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Dream Dream Pregnancy Double Girls. What dreams of pregnancy is: what promises an interesting position. Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy Men, Daughters, Sisters. Own pregnancy in a dream

Dreams about kids, both positive and purely negative very often visit people despite their marital status and position. What dreams of being pregnant triple is to be a question of an important and interesting thing, because a similar vision can have several interpretations at once.

What if you dream to be pregnant triple?

Being a pregnant triple in a dream - the sign is exceptionally good. Usually such a vision means success on all fronts, both in business and in personal life. Especially successful such a dream is for people who are actively building a career. In the coming weeks, the dreams can without fears to invest in his career, since all his plans will be embodied in the best possible way.

An excellent interpretation of such a dream also has in the event that visits a pregnant woman. To give birth to triples in a dream being pregnant in reality - to a calm and measured family life. Most likely, a woman can cut the baby without any problems, along the way, strengthening and relationships with his spouse.

Such a dream can be successful for both a man, especially if he is married. The birth of triple predicts the strengthening of family relations with his wife. It is possible that even small quarrels will soon come to no, and the husband and wife will find the family calm, which was not even even able to dream about. If in the vision, the man himself gives birth to triple, then in reality, he will most likely face luck with all the fronts.

Sleep about the birth of triple may be purely negative. For example, if in a dream, the kids appear on the world, it means in real life of a person are waiting for very serious waste, which will turn around the full collapse of the career prospects.

To see in a dream, how someone else gives birth to triples - to envy in real life. It is quite possible, someone from acquaintances and relatives will achieve a stunning success that will choose the soil from under the feet at the dream.

If in a dream, children appear with great difficulty, delivering a serious pain of their mother, which means in real life a person will have to overcome hundreds of obstacles in its path. However, the result of efforts in the final will justify all the burden.

A wonderful interpretation has a vision in which a person gives birth to three babies, and after hears their crying. This vision means that all small quarrels and problems will suddenly be allowed and will be departed to the background. If, in the vision, newborns for some reason are silent, then in real life a person may face a sudden betrayal or with serious competition. You can still handle problems, but for this you will have to make a maximum effort.

If the dreams have long planned to open his business, then such a vision can mean productivity of financial investments.

What does foreshadow?

A special interpretation has a dream in which a person gives birth not to babies, but already adult kids. Usually such a dream means that in the future the winner of the vision is waiting for a quick rise in the career ladder. In his personal life there will also be positive progress, but good luck will not go into hand all the time - a person will have to work.

A rather negative interpretation has a vision in which a woman immediately take children as soon as she gives birth to them. It usually foreshadows meanness from the closest people. Apparently someone will try to steal everything that the person has worked for many years.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which a person gives birth to beautiful kids of the same face. This dream means moving forward over all fronts. If the kids are born as ugly and painful, then even temporary success will not be able to prevent the development of problems. Most likely, a failure will come again for short-term success.

The figure of three years since the older times meant the divine blessing, symbolizing the Holy Trinity. It should not be treated extremely positive, because sometimes this vision can have a bright, negative interpretation.


Seeing a dream about pregnancy, a person often thinks about what to expect from fate after such a vision. Before making some kind of conclusion and make rapid decisions, you need to try to remember all the details of the night horn and evaluate your emotional state at the same time. The thing is that they see themselves in an interesting position first of all those who in reality wanted to become a mother. A similar image is nothing more than the fruit of internal experiences. In all other cases, the visions associated with pregnancy are considered things.

In order to completely interpret such vision, it is important to take into account not only age, but also half a dream. When deciphering such dreams, the fact was of great importance, whether a woman was in reality pregnant.

Most often, the dreams about pregnancy do not predict anything wrong. On the contrary, dream books interpret such visions as a good sign that foreshadows the beginning of something good, because the child's hearing is considered a symbol of a new life and change.

If in a dream the girl feels the shock of the child in his stomach, she will have to experience motherhood

Adult woman

Some concerns associated with loved ones are waiting for a woman of solid age, which in a dream saw himself in an interesting position. The interpreter of the dreams of Olga Smurova believes that the relatives will not in dire need of her help or support, but easy malaise and non-serious health problems will force a dream to pay them attention.

Simon Canonte's dream book considers a disturbing sign a vision in which an elderly woman sees himself a pregnant woman. Such a dream may be a harbinger of early death. Be careful!

If an adult woman in a dream feels pregnant, hassle

Future mom

Natural experiences of a woman in an interesting position often lead to the fact that they are dreams in which she sees himself pregnant. Absolutely all dreams are confident: seeing such an image, the future mother should not worry, as it means only the fact that the upcoming births will be light and prosperous. No need to panic even if the dream caused some negative emotions. You do not promise anything bad.

It is known that during a baby tooling the woman, instincts are exacerbated, intuition begins to work and the maternal eating appears. Her body responds to all changes and signals their mistress about them. Sometimes it happens in a dream.

What to wait for men who have had their own pregnancy

During sleep, a person has no age or sexuality, so the vision in which a man felt his pregnancy is not considered to be rare. Similar dreams to representatives of the strong gender Dream of flowers interprets like the appearance or "birth" of some grand ideas, plans or designs. If a creative person turned out to be a creative person in an interesting position, in the near future he will find some unexpected and creative approach to work.

Psychoanalyst Freud sees in such dreams a threat to family happiness of a man. David Lof also considers an unfavorable dream in which the guy has tried on the role of the future mother. In his opinion, the man does the warning in this way that he is still not ready to become a father in real life.

The man who hacked the child in a dream is the opportunity to realize their bold solutions

Sleep details about pregnancy

When deciphering dream dreams, it is important to take into account all the details. Interpretations are very different depending on the appearance of a dream of a dream.

Pregnancy boy

The value depends on who saw sleep:

  • clairvoyant Vang is confident: if a woman dreams that she bears under the heart of the boy, in real life some unnecessary and unnecessary concerns are waiting for her;
  • an unmarried girl should be wary of the back, the reason for which new romantic relationships will be;
  • pregnant This image promises a successful solution to all problems and a bright future;
  • a man dream foreshadows the search for new solutions and improving the material situation.

The dream of a married woman who was pregnant with a girl warns of possible treason

Pregnancy double or triple

A woman who saw himself in a dream of pregnant twins, can be sure that everything in her life goes as it should. She achieved an internal equilibrium and feeling of completeness, and no longer need to change anything. Such an interpretation gives a famous clairvoyant Wang.

A similar vision for the girl is also considered a favorable sign. In real life, it is waiting for a dizzying success and career growth. In addition, a new love comes soon on the horizon, and the chosen one may well be a future spouse.

As for the man, the dream in which he expected the birth of twins, warns him about the upcoming difficult choice. Domestic torments and double surroundings of the surrounding reality can permanently discourage a haircut dream. Will to show power to start taking the right decisions.

For woman Pregnancy Double in a dream is considered a favorable sign

Anyone who felt a pregnancy triple in a dream, in reality can expect an incredible leap in career growth. An unexpected profitable contract, acquaintance with new people or participation in a favorable project will help improve the state of affairs. As for the romantic relationship, waiting for three toddlers in a dream in some cases speaks of a love triangle with the participation of a dream. Sometimes similar night feces predict calm on the private front.

Dreams of pregnancy animals

Something strange, but dreams, in which women are carrying and give birth to our smaller brothers are not rare. It is not worthwhile to be surprised, because many animals are often compared with children. The interpretation of dreams can vary greatly depending on what the beast hasnden the lady in the vision:

  • cute kitten - good lead and joyful events; A very favorable sign is the dream, in which a newly friendly mother managed to see his fluffy "child"; To wear under his heart and give birth to an adult cat - not for good, because the enemies are already "CHATIC CARTY" on the owner of sleep;
  • the little puppy personifies the old friend who will not just suddenly arise in the life of the dreams, but will also become a welcome guest in her house;
  • adult PSA - will soon receive a business offer, and it would be silly from him to refuse, it is likely that it is from now on that a new life will come;
  • snake - you need to worry about my financial situation, it should not mindlessly spend money so that in the near future it is not necessary to remain without livelihood;
  • rat - you can pay for your inability to keep your teeth, it's time to learn to control your actions and think before talking about;
  • fish - the dream is already psychologically matured to become a mother.

Some people pregnancy animals in a dream are trying to express as a sign of a discrepancy or desire to rise over generally accepted standards. But when deciphering such dreams, great importance should be given to their emotions and sensations during the night sir.

Pregnant women often dream, as if they were born a cripple or an unknown science of the beast. In this case, it is not necessary to be afraid, because such dreams, on the contrary, prophesy the appearance of a healthy and strong infant.

Pregnancy and birth of a puppy in a dream means that the old friend will soon give himself a felt

Alien pregnancy in a dream

The vision in which a person saw someone in an interesting position, is almost always a good sign. So, Miller believes that the unmarried girl, who saw a beautiful and well-groomed pregnant woman in a dream, are awaiting pleasant news. Most likely, it is waiting for material well-being. If the future mother from sleep was untidy and had repulsive appearance, the dream in the near future is coming and troubles. But the dream book of Tsvetkova warns about the deception of a girl who dreamed of such a dream.

For ladies in adulthood, similar dreams are also stolen only good. In the near future, all bold dreams will be implemented, and the financial situation will improve. If a woman already has a child, such a vision, according to Miller, promises her the second kid.

A man dream promises striking changes in life and money profit. True, if the representative of a strong sex happened to see the process of the birth of a child, in reality there are little difficulties and obstacles on the way to well-being. Having dreamed of the spouse in an interesting position means the willingness to start the children. But the father who brought a pregnant daughter, do not envy. The family is brewing a quarrel, since there is no mutual understanding and confidence between the parent and his daughter. A bad dream is also the one in which a man saw his own mother wearing a child. Such a dream can foreshadow serious problems with the health of women.

A man who saw a pregnant wife in a dream, reappearing a child

The vision in which the woman appeared pregnant twins can be interpreted in different ways:

  • if the dream saw a man with low material sufficiency, he will soon expect a double profit;
  • large losses and serious failures will be rich;
  • the future mother of twins in a dream can sometimes be warned of hypocrisy in the nearest surroundings of the dream.

If in the vision of a pregnant woman was well known to you, in life there comes a white strip, characterized by material well-being. This is especially true of those who saw a very thin lady in an interesting position.

Alien pregnancy and fastest births in a dream say that a person will soon free from the cargo of problems and extra charges. And if the dreams at the same time took an active part in the birth of the baby, important events will occur in reality, capable of changing the lifetime. A bad sign will be the death of someone during childbirth. Such night feces warn about large financial losses, quarrels with close people and other problems and troubles.

Seeing himself with a pregnant tummy in a dream, many begin to be lost in guesses, reflecting on various versions of the interpretation of visions. Before making some conclusions, you need to evaluate not only the picture seen, but also remember personal experiences and emotions at this time. It happens that dreams are just a reflection of some internal fears, anxiety for the future or exciting memories. But sometimes there are truly prophetic dreams that require thoughtful analysis and detailed parsing.

What dreams of pregnancy twins in a dream in dream book?

Dream interpretation Felomen treats pregnancy twins as a feeling of calm and uniformity of life. A girl is a dream of promoting good luck at work and a love front, perhaps soon meet love for life.

Waiting for a twin for a man means a serious choice, to do which does not work because of the inner emptiness. Pregnancy boy and girl is a good sign. It will happen something incredibly pleasant.

What happened in a dream?

In a dream to stroke the belly during pregnancy double

He dreamed that he was staggering, being a pregnant twins, - a good sign. For a man, a dream is the result of thoughts about paternity and improving financial welfare. Woman sleep promises pregnancy.

The pregnancy and childbirth twins are shot.

Childbirth twins in a dream foreshadow gentle feelings and wealth. A man's dream speaks of greed and loneliness. It is worth getting rid of it to prevent internal emptiness. It is undesirable to postpone the current affairs, it is better to complete them as soon as possible.

Be pregnant

Pregnancy in a dream is interpreted in different ways. The meaning of such a dream depends on many factors. First, do you wear a child at the moment in reality. Secondly, perhaps your desire is to be pregnant, forced the subconscious show it. Thirdly, the heads of events that are not related to this phenomenon are what it dreams.

Wearing kid sleeping can not only women of childbearing age. In general, in dreams, pregnancy does not have sexuality. You need to interpret dreambooks with dreaming, depending on what stage of life you are now.

The meaning of sleep is to be pregnant - this: the young girl dreams will promise mutual love, but it will soon overshadow in small disagreements. If a woman is aged, it may mean that she has health problems that are not known about. After such a tip of the brain, you must be visited by a doctor.

A good profit, to achieve which you can only bother - this is what the beautiful lady is dreaming on demolitions. On the contrary, if she is ugly, then you should expect troubles, excitement. A man who dreamed this doubts what he can have children. Sometimes this dream promises a profitable contract.

Unhappy marriage, unattractive children - this is the interpretation of dreams - to be pregnant, in the dream of Miller. Shame awaits a virgin who saw this dream. The lady in the position it predicts light childbirth with a good completion.

In a dream to be pregnant and give birth - it predicts creative successes, positive changes, financial stability. If you yourself take childbirth, you will soon participate in such events that will drastically affect things. Getting rid of problems in reality - this is what the light labor is shot.

Wealth, profits - so interprets dream dream - to be pregnant with belly. Woman on demolitions it promises easy liberation from the burden. Business people need to pay attention to financial issues. Perhaps you are misleading. The size of the deception can be determined by the magnitude of the greeted abdomen.

Pregnancy boy, girl, twins

Surprises and excellent news await you if in a dream were pregnant with a girl. You will give a present that you have long expected - here's another to dream. Businessmen and students are waiting for a great success in the planned affairs. For married, this dream symbolizes the receipt of inheritance, support for sponsors. The birth of a daughter, according to the dreams, is interpreted as material well-being, a romantic adventure.

Be pregnant in a dream boy - ladies on demolitions it promises the birth of a girl. Non-empty dreaming promises that dreams will come true, things will go uphill. According to other dreams, the born boy predicts the troubles, problems, proceedings. For representatives of the male floor, this means enrichment.

Be pregnant twins in a dream - conceived cases will be implemented. You will have new perspectives, great ideas, good luck will double. However, often such an anticipation symbolizes how the dreams say, your unwillingness to have twins.

For a young girl to be pregnant, give birth in a dream - prepare for your own marriage or a serious relationship. This is a good sign predicting family well-being and joy. Readiness for the continuation of the kind is what the child's birth is dreaming.

Interpretation of sleep on double depending on many details can have a large range of interpretations. It is important to pay attention, for example, on the floor of the kids. It matters the age of dreaming children.

As a rule, the vision of twins promises many happy moments, lovely family joys, if the dreams felt joy when I saw the kids. Irritating babies, on the contrary, warn about trouble at work.

Who was born in twins?

What dreams of twins

When a woman dreams twins, where both children are girls, the dreams are waiting for disappointment. Best patience, be strong, and trouble will be afraid. For a man, the plot of twin girls reflects the inner emptiness, loneliness.

Twins boys dream

If the twins of boys dreamed, this is a good sign for people immersed in the solution of professional difficulties. Stubborn work will bring their fruits, and sleep will certainly get large benefits.

Twins boy and girl in a dream

By the dream interpretation, phimal diversion, a girl and a boy, symbolize the harmony, a favorable development of events. The plot reports to the soon receipt of good news, as well as about happy events in the family and personal life.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

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If you have a pregnancy or you have seen your pregnant belly, dream interpreters offer individual interpretations for men and for women. So, if a woman had a chance to find out what was pregnant in a dream, perhaps the news of pregnancy expects her in real life. Men own pregnancy in a dream indicates the birth of new plans and ideas. In general, as the dreams, pregnancy in a dream for all a very good sign, which foreshadows either the growth of the family, or the consolidation of the material situation and the emergence of new ideas.

They said that I was pregnant in a dream, find out what was pregnant in a dream, dreamed of my favorite pregnancy (for girls and women) - to pregnancy; concern about the issues of conception and pregnancy.

Know in a dream that pregnant for women of childbearing age can indeed impose a pregnancy attack in reality. Very often, the female organism itself sends a sign of conception, and long before accurate confirmation of pregnancy in real life. However, similar dreams indicate primarily on the extreme degree of your concern about the issues of conception and upcoming motherhood (you can scare pregnancy, you for some reason you really do not want it, or on the contrary, you are trying in every way, but you can not get pregnant).

Dreamed his pregnancy and a big belly for a man - By the birth of new plans and ideas.

Own pregnancy in a symbolic interpretation means that I will do that you will do it (you will "enter") some new promising idea or plan, which takes the maximum of your strength and almost all free time. However, such dreams often appear in men whose wives are in position. The pregnancy of his wife becomes a man so close that he is naturally "trying on" on itself is an unusual state. Such dreams refer to the category of "empty", provoked by real daily fears and experiences.

Stroke a pregnant belly in a dream (for women) - to conception; (for men) - thoughts about paternity; To wealth.

Interpretation from the area will take. To understand only the detailed decoding will help.

Dreamed pregnant girl or woman - To wealth.

In the traditional interpretation, seeing pregnant in a dream, you can count on well-being in all matters and financial prosperity.

A pregnant belly was dreamed of a man, a pregnant husband or a pregnant man in a dream, a pregnant man had a pregnancy, a pregnancy of another person in a dream - the financial success of a person saw.

A pregnant man in a female dream foreshadows only the most favorable life changes, especially if you dreamed of a pregnant husband. Symbolically "pregnancy" means the appearance of promising ideas and plans - probably your husband will be engaged in some profitable business. For men, the dream gives a different forecast. "Pregnant Man" for you is some familiar man who will soon walked you in the number of plans and ideas. More precisely to understand the dream you can, if you remember exactly who exactly pregnant in your dream. Perhaps this is a really familiar man, whose skill, ingenuity and enterprise you are subconsciously envy in reality.

He dreamed that the girlfriend was pregnant, a pregnant friend or daughter, a pregnant niece or daughter, had a pregnant granddaughter or relative, had a pregnant mother or sister, pregnant aunt or a dream, her daughter's pregnancy in a dream - to the pregnancy of a woman.

If in a dream you have seen a pregnant woman close to you a child's age, which is not pregnant at the moment, a dream can indeed foreshadow a quick conception and pregnancy. There is an invisible relationship between close people, which allows you to receive information about events treated with a close person in the distance.

The pregnancy of his beloved or wife dreamed, a pregnant mistress or a bride was dreamed of a pregnant woman in a dream - to the pregnancy of a woman seen; Concerns about the upcoming pregnancy.

Similar dreams can foreshadow a pregnancy seen. However, first of all, this dream indicates your huge fear of the onset of pregnancy. This dream is a subconscious reproduction of the spooky situation.

Dreamed pregnant grandmother or mother-in-law - unexpected wealth.

Dreamed pregnant girl or pregnant child - Surprise, to pleasant news.

Pregnancy of a woman, older than the child age, foreshadows an unexpected profit for the one you saw in a dream. The child's pregnancy in a dream indicates your excessive concernity too early developing a girl (if you have seen your daughter or a very close relative). If you have dreamed of a pregnant unfamiliar girl (an extraneous child, not an existing character), sleep predicts surprise and receiving unexpected news.

Dreamed pregnancy familiar or rival, pregnant rival in a dream - envy; fear; Thoughts about pregnancy.

The pregnancy of a woman to which you do not have warm feelings, indicates primarily to envy on your part. Perhaps you dream of a child, but you can not conceive it. Either, in a symbolic interpretation, your rival is waiting for greater success. And at the same time, pregnancy rivals in a dream indicates your subconscious fear. You are afraid that this woman will really get pregnant and thereby givestend your man to himself.

Dreamed that she was pregnant with a boy or a girl - To pregnancy with a child seen sex.

Similar dreams can really inform you the floor (as well as growth, weight and other parameters) has not yet born baby. Mother can get data on the babble baby long before his birth.

Dreamed pregnant late or pregnant dead man - sad news; Nostalgia and longing for the mustache.

If the deceased person in life was very close and dear to you, the dream does not require decryption, since it has been provoked by your own experiences about the late and torture. If a pregnant woman in a dream was an extraneous corpse, we can talk about the need to return to the past. The corpse seen in a dream symbolizes something (or someone) from your past life. With this position, the late man's pregnancy indicates you - to find an answer to the disturbing question, you need to mentally return back.

Dreamed pregnancy not from her husband, pregnancy from the former or friend in a dream - to treason; Sexy dissatisfaction.

Anyway, the appearance in a dream of pregnancy from foreign people with whom you do not have sexual contact in real life, indicates either your dissatisfaction with an intimate life in reality, or on your subconscious readiness for treason.

Dreamed pregnancy and twins, dreamed that you are pregnant twins - to the conception of twins; Otherwise, doubly successful plans and projects.

For women of childbearing age, this dream can indeed foreshadow the conception of twins. However, most often, such visions are provoked by their own desire (reluctance) to conceive twins or twins. In a symbolic interpretation, pregnancy double in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a doubly successful and promising plans and ideas.

Dreamed false pregnancy or dead child - deception, disappointment; To disease.

In a symbolic interpretation, this dream gives a forecast that you think that you reveal hardly. And at the same time, women in the position or just planning to conceive a child, a dream gives an alarming forecast - probably the state of your health is now threatened.

Dreamed unwanted or unexpected pregnancy - fear of conception; Unexpected changes in life.

Young women, this dream indicates an extreme concern about the issues of conception and pregnancy. Probably, pregnancy is not included in your plans, you think a lot over these issues, which naturally scratched into your dream. All the rest saw some large and unplanned changes in life.

Dreamed pregnant in a wedding dress - to unsuccessful marriage; Otherwise - favorable changes.

It is believed that the appearance of wedding attributes in a dream for young people is a very disturbing sign that foreshadows that the wedding is not destined to take place. And at the same time a pregnant woman in a dream is a favorable image that bears the forecast of the future of happiness and wealth. In general, a favorable dream for people who do not plan to associate themselves for marriage.

Dreamed naked pregnant woman - surprise; to the appearance of the rival; For men - sexual interest.

Women is a dream gives an alarming forecast - a powerful rival may appear in your life. For men, seen testifies to sexual interest precisely to a pregnant woman. Many men have a subconscious desire to join the position.

Dreamed pregnant Tsygana - to joy; Cheerful pastime; wealth.

Gypsy in a dream decrypts in the meaning of the "exotic character", which in most cases foreshadows joy and fun pastime.

Dreamed pregnant snake - wisdom, experience; Danger, the power of the unconscious.

Dreamed pregnant cow - To wealth.

Dreamed pregnant rat or mouse - Small household troubles and problems.

Dreamed pregnant horse - The birth of a new creative thought or idea.

Dreamed pregnant fish - To pregnancy.

Dreamed pregnant pig - Good luck.

Dreamed pregnant dog - addition to the friend's family.

Dreamed pregnant cat - unexpected news; Your creature will not bring to good.

Having learned the interpretation of the animal that was pregnant in a dream, you can make up the closest forecast for yourself. However, similar dreams for women of childbearing age can impose a pregnancy attack in reality (pregnant women, animals, children or young animals just appear in a dream on the eve of pregnancy). In general, such dreams are considered very favorable and foreshadow the strengthening of financial well-being.

Today I dreamed that I am pregnant twins, and the stomach was very big ... what is it ???



If a pregnancy dream of an innocent girl is a shame.
If not a virgin - this is a good dream - means that your great desire you have been trying to implement - in a short time

such one

Dream interpretation online
(by Miller)

For a woman to see in a dream that she is pregnant, means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive.
For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and attack. If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces.

(according to David Loff)

Other types of dreams that are shooting during pregnancy may be related to marital infidelity, partner death, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in a child, twins, triples, etc., as well as Increased fertility, where conception and tooling the fetus happen more often and regardless of protection.

(by Freud)

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event will not slow down to wait. For a man dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Nazim Muxtarov.

Well, how can you have a little belly, if there is twins?

Pregnant twins woman

Dream Dream Pregnant Double Woman Dreamed, why dream in a dream pregnant twins woman? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a pregnant double woman in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant (see Woman)

Profit, mortar // troubles, gossip; Be pregnant - have bold hopes, joy (woman), wealth or profit (man or only poor) // Losses, deception (Device), death (old), sadness and trouble (rich), wife's illness (married).

Dream Interpretation - Double

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a honest event and sets its definite content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, at the same time does not have real intent to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to the new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus. To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle. In connection with such a sleep, an alarms like "and what if", which require comprehension and permission.

A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only by children, but also what somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can entail a variety of events in dreams. In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

The dreams of the infidelity or death of the partner often arise as a response to a sense of insecurity due to a change in appearance or the frequency and the nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-execution, as well as the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a position.

The dreams of a multitude of birth and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual display of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy for Pregnant Woman

Promotional and light childbirth.

Find out what is pregnant twins

Dream book find out what is pregnant twins Dreamed, why dream in a dream to find out what is pregnant twins? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to find out what is pregnant twins, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Double

If the twin dreamed of a woman, then he will soon be added to the family.

Men twins marks unexpected profits.

The case you thought about how hopeless is in fact such is not.

You will feel this soon if you make a minimum effort.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a honest event and sets its definite content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, at the same time does not have real intent to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to the new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus. To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle. In connection with such a sleep, an alarms like "and what if", which require comprehension and permission.

A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only by children, but also what somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can entail a variety of events in dreams. In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that are shooting during pregnancy may be related to marital infidelity, partner death, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in a child, twins, triples, etc., as well as Increased fertility, where conception and tooling the fetus happen more often and regardless of protection.

The dreams of the infidelity or death of the partner often arise as a response to a sense of insecurity due to a change in appearance or the frequency and the nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-execution, as well as the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a position.

The dreams of a multitude of birth and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual display of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream of pregnancy foreshadows troublesome things related to new plans.

Sleep, in which you will see a beautiful pregnant woman, and surprise, foreshadows you an unexpected profit, which will be quite by the way, although you have a lot to work hard to get it. If a pregnant woman in your dream is unobstructed and you were unpleasantly surprised, you will find a lot of trouble and excitement. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny. Young women have a dream in which they see themselves pregnant, predicts happiness in love, overshadowed with her beloved or spouse; Old women such a dream threatens unhealthy; And the patient is death. If a woman feels a pregnant woman and gives birth to a son, she is waiting for success in all matters. The rest, especially sick, such a dream predicts a lot of troubles, and seriously sick - an ambulance end. People who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief of their position. If you have secrets, then you should fear that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then sleep predicts you that it will be possible to satisfy their curiosity. Girls dream about pregnancy predicts that they are waiting for shame and dishonor. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself a pregnant woman in a dream, then sleep predicts her many troubles and experiences. All the rest of the pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with unrest and bold plans. If in a dream you will see your familiar pregnant, then you are waiting for chagrins and sadness. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and he is unpleasant surprised in a dream, he is waiting for many disappointments and failures. Under certain circumstances, such a dream can be foreshadowed a married man that he will soon lose his wife or she can no longer give birth to children. An idle man is such a dream predicts an ambulance, if he actually thinks about it. Pregnant women see in a dream - the foresight of the trouble, small troubles, chagrins and disappointments. To see a married man in a dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually will soon be pregnant, then he will have a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see himself in a dream of a pregnant woman - to a quarrel with her husband.

If she is in fact pregnant, then such a dream predicts prosperous childbirth and the rapid restoration of forces.

In addition, the disintended pregnancy may mean that this event will occur in real life. Or maybe ahead is familiar with the new fan, relationship with which will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

If such a dream is dreaming a man, then paternal feelings are clearly waking up. However, this dream may also mean that he will have trouble in relations with women - the Love Union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

D. Loff argued that any person can become pregnant in a dream, regardless of age and sexuality. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

So, if such a dream dreams of a young woman who in real life does not have intent to get pregnant, he may testify to the beginning of a new stage of self-analysis. For example, it can be a transition from the child's stage to an adult.

Women pregnancy often dream during a monthly cycle. In this regard, they have anxiety that require comprehension and permission.

As for the man who sees themselves in a dream of pregnant, then, according to D. Loffe, this is most often happening in a situation where his masculinity is questionable. He himself sees himself less active in sexy, rather than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative directions of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily a child, but something that could justify his mission in this world.

A real pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life the pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

Pregnant women are often distinguished by anxious dreams, for example - infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, a loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, innate defects in the future child, etc. These dreams are connected with a sense of insecurity, a change in the frequency and the nature of sexual relations, as well as with excitement caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of women's concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts are crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream, as her pregnancy proceeds, - foreshadowed without complications, after which the woman's body will quickly recover. See a pregnant woman - sleep means changing the material position for the better. Following the prosperity will certainly come and honors. Lying in a dream next to the pregnant woman - the dream promises pleasant news that will be unexpected for you.

Imagine that pregnancy proceeds perfectly, pregnant feels great, you have fun, you and everyone who surrounds you, everyone is happy.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnant see - for a man to change, material well-being, giving birth with a pregnant next to lie down - to pleasant hopes.

Pregnant to being - to the implementation of promising plans, profits, wealth.

Pregnant see - for a woman to success in the farm, in the family, to be pregnant.

Pregnant to be - for a girl to deception.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

See yourself in a dream in a state of pregnancy: the poor foreshadows wealth, rich - ruin.

A married man is a sign that he will lose his wife.

Idle - that he will have a wife.

For a girl such a dream - deception, shame.

For a woman - pride, joy.

For an elderly woman - death.

Frequent dreams about their own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debt, worries and seals, as well as to the fact that many secret cases will be explicitly.

To see a pregnant woman in a dream - a sign of unexpected profit.

Birth of a son - ambulance.

Daughters - new events on the way to happiness.

If a woman who dreams dream about pregnancy is in fact pregnant, this dream means for her prosperous childbirth.

If a man sees his wife or mistress in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dreams about pregnancy everyone promises the best future.

For a young woman is a game of natural forces, a rehearsal, which prepares it to real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream foreshadows novelty in work, acquisitions, dating.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes to carry some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been made, you can only grow a child.

Bring your actions to a logical completion. Such phenomena like marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death, natural for people.

But in dreams these events happen incomparably more often than in life.

They are especially meaningful for the dream, if in real life is impracticable or unlikely.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in men or an elderly woman, the death of a healthy person, a wedding with a celebrity and the like

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth is, it would seem that their antipode is a symbol of death. Death in a dream is not equivalent to real death.

Die in a dream - this means only getting rid of some kind of aspect of your life, which for you went into the past.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a revival to a new life.

And although death can dream of sick worried about his life, it almost never foreshadows the end of life.

On the eve of real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flight into space and the like

Of course, such exotic travels do not always foreshadow death.

Often, only significant changes or unusual circumstances of life follow them.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also "Woman") - in a dream to see pregnant - trouble; Be pregnant - build courageous plans. Pregnancy for a girl - deception, for a woman - joy, for old - death by shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

The lady sees himself in a dream of a pregnant woman - the wedding life of this lady can not be called happy; The lady will always suppress the idea that she hurried, he extended that, if the little thing was more; it could also make up the best batch and there were more worthy applicants! Lama does not like everything in her life, even the kids do not deliver joy, as they look like a spouse and wunderkinda you will not call them.

The young unmarried woman seems a dream, as if she was pregnant, - this dream does not succeed to her; If a woman is careless and frivolous, it will be in a situation where you can get out only with a shame; In former times, for such cases, the gates of Degtem smeared; Let this woman be legible in ties.

If a pregnant lady seems to be a pregnant woman, is a good sleep; He says that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; This lady will have a healthy offspring. A man seeks a pregnant lady in a dream - in real life - to small troubles.

what dreams of pregnancy double?


Only yours..

pregnancy dream of troubles and unresolved cases, problems

Nadezhda Lomaeva

if a woman sees himself a pregnant woman, a health disorder. . If a woman is in fact pregnant - childbirth will be held without complications. See twins - the repetition passed.



I had a dream that I was pregnant double. In a dream, I was happy kissed the stomach, but I was unhappy in a dream and I wanted to make an abortion, went to the clinic and discharged on an abortion, walking on the way home I saw my friends who go with children and very happy , put his hand on the stomach and stopped, later I woke up, what could it mean?


A pregnant classmate had dreamedled. He has already communicated with her 6 years 6, they don't even intersect in any way. It seems that I have a huge belly ... I'm talking about .. I have been given the second to give birth (they have one son and her husband) and she is my second and third immediately ... we have a twins-boy and a girl ... here is such a dream)


I dreamed that I am pregnant twins, I know about it, but there is no belly. I stand in the maternity hospital, before me there is a Hengent with huge belly, and one not collected bed. I call my husband, I will forgive bring my things and collect me a bed, so that I can lie like everything. Then the husband comes, his mother and a doctor. His mother strokes me on the flat stomach and says: we have twins here and smiles. And the doctor says: what triple! She would have to endure these two (although there was no trip to this speech). And it ends with the dream that I think: twins it's great, I'm talking and I will give me maternity capital, we will close all our loans and live well.


He dreamed that pregnant, did an ultrasound, they said that two girls and one much more than another. First was delighted, and then decided to make an abortion, but the deadlines no longer allowed.


i dreamed a dream that I was pregnant boy and the girl I feel them in the stomach they lie in the bottom as it should be on against each other I am scared that I am pregnant and I do not know how I will raise them alone and what to do with children.


as if I go to my home, but the house was the one that in my childhood was in the room on the couch, two children twins or twins do not know, but very similar, and who exactly girls or boys do not know .. and as if I know what it is my children, and all the relatives including my late father say that they raise them and they will not give me that I supposedly wrote from them a refusal and now guardians they .. I cry and say that this is all the wrong and I they will take and understand that one boy and one girl, but when I take them on your hands, then in the age he is already more and it's two girls in Panamans and pink suit .. and for some reason I can't remember where all this time I was, why not I remember how they gave birth ... But at the end of sleep, I have all the bored children and go out of the house, I carry them on your hands and I say that I will not give them anyone, but they are so pretty very much ...


Hello. I dreamed of dreams that I am pregnant. And it dreamed such that my child puts another woman, and I just select this child from her, because. It is only my child. But in all dreams, the stomach was small, in the early stages. Today I had a dream that I was pregnant: there was a sexual act with a loved one as if it was now for a long time and now for a month 7 or 8. I feel this child in my stomach, I stroked him. But then as if another sexual intercourse was also pregnant with him and I was getting pregnant, Ie, there was a second, smaller, more small. And when I looked at the stomach it was clear that one big, and next to the tagged out of the tummy .


i took the documents and somewhere drove it was sunny I had a not a big tummy, I knew that I was waiting for the baby. I get to the hospital there I do an ultrasound and report that there will be a girl and a boy, then I dreamed of my former and his girl.


dreamed that I was told that I was pregnant twins. Belly was not. I was very afraid of losing the children, and carefully walked.


i was notified that I was pregnant, I have a big belly, and the doctor reported to me that I was pregnant twins, I said that here is a boy, and in the other side the girl. I really touched the stomach and felt like kids stir. Very real was a dream. I was very pleased to feel their movements. I was very surprised that I have twins and glad that children are different


i dreamed that I was first pregnant, then gave birth to two kids boys. one called in honor of the former boy, over the name of another thought


I dreamed that in the office of the ultrasound, I did an ultrasound, they reported that I was pregnant twins (two girls), the term of pregnancy - 2-3 weeks


i dreamed that I went to the ultrasound and I was told that I had a twin (boy and girl), my husband even in a dream came up with a name for his son, it's important to interpret sleep because I can't get pregnant ... I can't really want a baby


I dreamed that I was pregnant .. But then I was told to my husband that we had twins, and my girlfriend was also with us, who also said that she had twins. I knew her, but I don't remember it now. Photographed me pregnant with her husband. Only I am unmarried and not. I'm 21


I pregnant, dreamed that the ultrasound showed twins. Also dreamed of Ob River, she was several times already and I easily swam her (wondering this, I'm badly swimming), I have bathed a lot. It was evening.


dreamed the dream of the day before yesterday in which I go pregnant twins and water departs from me. As soon as the inputs depart I see a friend, too, pregnant. I see what the dream was very realistic. Yesterday night dreamed of a dream in which my brother's pregnant wife, although they could not have a child.


I have been dreaming the pregnancy for the second time. And in every dream my real age, 15 years old. In a dream, I have a stomach just like that, from nowhere. There is no father in children. I do not see the pregnancy itself, I see how two boys are born .. and one older than the other.


Hello! I dreamed that I learned that in a position, and I saw on the screen and I showed me a doctor who looked me - two actively running spermatozoa. And I knew that I was pregnant from the former husband, whose often there were twins. Thoughts came to mind about to leave or not, most likely an abortion! Since on Java, I don't want anything more with him, we have one common daughter. And the horizon flashes a older man who is married, but promises to make a divorce (there is no relationship with his wife)


I dreamed that the doctor showed me a snapshot of an ultrasound, on which a two-minute pregnancy. I seem to be glad, but I remember that I am pregnant from a bad person and I am afraid of bad heredity. Therefore, I can not decide on childbirth. But another man wants to marry me, and I do not want to burden his strangers


I dream of a pregnant boy (I have a son of 6 years old in my life), then it was already born (the process was not like), and I am again pregnant, this time twins, and I say that this is a boy and a girl, sleep in White tones, all this time I stand and my son is near, I'm happy, and completely sure that everything is fine)) Thoughts about the father of the child are strange - I like it is still anyone. In my life, I am not married, there are no men.


i was pregnant with a double boy I gave birth that I didn't notice anything at all like that there was even a process just an OP and appeared and a girl only called to tell everyone that I could stay me, but no one came to me.

yesterday I had a dream that I wanted to go to the college, but I was told there to pay a grandmother 20 thousand and I would walk away and suddenly I find myself on some kind of cemetery on some kind of Magyle beautiful and expensive, but there is no one man buried and stood a woman so I don't know her And in a dream, she asked she was very rich asked her money, but she said that he would not have thought if she didn't give it, no one would give it away and he woke up from the fact that she was crying and on Java ..


I was pregnant in a dream twins, I learned about it on the same day and could not walk for a long time, the loin was very sick. And the husband drank, and I promised that I would make an abortion, although I didn't really want to do this


i dreamed that I came to the gynecologist. Ultrasound showed two twins, but both children were wrapped several times the umbilical cord. I was offered to make an abortion. I was shocked. He told her boyfriend ... He replied that he had to go to the abortion, they would die inside me inside. I cried for a long time. But it did not decide to sign up for an abortion.


dreamed the dream, which is pregnant twins, and I need to give birth to one child from where you need, and the other through anal. Where should you give birth, and then woke up.


Hello. Dreamed, as if I was pregnant twins. Near the person who loves, but we are not together, strokes and kisses me the belly.


the girl did me an ultrasound, first a boy appeared, and then they said that she was also a girl, everything is so bright, the main ultrasound color, cartoon))


i dreamed that I had a childbirth at the last week of pregnancy. Gave birth to a child, like a girl, everything is good, the doctor left, I rest, night. And here I understand that now I will give birth now, that this is twins, because Very well feel the movements of the child. That's how


Hello! I dreamed that I was on the ultrasound, I inform me that I would have twins. I pay from joy, ask, is there a heartbeat on the fruit? I tell me, calm down-eat! There is also my husband, but I don't remember some kind of reaction ... my mom and dad were present, they were as if they themselves, I did not say anything, did not look at me ... I was in some bright then whether a bathrobe, then
Does the dress prevailed yellow and green color ...


I dreamed that I had not even a tummy, but I already know for sure that there was twins there. And familiar people brought me a sticking stroller, for one child. My husband rejoiced pregnancy.


I was pregnant twins (boy and girl). At the same time, I was surrounded by 2 men who fought for my attention.


Hello, dream of me as if we came to my civic husband on an ultrasound, the doctor's office, bed .. Everything is as it should be. I'm lying, he is next to, we were going to find out allegedly the sex of the child, but we are reported that we will have twins and both girls. Is it very interesting for what it is?


It dreams that I am pregnant with a big belly I go to the store with products and I think how I will breastfeed.


Today 23.09 dreamed of a dream that was pregnant twins. In a dream, I was very worried, saw the dad of children, he smiled.


I recently did turn around for a month, but I dreamed this night that I was pregnant on twins and I went to doctors and they were all in shock that I was pregnant like I would do the turn,
Here is such a dream I saw


Good day! Pusted that I am pregnant twins. Very badly stuck in the stomach. As if the belly breaks here. Everyone was happy that twins, and in the end gave birth to one. Second there and not. Although the doctors and ultrasound spoke twins, and felt two


hello! I had a dream that I came to an abortion to the hospital, and the ultrasound said that I had twins and I did not dare to abortion.
My baby was born a month ago and I am very dreaming with my husband about 3 child, but a little later. Maybe it is somehow interrelated?


i dreamed that I would take a cup, I collect my urine in him, I take a pregnancy test, I will dip him there, I hold for a few seconds and then he appears, and there are 4 stripes, I wonder why so? what does it mean? And then someone tells me what it means that there will be twins. And I begin to rejoice that already tears from the eyes, this happiness overwhelms me. And I think how great it is! I wanted a child so much, and here two at once.


I dreamed that I was in a position, the dream was not colored. It all started, from dividing cells, two embryos (in my tummy). Then the tummy grew, the fruits successfully developed, the doctors said that I had a girl and a boy. Birth I did not see, but there were thoughts about the Kesorem section .... I put two kids on both handles and the dream ended. But still I feel, then unforgettable happiness.


pregnant girlfriend in a dream double. In her lively, she and so children are. Also twins. Field of what in a dream, after the birth of ONV dies


Sleep in which I already at 8 months of pregnancy I recognize in the hospital. And I see the belly big. Shellions ... I say that there will be twins, boys. The belly is not big.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, in my tummy twins, as the stomach was big and the kids there were fed the heels and handles, and they were clearly visible. I really wanted everything to be good with the kids. "My husband was very happy about it. My first daughter, too.


hello, dreamed a dream that I was pregnant, went to the ultrasound and there was clearly visible was twins, it was summer, heat and term 8 months))) why would it all


i dreamed that I came to the first ultrasound what to determine the sex of the child and when I lay down on the couch, the child began to kick and I clearly saw on my belly trace of a child and when you started doing an ultrasound I saw my children as if they were on the table a girl dies And the boy lies sucks


I began to start the snakes beginning I killed one and two ran away and then I met with people, it was those snakes I asked for a petition from them And one was touched my belly and said that I had a twin and then I gave birth


I dreamed that I and my sisters would not understand how to get pregnant, I am twins boys, and the sisters of double girls. I'm still a virgin


Hello last night I had a dream that I was pregnant twins and I felt them in a dream how they were kicking, and as if I stroked my stomach with my hands and I felt that at the other head of the belly from another right, and the kicking was so real, woke up and I was sorry to lose this feeling.


i was in the apartment in which I used to live with my family, namely in our children's room, only an adult and married, what I am at the moment, I was my mother, we spoke and I saw the stomach, I realized that I was pregnant, But the term was small, and the belly is big and he grew straight in front of her eyes, and I seemed to know that I had twins, then my husband appeared and I started discussing with him what to do? How to be? After all, we already have a child, Now two more people are that we need a big apartment, etc.


I dreamed that I had a latency of menstruation and I went to the ultrasound and I was told that I had a pregnancy and two fruit eggs.


he dreamed that he came to girlfriend did an ultrasound, but she did not come and the ultrasound did me, it turned out that I was pregnant with two twin girls, in a dream I was enthusiastic what they are pretty, but then there was a silence and anxiety, because at the moment I had monthly


I dreamed that I was very kicking a child in my stomach. So the skin stretched. I looked at the stomach, to see if the parts of the body of the baby do not discard, and saw 4 discover legs and 4 knobs. And it became clear that in the stomach twins


i dreamed as if the stomach appeared quickly and I began to give birth! From the beginning one later, my civil husband kept them (as if having taken birth to)! Then they brought me to the hospital and they said that there will be another third ...


I dreamed that I was pregnant twins, a boy and a girl (although I'm not married to that). My girl is born, beautiful, I am filled with joy, press her to the chest, I feed her, I sing a lullaby, in general, very happy. I say to doctors, and where is the boy, because I had to be born twins! They say - wait another 10 minutes. I tell them, what 10 minutes? Is it not dangerous for a child? They said no. I remembered very well what the girl was very beautiful and I was glad that she was born, was very happy. What does this mean?


I dreamed of sex with a former young man to which I am experiencing ambiguous feelings. We parted half a year ago. He has a different girl, I have my own relationship, but sometimes intersect, remained good friends. After that, casual sex dreamed that I was pregnant from him, later than double.


I dreamed at the beginning of sex with a former beloved, we broke up and remain friends, but everyone has their own life. Then a pregnancy was discovered in a dream, which we were both glad, but in my dream there were doubts.


i dreamed as if I sit in the apartment, which my mother recently bought in another country, sit in the kitchen. I ask me how much to buy panties for children, two things say. I tell her mom well, there are no marina, only alone. And I begin to cry hard that my child is alive, as if she died in a bad health, something with a cough connected. I tell her as if I left where, and I didn't die. What I don't believe it. And so I pay that I'm shaking and my mother soothes . Tote of this and woke up. If on the description of the location of the kitchen in a dream at mom in the new apartment coincided the location of the kitchen of this. In this way, I saw myself pregnant. The homework decrypt him, I am very afraid. When I dreamed that last year I dreamed that My daughter is 5 years old and we stand in a cemetery in black bandages. But I don't see whom I was buried, just there we go. Now my child is 5 years old, in April 2015 it will be 6 years old. So I'm afraid. Now I am pregnant with the second child in January give birth to.


i am 46 years old, divorced. Today I dreamed that I was pregnant twins (boy and girl). I got pregnant as if from my first love, although we had in reality with him never had an intimate connection. I had a very glad of this pregnancy in a dream, I was in the present my age, but beautiful, slim and looked younger. I remember exactly that in a dream I was also 46 years old - I thought that at that age there were also women in ancient times ...


i dreamed that I was pregnant twins, I had a very big belly. It is hard for me to move with him, but I know for sure that there is a boy and a girl, and even know their future names


Hello! My name is Julia. Today I dreamed that I had twins what would it be? Although at this I am really pregnant !!!


Hello my name is Lida. I dreamed that my sister called me and he said with anxiously that I was pregnant twin. And I calmly answer her that nothing terrible can handle


i'm lying on the sofa and see that I'm in a position with a fairly big belly and he moves the baby. I remember these feelings again that once worried. The first thought that comes to the head, I am pregnant and I will soon give birth. And who is the Father and what is now In my life happens? I feel the stomach and feel that I have two fetus. I say again with myself a twins! Oh my God will have 4 children! They move these babies in the stomach, but on my face I have anxiety and fear. God like I will raise these children. I woke up.
In real life, I am in a divorce - I am 2 boys -Dads for 8 years. I do not live. I don't live. There is no need for a hatching times now !!!


Hello! I dreamed that I was somewhere at lectures with my classmates and that I was pregnant twins at this time. Worried very much, I thought to do an abortion or not, the term was 5 weeks, I decided to leave.


i dreamed that I was pregnant twins and to confirm this, I was allegedly discharged for re-ultrasound. I and my husband went to ultrasound. At ultrasound, they hardered that I really wait twin, pregnant for a month. In real life I had two miscarriages in December 2010 and in December 2013.


i dreamed that I was pregnant twins. In a dream, I discharged on a re-ultrasound, so that it is so killed. I and my husband went to ultrasound. The ultrasound confirm that I am pregnant with a double month of pregnancy month. In real life I had two miscarriages.


i dreamed that I am pregnant twins calmly go, and then I unexpectedly give birth to one and the second remains in the stomach. And I'm on my hands with one and in the stomach another.


Hello Tatyana I dreamed that I was pregnant and came to know if it was so doubted and ultrasound showed that two or more fetus


I am pregnant, the action takes place in the big ward. Uzi showed twins. Men doctor asking why a very small belly. Mom prepared a lot of money to pay the doctor. He took me childbirth and that's it.


i am 67 years old and I saw myself in a dream of pregnant I know that this twin is sitting next to his husband 74 years old I'm telling a doctor about it and I ask how it can be a menstruation for a long time, but she says, you live in life, I say yes sometimes and she says to me remember Sarra and awake on it


Good day, married, there are no children yet, went to sleep on another bed from her husband without offense and dreamed that I was pregnant with the tummy and on ultrasound and the doctor reports that there is more than one child, but did not specify that and specifically two. sleep. Sometimes there are long dreams with the beginning and completion) And here is just a fragment, but nice)


in a dream, I was pregnant twins, my husband and I chose beds and strollers, I also saw and felt the movement of children, was at some solemn event.


Good afternoon! Meni dreamed, Shah, I walagіtlіl in the Gurthitka de I live Kolya in inhibition. І about tsa so off Plitkuvati. Zenoma was nourished by Dvinynya Divotok. Callori Buli warmth is cold. Mom Bula Proth
Vagitnosti. Shah tse mean.?


I dreamed today that at first there was no monthly month and my boyfriend led me to the guynikist, he spent inspection and after I got dressed and asked what he told me there. I will have my favorite person very delighted and kissed my belly talking to him


hello I dreamed that my friend tells my mom; It turns out Lisa is also pregnant with twins only I have girls and her boys.


i saw that psychics in a dream had fallen to me that I was pregnant twins and that there would be girls, there was a woman with me, too, and was also pregnant, in the ten weeks of pregnancy


little details
I put my hand on my belly and felt a lung movement, then a stronger and volumetric, recognized the fruit ... Although the belly was the usual size ...
I shared with someone this news ..
"Someone put her hand on my stomach and I, too, but immediately we felt that two children turn around, they were located on both sides of the abdomen - to the right and left .. and very actively stunned ..


i dreamed that my parents went to the sea and a few days later Mom returned and it turned out that she was pregnant twins, and I was all wondering how this could be, because after the operation she could not have children. We walked with her and my child Street and everyone thought about how to tell me, but they did not come up so much.

Victoria Fedyanina:

I dreamed like I got pregnant, in the end I had 2 children a boy and a girl, a big boy, a little girl, I watched my own childbirth. In the course of sleep, for some reason children dropped, but as if he had time to hold them.


i measure BT daily, and today I dreamed that she began to rise and did not fall to the end of the cycle ... in a dream I sooooo was delighted that my dream came true ... .. Very much I want a baby


allegedly I got to the gynecologist with pain in the bottom of the belly. The doctor does an ultrasound and says that I am pregnant for 10 weeks twins.


i dreamed that I was pregnant with one child and has already been big for the term, and when doctors have done the ultrasound before childbirth, and it turned out that there are three kids from which either two or three girls and two children are very weak and may not survive, after which I went to call dad children with whom we broke through the familiar him. So, as he had no phone and asked to convey to him that there would be three children and two weak things that I am scared for them and for the future life as I will bring up these children if two is already there and without dad is scary that With 5 I do not cope with what she said that he was writing and sleeps. That is such a strange dream


I have to dream that I came to the ultrasound, I was examined and they said that I am pregnant and I will have twins. In this case, I saw it how interesting is my stomach (?) And I saw two nonsense organs understanding why this is what it is my twins ...


The dream was such, I became bad, what happened I do not know, but I get to the hospital. I was put under the dropper and I was not successful to the needles fell out all the time from the veins, and then I look at the stomach, but there is no belly like pregnant women! And there are four legs and for some reason I decided in a dream and was sure that these are boys, but I did not give them.


From Monday to Tuesday, I dreamed that my wife was pregnant twins (girls). What is it?


i dreamed that I was pregnant twins, but I want to make an abortion, although there is a reliable life satellite (in a dream). I was overwhelmed by fears about the fact that there are unresolved problems, and that still children I do not pull, which is not time.


Dyed a dream about that I (I'm 26) and my aunt of which 53 got pregnant, and my tummy glows one half a red other blue on some new device and I was told that I have twins although the belly is not visible and the term is still small


i dreamed that I would learn about the second pregnancy, and this is twins, everyone closely says do an abortion, but I categorically said that I would give birth ...


Hello Tatiana. My name is Nadezhda. On the night, from Tuesday on Wednesday, I dreamed that I was pregnant twins and I am in some kind of building where there are still pregnant (but this is not a hospital). Although the care of all was good, the negative in a dream was not felt. Children moved, I felt them with legs with legs.


Hello. On the night of Tuesday, I dreamed on Wednesday that I was pregnant twins (I was told about this in a dream). I was in some kind of building where there were some more pregnant women. It was not a hospital, but the care of us was good. The movements of the children I felt clearly and cleanedly. There was no negative in a dream.


I was pricious that I was pregnant twins, and the ultrasound was told that one child girl and then they said that two girls. Little was small


I dreamed of this dream from the 13th to the 14th of April. And the most interesting thing is that my husband still winter is that I am pregnant already 2 times and my girlfriend that I gave birth to a girl But in real life we \u200b\u200bdon't even try and do not try and vryatly I am pregnant .. The tries of interest did a test but he is negative. I have done that I am I came to the nest and she says that I have twins and that both boys later in a dream I go to the grandmother I tell her about this time of year I was in my fall .. and I was still talking to my mother I was talking about my sister thought I was overtaken and I overtake it )) And laughed ...


I am pregnant twins by 4 months mother-in-law finds out and sets up a spouse to get away from me

B will find out and sets up a spouse so that he threw me


We are recently married, so we do not have children yet. Sleep dreamed of such that we had two children, but I do not see them in a dream. And pregnant twins, and thought in a dream - it's good, if they get rid of the differences)) Sleep warm, pleasant, even happy, I told my husband that we would have twins. Waking up the feeling was as if we really would be twins. That's all I remember this dream. Sleep dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, to be more accurate from 18th April for the 19th 2015.


i dreamed that I see and iron my pregnant belly and I feel like two heads, two children, and I give her mother, and I give her to touch, how they move and dad nearby (his truth is no longer). Sleep passes in a calm, warm setting


I am a pregnant double boy and girl, the girl was born and there is no boy and I remember I go waiting for the fight again I feel that he moves the leg


I am pregnant twins, scattered snow.


i dreamed that I was pregnant twins from my daughter's father, I see my belly as if from two half, in each of which the child's contours are visible, beside my mom, I inform her about it, as if I see the image of my daughter's father and say Mom, that I am again pregnant from him, but he is married (married in fact) and I tell my mother that I will do an abortion, because he will not be with me. What does this mean? And this dream was dreamed of me today, on the night from 8 to 9 May, 5 years ago on the night of May 8, our daughter was conceived with him


My husband dreamed that he was pregnant satisfied and happy, and the ultrasound showed that in general twins) I supported him in a dream and said that everything would be good to give birth to children)


Sleep: I am going on the street. So warm the sun shines happy I already have 3 children and still pregnant twins girls. I'm talking on the phone with my grandmother (now she is dead but in a dream was live) she asks what I need? I answer nothing just need to think about where to buy a stroller.


i can not describe exactly, the room was like a clinic, but at the same time on the store, more precisely, like the cashier in the store, everything is clean, and in my hands I have bags and packages, and something like a snapshot of ultrasound, and I say my husband What I was told that we will have twins, boy and girl


I dreamed that I just recently gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl, they are just a few months and I am again pregnant with a third child - a boy.


I dreamed that it turned out to be a pregnant double with what one of the children is a girl and here the floor of the second child did not see, I am happy and everyone reported that I had two kids in my stomach and my husband, and in a dream, we seemed to be taken in advance about the opportunity to get pregnant twins And as a result, we together and said what happened as we thought.


i dreamed that I initially did not know what was pregnant, here I go to the doctor and I tell me you will be pregnant You will have twins ... (I'm married to Java, there are no kids)


I am in kindergarten and a former teacher of my daughter says: "You remember you did an ultrasound," I answer that I remember. She is: "You will have twins, see" and shows a snapshot of the ultrasound where two embryos clearly seen.


Dreamed that pregnant, double. At enough such a long time I am. I don't know the floor in children, and the person from which these children also do not know, as if I would raise them alone. Dreamed another girlfriend, which I have not seen for a long time


what does it mean. I am pregnant and the tummy is big and there two, and we seem to be careful with your husband with a doctor's reception


i dreamed that I was pregnant and on the ultrasound showed that a twin boy and a girl and a boy I saw in a blue and a girl in pink


That I am pregnant twin in the car I will go to the car at the same time the children are seeded in my car in real life and that I am stomaching


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was pregnant twins. I was a pleasant, joyful. I am married, but there are no children. I am 34 years old.
What is it for??))


I saw that I had a big tummy and felt the movement in it. The feeling of the movement of the child in the stomach was mega realistic. And here I recognize that pregnant is double. And I remember that in my family, in reality there was a daily pregnancy case. Connectantly began to share with close so happy news. In fact, everything is in essence


I dreamed that I was pregnant twins, one child is in the uterus, but there is no drchy. I saw clear handles and legs. What is it?


Good day! I had a dream that I was pregnant twins and these boys and one of them threatens the danger and I am afraid that I will interfere with the pregnancy, waiting for the result, and my husband is not quite happy. [Email Protected]


i dreamed that I am pregnant and rejoice in this .... I told my mother ... Then a man came to visit from whom I was pregnant ... We talked everyone smiling ... And then in one moment I realized that he was married ... Everything ...


I dreamed that I was standing in a bright room, pregnant, a woman suits me, as I understood the doctor, touches my belly and says that I have twins, boy and girl


On the night of Friday on Saturday I dreamed that I was pregnant twins. Soon one child was born (I do not remember the floor). The second was not. Gathered to do ultrasound to make sure that I really have to be twins. I did not have time - I woke up.
I am forty years, married, two children., Discovered.


dreamed the dream that I give birth and the woman was also born a boy and a girl.
Then two bulls dreamed of a large material of blue pricing color. And then a child on the corrup and in the dirt


i dreamed of Vrodi's girlfriend my face I did not see and she was pregnant with a cute tummy, I asked her to touch and felt 2 kids inside! I actually already Mom's path of pregnancy passed and in a dream I was so pleased to feel these cute creatures inside! What is all this?


Hello, at the moment I am in a position, often dreams, as I go to the ultrasound and shows twins. I do not remember the beginning of sleep, and after ultrasound, in principle, everything ends.


i dreamed that I was lying on the sofa I have a very hurt of the abdomen I cry, then the bright light in a comment includes my good girlfriend sits next to Lokov Rukun's belly I feel warmth the pain passes and she looks at me smiles and says that I am pregnant twins and that all will be good


Hello! Today I had a dream that I was pregnant, and I had a big tummy. When I went to the ultrasound, the doctor said that it seems to be twins, can't consider. And he began to put pressure on the stomach. Then I left the hospital on everywhere the swamp from which I was hard to get out, I hardly got out came home met cousins. And on this I woke up. Help me! What does this mean?


i dreamed that the boy was pregnant, one of the fetus accurately whose boy I really want, but I didn't know what to do, to, already there are two daughters. and here two and no one at home, in general I did not know what to do


In a dream, I was pregnant, I saw and felt my stomach, I felt the pain at the bottom of the belly, I walked on the road to the hospital, I was hurting to go, I had a stomach, I stayed, kept behind the stomach, moaned and went further, and then I have already seen How I gave birth to twins (boys). And the kids saw my husband, of course he wanted a girl, and here the boys and two.


Today I had a dream with a series of very different events, but that I remember most of all that my mother has tolerated my children. I knew that twin, the TC then I saw them, a boy and a girl who ran. The time as if it was constantly changing, the past is the present, there is no pregnancy-there are children. And I say to my mother, you understand that I do not feel my children, I'm so afraid to become a mother, but it will turn out that these are not my children and I have no connection with them.


i saw my tower of pregnant twins very clearly I touched the stomach and felt them


Single that the ultrasound showed twins. I am at the moment pregnant.


I dreamed that I was pregnant twins and that the movement and type went to the doctor and something was wrong with them and I was prescribed tablets. And everything is something like this.


i got pregnant from the guy with whom I lost my virginity. And he did not want to accept me. I said that I dream only about him. And I really wanted to be with him. And even in reality I want it. But nothing works.


I saw my pregnancy that I have twins I felt like they move I am in real life pregnant


i dreamed of my classmate who did not give birth to a daughter at all, but in this dream she gave birth to two girls. They were left in the hospital under the supervision and on the question "as they were called" - I replied that I also saw himself in the position and already with a big belly, knowing that I wear two girls, very clearly felt their movement, Saw how they rest in legs, heads, etc.
Did some man, someone else's dream. I tried to feed him, but in the refrigerator stood a few horses with the missing meal that I later threw out. I also dreamed that I had shoes a high-heeled sandals, but could not even stand in them as the heels were glad.


Good day. From Thursday to Friday dreamed of a dream. I see myself pregnant boys. I feel like they move in me, I see the handles as a belly appear. Near me, loved, he is like their father. In reality, we have everything difficult.
Everything goes to breaking relationships. Do not communicate what day.


I was brought to the maternity department to prepare for childbirth. The bouts were not. No pain. I knew that the twin would be (diverse) but was afraid to make Keserevo.


Hello! I dream that my sister twin says that I am pregnant with twins girls and on the decret, I go back in May 2016. Sleep dreamed from 16 to December 17. We plan for pregnancy for 4 years


i dreamed that I got pregnant from another man (I am married, but I don't see my husband in a dream), they said that twins and boys, but not single and diverse, that is twins, not twins. I do not want to give birth in the future, I want to make an abortion, why do I have 5 children I already have 3. I tell me it is impossible to make an abortion of sin. Awoke


Dreamed that I was pregnant! The belly is already quite big and the doctor said that children two, two girls !!!


I dreamed that I see the ultrasound of a rather large child, and then they tell me that he is not alone, and I am pregnant twins. In fact, I am not pregnant.


Good day! Sleep was like this: I do an ultrasound (but the belly is still quite small) M Doctor says somewhere aside: "Congratulations, you have a daughter! Oh, and also son. " But I do not feel pregnant. And the photo is clearly seen that the child is two.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with double boys, stroked myself on the stomach, they moved.


Hello! I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was pregnant and I had twins or twins. And although I say in a dream that I was told that I was not pregnant, but in the end twins. I fucked their pushing, handles legs, like on Java. And everyone said to try how they pushed. I was so shattering, shave not to convey words. And the stomach was so big, said that I was 5 months old. It was all as if on Java. What is it? Tell me please!


Hello! I dreamed that I was pregnant and I knew that the children were two, but the belly was still small! I was straight felt the children!


I am in the hospital, I look around and see that in this room everything with infants. I look at my stomach because something moves in it, and I understand that I will soon give birth, but I think the belly is very huge that twins !!! Then the doctor says that I will soon see my kids !!!


In a dream I dreamed that someone called me and said that I was pregnant and waiting for the twins. And I did not believe it and thought. What can it mean?


I dreamed that I was married to be pregnant Double from another man and I do not know how to say about it my husband.


Hello. I dreamed that I came to the hospital to extend the hospital and I began to feel bad. I went to doctors for a long time done as Rengen or Uzi and said that the problem with the kidney was then the doctor and I said that I am pregnant and I will have twins I was delighted but my mother My not so


In my life, I am not pregnant, and in a dream I saw myself pregnant that I was on the ultrasound and my question who we will have a boy or a girl, the doctor said that I would have twins and showed a double on the monitor.


The dream was dreamed that I was pregnant twins, the period is about 6 months old, from my husband, the kids moved one in calmer, the other on the contrary, when they moved to stand out through the stomach legs and I touched them, and showed a friend and her husband. And in a dream, my girlfriend was present, in life she is pregnant twins. The fact is that you are not going to pregnant in my plans at the moment, I already have a small child and now the peak of my career growth, and other global plans.


Dreamed the dream that I go around the city with a girlfriend, and I tell her that the doctor I said that I would have twins, but because I have two children now, I went to the hospital in a dream to make an abortion, because I understood that I can't raise four children, I came to the hospital to receive a queue in the office, went to the registration record and woke up, and in a dream the cloudy seemed to be or the evening was already, I do not remember, but the sun was not exactly

The disinterested pregnancy is always disturbing man who saw such a dream. He involuntarily thinks, is it not a night vision by the harbinger of such an event in reality and will not affect the birth of a child. Such dreams will not dream not only to women, but also to men, which is even more surprising and alarming them. To find out what pregnancy is dreaming, you need to remember all the circumstances of sleep.

Some psychologists believe that the pregnancy dreaming does not always need to be interpreted literally. In the subconscious, it is associated with creativity, wealth, prosperous. If only the fact of an interesting position is remembered, then, most likely, it symbolizes the accumulated ideas.

Pregnancy can dream of all people regardless of gender and age. In each person there is an instinct of continuing a kind, so men can also see themselves in the position. No need to be ashamed of such sleep. Most likely, the dream has a sense of underestimation and inferiority. Now he wants to cope with him by providing its importance by making a contribution to the reproduction of the population.

The girl who sees himself a pregnant woman, for sure, thought about such an opportunity in reality. Probably she wants to give birth, but afraid of it. Sometimes such dreams are associated with the women's monthly cycle - when the body is ready for conception, it sends to the brain signals about it.

Video "What dreams of pregnancy"

From this video you will learn what the pregnancy donated.

Dream Vangu

Wanta believed that such a dream would tear happiness to married women and anxiety unmarried. If a pregnant girl sees himself or someone in that position is a successful delivery. Married such a night vision foreshadows an ambulance from your loved one. But the free girl seeing it is to beware of slander and bad rumors who can defam the honor. It is also fraught with problems in personal life.

Jewish dream book

According to the Jewish wise men, such a dream promises the upcoming worries and troubles. If the girl sees himself a pregnant woman, you can prepare for speedy changes in life. They can be completely different in nature. If the vision visits a woman in a position, then it will safely endure the child and childbirth will be light and successful.

If a man sees a beloved pregnant, then in life he expects this event. It can also be considered a manifestation of love for the bride. However, if a pregnant girl dreams of a guy who does not have a stable relationship, it can be considered a caution from rash solutions and careless ties.

Dream Miller

Miller does not associate a dream pregnancy with the onset of this event in real life. He believes that if it sees a poor man, he will soon receive a profit, which will correct his financial situation. For a wealthy person, such a dream threatens to ruin.

This is good news for those people who overcome sadness and anxiety. Soon they will be able to free themselves. For a pregnant woman, it foreshadows the birth of a healthy child. If a non-native man sees a girl in an interesting position - it is to his imminent and successful marriage.

But not for all such a dream foreshadows pleasant events. If a married man sees pregnant women, it can mean the upcoming misfortune with his wife. Perhaps she will not be able to get pregnant from him. But it is not necessary to be disappointed - this is only a reminder that it is worth appreciating the lover and give it due attention.

His pregnancy

A pregnant woman often sees an interesting position in a dream, since the upcoming motherhood occupies her thoughts. All dreams converge on the fact that this is a good sign and disturbing nothing. If her childbirth is dreaming - the body prepares it to this process in reality. It does not matter what they are in sleep are light or heavy. This is just the projection of thoughts and anxiety.

If an adult girl is trying to conceive a child, then such a dream can foreshadow a long-awaited event. Perhaps she has already become pregnant and does not know about it yet, and the body sends signals about hormonal changes. She can also see a pregnancy test in a dream. This reflects her day care and anxiety. A positive test with two stripes may indicate a successful conception, negative makes it clear that you need to worry about less and not focus on the idea of \u200b\u200bpregnancy.

If pregnancy dreams of a girl, a teenager, a woman in age or that that does not plan the birth of a child, then such a dream is a symbolic meaning. To see yourself on demolitions - a sign of starting a new stage in life, possible money profit, the emergence of new interesting ideas. Birth is a sign of liberation from burden. If a person sees himself to give birth, it is worth thinking that he worries him and, if possible to solve these problems. Easy childbirth passing without complications - to the fact that the dreams will prevail responsibility for a difficult thing for someone. Heavy - responsibility will be transferred to it. Own pregnancy from another person, not from the partner, makes you think about whether to continue the relationship with him.

An elderly woman seeing her pregnant woman is to fear the health problems. Young girls should think about whether they have rumors behind them. In general, such a dream recalls that in the near future you need to be careful in life.

There is a considerable importance to the one who is in the womb during night vision. The boy is considered a good sign. This dreams of promoting the career ladder and increasing income. But such changes are a big responsibility and load. It is not excluded that success will entail the appearance of envious. The girl foreshadows a dream of difficulty in life. A good sign is the same pregnancy twins. Gemini promise a dream soul equilibrium and peace. For a young girl, it can also mean the upcoming success in love affairs. Esoterics advise married women after such a dream to look at her husband. The people advise to check if he has no connections on the side, especially with former partners.

A man who sedes himself pregnant, most likely compacted. He feels insufficiently courageous and trying to show himself as a mother. No need to despair - just try to try yourself. Also, such a dream may threaten the deterioration of the situation in the family. After such a night vision, it is impossible to allow conflicts with his wife, because they can grow into a large quarrel or scandal.

Alien interesting position

The dreams are completely different, in which it happens to see another person in the position. They can also be interpreted in different ways depending on the plot of vision.

Talking in a dream with an unfamiliar pregnant girl - to the fact that in the near future it will have to take care of some hours. Quarrel with her - to disappointments, difficulties, gossip. To see a pregnant familiar, native or cousin, a friend, niece, daughter-in-law, a dream, another relative, a colleague on work - will soon have to help this person with something. Perhaps they will have financial problems, and they have no one to rely on.

For a young man, in a dream, he has a pregnant girl in a dream, receive news from her about this event, hear a message from anyone about her position means that he has thoughts about the likelihood of this in reality. The brain thus checks whether a person is ready to become a father. To interpret sleep, you need to pay attention to the sensations experienced at night.

If a little daughter tells mom that she saw himself in a dream in a position with a big belly, then it means that she is not enough maternal attention. To see her mother in such a plot - to possible profits and successful financial investments.

Other vision options

Dream variations on pregnancy is very much. Each of them is interpreted in different ways:

  • an unpleasant plot - miscarriage on early term, frozen or ectopic pregnancy, abortion - to difficulties in life, diseases of loved ones and relatives;
  • trina - to success at work, in business, but at the same time, to the possibility of forming a love triangle in life;
  • to see yourself in the form of an embryo and embryo means that in life it is necessary to reduce the load on yourself and relax, otherwise the troubles are not to power;
  • take childbirth in a pregnant woman or be a witness to its fights - to new successful acquaintances, to the upcoming difficult affairs;
  • to touch the belly of a pregnant woman - to great luck and bright time in life;
  • feel the shocks and movements in their abdomen - to the beginning of a favorable and successful period.

Do not be disappointed if dreams interpret sleep as bad. This is a projection of thoughts, anxiety, experiences. Through dreams, the brain tries to warn the dream of possible troubles in life and protect it from the rash deeds.

This is a good reason to rethink some moments of life and become more cautious and prudent, so as not to get into the trap prepared by the fate.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Double

Quite often, a fair sex representative in night visions see themselves pregnant. Oddly enough, but men also often see a similar dream.

What is interesting for you to dream of a pregnancy twins? It is believed that such a dream predicts that the current situation has two absolutely opposite sides.

What does it expect in the future?

The first thing that your attention will turn your attention is the need to make a choice. You will have to get up on one side or another.

Although this is not the only prediction that interpreters give.

Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Dreamed immediately two kids

Miller said: when you dream twins, then such a dream is a good omen. It is believed that the dreams are completely sure what does. Also, sleep promises happiness and order in the house.

Predictions of interpreters

Unfortunately, the interpreters of dreams are quite rarely considering such a vision as the birth of twins. As a rule, they simply consider pregnancy and childbirth, as well as what the twins are shot.

But if you combine two of these concepts, you can make interpretation.

Home interpreter

If a woman in night vision gives birth to twins, then she will feel the troubles. They will be quite pleasant.

Negatively, if in a night vision you are one of the twins. After such dreams, you risk forever to break up with a person who dear to you.

To idle to any vision in which twins are involved, is a sign that a person has long time to create his family.

See in dream twins

Christian interpreter

If you have dreamed of twins, it means everything will be fine in your family. In matters you will begin to accompany luck.

If you dwell the Siamese twins who have grown together, then you will add in the family. For lonely people, such a vision promises an ambulance meeting with the second half.

To see in a dream of your twin, if there is no real life, is a sign that you dream about unattainable.

Estantic interpreter

According to this dream book, the pregnancy of twins means that soon you will have worries. You can also find out strange news, which will put you in a dead end. You will now have to try twice as much.

Also, the interpreter gives some more interesting interpretations to what the twins dream:

Reduced feeding twins

  • beautiful twins - soon you will be lucky in matters, and in the family everything will be folded in the best way;
  • untrect kids mean that you will have two times more trouble;
  • it is difficult for you to care for them - this is a sign that it's time to make the final choice, then it does not make sense to pull no longer;
  • kinder kids - your profit will double, material well-being.

Interpreter seasons

For a girl, what was born in the first four months of the year, to be a pregnant twins - a sign that she will have to re-survive some moments from his life.

For a pregnant woman in the reality of the dreams, the birth of which falls on the summer months, to see that she bears under the heart of two babies, means that in reality she will also be born twins.

The rest of the interpreter promises the increase in capital, in the event that the kids in a dream were similar to each other.

Interpreter Longo

Dreamed very similar to each other kids

For a woman, twins in a dream means that it will soon be added to the family. For men, the dream rather predicts financial profit.

The dreams accepted some kind of unpromising, but soon he would understand how much the mistake was mistaken and it would be able to extract the maximum benefit from it.

Vision detail

The sleep value may change due to the way Double looked in a dream and what the kids did:

Pregnancy twins in a dream for a lonely girl - a sign that soon a dream will meet his soul mate.

If a similar vision dreams of a woman, which is already married, then she will soon find out about what is pregnant. For men, such dreams promise profits.

The dream is awaiting luck

Did you dream that the double was pregnant? A good period is expected. Success will begin to accompany in all matters, you will truly happy.

For pregnant women in reality Women Similar vision - a positive sign. Such a dream means that the dreaming successfully makes a child, the childbirth will be easily, after a short time a woman will return to their direct duties.

In a dream, you pass the ultrasound, and the device shows that you will have twins? You will live long.

Birth of two kids

Give birth in a dream twins

Give in the dream of twins - you will be able to get rid of long-term debts. But interpreters indicate that several of your secrets will be the public domain.

Double bodies have passed quickly and painlessly? You can make that another person will take part of your duties.

If the childbirth was hard, then you should prepare for the fact that obstacles will appear on the way to achieve the goal. Your path will be heavy, it is necessary to gain patience and strength.

Paul children

In order for the prediction to be true, it is worth clarifying as the floor there were newborn kids.

If these were boys, then in a short time you will have unpleasant troubles, they will have to worry in a double size.

The kids were cheerful - able to double their savings, ahead of you awaits a comfortable existence.

If twins are beautiful girls, then something incredible will happen.At times, the vision of girls twins can warn the dream that his goals are too ambitious.

When they were skinny, dirty, aspans, then such a vision warns you that you start a long time of bad luck.

Miscellaneous kids are a sign that your life will be diverse.

The boy and the girl, absolutely the same appearance - you will again have to survive a certain situation from your past.

To see a pregnant grandmother or mother-in-law, which shelters two babies - get unexpected wealth.