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Steam heating in kindergarten. School heating system, kindergarten, educational institutions - organization and reconstruction with all coordination. How many can turn off the heating in the cold period

Control over the conditions of keeping children in kindergartens and schools is carried out by state regulatory authorities. Their main task is to comply with the norms established by regulatory documents. According to government regulations, special documents were developed that define permissible conditions in institutions for children.

Permissible and recommended standards for the maintenance of children in educational institutions that have fallen into regulatory regulatory documents have been established for several more decades ago. The rules were determined on the basis of scientific research. Conditions defined by the norms are most facilitated by the preservation of child health. The correctness of the requirements of the regulatory documents was confirmed by a long history of observations, with a deviation from the norms in individual institutions, a surge in incidence in the children visiting their children is inevitably observed. Thus, any children's institution should strive to maximize the established norms.

The most important indicators for which are obliged to follow in children's institutions are:

  • air temperature in the interior of kindergartens;
  • air humidity;
  • freshness of air.

It is worth noting that the rules for these indicators are approximately the same throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. This is a consequence of not only the general physiology of children, but also the fact that all regulatory documents of the Soviet Union have been inherited by new states, since then they did not occur their special correction. Thus, this article is relevant for the entire CIS and several other countries as of the current year and the next 2019th.

Requirements for indicators in kindergartens

For kindergartens, the norms are as follows: In the gaming rooms, the temperature should not be descended below 21 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature is 24 degrees. The bedrooms are allowed a lower temperature to 18 degrees, it is recommended to bring the temperature to 22 degrees Celsius. The specified temperatures are required for localities having an average temperature in January below -14 degrees Celsius.

From the read may face the impression that the higher the temperature in the inner premises of the kindergarten, the better. In fact, too high temperatures can be even more harmful than low. So, if temporal and minor deviations in the direction of decrease in temperature below the recommended level are allowed, then the inverse deviations are extremely undesirable. For gaming rooms, the maximum permissible temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, and for bedrooms - 22 degrees.

There are clearly defined norms for air humidity, its value should be from 40% to 60%. In practice, not always follows the correct value of this indicator. This is very regrettable, since instruments for determining the level of humidity are not seriously accessible or complex in circulation and operation. Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor air humidity, maintaining the optimal level of humidity affects the body's resistance to diseases, and unfavorable humidity increases the risk of disease with various ailments, especially respiratory tract.

For freshness, the air does not indicate exact quantitative norms, however, it is noted that ventilation should be carried out regularly. It is the ventilation that are the main and only actually affordable in most kindergartens by the way to maintain an acceptable level of freshness of air.

According to regulations, ventilation should be carried out periodically throughout the daytime day. One-sided ventilation is allowed in the presence of children in the room. Two-way ventilation, that is, a draft, should be carried out during the absence of children. In winter, in front of a quiet hour in the bedrooms, through ventilation ends in half an hour before the arrival of a group of children.

One-way ventilation is recommended to be carried out during the quietest hour when the air warms after bilateral ventilation. However, it is important to remember that end-to-end ventilation should be discontinued for half an hour before the start of a quiet hour, and one-sided - half an hour before its end. In the warm season of the year, one-sided ventilation is carried out constantly both in the day and at night.

Unfortunately, the norms of air condition in the inner premises of kindergartens are systematically violated in most institutions. No one is essentially wounded by air humidity, ventilation is carried out with different frequencies, but almost always with insufficient. The temperature in the premises is usually much higher than the recommended standards, it often exceeds the level of 30 degrees Celsius and rarely when 28 degrees are below.

High temperatures and episodes of ventilation lead to severe air drying in kindergartens. The latter circumstance does not care the management of institutions, if only because it does not follow the indicators of humidity at all. Find a hygrometer in kindergarten (the device for measuring the level of humidity) is a rarity. Too low air humidity in kindergartens is a large problem that contributes to the high incidence of colds.

Interestingly, often the leadership of children's institutions uses the air temperature as a means of combating morbidity among children. In fact, the temperature is higher than recommended, dried air, only increases the incidence. The recommended temperature is quite sufficient for the comfortable state of the children's body, and the low air humidity dries the mucous surfaces of the respiratory tract. The mucus on the respiratory tract performs an important function, it provides local immunity. If it dries, the body's vulnerability to diseases will grow sharply. The dried mucus loses its immune properties, at the same time it is an excellent nutritional environment for the development of various microorganisms, including pathogens. On the contrary, on the respiratory tract moistened by mucia, the pathogens of the microbes are hard to consolidate, even if they can cling to, then immediately subjected to local immunity.

It is especially important to maintain optimal humidity in the cold season. At this time, children are carried out most of the day in closed and fired rooms. Consequently, a large number of children focused in one place create excellent conditions for the spread of diseases transmitted by air-droplet, that is, through the respiratory tract. Do not underestimate the danger of dry air, according to scientific information, it is the insufficient humidity of the air that is one of the main causes of the following diseases:

  1. Schimorite.
  2. Tonsillitis.
  3. Bronchitis.
  4. Otitis.
  5. Pneumonia.
  6. Allergic diseases of the respiratory tract.

Thus, dry air can lead to the appearance of asthma and other unpleasant diseases.

Additional complications causes the fact that children are much worse than adults suffer from heat. The metabolism and, accordingly, heat generation in children is more intense, while the recovery of heat into the environment occurs mainly by exhalation of air.

Thus, for children, a comfortable and safe ambient temperature is lower than adults. High ambient temperature leads to excessive sweating, blood thickening, unfavorable conditions of the internal organs. Since the heat transfer takes place mainly by exhalation of air, the respiratory tract in children is overwhelmed even more than in adults.

It is important to know that most of the infections that cause ARVI are very poorly tolerated cold air, especially if the temperature change occurred quickly, they feel very well in a dry and warm atmosphere. Thus, hot and dry medium in kindergartens contributes to the spread of infections that are transmitted by air-droplet. In contrast, frequent ventilation moisturize air and reduce the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the air.

Ways to achieve ideal parameters

However, not any ventilation increases the humidity of the air. The colder the air, the less it contains moisture, so the ventilation in the cold course of the year can not always help support the optimal humidity in the room. In order to create optimal conditions for children, it is necessary, first of all, to make a thermometer and a hygrometer in each room. Personnel of kindergartens should monitor their testimony.

The air temperature should remain optimal, then the air humidity will not fall too much. You can additionally increase moisture with a humidifier of air - a special device saturated with air. Preference should be given to ultrasound instruments, steam humidifiers do not cause approval of specialists. It is desirable to limit air access to heating batteries, for this it is worth covering them with a special screen or casing.

It is not always possible to maintain ideal air performance. However, it is necessary to achieve the greatest compliance of real and recommended indicators, the more closest to the reference will be real indicators, the lower the incidence in the institution will be.

Clean air indoors and healthy sleep allow you to maintain the well-being of children at the proper level. If the Natural and fans provided by the fans, the exhaust ventilation is responsible for clean air, then properly chips and high-quality mattresses are responsible for a healthy sleep. Oddly enough, the standards regulate the number of tables and chairs, as well as their size, and here about the crots they say very little: they must correspond to the growth of the child and have a rigid bed.

Despite the fact that the buildings of preschool educational institutions are equipped with heating and ventilation systems on the standards imposed on the buildings and facilities of public destination, there are certain features.

Ventilation requirements in kindergartens

The main source data necessary for calculating the system of faning of kindergartens and nursery contains table 19 SNiP 2.08.02-89. Almost for all rooms in it, the temperature regime and the requirements for the multiplicity of the supply and exhaust air exchange is indicated.

All recommendations and regulations contain a regular ventilation of premises when children are missing. Recommended methods - draft and angular ventilation. The duration of air refreshing can vary, as a rule, it depends on the strength of the wind and its direction, the temperature of the street air, as well as the operation mode of the heating system. Not less than once every 1.5 hours you need to at least 10 minutes to ventilate the room with a draft.

The maximum allowable decrease in temperature during carrying out is 4 degrees. When the street is warm, it is permissible in the presence of children to open windows, but only on one side of the room. It is strictly forbidden to ventilate through toilets.

Before placing children, a sleeping room must be carried out. When it's cold outside, the windows must be closed in 10 minutes before the arrival of children. After falling asleep children, the windows can be opened, but only on the one hand. For half an hour before the lifting, they should be closed again. In the warm time of the year, sleep should pass at open windows, but it is impossible to allow drafts.

The ventilation is an effective way of natural ventilation, but far from the only possible. Widely applied forced supplies and exhaust ventilation of premises of children's preschool institutions. Her arrangement in kindergartens also has its own characteristics:

  1. Invalid laying of air ducts coming from the food, through gaming and bedrooms;
  2. Medpunkt must have a fully autonomous ventilation system;
  3. In the absence of windows in the toilet rooms in their exhaust channels, axial fans should be installed, which will allow to intensify the air exchange;
  4. The use of asbated air ducts for preschool institutions is strictly prohibited;
  5. The maximum speed of air movement in the premises of the nursery and kindergartens should not exceed 0.1 m / s;
  6. Heated outdoor air to the required temperature should be carried out in the supply cabinets, but the use of sub-circuit devices is allowed;
  7. Twice a year need to clean the exhaust ventilation mines.

Multiplicity of air exchange buildings of children's pre-school institutions

All rooms where children are constantly being, should be provided with pure fresh air. In single-storey buildings, a normal single exchange of air is achieved using a fraumug, exhaust channel ventilation with natural motivation is made in two-storey buildings.

In the premises of the kitchen and laundry or the ministry of the air, air exchange must be increased to 3 - 5 per hour, and in toilet - up to 2 - 5 per hour, which requires equipment in mining ventilation mines (thermal or mechanical).

In the premises of group and playing dining rooms, through or angular ventilation should be provided, which is also recommended to provide in bedrooms, kitchen, laundry and toilet buildings located in the IV climatic area. In the premises for staying children at least 50% of windows should be equipped with fraumugas.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe frying holes should be 1/40 - 1/50 of the floor area. Framuga outdoor sash should open upwards; Framouches must have leverware and side panels (for the direction of the outdoor air upwards).

In the main premises of the children's institution groups, a constant air temperature should be ensured, equal to 20 °, with relative humidity of air 60 - 70%. In the premises of groups at an altitude of 1 m from the floor, a wall thermometer should hang.

The buildings of children's preschool institutions must be equipped with water supply, sewage and hot water supply (in accordance with the construction norms and regulations, chapters P-G1-61 and P-G4-62) by joining the building to external water supply and sewage networks available in the settlement or nearest Surroundings (enterprises, holiday homes, sanatoriums, farms, etc.).

In the absence of a village or urban network of water supply and sewage, local water supply and sewage systems are arranged that meet hygienic requirements.

The rate of water consumption in kindergartens without shower 75 liters per day per child, in kindergartens with shower and in the nursery 100 liters.

Table of calculated air parameters


Calculated temperature

in the cold period

Multiplicity of air exchange or

the number of air removed

Game, adoptive of younger yolk group

Group, Seasonal room:

early age groups

2 younger groups

middle and older group

Nursery bedrooms

Bedrooms pre-school groups

Toilet yasel groups

Toiletry pre-school groups

Halls for musical and gymnastics


Pool room for swimming

by calculation, not less than 50 cubic meters.

per hour

Medical premises

Cabinets of massage and physiotherapy

Domestic premises

by calculation



Two options for the kindergarten ventilation system: traditional and modern.

Traditional (simple) version of the kindergarten's ventilation: Previously, natural ventilation was used in kindergartens - the air flow was used with the help of the vents and natural loosencies in the windows, and the extractor went through the mine on the roof with a natural support of the air - that is, warm air rises to the top naturally.

Of course, such a ventilation system is rather more deficiencies than advantages. Principle of operation:

In those rooms where kids spend more time (bedrooms, gaming), you need to provide an angular and through ventilation. If a kindergarten is located there, where in the warm season the temperature is long held above + 30 ° C, then it is necessary to provide through or angular ventilation in bedrooms, dryers, toilets and kitchens. When the room is ventilated in this way, the air is removed through adjacent rooms, for example, when carrying out the playing air "leaves" through the bedroom or changing room, and when equipping the kitchen - through the storage room. It does not need such an air conditioning in the conditions of the Far North.

When a group of children freed the bedroom, a dining room or another room, it is recommended to air the room. At a temperature of -20 ° C, such a ventilation must be no more than 5 minutes, and to another, warmer time of the year - up to 20 minutes.

Modern Children's Garden Ventilation

Today, different methods of forced ventilation are applied (air-exhaust with heat recovery, a pulp valve, mixed type). The option with the supply and exhaust ventilation provides the necessary amount of incoming and removed air, and also has the ability to adjust its temperature, which is very important for comfortable working conditions.

Specific ventilation features in kindergarten

The principle of operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is as follows. Two air flows are created in the rooms due to the supply and exhaust installation - clean and contaminated. Air masses from the street, passing through the filter, purified from dust, contaminants, microorganisms, after which heated to the required temperature and entered the room. The contaminated stream of air with the help of fans falls into the installation air ducts and is outlined.

To minimize energy costs, it is necessary to approach the choice of equipment for the ventilation system. It is better to give preference to modern installations, as they are economically profitable and able to ensure heating and humidification of air to the required marks. On "This role is ideal for" a fix-exhaust system with a recuperator. It will significantly reduce the cost of heating the supply air in the winter period of the year, will ensure a constant flow of fresh air of the set temperature. The warm-up heat recovery transfers to air masses, so the amount of electricity consumed (go other source) will, much less.

Modern monoblock ventilation systems with built-in recuperators allow us to transmit up to 70% of heat, which in turn leads to a multiple reduction in the cost of operating costs compared to installations without heat recovery. Among the best manufacturers of such equipment, Dantex, Electrolux, Breezart, Systemair, etc. are distinguished. Below is a supplied-exhaust installation that is able to provide a kindergarten ventilation.

There are certain standards for heating. They are united for all regions, but the inclusion of systems occurs at the time when the average daily temperature in the city is maintained within a few days on the standards installed according to the standards.

Heat indicators may differ depending on the type of room. In hospitals and kindergartens, heat supply is happening earlier than in apartments.

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In case the standards are not followed, an application should be applied to controlling organizations, after which the verification will be carried out.

Who appoints the start date of the heating season in Moscow

In Moscow, there are certain standards when they include heating on standards.

The supply of heat occurs under the condition that within 5 days the average daily air temperature is kept at the limit of 8 degrees and below. Despite the fact that the street is still warm, the premises begin to cool quickly.

According to weather forecasters, such a temperature in the Moscow region is not established before in the second decade of October.

A few years ago, the rate was adopted, according to which the authorities of the regions have the right to make a decision on premature inclusion of heating, in case there are grounds for this.

In Moscow, the "Moscow United Energy Company" is responsible for the beginning of the heating season.

Thus, the MOCE cannot begin the flow of heat without receiving the appropriate order from the deputy mayor on housing and communal services.

Technically, heat can be submitted to one, a particular house, however, this practice is not common. Packaged schools and clinics, hospitals and kindergartens are connected, and only then at home.

In the latter, it is served heat to enterprises - it depends on the degree of readiness of the organization itself.

According to reports, the average time for the inclusion of heating in Moscow - mid-October.

In the event that five or more days passed, it's cold outside, and the heating was still not filed, you need to file a complaint to the management company. The problem may be technical, or economic.

In the first case, after checking the pipes by a specialist and replacing broken parts, the question will be resolved.

What should be temperature norms

The operation of heating systems is governed by GOST 30494 "Microclimate parameters in rooms".

First of all, the temperature should be comfortable for citizens living in the apartment. If the cold persists on the street for five days in a row, heating begins.

In general, the norm for residential rooms is the indicator of 20 - 22 degrees. It should be noted that in different rooms the air heats up at different speeds and intensity.

Much depends on the presence of windows and doors, slots in the walls and positions of the room.

In kindergarten

For kindergartens, certain heating standards are valid:

These indicators are valid for those regions of the country in which the middle January temperature is no more than - 14 C.

Nuances that need to be considered:

Not allowed both too low and high temperatures. They can bring more harm than good. From the established norms of 20 -24 degrees, no more than 2-3c deviations are allowed in the direction of decreasing or increasing
In addition to the heating mode, it is necessary to comply with air humidity rates. This indicator must be in the range from 40 to 50%. Special, complex devices are used to measure data. This is the reason that the inspection of humidity is not properly carried out, and the air turns out to be too dry. This, in turn, is the cause of increasing the incidence of children, the respiratory tract disease is widespread. To support the optimal moisture rate, you need to check regularly and ventilate the room in kindergarten

Monitoring the temperature regime in kindergartens and other institutions in which the people of a minor, preschool age are often located.


In school premises - training classes, gym, dining room, as in kindergarten, it is important to maintain a certain temperature regime.

The warmest rooms - classes - heating should be applied at least by 20-22 degrees.

At the same time, it is important not to exceed this indicator, since too high the temperature leads to an increase in air dryness, which contributes to the weakening of the concentration of schoolchildren.

Other school premises:

The use of furnace or electric heating in school premises is not allowed.


According to the GOST standard, certain temperatures are set for residential and non-residential premises in apartments and MKD:

Bedrooms, living rooms 20 - 22 C. An 18 degree indicator is allowed.
Kitchen The most optimal temperature is 23c, but perhaps - 20 degrees
Toilet room From 18 to 21c. The indicators may influence the location - in the central premises, as a rule, warmer than in the corner
Bathroom 23 - 26 degrees
Work offices, recreation and leisure facilities 20 - 22 degrees
Corridor in the apartment 18c. An indicator is allowed 16s
Staircases in MKD, lobby and halls From 12 to 18 degrees
Technical premises, shield, pantry, basement rooms 16 - 18 degrees, but the indicator 14c is allowed

Before applying to a state controlling organization, you need to correctly carry out measurements.

The device for measurement does not need to be located too close to the floor, walls, windows and ceiling. It is very important to obtain the right data before the arrival of a specialist in the house.

How to determine the average daily temperature

There is a specific standard for measuring. You need to place the device:

If there is a test taking into account the requirements, and deviations from the norm are detected more than 3-4 degrees, the cost of housing and utilities is reduced by 0.15% per one hour of inconsistencies. Can be recalculated.

Nuances of measurements in the apartment before the call of a specialist:

In order to be taken to be taken - heating is recalculated or filed, you should request departure to the House of Specialist.

He will repeat measurements using special equipment, check the apartment for the presence of heat leaks, holes, breakdowns in the pipes, and will be an act.

In general, the procedure takes about 30 days. If during this time the results will not be obtained, you can contact the superior instance.

Where should be complaining if the batteries remain cold

In order for measures to restore heat supply to the apartment, it is necessary to file a complaint initially into the management company or the HEAK.

  1. Housing inspection.
  2. City (district) administration.
  3. Prosecutor's Office.
  4. Judicial instance.

In order to find out the hotline number in a particular city, you need to call the dispatch service at the place of residence. The phone can be found on the website on the Internet.

As a rule, after submitting a complaint, a specialist is sent to the house for one to two days. According to its results, the act in two copies is drawn up, one of which remains at the owner of the apartment.

Draft heating of kindergarten ventilation at 160 places. + section of the thermal point TM

DWG format

The documentation was expertise

This section of the project has solved the issues of heating, ventilation, heat supply of calorifers and air conditioning for kindergarten by 160 seats

The heating system is adopted by two-pipe, vertical. The main pipelines are laid through the basement. Heating devices - bimetallic radiators of the RBS "Santekhprom-BM" and registers of smooth pipes. On lining to heating devices, set the thermostatic valves of RTD-N, double adjustment cranes are provided on loving to registers from smooth pipes.

Within the group heating and pipes, in order to avoid the possibility of obtaining injuries, closed with protective screens (wooden doom), the screens material should not have adversely affecting a person. In the group 1st floor there are warm floors, the heat supply of which is carried out through adjustable pump-mixing nodes. Heat carrier for warm floors 40-30 C.

The temperature of the floor surface is taken 23c. In the premises of the locker rooms installed benches-heaters "Capacity" for drying outdoor clothing. At the branches and risers of heating for hydraulic adjustment, the installation of balancing valves is provided. Removal of air from the heating system is carried out from the upper points through the air collectors and air vent. The drainage of the heating system is carried out from the lower points through the trigger cranes.

Pipelines are taken from steel water supply pipes by. Pipelines are painted with oil paint 2 times. All pipelines of heat supply systems and main heating systems to heat up with a thickness of 30mm with mineral wool cylinders. In places intersection of overlaps, inner walls and partitions, pipelines pave into sleeves with subsequent sealing gaps with non-flammable materials.

Basic solutions for ventilation and air conditioning.

The ventilation of the premises of the kindergarten is prohibited by a subtle - exhaust with mechanical and natural motivation. The supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation is provided for the premises of the food, the block of a minor, for recreation staff with places for food intake, for wardrobes of overalls, for administrative premises, in which one employee accounts for less than 40m3 room volume. The project provides for the supply of the company NED, located in the Ventscamera at -3.000 and behind the suspended ceiling in the 2nd floor corridor. The inlet attitudes include: - exterior valve, filter, water air heater, fan and silencer.

Installation P5 adopted with an electric heater. Klimatventmash roof fans, installed on the roof on special staps of SKSH with soundproofed walls, channel fans of the company NED, domestic fans of the Era plant fans. Air exchanges were determined by multiples and on the assimilation of thermal inspections in the hot workshop. According to the technological task, local compounds were made from the equipment in the hot workshop, as well as the exhaust umbrellas over the sinks in the room for the processing of eggs and indoors of the washing utensils.

In rooms with exhaust umbrellas over the sinks, as well as in ironing air, accepted on local suction. In the administrative offices, at the volume of space 40m3 and more on one-working ventilation, ventilation is carried out by periodic ventilation through opening framugs and subcords. The calculation of multiple air exchange options is represented in Appendix No. 2, on the assimilation of heat-insulating - in Appendix No. 3. The air in the room is supplied to the upper zone through adjustable supply grids, removed from the upper zone through the exhaust adjustable grilles. Lattices adopted by Arktika ARTOS. The main air ducts are laid in the corridors under the ceiling. The supply chambers to air heaters and air intake duct heat insulating Rockwool plates.

In the air ducts of social ventilation systems, the installation of fire-holder valves is provided for the installation of smoke in the room during the passage of air ducts through counter-fire barriers and structures. Valves are provided for systems serving industrial premises and warehouses C2, B3, when attaching a collection floor duct to a vertical collector. The flap limit of the valves is provided below: -e1 90 when crossing the fire barrier Rei 150 and more; -E1 60 when crossing the fire barrier Rei 60; -E1 30 with the intersection of the fire barrier Rei 45 (EI 45); -E1 15 when crossing the fire barrier Rei 15 (EI 15);

Fire-retaining valves are provided with manual, automatic and remote control, with BELIMO drives. The location of the transit air ducts through the walls, partitions and overlaps is filled with non-flammable material, providing a normalized limit of fire resistance intersectable design. In case of fire, all ventilation systems are automatically disconnected.


According to the technological task, in a number of rooms for absorb insulation and improve comfort, the installation of wall split systems is provided. The outer blocks are installed on the roof. The copper pipes in the thermal insulation of K-FLEX ST are used as cold supply pipes.

Smoke removal.

Smoke removal directly from the premises is not provided, since there are no permanent stay of people in the fire hazard categorized by the fire hazard, there are no altitude rack storage rooms. In public premises, with an area of \u200b\u200b50 m2 and more people, less than 1 person per 1m2, and in all these rooms, the condition of natural ventilation is carried out (open window openings with a width of at least 0.24 m on 1M length of the exterior fencing, the maximum distance from the internal fences is less than 20m)

Three smoke removal systems are projected from the corridors of the 1st and 2nd floors without natural ventilation or with a natural but insufficient area for the emission of combustion products. Smoke removal fans are taken roof, 2 hour / 400ºС fire resistance. Smoke from the corridors is removed through the flap-2 smoke valves with the EI 90 fire resistance limit (the desired limit when removing combustion products from the EI 30 corridor). Duct air ducts are made dense class of tightness in a thickness of 0.8 mm, with the limit of EI 30 fire resistance. The roof is in a radius of 2m from the emission of smoke - non-combustible.

Issues of expertise and answers to them :

No. P.P.




11.1 Subsection for the content does not comply with the requirement of clause 19 of the Regulations on the composition of the sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 No. 87: The text part of the subsection fully does not comply with the requirements of paragraph 19A, not reasonably applied as part of Tom calculations of heat loss, in the graphic part presents work drawings instead of project documentation (according to the contract for the conduct of state expertise); Solutions section of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the text part of the subsection, there are no specific data on the source of heat supply, information about the availability of certificates of compliance with the requirements of industrial safety and permits to use for the source of heat supply; a specific description of the accepted systems and principal solutions for heating, ventilation and the modern protection of premises; Justification of the optimality of the placement and characteristics of the accepted equipment; Information on thermal insulation. Registration of project documentation Subsection is carried out without registration GOST R 21.1101-2013.

The project documentation amended, the text part was revised in accordance with the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 No. 87 p. 19A


The internal air parameters in the premises are taken on the basis of inactive regulatory documents. Designing the subsection is made on the basis of inactive regulatory documents.

The remark is accepted. In the project amended, the section was adjusted in accordance with Sanpin "Sanitary- epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of work modes in preschool organizations. "


There are no technical conditions for the design (paragraph 6 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 No. 83). 4. Electronic form presents design materials with boiler room as a source of heat supply, in paper - source - thermal networks.


In engineering and geodesic surveys, there are no characteristics of thermal networks and structures.

Changes are made to the explanatory note. See PZ Izm.1


To justify the projected design solutions, there are no distances to all communications in accordance with paragraph 9.3, 9.7 and the obligatory application b SNIP 41-02-2003.

The project has changed

IOS.4TS-4 IZM.1.


When designing pipelines of heat supply in PPM insulation, anti-corrosion coating and thermal insulation of pipelines are not reasonable.

Anticorrosion coating and thermal insulation is provided only for pipelines in the heat chamber UT1.


In violation of the requirements of clause 6.1.2 Snip 41-01-2003 (clause 6.1.2, 6.1.3 of the SP 60.13330.2012) there are no solutions for the consideration of heat. When designing a thermal point, issues of emptying and cleaning of pipelines and heat consumption systems at 6.4-6.7 SP 41-101-95 are not solved.

At the introduction of a heat network to the building of the kindergarten, in the room of the thermal node placed instruments of thermal energy.

The project has changed



In the presented design solutions, the subdivishes are missing numbers of the designed premises, as a result of which drawing conclusions about the correctness of the projected design solutions for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke removal is not possible.

The question is incomprehensible, as there are rooms at the floors of the floors and the explication is presented.


The placement of heating devices on the staircase is made in violating the requirements of clause 6.4.5 SP 60.13330.2012.

Heating devices in staircases are placed under the staircase marches on the OTM. 0.000 and at an altitude of 2.2 m from the floor of the intermediate platform.

See ov7,8

In the design solutions there are no solutions to reduce the parameters of the heat carrier for the warm floors to ensure the surface temperature of the floors of claim 6.4.8 SP 60.13330.2012; As required by the requirements of paragraph 7.17 SNiP 31-06-2009 (clause 8.4 of the SP 118.13330.212) for the average temperature of the internal air; ITP solutions are not linked to heating solutions

To reduce the parameters of the heat carrier for the warm floors, mixing nodes with a mixing pump are provided. See OV-9

(In the previously represented kit of the OS-13 sheet), changes were made to link the solutions to the ITP with heating solutions. OV-2,6,10 sheets


According to paragraph 6.1.6, SNiP 41-01-2003 "Electricity release to heating and internal heat supply should be coordinated with a power supply organization in the prescribed manner and apply on a technical assignment", in accordance with clause 6.1.5 SP 60.13330.2012 "Use of electricity with direct Its transformation into thermal energy for heating, air heating in air heaters or in air-heating curtains, as well as for the drives of heat-pumping systems of heat-boat supply, is allowed on the task of designing and technical conditions on the accession agreed with the power supply organization ", which is not presented.

The project adopted a supply unit with an electro-caloriem of small performance, located behind the suspended ceiling in the 2nd floor corridor, the use of electricity to heating the plug-in-law is allowed. Technical task.


The absence of design solutions to remove the combustion products under paragraph 7.2 e g, 7.6 SP 7.13130.2013; With the compensation of the supply air (clause 7.1, 7.14 SP 7.13130.2013).

The project does not provide for the removal of smoke directly from the premises of paragraph 7.2 of the SP 7.13130.2013, since there are no permanent jobs in the production premises categorized by the fire hazard, there are no high-rise rack storage space. According to p. 7.2zh - there are no rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b50m 2 or more, in which people stay by the number of more than one person to 1kv. m. Moreover, in all rooms there are enough windows for natural ventilation.


In violation of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the application of non-domestic production equipment is not substantiated (No. 132-p from 02.02.1996).

The project used the ventilation equipment of the domestic producer, the window fans of the foreign manufacturer are replaced with the fans of the Russian manufacturer. Russian analogues of split-systems of imported production, with similar technical characteristics, dimensions, appearance, no compactness, therefore, therefore, the project of a split system of a foreign manufacturer is laid.


The solutions presented in the section "Events to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of buildings, buildings and structures of instruments of accounting of energy resources used" require adjustments to the adjustment of design solutions of the subsection "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, thermal networks".