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Granddaughter with the end of primary school. Touching partific words to graduates from the class teacher in prose and verse

The first stage of school learning is passed - tomorrow's five-graders take congratulations on graduation grade 4. How many things have time to happen during this time! First, the former reoxbooks became first-graders, having come to the class with their parents, met with their first teacher, opened the textbooks first in their lives ... Often, the lesson seemed so long that schoolchildren were cherished and asked for a teacher to "go out" - it seemed that time flies faster And the school day is nearing an end. It was in primary school that the guys learned to the cleaning and the main rules of the Russian language, got acquainted with the work of great writers and poets, remembered the multiplication table, and later learned to multiply and divide the "column". Today, graduates ending the fourth grade congratulate their parents. Turning to high school, in grade 5, boys and girls tell their first teacher: "Thank you for everything and goodbye!" In verses, songs, cheerful performances and prose, they declare their hot desire to go along the way of knowledge further, opening all new, unknown books of a book called life.

Congratulations from parents to teachers on graduation grade 4

Parents, who led four years ago in the already native school of their children, today, in graduation in the 4th grade recall the morning of the first day of the guys at school. Often parents, congratulating teachers with the end of primary school, bring on holiday a video, filmed years ago. All together - boys and girls, mothers and dads, teachers, laughing, remember the most funny episodes from the class life, their joint campaigns are not nature, in museums, theaters.

Examples of congratulations from parents to teachers - graduation grade 4

Congratulating the first teachers of their graduates-graduates, parents read them words of gratitude, speaking about priceless vital experienceobtained by their children in elementary school. The eyes of many guys on the graduation are filled with tears - they are a pity to part with the first teacher and class, which became the second home. Now, without five minutes, five-graders know - they will have new items and teachers who teach them, other textbooks, more complex tasks. Graduation in 4th grade can be carried out as festive concert Or even a talk show - the form of a celebration choose parents and teachers.

Be a teacher - a calling.
You have patience to save!
Let all your efforts
Fate generously rewards!

And health is limitless,
Happiness to flourish,
Live you - only on "excellent",
Disabled and the sorrows do not know.

Live in harmony, prosper
To envelop love.
At work - everything is in order,
Pupils obedient to you!

Grateful to you
Children, you are an example for them.
Let him live like in a fairy tale
Without sadness and loss.

Today is our graduation - the day of farewell to the school. I would like our expensive teachers to say farewell words. We are immensely grateful to you for the sincere care and experiences, for hard work and patience. We wish to stay the same good people And merry teachers. Let students and parents respect all of all of you, let them be good days at work and at home, let always be a bright soul, and warm - heart. We will be bored, dear our mentors!

To learn children
There are many teachers.
There are good, bad,
Small and big.

Ours - the best in the world
So consider our children.
We are friends with teachers
And always proud you.

How many nerve cells
You invested in these babies!
On vacation on your days
They will restore.

We wish for long years,
Let not fill the sun light.
And we wish health
And leave for memory
This little rhyme -
Favoric congratulations.

Wonderful congratulations on graduation in 4th grade from parents to children

Each parent is happy to successfully end 4 grade of their child. Moms and Pope are proud of the achievements of their son or daughter, their talents for mathematics or literature, fine art or music. It was the first teacher who helped each child who came to him in class for the first time, to understand how he likes to engage in addition to school lessons, as he wants to spend his free time. Congratulating graduates, parents once again remind them that they are not easy, but the most interesting study and acquaintance with new teachers await them.

Examples of congratulations on graduation from parents to children in grade 4

Congratulating children on graduation in grade 4, parents can organize an improvised concert on their own. Of course, every dad and every mother has a talent to some kind of creativity - someone is beautiful dancing, others - remarkably declare the verses of famous poets, perform modern songs.

Today, farewell to the school,
Gorda we are happy for you.
We remember the past years,
How did we be in the first class.

We wish to create and learn
Work, search, create:
It's no terribly mistaken,
Scary - do not dream at all.

Ended school years
Here is the graduation evening.
We wish in any weather
So that you come back home.

Dear our children
You are most expensive in the world!
With twos and validol,
But you finished school.

How much we did not sleep with you,
Works wrote.
And sometimes from the task
There was a lot of crying in the house.

We did not swear hard,
What could have been helped.
There is no greater joy,
Than native children successes.

Our dear children, congratulate you on graduation. We wish that the first step in adulthood was successful and successful. Let everything be folded. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you a dedication and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

Sincere congratulations on graduation grade 4 from teachers to children

Congratulating children with a successful graduation graduation, teachers wish graduates to remain fair, hardworking, and merciful people. Once again they ask children to remember all the lessons traveled together, think about the huge luggage of knowledge, "transferred" now in the fifth grade. Teachers, giving a farewell to future high school students, do it not only in prose or verses, but also awarded children who distinguished themselves in elementary school, letters and thanksgiving letters.

Examples of congratulations on graduation 4 Class Children from teachers

Many teachers intuitively feel - the students really love them and respese. Even children 8-9 years old feel when the teacher is sincere with them when he is ready to conduct additional classes, experiencing a child for the readability of the child. Turning to the congratulatory poems to the beloved teachers, graduates of grades grades grades thanks for the most huge work done during these long four years.

You have passed four classes,
You studied and tried,
Not lost in school mass -
Even in the class stand out!
Congratulations, my good!
This is a holiday for all of us.
You became older, knowledge more,
Go to the fifth grade!

Four years flew like birds.
And today we are proudly talking -
Graduates Now you are graduates
Steps of the first school way!
You still have to go a lot
And make a mistake, maybe more than once!
But we wish, so that the study has become
The task is the main thing for you!

So you walked from elementary school -
Will be so on any days and times;
You can only get born in new role
Adult Pile - Middle Service!
You in elementary school joined happiness:
He learned to many things you need ...
Sorry to part! But it's time to say goodbye ...
Happiness to you, guys, and success.

Good congratulations from teachers to parents on graduation grade 4

For a long four years of primary school are passed. On this path, the children never remained alone - not only the first teacher always helped them, but also parents. How often is the first grader, coming from school and, sitting on the lessons, did not know where to start performing a homework! Moms and Pope, grandmothers and grandfathers patiently explained to them the material, not fully learned in the lessons, taught the rules with them, checked the correctness of the fulfillment of tasks in mathematics! Today, on graduation in grade 4, teachers thank parents for their care for children and joint cooperation with teachers. The best good greetings to moms and dads you will find here.

Examples of good congratulations to parents from teachers for graduation grade 4

According to the good-established tradition, on the graduation ball in the 4th grade of the teacher, parents congratulate their parents with the successful end of primary school by their child. Many dads and mothers are given thanksgiving letters for excellent parenting or daughter. Very often at the end of the solemn part of the graduation for children, their parents and teachers are organized by the "sweet" table.

Congratulations on graduation!
Your child has become big.
So much life is ahead
So much happiness on the way!
We wish only good,
To from night to morning
Graduate studied, thought
And I did not discharge.
So that adequately arrived
And successful in life was!

Do not gross dad, moms,
That we have become a little more adulthood.
Life, alas, hurry stubbornly,
The rest is the name of the dreams soon.

You are all our support,
Our hearth and our shelter.
Next to you are not scary
In the winds, those masts bent.

But it's time for us
Wings in the case to experience
For heights you raised us,
He struck the hour to fly.

Today is our graduation evening. We say goodbye to the school and want to thank our most beloved and wonderful parents who have always provided us with support and help, understood us in every way and encouraged. Thank you, dear parents. We wish you always to be healthy and young, loved ones and happy, successful and fun, good and responsive. You always for us will be the best.

The years spent the years spent by children in elementary school, and now, almost five-graders accept sincere and good congratulations on graduation grade 4. And parents and the first teachers give them wise advice and farewell, talking about difficult, but remarkably interesting school in high school, Waiting for them already next September.

Most recently, your kids stepped with a timid gait in grade 1, grabbing briefcases with crusions and bailtles, worried an exciting point with acquaintances with new friends and the first teacher, mastered the math and spelling. And for the past 4 years, stayed behind. And ahead is a glorious holiday of students of 4-graders, parents and teachers - graduation in elementary school. It is time to prepare good gifts and beautiful congratulatory poems and prosaic strings for teachers and children from moms. The same applies to congratulations on the graduation grade 4 from teachers to students and parents. After all, successfully selected and on time, spelled words can be the perfect completion of a long and very exciting joint path.

Solemn congratulations on graduation grade 4 from teachers to children

The first teacher is a special teacher in the life of a child. It is he gives the first strong knowledge of the first strong knowledge of the first strong knowledge from a school textbook, but also from a wide variety of life situations. The first teacher with care, kindness and angelic excerpt to the guys sometimes very difficult material, invests in each student a part of his soul, becomes an adult authoritative friend and a comrade for a whole class of furious fidgets and integrity. And in the completion of many years of friendship, the teacher gives graduates of 4-graders solemn greetings from the pure heart. Such words are often preserved in the memory of children for life, and echoes even after dozens of years later.

The most beautiful solemn greetings for the graduation grade 4 from teachers of children we collected in this section.

Texts of congratulations to children from teachers for graduation in elementary school

Four years ran, flew,

You with honor switched to this line.

You have grown, strange, osmellies,

And they do not frighten you suffix nor the case.

We wish you success and health,

And stiff teeth to nibble science granite.

Let at home surround you with love,

And in the classroom you feel free to pull your hand.

First teacher, class, spots,

Study, pranksides sometimes.

And tomorrow - already five places,

Your road is to a senior class.

We congratulate you guys

You have graduation today.

The fourth grade is completed - the date!

Lucky, the joy is big.

So the school is finished,

And an unusually thoughtful call.

For some reason, his song is sad -

It's friends, you will walk a congratulations.

Be diligent, be careful,

The time does not waste the gap,

The rules are fully understood by

Like captains in wide seas,

Boldly go to the target target,

To make you in the songs of the Great!

Best congratulations in verses from teachers parents on graduation grade 4

Moms, Pope, Grandparents for all 4 years old supported and sent little students in the right direction. Moms were accompanied to school, met a delicious dinner and helped with lessons. Pope - solved extracurricular problems and organized the guys leisure. Grandparents have been charged with health and power on vacation between complex training quarters. They all deserve separate gratitude not only from graduates, but also from experienced teachers. No wonder the parents in the fourth grade sounds best congratulations in verses from teachers. Often, accompanied by colors and commendable literacy for good education of the guys and an active position in school life.

Best congratulations in verses from teachers to parents for graduation grade 4 Choose in our collection.

Examples of congratulations from teachers to parents for graduation in grade 4

Congratulations on graduation!

Your child has become big.

So much life is ahead

So much happiness on the way!

We wish only good,

To from night to morning

Graduate studied, thought

And I did not discharge.

So that adequately arrived

And successful in life was!

Stepped into life. And this important step

As a path on the uncharted planet,

And behind the back - the parent hearth.

We, look, the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents are proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, decent and smart!

We are parents for all thanks,

Good words to say want

For your care and attention,

For love always and understanding!

That your patience is infinite

And control over all year-round,

What loved us and did not scold,

And any at home took!

For the words hearty, smiles,

What goodbye mistakes forgive

Joyfully from school we met us

And mentally, gently hugged!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation grade 4 from parents to teachers in prose

W. graduation nights There is plenty interesting traditions: official delivery of the literacy, symbolic dance of graduates of graduates of graduates, solemn awarding teachers gifts as a sign of gratitude and appreciation, release balloons in the open sky and reading beautiful congratulations parents addressed to the guys, teachers, school workers. All these elements of the program make a holiday in unique and memorable for life. Therefore, it is prepared for them in advance, with all zeal: nicely dressing children, buy the most suitable gifts and learn touching congratulations On the prom 4th grade from parents to teachers in prose.

Texts of beautiful congratulations in prose from parents to teachers on graduation in elementary school

Congratulations on our graduation in our 4th grade! This day has come thanks to you, because all these four years have always been nearby, helped them, taught literacy, writing. Thanks to you, the school has become the second home for them. They began to love school, love to walk into it, receive new knowledge. Knowledge gained here from you will definitely use them in life. The knowledge that you gave them will make their lives easier and better. Thank you for what you did for us and our children. We sincerely hope that it was your best class For your professional career.

Exactly four years ago we led to you our children. We trusted them to you to learn their literacy, writing and reading. And now these four years have passed, and our children are graduates of primary school. During this time, they became smarter, they learned a lot of new things, they became interested in many. During his studies with you, our children rose in all directions and for this thank you so much. You have become a native person for them, and the elementary school has become the second home. But the time has come to say goodbye to childhood forever and go to learn in the adult school. But we are not afraid of this, because we know that you have prepared them, and they will be able to withstand this exam perfectly well.

Merry congratulations on graduation grade 4 in verses from parents to children

Graduation in the 4th grade is the first enormous experience of conscious collective maturity guys. And so that it is completely successful, it is important to correctly organize festive evening: Make up an interesting scenario prom, planning entertainment program, prepare the solemn prosaic speeches of teachers and, of course, fun congratulations on the graduation grade 4 in verses from parents to children. It is the last and is the most exciting part of the evening for touched by moms and dads. After all, it is not easy to express his feelings, experiences and parental instructions in a beautiful form to express pleasure, but almost independent graduates. Congratulations to children on graduation grade 4 from parents are real and not talked, because only native people can wish for all souls.

Examples of congratulatory poems to children from parents on graduation in elementary school

Congratulations to you, disciples,

With the end of the elementary school.

We wish you graduates,

Graduation evening are waiting for everything: Moms, Pope, teachers and especially graduates. For a farewell dance will be swollen waltz memories of the best carefree years of life. Especially exciting always sound from the first teacher. After all, it was he who took the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of the Troychny and Nessel first and led in school life. He got the most difficult task - to learn to recognize good and evil, truth and lies, to love school, respect teachers, help the elders, not offend the younger, appreciate friendship. This first teacher acquainted with the Aza wisdom, performed the role of a guide on knowledge corridors. And today, together with everyone, he has adulthood.

What words to pick up on congratulations from the first teacher to graduates so that they touched their hearts? Insert all love in them, heat and tenderness. In such an evening, all uttered words are perceived by the soul, and not ears. The main thing is that congratulations are told from the pure heart.

Last call

The long-awaited last call takes careless years with you. Behind school adventures, endless lessons and educational moments. But today, all the words of teachers are perceived differently. Celebration, pride and trepidation satuated congratulations to the first teacher on last call graduates.

Graduates of the class 11 will have to say goodbye to the school twice. The first time when the last school bell sounds on the festive line for them. There are still exams ahead and final definition with a difficult choice of profession. This is exactly the most relevant wishes from teachers and parents.

Last School Waltz

How long have everyone waited prom! All school exams are handed over, dresses were purchased, hairstyles are made. Behind the troubles associated with shopping and preparing for the holiday. Ahead of so unknown!

Often congratulations to graduates from the first teacher sound like choosing a faithful way in life, to properly form priorities, to be faithful to human values. There will still be a lot of warm words, but the speech of the first teacher is always perceived as a pleasant call from childhood.

Original greetings in verse

An excellent option for congratulations to graduates from the first teacher the poems written about themselves, given their characters and temperament, tendency to knowledge and active participation in school life. It is important not to forget anyone, finding warm words about each graduate. After all, each student is a person, even if not fully formed, but sincere and open.

Poems can be written by the teacher themselves, because no one knows his disciples better than he. Or order from professionals. The Internet offers a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to prepare solemn speeches and even entire scripts. Comic nominal verses are always easily perceived, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

Example from the first teacher.

Here the childhood remains in the past.

Scheduled school calls.

Think of good,

And it will always be with you.

Behind gum and bows

Broken knees, bruises.

I wish you in life romance

And wisdom from the school board.

You talk today with childhood

We part with the school and with us.

Here you can always warm up

And meet with teachers.

Just, but from the soul

Sometimes congratulations to the first teacher graduates of graders grade 11, said simple words, It is much more pleasant than beautiful poems written off from the Internet. The main thing is that it felt warmth. And love and place in the huge hearts of teachers is enough for everyone.

"My dear adult children. It seems that yesterday I met you on the threshold of a school with young boys and girls. Such funny, clumsy and capricious. Quickly flew on 11 long years. Today in such a joyful and sad day you are standing on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be, only depends on you. For long 11 years, we tried to invest in your hearts all the best. All life is a choice, and only you decide how it will be. Listen to wise advice, take all lessons from life, take someone else's experience and share your. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: "Always treat people as you wish to treat you." In a good way, my dear adult children! ".

"Dear graduates. All these difficult 11 years old I watched you, as you grew up, growing up, became wiser. Many events took place in my eyes. From small clumsy kids, you have become elegant ladies and courageous young men. You have to pass the main exam in life - to remain people. There will be many temptations, injustice and difficulties. But you will overcome everything, I believe in you, as you believed 11 years ago in small naive girls and boys. Do not let me down. Let the Lord bless your ways, will send you angels in guide. And the walls of the native school are always open for you. "

Gentle greetings from the first teacher to graduates, coming from the very depths of the soul, would not leave the graduates or their parents indifferent. As a rule, in such exciting minutes of graduates (and their mothers) with difficulty restrain tears.

The unusual beginning of the holiday represent "gentlemen" -syl half class, then "Beautiful ladies" are joined to them. Half-grade words, good songs - alterations, incendiary dance numbers did not leave indifferent any guest in the auditorium. Night with the first teacher , favorite teachers and friends, will forever stay in the heart of the guys



Graduation in 4th grade in MOU "Elementary School - kindergarten №5 G. Pugacheva Saratov region" 2010 - 2011 academic year

(The hall is festively decorated. The holiday is leading students, dressed by gentlemen: white shirts, black pants, vests, scarves).

Sound fanfares. Gentlemen overlook the scene and talk.

J.1. Lady & Gentlemen!

J.2. Ladies and Gentlemen!

J.3. Schoolchildren and schoolgirls!

J.4. Grandmothers and grandfathers!

J.5. Teachers and parents!

J.6. You are present at the celebration, where the first Gentlemen club in our city is established!

J.1.Ser, it doesn't seem to you that it is somewhat immodest?


J.1. Connecto, immodestly: you might think that there are no gentlemen in other schools.

J.6. Maybe there are sir, but they have not yet united. And as soon as we have our club, all gentlemen will go to learn to us. Imagine: Get out of change in the corridor, and there are solid gentlemen!

J.2. Tell me, why did you take a foreign word "gentleman" to name your club?

J.6. So one of the main items in our school is English. And the British considered a gentleman of that person who possesses good manners, never make anything bad on purpose.

J.3. Do you know sir that english writer Jonathan Swift said the gentleman is the one who is the smallest number of people in an awkward position?

J.4. Do you know last news today?

J.1. Friends! So I approached the end of May. Behind the experiences remained about the assessments, test work and dictations.

J.2. Was it worth going to all together, sir?

J.3. Sure! After all, for our fourth-graders, this is not just the end of the school year, but also the end of the elementary school.

J.4. And we want to celebrate it with them.

J.5.Vam, favorite teachers!

J.1. You, dear parents!

J.2. You, dear guests!

J.3. You dear graduates, dedicate this holiday!

J.1. Jottermen, almost forgot. I invited adorable ladies to the holiday.

J.2. But agreed: "Gentlemen and no ladies"!

J.1. Yes, they negotiated, but we did not take into account certain circumstances.

J.3. What, sir?

J.1. Oh, these are unusual ladies! It is the charming half of the graduation class!

J.4.Jentlemen, so we hurry to meet them!

(Gentlemen overlook the hall and together with the class are preparing for the solemn entrance)

Teacher: Dear guests! Dear Parents! Guys! Today we all worry, because we have an unusual day - farewell to elementary school. Today we are not just a holiday, and the holiday is a memoir. This was the first to go with you the first, the most difficult steps of the knowledge ladder. A lot has happened differently on this path: both joyful, sad, victories and mistakes, happy minutes and chagrins. Thousands of lessons we studied together since then. Dozens of rules learned, hundreds of tasks and thousands of examples have been resolved, many scientific facts falling in our heads, and some still do not fit there. Thousands of hours per desk, and this is not counting the time spent on homework. During your studies at school, you have to write a whole book, and for these 4 years we have gained material on a good magazine title "Primary School". Let's turn together the pages of our memoirs magazine. And if someone has a desire to add something to these pages, then - please! So, meet: graduates of 2011 municipal Educational institution "Primary School - kindergarten №5 "4" B "class ...

(Solemn music sounds. Children come in turn in pairs, forming a semicircle,

the teacher announces F.I.)

1.Lell and elegantly in our school,

And lush everywhere bouquets stand,

Today we are fun to celebrate,

And every event is glad!

2. I have been smiles today ...

How many grandmothers, mothers and sisters!

Even grandpa with dad and brother

To us for the holiday today came!

3. In the colors of the lilac might up,

And with an apple tree flies white color,

And the birds are plowing their trills,

And the summer May farewell walks hello!

4. From year per year, from class to class

Lives the time of us.

And an hour in an hour, day after day

So imperceptibly we grow ...

5. Type of year we are on the way.

Everyone together together just right

It's time to go to us in grade 5!

6.Dear, parents, favorite teachers, dear administration! Today we say goodbye to the elementary school!

7. We consumed in this room,

To tell you now

What we did not know without you

8.De, we cost more than once

Bitter tears from your eyes.

Brought you disorders

Our small heroes.

9. We have forgiveness, please.

With us will be again and again

Your loyalty and love.

10.In the city of Pugacheva among many schools

There is one in which I learned came,

There is one in which we lived friends,

There is one such, without which it is impossible,

There is one ... but, however, we all take into account

"Primary School - kindergarten №5" - such a school is.

(Performed song about school on the motive "Little Country")

Teacher : So, 4 years ago we met. Let's see and remember what kids you came in a class!

11. Open the first page of our magazine"First time in 1 Class."

(Performed song about 1 Class on the Motive "Plasticine Crow")

One simple fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale, but maybe not a simple thing - we want to tell you.

When we were 7 years old, and maybe 8, and maybe 6 years, we will not specify.

In one simple school, or maybe not to school, or maybe not a simple - Moms have led us.

Denek autumn, and maybe not autumn, and maybe he did not stand, we still led us.

Someone suddenly aunt, and maybe not aunt, but maybe someone - the director it was.

Congratulated the parents, the teachers congratulated, congratulated the whole district, not about us.

We were half an hour, and maybe they did not stand with briefcases, with flowers, under the sun, not in the shade.

But to school, where our class was, or maybe our class, or maybe we didn't start us at school.

Behind the door of Dad with a grandmother, behind the door of mom with a grandfather, and maybe aunt with uncle stayed to wait.

And in the class, together with us, and maybe not with us, only a teacher remained - and began to train us.

12. Not one notebook was written for 4 years of study. And starting with the prescription. Oh, how hard it was, did not obey his hand, did not lie correctly on the desk. Sotellers, puffers, cried, but tried and, nothing, learned.

13. Improve, recently I found my old notebook.

My notebook is Alexander Kotenko - I lost in 1 class.

Inside - you will not figure it out! Sure it, I wrote?

What terrible hooks and dead mugs -

Bend, like an old man, and fluttered from the line.

Well, the fat woman "A"! Well just like a frog!

"I" curled his head, "E" was gone.

And what is this nonsense? Four sticks jump!

Everyone leaned over who, how is our fence in the country!

I have fun from the soul: the kids are terribly writing!

14. Open the second pageour magazine "Parade of School Sciences." Overcoming all the difficulties of 1 Klass, we took the study of serious sciences. Recall how it was. Let's start with the lesson of mathematics.

15. Mathematics - The subject is very complicated, there is no dispute.

All tasks and examples love we decide without measure.

Mathematics with us - it's just the highest class!

I will write examples, the digits of the column will be complex.

All multiplicate, shelter, triangle draw.

What kind of pleasure is an equation!

Mathematics my - the most beloved!

16. The work is joying everywhere work, everyone counts something,

How many charcoal domains are needed, and the kids are chocolate.

How many stars in heaven and freckles on the noses.

Scenes are played.

*** Teacher: Let's start with an oral account. Semyon, if you have 100 rubles and you will ask your brother another 100 rubles. How much money do you have?

Pupil: As before, 100 rubles.

Teacher: Yes, you just do not know mathematics!

Pupil: No, you do not know my brother.

*** Teacher: Ilya, how much will it be 100 x 2?

Student: 100 rubles or 100 dollars?

*** Teacher: Nikita, if you found in one pocket 5rules, and in another 10 rubles ..

Pupil: So, I put on other people's pants!

*** Teacher: Now we will solve the problem. Danil, tell me, please, the formula of finding the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle.

Pupil: I'm sorry, but I also do not remember her either.

Teacher: Then go to the board and find H.

Pupil: Found! Here it is! (indicates x)

17 .Russian language lesson .

How many words in the world are! So much what is voiced not to read!

Words we need different, to express our thoughts.

The Russian is beautiful. The supply of vocabulary in it is great.

18.I came from school, I teach the verbs. I will learn them - trifle, I have my own method.

It is applied to that new method this.

Shouting - shout, Vertete - I will give, moving - moving, jump - jumping.

I jumped, I moved, I and Schol, I sang. Sang, while in our hallway, suddenly the call did not call.

I open - our neighbor, he lives under us. Not hairstyle, not dressed in sneakers and pajamas.

He shouts: "I apologize. What is this earthquake? Or maybe there are no elephants in me? "

Dear, neighbor, no one in the apartment. I came from school, I teach the verbs.

Scenes are played.

*** Teacher: So, let's start the lesson of the Russian language. I checked your notebook. Sasha, I asked, write tearing.

Pupil: Yes, maybe you ask me to write without mistakes?

*** Teacher: Igor, admit to honestly, who wrote to you a homely essay?

Pupil: Honest word, I do not know, I'm going to bed early.

*** Teacher: And now the grammatical task. Make a proposal with the pretext of "on".

Pupil: Cow climbed onto a tree?

Teacher: Why?

Pupil: To be the pretext of "on".

19. Reading lesson - This is a wonderful lesson, a lot of useful in each of the lines.

Whether it is a verse or story, you learn them, they teach you.

20. Our school sciences began with the booking. We studied it to read, well, of course not in vain.

And then he replaced, the literature came to us. With her it was interesting, a very important figure.

Scene "Telepathy" (from school life.)

Nesums (sings from joy). Well, Coperfields, it's great to come up with. Telepathy! Thoughts at a distance! Well, ka, Teleparter I something.

Coperfields. (Breed with hands as extrasens.)

Nonum. The storm of the heaven of the sky is ... What do you confess the literature - we have biology now. On, take a textbook - paragraph 36. Look, inspire more.

(Coperfield sits on the edge of the scene, puts a textbook on his knees, looking at him, sends thoughts. Call. Beginning of the lesson. Includes teacher literature.)

Teacher: Hello guys! Irina Ivanovna fell ill, so instead of biology there will be literature. So, A.S. . Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". Who wants to answer? As always, forest hands. Unborn, to the board.

Nesuven (clentned). Eugene Onegin. Onegin is a secular St. Petersburg person, the capital's aristocrat. Drawing the image of the hero, Pushkin says in detail ... (The effect of telepathy begins) that the body of its layer, consists of a mushroom and algae, which are in close relationship. He is not very whimsical. Lives in deserts, rocks, tundra. Filling, it forms humus. This is his main role ... in the novel.

Teacher. Nepnov, what's wrong with you?

Nonum. Can I tell me better about Lensky? In Lensky, there are many excellent deposits, the author indicates the "noble desire of the feelings and thoughts of young" inherent in it. In the middle of summer he blooms. Insects are poorly visited by his flowers - there are no nectar, nor the abundance of pollen. (Shakes his head). Lensky - formed, cultural person. It is planted in the spring, before planting tubers germinate in a light room.

Teacher. Nonum, did you happen to get sick? Or is not ready to answer?

Nonum. Ready, ready! Can I have a female image? Tatiana for Pushkin is a cute ideal. She is a whole nature. From nature Tatiana is gifted by a living mind. In the fall, she laying eggs into a cocoon, woven from a thin cobweb. Cocoon Shears in secluded places: under stumps, stones. Externally, Tatiana is larger than the male.

(Teacher is wondering.)

NOTES.NET !!! Not!!! I prepared an image of Olga.

Teacher. Well, Olga is so Olga.

Nonum. The exact opposite of Tatiana is her sister Olga. In Olga, a lot of cheerfulness, energy, aspects. The body is covered with scales. With molting leather comes with one piece. She moves, eating her body on earth. It is well known to poisonousness.

Teacher. Pretty! Sit down! Pake! (Call.)

Nonum (runs up to the coproopalid). Well, Coperfield, well, disadvantaged. Thoughts at a distance. Here you and telepathy. (Strikes the textbook on the head.) So - the five is secured! (Hit.) Here you will become an excellent student.

21 The world around the world.Know very interesting to me about nature on earth.

Who lives in the forest thick? Why on the sea storm?

What is hiding in the mountains? Who crawls there in the sands?

How evaporates water? How do Ice boulders arise?

It is important about nature to know its laws to comply.

Use gifts with mind, because the earth is our common home!

Scenes are played.

*** Teacher: Where is the water in nature, Sasha?

Pupil: You yourself said in nature.

*** Teacher: What are the name 6, who are found in the Arctic?

Pupil: Two seals and 4 bone bear.

*** Teacher: What substances do not dissolve in water?

Pupil: Fish.

*** Teacher: What teeth grow the latter?

Pupil: Golden.

*** Teacher: Who is called the king of animals?

Student: Director Zoo.

*** Teacher: Danil, you interfere with everyone else. Read about yourself.

Pupil: But here nothing is written about me.

***Teacher: Homework Gone to retell Paul.

Pupil: (silent at the board).

Teacher: I listen to you.

Pupil: How is it? I'm not talking about anything.

21.Bube, we a little - almost forgot about our favorite changes. We run into game ...

Performed a song about change to the motive "33koras"

1. The third page of the magazine is called "our class".

Yes, it was difficult to start, but now everything is behind and any task on the shoulder, because the exams passed on "excellent" - 18 deck, and on "good" - 2 people.

2. It's good, and what is interesting we can tell about our class?

3. We finished the fourth grade and switched to the fifth.

4. Nash class is the best and friendly.

5. Nash class "inhabit" - 21 people. Of these, the absolute majority are children.

6. Although the last word For some reason, for some more adults.

7.An the total age - .... Tele ... months ... days, general growth - ... m ... cm, total weight - ... kg ... g.

8. For 4 years of study at elementary school, each rose by 15 cm. And recovered at 4kg.

9.Nash class - lovers to talk with a neighbor.

10 .------------ Tee writing notes in the lessons.

11. The mood is cheerful.

Performed song about a class on the motive "How we are not having fun."

12 . Their page of our magazine is dedicated to "our teachers" (parents and children congratulate teachers)

Dear our teachers! Allow me to express you words of appreciation and gratitude.

13.Skol! School! You are the beginning of all professions and roads.

You faithful to us with a friend to take each heart in my life I could choose!

Who you will become unknown, our goals are far away.

But friendly, like notes in the song, all your students!

14. The teacher is everywhere with us, the teacher teaches us good,

Teaches reading and writing, drawing, stump, and still patience!

Learn honest, brave to be, teaches homeland to love!

15. In the people of non-worn professions, to the eternity of laws,

Teachers, like inspired songs, live on Earth, while the earth is alive!

. Congratulations to the school director

16.The main, Galina Yurevna!

At the director of care
All other important worries.
How comes to work
So went cycle:
Got sick in the nanny class
Need to replace someone
And the energy will not become -
In Gorenergo call.
Choose specialists
So that the academic year start.
Invite to the school artists,
Children to show a fairy tale.
Record the kids new
Pedagogues praise,
And, of course, updates
For the garden - schools to purchase.
And thank her big
We all want to say.
Very sorry, Galina Yurevna, in high school
You will not be enough.

Every day your concern
Our life is still more painted.
School - Sadik all light
For large and kids!

Thank you for your care,
For hard work
For joy, warm, comfort,
That in our school - the garden live.

Let you bring you work
Positive mood!
Well, different problems
Let them bypass!

You, Galina Yurevna, we give the song!

Performed song for the director on the motive "Million Scarlet Roses"

1. He was the director alone, in the morning he hurried in the morning,
To work with children - he loved them from the soul.
Time forward so flies: the children have already grown,
Having finished school, the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers brought.

Chorus (2p.):
Million, Million, Million Good Words
Every day, every day, Daril every day
After all, not in vain - the 4th, we taught us, instructed, worn and loved.

Congratulations to the music teacher

Dear, Lily Rafaelna!
We recently parted,
To meet again.
All day for you tried
Composition to write.

Long thought-wondered,
How to portray it.
Pressed on the pedals,
To hit the sound.

Turned hands
But did not obey the piano.
So terrible were sounds,
That the neighbors became sorry.

Cat poor frightened
And under the chair ran away.
Well, the surprise did not get
It's everyone understood.

We eventually decided:
Sin animal torments.
Better in poetic style
We will congratulate you.

You wish new songs,
Festivals and awards!
From the lessons of your cool
The best result!

Dear, Lily Rafaelna! We give you a musical gift!

Performed song for music teacher on the motive "For four seas ..."

1. The souls we thank you, we love the music lesson.

Song, dance, march, melodies Rhythm, notch dance, learned everything.

Chorus: For 4 years - 2 times

Teach us you: sing, play and just listen.

And once again, we are very grateful.

Rules All of these will take to another school.

Congratulations to the teacher of English language

Dear, Olga Pavlovna!
We already know perfectly
All English alphabet,
Fifth grade, we promise
Everyone will pleasantly surprise.

By time to learn
The longest retelling
Even if you get sick.
But the scene is verse - for you.
* * *
Time came from the school of light,
Five minutes five.
"Mom, are you at home?" No answer.
The form can not be removed.
From the lessons what remains?
Only English, retelling.
Oh, slightly hungry
Two sausages - just right
And rather for the lessons.
Quickly teach, then
Whole evening karaoke!
Here is the second item.

And My Name ... I almost forgot
Nanny Vika on the pole.
Retelling did not reassure?!
Just look with one eye,
And to the cramp:
IS Svetlana,
I`m The Clever Little Girl ...

Takes off from the screen
Telephone. Hello! About bees?
Yes, of course, wrote.
You call the tenth time! ..
Half an hour lost with her!
Well, English retelling.

IS Svetlana ... Repeat
On the door the bell, run. Hooray!
Mother Mother! Open!
So it's time to dinner!
After dinner wanted
In English, chat ...
Lookane did not have time
How it's time to go to bed.
What about English? Under the pillow
Training in a dream.
I will ask you to girlfriend in the morning
As always, tell me.

Dear, Olga Pavlovna!

We wish in the future (educational) year
Being, without, well to do.
Keep Fit, Eat Only Healthy Food:
Nuts, Porridge, Vegetables and Fruits ...

Song for teacher English to the motive "Help me ..."

Shakespeare language studied we studied
With Olga Pavlovna.
You know durable, extensive
Gave students
Pronounce English words
We can right
And in London without a translator
Can we do

We Like English.
And, of course, Our Teacher
She is best:
And director and adviser
Our Teacher for US Is The Best.

Congratulations to the physical education teacher
Dear, Galina Efimovna!
It is said that physical education -
Very significant subject.
Like inmose., Literature,
After all, when there is no health,
Does not save the antibiotic,
Vitamins, Arbidol.
Only destroy the tummy.
But gymnastics, football
In physical education lessons,
Bars, skis and horizontal bar
Many better than medicines.
Remember it, a student!
We want to learn physical education.
And in winter and in minus thirty

So that children are not fat
To in a healthy child body
Spirit is always healthy,
The university said:
"Baby before the kids
To charging, bring
Sport will help a clever thing,
If necessary, passing to pass ...
Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall
Children should be friends.
May the knees beat slightly
And they will break their pants. "
Which of them will be athlete,
For the whole world, the country will glorify
Through a couple of years
We will learn from newspapers ...
In the meantime, thank you
From all of us and dads, and moms!

For you, Galina Efimovna, our number dance "Bogatyr Strength!"

Congratulations to the teacher of informatics
Dear, Tatiana Ivanovna!
Informatics familiar
Nowadays from childhood.
Whole evening dad home
"Learn the Internet."

Does the program not working?!
How to beat the battle?
Here the mother interfered with the process:
"You need to go to the store!

At the same time wash the dishes,
If there is no magic. "
"I will not play games! -
Son said. - I'm a student,

I decided quite seriously
Informatics teach.
And you, Father, not too late
About "heroes" forget.

We will study together
Master the laptop.
If you try to try, you will become a doctor of science! "

Dear, Tatyana Ivanovna! We give you a musical gift!

Performed song for Teacher Informatics on the Motive "Puzzle"

1. However, it was unnoticed by time, we got everything really got to know.

Communication, of course lacked, because your subject is for us - that happiness slices.

We always taught computer science, we just had everything and so clear.

We are as if the Internet has opened in themselves and on the soul is nice.

Chorus: And your subject is no longer a puzzle,

You have taught to understand it deftly.

Time will be going to meet again, we ask, in warm autumn - 2 times.

Congratulations for nanny

Dear, beloved, adored ours, Alexander Veniaminovna!

Our keeper of purity and order!

Your hands are priceless, and strikes the shower latitude.

All children in the class have become native to you, care about them was important to you.

As a mother, like a grandmother, warmly warmed and taught adults to help.

Each every time you always looked at: so that it was fed, so that the bed was removed.

From all children thank you so much! We appreciate your such hard work,

For the fact that the class was cute and beautiful that here, like at home, you created a comfort!

But we have the word and for the second nanny - Irina Vitalevna!

So that children grow faster, you need to feed them more often.

And cleaning should be done, dust will rub everywhere.

The class is in order to keep, in general, it is no longer bored.

Our Irina Vitalevna has time to quickly do all things.

Never disappears that it came to work for us.

Know many in the area about her invaluable work.

In her class - like in the house, cleanliness, comfort, comfort.

Our nanny we give the song "Road of Good"

Congratulations to a psychologist

Dear, Natalia Evgenievna!
To the psyche of the child
Did not inspire adult fear
The psychologist is needed thin,
Suggest when and how
Explain it and that
Personal to do a test
Give parents answers
Why do their son do not eat ...
Psychology - Science,
Not easy, brothers, thing.
Without a psychologist in our age
Live will not be able to a person.

Performing a song about a psychologist on the motive "nothing is better not in the world"

Our psychologist is just wonderful,
Smart, strict and charming.
everyone is waiting with impressive
For psychological communication.
Correct communication lessons:
Will support and understand all of us Natalia Evgenievna,
Yes Yes! Yes Yes! Yes!

Congratulations to the medical staff

Dear, Natalia Aleksandrovna!

Good doctor, school doctor

In the post sits in the morning.
He gives references,
And on the sophistication will go,
And vaccinations will deliver
And home the patients will send.
Thank you for that
What each at school is always healthy!

Congratulations to Zavorozu.
Warmhouse worker
It is very difficult to predict.
Then the flood hangs the threat
Then plumbing again,
Here broke the battery,
There is a revision.
Stay did not have time
The garden was closed for repairs.
Without charity how to live? You, Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Hurry to thank!

Congratulations to Cooks
Who came to school - the garden in the morning?
These are our chefs.
Porridge for breakfast is ready
Porridge cooked. Hooray!
Who watted fragrant soup
And side dish from different cereals?
Who we are baked
Or Apple Pie?
These are our cooks
Work from six in the morning.
Expensive chefs,
Adults and children
Thank you talk,
From the soul thank you
For borshs, cutlets, porridge ...
We appreciate your job!

Congratulations to the laundry
All day she erases
And the underwear does not decrease.
Then doctors, then chefs ...
Here is a fresh mountain ...
So goes day after day,
Claudia Dmitrievna, on graduation
Thank you say
And for all thank you!

Everyone who about us cared these 4 years we give a song about school (Motive "Buratino")

Congratulations to the first teacher

And the most warm, gentle words we want to say the most beloved, the most beautiful, smarter, the most kind of our dear first teacher - Marina Ivanovna!

Teacher first forever
Stay. All school years
We peered into cute features -
How many are good and warmth in them!

What love, patience stock
You need to learn all of us,
Understand, help, forgive me to digest, -
At the same time everyone to love everyone.

Love in school no man!
We are the roads of your eye laundry light,
Smile and for business praise -
So valuable your kind words!

But the main thing is a great start to us Dan,
And we are grateful for it.
So in high school Knaging will be useful!
And in the future we will try to teach

So that you do not let down, and show
What did you give you to "five" to many.
And we will remember that from your hands
We went to the world of big sciences.

Performed song for the first teacher to the motive "Cute, Honey ..." Kirkorov

1. We are a wonderful teacher
And discreet and wise.
Kohl deserved - praise,
Kohl it is necessary - bruises.
Mila and energetic
Like Beatrice Dante,
And, despite the fragility,
Easily manages.

Chorus: Cute, Cute, Cute,
Gentle our angel earthly.
With you today says
Friendly our graduation class,
Our Marina Ivanovna.
We know: you love us
Thank you for everything for all
Sincerely each of us.

2.gor, you are a challenge,
To order called many:
And too passive,
And very original.
Teaching to work
And wisely instructed.
More to us in life
Meet people such.

Chorus: Cute, Cute, Cute,
Gentle our angel earthly
It is a pity to say goodbye to school,
With you your beloved,
Our Marina Ivanovna!
We know: you love us
And never forget you
Exactly each of us.

Teacher's response word !!!

1. The hosts are the graduate!

You know a lot, you used to think.

Quickly used all three of September,

Moms and grandmothers cry no in vain:

Instead of funny and ridiculous guys

Good well done in the classroom sit.

Parties are small to you, the board is low,

And the great thing was once.

Lifestyle segaring after all live with you.

Knows about you already more than mom

Hearts warm to you before gram.

2. The hosts are the graduate!

In the secrets of the world's first penetrated.

Many works you have behind -

More there will be a friend, ahead!

It will be more complicated by your program,

It is unlikely to solve the task of your mother.

There will be a dad your forehead -

So, everything will have to decide.

The quarrels themselves will need to wear -

I am ashamed about this mom to ask.

Do you try all things yourself -

Adult life on the threshold came to you.

Schools you are medium now student,

Let only with the tops there will be a diary!

The fifth page of our magazine is dedicated to "our parents"

In our climb, we were accompanied by faithful friends and assistants - our parents. Dobly light, they guided us. How the eyes were sad when sometimes we brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparks were lit in them when everything worked out! What happiness that we have such wonderful parents!

About the faith of our mothers,

Not aware of the measures

Holy, trembling faith,

In us - the younger children.

Her, like light in the birch,

Nothing will not work out in the world:

Neither "units" in the diary,

No evil neighbors complaints.

So the mother is such a people -

Sigh, we are a long look with a long look:

"Let it be moved. Pass! "-

And they believe again, believe, believe!

So believe mother alone

Collectively and patiently.

And not crying they

Do not read this dam.

And just a year

Their faith is trembling and tender.

But we are not always

We justify their hopes.

Performed song for parents on the melody "Call me with you"
1.Mame with dad to learn is not easy,
All this know.
All that the school teacher gives us home
They repeat.
It is not easy for them with us tasks to solve,
Rules to repeat
Books big read.
And parents with me also go to 5,
And today, like everyone, the place is not found.
We will sing them a song and go hands,
After all, it is still very many more years on school to stump .- ???

Teacher: And the care of grandmothers about their grandchildren is particularly touching. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "The first child is the last doll, the grandson is the first child." Therefore, many grandmothers were like moms. Probably such a fate of them is to worry, take care, worry.

I disappear before lunch.

I fly home - and I have no doubt,

That the slab - a woman's grandmother

Weld, pressing us the kitlet ...

She circles around the house as if the bee,

And therefore in the vessels a warm honey.

And in the garden - and the sake, and weeding,

And the summer is smart, it will not wait.

Not only for the works I love grandmother,

And just like that - well, just love so much.

Thanks to Grandma, as good July,

It is in the world - and I sleep calmly.

Grandparents Darim Dance "Childhood" on the motive "Winged swing"

Response word is provided to parents.

The sixth page of the magazine "Our successes for 4 years" (children are awarded with diplomas, diplomas, medals) - the presentation of gifts from parents!

Farewell song about school on the motive "cool"

The first to go to summer vacation Pupils of primary school. But someone goes just on vacation, and someone goes on vacation and in senior classes. And all because they finished grade 4 and we have the first school graduation. Congratulations on the end of elementary school from the first teacher is beautiful words Sitting. These are the words of congratulations that will help all students in high school. Watch the texts of congratulations and choose the one that suits you the most.

Dear my students!
Today is a beautiful day - your graduation day! Today you are forgiven with elementary school. It will take another stage of your life. You have new classes, new teachers and new classes. But I ask you to look back. Remember how well we were in our favorite and cozy class. Remember how we studied letters and numbers, as we learned to write and count. Remember how we held holidays and cool hours. Remember - and never forget! After all, it is not just the past, it's your life! Perhaps the elementary school is the best that will be in your school. After all, there are more difficult classes on you, and there will be no time for fun and holidays.
Thank you for your efforts and skills. You have become for me as relatives for these four years. I am very glad that you are all my disciples!

Our ship called - elementary school - approached the shore. Today, all of you will leave our ship and go to another. But you will never forget these years that we spent together. You will remember both the letter and numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything we learned in elementary school, all this will be repeated in high school. I believe that you can learn further for excellent marks. I believe that you will overcome all gravity of high schools and finish school successfully.
Today we have graduation in 4th grade. But only 7 years will be held and you will have a graduation in the 11th grade. And then I can proudly look at you and say that I didn't know in vain!
Good luck to you, and do not forget the knowledge!

We were together for four years. Every day we discovered something new for themselves. Every day we taught new topics and knew the world.
Today you are already adults. Today you are already graduates of elementary school. You have older classes ahead, new subjects and new teachers. You have new tests and a lot, a lot of new and interesting.
I am glad for you, I am glad that you grew up and rapidly and confidently go to your adult life.
I wish you not to turn off the planned path and get to the end so that our four years of study are not in vain!