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How the CHP or the Blagoveshchensk CHP is working - the look from the inside. Blagoveshchenskaya CHP carries the watch afternoon and at night the basic industry enterprise

In 2012, the President allocated 50 billion rubles for the construction of four thermal energy facilities in the Far East of Russia. Three years later, the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP is ready for launch.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that the money was allocated at the stage, when it was not that the work on the site was not even an approved project in the hands. Just a year it took RusHydro and RAO ES EAST to finalize design and estimate documentation, to obtain all the necessary coordination, create a transparent and comprehensive system for monitoring budget consumption, as well as choose the general contractor.

About six months it took for the work of the preparatory period - the organization of the Stroydvor, laying of service railway tracks. So the construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP actually began in the summer of 2014 and was completed for one and a half years. During this time, the power industry - OJSC "Power Machines" - poured the foundations for the main and accessories, mounted a huge boiler aircraft with a fourteen-storey house and weighing two thousand thousand tons, installed a turbine and generator in the design position.

A certain bore remained, of course, from Soviet times - the first place the CHP was completed in 1985, and at the same time the implementation of the project for the construction of the second stage began. Completed it half, part of the equipment was introduced and partially operated. A boiler unit No. 4, a chimney with risks, cooling tower No. 3, was partially carried out by the foundations under the turbogenerator No. 4 and the boiler unit No. 5. And in the mid-1990s, funding was frozen, and the construction stopped. For 20 years, technical conditions changed significantly, so the available foundation structures had to dismantle and build anew.

"To date, the preparedness of the station is 95%. The establishment of engineering systems, testing electrical equipment, is being commissioned, "says Sergey Tolstoguzov, General Director of RAO ES EAST. - Soon the main technological equipment will be a comprehensive testing: new capacities will work in test mode for three days. The builders and employees of the station goal is one to provide reliable and uninterrupted work of the CHP, and the inhabitants of Blagoveshchensk are warm and comfort without any risks. This is especially true when the station is introduced into the midst of the heating season. Today, the facility is preparing staff to work on new equipment at the facility. Already in the coming year, the station "Sunday". We will receive an updated station with a prepared staff of professionals, and residents of the city of Blagoveshchensk can already get warmth and from the new power unit. Already no longer will be serious restrictions for consumers who were before. "

Provide station staff and to introduce a station to the energy station as soon as possible. Sufficient electrical power The city of Blagoveshchensk is literally choking due to the shortage of thermal energy. The question of the adequacy of the capacity of the Blagoveshchenskaya CHP was especially aggravated in recent years, when regional authorities, with the support of the federal government, initiated a program of large-scale housing construction. The motives are two: improving comfort for residents and in parallel - reducing the cost of the "square". At some point, the demand for heat exceeded the proposal, and now the city "decorate" numerous new buildings, empty boxes waiting for technicias.

At the same time, RAO ES of the East literally squeezes everything possible from the acting station. "In connection with the large construction program, which goes in the city of Blagoveshchensk, today, starting from November and ending with Mart, we work without a single reserve. That is, all the main equipment is included. The only reserve that we have is fuel oil water boilers. But in the past two years in the last two years, we have to regularly use, "the director of the station Andrei Sazanov shared.

Turn the fuel oil to the city provided by the normal transport infrastructure and located near large coal cuts - nonsense for any economist. To use all the equipment without exception, not having a reserve - the highest operational risks for techis. However, the 2nd queue of the Annunciation CHP is not built - there is no choice.

Energy and so donated with applications for connection. Weekly to the Amur Generation, which includes the Annunciation CHP, developers, entrepreneurs and just citizens who have decided to rebuild their house in the city. And the weekly generation service prepare piles of letters to the failures of such a content: "Due to the lack of free thermal power on the Annunciation CHP, the possibility of issuing technical conditions for the heat supply of the object will be considered after commissioning the 2nd stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP." Over the past five years, the amount of capacity, in the joining of which was denied, was almost equal to the volume by which permits were issued. According to experts, the heat deficit in the city is about 20% - and this is despite the fact that the current capacity of urban thermal electrocontrollers is constantly upgraded.

In priority, of course, there was a social infrastructure. In order not to happen an emergency, energy for 5 years artificially restrained the connection to the central heating of new consumers. And if hospitals, schools, orphans have been built and migrants attached to the system without problems, as these are priority objects, then the owners of boxes, shopping or business centers, cottages, did not have to count on this - they simply refused.

So the lack of thermal capacity has become a serious deterrent for one of the most intensively developing cities of the Far East of Russia. Becoming one of the main centers of cross-border trade with China, Blagoveshchensk rapidly increased the population, and the Blagoveshchensk CHP, respectively, smoothly approached the physical restrictions on the load.

Already in January 2016, the new quarters of the regional center are expected to be connected to the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. The problem on the restriction of heat will be removed for 10 years.

Of course, with the introduction of 2 queues to immediately connect everyone will not succeed. We need a fairly calm, systematic work on connecting new consumers, because the station cannot work in "Nowhere" at full capacity. Sergey Tolstoguzov noted: "We produce exactly as much as you need to consumers. Electric and thermal energy does not reserve. It, unfortunately, can not be stored as cucumbers in the bank in the cellar year, two or three. "

Part of the future personnel of the second stage has already been recruited, experts are trained and participate in commissioning. In total, 73 employees will be involved in managing the new power unit, and a lot of person will do a computer. The new power unit is equipped with an automated process control system (ACS TP). This means that the automation will independently configure the parameters of the steam turbine installation in accordance with the power that is required from it at the moment. Also, the ACS will ensure the stability of the aggregates under changing conditions. This, of course, is much safer than setting up the parameters manually.

At the same time, the increase in the power of the station does not mean the growth of the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which is especially important in the light of the proximity of the object to the city. The coal stations under current requirements under environmental characteristics are close to Gas. To reduce the impact of the Annunciation CHP on the environment, the most modern technologies will be applied at the station. The ash leaving smoke through the smoke tube will be trapped with electrostilifers. Filters will make up to 98.6% of ash particles. Heavy waste - slag - will be on the pneumatic pipeline to fall into the water canal and go to warehousing.

Also provided for a number of engineering and technological solutions to reduce the emission of harmful nitrogen oxides - high-tech stepped fuel combustion and reuse of gases. Automated technological process management systems will also provide optimal mode of operation including from the point of view of ecology. Summifiers will be installed on exhaust pipelines. As a result, the impact of the CHP on the environment will not change.

The uniqueness of the building has repeatedly stated the general contractor - OJSC Power Machines. The company's general director Roman Philippov claims that modern technique will make the station much more productive. "This is the first turnkey project that we implement in Russia. All main equipment is manufactured by our Holding companies in the country. If we talk about the turbine - it is standard, by 120 megawatt, "he explained. - But the cooling gland is higher than on the station. This is important to improve the performance of the station itself by electric and heat. The main complexity of the project is to enter such a large amount of reconstructions in, in fact, existing production. But together with the employees of the Blagoveshchensk CHP coped with this complexity. "

According to the calculations of power engineers, the capacity of the new power unit only at the initial stage will allow to connect to heat an additional 500 thousand square meters of housing - Blagoveshchensk will be able to increase ten new residential neighborhoods.

"Theoretically, the second queue of the Annunciation CHP can provide consumers at least to Heihe! Where there are consumers potential, boiler rooms, they can be completely translated after entering. We have already discussed such proposals with the Government of the region, the management of the city. We have suggestions, we have projects, "said Mikhail Shukaylov - General Director of the Far Eastern Generating Company JSC, which will adopt new capacity.

Some experts argue that the launch of the second stage of the CHP can become a driver for the development of the construction industry. Next year, for example, warmly can go in almost 14 thousand standard one-bedroom apartments. This is one and a half times more than they could build last year.

Optimistically customized and coils - the load on the Yarketsky section, from where the fuel gets into the station will increase significantly. They are confident that the needs of the updated station will be closed. "For us it is real. We can increase the amount of production at the cut somewhere on 300-500 thousand tons per year. This year we are planning to get almost 2 million tons of coal there. 74% will take the Blagoveshchenskaya CHP, "reported in the Amur coal company operating a cut.


After the construction project for the construction of the 2nd stage, the installed electric power of the CHP will increase by 120 MW and will be 400 MW, the heat power will grow by 188 Gcal / h, namely to 1005 Gcal / h. Annual electricity generation will increase by 464 million kWh and will reach 1468 million kWh, and the annual release of heat will increase by 730 thousand Gcal and will be 2854 thousand Gcal. Fuel for the station will be the coal of the section "Yerkovetsky" (Amur region).

The 2nd turn of the Blagoveshchensk CHP is one of the four projects of the investment program PJSC RusHydro on the construction of new power facilities in the Far East, implemented jointly with PJSC "RAO Energy Systems of the East" in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. For these purposes, 50 billion rubles allocated from the budget of the Russian Federation. Comprehensive management of all JO RusHydro (customers-developers), created specifically for the construction of thermal generation facilities in the Far East, performs "RAO Energy Systems of the East" (enters the RusHydro group).

Today I will tell you the right about the CHP, as it works, for which such enormous structures are building and what kind of them are. As an example, the Annunciation CHP will be presented, it was there that I visited the blog tour of the RusHydro company organized by the company. Currently, the installed electrical power of the Annunciation CHP is 280 MW, the installed thermal power of 817 Gcal / hour. The heat-power plant provides 85% of the needs of industry and housing and communal services of the capital of the Amur region and produces the seventh of all electricity consumed in the Amur region. BTEC is equipped with three turbines, four energy boilers, two water boilers. The main fuel for the station is the brown coals of Raichikhinsky, Yerkovetsky (Amur Region) and the Kharanorsky (Chita region) of deposits, water-heating boilers work on fuel oil.

If you are not interested in the construction of the station, then boldly leaf down, then there will be a story about CHP and photos! The history of the construction of an Blagoveshchensk CHP begins with the sixties of the 20th century. In 1961, a regional meeting was held on the prospects for the development of the heat supply of the city of Blagoveshchensk until 1965. Then first sounded the thought of construction in the city of CHP. At that time, in Blagoveshchensk, the sources of heat for enterprises were an Annunciation urban power plant and 40 industrial boilers, and for the housing and communal sector - 198 boilers.
On September 2, 1966, the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR approved the scheme for the development of the heat supply of Blagoveshchensk. It envisaged the construction of a capacity of 210 MW (as a result, the power increased to 260 MW), which was intended for centralized heat supply of municipal and industrial consumers of the city of Blagoveshchensk, as well as coatings of electricity deficiency in the Amur Energy System.
On April 19, 1967, the Amur regional council of the working people created a commission to select the site for the construction of an Annunciation CHP. On May 15, 1967, the general plan of the city was determined by a place in the western industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe city along the row of the extravagange of Amur Zeysky watershed.
In 1968, the Leningrad branch of the Promenergoproject developed a project assignment on the Annunciation CHP, which was approved by the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR on July 16, 1969. To reduce the cost of construction of the USSR, the USSR was proposed for covering the peak load instead of the energy boiler to install water heating. For water heating boilers, a fuel oil was determined as an additional fuel to Raichikhinsky bromot.
In the spring of 1974, the Directorate of the CHP under construction is organized. In April 1974, an agreement was signed for the construction of the CHP with a trust "Dalenergostroy". For the supply of heat-energy construction, 4 boilers were installed with a capacity of 8.5 tons each working as part of energy trains No. 209 and 361. At the end of 1976, water-heating boilers were put into operation. Barnaul and expensive boiler factories, and the Directorate of the CHP under construction under December 31, 1976 was renamed the Blagoveshchensk thermal electrothelectric center and enrolled in the list of existing stations.
The construction of the first stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP ended in December 1985 by the launch of the third boiler and the third turbine. The installed capacity reached the design capacity and amounted to 280 MW electrical and 689 Gcal / hour of thermal power.

The development of industry industry, housing construction in Blagoveshchensk has steadily relieved to increase the number of consumers of thermal and electrical energy. The issue of expansion of the Annunciation CHP - construction of the second stage was relevant. In 1988, construction and installation work began on this project. According to the project, the second stage of construction envisaged the commissioning of two boilers and one turbine unit. However, only one boiler unit was introduced in fact, the fourth on the CHP account was introduced, he was commissioned in December 1994. On December 20, 1999, a cooling towers No. 3 was commissioned. In January 2000, 2 network pump was mounted and commissioned.
The 2nd turn of the Blagoveshchensk CHP is actually the expansion of the capacity of the current station. After the construction of the 2nd stage, the installed electric power of the CHP will grow by 120 MW and will be 400 MW, the thermal power will grow by 188 Gcal / h, namely up to 1005 Gcal / h. Annual development will reach 464 million kWh, and the annual electricity leave is 427.0 million kWh. As a fuel for the production of electricity and heat, it is planned to use the coal of the Yerkovetsky deposits. Completion of the construction of the 2nd stage of the station is scheduled for December 2015.

02. Our trip was timed to the start of the construction of the second stage, this is what the Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region are waiting for.

03. Most people CHP are associated with these structures:

This is cooling towers, on the Annunciation CHP three, let's figure out how they work. So, these towers serve to cool the water, here the paradox - CHP produces heat, heats water for batteries in homes and produces electricity and at the same time water is cooled at the CHP, for which it is necessary, will tell below.

04. In short, the CHP works like this:

05. General view of the turbine shop.



Coal burned in the boiler. The boiler is a huge design, the height of which can reach 10-12 floors. The water in the boiler runs through the pipes and at the same time heats up from burning fuel in the boiler firebox, steam is formed in the same pipes. By the way, the water is heated as from the flame and from the gases that are allocated when fuel combustion. As a result, at the outlet of the boiler, we get couples that enters the thermal turbine. Under the pressure of the couple, the turbine blades and mechanical energy turns into electric. A very important point, steam is obtained from purified water, which is processed in the chemical workshop, the analysis of the water purified is regularly carried out. The rest after the turbine falls into the condenser (there are turbines with a built-in capacitor) and there it is converted into water, which is sent back to the boiler, to the next round. Here the cooling towers come into business, the water in the capacitor cools the steam, there the water takes the excess heat, heats up and goes into the cooling towers, thereby cooled by the condenser itself. Water from the cooling towers enters the atmosphere in reservoirs. The water is used both for the heating of batteries in consumers and to transform it into par. As you understand, the boiler is one of the key units of any CHP. It remains to answer another question - what exactly is the smoke from the pipe? These are exhaust gases that go up and warm the pipes in which water flows, the gas residues most of which is spent on promoting the conversion of water into the pairs goes out through the chimneys and rushed into the pipe. One pipe can work for several boilers.

08. This is how the turbine looks like a CHP.


10. It is here that the new turbine of the Blagoveshchensk CHP will soon be built.


12. The boiler is a top view.

13. Each boiler on the CHP is a height of several tens of meters ... For example, the new boiler of the second stage of the CHP has a height of 46 meters.

14. Central CHP control panel, heart of the entire station!


16. As it was clearly written by the earlier, the main fuel for the Annunciation CHP is coal, it is brought into a special, car pipeline workshop.

17. General appearance, while the workshop is empty, we are waiting for the railway composition loaded by coal.

18 wagons go one for one.

19. A special device turns every rumped car.

20. Workers personnel watching the process from the side, at this moment in the workshop it becomes very dusty and dirty, but this is a natural process, so people work in masks.


22. Pay attention to the chassis of the Wagon when the wagon turns over, the coal falls into the crushing mine, it is delivered from there by conveyors to boilers.


Well, in conclusion, I recommend watching a video dedicated to the construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP and not only. The state allocates finances for the development of the energy sector of the Far East, so the most important projects are still ahead!

As part of that trip, I visited two more HPP, I suggest you to look into these posts, it will be interesting!

Blagoveshchenskaya CHP - Thermal ElectroCentral, located in the city of Blagoveshchensk. It is the capacity of the Amber Generation branch of OJSC Far Eastern Generating Company.

The station by 85% supplies the heat energy of industrial enterprises and residents of the city, and also produces a seventh of all electricity consumed in the Amur region.

Currently, the electrical power of the heat center is 280 MW, thermal - 817 Gcal / hour.

Today, 3 turbo units are working on the Blagoveshchensk CHP: PT-60-130 / 13-1.2 (email. 60 MW) and 2HT-110 / 120-130-4 (email. 110 MW).

Officially, the CHP Blagoveshchensk was commissioned in 1976, after 2 water boilers were beaten. However, the construction of the first turn of the heat center was completed only in December 1985, commissioning of the boiler unit No. 3. After that, the installed station's power reached the design capacity and amounted to 280 MW of electric and 689 Gcal / hour of thermal power.

The construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchenskaya CHP was started in 1988. Cotep No. 4 was accepted into industrial operation in December 1994, and in 1999 a cooling towers No. 3. In the 1999, the construction and installation work was suspended, however, in connection with the construction of the Northern neighborhood in the 2009th year. It was decided to resume the construction of the second stage of the CHP.

The active phase of construction of the 2nd stage of the Blagoveshchenskaya CHP began at the end of 2013 from the selection of the General Contractor, it became OJSC "Power Machines". For the design, CEKS CJSC is responsible. This energy project is implemented within the framework of the Unified Investment Program of RusHydro on the development of the Energy of the Far Eastern Region. Operational management is carried out by OAO RAO Energy Systems of the East, the Customer of Construction is the "Blagoveshchenskaya CHP" CJSC (one hundred percent belonging to RusHydro OJSC).

By the beginning of 2014, all examinations and verification of design and estimate documentation were completed and permits for the construction of the 2nd stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. After that, OJSC "Power Machines" began work on the preparation of the platform for turbine installation and boilers, the installation of the construction of the main building. Under the Treaty, the Company will perform the entire complex of works "turnkey" - construction, installation and commissioning work, will manufacture the main energy equipment and will choose suppliers of boiler and auxiliary equipment.

The station will be installed steam turbine 120 MW of the power produced by OAO Power Machines, a dust-free steam boiler manufactured by the plant "Red Keltelshchier", high-voltage, power and block transformers of joint production of Power Machines OJSC and Toshiba Corporation. It is planned to install a comprehensive automated system for monitoring equipment and technological processes. The system will be used for all operating modes. This will significantly reduce the risks during operation, will improve the technical and environmental parameters, will bring an economic effect.

With the end of the construction of the 2nd stage of the station in the city of Blagoveshchensk, the current requests of industrial and household consumers in hot water and pair will be satisfied, a reserve of electrical and thermal capacity has been created. It will also be possible to close a piece of small inefficient boilers, thereby improving the ecological component of an industrial city.

The design electric capacity of the 2nd stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP is 280 MW, thermal - 817 Gcal / hour. At the same time, the total electric power of the station will grow to 400 MW, thermal to 1005 Gcal / h, the annual electricity generation will reach 464 million kW / h. In the form of fuel, coal will be used, produced in the Amur region with the section "Yerkovetsky". It is planned to complete the construction of the 2nd stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP and introduce it into operation at the end of 2015.

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