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Short story about language. The history of the development of the Russian National Language

Lecture 4.

As any ethnic language, the Russian language has its own history of emergence and development, and it is by no means simple. According to its historical roots (sources), the Russian language refers to the Indo-European family (or Indo-European language community), the Slavic group of languages, the East Slavonic subgroup. Consequently, his story is related to the history of the languages \u200b\u200brelated to him united in the borders of the Indo-European family.

1. Indo-European Language Family.Related are called languages \u200b\u200bthat arose from the same source language and have an ancient general words, roots, affixes, regular phonetic compliances. Language-source, or pricing, is some initial, source system that has been transformed in various directions and giving historically testified related languages.

Genetic (Greek. Genesis "Origin") Rodation between different languages A certain range is established by the comparative historical method. With it, formal (sound) and semantic conformies between units are detected. different languages. Genetically related languages \u200b\u200bare combined into a linguistic community, or family. Since source language system It does not exist as a given (not recorded in written monuments), it is considered as a linguistic model (construct), artificially created, reconstructed, reconstructed. Its actual existence in a certain space and time confirm not only linguistic, but also environmental, cultural and historical and geographical data. Fragments of this model (some prames, archetypes) are installed reconstruction method- by comparing regular formal (sound) and semantic relations (similarities) between units of different languages \u200b\u200bwith different temporal correlation and information to the initial structures - prototypes (Greek. Protos "first, initial"). With this method, such a period of history history is restored when the archaic signs of synchronies were not anomalies, but a norm reflecting productive processes. In Indo-generalism as a reconstructed linguistic model, Indo-European (general-European-European) Pri-language is performed.

Indo-European Pravoke as a reality existed at a certain time in a certain space. He was the unity of the dialects differing from each other. His existence refers to V-IV thousand BC. The initial range of its propagation can be considered such a geographical area, which its environmental, geographical and cultural and historical characteristics corresponds to the picture of the habitat of the Indo-Europeans, obtained on the basis of the linguistic reconstruction of the pranal vocabulary. According to T.V. Gamkrelidze and Vyach. Sun. Ivanov, Praodina Indo-Europeans occupied the territory from the Balkans to the Middle East and the Transcaucasus, up to the Iranian plateau and southern Turkmenistan. The initial resettlement of the Indo-European tribes was limited to a more compact area - an overseas - compared with the territory on which Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bspread as a result of the migration of these tribes in different directions.

Indo-European language community is one of the largest language families on the globe. A typological similarity is found between all the Indo-European languages: they all belong to the flexive type in which grammatical values \u200b\u200bare expressed by flexions (endings). In addition, they have a common material base - common Corelov (the composition of the roots), common affixes and regular phonetic compliances.

In the monograph T.V. Gamkrelidze and Vyach. Sun. Ivanova "Indo-European language and Indo-Europeans", reconstructed certain groups of words, including primary, common concepts for the cultures of all Indo-European tribes, preserved in modern Indo-European languages. So, in modern Russian there are a lot of words of Indo-European origin, i.e. Compliant in other Indo-European languages. They belong to such semantic areas as "kinship" (mother, son, daughter, brother, sister), "Atmospheric phenomena" (weather, wind), "Animals, birds, insects" (cow, sheep, pig, wolf, lion , fox, mouse, bird, eagle, goose, bee, fly), "plants" (a tree - this word in different Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bhas various values: "tree", "pine", "log", "resin"; In addition, it means both trees: Birch, Grab, beech, aspen), "processes, action" (weave, rub, take, take, carry), pronouns (me, you), numeral (two, three) and t ..

The reconstruction of Indo-European words and roots allows you to recreate the linguistic picture of our distant ancestors. Such an attempt is implemented by T.V. Gamkrelidze and Vyach. Sun. Ivanov. They amounted to the "Semantic Dictionary of the General Eau European Language" and reconstructed fragments of Indo-European protoculture, i.e. Initial, primary culture of Indo-Europeans.

Due to the discontinuity of contacts between carriers of individual dialects, a settlement of the general-European primacy into a number of related groups (generality) was occurring, each of which has spread to a certain historical territory due to the migration of dialects in different directions. External (non-language) factor in the decay of the general-European language and independent development of Indo-European dialects served as the absence of a centralized state body. ­ the nation associated with a fixed in writing by culture.

As a result of the gradual decay of the Indo-European language community, the following were formed groups, as well as languages \u200b\u200bthat do not form groups (according to T.V. Gamkrelidze and Vyach. Sun. Ivanovo).

1. Anatolian, or Hetto-Luvian, Group: The Old Nabolia Languages \u200b\u200bof Malaya Asia - Clean Heatt, Klinox and Hieroglyphic Luvian, Palaisy; Late Anatolian Languages \u200b\u200bof the West of Malaya Asia - Lidia and Lycian. The allocation of Anatolian community from the Indo-European Praevka was the beginning of the decay of the latter and refers to the period no later than IV thousand BC. e.

2. Indoiranskaya (Aryan) Group. The most archaic language of this group is an ancient Indian, "Rigveda" is written on it. A later form of the literary Ancient Indian language is known as Sanskrit (Dr.-ind. Samskrta "Artificial, brought to perfection"), a large part of religious, artistic and scientific Ancient Indian literature is written on it; It is used and now in parallel with colloquial Middle Indian dialects (Prakriti), which gave the lives of modern Indoary languages: Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Sindhi, etc. The special subgroup of Indoran languages \u200b\u200bis Kafir, or Nurstan, languages \u200b\u200bcommon in Nuristan, the mountainous region of Afghanistan.

Another group of indoiran languages \u200b\u200brepresents the actual Iranian languages: Ancient - Avestan and Old Water; Midway - Sogdian, Khorezmisian, Middle Percida, Pehlevii, etc.; Novoyran - Ossetian, Afghan (Pashto), Novoperside, Tajik, Kurdish and others. The Indoran Group is the most numerous in the number of languages.

In other genealogical classifications of languages, Indian and Iranian groups are allocated as independent.

3. Armenian language. Groups do not forms. It highlighted two main groups of dialects: East Armenian Isapadadarmian.

4. Greek language. Either does not form groups; In its boundaries there are several dialects. The Language of Homer's poems was likely around the IX century. BC.; Texts of lyrical poets, tragics appear somewhat later.

5. Frigian language. Dead, known on the inscriptions of the first half of the first to n. e. Northwestern Malaya Asia.

6. Thara group. The languages \u200b\u200bof this group are known for written monuments of the second half of the I thousand AD. In the easternmost lane of the distribution of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bin Eurasia - East Turkestan. There are two languages \u200b\u200b- EastOnotochar and Westernotokharsky.

7. Albanian. Groups do not forms. Distributed in the west of the Balkans. Known in texts from the XVI century. AD

8. "Ancient European" languages. Under this conditional name for arral-dialect signs, the languages \u200b\u200bof Europe are united by the end of the II period - the beginning of I thousand BC. e. These include the following groups:

8.1. Italian languages. A group of languages \u200b\u200bof the Apennine Peninsula. The ancient period represents Latin, at first there existed as a dialect of Rome and its surroundings, and then spread to the entire Italy, providing other languages, and further - and to the considerable territory of Europe from the Pyrenean Peninsula and Gaul to Denmark and North Africa; The average period is the People's Latin (or Vulgar Latin); New period - Romanesque languages \u200b\u200b(French, Provencal, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Moldavian, etc.).

8.2. Celtic group.Disintegrates into two subgroups: Continental ( gallic languageet al.) and island ( old Ryland, Scottish, Maneski, Welsh, Korjun, Bretonand other languages).

8.3. German group. Typically, three main subgroups are distinguished: a) North, Ilconnave ( ancardianbroken into a number of languages: norwegian, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish); b) east German,or gothic (gothic main language); c) West German ( old Englishor anglo-Saxon, ancient-Trisian, old Waternesenetsky, hervesonsky - Early representative of Lowernesec dialects). Subsequent stages of the development of these German languages \u200b\u200bare presented in contemporary, German, Flemish and Dutch.

8.4. Baltic group. It is divided into two main subgroups: the West Baltine, represented by the Prussian language (later he was assimilated by German), and the Eastern Baltic, including Lithuanian and Latvian.

8.5. Slavic Group. Divided into three subgroups: western Slavic, east Slavic and South Slavic.

In the tutorial A.A. The reformat "Introduction to Language Science", as well as in linguistic encyclopedias, there are several other genealogical classifications of Indo-European languages, which, however, do not have fundamental differences with this classification. So, A. A. Reformatsky allocates 12 language groups: Indian, Iranian, Slavic, Baltic, German, Romanesque, Celtic, Greek (Novogreic language from the XII century. And dead ancient Greek and medium-grow, or Byzantine), Albanian (Albanian language), Armenian (modern armenian language (Ashharabar) and Old Armenian (Grabar)), Hetto-Luvian (Anatolian), Toro. If we compare this classification with the above, we will see minor differences between them.

2. Slavic group of languages.Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare a set of nearby languages \u200b\u200bthat occupy the vast territories of Central, Southeast Europe and Asia. The languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Group are distinguished by a great degree of structural proximity. This is found in the system of regular soundtractions, phonetic alternations, in Corelov, affixes, the morpheme structure of the word, grammatical categories, the structure of the supply, semantics. Such proximity is explained as the unity of the origin of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band their long and intensive contacting at the level literary languages and dialects.

Of all the Indo-European languages, Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare closest to the Baltic languages \u200b\u200bin their structure. This proximity served as the basis for the theory of Balto-Slavic Praävka. In accordance with it, the Balto-Slavic Pravian, which later collapsed to Prabaltine and Praslavyansky, first selected from the general-European primacy. However, opponents of this theory explain the special intimacy of the Baltic and Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwith long contacts of the ancient balts and Slavs.

Slavic languages \u200b\u200bfor their origin go beyond to the same ancestor - Praslavyansky (general Slavic). It was formed on the basis of one of the Indo-European dialects - Protoslavansky. Praslavyansky has developed as a single language for a long time - over three thousand years: from the beginning of III thousand to n. er, when the Indo-European language as a whole no longer existed, until the middle of I thousand n. e. By the end of this period, Praslavyansky began to decay into separate dialects, of which independent Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwere formed.

The most important processes of Praslavyan language were the loss of closed syllables and mitigate the consonants before [J] (Yot). Due to the first process, all ancient difongic combinations moved to monofongic (i.e., monophtongization of difthongs occurred), syllable smooth sounds arose, the nasal vowels, changed the situation in the Word, which led, in turn, to the simplification of agrees, and the like . Due to the process of mitigating consonants before [J], the first palatalization of posterhable consonants occurred and the ranks of alternating sounds were formed (cf. in modern Russian k // h, g // w, x // W). There were significant changes in grammar and vocabulary, in particular, in Praslavyansky period a lot of new words were formed: God, flea, rich, side, Bolon, sick, swamp, pain, wart, furrow, harrow, barrel, fear, fear, log, Broap, Breat, Brod, Bar, Byrian, Important, Reserve, Patch, Zanoz, Mirror, Grain, Winter, Angry, Snake, Chink, Puddle, Month, Fur, Shepherd, Shepherd, Cancer, Rud, Hand, Ravy, Grove, Snow, Snow, Sheaf, Stone, Cold, Cold, Horon, Hour, etc. These and other phonetic and grammatical phenomena are studied in the course of the Russian language history.

Slavic prames (archetypes) are initial forms, they are established using the reconstruction method, on the basis of comparison and establishing sound and semantic similarities in words relating to the languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Group.

As a result of the final breakdown of Praslavyansky (National Slavic) language in the VI-VII century. Three independent languages \u200b\u200bwere formed: South Slavic, Western Slavic, East Slavic. Each of them, in turn, did not imagine structural unity, united several territorial dialects, which during the further decay of Slavic communities were transformed into independent languages.

The South Slavic subgroup includes modern Bulgarian, Macedonian (it is sometimes considered as a dialect of the Bulgarian language), Serbohorvatsky, Slovenian languages; with IX century It belongs to the Old Slavonic language.

The Western Slavic subgroup includes polishand it kashubsky (dead) dialect, polabsky (dead), czech, Slovak, Luzhitsky (Upper INIP) Languages.

East Slavic subgroup is made up russian Ukrainianand belorussianlanguages.

3. East Slavic subgroup of languages. East Slavic is strengthened with the formation of an ancient Russian state - Kievan Rus (IX century) as the language of the Old Russian (East Slavic) nation. He existed to approximately the XIV century. And then collapsed into three independent languages. The languages \u200b\u200bof the East Slavonic subgroup are as close as possible as geographically and their structural signs.

They differ from South Slavic and Western Slavic languages \u200b\u200ba number of features that have developed in Praslavyansky period. These include the following:

The presence of full-eyed sounding -Iol-, -er-, On the site of Praslavyansky * -Or-, * - oL-, * -Er-, * -el - between consonants in accordance with South Slavic -the, -L-, ~ Rъ, - L- and Western Slavic-stood (cf. rus. and ukr. city, swamp, shore, milk; Belarusian. Morad, Malako, Berag; Staroslav. Grad, Blato, Mlno, Broga; Polish. Ogrod, Bloto, Mleko, Brzeg);

Availability of consonant sounds c. and j.formed from Praslavyan sounding combinations * TJ and * DJ, in accordance with the pcs and railway in South Slavic and C and DN in West Slavic (cf. rus. Candle, I see; Ukr. Switch, see; Belorus, Big, see; Staroslav. Svkash , VIDE ( imperative mood); Polish. SWIEςA, WIDZę);

Sequential development l.-Epentetikum (Epenteza< греч. epenthesis "вставка") после губных согласных из праславян­ских сочетаний губных с j: *bj, *pj, *νJ., * MJ (Wed in Rus. Love - l.yu, buy - kope l.yu, catch - fishing l.yu) in the absence of it from Western Slavs and inconsistent development in the South Slavs;

There was a common subgroup of loss to the X century. The nasal vocabulary Q and ę (they were uttered as well as [Eŋ]), respectively, in [Y] and [A] (on the letter I): Hand from * Rợka, five from * p2.

In morphology there was a regrouping of extinguishing types of nouns on the basis of a grammatical genus, some types of declination and a dual number were lost, the shapes of the simple passed time (aorist and imperfect) and others disappeared.

New words that are not known to South Slavic and West Slavic languages \u200b\u200bformed on the basis of Praslavyan roots and affixes, as well as borrowing appeared in the vocabulary composition. IN modern classification The vocabulary by birth, they are referred to as East Slavic (Eastern Blindes), or ancient Russian, for example: Baggore, jigsaw, illegal, edge, jamb, burdock, cinnamon, Korchun, Cup, Rat, Rowan, Rowan, Sloboda, Dwarm, etc.

4. Stages of the development of the Russian language.Approximately from the middle of the XIV century. Russian language exists as an independent. From that time, the Russian, or Great Russian, language is allocated. It is distinguished by structural signs not only from the Southern and Western Slavic languages, but also from its closest "relatives" - Ukrainian and Belarusian.

Existed whole line Socio-historical and socio-political prerequisites for the allocation of the Russian language from East Slavic language community: the disintegration of a single Old Russian state led by Kiev (from the middle of the XII century), the strengthening of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, isolation during the Mongol-Tatar Iga North-East Rus (Vladimir , Suzdal, Rostov) from Russia's Western and South-Western (second half of the XII-XIII century), the strengthening of Moscow, the union of the scattered northeastern feudal principalities within the boundaries of a single Great Russian State with the Center in Moscow (XIV-XVI centuries).

In Moscow and around it, the population, speaking different dialects, which had both general traits and differential were concentrated. Based on the unification of South Russian and North Russian language elements, Moscow Koine was formed (Greek. Koin "General Institute (dialect) - mutual languageForming as a result of the mixing of a number of related dialects and replacing them all "). Thus, the following phonetic phenomena, who have become the communal norm:

Akane is the non-existence of vowel sounds [a] and [o] in unstressed syllables after solid consonants and coincidence of them in sound [a], for example: ladies - d [a] in, table - st [a] lá, pr [ό] sim - PR [A] shý, xόdim - x [a], etc.;

Ikani - Non-exposure of vowels [a] - [o] - [e] in unstressed syllables after soft consonants and pronunciation of them as [and], for example: m [Á] co - m [and] Snό, p [Á] [and] Tú, vest - in [and] CHA, honey - m [and] DόK, Forest - l [and] Snόy etc.

The following phonetic phenomena, who became the communal norm:

The posterior sound [g] is a ringing (explosive) in its formation and the presence of opposition of sounds [g] - [k], for example: [g] us, [g] one, friend [g] a - friend [k] and t .P. (in South Russian dialects, respectively, the sound [ɣ] - the ringing slot and the opposition [ɣ] - [ h.]: [ɣ] Us, [ɣ] OD, other [ɣ] A - DPY [x]);

The presence of oppositions of lid-dental consonants [in] - [F] and [in "] - [f"], for example: DRO [B] Á - DRO [F], LA [V] Point - La [f], Cro [in "] and - kro [f" ] etc. (In South Russian dialects, there were no phonemes<ф> and<ф">, and in their place they were uttered a lingerie sound [w] or [y] of a nonlog, for example: / LAWKA /, [DPOW], [DARO), [CRO\u003e);

The presence of solid sound [t] in the endings of the verbs, for example: go [t], speaking [t], playing [t] (in southern Russian dialects, respectively [t "]: go [t"], speaking [t "], playing [ T "]).

As linguists note, South Russian vocalism prevailed in Moscow Koine (natural relationships in the system of vowels) and North Russian Conncertism (regular relations in the system of consonant sounds).

The Moscow Koine served as a substrate (Lat. Substratum letters, "bedding, lining"), or language basis, for the formation of the language of Russian nationality, and the latter in further development was transformed into the Russian nation (Russian National Language).

The process of formation of the Russian national language was actively proceeding at the end of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Hence, hISTORY OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE It begins after the collapse of Praslavyansky language and the allocation of the East Slavonic language - the ancestor of three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. It stands out in it three stages:

First (early) - VI-VII-XIV centuries. - From the time of disintegration of Praslavyansky (National Slavic) language, the allocation of the General Design Slavic language and to the collapse of the latter into three languages, the allocation of the Great Russian (Old Russian) language.

The second - XV-XVII centuries. - the period of formation and existence of the Great Russian State, the Great Russian Nature and the Language of Russian Nature.

The third - from the end of the XVII century. - the period of formation and existence of the Russian nation and the Russian national language [Rus. language. ENT. 1997. P. 439-442].

From the very beginning of its independent existence, the Russian language had two forms - oral-spoken and book-written, i.e. and a literary version associated with writing. The numerous territorial dialects (dialects) were an oral conversational form.

In this wayThe Russian language has passed a long path in its historical development. His roots go to the general-European Praävik, his historical destiny is associated with the fate of the languages \u200b\u200bof the general Slavonic group and the East Slavonic subgroup. For more than six centuries, the Russian language exists as an independent, passing a number of stages in its development - from Old Russian to modern.

Similar information.


Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin the Indo-European family of languages

2. Clearls of Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Praslavyansky

What territory lives our common ancestors?.

The emergence of individual Slavic languages

Formation of Russian language

Modern Russian




It is impossible to overestimate the role of the language in the formation of a person's popular self-consciousness. Language is perhaps the main factor in the national identification of the person. He makes us talk, think and even feel in a certain way, which forms a unique feature of perception and assessing the surrounding world by the speakers of this language. And the rustic language, the greater the potential of intellectual development has its carrier, because wealth, the versatility of the linguistic forms and elements determine the depth of human thinking. And this truly invaluable gift we were inherited from our ancestors.

The Russian language refers to the largest languages \u200b\u200bof the world: by the number of speakers on it, he ranks fifth after Chinese, English, Hindi and Spanish.

So how was our language formed? Is it possible that one of the youngest ethnic groups - Slavs - was able for such a short period (1, 5-2 thousand years) to form one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bin the world? I'm trying to answer this question, I put it in front of myself

Purpose:trace the stages of the formation of the Russian language.

This purpose determines the following tasks:

1.Examine literature on the chosen topic.

2.Analyze different points of view on this issue.

.Arrange your observations in the form of an abstract.

1 . Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin the Indo-European family of languages

All Slavic languages \u200b\u200bdiscover large similarities among themselves, but closest to the Russian language - Belarusian and Ukrainian. Threesome these languages \u200b\u200bform east Slavic subgroup, which is included in the Slavic group of the Indo-European family.

Slavic branches grow out of a powerful trunk - Indo-European language family. This family also includes Indian, Iranian, Greek, Romanesque, Celtic, German, Baltic Groups of Languages, Armenian, Albanian and other languages. Of all the Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bwith Slavic, the Baltic Languages \u200b\u200bclosest: Lithuanian, Latvian and Dead Prussian, who finally disappeared by the first decades of the XVIII century. Presumably in II-I thousand BC. e. In the Indo-European language family, the Protoslavyansky dialect was released, in I thousand n. e. Transformed into Praslavyansky.

2. The ancestor of Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Praslavyansky language

Praslavyansky is a language - ancestor of all Slavic languages. He did not have written and was not recorded on the letter. However, it can be restored by comparing Slavic languages \u200b\u200bamong themselves, as well as with their comparison with other related Indo-European languages.

The general source - Praslavyansky language - Rodnitis all Slavic languages, making them a lot of similar signs, values, sounds ... The consciousness of Slavic language and ethnic unity is reflected in the ancient self-confidence of all Slavs - slavs. According to Academician O.N.Trubachev, it is etymologically something like "clearly speaking, understandable to each other." This condition was maintained in the era of the formation of ancient Slavic states and peoples. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", the Old Russian chronicle of the beginning of the beginning of the XII century, says: "And Slovenskaya Language and Rushed One ...". Word language It is used here not only in the ancient meaning of the "people", but also in the meaning of "speech."

3. What territory lives our common ancestors?

Praodina Slavyan, that is, the territory where they have developed as a special people with their own language and where they lived up to their division and relocation to new lands, not yet defined due to the lack of reliable data. And yet, with relative confidence, it can be argued that it was located in the east of Central Europe, north of the ongoings of the Carpathians. Many scientists believe that the northern border of the Praodina Slavs took place along the River Pripyat (the right influx of the Dnieper), the Western border - by the average flow of the Vistula River, and in the east Slavs settled Ukrainian Polesie to the Dnieper himself.

Slavs constantly expanded the land occupied by them. They participated in the great resettlement of peoples in the IV-VII centuries. The Gothic historian Jordan wrote in the composition "On the origin and act of the GETOV" (chronologically brought to 551), which "on immense spaces" from the middle ponya to the lower Dnieper was unavoidable "a crowded tribe of Venetov" (the Germans called all Slavs Wenden, Winden.; Finnish Ven.ä j.ä means "Russia"). Within the VI and VII centuries. The waves of Slavic settlement were poured into most of the Balkan Peninsula, including modern Greece, and including her southern part - Peloponnese.

By the end of Praslavyansky period, Slavs occupied extensive lands in Central and Eastern Europe. Stayed from the coast of the Baltic Sea in the north to the Mediterranean in the south, from the River Elba in the West to the Verkhovyev Dnipro, Volga and Oki in the East.

For his long history, Praslavyansky survived many changes. In the early period of its existence, he developed relatively slowly, was a highly uniform, although there were dialect differences in it ( dialectOtherwise say- the smallest territorial variety of language).

In the late period (approximately from the IV VI century. N.E.) in Praslavyansky, many and intensive changes occurred, which led to his decay near the VI century. AD and the emergence of individual Slavic languages. language Slavic Russian speech

4. The emergence of individual Slavic languages

In the VI-VII centuries. AD Praslavyansky broke up into three groups: Eastern, Western and South.

East Slavic Group: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian.

The Western Slavic Group: Polish with a Kashubii dialect, which preserved certain genetic independence, Serbulusky languages \u200b\u200b(Verkhne and Nizhnywegian languages), Czech, Slovak and Deckla Polandsky, who completely disappeared by the end of the XVIII century.

South Slavic Group: Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbskokhorevatsky, Slovenian.

The ancestor of modern Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian languages \u200b\u200bwas old Russian(or East Slavic) language. In his history, two main era can be distinguished: to writing (from the collapse of Praslavyansky to the X century) and written. What was this language before writing, you can only find out by the relatively historical study of Slavic and Indo-European languages, because No Old Russian writing at that time did not exist.

The oldest literary monuments in the history of the Russian language are the Novgorod Code (1st quarter of the XI century), Ostromiro Gospel (1056/1057) at the Church Slavonic language and birchy diplomas (since the XI century) in the ancient Vivnevgorod dialect.

5. Formation of the Russian language

The disintegration of the ancient Russian has led to the emergence russian (or Great Russian) language other than Ukrainian and Belarusian. This happened in the XIV century, although already in the XII-XIII centuries. In ancient Russian, there were phenomena, distinguished dialects of the ancestors of Velikors, Ukrainians and Belarusians from each other.

From the beginning of the XV century and until the end of the XVII, the Russian language is formed quite quickly. The current Russian language was based on the northern and northeastern dialects of ancient Russia. The center of development is Moscow, where a modern language originated.

Beyond the city there were many dialects, but Moscow speaking was the main one. Clear endings of words appear, cases are formed, spelling develops, words change according to childbirth, cases and numbers.

Latest monuments of specific feudal Rus reflect the features of regional govors. So, the monuments of Novgorod and Pskov fix "Cocanier" (Menu "C" and "H" or the coincidence of them in one of any sound), the Novgorod pronunciation "?", How "and" (which is deposited in the monuments as Mena "?" and "and"); Akane is reflected in the Moscow monuments from the XIV century; Mena "?" and "e" (in the absence of parallel Mean "?" And "and") inherent in monuments that arose in the territory of South and Medium-Russian Govors, etc.

Given the testimony of monuments and checking their data from a comparative study of Russian dialects, we can restore such the most important stages in the development of the grammatical structure of the Russian language XIV -Xvii century .

· Loss of brief forms of adjective in indirect cases (in modern language, such forms are preserved in the frozen expressions of the type on Bosu's leg, in broad daylight, to Erene Fene and etc.).

· Losses of the dual number category (a reminder of the form of a dual number among nouns of male genus, is the use with numerical two, three, four, both, pol- and one and a half A special form, in most cases coinciding with the form of a single number of a single number, but sometimes differing from it: two beasts, ball, step, hour; The relics of the dual number are also modern forms knees, eyes, shoulders, ears and a number of others).

· The widespread development and consolidation of the written monuments of a later era (from the XVI-XVII centuries) of the form of the cleaner case of the names of nouns and adjectives, which are included in the composite.

· Simplification of the system of past times.

· In the field of managing case of core forms of nouns during the XII-XVII centuries, the increase and development of structures with pretexts is observed.

The development of the system of speech is also the development of complex proposals. Compare, for example, a complex design of a proposal from the chronicle (XIV century): "Len by Yaroslav is a great city, harslee the essence of the gate of the gate," with modern complex: "Yaroslav laid a big city in which there was a golden gate."

At the end of the XVII century, the history of the development of the Russian language is experiencing a full formation period. Writing develops, new words, rules, modern church language appear, on which religious literature is written. In the XIX century, the church language is clearly eliminating from the literary, which is used by all residents of Moscow Russia. The language becomes even more modern, similar to today. Many literature written by a new Russian language is published.

With the development of military, technical, scientific and political areas of activity in Russian, modern terminology appears, words that are taken from foreign languages \u200b\u200b(French, German). Changes a little vocabulary, becomes rich in French words. Since the language began "clogging" by foreign words and speech turnover, acutely took the question of appropriate the status of national. Until Peter I decided to give the status of the Russian state of Moscow Rus, there were disputes about the national status of the Russian language. The emperor assigned a new name to the state, issued a decree on the adoption of the Russian language as a national.

6. Modern Russian language

Modern Russian language (standard version, in Russian tradition known as a literary language ) Formed approximately at the turn of XVIII -Xix centuries . In 1708. The division of the civil and church-Slavic alphabet occurred. In 1755, Lomonosov creates the first Russian grammar. Of the following changes, the reform of the Russian spelling of 1918 should be allocated , as well as less significant changes in 1956 .

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the scientific field of activity is actively developing, English-language words are being used, which are tightly intertwined with the Russian language, become inseparable with him. The church, as well as many politicians in the period of the XVIII-XX centuries, fought for the safety of a pure Russian-Slavic language as national. But the study of foreign speech made its imprint: a fashion was developed for words of foreign origin.

In the mid-twenties, the peak of popularity and the development of the Russian language has begun by many countries in the world. In the seventies, almost all major educational institutions of the world were engaged in the seventies of the Russian language. The number of countries who mastered the Russian language exceeded 90.

Oral speech standardization contributed to the distribution of the media In the XX century , introduction of universal education, large-scale interregional migration of the population. Traditional dialects are saved only by the rural population (older generation). In the oral speech of the urban population, the middle generation, young people have almost only some differences in vocabulary and pronunciation, which are gradually leveled under the influence of centralized television and broadcasting. Language is experiencing his climb, acquires new rules, communicates to perfection. Learning language, mapping rules, exceptions, finding new examples to today continues to be formed.


In conclusion, we note that since the Russian language has appeared, it has undergone a lot of metamorphosis from the Azov to a modern saturated and rich language with complex rules and a huge vocabulary. For its centuries-old history, the Russian language has never experienced such significant transformations as in the XX century. History shows that the Russian language was formed gradually, but purposeful. We, the Russians, must "know and feel" Russian, because we yourself do not know him, they speak badly, we relate to it casually, and we only bear responsibility for the state of the native language, its further development, enrichment, for His place in the world.


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Over the centuries of its existence, the Russian language, like any other lively and developing system, has repeatedly enriched with borrowings from other languages. The most early borrowings include Balticism - borrowing from the Baltian languages. However, in this case, it is possible, it is also not about borrowing, but about the vocabulary that has survived since the Slavic-Balt sociality existed. Balticism includes such words as "buckets", "packle", "Skird", "Yantar", "Village", etc. During the Christianization period, "Grecisms" - "Sugar", "Bench" entered our language. "Lantern", "Notebook", etc. Through contacts with European peoples, "Latinians" - "Doctor", "Medicine", "Rose" and "Arabisms" - "Admiral", "Coffee", "Lac", "Mattress", etc. . A large group of words entered our tongue from Turkic languages. These are words such as "focus", "tent", "Bogatyr", "Trug", etc. And finally, since Peter I, the Russian language chose words from European languages. Initially, this is a big layer of words from German, English and Dutch languages \u200b\u200brelated to science, technology, maritime and military case: "Amunition", "Globus", "Assembly", "Optics", "Lotsman", "Mailor", "Deserter " Later in Russian, the French, Italian and Spanish words belonging to the subjects of life, the field of art - "Stained-shop", "Veil", "Couch", "BooR", "Ballet", "Actor", "Poshisha", "Makarona "," Serenade ", etc. And finally, today we are experiencing a new influx of borrowing, this time from English, mostly language.

Russian has passed a long path of historical development.

There are three periods of development of the Russian language:

Early period (VI-VII - XIV century).

The average period (XIV-XV - XVII century).

Late period (XVII-XVIII - End XX - early XXI century).

I Period (Early) Begins after the selection of Eastern Slavs from the general Slavonic unity and the formation of the Language of the Eastern Slavs (Old Russian language) - the predecessor of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. This period is characterized by the presence in the language of the old blocks, church-Slavic vocabulary, the Turkic borrowing.

II period (medium)it begins with the collapse of the language of the Eastern Slavs and the allocation of the Russian language itself (the language of the Great Russian nation). To the second half of the XVII century there is a Russian nation and russian National Language is issued relying in the tradition of the dialect of Moscow.

III period- this is the period of development of the Russian national language, design and improvement russian literary language.

In the XVIII centurythere is an update, enrichment of the Russian language due to Western European languages; The society begins to realize that the Russian national language is able to become the language of science, art, education. A special role in creating a literary language was played M.V. Lomonosov Writing "Russian grammar"and developed the theory of three styles (high, middle, low).

In the XIX century Throughout the century, there are disputes that consider the basis of grammar of the Russian literary language, what role should the church-Slavic language in the development of his styles be played, how to treat a common language and spacious? In this dispute take part primarily N.M. Karamzin and his supporters-Westerners and Slavophiles led by A.S. Shishkov.

Decisive influence on the development of the norms of Russian literary language Predated creativity A.S. Pushkinwhich in relation to the language was guided by the principle proportionality and contouredness: Any word is permissible in poetry, if it is accurate, figuratively expresses the concept, transmits the meaning.

In general, in the process of the synthesis of various elements (popular-spoken, church-Slavic, foreign language borrowing, elements of the business language), the norms of the Russian literary language are produced. It is believed that in general terms russian National Language System it was approximately in the first half of the XIX century.

In the 20th century, two periods in the history of Russian languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished:

1 period (October 1917 - April 1985) is characterized by the presence of the following processes in the language:

1) Care of the passive stock of a huge reservoir of secular and church vocabulary ( mr., King, Monarch, Governor, Gymnasium; Savior, Virgin, Bishop, Eucharistand etc.);

2) the emergence of new words reflecting changes in politics and economics. Most of them were treated shortages of words and phrases: NKVD, RSDLP, collective farm, Raykaya, Oddnad, Likbezand etc.;

3) the interference is opposed.

The essence of this phenomenon is that two words are formed, positively and negatively characterize the same phenomena of reality that exist in different political systems. After the October events of 1917 in Russian, two lexical systems were gradually developed: one for the name of the phenomena of capitalism, the other - socialism. So, if it came about enemy countries, then their scouts called spies, warriors - invaders, partisans - terrorists etc.;

4) Renaming Denotat. Denotat- an object of non-language reality, to which a language sign belongs in the statement. So, not only the names of cities and streets are renamed (Tsaritsyn - in Stalingrad, Nizhny Novgorod - in Bitter; Big Known - in Prospect Revolution), but also social concepts (competition - in socialization, cleaning bread - in battle for the crop, peasants - in kolkhoznikietc.). The authorities as a result of renaming, first, managed to break the connection with the pre-revolutionary past, and secondly, to create an illusion of universal updates. Thus, through the word, the party and government oligarchy affected the public consciousness.

During 2 periods(April 1985 - present) there were serious political, economic, ideological changes that led to significant changes in the Russian literary language:

1) a significant expansion of the vocabulary at the expense of:

a) foreign vocabulary (Barter, Business, Legitimate);

b) education in Russian masses of new words (post-Soviet, denationalation, detective);

2) Returns of the active vocabulary of words that have left the language in the Soviet period ( Duma, Governor, Corporation; Communion, liturgy, all-distance);

3) Care into the passive stock of words-sentences (collective farm, Komsomolets, Rayka);

4) Changes in the meanings of many words that happens on ideological and political reasons. For example, in the Soviet period of the word God The following is written: "God - on religious and mystical ideas: the mythical supreme being, allegedly managing the world" (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of Russian Language. - M., 1953). The definition indicators are included (particle jacob And adjective mythical). The purpose of such an interpretation is to impose an atheistic worldview of the dictionary, corresponding to totalitarian ideology.

In the modern dictionary " God - in religion: the supreme almighty creature ... "(Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. - M., 2006);

5) Vulgarization - consuming in speech, it would seem for the formed people of jargon, spurated and other extralectric elements ( bucks, rollback, disassembly, chaos);

6) "Alien" of the Russian language - that is, the unjustified use of borrowing in speech ( reception - reception, reception point; ganges - criminal association, gang; show- spectacle, etc.).

Russian is one of the largest languages \u200b\u200bof the world, the state language is multinational and, as a result, the language of the interethnic communication of the peoples of the country. It is the main language of the international communication of the countries of the former USSR and the current UN.

Modern Russian language as we know it now, and how studying it abroad, has a long history of origin. His predecessor was an ancient Russian language (from 7 to 14th century), the language of Eastern Slavs, located on the territory of the Kiev state. Since all Slavic languages \u200b\u200bhad a general ancestor, Praslavyansky, arising ancient Russian was similar to the languages \u200b\u200bof the South Slavic and West Slavic peoples, but from the point of view of phonetics and vocabulary, had some differences. Further, feudal fragmentation occurred, which led to the formation of a number of dialects. The Mongol-Tatar and Polish-Lithuanian conquests left their mark, which caused the collapse (collapse of the Kiev state) in 13-14 centuries. And consequently, the collapse of the common Old Russian language. Three independent but nearby East Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwere formed: Russian (Great Russian), Belarusian and Ukrainian.

As for writing, the Slavic States (SDU. Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Bulgaria) and later Russia and the development of the Church as the State Institute required special rites and readings of liturgical books, at first it was carried out in Greek, but then the Old Slavonic language appeared. This language was created by Cyril and Methodius to adapt the Greek Scriptures, he was not simply fictional, the basis of His language of South Slavic peoples. Greek scientist Kirill and his brother Methodius used him to adapt the Slavic speech to expressions and ideas that Christian teachings wanted to convey, since, for example, pagan religion and Christian religion had a different lexical content and the concept of God. So, Starroglavansky acquired the name of Church Slavic. Initially, it was a verb, but since I lacked some sounds for full adaptation, Cyrillic appeared (the Greek set of letters was supplemented according to the verb). Church-Slavic language was exclusively written.

At this time, in spoken Russian, there were its changes, from 14 to 17 centuries continued to develop dialects. Two dialect zones were formed: the North-Great Russians and South-Great Russian with an intermediate medium-grade-free talk. The leading was talking (later he became the basis for the literary language).

In the 17th century, during the reign, many converters were carried out, it was not without language reforms. European enlightenment has become popular, science and technology developed, the translation of foreign books has been necessary and understood and understandable to a wide society. All this required new means of expression, which church-Slavic language could not provide. His vocabulary and semantics more became a church-religious idea than they were like a free "live speech". It was necessary to have a literary language accessible to the wide ranges of society. The church-Slavic language was moved to the background and in the 18th early 19th centuries. He became a certain church jargon, intended only for worship. The popularity of foreign languages \u200b\u200bgrew, the secular society tried to implement them as much as possible in their native Russian. There was a threat of clogging of the tongue and then the need for the creation of uniform national language norms arose.

The 20th century brought new, the largest events in, and together with them and changes in Russian. Economy, culture, technology continued to evolve. He began to enrich new words, terminology, stylistic agents and so on. Socialism came to power through the revolution. Rose literacy, literary language has become the main language of communication of the people. Russian literature has acquired world fame, together with this abroad, an interest in learning the language itself increased.