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Gospel Armenian in Russian. The Armenian Bible in the network is the magazine of Armenia. See also in other dictionaries

In the Armenian Bible in the network

After long puffs, I still managed to make a module with the Bible of the Zehograph
on Grabar for the Sword Project program. I took the text from the site Titus Project because
it was available (at the time when I downloaded it, now it seems to be hidden). Online
there is permission to use texts for educational purposes (which is on

Sword, unfortunately, does not work with second-bank books and apocryphs,
although the creators refer to technical problems and argue that they work on it.
However, the program is open, good and free (and I appreciate it most :))

I was surprised that Armenian modules in the project are already available (there is for example the new covenant on
west Armenian). The text on East Armenian is only the book of Being
and four gospels, the rest of the books are absent. I think with God's help, do
the manufacture of a complete East Armenian module on the text from
And then the full text of the West Armenian on the publication of the Lebanese biblical society.
(By the way, I checked the link, and there is no longer the Armenian Bible. This is just saying that
the World Wide Web is not a stone, but a spinning sand, today there is, tomorrow there is no. It's good that text
i still found on the same site, PDF format, terrible fonts).

Working on the module, I first drew attention to significant differences in the location of books.
West Armenian translation repeats the location of 66 canonical books exactly.
But Zograz - no. For example, as in Russian synodal translation, there are 4 books of kingdoms,
2 books chronicles (paralympomenon), and then begins difficulties. SECONBONIC
The 3rd Book of Ezra follows the chronicles and is called the 1st Book of the Ezra. Interesting, yes?
Further, that book which in the zoograph is called the 2nd Book Ezra includes two canonical
books: Ezra and Nehemia. For them follow the judith, Tovit, McCaire Books, Psalms, Proverbs,
Ecckelesiast, Song of the song, the wisdom of Solomon, and Job. That is an amazing confusion of canonical
and second-channel books. Further, if anyone else is interested, Isaiah, Axia, Amos, Micah, Ioil, Avdii,
Iona, Naum, Avakum, Sophia, Agga, Zechariah, Malachiya, Jeremiah, Baruch, Plachy Jeremiah (and the last
the head of the prayer of Jeremiah goes as a separate book!). Finish the Old Testament of the book of Daniel and Ezekiel.

Take the Russian Synodal Translation now and see how books are located there. Interesting, right?
Why exactly such a procedure of books? .. Why is the great and small prophets and with them "Label"
books? ..

An interesting thing seemed to be: take an excerpt Revelation 9:11 (a terrible name, but I think it is an accident). Maybe it's a trifle, but still observation:

Here is Russian text:
By his king, she had an angel of the abyss; His name in Jewish Avaddon, and greek Apollion.

Not knowing the language, nevertheless found a familiar word in the Greek text:
και εχουσιν επ αυτων βασιλεα τον αγγελον της αβυσσου ονομα αυτω εβραιστι αβαδδων και εν τη ελληνικη ονομα εχει απολλυων

The same text from the West Armenian New Testament:
եւ իրենց վրայ թագաւոր ունէին անդունդին հրեշտակը, որուն անունը եբրայերէն Աբադոն է, իսկ յունարէն՝ Ապողիոն

Everything matches ...

Now let's see the same passage in the Bible of the zeograph ...
եւ ունին թագաւոր ՛ի վերայ իւրեանց զհրեշտակն դժոխոց. եւ անուն նորա եբրայեցերէն աղբադոն, որ կոչի ՛ի հայ բարբառ՝ կորուստ։

And he is clearly followed by an East Armenian translation:
Եւ իրենց վրայ որպէս թագաւոր ունէին դժոխքի հրեշտակին. եւ նրա անունը եբրայերէն Աղբադոն էր, որ հայերէն լեզուով կոչւում է՝ Կորուստ։

I almost jumped out on the chair when I read and compared ... it is necessary! The main thing to make a transfer to the maximum accessible reader. Although, in the spirit of "Nareka", the Armenian symbol (in this case, Armenian) will be mentioned only once, closer to the completion of the book of books. Someone will say "hooliganism", but it seems to me that the signature of the Holy Bible translator, somewhat resembles poetic signatures in the works of Ashugov. Maybe there is some share of pride in this, it is not excluded. But do not pride, and not even pride, but just joy, probably. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm sorry for the Lord.

In 387, Armenia was divided between Byzantium and Persia. Byzantine Armenia, which included the edge of High Haka, soon after the fall of the Armenian kingdom began to manage the governors appointed from Byzantium. In the eastern Armenia, which was under the rule of Persia, the kings from the genus Arshakuni rules for another 40 years.

It is for the period of these hard tests that the "golden age" of Armenian writing falls.

Christian worship in Armenia was committed in two languages: Greek and Syrian. Naturally, much was incomprehensible to the wide folk layers, although during worship special translators translated excerpts from the Holy Scriptures to Armenian. But that Christianity won the soul and consciousness of the people, his sound is necessary in his native language. This necessity was clearly aware of Archimandrite Mesrop Mashotots, when fought in a milestone with the remnants of paganism. Mashtots was captured by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an Armenian alphabet, which was supported by the Catholicos Sahak (387-438) and the Armenian king of the gooshaph (389-417).

After long-term hard work, Divine Revelation, St. Mesrop in 406 creates an Armenian alphabet. The first sentence translated into Armenian was:

"To know the wisdom and instruction, to understand the saying of the mind" (parables 1,1).

Properly realizing the meaning of this instruction, the Armenian people throughout their history used Armenian letters as the main weapon in the fight against foreign conquerors.

With the assistance of the Catholicos and King St. Mesrop Mashtots opens schools in various places in Armenia.

In Armenia, the translation and original literature emerges and develop. The translation activity was headed by Catholicos Sahak Parthev, who first of all translated from the Bible from Syrian and Greek to Armenian. At the same time, he sent his best students to famous cultural centers of that time: Edessa, Amid, Alexandria, Athens, Constantinople and other cities - for improvement in Syrian and Greek languages \u200b\u200band translating the works of the Fathers of the Church.

In a short time from Syrian and Greek to Armenian language, all the main theological works were translated into Armenian: the writings of Irinea Lyon, Bostrian Ippolitis, Grigory, the Wonderworker, Adophanicia Great. Epifana Cyprus, Eusevia, Kesia, Kirill of Jerusalem, Vasily Great, Grigory Theologian. Grigory Nissky. Ephraim Sirina, John of Zlatoust, Cyril Alexandria, Isychia of Jerusalem and others, as well as the works of Greek philosophers Aristotle, Plato, Porphira, etc.

In parallel with the translation activity, the original literature was created by various genres: theological, moral, exegetical. apologetic, historical literature, etc.

Of the fathers of the Armenian Church of the V century, the most worthy of mention is as follows:

Koryun is one of the first pupils of Mashtots. At 430 he went to Byzantium to explore the Greek language. Returned to Armenia in 434. In addition to the translations of the sacred works, it belongs to the "Life of Mashtots", written in 443 - 449. At the request of the Catholi-Spit Hovepa. In this work, it is narrating on the creation of the Armenian alphabet and the dissemination of education in Armenia.

The collection of 23 sermons attributed to the enlightener is preserved. However, some scientists believe that these sermons are written in the first "half of the V century, probably Mesrop Mastot.

Beznik Kohbatsi is one of the first students of Mashtots. In 427, he was sent to Edessa to improve the books in Syrian language and the translation of books, and then, in 430 - in Byzantium for the same purposes. In 434, he returns to his homeland and under the leadership of Catholicos Sapak corrected the translation of the Bible and deals with further translation activities. He took part in the Artshatsky Cathedral in 449 as a bishop of Bagrevanda. Beeznik Kohbatsi is the author of the pearl of the Armenian church literature tours - "Books of refutation (about good and evil)", in which he opposes the dualistic zoroastrian understanding of good and evil as two substantial starts of all existing, against the Persian religion of Mazdiism, against Greek polyterism, against the Stoic Pantheism, against the atheism of the epicura and others, against gnostic dualism (the eternal existence of matter along with God), against the heresy of Markion, etc.

Egyse - he studied in Alexandria. Made a pilgrimage to holy places in Palestine, participated in the Shapapivan Cathedral in 444. He is the author of many works, of which the most worthy of mention is as follows: "On Vardan and War of Armenian" (454 - 464) - one of the masterpieces of artistic historical literature, Interpretation of Being. Jesus Navina, judges. "The phenomenon of the Lord on Mount Favor". "The doctrine of suffering. Crucifixes. The burial and resurrection of Christ "." About the soul of man ", etc.

Favostos Buzand - in the 70s of the V century, described the "history of Armenia", in which the political and church life of Armenia was described at 330 - 387 years. This work is a valuable source of conversion on the history of the Armenian church of the described period.

Movses Horeiatsi is a student of SVV. Samaka Mashtots: after studying the Great Language and Philosopher in Alexandria. Greece and Rome returned to Armenia in 440. His main work is the "History of Armenia" - it was written in the second half of the 5th century until the XIX century was a textbook in all Armenian schools and higher educational institutions.

Mambere Veriano - is considered to be the younger brother Movses Horanatsi. Several works belonging to His Peru: "On the Resurrection of Lazarus". "On the birth of the Savior." "On the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem" and others.

Lazarar Parpetsi - at the end of the V century, wrote a "history of Armenia", which was the continuation of the history of Armenia "Favstos Bouzanda - from 387 to 485.

hovhan Mandakupi was a Catholicos of Armenia in 478-490. The inspiration of the paratroopet of Bahan Mamiconan to fight the spread of the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. He is the author of a plurality of prayers, canons and sermons.

The contribution of translators and the creators of Armenian literature V century to the national culture is so great that Armenian: the church ranked their faces of saints and every year solemnly celebrates the memory of the Cathedral of Saints Translators.

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Gothic translation of the Bible - see Ulfil.

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Georgian translation of the Bible - see Bible translations on ancient

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Irish Bible translation - see the Bible Transfer to New Europe.

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Korean Bible translation - see Bible Transfers to Eastern

From the book of the author

New Bible translation - see Bible Translations for New European

From the book of the author

Idiomatic translation helps billingvas to understand the nationwide translation of the Bible To translate the Bible to a national language usually used a moderately literal approach. This is not a serious disadvantage of the national version, since the translation is called

English: Eastern Armenian Bible in Armenian with Armenian Keyboard. An Internet Connection Is Not Required, Just Download and You Have Everything You Need Wheraver You Are. _______ Russian: Ararat application (Armenian Bible (Eastern)) for iPhone / iPod Touch contains the Bible in Armenian with the Armenian keyboard and the search and copying function *, the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Armenian translation is often called the "king of translations" and rightly consider one of the most beautiful and accurate translations of the Bible. With the exception of Latin vulgate, the number of preserved manuscripts of this text exceeds all other early translations; In the Rhodes catalog (Rhodes), 1244 lists of all or part of the New Testament are launched, a few more hundreds are in the libraries of the former USSR. There are different opinions about the origin of this translation. Bishop Coriorno († 450) and historian Lazar Farbsky († 500 g.) It is believed that his author was sv. Mesrop Mashtots († 439), soldier who became a Christian missionary and created a new alphabet and which, together with Catholicos Sahak (Catholicus Sahak, Isaac, 390-439) translated the text from Greek. On the other hand, Moses from Horag, nephew and student of St. Mesrop, wrote that Saak translated from the Syrian language. Both points of view in various options are supported among modern scientists. There is reason to believe that the earliest Armenian translation of the Gospels was in the form of a symphony distantly connected with Diancessaron Tatian. The application does not require an Internet connection.