Repairs Design Furniture

Interior of small apartments: Tips and ideas

Today I want to affect an important and complex topic - interior of small apartments. Very often, browsing magazines that publish magnificent interiors of luxury apartments and country houses, think about how far these rainbow pictures are from real apartments in which 99% of large cities live. Moreover, often large design agencies refuse to work with small premises due to the unprofitability of such projects.

Interior of small apartments: functional zoning

Each room in a small-sized apartment performs several functions. Modern small apartments do not allow you to organize separately, and the Cabinet. However, it easily solves this problem. Here are some successful, in my opinion, examples:

Kitchen + Dining + Living Room + Cabinet + Library

Living room + Cabinet

Bedroom + Living Room + Cabinet

Bedroom + workplace

Tiny room combines sleeping and workplace

, organized in.

One of our projects was created just for a small one-room apartment. In this case, the bedroom and living room are delimited in the singular room.

The zoning question is successfully solved at the expense of the flooring - the carpet in the living room area, the tile in the kitchen, the wooden floor in the corridor. It should be paid special attention to the harmonious combination of materials and colors.

The ability to arrange the general "racking" is invaluable quality for the owner of a small-sized apartment. Get rid of furniture, knocking out of the overall concept of the interior or not used in direct intended. Clean the numerous souvenirs brought from the eye from the eye, hide all unnecessary items on the cabinets and boxes. Regular cleaning and picky analysis of everything that is worth it, will help save the space of your home.

Read more about the choice of furniture and decor for a small apartment you can read. The topic of the design of a small apartment is limitless. And I will repeatedly return to it later. In the meantime, I hope the article turned out to be useful to you, and you can use some of the ideas for working on the interior of your home.