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What the mountain dream is in distant. The value of visions in various dreams. What dreams of the mountain in the dreams - "truthful dreams - the most complete dream interpretation"

In a dream, on foot climb the mountain - thanks to its hard work, freely overcome any turmoil. Lifting up the trail to the lurpping of the greenery, in reality, it will easily achieve wealth and respect in society.

what does it mean if

In a dream, with difficulty climb the mountain - in reality you are trying to succeed. Everything will succeed, just wait a little.

climb the mountain on foot in a dream

Lifting up a coolest mountain and reach the top of the top - good luck will be in all of you.

lift upside down

Mountain is a goal in life, and for sleeping walking to the hill, means achieving unprecedented heights.

climb the mountain on foot in a dream

Dreaming in which you walk up the mountain, means the desire to make a conceived. If you were able to climb the top, the goal will be achieved.

climb the mountain on foot in a dream to what it is

When you climb a mountain for a very long time, and your exhaustive rise - such a dream will tear the lane of failures and adversity. And if the climbing is given without effort, then you are rapidly gaining popularity and succeed in affairs.

climb the mountain on foot in a dream

Climb the mountain on foot, and the mountain is cool - you are waiting for many barriers and tests. Lifting is not easy - your question is not immediately resolved, and you will temporarily find yourself in a difficult situation. Rising easily in the mountain - obstacles will help to overcome close.

One of the main archetypal symbols, along with a tree, circle and sea, is, of course, Mountain. Its deep symbolism goes to prehistoric times, manifested in various myths, appears in the Bible and in modern psychology. In the latter case, the mountain is especially interesting as a dream image. In this article, we will consider as they understood and how interpreted in different time This symbol for which we turn to various dreams.

Basic values

It is immediately necessary to say that there are basic values, one way or another, manifested in the overwhelming part of the collections on the interpretation of dreams. First, if the mountain dream, the dream book almost always treats the plot regarding the situation on her the very dream. So, if it is at the foot, then the hill is understood as an obstacle. And if he sees himself who conquered the peak, then, respectively, the dream foreshadows victory in some kind of achievements or suddenly opened new horizons. If a person descends from the mountain, then this, as a rule, foreshadows troubles and losses.

American dream book

A simple mountain in a dream, according to this dream book, means the prospect, the ability to achieve something. In addition, it indicates inspiration and inspiration. Spiritual development and internal growth is also what promises this dream book. Lifting uphill, according to him, it means confirmation of the correctness of the choice in any life circumstances, that is, the right direction. But the descent, just the opposite, says that something you do wrong, and your goal is distinguished from you.

English Dream

English dream book, oddly enough, radically contradicts American. Heavy labor, incessant problems and incredible difficulties associated with sorrow - so interprets the mountains of this dream book. Lifting up the mountain, according to him, it means to join the road leading to disappointments and failures, and possibly to failures in endeavors.

Eastern Dream

As for this tradition, the transition of the mountain peak is interpreted as overcoming problematic circumstances. On the other hand, a heavy rise above may be regarded both by the foresight of the future suffering. If you dream that you do not rise, and go down from the top, it also explains this dream book. Go down from the mountain in a dream - it means to come to the completion of a difficult stage in life, by the end of the black strip and the problem period.

Children's dream book

With regard to children's dreams, the mountains are interpreted as well as a sign. His meaning is to remind the child about the need to think about other people and take care not only about himself. In addition, if a big mountain had dreamed, the dream interpretation interprets it as the need to summarize the former life and start a new period, after providing plans and appointing goals.

Old Parsida Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

This interpreter of dreams takes into account the interesting nuance. Namely: he considers such a circumstance as a personal ownership of the mountain. So if you dreamed of a dream in which you made the owner of this natural facility, this dream book predicts you support in affairs influential person. If suddenly, in the plot of sleep, you decide to compose your property with the ground, this means that you are decided on yourself or, at least, going to break the connection with your patron. Well, or at least you have some kind of claims to it. As presence of protection from high face This dream book also interprets beautiful mountains in a dream, where you decide to settle or already live, even if they do not belong to you. This is a very good omen, which addresses the rapid climbing career stairs. But the fall from the mountain symbolizes the loss of your privileged position - this understands the Persian dream book. Climbing the mountain is a plot that can mean both failures and, on the contrary, success. It all depends on whether it is climbing heavy and exhausting or light and joyful. Not attempted this collection of interpretations and such an option as simply staying on the top of the cliff. If you fell to stand on the mountain in a dream, then this is generally good sign. The exception is the plot, the mountain in which is painted black. In this case, the dream plays the role of a warning signing about danger to life. If the mountain itself, and you are filled with bright radiance and literally bathe in the rays of the world, it foreshadows good luck and luck in affairs. Lost freedom, imprisonment or even death can mean a dream in which you see yourself standing in a gorge surrounded by high peaks.

Idiom dream book

In this collection, the Mountain also occupies an important place. This dream interpretation, among other things, does not neglect and the portable meaning of the word, when a big pile of something internally associated with the mountain. In this sense, sleep is interpreted as the imminent end of the problems. In the direct value of the Mountain acts as a forerunner of emergency movement on the service staircase or just success. If you are not just a mining education, and the current volcano, this is talking about your excitement, stress and unnecessary experiences.

Imperial dream book

High mountainAccording to this dream book, this is an indicator of the ambivalence of the human person. On the one hand, it indicates the earthly attraction, inertness and beaches, and on the other - on ambitions, the desire to break up to the top and raise to heaven. If you are not the whole mountain, but only the most top of the mountain, peak, then it means that you have achieved the maximum possible point of your development, opportunities and applications of forces in any meaning for you or situations. If a man who is on grief appeared in a dream, then this is explained as care of itself, internal, and maybe the external reasancement, the period of self-analysis and revaluation.

Snow mountains that you are not going to overcome is the representation of your own fears, complexes and psychological blocks. This means that your condition is destabilized, you are broken by contradictions. If you see in a dream that you start your climbing in a hilly terrain, and then turn around and get down, it suggests that the internally surrendered and retreated under the force of countering circumstances or people. Accordingly, such a dream means all the consequences of such a step: breaking relationships, loss of contact and so on. High mountain, just contemplated with you and reverence, is a sign that you have put yourself interesting and promising tasks and start the way to achieve them.

The difficult passage of the steep rise is the situation that is over you and in which you do not want to be. Such a dream shows the desire of the sleeping overcome it and find solutions on the other, the new side, as if to look at the position of things on top, survey, holistic - this understands this dream book. It is treated as a process of development and overcoming devastating influence in the mountain. If you at night see yourself looking for an elevation with the intention to climb her, then it can be interpreted by two: first, as the desire to overestimate its own values, and secondly, as attempts to neutralize external circumstances or someone's targeted impact, not in your favor. Climb the mountain and enjoying it conquest - symbolizes a huge luck. That is how this explains this dream book. The mountains see and at the same time to perceive them as a source of danger or even to accept death among them is an alarming mark that advises you to change your life and, perhaps, consult a doctor.

Icelandic dreamy

Lifting up the slope This interpretator characterizes as a symbol that foreshadows hard work. On the other hand, the descent of the same slope is a very kind sign that talks about release from under any burden.

Italian dream book

On the pages of Italian dreams, quite a little attention is paid to such a way like mountains. The interpretation of dreams in it more depends on the actions committed by a dream or those who dream of. For example, another man who is on the mountain is the sign of an inaccessibleness of this person to this moment time. It can be literally important, such as the impossibility of a meeting, and portable - for example, unsuccessful attempts to establish a dialogue and internal communication, tune in one wave. If someone descends (no matter how) from the mountain, then sleep has exactly the opposite value: success in establishing contact and human reach. If the dreams sees descending from the hill himself, this is a bad sign warning about the losses of anything - good luck, health, state, and so on. The top of the mountain, which sleeping in order to overcome, speaks of persistent attempts to realize himself and, possibly, about a certain complex associated with this circumstance. Lift to the mountain italian dream book- This is a symbol of complacency, as well as some internal development and progress.

Lunar dream book

Here everything is concise. Lifting uphill is good luck. Accordingly, the descent from it means bad luck.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Unlike the previous one, this collection is somewhat more detailed to the interpretation of such a symbol as a mountain. This dream book claims that hilly terrain speaks of difficulties, troubles, troubles and concerns. If there were no figures on the mountain in the dream, then it is worth paying attention to the character itself of its surface. So, Bald Mount says about the alarm, and the surface covered with forest and shrubs predicts betrayal. Falling down the top is a sign of a quick misfortune. The same goes and simple descent. But the lifting can be understood as a kind symbol, and as unfavorable. So it can designate either the achievement of the goal, recovery, and so on, or a bustle, meaningless and difficult work.

Muslim dreamnik

According to traditional Islamic ideas, the dream, the semantic center of which the mountain performed, symbolizes the powerful and influential person who has a comprehensive and manifesting non-delicacy. As the forefast of fast career growth is considered high, maybe even snowy mountains, on the tops of which the dreams are walking.

Newest dream book

This dream book explains that the mountains are a symbol of incredible efforts and difficulties that will be needed to overcome in order to achieve the desired result.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mountains themselves, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, are an allegorical presentation of hostile circumstances and unfavorable conditions that play the role of social call. Also can be interpreted as part of the body. The mountain peak in such a cut is the goal, the symbol of ambitiousness and the desire for success. The ascent of the peak symbolizes the first part of the life, the tasks of which are reduced to overcome the difficulties and achieve a maximum in their development. Top in this case is an individual character. The descent from the mountain is the second part of the life path.

Russian People's Sonniest

This dream interpretation interprets the mountain in a dream as an exalted goal, a cherished dream or as an obstacle to its implementation.

Russian dream book

If you climb on cool slope, then the Russian dream book invites you to understand how the upcoming difficulties, and possibly failures. Accordingly, the descent from the mountain will know success, ease of reaching the goal, wonderful health and good profits.


Mountain itself, if you believe in this interchange, are sticks in the wheels of your affairs. As an empty work, not bringing the result, the rise in a dream on the slope is considered. He can also mean an unwanted or unexpected journey.

Dream of the XXI century

According to the interpretation offered by this collection, seen in a dream, the hill is a sign of grave labor that you have to. But the snowy mountains it interprets as obstacles that can reduce all your efforts and jeopardous your undertaking. If in a dream you climb on the mountain and at the same time feel fear, then such a plot promises you good career changes in the near future. If you see yourself falling down the cliff, then you are predicted by luck in all matters. Well, if you just run on the mountain path down, it should be understood as the deliverance from the threat and dangers. A sign of a successful coincidence is considered if you have been sorted by living on high top. And the usual walk in such places speaks of the high probability of ambulance. Peak achievement is considered by this dream book as a body signal to pay attention to his health. In case you have dreamed of a bald mountain, devoid of any vegetation, keep in mind that you may be trying to deceive. This is especially true for female people - it is recommended to be careful to them to others, especially if we are talking About Uhager.

Dream of Future

In addition to the usual already interpretation (upcoming hard work), this dream book interprets the mountains in a dream as an image of complex and confusing situations.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A high hill in your dreams is, alas, a problem is perhaps an insurmountable in nature, and therefore the risking to reduce all your efforts. True, if the peak is covered with snow, it suggests that all obstacles are overcome, and you just need to get together with the forces and conquer this height. If you dreamed at night, you climb the mountain, then in reality you can expect remuneration for the works done and the ambulance realization of your goal. If you have seen yourself already standing on top, then this is a sign that promises you a quick change in the usual lifestyle. In good or in a bad side, but expect indigenous changes. If you suddenly saw yourself with wounded and bleeding, it is a warning to be careful and more carefully in your affairs. It is possible that you are moving in a dead end. A tempting offer can turn into a dream in which you find in the mountains gemstone or any treasure. And if you traveling in dreams along the mountain vertices, found a river or a waterfall, then this suggests that in reality you need to look at yourself or the things exciting you on the other side.

Mountain symbolically possessed sacred meaning. Practically in all cultures acts as something sacred, the habitat of the deities and the finding of grace.

If you see the rocks in own dreams, It should be considered in detail this banner and find out what the mountain is shot. Next, consider various interpretations And let's try to find out what the mountain is shot by you.

Interpretation by different dreams

If we consider this symbol in general, the mountain can be interpreted as an opening opportunity or an obstacle. At the same time, these interpretations can be combined, because in order to climb the mountain effort, ascent requires the effort and is an obstacle, but the ascent of the mountain opens up the top of the top. Speech can go about the spiritual ascent, and about the material.

    Dance Deniz Lynn

    Sleep result depends on your behavior if you rise to the mountain, then go to your own goal if you get down, then you are removed from the target. Mountain also means spiritual ascent, inspired or some inspirational experiences. If you conquer the mountain, which is difficult to overcome, then you have the opportunity to achieve essential purposes.

    Dream Maya.

    In a positive context, this symbol in a dream means the possibility of recognition, in particular, if the mountain is snowy. If you see someone on the grief, then the other can try to take your position.

    Russian dream book

    When you see two mountain peaks, such a sign often indicates some kind of influential person, which helps you. Thanks to this, you can achieve different goals and get different benefits.

    As a rule, the achievement of the peak of the mountain in a dream is a positive signIf you climbed and climbed on the mountain, you can perform the planned one.

"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in affairs. Mountains covered with forest - infidelity sign. To see the ruins in the mountains - to win. See the ruins.

The castle standing in the mountains means that good changes and profits are waiting for you. See Castle, Rocks, up.

Snow-covered vertices of the mountains in a dream symbolize your ambitions, get to such a vertex - the foresight of the implementation of ambitions. See snow, ice.

Rocks in a dream - sign of obstacles and anxiety. To see a fire or smoke coming from the mountains - a big danger sign in a risky business. See volcano.

Live on them means your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbed up - a sign of achieving success and high income. The same means a dream in which you managed to easily descend from the mountain. However, slip from the mountain in a dream unexpectedly for you - a bad omen, which foreshadows an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs. Lock up the mountain and do not slip - an omnation that your perseverance will help you succeed, unless you get safely to the top of the mountain. Stand on the mountain - a sign of honors and a solid position in society. Traveling around the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in the affairs you will achieve hard work. However, if you have a conductor in the journey, I will have someone to promote your success.

What dreams of the mountain in the dream book -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

Mountains in a dream denote a big obstacle or top of achievement in life. Close to the top - reach the goal, success. Fall from the mountain - trouble. See the mountain - get protection. Make a journey through the mountain route - difficulties and obstacles. Mountain, on the slope of which there are ruins or ruins, - winnings in gambling. Volcano is a big danger. Mountains with snowy vertices - sublime intentions. Stony Mountain with a bare slope - anxiety: to be surrounded by mountains - use your abilities. To upreight and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise falls into decay.

What dreams of the mountain in the dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpretator of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a mountain - to heavy work; To achieve the tops of the mountain in a dream - overcome obstacles to your dream; If the drop has dreamed from the mountain height - to heart disease.

Mountains in a dream symbolize ideas, perspectives and at the same time applied efforts, the possibility of implementing a selected goal, as well as various obstacles. Dream interpreters on some examples will tell, what dreams of the mountainous landscape most often.

By dream of Ezopa

Did you dream that I happened to climb the mountain? Similarly, an attempt to achieve a certain goal is reflected. Further interpretation of sleep completely depends on what happened in the way whether you were able to get to the top and what they saw there.

What dreams, if, despite all the efforts, you never got to the top of the mountain? This means that the external circumstances will become an insurmountable hindrance or you originally elected the wrong path, the goal. It happened to see the mountain, which had two vertices? They will achieve success in conceived case with the help of influential patronage.

Did the river, flowing along the mountainside? It is approaching the chiefs of small and minor events, you will spend their strength, because you will not experience satisfaction from the work done. But dream book prophesies: Soon this position will end. If in a dream on the slopes of the mountain stood residential buildingsIntroduces you will be surrounded by faithful friends and reliable pleasures.

What does the chain of the mountains, which blocked the road? In the way the goal of the goal will come across unforeseen difficulties. If the mountains stand along the road, on which you walked in a dream, then contrary to the mistress of the enemies will easily achieve. Dreamed that the mountain as if approaching you? The vision means that circumstances will become the most favorable way.

Why dream if the mountains are trembling and moved? In the depths of the soul you understand that you can spend strength. Perhaps to see an old horse, which barely drags up the mountains? Dream interpretation suspects that you are extremely tired by your work and responsibilities, therefore almost fell into despair. The same plot hints that it remains very little to the goal, you just need to lie.

According to the modern combined dream book

What does the mountain dream? If in a dream you perceive them as an irresistible barrier, then I will literally complicate your life. See the mountains as something ordinary and minor - much more useful. Dream Interpretation considers them a warning about a difficult situation. But you can prepare in advance, therefore you can easily find the exit.

Dreamed that it was barely dragged and could not climb uphill? The monotony and abundance of work oppresses, dream book advises to carve time for recreation. The same plot reflects the case that you are unlikely to be able to bring to a logical completion. It is good to see that I visited inspiration, and you easily climbed the top of the mountain. This means that success will bring an unexpected decision or unusual circumstances.

What is the dream of a mountain from which the landscape is overwhelmed? In the future, the excitement will experience, but as a result, it will be able to improve well-being. If the view in the mountain disappointed you in a dream, the dream book does not advise you to build distant plans, most likely they will be completely upset. The same image conveys the uncertainty of the future and the fear of it.

By dreams Deniz Lynn

What does the mountain dream of? In a dream, they are associated with spiritual and creative lifting, inspiring experiences. It is good to see that monasteries and temples stand at the peaks of the mountains. This means that unimpeded spiritual development is prepared.

Sometimes the mountains act as a symbol of obstacles and obstacles. Did you dream of mountains? Soon you will have unbarrible prospects. Tip Dream: Pay attention to the signs and try not to miss your chance. If in a dream you felt the attack of panic and realized that they were not able to conquer the mountains, then in reality it will turn into uncertainty, doubts, unnecessary fluctuations.

Mountains in a dream symbolize goals and opportunities for their achievement. Dreamed how to go uphill? Similarly, movement in the selected direction is transmitted. If you happened to descend from the mountain, the dream book is confident: you are clearly removed from the goal.

What is the dream of a mountain in the snow, in greenery

Did the mountains in the snow dreamed? Gather with the forces and without hesitation, move to the goal. If there was no snow cap in a dream on the mountains, it is better to give up their intentions, for all attempts will be fruitless. What is the dream of a mountain in greenery with forests on the slopes? Minor problems clearly distract you from the main thing.

Worst of all seeing completely bald mountains. This is an omensing of tests and suffering. If the specified image was a girl, then she should interrupt relationships with a man who carries at the current moment. This man will bring only trouble and disappointment.

Dreamed Mountains and Rocks

Highland scenery with naked cliffs symbolizes no special costs. At the same time, if mountains and rocks appeared in a dream, then for a certain time life Path It will be difficult and uneven. Did you dream of steep mountains and cliffs without vegetation? The surrounding will try to solve problems without your participation and it will be strongly offended.

What else will the mountains with cliffs dream? IN negative interpretation Sleep is a sorry sign, failures, stripes of bad luck. If you decide to ride the mountaineering and conquer such mountains, then the path to happiness will be thorny and difficult. Climbing on a bare rolling rock also means that a period of hard work is approaching, experiences.

Mountains in a dream - other decoding

Did you dream of mountains visible in the distance? Get ready for responsible and hard work, but its clear execution will be elevated and will ensure well-being. If in a dream you got to the top and discovered a cool break, then getting the desired will be seriously disappointed. Moreover:

  • live in the mountains - happy event
  • walking - Material Profit, Welfare
  • get wound in the mountains - life deadlogs, intractable problems
  • find jewels - an unexpected, very advantageous offer
  • go to the river - a new look, knowledge
  • the chain of the mountains is a continuation
  • bald Mountains - Infidelity, Anxiety
  • mountains with ruins - Sudden luck, win
  • with the palace - glory, material benefit
  • with a gloomy lock - excessive ambitions
  • with a volcano - a big danger
  • with snow - good intentions
  • black Mountains - Danger
  • shining - Good luck in endeavors
  • rising in the mountains without tired - Success in the conceived case
  • with great fatigue - Excessive load, empty goal
  • with great difficulty - suffering
  • climb the mountain - the goal is close
  • find out on top - fateful changes in the unknown side
  • descend down - the completion of a difficult life stage
  • break from the mountain - failure, trouble, danger
  • fall - loss of the current position
  • at the bottom of the gorge - imprisonment, hopeless position, death

What is the dream if the mountains happened to see the mountains with genuine delight? You chose the faithful, albeit a difficult path, therefore enlisted support from over and luck. If I had to go to the mountains without enthusiasm, then I will have a voluntarily break the connection, affection and literally go away from the world.