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Congratulations on graduation in elementary school from the teacher. Sincere and touching wishes to graduates

Dear guys, I was with you from the first school days, I remember your cute smiles and the first victories in study. Today you are completely adults and forgive with the school. I sincerely congratulate you and I want to wish, despite all the storms of emotions and the difficulties of life, to remain good, open, cheerful, interesting people. Listen to your heart, trust the inner call, do not be afraid of change and boldly conquer the scheduled vertices. Good luck to you, children, love of loved ones and true happiness.

I remember you more children
So kind, wonderful kids,
We taught with you letters we
We often shared dreams.

Now you have matured you,
Graduates quickly became
I wish you happiness, good,
And so that I was not forgotten!

I wish you to learn well
Achieve everything wished
To allow everything easy,
To come true about what dreamed!

My dear and favorite children, I remember you very small, and today you are standing adults and brave on the way of new life discoveries. I want to wish you health and love. Let each of you acquire your happiness on Earth and will fulfill the most cherished dream. Successes to you, children, further study and work, well-being and optimism. Good luck!

I remember the bows of cute girls
And briefcases of merry boys.
And now out of simple laughter
And funny such chali

Tell interesting lady
And solid very guys,
For me, you are still kids
What you read smart books here.

As a teacher is your first, I wish
Much happiness, fun, good luck.
With graduation from the soul, congratulations,
Be the first, and not otherwise!

I remember the kids are inconsistent,
When came with eyes surprised.
Today, all beautiful, big,
And you have become native for school.

I wish cheerfully go ahead,
Let sure in his life be lucky
Fate perfectly
I wish you success and good.

My dear children, when I first saw you when you entered my class and sat down for the parties, I realized that these disciples would certainly have to achieve their own, to conquer not one top of success and glory. I congratulate you on graduation and sincerely wish you a confident boom to fly to my dreams, free birds to soar and always stay good people.

My first grades grown,
Eye from you now do not take away.
Years schools did not go, but melded,
First paints became graduates.

I wish you a happy road,
Let fate will not be too strict
Beside the good luck in life,
I wish everyone to be happy.

Dear graduates! It seems that only yesterday our hospitable school took you to his friendly family. Putting the school threshold for the first time, you were full of inconspicuous hopes and unclear expectations. Now you leave with light sadness, these native walls have become forever. Let your intimate plans are implemented one hundred percent. Barety to victory!

No first graders -
Received certificate.
Let life be affectionable,
And let the eyes shine.

Now it is difficult for ways
To go to you:
Search solutions wise
Hope to translate!

Ten years flew,
As an instant,
You are now graduates,
There is no doubt
I remember how to come to me
In the class went faster,
I taught you all
And at all Rada
I want to graduate
Wish good luck
Try to resolve
In life all tasks!

Include beautiful congratulations on graduation in elementary school it is not easy, but also it is imperative. Warm and cute poems, the prose will help thank Teachers, wish to children and parents of an excellent summer holiday. Pick up original texts On the graduation grade 4, you can from the specified examples. And for ease of preparation for the holiday, it is recommended to explore the proposed video examples of congratulations to the children and parents from their favorite teachers.

Short congratulations from parents to teachers for graduation in grade 4 - in verse

Most parents understand how hard teachers have to educate other people's children. Therefore, experienced I. good teachers It is necessary to prepare sincere congratulations on the graduation grade 4 from parents.

Examples of short poems with congratulations to teachers from parents on graduation in grade 4

Small poems will help parents to express respect and gratitude to teachers for raising children. At the same time, they will not take much time on the festive program and will not make guests "bored".

Our first teacher,

You gave us schools of the whole Aza!

Sasha, Kolya, Ira, Vova, Masha -

They do not keep their tears ...

In their hearts, do not hinder all pains:

Babies go to the fifth grade ...

But, alas, already without your beloved.

Never evil and not swearing

They were taught so many bright days -

You, teacher dear,

We will not be a mile and relatives !!!

For our babies you have done a lot.

It was a hard-old school road,

You are the kids with love surrounded,

Four years you trained them.

We are very grateful to you for it,

And wish stormy success

Health strong, deep patience,

And of course great respect!

How much did for us

Do not convey all words.

We want to say at this hour:

Thank you for being with us!

Compared with Mamina Love,

Which you have awarded us.

Smiles, happiness, faith again.

And so that the relatives were nearby!

Beautiful greetings from parents on graduation in 4th grade for their children - Pych texts

Passage for children on graduation - the best way Express your love. But besides this congratulations on graduation grade 4 from parents should include funny wishes.

Beautiful poems greetings from parents for children to graduation in grade 4

Touching poems for graduates will be able to fully convey the pride and attention of their parents. Texts can voiced as representatives of the parent committee and other parents.

Class fourth behind

Ahead - vacation.

Congratulations on graduation!

So that the problems do not arise

We wish to relax

Forces to gain certainly.

To successfully join

Per year educational, not the first.

To have fun learned

And behaved decently.

So that it was dreaming and was going on -

Everything will work fine!

You are very big,

Behind the fourth grade.

You are beautiful

The graduation in any way!

Forces for the summer you gain,

More grow up

Have fun and laugh

In September - again come!

4 years in school for nothing passed.

On the day of the graduation I wish from the soul -

And to continue to never be upset.

Love the school, all are all friends,

Assist will certainly hurry.

Successes and road easy to continue

So as not to be sad and not to hurt at all.

Cute congratulations to children on graduation grade 4 from teachers - Texts in prose and video example

Please make children on graduation and give them warm memories will help congratulations on graduation grades from the first teacher. The teacher will be able to beautifully wish the guys happiness, success, health.

Congratulations to children on graduation grade 4 from teachers in prose

A small prose is ideal for solemn congratulations graduate graduates. Please choose good texts from the following examples:

Dear our graduates! Now you know how to read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully passed. Raise higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you will succeed to boil, the easier it will be in adulthood. Remember, we love you and wait for your new success.

Dear guys, I congratulate you on the first significant achievement in school Life, with the end of four classes. Now you go to the next step, now the doors to new subjects and knowledge will open for you. I wish you not to lose confidence and interest in learning, dilute your days bright colors and emotions of happiness.

Cute children today your graduation of grade 4, you leave the walls elementary school And go to search for new knowledge and discoveries in the older link. Let your path be easy and simple, let new items cause you an undoubted interest, let the school for you become not easy to get knowledge and education, but also the center of cheerful leisure and exciting pastime.

Video example of cute congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from teachers

The following video presents an example of congratulations to graduates of primary school teacher. Voiced text can be used to write a new unusual wishes.

This farewell to graduates of primary school smoothly completes in the 4th grade. Sounds after the scene "change" and parent.

Everything together forms a simple musical and theater amateur number performed by active and non-indulgered dads and mothers.

Passionate graduates of primary school

from their parents.

* * *

Because of the scene with a hat in his hands to the rest of the parents on the stage, Mom enters the Mom, playing "teachers." She is already in the usual form. How to prepare a hat - described below.

Guys, look - we drove the hat here!

And what's in there?

Surprise some?

Maybe trips to the sea?

Look in a hat:

Notes some ...

Take one from the right side, then the bottom of the hat is imperceptibly fused, so that the notes remaining children are distributed throughout the hat.

The parent unfolds one and as if reading:

Passing with graduates of 4-d class.

The rest of the parents referring to children:

Maybe Santa Claus forgot forgot in winter?

Or your future teachers threw?

So that they and you were easier with each other in the 5th grade.

In any case, they have no more magical way here!

So let's read.

And let's start with the biggest!

Each parent takes turn turns his note and reads a parting. First - the biggest. It says (in the general list it is not):

Dear Guys! You are creative, you are sports, you are strong in school, you are leaders! In a word, Okay and Wow, or how are you talking there? Four years ago, I did not know anything yet, and today already - the 1st school graduation. It remains quite a little bit - to stand another couple of graduation in 9m and 11m classes, monitoring, GIA, EGE, office system, new subject teachers, school duty ... But these are such trifles, right? It is much more difficult - to withstand another hour, because so I want to escape more on vacation! But you really try, stand up - you are not first, and already graduates. That's cool! ... Yes, I almost forgotten - boys, stop dividing the territory, it has long been divided before you! Better Be team! Only then you are invincible!

The text of the remaining notes select from the list, link below.

After you have read all the selected facilities, the same voice that announced the beginning, says:

You watched the "crazy movie" of joint production Studios "Lyceum №" and the produce center "Parents-production video"! Now you can train together and pull out all the wishing graduates from the hat personal parting!

There is also a volume of the same Korean song, and parents, a couple of seconds, the dancer on the stage, go down to the hall. Preferably tightening at least a body and hands.

(If everything happens in the class, and not in the hall, the essence does not change - the conditional separation on the scene and the audience is still present.)

Offer scrapbooks in a hat.


Enveloped this:

  1. Print, one by one cut and wrap in the notes.
  2. You choose the 5-7 most important things that you want to voiced by the protruding parents.
  3. They put them on one side of an inverted hats, the bottom of which is curved so that it shared a hat into 2 parts.
  4. The rest will pull the children, their notes - on the other side of the hat. These accommodations should be in the number of children + at least 3 at least 3, so that the child pulling out of his hat, also had a choice.
  5. If the time is allowed, of course, it's great if the children have read out loud what stretched out. If not, read the house (I hope).

* * *

It was a common parting to graduates of primary school and one of the ways to voice it. In the next publication - individual in the form of a list that kids from a hat will pull on a piece.

With the wishes of the right progress,

Your Evelina Sixternhenko.

The spiritual and sincere words of the parties to the students of the fourth grades on their graduation day, the official speech for the entire leadership of the school, educational institution, useful and good words Little schoolchildren from adults on school.

Beautiful wishes on fourth graders for the holiday of graduation

First prom - It is always exciting and at the same time solemnly. You can feel like truly adults and confident students!

Let many years of study be ahead, and today you can relax and rejoice in your first successes, achievements. After all, you have a lot of them and everyone, even if the smallest at first glance, deserves separate attention, praise and large ovations.

Guys, take my most sincere congratulations and try to be the best school students!

Official congratulations on school graduation students of 4th grade

Each of you today is a graduate, our favorite and very young high school students!

Four years of study in elementary school flew like one day. Now you are not only the future of our school, but also our country, so I wish you to learn well, please our parents and do not stop there.

Chat more with your classmates, be friendly, fun and active and then all knowledge will be made to you easily and with benefit, and the desire to learn will provide yourself with a bright future!

From teachers good words aiming schoolchildren to release

When you finish the fourth grade is not scary and deducting in mind or talk to suggestions on english language.

I want to congratulate you, our graduate, with the end of the elementary school!

I wish you creative success, attention, and high academic performance. Develop a sense of responsibility and respect for parents, disciples and teachers, and also try to find out every day as much new as possible!

Touching congratulations to the favorite students of grade 4 from the director

Today I appeal to you no longer as disciples primary classes, and how to future high school students!

Now you have to learn new items and expand your horizons. Already in the fall you will help, first-graders look for their cabinets at school or make them comments on change.

I congratulate you on the first success and I wish you to keep the diligent behavior, become exemplary students and try to delight not only your parents, but also teachers with our new skills, high performance and good knowledge!

Congratulatory speech from parents on graduation day

Ended another year of learning ...

For you, this year is significant, since you are a graduate of the fourth grade! I wish the elementary school to leave only the best memories of your memory.

Let your class be the most friendly and cheerful. Let there be many extracurricular activities, and preparation for the Olympiads and the exams will allow all students to become more cohesive and friendly.


The best wishes of grades of grade 4 for the future from school teachers

Expensive graduates of primary school, I am insanely nice to congratulate you with your first meaningful event in your life!

Now the school opens up new horizons before you and you have to get new knowledge that will allow you to become respected and significant people in our society.

Excellent marks, interesting lessons and non-piece everyday life!