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Virgo how to conquer it. The path to the heart of the male of the Virgin. What loves girl love in bed

Modest and picky Virgo ( 24.08 – 23.09 ) puts forward many requirements for representatives of the opposite sex. It is hard with this sign at all stages: at the first acquaintance, in the midst of the novel and in family life. To put up with it for a long time Almost a very in love person is capable, because Virgo in love is able to reveal the best features of his character.

Path to the heart of a male virgin

The men of this sign of the zodiac are distinguished by modesty and increased elevation in personal life. Those who want to understand how to like a man's male and tie a relationship with him, you need to remember that he does not like flirty dolls, with whom it is imposed. The partner of this sign is tuned to a serious relationship, so it will not go to a short-term novel.

How to attract attention?

The sexuality of the male of the Virgin is manifested in his removal and some indifference to the opposite sex. This is explained by the fact that the sign is hard to find a girl fully responsible for its requirements. The slightest misses at the first acquaintance and won a virgin will not work. Men of this sign do not like these features of behavior and character in women:

  • excessive emotionality and narrowness;
  • screaming sexuality and coquetty;
  • narrow horizons and inability to maintain an intellectual conversation;
  • persistent desire to tie relationships;
  • deception in any manifestations;
  • flirt with other men;
  • critical comments in his address.

On the first date, you can not be late, otherwise he will not perceive the girl seriously. You should not hope for dinner in an expensive restaurant, since representatives of this sign do not like to silent money. You can conquer the virgin conversations about art or witty comments, but a frank outfit will rather push the man.

What will be interested in a man's male:

  • tidy, modest makeup and outfit;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • restrained behavior;
  • ability to listen;
  • sense of humor.

Representatives this sign falls in love with rarely and not at a glance. Therefore, you should not hope for romantic recognition and ardent arms on the first date. The girl does not need to rush the events: if the Virgin is in love, he himself will conquer the heart of his passion.

How to behave during the novel?

Male Maiden Valentine is an almost perfect partner: attentive cavalier, reliable protector and a gentle lover. But losing his favor is very easy. The sign does not tolerate jealousy and criticism, so you need to be careful in statements. Choices of the Virgin It is necessary to understand that her beloved will constantly find some shortcomings in it. To withstand them, you will need wisdom and patience. Hysteria and any too rapid manifestations of emotions annoying a virgin.

The partner of this sign shows its love actions, but not in words. He is hard to confess the feelings, so it may seem that male male is indifferent to his beloved. Sometimes it is impossible to understand that a sign is impossible, it hides it so well.

No need to put pressure on it with the requirement of the proposal of the hand and the heart. The sign must come to this decision, excessive perseverance can scare away.

How to save happiness in marriage?

To win the heart of a male Virgin is only half of the case. Save family happiness in marriage with the Virgin - the task is more complicated. Regular soldiers are able to derive even angel. If you learn how to find compromises and understand the characteristics of the nature of the virgin, the wife will be surrounded by care, love and good. From the spouse you need to keep the house in perfect order, to be a friend and assistant for your husband, able to understand it.

Virgo in bed is not a very passionate lover, but very selfless. A problem may become some naga nim. The family will not need anything, but no one will be scattered with money. Treason or large deception can push a sign for divorce. The partner of Virgo trusts its half and will not beat betrayal.

How to conquer a woman's woman

Virgo often goes in life alone due to complex character. It will be necessary to make a lot of effort and stock patience to conquer the attention of the Virgin, to prove the sincerity of your feelings and save family happiness.

How to interest?

To conquer the favor of the lady of this sign of the zodiac, you need to understand what qualities it is attracted. Virgo will rate if the possible partner is:

  • developed intellectually and culturally;
  • have a good taste competent speech and manners;
  • true and honest even in trifles;
  • restrained in behavior: no abuse of alcohol, merry or flirting left and right;
  • neat in everyday life;
  • patient and unobtrusive.

A man in love in love should remember that the girl of this sign agrees only for a long serious relationship. Acquaintance for one night does not suit her.

On the first date, the girl will be glad to invitation to theater or cinema. A witty conversation will like her more than mooring money to the wind. Looking at a meeting with the Virgin will not leave the guy with almost no chance of success. The representatives of this sign see people through, so do not deceive them and give impossible promises.

Romantic period

Those who seriously decided to conquer the heart of the Virgin, it must be remembered that the first positive impression should be supported by sincere feelings and good things. Virgo in love often exhibits such properties of character:

  • loyalty and dedication;
  • caring: its partner will be surrounded by caressing and love;
  • secrecy and reluctance to demonstrate feelings;
  • the desire for independence in material and household matters;
  • intolerance to deception and treason;
  • the desire to correct the flaws of the lover;
  • sharpness in statements.

Even the perfect partner is not insured against the critical comments of the Virgin. It is not hesitating to indicate the other for their shortcomings. Those who want to conquer the virgin and create a family, you need to understand that only patience will help here. The girl does not at all consider her beloved bad, just wants to make it better. Therefore, you need to demonstrate willingness to change and improve.

Virgo in sex does not show special passion. She is experiencing how her behavior will perceive the partner, so rarely manifests the initiative. In love with a male man should not hurry events, onslaught and determination is better to replace gentle and caress. The sign matches its name: Virgin is often stored chastity for one single man. But with him, their hidden sexuality can reveal to the fullest.

Harmonious marriage with a vir

Family life with a representative of this sign can be truly happy. But for this you will have to try both spouses. The Virgin needs to be less bored, and her husband is desirable to learn how to treat the spouse's caustic remarks with humor. The sign does not tolerate treasures, so the partner must keep her loyalty, because otherwise, Virgo without conversations leave the family. The lover of a woman of this sign is practically no possible: it is too principled and noble.

If the heart of the man conquered a girl born under the sign of the Virgin, he should certainly find out the features of her character and behavior. Understand her vision of the world and the image of the perfect halves will help the astrological characteristics of this sign of the zodiac. This will give the opportunity to a man who loved the virgin, not only to get the heart of this girl, and to make it for a real happy.

Women's character features - Virgo

From the nature of women - the Virgin is endowed with beauty and charm, femininity and self-confidence. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac are surprisingly combining both female qualities, such as tenderness, softness, and a logical mind, practicality and prudence. Thanks to such qualities, virgins are appreciated at work, as they show themselves responsible and hardworking, and in family life they are inborn hostesses, mother and loving wives.

Sometimes the behavior of a woman - the Virgin may seem critical and straightforward. However, due to its intelligence, the ability to analyze, the virgin becomes early wise, developed and how no one else can give a delight, practical advice. The circle of their communication is not very big. Often, the Virgin has several friends to whom she is very attached. Woman - Virgo is always in constant development, is engaged in something exciting and interesting. Therefore, a man who will not have goals in life and will be a boring interlocutor, it is unlikely to conquer her interest and time.

How to like a woman - Virgo

Woman - Virgo will not take the first step, so a man who wants to please her must be initiated, but within reasonable limits. The girl - Virgo must certainly feel as far as it is interesting for you and is important, and the man itself must have a mind, a sense of humor and solid vital position. Excessive self-confidence will only pushing this beautiful girl from him. She appreciates sincerity, kindness and deep inner world Man and how any woman needs romance and manifest the most tender feelings towards her.

Woman - Virgo, is capable of romantic feelings, loyalty and care. Therefore, a man who will be able to achieve reciprocity will be surrounded by comfort and comfort. On a date, the virgin is worth inviting in place where there will be no vulgarity. She loves good music cheerful company, fascinating conversation. Chosen Women - Virgin must have good manners, to be neat and in no case have harmful habits. Since Virgo herself to strive for a healthy lifestyle, it will be unpleasant to communicate with a person who is not interesting. Although an intimate life takes a lot of important place in a relationship for the Virgin, but it prefers to be restrained until he can trust and be confident in a man who cares for her.

Woman - Virgo and Marriage

Virgin is endowed with the ability to create a cozy, harmonious atmosphere in their home. Next to such a beautiful mistress, any man will feel comfort and comfort. Women - Virgas are economical and skillfully manage their own budget. They rarely spend the money, while they have a feeling of taste, thanks to which, in the House of the Devo, the beauty reigns.

Also, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac take care of their health and their loved ones. They strive for a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition. Therefore, women are women able not only to cook tasty, but with benefit for their family. This girl can manage to do their homeowners, look attractive and achieve success in his favorite business. Thanks to these qualities of character, it remains not only a wonderful wife, but an interesting person.

Women-Virgin outwardly calm, cold and reasonable, but be sure that they boil passions and emotions inside. Virgin is very practical, hardworking, easily mastering different professions and without much difficulty can achieve good results. The virgin girl is always a crowd of familiar and units of loved ones, so to conquer her heart, you should know how to get close to this narrow circle.

First, it must be remembered that the Virgin Pedantic and will not suffer untidiness, bad manners or rudeness. In communicating with a girl, the Virgin should be tactful, attention and courtship should also be adequate and corresponding to her mood.

Secondly, you should not immediately pounce on it with confessions, kisses and flowers, excerpt and patience is of great importance for women of this sign. It is useless to "buy" their attention too expensive gifts, Virgo simply will remain indifferent to them, but the original thing with the "character" (optionally dear) will undoubtedly have to do it.

Thirdly, women-devams like intellectually developed men who can support a conversation, get acquainted with something new and know how to listen carefully. Try to adjust the intensity of communication with the girl of this sign under its mood, and then it will very soon feel the need for your society and intimacy. If this happens, you will enjoy communicating with a sensual, feminine and smart partner.

What to do to conquer a woman maids

Due to the influence of the Earth's element, Virgo's woman is self-confidence and is calm and balanced in kind. The influence of the planets of Prezpine and Mercury makes them owners of rational mind are sensible and realistic natures. Therefore, before proceeding with decisive actions, aimed at winning a woman's woman, you need to think about everything and calculate everything.

The main characteristics of the owner of this sign is practicality, responsibility and rationality in everything. It has everything planned in advance and decomposed on the shelves. This is a person who has a clear understanding of his aspirations and goals and does everything to achieve them.

It shows not only towards himself the overestimated requirements, but also the people around it makes it cultivate and not stand still. The purposeful personality that has increased hardworking and perseverance, therefore, as a rule, they achieve success in everything, for whatever they have been taken.

Women who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin must be attributed to bright personalities that are distinguished by uniqueness and ingenuity. They always strive for order in everything, and any business is brought to the end. In addition, it is endowed with one of the useful qualities to which the ability can be attributed to the right and economically disposed of accumulated money and will never allow themselves to waste them on trifles. Women in family life are indisputable leaders in the family, and manages the material budget.

Not every man can conquer and conquer a woman's woman, as she selectively selects himself in this matter and carefully chooses a satellite life. First of all, a man not only should have a brilliant mind and intelligence, but also differ modesty and beautiful manners.

If the candidate for her heart decided to win, then it is necessary to act carefully and carefully, so as not to push off with his obsessive feelings. It should be borne in mind that in most cases the representative of this sign does not show the initiative due to their modesty and secrecy.

In a relationship with a woman, the Virgin You should constantly control your appearance and manners. It is always necessary to remember that they carefully plan their budget, so it is not worthwhile to spend money, as it just will scare it.

How Woman Loves Virgo - Woman Virgo in Love

Woman Virgo attracts men with his prudence and realistic looks for life. She does not tend to succumb to surpassed emotions, to make rapid acts, and unpredictability and impermanence to her alien.

She prefers ordered life. Where in everything there is an order, as for not only about the order in the house, at work, but also in feelings, actions, actions. She has a tendency to restore order, lay out everything to be in their places. There is a craving for clean and accuracy, the desire for the ideal.

Sometimes for the other her life may seem unnecessary and boring, because it is partly predictable in its actions. But on the other hand, thus she creates stability in her life. She doesn't like chaos and chaotic deeds.

IN love relationship Careful, sometimes infractiveness. She is not of those who can be seduced by eloquence and expensive gifts. For her, the main stability of the relationship. They are serious and responsible.

Sometimes she needs time to fully trust, find out a person better. Sometimes the fear of mistake makes hide feelings. They dorms in the depths of the soul to discover the only one in whom she will be absolutely confident.

Positive qualities Women Virgin in Love

  • Indement
  • Realistic
  • Caratitude
  • Non-flashlight
  • Calm
  • Self-proposal
  • Decency
  • Practicality
  • Goodworking
  • Thrift
  • Fidelity
  • Devotion
  • A responsibility
  • Care
  • Naturality
  • Caution
  • Analytical mind

Negative qualities of a woman's virgin in love

  • Critical
  • Restraint
  • Littleness
  • Pedantry
  • Difficulture
  • Categorical
  • Conservatism

See also the nature of the Virgin Characteristics of the Earth Element People

Woman Virgo in bed

Woman Virgo in bed can pay a lot of attention to various details, which interferes sometimes completely relax and get pleasure. This is especially manifested if she has pronounced the desire for perfection and pedantry. In this case, it is difficult for her to relax and surrender to the will of feelings and emotions.

In addition, often emotions and feelings are kept. And in behavior there may be conservative, traditional views. What also prevents relaxing.

But on the other hand, if she is completely confident in a man and can reveal his sensuality, then intimate relationships in bed can be very good. But for this, she needs to get rid of inner clamps, all that restrains feelings and emotions.

See also Virgo in sex

Who fits a woman's virgin

Women of the Virgin fit men with similar looks like her. Who seeks to seriously and stable relationships, can rejoice in ordinary earthly joy. Who does not scare monotony and work. Who can become for her responsible, reliable and faithful companion of life. Women's love is the earthly, calm, but at the same time stable and constant.

Woman Virgo will be good with a man

  • Serious
  • Responsible
  • Practical
  • Economic
  • Realistic
  • Reliable
  • Loyal
  • Economic

Woman Virgo will be difficult with a man

  • Unpredictable
  • Non-permanent
  • Vladen
  • Windy
  • Chatty
  • Touchy
  • Irresponsible
  • Impractical
  • Impulsive

How to win a woman maiden

To win a woman's woman, you have to show patience and perseverance. It is worth noting that people of the elements of the Earth do not know how to get acquainted so quickly and start relationships as representatives of the elements of air and water. Therefore, do not forget that for a woman of Virgin, as a representative of the Earth's element representatives, it is necessary to have more confidence in a man.

In vain to think that it can be injured, seduced with beautiful words. It may treat incredulously. For her, the main seriousness of the intentions of the man, the constancy and stability of the relationship.

She will not hobby with beautiful stories, fantasies and passion. In the relationship of her feelings and emotions are under strict control. She is all considering from the position of common sense and has sober looks for life. Material values For it, of course, it is important, but money is not the main goal.

See also How to conquer a woman's woman how to conquer a woman's woman

Woman Virgo in a relationship with a man


Woman Virgo in marriage

For a woman, the Virgin in marriage is in first place all the earthly worries and troubles. She herself is quite hardworking, practical, economic. Despite the fact that a strange thing may seem that it is restrained, but in the family it is most often very caring.

In addition, her sign itself symbolizes ministry, care and help to others. She is not one of those who will be scattered with beautiful words, promises. If she sees assistance, it will go and help, without unnecessary words and emotions. She likes to help, assist. True, many can use it calm, calmness. Looking at her shoulders a lot of work and responsibilities.

In the house, the Women's Virgin is usually always clean and gently, there is no chaos. She gladly fulfills all homework. Sometimes it is so absorbed by worries and troubles that there is no time to even rest. Condescendingly refers to the weaknesses of others.

Also for the sign of the Virgin is characterized by pedanticity and criticality. True, all women virgins are expressed in different ways, someone less, and someone else. With pronounced pedanticity, it will strictly follow the order, rules, to instruct others, criticize that not everyone can withstand.

Knows how to organize family life, to invest forces and energy, paying attention to different little things. Often among women virgus a lot of supporters healthy image Life I. healthy nutrition. To rest approach is traditional and economical. Choosing a clothing style, also pays a lot of attention to small things.

See also the appearance of the Virgin

How to return a woman's woman

A woman's wife is not so easy to return. She, although not inclined to break relations and wants to protect marriage from the break. But on the other hand, having received a negative experience of relations, no longer wants to return them.

In addition, she critically looks at everything, and if a person blew her confidence without end, she would critically take his words, and she does not give in to persuasion. In his decision, it exhibits the hardness characteristic of the elements of the Earth.

But on the other hand, if the feelings have not yet disappeared, and there is a lot of you, it is possible to return a woman a woman possible, but it takes time for this. She needs time to analyze and decide on the faithful and unmistakable step.

See also how to make a woman with a woman Virgin how to return a woman's woman

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or you want to learn more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

How to attract, like and conquer a woman maiden

Like and conquer a woman's woman will be much more difficult than women other signs of the zodiac. The more disappointment she will know in love, the more difficult for her to decide on new relationships. All past unsuccessful experience is postponed in memory, analyzed and always compared with the new one. Accordingly, more requirements will be presented to the fan and check time.

Immediately it is necessary to note the most important thing that no flirting, flattery, talking about what a woman is not attracted about.

  1. It draws attention exclusively on men responsible, practical, hardworking, ready for serious relationship.
  2. It is necessary that his clothes are clean, neat. Virgo not just love purity, but they themselves try to support her, and her future chosen one should do the same. A sloppy look, the smell of sweat, dirt, felling collar, a mad clothes - will not be left without attention and will push it away.
  3. In clothes it is better to stick classic style, Avoid extremes. She will not want to be close to an extravagant man or who looks like a miracle in feathers.
  4. We will have to come to terms that she can refuse it for the first date, because he considers it to immediately agree not decently and so exists caution.
  5. Attracting her attention should be gradually, providing signs of attention, care. Women of the Virgin rarely when falling in love at first sight, but in any case, her attention attracted caring and restrained men.
  6. She loves conversations on practical topics, about work, health, career, home comfort. Tell us about your past, so she will know more about you and will imbued with you confidence. You can talk a lot about home, household topics, analyze many details, there are no equal to the virgin. But the conversation itself should pass exclusively in a friendly and calm tone.

See also how a woman loves

How to like a woman's virgin

To enjoy a woman's virgin, it is necessary, first of all, neat and decent.

  1. Avoid rude words, not to mention obscene words.
  2. It is impossible to pester with kisses and hugs. Too annoying and obsessive and aggressive she avoids.
  3. She likes a man with sensible realism and who can properly dispose of money, be economical. Therefore, it will take too expensive gifts, as for the inability to use money and can calculate the transient fan.
  4. You should always be purely dressed with it, smoothly shaved, the shirt is clean with a pleasant smell.
  5. With such a man should not be boring. He must have interesting lessons, work, he must improve in his career.
  6. And be sure to be sincere, open and honest with your beloved. Because the Virgin critically belongs to a lot that they see and hear and deceive them not just. Honesty and truthfulness for it is important than physical beauty.
  7. In addition, it is necessary to adapt to her mood, feel it when it is necessary to listen to carefully, and when and watching or give advice. It is necessary to become her assistant so that she could not do without you and then only she wants to spend more time with you and including to agree to the proximity. But only so, not otherwise.

How to win a woman maiden

For a woman of Virgin, it is also important to see that she plays an important role in the life of a man.

  1. And if at the very beginning of relationship, it most often does not show the initiative due to its modesty, then as relationships develop, wants to meet more and more.
  2. The more help her and maintain, the faster it will win.
  3. It is important for it to beautiful wordsThe attention was also supported by sincere feeling and good deeds.
  4. But even an ideal partner, she can criticize, such a character of the Virgin. But her criticality is not from the fact that she considers her man bad, but actually wants him to be better. Since this sign tends to strive for self-improvement and it is necessary to understand and refer to her comments calmly.
  5. Virgo in sex rarely manifests the initiative and passion, because it is experiencing, suddenly the partner will not correctly perceive its behavior. To start important preparatory stage Before the intimate proximity in the form of a caress, tenderness, so that you will absolutely cause trust.
  6. It goes without saying, a man should keep loyalty only to her, because she also keeps her loyalty. She will not tolerate her mistress, will not share a man, and the thought of being someone's most unpleasant.

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of those participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or want to learn more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, take advantage of astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

How do women love - Virgin?

Women of the Virgin is extremely demanding on their chosen one. Because of this, it often happens that they live themselves all their lives in search of the man who will correspond to their requests.

Most often, Virgo is an opinion about a person, without even talking to him, on the basis of only external view. For this reason, most of the worthy candidates simply simply did not have the opportunity to reveal and show themselves from the good side.

In relations, they constantly hold their emotions under control, in the ability to manage their feelings, they have no equal. She almost never shows her aspirations and intentions. Always keeps restrained, seriously and worthy. Men male attracts exactly their modesty and beautiful manners, the behavior of a true lady. Such a woman will never go down to insults and humiliations. As women of the Virgin and the manner of their behavior are worthy of sincere respect.

If Virgo is truly falling in love, then, as a rule, does not see negative Parties of his partner. She is inclined to idealize her beloved man. To a man, Woman Virgo will treat as a book that needs to be urgent. She knows perfectly how to handle men and can take the situation in their hands.

Women of the Virgin are trying to cultivate in relations and develop their spiritual side. They are pleased with their partner to visit exhibitions, literary evenings and concerts. Woman Virgo, being in a relationship, generous, patient and good, but at the same time does not lose its purposefulness and listens more to mind than to heart.

Virgo woman knows what a man wants. Even if he himself did not realize his desires, she will tell him and help him. The character of the Woman of Virgin significantly highlights it against the background of other representatives of the zodiac group.

As for intimate life, the women of the Virgin are not prone to exaggeration. They will not come up with something fabulous, which is worth to expect from sex, and belong to this as a natural process. Virgo woman believes that relations should be logically to lead to intimate intimacy And not accepting hasty development of events.

Loving woman Virgo, if there is an opportunity, will try to bring romance to the relationship. For example, decorate the bedroom with flowers so that this fragrance filled the entire room. But to expect something more from it, for example, the appearance of a semi-naked form is not worth it. She is clearly convinced that this is not a movie, but she is not an actress.

Useful (9) Useless (5)

So, you found a virgin who put an eye, right? No one can blame you. The girl who was born from August 22 to September 21 is seductive and charming. She feminine and shy, but at the same time strong and certainly principled. Want to know how to attract her attention to yourself and only to yourself? It is easy to do if you can approach her slowly, make an impression on it with your humor, and adapt to its perfectionism.


Part 1

Establish contact

    First, become a friend for her. Virgo girl is one of those who you need to slowly take the conversation. She should know who you and feel comfortable with you before you can get closer to romance or sexual relationship. She likes to know what she is getting involved, so first become a friend for her. Everything that should be done is to wait, and it will certainly become.

    Take the first step. The girls of the Virgin are very shy, so be careful not to confuse her shyness with indifference to you. To start the relationship with the Virgin, you should take the first step, as it is too shy and usually does not make it myself. As soon as she finds out you, her shyness will evaporate, and she will behave more confident towards you. But now you should take on all responsibility.

    • Just decide what you want to do - she will attract your definite knowledge. Tell her exactly where you would like to dine with her or what you would like to do on this weekend. Who could make an offer with such confidence and desire?
    • Be traditional. Do not leave it one in a dark room and do not start to unbutton the belt. Be romantic and do not rush events. For her courtship above all.
  1. Be polite and miles towards her. Women of the Virgin have weakness to romantic words, and better call it "beautiful" or "pretty" instead of "hot" or "sexy." When communicating with her, be kind and caring. It will not be impressed with any manifestation of male chauvinism or playful condescension. Games are not for her.

    • She is looking for a regular partner. Those who can help her do nothing to worry about and will give her calmness. If you play cat - mouse or rope pulling, it will not take part in this game. She wants to know that you are interested in it and only in it, and you will not beat anywhere. In short, she must trust you.
  2. Create smart conversations with her. First of all, Virgo will appreciate your intelligence. It's great if you are honey and is good, but if you do not shove your mind, she will quickly run away. Therefore, when you talk to her, choose what it will be interesting. She probably won all themes!

    • She will like it if you talk about current events, politics, literature, music, history, science, and so on. If you can keep up with her, she will know that you are worth it. So start reading more!
  3. Read by eye. Since the Virgo is a creature that you must pull out of the cell, it is important to feel that it feels in relation to you. When you sit next to her, look into her eyes. If they are passionate and calling, because she wants to sit closer to death to you, act. If they say, "what, damn, are you doing?" So the time to retreat.

    • In order to understand the virgin, it needs to be read. Sometimes you will be wrong, but if you make friends, by this time you should already be good with her familiar. At worst, you can just openly ask her! She will appreciate your directness until you are tactical and diplomatic.

    Part 2

    1. Dress up fashionable. Women of the Virgin love when their partner dresses well. She is a sufficient perfectionist, so you also need to join it (she does not want to spend their time, making it for you!). IN everyday life Virgo will look good in T-shirt and jeans, but dressed by Virgo wants a jacket and spiffy shoes. In any case, do it seems that you understand what it is.

      • This does not mean that you should be fashionable. No, no, no - there are irrelevated things that Virgo will always appreciate. Good shirt on buttons, good jacket - Even a nostalgic old-fashioned T-shirt will receive its approval. If you follow your appearance, it will notice it.
    2. Be clean. In addition to choosing the right clothes, you must be clean! The Virgin needs a partner well-groomed to the maximum: this means that you have to have clean ears, clean nails, pure nose, clean everything. You should also smell well!

      Everything in your life should be clean. If the Virgin has to be made through the wrappers to sit down in your car, it will rather go on foot. Will go back home. She hates mess and will not tolerate him. It is not about her at all - to be with an inorganized person. She will not have a choice except to get out of bed and remove the room for you! Definitely not romantic.

      • So, when you see it laid down in your closet all over the shelves, do not be surprised. It is only her. You do not have to change your habits - only if you are not the one who leaves the pizza on the floor for later. The Virgin does not need the same partner cleanly, as she, but she also does not need dirt!
    3. Possess all the necessary qualities. Virgo wants her lover clever, funny, cute, and loving. Although intelligence definitely occupies a central place, ideally you must have all these qualities. Be so balanced as possible, letting her learn about you what she loves.

      • Whatever she wanted more, talk to her about everything. Consider her mind. It can be literally everything. If she wants to talk about the Swiss art of the 18th century, wonderful. If she wants to talk about the Kardashian family - excellent. Show it that you can cope with any of her face and with her mind.

      Part 3.

      1. Let it worry less. The mind of the Virgin works all the time, it works and works. ALL THE TIME. She constantly quit for something on trifles, including to himself. She needs someone who can help her calm down, be her support. If you can do it, she will not have any reasons to let you go.

        • When you see that she thinks about something, ask her what happened. If she does not tell, do not retreat. She may just want water or feel uncomfortable asking for help. Let her know that you are near when she needs.
        • When you better get acquainted with her, it is likely that you will need to control at least some of the reasons for her anxiety. Try to relieve her life by making something for her. Should she be on blisters? Cleaning? How can you help her to give her more time to rest?
      2. Control with her perfectionism. Because of the fact that her mind works all the time, she notices every detail in the book. If something is wrong, be sure it will take this note. So, if your shirt jumped a little on his back, she will notice. If in your locker for spices a mess, it will notice. In any case, this is not a big problem, but this is what it takes on a note in his head.

        • You can spend a little longer on it. Although Virgo is always neat, she probably now knows what defined efforts she takes more time. If it is a creative type, she will devote so much time to its art until it becomes perfect. She is modern Zlatovlask!
      3. Take her to nature. Virgo is a congenital street lover. If you want to see her smile, take it on nature. Take her on a picnic or go hiking. Swim on the kayaks on the lake. She is not from those who complain about the weather or ensures that her hair looks flawless every second. Take her on nature and leave unforgettable memories!

      4. Know that it can be quite secret. Virgo does not believe in kisses, words and constant manifestations of emotions. Of course, there will be moments when it will feel openly, but most often she wants to stay restrained. Keep the PDA nearby - you will have time to be affectionate at home.

        • Sometimes Virgo does not show his emotions. If you want to know what she thinks or feels, just ask. This is not because she does not feel anything to you; It's just because it believes that emotions are an extremely personal moment.
      5. Keep the Word. Virgo should know that she can rely on you. Therefore, do not forget to keep your word. This is not exactly the same as being honest. For example, if you say that call her at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, call her at 3 pm - not at 3:30 or 4:00. If you are reliable, she will no doubt for you.

        • Therefore, before you say that you will do everything, make sure that you can do it. Do not give promises or commitments that you cannot execute. And if you must destroy the promise, with good intentions, explain the entire situation. Then she will appreciate your honesty and your attempt to serve it.
      6. Compromise. Deev do not like a fight and dispute. Virgo girl will allow you to do what you want, but myself will be upset. This can lead to serious fractures in the foundation of relations. Go with her compromise to stay happy.

        • Watch your composure. Gentle Virgo does not show unreasonable anger and rage. Listen to her when she is trying to talk to you. Usually the fact that she tells you important, otherwise she will not bother you with conversations!
      7. Be true to her. If you are from the type of people who change their girls, Virgo will not communicate with you. When you get acquainted with her, let her understand that you are honest, reliable, and know how to treat people, in particular to women. Virgo is not looking for a "bag with tools" for a potential partnership.

        • Virgo is truly sensitive and looking for a permanent partner who will be faithful and devoted. Virgo can be coquetty, but as soon as they consist of someone in relationships - they are completely devoted. A man who, together with the Virgin, will always have a sole man in life.
      • Be reliable and honest to build trust. We have worry to worry, and it will help put their minds at ease.
      • Virgin girls do not rush to appearance or money. Therefore, it is important that you had a great sense of humor and a good look at life.
      • If you decide that you want a woman's woman, you should behave like a gentleman, and not "Neanderthals". Virns hate people whose personality can be controlled, and, like scorpion, they never change to suit someone!
      • Virns love the smell of candles, fresh linen, perfume, and cologne.
      • Virgo is forgive, but they also believe in what you sincerely sorry that you offended it and you will not make it again.
      • Do not promise anything to the girl's virgin if you can't hold back promises.
      • Virgines hate span and dirt, and will not meet with a man who does not follow themselves and their home.
      • The girls of the Virgin hate a rough speech and consider rude behavior with nozzles!
      • If your car is dirty, and you do not have a full gasoline tank, forget!

Original and multifaceted male male, how to conquer this sign, professional astrologers can answer. Relations with such a strong gender can be complex. Virgo will not give the chief chief in diamonds.

This individualist, akchachy and the pedant will not build air locks, cherish unless dreams. How to understand a man's man? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that he is a pragmatist. The role of romance is not for such a man. It should be taken as it is. Otherwise, harmonious relationships do not build.

How to understand the virgin?

To the question of how to understand the virgin, it is definitely difficult to answer. This pragmatist, critic and realist is a multifaceted and difficult nature. To build harmonious relationships, it is necessary to take into account the zodiac characteristics of the sign, the features that are inherent in the Virgin.

This man is primarily a practitioner. How to attract the attention of the Virgin? Naturally, not to show that you are twist in the clouds. A man is a convinced realist. It perceives the reality of cool and calmly. Virgo's pink glasses is not wearing. Moreover, annoyed when someone tries to make him look at the world through a similar accessory.

To understand how to fall in love with a male, a man, devoid of romanticism, it is necessary to remember that it is not inclined to sentimentality, practically does not have illusions. His trump card - accurate calculation. The masses are attracting the same women.

If your chosen one is interested, do not look for the standard signs of a loved man in his behavior, Virgo is extraordinary. A woman who attracted attention he criticizes. This happens because the beloved becomes the object close attention Virgin. He studies her literally as in the laboratory. Naturally, the man notices many flaws and features of a woman. And his criticism is an attempt to make a partner ideal.

How to attract a guy a virgin

Want to know how to attract a guy a virgin? Get ready to act without fuss. Recognize with the seduction it is necessary for all representatives of the zodiac sign in one degree or another. All Virgo are responsible. They strive to bring started to the end. Opposite qualities in people of these pragmatists annoy. Accordingly, if you took a step, Virgo will wait for the second from you. Without waiting, disappointed and leave.

How to attract a man's male taking into account other features of his personality? It is worth trying to play the desire to take care. Virgin, sometimes the impression of inattentive and indifferent, is actually tacty, very attentive to others. They are generous to support. But help from the Virgin can only be expected in difficult situations. These pragmatists spend the forces reasonably. With the problem of a broken nail one should not turn to the Virgin.

How to win a man male

Virgo not only realistic, cynical and pragmatic. These are famous pedants. How to win a man's male taking into account this feature of nature? A clear and thoughtful strategy is needed here. Create relationships with the Virgin is recommended literally "on schedule." He appreciates the rules, they should readily. All that is planned in advance for the Virgin is predictable and understandable. Do not like these pedants of unexpected guests, other similar surprises.

How to conquer the heart of the Virgin, the question is not easy, but understandable. It is much more difficult to develop relationships with such a man. Think over how to keep the virgin? Ideal woman For this, practice, realist and pedant must be sensible, calm, attentive, patient, reliable, understanding, faithful. Also importantly, its ability to keep the economy.

How to win the virgin

The Union of Aries-Virgo is harmonious. He, like any other, is not deprived of pitfalls. But mutual understanding is present in a pair, and in most cases) partners are completely satisfied with each other.

How to win a Woman Woman Woman? It is worth demonstrating femininity, sincerity, honesty. Also in women Virgin is appreciated generosity. AND we are talking Not always about money. First of all, the man needs time for the development of relations, knowledge of the partner. If a woman Aries is ready to give him time, it is almost perfect.

How to fall in love with a girl's guy? It is necessary to listen to him, to engage the arguments, maintain intellectual conversations. Woman Aries can do it perfectly. She is an excellent listener, has a living mind. Some consider it an unceremonious, increasing, impulsive, super moto, as well as immature and impractical.

Such Aries can be with anyone, but not with the Virgin. For this, the man is gentle, feminine, restrained, gentle and forever Yuna. She, dividing his idealism, can become an ideal companion. To preserve the relationship of Aries, it is important to get rid of insecurity, secret fears and caused by aggressive behavior.

How to win a virgin

How to attract the attention of the Virgin, Men of realistic and cynical, woman to the calf? It is very difficult. First of all, because the representatives of the signs of the zodiac are largely similar. Taurus and Virgo are practical, constant. Each of them prefers (any) inaction.

At the same time, both will prevent hysterics and whims. How to conquer the virgin, a man of a reliable and self-sufficient, the woman of the Taurus knows sometimes better than other representatives of the weak gender. But the desire to seduce her arises extremely rarely.

Taurus and Virgo - astrologically related signs. A man and woman will rather become good friends, buddies, partners than lovers. But family couples in Tandem Taurus-Virgo are found. Their relationship is characterized by harmony.

In this case, much depends on the behavior of a woman. If it is acting correctly, pragmatist, cynic and realist of Virgo will be a manual, sweet, homemade, stopped and pliable. Soft and courteous of him almost no one knows. But for his beloved wife, he is an ideal of a family man. Taurus and Virgo in the family are gentle, caring. Both are delivered. No one is annoyed by trifles.

As twins win the virgin

The way to attract the virgin is not a problem for twins. These women draw attention to men regardless of their zodiac metrics. But with the seduction and retention of the partner there may be problems. How to win the love of the virgin woman to twins? It will not be easy. First of all, the pair plays contrast of interests. She loves to communicate, being in society. He seeks to solitude.

Activity and permanent twin chatteries straining the masses. Moreover, the favorite topics for conversations are high matter, illusory plans and other things, incomprehensible pragmatic brain of a man. But all this is unlikely to become a reason for breaking the relationship. Just truly resting Male Virgo will be in the absence of a twin house. At this time, he will be able to plunge into his thoughts, to do pleasant affairs (from the pavement of the TV before viewing the exchange quotes), to be in silence.

The problem in relationships can become petty pedanthism and the demanding of the Virgin. A man can try to locate twins in a homemade cage. A woman born to fly, is unlikely to come with this.

How to conquer the virgin

The union of cancer and the virgin can be different: bright and strong, gentle and sensual, passionate and exciting. But the relationship will in any case develop not by the usual happy scheme. How to conquer a virgin woman with a cancer? We'll have to show fantasy. As a rule, cancers are focused on the family.

Most virles are experiencing apathy for marriage. Among these men are often found bachelors. Accordingly, it is not easy to marry such a representative of the strong sex. He will agree to the design of relations, only if he himself comes to the conclusion that it is time to settle in one house.

The question of how to keep a man's male is very relevant for cancer. A woman often has to resort to tricks and tricks. But it is recommended to do it extremely carefully. Calculating Virgin, inclined to analyze everything, easily notice the catch. An attempt to marry a wandering man can be a push to the rupture of relationships.

Hold the virgin more efficiently and care, manifestation of interest in his business. Also, a partner must have qualities important for a man: practicality, restraint, responsibility, generosity, ability to analyze. But the sentimentality and emotional immaturity repel pragmatic maids.

How to conquer the virgin

The Lioness knows how to fall in love with a virgin, many answers (as it seems). After all, she considers all men the same. But in relation to the Virgin standard schemes do not work. Of course, each man can have a beauty and royal lioness manners. But as soon as it shows character, Virgo will run away. Moreover, it will go in English, without explaining the reasons. Only in love with lioness can endure the royal leaving.

Couple relationships will not call simple and cloudless. She craves worship and admiration. He is a stingy compliments, practical, rational. At the same time, the Union of Lev-Virgo is quite possible. It can even be harmonious.

How to understand what you like the virgin if you are a lioness? It is noted on time that it became the object of study and analysis. That is how men are treated with potential chosen, born under the sign of the Virgin. They study a woman, analyze the possibility of developing relationships.

But not everything can predict Pragmatik Virgo. The lioness often presents his lover surprises. This refreshes the relationship, in her opinion. He alrocate such surprises nervous system. Savings of a professional astrologer will help to save harmony in the relationship of the Lioness and the Virgin.

How to win a virgin

How to interest the virgin to the representative of the same sign? It is not easy, because they are so similar and so different at the same time. He perceives her impassive, reasonable, sees target and pragmatism. She also notices these qualities in it, but she craves one - love.

With the Virgin, building relationships according to the classic scheme is almost impossible. With men born under this sign, you have to be extremely patient, collecting your happiness in grains. It can borpify quite quickly even reasonable and pragmatic virgin. Immersed in any case partner risks losing a woman because of his inattention.

How to understand that Virgo loves? A man begins to give a woman attention signs. But this is unlikely to touch or, for example, kisses. Also, Pragmatik will not blast the elected bouquets. But wink in a conversation - please.

To keep the virgin, a woman's virgin is worth understanding one thing: with this rationalist it is meaningless to communicate with views. A little better man perceives gestures. But it is best to openly say that a woman wants. If, of course, we are not talking about the wedding. Virgo values \u200b\u200bindependence. You can marry such a man on yourself, but only patiently waiting for his decisions about the design of relationships.

As weights to conquer a virgin

Woman Libra Like Men. It has something seductive and misfortune. Woman scales gentle, romantic and passionate. Many men celebrate a special melodiousness of her voice. How to interest a male woman woman weighs? Here you have to apply another seduction tactics.

Virgo do not notice (or do not allow themselves to notice) the little things like a languid look, melodic speech, etc. They are pragmatics, often cynic. In addition, the Virgin intuitively feel people. Such men quickly consider the romance of weights the desire to rule.

At the same time, the Union of Representatives of the Two Signs is possible and has every chance of being harmonious. But both will have to make compromises. Scales tend to pull with the solution, carefully weighing for, against, analyzing what is happening, taking into account the past experience. For the Virgin Reflection is unacceptable.

A man focuses, quickly decides. In order to avoid conflicts, someone must give way to the Brazuds of the Board when making important decisions. Another stumbling block in a pair can be the attitude of both to cleanliness. Scales allow light carelessness. Pedants of the virgin devotees clean. Compromise will avoid domestic quantities.

As scorpion to conquer a virgin

How to seduce the virginity with contradictory scorpion? Demonstrate interest, and subsequently - willingness to love a man with all its features and disadvantages. Virgo are different. One representative of the zodiac sign can have a living imagination, setting it into a virtual world. Another may be carried away by magic, witchcraft, hypnosis, shamanism. The third sins with self-confidence. But each of them is important to make it clear that the capital life truths do not know the mind, but with a heart. Woman Scorpio will greatly cope with this task.

For a representative of a weak floor, it is important to feel necessary. And she needs her chief of his chosen as anyone else. This often lays the basis of their relationship. Scorpion and Virgin have a lot in common. Both straight and honest are purposeful. Combines them and relieves for knowledge.

Scorpio and Virgo can become reliable partners, protecting and supporting each other. For harmony in relationships, both it is important to listen to the partner. Scorpion at the same time it is recommended to avoid building air locks. The virgin should temper the annoying curiosity, change the coldness to warm.

How to conquer the virgin

Silver does not need to invent, how to like the virgin. This woman has a trump card that she does not premone apply. This is a hidden readiness to obey a loving and beloved man. Pragmatist, rationalist and realist, Virgo is looking for just such a companion. In Sagittar, it attracts a lot of qualities, starting with a sharp mind, ending with tenderness.

Special attention of the Virgin is to be honesty. Sagittarius do not bring liars and crooks. This man and woman are like. But they have completely different temperaments.

How to seduce a male girl to a woman Sagittar? It is necessary to dose the fervor to not to scare an individual who appreciates its own independence. Relations with the Virgin in Saglots, as a rule, develop rapidly. Women born under this sign are incredibly lucky.

And men are often missing for men. But next to such a partner, each pragmatist and realist becomes a little adventurer. This makes the life of a virgin more interesting, brighter. For your partner, justifying expectations, a man is ready on a lot. In such a satellite, the Sagittarius, invested, but wounded, will not disappoin. Male Virgo is one who will not betray. He can be trusted, this and appreciates most women, including those born under the sign of Sagittarius.

How Capricorn Walk Virgin

Women Capricorns famous bellyhead. The same can be said about men devices. This combines representatives of the signs of the zodiac. How to like the guy Virgin Girl Capricorn? First of all, it is worth the time to leave silent thoughtfulness, shine with erudition and smile. Virgo love interesting interlocutors with a living mind. Capricorns have these qualities, but often hide them.

To the question of how to charm the virgin, there are other answers. You can attract the attention of men with business qualities. The only thing that should be avoided is excessive brightness. Woman holiday - theatrical image, and for the scene, she is something frightening for the Virgin. Men born under this sign love quiet, reasonable women.

It is important for them not bright packaging, but high-quality content. Do not suffer the Virgin of Lightness, emotional immaturity. Pink glasses Not the best carcargy woman accessory to meet with a man's dream.

How to conquer a virgin

Virgo and Aquarius are looking for great love. These people will not keep their obligations, respect, friendship. Maid male can wait the only one for a long time. For Woman Aquarius, the search is also habit.

How to like a man's male if you are born under water sign? First of all, you should forget about the cloth. For water, it is characteristic of shocking men. Women born under this sign, for example, can easily skip in conversation a strong little character or an intimate joke. Chastely from the nature of a man's male is most likely to force. He will stop even looking towards the vulgar person. To attract his attention, you must be restrained, witty, not to descend to familiarities.

How to marry a man's man? Here, the decision should take himself. To push the chosen one, it is necessary to cause strong feelings in it. Only a sincere loving man Virgo will agree to marriage. A woman make a proposal is not recommended. Any encroachment to the freedom of the virgin is perceived extremely negative. In the case of the outlined marriage, more precisely, the proposal of the hand and the heart is better to wait. And at the time of admission - sincerely, the decisiveness of his beloved and, of course, to answer consent.

How to conquer a virgin

Fish woman - a real gift for any man. She is feminine from nature, sensual. Also women of this sign often have a timidity, constraint. Fish is often called angel-like. How to charm a man's male, a representative of this sign is not thinking. She just falls in love with himself and wants to be with the chosen one. Interest in his Person Virgo notes quickly. And how not to answer the attention of such an angel-like woman?

Fish woman can give 100 odd glasses by a representative of any other zodiac sign in how to seduce a man's male. And in retention of partners born neptune there are no equal. Harmony in relations is violated only if the fish are not completely absorbed by love for the Virgin.

Then a man receives not one companion, but a harem of 12 different women (according to a zodiacal circle). Fish is a real chameleon. A woman born under this sign is capable of changing lightning. It can show features of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, to be a lioness, fluttering in the clouds like twins.