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The main signs of the literary language. Literary language, its main signs

The literary language is the form of the historical existence of the national language adopted by its carriers for exemplary.

The literary language has two forms - oral and written. They differ in four parameters:

1) Form of implementation.2) attitude to the addressee. .

3) the form of form.

4) the nature of perception of oral and written speech.

When implementing each of the forms of the literary language, the writing or speaking is selected to express his thoughts of the word, the combination of words is proposals. Depending on which material is based on, it acquires a book or distribution. It also distinguishes a literary language as the highest form of the national language from its other varieties. Compare for example of the proverb: "The desire is stronger than coercion"and "hunting in the forest is in the forest." The idea is the same, but decorated in different ways. In the first case, the exclusive nouns are used on - (desire, coercion),giving speech booking, in the second - words, the forest, putting a shade of part. It is not difficult to assume that the first proverb will use the diplomatic dialogue in a scientific article, and in a relaxed conversation - the second. Consequently, the selection of communication determines the selection of the language material, and in turn generates and determines the type of speech.

Book speech serves political, legislative, scientific spheres of communication (congresses, symposia, conferences, meetings, meetings), and conversational speech is used in semi-official meetings, meetings, in unofficial or semi-official anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, with trust conversations of the head with Subordinates, in everyday life, family atmosphere.

Book speech is based on the standards of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; Proposals should be completed, logically connected with each other. Book speeches are not allowed sharp transitions from one thought that is not brought to the logical end to another. Among the words there are distracted, book words, including scientific terminology, official-business vocabulary.

Spoken is not so stronger in compliance with the norms of the literary language. It is allowed to use forms that qualify in dictionaries as conversational. The text of such a speech prevails common vocabulary, spoken; Preference is given to simple proposals, involved in involvement and verbal turns.

Literary language is the highest form of the national language

The functioning of the literary language in the most important areas of human activity, laid in it in various means for transmitting information, the presence of oral and written forms, distinction and contrasting the book and spoken speech - all this gives reason to consider the literary language of the highest form of the national language.

The scientific linguistic literature highlighted the main values \u200b\u200bof the literary language. One of the signs of the literary language is its processed. "The first who perfectly understood it was Pushkin," A. M. Gorky wrote, "he was the first and showed how to use the speech material of the people, as needed to handle it."

"Every material is especially especially," A. M. Gorky rightly noticed, "requires careful selection of the whole best that there is a clear, accurate, colorful, sonorous, and - further love development of this best." This is what language processing is.

Another distinguishing feature of the literary language - Nali write written and oral formsas well as two varieties - lad and colloquial speech.

Thanks to the written form, the accumulative function of the language is carried out, its continuity, traditionality. The existence of functional and style spheres of the literary language, that is, a book and colloquial speech, allows him to be a means of expressing national culture: fiction, journalist, theater, cinema, television, radio. Between these two species, constant interaction occurs, interpenetration. As a result, the literary language itself becomes richer and more diverse, but also increases its use.

The sign of the literary language is considered to be national styles independing on the purposes and tasks that are put and solved during communication, the selection of various language means occurs and peculiar varieties of a single literary language are formed, functional styles ..

Signs of literary language:

- Processing; - with the presence of oral and written forms; - with the presence of functional styles; - Reliability of linguistic units; -normativity.

The polyfunctionality of the literary language led to the emergence of variable units at all levels: phonetic, word-formative, lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic.

The most important sign of the literary language is its regulation.

Modern Russian literary language is an exemplary language that serves a variety of cultural needs of the people, which is subordinate to the special strict rules - language standards.


Production (the presence of language norms that are executed).

Codification (ordering and fixation of language norms).

Stability, tradition, stability.

Polyfunctionality (use of language in various fields).

Modern Russian literary language is a language of interethnic communication, one of the world languages \u200b\u200b(used by the UN). This is the state language of the Russian Federation.

Literary language and its signs. The literary language is the basis of the modern Russian language; Communication tool in many areas. It differs from other species of the Russian language with such properties as standardity and processed. Modern Russian literary language has developed on the basis of the nationwide national Russian language and absorbed all the best.

Literary language - a formulated communicative system, the leading category of which is the language norm. It is used in various spheres and can be represented as a style system.

Style - A variety of literary language intended for a certain sphere of human activity.

Style classification:

Book-Written (Scientific, Business, Publicistic, Church-Religious)

Spoken style
13. United-business style of the literary language.

Official-business style serves the legal sphere, i.e. It is used in the field of business and official relations between people and institutions, in the field of law, legislation. It is inherent in the accuracy of the wording (which would exclude the ambiguity of understanding),

Official business style goal is the establishment of legal relations between the state and citizens, as well as within the state.

In the official business style of the word, as well as in the scientific, used in one value, the terminological vocabulary (vacationer, patient, depositor, taxpayer, decree, law, personal account, etc.) is used and used for this style. In an official-business style, the volume of words with modal * value (should, must, need, should be), and the uncertain form of verb plays the same prescribing role. In official-business documents, repeating words and expressions are often used, they are called standard revolutions (the Contracting Parties came to the Agreement acting on the basis of the Charter, the certificate is issued ... in what).

Licked officially business style

1) diplomatic (types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memorandums, notes, communiques, etc.; Oral forms are practically not applied);

2) legislative (types of documents as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state value; the main oral form is a judicial speech);

3) managerial (types of documents: statutes, contracts, orders, orders, applications, characteristics, power of attorney, receipt, etc.; Oral forms - report, performance, service telephone conversation, oral order).

The history of literary languages, changing the types of literary language associated with changes in the social base of the literary language and through this link - with the processes of the development of a social system. However, the progressive course of history is accompanied by the mandatory expansion of the social base of the literary language, its democratization. Much in this process depends on specific historical conditions.

Interesting changes in the history of the Czech literary language in this regard. XVI in. - the golden age of Czech literature and the Czech literary language, which has reached the famous unity during this period. In the era of the Gusitsky Wars, a certain democratization of the literary language occurs, in contrast to the narrowly classic nature in the XIV-XV centuries. After the suppression of the Czech uprising of 1620, Czech, as a result of the nationalist policy of the Habsburgs, is actually expelled from the most important public areas, in which Latin or German are dominated. In 1781, the German language becomes a state language. The national oppression led to the fall in the culture of the Czech literary language, as Czech language was used by the rural population, not in the literary language.

The revival of the literary Czech language occurred at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. In connection with the growth of the national liberation movement, but the figures of literature and science were relying at the same time not on a living spoken language, but in the language of literature of the XVI century, far from the spoken language of different layers of the Czech people. "New literary Czech language," said Matheus, "thus became the most archaic member of the Honorary Family of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band tragically moved away from the conversational Czech language." Under these conditions, the social base of the Literary Czech language in the XIX century. It turned out to be more narrow than in the era of the Gusitsky Wars.

The latitude of the social base of the territorial dialect is inversely proportional to the latitude of the social base of the literary language: the already the social base of the literary language, the more specifically limited language practice, it embodies, the wider the social base of non-leaturated forms of the existence of the language, including the territorial dialect.

Wide distribution of dialects in Italy XIX-XX centuries. opposes the limitations of the social base of the literary language; In Arab countries, a limited social base of the literary language is already in the x in. contributed to the widespread development of dialects; In Germany, the XIV-XV centuries. The predominant connection of the German literary language with book-written styles led to its use only among the public groups who owed a diploma in German, since literacy was then the privilege of the clergy, the city intelligentsia, including the staff of the Imperial, Prince and City Office, partly nobility, representatives which were often small, the majority of urban and rural population remained a carrier of territorial dialects.

In the next century, the ratio changes. The dialect is supplanted as a result of the onset of the literary language and different types of regional Koinoe or interweenacles, and he maintains the most strong position in rural areas, especially in more distant settlements from large centers.

The stability of the dialect is differentiated among different age groups of the population. Typically, the older generation remains a faithful territorial dialect, while the youngest generation is the advantage of the carrier of regional Koines. In the context of the existence of standardized literary languages, the ratio of the social base of the literary language and the dialect is a very complex picture, since the defining social base factors are not only differentiation of residents of the city and the village, but also age and educational qualifications.

Numerous work performed in recent decades on the material of different languages \u200b\u200bhas shown approximately the same type of social stratification of literary and non-leaturated forms in those countries where the territorial dialect retains significant rates of differences from the literary language and where the role of the language standard is relatively limited.

There is also very significant, even in modern conditions in different countries of peculiar bilinguals, when those who own a literary language and uses it in the official spheres of communication uses a dialect in everyday life, as was observed in Italy, Germany, in Arab countries. Social stratification Thereby expanded with stratification on the sectors of communication.

The use of a literary language in everyday life is perceived in some parts of Norway as well-known affecting. This phenomenon is characteristic not only for modern language relations: everywhere where the functional system of the literary language was limited to book styles, the dialect turned out to be the most common means of oral communication, competing initially not with oral-spoken styles of the literary language, which then did not exist, but with every way -Remoty Koine, the latter are drawn up at a certain stage of the development of society and are associated by the advantage with the growth of urban culture.

Apparently, typologically oral-conversational styles of the literary language are developing at a later historical stage than everybody-conversational Koines; Those social sections that have used a literary language in public areas such as state administration, religion, fiction, in everyday life either, either a dialect, which in these conditions possessed the situation of a regional limited, but socially universally common means of communication, or regional coin.

V. Since a literary language, in whatever historical species, he has always performed, is always the only processed form of the existence of a language opposed to untreated forms, the specifics of the literary language, as noted above, is related to certain selection and relative regulation. Neither the territorial dialect, nor intermediate between the territorial dialect and literary language, such selection and regulation are not peculiar.

It should be emphasized that the presence of selection and relative regulation does not mean the existence of standardization and codification of strict standards. Therefore, it is impossible to unconditionally accept the statement expressed by A. V. Isachenko, that the literary language is contrasted with other forms of language existence as the normalized language type is non-nodded. Objections causes both the form of this statement and its content. The norm, although not conscious and not received codification, but makes it possible to unhindered communication, characteristic of both a dialect, as a result of this, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to make contrasting the normalized type of tongue with non-normalized type. Nonormality, a certain zyibility characterizes different interweenacles, see below).

On the other hand, if under the normalized type, understand the presence of a consistent codification of conscious norms, i.e. the presence of normalization processes, then these processes are developing only in certain historical conditions, most often in the national era, although exceptions are also possible (cf. system of standards presented In the grammar of Panini), and characterize only a certain variety of literary language. The selection and related relative regulation of the language are preceded by normalization processes. Selection and regulation are expressed in stylistic standards, so specific for the epic language, in the use of certain lexical reservoirs, which is also characteristic of the language of epic poetry among different peoples. These processes are very intense in the language of the Knight's poetry of Western Europe, where the original layer of class vocabulary is drawn up.

Common for the language of knightly poetry is and the desire to avoid consuming household vocabulary and spoken revolutions. In fact, the same trends are designated in the ancient literary languages \u200b\u200bof China and Japan, in Arab countries, in the Uzbek written literary language; Strict selection and regulation detects an ancient-German literary language (monuments C V. N. E.), which achieves a high degree of processed. One of the manifestations of this selection is the inclusion of a certain reservoir of the borrowed book vocabulary.

Selection and relative regulation are characterized, however, not only the vocabulary of the literary language. Prevalence during certain periods of history of many literary languages \u200b\u200bof book-written styles is one of the incentives for the implementation of selection and regulation in syntax and phonetic and spelling systems. The syntactic inorganization characteristic of spontaneous speech is overcome in literary languages \u200b\u200bby gradually design organized syntactic whole.

Models of book-written and conversational syntactic structures coexist in the language system: this primarily refers to the design of a complex syntactic whole, but may concern other structures. The literary language is not only a creative factor in the creation of new syntactic models associated with the book-written style system, but also takes their selection from the existing syntax inventory and thereby relative regulation.

Unlike the era of existence in the literary language, a strict consistent codification, in the donational period in it prevails, despite the selection, the possibility of relatively wide variability.

In the donational period, the selection and relative regulation are clearly traced in cases where the literary language unites the features of several dialect regions, which is particularly clear in the history of the Netherlands of the XIII-XV centuries., Where there was a change in leading regional version of the literary language: in the XIII-XIV centuries . In connection with the economic and political flourishing of Flanders, its Western and Eastern regions become the center of development of the literary language.

The West Flemish version of the literary language is replaced in this regard in the XIV century. East Flemish option, characterized by a significantly greater leveling of local characteristics. In the XV century, when a leading political, economic and cultural role begins to play a Brabant with centers in Brussels and Antwerp, a new version of the regional literary language has been developing, which combined the tradition of the older Flemish literary language and the generalized features of the local dialect, reaching a well-known unification.

A similar combination of different regional traditions of the literary language is implemented only as a result of selection and more or less conscious regulation, although not received codification. Partially and the development of literary languages \u200b\u200bis carried out in connection with the change in the principle of selection. Describing the processes of development of the Russian literary language, R. I. Avanesov wrote, in particular, about the phonetic system: "The phonetic system of the literary language is developing by discarding some options for one or another link and replace them with other options," but this process is due to a certain selection due to the process due to What far from all new phonetic phenomena characterizing the development of a dialect is reflected in the literary language.

Due to the fact that the selection and regulation are the most important distinguishable signs of literary languages, some scientists have made a provision that the literary language, unlike the "common language" (about the concept of "Nudious Language", see further), internal development is not intended At all levels of its system. For example, the development of phonetic and morphological subsystems is carried out, according to this concept, outside the "literary language".

"The internal laws of development," wrote R. I. Avanesov, - inherent in the literary language primarily in such areas as the enrichment of the dictionary, in particular - word formation, syntax, semantics. " In this regard, he comes to the overall conclusion that not internal development, but the selection and regulation is characterized primarily a literary language. Such a generalized statement needs some critical comments.

Serebrennikov B.A. General Linguistics - M., 1970

As you know, even small ethnic groups, small nations, not to mention the nations, internally heterogeneous. They allocate community of people on the floor, age, public situation, the territory of residence, the level of education, profession, etc. Communication can not be completely uniform, covering simultaneously and in the same extent of all speakers in the same language. For this reason, territorial, age, professional varieties of language should be developed. Here it will be appropriate to compare the speech of low-educated villagers and the speech of urban officials of officials. So, villagers - fellow villagers, familiar with each other. The topics of their conversation will be known and addresses, and perceiving this speech. Moreover, communication between them goes as a dialogue, in which both parties are actively involved. This communication is not divided or time or space, it is not professional. Speech qualities of urban officials in the field of office work, naturally differ from rustic speech habits. Communication of officials proceeds mainly in writing, the document is of great importance. Thus, this communication is indirect. Address here is already an unfamiliar person, he is potential, it does not have to be a contemporary, the subject of the document may be little familiar to him or at all unfamiliar. The content of the document itself (i.e., the subject of speech? Not simple, there is a special preparation, professionalization of speech, special design, terminology). And from the perceive it is necessary that he understood it all.

In different epochs, from different peoples and nationalities, in the uneasy historical conditions there are specific systems of social variants of the language - social stratification of languages. There was a need for the state so-called a nastherrittorial version of a language with special communicative properties (increased speech accuracy, the ability to transmit various logical relations, time resistant, specialism, etc.). After all, state power must convey its orders to all the inhabitants of the country, these orders should be understood by everyone. Such a need is satisfied with the appearance of his own literary language.

Literary language- The national language of writing, language of official and business documents, school learning, written communication, science of journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form (written and sometimes oral), perceived by the speakers of this language as exemplary. The literary language is a language of literature in a broad sense. Russian literary language functions both orally and in writing speech.

The main signs of the literary language include:

1) Writing;

2) rationing- A sufficiently stable way of expression, which expresses historically established patterns of development of the Russian literary language. The rationance is based on the language system and is fixed in the best samples of literary works. This method of expression prefers the educated part of society;

3) codificationi.e. consolidation in the scientific literature; This is expressed in the presence of grammatical dictionaries and other books containing the rules for using languages;

4) Stylisticmanifold, i.e., the diversity of the functional styles of the literary language;

5) relative stability;

6) prevalence;

7) general consumption;

8) Obligatory;

9) Compliance with the use, customs and capabilities of the language system.

The protection of the literary language and its norms is one of the main tasks of the culture of speech. The literary language unites people in the language plan. The leading role in creating a literary language belongs to the most advanced part of society.

Each of the languages, if it is sufficiently developed, has two basic functional varieties: a literary language and a living speech. Live spoken speech every person sends from early childhood. The development of a literary language occurs throughout the development of a person, up to old age. The literary language should be generally aware, i.e., affordable to the perception of all members of society. The literary language should be developed to such an extent to be able to serve the main areas of activity of people. In speech, it is important to comply with grammatical, lexical, orphoepic and accentological norms of the language. Based on this, an important task of linguists is to consider everything new in the literary language in terms of compliance with the general laws of the development of the language and the optimal conditions for its functioning.

Modern Russian literary language is an exemplary language that serves a variety of cultural needs of the people, which is subordinate to the special strict rules - language standards.

The literary language is an undiaceectal form of an existence (subsystem) of the national language characterized by certain features. These include codifying, regulativity, stylistic differentiation, polyfunctionality, as well as high prestige in society, among its carriers. Language literary rhyme

The literary language is the main tool that serves communicative needs on social environment. It is contrasted with other, unexpected subsystems - dialects, urban spacious (differently - urban coin), as well as social and professional jargons.

The literary language is a national language of writing, the language of official and business documents, school learning, written communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and sometimes oral), perceived by the speakers of this language as exemplary. Russian literary language functions both orally and in writing speech. The literary language can not be identified with the language of fiction. These are different, albeit correlate concepts.

The literary language is characterized by two main properties: processed and normality. The processed of the literary language arises as a result of a focused selection of the whole best, which is in the language. This selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special research by philologists, public figures.

The rationance is the use of linguistic means regulated by a single norm. The norm as a totality of the rules of the wording is necessary to preserve the integrity and conventions of the national language, to transfer information from one generation to another. If it were not for a single language, then there could be changes in the tongue, under which people living in different ends of Russia would cease to understand each other.

The basic requirements that the literary language must comply are its unity and general constructions. Modern Russian literary language is multifunctional, used in various fields of human activity. Main from them: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, domestic communication, interethnic communication, printing, radio, television.

If you compare the varieties of the national language (spacious, territorial and social dialects, jargon), the literary language plays a leading role. It includes optimal ways to designate concepts and objects, expressions of thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-leaturated varieties of the Russian language. Brighter this is found in the sphere of spoken speech. The scientific linguistic literature highlighted the main literary language:

  • 1) processed;
  • 2) stability;
  • 3) binding (for all native speakers);
  • 4) rationing;
  • 5) availability of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics. The Russian language in the widest concept is a combination of all words, grammatical forms, peculiarities of pronunciation of all Russian people, that is, all speakers in Russian, as in their own. The more correctly, it is more accurate, the more accessible to understanding than it is more beautiful and expressive, the stronger it affects the listener or reader. To speak correctly and beautiful, you need to follow the laws of logic (sequence, evidence) and literary language, comply with the unity of the style, avoid repetitions, take care of the fraudulent speech.

The main features of Russian literary pronunciation were precisely on the basis of the phonetics of the Central Russian govors. Nowadays, dialects are destroyed under the pressure of the literary language.

The basis of the culture of speech is the literary language. It constitutes the highest form of the national language. This is the language of culture, literature, education, media. Modern Russian language is multifunctional, i.e., used in various fields of human activity. Funds of literary language (vocabulary, grammatical structures, etc.) are functionally delimited by consumption in various fields of activity. The use of certain languages \u200b\u200bdepends on the type of communication. The literary language is divided into two functional varieties: spoken and book. In accordance with this, colloquial speech and book language are allocated. In oral speech, three pronunciation styles are distinguished: full, neutral, conversational.

One of the most important properties of the book language is a property of preserving the text and thereby serve as a means of communication between generations. The functions of the book language are numerous and with the development of society everything is complicated. When highlighting the styles of the nationwide language, many varieties are taken into account, covering the language material from "high", book elements to "low", integral.

Functional - a type of book language peculiar to a certain sphere of human activity and has a certain originality in the use of linguistic means. In the book language there are three basic styles - this is a scientific, official-business, journalistic.

Along with the listed styles, there is still a language of fiction. It is referred to the fourth functional style of a book language. However, for artistic speech, it is characteristic that all language funds can be used here: the words and expressions of the literary language, the elements of the spaciousness, jargon, territorial dialects. The author uses these means to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, giving it an expressiveness, reflecting the local color, etc.

The main function of artistic speech is the impact. Used exclusively in artwork. Also such speech are inherent aesthetic function, as an assessment of the function is communicative. Artistic literature acts as an assessment of the surrounding world and expressing attitudes towards him.

Rhyme, rhythm - distinctive features of speech. The tasks of artistic speech - to influence the feelings and thoughts of the reader, the listener, call him an empathy.

The addressee is usually any person. Conditions of communication - participants in communication are separated by time and space.

Each of the languages, if it is sufficiently developed, has two basic functional varieties: a literary language and a living speech. Live spoken speech every person sends from early childhood. The development of the literary language occurs throughout the development of a person up to old age. The literary language should be generally aware, i.e., affordable to the perception of all members of society.