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Description of wildflowers - title wildflowers. Herbaceous plants. Types of herbaceous plants

She helped Sonya Polskaya to organize a business, enjoying and profit from her favorite occupation. Velotsvetnitsa is an original and demanded service that helps people to give a piece of warmth and beauty.

The story of the origin of the idea is quite banal - Sonya on an unremarkable weekday morning went to the station to meet her grandmother and her granddaughter, and in addition received a huge box with wildflowers from the dacha.

This small flower island from the Moscow region visited the metropolitan railway station, traveled to the central Moscow street, and ended up in the "Ziferblat" on Tverskaya, where it turned into many lovely bouquets. All this beauty will be a surprise for someone, a sweet joy, a fragrant gift from a serene summer.

From idea to business

An art critic by vocation, Sonya Polskaya was opposed to bouquets, cut flowers, she always treated all living things with trepidation. Sonia did not like pretentious bouquets of roses, lilies and the like, it was easier to please her with a modest bouquet of wild plants.

The idea of ​​opening a “Velotsvetnitsa” dawned on Sonya at the moment when she realized that there were no shops where you can buy a bouquet of wildflowers.

Three years ago, she sold the first bouquets of field plants for 250 rubles, and they flew in an instant. Initially, Sonya started selling just flowers without forming bouquets. But the buyers wanted to get something beautiful, not just an armful of daisies, but a bouquet. The request to make "something" out of these flowers was so frequent that Sonya refused to sell flowers and began to collect them in compositions that turned out to be very beautiful and varied.

As Sonya noted, even in the absence of a special education of a florist, after hundreds of bouquets of practice, each bouquet is beautifully obtained.


Polskaya associated this name with two favorite things that they managed to combine. Flowers are Sony's unconditional vocation, and a bicycle for a big city at that time became a trend, bicycle paths were established and this sport was promoted. Sonya was a cycling activist, but that was not the basis for the name. There was no need to pay for renting a place anywhere thanks to the basket on the bike - you can just ride around the city selling fragrant bouquets to passers-by.

Profitable business and its development

There was also no need to open a store, an ordinary trolley attached to a bicycle made it possible to carry a supply, an island of summer, with you. The start of the business was a little chaotic, since the lack of various devices forced to transport the bouquets in a bunch, and in order to have the opportunity to choose, Polskaya laid out the bouquets on the asphalt.

To develop, the flower girl decided to get a diploma at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. She believed that it was here that she would be able to acquire the necessary skills, learn more about how and what flowers should be taken care of.

In addition to her studies, Sonya worked hard and hard. She dug out seedlings and dragged boxes of soil, which helped not only to receive material support, but also to find the first suppliers. For bouquets, Sonya began to buy flowers at the academy at personal prices invented for her. The academy simply did not have other buyers of such a specific product. The Polish one bought what Timiryazevka workers had previously simply disposed of.

At one time, the flower girl abandoned her undertaking, getting a job as a manager in the "Ziferblat", having lost two years. She returned to “Velotsvetnitsa” only at the beginning of 2015, and this was her second birth.

The return of the "Velotsvetnitsa"

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On May 16, 2015, the Velotsvetochnitsa re-launched. In search of suppliers, Sonya decided to turn to social networks, and through Facebook she was able to find retirees who were ready to grow wildflowers.

The ad posted on the page was seen by more advanced teenagers and children who passed on Sonya's contacts to their grandparents, so there were a lot of calls and she was able to choose enough summer resident suppliers who provided a sufficient flow of flowers. For Polskaya, the origin of flowers was important - she did not want them to be picked in the fields, suppliers had to grow plants at their dacha and bring them to her in boxes.

The issue of payment was resolved in the same non-standard way as the entire Velotsvetochnitsa business. Due to the different sizes of wildflowers, Polska decided to pay for the agreed volume - a box filled with different flowers (no shorter than 25 cm). The amount for this box was 800-1000 rubles, which provided a good extra income for pensioners and allowed Sonya to collect bouquets from flowers at affordable prices.

The Cyclist currently has eight grandmothers who deliver the plants on a flexible schedule - whenever they want. The filling of the baskets is uneven, but Polska emphasizes that on average one basket allows you to collect 3 large bouquets and 12 small ones.

An extraordinary business does not lend itself to the classical analysis of economic indicators, because every flower is not counted, there is no standard portfolio of bouquets, there is not even a price list for one plant of each type or for the number of plants in a bouquet. For this reason, it makes no sense to predict anything.

Sonya says that earlier it seemed surprising to her why this niche is still free, but now it became clear that selling bouquets of wildflowers is extremely unprofitable and troublesome. There are too many factors that can affect the sale and quality of bouquets, and the short lifespan of cut bells and daisies does not exceed 14 days.

Painstaking work requires adherence to many rules - from growing to cutting. And the troubles do not end there - you need to extend the life of the flowers so that they do not fade before the sale, otherwise all this will simply be thrown away. Indeed, as Oleg Barmin (owner of the FunFun bouquets shop) emphasizes, in terms of business development, products are much simpler than any flowers. And when selling wildflowers, it is still more difficult, because they are very fragile, quickly fade, and it is almost impossible to systematize all the processes somehow.

To diversify the assortment and stabilize the supply, Sonya made an agreement with greenhouse farms, where the flowering plants cut during the growing season were previously thrown away. Now the Botanical Garden. Tsitsinina and the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy are selling this waste for the Velotsvetochnitsa bouquets.

The founder of the business of selling wildflower compositions believes that since the flowers are on sale, then she should pay the suppliers for them properly. Sonya paid for a box of waste after pruning in the same way as for private suppliers, 800-1000 rubles each. There are many very beautiful weeds (runny, pochechuy, burdock, loosestrife, etc.) that would decorate bouquets with their unusual appearance, but, unfortunately, no one grows or sells them.

The Cyclist is a seasonal business that only operates during the warmer months. Buyers have the opportunity to pre-order a large bouquet on the Facebook page, and ready-made small bouquets can be found in Ziferblat, where Polskaya worked earlier. Here Sonya rented a space and dismantles flower boxes, transforming them into beauty. You can also come to Ziferblat for a bouquet, and delivery of a bouquet will be free if the order price exceeds 1000 rubles.

Despite the fact that there is no price list in "Velycynitsa", most clients ask to collect a bouquet for 1000 rubles. Apparently, this is the same amount that justifies the cost of a unique flower arrangement... The flower girl treats each bouquet with reverence and always worries whether the buyer will like her creation. Sonya strives to make the bouquet larger in order to meet the client's expectations, so that he does not say that the bouquet is too small.

A little about finance

To launch the second time, Sonya spent 60 thousand rubles. The Salyut bike needed good repair, which accounted for most of the necessary costs. True, and the cart for the "Velotsvetochnitsa" was credited to the cost of organizing transport. The wooden structure had a convenient display case for the exhibition of ready-made bouquets.

Sonya Polskaya does not cover incomes, referring to the lack of time, but assures that the costs have already paid off and we can talk about profit. Word of mouth is the best advertisement for Velotsvetnitsa, and more and more buyers are eager to order a bouquet.

Just three months after the second birth of the project, Sonya had more than 2,500 subscribers on her Facebook page, and more than 600 and 650 on Instagram and VKontakte, respectively. Online orders are pouring in an endless stream, which sets Sonya on a positive wave.

According to the organizer of "Velotsvetchnitsa", the strange conduct of business is justified by her passion, love for wildflowers. An unusual business makes it possible to realize the originality of one's own and one's undertaking, which makes the lesson not boring. If Sonya was doing a job that millions could handle, she would have left him in a few days. Sonino's case may seem even stranger due to the lack of a business plan.

Over twenty thousand wild and ornamental plants grow in the vast expanses of our Motherland - in the tundra and steppes, in the mountains and on the plains, in the swamps and fields. These include two thousand different trees and shrubs, and the remaining eighteen thousand are herbaceous plants. What are they? First of all, it is a life form, consisting of a root system and shoots (stems and leaves), and is able to endure the cold season for one or several years in a row.

Early flowers

Under the influence of the spring sun, the red svidina bark becomes saturated and bright, the aspen bark acquires a greenish tint. In trees and shrubs, active bud swelling begins, and green pigments are renewed in conifers.

At this time, the early representatives of perennial herbaceous plants begin to peek out modestly from under the snow cover. Their name speaks for itself, associating with the first thaw: snowdrops. These wonderful flowers are listed in the Red Book. In urban conditions, they can be found infrequently due to the compacted soil and lack of litter. Unfortunately, these representatives of perennial herbaceous plants are an attractive object for collection for the purpose of further sale, and therefore are endangered.

Early "wild" flowering herbaceous plants can also be found on wastelands, slopes, near construction sites. These include white anemone (oakgrass), liverwort, yellow anemone (buttercup), goose bows, corydalis.

A little later, yellow inflorescences of coltsfoot appear. It is a perennial pioneer plant that is the first to colonize new territories. In early spring in the mother-and-stepmother, only flowering shoots grow, but closer to the middle of summer, large beautiful leaves with a smooth surface.

Simultaneously with coltsfoot, such a perennial herb as butterbur blooms. At the very beginning of spring, its shy inflorescences with dark red petals appear on the soil surface, and it also prefers to unfold wide leaves in the middle of summer.

What do herbaceous plants look like?

The most common sign of this life form is the fact that they do not have a perennial ground part that can survive an unfavorable season or season. However, this criterion applies only to those plants that live in a variable-seasonal climate: "summer-winter". A perennial herb that grows in the southern tropics or deserts, gets very impressive size. Such growth is achieved precisely due to the presence of a perennial aboveground part.

In this regard, in order to distinguish grassiness, biologists use another criterion - the fact that there is no lignification of the ground part, which should be juicy, fleshy, incapable of secondary thickening, and also strongly diluted with soft tissues. But even these signs do not always work. The fact is that trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants are separated by many intermediate forms. In addition, lignification, to varying degrees, is characteristic of many types of herbs.

The structure of a herbaceous plant includes the root system and the shoot. The shoot is formed by leaves, a stem and a flower part.

Let's take a look at the main types of herbaceous plants.

Variety of species

Perennial grasses have stems underground or creeping along the earth's surface, which exist for several years. Aerial shoots have a much shorter lifespan: they tend to die off completely after a year. In their place, renewal buds remain, from which new shoots grow.

Herbaceous annual plants by the end of the growing season or at the end of flowering and fruiting finally die off. In the next season, they reappear from seed. Annuals include the following types of herbaceous plants: white gauze, dill, wild radish, camelina. Thus, during one season, they have time to completely go through a whole life cycle.

The genus of perennial herbaceous plants also includes herbal biennials. Justifying its name, this species lives for two years. During the first year, there is a process of shoot formation, which has rosettes of basal leaves and a taproot. Only in the second year does the flowering shoot begin to develop. At the end of the flowering and fruiting phase, the entire plant dies off.

The genus of biennial herbaceous plants differs from annuals by the remnants of last year's leaves at the base of the stem, and from perennials by the absence of rhizomes, tubers or bulbs. In addition, biennials lack traces of last year's dead stems.

A perennial herb also tends to die off at the end of the growing season. Despite this, a significant part of the plant remains alive underground during the breaks between seasons. With the onset of the warm period, new roots and a young stem begin to develop from living tissue. Similarly, such forms of underground shoots as bulb, corm, rhizome and tuber develop and grow. All perennial herbaceous plants have this characteristic. Examples of this are parsnips, carrots, mint, peony, ferns. Perennial grasses are divided into four groups: superearly, early, medium, late. A sign of the difference is early maturity, or the length of the growing season.

Herbaceous plants differ from non-herbaceous plants in the absence of an aerial stem, which remains alive throughout the resting season. In the new year, trees, shrubs and lianas grow shoots from the aboveground part.

Fast growing herbs are of particular interest. Their description is expressed in just one name: pioneer plants. This life form is the first to populate a new habitat, defining an anagenic plant species.

Dimensions (edit)

There are places where very tall herbaceous plants grow. Examples of this are the Sikhote-Alin mountains, where the height of vegetation reaches from three to three and a half meters. In the Sayan Mountains of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average size of grasses is two meters. Separately, it should be noted the giant herbaceous plants, the names of which are high larkspur and narrow-leaved fireweed. Their stems are on average three to four and a half meters in size. Umbrella, cereal, astera herbaceous plants are also characterized by a tendency to gigantism. Their names are on our ears almost every day, and an example of this is the banana. Due to its impressive height (about fifteen meters), it is often called a tree, which is an erroneous estimate. The strong stem of a banana is not a stem, so it is classified as a herbaceous plant.

If you do not take into account such a sign as the degree of lignification, the highest vegetation is bamboo. Its stem is a long straw that grows up to thirty-five meters.

Benefits and Applications

Plants and herbs have long been used by humans to meet their own economic and domestic needs. Their cultivation has also been developed to be used as pet food. Spicy herbaceous plants used in the food industry have become widespread and in demand. Examples of this are rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano. As a rule, herbs are used in cooking to improve the taste of food. Such seasonings include dill, parsley, mint, cumin, garlic.

At all times, medicinal herbaceous plants have been widely used in medicine. Lavender flower is used to this day as a sure remedy for insomnia, colds, helps hypertensive and hypotensive patients to overcome pressure drops. Sage as a remedy for colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract is used to make tinctures and rinses. Mint, chamomile, wormwood, calendula, plantain and many others meadow grasses are mentioned in the writings of doctors who lived millennia ago.

Using herbs to decorate the territory

Herbaceous plants near the house, planted to improve the landscape, belong to the group of ornamental plants. There are many options beautiful design territory. This is the creation of different flower beds, flower beds, borders, groups and arrays, modular flower beds, single plantings, parterres and bosquets, as well as the creation of thematic gardens, consisting of one-, two-, multi-colored representatives of the flora.

Herbaceous plants near the house are used to create various compositions that bloom during a certain period: spring, summer or autumn. Such flower beds are made based on the conditions of the object: illumination, soil composition, air temperature, and so on.

Herbaceous plants near the house, planted to improve the landscape, belong to the group of ornamental plants. There are many options for the beautiful design of the territory. This is the creation of different flower beds, flower beds, borders, groups and arrays, modular flower beds, single plantings, parterres and bosquets, as well as the creation of thematic gardens, consisting of one-, two-, multi-colored representatives of the flora.

Herbaceous plants near the house are used to create various compositions that bloom during a certain period: spring, summer or autumn. Such flower beds are made based on the conditions of the object: illumination, soil composition, air temperature, and so on.

There are a variety of design techniques: carpet planting, a color spot on the lawn, a decorative wall, decorating a tree trunk circle, flower towers, as well as decorating balconies.

Herbaceous plants near the house, planted to improve the landscape, belong to the group of ornamental plants. There are many options for the beautiful design of the territory. This is the creation of different flower beds, flower beds, borders, groups and arrays, modular flower beds, single plantings, parterres and bosquets, as well as the creation of thematic gardens, consisting of one-, two-, multi-colored representatives of the flora.

Herbaceous plants near the house are used to create various compositions that bloom during a certain period: spring, summer or autumn. Such flower beds are made based on the conditions of the object: illumination, soil composition, air temperature, and so on.

There are a variety of design techniques: carpet planting, a color spot on the lawn, a decorative wall, decorating a tree trunk circle, flower towers, as well as decorating balconies.

There is a conventional division of ornamental plants into flowering and ornamental plants. In the process of selecting an assortment, priority is given to flowering flowers, in particular, the timing, duration and color of flowering. Some meadow grasses and large-flowered plants can be classified as flowering, and cereals, ferns, mosses can be classified as decorative leafy plants.

Agricultural crops

Herbaceous plants used for utilitarian purposes are distinguished into a separate group. As a rule, a separate zone on the site is allocated for planting and growing them. With such an arrangement, it is more convenient to care for them, as well as carry out general preventive treatment against diseases and pests using chemicals. This group of plants has an attractive appearance, so their planting is organized in such a way that they look decorative. To do this, equip walls, spirals, slides and other structures.

Curly herbs

When planting miniature vines, goals are pursued related to the arrangement of small graceful structures. An example of this is the landscaping of decorative trellises, trellises, fences, decorative arches, metal structures, containers, and so on.

Plants for ponds

Within this group, green dwellers are subdivided into deep-sea, swimming, coastal, oxygen generators and marsh. Oxygen generators live under water all the time, only occasionally raising flowers to the surface. In the first case, the root system of the plant is located in the ground at the bottom of the reservoir, and the leaves with flowers are at the very top. In the second case, the entire green organism floats on the surface of the water. Coastal herbaceous plants are rooted in the underwater soil, and stems with leaves grow in the air. For marsh representatives of the flora, it is important to constantly be on the shore of a reservoir in moist soil. It must be remembered that each of the above groups of plants performs certain functions that can affect the state of the general environment of the reservoir. In this regard, when choosing an assortment, it is imperative to take these factors into account.

Landing technology

Annual herbaceous plants in the spring are planted in the ground with seedlings or seeds. It is better to postpone the planting of thermophilic species and wait until all frosts are over. The overwhelming majority of annuals tolerate transplantation both at the beginning of summer and during the flowering period.

A perennial herb is usually planted with dives. The flower is best placed on permanent place in spring or early fall. A plant that blooms in the spring must be replanted in the fall. You should be aware that after transplantation, each plant begins a period of recovery and rest, during which its care should be more careful. This lasts for annuals one to two weeks, for perennials - from one to two growing seasons.

The best types of herbaceous plants

At the time of the extraordinary diversity of these representatives of the flora, choose suitable view seems to be no easy task. Below are the top ten perennial herbaceous plants that bloom profusely over a long period, and are also relatively undemanding to external conditions and the most resistant to diseases and pests. They will respond to a small amount of complex mineral fertilizer with lush flowering and rapid growth.

  1. Geranium Rozanne. This hybrid pleases with large blue flowers and massive soft foliage. It is the only geranium species that blooms throughout the summer. In height, such specimens reach fifty sentiments. With regular watering, it blooms very well and grows on the sunny side, but on dry land it is necessary to provide it with partial shade.
  2. Pulawka. This, at first glance, common plant, in fact, is not so simple. Such a gentle creature constantly pleases with an abundance of yellowish inflorescences, which continuously replace each other all summer. The bunting is officially recognized as one of the longest flowering perennial herbaceous plants. Conditions for keeping - sunlight and not too wet soil. The maximum height of an adult plant is sixty centimeters.
  3. Fasen's Catman. This hybrid is of garden origin. With its appearance, the rest of the varieties became unnecessary. Leaves gray appear in early spring, and beautiful purple-blue inflorescences delight the eye from May until the first frost. Very suitable for places with hot and dry climates, the only condition is to prevent getting wet. It grows up to sixty centimeters in height.
  4. Echinacea Today this type is very common. Fatal Attraction is one of the finest members of its family. Abundant flowering pleases the eye with pink buds on black pedicels. Feels great in the sun in the soil of average fertility. The size of an adult plant reaches eighty centimeters.
  5. Astrantia. Long-lived, this variety is not too picky about the surrounding conditions. The duration of flowering is not inferior to annuals. It is advisable to plant in a shaded place, carefully monitoring the soil moisture. It grows up to one hundred centimeters.
  6. Oak sage. One of the most undemanding plants, which has many varieties, differing in color, height and shape. The most common are the classic Mainacht, Viola Klose, Caradonna. If you cut off faded inflorescences in early summer, you can achieve re-flowering. Optimal growing conditions are sunny and moderately fertile land. The combination of large tracts of oak sage looks very impressive and makes an unforgettable impression.
  7. Veronicastrum Virginia. A humble prairie dweller, this flower has recently become a favorite with florists. Looks great in a landscape of naturalistic styles, bending the outlines of ornamental grasses with its vertical line. This demand has provoked the emergence of dozens of new varieties, but Diane has remained a classic. Grown in fertile soil on the sunny side. Adult specimens reach one hundred and twenty centimeters in height.
  8. Burnet Sanguisorba. This variety is versatile, as it develops and grows well in any light. It will feel good both in the sun and in the shade. This plant will perfectly fit into a naturalistic style flower garden. Thanks to the shiny green leaves, the burnet looks elegant and noble. Due to its undemanding growing conditions, this plant is popular among flower growers. An adult plant grows up to one meter in height.
  9. Coreopsis whorled. Since this disheveled bush surrounded by a cloud of yellowish flowers looks non-photogenic in pictures and photographs, it rarely attracts attention. However, being in a common garden flower garden, coreopsis attracts the eye with its bright color and contrast, leaving no one indifferent. It is best to plant the flower in moderately fertile soil where it will receive abundant solar lighting... In such conditions, coreopsis grows up to forty centimeters in height.
  10. The reed is short-haired. Choosing between valuable and unpretentious ornamental grasses, it is rather difficult to choose a certain type. Closer to autumn, many cereal plants rise in the fields, competing with each other in beauty. The short-haired reed as if specially created for this season. Covered with small dewdrops in an early foggy morning, this plant stands out spectacularly from others. The neat and decorative appearance creates an extreme photogenic and decorative effect. The short-haired reed grows well on the sunny side in moderately fertile soil, but it will also feel good in partial shade. The maximum height of an adult plant can reach one hundred and twenty centimeters.

Thus, herbaceous plants are a life form with stems and leaves that die off at the end of the growing season on the soil surface. Their distinctive feature is the absence of a tree trunk above the ground. Herbaceous plants are classified into annuals, biennials and perennials according to their lifespan, and according to their appearance and growing conditions - into decorative, agricultural, climbing and aquatic plants.

Wrestler blueAconitum napellus

Perennial plant, 50-150 cm tall. Leaves are palmate, 5-7-partite with a serrated edge. Violet-blue flowers with a petal-shaped calyx forming a domed helmet, under which there are 2 elongated nectary petals. The inflorescence is a multi-flowered terminal raceme. The fruit is a three-leaflet. Blooms in June-August. Grows in moist forests and upland meadows. Decorative medicinal plant, poisonous. In similar habitats, mainly in the mountains, a similar species with yellow flowers grows.

Crow's eye four-leafedParis quadrifolia

A perennial herb with a long, scaly rhizome. Blossoms in May, seeds ripen in July-August. It grows mainly in broad-leaved forests, usually in shaded areas, as well as in coniferous and mixed plantations, but does not achieve good development there. Poisonous plant.

River gravilatGeum pivale

Perennial plant 50-70 cm high, with a thick rhizome and strong dark red stems. Flowers, 2-3 in number, collected at the top of the stem, bell-shaped, drooping, erect when flowering. The calyx is brownish-red. The petals are pinkish, with reddish-brown veins. The stamens are numerous, hairy. Numerous pistils are collected in an ovoid head. Fruits with attachments are spread by animals and humans. Blossoms in May-June; bears fruit in June-July. It is confined to meadows, forest edges, shrubs, the edges of swamps, and the banks of reservoirs. Rhizomes have been used in folk medicine. A red-brown color can be obtained from them. The leaves are edible and suitable for making salads and soups.

Round-leaved wintergreenPyrola rotundifolia

Winter-green perennial with a long branched rhizome. Leaves are basal, with long petioles and leathery, shiny, rounded blades. A flowering shoot up to 30 cm high, ends with an 8-15-flowered inflorescence-brush. Corolla wide open, white, up to 2 cm in diameter. The fruit is a flattened spherical capsule. Blooms in June-July, seeds ripen in August-September. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by the growth of rhizomes; forms large patches under optimal conditions. Grows in coniferous and coniferous-small-leaved forests.

Angelica forestAngelica sylvestris

A biennial or perennial monocarp plant that dies off after fruiting. The stem is hollow, up to 200 cm high, with a bluish bloom, in the upper part with few branches. The leaf blades are triangular in outline, double-, triple-pinnate. Violet "belts" are very characteristic at the place of origin of the petioles of the lateral segments. Petals are white or pinkish outside. The fruits are brown. It blooms from mid-summer to late autumn, the fruits ripen from August. It grows in damp forests, clearings, clearings, forest edges, grassy swamps, along the banks of water bodies. Good honey plant.

Tenacious creepingAjuga reptans

Perennial herb from 8 to 35 cm in height, with long creeping rooting shoots and erect flowering stems. Leaves are oval. The flowers are blue or light blue, forming a dense spike-like inflorescence at the top of the stem. Blossoms in May - July; fruits ripen in June - August. Grows in forests, mainly deciduous, on forest edges, clearings, in thickets of bushes. Honey plant.

Hard-leaved stellateStellaria holostea

Perennial herb, 15-40 cm tall, with a creeping, branched rhizome. The stem is tetrahedral, erect. Leaves are sessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, with a long pointed tip. The petals are half as long as the sepals. Blooms in April - June. It grows among bushes, in deciduous forests, along forest edges.

Medium starfishStellaria media

An annual or overwintering plant 5-30 cm high, strongly branching, with lodging, weak, thin stems. Blooms from April to October; bears fruit from July. Widely distributed throughout Russia. It grows in damp shady forests, in vegetable gardens, orchards, parks, in fields, along roads, near dwellings, along the banks of reservoirs, ditches, damp fallow lands and wastelands. One of the most widespread weeds.

Zelenchuk yellowGaleobdolon luteum

Perennial plant, 15-45 cm in height. Shoots are erect or ascending. Crenate leaves; the lower ones have long petioles, obtuse, cordate-ovate, the upper ones have shorter petioles, sharp. The flowers are yellow, with red specks on the lower lip. Blooms in May - June. In damp forests and bushes.

Marsh fireweedEpilobium palustre

A perennial plant with an erect stem 10-50 cm high. At the base of the stem, thin filamentous shoots often develop, forming fleshy bulbs by autumn. Leaves are linear. The petals are pale pink or whitish. The fruit is a capsule. It blooms from June to autumn, the seeds ripen from July. It grows in damp places: swampy forests and meadows, the banks of reservoirs, sandy and peat watered quarries.

Oxalis ordinaryOxalis Acetosella

Perennial plant 5 - 10 cm high, with a creeping rhizome, covered with pink scales. Basal leaves, trifoliate, with long petioles; leaflets cordate, folding lengthwise, thin. Flowers are solitary, on peduncles exceeding the leaves. Corolla white, with purple veins, rarely purple-pinkish or purple petals. The fruit is an ovoid, wrinkled, light brown capsule. Blossoms in May - June; fruits ripen in July - August. It propagates vegetatively, by growth and branching of rhizomes, and by seed. When ripe, the capsules crack and the seeds are scattered; Seeds are scattered mainly by ants. It grows in damp forests, mainly dark coniferous, often dominates and forms a continuous cover. Used as a food plant: the leaves contain vitamin C and oxalic acid, have a sour taste and are used to prepare soups, salads, seasonings and tea. The leaves have antiscorbutic properties.

European hoofAsarum europaeum

An evergreen perennial herb with a filamentous creeping rhizome and a creeping ramified stem. The seeds are spread by ants. The plant has a specific smell. Blooms in April-May; the seeds ripen in June. It spreads by seed and vegetative way - by the growth of rhizomes; at the same time, the hoof often forms large patches. In coniferous, deciduous forests and coniferous-deciduous shady forests. Poisonous plant. Preparations from rhizomes and leaves have long been used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine. Ornamental plant, can be cultivated as a ground cover.

Stone berryRubus Saxatilis

Perennial plant with creeping or arcuate bending and rooting vegetative shoots and erect flowering stems about 20 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate, with long petioles. Flowers are white, five-membered, collected in 3-10 apical umbellate or racemose inflorescences. Fruitlets are few drupes (usually 1-6), large, bright red, barely connected to each other. Blossoms in May-June, bears fruit in June-July. The fruits are eaten raw and processed (juices, fruit drinks, jam). Honey plant.

Stinging nettleUrtica dioica

Perennial herb up to 1.5 m high, with long horizontal rhizomes. The plant is dioecious. It blooms and bears fruit all summer long. Propagated by seeds (one plant gives up to 22,000 seeds) and vegetatively. Forms extensive dense thickets. It grows near dwellings, roads, hedges, wastelands, etc. places on soil rich in nitrates. Typical for disturbed damp forests, especially alder forests, the banks of reservoirs and ravines, drained peat bogs, neglected gardens. A valuable food and medicinal plant. Green cabbage soup is cooked from young leaves and shoots in spring. As a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, they are used for hypo- and avitaminosis. Nettle preparations are used as a hemostatic and wound-healing agent, are part of choleretic drugs. In folk medicine it is also used as a hair strengthening agent. Valuable forage plant, especially for pigs and poultry. Boiled young nettle shoots increase milk yield and increase the percentage of fat in milk. The stems can be used to produce fiber for making ropes and coarse fabrics. Leaves and rhizomes were formerly used to produce green wool dye.

Cobweb burdockArctium tomentosm

A biennial plant 60-100 cm high, with a fleshy fusiform root. Stems are powerful, green or reddish, furrowed, strongly branched, cobweb pubescent under the baskets. The leaves are large, ovoid. Baskets with cobweb wrappers, generally corymbose inflorescence. The corolla is purple. Fruits are grayish-brown or brown granular achenes with a short crest. Blossoms in June-August; fruits ripen in July-September. Grows in garbage places in settlements, in landfills, in ravines, along the banks of reservoirs, on the boundaries, roadsides. The so-called "burdock oil" is obtained from the roots, which is used to strengthen the hair on the head. Young, fleshy stems, peeled off, are edible.

Creeping buttercupRanunculus repens

Perennial herb from 10 to 40 cm in height, with creeping rooting shoots. The stem is thick and juicy. Leaves are long-petiolate, trifoliate, leaflets with petioles. A flower with five prominent sepals, 5 golden yellow petals, numerous stamens and pistils. The fruit is a multi-nut. Blooms from spring to late summer, respectively, the fruits ripen at different times. In the middle lane, this is a common plant in damp meadows, swamps, sparse forests, and dirt roads. Poisonous plant.

Unclear lungwortPulmonaria obscura

Perennial herb from 8 to 30 cm high. Flowers with pink at the beginning of flowering, later blue corolla. Blossoms in April - May; fruits ripen in May - June. Grows in forests, ravines, bushes. An ornamental early spring plant. Good honey plant. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and other vitamins, edible, suitable for salad.

Water softwoodMyosoton aquaticum or Malachium aquaticum

Perennial herb up to 120 cm high, covered with glandular hairs at the top. The stem is creeping, ascending. Leaves are tender, sessile, cordate-ovate, pointed. The inflorescence is forked, umbellate. White flowers with bipartite petals. Blooms in June-September. It grows along the banks of water bodies, in shrubs and light floodplain forests.

Meadow mintMentha arvensis

Perennial herb 15-45 cm high. Leaves are ovoid or oblong. The whorls are spaced, the inflorescence is intermittent. The calyx is often purple. The corolla is lilac or lilac-pink. Blossoms in June-September; fruits ripen in July-September. It grows along the banks of water bodies, ditches, in damp meadows, in damp forests and other various damp habitats. Contains essential oil, has a specific smell, is used as a spice in cooking and when salting vegetables.

Marsh forget-me-notMyosotis palustris

Perennial herb 15-80 cm high. Leaves are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. Flowers are collected in apical inflorescences - curls. The corolla is blue, rarely pinkish or white. The fruits are black. Blooms from May to September; fruits ripen throughout summer and autumn. It grows in damp meadows, grassy swamps, along the banks of water bodies. The most popular ornamental plant collected for bouquets. Honey plant.

Dense forget-me-notMyosotis nemorosa

It is found near springs and in places where ground waters exit, damp forests and thickets of bushes, waterlogged ruts of forest roads. Blossoming - June-July.

DaisyLeycanthemum vulgare

A perennial herb with a short rhizome, a slightly faceted stem 15-60 cm high and a basal rosette. Rosette leaves spatulate, crenate at the edges with long petioles; stem - oblong, serrate at the edges, sessile. Inflorescences are baskets, single, large. Marginal false-lingual flowers in baskets are very long, white, do not form seeds. Median tubular flowers of yellow color, give normal achene fruits. Blossoms in May-August; fruits ripen in June-September. It grows in meadows, forest clearings, forest edges, roadsides, in sparse forests, in clearings. Due to large inflorescences, it often creates an aspect in meadow communities and gives them a vivid picturesqueness. Nivyanik is usually called "chamomile" among the people throughout Russia.

Spring co-workerOrobus vernus

Perennial plant, 20-45 cm tall, with an erect stem. Leaves without antennae, with 2-4 pairs of broadly ovate, with long pointed tips of glossy leaves 3-7 cm in length. The flowers are purple, later blue, and then bluish-green, usually collected in 4-6 clusters on long peduncles. Blooms in April-May. The first legume to bloom. Usually grows in shady deciduous forests with abundant herbaceous cover, in shrub thickets, mainly on calcareous soils. It is less common in the northern regions.

Common rapeBarbarea vulgaris

Biennial 20 - 70 cm high. The lower leaves are lyre-shaped, with a larger oval terminal lobe than the lateral ones. The upper leaves are oval, notched-dentate. Flowers are collected in a dense cluster. Blooms in May - June, bears fruit. It grows in meadows, forest edges, like a weed in fields, vegetable gardens, in gardens, along roads, in villages. Good honey plant.

Swamp sow thistleSonchus palustris

Perennial herb with a height of 80-250 cm, containing milky juice, with a short thick rhizome, from which cord-like roots extend. The leaves are arrow-shaped at the base, with pointed ears, pinnately dissected. Baskets are multi-flowered, located singly at the tops of stems and branches, or form a corymbose-paniculate common inflorescence. All flowers in the basket are ligulate, bisexual, yellow in color. Fruits are tetrahedral achenes. The crest is whitish, easily falling off. Blossoms in June-July; fruits ripen in July-August. It grows on the banks of water bodies, swamps, saline areas in the floodplains of rivers, in thickets of bushes in humid habitats.

Meadowsweet or MeadowsweetFilipendula ulmaria

Large perennial plant up to 2 m high, with a short rhizome. Leaves are intermittent-pinnate, glabrous above, dark green, below with thin white-tomentose pubescence, when rubbed with a pungent odor. Numerous flowers are collected in a dense paniculate inflorescence. Petals are yellowish white. The fruits are single-seeded non-opening leaflets. Blossoms in June-July; bears fruit in July-August. It grows in damp meadows, herbaceous swamps, the edges of swampy forests, along the banks of reservoirs and ditches. It is rich in tannins and is suitable for tanning and dyeing leather. It has long been used in folk medicine. Young shoots are used as salad. Good honey plant.

Chernobylnik or WormwoodArtemisia vulgatris

Perennial herb 50-200 cm high. The stem is brownish-purple in color, abundantly leafy along the entire height. Leaves are double- or triple-pinnately dissected, with wide terminal segments. Baskets in loose panicles. Blooms from June to September; fruits ripen in July-October. A common plant of garbage places in settlements, roadsides, wastelands, landfills. It also grows on the banks of water bodies, marginal fields, in ravines. Used in folk medicine. Brooms are knitted from above-ground shoots.

Three-part successionBidens tripartite

An annual plant, 15-100 cm tall, with a branched brownish-red stem. Leaves are opposite, usually 3-partite, dark green, petiolate, serrate. Baskets - at the end of the stem and opposite branches, erect. Flowers are yellowish-brown, tubular. Blooms in June-September. Common in damp places, on arable land and along the banks of water bodies, ditches and swampy places.

Celandine bigChelidonium majus

Perennial plant, reaching a height of 90 cm. Stems are erect, branched. The leaves are green above, gray below. Bright yellow flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Fruits are thin pod-shaped capsules with numerous black-brown seeds. All parts of the plant contain orange milky sap. Blooms from May to August; fruits ripen from July. Propagated by seeds, which are spread by ants, and also carried along with the soil adhering to shoes, agricultural tools, hooves, etc. It grows in garbage places, near roads, fences and dwellings, in ditches, neglected gardens and parks, disturbed forests. A plant that has long been used in medicine and veterinary medicine (in particular, the plant acquired its name thanks to the burning milky juice, which has long been used by the people for warts and other skin growths). It is also used as an insecticidal agent - cultivated plants are pollinated with dried grass powder to protect against garden pests. The juice was used to blacken metals, the grass was used to dye wool red and yellow tones... The plant is poisonous.

Dull sorrelRumex obtysifolius

Perennial plant, 60-100 cm in height. Basal leaves are cordate-ovate, long, petiolar. Like all representatives of this genus (rumex), flowers with 6 tepals are usually small, greenish, the inner tepals are distinctly serrated. The inflorescence is broadly panicle, flowers in arranged whorls. Blooms in June-August. The fruit is a triangular nutlet surrounded by overgrown tepals with teeth and nodules. It grows in meadows, clearings, ditches and roadsides.

Speckled lambLaminum maculatum

Perennial plant, 15-60 cm in height, with erect shoots. Leaves are cordate-ovate, sharp or pointed, crenate or serrate. The fruits are brown. The flowers are light purple, with dark specks on the lower lip. Blooms from April to autumn. In deciduous forests and shrubs; less common in the north. Good honey plant. The young leaves are edible and are used to make soup.

MOU OOSH village Pushkino, Yaransky district, Kirov region

Acanthus(Acanthus, Branca ursina, Bear Paw, Bear Claws, Holly) inspires creativity. Ornamental, garden plants suitable for fresh cut and dry bouquets, appropriate for a man's bouquet. Many creative people were inspired by seeing this flower.

Aconite, Fighter (Aconitum) - According to legend, Aconite grew out of the shed blood of the three-headed guardian of the underworld Cerberus, captured and taken out of the kingdom of Hades by Hercules. Aconite is given as a sign of sympathy and friendship. This flower is suitable for men and women, colleagues and business partners. Despite the beauty of the flower, aconite is very poisonous and you should be careful with the bouquet and possibly with the person who gave it. In ancient Greece and Rome, people sentenced to death were poisoned with aconite. There is a hypothesis according to which Tamerlane was poisoned with Aconite.

Alpine rose, Mountain Datura (Rhododendron) - "Be Careful." The smallest and most mountainous rhododendrons.

Alpine star, Edelweiss (Leontopodium) - is a flower of Happiness, Love and Courage. Only sincerely loving hearts mountains allow to pluck edelweiss with impunity.

Amaranth- a symbol of immortality, faith, fidelity, constancy in love.

Pansies , Violet tricolor, Ivan da Marya (Viola tricolor) - "All my thoughts are about you", I miss, fun, entertainment. The shape and color of the flower is reminiscent of a man. In French the name of this flower is Pensée and translates as thoughts, meditations. In Russia, it was believed that Pansies were not for the living and it was not accepted to plant them in the garden. In England, it was believed that if you pick these flowers on a clear day, it will certainly rain (although rain is not uncommon there).

Asparagus, Asparagus (Asparagus) - in the language of flowers symbolizes gullibility and simplicity. Asparagus has decorative leaves, so asparagus sprigs are added to bouquets and compositions.

Artemisia, Wormwood, witch herb (Artemisia) - feminine principle, dignity. It was believed that wormwood protects from witches and mermaids, drives out all evil spirits from the house. However, magicians use wormwood smoke to communicate with otherworldly entities.

Asphodelus, Asphodelus, Asphodelus - is a symbol of oblivion, death, mourning, sorrow and the afterlife. It was also believed that Asphodel could drive out evil spirits from dwellings.

Basil(Ocimum basilicum) - disgust, hatred. Basil is presented as a gift, to put it mildly, to a person unpleasant to you, if for some reason you cannot say nothing. Hindus believe that basil helps the departed get into the best place after death. Basil has been used frequently in magic and alchemy.

Periwinkle(Vinca) - symbolizes the happiness and harmony of young spouses, excites passion. Also periwinkle is a symbol vitality... If you put a periwinkle in a bouquet of flowers, you will achieve love. Periwinkle helps to preserve love in the family, makes marriage lasting, drives out evil spirits from the home.

cornflower, Cornflowers (Centaurea) - "I dare not express my feelings to you", delicacy, grace, simplicity, and also - gaiety and loyalty, among some peoples - hatred. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls better than blondes as a sign of sympathy. Present this flower if you want to offer just friendship for now. The name of the flower comes from the mythical Centaur Chiron, who knew the medicinal properties of all plants. In Christianity, cornflowers indicated the shelter of the cross on which Christ was crucified.

Lady's slipper(Cypripedium calceolus) - capriciousness, inconstancy. The slipper giving Venus says that you are a capricious, windy person and he accepts you so but is ready to tame you. The lady's slipper is listed in the red books of Europe and Russia.

Verbena, pigeon grass, iron grass (Verbena) - sensitivity. As the herb of love, verbena helps against anger, extinguishes emotions, and leads to a cheerful mood. It was believed that verbena attracts wealth and is able to fulfill any desire, for which it is enough to rub it, was used to cleanse the home.

Heather, Common heather (Calluna vulgaris) - protection, wishes will come true.

Bindweed(Convolvulus) - beauty, bombast. The giver of bindweed invites you to spend this wonderful evening with him, no more.

Catchment(Aquilegia) - a symbol of healing from greed (greed) and recklessness, in Christianity a symbol of the holy spirit. Have different nations the catchment flower was associated with an angel, a dove, or an elf's slipper.

Hyacinth(Hyacinthus) - determination, games and sports. Blue hyacinth - consistency, integrity; purple - goodbye, sadness; red and pink - play; white - "I will pray for you, beauty"; yellow - "I'm jealous." From the program "Blind" - "Get a bouquet of hyacinths to a big deception", in that case there was a blue hyacinth. According to some reports, the smell of hyacinth stimulates positive emotions, relieves stress and improves performance.

Gypsophila, Kachim (Gypsophila) - caution, shyness. In a mixed bouquet or composition, the semantic load of Kachim is lost.

Elecampane, Nine-forces (Inula) - mutual love, strength, sacrifice, health. It was believed that elecampane attracts grooms to the house. Among the Slavs, elecampane possesses nine super powers and cures nine diseases, in China they speak of 99 diseases.

Delphinium, Larkspur (Delphinium) - modesty, sadness, unpretentiousness. Pink delphinium is impermanence. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - Goodbye, goodbye, thanks for a great time.

Oregano, Oregano (Origanum) - joy, significance. Zeus got his strength from the milk of a goat that fed on oregano.

Angelica, Angelica - inspiration. Angel Grass.

St. John's wort(Hypericum) - hostility. It pacifies the beast in a person, heals, brings happiness, courage, love, protection and good luck.

Strawberry(Fragaria) - perfect excellence, a hint, "Pay attention: your happiness is near!" A symbol of prosperity and abundance.

Goldenrod(Solidago) - success, "Appreciate any luck."

Iris, Iris (Iris) - friendship, wisdom, trust, faith, hope, fearlessness, eloquence, sadness. Japanese hieroglyph- "warrior spirit" is spelled in the same way as Iris. Iris was often used in the symbolism of different peoples, including the Slavs.

Reed(Scirpus) - humility.

Clover(Trifolium) - "I would like to know ...", expectation, fertility, homeliness, a symbol of good luck. White clover - "Think of me." Four-leaf clover - good luck and the fulfillment of the desired.

Bell(Campanula) - humility, humility, constancy; talkativeness; "Why are you torturing me with whims?"

Coreopsis, Lenok, or Parisian beauty (Coreopsis) - cheerfulness, fun, optimism. “Everything will be fine!”, “The best is yet to come!”.

Mullein(Verbascum) - good nature.

Nettle(Urtica) - slander, dislike.

Crocus(Crocus) - fun, freshness, joy, vigor, rebirth, affection. Yellow Crocus - "Are your feelings true?"; purple - "Are you sorry you fell in love with me?"

Lily of the valley(Convallaria) - reliability, reliability.

Linen(Linum) - family symbol, household chores, destiny, stability, constancy.

Burdock, Burdock (Arctium) - importunity and boredom.

Buttercup(Ranunculus) - childishness, wealth.

Lyadvenets(Lotus) - revenge.

Poppy(Papaver) - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination, dreaminess, youth, sociability, desire for pleasure. Red poppy is a pleasure; white - consolation; yellow - wealth, success.

Coltsfoot(Tussilago) - maternal love and care; proven justice.

Moss(Department: Mossy - Bryophyta) - maternal love, mercy.

Mint(Mentha) - chastity. Peppermint - warm feelings.

Forget-me-not(Myosotis) - memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, loyalty.

Dandelion(Taraxacum) - happiness, loyalty, devotion. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: "Do not be sad", "I am glad that we are together now", "I want to stop this moment."

Holly, Holly (Ilex) - family happiness, protection, hope, deity.

Fern(Department: Fern - Polypodiophyta) - charm, magic, grace, trust and patronage. The fern will emphasize feminine magic and mystery.

Pion(Paeonia) - happy wedding, fun life, compassion, shyness.

Ivy(Hedera) - harmonious love, loyalty, friendship, affection, desire to please.

(Tanacetum) - hostility.

In early July, it is good to go on a summer hike in the hills along the banks of the river and take a photo of wildflowers

There are incredibly beautiful hilly banks near the Dubna River in these parts.

Yellow egg-capsules doze on the river surface.

On the left bank of the Dubna River, there is a fir forest like an enchanted castle.

We must somehow cross over to the opposite bank of the Dubna River.

Here's a great place. A strong current and stones protruding from the water indicate the place of the ford.

We put the belongings in a hermetic bag.

We put on neoprene socks so as not to injure our feet on the stones, and wander down the Dubna River, looking for a gentle place on the opposite bank.

We get out on the shore. A 2-meter wall is an evil stinging nettle.

Nowhere to go. We go straight ahead.

Thickets like in the jungle. Modest, so to speak.

And when we got out into the open, how good it is! The Dubna River draws bends.

Up to the waist, and where up to the shoulders, we walk along the high-grass floodplain floodplain meadows to the village of Vaulino.

In the depths of my soul, some kind of peasant gene yearns: how many cows could be grazed, how much hay could be prepared.

And the places around are beautiful, marvelously beautiful. Perhaps, . Clouds rise above the hills like snow-white mountains.

Climbed up the hill, turned back to look at the valley of the Dubna River. Here they are, meadows, flowers of the field.

Among other wildflowers, oregano or forest mint grows. She has a special smell, perfume.

Another masterpiece of wildflowers. In the center are pink flowers of hemp marshmallow.

Among the white clover, lilac-blue petals of forest geranium look exquisite.

And you, brother poppy, how did you get into this company of Central Russian wildflowers?

For some reason, on the village street Vaulino, a hiker was mistaken for a wealthy esquire landowner. The foreman of the Armenian construction brigade, Dima, began to persuade him to build a house.

The woods are lying. In winter, heat the house and a bath.

There is a large reservoir on the western border of the village of Vaulino.

Here the tourists from Dmitriy packed their things in hermesh and sailed to the other side. The daredevils!

And overland tourists went on foot to Trekhselische.

We go and admire the wildflowers.

Luxurious bouquet of wildflowers. Only not in a vase, but growing in the field.

Interesting varieties of cornflowers.

Cornflower meadow.

Three-veined cornflower.

In these wildflowers, the attention is drawn to the yellow candles of the black mullein.

The yellow and white tongues of sweet clover are blazing in the wind.

The angelica opened the white umbrellas.

I walk along the road. Cars with summer residents sweep by. An old Ford truck loaded with planks is catching up. The driver is apparently a farmer.
- How far are you going? Sit down, I'll give you a lift!
Thanks, good person... But I have to go on foot.

Views from the hills around. Dali. Like flying on an airplane.

From Trekhselyshche we head towards Malye Dubravy.

The name justifies itself, oak trees grow around.

Here is a precious find among the wildflowers, a blooming wild rose.

From Malye Dubrav we go by a forest road to the final point of our summer hike - to the village of Zapolskoye.

More often, even the GPS signal is lost.

In the forest twilight, a young fireweed plays with the sun in bunnies.

In Zapolskoye, local residents sell mushrooms, chanterelles.

The rain began to drip. Young entrepreneurs rushed to cover the furniture they had made and put up for sale.

And here the tourists from Dmitriev showed up. Merry, merry.

Only the four-legged tourist was very tired. He came to a bus stop and collapsed onto the asphalt. The fact that the dog is alive is evidenced by the belly rising and falling in time with the breath.

Sergiev Posad greeted us with a bright and festive atmosphere. It celebrates its 700th anniversary Saint Sergius Radonezh.

Photo reports of the participants of the hike:

Additional Information:

Wildflowers: a summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow Region to the Dubna River - Tikhvin Church s. Titovskoe. Parish page.
Wildflowers: a summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow Region to the Dubna River - interesting information about the Tikhvin Church. Wildflowers: summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna river.

Alexander Strizhev. Collected works in five volumes. Volume 2. Russian forbs. Moscow. 2007.