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Differences between orthopedic shoes and ordinary ones. Anatomical and orthopedic shoes: what's the difference? Uncomplicated orthopedic shoes

A moment of useful information. Everyone has heard about anatomical and orthopedic shoes, but not everyone knows how they differ from each other. Everything is very simple!

What are anatomical shoes

Anatomical shoes are shoes that support the correct development of the foot. Most often, this name is used in relation to children's models, however, it is also applicable to adults. In other words, it's just the right shoes.

What are orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic shoes are medical shoes that correct existing foot defects. Its wearing is attributed only to a qualified specialist, based on the peculiarities of the structure of the leg. These shoes are made individually to order.

The main differences

Based on the above, we draw a few conclusions:

1. Orthopedic footwear heals, but anatomical footwear does not.
2. Orthopedic shoes are made in a single copy strictly taking into account the shape of the foot and diseases, and anatomical - in bulk.
3. Orthopedic shoes have a special shape that corrects diseases, and the anatomical one adapts to the foot.
4. Orthopedic shoes should be worn only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor, while anatomical shoes can be worn by everyone.
5. Orthopedic footwear is not used for prophylaxis, and anatomical footwear serves only for this.

What kind of shoes can be considered anatomical (correct)

Let's highlight several main points that it is advisable to look for in children's shoes for girls and boys when buying it:

Wide toe that allows your toes to feel free and comfortable;
- natural material for the manufacture of the upper and the insole, which provides sufficient air and moisture exchange;
- a small heel - within 5-25 millimeters, depending on age. For example, 5-7 mm is enough for very small children, 10-15 mm is optimal for schoolchildren. Sometimes it is permissible to wear pairs with a heel of 15-25 mm, and for teenage girls 30-40 mm, but only as an exception.
- moderately soft, flexible, with shock-absorbing properties of the sole;
- the absence of chemical dyes, which give the shoes a pungent smell and can provoke skin irritation, shedding;
- smooth and hidden seams, especially internal ones, which do not create discomfort for the legs when walking;
- the heel should be no higher than the heel. A healthy leg does not need high ankle boots.

Summer anatomical shoes can have an open heel and toe. This does not affect the formation of healthy legs. When choosing an open or closed toe, be guided by the child. Often very agile, but not yet very skillful runners in sandals with open toes touch the asphalt. They are better off with a closed toe. With the heel, it is still easier: it must be fixed, but at the same time, no one forbids it to breathe.


Never buy shoes with an instep support for prevention. Especially when it comes to mass-produced models. First, if the stop is forming normally, it does not need any support. Secondly, the instep support may not fall into the place under which it should be located, which will cause unnecessary deformations and may cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system (which would not have happened when wearing just the right shoes).

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Responsible choice of children's shoes means that parents care about the correct development of their child's feet. And not only the feet: under the influence of shoes, gait and posture are formed. Specialists of the Dochki-Sinochki store recommend purchasing orthopedically correct preventive footwear of well-known brands, and also tell you what kind of footwear is and how to choose it.

Orthopedic and preventive footwear: what's the difference?

Let's understand the terminology. In theory, any children's footwear should fully meet the requirements of a forming foot, i.e. do not interfere with its correct development. However, for example, in cheap low-quality shoes, the child will be elementarily uncomfortable.

Hence the need arose for additional terminology, which would separate the shoes "ordinary" from the "best". And in order to focus the attention of buyers on the healthy component of high-quality shoes, they began to call them preventive and even orthopedic, using these words as synonyms. And this is wrong, because orthopedic shoes are fundamentally different from those models that we are used to seeing in stores - both in appearance and in functionality.

What is preventive footwear in the modern sense? These are quality shoes that meet all the needs of the foot, child or adult. These shoes provide natural support for the muscles, they are comfortable to walk in and you get less tired. For a healthy child, preventive footwear is one of the components for the proper development of the skeleton.

Orthopedic shoes are medical shoes designed to correct pathologies of the skeleton, in particular, feet, lower legs, and thighs. Such shoes are created exclusively to order, in strict accordance with the characteristics of the patient.

There is a more affordable semblance of orthopedic shoes, they are usually called prophylactic - they repeat the main features of medical orthopedic shoes, but are not sewn to order and sold in specialized stores. Its distinctive features are a high heel counter (often reaching the middle of the lower leg), reliable fixation along the leg (using laces or buckles). The insole has an embossed surface with grooves for the toes and a high, hard padding.


Experts draw attention to the fact that shoes alone are not able to correct pathology: given that specific shoe products take over part of the muscle work, positive results can be achieved only if wearing it is accompanied by regular exercise and affordable physical activity. Therapeutic orthopedic and prophylactic shoes are not intended for use by healthy children and adults.

Let's give an example

Consider the Bebetom shoes. This model is an orthopedically correct preventive shoe. Main characteristics: Thomson heel, high heel, moderately hard ankle boots, adjustable leg fullness, moderately hard sole, instep support, genuine leather both inside and outside.

Preventive shoe manufacturers

Prophylactic footwear contributes to the correct formation of the child's foot. A number of manufacturers produce only such shoes. By choosing models of certain brands, parents can be sure that their child is wearing the correct one, i.e. preventive shoes.

Such manufacturers include Skorokhod, Kotofey, Tapiboo, Tashi Orto, M. Panda, Superfit, Dandino, Naturino, etc. The closest to medical footwear is in the range of preventive footwear available in ordinary children's clothing and footwear stores. there are models from Bebetom: very high and hard back, good fixation with Velcro, pronounced podvodnik.

Many manufacturers of orthopedically correct children's shoes have a certificate or declaration of conformity. For example, Tashi Orto shoes are certified; has design features confirmed by Rospatent, and its quality has been confirmed by numerous awards at exhibitions and the "Quality Mark of the XXI Century" - a prestigious award awarded by Rostest.

Types of orthopedically correct shoes

For the correct formation of the foot, it is important that the child is in suitable shoes at all times.

Of course, at home and whenever it is safe, the baby can walk barefoot, this is even desirable. But if for some reason it is important that he uses shoes, the question arises, where to buy home slippers that would combine all the signs of orthopedically correct shoes and the child could wear them without assistance?

It is easy to find summer and autumn-spring shoes of a suitable format. But shoes and boots for late autumn and winter are already more difficult to choose, so you can limit yourself to general recommendations: good fixation in the ankle and lower leg; the backdrop should still be solid.

Expert opinion

“Customers often ask us for advice on the right orthopedic footwear for their child. Most often, the choice of interested parents stops at the products of the Kotofey and Skorokhod brands: these are high-quality and child-friendly footwear that does not harm the formation of the foot. "

Baranovskaya Natalia

How, How Much and Who Should Wear Preventive Shoes

Preventive footwear is suitable for constant wearing, but according to general recommendations, it is enough to wear it for about two hours daily, and when the child already needs it, i.e. only when the baby has already taken his first steps. Until this moment, he does not need shoes and is even harmful, since it restricts the natural movements of the foot and slows down its development.

If we are talking about corrective shoes, the mode of wearing them is determined by the orthopedic surgeon.

It is important that in the early years the child should wear high-quality shoes. But this does not mean that over time it is possible to switch to a counterfeit version without harm to health. It is believed that, on average, the formation of the skeleton is completed by the age of 25, i.e. At least until this age, wearing the right shoes remains relevant.

In Norway, there is an unusual tradition: the first pair of child's shoes are silver-plated and stored.

Mom's review

“Several years ago, an orthopedist diagnosed a child with planovalgus deformity of the feet, as a result of which, of course, he began to insist on the constant wearing of orthopedic shoes, including at home. At the same time, the physiotherapist forbade wearing orthopedic sandals, because, in her opinion, ordinary high-quality preventive footwear would be enough for us. Against the background of constant massages and daily exercise, we wore preventive shoes, not noticing any noticeable improvements.

In the height of summer, the leg grew, and instead of buying new shoes, we switched to existing orthopedic sandals: it was a classic mid-calf construction, very stiff lace-up shoes. In total, we wore them for about a month and a half ... and the deterioration in the condition of the legs turned out to be frighteningly sharp. I had to work even harder, and forget about orthopedic sandals forever.

Having studied the experience of the famous scientist Glenn Doman, at my own peril and risk, after two years of our shoe epic, I put my child ... in sneakers! The flexible sole, according to the expert, is the closest to walking barefoot. In just 4 months, one heel has taken the correct position, the second is close to this. The muscles of the foot (and the child as a whole) have noticeably strengthened, we have finally found our perfect shoes. "


Expert opinion

“Preventive shoes are good for many, but not for everyone. So, for example, after diagnosing a child with diseases associated with muscle activity, but with the correct formation of bone tissue, it is recommended to walk barefoot, or in light shoes with well-abhorrent soles without podvodnikov so that the muscles are used to the maximum during walking. This type of treatment is prescribed by an orthopedist or physical rehabilitation specialist. "

Specialist of the online store "Dochki-Sinochki"
Baranovskaya Natalia

How to choose the right orthopedic shoes

How to identify the right shoes:

  • good shoes are equipped with a solid heel and a secure fit on the leg - as a rule, they are provided with Velcro, laces, buckles;
  • has a correctly positioned podvodnik (instep support) on the insole;
  • round, but not sharp and not tapered toe: the child's toes should be in a natural position;
  • natural materials both inside and outside the upper of the shoe (usually it is genuine leather, less often cotton and other types of textiles).

At the same time, it is advisable to try on shoes in the evening: it has been proven that at this time the leg is slightly larger than in the morning) and it is imperative to try on shoes on both legs.

Three "not" when buying preventive shoes

  • do not buy shoes "for growth": wearing them will be extremely uncomfortable, primarily because the podvodnik will be located in the wrong place relative to the baby's foot;
  • do not take shoes that have only some of the listed signs of the right shoes: a truly high-quality pair will meet all the requirements;
  • do not buy used shoes, and if you buy, take care of replacing the insoles with new ones.

In the United States, it is customary to store the first pair of a child's shoes. It's not uncommon to see cars that have a pair of small boots in their rearview mirror.


Orthopedically correct shoes are those that fully meet the anatomical needs of the child for the correct formation of the foot. It has nothing to do with medical orthopedic shoes designed to correct existing pathologies of the foot, lower leg, and thigh.

For adequate development of a healthy child, it is enough to buy high-quality shoes, paying attention to the signs of the “right” pair: a solid back, good fixation on the leg, flexible sole, wide toe, in which the big toe will not press against the rest of the toes. It is highly advisable to choose and buy such shoes with your child: it happens that, by all indications, the right shoes turn out to be uncomfortable.

The most popular brands in Russia that produce preventive footwear are TM Kotofey, Skorokhod, Tashi Orto and others.

In addition to buying preventive footwear, to reduce the risk of flat feet, we recommend replenishing the child's wardrobe with shoes with flexible flat soles, as well as regularly doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg and allow the baby to walk barefoot more.

It should also be remembered that preventative footwear is only one of the factors that contribute to the healthy development of the foot. A primary role in its correct formation from an early age is played by a variety of training: walking on uneven, textured, inclined surfaces; wall bars exercises and any physical activity.

, (don't worry, for a little while), and let's talk about a topic that always arouses keen interest. And above all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many are planning to have them, and the question of choosing children's shoes has already been faced by someone, someone will be.

And the most fortunate are those who are just now asking questions:

  • What should be the right children's shoes?
  • Why do children develop flat feet, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that the first footwear for a toddler should be "orthopedic"?
  • Does the child have to wear shoes at home?
  • What should be home shoes for a child?
  • Is it necessary to have an instep support in children's shoes?

The topic is burning: very often absolutely crumbs are prescribed orthopedic shoes, and often orthopedic doctors contradict each other. One puts flat feet for a child at 2 years old and directs for orthopedic shoes, the other says that, they say, your baby is absolutely healthy, and advises his mother to drink motherwort, and the child to run, jump and enjoy a carefree childhood. One says that there must be an instep support in children's shoes, the other strongly disagrees with this.

As you remember, I do not belong to orthopedic doctors, so in order to understand this issue, I suggest you, as usual, turn on the logic.

Have you turned it on? Then let's sort it out together.

How is a child's foot formed?

Once we have already said what a foot is. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So the first thing to understand is that a baby is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear mothers, what the feet of your children looked like when they did not even walk under the table on foot.

As you can see, the place that will later become the longitudinal vault is now filled with fat. And it is right. After all, a vault is what? This is a spring that bounces when we walk in order to absorb shock loads and not "bomb" the joints of the legs and the spine. And why does such a cub need a spring? After all, he does not walk yet. Is it logical?

Let's remember another important point: the arched shape of the arches is supported by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, because our baby does not walk, run, or jump yet. And when he gets up on his feet and takes his first steps, the fat pad of his feet will be very useful to him.

  • Firstly, it increases the area of ​​support and increases the stability of our hero, so that he understands that it turns out to be fun to walk! And you will see more, and you will touch more, and you don’t need to call your mother, you can touch her. First along the wall, then in short dashes, and now "the bull is walking, swinging." 🙂
  • Secondly, plantar fat is needed for cushioning, while there is still no full-fledged spring.

Such a bulky fat pad remains in children up to 3 years of age, and then begins to gradually dissolve. By the age of 5, a longitudinal arch appears, and at the age of 7-10 we already see a foot, quite similar to an adult. And completely the formation of a person's foot ends at about 20-21 years old, in girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that by this age all cartilaginous structures of the foot are ossified.

But while the baby begins to walk confidently, he will go through a difficult balancing act school. As soon as he stands on his feet, he rests more on the outer arches of the foot. This is called the "varus foot position." It occurs in children up to about 1.5 years old.

As the baby learns to walk, he tries to maintain balance by spreading his legs wide. In maintaining balance, it is precisely the same fat pad that we talked about above that helps him, and on which he begins to rely. It turns out some blockage of the feet inward. This is called hallux valgus. This is how it looks:

This condition is noted, as a rule, in 2-4 years. Further, as the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet strengthens, the shape of the legs is usually leveled: the lower leg, knees and thigh are aligned in one line. And if the normal angle of the valgus deviation of the calcaneus at 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we draw conclusions:

  1. All children under 5 have flat feet

  2. Hallux valgus up to 4-5 years of age is a variant of the norm

Therefore, if your two or three year old child has been diagnosed with flat feet, know that everything is going according to plan, and there is nothing to worry about. And there is absolutely no need to run for orthopedic shoes. Well, so what, what the doctor prescribed? Are you a mother or who? It is better to concentrate your attention on strengthening the muscles of the feet and legs of your blood, and you will all be happy: both parents, and the baby, and his feet. 🙂

Back to the past

In the 60s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They evaluated the maturation of the arches of the foot.And look what happened: at 2 years old, flat feet were detected in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old, it remained in only 4% of those observed.Of course, if you do this research these days, the numbers will be more deplorable.

I sometimes think: if we remove all computers, gadgets, phones now, what will the children do? And the adults?I wonder if the ropes are on sale now, or is it already a rarity? Do modern children know the game of "bouncers"? Do they play badminton?

As a child, I remember myself only with knees smeared with brilliant green. We didn't sit at home, especially on weekends. We ran and jumped all the time, so that the diagnosis of flat-footedness did not stick in my childhood memory.


How do the muscles of the arches of the foot train?

Have you ever seen in pictures of Adam and Eve in shoes? Do you think God was sorry for them to bungle up any boots? Or did he not have enough imagination for this?

Nothing like this!

The foot simply has to work in order to be healthy and happy. And for this you need to walk more, moreover, barefoot and on an uneven surface, so that the muscles of the foot and lower leg contract, trying to maintain balance on it, train and fulfill their great mission: to guard the health of our spring. If you walk all the time on a flat, hard surface, and besides, you put your foot in shoes, its muscles will weaken, they will cease to hold the arches, and they will begin to flatten.


It is necessary to create such conditions for the child so that the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot works as much as possible. If possible, let the child, at least at home, walk barefoot.

True, on this issue, orthopedic surgeons disagree. Some say that children should definitely wear shoes at home, others - so that they can run barefoot at home if possible.

I am inclined to the second opinion.

  • First, based on my pediatric experience. Flat feet are much less common in children from large families. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child, who has an awl in the priest, does not just walk around the apartment. He sits on his knees, collecting some pyramid, crawls, playing with a typewriter, dances, squats and does a lot of other movements that help the foot to form. And the shoes only interfere with this.

If the floor is cold, wear warm socks for your baby. Now there are even non-slip "soles". For those children who are taking their first steps, ordinary thin booties are ideal (if for some reason they do not want to move barefoot).

  • Thirdly, from my own experience. Previously, our parents had never heard of orthopedic shoes, and we walked at home either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And they were healthier.

What else is needed to train the muscular apparatus of the foot?

  1. If funds and space permit, purchase a wall bar and a soft rug nearby in case of a fall. Let the child master it from 2-3 years old.
  2. Buy a bike and let your baby pedal: barefoot or in socks at home, outdoors in soft-soled shoes.
  3. Purchase a massage mat at the orthosalon or at your pharmacy and put it in the place where the child most often runs. Something like this:

  1. There is also an economy. Option: find a piece of fabric in your "bins", put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons over it. You can instruct your kid to collect the beads into a box with their toes.
  2. Or you can do this:

6. Find foot exercises on the Internet and do with your child. Remember how the teacher used to say in physical education: "We go on our toes, now on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside." And this is a great muscle workout!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the correct answers to the drug test from. See at the bottom of the page.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

Orthopedic footwear can be divided into therapeutic and prophylactic. The first, as a rule, is created to order, based on the individual parameters of the patient, specifically for the treatment of severe pathologies of the feet and musculoskeletal system. It can also be serial products adapted to a specific problem - for example, postoperative boots with the function of unloading the forefoot or hindfoot. These shoes must be prescribed by a doctor.
Prophylactic orthopedic shoes are commercially available products to prevent the development of foot diseases, as well as to relieve their symptoms, create comfort and keep the feet healthy. Such shoes will greatly facilitate life with hallux valgus and the formation of bone "bumps", heel spurs, flat feet and other deformities of the feet, joint pain, ligament diseases and in cases where a person has to spend a lot of time on his feet.

Functions of orthopedic shoes on the example of the brand

1... Reducing the load on the feet

With every step, especially on hard, flat surfaces, our body receives serious shock loads. Completely healthy feet with well-trained muscles compensate for such loads due to the spring function of the longitudinal and transverse arches. If this function of the feet is impaired, the load negatively affects the condition of the spine and leg joints. To maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to prevent pain and leg fatigue, additional compensation of shock loads on the legs is necessary.

Solidus shoes use a comprehensive solution to this problem:

  • resilient polyurethane outsole with internal air-cushioning cushions;
  • vibration-damping insole made of natural cork oak bark, with additional shock-absorbing inserts in the areas of increased stress - metatarsus and heel.

2. Maintaining the anatomically correct position of the feet

Many have already heard about the dangers of constantly wearing shoes with absolutely flat soles or, conversely, with high heels. These types of shoes cause an improper distribution of weight on the feet when walking, exclude the normal functioning of the muscles and ligaments of the arches of the feet, which can lead to pain, fatigue in the legs, and in the long term - to the development of deformity.

Designed with input from orthopedic surgeons, Solidus shoes use specially shaped insoles to provide soft support for the longitudinal and transverse arches. It is important that this does not disrupt the natural dynamics of the muscles of the foot, and its arches can fully perform a shock-absorbing function. The stable heels of Solidus shoes do not exceed the "correct" height recommended by the doctors.

3. Comfortable fit on the leg

If the shoe squeezes the leg or, conversely, sits too loosely, this can lead not only to pain, but also to ligament injuries, poor circulation, the formation of calluses and other unpleasant consequences. Each size of women's shoes Solidus is made in seven different heights, for men - in four, so that any buyer can choose a pair exactly according to the foot. The manufacturers of Solidus have developed more than 30 unique pads, the designs of which take into account all the anatomical features of the human foot and have an optimal ratio of fullness and lift.

The anatomical cut of the heel provides a secure fit and prevents the feet from slipping inside the shoe, while the soft edge on the edge prevents chafing.

4. Convenience and durability

The upper layer of the Solidus shoe insoles and the shoe lining are made of soft and thin calfskin leather, which creates a comfortable microclimate and allows the foot to breathe. High-quality genuine leather of the upper retains its shape and appearance for a long time.

Children and adults wear orthopedic shoes to prevent certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, maintain the correct position of the foot, and relieve excessive load on the lower extremities. Special shoes help reduce the risk of injury and mitigate the negative effects of existing pathologies.

In appearance, modern orthopedic shoes practically do not differ from ordinary ones. Its main advantages are considered to be increased convenience and adaptation to the peculiarities of the legs of people with physiological disorders.

Functions of orthopedic shoes

With the correct selection of orthopedic shoes and constant wearing of the model recommended by the doctor, the patient may feel a reduction in discomfort while walking. Quality products help to suspend pathological changes in the feet.

The effect of therapeutic and prophylactic shoes may differ depending on their model and the type of disease diagnosed in a person. The greatest effect is provided by products selected individually after a medical consultation with an orthopedist.

The constant wearing of orthopedic shoes allows you to achieve such positive results as:

  • Cessation of foot disorders, reducing the risk of flat feet and other disorders of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.
  • Prevention of joint diseases, neuralgia.
  • Formation of the correct arch of the foot in a child.
  • Correction of deformities of the lower extremities.
  • Reducing the negative effects of arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the feet in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Acceleration of rehabilitation after injuries or operations on the lower extremities.

Patients can choose orthopedic shoes for adults and children for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. There are summer, winter and demi-season options on sale so that patients can wear special therapeutic and prophylactic shoes all year round. Manufacturers produce various types, for example, shoes, sneakers, moccasins, boots, boots.

Depending on the orthopedic effect produced, the models can be simple or complex.

Uncomplicated orthopedic shoes

Includes inline or inline adjustments. Boots with special insoles or half insoles help support the arch of the foot. Models with a high top are intended for people with severe valgus or varus abnormalities.

Sophisticated orthopedic shoes

It is made to order according to an individual plaster cast or according to the results of 3D scanning. The complexity group of the model depends on the severity of pathological changes.

This group of orthopedic footwear is divided into 3 subspecies: stabilizing, anti-varus and anti-valgus.

  • Stabilizing shoes are indicated for patients with cerebral palsy with equino-varus and equino-valgus curvature. Wearing such models contributes to the development of motor skills, the formation of a correct gait and stops further deformation. It has a high heel, an instep support, a stabilizing element in the sole, dense lacing or fasteners.
  • Antivalgus orthopedic shoes help people with disorders of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot due to overweight, weak muscle tone. It is distinguished by a high stiff tibia, longitudinal arch on the instep support.
  • Antiviral models are used to correct clubfoot. The products rigidly fix the back of the foot with a high rigid heel counter and pronator insoles.

Indications and contraindications for use

People with the following disabilities need to choose orthopedic shoes:

  • Shortening of the lower limb, sagging foot, different length of the feet.
  • Support stumps.
  • Deformity of the feet of various etiologies.
  • Lymphostasis, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ankle instability.
  • Severe longitudinal-transverse flat feet.
  • Vascular pathology of the lower extremities.
  • Foot bone necrosis.
  • Acute and chronic articular inflammation.
  • Non-healing wounds, ulcers, painful scars.
  • Recurrent inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Congestive trophic phenomena and chronic edema.
  • Endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis.
  • Some individual features of the foot (greater fullness or length of the foot, wide beam part, increased volume of the lower leg).

How to choose orthopedic shoes?

Orthopedic shoes should be selected in a specialized store on the recommendation of an orthopedist. The design of the product must fully take into account the individual anatomical features of the foot.

When buying, be sure to take into account the seasonality, size, length and fullness of the foot. Since the left and right feet may not be the same size, you must try on both shoes before purchasing.

If shoes are bought for a child, then they will have to be changed approximately every 6-8 months, since the child's foot is rapidly increasing in size.

When examining a pair, pay attention that there are no folds, creases, rough seams on the surface that can cause discomfort.

How to measure your foot?

To choose the right size when buying orthopedic shoes, you need to measure your feet in advance. For this it is recommended:

  • Place a sheet of A4 paper on the floor.
  • Stand exactly on it and trace the contour of the foot with a pen.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • With a centimeter, measure the length of your feet from the heel to the end of the big toe. Choose the largest of the two values.

If there are difficulties in measuring and choosing a suitable model, experienced consultants of the ORTEKA online store will give qualified advice and help you find the right orthopedic shoes of the highest quality.