Repair Design Furniture

Royki is a prerequisite in a wooden house. Openings of windows and doors: in the timber walls, metal swings norm and technology Installation of swings in doorways

I want to continue the topic of installing swarms in houses and baths from a bar. Today I was at the facility where our company is building a bathhouse from a bar of natural moisture, and so for this client we built a house a year and a half ago, a house for shrinkage, in the photo the house is dark brown, and the bathhouse has not yet been painted. When we were building a house for him, the customer refused in principle from swarms in windows and doors, but over time he admitted that he was a mistake. Right now, a year later, problems with the openings began, our guys, when the weather was bad, began to fix the squeezed out openings and insert swarms, but not wooden but metal ones. I will also say that it is now much more difficult to do this than at the time of construction, it was necessary to drill the walls next to the openings and level the wall with a channel using bolts, then sawing and inserting a pipe with a profiled at least 50mm width. The photo is shown below.

If the customer did not oppose and agreed to put the swings right away, then there would be no such difficulties in the future, and the bathhouse that we are building for him also without finishing is already doing with not metal swings, but wooden ones, since at the initial stage metal is not required, but it will not hurt margin of safety. I will note as I wrote in the previous article about the swarms, they are quite thick at least 50x50mm.

I also want to say that the house and the bath are going to a spring unit and, in principle, there are no gaps in the house that has been standing for a year and a half between the timber. But this is a separate conversation in my other publications.

Conclusion, if a house is being built for you or you are working on your own, then spare no effort and money for swarms, ideally metal, and if the construction company refuses to do this or asks for money, then you should think about it. These are obvious things that must be done, whether the customer wants it or not.

  • too wet wood
  • the type of wood is not suitable for building standards
  • seasonality of construction and climatic conditions;
  • violation of technological and construction processes
  • acceleration

In order to avoid negative moments during the process of shrinking at home, you must adhere to the following rules

  • Firstly, use exclusively high-quality material (the timber must be processed and subjected to special additional drying)
  • Secondly, in construction work, use swarms (these are wooden stumps in the form of a square section, which are used at the end of a window opening and doors as an installation element).

What does the installation of swarms give

Installation of swarms, provides protection from the bending of openings. If they are not used, under the influence of shrinkage, the opening will become inappropriate.

Window swings

After the wall is made, at the timber, an edge will be formed that is not supported by anything to the parts of the building. After installing the window frame, the process of shrinkage of the structure will begin, while the timber weakens and the frame sags on the fasteners. By using swarms on window openings, it is possible to minimize this negative process as much as possible.

Door swings

When installing doors, in, the importance of swarms is no less great. Because doors are subjected to even higher pressure due to their size and can be deformed. The use of a swath can minimize the effect of shrinkage. When installing swings in doors, it is necessary to take special account of the gap between the wall space and the frame in order to avoid curvature. We must fix the lower part of the door end-to-end, and at the top we set a gap for the shrinkage process.

Constructive nuances;

When making swarms, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances

  • Natural shrinkage is usually 1/20 of the original space; dimensional quantity
  • The width of the swarms should correspond to the space left for shrinkage, and the length should be slightly less than the opening itself

Installation of swarms

  • At the ends of the opening cut for windows and doors, a longitudinal sawing is done
  • In the prepared cuts, swarms are installed, provided that they allow the house to sit down naturally
  • Remaining gaps are filled

Wooden houses look beautiful and stylish at any time of the year. Profiled timber houses are a practical solution that is suitable for living in both summer and winter. Lumber houses have a lot of advantages that remain even after 20 years of operation. The durability of the building, as well as its geometric integrity, depends on compliance with the construction technology. Royki is an inconspicuous part of a log house, which has a significant impact on the preservation of the geometry of the structure.

What are swarms and why are they needed

Royka- a small bar that is installed in door and window openings to strengthen and prevent deformation. Houses from a bar, even when using forced-drying wood, give a slight shrinkage, which can lead to cracks in windows, skewed doors and other problems. The shrinkage of houses occurs almost imperceptibly, so it is difficult to predict in advance at what moment and how much the house will settle. Timely measures taken to minimize the negative impact of shrinkage on all structural elements.

Swarms are usually made from a bar with a section of 50x50 mm - this size is quite enough to prevent shifts and deformation of door and window structures. Depending on the characteristics of the timber and the degree of its moisture, the swarm is made 50-120 mm less than the door or window opening. If the swivel is installed of the incorrect length, then the wall will deform and the subsequent violation of the integrity of the windows or doors. It is strictly forbidden to build a house from a profiled bar without installing swarms.

Another advantage of installing a swivel is that it does not change the configuration of the free edge of the cant. If the ends of the timber remain unsecured for a couple of months, their deformation begins, which can subsequently lead to the destruction of the house.

How swarms are made

The material of the swarms is treated with utmost care, since when the house shrinks, the beams will eventually rest on it. First of all, the type of wood is selected - soft woods are not used here. Most often, wood is taken as raw materials for swarms:

  • Birch;
  • ash.

Swarms can in some cases be made of the same material as the house itself, that is, from coniferous wood. The use of identical pieces of wood makes it possible with high precision to make the structure as solid and durable as possible. Cutting in a small workshop will make the element as smooth as possible and thereby improve its entry into the groove.

Also pay attention to the way the lumber is dried. It is highly undesirable to use natural drying timber, as it can give significant shrinkage. It is best to use forced-drying wood with a moisture percentage of about twenty.

Installation features

At first glance, it may seem that installing swarms is a simple task, but this is far from the case. It is important to correctly calculate the distance that should remain on top of the swarm, as well as make a hole for it. The swarm must be installed clearly in the center of the ends of the timber. Sawing for timber should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the wood. The hole on top of the swivel must absolutely not be filled with foam or any other materials that may affect the uniformity of shrinkage at home. Ultimately, the beam on top of the doorway must necessarily lie on the stop, which is formed from the end of the swarm. To calculate the space on top of the swarm, it is better to involve specialists who have extensive experience in the construction of log houses.

How is the installation of swarms

The location of the swarms primarily depends on the thickness of the timber from which the walls are made. If the thickness of the outer walls is usually 15-25 cm, then the inner walls are made mainly of the thinnest width of wood. Holes for swarms should be cut clearly in the middle. If the wall thickness is 25 cm, then the swarm will be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the timber.

The first step is to saw out window and door openings according to the project. Their sizes are discussed in advance. It is important that the openings have an exact geometric shape, since the slightest deviation can lead to subsequent deformation of the structures. Next, a groove is cut out according to the width of the swarm, but at the same time its length should slightly exceed the size of the element. The width of the swivel must necessarily coincide with the groove, since with a loose fit, the part will partially or completely lose its functionality. The groove must be cleaned and processed.

The next step is to install the swarm into a pre-prepared groove. The swarm should reach the bottom of the opening, and have a few centimeters of free space on top. The swivel should fit into the groove with little force for the most snug fit. After the installation of the rooks, the installation of door or window structures is carried out directly. A small space is also left above, which will allow the house from a bar to sit down without violating the integrity of the structure. The remaining space can be filled with insulation, after which the windows and doors are sewn up with platbands. Platbands allow not only to hide the remaining space, but also to complete the interior and emphasize the atmosphere and design of the room.

In the process of shrinking a house from a bar, the platbands are subject to slight deformation. The disadvantage, although it significantly affects the interior of the room, is easy to fix. The easiest way to solve the problem of deformed platbands is to file the cashing in modified places. If the house was originally built from naturally dried timber, then within 3-4 years after the completion of construction, it will be necessary to regularly check the condition of the platbands and periodically file them.

Wooden houses are becoming more and more popular with private developers. The leading position among them is occupied by houses from a bar.

Structures from a bar. Shrinkage problems

This lumber is manufactured and has all its inherent properties. For example, natural humidity. Over time, a house built from a bar dries out and shrinks.

It may be invisible visually, but it necessarily has a negative impact on the structure of the log house. I. if you do not take timely measures, it can cause distortions of the openings intended for the installation of windows and door blocks.

The amount of shrinkage of a log house is variable and depends on a significant number of external factors. The greatest influence on this indicator is exerted by:

  • The type of wood from which the timber is made, and the degree of its moisture;
  • Type of timber (planed, profiled);
  • Construction season;
  • The technology used for the construction of a log house.

Royka - a structural element that protects the house from deformation

The craftsmen of the Wood-Brus company are well aware of how wood behaves in construction. Therefore, we offer the customer two options for solving the problem:

  • Use for construction a timber that has previously passed the chamber drying;
  • Carry out the installation of doors and windows using a swivel.

This is the name of a 50 * 50 bar made of dry wood. Its length is 50-120 mm less than the height of the opening in which the swarm is mounted. Royka successfully and effectively solves the problem of possible deformation of openings. If this product is not installed, the following picture occurs: after a certain time, the drying beam, due to a change in its own dimensions, can deform the door frame or window block. To prevent such a development of events, swarms are installed.

Therefore, we do not install a single house made of profiled timber of natural humidity without using a special technology for installing windows and door blocks, which allows us to minimize the negative effect of shrinkage and preserve the geometry of the openings and the entire building as a whole.

Making a swarm

The “right” swarm requires the right fabrication. To do this, you must take into account the following requirements:

  • It requires a high quality raw material, chamber-dried hardwood. It is not advisable to make it from lumber of natural moisture. An exception may be the option when the swarm is made of a material corresponding to the one from which the wall profiled beam is made (from the scraps of this beam). In this case, their compatibility is guaranteed;
  • The cross-section of the product sets the width of the cut that will need to be made to install it. The length of the swivel is 50-120 mm less than the cutting height (usually it is taken equal to the height of the block that will be installed in this opening). This difference, left at the top, ensures free shrinkage of the structure. And the emphasis, formed by the swarm, excludes the curvature of the free ends of the bar;
  • The swarm is placed strictly along the central axis of the sawing performed at the ends of the timber from which the walls are laid.

Installation sequence

The algorithm for installing the swarm is as follows.

1. Holes are cut in the wall for the subsequent installation of window and / or door blocks. The walls of the opening are processed.

2. In the inner part of the opening, on its side walls, a longitudinal cut is made strictly in the center, which is a flat groove, processed from the inside (stripping). Its depth is set by the section of the swarm, and its length exceeds the same value of the installation product by 5 - 12 cm.

3. Swivels are installed in the cuts prepared for them with some effort (tightly). At the same time, their lower part goes down to the base of the prepared opening.

4. After that, the windows and door blocks are installed.

Please note that after their installation, between the upper edge of the opening and the upper part of the block, there is a free space of 40-60 mm, designed to compensate for the shrinkage of the log house. It is filled with insulation and sewn up with platbands.

The latter cover the space left for future shrinkage. The casings are likely to partially deform during the shrinking process. However, this disadvantage is easily eliminated. It is enough to remove it and file it down a little. It is strictly forbidden to use polyurethane foam for processing this space. Since this can become an obstacle to the normal drawdown of the timber.

Swings are not only reliable protection against deformation for door and window structures. They also prevent the beam itself (its free end) from twisting. Therefore, the spike technology (swarming installation) is an obligatory element in the construction of any building made of profiled timber of natural moisture.