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What is an expurative conditional and imperative inclination. Language in Russian

The inclination is closely related to the concept of modality. Various modal values \u200b\u200b(possibilities, demand, desire, emotional assessment, etc.) are different in the world languages. So, these values \u200b\u200bare often transmitted using individual words - modal verbs, adverbs, adjectives, i.e. lexical means: I want to, So that he returned quickly. On the other hand, the same values \u200b\u200bcan be expressed using a special morpheme that regularly join the verb, i.e. Using grammatical means: Would he return as soon as! Modal values \u200b\u200bthat are expressed by grammatical means are called inclinations.

So, by using the verb in the form of one or another inclination, the speaker has the opportunity to express his attitude to a situation denoted by the verb, or evaluate it. For example, he may report whether it is desirable for him, grieves it or surprising him. It can estimate the likelihood of this situation, to determine its status with respect to reality or indicate a source of his knowledge about it.

"Neutral" inclination, with the help of which the speaker depicts the situation as a real, not reporting any of its estimates, is called expressive, or indicative . All other inclination is called indirect, or uncommunicative .

A set of inclination in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world varies greatly. There are languages \u200b\u200bin which the ignition is not at all, and there are those that distinguish more than a dozen ignition.

Russian language is not very rich in this regard. It has only three inclination: expressive, subjunctive and imperative. An expressive inclination in Russian, as in most other languages, has no special morphological indicator - there are no such suffixes or consoles that would indicate the expressive inclination. A distinctive feature of Russian refusal is that only times are different. Neither subjunctive nor the imperative ignition contrast the forms of this / past / future. Therefore, it can be said that, although Russian refusal does not have its own morphological indicator, but is expressed with the help of those morphemes that indicate the present, past and future.

So, Russian indirect inclination does not have time forms. This circumstance is not difficult to explain. The subjunctive ignition denotes an irreal situation, i.e. Such that never had a place in reality. This situation exists only in the imagination of a person and, thereby, beyond real time. Nevertheless, in many languages, the subjunctive inclination (as a rule, it has other names) still may have different temporary shapes; This happens, for example, in English. On the contrary, imperative inclination, or imperative, does not have time forms and in other languages \u200b\u200bof the world (about the imperative of the future time cm. IMPERATIVE). In the imperative inclination, the idea of \u200b\u200ba real time was initially laid, since the incentive statement can only be uttered in relation to the action that is not yet implemented.

Russian subjunctive inclination is formed by a combination of the shape of the verb in the past time with a particle would be (b.). Since the form of the past time in the composition of the subjunctive inclination here loses its temporary value, sometimes it is called "form on -L."(Historically, this is the shape of the communion of the past time). A feature of the subjunctive inclination is that it is formed with the help of a particle, which is not typical for the Russian language (the fact is that this particle dates back to the shape of the verb be).

The subjunctive inclination is used, first, in the composition of conditional proposals, and both in its main part and dependent. If the proposal refers to the plan of the past, then the subjunctive inclination denotes such a state of affairs, which it is known that it did not exist in reality (such a condition is called counterfact). For example: If we got up early yesterday, That all mushrooms would go to us.If the conditional proposal relates to the future, then the subjunctive inclination denotes a condition that, from the point of view of the speaker, it will hardly be implemented (although in principle its implementation is possible, i.e. it is not counterfact): If we got up early tomorrow, then all mushrooms would go to us. Note that time in these proposals is expressed only by adverbs yesterday and tomorrow; sentence If we got up early, that all mushrooms would go to usit may be understood as close to the past, and as relating to the future.

In addition to conditional structures, the subjunctive inclination can be used in the dependent parts of other complex proposals. So, in Russian and many other languages, the form of a subjunctive inclination has a verb in anonymous appendant, subordinate to the verbs to want, ask, orderand others. Notice that the particle would be "Sticks" to the union what: I want to, To allow the mushrooms to go to me. The subjunctive inclination is used in such proposals not by chance. What he wants is asking for a speaking, refers to the world of unrealized situations, such as can only become real. Compare offers I like, that coffee brought to bed and I like, To bring coffee to bed.If in the first case, the presidency describes such a situation that took place in reality, then this is not aware of this: here it means a potential situation that can only be implemented. Another area of \u200b\u200buse of the subjunctive inclination is targeted apparent, which also denote the potential situation: He goes to France to admire the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God.

If the subjunctive inclination is used in simple sentences, then most often it means the desired for the speaker situation: Would give him money for a trip to France! Another subjunctive inclination is used to express soft motivation: Would you give money in good.

Russian imperative inclination is formed either with a zero suffix ( stand upWell!), Or with a suffix -and (care-I.!). The imperative inclination is the most frequent non-anconamental inclination in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This form expresses request, order, advice. With the help of the imperative, the talking not only reports his desire, so that this or that action was implemented, but also attempts to force his addressee. In some languages, for example in Dagestan, there are also special morphological indicators that express the request that the action is not implemented; In this case, a special inclination is distinguished, which is called a non-prohibitive, or a concentration. There are also special forms for expressing the prompting to the 1st person of the plural - "Let's go!" And by the 3rd face - "Let leave!" . Read more about education and the meaning of these forms

In many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, there is another form, which also serves to express the desire of the speaking, - the wholesale. Optival expresses the desire "in pure form"; With his help, the talking reports that he would like that this or that estimated situation would be implemented. This form exists in many Caucasian languages, for example in Georgian; The wholesale is also in ancient Greek and in Sanskrit. In Russian, there is no special inclination with such a value, but this meaning can be expressed using a subjunctive inclination ( I would be born my daughter!). In some languages, there is a challenge with which you can not inform not just about desire, but about the intention to make some action. Such forms often exist only in the 1st face, i.e. Can only express the desire of the speaker. In general, it can be said that in the worlds of the world, such inclined, which express the desire or the intention of exactly the speaker; An inclination with which you can also report about the desire of the interlocutor (2nd persons) or a foreign person (3rd person), is significantly more rare.

So, imperative and optative are the most common representatives of a group of ignition, for which the main component of the value is desire. The second common type of ignition is associated with another type of modality, namely evaluating the degree of reality / the irreality of the situation.

In many languages \u200b\u200bthere is a challenge with which you can report what status has a situation in relation to the real world. In Russian, as already mentioned, the subjunctive is so inclined. On the example of the Russian language, it can be seen that this type of inclinations is intended in various types of complex syntactic structures; This is especially characteristic of European languages, for example, for French subchaonctiv. However, the functions of the French subchaonctiv are somewhat already than the functions of the Russian subjectatory inclination, since sub-inclines is not used in conditional structures; For this purpose in French, there is a special form - Condiodealis. French condirationalis is used only in the main part of conditional structures; Meanwhile, in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, such a conditionalis is more common, which is consumed in the dependent part, to designate the condition. So, in Tatar Condirationalis replaces the conditional union, which is unnecessary. It should be borne in mind that the terminology to designate the surreal inclination is largely determined by the grammatical tradition of this language, therefore, sometimes very close in the meaning of inclination in different languages \u200b\u200bare called different terms, and distant - the same. For example, in German, there is a challenge close by the value to the Russian subjectative; It is called conjunctiv. With regard to the Indian and Pacific, the form of an irreal inclination is more often called the surreal. Not in all languages, the main area of \u200b\u200bthe use of irrealis are complex offers. Used in a simple sentence, an irreal inclination may designate such a situation that could be implemented, but not realized. In other words, the morpheme of the Irrealis can express meaning, which in Russian proposals I almost died, He almost got to the sky expressed by words near and nearly.

So, the subjunctive inclination, subchaitiv, conjunctive, the CondiMalis and Irealis are different names of the categories close to the value that serve to designate situations that do not actually. At the same time, in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world there is a special inclination denoting the situation that has not yet been implemented, but is close to implementation, i.e. It has the status of potential. This challenge is often the main means to indicate events assigned to the future. Moreover, the next time in most languages \u200b\u200bof the world behaves not as time, but as an inclination. This manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that the indicator of the future time in many languages \u200b\u200b(for example, in German) can be combined with an indicator of the past time, forming the form of the "future in the past". Meanwhile, the grams of one category cannot be implemented simultaneously; So, the future time in such languages \u200b\u200bas German, strictly speaking, is not time. The future time is in fact very different from other times: if about events in the past or in the present speaker can judge with confidence, as they belong to the real world, then the event in the future says cannot have reliable information, since it is not yet It also happens also belongs not to real, but to the alleged world. Thus, the future time is very close to the categories of surreal modality. The difference is that the future time considers such a world, which is close to implementation, and the forms of surreal inclination create a world that speaks or confidently consider not existing, or assesses as extremely unlikely.

The degree of reality / irreality of the situation can be represented in the language and from another point of view. Speaking Senya can raise fifty kilogramsWe estimate the reality of the situation in terms of the possibilities of its chief participant (SEND). In Russian, this value is expressed by modal verb can; However, if in a certain language, grammatical indicators serve for this purpose, it means that there is a corresponding inclination. On the other hand, in the language can be grammatically expressed the values \u200b\u200bof the need or clerk, which in Russian proposals I need to treat teeth or You have to ask for forgiveness expressed in words need to, should.

Less common are challenges that indicate the assessment of the likelihood of the event that is in question, in other words, serve to express episterhemical modality. The Russian speaking in Russian has the opportunity to report how likely to be this or that event, but it does it with the help of introductory words and various kinds of particles: To me, probably, will have to go to Moscow; Mushrooms in this forest as if no; Of course, they will not like your dissertation.Meanwhile, in some languages, the probability value, confidence, doubt can be expressed using special chances.

The source of knowledge about the situation is another type of information that is expressed in Russian using the introductory words and particles (if expressed in general), while many other languages \u200b\u200buse special grammatical forms for this, they are called humble. So, if you wish, we can clarify that you are not directly witnessed events, but we know about it only with other people's words: Speak, She married an American businessman.For the same purpose served particles mOL, SECURE and deUnfollowing in modern language: Not asked he, for what, MOL, Barina need a frak? (N.V.Gogol). Meanwhile, in some languages \u200b\u200bthere is a special form of retelling. In Dagestan, there is also such a form of a verb that it is enough to use that it became clear that the reported information is not witnessed by the speaker personally, but, for example, they are led by some kind of indirect signs: Seem to be, What did they leave in a hurry. In many languages, this value is expressed only in the past time, namely in the form of a perfect. Some Indian languages \u200b\u200bhave grammatical tools to distinguish a particular way to obtain information, for example, use a special form to indicate that the events that speaking perceived only on rumor, without having to see it. It is not necessary to think that the empmium is found only in such exotic languages \u200b\u200bas Indian and Tibeto-Burmese: in Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Turkish, too, there are obedient categories.

In Albanian language, there is a form close to an obedient, which indicates that the information is unexpected for the speaker: Wow, It turns out, The neighbor houses a crocodile! This form is combined with an exidentation (speaking not observed the situation personally) with an emotional assessment (surprise). In general, various kinds of emotional estimates ("the situation pleases / disappears the speaker"), too, can also receive an expression in special inclinations. However, it is unclean.

Another form that is sometimes related to inclination is an interrogative, or a question mark. In Russian, the question is expressed with the help of special question words ( who, Where, why), particles ( lie) Or just with the help of intonation. Meanwhile, there are languages \u200b\u200bin which special grammatical indicators serve to express the issue.

So, we have listed the main types of ignitions that are found in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Of course, in the language rarely there are more than three or four omnions. First, because many of the meanings we listed are not expressed in a grammatical, but a lexical way. And secondly, because several values \u200b\u200bcan be combined in one grammatical form. For example, as we have seen, the feature of the optative often takes on some of the surreal inclinations, usually conditional. The surreal inclination often take on the role of the imperative of the 1st and 3rd persons (this is happening in Spanish). Potential or future time can simultaneously carry the shade of uncertainty or confidence and thereby take the functions of epistemic inclinations. Evidental values \u200b\u200bare sometimes expressed in general species-temporal forms.

Nina Dobrushin

N. R. Dobrushina, 2014

Mood - the video importing grammatical category of the verb, expressing the attitude of the speaking of the statement and / or the attitude of the situation to the real world (its reality, irradiance, desirability), that is, various modal values (cm. Modality).

Test is grammatical The means of designation of modal values. The same values \u200b\u200bcan be expressed and lexically (for example, using modal verbs): cf. The expression of the desired value using the subjunctive inclination ( Halfing in the sun!) or with the help of the verb want (I want to lie down in the sun).

1) expressive inclination (indicative);

2) subjunctive inclination (conditional, continiantialis, subjective, sub-competition, conjunctive), see the relevant article of this collection;

3) insecurity (imperative), see the relevant article of this collection.

The expressive inclination is sometimes called direct, Unlike indirect - subjunctive and imperative.

1. Morphology

1.1. Methods of expressing chance

Indicative It is expressed by a special set of indicators with the value of the number and face / kind. For example, in the form goes away (he leaves in an hour) ending -Et. It has the following meanings: Expansioning, present, 3rd face, single.

Imperative mood It is expressed with the help of indicators that join the basis of the Presentation: -and(those) (care-I./ care-and-those) or (those) (pey-Ø./ Pey-Ø-te). Separate verbs also have a special form of calling to joint action with indicators -Te or -I-Th. (gidth-ee). There are also a number of forms and structures with the meaning of encouraging to joint action ( come on(those) let's go to, Let's walk) and prompting to the 3rd face ( let be/ Let go out). .

1.2. Other grammatical categories

1.2.1. Time

Grammatical opposition to of time There are only in the forms of reference. The imperative and subjunctive inclination does not distinguish times. The situation, denoted by the subjunctive inclination, in meaning may also relate to the past, and to this, and the future. The shape of the ignition does not change: if I had yesterday/ Today/ Tomorrow offered a million, I would refuse. The situation denoted by the imperative inclination is always refer to the future.

1.2.2. Face, number and genus

IN expressive challenge In the present and the future, facial and numbers are expressed ( i'm leaving/ are you going/ He's leaving, I'm leaving/ We are leaving), in the past - kind and numbers ( i left/ She is gone/ It is gone/ they leave).

IN withdrawal challenge on the - l. (as in the last time indicative) values \u200b\u200bare expressedgenus and numbers (i would gone/ She would leave/ It would be left/ they would gone).

IN ludial inclination Forms are expressednumbers ((you) yield/ (you) Go away). In fact, the imperative inclusion is expressed by the prompting of the 2nd face, some verbs also have a special form of encouraging to jointly: come, Uydemte (This form is sometimes referred to as the 7th face of the multiple number). Other persons of the imperative are expressed by non-specialized forms and various structures that relate to analytical imperative forms:

a) 1st face of a plural: sPOO, come on(those) SPOO and come on(those) sing;

b) 3rd face of the sole and plural numbers: let it be good, Let sing.

1.2.3. Finnish

Inclination, in contrast to times, more characteristic for finite Forms of verb. TOthe detaspania, however, can also include combinations of particles would be with non-infinite forms: with infinitive ( Would soon be leg), with predictives, noun, communion and verbalism (see the subjunctive inclination).

1.2.4. Semantics

1.3. Values \u200b\u200bexpressed by the withdrawal

IndicativeAs a rule, describes the situation as belonging to the real world.

Past time The expressive inclination describes the situation as the occurrence before speech:

(1) I arrived he is in place shortly before dinner, set In the corner of the banner stripped off Shinel and, ringing orders, gone With gifts for a neighbor. [IN. Worn. Monumental Propaganda (2000)]

Present The expressive track describes the situation as having a place at the time of speech:

(2) - And I do not worried- he said quickly. [IN. Aksenov. Mysterious Passion (2007)]

Future tense An expressive ignition describes the situation as such that will occur after the moment of speech. Since the future situation fundamentally cannot belong to reality, the future time is sometimes considered as belonging to the indirect ignition system, and not to the expressive (about the special status of the future time, see modality / p.2.3. Remitting inclination and referenced appruteness).

(3) I will walk until the morning, and when night will be finish, i'll goon the slide I. meeting Dawn ... [S. Kozlov. True, we will always be? (1969-1981)]

The expurative inclination may be of a figurative value, for example, to act as a imperative lintage:

(4) in the freezer fish / pull out / let off / then Barsika give. [Home conversation // From the materials of Ulyanovsk University (2007)]

1.4. Values \u200b\u200bexpressed by a subjunctive

Subjunctive mood Indicates a situation that does not belong to the real world. The value of the subjunctive inclination greatly depends on whether it is used in independent predication or in the appropriate sentence. In independent predication, the subjunctive inclination has either a counterfatient value, that is, denotes a situation that, according to the speaker, belongs to an alternative, imaginary world, or the desired value. In the apparent proposals, the value of the subjunctive track depends on the semantics of the Union, relations between the main proposal and subordinate and other factors.

The subjunctive inclination has thus three main types of use:contractive (For more information, see the subjunctive inclination / p. 2.1),desirable (For details, see the subjunctive inclination / p. 2.2) and consumption in subordinate predication. In the portable value, the subjunctive inclination can be used in pragmatic purposesIn order to soften the message about the communicative intentions of the speaker (for moreSupporting challenge / p. 2.3).

a) counterfacitable meaning Supporting ignition: The situation, from the point of view of the speaker, is obviously belonging not to the real, but to an alternative world.

(5) neither stop, nor leave the stone they could not - this would For all disasters. [IN. Bulls. Stone (2002)]

(6) If I did not have a permanent address, I would Vyoul Himself modest. [BUT. Hair. Real Estate (2000)]

b) desirable meaning Supporting ignition: The situation does not belong to the real world, but seems to be a speaker desired.

(7) If only is he knewHow hard I have in my soul! [YU. Trifonov. House on the Embankment (1976)]

(8) Lie, look At the sea I. pour Cold wine. [IN. Craid. George Ivanov in Yere (2003)]

c) pragmatic use Supporting ignition: Purpose -softe the message about the intentions of the speaker or reduce categorical of approval.

(9) - I i would like to Contact from one as a request, he said quietly and even somehow his hands pressed against his chest. [YU. O. Dombrovsky. Faculty of unnecessary things (1978)]

(10) - Yes, of course, - a young man answered, easily meeting with radiant clear eyes mi. With a sleeper suddenly look at the bar. - But now I would recommend George Matveyevich rest. [YU. O. Dombrovsky. Faculty of unnecessary things (1978)]

(11) Viktor Astafiev wrote: if would be Millions of peasants only spun towards Moscow, her would wash Together with the Kremlin and the Gorisy Monkey. [D. Dragunsky. About slaves and free (2011)]

(12) In short what would bei n. done, my wife always repeats : – God, before what you looks like on the his father! .. [S. Dovlatov. Ours (1983)]

(13) all on the svetle must take place slow and wrong, to failedfight human, tohuman Wasgusts and confused. [IN. Erofeev. Moscow-Petushki (1970)]

(14) And the polar explosions dragged their belongings, and Mom began to shout, to Aleshka sheltered home dress up. [BUT. F. members. How Aleshka lived in the north (1978)]

(15) If someone praised, the roller immediately searched for the reason that would have done Praise undeserved. [BUT. Aleksin. Signals and hill (1985)]

1.5. Values \u200b\u200bexpressed by imperative

a) Order:

(16) – Despair Tomorrow, at dawn! - ordered Mr. Beluga. [BUT. Dorofeev. Ele-Flight (2003)]

b) Permission:

(17) – Chicken, I allowed the grandfather. - What are you smoking? [IN. Shukshin. Kalina Red (1973)]

c) Tip:

(18) – Dont be upset, Nina, do not waste Your nerves, he advised. [IN. Aksenov. It's time, my friend, it's time (1963)]


(19) – be happy, Margarita Nikolaevna! "She threw his head to the master and appealed to Margarita again:" I knew everything, where you go. " [M. A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita (1929-1940)]

Insecurity can also have portable useUsing to express conditions (20), concessions (21), must, (22), (23), and others (2), (24), et al. (See Imprinting / clause 4.8) in this case, the imperative inclination is often not to the 2nd face.

(20) He is a woven from the maternity hospital, she kept the child on the hands, and it seemed to him that livehe is a thousand years - he will not forget this day. [IN. Grossman. All flows (1955-1963)]

(21) Sometimes it grabs that at least lie down and pomiray. [AND. Grekova. Fracture (1987)]

(22) Vasya what will receive, it will drink, and I spruce on your salary. [AND. Grekova. Fracture (1987)]

(23) The dog and the cat lived-lived from the owner and aged. The case is everyday, with every way can happen. And the owner of them take and calculate. [E. L. Schwartz. Two maple (1953)]

(24) ... She walked around the veranda, the woman was passing the flower, casually put him in her hair, and he and come in place! [IN. Astafiev. Cheerful Soldier (1987-1997)]

2. Frequency

In the frequency in the subcortose with the removed omonymy of ignition are distributed as follows:

an expressive inclination - 580 thousand eats;

imperative inclination - 29 thousand consumption;

subjecting (particle would be(b.) + to(s)) – 25.5 thousand uses.

3. Basic literature

  • Bondarko A.V., Belyaeva E.I., Biryulin L.A. and others. Theory of functional grammar. Temperature. Modality. L.: Science. 1990.
  • Grammar 1980 - Swedov N.Yu. (Ed.) Russian grammar. M.: Science. 1980. PP. 1472-1479.
  • Palmer F.r. Mood and modality. 2nd Edition. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2001.
  • Plungian V. irrealis and modality in Russian and in Typological Perspective // \u200b\u200bHansen B., Karlik P. (EDS.) Modality in Slavonic Languages. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2005. P. 135-146.
  • Hansen B. Mood in Russia // Rothstein B., Thieroff R. Mood in The Languages \u200b\u200bof Europe. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2010. p. 325-341.

In the lesson about the concept of verb, you learned that the action can have the most different properties and thinking completely differently. And the verb all this diversity expresses its forms. In this lesson, you will learn what properties of the verb can express with the help of an inclination.

1. Academic observation

Consider different forms of verbs and try to determine when these actions are performed:



will go



So, hodul. What did? - The action takes place in the past.

Walk. Now. What are you doing? - This is the present time. The action is done now, at the moment when we spend this word.

Will go. He will walk in the future, after we say these words. T. E. action only will be .

Would go. When is this action takes place? Would you go to us more often. Is this action performed at all? Not! Someone just wants it to be done. And time we can not determine here!

Go! When is the action takes place? In present time? In the past? In future? And in no time! The action is presented as a request, order. And again it is unknown, it will make it or not.

2. Three leaps of verb

With the help of an inclusion, the attitude of the action to reality is expressed. In Russian, the verb has three inclination.

Expansioning: The action is represented as a reality in the present, which has passed or the future: i read, read, I will read.

The conditional (subjunctive) inclination stands out of time, it means the desired, possible action, i.e. the action that did not occur, does not occur, but may occur under certain conditions: i would read, read, read.

The imperative ignition also stands out of time, and the verbs in this ignition denote the action that, in accordance with the order, the wishes or request of the speaker can occur (and may not happen): read, read.

Cleaning the verb is a non-permanent sign.

3. Verbs in conditional (subsequent) inclinations

Education of the formal (subjunctive) inclination

Took + if (b)

Conditional inclination is an analytical form.

The verbs in the conditional inclination vary in numbers, and in the singular - by childbirth.

Time and face in the verbs in the subjunctive inclination do not stand out!

Shades of conditional ignition:

If you had come before, we would have done all by time. (Condition, possible action)

I would love to eat ice cream now. (desirability)

As it were, the thunderstorm began ... (fear, doubt)

4. Verbs in a masterliness

The value of the forms of the imperative ignition:

1. Order : Stand in place! (Attention: To stand! - This is not an imperative inclination, but an uncertain form of verb)

2. Request: Come to us more often.

3. Simple urge Listen carefully that I will tell you now.

4. Resolution, permission: Well, okay, go take a walk.

5. Warning: Look, do not yaw, and then you miss everything!

6. Molver: Pomeri!

7. Ironic motivation: Hold your pocket wider!

The formation of forms of imperative ignition:

Suffix and+ (those): Come, come, learn, learn

- Let (let him go), yes, let's + Form of this / future time: let'swe'll see, yeslearn, let becomes.

The verb in the imperative ignition varies in numbers and on persons and does not change in times and childbirth.






Soft sign before - those Save!


  1. Russian language. Grade 6 / Baranov M.T. and others. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008.
  2. Babeitseva V.V., Chesnokova LD. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 CL. - M.: Drop, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6 cl. / Ed. MM Razumovskaya, P.A. Redeante. - M.: Drop, 2010.
  1. ().
  2. ().

1. Gouping the verbs by inclination:

tell me, you would say, throw away, I would ask, I'll throw it, I worked, I would care, I would go, I will go, I will walk, scattering, breathing, a slightness-ka, adhering, blind.

2. How to change the ignition of verbs without changing any letter?

wide, hold, wear, stop.

3. Forward the impertling of verbs:

carry out, go, lie down.

4. In the title of which old children's toy, the imperative linting of the verb is written picked with a particle - ka ?

5. Give examples of consideration of the conditional ignition in the value of the imperative.

In Russian, there are subjunctive, imperative and expressive inclination. Charm for us, as the carriers of the Russian language, in the fact that by the name we intuitively understand the essence of these grammatical categories, even if we cannot explain it from the position of linguistics. Used when there is a certain condition for performing action. We use when we command or order someone to do something, and the expressive inclination - when we tell something, we set out thoughts. But this is a philistine approach. Let's look at the category of inclination from the position of linguistics.

So, any, and not only the expressive, inclusion expresses the attitude of the action to reality from the position of one who speaks. Therefore, we can consider the inclination of the intentional, that is, depending on the purpose of the speaker, category. To determine the inclination, the subject is always determined, since it determines whether the action is desired, possible or supposed.

The reality and the possibility of action in 3 times - the present, last and future, expresses the expressive inclination. Example:

I never thought that Beijing is such a beautiful city.

Browsing old photos, he involuntarily recalled the past.

It seems that nothing can be returned.

Tiredly leaning on a stick, the old man walked along a snowy alley.

Next week I will go and talk to him, and you will prepare all documents by that time.

Signs of expressive inclination are the endings that indicate the person and the expressive inclination can be a perfect and imperfect species and have the form and number.

An expressive inclination in English is close to this in Russian. It performs the same functions and also shows that the action can be carried out in different times.

The imperative inclination shows the expansion of the will to the second person, the addressing of the message. An inclination can act as an order, requests. All forms of imperative inclination are used in 2 face exclusively in a valid pledge.

There are verbs that are not formed. This is "can", "see", "Want." The fact is that these verbs indicate the action that cannot be monitored by a person. Some linguists endure as a type of imperative and expressive inclination, or rather, its shape and combinations with a particle "let". For example:

Leave the children alone, let them play.

Let it be, as it will, do not need to change anything.

As well as poetic forms with a particle "Yes":

Long live peaceful sky, happiness and sun!

The examples described are called synthetic forms of the imperative.

The subjunctive inclusion expresses theoretically possible action. This action
Will be implemented if certain conditions are met. The inclination is formed by adding a particle to the verb, that is, analytically:

If yes, kaba in the mouth would have grown mushrooms!

The verb is one of the most important parts of speech. It serves to describe the action, notation of a certain process, that is, without it will not be absolutely nothing, only the meaningless name of the phenomenon, which can not show itself, fixing in a certain state. This nominative part of the speech is characteristic of such constant morphological signs as species, repayment, transition and hiding, to the non-permanent genus include, face, number, time and inclination. About the last and will be speaking in this article. How to determine in Russian, what does it affect, why is it necessary? Let's try to understand and, importantly, remember.

What is a weakening? General view

In principle, some scientists are defined as "attitude to reality". Pretty abstract wording, which does not particularly explain the meaning of this morphological characteristic, is to admit. But if you try to figure out, everything becomes extremely clear.

In total, there are three in Russian indicate a real action and is used in all three times - it is the most common and, consequently, the simplest for memorization. Or the most difficult. The existence of it in three temporary forms allows you to hide the verbs by all available ways, which is why it is necessary to memorize a huge amount of endings that is not always easy.

In Russian, it is also found quite often. It means an order, a request, some kind of instruction - any action that the person must do is not in its will, but by the will of the interlocutor. The verbs in the imperative ignition exist only in two forms, which, of course, simplifies work with them, but at the same time creates certain difficulties for those who are not a carrier of the Russian language and cannot intuitively choose the right ending.

In Russian, it is also called the subjunctive, shows an unreal action possible under certain conditions. It is called the easiest: only one form, changing only by childbirth, to which a particle is added is to determine such an element in the text it is not difficult.

Now, when we have a basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat inclination in Russian, examples will help us understand the rule better.

Imperative inclination - for what, how

So, we continue to consider in Russian. As mentioned above, it denotes, based on the name, the command in any form: an order, a request, a polite instruction - the semantic shade depends only on intonation, no features in the form of form, depending on the motive that invests saying.

The imperative inclination in Russian is a rule that was deposited in our subconscious, we apply it, without even thinking. But still understand why this is, and not otherwise, it is necessary.

In order to consume verbs in a masterliness, first of all, you need to determine who needs to be applied. To address the request of a person to whom the speaking turns to "you", the corresponding form of the singular is used. For its formation, it is necessary to take over the end of the verb in the zealing inclination ( read-read-read ..., run-run-run ..., be-Bud...) and add one of two vowels ( and or j.) or a soft sign ( read, run, be). The benefit of the carriers of the Russian language usually intuitively feel how to choose, so the verb layout in the second person of the only number of imperative inclination does not usually cause difficulties.

If we appeal to a person on "You" or want to address our request to the group of people, then "those" is simply added to the form of the only number of imperative read, run, be) - everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Is it really so easy?

But this is the Russian language - where in it without exceptions? No one canceled the verbs in which the root vowels and consonants change, and the root is completely changed. For example " eat-eat-eat, ride-go-go" Here, unfortunately, the rule is useless, either intuition, or a banal subconscious knowledge of the necessary form - otherwise in no way.

The imperative inclination in Russian is the simplest topic, to master which it is necessary to be able to form the form of the only number of the second person of this ignition, and if necessary, just add "polite" end to it.

Eating forms of exceptions is not so frequent to be a serious difficulty for native speakers. Foreigners, however, will have to be very tried to achieve an understanding of the imperative linting of verb.

And a little more features

First, you need to take into account formed only from the verbs of the imperfect species - they are answering the question "What to do?" ( open-open-open), whereas the perfect appearance, respectively, is only from the perfect - with the question "What to do?" ( open-booster-open).

Another elevated thing associated with an imperfect view of the verb: the presence of suffix "Va" after the roots of "Know-", "Da-", "Stara-" (as in words know, give, get up). Usually, for the formation of the imperative, the verb is put in the first person of the only number corresponding to the pronoun "I" (I know, I give, get up), that is, this suffix disappears, as in all other forms of verb ( knows, give, take). But in the imperative inclination, the suffix returns ( know, let's get up), I can not forget about it in any way.

And subjunctive? Education and application

Go to the subjunctive conventional ignition. Everything is much easier here than even in the imperative. The feature of the use of this ignition is that for its formation, the form of the past time is used, changing in accordance with the genus and number of the statement object, that is, in order to say about the subject in the singular, we use the forms of the only number of past time ( i went, painted), and if we are talking about a group of people or those who we respect to "you", the multiple number of the same past time is applied ( pointed out, spoke).

The second component of the subjunctive inclination are particles "would" and "b" - the choice of them depends on the context and is most often caused by the phrase fraud.

That is, when we want to show the possibility of action with any condition, we take the verb in the appropriate form of the past time and add to it the necessary particle: i would say, I would go, laughed.

A little more about the features of use

This form, by the way, is used not only to express action under a certain condition, but in the case when we want to express dreams, desires ( i would like to dream) and fears, doubts ( it would not have happened). Probably, it will be more correct to say that all these shades are used equally, therefore the name "conditional ignition" is used in school textbooks (a funny punishment) is very conditionally (funny punishment), it is better to apply the term "subjunctive rally".

And now everything is once again and briefly

In principle, the above is the same theory in the uncomplicated rule of inclination in Russian. The table will help consolidate it.

Practice, practice, and practice again!

For the final consolidation of the learned material, try to deliver the following verbs in various inclines.

  • In the zealous: draw, laugh, take, toolind, respond, hate, go out, refuse, put, be proud, tear, order, purr, hope to scratch.
  • In imperative: Go, renounce, shout, cause, get, dream, achieve, turn off, give, blossom, remember, curse, throw, imagine, realize.
  • In subjunctive: paint, visit, appear, told, destroy, warm, breathe, dying, buy, ask, reduce, break, do, congratulate, think.

Summing up

The expressive, subjunctive and imperative inclination is one of those basic rules that does not require much memorization and is used for the most part automatically, according to a sense of language that each its carrier has. But at all, in no case cannot be denying the need to study at least basic theory: without knowing the rule, you can never understand certain features of the language phenomenon.

In any case, practice is sometimes a much more efficient teacher than a dry theory. A huge plus specifically of this case is that this rule we apply every day, so you will not be learned by any difficulty.