Repairs Design Furniture

Options for insulation balcony from within. What to insulate the loggia from the inside: cheap and quickly add another room to the apartment. Will have to solve a number of tasks

Recently, more and more apartments' owners in high-rise buildings decide to expand their area at the expense of the balcony. This is a great option, if you figure it out, how to properly insulate it from the inside and equip it.

If the balcony is not glazed, before insulation, it is necessary to put the windows. Glass packs are better to choose high-quality, not saving, because the amount in the apartment of heat depends on them. Elements of window structures should fit the most tight to each other so that the drafts are penetrated into the house.

The balcony is part of the building that is stronger than others need insulation, because not all residents use it only as a warehouse. Increasingly, people begin to equip their balconies for an additional room, for example, a personal account. According to this, not only reasons have to produce competent insulation of the design from the inside.

Stages of balcony insulation

In modern technologies of insulation of open attachments (balconies), four types of material are used as an internal insulation: foam, penplex, foam and mineral wool. Consider the technological features of installation and types of cotton insulation used for thermal insulation of balconies.


1. First close existing gaps. We must carefully inspect the balcony and determine their location. It is possible to eliminate the problem with the help of a mounting foam, even if the slots are quite wide, only you need to choose a high-quality, for example, "macroflex", "conceived", "moment installation." After the foam dries, the surplus is trimmed with a stationery knife.

2. Waterproofing the balcony from the inside. For these purposes, you can use the penetrating waterproofing "Aquatron", Penetron and the like it. They are applied using a bruster, roller or spraying. The advantage of penetrating waterproofing is that it penetrates inside the walls, as a result of which they become resistant to low temperatures and more durable. In addition, waterproofing eliminates all microcracks that are not visible to the "naked" eye.

3. Laying of thermal insulation material. For this purpose, it is possible to use polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, penplex, mineral plates, etc.

Laying vaporizolation. It is possible to use polymer "breathable" membranes, vapor insulating films "Izospan, Rockvul and them like or on the extreme case of a foam, which is fitted with a foil side towards the apartment. So warm, leaving the room, will return back.

4. Outdoor finish Ceiling and walls on the balcony.

An option of insulation in which there is no additional insulation

Such a technique can be applied provided if there are materials with small vapor permeability (we are talking about materials such as foam plastic, penplex, or extruded polystyrene foam).

№1. Balcony insulation polystyrene foam: sequence of work

If you chose polystyrene as a heater, the sequence of work is as follows:

After all the slots are embedded and waterproofing is made, the surface is processed by primer deep penetration, for example "Ceresit". This can be made with a tassel or sprayer. The primer is poured into a bucket or another container, which is not a pity, then applied to the surface. Thoroughly work the walls, ceiling and floor to achieve maximum adhesion with them insulation slabs.

After applying the primer, you need to wait at least six hours, then continue the work. If the wall is made of slag concrete, then the primer is carried out twice.

Rested - continue. Unpack polystyrene plates. They are attached to glue and fasteners. The glue must be prepared according to the instructions and stir carefully. Then apply it to the first sheet, which is to glue to the surface (we do not forget to retreat three centimeters from the edges, and there are small gaps between the sheets). Mount the sheets of polystyrene foam in a checker order.

Laying vaporizoation or not - to solve you. In this case, to make it optional.

Installing the reinforcing grid. When all the plates are securely fixed on the walls or ceiling, you should mount the reinforcing grid. For this, the plates surface is worked with glue, perforated corners are fixed on their corners. The reinforcing mesh with a roller rolling to the skled surface, then apply another layer of glue. When the wall dries, it is ground and plastered

№2. Insulation balcony penopleyxom

Penoplex is actively used in the insulation of the premises. It is possible to mount it to the surface using bitumen mastic, mounting foam or dowel mushrooms. Consider the mounting option on the mounting foam.

So. Waterproofing is made. A mounting foam on the perimeter is applied on the insulation slab. It's enough. After applying, we wait a couple of seconds and fix the slab on the insulated surface. The next stove is placed to the first jack. Two days later, you can fix the plates with additional dowels. Further, the whole process is repeated in a similar manner, which is described above. Finish finish at your discretion. You can sew the plates of the insulation by plastic panels, they look very original.

Council. If the balcony is intended only for storing things on it the last necessity, it is enough to insulate the walls in one layer. If you need to warm more thoroughly, it is better to lay the insulation in two layers.

Number 3. Mineral Watt balcony insulation: technology features

The insulation of balconies of mineral wool is performed under the constructed shap. On top of the frame attached lining - wooden or plastic panels with special grooves.

A well-known fact is a construction recommendation to carry out insulation from the outside of the building. However, in the insulation of balconies and loggias, there is often no possibility to arrange the insulation material outside. The internal placement of the insulation layer requires certain calculations, compliance with technology and the correct selection of materials so that in the future, the work performed did not lead to the wetting of walls, corners and ceiling inside the remote design.

Types of mineral wool

Depending on the raw materials used in the production, three main types of mineral wool distinguish: glass, stone and slag. All three material are suitable for warming work.

Minvata is a soft material that does not have rigid sizes. It comes in the form of rolls (before laying, they are unwound into the track) or soft mats. Sometimes one side of the insulation is saved by aluminum foil to enhance thermal insulation properties.

Important! When installing the foil should be located on the side of the room. The inner heat of the room will be reflected from the foil surface back into the residential space.

Minvati layer thickness determines the quality of insulation and varies in the amount of from 20 to 200 mm.

Mineral Wool Mounting Technology

Any kind of mineral wool is mounted under the frame, located between the outer wall (ceiling, roof) and the skeleton supports. As a support, wooden sticks or metal profiles can be used, depending on which cladding will be applied in the future.

When using the lining for the finishing facing of the walls, the frame-cutter is constructed from the tree. Wooden sticks of the cross section 150 - 250 cm 2 are installed, while you can save the inner space of the balcony slightly, installing the stick of the rectangular, and not square section (30 × 50 cm 2, 30 × 70 cm 2).

All racks and horizontal dokens are installed under the level. The mounting of vertical racks to the concrete surface of the ceiling and floor is carried out by anchor bolts. Horizontal supports are attached to vertical supports. If the future cladding is plastic lining, horizontal strips are attached to three levels: knee, thigh, shoulder.

For the internal warming of the mining mandatory is the installation of vapor barrier. Mobile material itself is breathing, it easily passes gaseous substances (air, steam).

Considering that with internal insulation, the condensate formation point is shifted to the insulation, it is necessary to limit the ingress of steam or air of their living spaces inside the construction wool. For these purposes, a vaporizolation film is laid between mineral wool and trim.

Interior decoration

Purpose of interior decoration:

  1. Close the material of the heat insulator from the residential space.
  2. Create aesthetic inner coating walls of a room or a warmed loggia.

There are various materials for the interior decoration of the balconies (plasterboard, wood, plastic, plaster). With a previously built cutter frame, the finish is performed by hanging various types of panels: plywood, MDF, lining of wood or plastic.

The finishing trigger is performed by the walls of the walls with wooden (or plastic) carriage panels having special grooves around the perimeter for the convenience of mounting and fastening density. At the same time, plastic lining is often a cheaper imitator of a wooden coating, laid on the inner walls of the balcony (or loggia). It is characterized by smaller strength and rigidity.

Wooden carriages are reliable, eco-friendly, have sufficient rigidity for floor covering. Plastic clap can be seen the ceiling of the loggia, the floor is covered with wood, as for the walls - both types of car coating (plastic and wooden) can be used here.

The lining clap is recommended to start with an angle. Each panel is checked for vertical levels and fixed on a piece of special fastening (klymmer). You can fix the carbon panel with small carnations.

After finishing finishes, the inner surface is treated with a composition protecting wood from the effects of moisture and from destruction.

The problems with which you have to deal with internal balcony insulation

1. When the walls are trimmed, the ceiling and floor, the insulation of the room is inevitably decreased. And this deficiency is not the only one.

2. In many designs, condensate often occurs, from which it is difficult to get rid of when all construction work has already been produced. Why does an extra moisture appear?

The insulation design, installed on the balcony, includes the following items:

  1. outdoor fence located on the street; insulated material; Warm room.

The air masses seek to get out, and their moisture, which passed through the insulation, settles on the outer fence in the form of condensate. The insulation wet and completely deprived of its operational characteristics.

Warm pairs, facing a cold fence, also go into a liquid state. Excess moisture indoors is caused by many problems: for example, the appearance of mold or rotting wooden structural elements. That is why you need to know how to warm your balcony correctly.

From the inside it can be done in two ways.


The hydrobrier is a special design that prevents moisture condensation on the outer fence. Its installation technology includes certain steps:

  1. installation of vaporizolation;
  2. finishing facing materials.

The hydrobarier makes it possible to use with inside inside even non-carrying materials from the inside. Polyethylene or foil serves as insulation.

Important! All the seams need to be sealed with a construction scotchTo warm the balcony to the highest quality.

The disadvantage of such a method of insulation is that the walls cannot breathe.

Insulation without additional insulation

It is possible to insulate the balcony from the inside in this way only if there are materials with small vapor permeability: foam, foam foam or extruded polystyrene foam. The design includes:

  1. the fiberboard, also mounted using glue; Finish.
  2. Tip! For a better fastening of the insulation, you can use a plastic dowels.

For thermal insulation, polystyrethic glue is not required. This material is supplied to the warmed surface with a sprayer, foams and dries.

Innovative insulation from TechnoNonikol Logicpir Balcony is suitable for walls, ceiling, floor. saves space - plate thickness from 20 mm.

  1. holds heat due to the unique thermal conductivity of 0.022 W / M ° K (compare with glass gambler 0.032-0.041 W / m ° K);
  2. protected from moisture, rot, mold and fire (combustible group G1 according to GOST 30244-94);
  3. lost for many years (the insulation retains its properties of 50 years).
  4. Tip! With the insulation of the balcony from the inside, the polystyrene layer of the material is better to make a thickness of about 80 mm. Parry permeability of extruded polystyrene foam is lower than that of simple, therefore its layer may be even less.

Floor insulation

The insulation of the walls of the balcony should be insulated the floor. If you correctly calculate the amount of insulation and the thickness of its layer, you can make the floor on the balcony at the same level as in the rest of the rooms.

At the first stage of work, the stove is cleaned from dirt, garbage and crushed plaster. Then the floor is covered with foil and foam. The second stage is the fastening of the crate, pre-carved with an electroll bison. Between her bars, plates of the insulation (better foam) are laid, and the gaps between them are filled with foam. The final stage is the installation of flooring, linoleum or parquet and plinths.

This design can lift the floor on the balcony by about 150 mm.

Electric heating floor

Warm floor can be used using modern technologies. Then the balcony will not differ from other premises practically nothing. Installation of electrical heating is a relatively simple process, but electricity costs increase significantly.

For heating of the balcony floor, a special electrocabolic is installed from the inside.

Important! The cable should not in any case fall moisture.

The components of the insulation structure:

Heat ceiling

    Tip! If the neighbors living above, have already insulated their balcony, isolate the ceiling is not necessary.

The most optimal material for insulation ceiling is foam. It weighs very little, which is very important in this case. The main layer is complemented by foil, which acts as a vapor barrier and heat transfer. Folgized polystyrene foam polyurethane foam glue and plate dowels are fixed. All seams are close to a special metallic scotch.

Polyfoam is attached to aluminum suspensions in the same combined method.

Important! The insulation sheets must lay down to each other as close as possible.

All the cracks are flooded with a mounting foam with a special care, so each, even the most small, the hole can do all the works are absolutely useless.

Heat the balcony from the inside can also be independently, and using the services of professionals. However, these construction work may be uncomplicated if we use advice and carefully understand the technology.

How to insulate the balcony with your own hands: step-by-step photos and instructions

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Errors when insulating balcony

A balcony or loggia is unheated premises in the apartment. Consequently, they are a source of heat loss from an apartment or at home. Even a good glazed balcony misses a significant amount of heat.

To avoid this, the insulation of a balcony or loggia from the inside is performed. It should be noted that there are various approaches to the insulation of this type of room.

The view and method of insulation of the balcony and the loggia depends on:

  • target:
  • the balcony is not intended for storage, insulate in order to reduce heat loss from the room. In this case, work is carried out according to the scheme of similar with external heating. Those., Only one side is insulated, adjacent to the wall of the room;
  • balcony is designed for storage. It is insulated around the perimeter of all surfaces. Since there should be no high temperature here, the requirements for thermal insulation materials are not highlighted;
  • balcony, which is a continuation of the living room or performing the function of the office, library, a gym, and the like. In this case, remove heat loss through the windows and all surfaces. And as used materials, heat insulators with high density and significant thickness are used. Special attention is paid to the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material and the rules for its installation.
  • budget for insulation. Determines the appearance of the insulation, and the insulation area, and the further finish. And also determines whether to entrust work to professionals or perform the insulation of the balcony with their own hands;
  • year of year. Low temperatures can withstand any kind of insulation. But solutions, adhesives and foam need to be used, taking into account the ambient temperature. As a rule, "winter varieties" is more expensive. Yes, and the duration of work in winter is more significant;

Consider ways of insulation of the balcony using various insulation and give several important practical advice as making the loggia warming more efficient. We will proceed from what is needed to warm the balcony in all surfaces inside - walls, ceiling and floor.

Requirement to insulation:

  1. low weight. So as not to lose a balcony, which is much lower than the loggia;
  2. small volume. In order not to occupy the useful living area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony or loggia;
  3. low cost;
  4. safety. Fire and environmental;
  5. the ability to perform work with your own hands.

Insulation for balcony and loggia - types and properties

If you have not yet decided, the better to insulate the balcony or loggia from the inside, we suggest familiar with the popular thermal insulating materials. Each of them has the advantages and disadvantages that are in characteristics, cost and installation methods.

Polystyrene foam

Durable, tight material, which poorly supports burning. Resistant to moisture, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.


Dense insulation. It has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, low weight, high strength and low cost.

Basalt and mineral wool

Soft insulation. Works at the expense of its structure. Fibers located in chaotic order contain air, which does not allow heat to penetrate the wool. Working with cotton need to create an additional framework.

Polyurethan (PPU)

Spray insulation. The material is good because it does not miss moisture, makes it possible to adjust the insulation thickness and allows you to get a coating without seams. And this, in turn, eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.


Multilayer material. The polystyrene substrate holds the heat, and the aluminum screen, which is similar to the heat mirror, allows you to reflect heat inside the house. It can be used by itself or in combination with other insulation.


Bulk insulation. It has a porous structure, due to which it retains heat well. Talking for insulation of the floor.

Using these materials for the insulation of the balcony and the loggia, you can additionally provide good sound insulation (subject to glazing by plastic windows).

A mandatory accompanying attribute with insulation from the inside by the majority of the title materials is the film of the vapor and gibeer or superdiffusion membrane. She is designed to protect the insulation, especially soft from the wetting and appearance of condensate.

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How to insulate a balcony with your own hands - step by step instructions

  • Liberation of the room. It is impossible to qualitatively perform work if you have to constantly move things from place to place.
  • Sealing gaps. We proceed from the fact that high-quality glass windows are installed on the windows. In any case, the slots between the balcony and the wall, in the place of the ceiling and floor adjustment, have a place to be. Here they need to be seen with the use of foam, sealants or solutions. The slots of significant sizes are close to foam slices.
  • Waterproofing balcony / loggia. It is necessary in order to do not fall into the water. And it can fall through micropores in concrete. To this end, you can use deep penetrating primer.
  • In the case of using watts, it is necessary to establish a waterproofing film. It is attached to the brass and fastened with scotch.
  • Installing insulation. Here you can select two methods:
  • Frame method. In this case, you must first set the frame from the wooden boards treated with an antiseptic or galvanized profiles. The boards are more popular because they are cheaper and make it possible to adjust the thickness of the frame. Most often used bar 50x50. In the resulting cells are filled with insulation.
  • Frameless method. More preferable, however, only suitable for hard insulation. This is due to the fact that the framework material during the frame method remains not closed with insulation. Those., Wood or metal serve as cold bridges and spend warmly warm. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, rigid insulation are mounted without the design of the frame.
  • Styling of foam, vapor barrier or superdiffusion membrane.
  • Floor insulation is performed.
  • The final stage is a decorative trim of a balcony or plasterboard.

Insulation balcony and loggia mineral wool

Watts are stacked so that it fits tightly to the frame elements, but not "trambet", i.e. No need to additionally seal it. From this structure of Minvati will change and part of the air will disappear. This will reduce the thermal insulation properties of the wool. In order for Vata reliably on the wall, and especially on the ceiling, it is necessary to additionally fix it with the use of wire or umbrellas (dowels with a wide hat).

Mineral wool is fixed by "umbrellas"

Sometimes cotton boat at the framework, as shown in the figure. Then the frame elements are held by cotton. However, professionals do not recommend using this approach for cotton density (less than 50 kg / sq. Cuba), since the wool, held only in several places in time, will fall, opening part of the wall for the movement of cold air.

Wat closes a wrap of vapor barrier. Then the counterclaim is stuffed. It allows you to protect your cotton from touching the finishing material and avoid the appearance of the dew point in this place.

In more detail, the stages of the installation of wool are presented in the diagram.

  1. Floor base
  2. Pole lagows
  3. Frame
  4. Basalt Wat.
  5. Parosolation film
  6. Controlling
  7. Finishing material

Hearth balcony with foam and expanded polystyrene

The hard insulation is also laid in the frame section and fix on the foam or special glue. The insulation is not fitted close to the frame, but with a gap of 5-10 mm. The gap is subsequently blown by foam, and the foam sheet is attached further by a plastic dowel - umbrella (fungus).

Fastening foam

Fastening polystyrene fastener

Foam sheets are tightly pressed against each other, and the joints of the junctions are foam.

Sheets of polystyrene foams are joined on the principle of "groove-crest".

A mansion in this group is a deposition method. Such thermal insulation material as polyurethane foam is applied to the wall by spraying. Relatively new material in the market quickly conquers its fans among a professional and lovers. Because it allows you to perform insulation without additional preparation of the base. In favor of PPU, there is a high speed of work - less than one day. Among the disadvantages - the high cost and the inability to perform the work independently without special equipment.

  • First, the reliable protection of the insulation from moisture;
  • Secondly, additional internal insulation;
  • Thirdly, the foil reflects 90% of heat back. What is very important for a balcony or loggia, which, according to the law, cannot have its own heating sources.

To turn the loggia into a full room first need to make it warm. It is no secret that there are many options for the insulation of the loggia using a wide variety of materials and technologies. Some owners prefer to hire for work on finishing and insulation of specialists. The rest, on the contrary, prefer to landslide the room alone.
In any case, it will not be superfluous to learn how to properly insulate the loggia or balcony, what materials to choose for these purposes and get acquainted with the instructions on the heat insulation device. Clearly demonstrate the process of insulation of loggia video presented in our article.

Preparatory work

Wherever your loggia is, in a panel house, Khrushchev or a new building, its insulation implies a certain set of preliminary measures. First, your loggia should be glazed. To arrange an extra room in the apartment, the glazing of the loggia should be warm, consist of plastic profiles with two-three-layer glass.

Secondly, a strong and solid parapet is required for the quality glazing device. If the fence begins to collapse, the loggia is needed to repair, which will imply the restoration of its integrity. If the parapet is metallic, it is best to lay out a septum of foam blocks or bricks before him.

On a note! Most often, foam blocks are used to create a reliable parapet during the insulation of loggias and balconies. Unlike bricks, they have light weight and allow you to maximize the load on the ceiling slab.

Foam block septum Photo

The third component of success is good waterproofing of loggias and balconies. It is important that there are no precipitation in the glazing in the glazing, and there is no moisture from the neighbors through the top balcony slab. So that the insulation in the consequence does not twist and retain its qualities as long as possible, careful sealing of the loggia is needed.

Thus, before decaying the trim and warming of the loggia in the apartment you need to take into account all these nuances and perform the appropriate work.


Before considering the materials used for thermal insulation, let's talk about existing methods of insulation. Loggia can be insulated both from the inside and outside. For internal insulation, it is necessary to strip its surfaces - walls, ceiling and floor with thermal insulation, and to separate and decorate from above. Warming outside suggests the casing of the outer wall of the loggia, its sealing and decoration. In this article we will talk about the materials and methods of thermal insulation of loggias from the inside.

On a note! Outdoor insulation is difficult to do it yourself, if the apartment is located above the first floor. It requires vocational participation of global workers. Internal you can easily implement yourself.

Insulated from the inside loggia photo

So, how to insulate the loggia from the inside? Of course, you need to choose the appropriate material. The premises are usually insulated with polystyrene foam, penplex, techoplex, mineral wool or polyurethane foam. Each of these materials can be used for any surfaces - walls, ceiling or floor. As a rule, a doomle is made around the perimeter of the insulated surface, a layer of insulation is created and the cladding is mounted.

Tip! The decoration of the loggia over the crates produce the most different materials - plasterboard, plastic or sandwich panels, clapboard and other. However, before finishing the room, do not forget to carry out all the work on the lighting of the loggia to hide the wiring under the layer of facing.

Among the variants, how to insulate the floor on the loggia is also insulated with a clayjit or electrical heating system, the so-called "warm floor".

Laying "Warm Paul" with the insulation of the loggia do it yourself photo

The polystyrene foam or, as they are called in the people, the foam is the most economical insulation. It is easily ease and low cost. Foam plates are produced in different forms. They can be different in the area and thickness. For the insulation of the loggia, the foam should choose a fine-marked dense material, which is easily grinding and aligning. And it is also necessary to pay attention to the foam acquired by the non-combustible.

An example of the use of foam in the insulation of a loggia in a panel house photo

Another type of thermal insulation is a penplex, as well as its analogue of a technoplex. Both of these material are produced on the basis of extruded polystyrene foam, which has a dense structure from the entirely closed cells. As a rule, plates of technoplex and fasteners are orange.

Using Penoplellix for Loggia Warming Photo

This material was specifically designed for use in order to insulate the premises. It is resistant to moisture and can serve under 40 years. For the price it is somewhat more expensive than the foam. Vite demonstrates the process of insulation of the loggia of the penplex video:

You can also insulate the loggia of glass gamble, mineral or stone cotton. This is non-combustible material, with magnificent heat and sound-proof properties. However, it is necessary to take it from moisture - with wetting the useful qualities of this insulation deteriorate sharply, it is dried and adds the load on the entire design of the room. Therefore, when installing mineral wool, it should organize its comprehensive vaporizolation.

Stone wool on the floor of the loggia

On a note! For the device of a vaporizolizing layer in the production of work on waterproofing of the loggia uses foam. This folgized material that is glued to the surface and protects it from moisture penetration. It also has other names - isolon or folgicone.

It will help to get acquainted with the use of foam when insulating balconies and loggia video:

The following insulation material is polyurethane foam (PPU). It is radically different from others, because it is originally a liquid that is sprayed by means of a specialized apparatus under greater pressure. After hardening, it forms a monolithic seamless layer, perfectly fixing on any clean dry surface.

Walls covered with polyurethane

The PPU has the lowest thermal conductivity of all the above materials, a sufficiently small PPU layer so that the room becomes warm. However, the insulation of the loggia with its own hands using polyurethane foam is not possible without appropriate equipment. To do this, you will have to hire a specialized organization. More clearly demonstrates how polyurethane foam uses and how to insulate the video loggia:

How to insulate the loggia with the help of foam

Consider in detail the loggia insulation technology using foam.

  1. We prepare the tool, close all the doors and windows with a protective film so as not to damage and not stain them, and to avoid dust in the window mechanisms.
  2. We prepare the surface. To do this, cut off the flutter-free protrusions and old mounting foam. Clean the walls and the ceiling from dust, cobwebs. We remove the old flavored paint and putty to the base.
  3. We process the bases of deep penetration by waterproofing primer, thoroughly rubbing it into the surface.
  4. For the organization of air access to the insulation in a concrete parapet, you try through the through holes under the tilt. If there is a parapet from aerated concrete or brick, this operation is not produced.
Tip! For the insulation of loggias and balconies, the foam of facade grades is best used. The density of such material should be at least 15.1 kg. per 1 m cubic meter. The use of packaging material having large granules and easily flushing in hand is eliminated.
  1. We start with the insulation of the ceiling on the loggia. Pre-plate trying on. In the presence of embossed protrusions and pipes that interfere with the installation, we make removing in the plates of the insulation with a shabby with a small tooth or a sharp knife, pre-placing them with a marker. Next, we glue the foam with the help of cement-based adhesive and additionally fasten the plates with dowels with spacers in several places (5-6 pieces per 1 m.kv.).
On a note! The dowel is clogged to the end of only the complete solidification of the glue. This is done in order not to sell the insulation. Initially, the dowels only slightly hold the plates of foam.

The plates must fit the most tight to each other. Mount them need to be a rotary, preventing the coincidence of longitudinal seams. Formed gaps are best eliminated by glue for foam.

  1. Then we stick the insulation on the walls, starting with the external, coldest. It is important to control the entire plane level. If irregularities are detected under the insulation, you need to insert linings.
  2. For the insulation of the floor, we cut the sheets of suitable size, fasten them also with a dowel. Top to put the metal mesh and perform a dry cement screed, which will allow you to organize any coating.
  3. Perform cladding and finishing of surfaces.

Vitely will show how to insulate the loggia with your hands video:

How to insulate the loggia of mineral wool

Another popular material used for insulation is mineral wool. The technology of its application is as follows.

  1. We prepare all the surfaces of the loggia in the same way, as is done when the foam insulation (paragraphs 1-3).
  2. Next, on all surfaces, we mount a wooden crate with the help of self-tapping screws in order to further place mineral wool slabs in its cells.
  3. Cut the insulation to the necessary sizes with a sharp knife, for convenience, pressing it from above with a wide board. Insert mineral wool in the crate cells. It should be fixed there due to spring properties. It is important that at the same time the insulation does not have gaps between neighboring plates.
  4. After installing the last mineral wool plate to the crate of a construction stapler, a layer of waterproofing is attached, and then the surface is finished.

It will help to familiarize yourself with the technology of application of mineral wool for working on loggia insulation with your own hands video:

Loggia is a few square meters that can serve as a variety of goals. To enjoy this room all year round, you need to provide a comfortable temperature there. Turn it into a cozy, useful and well-equipped space forces to each home master.

You gathered to make the arrangement of these additional square meters, but do not know how to insulate the loggia with your own hands and what materials do you need for this? We will help you to deal with all questions - our article provides recommendations for the choice of insulation and addressed step-by-step instructions for the insulation of walls, ceiling and floor of the loggia.

You should begin, of course, with planning. It should be defined with the functional purpose of this small room. If it is supposed to use it as a warehouse for not too necessary things, it does not have a lot of meaning. But the loggia can be turned into an office, a small gym, a winter garden, etc.

There are limitations. For example, the loggia cannot be used as a kitchen room, i.e. installed there, sink for washing dishes, etc. It is also prohibited to conduct a system of centralized heating on this area.

There are still a number of restrictions that may be associated with the architectural features and fire safety of the building. It may be a ban on glazing above a certain floor, to change the appearance of the building, the height of the fence, etc.

As practice shows, many manage to somehow get around these regulations and arrange a loggia to their taste. Before starting work, it will not hurt to agree on their plans with supervisory departments or prepare for the emergence of problems at the end of the alteration.

Installation of electrical wiring, lighting and warm floor during loggia insulation need to be thought out in advance so that the heat-insulating material damage is minimal

But under no circumstances should the openings in the bearing wall, only the holes provided for by the initial project are allowed. Even the window-door block removed from the loggia may be dangerous.

So that the loggia is warm, it will take high-quality glazing. It is better to order in a reliable firm. Double-glazed windows will perfectly cope with the task.

Part of the space will be "eaten by a layer of insulation. These centimeters will have to donate to securely protect the house from the cold. Loggias that are on the lower floors, most often insulated outside. About the best materials for the outdoor insulation of the walls we.

From the very beginning you need to think over the options for heating this space.

They are not so much, because for the loggia is suitable only:

  • electric TP;
  • portable heater.

Given that the installation area is small, you can spend on such convenience as TP. Cable systems are easy to install, all work can be performed independently. IK-Paul is more difficult to lay, it requires almost an ideal reason, but electricity costs will be moderate during operation.

But the easiest solution will be using, especially if the loggia is not used every day, but only from time to time. The installation of a warm floor will require more costs and effort.

The choice of materials and options for the insulation of the loggia with their own hands is quite wide.

Among the most popular should be noted:

  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • penofol, etc.

Mineral wool is distinguished by a low price, but it is almost the only dignity. To lay such a material, you will need to pre-arrange a crate. Minvata is sensitive to moisture, when wetting it loses its useful properties, so it is not always suitable for the loggia.

You need to provide a place to install in advance. Usually on the wall for these purposes make a niche of a suitable size. Among the turns of the cable TP there is a thermal sensor laid in a corrugated tube. It will also need to be connected to the thermostat.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed video equipment on the warming of the loggia do it yourself:

Loggia floor insulation:

Modern materials and technologies allow you to insulate the loggia really reliably and quickly. In any case, when performing installation work, you should comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's technology and recommendations. Then the result fully justifies expectations, and insulation will remain effective for many years.

Planning to engage in the hands of the loggia, but did you have questions after reading our material? Feel free to ask the Council from our experts - write questions in the comment block.

Any target year-round use of a balcony space assumes its insulation, of course, if you do not use a balcony as a freezer in winter. Cabinet or "Chulatchik" for storing a conservation, a winter garden or a place of a secluded rest ... How to insulate a balcony with your own hands to implement the intended?

The sequence of action on the insulation of the balcony is in such steps:

  • study of the state of the balcony and the preparation of the action plan
  • parapeet enhancement - creating a support structure,
  • exterior finish
  • glazing
  • thermal insulation
  • sealing
  • finishing finish.

Planning sequence of work

First of all, study the condition of the balcony, both from the side of the street and from the apartment. And it does not matter that you have already been on this balcony hundreds of times - a new look at the balcony from the point of view of repair, will allow you to see previously invisible and explore the insulated surfaces.

Make up work plan. Let it be a preliminary plan, but it will allow you to determine the purchase of the necessary materials, the order of double-glazed, etc.

Solving the task how to insulate the balcony with your own hands, you will need information about the main methods of insulation. Do not limit the material of this article only. The more you know - the more different possibilities in the repair will open before you.

Important! The next step of your actions should be the "total eviction of the inhabitants" of the balcony. After all, the usually laptile balcony is a place for storing many unnecessary things.

Parapeet strengthening

Since you plan to warm the balcony, you should take care of a reliable basis for setting the glazing frame. The standard Parapet of the Soviet balcony building has a parapet in the form of a thin low metal fence, which itself is quite durable, but the quality of its fixing in the balcony plate often leaves much to be desired.

But even if it is fixed well and is able to withstand the weight of the glazing frame, it is not possible to qualitatively to secure the frame on the parapet.

The fact is that the standard parapet is actually through the edge of the concrete balcony plate. And if you install a frame on such a parapet, then it will have to drill the upper plate to be drilled almost on the very edge, which will inevitably lead to the "digestions" of the latter.

In order to qualitatively, consolidate the glazing frame from all sides, including on top, it is necessary to shift the plane of the frame installation of the balcony by several centimeters (5-7cm) relative to the edge of the top plate. You can check the need to perform such a reconstruction using a plumb.

This will be due to the detriment of the useful balcony area, but will allow you to securely secure the frame for its many years of life.

Attention! It is unacceptable to fix the frame on the mounting foam, since over time (1-2 years), under the influence of the Sun and wind loads on the plane of the windows, it is destroyed.

This design optimally can be performed from the bar of 50x70 mm. The use of gas-blocks is not quite acceptable, as they will create an additional weight load on the balcony slab, which complete with the heavy design of the glazing frame can lead to a balcony.

Exterior finish of parapet and side walls

It is necessary to determine the external finish of the parapet. Performing such work to glazing will provide you with a lot of facilities for installation, such as siding. You can view the mass of materials outside the format of this article.

Briefly from such a material, as siding can be said that it refers to the PVC group of profiles. This is frost-resistant and resistant to atmospheric sediments, applied to outdoor work.

The profile design provides the convenience of mounting, which is particularly careful on the balcony. The consequence of the unscrupulous and illiterate installation of siding - the strips cut off the wind, which are so easy to put on the place.

Video: Highlights in Siding Montage

Be careful! When mounting siding, it is categorically contraindicated for health to be engaged through the balcony parapet for mounting the external finishing material. All work on consolidation of siding can be carried out and should be carried out through the lattice of the balcony fence. And for the safety of work, use the mounting belt with chain and carabin.

Video: "Errors when mounting siding"

The outer finish of the balcony can also be made by plastic lining or professional flooring.

Glazing balcony for the purpose of it

Deciding to insulate the balcony with their own hands, you will not pass by the stage of its glazing. The glazing of the balcony can be carried out throughout the perimeter of the parapet or partially by making "deaf" side walls and side parts of the front side. I hope you have already realized that a serious reference structure is needed under glazing, the presence of which will guarantee the longevity of the window frame of the balcony. As glazing today, the optimal option in comparing the price-quality is metal-plastic windows. Their wear resistance and durability in the "Company" with the right installation firmly hold such windows in leadership positions in the building materials market.

For the insulation of balconies, you can use single-chamber (there is a possibility of freezing in winter) or two-chamber double-glazed windows (perfect option, but heavier).

Framework profiles It is desirable to choose five-chamber from reliable manufacturers.

For more information about the choice of glazing option, read in the article "Warming Loggia".

Insulation balcony

How to warm the balcony after glazing? It is now predominantly about internal insulation, since "the holding of" insulation "works outside at a height is extremely not recommended - refer to the specialists with the gloves.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside? And the better to insulate the balcony inside?

All materials and technologies used must comply with such criteria:

  • the insulation for the balcony should be non-combustible;
  • calculate the permissible load on the base of the balcony, especially if the foam concrete or aerated concrete laying is erected (the balcony is not a loggia);
  • the insulation must have a minimum thickness at maximum heat insulating properties - the balcony area is not limited;
  • take care of the additional thermal source on the balcony, remembering that the pipes and batteries of central heating to endure the balconies is prohibited.

Heat the balcony is qualitatively possible only with mandatory insulation of support parapet, gender, ceiling and right and left side walls. On a small balcony, the use of efficient thin insulation, for example, foam foam, fasteners.

Stages of creating thermal insulation layer

In choosing a method of insulation of the balcony with your own hands, you should decide on the choice of heat-insulating material. What insulate the balcony inside? What insulation is better for the balcony? Suitable basalt, mineral wool, foam (foam!). The optimal choice may be foamed polystyrene foam, resistant and to the effects of moisture, temperature drops, aggressive environmental impacts and, at the same time with high thermal insulation qualities.

Before mounting the insulation, the plane of the installation must be thoroughly hydroizing from the external exposure of moisture. For these purposes, a waterproofing film is used (up to 200 microns) or foamed polyethylene (4-10 mm). Mounting is made on double-sided adhesion, brackets, foam, glue - the choice of method depends on the basis. Sheets of sheets are carefully skidded with scotch.

The thermal insulation layer must be coated with a layer of vaporizolation. This can be foam foam. This material is located a foil side of the premises inside - this will create an additional heat transfer layer.

Attention! In the case of using a cotton insulation, a must-recommended element is a layer of vapor barrier, which is designed to prevent a warm steam from entering the room in a layer of vaporizolation.

Some ways of insulation balcony do it yourself

  • What material to insulate the balcony?
  • As we have repeatedly mentioned, a balcony can be insulated with various thermal insulation materials. Consider some separate methods of insulation.

Hearth balcony by foam (expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam is also polystyrene foam, it is a heat insulator with low thermal conductivity due to its structure saturated with large air bubbles. Available for use in plates with a thickness of 50-150 mm. We are suitable plates up to 100 mm thick.

The advantages of the insulation of the balcony with foam can be attributed to the hygroscopicity of this material, that is, its resistance to moisture.

"Steps" in the process of insulation of polystyrene foam:

  • deep primer surfaces of the balcony;
  • installation of plates with a special adhesive composition;
  • additional mounting plates of dowels like "umbrella";
  • i fix the vaporiasis layer (for those who are pedantically refers to the task - all others can do);
  • reinforce the surface with fiberglass mesh fixed by adhesive solution;
  • spit, plaster, paint, etc.

Polyfoam - like insulation on the balcony

Warm with fasteners

Penoplex or extruded polystyrene foam is better, but more expensive material for the insulation of the balcony. 20-100mm thick plates are often a stepped protrusion on the edges, allowing you to get a high-quality connection when docking a "quarter" or "spike-groove".

At temperatures to "-25 o C", a layer of insulation is 40 mm. In the "frosty" climatic conditions, a layer of polyplex 50-70mm is required.

Heating the penplex, act like this:

  • waterproof the surface on which we will mount the plates of the inferno;
  • installation of plates carry out "Online" (required!);
  • if the plates are placed in the future, they must be fixed on the glue composition + we make "control" fixation with the help of dowels - umbrellas, and in the case of a different decorative finish - it will be enough to fasten the plates with dowels- "umbrellas" (5-8 pcs. stove);

Note! If the front wall of the balcony is made of foam blocks or other "solid" material, then for installation on it (also on the side and ceiling surfaces) of the foxing should not be made wooden or other crate. In comparison with the heat-insulating properties of the fastener, the tree is the worst heat insulator. Therefore, the lamp will simply create "bridges" of the cold, which will be very sensible. For later installation of drywall or lining, the crate is made on top of the layer of vapor polyplex layer. Formed air "pockets" will play the role of additional thermal insulators.

Mineral wool balcony insulation

If, in response to a question, what material to insulate the balcony, you will say - mineral wool! Well - this is an option, but not the best. For we have almost come to the controversy "which insulation is better for the balcony" to the dominant answer - Pesoplex. And the wool at low thickness will not give a sufficient heat insulating effect, but it will be a little "complex" in the installation when eliminating the slots between its plates.

But, "Master - Barin"!

Tell me how to insulate the balcony from the inside mineral wool:

  • we remember about the waterproofing of the surface and, naturally, we carry out it;
  • carefully and neatly glue to the surface of the sheets of wool (not to clarify them) with a minimal gap;
  • after drying the glue, additionally secure dowels - "umbrellas";
  • and again vaporizolation - here it is obligatory!
  • then mounting the reinforcing mesh or preset and decorative finish.

Note! When insulating sex, working with mineral wool will be much easier. It is placed between lags on a waterproof surface. From above are covered with a layer of vapor insulation and a black floor material.

Additional sources of heat

If your insulated balcony is not one of the room with a room, and is still the window and a balcony door from it, it will be useful to install an additional heating device on it. The optimal option will be the use of electric heating devices: convectors, oil or ceramic radiators. The power source in 1 kW will allow you to install the necessary comfortable temperature on the balcony of up to 4m2. . With a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony, it is recommended to use two heat sources with a capacity of 1 kW for a more uniform warming up of the entire volume and walls of a warmed balcony.

Today, materials have been available for the organization of "warm floor". The power consumption of a warm floor made using a heating electrocable for a standard balcony (up to 4 m 2) will be approximately 1 kW.

This is read more detailed in the article "Installation of a warm floor under the tile."

If you are using an individual heating system, think about water radiators on a warmed balcony.

And so! .. How to insulate the balcony with your own hands, you have already read! Read also in other sources! After all, it is still possible to warm the balcony from the inside with a lining ... and a liquid insulation ...

Now it remains to decide on the option, the better to insulate the balcony inside, or choose a few in order to calculate how much the balcony is worth it.

Yes, more! Trust the process of glazing the Balcony "Profi" - why risks expensive designs, as well as people and cars moving under your balcony.