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The role of mycorrhiza in the life of tree species. Mikoriza - symbiosis of cultivated plants and mushrooms What mushrooms are not capable of forming mikuriza

They occupy a special place in the biology of higher or vascular plants. Mikoriza (translated from Greek - Mribocornia) arises as a result of a symbiotic cohabitation of a mushroom with the root of the highest plant. Mycorridge is found among forest trees, grassy vegetation and agricultural plants (wheat, etc.). It was found in plants in Paleozoic, Devonian and coal deposits.

The meaning of mycorrhis for living plants for the first time in Russia explained in the first half. XIX century Russian scientist F. M. Kamensky, who studied the symbiotic relationship of the mushroom with a herbaceous plant approach. Thanks to the symbiosis of mushrooms with roots, the nutrition of plants is improved due to their ability to use micotrophic mushrooms. According to the relationship between the roots of the highest plant and mycelium, the mushroom distinguish three main types of minerals: endotrofny (internal), ectotrophic (external), transitional (ecto-endotrophic).

Most herbatous plants Endotrophic mycorrosis have. Mycelium Mushroom is located mainly at the top of the root, the mushroom does not penetrate into the rope of the rise of the root of the root. Mycelium Mushroom can be embedded inside the root hairs cells, forming there Gifs, tree branching or bubble swollen. The root cells of the plant, in which the mushroom settled, remain alive and gradually digest the mycelium penetrating into them, thus getting nitrogen, which is not always in an affordable form in the soil. Herbatous plants, especially orchid, enter into a minorization with microscopic mushrooms that do not form fruit bodies. The seeds of most orchids are not able to germinate without the participation of the fungus, only this is due to failures when trying to artificial breeding orchids. Flowering orchids mined in tropical countries sometimes with great risk to life and brought to Europe, where they were worth and standing very expensive. Therefore, it is understood by the desire of rabbedodes to grow orchids from seeds to obtain hybrid forms. When studying the inephious nesting of an ordinary - a mycorrhis orchid plant that does not have chlorophyll, it was observed that the gifs of the fungus affect the germination of seeds of this plant. The nesting depends on the mushroom all life. Some orchids for the formation of rhizomes require 10 years or more, and only after that they bloom. Orchids with green leaves there is no such life dependence on mycorrhism. As a result of the interaction of the plant with the mushroom, it produces biologically active substances that increase the growth of plants.

The useful role of mycorrhis-forming mushrooms is mainly in the supply of wood plants with elements of mineral nutrition and vitamins. However, in herbatous plants in the formation of mycorrosis, other mushrooms are more often involved - the so-called imperfect. Etotrofny Mikoriz is most often found in wood and very rarely in herbal plants. In this case, the roots of wood plants develop an outdoor case from gif mushroom. Root hairs at the root Pet, their role is performed by the gifs of the mushroom.

Wood plants also occurs the mikuriza of transition type - ecotendotrophya. Gifs of the fungus abundantly cover the root outside and give branches that penetrate the root. The outer gifs of the fungus are pulled out of soil water, mineral salts, as well as soluble nitrogen and other organic matter. These substances incoming from the soil are used partially by the plant, and part of them are going to the growth of mycelium and the formation of the fruit bodies of the mushroom. In the vital growing parts of the root (cylinder) of mycorrhis mushrooms, there is no: if they fall there, they are immediately digested by plant cells. Symbiounta Mikoriz cannot exist without each other. If the mitheric mushrooms do not meet the roots of trees, they do not form fruit bodies. Therefore, it is very difficult to create an opportunity for growing in artificial conditions, for example, a white mushroom.

In the numerous species kingdom of mushrooms, mycorrhis mushrooms are only a small part of it. For example, among the 900. Basidiomycete generais only representatives of 91 species are capable of giving miticultural education. Currently there are about 200 thousand higher plants who come into contact with the mycorrhisian mushrooms. The most favorable conditions for the development of minerals in soils depleted by soluble nitrogen and phosphorus. In the soils, where enough phosphorus and nitrogen, mycorrise is almost never found.

Hole mushrooms form mikurizes with many higher plants, sometimes removed in the systematic plan far from each other, for example, with coniferous and deciduous. Sometimes B. different places Habitat The mycorrhorts have a mycotrophic relationship with various rocks of trees, such as an ordinary oil in the Leningrad region - with types of pines, and on Sakhalin - with other trees. Mikorrhoma Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Red associated with 26 species of trees - fir, larch, fir, pine, birch, topolam, oak, etc.

Almost all soils of the Soviet Union are suitable for mushroom-forming agents. Mycorrias formation is sometimes observed in places far away from the forest, and where the forest has not grown for a long time. The process of mineralization in our northern podzolic soils is particularly intense.

Much is the most important mushroom mushrooms when planting forest protection strips. Artificial frisms create favorable conditions for the preservation of moisture in the steppe part of the country, and this affects the increase in crop yields. Filming up the role of mycorrhism in the observing and development of wood species in various climatic conditions of our country is still one of the most important tasks of mycology. For example, it is known that in the southern regions the formation of mycorrh is weaker than in the northern, and there is an artificial infection of forest-sodes. The protection of mushrooms - the methods of mycorrhiza is necessary for the successful management of forestry. In the Leningrad region there are many such mushrooms.

It should be noted another phenomenon in nature that affects the development of mycorrhism in the soil. Currently, the growth of the trees of many breeds compared with the 1930s and 1950s slowed down due to the so-called acid rains containing products of emissions into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises. Acid compounds kill mycorrhis mushrooms on the roots of trees, and after the death of the mushroom, the trees themselves die. The negative effect of acid rain is marked with us, in the USA, Japan and other countries.

Many types of mushroom mushrooms edible. They are not only tasty and fragrant, but also nutritional. There are no vegetable starch in the mushrooms, but there is glycogen and sugars who give them a sweet taste. Especially a lot of sugars in white, stabber, oils. In the legs of the mushrooms of sugars more than in the hats. The number of protein compounds in mushrooms is greater than in meat, eggs, peas, rye. They are concentrated mainly in a mushroom hat. Fats are contained from 1 to 6%. Almost all edible mushrooms, as already noted, contain vitamins A, B, in 1 to 2, C, D and PP. Vitamin RR in them as much as it is in yeast, liver, and vitamin d is no less than in butter.

In nutrition and taste quality mushrooms are conditionally divided into four categories, to the first category include, for example, white, rhyge-valuable and delicious mushrooms; to the second - boletus, boomes, freak - inferior to the quality of the mushrooms of the first category; to the third - the raw blue, autumn, mokhovik; The fourth category includes mushrooms that are collecting only lovers - these are oyster (ordinary, autumn), a goat, a green grinding, marsh oil. All mushrooms of these categories are available in our area.

The Leningrad Mikogo B. P. Vasilkov believes that in the districts of the North-West, Volga region, the Urals and the Center, the annual stocks of food fungi are more than 150 thousand tons. In the forests of Russia there are more than 200 types of edible mushrooms. To accurately predict where and when the crop of mushrooms is, science can not yet. The crop of mushrooms depends on the weather of the current season, habitats and the type of mushroom. According to available information, the yield of a white mushroom with favorable conditions of growth reaches about 500 kg, and the oilbox is even 1 thousand kg with 1 hectare. In the lack of years you can only get a few kilograms with 1 hectare or completely

nothing. In some years, the mushrooms destroy pests from the world of insects (larvae flies, mosquitoes, etc.).

The range of collected edible fungi in each region is different. In the UK and the United States, wild mushrooms are not used at all. The peoples of the Far North also almost do not use mushrooms in food. Indifferent to the mushrooms Peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus, as well as Bashkirs, Tatars. Russian, on the contrary, big lovers of mushrooms. In the harvest years, they collect valuable mushrooms, and in lack of towns - all edible species.

The most interesting group of the soot, which includes all types of white mushrooms and inedible - satanic mushroom and bile. This also includes Berezoviki (Obabki), Osinoviki, Oil and Kozsi. The size of the fruit bodies of these mushrooms can depending on the places of growth to be different - from 1-2 cm in diameter (berezovik in the Arctic) to half a meter in middle lane Russia, and by mass - from several grams to 4 kg. Most often there are mean sizes - up to 20 cm in diameter. The legs of the fruit bodies in the same species may differ depending on the places of growth (as well as the coloration of the Hats). On low raw places, among the moss, herbaceous plants are pulled out. And in places dry they are usually short and thickened. Cohabitating with one type of trees or many woody rocks, sometimes in systematic relationships remote from each other, the mycorris mushrooms in some cases can, apparently, develop as saprotrophs (isolated from wood roots). For example, a white mushroom was found Paul a huge boulder in a pine forest.

In the Leningrad region, the sole mushrooms are presented less diverse than in the middle lane of Russia, and only 3-4 species are known in the arctic tundra. The mass formation of fruit bodies in soothed mushrooms is most often celebrated in August - September. Many types of solemn mushrooms are the mycorrhorts, so fruit bodies are artificially obtained, the exception is two types of mokhovikov. Among the solemn mushrooms in the Leningrad region, there are very few unselling, about 3-4 species are known. Especially often as a poisonous mentioned in the literature, Satanic Mushroom (Satanas's Boltus), but, according to the information of the French and Czechoslovak literature, this is quite edible, and even delicious (in boiled and fried form), mushroom.

In the Leningrad Region, many people are afraid of bright white mushrooms shine at a break. However, it is quite possible to use them after preheating.

Some types of solemn mushrooms contain antibiotic substances in fruit bodies (spruce white mushroom). These substances act negatively on the intestinal wand and tuberculosis microbes. The substances isolated from the white mushroom (sobbling of the rod) and the satanic mushroom, suppressed malignant tumors in mice. At the same time, the mushrooms were called lips in Russia and only in the XV-XVI centuries began to call all edible soles mushrooms. Currently, mushrooms have a lot of popular names (Borovik, Obabok, Mohovik, Mokhovik, etc.), but some types of such names do not have, and in popular literature they are denoted by Latin name.

It is known 750 species of the root. The fruit body of these mushrooms is usually large, fleshy. The leg is dormant, thickened, especially in young, with a characteristic embossed mesh pattern. White mushroom, the most valuable in food ratio from mushrooms in the Leningrad region, has several forms that differ in the color of the fruit body and a mycorrhisual dedicacy. A hat is whitish, yellow, brown, yellow-brown, red-brown or even almost black. Sponged layer in young copies pure-white, later yellowish and yellowish-olive. On the leg light net drawing. The flesh is white on a break, does not change. Growing under many tree breeds in the Leningrad region: under oak, birch, pine, fir, but never meets under larch. White mushroom is called because when cooking and blanks, the pulp does not darken it.

It is found in the Leningrad region Dubovik Olive-Brown (Boltus Luridus). His His Olyvo-Buray Hat, the sponge layer orange-red and from the pressure sharply shines. On the leg a net drawing. It grows mainly with oak. Inedible Satanic Mushroom, similar to this Dubovik, is practically no in the Leningrad region. It is very rarely found with us and the cheeky dubovik. It resembles olive-brown, but on the leg does not have a mesh pattern, instead, only small carmine-red scales.

In deciduous and mixed forests, the mushroom groves the boletus. It is found very often from June - July to September. Hat up to 10 cm in diameter, first convex, later pillow, white, yellow, gray, brown, brown, sometimes almost black colors. White flesh, not changing on the cut. The leg is up to 20 cm long, 2-3 cm thick covered with dark scales. Edible, second category. More than others in the Leningrad Region are known for the ordinary stabber. This species always settled next to the birch of various types in the forests and swamps. The boletus pose from the ordinary boletus is distinguished by the marble colors. The brown areas are interspersed with lighter or even white. At the breakfast pulp pose. The fruit bodies of this mushroom are formed in autumn. Bolotnaya stabber grows in raw birch forests in the first half of September, a dirty-white hat, with a weak watery flesh. Mushroom refers to the third category. The subbrazovik is very similar to the unmarried bile mushroom, which is different from it a dirty-pink tubular layer, a mesh pattern on the leg and bitter pulp.

Often in the Leningrad region there is a Polish mushroom (photocomus Badius). The leg may be straw-like, and cylindrical; Hat chestnut-buoyed, dry weather dry, and in crude sticky; The tubular layer is first whitish (as a result, it is often taken for white mushroom), then pale greenish-yellowish; The flesh is whitish, on the break blue. It grows in coniferous, less often in deciduous forests. This is an edible mushroom, refers to the second category.

Maslenok (Sufullus) comes across coniferous forests, and in vain to look for him in Osiennik or birch forest. The fruit bodies are small or medium, the hat is usually the mucous, sticky, the leg is solid. More often than other types of Pass in the Leningrad region there is a yellow oil (Suilelus Luteus). It has a brown or yellow sticky hat, a leg with a sticky outside the ring. It grows in a spoken coniferous forests, on the edges, roadside of roads, etc. Favorite places of the oil was yellowish (Sufullus Flyland) - swamps and raw areas of the forest. With it, it should not be confused by an inademy type - a pepper mushroom (Sufullus Pipihoatus), a frustrated flesh, sulfur-yellow, slightly red, outer-like pepperbank; It grows single in coniferous and deciduous forests. The hat is small, up to 8 cm in diameter, round-up, fleshy, yellow-brown, copper-red, in wet weather sticky, in dry shiny.

In the cultural plantings of the larch in the Leningrad region, the cooler of the marsh (soul of the Rolluster) is found, it is very similar to the masona, but differs from it dry, a non-slip cap and a more dense pulp.

Knip and twist are known. These are saprotrophs developing on soil or wood. On the stump pine or near them, the twist is growing thick with a rzavo-brown hat, dry by light pulp. Bottom woven cards are descending, yellow connected at the base. Low-quality mushroom (fourth category).

Not all edible and poisonous mushrooms are mycorrhorts. Such, for example, the autumn (Armielliella Mel). They will appear much in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Autumn Opels is an edible mushroom, the numerous fruit bodies exceeds all edible hats mushrooms. Like other edible hats mushrooms, contains a lot of substances valuable for the human body, such as zinc and copper. Hat of this mushroom with a small tubercle, pale-brown, brownish, covered with numerous brown scales. On the. The leg is a white retaining ring. The flesh is whitish, with a pleasant smell and an acidic astringent taste. A common view is summer opens (Majamius Ariadis), he meets in the Leningrad region. It grows by singly or large groups on forest glades, edges, pastures, in ravines and dutches, among the grass. Frequently forms "Witchy Circles". The radial growth of the fungi dries in the center of the circle of the soil, and therefore, on both sides of the rings of fruit bodies, there are circles more magnificent and juicy vegetation, and in the center of the grass is dried. Hat of this mushroom 2 - 3 cm in diameter, prostrated, with stupid tubercles, oath-brown. Plates are rare, failed. The leg is thin, fawn. The flesh is pale yellow.

Very similar to Edible Opel Poisonous Mushroom Falconoen Sulfur-Yellow. This dangerous mushroom can grow on the same stumps as edibles. The false-drinking hat first convex, then half-fragrant, in the center often with the hill, yellowish, in the middle darker with a reddish or orange tint. The flesh is light yellow. The taste of the mushroom is bitter. It grows on the stump and occasionally on the trees in large groups, often with fragile feet together. It appears on the same time, from June to September, as the edibles, sometimes the same stumps. Therefore, it is necessary to be especially careful and carefully browse all mushrooms.

There are found in our forests and various types of cheesegles (Rousnu), Ryzhikov (lactarian), Gorky. These mushrooms are mycorrhorts. Most of them are edible (third and fourth categories). In the wet years in the Leningrad region, the raw materials are especially numerous. They refer to the family of raw materials, which also includes flashlights that allocate milky juice of various colors. For example, an orange-yellow orange juice has this juice and black bugs white. Syrozhka do not have a milky juice. These mushrooms have painted fruit bodies. There are among them and poisonous.

Syruzhka make up 45% of the mass of all mushrooms found in our forests. The best mushrooms are those who have less red, but more green, blue and yellow. Syntheka blue has a white flesh, odorless. The leg first solid, later the hollow. Have a yellow flesh with a sweet smell. The crude is false has a white flesh, spongy, very broken, with burning taste. Have a crown marsh hat, in the middle of the brownish. Prefers the damp pine forests, the edges of the marshes, forms mikurizu with sipe. From the Meltnikov, we have a Ryzhik (lactarian diliciosis), its hat round-convex, has concentric zones. Orange flesh, then green. Milky juice orange-yellow, sweet, green on the air. Ryzhik - edible mushroom first category. In birch and mixed forests, black grudge grows (lactarius intake). It has a broken, whitish pulp, dark with fault.

The most famous edible mushroom is chanterelle. Chanterelle refers to agricultural mushrooms; About 10 species are found in the country. The chanterelles contain vitamin in [(not less than in yeast) and PP; In addition, they have trace elements - zinc and copper. In the Leningrad region, a yellow chanterelle (Cantarellus Czibarius) and a gray chanterelle are known.

The Amianite family consists of both deadly poisonous ( death cap, smelly agar), and edible mushrooms, among them pink amanita and various types of floats.

About 30 representatives of the genus Amanite are found in the country. All mushrooms of this kind form mikuriza with various woody rocks. Pale refraining (Amanite Fallotes) has a hat of different shades of green. The edge of the hat is smooth, the shape of her bell tumbler, then open, with a diameter of 5-10 cm. The leg is white, at the base extended in the form of a tuber, the ring outside the slightly striped, white, from the inside the weakly-colored. Looking like a pale grinding to the mumor of the flares on the hat almost always remains traces of the total covered in the form of white flakes. Old, dried rabbing mushrooms have an unpleasant sweet smell. The habitat of a pale leafing is wet areas under oak, birch, maple trees, i.e. in deciduous forests. In the Leningrad region, the pale messenger is found by groups and singly. This mushroom appears in the mass usually in the middle of August and grows until October. Pale refraining is the most poisonous mushroom. The poisoning is manifested in 10-12, and sometimes 30 hours after eating it into food, when the person is already able to save is almost impossible. The deadly toxin of this mushroom is Fallotine.

Large distribution in the Leningrad region has a smelly flying agent, or a white tank (Amanite Viroza). This is a large mushroom with white, to the top slightly yellowish hat. Hat without scales, bell tower, up to 12 cm in diameter. The leg is quite large, white, with a ring under the hat itself; Because of the scales, it felt rough. The smell is unpleasant. This species grows in coniferous and mixed forests, easily tolerate moisture and arid conditions, as a result of this is more common with us than pale custodia. The flesh of the caps in large quantities contains the toxins of amanite and verosin, the leg contains less than these deadly toxins.

Red Amanita (Amanit Muskaria) is widespread in the Leningrad region. The mushroom hat is red or orange-red, first sticky, then brilliant. On the hat - the remains of white covered in the form of white flakes. White leg, a smooth ring, white, sometimes slightly yellowish. The base of the legs swollen, covered with scraps of a white vagina in the form of concentric rings. From the appearance of a fruit body before it takes about 15 days. In red amoor, alkaloids are contained (muscarine, igyolin) and other toxic substances that strongly excited nervous system. They determine the hallucinogenic properties of a red amamor. A man who eating a piece of red amoor comes to the state of ecstasy, hallucins.

So, all edible mushrooms are a protein high-calorie product capable of competing with meat and dairy products. However, the mushroom cell shell contains a carbohydrate chitin polymer, which is difficult to digest in the human stomach. In addition, the chitinal shell of the mushroom cell makes the influx of enzymes. Therefore, the stronger the mushrooms are crushed, the more useful substances from them are extracted.

Is it possible to artificial breeding mushrooms on the nursery? On successful attempts to grow the most nutrient mushrooms - White tells Mikogo F. V. Fedorov. This is what he recommends: "On the platform, shaded by trees, digging the pit, a depth of 30 cm and 2 m wide. It is filled with a nutrient mixture special composition. The mixture is prepared a month before the bookmark. It consists of fallen oak leaves, collected in the spring, druming oak wood (5% for the weight of the leaves) and pure horse manure without a litter (5% by weight of the leaves). The leaves are laid into a bunch of layers of 20 cm, each layer is moved by wooder and horse manure and watered with 1% solution ammonia Selitra. After 7-10 days, when the mixture is warm up to 35-40 °, it is shuffled until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The prepared nutritional mixture is placed in the pittal layers of 10 -, 12 cm, speaking each layer of the eight-grantimetime layer of garden land. The total thickness of the gripped soil is adjusted to 50 cm. In the middle the garden is made slightly higher, so that water is not delayed. Landing is carried out by pieces of mushrooms taken from the forest. The landing pits are in a checkerboard, at a distance of 30 cm apart from each other, the fungne is harvested in the oak forest, in places where white mushrooms grow (oak shape). A shovel of soil layers of 20-30 cm, a thickness of 10-15 cm are cut around the funga, 10-10 cm thick. These layers are cut on 5-10 parts and plant a layer of land with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Grocery with mushrooms Slightly moisturize, covered with leaves and shields to preserve constant humidity »Mushrooms appear next year."

Stock Foto Symbiosis of mushrooms with roots

A bright example of symbiosis of mushrooms is Mikuriza - the Commonwealth of Mushrooms and Higher Plants (various trees). With such a "collaboration", the tree and fungus wins. Setting on the roots of the tree, the mushroom will fulfill the function of suction hairs of the root, and helps the tree to absorb nutrients from the soil. With this symbiosis of the tree, the mushroom receives ready-made organic substances (sugar), which are synthesized in the leaves of the plant with chlorophyll.

In addition, with symbiosis of mushrooms and plants, the fungita produces substances of the type of antibiotics that protect the tree from various pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi, as well as stimulants of gibberlin type growth stimulants. It was noted that the trees under which hats mushrooms grow, practically, do not hurt. In addition, the tree and mushroom are actively exchanged by vitamins (mainly groups B and PP).

Many hats mushrooms form symbiosis with roots of various plant species. And it is established that each type of wood is capable of forming mikuriza not with one type of mushroom, but with dozens different species.

On the photo lichen

Another example of symbiosis of lower mushrooms with organisms of other species is lichens, which are an union of mushrooms (mainly ascomettes) with microscopic algae. What is the symbiosis of mushrooms and algae manifest, and how does "cooperation" occur?

Until the middle of the XIX century it was believed that lichens are separate organisms, but in 1867, Russian scientists - Botany A. S. Famyshn and O. V. Baranetsky found that lichens are not separate organisms, but the Commonwealth of Mushrooms and Algae. Both symbiountes benefit from this union. Algae with chlorophyll synthesize organic substances (sugar), which also feeds the fungus, and the mushroom supplies algae with water and minerals that it sucks from the substrate, and also protects them from drying out.

Thanks to the symbiosis of the fungus and algae, lichens live in places where neither mushrooms nor algae cannot separately. They populate hot deserts, alpine areas and harsh northern regions.

Lichens are even more mysterious creatures of nature than mushrooms. They change all the functions that are inherent in separate living mushrooms and algae. All the processes of life in them proceed very slowly, they slowly grow (from 0.0004 to several mm per year), and also slowly staring. These unusual creatures differ very large life expectancy - scientists suggest, this age of one of lichens in Antarctica exceeds 10 thousand years, and the age of the most ordinary lichens, which are found everywhere, at least 50-100 years.

Lichens thanks to the Commonwealth of Mushrooms and Algae, much enduring Mukhs. They can live on such substrates, on which no other organism of our planet cannot exist. They are found on stone, metal, bones, glass and many other substrates.

Lichens still continue to surprise scientists. They found substances that are no longer in nature and which became known to people only due to lichens (some organic acids and alcohols, carbohydrates, antibiotics, etc.). The laishry formed by symbiosis of mushrooms and algae also includes tubyl substances, pectins, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and many other connections. They accumulate various metals. Of the more than 300 compounds contained in lichen, at least 80 of them nowhere else in the living world of the Earth are not found. Every year, scientists find all new substances in them that are no longer any other living organisms. Currently, more than 20 thousand types of lichens are already known, and annually scientists open several dozen new species of these organisms.

From this example, it can be seen that symbiosis is not always simple cohabitation, and sometimes gives rise to new properties that neither one of the symbiontes is separate.

In the nature of such symbiosis, a great set. With this commodity, both symbions won.

It has been established that the desire to unification is most developed in mushrooms.

Mushrooms come into symbiosis and insects. Interesting Commonwealth is the connection of some species molds mushrooms with ants-leaves. These ants specifically breed mushrooms in their dwellings. In individual chambers of the anthill, these insects create whole plantations of these fungi. They specifically prepare the soil on this plantation: they bring pieces of leaves, crushed them, "fertilize" with their feces and feces of caterpillars, which they specifically contain in neighboring anthill cameras, and only then bring the smallest gifs of mushrooms in this substrate. It has been established that the ants diverge only the mushrooms of certain childbirth and species, which nowhere in nature, except for antiquities, are not found (mainly mushrooms of the births of Fusarium and hymitzes), moreover, each type of ants produces certain types of fungi.

The ants not only create a mushroom plantation, but also actively care for it: fertilize, cut and flow. They cut the appeared fruit bodies without giving them to develop. In addition, ants bite the ends of the mushroom hyphae, as a result of which proteins accumulate at the ends of the seamless gif, they are formed, reminiscent of fruit bodies that ants then eat and feed their kids. In addition, when cutting with gif mycelium mushrooms, it starts to grow faster.

"Weeding" is as follows: if the plantations appear mushrooms of other species, the ants are immediately removed.

Interestingly, when creating a new anthill, the future uterus after a marriage flight will fly to a new place, begins to dig a move for the home of the future of his family and in one of the cameras creates a mushroom plantation. Gifs of mushrooms she takes from an old anthill before the flight, placing them in a special cross bag.

Such plantations are bred and termites. In addition to ants and termites, "Mirbye" are engaged in bugs-cores, insect-drillrs, some species of flies and OS, and even mosquitoes.

German scientist Fritz Shaudin discovered an interesting symbiosis of our usual mosquitoes of bloodsuckers with yeast fungi actinomycetes that help them in the process of blood sucking.

Mikoriza is a symbiosis between the plant and mycelium mushroom living in the ground. Certain types of mushrooms are collaborated with specific types of plants. In natural conditions, the allies are themselves. In the garden, we must help them in this, applying the corresponding "vaccines" used for the soil.

What is Mikoriza?

Mikoriza, (from the Greek Mickle (ύύκης) - mushroom and rime (ρίία) - root) - The phenomenon of mutually beneficial coexistence between the living cells of plants, and non-pathogenic (non-diseases) mushrooms in population. The definition of mycorrhosis literally means " mribocornia«.

Mikoriza is the Commonwealth between plants and mushroomsleading to mutual benefit. Mushrooms use plant photosynthesis products, getting plant sugars that can not produce. Plants in turn, thanks to mycorride, get much more benefits.

Mycelium gifs penetrate into the root cortex cells ( Endomicoriza) Or remain on the surface of the root, the tardy of its dense network ( Ektomicoriza), thereby increasing the ability to absorb moisture and mineral salts from the soil. Plants begin to grow harder, form more flowers and fruits. It is also much more stable and to unfavorable conditions - drought, frost, inappropriate pH or excessive soil salinity. Mikoriza protects plants from diseases ().

Where is Mikoriza meet?

Mikoriz exists in nature already millions of years - More than 80% of all plants remain in symbiosis with mycorrhis mushrooms. On the panstonesUnfortunately, it rarely occurs, as it was destroyed as a result of intensive cultivation and application of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

With the naked eye (without a microscope) will not be able to check if Mikoriza is in the garden land. Mikoriznaya mushrooms Very often dying during the construction of the house. Deep care, left on the surface of the soil, the remains of rubble and lime, these are the main causes of the lack of mycorrhiza in the garden.

Noticeable effect of action of mycorrhiza

The most popular and most prominent result of the work of mycornis are forest mushrooms . This is fruit bodies of ectocorcetic mushrooms. Even a beginner in collecting mushrooms, after the first collection of mushrooms, it will notice that concrete mushrooms grow only in close proximity to the specific trees.

The chanterelles are growing under deciduous, and under coniferous trees, rhymes under pines, fir trees and fir. White mushrooms can be found in not too thick forests, mainly under oaks, beech, as well as pines and firs. Mochoviki is better to search for fir trees and pines, as well as in deciduous forests, under oaks and beats. In birch groves and under the firings are growing Obabki, and a stabber under birch, grabs and oaks.

Mikoriznaya Preparations - Vaccines

Mycorrisian vaccines contain live mushroom hyphae or mushroom disputes. For various plants Specific, adapted mixtures of mycorrhiza are intended (there are also edible grades in their composition, but they rarely form fruit bodies on the household sections).

You can buy mycorrhiza preparations for indoor plants (Mikoriza is the most popular) and balcony plants. Much more selection of vaccines for garden plants - for, and deciduous plants, vegetables, for heather, roses, and even for.

The roots of old trees leave very deeply, and in the tree itself there are only skeletal roots that are not suitable for mineralization. It should be remembered that plants, both young and adults, the most young roots are relatively shallow underground, within 10-40 cm. In the case of planting trees dug directly from the soil, with an open root system, you should add a vaccine into a few youngest, living roots, before planting.


  1. Powder preparations are added to the substrate in a flower pot, and then watered. Vaccines in the form of a suspension are introduced into pots or in the ground (right on the roots) with a syringe or a special applicator.
  2. It is enough to plant the roots of the plants once to be contacted and were useful throughout life.
  3. Universal mycorrhiza adapted for all plant species does not exist! Each plant (or group of plants - for example, heather) remains in mycorrhism only with certain types of fungi.
  4. Much of the best are Missel's gifs. Vaccines containing mushroom disputes are unreliable, as disputes often do not have suitable conditions For germination. Mycorrod of Live Misselius, in contrast to dry drugs, after irrigation, is ready for an immediate reaction with a plant. In the form of gel suspension, it is still stable for several years, at a temperature of about 0⁰c, and the survivability loses when drying.
  5. After the introduction of living mycelium, plants should not be fertilized within 2 months. Also do not apply any fungicides.

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In a natural environment, it is often possible to meet, seemingly impossible, interactions between different kinds of animals or birds, insects and plants. One of them, namely the interaction between plants and mushrooms we will consider today: Mibobornaya or Mikoriza What is it?.

Did you know? Mushrooms are interesting works of nature: they are eaten by food, make items for drugs, produce cosmetics. Yves Roche released cosmetics line for middle-aged women based on shiitake mushrooms. The active substances of these mushrooms, penetrating the skin cells feed them and accelerate regeneration.

Mikoriza - what it is

To figure out what fungocorn is, it is necessary to consider the structure of the mushroom. The fruit body of the fungus consists of a hat and legs, but the most interesting is gifs or subtle threads that gossy form a mushroom (mycelium). This body of the mushroom serves for food, and for breeding (dispute formation), as well as for the formation of mycorrhiza.

What is Mikoriza? This is just a combination of mycelium mushrooms with a root system of plants. Mushroom roots and roots of plants are intertwined, sometimes the mushroom is embedded in root system Plants, which is being done for fruitful cooperation of both parties.

What is Mikoriza by definition? This is a symbiotic habitat of mushrooms on the surface of the root system or in the tissues of the roots of higher plants.

To better understand the action of mycornis, consider it types. There are three main types of mycorrhiza: extotrophic, endotrofny and ecoteandotrophone. According to its biological essence, the first type is an outer or surface enveloping of the roots of mycelium, the second type is characterized by penetration into the root tissue, and the third type is mixed interaction.

So, we found out what Mikoriz is in biology and now we know that such cooperation is characterized by almost all plants: grassy, \u200b\u200btrees, shrubs. The absence of such symbiosis is rather an exception to the general rules.

Properties of Mikoriza for Growing Plants

Let us consider in more detail what is mycornis and which of its functions are useful for plants. Mushroom mycelium is able to produce special proteins that are certain catalysts in nature. In addition, mycelium digesors and breaks the nutrients in the soil, from plant residues to organic I. inorganic elements From humus. Plants are capable of sucking only easily soluble elements of humus and here they have many competitors: these are weed herbs, and microbes living in the soil.

This is a mutually beneficial symbiosis of plants and mushrooms. Plants receive nutrients and water, and mushrooms - carbohydrates produced by plants. No carbohydrate mushrooms are not able to multiply and build fruit bodies. Plants give up to 40% of carbohydrates.

The role of mycorrhiza in the life of plants can not be overestimated. Mycorrise supplies them with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and hormones. Thanks to mycelium, the root plant system increases the area of \u200b\u200babsorption of useful elements, such as phosphorus, potassium and other stimulating substances. Moreover, it does not simply serve as a power supplier, but also it dispensing it correctly.

Plants grow more actively, in the period of flowering, more inflorescences with fruitful flowers are formed and, accordingly, fruiting increases. Plants receive immunity to stress and weather conditions: drought, abundant precipitation, sharp change shifts. Mushrooms, forming mikurizes with roots of plants, protruders from some diseases of the latter, such as, for example, fusariosis or phytoofluorosis.

Due to its ability to digest and split organic and inorganic humus compounds, mycariza purifies the soil for plants from excess salts and acids.

Did you know? In nature, there are mushroom predators that feed on alive organisms, worms. These mushrooms grow the mushroom in the form of rings protruding traps. The rings with adhesive base are compressed as a loop when the victim gets into them. The more prey twitches, the stronger the trap is dragging.

Mikoriznaya vaccinations

Rarely which mushrooms do not form mycorrhuses, because this symbiosis has existed from the beginning of the development of the flora on Earth. Unfortunately, on dumart sites Mikoriza is often destroyed as a result long use Chemical preparations, Mikoriza dypsy and construction. Therefore, to help your plants, gardeners are gardens conduct vaccination.

Mikoriz Vaccine - this is a preparation in the form of a powder or liquid that contains particles of the living mycelium of mushrooms. After a kind of soil vaccination, the bacteria of mushrooms begin to cooperate with the root system of plants, which forms natural mycorrhism.

Mikoriznaya vaccines are popular today and for room colors, there are big choice for vegetables, garden blooming and herbaceous as well coniferous plants, such as hydrangea, rhododendrons, heather and roses. When vaccinated, it should be remembered that the root system of very old trees is too deep and it does not fit for mycorrosis.

Important! The miticultural vaccine is carried out once in the life of the plant, each plant interacts and forms mikuriza with certain mushrooms. No mycorrhiza suitable for all plants.

Features of the application of mycorrhiza for plants

The medicine preparation is made by watering or spraying crops, and directly into the soil. When vaccinating into the soil, make some shallow holes right in the ground near the plant and pour a vaccine there.

Many are interested in the question "What plants do not form mycarishes and with what mushrooms, this symbiosis is also impossible?". Today, some plants are known, perfectly bypassed without mycorrhism: these are some types of family of cruciferous, amarantic and mooring. Mushrooms that do not form mikuriza - umbrellas, oysteries, champignons, navigations, hassle.

The medicine preparation should be used after harvesting, that is, in the fall. For the winter, the mushrooms form mikurizu with the roots of sleeping plants, and the results will already be noticeable. Unlike plants, mushrooms do not fall into analia in winter and continue active activity. If you apply the drug in the spring, its active action will be noticeable for the next year.

The use of mycorrhuses is relevant when conbling cultures to a new or permanent place After rooting seedlings. The effect of the drug will reduce the stress of the plant and will accelerate its adaptation. After vaccinations, the drugs of mycorrhiza there is a significant increase and more accelerated development of cultures.

Important!- This is not a fertilizer, and combine with chemical preparations It is not recommended, as it can be destroyed by them. The feeders are carried out exclusively organic fertilizers.

When using mycorrhiza for indoor plants there are also several rules:
  • Powder preparations for indoor plants are injected into the pot ground, then watering is carried out. The composition in the form of an emulsion is gained into the syringe and administered directly to the root system into the ground.
  • After vaccination, the plant does not ferture for two months. The same period does not use fungicides.
  • More effective for vases are vaccinations containing particles of living mycelium, not the argument of the mushroom. These include gel compositions with live mycelium, which miticulture form immediately, while disputes do not have conditions for development in a closed pot.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application of mycorrhiza in the life of plants

The main advantages of the use of fungocorene:

Many would like to make mushrooms on their plot, near the house. However, this is not easy to do. On the one hand, the mushrooms themselves appear there, where it is not necessary, for example, on the lawns and in flower beds suddenly grows on the trees or raincoats, and on the trunks of trees - drums that cause rot. On the other hand, in a different year and the weather stands mushroom - warm and wet, and the favorite mushrooms (white, boletus, boomines) are not all and no.

Mysterious world of mushrooms

In order to understand the mysterious world of mushrooms, you need to familiarize yourself with their biological and environmental features at least in general.

Mushrooms - the organisms of disputes, the unity of their breeding and settlement are the smallest cells - disputes. Finding into favorable conditions, they germinate, forming gifs - the finest filamentous structures. In different types of mushrooms for the development of the GIF, a certain substrate is required: soil, forest bedding, wood, etc. In the hyphae's substrate, they quickly grow and, intertwining among themselves, form myceliums - the basis of the mushroom organism. Under certain conditions, fruit bodies, employees for education and dispersion of the dispute, are formed on the surface of the scenery of the substrate.

The most valuable types of edible mushrooms are distinguished by a large variety in food methods and in relation to the substrate on which they grow. On this basis, all the fungi you are interested in can be divided into three large groups:

The medium for the development of mycelium of mushrooms belonging to this group is the soil, more precisely, its upper humus horizon, consisting of decomposed to the monotonous organic mass of remnants of dead plants, excrement of herbivores or humus. In such conditions, saprofite mushrooms appear by themselves, spreading naturally.

This category includes the most popular mushroom culture of champignon two-starry ( Agaricus Bisporus.), as well as other representatives of the genus Shampignon ( Agaricus.): w. ordinary (A. Campester.), sh. Field ( A. Arvensis), sh. Forest ( A. Silvaticus.). There are a number of fungi of this group - a smoking hack ( Clitocybe nebularis.); Some types of umbrellas family ( Macrolepiota.): s. motley M. Procera.), s. shaggy (M. Rhacodes.); The manure is white ( Coprinus Comatus.) and etc.

Mushrooms - Wood Destroyers

In Russia, the cultivation of a wood-sinking mushroom is widely practiced - flamemulines of velvet ideas, or winter opens ( Flammulina velutipes.). Winter Opels naturally grows on the trunks of living, but weakened or damaged deciduous tree trees, especially Yves and poplars. It is not bad to carry frosts, so forms fruit bodies mainly in the autumn-winter period or in early spring. Artificially grown this mushroom only in closed rooms, as its cultivation in open soil Represents a threat to gardens, parks and forests.

In the past 30-40 years, an ordinary oyster gained great popularity ( PleUrotus. ostreatus.). For its cultivation, cheap substitutions containing substrates are used: straw, corn cords, sunflower husks, sawdust, bran and other similar materials.

Fruit body mushroom (in everyday life called simply "mushroom") - the reproductive part of the fungus, which is formed from the intertwined Gif mycelium and serves to form a dispute.

Mycorrises - non-devented structures from the root of plants and mushroom fabrics.

White mushroom

Mikoriznaya mushrooms

Significantly worse than the artificial cultivation of the mushrooms of the third group - the minecorizo-formers associated under power facilities with the roots of higher plants. It is to this group that the most most valuable nutritional and taste properties of edible fungi belong.

As already mentioned, for their development requires roots of wood plants - forest formers. Mikorrhis symbiosis allows trees to expand their ecological range and grow under conditions far from optimal.

A visual example is different types of larchs, with early age At their root endings, mikuriza with oil larch is formed ( SUILLUS GREVILLEI.), And after 10-15 years under the trees, fruit bodies of yellow-orange color appear. Practice shows that if you put on the site, even one larch tree - under it after a while, mushrooms will definitely grow.

A similar picture is observed with a pine ordinary. This tree breed enters into mycorrhosis symbiosis with many types of mushrooms, but the tight (mandatory) mineralization agents are Late, yellow, or real butterfly ( S. lutens.), and oil grainy ( SUILLUS Granulatus.). Symbiosis with these types of mushrooms allows the pine to grow on poor sandy soils, where other tree breeds can not worry. Having created decorative biogroups from the pine formation on its plot, it is quite possible to count on the appearance of these types of oil.

It is much more complicated by the fact of white, boosaine, stabber, rims, chanterelles and even raws. The reason is that they are not mandatory mycorrhorts and take into symbiosis with trees only in conditions when the last requires their help. Please note where in nature is the most mushroom places? On the edge of the forest, cutting down, in forest plantings. In favorable for woody breeds, miticultural symbiosis is not formed.

Nevertheless, practice has cases of successful diving of these types of mushrooms. Most often, this happens as a result of a transplant of large trees with a lump of land. Even cases of the mass appearance of the fruit bodies of the cheesecakes are recorded after the creation of allest birch landing by the rims along the streets in Moscow. Therefore, decorating with trees with trees, from the very beginning you need to take care of creating favorable conditions For the development of mushrooms-mycorrhizo-formers. First, you need to know with some tree species, one or another kind of fungus can form mikuriza. Secondly, if possible, create close to optimal conditions Mediums for the development of mycorrhiza and the appearance of fruit bodies.

In addition to the presence of roots of trees, a certain temperature is needed for the development of mushrooms. Few people know that at temperatures above +28 oh mycelium ceases to grow, and with +32 o C occurs its death. Therefore, the surface of the soil must be priented with crowns of trees and shrubs. For the development of mushrooms is needed and pretty high humidity Soil and air. This can be achieved by regular irrigation. Moreover, to pour the soil with water to its oversaturation in no case cannot, otherwise the mycelium will move. The development of mycorrhis mushrooms may prevent the creation of a lawn under the trees or other impaired soil horizons. Do not roll up under the trees fallen leaves and chew.

You can stimulate the appearance of certain types of mycorrhis mushrooms by sowing their dispute, for which the mature and already beginners are degraded with fruit caps need to be cooled in warm, best rainwater, hold a few hours, mix thoroughly and with this solution to pour the soil under the trees.


Mushrooms and trees

Consider now the most interesting views Edible mushrooms from the point of view of their timeliness to certain woody rocks.

White mushroom (Boletus Edulis.) White birch mushroom ( B. Edulis f. Betulicola.) Forms mikurizu with birch pole, b. Dubova ( B. Edulis f. Guercicola.) - with oak cherry, b. G. Pine ( B. Edulis f. Pinocola.) - with a pine ordinary, b. Spruce ( B. Edulis f. edulis.) - with an ordinary fir.

Stabberor Obabok ordinary ( Leccinum Scabrum). This name is often used not only for ordinary boletus, but also for all types of Leccinum kind of leccinum with a brown cap: black, marsh stoves. All of them form mikuriza with our views of Berez. Proprietary and black boravets are more often with birch, and swamp and pink - with a birch fluffy.

Boost.Under this name, the types of Leccinum genus with an orange hat are combined, which differ not only external signs (for example, on the color of the scales on the leg), but also by the mycorrhis partners. The most typical view is the boletus red ( L. Aurantiacum) With an intensely colored orange hat and a white leg, which forms mikuriza with aspen and other types of poplars. Boosynovik, or Obabok Mochlovy ( L. Versipele.), with black scales on the leg forms mikurizu with birch in raw places. Boolein, or about. oak (L. Guercinum), differing in red-brown scales on the leg, forms mikurizu with an oak cherry.

Fox ordinary, or real ( Cantharellus Cabarus.), It is capable of forming mikurizu with different woody rocks. Most often with pine and fir, less often with deciduous, in particular with oak.

Syrozhuya (Russula.). In our forests, about 30 types of raw materials grows. Some of them, in particular with. Green ( R.. aeruginea.) And with. pink R. Rosea.), form mikurizu with birch, others are able to join the symbiosis with roots of different types of trees (s. Blue-Yellow - R. Cyanoxantha., from. Food - R. Vesca., from. breaking - R. Fragilis).

Ryzhiks (Lactarius.). Ryzhik real, or pine ( L. Deliciosus.), - Mikorizo-formator with a pine ordinary. Ryzhik spruce ( L. Sanguifluus.) - with an ordinary fir.

Smart black, or Chernushnik(Lactarius Necator), forms mikurizu with birch and fir.