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What is the dreams in a dream - interpretation from various dreams. Self-consciousness and egoism. What foreshadows sleep with numbers: erotic dream book

It's no secret that in a dream we may be making any - and positive images, and negative. Also often in our Gresses there are signs, to interpret the meaning of which is almost impossible. And what if you dreamed in a particular form of numbers? How to interpret such a night vision? Does it have a need to more carefully treat money, to produce a permanent count? Or other values \u200b\u200bare there? So, we suggest today to find out what the numbers are stolen in a dream. The value of visions with such images to express us will be helped by the most famous and trustworthy dreams available today.

Dream Interpretation Gustav Miller

To begin with, find out the opinion of the famous American esoteric about the meaning of numbers in Gres. So, according to Miller, such a dream promises health problems and mental overwork. In addition, this vision calls for sleeping to show more caution in actions and words, since the risk of failure of a big deal.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

According to information from this source, see or write figures - to luck in affairs. If you managed to remember the series of numbers from your sleep, write them down. IN real lifemaybe they will bring victory in a lottery or roulette. But the number 9 in a dream is considered a good sign. Such an image promises winnings in a lottery or good luck of another kind.

Intimate dream book

Find out more options in the interpretation of what a man sees the numbers in a dream. The value of such a vision of the compilers of this collection is associated with floors. So, such a dream can serve as a reflection of your personal life and internal queries. Figures repeated in Gresses are a kind of code Sleeping Sunnation. They are able to specify to you for the next goals and suggest how to achieve them. Consider the value of each digit:

  • 1 - You are not sure in a partner, and it spoils you strongly, not letting be happy;
  • 2 - you suspect your loved one or even treason;
  • 3 - In his dreams, you have long seen yourself with the legal spouse of your current partner;
  • 4 - Your personal life will try to make a variety into it;
  • 5 - subconsciously you would like to achieve new sexual victories;
  • figure 6 in a dream indicates that in real life your relationship with your beloved is calm and prosperous;
  • 7 - Your attention has already been attracted or soon will attract a unconscious person;
  • 8 - Your sexual dissatisfaction can pour into aggression in relation to others, as well as lead to a serious quarrel with loved ones;
  • 9 - the main goal is to achieve harmony with respect to the partner.

Dream Stranger

We find out what the numbers are shot, according to the authors of this collection. So, they believe that numbers do not carry some specific information in themselves, but perform a mechanical repetition of some computing, as well as a reflection of worries and confusion in the head of sleep. Most often, such a vision speaks about overwork. Sometimes the numbers in a dream can be considered a quantitative measure of something, as well as relate them to those or other dates. Consider several values \u200b\u200bof the figures given in this dream book:

  • 0 - in vain, failure, in one word, nothing of the conceived you will come;
  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - the dual meaning of something, students can get a "deuce" on the exam, also this figure symbolizes the need to choose.
  • 3 - love triangle, mediocrity;
  • 5 - the mark "Excellent", recognition of your merit;
  • 6 - tolerate humiliation;
  • 7 - to gain a sense of integrity;
  • 8 - invulnerability, infinity;
  • 9 - cyclicity of any events, pregnancy for women;
  • 10 - Success;
  • 13 - fail, perhaps some events in your life will be the consequence of some kind of magical manipulations;
  • 666 - this is known, the number of devil, which does not foreshadow anything good;
  • large, multivalued numbers are fed by a dream gaining wealth, various large purchases, as well as unforgettable impressions.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation of this source, to see the numbers in a dream - to a possible mental overwork, as a result of which the likelihood of errors will increase. There is also a risk of incur damages if you do not carefully think about every word and action.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What does the numbers dream in a dream? This source responds to this question as follows:

  • 0 - sign of annoyance and failure. Also, a similar figure can perform the harbingers of the appearance of a permanent feeling of irritability at the dream.
  • 1 - symbol of recognition of sleeping by society. On the way to this there are minor difficulties, but you will be able to overcome them without any problems.
  • 2 - forever gossip and crosses to your address.
  • 3 - sign, promising soon resolution complex question or confusing situation.
  • 4 - the foreskins of classes with some unpromising and meaningless things.
  • 5 - You can defend the truth and your rightness in a difficult dispute.
  • 6 is a sign of deception, doubles, tricks. Seeing such a figure in a dream, in real life, maximum vigilance and caution should be revealed.
  • 7 - Happy well-being sign, success and stability.
  • 8 - a symbol of uncertainty, some situation or a problem for a long time will be, as it is called, in a suspended state.
  • 9 - a sign, which enlighten the possibility of a major win in a very risky game. It is possible to achieve success you will have to go Wa-Bank.

Russian dream book

This source advises to memorize the numbers, especially if this value is quite easy to determine. So, figures, as a rule, show the number of days to some event. If in general the vision in a dream was pleasant, then the event will be positive. If you didn't like something in Gres, then something is not very good will happen in real life.

Dream of white magician

What does the numbers dream? If at night it was hardened that you write numbers, then in real life you are a person who is accustomed to everyone to systematize. Perhaps you can even be called Pedant. The sleep in which you do some computing, foreshadows the ambulance of a hard choice, which will radically change your life. Therefore, do not hurry. Think of everything prettier. If you are not sure, then feel free to seek help to a person who trust. The dream in which you erase written in chalk on a blackboard, suggests that it will soon have to make every effort to get rid of the consequences of the recently raised actions. Make it will succeed. However, take out this lesson and try not to repeat similar errors in the future, because luck will not be equally favorable.

What do the figures that you find in the text while reading the book? Such a vision promises surprise, for the possession of which you need to express yourself. Perhaps you will be offered the work that you have long been dreaming. However, to get a vacancy, you will need to show all your talents and abilities.

What do the numbers seen in a dream made from some durable material? Such a vision warns that you will soon be subject to the test that they will be able to withstand. But in case the shown numbers are made from some fragile materials (cotton, fabric, etc.), then you will have to come with your principles. Moreover, it will not happen due to the fact that circumstances will be stronger than you, but because of your own cowardice and inactivity.

Hear in a dream the numbers or see someone writes them - to admiration for someone from your friends. However, be careful. After all, admiration can quickly grow into a sense of envy, which is able to destroy friendship.

Esoteric dream book

The compilers of this compilation claim that if even numbers were hardened, then luck awaits you. The odd indicates that the conceived is not destined to come into life, so it makes sense to abandon the venture, so as not to spend precious time on it.

Collection of tips received in a dream

What are the numbers in a dream, according to information from this source? So, the compilers of the collection claim that such dreams make sense in two cases: if during an interesting sleep, some numbers crashed into memory or if you drew attention to the number of people or objects in your vision. Consider how interpreting individual numbers and numbers this dream book:

  • 1 is a symbol of self-sufficiency. So, if you see some kind of subject in a dream in the only numberThe value will be much stronger than if items are somewhat.
  • 2 - sign of completion of action. Also this is a symbol of immobility and equilibrium. For example, two identical flower felt the extinction of feelings, a couple of identical coins indicates that your well-being will not change in the near future, and so on.
  • 3 - symbol of friendship, cooperation, interaction.
  • 4 - sign of freedom of action. What does this meaning of this vision comes down to the fact that you will get complete freedom of action. However, perhaps you will not be ready for her, so you will not leave the sense of uncertainty.
  • 5 - sign symbolizing apogee. For example, five red beautiful apples promise maximum success.
  • 6 is a symbol of impostomy in feelings and emotions.
  • 7 - a sign indicating the completion of some stage in life. Now you can relax a little before new accomplishments.
  • 8 - symbol of maturity and completeness. it good dreamSuperior achievement is becoming more successful.
  • 9 - the sign of the last jerk. Such a vision indicates that in real life you have to make all your strength in order to overcome some serious obstacle to your goal. But when you do it, there will be nothing unattainable, and you can achieve everything you want. But if you do not make this last jerk, you will be sorry for a missed opportunity for a long time.

Dream Pastor Loffe

Why dream digit 11 in a dream?

By dream book see figure 11 - this number is associated with sin, violation of the law, danger. Since the number 10 is a symbol of excellence and the law, eleven symbolizes the exit beyond the limits and the other. If in a dream you see the number "11" in any mapping, then this may be a symbol of your rebellion, which protests against existing orders. The appearance of this number in a dream indicates that you intend to break stereotypes in life and establish new laws that will be based exclusively on your personal vision of the world and should be beneficial to you - after all, the number of eleven looks like two orders of units.

Magic dream book

What dreams figure 11 in the dream book:

11 - means mutual love.

What dream digit

Eastern Dream

What dreams of a digit in dream of dream book?

It is important to remember the numbers that you will be in a dream - it can be important date or number.

Italian dream book

Interpretation of numbers is very complex. The numbers may indicate the date of important events, problem situationsFruiting moments, turning points in the development of man. And can also carry a specific symbolism.

The unit is a famous phallic symbol that often displays a person's desire to enter into sexual contact. This image should be interpreted only taking into account the characters of the characters involved in the plot.

Zero - due to its form can be ranked vaginal symbols. In this regard, he often symbolizes the desire of sexual contact.

In addition, since zero is nothing, emptiness, then this symbol may designate destructive trends, a sense of intellectual or spiritual void, as well as the fear of losing health.

Ten - the number of ten formed by the numbers one and zero, where one is a phallic symbol, and zero is vaginal. Quite often, the connection of these two characters among the ten may signify the COITIUS (sexual intercourse).

Newest dream book

In a dream, why dream digit?

Figures - to change in fate. If you write numbers - the presence of parapsicheological abilities; if you just see, but do not remember them numeric values - You will soon be expecting a financial catastrophe.

Russian dream book

Try to memorize all the numbers and numbers in a dream - they indicate the specific dates of important events or at how many days, weeks or years you have left to wait for important changes in life.

Family dream book

The dream in which some numbers appear - foreshadows extreme sincere fatigue. In addition, this dream warns you to be more careful in any speeches. Otherwise, you fail a big deal.


Figures see in a dream - means boredom and annoyance; The unit marks society; Two mean gossip; Three means a conversation about the case; Four means futile labor; Five marks a strong dispute; Six and more means cheating and lies.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the figure is dreaming?

To see the numbers in a dream - a sign of possible mental fatigue and errors. In real life, you can incur great losses if you do not care enough in your actions and conversations.

Dream 2012.

Figure 0 - Reflection of universality and / or absolute freedom (also the need for them).

1 - reflection of flexibility, mobility (also the need for them).

2 - reflection of humility and understanding (also the need for this); sign of fate.

3 - reflection of creativity and joy (also the need for them); Reflection of mixed abundance, both good and bad.

4 - reflection of stability (also the need for it).

5 - reflection of freedom and change (also the need for them).

6 - Reflection of inspiration and / or leadership by force (also the need to choose between old and new).

7 - reflection of the manual (also the need for it).

8 - reflection of equilibrium and harmony (also the need for them).

9 - reflection of completeness (also need for it).

10 - Reflection of a new cycle and / or fragrance by repeating past experience (also a warning about the need to beware of old traps).

11 - Reflection of force (also the need for it).

12 - Reflection of endurance (also the need to exercise, show patience and / or not to nominate their requirements).

13 - Reflection of the death of the old (also the need for a refusal of all old).

14 - reflection of knowledge (also the need for it).

15 - the need to see the "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom"; The need to see in the abandon call the gift of power.

16 - the need to get rid of something (someone) through the strength of the intention (also the need to find the gift of the power is that at first glance it seems a disaster).

17 - Reflection of differences in general (also the need to distinguish, distinguish).

18 - reflection of courage (also the need for it).

19 - reflection vitality (also the need to preserve personal power).

20 - Reflection of honor and dignity (also the need for them).

21 - Reflection of the world and / or success (also reflecting a new start, undertaking)

22 - reflection of egoistic behavior.

23 - Reflection of devastating behavior.

24 - Reflection of fear.

25 - reflection of temptation.

26 - Reflection of illusion.

27 - reflection of resistance.

28 - reflection of the abuse of force.

29 - Reflection of abuse at all.

30 - reflection of manipulation.

31 - reflection of danger from mind (logic).

32 - reflection of disharmony.

33 - reflection of freedom.

Other numbers - it is necessary to reduce to one digit using addition (for example, 121 \u003d 1 + 2 + 1 \u003d 4; 3009 \u003d 3 + 0 + 0 + 9 \u003d 12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3)

If the interpretation is dissatisfied with the above, you can refer to the interpretation of numbers and numbers, data in other sources. But do not trust negative interpretations, they are echoing old energies and do not obnoun, but are programmed to bad.

Dream Longo

If in a dream you are methodically emailing the numbers - it means that you still have accustomed to everyone to systematize, you can even be called a pedant with some stretch - you pay so much attention to external forms. Many consider you a sukhar, but you are so confident in your infallibility that you do not pay any attention to such accusations. We have no doubt that you are a person quite self-sufficient, but nevertheless do not forget that you live not on the island's dwelling. It is not worth it, of course, to please all and everyone, but think about why you stayed in complete loneliness, no doubt costs. Maybe it makes sense to revise my relationship with loved ones - Start with this, take the first step to join in human society And feel a full-fledged member.

To produce some calculations with numbers in a dream - you will soon have to break your head over the adoption of a serious solution, which should fundamentally change your life. Do not rush, think as it should. And if you are not sure about your thinking abilities, do not hesitate to apply for advice to more knowledgeable people. You will need any real help, after all we are talking About your future.

You erase the numbers written in chalk on the board - you will have to urgently eliminate the consequences of the raised actions committed by you not so long ago. Fortunately, it will be easy for you to succeed, but keep in mind that luck will not always be accompanied to you, and try not to make such mistakes in the future.

You are reading a book in a dream and discover the numbers in the usual text - life will soon give you a surprise, however, in order for this surprise to be pleasant, you will have to work your head. Well, if you say more specifically, you will be offered the work that you have been waiting for, but to get it, you will have to show all your talents and abilities.

Watch in a dream, how someone is engaged in writing numbers - you will admire someone from your friends, but there will be some kind of envy in your admiration. Try not to allow this feeling to come out from under control and took over you top - it can lead not only to the rupture of friendship with this person, but also to big trouble for you personally.

To see in a dream, the numbers made from some durable material - your life principles will soon be tested that they will withstand with honor. But if the numbers from your sleep are made of fragile materials, such as paper, watts, etc., then you will have to come with principles, but not at all because circumstances will be stronger than you, but because of your cowardice and non-absorption.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Figures in a dream -

The unit is a sign of intrinsicness and self-sufficiency. If some item you see in the singular, the value of this sleep may be stronger than if there are several such subjects.

Two - means the completion of some action. This is a sign of equilibrium and immobility. For example, two identical flower in a dream symbolize the fussing of feelings, two identical coins mean that your well-being does not increase in the near future, and so on.

Troika is a symbol of interaction, friendship and close cooperation.

Four - a sign of freedom of action with a shade of easy uncertainty. Such dreams suggest that it all depends on you, and you are free to make any choice.

The top five is apogee. For example, five ripe apples on the tree foreshadow you the maximum success.

Six are a symbol of impostomy in feelings.

Seven - means the completion of the next stage and the opportunity to relax.

Eight - sign of maturity and completeness. Sleep says that events promise to go around the growing.

Nine - the sign of the "last jerk". Sleep suggests that you have to make all your strength to overcome some obstacles.

Ten - sign of completeness and temporary growth limit.

Eleven - a symbol of second breathing. This number in a dream suggests that after a break, the events will begin to develop with a double strength.

Twelve - a sign of maximum fullness. This number means confidence, energy and effectiveness.

Thirteen - a burning sign. Sleep calls for observing the measure, otherwise your strength threatens to grow into aggression, and a healthy desire to a devastating passion. In this case, it will be difficult to avoid disasters.

If, in a dream, you see many erratic numbers - such dreams usually talk about your intellectual fatigue and have no other value. It's time for you to relax.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

The figure - the difficulty will arise, finding out relationships.


Figures - to the disease of the stomach.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Figures - Removed to concern through the work.

Dream Interpretation Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a digit is dreaming in a dream?

Figures to see or write - good deeds; If you remember them, then use in the game and they will bring you a loyal win.

Dream Miller

To see the numbers in a dream - foreshadows extreme sincere fatigue and illness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the figure in a dream?

Seen in a dream zero - foreshadow in matters, annoyance and irritability.

To see a unit - a happy sign of recognition in society, conjugate with minor difficulties.

Two numbers are foreshadowed by gossip and sickness at your address.

Troika is a good resolution of a very confusing question or problem.

Four - in vain efforts in an unpromising business.

Five digit - in the dispute prove and remove the truth and your own right.

Six - a sign of doubles, deception and tricks; Be vigilant and careful, encountered in a dream with this number or an equal number of something or someone.

Seven - unequivocally happy in all respects sign of sustainable success.

Eight is a symbol of uncertainty in fate or stability and constancy without change and changes not to the worse, not for the better.

Nine is the possibility of a major win in the case of a risky game, which is called the Va-Bank.

Dream "Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of numbers - it means that you are very tired and you can make mistakes in matters the next day, and then incur significant losses.

In a dream, you painted numbers, check your expenses - you could miss something and because of this you can expect major troubles.

Dream Sheremeinskaya

Digit - See a specific figure.

Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary

Figures see - anxiety; One - difficulty.

Esoteric dream book

Figures - even to successful coincidence.

Odd - do not track things, the plans will not be afraid.

Erotic dream book

Sleep in which you see the numbers - can characterize your personal life and internal queries.

Digitable numbers in a dream are a kind of code of your current state. They can suggest your nearest goals and advise how to achieve them.

The general meaning of the numbers you have seen in a dream: 1 - Loneliness and uncertainty in your partner torments you; 2 - you suspect your partner in insincerity or treason; 3 - You dream of marriage with your partner; 4 - your personal life is so boring that you are thickening; 5 - you wish new sexual victories; 6 - Your love is calm and prosperity; 7 - Your attention attracts an unfamiliar and mysterious person; 8 - Your dissatisfaction threatens the surrounding aggression on your part, and you yourself - the sorry with your loved one; 9 - You are striving for harmony in relationships with your loved one.

Online dream book

Sleep value: Dot Dream?

Figures - as a rule, reflection of overwork and not readiness to act actively.

They wrote them - your inattention can give rise to you a lot of problems.

If in a dream you perceive various numbers in a rumor - you need to remember the overall mood of the vision, it will talk about positive or negative events in your life that will be measured by these numbers.

The number one - says that you pay too much attention to your person, forgetting about others, it threatens that you risks stay in full social isolation. At the same time, she suggests that you are moving ambition and nobility, you are distinguished by the harmonious interaction of rational and emotional.

If the twelve digit dreameded - you should be more attentive and think about every word and act, because our present is direct importance to the nature of our future, remember that everything in the world is interrelated and is a single information space.

Also 12 - may be evidence that you know how to make decisions oriented on the long term, calculate everything in advance and thereby you can protect yourself from unnecessary problems and achieve the whole desired.

Dream interpretation treats the number of ten - as a symbol of the interaction of male and female energy, their mutual addition, and the same force they represent if they are not opposed to each other.

If you wore a number eleven means, in the near future your creative potential will be incredibly high, extraordinary ideas will be posted, you can create something really unique, the main thing is that your inner state corresponds to this send.

If in a dream you saw the number of fourteen - it suggests that you need some new information, increasing your competence and awareness, and soon you achieve it.

The number fifteen - warns you that you do not despair and do not get on yourself, you want to find a consolation, and you will certainly find it, try even in bad events and phenomena to see something positive.

The number two is a figurative idea of \u200b\u200bharmony, unity and interaction of opposites, combinations of halves of one whole, something, communicated to the highest point of its development or logical end.

Seen in the dream number three is very good signShe symbolizes the common strength of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, which will be aimed at helping to whom such a vision appeared.

The number four is interpreted as a very good omen, symbolizing the unity of all natural elements. Such a vision promises you well-being and confidence in tomorrow.

The dream in which you saw the figure five is quite difficult for interpretation, because this number is exactly in the middle of the digital series, it is charged with positive energy, but it can attract you exactly as to the events of the future and the past.

If you have been harmful to the six - this is a hint that your sixth feeling now will definitely defect you, therefore, taking important decisions, first of all, to listen to your inner "I".

According to the dream, the figure 7 - has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, it is a number with a unique magic powerIn this regard, you need to look at, whether there is something wrong and unexplained around you that later it will be bad for you. But also this number is a symbol of completing some important case, analyzing the work carried out and the results achieved.

The eight - symbolizes infinity, there is nothing acute, contradictory, only symmetry and complete unity, it means that it foreshadows you positive and well-being in all life areas, as well as an absolute sincere equilibrium.

I saw a number nine in a dream - be prepared for the fact that you will have a very fruitful and very active period for you, for which you will be able to make the opportunity to accomplish hardly the most important life achievements. Circumstances surrounding, the fate itself will be on your side and will in every way you will accompany you.

What dreams of the figure 6, dream digit 6 to see in a dream what means?

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dreams number 6 in a dream?

By dreams to see the figure 6 - six - this is the number of union and unpredictability. In a graphical representation, it seems like the plexus of two triangles in a six-pointed star. It symbolizes the unity of polar forces, harmony and is considered perfect within the first dozen numbers. Number 6 in a dream is love, health and beauty, case and luck. It is displayed in the symbolism of various religions and exercises around the world and is considered "the most prolific" of all numbers. It can also be called the center of cosmic equilibrium. If you put it in a dream exactly the six, then this is a sign that you can lead to equilibrium any discharged system that you will be given a certain power and may be enshrined. last words. The number 6 also indicates your prudence, your right to take final decisions and reconcile the opposing parties. If such a number is seen on the eve of the court sessions, you can be sure that they will end with a fair solution, but this does not indicate that the decision will be made in your favor.

Summer Dream

Why dream number 6:

Six (six). - See three six in a dream - to full collapse.

Autumn dream book

If the number 6 is dreaming, what is this:

Six - see three six in a dream - to an accident or to tragic chance.

Spring dream book

By dream number 6:

Six - see three six in a dream - killed, one six - to the enclosure.

What dream digit 5, dream digit 5 \u200b\u200bsee in a dream What does it mean?

Dream Pastor Loffe

Why dream number 5 in a dream?

By dream book see the figure 5 - the number 5 is a human symbol, it is graphically designated as a human figure in a circle - a man like a microcosm. A five-pointed star, a pentagram, means a holistic personality, the inspiration of over and spiritual perception. The top five is also a creative beginning, and the symbol of versatility. This number is also cyclical, since when it is erected into a degree, it reproduces itself as the last digit. This is a symbol of permeability and viability, art and giftedness. Interestingly, Planet Venus in a full cycle of his appeal around the sun forms a pentagram. Apparently, therefore the pentagram itself is one of the oldest symbols of humanity and in paganism was revered as a symbol of the Supreme Divine. All this gives the deep understanding of the appearance of the five in dreams. If you see five items, a five-pointed star or other five display, then this is a sign of creativity that you show or should show in life for the most complete self-realization. The emergence of the number 5 in your dreams indicates the accumulation of experience as a result of risky actions. It equally foreshadows success and unpredictability.

Figure 11.

Dreamed, why dream in a dream figure 11? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream of a number 11, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Number

Dream Interpretation - Number

There will be difficulty in the service, clarification of relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Number

See a lot - anxiety.

One - difficulty.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Dream Interpretation - Numbers, Rooms

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Writing numbers - success.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

See also numbers.

Dozen - stability of life.

Figure 111.

Dreamed, why dream in a dream figure 111? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream of a number 111, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

The dream in which you heard some numbers warns you of bad or good. Such a dream can predict a huge gain, getting money. The greater the numbers you will hear in a dream more money You get reality. Try to remember these numbers, as they can also mean, after any days, weeks, months, the years awaits you an important event. Many different numbers see in a dream foreshadowed and troubles.

Zero or zeros see in a dream means that empty hopes and troubles are pursued. After such sleep, do not count on success in the case. The more zeros, you will see in a dream, the longer your flour and uncertainty state will be.

Unit in a dream - a sign of loneliness, solitude or the uniqueness of this subject or phenomenon.

Two in a dream means duality, two-cap, falsity or self-deception. But sometimes two can mean a pair.

Troika is a happy number, the number of Divine Providence. Such a dream often foreshadows the fulfillment of desire.

Four in a dream foreshadows change, renewed, provided that you will not sit back.

Five in a dream - a sign of adventurism, a tendency to risky enterprises. After such sleep, we wonder to play gambling or enter into risky deals, as they are doomed to failures and threaten you danger.

Six in a dream - a sign of great love that will affect your destiny.

But the three sixes in a dream, as in the Bible, are the foresight of a big trouble, warning about the danger, the number of devil.

Seven or conversation about seven objects, days, etc. In a dream, he foreshadows happiness or means that your trip will be successful.

The eight in a dream warns you about the coming trials that fate prepared you, and indicates that you can succeed at the price of personal happiness.

The nine in a dream indicates the incontinence and the quickness of your character, which is fraught with bad consequences.

The number of ten in a dream is the sign of completion of some kind of business, the fidelity of the decision you have taken.

The number eleven in a dream foreshadows success, despite numerous obstacles and dangers.

The number of twelve in a dream means the turning of fate.

The number thirteen in a dream is a sign of destruction, collapse, failure, in which you will be no one to blame, besides yourself.

The number of fourteen in a dream foreshadows natural disasters.

The number fifteen in a dream indicates your extraordinary abilities, thanks to which you can succeed.

The number sixteen in a dream warns you of a possible accident and real danger to life.

The number of seventeen in a dream is a sign of harmony of feelings and the ability to foresee the future.

A number of eighteen in a dream warns you of possible quarrels, squabbles and scandals.

The number is nineteen in a dream means Fortuna will not leave you. Such a dream often indicates that there will be some kind of brilliant idea that, by carrying out, you will achieve astounding success.

The number twenty in a dream indicates a bad influence that someone has on you. Such a dream usually warns about the need for a rigid self-control and a refusal of bad habits.

The number of twenty-one in a dream indicates that you will achieve the goals set, but provided that you will not risk or rushing.

The number of twenty-two in a dream warns you that you are twist in the clouds and do not want to reckon with reality.

A thousand in a dream means the same as the unit, and indicates that your loneliness will last for a long time.

If in a dream you can not consider the number or numbers, then wait for trouble or stop in the affairs. Try to understand why a failure occurred. Without this, you will not be able to succeed in life.

To produce arithmetic actions with numbers in a dream means that you have to take an important decision. If you dream that you make calculations using a computer, then partners or friends will provide you with serious support. After such sleep, you can count on a great success. Error in the calculations in the dream - the foresight of obstacles in affairs due to their own negligence. See interpreting: arithmetic, error.

Take something in a dream is always a sign of anxiety associated with material difficulties. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are trying to find out the causes of your failures. If in a dream you got a faithful result, then in life you can fix your mistakes and succeed. See interpretation: account.

Get off from the account in a dream means that you do not have enough patience to bring the work started to the end. Sleep points out that your hurry and laziness interfere with you to realize your intentions.

If in a dream you hear information about the quantitative ratio (as two to one, five to one, etc.), then such a dream indicates what your chances of success in some kind of deed (or on execution cherished desire). See interpretation: interest.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers, Rooms

Methodical, zealous writing numbers in a dream gives your love for the systematization of everything and everything.

With some stretch, you even deserve the title of Pedant, since external forms pay considerable attention.

Many see a crush in you, but, being quite confident in your infallibility, you are not going to pay attention to the complaints like you.

Sleep hints to you that, despite the complete self-sufficiency, you should keep in mind that the place of your stay is by no means uninhabited island.

No need to please everything in a row, but it would be very helpful to reflect on the reasons that left you completely loneliness.

Perhaps relationships with loved ones need to be revised - start with this step movement to feel a full-fledged member of society.

If you counted something in a dream, this suggests that already in the near future you have a real puzzle - in the form of a serious decision, the adoption of which will entail a complete change of your usual lifefriend.

You can not rush, think as it should.

If your own thinking abilities you consider insufficient, then, not embarrassed, please contact the advice to more knowledgeable persons.

You are now very useful to any real help, because it concerns your future.

In a dream to erase the numbers written on the blackboard - this means that you are relatively recently recently received, and soon you will have to urgently improve the consequences of your actions.

This time you succeed, it will be easy enough, but remember that luck will not always accompany you, so you have to try not to make such mistakes.

When reading a book, you see the figures in the usual text - it foreshadows you a life surprise, but that it is pleasant, you need to work your head.

If you speak more of it, then you will fall a chance to get a job about which you have already dreamed about, but in order for this position to get you, you will need to demonstrate all your abilities and skills in all our glory.

To see how someone wrote numbers is to your admiration for someone from his friends, to which there will be a nice envy.

Do not allow this feeling from under control: it is fraught with not only the gap friendly relationship With man, but also serious troubles for you personally.

They dreamed of numbers that were made of some durable material - this means that in the near future circumstances will experience the strength of your life principles, and your ideas and ideals will remain unshakable.

If the numbers were made of fragile materials (paper, wool, etc.), then you will be forced to enjoy principles due to cowardice and non-patience, and not due to the pressure of the circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Number

The symbol of what your business is in the "suspended" state.

One digit to see - to anxiety.

Several digits see in a dream - to difficulty.

Writing in a dream numbers - you will thank you well.

Crouch in a dream the numbers - to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Writing numbers - success.

You can not disassemble the numbers - a serious mistake is made.

Figures crossing - disappointment.

And you cry, and you can't disassemble! Right in the morning, sit for mathematics!

Dream Interpretation - Number

The dream in which you see the numbers can characterize your personal life and internal requests. Digitable numbers in a dream are a kind of code of your current state. They can suggest your nearest goals and advise how to achieve them.

The general meaning of the numbers you have seen in a dream, such:

1 - you are tormented by loneliness and uncertainty in your partner;

2 - you suspect your partner in insincerity or treason;

3 - You dream of marriage with your partner;

4 - your personal life is so boring that you are thickening;

5 - you wish new sexual victories;

6 - Your love is calm and prosperity;

7 - Your attention attracts an unfamiliar and mysterious person;

8 - Your dissatisfaction threatens the surrounding aggression on your part, and you yourself - the sorry with your loved one;

9 - You are striving for harmony in relationships with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Seen in a dream zero foreshadows failure in affairs, annoyance and irritability.

To see a unit - a happy sign of recognition in society, conjugate with minor difficulties.

Figure two foreshadows gossip and sickness at your address.

Troika is a good resolution of a very confusing question or problem.

Four - in vain efforts in an unpromising business.

Five digit - in the dispute prove and remove the truth and your own right.

Six - a sign of doubles, deception and tricks; Be vigilant and careful, encountered in a dream with this number or an equal number of something or someone.

Seven - unequivocally happy in all respects sign of sustainable success.

Eight is a symbol of uncertainty in fate or stability and constancy without change and changes not to the worse, not for the better.

Nine is the possibility of a major win in the case of a risky game, which is called the Va-Bank.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

See also numbers.

Dreamed in a dream digit (unambiguous number) means that the symbolism of sleep concerns you personally. If the number is a number in the calendar - you need to remember it, and better - write down. This is a dream warning. On this day, an important event will happen that will turn all your life.

If the digit was not in the calendar, but written on paper, the wall or something else, look for a hint in numerology.

Zero is nothing. You will not succeed, but do not lose anything.

Unit - means your inner state, changing moods.

Two - symbolizes your attitude to your partner or spouse.

Troika is your family attitude.

Four - mental health.

Five - physical health.

Six - sleep is related to work.

Seven - happiness and harmony in everything.

Eight is an infinity sign, a connection with a different world. Nine - related ties.

Dozen - stability of life.

A dozen is the integrity of existence, harmony and order.

Check-out dozen - unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Matter in two cases.

First, if during a meaningful and bright sleep For some reason, one or more digits are imprinted for you.

Secondly, if you drew attention to any objects or people.

In these cases, it should be considered how our subconsciousness perceives various numbers.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

figure 50 in a dream What does it mean?



From time to time, the numbers dreams to all. But most often these dreams do not mean anything.


You are waiting for change, but do not upset energy.


Zero or zeros see in a dream means that empty hopes and troubles are pursued. After such sleep, do not count on success in the case. The more zeros, you will see in a dream, the longer your flour and uncertainty state will be.
Five in a dream - a sign of adventurism, a tendency to risky enterprises. After such sleep, we wonder to play gambling or enter into risky deals, as they are doomed to failures and threaten you danger.

Number eight

Dream Digital Eight Dreamed, what dreams in a dream figure eight? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a figure of eight, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at the Sun House!

Dream Interpretation - Eight

Due to the form of the eight, they were associated with two snakes, wrapped around the rod Hermes - the healing symbol.

Also, the form of the eight resembles a DNA spiral and a spiral structure of heaven.

In Numerology, Pythagora, the eight number refers to the material sphere and symbolizes infinity, personal power, abundance, cosmic consciousness, award, authority and leadership.

In China, the number of eight is associated with wealth, as in chinese It rhymes with the word "money."

This number tells you that thanks to the organization, discipline and work you can succeed in the material world. (See also numbers)

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

The dream in which you heard some numbers warns you of bad or good. Such a dream can predict a huge gain, getting money. The greater the numbers you hear in a dream, the more money you get revealed. Try to remember these numbers, as they can also mean, after any days, weeks, months, the years awaits you an important event. Many different numbers see in a dream foreshadowed and troubles.

Zero or zeros see in a dream means that empty hopes and troubles are pursued. After such sleep, do not count on success in the case. The more zeros, you will see in a dream, the longer your flour and uncertainty state will be.

Unit in a dream - a sign of loneliness, solitude or the uniqueness of this subject or phenomenon.

Two in a dream means duality, two-cap, falsity or self-deception. But sometimes two can mean a pair.

Troika is a happy number, the number of Divine Providence. Such a dream often foreshadows the fulfillment of desire.

Four in a dream foreshadows change, renewed, provided that you will not sit back.

Five in a dream - a sign of adventurism, a tendency to risky enterprises. After such sleep, we wonder to play gambling or enter into risky deals, as they are doomed to failures and threaten you danger.

Six in a dream - a sign of great love that will affect your destiny.

But the three sixes in a dream, as in the Bible, are the foresight of a big trouble, warning about the danger, the number of devil.

Seven or conversation about seven objects, days, etc. In a dream, he foreshadows happiness or means that your trip will be successful.

The eight in a dream warns you about the coming trials that fate prepared you, and indicates that you can succeed at the price of personal happiness.

The nine in a dream indicates the incontinence and the quickness of your character, which is fraught with bad consequences.

The number of ten in a dream is the sign of completion of some kind of business, the fidelity of the decision you have taken.

The number eleven in a dream foreshadows success, despite numerous obstacles and dangers.

The number of twelve in a dream means the turning of fate.

The number thirteen in a dream is a sign of destruction, collapse, failure, in which you will be no one to blame, besides yourself.

The number of fourteen in a dream foreshadows natural disasters.

The number fifteen in a dream indicates your extraordinary abilities, thanks to which you can succeed.

The number sixteen in a dream warns you of a possible accident and real danger to life.

The number of seventeen in a dream is a sign of harmony of feelings and the ability to foresee the future.

A number of eighteen in a dream warns you of possible quarrels, squabbles and scandals.

The number is nineteen in a dream means Fortuna will not leave you. Such a dream often indicates that there will be some kind of brilliant idea that, by carrying out, you will achieve astounding success.

The number twenty in a dream indicates a bad influence that someone has on you. Such a dream usually warns about the need for a rigid self-control and a refusal of bad habits.

The number of twenty-one in a dream indicates that you will achieve the goals set, but provided that you will not risk or rushing.

The number of twenty-two in a dream warns you that you are twist in the clouds and do not want to reckon with reality.

A thousand in a dream means the same as the unit, and indicates that your loneliness will last for a long time.

If in a dream you can not consider the number or numbers, then wait for trouble or stop in the affairs. Try to understand why a failure occurred. Without this, you will not be able to succeed in life.

To produce arithmetic actions with numbers in a dream means that you have to take an important decision. If you dream that you make calculations using a computer, then partners or friends will provide you with serious support. After such sleep, you can count on a great success. Error in the calculations in the dream - the foresight of obstacles in affairs due to their own negligence. See interpreting: arithmetic, error.

Take something in a dream is always a sign of anxiety associated with material difficulties. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are trying to find out the causes of your failures. If in a dream you got a faithful result, then in life you can fix your mistakes and succeed. See interpretation: account.

Get off from the account in a dream means that you do not have enough patience to bring the work started to the end. Sleep points out that your hurry and laziness interfere with you to realize your intentions.

If in a dream you hear information about the quantitative ratio (as two to one, five to one, etc.), then such a dream indicates what your chances of success in some kind of deed (or on the execution of cherished desire). See interpretation: interest.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers, Rooms

Methodical, zealous writing numbers in a dream gives your love for the systematization of everything and everything.

With some stretch, you even deserve the title of Pedant, since external forms pay considerable attention.

Many see a crush in you, but, being quite confident in your infallibility, you are not going to pay attention to the complaints like you.

Sleep hints to you that, despite the complete self-sufficiency, you should keep in mind that the place of your stay is by no means uninhabited island.

No need to please everything in a row, but it would be very helpful to reflect on the reasons that left you completely loneliness.

Perhaps relationships with loved ones need to be revised - start with this step movement to feel a full-fledged member of society.

If you counted something in a dream, this suggests that already in the near future you have a real puzzle - in the form of a serious decision, the adoption of which will entail a complete change of your usual lifefriend.

You can not rush, think as it should.

If your own thinking abilities you consider insufficient, then, not embarrassed, please contact the advice to more knowledgeable persons.

You are now very useful to any real help, because it concerns your future.

In a dream to erase the numbers written on the blackboard - this means that you are relatively recently recently received, and soon you will have to urgently improve the consequences of your actions.

This time you succeed, it will be easy enough, but remember that luck will not always accompany you, so you have to try not to make such mistakes.

When reading a book, you see the figures in the usual text - it foreshadows you a life surprise, but that it is pleasant, you need to work your head.

If you speak more of it, then you will fall a chance to get a job about which you have already dreamed about, but in order for this position to get you, you will need to demonstrate all your abilities and skills in all our glory.

To see how someone wrote numbers is to your admiration for someone from his friends, to which there will be a nice envy.

Do not exit this feeling from under control: This is fraught with not only the breakdown of friendly relationships with a person, but also serious troubles for you personally.

They dreamed of numbers that were made of some durable material - this means that in the near future circumstances will experience the strength of your life principles, and your ideas and ideals will remain unshakable.

If the numbers were made of fragile materials (paper, wool, etc.), then you will be forced to enjoy principles due to cowardice and non-patience, and not due to the pressure of the circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Number

The symbol of what your business is in the "suspended" state.

One digit to see - to anxiety.

Several digits see in a dream - to difficulty.

Writing in a dream numbers - you will thank you well.

Crouch in a dream the numbers - to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Writing numbers - success.

You can not disassemble the numbers - a serious mistake is made.

Figures crossing - disappointment.

And you cry, and you can't disassemble! Right in the morning, sit for mathematics!

Dream Interpretation - Eight

With the increase in the arithmetic value of the number, our difficulties are growing.

Number eight corresponds to Planet Saturn.

The path under the influence of this planet is not easy.

Success comes due to knowledge, physical efforts, financial costs.

Your efforts will pay off, but at the cost of loneliness and misunderstanding from other people.

Dream Interpretation - Number

The dream in which you see the numbers can characterize your personal life and internal requests. Digitable numbers in a dream are a kind of code of your current state. They can suggest your nearest goals and advise how to achieve them.

The general meaning of the numbers you have seen in a dream, such:

1 - you are tormented by loneliness and uncertainty in your partner;

2 - you suspect your partner in insincerity or treason;

3 - You dream of marriage with your partner;

4 - your personal life is so boring that you are thickening;

5 - you wish new sexual victories;

6 - Your love is calm and prosperity;

7 - Your attention attracts an unfamiliar and mysterious person;

8 - Your dissatisfaction threatens the surrounding aggression on your part, and you yourself - the sorry with your loved one;

9 - You are striving for harmony in relationships with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Seen in a dream zero foreshadows failure in affairs, annoyance and irritability.

To see a unit - a happy sign of recognition in society, conjugate with minor difficulties.

Figure two foreshadows gossip and sickness at your address.

Troika is a good resolution of a very confusing question or problem.

Four - in vain efforts in an unpromising business.

Five digit - in the dispute prove and remove the truth and your own right.

Six - a sign of doubles, deception and tricks; Be vigilant and careful, encountered in a dream with this number or an equal number of something or someone.

Seven - unequivocally happy in all respects sign of sustainable success.

Eight is a symbol of uncertainty in fate or stability and constancy without change and changes not to the worse, not for the better.

Nine is the possibility of a major win in the case of a risky game, which is called the Va-Bank.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

See also numbers.

Dreamed in a dream digit (unambiguous number) means that the symbolism of sleep concerns you personally. If the number is a number in the calendar - you need to remember it, and better - write down. This is a dream warning. On this day, an important event will happen that will turn all your life.

If the digit was not in the calendar, but written on paper, the wall or something else, look for a hint in numerology.

Zero is nothing. You will not succeed, but do not lose anything.

Unit - means your inner state, changing moods.

Two - symbolizes your attitude to your partner or spouse.

Troika is your family attitude.

Four - mental health.

Five - physical health.

Six - sleep is related to work.

Seven - happiness and harmony in everything.

Eight is an infinity sign, a connection with a different world. Nine - related ties.

Dozen - stability of life.

A dozen is the integrity of existence, harmony and order.

Check-out dozen - unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Matter in two cases.

First, if during a meaningful and bright sleep, for some reason one or more digits in memory are improved.

Secondly, if you drew attention to any objects or people.

In these cases, it should be considered how our subconsciousness perceives various numbers.

Unit: This is a sign of intrinsicness and self-sufficiency. If some item you see in the singular, the value of this sleep may be stronger than if there are several such subjects.

Two: Means the completeness of some action. This is a sign of equilibrium and immobility. For example, two identical flower symbolize the extinction of feelings, two identical coins mean that your well-being will not increase in the near future, and so on.

Troika: symbol of interaction, friendship and close cooperation.

Four: Action Freedom Sign with a Tint of Easy Uncertainty. Such dreams suggest that it all depends on you, and you are free to make any choice.

Five: It's apogee. For example, five ripe apples on the tree foreshadow you the maximum success.

Six: This is a symbol of implicitness in feelings.

Seven: Means the completion of the next stage and the ability to relax.

Eight: the sign of maturity and completeness. Sleep says that events promise to go around the growing.

Nine: the "last jerk" sign. Sleep suggests that you have to make all your strength to overcome some obstacles.

Ten: a sign of completion and temporary growth limit.

Eleven: Symbol of second breathing. This number suggests that after a break, the events will begin to develop with double strength.

Twelve: Maximum completeness sign. This number means confidence, energy and effectiveness.

Thirteen: Sign of Boring. Sleep calls for observing the measure, otherwise your strength threatens to grow into aggression, and a healthy desire to a devastating passion. In this case, it will be difficult to avoid disasters.

If you see many erratic numbers: such dreams usually speak of your intellectual fatigue and have no other value. It's time for you to relax.

Figure eleven

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Matter in two cases.

First, if during a meaningful and bright sleep, for some reason one or more digits in memory are improved.

Secondly, if you drew attention to any objects or people.

In these cases, it should be considered how our subconsciousness perceives various numbers.

Unit: This is a sign of intrinsicness and self-sufficiency. If some item you see in the singular, the value of this sleep may be stronger than if there are several such subjects.

Two: Means the completeness of some action. This is a sign of equilibrium and immobility. For example, two identical flower symbolize the extinction of feelings, two identical coins mean that your well-being will not increase in the near future, and so on.

Troika: symbol of interaction, friendship and close cooperation.

Four: Action Freedom Sign with a Tint of Easy Uncertainty. Such dreams suggest that it all depends on you, and you are free to make any choice.

Five: It's apogee. For example, five ripe apples on the tree foreshadow you the maximum success.

Six: This is a symbol of implicitness in feelings.

Seven: Means the completion of the next stage and the ability to relax.

Eight: the sign of maturity and completeness. Sleep says that events promise to go around the growing.

Nine: the "last jerk" sign. Sleep suggests that you have to make all your strength to overcome some obstacles.

Ten: a sign of completion and temporary growth limit.

Eleven: Symbol of second breathing. This number suggests that after a break, the events will begin to develop with double strength.

Twelve: Maximum completeness sign. This number means confidence, energy and effectiveness.

Thirteen: Sign of Boring. Sleep calls for observing the measure, otherwise your strength threatens to grow into aggression, and a healthy desire to a devastating passion. In this case, it will be difficult to avoid disasters.

If you see many erratic numbers: such dreams usually speak of your intellectual fatigue and have no other value. It's time for you to relax.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Many numbers seen in a dream means anxiety, nervous overwork or illness.

One digit is a great difficulty.

Be careful, there is a danger to ruin the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

To dream in a dream the numbers foreshadows extreme sincere fatigue and illness. If you are not careful in your actions and speeches - you fail a big deal.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Figures are even - to a successful coincidence. Odd - do not track things, the plans will not be afraid. See "Numbers".

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Figures - trouble - see or write - good things - if you remember them, then use in the game and they will bring you a win.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Figures will take off to concern through the work.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Figures in a dream foreshadow extreme sincere fatigue and disease.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers and Rooms

all the numbers seen in a dream, numbers, the numbers are stuffed by difficulties in affairs, fears and care.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

Sleep, in which some numbers appear, foreshadows extreme spiritual fatigue. In addition, this dream warns you to be more careful in any speeches. Otherwise, you fail a big deal.

Dream Interpretation - Numbers

To change in fate.

The presence of parapsychological abilities if you write numbers.

If you just see, but do not remember their numerical values \u200b\u200b- you will soon be expecting a financial catastrophe.



someone repeated me a number 25 and 33


i often see the numbers that play superloto. But remember all the numbers fail. Only two or three numbers from what I saw in a dream I remember and they play. what should I do? How to remember all the numbers in a dream? So I want to win a million.


I had a dreamed of my husband dead I tell him Misha you died and I said I am alive I'm telling him and where is your costume he says I removed him in the package and then said the number88 that it means


i saw a six-digit number written by a black marker on a red sheet, I don't remember exactly exactly, but it consisted of 00 and 37


Hello! I had a grandmother (father's mother). In the present, she is living, she is about 80 years old. The grandmother said that she was preparing to go to the world of different. And my mother she said that in 30 years she will come after her . Mama is currently alive. This dialogue was in my presence. Very terrible dream. Very afraid to stay without mom in this life, now she is sick a little (((


saw in a dream figure 59, similar to the barrel, as in the lottery, vaguely really remember, and even it was like a stalk from some kind of device


I dreamed that the deadman handed me a letter through the dad (dad is alive, healthy) .. and dad said that we are waiting for the 16th, and then I saw the deceased on my sofa, and I was stroked for my face (this is my deceased guy was) .


i dreamed that I handed the exam in mathematics, I got 3 option and in 1 room there was an answer 44. What does this mean?


Hello Tatyana! My name is Julia! I recently dreamed of a dream in which I go into the entrance of my past house, and he inside the old one, the paint is deployed, a lot of web, I'm climbing the stairs to the floor I do not remember what, but I probably was 4.This there was a floor of my apartment, but I walked In 37 apartment.


Hello! I saw a white car in a dream but the number did not remember and the second drove up dark color number 1514.


i saw how I go to the store and see colored gum that sold 4 rubles. I bought them in the end considered that I would need to pay 36 rubles.


I dreamed of the number 28 800. Although the figures did not dream of 5 years, in such a clarity that in the morning I remembered them.


I hear the song and start to sing her, at some point they are asked to add her ending. I write so after 26 I will understand again that I love you. I start to interrupt your girlfriend and offer to finish the song, but I do not listen to her and write how I came up and sing.


Hello! I saw in a dream from 06.07.2014 to 07.07.2014 at night a dream, which my long-time friend's classmate and we were 6 friends, we were all sitting together in the same office and solved the algebra, the late girlfriend was in red new clothes (shorts and shirts) , I got the figure on January 17, 2014 then went a lot of digits I remember only this 654-54? The rest also had the letters 7 and 6 in the majority.


Hello! I call Elmira, I really can't remember my dream, it was so I saw my young manAs if we saw him somewhere in the forest near some kind of field, and I looked at the numbers of cars, and there was -8 + 8, although his car numbers are not like that, I was still surprised. here


i saw and as if I expected the appearance of the car. Clearly saw the color and state number and brand of car. Color - gray, № 935. There was a threshold of his house and this car appeared in an open gate and stopped PERD to the gate. I woke up from the experience of unexpected excitement, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat in reality. What does all of this mean?


i remember that I am sitting on the train and wait when he tries checking the ticket and I don't remember exactly how much


Tatiana, Hello! I recently died grandfather. At the night in a row, he dreams, showing the numbers. Yesterday dreamed of the number 12, today 9: 46. I will be very glad if you help explain what you should wait after such numbers!


Hello. Today I had a dream, about what I drew the number 9 on the face of the boy that I like. Help me please.


Good day!
Sleep: I brought the head of the boo. What a accountant (I am not an accountant), in it figures 433111 (I do not remember the termination), another employee came with the report, there are the same numbers. The protector says: "Your data agreed, it means everything is fine and signed the report" .


I was going to go somewhere with my sisters and my came to me ex-boyfriend, My first love, he was very nicely talked to us, although we could not understand why, because he just hates me in reality. So, he suggested that we are passing wherever we need, we did not agree for a long time and eventually sat down. We drove not in our city. My sisters landed where they needed, and I went further. He spoke very cute with me, looked and smiled. I have never seen him honestly. I was sitting and basically looked out the window and such a feeling that could not understand what the trick. Then he began to dictate his supposedly new number and he began 8935 .... And it all ended in a dream


his mother had no longer lived alive was dressed in a white shirt reconciled tie black wanted to wear it, I discouraged the son to sue her that could be worn. On the sleeve shirt were written numbers


I dreamed of black clouds that were immediately dispelled, a rainbow appeared and a paper fell into the palm from the sky, on which it was written: you will give you to the son of Vitalyka in 15x4.1


I dreamed that I was at work and workers called numbers 25 and 13 and 26 and 40. And during this still that I went to and drank.


children's Bosangies have dreamed of new, but it seemed to lay for a long time and need to be corrected, and the color, flower blue-white as in 90, size 17 and second size 21


I flew in a dream with some unfamiliar people on some wings like deltoplan, just not per person and four. We flew over the ocean, and then I clearly heard 28, 28, 28. I woke up, but it was not calm in the soul.


hello. Today I saw sleep in a dream as if we stand on the road, and there are many people. There, some kind of men on the forehead put the number 1 and I walked and I put a digit on the foreman 2 in black. And everyone looked at me.


i was looking for a hospital chamber with number 212, in it I had to find my friend, was a broad staircase, I climbed it and finally stumbled on 2 large doors, on one it was written 212, and on another it seems 305, so I went to that The door (212) and saw there many people who were breathing from pain, including my friend, first I did not recognize him, since the beds were shifted to be shifted together and all these people lay in different directions and pierced them! Then I learned him and he learned, went to him, hugged and we began to kiss, and I noticed that I would distract him from his pain and it's easier for him ... .. A lot of people came running out and some kind of bustle began .... More I do not remember


i just can't say, I was at work in class and on one of the chairs I wrote a black handle figure 9


Hello today I had two pairs of numbers in black color 87 and 97 numbers I remember how I don't remember sleep at all! To meant it? This first time the numbers never dreamed.


Clearly I remember the number 393, and the fact that I went around the building three times in a long satin chic black dress or something type of bedspread


all that I remember is the number 8157 (or 8137), I saw this number printed on paper, maybe a newspaper, maybe something, and this is something important to me, as if time when I need to go somewhere on an important thing, and I remember it seems like an alarm clock with this number, and then in a dream I wake up and see that the number is already more than mine, and such a feeling as if I slept. That's all dream


i spoke on the phone with a girl and she my times 3 uttered something on the likeness of the 3rd alley 56, after that a short beeps went

Evgeny Gorelov:

I was in some kind of entrance, then why stole a newspaper from a neighboring house from the mailbox, then walked, it was dark, I went home, I went out, but the sun was already shone on the street, fled down the grass, was Ross on the grass, then the ship flew and I sat down in him, flew to some base, there was some kind the evil spirit in the form of sand, I ran after him with a knife, tried to kill him, I was not afraid of him, but it was not much crazy, as a result I caught it, I pressed some kind of lid, pre-occurring on her with my foot, it seems I tried to save someone


Dyed the sister who died a week ago called and asked my son. I'm telling you yes she says let him see him looking for him and he wives well I say yes she asks both eyes I say yes she says Numbers 2,22446 and all


It was a dream in a dream. I have dreamed that I sleep and I dream that my young man is very much a man smashes the back, while my young man shouts very much, and all the blood flies to me in my face. Everything I wake up in a dream , I take the phone and see time of 4.12, I start writing my young man, however trying to warn him and everything repeats again. I again see how I spread my back, take the phone again and again, too. And it went on again and again.


how can't I sit on the curb, my samalet flies like me, right on me so close as you will be bombing, but the man came out of Samaleta to me and ask where my uncle Ilya, I can not get through to him (he died already in real life) I Howlant at home, I am rising home I ask his wife. The number of tel. Forgive the first letters Av and Tsyfras did not remember. I don't care about the uncle and saying you one man looking for a number asks, he did not answer. I did not answer the street and waited Transfer the number he said that he would come after the number (man) tell me what ?? [Email Protected] Mail ru.


i dreamed that I was looking at my wife and she had on her cheek on the left. I seem red as if I am cut out 14 + I don't remember \u003d I do not remember .. asked - what you have it .. I woke up because of what he said


i folded, I thought, but did not see the numbers, I felt it, it was a feeling that I had to come some kind of results, it was anxiety that I would not have time to calculate something, there were spinners in my head different numbers and they needed to be folded as if I did not have time


Sleep dreamed on Saturday afternoon, about 16.00. I take outdoor scales to weigh. But it seems that he does not weigh on them. I see only numbers on them; From the beginning of 89, and then 82.3 and they were light green. I do not remember the whole dream, but clearly remembered numbers.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was going past at home, I look at him and hang out the volume numbers, 29! They were red.


I was a fortuneteller wrote 35 and asked about the dad what your dad I answered an asking and she sprayed for you pay attention. I said, of course and she said 100 digits lacking


I remember the episode associated with the numbers. I am very busy with a strange little child. He is 8 months old, on his hands. It is necessary to change it, then feed, etc. And some person tells me all the time: I remember these numbers - 11 13 86. I say: good. He: No, you will forget you, be sure to remember, repeat. I repeat: 11 13 86, I remembered. Even in a dream, I thought: I need to remember. In the morning I woke up, they themselves pop up in my memory.


in a dream I was mentioning a clear what I am pregnant twins and in the air opposite my belly hung a red oily figure two


Talk between me and a man, the conversation was on the street. But I don't remember the conversation, but I asked him: "And when are you?" In response heard the number 9. To the question: "And when I?" heard the number 18, but he would ask him for me or not, I did not hear the answer


in the head, the value of 44 and the sides of the two bands (similar to the rails) and where I would not turn them into the same direction and 44 in my head. Sleep from Thursday to Friday


Hello Tatiana! Sleep dreamed of my daughter 10.11.2014g. - 18th l / d. It seems to me that the dream is very significant and I would like to consult with you, with a professional. In a dream, she met an elderly, a gray-haired woman with a kind face, who said daughters: "Remember Tsyfra - 1, 3, 5, 4, 1, 4, 1. It is important for you!" If you can help, please. What is important here, the amount of numbers, is the date any or something meaning? My mail: [Email Protected] Thank you, Natalia.


i dream as if I pierced my hand but I watched, but it's not a puncture and the figure 5 is not the palm and I am not attempting for the binting of the blood, and here I am trying to block it, but I have a Bandage for my place, I get a cloth I want an occasional bandtik and I still turn out as if I was straight wound on my hand strong and bandic I took uzinskiy long but when the finger enjoy and want to bandage occasionally exactly also I tried in a dream


I open the door of the refrigerator in your room in the hostel (I am a student), on my shelf lies with a fat content of 4.4%. Milk packaging is a bottle on which they prevail orange colors. I understand that this is not my milk, and put on another shelf.
4 is a happy number of my girlfriend, with which we are now in very good relationship. Maybe it somehow affects.


I was on the sea, on the beach it was warm as in the summer we went all the way, but it was very close to the snow on the hills and the mountains and it was cold there, then I gathered to leave, sat down on the train I gave me my ticket there were numbers 88710 I It was supposed to sit in the car in the middle ... But for some reason he did not fit and sat in the last car.


i saw a woman she sat in front of me and I on my plate instead potato mashed potatoes I saw little many numbers who quickly moved and I did not have time to see what and what figures and I asked this woman what it means and she answered that this was death


i dreamed that I was in the envelope Mom Pakazal numbers2, 6.36 and said that this was we moving to the second entrance to the sixth floor 36 Apartment as we are waiting for moving to a new home


i am not working now, and a woman familiar to me, she took me to work and had already considered a salary on the first day! And there was a lot of numbers in the column. Each line was out of three digits. Then I went shopping looking for Lenolyum to work her and I watched how the boys did the general in the store! With a cowor, I came in one school!


I met a friend guy, my friend's brother, he is alive. I gave him a leaf with a tsyfram, it was 4 or 5 TSYFRs could be a maximum of 6, and there were about 5 such columns, it could 6 be! Durarately recorded, but paid attention only to the targets from some triples. 3 3 3 3 3, like this, the rest of the tsyfras were not remembered, and this guy said: Wow you are rich "! And I woke up!
The leaf looked like this:


hi. Do not remember when the old dream was dreamed (exactly 1-3 months ago) so I decided to find out what yes as. It was all so dreamed of a red number six. The most interesting thing that under this number was Karina. She is a friend to me, I love her and she also me, but already as a friend than a favorite guy, okay is another story. so what's up? What is such a strange dream?


Good afternoon, Tatiana! I had a dream that I want to buy threads and pull out bills with a small face value, but they have numbers 777. Threads I bought everything, but for other money, but the threads turned out to be braid with pebbles and I wanted to cut this braid. So that it meant?


I dreamed of my deceased mother, she was going somewhere and she needed to take 9.5 liters of water, I also had a battle of someone else's boy, he was small and very beautiful.


Dreamed a dream where I won the lottery. I was given a small piece of paper on which two digits 7 and 1. To meant it. Reply


Father sits into the car with a number 6309 and quickly unfolds. The one hits the standing car, but not damaging it and quickly leaves


I dreamed of the dress, I gave a new bright more red, I was getting dressed running down the street. Then it was remembered I went it. Iron ex-husband I am not 5 and 6 people and I woke up. But why I was at home I do not understand.


In a dream, I saw that someone's home was burning. (Street on which I live) I put on a long coat and went to watch whose house burns. At first I thought that my good friend was burning, you could say a girlfriend, but when it came closer, I realized that the neighboring house was burning. But the wall of my girlfriend's house seems to be smoldering. Well, something like, when the tree burns fire, there is no black area smoke. When I went to the house, I concentrated on the numbers. Everything thought what number at the house chose between 74 and 78 (now I doubt that instead of 74 it was 77). Let's go back to the house and fire. Everything seems to be extinguished. I stood next to when everything was burning, I was not scared. Yes, and the girlfriend was in order the rest did not worry me. After some time it is shown a large room Houses from the side. She has all the burned walls and they rushed simply. But again I'm not scary, I just understand what to help. It seems in a dream there was a lot brown colorBut I'm not sure.


At the checkout, I was given a surrender from 1,000, in the delivery of a bill of 7000-na, was extremely surprised, since I never saw such a bill, and I thought that the cashier was mistaken with the surrender, handed me money


a girlfriend in a dream I showed me a paper with the tsyfras 263 without dots and gaps, repeated 3 three times that I would definitely remember them


i dreamed that I could not find my apartment, already being in the entrance, I was looking for for some reason the 7th floor, which was absent, and the neighbors suggested another apartment number (# No. 201), and in real life I live on the 6th floor, and in the 211st square.


Almost all the dream I saw a strange woman in an incomprehensible robe and with a scarf on my head, she had cramps and her eyes rushed, the head was raised a little higher than normal, she constantly uttered numbers of 3 9 1, she said ix separately, but they sounded as if one whole. She stood and because of convulsion was swayed, there were intermittent moments, where I was like in the field and looked for some family, and only these numbers sounded around, these moments were constantly interrupted and a woman appeared again ...


my deceased mom who died literally 25 days ago, came and says that he wants to change in places with dad, and says the number 1 and 11, and brother still in a dream with a beard says it is necessary to shave mom says there is no need to chase the 11th dad 40 days after that I will be wanted, I tell her that you can't have a dad there, you already had it, it's easier for you that I don't want to go there well ... Tell me please may mom bad because she is very young that she wanted to tell me. Even I did not make yourself hug and kiss, although we were one whole ...


sleep is connected with the number of twenty, I am a widow, I see a meeting with my husband in a dream, I am looking for it with my hands and say: 20 years I have been waiting for this moment. And next night, the voice says 20 months. Last week, asked Archangel Mikhail's question before bedtime, What do these figures mean, the answer came, again the voice: 200 to 120.What can it mean?


I have failed a stranger guy in the army, then I was waiting for him for a long time .. I didn't come .. I didn't come to a friend, and she gave me a notebook in which it was written that he remains to fight and return after 44 years. I was very crying.


i went to eat, saw a sandwich and wanted to buy, but I did not have enough money, he cost 47 rubles and I had 41 I ordered it and ate and then I needed to pay for the sandwich and I told the saleswoman that I miss me and I ran away, she ran after me and caught up and then unfortunately I do not remember


5311 This figure was throughout sleep, interpreted as the number of the military unit, where I served (served in another part, I do not have the fighting)


i went to my bathroom decided to take a shower and the column was 624 Gagradus, then I turned it out and it was 524 and then it was -666 degrees and I woke up


Dreamed today's dream that I go to the market everywhere eggs sold I ask the price correspond to 40 hryvnia dozen eggs all major words like duck


Hello. I dreamed of phone number: 9673311
As if I needed to discuss a business question with a neighbor and her phone number was given to her mother, by the way, too, in a conversation on the phone.
What does it mean?
In advance, thanks for the answer!


My brother died, for a long time, today he dreamed of me. We were at home and he repeated Code several times and the same numbers 34 36


I saw a loved one, his wife and daughter with his granddaughter (he didn't live with them) came to me and ask to live, I left them at myself, we even drank tea with my wife, then I left the room and lay down, hear he she came and she began to shout at him for a long time, he went out, kept me, I heard the creaking of the flooring and silently looks at me, I turned around that I was sleeping, my hand hung from the sofa, he stood and came out, then I understood why I was so I do and jumped after him - on the street deep snow And his traces, he left, I fled and screamed him by name, but he went farther .... I woke up


Hello, I had a dream, tell me what he means! I am with my tutor went to the stop, we approached the road, the car was stopped in front of us, from there a man of dense physique came out and dragged my tutor into the car! They tried I stood and did not know what to do, then I ran after this car, her room was 254 letters I do not remember, I wanted to take a picture of him on the phone, but the phone refused to include the camera! I could not catch up with them, they left! Then I called my father (he is a police officer in real life) and began telling him this situation, and he said that he was listening to me, but in parallel with someone else talked and asked me to repeat what I say! I started to utter these numbers, then I woke up and for some reason repeated this number! What can it mean?


But before this, at night, I guess what to buy a ticket from the State Town Green or Golden Color A DICTIONS 1,6,5,4. And all. What can it mean?


i saw my late mom in the dream of a cat and she asked for forgiveness and cried, waking up in my head came out 2506 numbers. What did it mean?


my boyfriend dreamedled and it seems like he was freed (although he was sitting for another 2 years). Spent a kindergarten, we passed by him, some kind of house at number 8, and found a piece of paper with a number 8, did not have a good friend, an unpleasant such person.. On the asphalt, I also saw the figure 8.


The car dreamed dark purple with the number 353. After that, with the sister of her husband stood at Saraika watched a kitten he was beige. And he was distracted by her husband brought a second kitten that too light beige with black ears and black legs.


Today I had a close friend (former lover), in my hand Banderol - a volumetric cardboard envelope, on it inscriptions in print, chaotically, and a red one in size, he drove into my room and hand it. I do not know what was for the event, but the closest people were dispersed around, while no one paid attention to an unexpected appearance, because They were busy conversations, and at this time sat in thought / thoughtfulness. The dream was Morning and Short. I do not give resting a big red one.


decreased unfamiliar man Who dictated to me two digits and said they remember them, so I remember them until now. What does it mean?


In my dream I go around the city by some important affairsAnd I alternately meet my familiar men, one, second and tertmy, these acquaintances negatively treat me, but I laugh at them, and in a conversation with them they utter 6,


Hello. Dreamed the number 393 - it was a car number of blue. What can it mean. Thank you.


My girlfriend I climbed down the steps 6 when we rose there were 4 doors on which 77 is written and the fifth of the girlfriend I asked where to go I replied that I do not remember then my mom came, she pointed to us on the door but I don't remember what I do not remember


hello! It seems as if I play the game on a laptop and competing with glasses with someone, I open the tournament table, and I almost lead the numbers there quickly changed, but I remembered 66 and continued the game, then it was 99 and for a hundred on.


Hello. Sleep dreamed in the morning. I was in the store and made an order in the Bread Department. The seller recorded the address. On the sheet of Watman. Large numbers. Red felt-tip pen. I dictated her, but I did not see that she writes. But when I looked, I saw that she began writing another figure. In my opinion, 7. I said 56. She corrected on 5. I saw a clear figure of 5 red.
Thank you.


as they chased me, some people who wanted me to do for what I saw, then the car was stopped with the number 4442, then I ran to my mom into the courtyard so that she broke me from Etoy running people, Mom stood with a little child and did not let me in the courtyard, then I ran into dark forest where sat on the hemp, and woke up later


Hello. I dreamed of my late comrade, we went with him in separate room, and there he told me about the 20th, that this is a dry date, I replied, I realized what he said, yes, you did not understand what you did, and then I woke up.


I walked according to some market and on some subject (I definitely do not remember what) I saw three numbers: 0; 0; 14. I really want to know what it means.


I dreamed that I had a graduation ball, and I was late for him, but then I still managed to come to him. All my classmates were in white dresses, I too, and every graduate was given special badges as with graduation and When I was attached the icon on the dress, it was written on the number 91.


Well ... I was a hypermarket carousel, weighing the candy, and then when I weighed why I put two or three candy in a fantasy, and I don't remember the scales for some reason, I didn't weigh anything and I went and somewhere the figure like 60, but I already forgot what this figure was, the sellers looked at me as an abnormal and whisper


I had a friend 2 years ago, today I had a dream: I go to the hospital to him and I ask the chamber number, he said 1330 (it was divided by 13 and 30) then rose to the elevator and the sleep ended.


yesterday I dreamed of my son dead, but I did not see him, and I asked you there, and he said soon and you will be here and called the numbers 66 or 67


I recently saw a dream that my dad (he recently died) says that my number is 935. Remember nine, three and five. Repeated often. And as if warned. I even think what to think. please, help. What is it?


Recipment with blue paste written amount 38482 Tipo My salary


Hello. I have a wedding dress on the whine. Lyed on the bed and under her paper. On it inscription 33 October 2015.


as if I go to school and some kind of fence standing at the door and asks me the code? I will meet the COK code, and she says to me 1493, and now in all dreams or I tell me either I also see this code, and even when I have a handle on my hands and speaking with someone I speak imperceptibly writing this code


Me.This. Icapat.Magil.Ya. Skazala. Historously. Nigatof.nna. Nada. It will take it .. Audits. Patom.Kakta.Ya.Ukhezhala. I. Slishal. Golos.Sifry.988.56


I dreamed that I had 25 percent of charging on your phone and everyone said that we had twenty-five percent of charging.


I saw tattoo on the back of the late mom. The frame on a red background was written 1566


Dreamed sleep, and in it there was a number 25 everywhere, and in each dream this figure .. number 25


Several times the picture appeared several times (something like a postcard) in the corners of which were the numbers on the left 87, right 11, the numbers of the black color, fairly clear and large in the background the city is either very brightly illuminated, or burning, right before the appearance The pictures seem to be pulled out of sleep. It seemed like the pictures I see already on Java


dreamed the room by car 787. The car was white. In the morning, when I was driving a car with a number of number! White! In the evening, returning from work again saw the car with the same number, also white.


Zravel Tatiana! I dreamed of a session from the fortune tapping and I was very sranched in a dream (I pulled to a bed with some kind of force). Golam the fortune teller told me that I was waiting for love and pointed to the black wall, where the number 624 was written in the oval). Just me, the fortune tellers said that my purpose is the analysis of destinies and love


I dreamed that I signed a document about the amount of 786,000 P which would be taken to the purchase of an apartment that was per day 11.12.15. Thank you!


clear figures 678 888, the feeling remained as if he recorded the number on paper, in a hurry, but the numbers of the same size are grouped by three digits, between them (groups) space.
E-mail: [Email Protected]


on a white sheet of paper written a number of numbers. First 0111111 and below 01112111


I give the key from the room 139 in the hostel, there are two more girls living, but they left, I was late


I asked about a girlfriend when she meets with his man and he loves her. I have dreamed of numbers1725


I dreamed, as if I came to my wedding in a blue dress, and the groom did not wait


I had a dream that I was sent a letter in which the advertising booklets and the certificate of society of people with disabilities, signed on April 29 (not seen). (in life I am a disabled, but I am going to sue to go to another group).


Hello Tatiana! I saw a number 401627 in a dream, for some reason I could not sleep well, because I made me to remember the number. I even remembered in a dream, whether the handle is in the room so that you can get up and write. Thought what these numbers overcome me overnight, maybe the phone number (so flashed in my dream). Then I also found a way out that we need to remember, folding 3 digits and I got 5 and 15. I calmed down that they would remember them accurately and slept until the morning calmly. In the morning I got up, I remember everything. But I break my head, what? Help express if you can. Thank you!


I saw in the future figure 5, and in the past I was offered 10 and I refused then and now


I dreamed of five squares in three rows ... And under them there was a digit of green 525.Conalities were white. showed the whole picture the late woman. He said that this is my future.


as if I am gaining a phone number of a former young man and see the last 4 digits-9392 then he appears in a dream


I decided math problems, moreover, quite a lot. The same tasks solved some kind of man separately. It seemed to me that the three tasks I could not solve and asked to write off from him, but all the tasks were solved by me right. Clearly remember the number 29. Feels like it was a husband with whom we do not live already half a year.


I dreamed that I was transferred to another school because of a friend, I walked with a friend, and there Katya Clap, she hugged me, we took pictures and she dictated the numbers something like 823471


today I had a dream in the morning in which I sent the floor near the door of the apartment with a number that was written on the boarding door of 916 chalk .. and I have fluttered the floor of the brooms near this housing and did not see more that there were apartments for


my name is Zhanna I dreamed of the number 13 here they write that the number 13 indicates the death of the bustting is true


i fed the grandson - there was a lot of food - and fresh white loaf, and fermented fermented food, I tried to see the production date of the production, I saw only nodals and some other, but I remember only 017


i won the lottery (I see a winning blank in front of him) 80mln. rubles. 25 Number and Time 6 hours.


hello .. I dreamed of a neighbor of my parents who had long died ... But after her life, my parents changed with her apartments ... So she dreams of her, who gives me his old Muscovite to me. If you start to eat. And at the same time he says any Figures of Toli 363 And Toli 369 .. I started it and went. And she cats a cat, I can't stop and stopping .. I think it's just for myself. I thought that these numbers were in order to stop .. I give it somewhere. And it's not correctly .. I see that the car is no longer unfolded and the speed of mad. And now the car will do it. I pull in the submerity. And already SOS Toron see how she crashed overgrown and caught fire. And then I think. Nothing. . Although it was honestly to say, I did not understand in a dream for what these numbers were told .. and the neighbor deceased as I left the car and left. I didn't see her anymore .. why did it all dreamed


i often dream of a guy who I liked and recently he had dreamed of me again, did I tell me the figure 10, what does it mean?


I dreamed that I put a tick in the amount of 28.500, the one should get this amount and 38.000 The same for some reason, the error was made by the whole dream.


Hi, I dreamed four numbers that I retired very well and immediately woke up. What does it mean?


i am often dreaming of dreams, as I fly, how to describe it (I can go and immediately take off and fly to the top, then down, then hang in the air, landing in a meter from the ground, it will rise again.) I fly on the aircraft of which we have There are no, sometimes there is a dream of a school that I study there, today I dreamed of a wedding alien to some kind of eatery, where they take food portions. And the numbers are shot, I write them down when they dreamed of me, there are a dream address and rooms.


Hello Tatiana !!! Today, I had a dream that there was 03: 03, and I'm in a bright blue sweater.


on a sheet of paper where the numbers and the names of people from heavenly hundreds from the bottom, I wrote a number 12 with a blue felt-tip pen. Then I woke up in horror I was scary.


good day! I saw a dream in which I am waiting for a ticket for 29 minutes before departure for 91 dollars


It dreamed that I had a paper on it in my hands on it 4 + 2 \u003d 7, why 7 when 6, or it is multiplication then 8, and it is 8 perhaps. Then I woke up, covered the grandson further see on paper in the frame written 358 or 348 to what?


In a dream they walked down the street stood truck, and there they lay 2 eggs, I picked up and folded. I got into the car with my wife went down to the ravine, went on the ravine, stopped at the foot of the mountain, the wife came out and went uphill, I said that I would go after her. There was a woman and said x341 TV, and I went beyond my wife.


i dreamed four identical numbers 2222 besides them nothing else


I found a package forgotten by someone on the road. There were white new large-sized sandals in it, but on the sole stood a number 35.


Greetings !!! My name is Dmitry.son dreamed today .... We played the lotto with my mother brother, where he pulled the barrels and pronounced the numbers. It has pronounced some kind of figure and it seemed to me that I had the apartment, and it's time to say On one ... my condition it was like that I am about to the game, but not boring .... And here he calls the figure of 10 .... I stop him, I say it alone, and I look over all three of my cards - and they Already everything is closed, except for 10 .... Obtaining I won the bottom, and the top. And because of the dermosis, I missed it ... And with a dozen it turns out I closed all the numbers on all three cards .. The first thought that had arisen was, what a win, the bottom, the top or middle, where there was a last figure of 10 .... Hold that it would be fair, If the winnings are considered the latter, where it was, middle, from 10, because those winnings I slept, and myself guilty. And I don't pay for the next con.


i saw the number of the document number 1270 or 1274 (I don't remember exactly the last digit) from 2010. I do not remember the content


In a dream, the number 18 has failed all the time. And the daughter squeezes out that see this number consists of 8 and 10. And so several times.


I'm going on the road car, I turn around on the slope of the grief and my passenger is the floor of Walker (film). The floor tells me, call the number 10 36, I jump out of the car and he joined with the car


I do not remember the dream but I remember exactly what I was told 700.


the background was dark and the figure is 18 oily white.


i am with my wife above the mountain and on it the inscription and the figure 25 of the white stone drowned in the colors


Hello, dreamed of numbers-1190, then in the form of a track on the wall of the numbers in squares-top down, 7 were present, I don't remember all the numbers


Hello. Specified 92.999 rubles as if I should store for products


my husband had a dream, as if he was calling me and asked whether I put money on his phone? And I answered him and called the last tsyfras numbers 1741. He said that it was so clear! What could it be?


Hello Tatiana!!! Before Sno, I asked a question why I need feelings for one man .... And I dreamed of digits 3, 6, 9! I was told that such numbers fell out when you fortunate (the name I don't remember exactly that this type of Symmer) I said well! I'll look on the Internet)! THANK YOU!


sleep about the fact that I bought a car, a black jeep with number 888. There was a very joyful dream, but there was anxiety about where to take money to pay for it.


I am with someone with a couple. She spent very fun evening .... We laughed, communicated. The girl even said how good that you were with us .... On the wall hung something like a notebook .... I wrote on it with a handle (seems) with the red paste date of 14 06 ... went away, looked and remembered that today 09 06 ... and I wrote again, now I wrote this date and year, but I do not remember ...


i dreamed of numbers 25. What does this mean? Money dreamed


i go to what meeting, I see the corner of the house and on it figures. On one corner of the figure 2, and on the other 5, then everything disappears and in a dream there are thoughts for what these numbers and what they mean.
After a while sleep repeats and see the same numbers again


Occupied the queue on the list 50744 for me a huge queue of the husband 50745 I remembered the woman in Orange with a white pea dress with a list I took a list of the queue in it I was written by my surname and name list of people on a notebook list recorded on two sides


first, I dreamed of such numbers 8955 ... I only remember these and today dreamed of 11 sort of 3


the door to the apartment with a number 23 from which I took off the fruit and rubbed the door, and then I realized that I probably became mistaken apartment. When he climbed the floor above (it was a house in which mother-in-law lives), it turned out to be near her apartment, but also at number 23 (3 was written in chalk and lure).


All night dreamed of the same numbers from the car (001 and 007). As if I once lost them. Unfamiliar woman I got them out of a snowdrift and began to convince me that these are my numbers that I lost them, and now they were found.


Did a dream in which online I buy train tickets? For some train, which age I do not remember, but I remember the cost of one ticket 157 UAH. The second 197 UAH I do not understand what it dreamed about?


Hello! I dreamed that I was in the hospital in the chamber №201 I came up with a doctor and we began to discuss my upcoming operation to remove some pipes in the body of mine and he told me 9 numbers at 9:30, but I came earlier than the 8th, I sat in some kind of office and a man came up to me and asked the question and not you in the first chamber I didn't, then the nurse came up and we went to the ward №202 but for some reason went up the stairs and she began to hover the door the door that was Locked on the castle and we had in a big and spacious room she disappeared somewhere I tried to open the door but suddenly turned out to be in some other city where children ran in strange clothes and five people.


I dream of a generally incomprehensible home. In it there are many people .. what is this holiday ... And everyone is celebrated ... drink alcohol. People are different - there are young girls, there are guys for about 30 years .. different in general. I do not know anyone and I do not know what I do there .. I go something to go .. I am looking for someone .. then someone begins to simply show aggression in my direction, and I give a fight to aggression, answering the same way ... then I see that this person begins nausea and his tears .. in the literal sense .. At that moment I am somehow in the apartment, exactly like my, only there is naked walls and there is nothing .. I hear a knock on the door .. I don't look at the eyes .. And I see someone who has previously pursued me in dreams .. and I just leaving the door in the direction of the kitchen ... And I hear how it breaks on the door and screaming .. "I know that you There, I know everything, I know completely everything .. code 2882 .. "And then I wake up as always in the sweat in fear and shocked

Self-content and self-sufficiency. If some item you see in the singular, the value of this sleep may be stronger than if there are several such subjects.

Two - Means the completion of some action. This is a sign of equilibrium and immobility. For example, two identical flower in a dream symbolize the fussing of feelings, two identical coins mean that your well-being does not increase in the near future, and so on.

Troika - Symbol of interaction, friendship and close cooperation.

Four - Sign of freedom of action with a shade of easy uncertainty. Such dreams suggest that it all depends on you, and you are free to make any choice.

Five - It's apogee. For example, five ripe apples on the tree foreshadow you the maximum success.

Six - This is a symbol of implicitness in feelings.

Seven - Means the completion of the next stage and the ability to relax.

Eight - Maturity sign and completeness. Sleep says that events promise to go around the growing.

Nine - The sign "last jerk". Sleep suggests that you have to make all your strength to overcome some obstacles.

Ten - Sign of completion and temporary growth limit.

Eleven - Symbol of second breathing. This number in a dream suggests that after a break, the events will begin to develop with a double strength.

Twelve - Maximum fullness sign. This number means confidence, energy and effectiveness.

Thirteen - Big sign. Sleep calls for observing the measure, otherwise your strength threatens to grow into aggression, and a healthy desire to a devastating passion. In this case, it will be difficult to avoid disasters.

If in a dream you see many erratic numbers - Such dreams usually speak of your intellectual fatigue and have no other value. It's time for you to relax.

New family dream book

Sleep, in which some numbers appear - foreshadows extreme spiritual fatigue. In addition, this dream warns you to be more careful in any speeches. Otherwise, you fail a big deal.

Modern combined dream book

See in a dream - a sign of possible mental fatigue and errors. In real life, you can incur great losses if you do not care enough in your actions and conversations.

Eastern female dream book

It is important to remember the numbers that we will be in a dream - It can be an important date or number.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Numbers - To change in fate. If you write numbers - the presence of parapsychological abilities; if you just see, but do not remember their numeric values - You will soon be expecting a financial catastrophe.

Full dream of a new era

16 "The need to get rid of something (someone) through the strength of intention (also the need to find the gift of the power is that at first glance it seems catastrophe).

17 - Reflection of differences in general (also the need to distinguish, distinguish).

18 - Reflection of courage (also need for it).

19 - reflection of vitality (also the need to preserve personal power).

20 - Reflection of honor and dignity (also the need for them).

21 - Reflection of peace and / or success (also reflecting a new start, undertaking)

22 - Reflection of egoistic behavior.

23 - Reflection of destructive behavior.

24 - Reflection of fear.

25 - reflection of temptation.

26 - Reflection of illusion.

27 - Reflection of resistance.

28 - Reflection of abuse of force.

29 - Reflection of abuse at all.

30 - Reflection of manipulation.

31 - Reflection of danger from mind (logic).

32 - Reflection of disharmony.

33 - Reflection of freedom.

Other numbers - It is necessary to reduce to one digit using the addition (for example, 121 \u003d 1 + 2 + 1 \u003d 4; 3009 \u003d 3 + 0 + 0 + 9 \u003d 12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3)

If the interpretation is dissatisfied with the above, you can refer to the interpretation of numbers and numbers, data in other sources. But do not trust negative interpretations, they are echoing old energies and do not obnoun, but are programmed to bad.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Numbers - Shot to concern through the work.


Numbers - To the disease of the stomach.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Numeral - There will be difficulty in the service, finding out relationships.

Dream Khasse

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in an open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Split linens inside out.

Do not tell anyone bad Son. before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream 11. Eleven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The number of martyrdom, entering the highest heavenly life. Eleven Apostles were the first martyrs christian church. Eleven - can mean danger.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the number 11. Eleven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Independence. New beginnings. Unity with life. Self-development. Individuality. Development. Creation.

Dream Interpretation: What is the number of eleven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbol of second breathing. This number in a dream suggests that after a break, the events will begin to develop with a double strength.

Interpretation of sleep one or eleven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See - happiness.

What do the numbers mean in a dream: 11. Eleven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This number is called the number of inspiration. When it determines your life, creative solutions and ups are committed, as in magic. This is not comparable to the contemplation of the seven or with the energetic unit. You will find out that inspiration came to you, only in the feeling that will be ...

One or eleven (number) in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See - happiness.

Seen sleep - numbers

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream in which you heard some numbers warns you of bad or good. Such a dream can predict a huge gain, getting money. The greater the numbers you hear in a dream, the more money you get revealed. Try to also remember these numbers, so ...

Why dream of a mathematician dreams?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a dream, one way or another associated with mathematics, means that you will have to do business, if not related to some calculations, then require accuracy and strictness in execution. If you dreamed of a certain number, I can get happy or ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Idiot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To meet in a dream Idiot, going down the street to meet you - a warning that it is not worth it now and in general in the near future to start a planned business, since you will ultimately lose more than getting. So leave alone ...

See 10 in a dream symbolizes big new beginnings. Something ended, and you are ready to move on. A new start in life or you have become something to do something differently. You need readiness to take what comes to you.

Number 11 / eleven

To see the number 11 in a dream means life situations that are in the process of change, or which someone will do for you. The government and the development of the development of the situation will be easy to you. You may seem that a person or the situation knows themselves that you need, the feeling that life does everything you need for you. Good luck or chance work in your favor. At the spiritual level, the number 11 represents creation and cooperation with God.

If you dream 11:11, this is an indicator of automatic control and power. People or situations will do everything for you. You can control or correct everything you want. Life will do what you want, and time works for you.

Number 12 / twelve

If 12 appears in a dream - this means constant or long-term problems accompanied by the inability to avoid conflict. You can resist, but the problem will not disappear soon.

Number 13 / thirteen

If 13 has dreamed of 13 - this represents the confrontation by chaotic forces. Symbol of the number 13 - you never know what happens, and from whom to expect. Sleep means facing problems or failure in the future.

Number 14 / fourteen

See the number 14 in a dream means confrontation with stability. Perhaps you do not like stagnant in affairs, you want a new one. As a positive expression, 14 means that you will not lose anything, even despite the miscarishes of ill-wishers. In the negative sense, 14 means feelings about the undesirable, from which it is impossible to get rid of, no matter how try.

Number 15 / fifteen

15 symbolizes a collision of various changes taking place in your life, so you can't stop anything. In a positive sense, 15 points to the problems that are solved by themselves or something good, which will begin to occur without your efforts. In a negative sense, 15 points to the problems that you do not want to deal with. Often talks about arrogance, maybe you are worried about the loss of status and power.

Number 16 / sixteen

If the number 16 is dreaming, it means your active struggle with negative influences. Negative stereotypes of thinking or clashes in life situations. You need to rely on own forces, waiting for support should not.

Number 17 / Seventeen

If 17 is dreaming, it means a collision or confrontation with someone for cleansing. 17 reflects negative situations or negative beliefs, it forces you to abandon old intentions or stereotypes. You do not control the situation that makes you change or overcome the problem. 17 may also mean the difficulties that make you change the way of thinking. In a negative sense, 17 may be a sign that you risks or did not make enough to cope with the negative situation until you have been forced. Nowhere to go away from this, you must pay karmic duty in one form or another. When 17 appears in a dream, you must accept it as a warning that you must immediately start solving the problem. Work on ahead. You must actively confront fear, resist, take care of yourself and respect other people. Failure to do this can lead to troubles or loss of status.

Number 18 / eighteen

See 18 in a dream means the completion of confrontation with something or anyone. In a positive sense, 18 is freedom to do so, as you will be pleased. The negative situation is over, and now you should do something else to move on. 18 means complete freedom to choose or canceling restrictions. In a negative embodiment, the number 18 reflects the complexity of changes or the fear of doing something wrong. The feeling that you are forced to change too quickly or move away from what is accustomed to.