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Graduation Scenario "Graduation Express. Graduation Scenario "Farewell, School Time!"

And they knew everything always.

Perhaps we offended you

But it was not with evil.

Forgive us for a gentle

We love you very much.

We wish you only happiness,

Do not forget about us.

Vedas 3. Graduates! You are 11 years old

Here they learned a lot and saw!

But it is unlikely that you have achieved such victories

When parents did not help you!

Vedas 4. They tasks, perhaps not solved.

Perhaps in algebra and in chemistry weak

But all the souls were protected

From failures, from Leno and Handra.

Vedas 1. And now they look excitedly

On the matured, growing guys,

And your parent word

In a solemn moment, they want to say!

Veda 2. On behalf of the parents, the word is provided ____________________________________________


How often can inbot offended

We are in the youth of fathers and mothers.

Home their schools resorted

To your friends in a hurry!

We are holding a club, I do not let go to my mother.

Already dark, dinner and sleep.

And only in a dream we repeat: "Mom!",

And our dreams protects mother.

On the motif "Black and White" 941 +2

Strict Pope, good mothers.

Children from school Panama rose,

Here appeared the first scars,

Just do not cry, good moms.

School childhood quickly was rushed

Somewhere I fell asleep in the neighborhood.

Mountain and joy are on the planet,

Become big small children.

Wise dads, cute moms,

You sorry us that were stubborn,

You forgive us that long was silent,

And only today they said.

Let us be skilled in life in the whirlwind of the Waltz,

The hearts are not parting with you

There is no closer to anyone on the planet.

Adult children know about it.

Vedas 3. In the way that before you opened

And for the fact that the road did not come down.

Bow your parents to your feet.

For excitement and anxiety,

That sometimes brought with me

Bow your parents to your feet.

Let sometimes they were strict

So wanted to them your happiness,

So I wanted to save from bad weather.

Veda 4. And now on behalf of the students of our school we will give you a fence:

Grade 10:

Entering the Institute.

Holy remember - there is not there.

When noting the material

Drive with a crash, and the drift!

His friends at school read -

All dates of the former class noted!

Do not think about sad - love and friends.

The fate is bright and full of hands!

Holy Remember the Code of honor,

Observe and before and continue -

In its workplace

Do not snore too loud!

If you can not pass the credit, you can not

Swamp Abstract to learn.

Not dad salary

For exams to drag.

If someday succeed

You will take a solid post

We must really try

The nose is smaller down.

For nothing

Do not speak Lazy "Yes."

If you go swim

In dollars or rubles

Try more often

About your teachers.

And most importantly -

No matter how difficult

Be human

With a huge letter !!!

Vedas 1. Road to school ... You stepped on it

Eleven such beautiful years!

Everyone was waiting: Well, when it time to come

Last to see the light in school?

Vedors 2. Last time ... Well, what, you have today

Farewell school MiG, your graduation ...

Vedas 3. We want or not, it's time comes

Frankly with childhood, forever in spring.

Blank with childhood ... light carefree,

With an excellent cloudless time.

Where in every song there is no false notes,

Where dolls, balls, balloons

Word - graduates!

On the motive of the song "Little Country" 413 +3

Time has come to say goodbye

With a small country.

Like a wing waved a bird

And carried with them

Dolls, cars, hares, bears,

The ball was tested away.

Childhood Tunes quieter, quieter ...

Here is the prom.

Chorus: Little country,

Childhood left Spring.

You trap the handle

My childhood is my country! - 2 times

Vedas 4. Air rainbow, simple reminder

About pink, beautiful children's dreams

For you, graduates, let in this hall

Reliest childhood is sweet in the balls!

It will return to farewell

Remind you higher days,

When the whole world seemed under his feet,

You could easily get to the stars!

Laugh just, ringing, carefree,

And rejoice sunny rays.

Do not think about learning and work -

Let the bunch of balls remind you of childhood!

(Children throw balloons)


Unquanded sadness on the heart

The last lesson is completed.

What a pity that our class is light

I will not call me a call.

And scatter very soon

Like birds, school friends,

But our school remains.

And the teachers will live!

Native devotees,

There is no reliable and smart!

And I now appeal to boldly:

Love all teachers!

We are along with them along the steps,

Adult, walked from class to class.

In learning, business and fun

They supported us.

Not knowing the benefits, rest.

They gave their knowledge to us.

Led in life for himself,

Success was divided in half.

Taught to believe, doubt

Strive for goal and be friends

Do not betray

Beautiful, noble to live.

Teacher! Bow you low

For what you believed in us!

In love you now recognize

All our eleventh grade!

Although we often grieved you.

But you, offense not tai

We smiled and forgiven -

So only friends do.

Thank you for being near

His soul gave light

For each loved,

For a long holiday of school years.

Healthy be and beautiful

And never older!

And even let him burn over the world

Destiny of the teacher's star!

On the motive of the song "My Clear Days" 2566

How does it work?

Childhood ends quickly.

And we added problems -

Although screaming, even shout.

We say goodbye to the school.

We promise to you:

So suddenly not happening

We do not turn out the way.

Chorus: visit, school, call!

And about us do not be sad.

We will return to you

You're a little wait.

We came to you fierce

And completely inept.

Have you taught us everything -

Life to appreciate and love.

The class is our friendly, attentive.

We will be forever grateful

For work and patience,

For fate in fate.

Chorus: You, teacher, sorry

Evil on us do not hold

All bad forget

Will be sad - call!

Oh, parents are poor!

Although we were harmful,

You will not leave us

Never never?

Still it turns out

Our life continues

Will you be near you -

Forever, forever!

Chorus: Mom, Dad, forgive!

About the already not sad!

We are ready to pass everything

On Four and Five.

We in our life

We will safely go.

Name Name Name

We will proudly carry.

Our school, farewell!

And remember us about us!

In our heart always

You will be like a star.

Chorus: Goodbye to all

We are talking now!

Although sad little bit

We do not want to be sad.

Vedas 1. So, our holiday in suitoe.

We have time to perform a lot,

But in the graduation there is certainly

One fine moment.

Solemn and long-awaited:

Presentation of certificates!

Veda 2 So, solemn fanfare sounds,

Graduates are awarded certificates! + certificates school + dk

After the presentation of the attests


Song on the motive "Moments" 993 + 4

Do not think about the downs.

Time will come, you will understand, probably,

What is tightly chosen in his hands.

It came, a happy moment.

It came, big, like a sip,

At the finish of the final exams,

And ahead - another jerk

To the profession, and therefore, new knowledge.

And our moms happy eyes

Filled with anxiety and excitement.

We all want you, cute,

Thanks for happy moments!

Veda 3. Well, what, already awarded certificates,

Put points in school notebook.

And in the moment the girls matured, boys ...

Your trams go from childhood ...

Night graduation with childhood says goodbye.

Adult life ... just all starts!

Vedas - So, is this school number 8? 11th grade? Well, everything is true. I was called by your parent committee. I am from the B.

rO good services "Flower-sevenceticism", I perform seven graduates' desires. Everything is paid. Per


Oksana: - Absolute any desire?

Veda: - anyone. But fast. I have another order for four schools. Everyone, you know, prom.

Oksana: - I walked so much that I don't want to part with my favorite school!

Veds: - Customer Desire - Law!

Visits number on cell phoneSomething says. The teacher comes out. Picks the certificate.

Teacher:- So, Oksana, you can't receive a certificate today, you stay for the second year! ( goes)

Murad: - Give me to compete (thought). In! I finished school with sin in half, now I would be grandmothers

Veds: - Well, look, you wanted it myself. (dials the number, says something).

"Grandmas" run out on the scene

They sing on the motive "Cho those need?".

- We really thought it was a child from kindergarten,

And now you will leave school.

You say, you say, "Cho from grandmothers, they need

And the way we disturb us - call? "

Murad: - - Yes, I do not need such grandmothers, but real.

Ved.: - Well, you figure it out with your desires.

Oleg: - Guys, and I can make a desire to go. Listen, Flower-seven-flower! I will fulfill my desire. I'm in ma.

the subject is not very strong. But you pick me up something like a computer. Just consider, the most

simple so that not very brains bother. But to make money as it should.

Ved.: - There are no problems (calls on the phone, they immediately endure accounts). For your mind, also strained big,

but easier only sticks of the first grader.

Lena: - It will be better than my desire! I want anyone to love me very much to be

ranele only to me!

Veds: - Your case wanted. Get, we have such a friend. (Hands a toy dog)

Lena: - - What is it? Mocion one!

Ved.: - And you studied for 11 years and did not understand that everything in life it is necessary to achieve?

Oksana: - Native our dads and moms! Dear teachers! We promise that in your life we \u200b\u200bwill achieve everything

you yourself will not have to blush for us.

Veda: What is happiness? It is very simple.

This is when people light the stars.

Let your life always accompany

Heating soul happy star!

(big star lights up)

Graduate: Tell me if the stars ignite - it means that someone needs it? So you, our dear teachers, need to be in this life such stars, how are we? So you need them to shine every day? And if you need it - we will burn! And you burn new and new stars! Because without you starry sky will not be!

(Ignite the stars on which their names are written)

Sing on the motive "ignite" 2676 + 6

Caught fire, spawned

Blue sky.

All the words that we were told

We will carry me:

"Answer, taking care of the case,

Il from the road to leave!

Be cheerful, smart, brave,

Do not come down from the way.

Chorus: Light, so that it is clear,

Light in order not to go out.

Let them burn brightly in the sky blue

In cities and throughout Russia.

Our school, like luck,

In our heart always!

And can not be otherwise

For nothing!

I'll carry on the white light

Star plume.

Everything that happens

We are adding additional today.

Life is not a joke, it is not a game,

And time will come - it's time to go! "

Graduates on one go forward, burning a candle, say words and lined with a semicircle

We leave from the school threshold

Watching your children's dreams.

Painfully, Lord, how hurts.

That's all: we must part.

Life adult we hurry to meet -

Stop, instant, wait.

Ahead of the graduation of our evening.

Childhood ours, alas, behind.

That's all. And the school is over.

Tomorrow adults will meet dawn.

And we do not know, we will meet again,

Maybe we will meet, maybe there is no ...

It will be bright our midwresting.

Smile better after, do not miss.

And tell me my "Goodbye",

New meeting friends wish!

Now you are standing together,

Look at each other's eyes.

And tell me, but so.

So as not to cry a song.

How are you without me?

How am I without you?

(Collected in the circle)

Let candles get lit up, they burn even if they are up to the morning.

Let all the lessons of good begin to begin for us.

And let this night be the most magical for us

After all, in it our life, in it and the school latter our waltz!

Let it not be wondering in your hearts

Let him sound and worries again

Unstasive school waltz -

Symbol of the graduation evening.

That's all, dear candles!

It sweats your fire and mine.

This is our last meeting,

This is our graduation ball with you.

How thoughtfully shines the evening,

Blue eyes stars

To take us in memory of the wind,

The one that childhood is ours.

Graduation burns fast,

Approaching the farewell hour

To take us on the memory of Sparks.

So that you always warmed us.

Flame feelings across the edge.

All a little bit of holiday is tired.

So enough, celebration, goodbye!

Let the chord rings last in the hall.

My God, how simple and how it is clear:

That is dangerous, it is safe.

Only life is not a smooth road.

There is only one life. And on the soul of anxiety.

In life everything is embarrassed so thick

Then on joy, and then on sadness ...

Childhood ended. It's time for us to you with you.

Together with faith, hope, love!

Vedas It turned up the ball and behind the excitement.

And in the new day

Let you have good luck.

Go to "tomorrow"

Our school children ...

Salute guys, you,

Dear graduates!

School sends you in terms of

Fareweigh your own and festive salute!

Come in the world, boys and girls!

CURRENT SCHELES - WE all waited for everyone !!!

Arch - Bengal lights


    Gale N. L. The world of recent calls and proms. M.: 2006.

    Davydova A.V. Scenarios of graduation evenings, cabbagers, KVN. M.: Vako, 2005

    Marenkov. N.Ve Golden Collection of school holidays and extracurricular activities for grades 1-11. Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2006

    It never repeats. Jib at school. Minsk "Beauty - Print", 2008

    Internet resources.

The hall is festively decorated. Songs about school.

The light is muted, the dente melody E.Moricone sounds.

The girl and the young man come out.

Girl. Whether you listened to the universal symphony of the starry sky, inhaled the aromas of dawns, venated pure, like crystal dew, were spoken by her herbs that quietly whisper "Glory, Glory ...". Did you think about the fact that we all live in a fairy tale, in the magic world of our dreams, hopes, aspirations. And today again a fairy tale, magic, exciting, exciting ... After all, today the magic bridge between childhood and independent life will be passed. And it will be ... Our dear, beautiful, wonderful, best graduates.

Junior. Prom "It's always a fairy tale that fascins, covers all those present by incomprehensible warmth and light, when the hearts and souls are connected in a single impulse to bless graduates on an independent life road, where they will always be faith, hope and love.

Performed song "Chamomile" of the group "Toys".

Lead. Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! It seems that only yesterday it ran last callBehind - the tense time of exams, and here is the graduation ball to which eleven years, as in steps, had to rise to our graduates.

Leading. Eleven school years ... how imperceptibly they flew! .. and soon all our former schoolchildren We'll have to hand over the first apparent exam.

Lead. All those present in this hall with excitement are waiting for a solemn moment.

Leading. In your eyes, hundreds of shades of human feelings are reflected. They are concern and joy, embarrassment and excitement, sadness and hope. And only indifference is not in them.

Lead. After all, everyone who sits in this room has made efforts to bring this holiday closer.

Junsky day fade away
Mail clouds.
All ready? Begin
Graduate ball.

Lead. Today is in this hall. Front of the stars.

Leading. We invite everyone to the graduation evening "Star Olympus 201.".

Lead. ... young men and girls reached the top of our school Olympus, the tops of science, creativity, daring.

Leading. They shine bright stars in the Sky Chosquel and Youth.

Leading. And from today, their path will continue further - along the star road of independent life.

Friend, graduate, Zamre for a moment!
So this day has come, this hour!
School accompanies with a wave -
School childhood leaves you.

Leading. We welcome applause and invite graduates in the festive hall ........ year!

The melody of the song "Graduation" sounds.

Graduates climbing on the scene become microphones and perform the first verse of the song "Cool you got to us on the ball."

1. So again we start our farewell school ball.
We have graduation today and friends is full of the hall.
It is painful to part with childhood - we will soon understand.
Smile school sad and in great life we \u200b\u200bwill leave.
But still we are together: the holiday is still not sad!
Songs and funny poems will be here.
An hour that we all waited, finally came.
We didn't go in vain here: I got and you got.
Cool you got to us on the ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, do not be sad.
Cool you got to us on the ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, come in,
Come on to us on the ball.

Lead. Friends! You gathered here in order to first hear the names of graduates of Star Olympus - and you will hear them.

Leading. Meet, welcome, remember them.

The music is read on the music for each graduate.

You leave the school and enter on a wide way of independent life, but will forever stay in the hearts of teachers:

  1. Serious, responsible, cute, persistent, amateur and connoisseur computer, our school erudite - Vladik.
  2. The unsurpassed singer, talented, creatively gifted, beautiful, dear, graceful, which made so much so that life in school was interesting - Natalia.
  3. The clever, calm, friendly, delicate, conscientious, cheerful, creative nature - Julia.
  4. Can, sincere, tactful, affectionate, pretty, kind - Ira.
  5. Twitter, cheerful, hardworking, fragile, a little mischievous - Olya.
  6. Attractive, sharp, skeptical, masterful, with golden hands, an adult economist - Vanya.
  7. High and slim, confident, an amateur of a sharp word, hardworking, like a real owner, a little stubborn - Sergey.
  8. Unlucky, nice, conscientious, responsible and punctual - Volodya.
  9. Fair, reliable, resourceful, slightly grumbling - Maxim.
  10. Cheerful, comic, carefree, talkative, alive, that will find a way out of any situation - Alexey.
  11. Unpredictable, inventive, business, amateur adventure, with a sense of humor - Sasha, etc.

After the presentation, the graduates continue to sing the song "Cool you got to us on the ball."

2. We got very cool to our school, in the 1st grade.
We were forced to study, jokes ended for us.
Alphabet we all shuffled, with him now we are all on "you".
Very long wipe "Pythagoras Pants".
At school, life passes violently, always in school always.
Every day interesting things are happening here.
If you get a twice, it doesn't matter at all.
Learn all the stars you, because you are a star.
3. Miracles are in life and dreams come true.
We recently lit in the lessons from the soul.
We are not yet stars, but no longer lights.
Cute outside, but stubborn inside.
I will soon be a student, all hurt me,
The stars are very quickly extinguished if they do not give fire.
We are now standing at the start, it is definitely not the final.
But while everything is very cool, because you got.
4. We now know so much, I won in the stock edge,
It is very sad to part, but parents do not sleep.
We have long been not children, I'm a star and you are a star,
So they build plans where to learn and when.
If we are laughing and satisfied in full growth
So there is a high meaning of new stars.
So, the peds station did not teach a favorite in vain.
We didn't go in vain here, I got and got.

Graduate. Welcome to our parents graduation.

Graduate. Our teachers.

Graduate. Our friends.

Graduate. Those who are not indifferent to our fate.

Graduate. Those who know us like themselves.

Graduate. Those who think that knows us.

Graduate. Those who want to know what we are.

Graduate. Remember this day!

Graduate. Remember this hour!

Graduates perform the song "Graduation Ball" on the motive "demobilization" of the Gaza Sector.

1. Childhood to finish is rushing.
Soon I can fly like a bird.
I can fly like a bird in the distance.
Life will begin without lessons,
Changes and teachers -
Graduation Ball today.

2. We part with the school,
Certificates will be presented soon -
And already I became adult.
I will look at you SEECU,
You will smell a tear of hand -
Graduation Ball today.

3. And go under the Lona,
The sun will meet with you.
Impressions Carnival.
Raughty songs and dust
And a little popping -
Graduation Ball today.

4. Childhood to finish is rushing.
Soon I can fly like a bird.
I can fly like a bird in the distance.
Life will begin without lessons,
Changes and teachers -
Graduation Ball today.

Leading. This holiday does not have any calendar - it only happens in the life of every person, each of us.

Lead. This holiday is dear to parents who have studied for 11 years with their children, worried about you and together with you experienced your victories and defeats.

Leading. This holiday is expensive to teachers, since no one has spent so much time with you as a teacher.

Lead. And, of course, he is driving the heroes of this festive action. You overcame your first stage on big way called life. Today you have a celebration of youth, friendship and loyalty.

Leading. Dear parents, teachers, guests! Dear graduates. Solemn evening dedicated to the presentation of certificates, declare open.

Sounds anthem.

Lead. 11 school years as quickly they flew. Who knows in a slim, pretty girl that little girl-button with huge bows and a little bit frightened with eyes, which with such a trembling gave her little handle into the caring hand of the teacher.

Leading. And where is a little boywho hid behind Mom and did not want to go to school. Where is he?

Lead. And who in a high powerful young man knows the baby's schoolchildren who was a little higher than his portfolio.

Leading. Grew, the current graduates were grew up in school, knowledge and skills were gained, granted the granite of science and every day they went on their own path to school.

Lead. In total, it was at school: defeats and victories, good and not very evaluations, skipping and late, jokes, laughter, fun and not very pranks, excursions, evenings and first love ... And now, finally, the graduation ball.

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,
Year after year, many years have flown
And childhood moved away from us forever,
In memory leaving a good mark !!!

Performed song on the motive "you understand" the groups "roots"

You see, quiet childhood left away
You see, do not find us the necessary words.
You know, we dreamed of growling
And now I had to regret. Do you understand?
- You see, my school bow I took off
I understand that it is impossible to return.
You know you, childhood do not repeat
Will we give feelings. Do you understand?

And outside the window (2p.), You understand, the other is not that.
And outside the window; And will take cold dream.
And we will go in love alleys
In the Sky Morning Stars are visible. Do you understand?

You see, I recently dreamed sleep ...
You see, in this dream our school house.
Imagine? Stars bright catching
And to the dream of his flesh. Do you understand?
- Understand. Oh, what a fool i was!
You see, did a lot wrong.
You see, a bird's childhood swept away.
And you will not seem to him. Do you understand?

Not yet walf's notes yet
And a little merzia, melting candles,
Waiting hall of the magic mystery.
Fast with childhood wondering evening.
Farewell ball memories
About childhood, school, hobbies.

About the dreams of magical, about the worst,
Dreams of unrealistic, rapid.
Let's quietly tailoring
Magic mystery of dreams,
Over childhood, a bright umbrella will open
Sorre mysterious cover.

Graduate. Native our, cute childhood, will come now only in a dream.

Graduate. You left us a bright, tight feeling of sadness and tenderness.

Graduate. You are the first step on the star Olympus.

Graduate. Now our pass through it junior brothers And sisters.

Graduate. As we envy them, but we will not be sad.

Graduate. Friends, meet our reduced copy.

(Anni's sister leaves (as an example) ... Dasha).

Dasha. I came to congratulate with the end of the school my best sister's sister Anyu and her friends. Although you and a little sad, but smile at your moms and dads, your grandparents, your brothers and sisters, our teachers, friends and you will immediately become warm and comfortable, because a smile is the best medicine from pain and sorrow. Smile and me, and I sleep a song to you.

Dasha performs the song "Smile".

We will remember more than once
That kind planet,
Where with eye rays
There are dawns
Where the sunny dreams
Where star paths
Where in the songs are heard
Monkey and sadness.
On the streets go
Mysterious fairies
And knights are boring
Behind the fairy briefcases.
And the calls are splashing
Crystal melody
And the first poems
Warnes first secret.
Here they believe the magic,
Here are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality,
Come on the guests themselves.
Here clouds are not visible
Here from smiles closely
Under sail spring
Flowing a planet of childhood.

Graduates perform a song on the melody "Clear days" of Gazmanov.

How it turns out - that's the child ends
And not so fun will call here calls.
We say goodbye to the school, with childhood we can give.
Why is there no place in our shower for longing?
And we leave school days,
And we will return to fate.

You, my friends school and girlfriend cool,
You will never leave me, never.
How so it turns out - our song ends,
And our life continues and boils like water.

Graduate. Today, our class gathered together for the last time.

Graduate. As of 11 years, we had to go through before we understood what means - to finish school, pass exams, get a certificate.

Graduate. Honestly, on September 1 ... We did not set themselves such a goal - the certificate.

Graduate. Just we really liked the school uniform, new portfolios, pencils and handles, textbooks, so nicely smelling typographic paint. And of course, we were delighted with our teachers.

Graduate. Yes, it was all. But absolutely accurately, so this is what we and imagine could not, as in a few years we will fight against school uniforms ...

Graduate. Forget home handles and notebooks ...

Graduate. Paint textbooks ...

Graduate. And instead of briefcases wearing one single notebook for all occasions.

Graduate. Girls in a handbag.

Graduate. And the guys in a polyethylene package. Here he is my dear bag, how much he learned, God forbid. And today this precious thing I solemnly hand over to the school museum.

Graduate. And we will remember our school, and good, and joyful, and sad, all that we lived for 11 years.

Graduate. The graduate council decided to recommend the school administration to allocate the premises for the organization of the Museum of School Relics. The Council of Graduates allocates the following exhibits for the museum:

  1. The rational, with whom we went to the 1st grade.
  2. A student backpack with whom we went to middle classes.
  3. Polyethylene package - for students of 9-10 class.
  4. Notebook overall, universal - for all items in grade 11.
  5. Weapons: cutting, stitching, shooting.
  6. The button, which for 11 years old students tried to put on the teacher's chair.
  7. The crib is universal - the largest friend and the enemy of students.
  8. The handle that made all the tests and laboratory.
  9. School champion ked in running lessons.
  10. Personal student airplane, which he played in the lessons, during all 11 years of study.
  11. Chalk, which the first words wrote an excellent man on the board.
  12. An empty bundle from cigarettes is repurchased by the first, the first of the smokers.
  13. A bottle of tears, which shed over the years of study at school.
  14. A log, which students pierced their way to knowledge.
  15. Knowledge bag (Better, if 3 bags are put out - heavy and most filled with an excellent reader, the second, half-filled, put out students who have good knowledge, the third, the easiest, puts the student on the tray, which did not pay enough attention to learning).

Mortals. And the evening is so good!
Look up the world with charming warmth!
Look at the sky - the glance will not break away!
Oh, how many new stars lit on it!
In whose honor, we call these stars?
Or maybe the names have already given them?

They burn in honor of all graduates!
Success, achievements for glory!
And the first step behind.
Today is a special day, guys,
And froze the hall, the breath of Zatail.
I came the moment of hand attests !!!

Leading. Attention, friends! Finally, an exciting, solemn moment came, for which he lived and worked for 11 years the entire star composition of our school!

Lead. Both parents and teachers, and, of course, graduates!

Leading. On our school sky flashed yet ... bright stars!

Lead. And their first document - patent for star - Certificate - Hands ...

How excited all this meeting ...
Joy, embarrassed - on every face ...
He came - a farewell evening
Our first step towards a cherished dream.
So let's give promise
Do not forget this moment, this hour.
Our school at the time of parting
Let's say everyone: "Thank you!" now.
For all meetings, for friendship, for knowing -
We could not live without it.
Our school! You for a farewell
We say today: "Thank you!"

The song on the "SMILE" Motive is executed

Day came the day
Sorry with school, friends!
Year, this year,
In memory of us forever.
Sorry, believe me sorry.
We leave from school
On the soul of sadness.
Sorry, believe me sorry.
We leave from school
On the soul of sadness.
Hour, at this hour,
In the world, the most joyful me.
Here and now
My new life is my song.
School, farewell!
Adults I will come here.
MiG, this moment,
Will in our heart always.

Graduate. Dear teachers! You have created a small magic country for us, which is called "School". The country is kind and beautiful, because it is warm by the warmth of your hearts. We do not want to leave her, she will always with us. Because we all come from childhood, originally from our school country.

Graduate. We just shine small asterisks.

Graduate. We are just starting independent campaign to the future.

Graduate. But on our school Olympus, much larger and bright stars.

Graduate. They give us a part of their inexhaustible energy, youthful rear, sincere heat and eternal teacher burning.

Graduate. They are wizards, therefore ignite new stars, do not give them out.

Graduate. These stars, our dear teachers.

Graduate. Dear, lovely, beautiful, the best of our teachers. Today is your holiday. For 11 years, you have given us not only knowledge, but also your love, care, a part of your heart, your soul.

Graduate. And wherever we are, so as not to do, you will always be with us. Thank you for everything, forever our and only our teachers.

Graduate. So, we all are obedient and not very polite and not quite, diligent and no, purposeful, ambitious and shy, modest and self-confident, we wish you happiness without borders, good without edge, well-being every day, health forever, consent with everyone and Everywhere, smiles merry at every step, of good and affectionate managers constantly, the performance of hope and secret desires would like, smart, disciplined and very, very self-respecting students always, all earthly goods are required.

Graduate. We are low on you, our dear mentors.

For the work of Holy, that the feat is akin to
That eternal in our memory is nonplus -
Teacher before your name,
Let me humbly kneel

Graduates perform a song on the motive of the "Lord officers" of Gazmanov.

Lord teachers, you have a little left,
Those who believe in kindness to the end,
It was not roped on fate, we always understood us
Those who all guys trusted hearts.
Teachers, teachers, us from the school threshold,
Manit life, and we have to live it.
Teachers, teachers, rash and strict,
We will remember you and ever to go.

Gentlemen teachers, our roads
From lit heart and caring eyes.
Only you do not get sick, you feel more
You wish you health your entire defortion.

Graduate. Dear teachers! We have prepared a small surprise for you. Special order on our request has completed the house of models. Therefore, an exclusive show only today and only for you, dear teachers! Season - Autumn-Winter-Spring 20 ..- 20 .. U.G.
This season are especially relevant models that ensure the successful survival of the teacher in the harsh conditions of the school environment. The model is the first, the only, multifunctional one. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe model belongs ... (Girls in short skirts come to the scene, then the "actual model" appears - a high young man). The suitesuit model includes a gas mask, fire extinguisher, a bubble, a bag with medicines, a pickle pipe, a clamshell, a helmet with a light bulb (motorcycle helmet), mobile phone And dark glasses.

Comments are read under slow music.

  • The model is particularly stable in the conditions of the rank of school toilets with a cigarette smoke.
  • Pay attention to the item needed to create a working situation in the lessons and the establishment of conscious discipline (a double).
  • Another spicy detail is a pickle tube that allows the teacher to see the crib, imperceptible to the naked eye.
  • Bag with medicines - multifunctional. Can be used by a teacher for himself or brought to the despair of students.
  • The clamshell-wagon is necessary for a teacher for relaxation in conditions close to extreme.
  • Mobile phone will provide a teacher with information about the crowded past patience of parents.
  • The optical device of night vision will allow the teacher to consider the knowledge of students deeply sprung into the brain.
  • Dark glasses allow the teacher at least for a moment to present themselves with a superman, which performs a particularly responsible and superheavy task in the rear of the enemy.
  • An elegant headdress completes the composition, philosophically reminding that it can fall on your head out of the windows of your favorite school.

Teacher. Dear graduates! We will definitely keep your relics and maybe God forbid, of course, take advantage of such an impressive costume.
Yes, school time leaves for you forever. From today, your school journey will enter the history of each of you. But do not be sad, because today you are standing on the threshold of a new life, you open a new, no less significant stage in your destiny. I really want you, expensive graduates, were happy, good people, chose the right life road.
It is possible in life to be brave, risky, but most importantly, perhaps, just be reliable and good. And these are graduate students. They have always been a reliable support in all school matters, although what the sin is to hide, they loved to shake.
You are a particle of the soul of every teacher. Let our faith and optimism always be with you, our hope for a dream, and dreams grow up with a great comprehensive love of life.

Happy holiday you, dear!
Happy first adulthood!
Leaving the walls of the school, do not forget that knowledge is a fire that accelerates darkness.
In life, do not envy rich and arrogant, because everything is worth paying.
Head to curb ourselves, do not give in to lies, keep patience and truthful.
Be refrained, and the humility will save.
Hearts fill to the edge of kindness, because there are no other heights.

Graduate. How many feelings today. How many emotions! It seems that my star friends will not stand the squall of feelings and emotions and we will settle!

Graduate. My friends, do not, think about parents! They are also sad because we have grown and start an independent life.

Graduate. They so hope for us and believe in our lucky star!

Graduate. Therefore, we will not upset them and say everything that we have on your heart.

Graduate. Is it really really 11 years since we, small, with funny pigments and portfolios half of our growth, went to school, proudly reroach the spout and considered themselves completely adults.

Graduate. But despite this, they were afraid to lose in this noisy world, called the school, mother, and therefore they held tightly for her hand.

Graduate. We now consider themselves adults, just for some reason spine heart and sad on the soul.

Graduate. There will be our adult life in different ways. Our successes and failures will be different. But in one we are confident ...

Graduate. All life in a gentle star will shine to us our home. Here we are always waiting for our parents.

Graduate. Our parents, close and relatives, we are obliged to our lives, our real, their happiness.

Graduate. Tell me quiet: ma-ma, pa-pa. You will feel like something living, warm, affectionate covered the chest and the heart beat more often.

Graduate. At such moments it is believed in good and justice. Because there are the great words "Mom" and "Dad" in the world.

Graduate. Because they are now near good, the best in the world. They gave us and this sky, and these stars, and this is a heart that can feel, rejoice and love.

Thank you, lovely our parents!
Forgive us if you were offended by something.
During the night, sleepless, tears, excitement.
For young pride and impatience.
For her father's whiskey
And for wrinkles of the native face.
In the belt will bow to you to the ground
Thank you, relatives, you all from the soul!

Leading. Acclaimer today is not only in our graduates. Their parents are worried no less. So the heart beats beats, and it disappears somewhere at all ... and dad, and mom still remembers the same young, their graduation. And here, as a surprise, beautiful daughter on high heels (Well, when did she grow up?) And a serious son, above the dad. Most recently kept on the hands of helpless babies. And today they fly away from the parent nest.

Lead. Today we were again convinced how fast time flies. It seems to be quite recently, as the child did the first step, I put the first bruise, as we cried because I did not want to go to kindergarten. And as rejoiced, for the first time putting school uniform, and how worried, passing the first exam. And together with them, what I do not doubt, we were crying, pleased, studied and worried and you.

Parents are suitable for microphone.

Father. Dear our children! Today you are standing on the threshold of the uncharted future, forgive with your childhood, school youth. And tomorrow, go to the path of independent life. So let them always accompany your father's instructions and warms infinite maternal love.

Mother. Dear children! Please accept our parent blessing to your long years, good deeds and great accomplishments. And let this symbolic light of the native home lit in your hearts of inspiration, kindness and wisdom and will burn all his life. And the light of this is candles in the birthday cake. After all, today you are a birthday book. You start a new, adult life. Save these candles as charm. Remember your parents, the native home.

Father. Happiness and good luck to you on the thorny path of adult life.

Mom performs the song "I am a bed to you under the feet of the sky."

I my bed under the legs of the sky,
Become a bird, freeing.
I my bed under the legs of the sky,

Begin the sun, light explode.
I'll shope in your hair eternity,
Just come back to my mother come back.
Happiness is not easy burden
Ungrateful role.
Light and joy time
So why this pain.
Adults you became overnight
And before you a hundred roads.
But the lightest happiness is
Houses of the native threshold.

I will tell you the mystery of the Universe,
I will become a guide star.
I will tell you the secrets of the universe
Just come back home again.

Graduate. Childhood passed ... We are already adults, but still I want to feel the warmth of my mother's hands, cuddled to the father's shoulder and say quietly: "Forgive us ..."

Graduate. Forgive us, dear our moms and dads, in the whole of the wrong pain that we have applied you.

Graduate. Sorry for the endless of our children's pants (pampering), for those heavy 11 years, when you spent our school daily, waited, and necessarily with good estimates.

Graduate. Dear, cute, good, the best of our parents! Forever ours, favorite, kind, sincere teachers! Do not worry and do not worry about us. We will be fame and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.

LeadingDear graduates! We hope that all of what you say is not in vain, and you keep this word to parents and teachers.

Lead. And teachers also want to give you part -ile words and a song, as the answer to the question: "How to live?"

Song sounds a wish to graduates on the motive "My baby" Danko.

1. See you school now,
It's so sorry, believe
But you have a holiday, I will smile
Let it be so, let.
A little more, and in an hour this festive,
Make you dawn.
Cute, good friends,
Only happiness you wish you
Mischievous, good always,

What are beautiful, good,
2. Sea of \u200b\u200blights, smiles, flowers,
Joyful dreams.
It is a pity that childhood will leave
The past will not return.
All friends, in an hour this festive,
Gate you big hello.
Cute, good friends,
Only happiness you wish you
Mischievous, good always,
You will not find you happy in the world
Although little sad, but you sing.
What are beautiful, good,
Let him always be velvet
You sparkle a bright star,
Cute and adults, graduates.
Sunny and generous will be the way
But nowhere forget about the house,
Here you always love you, forever wait,
Cute, good friends,
Only happiness you wish you
Mischievous, good my
You will not find you happy in the world
Although little sad, but you sing.
What are beautiful, good,

Teacher. We will also not be debt to graduates. For them, there is a lottery-prediction of the future profession. To predict fate will be your younger friends - school singers.
Graduates are suitable for a student who holds a hat with prediction lotteries. I pull out the lottery, a graduate, without unfolding it, transmits the lead. The lottery indicates a certain profession or occupation. They dedicated to the famous song, which has a certain attitude to the specified profession or the kind of classes. First, the singers perform part of the song, and then the leaders call the "future" profession of a graduate or his genus.

Samples of songs and professions (classes):

My life lives. - Bancircher.
Million Scarlet roses. - Artist - Florist.
Pink Elephant. - Genetic.
Black eyes. - Doctor - Okulist.
Stewardess named Jeanne. - Stewardess.
Chervon Ruta. - Skarharka.
Purpose Popandopulo. - Top Model.

Palma de Mallorca. - oligarch.
On the rash to me salt on the wound. - Surgeon.
Kings of night Verona. - Deputy.
Black BMW. - Businessman.
Grass near the house. - Cosmonaut.
House ascending sun. - Millionaire.

Graduate. Well, it seems to everyone. The school is finished. There will never be lessons anymore.

Graduate. Amazing, nevertheless, the word "never." Everything will be: the institute, family, work, but the school will not be and will not be childhood.

Graduate. Childhood left us. It went away: quietly and unnoticed, with first letters: smooth-smooth, first teacher on the board.

Graduate. With short dresses, with long-awaited calls - which are more expensive than all theorems in the world.

Graduate. With a familiar, familiar voice of the teacher of literature, which required to prove that Pechorin is a hero of our time.

Graduate. And they proved, and with the peoporan became everythingally understandable and over time too.

Graduate. And the window was raining and in the classroom included electricity and the confession of Tatiana in love was written off mathematics.

Graduate. They proved theorems that are not coming, they attributed unnecessary laws.

Graduate. And everything is fine.

Graduate. And childhood went from us.


Schwedle at school calls. - Never, do you understand? Never
Do not stand for us at the board. - And the school dress above the knees we can no longer be. - I do not need to wait for change
No lessons learning. - Now there are no calls for us, our teacher will not go to us.
- And the list of other in the classroom
Calm hand will bring
- Forever, you see? Forever and ever
We leave these doors.
Sometimes you understand? Sometimes
We will walk here now.

Two parents go and a class manager with candles.

To power enough on the road,
So that lighter and easier was the path,
In a mig farewell on the school threshold
These candles do not forget with you.
Let these candles be lit for no wage
Let me remember this hour,
Let the heat of parting and meeting
Save for a long time you.

Teacher. Dear friends! They burn in the sky of the asterisks of human destiny. Before a distant, in life, commend each of your desire and burn the stars of the experience of the dream. I want the fire of their kindness to flare up with a new force and did not fade. In order for tomorrow in the country of independent life, where you go, he illuminated you the way and warmed your souls, so that there were always stars of beauty, love, faith and hopes.

It goes out, graduates ignite candles and mashed them.

Performed song on the motive "Combays Candle" of the Frestail Group

Evening graduation, dreams, dreams in the predestal hour.
Lights of hope gives you a timid candle.
Sounds in silence barely audible, shadows are not visible.
Childhood has already ended for you, fabulous dreams.
Heats the candle burning with you,
Does not replace the sadness to us eternal love.
It is impossible to start days of lived again.
Breaks candle, youthful candle.
The school remained in memory, class and heat hands,
Little bonfire on the shore of a small river.
Happiness everyone wish you, friends without saying: Goodbye,
Let the candle always burn you everywhere.

Occasted the ball and go out candles
Not had time to burn.
Graduation, farewell evening -
We would remember everything, have time!
These candles, these persons
This holiday graduation.
Will not happen again
Never for us with you ...
Ogonek burn tired,
Candles come out, the ball is ...
Slowly, ample,
Spilling light around
We are life steps
Fire without your hands.
And in the sky quiet,
Bright stars of grief,
We are not in vain, of course, flashering -
Do not sparkle stars in vain.

Yes, the story about the school is suitable for the junction,
Chapters are addresses, looked at dreams,
Already, without hoping for someone's tips,
We ourselves solve all tasks must.
Not every trail will be smooth,
Not all tests will be easy,
And life in front of us lies like a notebook,
In which there is no row yet.

At the conclusion of the evening, graduates perform a song on the motive "Light" of the "People's Artist".

That ended the cheerful, our final graduation
At school, you studied, was such a plague.
And now a minute of glory, heart beats in the chest
So we will have fun, the night is still ahead.
These are not lessons, it does not stand
We have the right, we will now honor.

Miscelled, our night today
Have fun, the holiday is no more beautiful.
Cut off, you graduated from school
And believe me: these are not jokes. (2 times)

Festive music sounds in the hall.

A specially invited operator takes an interview with graduates and parents. Under the sounds of solemn fanfare on the stage leading.
Leading. Long ago in the Vladimirovsky kingdom, school state, when all the nature around was decorated with all the colors of the rainbow, small princes and princesses appeared. All the kingdom filled with children's laughter and joy. These little girls and boys were similar on small angels.

/ Fulfilled children's dance /

Leading. And now their childhood flies. It goes quietly and unnoticed, with short dresses and toys, with muted calls, which are most expensive in the world, with a familiar voice of a native teacher. And finally, the day came when adult princes and princesses leave the magical kingdom, because they are already waiting for youth.

/ In these words, the Angel of Youth is suitable for small angels

Childhood. Who are you?
Youth. I am youth.
Childhood. So quickly and imperceptibly flew these years that I did not notice ... You wait ... My children have not yet been hungry and did not play a widow ...
Youth. It's time to go to my country, so I'm here to specify the right way to them(Walking hours is heard)

Here, do you hear? Farewell, childhood, we are already leaving ...

Angel of youth and childhood leads with them small children.

Leading. Good evening, our dear guests, dear parents, teachers, acquaintances, friends.

Leading. Good evening!
Master iY. A special event gathered everyone in this room!

Leading. Today, June 25, 2013, our graduates are forgiven with their native school. This is a special long-awaited day, which is not lost on a long life road, always glows with a warm light, squeezes the heart with a childhood memories.

Leading. This evening you are waiting for:
- pedagogical facilities;
- parental sensations;
- The latest exam and, of course, ...
Leading(together). Certificates and letters!
Leading. Today's evening is the final chord of the unique school symphony, which was performed within 3,000 thousand days with thin children and indulcing youthful voices. School symphony was accompanied by a call melody 20,000 times.

Leading. Tradition School - Farewell evening
And solemn room solemn
In the eyes of everyone and joy, and hope
We have a graduation ball.
We congratulate everyone who came to this celebration, and, above all graduates, teachers and their parents.

Leading.Graduate! It sounds proud!

Invitation of graduates for the evening

Leading.Attention! And now, dear guests comes a solemn moment! For greetings graduates, ask everyone to get up!

Leading.Meet, welcome the brilliant, wonderful graduates of the 9th grade of our school.

List all by name, surname _________________

and their class teacher - _____________!


Music includes graduates and occupy their places in the hall.

Leading.For the presentation of documents on education on the scene, we invite the School Director _________ and the School Watch _____.

Leading.The word is provided to parents graduate graduates

1. Behind the ninth grade.

At the crossroads you are now.

Who dream of becoming in life?

Where to continue study?

2. We, your parents,

Your choice is needed.

We do not give advice

Your decisions are waiting.

















{!LANG-25f831d4032eb270dfe66ec41b4b246f!} {!LANG-3177a5b6e79109cc351f3883d9fe0c47!}!


Leading . {!LANG-0afa8c0babccd2e64bb13b4a1e6bd411!}












Leading. {!LANG-2043b0abaabc76ac9a029c9dbb54459d!}









{!LANG-f85bf1b55d48464330bc0bb5919f6bd6!} {!LANG-6e3cc2d1ecc30e633f5901be796ab367!}{!LANG-be0d1e1dc47f245ee5346f0ff6c3ba2d!}



1. {!LANG-4cca0ccca529334a02c8beb540c5d130!}
2. {!LANG-49cb70d08735e079bd7bdbb6776ae416!}
1. {!LANG-d0d853f65608b1ec22ded68cc682d42c!}
2. {!LANG-185366a890ddd77de6ba2731fc6dc525!}
3. {!LANG-588c619bae75528358bd4c7e5df17598!}
4. {!LANG-9f922b2205fd45ee78fd79e030e6487c!}
1. {!LANG-d7cac65eac7309c79ddaefa64d46a1f0!}
2. {!LANG-a1383e5ffb63bbc3441532fda3ae3860!}






Leading. {!LANG-3aa5b50a6ef7961e7b42fd90adf656bc!}





2 {!LANG-10b14e61eb2cd39e1a186ea95ea96db4!}




























{!LANG-dd52d1f2e9e0538c58b381a55fd469af!} {!LANG-611e53e7e13d23591af2af5ccda5d544!}





Leading. {!LANG-fe8cdd482a13e6387b2e1c603d6de8d9!}


{!LANG-76a53ea2c6b59421b5ce4d4ac4ebe118!} {!LANG-4b5e464c467a421ef1bae6206aa116b7!}{!LANG-ae965e66633873424176878110fef86f!} {!LANG-37918d5319a5c9f6460b9538a5896a67!}{!LANG-3b645b2fd8f649987cb4238c28483cfd!} {!LANG-ece284502fbeaf4d92e7418c5512cd09!}{!LANG-6fc0b25058997c7b427a96f64b3a4019!} {!LANG-22cf71b16bbb3e4bf6139b012220a6bd!}{!LANG-15b3c60f8f39fb7ecc6a7b2bc03f92af!} {!LANG-ee81d6c780c978b9ba65e853b153fec4!}{!LANG-051b29d0c33ddb013b347c375ff0a7b0!} {!LANG-a071f223494746e60772ba7d89aeb9b6!}{!LANG-5357859df13f777837316ddcc80bd343!}

{!LANG-83d91cdc94203f26d6e3c0ac68ae9e63!} {!LANG-3019b67fd1d69816033752c1ba53a7cf!}{!LANG-0da1980c655cc1b774f0d8082127387f!}

{!LANG-40aac1c575753c9bad1f01a1339a3737!} {!LANG-7a0be3fe7b1c16b18183f56a10d32258!}{!LANG-9ba38b9b4ce6fcf8d8749d7818ff9b52!} {!LANG-7589e46c3f3f10cc9292abdd5649fbde!}{!LANG-7eb1b91449386904d542877604ea0cc9!} {!LANG-9bdcc5814c5a9cc0bf1d5c114a37bc54!}: « {!LANG-553e84b533ba7ece3fbf15983a60331f!}{!LANG-19c154bc39c25ddfbd337cb7d1b07238!}




{!LANG-120f468e9dc2a659da2ca6d0e474951d!} {!LANG-1d629941b2dc355ce6943f116a7da42d!}{!LANG-546174ef68ffe518902dc6a65fd6d926!}

{!LANG-b1aaf1055af43e3c4e9ee17dbc06c0c3!} {!LANG-b1cd1fa51b569bf3f356e98876ff67d5!}{!LANG-5e699979b0f9152a58fddafda071717e!} {!LANG-a0a5f75f535ad3161cfd7cfa70905b7c!})

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{!LANG-72d042bb9c832534394139483d4275f6!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}.





{!LANG-5bbedee9e0e22cd29d2070afbaa8462b!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}{!LANG-0b750ddef0dcea1e7f2082a5ce497682!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}!
















{!LANG-9066f58a592619b3b7a74fd9df38a3f9!} {!LANG-701d5588ba3f2fe27dae48f637dbf7e6!}{!LANG-9e3f10ab029961ff4e0b4a637377d2eb!}



{!LANG-a87828abd63da7178180e7a62a868b35!} {!LANG-7589e46c3f3f10cc9292abdd5649fbde!}{!LANG-ec9d5fc9a49439685e6a88f9e5a9e056!}
















{!LANG-d530135da3cd3462a0c85f04f80b44b0!} {!LANG-1b488ba7f5debbfccdf3c3a909296e59!})








{!LANG-ebf8b216f9b134e5ac5ba14b9f18828b!} {!LANG-24f8bc6347f27cc1901d5295197bb75b!}





{!LANG-7f2d29f826a79471ab35d1f3d0eb7a1a!} {!LANG-1e8aa4d0a90cc9a033d6a9ca38bbe929!}












{!LANG-98ff509d3d2c788a9c4fea73d5714a83!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!},























{!LANG-4d596112d3e6acd13b9debeeecd7d3e7!} {!LANG-dfd130163ebc4a4cede55eb41a4e97a6!}:








{!LANG-19b71c60a5f1d318115d2b265ff183d8!} {!LANG-0fc2d4ad87e2cce86bab0bdffceff1c4!}







{!LANG-04d6906fff5283451ddb5798a891576f!} {!LANG-dc4214bb278aa85068c14fd0d1ba0953!}!








{!LANG-a81965182a7f8b1047d82d2803dd6c20!} {!LANG-6372fbc4b8708835f4280b3a8c2e5365!}:


{!LANG-a8aa6205efc6b96acc220fc24f36be10!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}



{!LANG-19b71c60a5f1d318115d2b265ff183d8!} {!LANG-5acb49531fce45ec683a069791c5aaeb!}{!LANG-28fea8c5b5da84d2e9298d786deded34!}

{!LANG-ec3a2b245a50cf8ce56ea466617f2f3c!} {!LANG-3d57525df29a2e41d429f6c943025a4b!}



Leading{!LANG-23492a8f27dc6b6fc7953ec71ac49f2d!} {!LANG-05d7484b027ca0c1e85bb5ed7d2ebd64!}{!LANG-09746db2005aed0dbb527778790878d7!} {!LANG-5f5fc96207eb54d611542e5e541996e0!}{!LANG-a6064ce777e1bae6d57cfb972eb3cb4d!}

{!LANG-fd083dc38895286c9c9f7a86a77c65d4!} {!LANG-f264a64380409275ff9f5401e5852067!}.

{!LANG-235d34e8bebfc9d9f03d5b6f033c4563!} {!LANG-43bf6bb6700b8643887dc886d9978e9f!}{!LANG-967abcb2094d2dd8fc87e4bb3d696ed9!}


{!LANG-0776a2351b22789cf172d3c6c7b4cac6!} {!LANG-b52c738c3c64b5e2a9dcac45dfbda175!}:

« {!LANG-b9871f53f39822c03ed85fc1732e6ecf!}

{!LANG-c5e52d0f605bd2f82154405f6a496ea3!} {!LANG-aade8790a683893ce053f4ffe89edf97!}({!LANG-728382026458d841def41b071ba35e8d!})

{!LANG-e70f17e9c36e5ff01ff833ad3c012898!}: {!LANG-0d5c9798fed8989365ae062424087d65!} 6

{!LANG-3ce9e20fb6117f7773fd1ee785ba855a!} {!LANG-1f1c7e19555b2daff5dbba7f7f037a2f!}: {!LANG-df47b47860152cd0cdeb69e1f77ea358!}

{!LANG-d511ea1549de3188a7b88acab15cca79!}{!LANG-617c98d8722ccf9c853174ae2b617536!} {!LANG-1bdb788ab81be3088b24be0df231abdb!}





{!LANG-2a2970cb3404db0f5d27ce689f935958!} {!LANG-b41b800cfa2199222395700b9cd8fa2e!}{!LANG-6a0d8334b4b9dbb2d77c08e29b6d52a2!}


{!LANG-84e7305d6e3c09defb206f232ebbe1c3!} {!LANG-86d7f81aa2b529c46d7ee72ac0c50967!}{!LANG-4dd8ff4d2a0a60837c548d85b38eb20c!}


{!LANG-4c25cca3af03e1e02bd845d3fb008082!} {!LANG-948582f840f2976336fc72c29611594d!}{!LANG-b04fed579b7849c457db481bfbf07b63!}







{!LANG-84e7305d6e3c09defb206f232ebbe1c3!} {!LANG-e6a3f9fc9d8e2911393eb2604baaf031!}{!LANG-90206385e2354bc4ff49072e3efcd63e!}


{!LANG-4c25cca3af03e1e02bd845d3fb008082!} {!LANG-6fb162c9cec4dfcfe6eca627a2e358dd!}{!LANG-85925b6a3e15963fa1dcb96c8025af29!}


{!LANG-e59f1581f12dbae12658410841663716!} {!LANG-2360a9d37a4f1eac95461120ad097a3c!}{!LANG-279f5b1823a0740c230629af112833bd!}

{!LANG-2a2970cb3404db0f5d27ce689f935958!} {!LANG-dc2e054ef759447920350c9f6ebfaa31!}{!LANG-2ce3eee50d95a1ec4055d90309022584!}

{!LANG-84e7305d6e3c09defb206f232ebbe1c3!} {!LANG-1e4d2a580fda6c345965d055880fa936!}{!LANG-92069bde7fc7a1f5f63ef0aaac04799c!}

{!LANG-5724aad177e1a665db95be7fc17208a0!}{!LANG-26cfc87625cb998bf731e6946adcbebe!} {!LANG-c76a5f9a003d3a44208426c575ad5489!}




{!LANG-5542ed1954efd7c0f07dd33d4124e0d5!}{!LANG-a48e9c5c3258ac100a6ee785cc076bf6!} {!LANG-d3fd40542fe602ee92bb7ce84c68d6ab!}

{!LANG-28457e0ddf37dfdc83aea01be0537727!}{!LANG-35665e06b36cb6ba5162e0bccead6fbc!} {!LANG-8826c8e205a6d98b6d4ec1e57041e5d5!}: {!LANG-cc331800d886b497c5475cbb00c70e0d!}



{!LANG-13b01882513fa8097e3e5943e3bb9da0!}: {!LANG-429e54bb2c26aa81c4f0c1242f3679a3!}





{!LANG-914da296522d31fc3f9d59b13541e808!} {!LANG-e2367fffa128e16ef881957e54f054f4!}

{!LANG-bce3f73666d1563b222faec9f9da73ed!}: {!LANG-2bdf07c98a194c495174419d2815844c!}


{!LANG-21ba5162249369b2a1d7557049f8ec4d!}{!LANG-227dec28ea4f74b14cbd44ca8167e435!} {!LANG-440dda46df9b76796252e01885921319!} {!LANG-34c5fc2bfde6b527326e57bd85655a52!} {!LANG-098b86876a989d9fb776f5e9610de7ca!}?

{!LANG-4157e9fe6e48c7727eb182211790ccbd!}{!LANG-c070004a78a06683aed9a996c4ab66af!} {!LANG-b1cd1fa51b569bf3f356e98876ff67d5!}{!LANG-361c832ccbad2e51c8063f75e4f27858!}







{!LANG-5132beec13c9bb82fb30320aed5dea2c!} {!LANG-ab7a30f305523ab5f372e4c20a931158!}{!LANG-411c41daab26cfd36ca209fedaedfd8d!}














































{!LANG-8bbdffdb3c3c8e23389f933911db6e74!} {!LANG-c55eeb9b9de704420f047327af609f7b!}{!LANG-ad8f809977a66a6564808ab65e7fd32a!}






{!LANG-2aabdb43827dd7ef9595761d439207a9!} {!LANG-772bfb965b14d66b54433e46bc6a0872!}?






{!LANG-a8d572338d8eb8d28927591cdd522c95!}{!LANG-39e2c4c4ca5afa84d26b72496c780406!} {!LANG-89507ff6f33d790b90544d1478fe9351!}{!LANG-ec44c46cbd7b11368958fc1c9d215ab6!}

{!LANG-f14680c1ab5c07cbbb15824729a5507b!} {!LANG-7320d726295ab314c89b9df455867797!}




{!LANG-4fcd10c2862dedcc1042a2a93a4a07e2!} ({!LANG-c0b5af3dfd83b5a5887a812952691826!})

{!LANG-452e941229be418e506fa438cc1889dc!}: {!LANG-a73a63a921ce51f141322772dc28a9b9!}






{!LANG-b856c88699c0b89dca817675cf7d7aaf!}: {!LANG-788839914ade5e323515aefb1b9a3272!}




{!LANG-e8e5e07a1bcbb14c1b1f0a1aa9d1cce6!} {!LANG-d0128067e2efa5363d5986238e1fde3d!}{!LANG-09ee31813d93d1db48870a804e3ed6f6!} {!LANG-486e92aa61f6ae0bf79b4c8c970f7085!}


{!LANG-6515a1f1444ee93b1f53b23d3e7017c9!} {!LANG-13f2ae008fcc4c385441f51ba74440fb!}{!LANG-428d31d8e8c05a79792068cf25eaa595!}


{!LANG-f947e98c4fc4593c897b599898e2394c!} {!LANG-d0128067e2efa5363d5986238e1fde3d!} -



{!LANG-56d31b6e834f30314ca0b6d195287269!} {!LANG-e972aafff799c5a78ffb3d5df08118b5!}


{!LANG-29e453f1b7a0ac0a49b376b406d86716!} {!LANG-9d97ddc42b456cd1e5336de2b7d67cf7!}


{!LANG-02f8cf4d1ad8c655eb128c5e2d76f1ee!} {!LANG-ca3101a050c597f8e513a3bcf46e4bcb!}


{!LANG-68d7a64d4e975221d5ecdbea526e50b3!} {!LANG-3843c88e5902424646e800d5df6d8704!}

{!LANG-df8b31ef82465545fa951d8510e1f3c4!}{!LANG-7e9edc10b2b3d5b245673c44824719a3!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-21eeab87f703131f8b5a4e72a5068754!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-7ed821aab1081f4aa14acf80f44d1291!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-8858d9e17094e1f2222bf82a37ccd960!}?. {!LANG-ca3101a050c597f8e513a3bcf46e4bcb!}

{!LANG-f26a358e9115b796db94e85caa978376!} {!LANG-3843c88e5902424646e800d5df6d8704!}

{!LANG-2d75f3e291c2f3e2ba7e2590ee20cfb0!} {!LANG-ca3101a050c597f8e513a3bcf46e4bcb!}


{!LANG-dc53ee91f3391d4eeac83c9254b93d9d!} {!LANG-4185691ef5c87948769e3a4577194050!}











{!LANG-fb69343a618ae922bd6e468b82eba586!}{!LANG-e3f094332cba48179ae0f289645b1bc9!} {!LANG-febf1864a5389da0d6a76ea7166f0f9b!}{!LANG-476d16c05db0fdcf223205c72ec3be01!} {!LANG-2bff52cc948d4a28cb3c05c3f88c03c7!}{!LANG-8d0887247586763a27baae4c09408110!}















{!LANG-17c6872214f465dec6cdea4cd5ace5ed!} {!LANG-e19f45c0e3652afcef124e43c1994152!}




















{!LANG-6b9cc41c8dbf5b8e25b2cbfe1960b03c!} {!LANG-32f0e0809630ee9be3f71a6a94716cee!})

{!LANG-8e982fd245802e2bba1f8af0f3440221!}{!LANG-2c17e80a5b710e7365fde5bfa8b0959a!} {!LANG-7dd4bdb8db1dfd05368af22e71011ce5!}





{!LANG-c71063043d1170b3917f9ab2f69e4361!} ({!LANG-e70e5a68d698b493ccad028ae86006aa!})

{!LANG-e93a649b7a62aa4e2d104347920e8c8b!}: {!LANG-509643d8c0765bd0bdcaa7fdc3762aa6!}

Leading{!LANG-aa4ed30284b47dfb9db6782bce9b250f!} {!LANG-f69ce3a4af6e9a92316bc8c9ef4aa0c2!}{!LANG-770dcd56bc88ee8c84d2c39a7820de42!} {!LANG-a57719f705ccb40633d238eb1c21c25a!}{!LANG-5411fe51cf59576522455b598cb1d378!} {!LANG-1167faba60f22566a845e53bb843f319!}{!LANG-93814f6021a95e59c4d3f306eba84acb!}

{!LANG-ec1b041ea93024858ee70d85cb6d76f4!} {!LANG-553e84b533ba7ece3fbf15983a60331f!}{!LANG-14db956af4966308545a4c630f0d5678!} {!LANG-907308603ce8db07c72869bd2f1e61c1!}{!LANG-d75709eba53f8311422c3ecf84658c7c!}







{!LANG-a4e07fd3c4ebf9e36ee7557b33ebe137!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}



{!LANG-df06b9096af0f31260a3d899b324a958!} {!LANG-d085c35e1aea9f241cd73089023f3766!}{!LANG-054305b7058ffa101cd67a77d4478854!}




{!LANG-dfce6b4f7c297d8c2c79e8c3201799e5!} {!LANG-607ebf2d3b14e7e60a1fa8032d46ea01!}:



{!LANG-4e08c4b8b6e1d2b44901f1fa5c938eaa!} {!LANG-8fbb6cba787a4827566496862ff266cf!}:


{!LANG-0824527a5eb45302c4e620169bc05d99!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}!




{!LANG-14e1656468ecfb5ced1e737e1ea1158f!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}

{!LANG-36f55d6816c8c069225843a96531bdf8!} {!LANG-3224cca6a4ce0d35788f608004bd54cd!}{!LANG-2986ee91d33c0ba1850d355a8cb96381!}











{!LANG-0731e6983583c659bb46d60cb0ea0f9f!} {!LANG-7f0c5265b8bc496be3afe7efeaf8abb6!}!











{!LANG-1e0dfda9ecd7dfc97dbb53a411fb2545!} {!LANG-d84b009b9925cf7d32e3799edceb4c6f!}:















{!LANG-914b4ad80ab562d9abb3925b7bb7f435!} {!LANG-69b3dbafb895fee9e3078daedc534933!}{!LANG-3febdccbc75e57ae71294d7b204c8e6a!} {!LANG-2ddb30ba7e9a2d1f877a1cadc87fdc15!}{!LANG-f96f943798dfdbed2aae88e45697d835!}


{!LANG-bf1c6ab4e29b1af2ad977214b48daa83!} {!LANG-ad04dcd89e24fb525891b4d2e6cf8976!}.




{!LANG-904708fe54074f3d550355b9381da887!} {!LANG-51f2a71e1ed3c74eaf9e623b30bef084!}!


























{!LANG-69dd516d86cbf25121b14befeb55aa5a!} {!LANG-06b061f01e25cd0ba8bb6d4f95ab8c6e!}


{!LANG-cd05479e64d1ba56f525de182803a276!} {!LANG-26f2c57ccbc738d51d2f265d7dce4de5!}.



{!LANG-e2bbff92cb65be07f9e13d8e37e0036e!} {!LANG-3d57525df29a2e41d429f6c943025a4b!},




{!LANG-5964c39032f05c9b1ccd85b21436c664!} {!LANG-b297a6acbe9dd88753b3e0ed7c8eb637!}{!LANG-de244946e2f8d3979e67e7381cb1372c!}

































































































{!LANG-1805937bbfeb47e385885bfb1a851105!} {!LANG-49503aac8937c41445cf9e447f25433a!}{!LANG-81e5e6e3e1b9bb0cafcfa4706dad96b4!}




















{!LANG-3b363d225130a2e5732c5e833ecd7c9c!} {!LANG-6ba6560f8a4e6cdfe301459a489ad702!}{!LANG-db1d8df4e89cd55c614c6c2196d8ad45!}





















{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-f4e1dd7e40a870f41ea2fda712e9fc8f!}{!LANG-a5156320477c865134b9101dd379859c!}














{!LANG-9b6a9f4183aecf7ab4b61742cfb60949!} {!LANG-7a6eb0e048e56b914c0cad6fbdf32131!}{!LANG-1a82e5c0fe817929d8ea8583b2c54e99!}















{!LANG-69fb5097c846319657dbe6a706533bfe!} {!LANG-4733b04b9f37c26251a2a02b96bba719!}{!LANG-2cc0e1d515a59791b491a479b1fb3993!}

{!LANG-4cbb42d5fa34a3cd2562592d63eb9b48!} {!LANG-b62e38b5d37cdb45dc9fb3df3742d636!}{!LANG-811557d5e26063cc65ad94d1050f1196!}































{!LANG-14fa744686b39e87804c1ae955dc21d5!} {!LANG-ed5fa99282dd201d0987f203dbd1d7d8!}{!LANG-1f3460720112ce1c6ac039b6a219b417!}


{!LANG-2e1e8b2449a74ffe93b86793f43507f0!} {!LANG-b46400a9e041573c067bd3aa053fce6f!}{!LANG-d5663320ef46c076ed6c036eafe3af3b!}
















































































{!LANG-d9a6d529c478131b38203c23f06afa33!}{!LANG-7ac0da352632dfdefb04945ffad17981!} {!LANG-12374da4058414ae6d51e2371dac267f!} {!LANG-41dab84a1b39dc032f9611e4b01caf19!}{!LANG-6bd83cb7e7bb83d6ebab62988ae19ed5!}

































































































{!LANG-e452b8fe5bb85268835fb0df9c1b334e!} )





