows can be curtains. These elements perform the feature of the air barrier, which means that it does not miss it in winter (if it penetrates through the window designs). Moreover, the air that passed through the curtains is slightly heated.

Video - Preparation of plastic windows to the winter period

Where does insulation begins?

Thanks to the correct activities aimed at thermal insulation of window glass windows, will allow to get rid of all errors that were allowed at the stage of installation work. If you want, you can even make some constructive changes in the windows - for example, install the window, replace the sash that opens, on the deaf or vice versa, make adjustments to functionality, so on. And where does the thermal insulation procedure be started? First of all, from the choice of a technological, consumables, with the study of a detailed plan for further work, and so that all this is done correctly, it is necessary to objectively assess the overall condition of the window system.

Note! Despite the fact that work on thermal insulation of plastic windows can be performed almost at any time of the year, it would be correct to do this in the warm period. In addition, there is another important condition - the weather should be dry and windless.

But, by the way, in the frost it is extremely easy to detect where the slots are located through which the cold penetrates inside the room. Now consider which "weak points" are available in all without exception of metal-plastic structures. These places include:

  • the seal of that sash that opens;
  • emptiness under the slopes and windowsill;
  • strappika location area;
  • the place where the window frame is adjacent to other structural elements of the entire structure;
  • window fittings (all).

In addition, it is mandatory to pay attention to what the windowsill width. The fact is that it should not cover the heating radiators that are under it. Yes, of course, the wide window sill is extremely convenient, but from a technical point of view it is not entirely correct.

Hire specialists or do everything yourself?

There are a number of defects, the correction of which is preferable to entrust to those skilled in the art. These defects relate directly to the design of metal plastic and include the following.

  1. Defects of the sealing material in the sash that opens.
  2. Defects of the thermal insulator along the contour of the entire window.
  3. Faults of window accessories or mechanism.

The first point: it will take insulation of sings and slopes of plastic windows outside to do, and it is, of course, not so simple, especially if we are talking about the apartment above the second floor. Second: Power Insulation will be a direct violation of the warranty conditions of both the manufacturer and the installer. Third: the quality of work will be guaranteed by hired specialists. Finally, the fourth important point: when performing repair work, professionals will use "native" fittings and window materials.

But if the homemade master has sufficient experience and knowledge, he will need only a qualitative instruction regarding how to warm the double-glazed windows in order to choose for specific conditions the most appropriate technology. As for the thermal insulation of the window frame contour, then with this procedure it is possible to cope with your own hands. Moreover, it is possible to isolate theft, slopes and a windowsill. Today we will find out how to do it, but for starters, let's take care of all the materials necessary for work.

As a conclusion

As a result, I would like to emphasize your attention on another simple thing: if the thermal energy is lost due to the glass package, it means one of the design elements of the system has failed. And if you eliminate the problem, the window will "get lost again" with previously lost characteristics.

In fact, as already noted above, the insulation of window structures should be engaged in the installation phase. Of course, in this case, the total cost of each window will increase significantly (approximately a third), since the price of thermal insulation material and work will be added to it (if they are not carried out with their own hands). But the operational period of the entire design will be extended. Moreover, it is not necessary to subsequently dismantle the windows (from the inside and outside).

As for the full thermal insulation, it is necessary only for slopes and maybe the windowsill. No other events for the isolation of the window in this case are not needed. Double-glazed windows and so can boast high-quality protection from the cold, since initially calculated to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room.