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Unusual swear words. Russian mat: history and meaning of obscene words

In medical practice, such a phenomenon is known: with paralysis, with a complete loss of speech, when a person cannot utter either "yes" or "no", he can, nevertheless, completely freely pronounce whole expressions, consisting exclusively of obscenities. The phenomenon at first glance is very strange, but it says a lot.

It turns out that the so-called mate passes along completely different nerve chains than the rest of normal speech.

We often hear the version that obscene words came to the Russian language during the Horde yoke from the Turkic-speaking peoples. But studies carried out back in the twenties of the XX century showed that these words did not exist in either Tatar, Mongolian or Turkic languages.

One of the professors came to the conclusion that the words that we call obscene came from pagan incantations, which are aimed at destroying the human race, bringing sterility to the nation. No wonder, all these words are somehow connected with the reproductive organs of men and women.


In ancient Russian manuscripts, mate is considered as a trait of demonic behavior. Since certain representatives evil spirits go back to the pagan gods, with the greatest probability you can see pagan incantations in swearing. Swearing acts among the Slavs as a curse. For example, one of the swear words on the letter "e", which is of Slavic origin, translates as "curse."

The rest of the obscene words are the names pagan gods, that is, demons. A person who utters such words automatically calls demons on himself, his children and his family. Since ancient times, swear words have been the language of communication with demonic forces, and so they remained. It is no coincidence that in philology this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. "Infernal" means "hellish, from the underworld."

Obscene abuse undoubtedly has the same pagan, occult roots, but its purpose was to curse the enemy. Swearing is an expression of aggression, threat. And if more deeply, then this curse that a person sends on the one whom he "covers" is aimed at hitting (cursing) the enemy in the very "heart" of him vitality: motherhood, the life-giving male principle and everything connected with them is cursed. Such a curse is a sacrifice to Satan, and both the abused and the swearing are sacrificed.

Perhaps someone does not use dirty words. And what about “pancake”, “fir-tree-sticks”, and so on ....? .. This is a substitute for obscene expressions. When pronouncing them, people swear in the same way as those who do not choose expressions.


In ancient Russian manuscripts, mate is considered as a trait of demonic behavior.

It has been proven that all obscene words came from the sacred names of the gods, which had incredible power. Mat is a word of power that carries a terrifying destructive energy (it has a killing effect on a person at the DNA level, especially on children and women).

As a ritual language, mat was used in Russia right up to the middle of the last century - however, only in those regions where there was a strong Christian-pagan dual faith (for example, in the Bryansk region).

They resorted to him to talk "without an interpreter" with the goblin, brownies and deities "more abruptly" than these small spirits - even with the unknown god Beelzebub himself they spoke only swear words ... Math as a powerful magic weapon is still used by neopagans and Satanists in the performance of black masses.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries in national languages which there are no swear words indicating genital organs, Down's diseases and cerebral palsy are not found, while in Russia these diseases exist.

God really disgusts when we, albeit unconsciously, but still utter the words-spells of demons! That is why in ancient Judea the warning against foul language was taken so seriously that even to this day one cannot hear dirty swearing in Jewish families. A Russian proverb says: "From a rotten heart and rotten words." When the human heart is corrupted, rotten, bad words appear as signs of spiritual corruption.

The apostle Paul warned that the use of bad words destroys not only the momentary earthly life of a person, but also his eternal life because a person is born not only for temporary existence, but above all for Eternity: "The evil-minded will not inherit the Kingdom of God."

Russian swearing is called a system of words that have a negative color (swear words, name-calling), which are not accepted by the norms of public morality. In other words, swearing is profanity. Where did Russian swearing come from?

The origin of the word "mat"

There is a version that the word "mate" itself has the meaning of "voice". But more researchers are sure that "mate" comes from "mother" and is an abbreviated expression for "swearing", "send to mother."

The origin of the Russian mat

Where did the mat in Russian come from?

  • Firstly, some of the swear words were borrowed from other languages ​​(for example, Latin). There were versions that the mat also came to the Russian language from the Tatar (during the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars). But these assumptions have been refuted.
  • Secondly, most of the swear words and swear words came from the Proto-Indo-European language, as well as Old Slavic. Thus, swearing in Russian is still "our own", from the ancestors.

There are also certain versions of the origin, from where the obscene words appeared in the Russian language. Here is some of them:

  • Earth-bound.
  • Parent-related.
  • Associated with the sinking of the earth, earthquakes.

There is an opinion that many swear words were used by the pagan Slavs in their ceremonies and rituals to protect against evil forces. This point of view is quite viable. Also, the pagans used mat in wedding ceremonies, agricultural. But they had no big semantic load, all the more abusive, they had no mate.

The lexical composition of the Russian mat

The researchers noticed that the number of swear words is high. But, if you look more closely, you can see: the root of words is often common, only the ending changes or prefixes and suffixes are added. Most of the words in Russian mate are somehow connected with the sexual sphere, genitals. It is important that these words have no neutral counterparts in the literature. More often they are simply replaced with words with the same meaning, but in Latin. The originality of the Russian mat is its richness and variety. This can be said about the Russian language in general.

Russian mate in the historical aspect

Since the adoption of Christianity in Russia, decrees have appeared regulating the use of the mat. This, of course, was an initiative on the part of the church. In general, in Christianity, swearing is a sin. But the mate managed to penetrate so much into all segments of the population that the measures taken were absolutely ineffective.

The letters of the twelfth century contain obscene words in the form of rhymes. Mat was used in various notes, ditties, letters. Of course, many words that have now become obscene used to have a softer meaning. According to the sources of the fifteenth century, then there was a large number of obscene words, which even called rivers and villages.

After a couple of centuries, mate has become very widespread. Swearing finally became "obscene" in the eighteenth century. This is due to the fact that during this period there was a separation literary language from the spoken. In the Soviet Union, the fight against obscenities was carried on very stubbornly. This was expressed in fines for profanity in public places. However, this has rarely been done in practice.

Today in Russia they also fight against obscenities, especially on television and in the media.

Sidorov G.A. about the origin of the Russian mat.

The origin of the Russian mat. Life is Interesting magazine.

At the end of June in The State Duma supported a bill to increase the punishment for the use of mat in the family and in public places. They have tried more than once to toughen the responsibility for obscene language - both under tsarism and after the revolution. How unprintable words penetrated public life in our country and in the West, Lydia Malygina, associate professor of the Russian language stylistics department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, scientific supervisor of the system, spoke about the history and meaning of the mat "KP" distance learning

- There would be no problem, there would be no law. The question arises: who originally taught the Russian people to swear?

- One of the widespread versions is the Tatar-Mongols. But in fact, this vocabulary has nothing to do with them. Russian mat of Slavic origin. The four roots known to every Russian person can be found in Macedonian, Slovenian, and others. Slavic languages.

Most likely, the mat was an element of pagan cults associated with fertility, for example, with the conspiracy of cattle or the call for rain. The literature describes in detail such a custom: a Serbian peasant throws an ax up and utters obscene words, trying to make it rain.

- Why did such words become taboo?

- When Christianity came to Russia, the church began an active struggle against pagan cults, including swear words as one of the manifestations of the cult. Hence, such a strong taboo of these forms. This is what distinguishes Russian mat from obscene vocabulary in other languages. Of course, since then, the Russian language has been actively developing and changing, and with it the Russian language. New swear words have appeared, but they are based on the same four standard roots. Some of the innocuous words that existed before have become obscene. For example, the word "dick". "Her" is a letter of the pre-revolutionary alphabet, and the verb "ditch" was used to mean "cross out". Now this word is not yet included in the category of obscene, but it is already actively approaching it.

- There is a myth about the uniqueness of Russian obscene language. Is it so?

- It is curious to compare with English language... Obscene words have always puzzled British philologists by their nature. Back in 1938, the linguist Chase emphasized: "If someone mentions sexual intercourse, it does not shock anyone. But as soon as someone utters an old Anglo-Saxon four-letter word, most people will freeze with horror."

The premiere of Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion in 1914 was eagerly awaited. There was a rumor that, according to the author's plan, the actress performing the main female role should utter an obscene word from the stage. Answering Freddie's question if she was going to walk home, Eliza Dolittle had to say very emotionally: "Not bloody likely!" The intrigue persisted to the last. During the premiere, the actress still uttered an obscene word. The effect was indescribable: noise, laughter, whistle, stomp. Bernard Shaw even decided to leave the audience, deciding that the play was doomed. Now the British complain that they have actually lost this favorite curse, which has already lost its former strength, because the word has become too often used.

Lidia Malygina - Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University Photo: Archive "KP"

- Probably, after the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the situation changed a lot, and obscene words literally poured into the pages of the press?

- Of course. Think of Great Britain late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century. Then even the legs of the piano were dressed in covers so that they would not cause random erotic associations! In the second half of the twentieth century, contraceptives are rapidly developing, the pornography industry is growing. The marriage of a lifetime, the loyalty of the spouses, began to look like old-fashioned prejudice. And heterosexuality in marriage has ceased to be a prerequisite... It is noteworthy that at this time the attitude towards obscene words also changed. Two linguistic collections on obscene language appear. The first was published in the United States in 1980, the second was published in the United Kingdom and the United States in 1990. These reference books already contain several articles on vulgarisms. Examples of the use of obscene language were given in plain text.

- And yet they were punished for the mate. The famous case when, at the height of anti-war protests in the United States in 1968 young man, who did not want to serve on the draft, was prosecuted for wearing a jacket with the inscription: “F ... the draft!”.

- Yes. Another famous case is the 12-minute radio program "Obscene Words". The satirist George Carlin listed seven words that should not be said on the radio, and then began to discuss the problem. One of the listeners was driving in a car with a child and accidentally heard the program. He immediately called the editor of the program and complained.

Another famous scandal was caused by the fact that newspapers in the late 1970s. published an obscene statement that during a sporting event the player said to the judge: "f ... cheating cunt". And in works of art coarse words began to appear without any disguise. In a guide to St. Petersburg, Western authors do not hesitate to explain Russian vulgarisms, for example, b ... (whore) - which is usually rendered as simply b ... (short version of the word - Ed.) - and plays an equivalent role to 'f ... 'in English for those who use it as a verbal stutter.

- Russian journalists also like to use obscene words and expressions, masking them a little, so as not to formally violate the law banning swearing in the media ...

- Yes, softer expressions instead of harsh ones often hide easily guessed obscene expressions, swear words and swear words in the text: “Dick Advocaat: UEFA itself!”; “Hugh Hefner and Dasha Astafieva: Hugh knows her ...”; "And he stole deposits for 2 billion ... But he himself was in complete" hopra "; or "Russia in a CHOPE" - the headline of a special reportage about private security companies or the title of a film about losing weight "I'm losing weight, dear editorial board!"

- Are there, besides Russian, other languages ​​in which obscene vocabulary is divided into ordinary swear words and into rigidly taboo words, the use of which is prohibited in any situation and in any context?

- In this sense, the Russian language is unique. Although, for example, the obscene vocabulary of the Spanish language is also associated with the sexual sphere, in contrast to German (in German this is the area of ​​excrement). But in the Spanish language there is no such taboo, therefore the first academic dictionaries of the Spanish language contained such vocabulary, but the dictionaries of the Russian language did not. In general, the first vocabulary fixation of the mate dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. It is about the third edition of Dahl's dictionary, edited by Baudouin de Courtenay. But this activity of compilers of dictionaries quickly ended, since the Soviet government banned the use of mat, and the third edition of Dahl's dictionary was sharply criticized.

Everyone knows what Russian mat is. Someone will be able to reproduce the Cossack obscene bend by heart, while someone will have to refer to the famous "Dictionary of Russian mat" by Alexei Plutser-Sarno to clarify the meaning. However, for many, the history of the emergence of the Russian mat remains a mystery behind seven seals. How mate is connected with Indo-European mythology, who is meant by "mother" in the swear language and why only men spoke it before - in the T&P material.

"The mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology"

B.A. Uspensky

The works of B.A. Uspensky, shedding light on the origin of the Russian mat, have become classics. Exploring this topic, Ouspensky mentions its extreme taboo, in connection with which in the literary tradition, only "Church Slavicisms such as copulating, penis, childbearing oud, aphedron, seat" can be considered permitted. Unlike many Western European languages, other "folk" obscene vocabulary in Russian is actually taboo. That is why obscene words were removed from Dahl's dictionary, the Russian edition of Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary, Afanasyev's tales; even in academic collections of Pushkin's works, obscene expressions in works of art and letters are replaced by dots; "Shadow of Barkov", known for its abundance of obscene words (for example: Already the night with the *** [lustful] moon / Came on the sky / Already *** [the fallen woman] in a downy bed / With a monk fell asleep) was not printed at all in many meetings essays. Such a taboo obscenity, affecting even professional philologists, is associated, in Ouspensky's opinion, with the "chastity of censors or editors," and Dostoevsky even speaks of the chastity of the entire Russian people, justifying the abundance of swear words in Russian by the fact that, in essence, they are not always mean something bad.

Images of peasants of the XII-XIV centuries: a peasant at work; resting peasant; merrymaking

Indeed, mate can serve as a friendly greeting, and approval, and an expression of love. If it is so ambiguous, then the question arises: where did the mat come from, what are its historical roots? Ouspensky's theory suggests that at one time the mat had cult functions. To prove this, examples of obscene words and expressions from Russian pagan wedding or agricultural rites, in which obscenities could be associated with fertility cults, can be cited. It is interesting that the Russian philologist Boris Bogaevsky compares Russian swearing with the Greek foul language of farmers. The Christian tradition prohibits swearing in rituals and everyday life, referring to the fact that she “shameful barking” desecrates the soul, that “Hellenic ... word” [verbiage] is a demonic game. The prohibition of Russian "shame", that is, swear words, was directly related to the struggle of Orthodoxy against the pagan cults in which it was used. The meaning of the prohibition becomes especially clear in view of the fact that swearing "in a number of cases turns out to be functionally equivalent to prayer." It was possible to find treasure, to get rid of the disease or the machinations of the brownie and the goblin in pagan thinking with the help of a mat. Therefore, in the Slavic dual faith, it was often possible to find two parallel options: either read a prayer in front of the attacking devil, or swear at him with obscenities. Finding the roots of the Russian mat in pagan ritual incantations and curses, Ouspensky connects the so-called main formula of the Russian mat ("*** your mother") with the archaic cult of the earth.

Once a day, there is only one person who will be chosen obscenely, -

The mother of cheese the earth will shake

The Most Holy Theotokos will be erased from the throne

In connection with the twofold Slavic notions of the "three mothers" - mother earth, the Mother of God and the mother - a mat, aimed at insulting the addressee's mother, simultaneously conjures sacred mothers, desecrating the mother's very principle. In this one can find echoes of pagan metaphors about the pregnancy of the earth and copulation with it; at the same time, this can explain the belief that the earth opens up under a swearing obscenity or that swearing can disturb the ancestors (lying in the ground).

Having clarified the object of the obscene formula, Ouspensky moves on to the subject: analyzing the forms of expression "*** your mother", he comes to the conclusion that the phrase was not impersonal before. Desecration was carried out by a dog, as evidenced by the old and more complete references to the obscene formula: for example, "Let the dog take your mother." The dog has been the subject of action in this formula since at least the 15th century in many Slavic languages; thus, the "dog barking", as the mate was called from ancient times, is associated with the mythology of the dog, "given by the dog." The uncleanness of the dog is an ancient category that predates Slavic mythology, but also reflected in later Christian views(for example, in stories about pseglavets or the transformation of Christopher's cinocephalus). The dog was compared with a Gentile, since both have no soul, both behave in an inappropriate way; it was for the same reason that confessors were not allowed to keep dogs. From an etymological point of view, the dog is also unclean - Ouspensky connects the lexeme "dog" with other words of Indo-European languages, including the Russian word "***" [female genital organ].

Thus, Ouspensky suggests that the images of the defiling dog and mother earth in the phrase "dog *** your mother" go back to the mythological marriage of the thunderer and mother earth. The sacred marriage, during which the earth is fertilized, is defiled in this formula by the travesty replacement of the thunderer with a dog, his mythological rival. Therefore, the obscene phrase becomes a blasphemous incantation, desecrating the divine cosmogony. In a later folk tradition this myth is reduced, and mother earth becomes the mother of the interlocutor, and the mythological dog becomes an ordinary dog, and then the phrase is completely depersonalized (the verb "***" [enter into sexual relations] can match any singular person).

At a deep (initial) level, the obscene expression is correlated, apparently, with the myth of the sacred marriage of heaven and earth - marriage, the result of which is the fertilization of the earth. At this level, the god of the sky, or the thunderer, should be understood as the subject of action in obscene expression, and mother earth as the object. This explains the connection between swearing and the idea of ​​fertilization, which manifests itself in particular in ritual wedding and agrarian foul language.

"About swearing, emotions and facts"

A.A. Belyakov

A.A. Belyakov, referring to the legends of Russian folklore, traces the origin of the mat to the myth of the "Slavic Oedipus": once a man killed his father and desecrated his mother. Then he gave the "obscene formula" to his descendants - in order to use it to bring the curses of the ancestors on opponents or to call upon the ancestors for help. Belyakov agrees that the deeper roots of this legend are in early pagan cults associated with the veneration of "the mother of the damp earth and the idea of ​​her fertilization."

"Non-normative anecdote as a modeling system"

I.G. Yakovenko

I.G. Yakovenko, in his article on mat, notes that traditional culture, which is patriarchal in its makeup, tends to profane the role of women. It is this motive that we see in obscene formulas - almost always they are associated with gross images of violence against women. Yakovenko opposes the "sign of the highest danger" ("..." [female genital organ], feminine principle) to the male phallus, the "protector sign", citing as an example many obscene expressions. As it turns out, there are far fewer obscene formulas for women than for men; moreover, the female paradigm bears the color of something wretched, false, related to misfortune, theft, lies (“…” [end], “…” [steal], “…” [liar]), while the male the mate paradigm refers to taboo or danger. The malevolent character of a woman perceived through female symbol, vagina, is emphasized in numerous proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and legends: we can recall those cited by V.Ya. Propp of the idea of ​​a "toothy vulva" with which the male hero had to fight.

Russian mat - a form of existence of pagan consciousness in monotheistic culture

In the future, the tradition of speaking in an obscene language from pagan cults passed into Russian buffoonery, with which the state actively fought since the 17th century. From almost disappeared buffoons, however, the tradition has passed into popular prints, tavern songs, parsley theater, to fairground barkers and so on. The taboo vocabulary of the patriarchal and pagan period of Russian culture continued to live in slightly different forms.

"Russian swearing as a male obscene code: the problem of origin and evolution of status"

V.Yu. Mikhailin

In the work of V.Yu. Mikhailin's tradition of erecting the genesis of the Russian mat to the cults of fertility is disputed; Despite the fact that Mikhailin largely agrees with Ouspensky, he proposes a significant refinement of his theory and examines the history of mat from pagan cults to modern hazing. The connection between Toporov-Ivanov's theory of the “main myth” with the mythological enemy of the thunderer, the dog, does not suit him: “I will allow myself one single question. For what reason is the eternal adversary of the Thunderer, whose traditional iconography presupposes, in the first place, not canine, but serpentine hypostases, in this context it takes the form of a dog, and takes it invariably and formally? "

Fertile land, according to the author, could not be associated with the masculine principle in the archaic: this is a purely feminine territory. On the contrary, a purely male territory was considered to be that related to hunting and war, a marginal space in which a good husband and family man is ready to shed blood and rob, and a decent young man who does not dare to look up at a neighbor's girl rapes the daughters of the enemy.

Mikhailin suggests that in such territories, mate was once associated with the magical practices of male military alliances, identifying themselves with "dogs." That is why swearing was also called "barking dog": symbolically, warriors were the embodiment of wolves or dogs. This can also explain the fact that until recently, mat was a predominantly male language code.

In Indo-European culture, every man underwent initiation, one way or another accompanied by a period that can be called the "dog" stage. The warrior-"dog" living outside the home zone, in the marginal territory, exists outside the culture of the hearth and Agriculture... He is not full-fledged, not mature, possesses "fighting frenzy", part of which can be called the use of an unacceptable mat at home. There is no place for "wolves" and "dogs" on human territory, for which their mere presence can be fraught with desecration: the corresponding norms and forms of behavior are strictly taboo, and their carriers, people do not have the most basic civil rights. By definition, they are carriers of the chthonic principle, they are magically dead and as such simply “do not exist”.

Thus, the formula "*** your mother" in male "dog" alliances was a spell that magically destroys the opponent. Such a spell symbolically compared the rival with the son of a chthonic creature, identified his mother with a bitch and led him into extremely marginal, inhuman territory, where such coitus could occur. Consequently, all obscene words imply canine genitals and animal coitus, which has nothing to do with the human, taking place in the home space and framed by ritual tradition and other signs of culture.

In the future, the purely masculine nature of the obscene language in Russia is transferred to a more general context. Since the revolutionary events of 1917, the language paradigm has undergone major changes. Swearing, along with Newspeak, is becoming one of the means of communication of the patriarchal (albeit outwardly anti-sexist) elite. The Soviet camps also played a role, and the increased interest in the exploitation of female labor - including in the army structures, where swearing directly inherited the function of communication of archaic male unions. Therefore, soon the taboo of mate in a female or mixed environment ceased to be strong, and then completely disappeared into the past. The obscene code of men has become universal.

Mat is an ambiguous concept. Some find it unacceptable, while others cannot imagine emotional communication without strong expression. But it is impossible to argue with the fact that swearing has long become an integral part of the Russian language, and it is used not only by uncultured people, but also by well-educated representatives of society. Historians claim that Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Bunin and Tolstoy used to swear at him with pleasure and defended him as an integral part of the Russian language. Where did the obscene words come from, and what do the most common of them actually mean?

Where did the mate come from?

Many believe that obscene language dates back to the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, but linguistic historians have long denied this fact. Golden Horde and most of the nomadic tribes were Muslims, and the representatives of this religion do not defile their lips with swearing, and their greatest insult is to call a person an "unclean" animal - for example, a pig or a donkey. Accordingly, Russian mat has more ancient history and is rooted in ancient Slavic beliefs and traditions.

By the way, the designation of a male causal place in Turkic dialects sounds absolutely harmless - kutah. That would be surprised carriers of the rather widespread and euphonious surname Kutakhov, having learned what it really means!

A common three-letter word, according to one version, is imperative mood the verb "huvat", that is, to hide

Most experts in ethnography and linguistics argue that obscene words originated from the Proto-Indo-European language, which was spoken by the ancestors of the ancient Slavs, Germanic tribes and many other peoples. The difficulty lies in the fact that its speakers did not leave any written sources, so the language had to be reconstructed literally bit by bit.

The word "mat" itself has several origins. According to one of them, at one time it meant a shout or a loud voice - confirmation of this theory is the expression "Shouting good obscenities", which has come down to our times. Other researchers argue that the term originated from the word "mother", since most obscene constructions send an unwanted person to a particular mother, or imply sexual intercourse with her.

The exact origin and etymology of obscene words also remains unclear - on this score, linguists and ethnologists put forward many versions. Only three are considered the most likely.

  1. Communication with parents. In times Ancient Rus the elderly and parents were treated with great respect and respect, therefore all words with a sexual connotation concerning the mother were considered a serious insult to the person.
  2. Communication with Slavic conspiracies... In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the genitals occupied a special place - it was believed that they contained Magic force person, and when addressing her, willy-nilly, you had to remember those very places. In addition, our ancestors believed that devils, witches and other dark entities were extremely bashful and could not stand swear words, therefore they used obscene language as protection from unclean ones.
  3. Communication with peoples of other faiths. In some ancient Russian texts there is a mention of the fact that the swearing has a "Jewish" or "dog" origin, but this does not mean that nezentsurism came to us from Judaism. The ancient Slavs called "dogs" any other people's beliefs, and the words borrowed from the representatives of such religions were used as curses.

Some experts believe that mat was invented as a secret language

Another common misconception is that the Russian language is the richest in obscene words of all the existing ones. In fact, philologists distinguish from 4 to 7 basic structures, and all the rest are formed from them with the help of suffixes, prefixes and prepositions.

Most popular obscene expressions

In Serbia, whose language is akin to Russian, uncensored words are much less taboo.

  • NS**. The most common a swear word that can be found on walls and fences around the world. According to Wikipedia, at least 70 are formed from it different words and idioms, ranging from the short and understandable to everyone "go to x * d", ending with more original "fuck" or "one thing." In addition, this word can be called one of the oldest and most respected in the Russian language - many researchers believe that it goes back to the pranostratic language that was formed in the 11th millennium BC. The most common theory of its origin is from the Indo-European skeu-, which means "shoot" or "shoot". From him came the more innocuous and censorship word "needles".
  • X * p. This word, as once was quite decent and often used - this is how the 23 letter of the Cyrillic alphabet was called, which after the reform turned into the letter X. Researchers call different reasons its transformation into an obscene statement. According to one of the theories, x * rum was once called the cross, and the defenders of paganism cursed the first Christians who actively implanted their faith in Russia, telling them "Go to x * r", which meant "die like your God." The second version says that in the Proto-Indo-European language this word was used to refer to a goat, including the idol, the patron saint of fertility, which had a large genital organ.