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Remote education means. Distance learning methods. Types of distance learning

Means of educationpresent the content of learning, control and management of educational activities of students.

In the traditional educational process, such means are: printed publications of textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, reference books, floppy disks, recordings on the board, posters, movies, movies, and the word of the teacher.

Upon receipt of distance education, the learning tool is significantly wider and, except for the traditional, include such as:

Training electronic publications;

Computer training systems; audio, video-educational materials;

Computer networks and more.

Electronic publications of educationalpossessing all the features of paper editions, have a number of positive differences and advantages. In particular:

Storage compactness in computer memory or on a diskette;

Hypertext capabilities, mobility, replicability;

The ability to prompt changes and additions;

Email shipments.

This is an automated training system that includes didactic, methodological and information and reference materials on academic discipline, as well as software that allows you to comprehensively use them for independently obtaining and monitoring knowledge.

Computer training systems- software for educational, which are widely used in the educational process of distance learning and allow:

Individualize the approach and differentiate the learning process;

Control the trainee with the diagnostics of errors and feedback;

Provide self-control and correction of educational and educational activities;

Reduce learning time due to labor-intensive computing on a computer;

Demonstrate visual training information;

Simulate and imitate processes and phenomena;

Carry out laboratory work, experiments and experiments in a virtual reality;

To form the ability to make optimal solutions;

Raise interest in the learning process using game situations;

Transfer the culture of knowledge and others.

Audio and video educational materials- written on magnetic media, audio and video tapes, and can be represented

trainee with a tape recorder, video recorder or Laser CD-ROM CDs.

Computer networks- A learning tool that includes various information and a set of computers connected by communication channels.

The global Internet network is an integral tool widely used in remote learning. The development of global networks has created a fundamentally new situation in the work of scientists and teachers with information: many sources of information, previously separated, became accessible, and quite quickly and uniformly. The concept of the URL appeared (Universal Resourse Locator - a universal link). The most modern means of computer telecommunications, such as WWW, take into account this concept and make the process of citing sources extremely simple. At the same time, it is not about quoting in the usual sense, adopted for books and magazines on paper, and about the possibility immediately get the full text of the source. As a result, the method of presenting scientific and pedagogical texts is changing, disappears the need for quotations in the usual sense at all, only references on the URL remain in the text, allowing you to immediately get the desired text quotation.

All of the above gives reason to say that the use of computer as a means of communication and the emergence of the Global Network of the computer opened the broadest opportunities for the development of distance learning (before). Before, the new quality was already obtained - the student is almost not limited to spatial, and most importantly - by temporary framework for information. The problem of access to information that existed before was more pleasant, but also a rather complicated problem of finding the necessary information among its huge "ocean".

3.20.11. Organizational forms of distance learning

In pedagogical practice, well-known forms of training have developed. The most common of them - lectures, seminars, laboratory classes, test work, exams -

enjoy in remote learning, however, showing some specific features.

Lectureunlike traditional audit, eliminate live communication with the teacher, however, have a number of advantages. Audio and video tapes, CD-Rom discs are used to record lectures. The use of the latest information technologies (hypertext, multimedia, GIS technologies, virtual reality) makes lectures expressive and visual. To create lectures, you can use all the possibilities of cinema: director, scenario, artists. Such lectures can be listened at any time and at any distance. In addition, no material is required.

Seminarsdistance learning is an active form of training sessions. Seminars are conducted using video conferencing. They allow you to enter into a discussion at any point of its development, return a few steps ago by reading the previous statements. The teacher can estimate the mastering of the material according to the degree of activity of the participant in the discussion. The number of student interactions among them is increasing, and the teacher himself acts as an equal partner.

Consultationthey are one of the forms of managing the work of trainees and assist them in an independent study of discipline. The phone and email is used, as well as a teleconference. Consultations help the teacher to evaluate the personal qualities of the student: intelligence, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

Laboratory worksin remote learning, intended for practical assimilation of the material. In the traditional educational system, laboratory work requires:

Special equipment, layouts, simulators,

Simulators, chemical reagents, etc.

The possibilities of distance learning can further simplify the task of conducting a laboratory workshop through the use of multimedia technologies, GIS technologies, simulation modeling, etc. Virtual reality will demonstrate the student phenomena, which in normal conditions is very difficult or impossible.

Controlremote education is to verify the results of theoretical and practical assimilation of the learning educational material. Here I justified myself and deserved recognition test control. The test, as a rule, contains an extensive list of issues on discipline, for each of which several options are offered. The learner must select the correct answer among these options. Tests are well adapted for self-control and are very useful for individual classes.

Tutorials -consistently organized consultations, the purpose of which:

Contribute to the intensification of the educational activities of the listeners;

Form such qualities of listeners as

The ability to quickly adapt in a group engaged in solving common to all tasks;

The ability to set personal contacts, share information and form the necessary points of view, to distribute and organize work correctly;

Ability to overcome the resistance of others, to warn clashes and disagreements;

Ability to analyze and evaluate their actions and others.

Tutorials are a specific and organizational form of interaction of the teacher (tutor) with listeners. Since the "full-time" component is present in the tyotorial, the following requirements are imposed on this form of study:

Program development for each tutorial;

Determination of its duration indicating the time limit;

Development of the structure of the tutorial;

The tutorial is a teacher and an expert of the necessary qualifications, which is especially important when professional development in a particular professional area.

The most important feature of the organization of tutorials is the use of non-traditional learning methods. Training using non-traditional methods should be carried out by teachers who own them. The method is widely used

analysis of specific situations, business and role-playing games, imitation exercises, group discussions, various forms of group work ("Snowball" (or pyramid), "buzzing" groups, brainstorming, "aquarium", etc.). The main characteristics of distance learning technology determine the special type of teacher included in this system.

According to many experts, a teacher working in distance learning, should distinguish:


Logical culture;

Feeling of novelty and relevance;

High Methodical Mastery;

Ability to concentrate attention on the main thing in the studied processes and phenomena;

Clear style of presentation;

Orientation to develop the skills of independent work of students.

Of interest are studies conducted in British Open University, which allowed identifying students to communicate with teachers:

Polite, respectful appeal;

Clear and objective assessment system;

Explanation and substantiation of the issuing issued;

Understanding by students values \u200b\u200bof assessments and whether there is progress, even if the estimates remain the same;

An approach based on sympathy, support, friendliness, showing that the teacher to the side of the trainees;

The lack of even a hint of rudeness or arrogance;

Support and safety assistance with objectivity preservation;

The presence of constructive tips (how and what had to be done, direct references to the material of the course and the instructions where they missed or misunderstood, etc.);

The presence of incentives for further promotion;

Lack of complex, confusing or unreadable responses;

The possibility, if necessary, meet with the teacher; Fast response.

So, distance learning today is a reality. Having obtained the broadest development abroad, distance learning is increasingly distributed in our country. All new and new educational institutions operate on such technology are opened, their number increases from year to year.

Statistics show that Russians' interest towards remote education is growing every year, especially in the regions. By the way, the distance learning was conceived by the British precisely for the training of "simple people from the province". Such a form of training is indispensable for those who have no time and opportunity to take care of a career for education.

I would like to believe that modern remote education centers in Russia, let them still have enough, are the forerunners of the formation of the future, when the pace of our life will increase everything and we will not be able to keep up for an avalanche of information threatening to cover us with your head, but to slowly learn professions five - There are years in the separation from practical activity will seem ridiculous, because during this time practice can go far the theory that is studied at the university. And this trend declares itself in recent times quite often.

Since training in the remote system requires students a fairly serious computer training that at the level of primary and high school is practically excluded, this form of training is promising in the system of vocational education - in universities, colleges, technical schools and professional collections and centers engaged in professional retraining of adults.

The possibility of using the remote form of training in the educational process.

In the current decade, following the global trend, the direction of distance learning begins to play in the Russian education system. First of all, the intensification of this process contributes to the development of the Internet and Web technologies that provided new opportunities in the development of this form of training.

In recent years, the demand for this kind of educational services in recent years is dictated, obviously, the realities of modern life: increasingly the number of specialists are needed in harsh conditions to receive, firstly, a particular specialized education, and secondly, a certain luggage of additional knowledge, certified by the corresponding certificates.

Distance learning - the interaction of the teacher and students among themselves at a distance reflecting all components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, learning tools) and implemented by the specific means of Internet technologies or other means involving interactivity.

Distance learning is an independent form of training, information technologies in remote learning are the leading means.

Purpose Distance learning is the provision of students in educational institutions of higher professional education the possibility of mastering the main and additional professional educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education (hereinafter - educational programs) directly at the place of residence or temporary stay (location).

The history of distance learning is one and a half century since 1960. It certainly was not a distance learning that we know today. It was a system in which students and teachers at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champane could interact with each other. Students could read the necessary material and communicate with teachers who could control the progress of students.

The next stage of the history of distance learning begins with the beginning of the 80s of the last century, when a variety of automated training systems (AOS) began to appear. The possibilities of AOS were extremely limited. However, some AIs brought very tangible benefits, despite their limited opportunities.

The new stage in the history of distance learning has come when personal computers are widespread computers equipped with a graphical user interface that provides multimedia data in various formats. The use of multimedia features of personal computers made it possible to significantly expand the use of computer training systems. Second-generation training technologies were called - Computer Based Training (CBT) - computer learning.

The modern stage of the history of distance learning has come with the advent of the global Internet. Applied Internet services and the ability to provide access to the study content practically from anywhere in the world allowed to make serious jerks in the development of information technologies in the educational sphere. From this point on, the use of the term "distance learning" begins.

In English, the term E-Learning is more common - "e-learning" (by analogy with E-Commerce - "Electronic Commerce" and E-Business - "Electronic Business").

Due to the wide use of multimedia and Internet technologies, the effectiveness of learning conducted in remote form is not only equal to the effectiveness of learning conducted in the traditional personality, but in many cases exceeded it, which led to a rapid expansion of the use of distance learning technologies. The widespread use of distance learning technologies in turn led to the emergence and widespread dissemination of the term: remote education.

The onset of the next stage in the history of distance learning can be expected, as in the previous cases, in case of the emergence of fundamentally new technologies and services in the field of information technology. Apparently, the most likely candidate for the role of locomotive in the field of distance learning technologies is artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence will significantly change the technology of distance learning and withdraw the history of distance learning for a new stage whose capabilities will be limitless.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the followingbasic elements :

information transfer media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks),

methods dependent on the technical exchange environment.

Currently, interactive interaction with students through information communication networks, of which the Internet user media is massively allocated massively. In 2003, the initiative group ADL began developing the SCORM remote interactive learning standard, which involves widespread Internet technologies. The introduction of standards contributes to the deepening of the requirements for the composition of distance learning and software requirements.

Distance learningallows:

reduce training costs (no cost for renting premises, travel to the place of study, both students and teachers, etc.);

reduce time on learning (collection, travel time);

the participant can independently plan time, place and duration of classes;

conduct training large quantities;

improve the quality of learning through the use of modern means, voluminous electronic libraries, etc.

create a unified educational environment (especially relevant for corporate learning).

Remote educational technologies using the Internet are used both to master individual courses for improving user skills and for higher education. You can highlight the following main forms of distance learning: online and offline mode. Training over the Internet has a number of significantadvantages :

Flexibility - students can receive education in a suitable time and in a convenient place;

Long-range - students are not limited to the distance and may learn regardless of the place of residence;

Efficiency - significantly reduced expenses for long-distance travel to the place of study.

Distance learning offers several different technologies that can be used when conducting training.

Base technology of distance learning is the technology built on the use of Internet technologies. In the framework of distance learning, all means that offers Internet users have been applied.

Less common distance learning technology is a television-satellite technology built on the use of interactive television.

Another common distance learning technology is a case technology. Most of the entire Case technology of distance learning is like calling by correspondence training.

In general, it should be noted that the use of remote learning technology built on the use of Internet technologies, displaces all other remote learning technologies. Including due to the fact that Internet technologies gradually include other information technology. For example, telephony becomes more and more part of the Internet.

Distance learning tools.

Despite the fact that the history of distance learning is not so many years, a large amount of funds have already been accumulated that can be used when conducting distance learning.

Distance learning system (DDO)

To build distance learning, it is necessary to introduce a distance learning system that will provide the provision of services necessary for the organization and conducting services. Modern distance learning systems provide:

centralized automated management management;

fast and efficient placement and provision of educational consultants;

a single platform for solving basic tasks in the framework of planning, conducting and managing all curricula in the organization;

support for modern standards in the field of distance learning technologies;

personalization of training content and the possibility of its repeated use;

a wide range of means of organizing interaction between all participants in the educational process.

Remote courses

The main means (not always required) used during distance learning is the remote course, working with whom students receive knowledge and acquire the skills and skills they need. The remaining funds used in remote learning are usually used in conjunction with remote courses. Separate use of them significantly reduces their effectiveness.

The remote course may contain a large range of elements:

information slides;

simulations working with software;

interactive simulators;


role exercises;


In addition to the various elements included in the remote course in order to provide learned knowledge, as well as the development of the skills and skills, the remote course includes information, as it should be conducted by remote training. In most cases, the remote course includes the rules that determine how the listener moves from the section to the section of the distance course during the passage of distance learning. Very often, the list of such rules is called the trajectory of distance learning.

One of the most important characteristics of the distance course is its compliance with modern standards in the field of distance learning. The most common standard in the field of distance learning today is scorm.

Organization of interaction

The most important task facing distance learning is the organization of interaction between students and teachers. There is a large set of tools that can be used to solve this problem.

The most widespread obtained the following:





video and audio conferencing.

Audio and video conferencing are often used when conducting seminars on which small individual topics are illuminated. Such seminars are extremely effective when using them for learning well-trained specialists for which it is necessary to highlight a new or difficult question.

Virtual cool room

For distance learning on complex and volumetric disciplines in remote training, a powerful tool was created - a virtual classroom. The use of a virtual classroom when conducting distance learning allows you to fully reproduce the training similar learning in the usual class.

Trainable can:

talk to each other;

to see each other;

write to each other;

write on a virtual board that all students and teacher see;

provide access to your materials;

work with software products installed in the workplace of another user;


Electronic libraries

In addition to distance courses, additional materials that they can use during distance learning are often needed. To simplify access to materials, the formation of effective search, listeners during distance learning are provided with access to electronic libraries. Including during distance learning, listeners often provide access to electronic libraries of regulatory information.

Web 2.0

Now there is increasing popularity when building distance learning, Web 2.0 tools are obtained. A feature of Web 2.0 is the principle of attracting users to filling and multiple content reconciliation. An example is the World Virtual Encyclopedia - Wikipedia. The use of Web 2.0 technologies can be quite varied. For example, remote learning listeners can jointly perform tasks. In this case, the final assessment is exhibited on the basis of measuring the activity of the listener.

Today, when conducting distance learning, a large range of various means, services and technologies is used. Periodically, various organizations conduct surveys of specialists and organizations to determine which means of distance learning are the most popular. Analysis of the results of such surveys shows:

a wide variety of remote learning tools used;

the presence of a large number of distance learning devices created by organizations and experts for themselves;

the high popularity of Internet services that are in great demand in other areas of people's activities.

The only specialized means of distance learning, which is among the top ten means of distance learning is the Moodle distance learning system. It is easily explained, since this means of distance learning has a rather wide functionality and is free.


Google Docs;










Chat classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within many remote educational institutions, there is a Chat school in which the activities of remote teachers and students are organized with the help of chat rooms.

Web classes - remote lessons, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory work, workshops and other forms of training activities carried out with the help of telecommunications and other opportunities of the World Wide Web.

For web sessions, specialized educational web forums are used - the form of user work on a specific topic or problem with the help of records left on one of the sites with the corresponding program installed on it.

From chat-classes of web forums are characterized by the possibility of longer (multi-day) work and asynchronous nature of the interaction of students and teachers.

Teleconference - is carried out, as a rule, based on mailing lists using email. For educational teleconferences is characterized by the achievement of educational tasks. There are also forms of distance learning, in which training materials are sent by mail to the regions.

The basis of such a system is based on the learning method, which was called "Natural Training Process" (English. Natural Learning Manner). Distance learning is a democratic simple and free learning system. Now the inhabitants of Europe are actively used to obtain additional education. A student, constantly performing practical tasks, acquires stable automated skills. Theoretical knowledge is absorbed without additional efforts, organically walking into training exercises. The formation of theoretical and practical skills is achieved in the process of systematic study of materials and listening and repeating the speaker of the exercises on audio and video carriers (if any) ...

Telepresence. There are many different ways of distance learning. For example, remote presence with the help of R.Bot 100 robot. Now in Moscow, in one of the schools, there is an experiment in this type of distance learning. A disabled boy, being at home at a computer, hears, sees, talks with the help of a robot. The teacher asks him questions, he answers. At the same time, the teacher sees the student, because the monitor is on the robot. At the same time, the boy is created almost a complete impression that it is in the classroom, along with his peers in the lesson. On the change, it can also communicate with his classmates. If the experiment becomes successful, it can open the way to a large project to introduce such a distance learning throughout Russia.


Today, distance learning is experiencing a period of rapid development. The increasing number of educational institutions, companies, government organizations are introduced into the educational technology of remote learning. Unfortunately, it is necessary to note the presence of a small number of high-level specialists in this area. Currently, a huge number of low-qualification specialists has been attracted to work in this area. They do not own either pedagogy skills, nor know and do not understand information technology. Their role is often reduced to the registration of users in the distance learning system and view the reports generated by the system. The effectiveness of such training is extremely small and leads to the appearance of many sensations that remote learning is not serious and cannot give a good result. However, this situation can be attributed to growth issues. Over time, incompetent people will come and services will be presented in the market, the quality of which will indeed provide high training efficiency conducted using distance learning technologies.


1. Practice of e-learning using Moodle, Andreev A.V., Andreeva S.V., Dotsenko I.B. - Taganrog, TTI Yufu, 2008. - 146 p.

2. Work in the distance learning system Moodle: Tutorial, Anisimov A. M., - ed. 2nd. and addition. - Kharkov, Khnagh, 2009. - 292 p.

3. Remizova EG, OIRTC ORTS "WEB 2.0 service review".

4. Savenkova V.V., Gou Gymnasium No. 1636 "Nika" "Organization of project activities using Google services." Presentation.

5. Moodle distance learning system: educational and methodological manual, Belozubov A.V., Nikolaev D.G., - St. Petersburg, 2007. - 108 p.

Electronic educational resources

1. Moodle virtual learning environment.

2. "On the use of remote educational technologies". Order Moin number 137 of 06.05.2005

3. Ovsyannikov V.I., Gluder A.V. Introduction to remote education.

Analytical Overview of Distance Learning Methods

Essence of remote learning techniques

ICT technology is actively introduced into pedagogical practice. The model of the organization of network interaction of various educational institutions, distance learning under a single educational institution, has been formed individual curricula, individual schedules and curriculums, but the methods of interaction between the teacher and the student in the remote mode of training remains sufficiently developed. In scientific sources, there is still no uniform classification of methods, techniques and technologies to. Here are hidden reserves and ability to restructure the educational process, modeling creative situations in it, the search for new individual and collective forms of training, mobilizing opportunities and stimulating the creation of teachers and students.

By definition of the doctor of pedagogically, sciences, professors, head of the Distance Labor Laboratory Iso Rao E.S. Polit: The concept of remoteness applies to the form of training in which the teacher and students are divided into between themselves, which brings the specific forms of interaction into the educational process. Distance learning is a new form of learning, which already exists along with a full-time form, by correspondence, external. In the distance form of training, the general patterns of pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, didactics and private techniques are reflected, which causes the presence of all components (goals, objectives, content, methods, organizational forms, learning tools), but they are implemented by specific means of Internet technologies that are fundamentally different from Traditional learning tools. A remote form of training provides permanent, systematic contact with the teacher. Support for general training patterns of training provides for the use of specific methods and forms of distance learning in combination with traditional educational technologies.

Consider the specifics of distance learning. The specificity of distance learning is as follows:

1) is carried out by means of computer telecommunications;

2) Specific learning techniques are used - synchronous and asynchronous;

3) has specific forms of classes.

Such forms are:

1) Chat classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within many remote educational institutions, there is a Chat school in which the activities of remote teachers and students are organized with the help of chat rooms.

2) Web classes - remote lessons, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory work, workshops and other forms of training sessions conducted with the help of telecommunications and other Internet capabilities. For web sessions, specialized educational web forums are used - the form of user's work on a specific topic or problem with the help of records left on one of the sites with the corresponding program installed on it. The web forums from chat classes are characterized by a longer (multi-day) work with combining synchronous and asynchronous nature of the interaction of students and teachers. Teleconferences are usually carried out based on mailing lists using email. For educational teleconferences is characterized by the achievement of educational tasks. This system is based on the learning method, which was called the Natural Learning Manner (Natural Learning Manner).

When remotely learning, communication between students and the teacher occurs removed by telecommunications. In the practice of applying distance learning, specific methods of synchronous and asynchronous learning are used. The methodology of synchronous distance learning provides for the communication of the student and the teacher in real time - on-line communication. The method of asynchronous distance learning is applied when communication between the teacher and the student in real time is impossible - the so-called off-line communication.

These techniques are characterized by the nature of the interaction of the teacher and the student. Thus, the synchronous method of distance learning implies the active interaction of the teacher and the student and, thus, a larger load and in the student, and the teacher (tutor). The teacher acts as "pulling" his students to the fore. With an asynchronous distance learning methodology, more responsibility for the passage of training is assigned to the student on its independence. Here, self-learning is put forward to the fore, the individual pace of training, regulation of this pace of learning. The teacher (tutor) in the asynchronous method of distance learning acts as a consultant, but to a lesser extent than with a synchronous method of distance learning.

Recently, most specialists have come to the conclusion that the greatest effectiveness during remote learning can be achieved when using mixed remote learning techniques. The term "mixed distance learning" implies that the training program is based on both elements of synchronous and elements of asynchronous learning techniques.

Distance learning methods must "smooth out" the possible problem areas of "secured learning". Therefore, to be effective for a specific student, there must be a number of characteristics:

1) to be more personal-oriented to the student and his health status taking into account the disease, to assume more careful and detailed planning of the activities of the student, its organization, the purpose of the goal and tasks of training, the delivery of the necessary training materials;

2) allocate interactivity as a key concept of distance learning as a key concept, to ensure the maximum possible interactivity between the trainee and the teacher, to provide the opportunity for group training;

4) to carry out feedback both operational, open and delayed in the form of an external assessment;

4) form and maintain motivation;

5) Ensure the selection of a meaningful program module, which allows the trainee to be able to realize its promotion from the module to the module, makes it possible to choose any module at its discretion or at a discretion, depending on the level of training.

The difference between distance learning methods from traditional is as follows:

1) Change the valued paradigm on practical oriented and activity: "Know to be able to know";

2) an increase in the role of an independent work of a schoolboy;

3) acquisition of a student of the skills necessary for further life;

4) Strengthening the personal significance of education.

Thus, distance learning methods, in our opinion, is based on the basis of activity learning, using individual, differential and personal-oriented approaches.

The teacher models for a student of the situation in which its computer, functional, subject literacy is formed on the basis of personal needs in the process of acquiring experience.

The first plan in the method of distance learning, as a combination of specific and communicationsaging methods, is a practical task, a particular personal problem that needs to be solved by a particular child. The acquired knowledge is not an end in itself, but a way to solve the problem and a means of developing practical skills. This is the meaning of an activity approach. The teacher "imposes" the methods of traditional learning (the method of the problematic issue, critical thinking, projects, game, health-saving technologies, etc.) on specific methods of distance learning. The main purpose of distance learning becomes the Declaration "Know to be able to know", continuing the thoughts of the ancient philosophers: "We study for life, not for school." The independence of the students acquires particular importance due to the remoteness of the teacher and the student from each other. The interaction of the student and his family members will be activated, helping if necessary to perform certain operations on the equipment (step of transition from the current level of ownership of technique when performing operations to the nearest level). One of the main targets of the educational standard is such a restructuring of the learning process for the priority of independent activity of the student, including mental.

In the process of learning, with the help of remote methods, the competence of the student as a "lifeless skill" or a universal learning action, which remains with a schoolboy for life. This is exactly what standards are achieved. The teacher builds a functional, semantic, procedural and operating model of the student, taking into account all individual features and requests for a specific student.

The traditional approach implies reporting to all the students of the same amount of information. Much greater potential for those techniques that give different children to different recommendations depending on their individuality. Individual recommendations are aimed at the life experience of a specific student, its needs and interests, take into account the specific difficulties that may arise from him - therefore they cause him a response. A person perceives these messages as addressed to him personally, and therefore refers to them with great attention, they need better remember them and more zealously. In the cerebral cortex, those zones are included, which are activated when he thinks about himself, and due to this, the processes of learning, memory and attention are significantly strengthened.

It is known that the use of ICT provides an increase in the efficiency and quality of the learning process; - provision of incentive motives (incentive), which determine the activation of cognitive activity; The deepening of interdisciplinary links due to the use of modern means of processing information when solving problems from various subject areas.

Similar information.

The technology of distance learning lies in the fact that training and control of the mastering of the material occurs using a computer network using On-Line and Off-Line technologies.



Experience and prospects for use

Remote forms of learning when learning a foreign language.

Introduction .............................................................................. 2

Main part:

I.Tanal training and its capabilities. ......................... ... ... 3.

II.Practical use and form of distance learning ... ..4

III. Pretending of distance learning .... .............................. ... 7

Conclusion ......................................................................... ... 9

List of references and Internet resources ...... .. ........................... 10


Over the past three decades, the use of modern technical means has become a global phenomenon of educational and information culture, which has changed an approach to education in many countries of the world. In our country, only in the last decade, information educational technologies have received intensive development, but already confidently began to conquer their place in the educational process along with traditional learning forms. Among them, we are increasingly starting to talk about remote learning, one of the most free and simple methods of training. The development of distance education is recognized as one of the key areas of the basic educational programs of UNESCO "Education for All", "Education throughout the Life", "Education Without Borders".

Distance learning is the method of organizing the learning process based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies, allowing training at a distance without direct contact between the teacher and students.
The technology of distance learning lies in the fact that training and control of the mastering of the material occurs using a computer network using On-Line and Off-Line technologies.

The need for such a learning method is due to various factors, among which can be called:

  1. the need for interactive interaction of students and teachers;
  2. work with children - disabled or often ill;
  3. with correspondence (external) form of training;
  4. implementation of projects and research works;
  5. work with gifted children (individual additional tasks of an increased level);
  6. fascinating tasks for the purpose of repeating (crosswords, rebuses, etc.).

Distance learning technologies allow you to solve a number of significant pedagogical tasks:

  1. creating educational space;
  2. formation of students in cognitive independence and activity;
  3. development of critical thinking, tolerance, readiness to constructively discuss different points of view.

I.Tanal training and its capabilities

Distance learning as a new form of training and, accordingly, as a new form of education is actively formed and developing in our country. His goal to give students elements of universal education, allowing them to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and successfully integrate in the system of world and national cultures. This training is based on modern information technologies that allow you to quickly and flexibly coordinate the changing needs of the student.

Under distance learning in high school, you should understand the educational system based on computer telecommunications using modern pedagogical and information technologies. Distance learning is to obtain educational services without visiting an educational institution with the help of modern information technologies and telecommunications systems, such as email, television and the Internet. Distance learning can also be used to improve the qualifications and retraining of teachers.

As the basis for distance learning, it is more expedient to use computer telecommunications that provide:

The possibilities of distance learning English are allowed to be wider and deeper than traditional methods and techniques to use the educational potential of the educational subject. The purpose of distance learning is not so much learning to finished facts and actions as the principles of orientation in the material, first of all, using sources. Analysis of the Internet materials shows that a number of state and commercial centers, network educational communities are engaged in remote learning for schoolchildren today.

"Pioneer" among the centers of distance learning was "Eidos", which operates under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Education. The most important part of the distance learning, we participate in the All-Russian distance Olympics, Competitions and Conferences, both for students and teachers, as well as Webinars and remote testing conducted on various sites for students in foreign languages, and in particular English. Among them should be noted such as: Pedagogical Planet Center of New Educational Technologies, Academy of Success, Vsekonkursy.Ru, World of Competitions, Network Educational Community Open Class , Russian Citars City & Guilds, portal for English teachers EnglishTeachers, NSportal- social network of education workers, "Enlightenment". We also conduct contests in English Star Travel and Amber Star sites.

II.Practical use and form of dystanium learning

The use of the remote form of training in the teacher in its activities is modern, as it is dictated by time, it is necessary, since it is a factor in the interconnected communicative, sociocultural and personal development of students, and, finally, rationally, as it creates the most favorable conditions for mastering educational socially accumulated experiences, prisoners in the content of training.But how to work out the skills of using the Internet in the organization of the network activities of students, prepare them (and themselves too) to the "specially organized joint work of students in the network"? In this, I think the teacher will help the experience of conducting distance learning projects on the subject.
The remote learning project at school "is considered as a joint training and educational, creative or game activity of students who have a common goal, coordinated methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving the overall result of this activity organized on the basis of computer communications." Such projects, in contrast to projects conducted in the classroom, on a lesson on a subject, are always interpresentable, as they require the involvement of knowledge from various subject areas.
Such projects can be:

Research (in the form of simultaneously conducted data analysis);
creative, game (in the form of telecommunication excursions, competitions, quiz games);
informational (in the form of exchange of various information);
practical oriented (in the form of electronic publications: newspapers, magazines, almanachas), etc.

When conducting certain types of remote projects, issues may be discussed from completely different areas of knowledge. Getting Started on a remote project, the teacher should be ready to work with new content, new methods and organizational forms of training, to the interesting use of the computer in the educational process, to the organization of collaboration of teachers of various subjects. In the process of working with students over the remote learning project, teacher
Manages the cognitive activity of the student, i.e. goes from the position of the knowledge carrier (giving knowledge) into the position of the organizer of the cognitive activity of students;
Motivates the educational activities of the student at the expense of communication, mutual understanding, a positive attitude to the subject;
organizes independent work, including work with a source of knowledge;
uses group methods of training, includes all students in collective creative activities, organizes mutual assistance;
organizes assistance in the process of activity a student, a group, shows attention to the results of independent activities;
Creates a success situation, i.e. Develops the methodology and offers tasks, sank to each student;
Creates a positive emotional atmosphere of training cooperation that is implemented in the system of humane training relationships.
Organizes the self-analysis of their own activities of students and forms their adequate self-esteem.

Work on The remote project allows you to build a conflict pedagogy, together with the children again and again survive the inspiration of creativity, turn the educational process from the boring forced to the productive creative work. In the process of such work, there is an independent development by the participants of the project of comprehensive scientific and practical knowledge and key competencies. Its result is the creation of its own intellectual product in a modern electronic form designed for active application at school, in the educational activities of all participants in the educational process. In 2011-2012 academic year, I and my students worked on remote creative projects to participate in such competitions:

1. All-Russian Remote Competition "School Crossword". The team of students of the 8th grades received a diploma -3 place. 2. 3rd International Working Competition in English. Students of the 7th grades received certificates, and the school received a diploma for active participation in the essay competition. 3. All-Russian remote contest "Mosaic presentations" for teachers. I and my colleague (we worked in collaboration) received a diploma-2 place.

  1. Each of them assumed the active communicative and information activity of students and teachers on the network.

As a result, we are ready to participate in more complex competitions, conferences and Olympiads "On Line", as all participants in project activities:
have become active Internet users,
Learned how to look for information in various sources and evaluate it from the position of utility and realism for the project,
use social Internet services to search for information and communicate
place your materials on the network,
Evaluate the product of its activities and itself in the process of work.If you summarize, then in the process of working on the project:
1. All students who completed project work begin to learn better, they have the ability to more correctly evaluate their capabilities, that is, the self-assessment increases; The ability to independently produce knowledge, initiative, purposefulness, the ability to analyze and "cut out" information is generated.
2. In the implementation of the proposed projects, all interested:
The student is engaged in the work and development of its creative potential (the use of knowledge in new situations) with the prospect of obtaining several estimates on the subject;
The teacher is interested in improving the knowledge and intelligence of students, their employment by creativity;
Parents - in the prosperous progress of their child, in the future to grow a child with a smart head, and also with the "golden" hands.
3. The methodological base of the school is replenished with a large number of multimedia applications that are widely used in various lessons.

III. Distance learning prospectors

Undoubtedly, the main purpose of distance learning is the qualitative training of students for admission and successful education at a university or another professional educational institution, or the development of the profession in a shorter period and directly at the end of secondary education. Of course, the same tasks are and before the traditional (full-time) formation. But are they always solved and how successful? In schools for deepening, expanding and specializing knowledge, profile, prefropful and elective courses of various orientations are organized, universities with the same purpose offer preparatory courses. Wonderful if the selected educational institution is within the accommodation of a schoolboy, and the chosen profession corresponds to the direction of school profile (prefigure and elective) courses, if not? Is there a state of the above-mentioned courses to cover the whole spectrum (or at least a majority) of professions that the future graduate may prefer? Do school teachers possess the necessary preparation to keep such diverse and diffil courses? Is the school resources enough to overcome all these difficulties? Obviously, it is hardly possible to answer these questions positively.

Of course, it is possible to achieve certain success, attracting for work on the profile, etc. courses of teachers of universities, but is it appropriate? Is it too expensive to cost the Ministry of Education Such a solution to the problem if, permissible, the number of groups on courses will be within 1-3 people (which will be inevitably happening in the case of a large scatter of students' interests)? To help school in overcoming these difficulties can, in my opinion, the introduction of distance courses as a substitute for traditional profile and elective courses. An indisputable advantages arising from this replacement can be attributed:

  1. the possibility of an extended selection of courses compared to the proposed school, or other educational institutions at the place of residence,
  2. full decision of the personnel problem due to the territorial unlimited selection of teachers,
  3. the possibility of saving funds intended for training school teachers to prepare them for teaching on profile, etc. courses
  4. the ability to improve the qualifications of teachers without visiting by the specialized preparatory courses, since, by supervising students engaged in the remote course, they will pass it together with students,
  5. reducing the costs of profile or prefillar training of students due to the possibility of optimizing the system's reservation with an unlimited range of courses.


Training using network technologies is becoming a popular way to acquire new knowledge and skills, so necessary on the modern labor market. The dissemination of virtual forms of training, covering some group of students and adults, is gaining momentum now in schools.

Thus, it can be concluded that the distance learning of schoolchildren gives them an additional incentive for simultaneous expansion and deepening knowledge when teaching foreign languages, at a minimum, on two important subjects: English language and computer science. Analysis of the activities of remote form forms has shown that besides the main goal - the ability to develop projects, study and execution of tasks in remote mode helps:

  1. learn to work with network technologies
  2. learn to search for information on the Internet,
  3. secure the rules for working with electronic text and increase the speed of its set,
  4. eliminate gaps in MS Windows knowledge,
  5. explore the technology of work in test programs,
  6. explore individual techniques of work in Adobe Photoshop,
  7. develop the skills of writing speech, learn more clearly and concisely formulate their thoughts,
  8. get some skills of reflection of their activities,
  9. learn to plan their activities
  10. understand that in creative work (and the work on the creation of a project is undoubtedly creative) there are no trifles, and thus strengthen the sense of responsibility for your work,
  11. learn to bring the started thing to the end, eliminate shortcomings and mistakes, critically evaluate your work,
  12. achieve a certain progress in the upbringing of art taste, which was very promoted both lessons on the design of crossword puzzles and advice of teachers in choosing the elements of presentation design,
  13. expand intercultural connections
  14. awaken curiosity, taste for learning and the desire to further acquire new knowledge.

References and Internet resources:

  1. Vindorf-Sysoeva M.E. Pedagogy in a virtual educational environment: Reader. M.: MGOU, 2006. - 167 p.
  2. Gusev D.A. Notes on the benefits of remote.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main methods and technologies of distance education, which are used today by Russian universities.

Distance education It is a fairly popular form of learning, allowing comfortable and without unnecessary temporary / financial costs to get a new profession or improve the qualifications.

The possibility of obtaining education without the need to regularly visits occupations, at home, has many obvious advantages:

  • as for students or students - the time saving required, on the road to the audience, a convenient learning schedule, a low cost of training (compared to the traditional form of training).
  • and for educational institutions - the ability to place more students in the audiences than students in the hospital, as well as the solution of other economic and economic tasks.

But remote training, along with the above-mentioned advantages, has obvious disadvantages. In particular, most employers still refer to this form of learning with a certain share of distrust. Poet students experience some difficulties with the search for a real place of work, in accordance with the qualified qualifications. Universities have to develop and introduce new methods and teaching technologiesallowing you to make virtual classes as efficient as possible.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main methods and technologies of distance education, which are used today by Russian universities.

Methods and technologies to

Modern technical capabilities allow you to conduct classes with students in online mode, promptly transfer tasks and check them in oral and writing. Moreover, the preparation for lectures and seminars, in any case, is conducted using the Internet and modern means of technical communication that no longer cause active resistance in society and, on the contrary, are welcome.

Methodology remote occupationsIn essence, it differs only by the form of the flow of educational material: printed training editions with before transforming into electronic media.

The main signs of distance learning is a combination of methods developed taking into account the characteristics of classes:

  • Training using technical resources. The peculiarity of the method is to self-educate and self-control of the study, with the involvement of teachers of consultants;
  • The method of individual training at which remote classes with one students are carried out according to an individual plan. This method increases the level of knowledge of the learning, as it contributes to the optimization of the educational process;
  • Method virtual lecture It is also being implemented using voice communications: Skype, Weber. The advantage of this method is that any lecture can be written by students for repeated listening and self-securing material;
  • The method of collective online seminars, using electronic communication vocal media, where students have the opportunity to hear and see not only a teacher, but also each other.

Distance learning also allows the use of research methods, independent work, which, in fact, do not differ from the training in the hospital, except for the use of technical means of communication. The physical presence of a student in classes becomes an obsolete form, but existing so far, thanks to a sustainable tradition.

It should be noted that modern technical capabilities not only do not reduce the quality remote education, but also allow you to significantly expand the forms of learning. For example, thanks to the means of communication, the conduct of heuristic olympics, competitions and training courses of the teaching staff became possible in any corner of the planet. This not only expanded the circle of communication of teachers and students, but also allowed them to see the whole world, and not just the walls of the native Almamater.

Problems of a graduate remote form of training and the path of overcoming

According to the same conservative formula that affects any progress, society has formed a stereotype, according to which the diploma received as a result of remote learning "unrealizing", because it is not "stuck" in the traditional way. From here there is a difficulty with further employment and the possibility in principle to prove the level of their qualifications.

It should be noted here that the employment of a young specialist, without experience, is always problematic, even after receiving higher education in the hospital. Therefore, building relationships with the future employer depends not on the form of training, but on the level of the preparedness of the young specialist.

The owner of the "remote" diploma is important to convey to the potential employer those advantages that beneficially distinguishes him from the owner of the "traditional" diploma. Namely, graduates virtual university Different:

  • the presence of a high level of self-discipline,
  • full self-control and sense of responsibility for their future,
  • understanding that study is necessary, first of all, himself, for further career growth.

It can also be noted that the student learned remotely receives at the same time the lessons of the purposefulness and experience of self-organization, and these qualities are the key to a successful career.

Remember that in our country it is customary to "meet by clothes". Therefore, if the applicant demonstrates confidence in his abilities, the chances of a hospital graduate and the one who received a higher education, without leaving the native city - is completely equal. Confirm the level of their knowledge in practice, still, will have to be at the same conditions, and the "way will be aswaling".