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What is the most important lesson did you remove from your life? Do we need school knowledge why schoolkins are not needed in life

Not that we, the teachers, some very sensitive individuals that we say that we say - and we immediately infuriate the righteous anger and have been involved in particularly witty anathema. Not at all, just some statements are too given either the immaturity of the questioning, or his disrespect for the teacher, or (which happens most often) - misunderstanding the specifics of the pedagogical profession.

So, I imagine you top 5 student sayingswho are better ... not to speak.

1. "I can't use your subject!"

On the Internet there were a lady jokes for a long time "I am 30 years old and I still wait for me to be useful to logarithms". And oh, how many children today are found, who have already known exactly for 10 years that only the ability to read about themselves and count within the limits of hundreds in their lives.

Of course, not all objects in life will be equally necessary and with the likelihood of very very human projects, knowledge of logarithms in the future will not really need. But it will also be very necessary for the brains that your child will be able to train algebra in grade in grade 11!

In this phrase, by the way, it is even surprising not so much with its naive promise, how much ... the purpose of the statement. The child believes that a foreign language is not useful to him, and what now? It warn me in this way that I will not wait for a ready-made d / s? What kind of child was now planned to walk my lessons and disrupt those on which it would damage to appear? Or should I be offended by the fact that I teach, in his opinion, "some kind of nonsense"?

2. "And my tutor says that ..."

As one of my wise colleague said: "Let them go to school where their tutor works." And the point is not that the teachers are the enemy opponents of tutors, not at all! You just need to understand that the school teacher and the tutor work in different conditions and they have several different roles.

A competent tutor understands that he is hired to help the child (and, in part, to the teacher). To help, not to undermine the teacher's authority in children's eyes! By the way, "to help" does not mean the fulfillment of the tutor of homework instead of a child.

In my practice there was a completely shy case when a child (Grade 3!) On my question, why he does not listen to me and does not understand me in the lesson than, said exactly the following: "Yes, to me today, a tutor will come and will say the same thing." Maybe, in this case, is it worth moving to home learning?

And yes, tutors, it happens, mistaken. Both in concrete things that relate to the subject and in the overall assessment of the abilities of the child.

3. "And why Vasi has as many mistakes as I have, but he has 4, and I have 3?"

And the child responds: "Because Vasya always did ten mistakes, and today did five. And you always did no more than two mistakes, and today I did five. " So: Who worked better today and demonstrated progress?

In general, it is very desirable to teach the child to follow yourself. The teacher tactics in the distribution of tasks, the intensity of the survey of each and evaluation may be incomprehensible to students and their parents, but believe me, if you do not see something, it does not mean that this is not.

Just believe: in today's school, the teacher does not benefit from any part to be biased. Take it as a fact and live calmly! :)

4. "I have no time to engage in your French / German / physics, I have a music / dancing / hippodrome"

Most often, this is pronounced on the groan and you believe. Indeed, believe. Because children today are very overloaded not only by their own studies, but also by various additional classes that they, by the way, do not necessarily like.

Many sit for lessons only to eight - nine o'clock in the evening. But! This is not a reason to "not deal with" individual objects! And children and parents should be remembered that from 7 to 15 years old in a child in priority should be obtaining general education. If there are no mugs and sections to learn normally, it means that it is worth reconsider the schedule.

Require the same from the teacher to overlook due to the fact that your child has dances - sorry, the rules are alone for everyone! Although, of course, a talented and hardworking child will always go to meet what is called, they will be entrusted. Only the abuse of teacher empathy is still not worth it.

And finally:

5. "Have you already checked our work?!"

And this is my favorite and most regular. Always answer your disciples like this: "My dear, as soon as I check, you will learn about it!"

In general, dear parents, do not be afraid to talk with your children about the right communion with teachers at school. Any teacher loves its students (even if in the depths of the soul). But no need to forget that any teacher also wants mutual respect and understanding.

Life is a difficult thing, however, to understand it to the end, sometimes lacks all life path. Life lessons need to be taken not only by the method of samples and errors, but also to study them contactless.

The fact is that humanity is constantly accumulated knowledge, so they need to be used in full. A huge number of people lived on Earth, so we simply do not need to put experiences on yourself. All truths have long been known, so you only need to learn them and believe in them not to spend strength and time to check. This will allow you to develop the right quality of character, attract good luck.

Choosing a life path

It is impossible to choose the path in life in advance. Of course, the common goal is maintained by the entire segment of the path, but constantly there are some correctional events. We must be flexible, ready to change our principles and look at the world otherwise. All changes - music, books, fashion, values. Yes, what is there to say, people even sexually change.

Your life path must constantly change, because you get more and more lessons of life. Of course, it's easier when you alone do it much less often. The life lessons that will be discussed below will help you greatly raise the right goals in front of yourself and choose the perfect model of behavior, choose the best attitude to everything that surrounds you.

Life lessons to know

First lesson: Believe in yourself. It is especially true for those who believe that no one believes in it. Why do you need someone if you have you yourself. Believe in your power, in your skills. If there is no, then believe in the possibility of receiving them. You can get what you want. Thoughts are material, as they say. This is a pure truth, but not because there are many books on this topic. Many people are alive examples of Togo. How far can we have thought. It can be like a high mountain and a deep pit, so do not drive yourself in doubts about it.

Second lesson: Learn to rest. When you work on example, it is no better than if you do not work at all. The body needs rest always. Reach 5-10 minutes per hour, two hours a day, 1-2 days a week, 2 weeks in six months. This will be enough for that. To restore strength. Following should be able to be able, but it is not difficult, because it is enough just to throw away all thoughts from the head. Make yourself abstract from any problems, just pore. You can use meditation music for this, quiet place.

Third lesson: Do not be afraid to learn. Recognize that you do not know something - this is normal. Many people pretend that everyone knows, but they do not get anything but ridicule. There is nothing easier than to take some kind of niche and stay in place. If you do not develop, you will not become successful or will not be left at the top of Olympus in the sphere that you love with all my heart.

Fourth lesson: do not count on luck. Good luck comes only to those who deserve it. If you lie on the sofa and think that someone will come to your life and turn it out, then you lose time in vain. Never under a laying stone water will not flow. Moreover, as wisdom says, often success does not even come to those who create favorable conditions for this. Often you need to just take what you need. Of course, do not forget about the rules of morality and the law.

Fifth lesson: do not put money above all. Of course, the money is important, but not as the opportunity to acquire new skills, inspire someone to a good act. Money is just a means of survival. No need to put them in the first place, because the pursuit of material values \u200b\u200bcan turn you into a greedy person.

Sixth lesson: Do not be afraid to take an example of anyone. There are people who can teach you something very important. They are around you, they are with you constantly. These are parents, friends, chief, wife, husband. Someone can become your teacher.

Seventh lesson: Choose your environment carefully. Your luck and life success depends in many respects from who surrounds you. People as a magnet attract good or evil, wealth or poverty. This is obvious, because communication with one group of people is useful, and something is not.

The eighth lesson: Do not sit on the spot. If you have the opportunity to get out of the house, go for a walk. If you can go to another city to visit friends or loved ones, do it. If you can visit another country, attend. Do not waste your life.

Ninth lesson: Meet without fear. Creating new connections is always an important component of success. People very late understand this when in old age I have almost no friends and people who could be tritely chatting about something. Loneliness is a framework, not a curse. You yourself build walls around yourself.

Tenth lesson: Plan your time. Do not do something only by inspiration. You need to spend more time for the affairs you planned earlier. Time management is a great way to strudust your life.

Eleventh lesson: Compete.Many wonder why sportsmen are targeted and successful in business. Everything is simple, because they put all their lives to compete with those who are stronger than them, faster and better. Competitive Spirit will allow you to become more successful in everything. This is a great motivation.

Twelfth lesson: do not take an example from most. Take an example from unique personalities. If you see how crowds of people try to do something one, then better go in the same direction, but in a different way. No need to blindly follow the masses. This applies to everything.

Thirteenth lesson: stereotypes make you weak. Elder thinking is the most terrible enemy of individuality, which helps, in turn, people become like. Individuality is remembered, so do not be the same as everyone.

Fourteenth lesson: carefully and carefully treat money. Buying an unnecessary trash is the habit of poor people. People clever and rich buy something rarely, but they acquire expensive and good things.

Fifteenth Lesson: Respect your parents. In most great crops that lived not 50-700 years, and millennia, respected the elders and appreciated them. There are almost no nationalities in the modern world. Who might boast of this. Chemish you will realize that parents need your respect, it will be better for you. At the same time, absolutely no matter who they are and who became. The main thing is that they are your parents.

Sixteenth lesson: Bring a healthy lifestyle. Now you may not have problems with health because of cigarettes and alcohol, but then they will definitely appear. Do not spoil your life in advance. Watch out and do not abuse bad habits.

Seventeenth lesson: appreciate your time. This is a universal advice that can and should be perceived in different ways. Many people are very strange to their lives, spending time on what does not give them pleasure. Sometimes it is necessary to do to come to your dreams, but there is nothing worse in order to engage in an unloved business or wasted to live the day after day, without emotion, without a case.

Lessons from the life of a person who we owe to learn to get invaluable experience from the older generation

Life experience is one of the most important things in life. We all strive to be independent, wise, self-confident personalities. However, sometimes we forget that our wisdom is the experience gained during many years. For the sake of such experience, many people pass through many obstacles and vital difficulties. For this reason, the experience of the older generation is very important for us, as it carries the life lessons - the most valuable knowledge.

Here are 50 life lessons from Barry Reavenport, the life of a person who we must learn:

  1. Life is what is now.We are always waiting for incredible things that will happen in the future, but forget that life goes right now. Learn to live by this moment and stop hoping for illusions in the future.
  2. Fear is an illusion.Most things we are afraid never happen. But even if they occur, then often they are not so bad as we thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen. Reality is not so scary.
  3. The most important thing in your life is close people. Always put them in the first place. They are more important than your work, hobby, computer. Appreciate them, as if they are all your life. Because it is.
  4. Debts do not stand.Sleep money in your capabilities. Live freely. Debts will not allow you to do this.
  5. Your children are not you.You are a vessel that brings children to this world and cares about them until they can do it themselves. Take them out, love, support, but do not change. Each child is unique and must live their lives.
  6. Things collect dust.Time and money you spend on things will eventually ship you. The fewer things you have, the more you are free. Buy with the mind.
  7. Fun is undervalued.How often do you have fun? Life is short, and you need to enjoy it. And enough to think about what others will think when you feel good. Just enjoy it.
  8. Errors are good.We often try to avoid mistakes, forgetting what they exactly lead us to success. Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.
  9. Friendship requires attention.Further friendship like a decorative plant. It will pay off.
  10. Experience in the first place.If you can not decide to buy a sofa or go on a journey, - always choose the second. Joy and positive memories are much cooler material things.
  11. Forget about anger.Egg satisfaction takes place in a few minutes. And the consequences can last much longer. Listen to your emotions and when anger comes, take a step in the opposite side.
  12. And remember about kindness.A small portion of kindness can work wonders with people surrounding you. And requires you so much effort. Practice in this daily.
  13. Age is a number.When you 20, you think 50 is a nightmare. But when you 50, you feel that you are 30. Our age should not define our attitude to life. Do not give numbers to change you real.
  14. Vulnerability treats.To be open, real and vulnerable is great. This gives you the opportunity to believe you to believe and share your emotions with you, and you can share them in response.
  15. Posy is building walls.Creating an image of another person in order to impress someone to play a cruel joke with you. Very often, people see you real through the image, and it repels them.
  16. Sport is power.Sports on a permanent basis should be part of your lifestyle. It makes you stronger physically, morally and emotionally. It also improves health and appearance. Sport is a medicine from all diseases.
  17. Resentment hurts.Release it. There is no other right path.
  18. Passion improves life.When you find any lesson, from which you are crazy, every day becomes a gift. If you have not found your passion yet, put a goal to do it.
  19. Travels give experience and expand consciousness.Travels make you more interesting, wiser and better. They teach you to interact with people, their habits and cultures.
  20. You are not always right.We think we know the answer to any question, but it is not. There is always someone smarter than you, and your answers are not always true. Remember this.
  21. It will pass.Whatever happens in life, it will pass. Time treats, and things change.
  22. You define your destination.Life is boring without a goal. Decide what is important to you, and build your life around it.
  23. Often the risk is good.To change your life, you have to risk. The adoption of deliberate and risky solutions helps you grow.
  24. Changes are always for the better.Life is changing, and should not resist this. Do not be afraid of change, swim in the stream and perceive life like an adventure.
  25. Thoughts are unreal.Thousands of thoughts fly in the head every day. Many of them are negative and frightening. Do not believe them. These are just thoughts, and they will not become a reality if you do not help them.
  26. You cannot control others.We want people around us to behave as you want. But the reality is that we cannot change other people. Respect the uniqueness and independence of each person.
  27. Your body is a temple.Each of us has something that we hate in your body. But our body is the only thing that belongs only to us. Treat him with respect and take care of it.
  28. Touch heal.Touches have many positive properties. They lead a heartset to normal, improve well-being and remove stress. This is a gift that needs to share.
  29. You will handle.It does not matter what the situation originated in your head. The reality is that you can cope with it. You are much stronger and wiser than you think. You will pass through it and survive.
  30. Gratitude makes a man happier.And not only the one who is addressed to gratitude, but also the one who says it. Do not forget to thank people for everything they do for you.
  31. Listen to intuition.Your arguments are very important, but intuition is your supersila. She uses your experience and life model to find an answer to any question. Sometimes she arises spontaneously, and better listen to her.
  32. Remember yourself first.Do not be self-love, but remember that the most important person for you is you yourself.
  33. Honesty to myself - this is freedom.Be honest to yourself. Self-fertilizer is blinding itself.
  34. Ideals are boring.Perfectionism will make your life boring. Our differences, features, phobias and disadvantages are what makes us unique. Remember this.
  35. Act to find a goal in life.She will not find himself. Help her in this and do everything possible to find the goal.
  36. Little things are also important.We all wait for big victories and achievements, forgetting that they consist of small and sometimes even inconspicuous steps. Appreciate these steps.
  37. Learn. Always.If you think you know at least 1% of everything that is in our world, then you have never been mistaken. Learn every day, find out something new about different things. Study keeps our brain in Tonus, even in adulthood.
  38. Aging is inevitable.Our bodies are aging, and we cannot interfere with them. The best way to slow the aging is to enjoy life and live every day at full.
  39. Marriage changes people.The person with whom you have tied your life will change over time. But you too! Do not allow this change to catch yourself by surprise.
  40. Concern is meaningless.You should worry only if it leads you to solving the problem. But the nature of anxiety is such that this will never happen. Anxiety turns off your brain, and you are simply not able to solve the situation. Therefore, learn how to cope with anxiety and try to get rid of it.
  41. Healed your wounds.Do not give wounds from your past to affect your real life. Do not pretend that they do not mean anything. Find support for loved ones or those who are professionally engaged in treating emotional injuries.
  42. Easier - better.Life is full of difficulties, confusion and obligations that make it only worse. Simple life gives space for joy and favorite classes.
  43. Do your job on perfectly.If you want to achieve something in life, you will have to work. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but do not hope for them. Naughty.
  44. It's never too late.Late is just an excuse in order not to try. You can achieve your goals at any age.
  45. Actions healed longing.Any actions are a cure for concerns, procrastinations, longing and anxiety. Stop thinking and do at least something.
  46. Do what you want.Be proactive. Do not wait until life gives you a bone. You may not like her taste.
  47. Release prejudice.Do not be tied to the opinion or beliefs of society. Be open for any opportunity or idea. You will be surprised how many opportunities gives life if they do not reject them.
  48. Words matter.Think before talking. Do not use words in order to offend a person. When you do it, the road will not be back.
  49. Live every day.When will you be 90 years old, how many days do you have? Live and appreciate each of them.
  50. Love is an answer to any question.Love is what we are here. This is the power that moves the world. Share it and express her every day. Do the world better.

Translation of the article

What is not taught at school?

As every parent, the child's campaign to school is both happiness, and troubles. On the one hand, the child needs to "collect" to school - buy a wound, costume, shoes, notebooks, handles and many more other accessories. The joyful parents from the fact that the child will finally do the first steps to their future, to his career and happiness. After all, it is the school that gives the minimum basic knowledge that the child needs.

The school is taught music, mathematics, literature and many other things. But that it gives a child in life. Of course, the diligent student will know the moral of the Basney of Krylov, will be able to fold and multiply, will receive knowledge on a notice literacy. But it will be useful to him in life.

Gorky truth is that 95% of the entire training material that gives a child in the learning process is completely not applicable in life. Moreover, having studied this material, in adulthood, all knowledge will be forgotten, because they will lose the relevance. And indeed, why does the first discharge watching know a tonal diploma? And the middle manager is absolutely optional to read the work of the "Master and Margarita".

With real knowledge, which will suit the person, regardless of his life path, are not taught in our schools. Many teachers are absolutely indifferent to know the child, and what - no. For them, the main thing is to count the desired volume of the material, get your modest salary, after which to continue the "tie" children with frank information garbage.

Many respected people around the world in their writings more than once emphasized the absence of secondary education to achieve success in life. For example, a well-known investor and entrepreneur Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote his bestseller, who went around the world by millions of chairs. It was called this bestseller "If you want to become rich and happy, do not go to school."

Here are just some quotes from the book:

1. Traditional education is based on the promotion of students recognized as capable of systematic "weeding", i.e. "Stupid" students. It is not a system aimed at the formation of everyone who comes into it. It is aimed at choosing the "most capable" and their training. That is why there are tests, marks, programs for gifted, programs for underdeveloped and shortcuts. This is a system of classification, discrimination and separation.

2. We must reserve all the truths for themselves, and not just take their imposition from the side.

3. Children are interested in evaluation, not knowledge. Our education system teaches that being right more important than true knowledge. She welcomes the right answers and punishes for errors.

4. The only reason why I am happy in my life and never worry about money is that I learned to lose. That is why I managed to achieve success in life.

Robert knows what he says. If this was said by a person who did not achieve anything in life - it would be possible to think that a man of rags. However, Robert is not the only one of the successful people who claimed that the secondary education spoils the children more than brings them to them.

Studying in modern high school, the child learns to be a robot, look at the world with a look of the teacher and not to form his own opinion. After graduating from school, an important question arises in front of the teenager - the choice of the future profession. And then the most interesting thing begins - when choosing a specialty at the university, the child begins to lose and doubt. The reason for these doubts is that the child does not know his place in life, does not know his preferences. But shouldn't you teach this school? Naturally, should. In fact, nothing like this happens. And on this, all the troubles do not end.

When a child at the university is beginning to ask about an important figure or an event emerging beyond the school program - he is silent. This to tears reminds the robot - if the robot found the answer in the database - he issued it, and did not find it - here it is not far from the brave of transistors. And the school program in our schools, frankly, leaves much to be desired.

So, what does not learn the school?

1. The ability to find mutual understanding with others. Algorithms are taught at school, but no algorithm is able to fully describe the behavior and perception of man. As a result, many who graduated from school are not able to elementary to communicate with other people, to find mutual understanding with them. Yes, some teachers teach children: "Treat other people as they would like them to treat you!". Just bravo! During the years of pedagogical practice, the book Dale Carnegie was read.

Everything in this phrase is true, but in practice, this attitude towards people does not give results. The reason is that not only this should build relationships with others. It should be carefully listening to a person, respect his interests, not to discuss a person, take it as it is, to be sincere and honest, always keep this word. And so on, and so on ... Everything needs to teach the child a child. Teaches? The question is rhetorical.

2. To ask questions. Each child is born inquisitive. His mother and dad do not have time to count the number of questions given to them "How?", "Why?" and why?". But, going to school, a child suddenly suffers to ask questions. Why is this happening? The fact is that the child knows - if I ask a question, I am waiting for or rude failure, or "twice". So the child prefers to silence.

How it is manifested in adult life. Suppose, in the enterprise where a former student of a secondary school is operating, conducting safety instructions. At the end, the instructor sets the question: "To all understand everything?". In response - silence. Well, there is a silence sign of consent. And so, due to the fault of the employee there is an accident. He wanted to ask a question, because not everything was clear, however - "Thank you" school, the question was not asked.

Instead of caraach students for questions, teachers are obliged to encourage them.

3. Make decisions and carry full responsibility for them. It is hardly the most important quality in the brazen is forgotten by the school. As a result, in an adult life, a person misses a thousand wonderful opportunities, simply afraid at the right time to take responsibility and take the right decision. Another side of the lack of this quality is a person makes a decision that is incorrect and leads to losses of the company. What does a person do next - recognizes his mistake and is trying to fix it? No matter how. He is trying to find extreme to shove the blame on him. At school, this act can remain unpunished, but in adulthood, such behavior is cruelly punishable. Either a person who was confronted, will revenge the offender, or a fate will punish him, and with him once they will arrive in the same way.

4. Hardworking. In life, every person should love what he is engaged in - only this way success is achieved. He should not think: "Well, it's necessary to do it again ...", and do your job with pleasure. Labor engraves man.

What does the school think about this? And nothing - to everyone indifferent that the child loves, and what is not. There is a general educational program, and it needs to be followed. Do you like chemistry or not, you understand it or not - you will not make your homework, you will get "Nood". When the child is trying to master the subject, but he does not go out, he needs the help of the teacher. However, it does not receive this help. As a result, after another unsatisfactory assessment, the self-assessment of the student himself suffers - here it is not to hard work.

It is true for excellent students - I made a homework, and you know what you will get a "five." Nothing else matters. Why learn something new, to strive for something? This will not be noticed or encouraged by the teacher.

5. The ability to defend its position and right. From the very first classes, children inspire that the teacher is always right. And if the teacher is not right - see above. As a result, the teacher can carry a frank heresy, and the student can know about it, but he will silence. How come?? Clean the teacher? Yes, before you, Seneca in the skirt! By the way, who Senneck is also not taught at school.

Each person is obliged to be able to defend her right, if something is very important for him on Konou. Otherwise, a person from the lead turns into a slave. He will be able to inspire any opinion that does not even echoes his opinion. In the end, at work on it will spoke all the responsibilities, as he is the quietest and never objects.

6. The ability to be flexible. There is also a complete failure at the school education. It is possible to begin with the fact that the school program itself in our countries is not flexible - all over the world needs high technologies and scientific discoveries, and in our schools, instead, prefer to conduct a history lesson.

Second. Children are not taught to be flexible and adapt to the conditions of the changing medium. If another 30 years ago, the fate of graduate from school was predetermined - they knew who and where they would work, today there are many opportunities in front of a person. But the life is very changeable, and the profession that was popular a year ago, in a week it may be unclaimed. A person should be able to change his priorities, learn something new, comprehended not compressed earlier. But he does not.

To the question "Why did you choose a career of the translator?" Many respond "Well, I don't know ... Probably, it is prestigious ...". Ideally, it is the school that should teach children to understand what skills are important and what can be useful in the future. But she does not. It's a pity.

7. To be independent. No school subject teaches a child that you need to be independent that only freedom can give this satisfaction. As a result, graduating from school, a person becomes addicted from everyone - from parents, from the boss, from friends, etc.

8. Ability to resolve conflicts. For the first time, many learned on the subject "Conflictology" at the university. And then only those who are taught this subject. The ability to resolve conflicts is an excellent ability that distinguishes a real adult and responsible person from a child. If you do not know how to resolve conflicts, you are constantly in stressful situations and talk to anyone with anyone - you either have already thrown away with everyone, or avoid this sad perspective.

It is impossible to avoid communicating with people only because you can't resolve conflicts. This is not taught in textbooks - the ability to resolve conflict situations is practiced in practice, and therefore such a subject must be introduced in each school, but ... Alas, it is not and in the near future is not foreseen.

9. The ability to bring the work started to the end. Little to start a matter is more important - to bring the started to logically. Many people do not know how to do this - they were not taught them at school. Because they acquired a reputation as irresponsible people, on which it is impossible to rely.

10. The ability to cope with difficulties, stress and depression. Many children who graduated at school are subject to depression - they do not know what way to choose, which leads to a decline of mood and reluctance to change something in their lives. Often, depression is to bring to alcohol addiction and even suicide. But all this would not happen if the school led the children to cope with any difficult situation and not to lower his hands at the first failure. In addition, depressions and stresses can also be controlled, but if he can learn about this - then it is clearly not behind the school desk.

Despite the fact that the list of skills that do not teach at school is far from full - we will focus on this. After all, it is clear that important life knowledge and skills in school are not received.

There is a question - where to get these knowledge? Naturally, the main role in this is given to parents. After all, it is unlikely that the child himself will find in the newspaper the announcement of the training courses and visit them.

It is the parents who should learn the child from early age to bear responsibility for their words and actions, develop teamwork skills, teach a child to cope with trouble with proudly raised head, produce critical thinking in the child, to learn him to stand up for himself and much more. However, the majority of parents take the child to school and believe that it will be taught everything there. They also have their own job - she is given all their time and attention.

Stop it, it is impossible! Understand that without your active participation, the school will turn your child into a robot, which only can perform monotonous work. If you wish your child happiness - take an active part in its development, and he will repay you with its success.

I was once a schoolgirl, then became a teacher. For all or almost all subjects managed equally well. But how many of them came in handy in life? Looking back, I can now completely say: what items turned out to me useful, and which are not very. Some I would, be my will, left and even expanded, and others - significantly reduced or would remove from the school program at all.

Exact sciences

Now I just returned from the forum, where young moms argue: whether the exact sciences are needed all the polls. As for the "livestock", let the associate professors and professors, advisers and experts of the Ministry of Education. I can only answer for your own experience: I came in handy exact sciences.

No, I did not calculate the height of my own house with the help of trigonometric formulas, and the remaining formulas did not use little formula in its pure form. But the exact sciences taught me:

  • count and calculate;
  • think analytically and logically;
  • having a couple of well-known values, define unknown;
  • understand the initial laws of the universe.

Before my first and only loan, I was very worried that I could not pay contributions on time. Both daughters studied at the university, one on a paid, other - free of charge. All the money went with a whistle into this burst, little remained to pay. Naturally, I wanted to know exactly what my contributions would be, and what penalties apply to those who missed. I received an agreement, but asked to take it home than I was not surprised by the banking employee.

Considering well on the calculator, he replacing the cost of electricity and heating, plus the minimum - for food and unexpected - for medicines and tights, I refused to the loan and took it else. And even this, more loyal, I barely pulled out. Thanks to my class teacher, teacher of mathematics and algebra - she taught me to count.

The same with physics. Thanks to our old physics, we learned to connect electrical chains to the whole class, repair training outlets and switches. Low Bow, Andrei Georgievich.

And thanks for what you taught us to distinguish the electrical conductivity of objects and I know for sure that it can shake the current, and what is not, and how to deal with static electricity.

But about astronomy, about the laws of Kepler, as well as Newton's laws, I only know that they seem to be only two, and they all concern mass and energy. That's all I carried from the school course. Constellations We have learned later, together with my daughters on interesting children's journals "Peace around you".

Chemistry turned out to be despite all the attractiveness, not so applied science. Well, I know that NaCl is salt, but H2O - water. But in the choice of household chemicals, such chemical formulas, which I have no idea are used: it is harmful, this compounds or neutral.

Natural science

Botany, zoology and anatomy, as well as geography - all this I treated natural sciences. I never had a passion for them, but, oddly enough, they were useful. Milestly babulechka taught us flower growing, and I learned to destroy pests, without killing the flowers themselves and houseplants. He learned to make feeding and competently pinch the process, seeking pomp.

I know who is pollinated in the plant world, and, as in general, fertilization is occurring, including a person. The laws of heredity of Mendel, - in principle, an interesting thing, but to calculate, whose nose will inherit my offspring, I can hardly be somehow: maybe my, and maybe my rosium grandmother on a strange combination of genes.

The animal world is quite interesting and diverse, but Zoology came in handy only in the content of my pets, and then I broke the mass of literature. I think that a whole year to teach zoology - there is no point, very much there is extensive, but superficial knowledge. It would be better to give brief, but useful, - about domestic animal diseases or on their content / upbringing.

Geography was presented with us one-sided. The map of Russia I knew well, but even the geography of the Union republics was badly bad, not to mention the rest of the world. Well, who of you will span, where is Argentina - in North or South America? And Dominican?


It was good for me in my life humanitarian sciences, first of all, languages. They, and even literature, feed me to this day. Maria Mikhailovna was a well-deserved teacher of Russian language and literature. She forced our immature mind to think, taught the bad language to look for suitable words to convey their emotions to listeners and readers.

But that's what is bad: the volumes of read books were and remain too big. In my opinion, all four volumes of "War and the World" read one of the class. So we were the meaningful dialogues with the teacher, and the rest were sleeping quietly. I remember with the shudder, as I was presented through long French dialogues, so Favorite Lvom Nikolayevich, with footnotes, asterisks and explanations of the translator. Who will master this in 15 years? Audiobooks - no way out. Hearing perception is a rare form of perception. Most of the people fall asleep under the dimensional reading, isn't it? The school program on literature has long time to revise, clean and cut.

Sport and culture

I wrote about my relationship with sports at school. I was not hopelessly unfortunately and proved it, earning the title of tourism instructor. But in the school frame, I did not fit out: goat, rope, log and other shells have become my personal enemies. I believe that at school it is necessary to teach swimming and self-defense, and in the yard there should be rope parks and other devices for active pastime. There, children can climb, hanging and develop their normal reflexes.

Here, to the sport, I treated the NVP - initial military training. Hmm who could think that she would come in handy me? But after all it was useful!

I can, for example, hide behind a hemp at a nuclear explosion. M-yes and such posters hung in our cabin: actions when using an opponent of weapons of mass lesion. I remember I was struck, how it is important to flush the radioactive dust. Why no one thought about it when in 1987, a strawberry from Zhitomir was sold everywhere, where the wind took the dusty cloud ... And if we were able to disassemble the AKM, marching and performing exercises on the fee, I knew no worse than the boys. I served in the army, and I was very useful for school skills.

About the culture is not so unequivocal. Remember the lessons of singing? Why singing, not music? Nobody sang, everything was fooling around, and our teacher was lonely shook with his fluid barite under his own accompaniment.

But then, already being a teacher, I went to the music lesson to spend my class and make a couple of ads. I went, and it remained: they listened to the classics! The children discussed, argued and once listened to certain moments. I do not know if it was in the program, however, convinced: you need to learn to listen to music, and different. Let it be optionally, but to give at least ideas about this music.

Drawing drawing Returns. I myself taught in the rural school part-time. After short courses, us, young teachers of other specialties, taught to draw and teach drawing so that everyone knew how to portray a person, bird or tree. There is, it turns out, special acceptors, very effective. They are now actively presented as know-how.

Here, I relate to culture and housekeeping. We were taught to make patterns, sew, embroider and dust holes. Oh, how my knowledge helped me! I regretted that I do not know how to get the shoes - everything else, I sewed myself from dresses to sports costumes. Embroidered emblems, sewed lightning, everything was like "branded". Remember the "Chinese dresser"? They also sewed them, not only his daughters, but also neighbor girls. And how many socks and pantyhose I passed, not read.

Prepare and serve the table also taught us. For this, thanks to Nina Fedorovna. But manners at the table, alas, no one taught us. I sorely regretted this in the Greek restaurant, when Olive was flew away from my clumsy attempt to use the knife and fork right on the next table. In one day, good manners will not lead.

What I clearly lacked

After graduation, I lacked a lot. No one taught me first aid. I would not give up from the lessons driving a car, from the course of small repair of auto and household appliances or from carpentry skills. Let our Girl's housekeeping and working lessons in the boys alternated! Then they would have learned how to cook, and we are to repair on the smallest and drive a car. Let us be given the driver's license with the certificate.

I lacked elementary legal knowledge, for example, in the sphere of consumption or protection of labor protection. I also see today's idea that I had no idea about pedagogy and children's physiology. We are all dealing with younger kids: brothers, sisters and nephews. How to contact them? How to find out if adults are treated with them and with you personally? Hygiene questions, questions of children's violence and the basics of sex education - this is clearly not like me.

Yes, many children copy the behavior of their parents. But if children have an alternative: grow the same as parents or become different - how do they take other samples to imitate? The school has the opportunity to receive not only education, but also upbringing. It would be nice if our children as a result were able to:

  • distinguished bad from good theoretically, but practically
  • plan your life
  • do not postpone the problems, but to solve them as arrived;
  • be able to count on their finances;
  • be able to defend yourself and know the foundations of survival,
  • know and apply practical communication rules.

And finally. There are many losers in life and this is normal. Nature specially made people unequal in terms of laziness and intelligence. That's just, if you do not teach a child with nothing, he will have less chances than others, even if the child is intershot and active.

And what school subjects helped you in life, and what were you generally unnecessary?