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How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully. Competent speech: how to make your speech beautiful

Stop fierce

No, of course, if your main interlocutors are street gopot, then without workshop juggling, do not do. But when communicating with normal people, Mat is an indicator of low cultural level. Few who will like to communicate with a person who cannot express his emotions with a competent Russian language.

Rough jargonisms - your enemy

Jargonisms and competent speech are two almost incompatible concepts. Almost - because the jargon happens different. Of course, two system administrators will understand each other much faster if they will use "Svitch" in their speech, and not the "network switch", but in other cases it is better to call it with their own names. Especially annoying the semi-criminal and "Padonkoff" slang is unpleasant and not interesting. Get rid of your speech from these harmful revolutions. Tell me how to eat: "We quickly got, because We were lucky - on the traffic lights the green signal was burning, "instead of" ept, we finally wrote out of the leave in the green. "

Brevity is the soul of wit

If you can express the essence of your thought in two sentences, it is completely no need to "spread it on the tree." Competent speech implies the ability to express briefly and in the case. But be careful when the situation requires a detailed clarification, it is better to spend a few minutes for additional explanations than to be incomprehensible. Explore the rules of cultural communication.

Variate your speech depending on the situation.

Your boss is hardly like. If it is very important to call "Vitek", and a friend, for the appeal "Vyacheslav Leonidovich ...", heard from you, at best turns his finger at the temple. Learn to speak with the interlocutor on the "one language", and communication will be more productive.

Stop constantly apologize

Many people have the habit of building their phrases in advance apologizing tone. It seems to them that they will quickly call the location to themselves. This is not true. Confident, straightforward (in moderate, of course, limits) It will be a lot better on the interlocutor than "I am not very convenient to ask, but maybe you will agree ...", etc. Be confident and asserts.

Follow the return

Replenish your vocabulary

Read more literature ("Ladies' detectives" and free anecdotes "do not count) and try to identify any interesting speech turnover or phrases, remember them. Take a rule for at least a couple of times a week to open an spelling dictionary and find there unknown to you or little words used. But be careful with this advice - use new phrases only in the required context. When a person is on the question "What are you doing tonight?", Replies: "I am engaged in Sesta," it looks at least stupid (for those who do not know, Siesta is an afternoon holiday ").

Our speech is not only a tool for communication and information transfer, but also our individual feature ...

The speech of each person is unique and has a number of individual features. The voice is just as unique as fingerprints or the structure of the retina. According to the voice of a person, the character of man is judged. It is known that the overall impression of a person by 55% depends on the facial expressions, by 38% - from the vote, and only by 7% - from the fact that this man speaks.

Only competent net speech is able to transmit the correct information to be understandable to others.

The secret of your success in art is to speak!

From early childhood and to deep old age, a person's life is connected with speech. Rough thinking is a rough speech, cultural thinking - cultural speech. Since there is always a thought in front of the word, we cannot develop our speech without thinking. In antiquity, there was a rhetoric science, the founder of which was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. He pointed out that the skill of the speech was determined by three composite. The first of these was the clarity of thought, and it appears only with the knowledge that a person gets along with experience. Only with the development of clarity of thinking will gradually develop and speech. So that our speech is clear, it should reflect the developed mind, thoughtfulness, literacy, and so that it is also pleasant, it should be expressive and emotional. Through words, a person can touch the ancient thoughts of the ancestors, get experience and knowledge and send a message to his great-grandcomas into the future.

Properties of speech:

  1. Content - characterized by the volume of thoughts expressed in it is ensured by the preparedness of the speaker.
  2. Understandable - due to the main volume of knowledge of listeners, is ensured by selective selection of material available to listeners.
  3. Expressiveness - is associated with emotional saturation, provided by intonation, accent, pauses.
  4. Effectiveness - determined by the influence of thoughts, feelings, behavior, is ensured by taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners.

A person who owns a competent speech makes a profitable impression, it is more often achieved by the goal, it is more successful in professional activities, it is easier for him to adapt in any life situation.

Proper speech has an almost magical effect. She wants to listen and listen; And from other - close the ears and run away.

The ownership of art is beautiful and competent to speak, unfortunately, meets more and less.

People who think of masterpiecely, sometimes do not know how to pronounce themselves in words. Many people are difficult to express their thoughts, feelings, retell something interesting from the read, seen, experienced.

But for the undiscusing speech of such people sometimes hides a magnificent intelligence, an interesting person. But to recognize this, it takes time. And the time is what we constantly lack.

Hence only one way - you need to train your speech. After all, the ability to speak beautifully is not a natural gift, but a bone acquired skill that can be brought to perfection. Even if you are not going to become a professional speaker, the ability to speak beautifully, to use the speech, will be extraordinarily useful both at work and in everyday personal life.

Following some rules can significantly improve the quality of speech.

First, read more. Newspapers, magazines, high-quality fiction. In this sense, our domestic classic is ideal, which we all have studied in school years (or have not studied that it is sad). Read or re-read the classics! And loud, not in a hurry. Such reading will give a colossal effect. It will accumulate you to the correct construction of words in the sentence, will increase the vocabulary.

Thirdly, follow the tempo of speech. It should not be monotonous. Pause allocate the main points of the conversation. It should be appropriate and not tightened.

Fourth, use in colloquial speech, conversation, metaphors, figurative expressions, sayings, finally. It will be prompting, make it more interesting. And, of course, the win-win version is humor. Relevant self-irony, jokes will give the brilliance of your speech. After all, words are only funds for transmitting information, but how you will make them, say - either you are in the soul, or not.

Fifth, say, train as much as possible. It is easy to do if you have a wide range of communication. If it is not, then the TV or radio will help. Choose a TV presenter that you like best, and try to imitate him. Repeat out loud (!) The phrases behind it, copying its voice intonation. This is not easy, but after some time you will certainly see progress. In addition to the development of melodic speech, you replenish your lexicon.

There is one more funny, and only at first a complicated exercise. Choose any simple item from homemade, such as flooring or home slippers. Determine the limit of time in which you will tell about this with a beautiful literary language. First, it will be difficult for a total of 5 minutes to talk about some banal butter. But with each workout it will be easier. Increasing time limit and complicating theme, you will soon overcome uncertainty, peace before words, inability to pick them up. In the end, you will be able to pass on your home slippers to the whole hour, never happening again. This is better to study in a group or with homemade, turning the training in a kind of game. Alternately, everyone becomes performer, and a listener.

Another exercise from Matrov on speech on the development of melodiousness.

Singeling, singery,

Velvet, velvet.

Dare, try, play!

The ability is beautiful and meaningful to speak not everyone. This is preceded by long-term classes, great desire and patience. If you consciously decided to find the answer to the question: "How to develop a clear, beautiful, laconic speech in the home?" - The advice and steps described in the article will lead you to good results and put the foundation in oratory.

Before starting classes, you need to know the requirements and program of action. This simple scheme will work out beautiful and full-fledged speech, will increase you in the eyes of acquaintances, will make it say unmistakably about any read text. To learn how to translate thoughts in words and without any difficulties to make them in beautiful expressions, these items should be performed.
For lessons to improve speech, you need to:

  • Great desire;
  • Preferably;
  • Allocation of time and premises;
  • Confidence in the ultimate goal;
  • Support for loved ones.

The program whose items you will adhere to is quite simple and interesting. Taking her as a basis, you can see the effectiveness and expediency in a short time. It:

Classic is useful and indispensable

Classical literature contains a beautiful and rich speech. Dialogs of the Heroes, their reflections contribute to speaking correctly built phrases. The verbal turns, the authors, reflect not only the era of the time, the plot and dynamics of development, but also the inner world, crowded with morality and high idea.
Any work, which is classic, replenishes vocabulary. Beautiful words encourage developing imagination, a desire to learn how to play by the rules of expressions will appear, so that the listener receives not only useful information, but also remained satisfied with the communication and did not regret the time spent.

The importance of the tempo

A thoughtful performance includes content, time definition and choosing a tempo. Monotonicity even with an exceptionally ideal material creates boredom, monotony and rejection. Learn to arrange pauses no less important than the selected topic and selected information.
The slowness or speed of speech is fraught with a lack of contact with the audience. Without understanding the content, the public will simply stop responding to a speech. Then beautifully prepared information turn into a comalry song or a complex patter. Of course, over time, this problem will cease to exist. The experience of talking and feeling the audience comes in the process of multi-day work on himself.

Adding raisins

Dry text saturated with the necessary information will be bored and uninteresting. When there are livelihoods, confirmed phrases of famous personalities, wise sayings and light humor, then the conversation will find a response from the listeners and the speech to reveal useful for everyone.
After several successful attempts, the annoying thought about how in rapid deadlines to develop a living speech and, at the same time, be sure to learn how to form phrases, speaking saturacy and beautifully for unnecessary. Communication will bring emotions, satisfaction. It will be possible to develop thinking and work out your own style.

Mandatory practice

You will never achieve heights in oratorical art, if you refuse to perform in front of other people's people. Practice to speak to the public shows the shortcomings of the prepared information, thoughtful speech and its quality, your ability to communicate and attempts to gain like-minded people.

If you have a fear of public speeches - Practice more often it should pass. Also, there are special techniques and entire systems (such as, turbo-horse) to overcome fears. For example, Turbo Suslik can give: a sense of internal freedom, ease both in communication and performances. There, of course, the results are more serious and more interesting, but this is for those who want a lot and ready.

Learn to express what you think and feel, gives strength to further development. The response from others revives forgotten ideas and goals. You find an understanding in communication, check your life program and regenerate as a person. The ability to beautifully decorate thoughts adds confidence and significance in life.

Notebook - assistant for analysis

Teach yourself after each important conversation to analyze its result. Speech of condemnation or approval Record into a separate notebook, emphasizing mistakes and successes. Do not be afraid to say thoughts out loud, as if you are before the responsible commission for improving education. Own shortcomings Reduce and eradicate.


There are small tricks for understanding how to fix the surrendered skills and continue to develop their competent speech, continue to be beautiful and significantly talk.

  • Be sure to think about every word, savoring and falling in love with him. Gradually, it is about turning into a beautiful, rethinking game in which there is text and feeling.
  • It is necessary to memorize key phrases from movies, books, programs and speak to the public, confirming their erudition.
  • Decipherate the value of incomprehensible words to learn the right pronunciation, stress, position in the proposal.
  • You like the beautiful phrase insert it appropriate and correct. Otherwise, there is a danger to put yourself on the laugh.

Systematic, daily exercises work out a speech that will appeal to any listener. After receiving approval, you want to talk more and act.
When you put an important goal - to learn how to own the native language and develop the ability to communicate, it will undoubtedly reveal new opportunities and the meaning of life.
Learn to transfer the inner sensations through beautifully expressed words can each if he wants to create prerequisites for the life balance and creative potential. The resulting harmony between man and the environment will allow you to feel happy, lucky, recognized. Go and enjoy successes.

Each educated and cultural person, even if he does not speak to large audiences, one must certainly have the right beautiful speech and increase his skills of the speaker. High literacy indicates a large intelligence. She contributes to the best understanding of you surrounding and causes their respect. But to master the native language in excellence, you need to work hard.

Make a grammar subject to study. Take into armament of dictionaries and reference books. The good textbook of the Russian language and the works of great Russian poets and prose people will help excellently. It is also necessary to keep track of your voice, work out diction.

The rules are simple, but their accurate compliance will definitely affect the result:

1. In-depth study of the native language will increase your literacy at times. Think, is it often in everyday life you are looking for help in a dictionary or directory? Start learning dictionaries.

2. remember the correctness of stress in words. This will help the sensible dictionary and orphoepic. Thanks to the dictionaries, you will stop being tonasky and you will correctly coordinate offers.

3. Reading books expands the vocabulary, enriches the horizon, makes you an erudite. Conclusion: you need to read constantly and a lot.

5. Stop justifying the phrases like "Well, you understand?" Confidence will wake up your eloquence.

6. Implement the speech technique. All comes with experience. You can train in front of the mirror, you can turn on in general disputes and eat eloquence so much. For mastering a beautiful speech, special techniques, games, technicians have been developed. Use those that are most suitable for you.

7. "Severy" voice, intonation, diction. Exercise in competent breathing. Survey and listen to the records of yourself on the camcorder or audio cassette. Matching the flaws, immediately make work on errors. You can develop it yourself, you can go through the training course with a mentor.

8. Fill your speech by wit, improvisation. Slide the word permission is very exciting art. Create your own extraordinary style.

9. Strive to make your speech by the capacitance, clear, tearing, intelligible. Avoid the bore.

10. Crash sofics. Let your speech always be not empty and the cunning, but meaningful and smart.

The ability to speak beautifully to the public is a truly useful skill for any business person. And today we will talk about oratorical skills and how to make a spoke expressive.

- This is a complex skill that can be learned. Bright and expressive speech consists of a variety of components.

Probably the worst example showing how to do not need is a person, a monotonously reading text with a piece of paper. In order for a person to be interested in listening, you need to do exactly the opposite. Do not read on a piece of paper, freely own the material and be able to know my thoughts well and understandable.

So what exactly should be paid attention to when you oppose the public?

Means of expressive speech

What is expressive speech? Such a speech consists of a large number of elements, each of which affects the impression of the speaker's speech.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to strengthen expressiveness and. And they need to use them, focusing on the setting - depending on the situation. For example, it may be appropriate to include your sense of humor to warm up the audience a little or attract the attention of the audience. Expressive speech is different from the inexpressive the fact that expressive it is interesting and pleasant to listen.