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The best of all is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - the best teacher Muhammad peace be upon him

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born almost six hundred years after the ascension of Jesus (570-652 A.D.) in Mecca (Arabia). He lived at a time when his people were ruled by the most base paganism, and corruption and decay reigned in society. There were tribes and settlements of Jews in Arabia, but they did not spread the message of the One God and the responsibility of man to Him outside their community. Christianity was split into many different warring sects, and its stronghold, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), was in decline.

When the Messenger appeared in the midst of this decaying society in the city of Mecca with a heartfelt, incendiary appeal for repentance and transformation, he challenged the pagan leaders, which they could not ignore, because they wanted to maintain their power over the people. "Arise and exhort," was the message that God had entrusted to him. But his admonition was met with extreme hostility. At first he was ridiculed and rebuffed, and then, along with a small group of his followers, he was abused, defamed, tortured, boycotted and eventually threatened with murder. The pagans used any means to force him to abandon his mission, and the first Muslims to abandon Islam. However, they were persistent, because their confidence in the truth of the Message was so strong that a simple threat of physical harm or death could not make them give up their faith in it, spreading it and living according to it. Some of the first Muslims died under torture, others were forced to escape persecution to Abyssinia, a country ruled by a devout Christian king who later secretly converted to Islam.

After thirteen years of humble preaching and enduring all these trials, God gave the Prophet and his followers the opportunity to move to the city of Yathrib (Medina), located about three hundred miles from Mecca, at the invitation of its inhabitants who had converted to Islam. They assured the Prophet of their loyalty and vowed to live and, if necessary, die for Islam. Muslims left Mecca in small groups and set out across the desert to the city, which opened their hearts to a new faith. And when everyone left, the Prophet, along with his closest friend Abu Bakr, also finally left the city. By the grace of God, they managed to hide from the pagans who tried to kill the Prophet in Mecca and hunted him during his journey.

In Medina, far from the continuous daily persecution of the Meccan pagans, the Prophet was able to form and organize his community in the way God had indicated to him. Here the Prophet received parts of the Qur'an that established legislation on various issues. They were immediately brought to life by Muslims. Here, an Islamic society and a city-state with all the necessary social, political and economic elements were finally formed, which became an example for all future generations of Muslims.

But even there, the Prophet and his community could not live in peace. They were constantly harassed by the incessant threats and military forays of the pagans, as well as the opposition and treachery of dissenting groups in and around Medina. But the Muslim community, although small at first and ill-prepared for battle, fought back with such courage that, about nine years later, it itself was able to subdue its enemies through both military and diplomatic action. Instead of reproaching or revenge on those who persecuted him and his companions so cruelly, the Prophet forgave even his worst enemies. And thus the "opening" of Mecca took place without bloodshed. The Prophet entered the Kaaba, a sacred house of worship to God, built in ancient times by the prophets Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them), and with his own hands smashed the three hundred and sixty idols installed there, clearing the Kaaba again to worship God alone, Praiseworthy and Exalted.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died a year later. He really disseminated the Message entrusted to him by God, and left behind him two unchanging sources of teaching - the Holy Quran and its Sunnah, that is, an example of his own deeds, the details of which were collected in large numbers over several years through the recording of oral messages known as Hadith. which have been exactly preserved to the present day as the second source of doctrine in Islam after the Qur'an.

After the death of the Prophet, four of his closest friends and companions - Abu Bakr, "Umar," Uthman and "Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) - became leaders of the Muslim society and state, receiving the title of Caliphate Rasulullah, that is, Caliph, or successor of the Messenger of God They ruled exactly in accordance with the requirements of the Quran and the example set by the Prophet (peace be upon him). After them, however, the political system took the form of an inherited monarchy, which was a noticeable departure from the example of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the first four Righteous Caliphs. At the same time, Islam was rapidly spreading, carried to many parts of the world by those Muslims whose lives and communities were transformed under the influence of their faith.During its heyday (700-1600 AD), the territory from Spain to the Philippines fell under Muslim rule , and when Europe was still in a very primitive state, the light of faith, education and culture that emanated from Muslim civilization were poi was a beacon of piety, progress and prosperity in the then unenlightened world.

The Qur'an emphasizes that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the last messenger of God, the "Seal of the Prophets", and those who claim this title after him are a false prophet. But one may ask why, if God sent messengers to the ancient peoples when the need arose, and a person on this planet does not yet live by His teaching and the need for His teaching is so obvious today, there should not be any other prophets after him?

This is because the Qur'an is the final and complete teaching of God for all mankind. Thus, it does not need any corrections, no editing, no proof. In addition, it was revealed when the human mind, consciousness and the ability to preserve and transmit knowledge in writing reached full maturity. The Quran was preserved word for word, letter for letter in the form in which it was revealed, the Quran contains the promise of Almighty God to protect him from changes until the Last Day, so there is no need to send another teaching. The Qur'an is complete and perfect, and its principles and teachings are as valid and binding today as they were when they were revealed; for although the style and way of human life have changed, the Principles of Being, the nature of good and evil, the own nature of man are unchanging and eternal truths that are in no way affected by time or changes in man.

In addition, there is another reason that there is no need for subsequent messengers. In addition to the teachings formulated in the Qur'an, Islam has another source for the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Book sent down by God contained the teachings of God, but the Book was not enough; someone was needed to translate this teaching into action, to live it.

The life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has been recorded as complete and detailed as no other life in human history. His completely unique position as a recipient of revelations from God, Praiseworthy and Exalted, determined that every act and every detail of his life aroused the greatest interest in the people around him. Therefore, the narratives preserved in the books of Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) concern all aspects of his life, from the most personal issues to the conduct of wars and state affairs. Consequently, Muslims in every aspect of their lives - it should be borne in mind that, according to Islam, no aspect of human existence is outside of religion - have before them a living example of the best of people. As his wife Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said about him, his behavior was the Koran. And despite the fact that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was a man of great spirituality and incredible closeness to God, he lived an extremely full, active and fulfilling life, performing a large number of different and complex functions. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather, a kind and responsible relative, a devoted and gentle friend, a leader equally in worship and battle, an excellent ruler and statesman. For Muslims of that time, as well as for today's and tomorrow's Muslims, he was, is and always will be a model: a teacher, mentor, leader and, in addition, a bearer of Divine teachings, a link with God, as well as a person whom they love, honor and who is more imitated than all other people.

“We have divided the Koran so that you can read it to people slowly. We sent it down in parts "(Quran, 17: 106).

Teachers are some of the most influential people in our lives.

Most of us can remember our first teacher in school, the one who taught the alphabet and numeracy, and along the way we grew up, we met many teachers who helped us on our journey into adulthood and more. Whether it's a high school math teacher who helped you master algebra, or a university professor who taught you the spirit of debate, the very fabric of our being is heavily influenced by the teachers who have guided us along the path of science and education.

In Islam, there is only one teacher who laid the foundations for the spiritual education of mankind, by the grace of Allah Almighty. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), an illiterate person, was chosen by the Creator to become the Last Messenger and the perfect teacher for all Muslims.

Known for being "His disposition was the Koran" The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was commissioned to read and transmit the message of the Quran to all mankind. However, he was not an ordinary teacher. In fact, he set the ideal level of education over a thousand years ago, and the consequences are still being felt today.

There are many reasons why the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was and remains the greatest teacher who ever lived on earth. In this article, we will provide just a few of them.

He did not ignore a single student.

In schools around the world, teachers often distinguish between strong and weak students. The latter of them are assigned to simpler classes that do not contribute to the development of mental abilities, while all paths to success are open to "smart" students.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not differentiate between students based on their intelligence, social status, or any other classification that divides us in society. He also never sought to exclude or expel anyone from Islam, but conveyed an all-encompassing message to all mankind. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“By Allah! If He brings at least one person (to Islam) through you, it will be better for you than (a herd of) red camels ”(Al-Bukhari).

Thus, Muslims have a tangible example of how to invite others to the Islamic faith.

The perfect speaker

Most of us have at some point probably encountered at least one teacher who could not be heard, or who spoke so quickly that it was almost impossible to understand what he was saying. Even today, many teachers in class often speak very quickly in order to deliver as much information as possible in a limited period of time.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), on the contrary, was methodical and never rushed. According to the statement of his beloved wife Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), he:

"... spoke in such a way that his words could be counted" (Al-Bukhari).

Also, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), according to the statements of his companions, repeated his words three times. The words he spoke and the lessons he gave were unambiguous, which helped his disciples succeed in cultivating their faith and sincere devotion to the Qur'an. The perfection of the Prophet Muhammad's speech was aimed at getting the message across to every disciple, and repetition promoted memorization, and this is an excellent teaching tool.

He himself practiced what he taught

Perhaps one of the greatest qualities that made the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) such a phenomenal teacher is that he himself was a shining example of what he taught. He often told his companions about the Unity of God Almighty and he himself lived his life in full accordance with Islam, never forgetting about the future life.

In all aspects of his life, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a role model and always practiced what he preached himself. This helped his companions see with a living example how to translate the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah into practice. As Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

“The Messenger of Allah was a wonderful example for you, for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah very much” (Quran, 33:21).

If the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not embody every aspect of the Quran in his example, this would negatively affect the level of trust between him and his companions.

Exercising patience in times of adversity

How many times, especially in schools, have you heard of teachers calling some students “difficult” and waving at them? Too many teachers can only deal with those students who understand them, and do not try to reach out to those who resist at every step.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) faced a tremendous amount of contempt and outright hatred when he began to bring the message of Islam to the people. In Mecca, he spent thirteen years trying to teach his lost people the message of the Qur'an, and at every step he met with fierce resistance, and only a minority accepted Islam.

The Prophet faced a similar, albeit less pronounced, conflict after moving to Medina, and never even thought about leaving. Some of the best personal qualities that helped strengthen his determination and dedication to his mission included wisdom, patience, and a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of Allah.

The method by which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) taught the message of Islam to his companions had such an effect that has passed through the centuries and today made Islam the fastest growing religion in the world.

Whether you are a Muslim convert or have already been born in Islam, the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as a talented teacher is a unifying force in the Islamic world and a catalyst for better understanding through education.

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be to our prophet Muhammad, his family members and all his companions!

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters of Muslim women! If you are asked: “Who is the greatest of people? Who is the most merciful of people? Who is the fairest of people? Who is the best of people? Who is the most worthy of people? Who is the most generous of people? Who is the most honest of people? Who is the most knowledgeable of people? "

If you know the answer to these questions, have you ever read the biography of this person? Did you have the opportunity to enjoy listening to the narration of his life? Did you have a desire in your heart to meet this person and talk to him?

Allah blessed our noble Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) by raising him in the best possible way and giving him a wonderful disposition, and this disposition was in him from a very young age until death reassured him. Even before the beginning of the prophecy, Allah was preparing him for this mission. At first, he was instilled in a love of loneliness, and he moved away from people in the cave of Hira, spending long nights there and reflecting on the universe, arranged by Allah. Far from worldly vanity and human delusions, his heart was illuminated with the light of humility and spiritual purity.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) continued to do so until the command of Allah appeared to him. Our Lord honored Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) by sending him to people with the best of messages and the greatest of religions. Allah made him the messenger and seal of the prophecy, which completed all the former religions, canceled all the laws of the previous prophets, except those that were approved by Islam.

Since the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) received the command of his Lord, he began to call people to Allah and Monotheism, explaining the need to worship only Allah, who has no companions, and demanding that they give up polytheism and worship of idols. First, he turned his appeal to relatives and friends. The first woman to answer his call was his wife Khadija, of the men the first was Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, and of the children - Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all).

Gradually, Islam began to spread, Muslims who submitted to Allah gathered around the Messenger of Allah in the house of al-Arkam ibn Abu al-Arkam to drink from the source of heavenly knowledge, learn ayahs from the Book of Allah. Over time, the number of Muslims grew, Islam accepted Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), which gave the believers confidence and encouraged them.

Let us remember the moment when Allah said to his prophet: "Proclaim what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists" (15.Al-Hijr: 94).

This ayah marked the entry of Islam into a new stage, henceforth the call to the religion of Allah began to be performed openly

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) climbed Mount Safa and announced to all people that he was a messenger from Allah and that his mission was to call people to Monotheism and obedience to Allah. He announced to them that Paradise will be a reward for those who answer his call and follow him, and those who disobey and turn away will receive hellish punishment. Some people answered his call, while others scoffed and even caused him suffering. The Prophet and his companions showed patience and perseverance in all adversity, they sacrificed everything they could on the path of Islam, trying to call for this great religion.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) walked around the groups of pilgrims in Mina, one after another, calling them and preaching to them the Truth of Islam. He made every effort to convey to people the greatest, most perfect and last message from Allah (He is Great and Glorious). Allah gave the prophet his support by sending pilgrims from Medina to him. They gathered in Mina, and in a place called Jamrat al-Aqaba, the people of Medina made a promise to the prophet to provide full support to him and his companions.

Then Allah allowed his prophet to move to Medina, which later became the abode of faith and the first Islamic state. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to Medina, taking Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) as his companion on this historic trip. When the prophet went on his way, Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) remained sleeping on his bed to confuse the polytheists, who were already waiting for the prophet at the door of his house and had their swords ready with the intention of killing him. However, Allah blinded their eyes so that the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) could leave unharmed, after which he went to the meeting place with his faithful companion Abu Bakr. Together they set off south of Mecca, and took refuge on Mount Saur. They spent several days there, waiting for everything to calm down and the polytheists to stop persecuting them. After that, they headed north towards Medina, where the Muslims happily met their prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet built a mosque and fraternized between his companions - the Muhajirs (immigrants from Mecca) and the Ansars (Medina Muslims), after which he began to build the first Islamic state.

The Islamic State began to grow stronger and stronger. The Most High Patron allowed the believers to defend their country, even if this required fighting. The polytheists expected and hoped that evil would befall the believers and their country, and it would fall apart. Heavy battles took place between the two sides: on one side there were people calling for good, and on the other, supporters of evil. Allah (He is Great and Glorious) protected the believers, strengthened them and gave support, as a result of which their country became stronger, strengthened, and the light of Islam reached the farthest corners of this world.

Years after the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) left Mecca, he returned to it as a victor, so that the word of Allah might rise and Truth triumphed. Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) climbed the Kaaba and called out to the people, announcing the streets of the Holy City with an appeal to Monotheism. The Prophet crushed the idols established in Mecca by reading the words of Allah: “Say:“ The truth has appeared, and the lie has perished. Truly, lies are doomed to perish " (17.Al-Isra: 81).

Dear brothers and sisters, this was the life of our prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It was a life filled with tireless zeal, righteous deeds, a call to Allah and the protection of religion. The Messenger of Allah went this way until his death, and Allah brought this religion to the highest perfection and made His mercy to the believers complete and absolute. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died on Monday 12th or 13th of the month of Rabi 'al-Awal. May the peace and blessings of Allah be over him, as well as over all his family, companions and all who followed him until the Day of Judgment.

Allah made the distinctive quality of the prophet a high disposition and perfect morality. Addressing him, the Almighty says: "Truly, your disposition is excellent." (68. Al-Kalam: 4).

One of the qualities of the prophet was his amazing selflessness. He gave people what they asked for, while he himself could not start a fire in his house for a month or two due to lack of food. Once the prophet was presented with a warm cloak, which he really needed, but one person asked the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he gave it to him. People began to criticize this man, saying to him: "He needed her, because you know that he never refuses to ask."

The courage of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) amazed his contemporaries. He was the most courageous of people, showing fearlessness and audacity in battles with enemies. When people fled from the battlefield, he remained steadfast and continued to advance. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the slaughter flared up and the eyes of the soldiers were filled with blood, we kept behind the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And there was no one who would stand closer to the enemy. "

Despite his courage and courage, he was a very courteous and gracious person, was not rude, harsh in expressions and did not make noisy conversations in the market. He did not answer evil for evil, but, on the contrary, forgave and forgot offenses. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I served the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for ten years, and he never even said 'Oof' to me. If I did something, then he did not ask me why I did it, and if I didn’t do something, then he didn’t ask me why I didn’t do it ”.

The Prophet was not gloomy, he joked with his companions, lived with them, conducted conversations with them, played with children and sat them on his lap. It happened that one of the kids wet his clothes, but this did not annoy the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He always answered the requests of people, not distinguishing between free and slave, rich and poor. He visited the sick, even if he had to go to the other end of Medina. When someone asked him for forgiveness or apologized, he always accepted the apology and forgave. If during the collective prayer he heard a child crying, then he shortened the prayer, fearing to cause difficulty to the child's mother. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) held his granddaughter in his arms during the collective prayer with Muslims, and when he stood, he took her in his arms, and when he bowed to the ground, he laid her on the ground.

The Messenger led a very modest life and did not strive for the blessings of this world, but as regards the World of the Next, he was the most zealous. When Allah gave him a choice: either to be a king-prophet or a slave-messenger, he chose to become a slave-messenger.

O Muslims! These few examples are pearls of a prophetic disposition! Let his temper be like a beacon for you that will illuminate the path. Follow him, follow his path and be guided by his instructions. Indeed, Allah laid in our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the most noble and lofty morality and therefore ordered us to follow him and imitate him. Allah said: “Believe in Allah and in His Messenger, the Prophet who does not know the letters, who believed in Allah and His Word. Follow him so that you follow the straight path. " (7.Al-A'raf: 158).

No matter how much time passes, no matter how far Muslims live from each other, there will always be a group of true believers among them who will miss the chosen one of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They will want to meet him and dream of seeing him, whatever the cost.

Brothers and sisters, let's read together these amazing words of our prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: “Some of the strongest people in their love for me will be those who will appear after me. All of them will wish to just see me, even if they had to sacrifice their family and property for this. " (quoted by Muslim).

But, moreover, the Messenger of Allah himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reciprocated such people, because he also wanted to see them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "I would like to meet my brothers" , - the companions asked him: "Are we not your brothers?" Allah's Apostle said:"You are my companions (Askhab), and my brothers are those who believed in me without seeing me." (Ahmad)

We call on Allah to be a witness to our words that we love Him and love His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)!

Love for the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the unswerving duty of every Muslim. Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi (may Allah grant him His mercy) said: "Know that the entire community of Islam is united in their opinion, that love for Allah and for His Messenger is obligatory (fard)."

One of the righteous predecessors said: “Love for Allah and His Messenger is one of the greatest duties of Iman (faith), it is one of the most significant pillars of Iman and his most important rule. Moreover, love for Allah and His Messenger is the basis of all works of Faith and religion. "

If a person gives preference to the one he loves over himself, then nothing will seem difficult to him on the way of confirming this love. The iman (faith) of a Muslim will not reach perfection until the Messenger of Allah becomes for this person more beloved than himself, not to mention someone or something else.

O those who fell in love with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)!

Know that love has attributes by which to define it. The very first and main sign of love for Allah is following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah Almighty said: "Say:" If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you. " (3.Alu Imran: 31).

Al-Hasan al-Basri and other righteous predecessors said: “Some people claimed that they love Allah, and Allah tested them with this verse: "Say:" If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you. " (3.Alu Imran: 31)

Sufyan (may Allah grant him His mercy) said: "Love is following the messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)."

If a person really loves Allah and His Messenger, then he shows jealousy for Allah and His Messenger to the extent that his love is strong. If jealousy for Allah and His Messenger is absent in the heart, then there is no love in it, even if he himself considers himself loving Allah. The one who declares his love, and himself does not show any jealousy, lies when he sees that others trample on the prohibitions of Allah, disobey Him, neglect Him, insult Him and do not honor His orders. Is love like that !? No, the heart of such a person has no love, it is cold as ice. How can a person speak of his love for Allah when his heart is not jealous, seeing how the boundaries set by Allah are violated, and his orders are not carried out. If jealousy for the religion of Allah disappears from the heart, then love also disappears with it, moreover, religion itself disappears, leaving behind a barely noticeable trace.

Also, a sign of love for the prophet is love for his companions. He who loves the prophet also loves his companions. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, fear Allah as far as my companions are concerned!

Fear Allah, fear Allah as far as my companions are concerned!

Don't make them the subject of your nagging after my death. Whoever loves them will love them out of love for me, and whoever hates them will hate them out of hatred for me. The one who offends them, he offends me, and who offends me, he offends Allah, and the one who offends Allah, His punishment will soon fall on him. " (lead Ahmad, at-Tirmizi).

The Companions themselves loved the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) very much. Probably, it is no secret to anyone what Abu Bakr did during the Hijra (resettlement), protecting him at the cost of his life and health, from all dangers and hardships. Everyone knows what other companions did, not sparing themselves for the love of the prophet. Remember the woman who lost her husband, brother and father in the battle of Uhud:

«… When the first messengers arrived and expressed their condolences to her, she only asked: "How are the things of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?" - She was told: "Oh, woman, praise be to Allah, he is fine, as you wanted." The woman said, "Show it to me so I can look at it myself." Then she was shown to him, and when she saw, she said: "If you are okay, then any trouble is insignificant."

Remember Zayed ibn ad-Dassin (may Allah be pleased with him), who was captured and was in Mecca. Safwan ibn Umayyah ibn Khalaf sent Zayd to Tangim, accompanied by his freedman named Nistas, to execute him there in revenge for his father who had been killed by him. A group of Quraysh gathered there, among whom was Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. When Zayd was brought to the place of execution, Abu Sufyan said: "I conjure you by Allah, Zayd, would you like Muhammad to be with us now, in your place, and we would chop off his head, and you would be in the bosom of your family?" Zayd said: "By Allah, I do not wish that Muhammad was even pricked with a thorn, being in the place where he is now, so that I would be in the circle of my family." Abu Sufyan said: "I have not seen anyone love someone as much as Muhammad's companions love their prophet." And after that, Nystas killed Zayd.

How can a Muslim not love the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at a time when Allah himself gives him the highest praise in the Holy Quran. The Almighty said: “You are not possessed by the grace of your Lord. Truly, your reward is inexhaustible. Truly, your disposition is excellent " (68. Al-Kalam: 2-3).

“A Messenger from your midst has appeared to you. It is hard for him that you are suffering. He is trying for you. He is kind and merciful to believers " (9.At-Tawbah: 128).

"We sent you only as a mercy to the worlds" (21. Al-Anbiya: 107).

"He is merciful to believers" (33. Al-Ahzab: 43).

If a Muslim loves the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), then he must follow his Sunnah. Allah (He is Great and Glorious) said:

“Follow that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow any helpers besides Him. How little do you remember edification! " ("7.Al-A'raf: 3).

These words mean: follow in the footsteps of this prophet who came to you with the Book sent down from the Lord and the Master of all things.

Allah (He is Holy and Great) said: "Take what the Messenger has given you, and keep away from what he has forbidden you." (59. Al-Khashr: 7).

A person cannot achieve true Islam until he is absolutely obedient and satisfied with the decisions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Qur'an says: “But no - I swear by your Lord! - they will not believe until they elect you as a judge in everything that is entangled between them, do not stop feeling embarrassed by your decision in their souls, and do not completely obey " (4.An-Nisa: 65).

"Let those who resist his will beware, lest they be tempted or suffer their painful sufferings." (24. An-Nur: 63).

O you who have believed! Obedience to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is our duty and an integral part of faith in his prophecy. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever obeys me, he will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeyed me, he refused (from Paradise)" (quoted by Al-Bukhari).

Sufyan al-Sauri (may Allah grant him His mercy) said: "Fakihs (scholars of Sharia) said:" The word will not be complete without deed, the word and deed will not be complete without the right intention, and the word, deed and intention will not be complete if they do not correspond to the Sunnah. "

Brothers and sisters, may Allah bless you, beware of innovations in religion, because they contradict the Sunnah and declare enmity towards it. Allah Almighty (He is Holy and Exalted) said: “This is My straight path. Follow him and do not follow other paths as they will lead you astray. He has commanded you this - perhaps you will be intimidated. " (6.Al-An`am: 153).

If a person tries to substantiate his religious deeds and beliefs with feelings, emotions, love, sensations, personal preferences, while the Sharia of Allah does not confirm these deeds and beliefs, then all these sensations are delusion and falsehood. A person who makes the source of his religion some of his personal inner experiences and experiences, in fact, simply follows his passions and whims. No one is allowed to make his religion what he personally likes, and to forbid in religion what he does not like and what he is dissatisfied with. Everything should be done only in accordance with the path that Allah has shown us. The Almighty established for us the laws of the Holy Sharia, for this he sent His messenger to us, and ordered him and all believers to unswervingly follow this Sharia. Therefore, our righteous predecessors called everyone who in some way left the Sharia as followers of their passions. This name was given to them because they invented something in religion that is not in it. Our prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Anyone who does something new in this religion of ours that has nothing to do with it, then this matter will be rejected."

An-Nawawi said: “This hadith is the greatest foundation of the foundations of Islam, it is an example of the laconicism of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This hadith frankly and clearly rejects any innovations and inventions in the Shariah. "

If we know all this, then it becomes extremely clear that in order to correctly and unswervingly follow the Sunnah, we must definitely avoid innovations.

Innovations in religion are very dangerous and have a detrimental effect on the faith of a Muslim, undermining the foundations of his religion. Religious innovations are a conduit of unbelief, because everything begins with the fact that a person ascribes some laws to Allah, not possessing knowledge, as if he wants to supplement the Sharia, considering it unfinished. Islam does not allow a creative approach to religious issues, because inventions in Islam cause a split in our Ummah, distract people from the true Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and introduce confusion in the ranks of Muslims, changing and distorting religion.

This is why the religion of Allah prescribes severe retribution for those who innovate the Islamic Sharia. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Indeed, Allah delays the repentance of every proponent of innovation until he leaves his innovation." (cited by al-Bayhaqi and at-Tabari, and al-Albani called the hadith authentic).

Sufyan al-Sauri said: "Innovation is more beloved for Iblis than sins, because a person repents of his sins, but does not repent of innovations." Proponents of innovations do not repent and do not ask Allah for forgiveness for their heresy, because they consider it to be the truth. Therefore, heart disease caused by innovations is much more dangerous than heart disease caused by passion and lust. Allah Almighty said: “Is the one to whom his evil deed is presented beautiful and who considers it good, equal to the one who follows the straight path? Indeed, Allah misleads whomever He wills. " (35. Fatyr: 8).

O servants of Allah! Fear your Lord as regards the Sunnah of your prophet.

O servants of Allah! Fear your Lord when it comes to following the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), for he said: “I will lead you at the Pool (Houd), but some people will be taken away from me, and I will say:“ Oh my Lord, these are my followers ”, - But I will be told:“ You do not know what innovations they came up with after you, they changed and substituted! " The Prophet will then say: "Down with, down with those who changed and replaced" (cited by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

May Allah save us from suffering a loss!

Celebrating Mawlid

In Medina, a man had a son, so bad that when he died, his father did not come to see him off on his last journey. After that, the father had a dream where his son was in Paradise. Surprised, he asked how he got to the best abode with such an impious lifestyle. To which the son replied: “Once I went with people to the outskirts of the city, when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was returning from another campaign. One of the companions who were with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on this path, I asked: "How does the Prophet feel?" - he replied - "Praise be to Allah, he is safe and sound" - and this made me happy. I was simply glad that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) returned home safe and sound. Because of this joy, Allah made me happy, forgiving me my misdeeds. "

The month of Rabi-ul Avval is the month in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born, and if we rejoice at his birth, then there is hope that Allah will forgive us our sins. The Qur'an says (meaning): "Tell them, according to the goodness of Allah and his mercy - this let them rejoice" (Surah Yunus, ayat 59).

None of us can know in which group of people he will be on the Day of Judgment. But Allah already in worldly life gives us the opportunity to choose where and with whom we will be on the Day of Judgment. Indeed, the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: "On the Day of Judgment, a person will be with those whom he loves." .

Many of us have noticed that Islamic holidays very often coincide with other holidays. In one year, Eid al-Adha (holiday of sacrifice) coincided with the celebration of the New Year. In 2009, 12 Rabi-ul-Awal (the day on which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was born coincided with March 8.

None of us can know in which group of people he will be on the Day of Judgment. But Allah already in worldly life gives us the opportunity to choose where and with whom we will be on the Day of Judgment. Indeed, the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: "On the Day of Judgment, a person will be with those whom he loves."

Everyone has the opportunity to understand what he prefers and rejoices more - the onset of the month of Rabi-ul-awwal or some other holiday that falls on these days? The Almighty made the day on which the Prophet Muhammad was born (peace and blessings be upon him) a day of joy for Muslims. As you know, the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) falls on the 12th night, before the morning prayer - this is the time when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born. At this time, the likelihood that our prayers will be accepted by Allah is much greater than on other days.

Once Sheikh Muhammad ibn-Alyawi ibn-Abbas al-Maliki from Mecca (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: “Why was our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) born in the month of Rabi ul Awal, and not in such venerable months as rajab, sha'ban and others? " Sheikh Alawi replied: If the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the month of Ramadan or Rajab, then people would think that Allah decorated the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) this month. Is there anything that can elevate him? The Almighty made it so that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the month of Rabbi-ul Avval, in order to decorate this month with the birth of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Allah also exalted the name of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) even before we were born. When Adam (peace be upon him) was put (nur), the radiance of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the spine, all the angels looked at the back of Adam (peace be upon him). Then he asked the Almighty to transfer this radiance to his forehead so that the angels would look at him from the front. Then he asked to give the opportunity to see this nur for himself, then Allah transferred this nur to the nails of his thumbs. And then Adam (peace be upon him) kissed his fingers and ran them over his eyes, saying at the same time: "Oh, the joy of my eyes, I am Rasulallah." It is also said that if a father gives his son the name Muhammad, then it is advisable for the father to get up when the son enters. That is how Allah exalted this name.

Also, if a person named Muhammad is present at any meeting where various issues are discussed, then there will be grace in this. Therefore, when we decide some issues and a decision needs to be made, we, in the hope of receiving the grace of this name, include a person named Muhammad. Then this meeting and the decision made at it will be gracious. So worthy is the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)!

The Almighty sent our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with mercy for the worlds. By mercy to believers and unbelievers, obedient and sinners, mercy to animals, trees, plants, stones. He was sent by the Prophet not only to people, but also to genies, angels, and others.

In regard to mercy to the unbelievers, it is worth citing a case. It happened on the day of the capture of Mecca, when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), tired, leaned back against the house, in the shade of which he decided to rest a little. The angel Jabrail (peace be upon him) immediately came down and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do not touch this house with your back and do not use its shadow, because a woman who hates you lives in this house, and in order not to hear your voice, when you speak, she closed the windows, doors, covered her ears and sits inside. So get away from this house. " As soon as he left, the angel Jabrail (peace be upon him) returned and said: "Since your back touched this house, Allah opened the gates of his mercy for her heart, and she will accept Islam." Then the door opened and a woman ran out of the house, rushed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, until this day there was no person in the world more hated by you, I don’t know what happened, but from that moment there is no person I love more than you. " Here is a clear example of how Allah opens the gates of mercy even to unbelievers.

Once the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) heard the voice of an antelope, after which a hunter was chasing: "Help, O Messenger of Allah!" The antelope turned to him and said: “O Messenger of Allah, give me the opportunity to return to my cubs and feed them, then I will appear before the hunter, and if I don’t return, may I be worse than the person who, having heard your name , does not read salavat (ie, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). " Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) became a pledge instead of an antelope. She ran to the cubs and began to rush them, and when they learned that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) remained as a pledge, they refused and said: "How could you come to us, leaving the most precious creation of Allah on bail?" When the antelope returned, the Bedouin was amazed, he could not do anything with the animal and converted to Islam. Then over time, when one day, this Bedouin was next to the grave in which the blessed body of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) rests, an antelope approached him and, by the will of Allah, spoke. He (the Bedouin) said: "I think this is the cub of the same antelope, instead of which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took a pledge."

The mercy and nobility of the beloved of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is also seen from the way he teaches us a merciful attitude towards the sacrificial animal: "Do not show one animal how another is cut, feed and water it and sharpen the knife properly." ...

The story of the hawk and the swallow

Once a swallow flew to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), followed by a hawk. The swallow asked him (peace and blessings be upon him) for protection, as the chicks were waiting for her. The hawk replied that he also had chicks, which he also had to feed: “This is my game, I cannot leave it. You are a Prophet sent by mercy to all. How can you save her and leave my chicks hungry? " The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) possessed unlimited mercy and offered his meat to this hawk. And he ran a knife over his body to cut off a piece from his body, but the knife did not cut it. And then the swallow and the hawk turned into the angels of Dzhabrail and Mikail (peace be upon them). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) realized that these were the angels who came to him to test him. And they said: "Truly you are sent as mercy to the worlds."

When Allah created the Nur (light, radiance) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he was in the pearl. When nur was taken from a pearl and handed over to the prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and his descendants, this pearl crumbled, and rice was created from it. Everything we eat is healthy and unhealthy, except for rice. It contains only benefit and healing.

And in every creation of God there is a Nur of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).


Gatherings of people where the Prophet Muhammad is praised (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), tells about the features and superiorities bestowed by the Almighty only on the Beloved of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), expresses the joy that we are from his ummah - among people began to be called mawlids. The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also gathered and praised him, told about him, rejoiced in him, only they did not call such meetings mawlids. The meaning of life of the Companions was the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), everywhere and everywhere they talked about him and praised him. And how absurd are the words of those who say that it is impossible to gather for the Mawlid!

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) migrated from venerable Mecca to radiant Medina, the inhabitants of Medina met him, singing the well-known nasheed "Talamanikal badru alaina" and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not forbid them to do so. This is another example of how the Companions expressed joy to the beloved of Allah. In the month in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was granted earthly life, mawlids are often held. Celebrating Mawlid is one of the pious and godly deeds in Islam. It tells about the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in poetic form, combining istighfar (request for forgiveness of sins), dhikr (remembrance of Allah), salavat (glorification of the Prophet), reading the Koran. For the first time, such meetings became official in the Irbil area, the ruler of which was a very God-fearing Muslim.

The performance of such majlises was approved by such eminent authoritative scholars, champions of the Sunnah, fighters against innovations, such as Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar Askalyani, Al-Hafiz al-Sahavi, Al-Hafiz al-Suyuta (may Allah have mercy on them).

Conducting mawlids carries a lot of benefits - a manifestation of love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), this is a gathering of Muslims to express their joy, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and love between Muslims, giving alms, a way to gain knowledge about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) blessing), etc.

Al-Hafiz al-Suyuta, speaking about the attitude of the Shariah to the Mawlids, said: "The basis for the Mawlids is the gathering of people, reading individual suras, stories about those significant events that took place in the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). And it is Shariah approved because it is done to exalt the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). " Also, the hadith says “The founder of the good for Islam will be rewarded for those who follow him until the Day of Judgment” (Imam Muslim).

But there are also opponents who do not recognize and deny the permissibility of such gatherings and events, which rely on hadiths that they have misunderstood. The hadith says: "Do not exalt me ​​as excessively as Christians do in relation to the prophet Isa (peace be upon him)." A true Muslim believer should not call the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the son of God. This is how this hadith should be understood, and not mean by it the prohibition of the glorification and exaltation of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in general.

None of the Muslims have ever treated the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the way Christians treat the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) and Muslims never called Muhammad inadmissible epithets, like the son of God, etc. And every Muslim knows that such an unacceptable exaltation of any of the slaves of Allah leads a person out of the faith. Therefore, accusations against Muslims that they too exalt the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) are senseless and groundless.

There are many who say that it is forbidden to gather to praise the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). They believe that such a gathering is an innovation that is forbidden in Islam. But they themselves celebrate their birthdays and go to others for such celebrations. And it turns out that a person forbids expressing the joy of the birth of Allah's favorite - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and he himself celebrates his birth and the birth of relatives and friends.

Sometimes people's ignorance knows no bounds. Some prohibit events where people gather to praise the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), the remembrance of the Almighty, (call it mawlid or any other word, it is just that such gatherings are popularly called mawlid), but they do not prohibit gatherings of people where they sit in front of the TV and discuss everything that is shown there.

As for the reproaches due to the fact that Mawlids are performed in poetic form, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There is wisdom in verses” (narrated by Imam Bukhari). Once Kahb ibn Zuhair performed nazm (eloquent narration in poetic form) in front of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), for which he presented his cloak to ibn Zuhair. It is also reported how the Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) entered the mosque at the time when the poet Hasan bin Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him) was reading poetry there. At the condemning look of Umar Hasan said: “I had the custom of reciting verses in the mosque in the presence of someone who was better than you,” meaning the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

There are a huge number of hadiths that the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recited verses in his presence. Imam Shafi'i said: "Poems are the essence of speech, and what is good that is said is good, and what is said bad is bad."

And after all of the above, a definition of the concept of Mavlid is formed. Mawlid is a story about the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), about his deeds, his greatest qualities and great merits. This is the essence and idea of ​​Mawlid, which existed in the days of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Another thing is that there was no term to denote it, but during the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) there were no such terms as, for example, fiqh (Islamic law), tafsir (interpretation of the Koran), nahv (grammar), etc. ...

Therefore, the greatest mistake is made by those who consider holding Mawlid unacceptable.

May Allah resurrect us and gather us on the Day of Judgment under the banner of our beloved Messenger of Allah! Amine.

Ancestors The messenger of Muhammad (meib), from the side of his father, to Adnan - a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, peace be upon him:
Messenger Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) - Abdullah, Abdulmuttalib, Hashim, Abdumanaf, Qusay, Kilab, Murrah, Kaab, Luay, Gaalib, Fihr, Malik, Nadr, Kinana, Khuzaima, Mudrika, Ilyas, Mudar, Nizar, Meaad, Adnan.
Most of the Prophets before Muhammad (meib) were chosen by Allah Almighty to indicate the True Path to the inhabitants of a particular tribe, a separate city or for the inhabitants of a certain area. The last Prophet, the Messenger Muhammad (meib), was chosen by the Creator of the Worlds to show the True Path to all people of the globe, to all creatures of all worlds. A quick glance at the state of that era is enough to understand what great blessing Allah Almighty has bestowed on humanity by sending down the Holy Quran through the Prophet Muhammad (meib).
As you know, in the years when the Prophet Muhammad (meib) appeared, the whole world was drowning in sins. Having lost the authentic Scriptures, people strayed from the Path of Truth, began to profess polytheism and idolatry. Lawlessness flourished in human relationships. The rights of people, indicated in the previous Messages of Allah Almighty, were forgotten and replaced by the right of the strong. Constant intertribal, interstate wars, claiming thousands of young lives, kept people in constant fear. Fear for their lives and property did not leave people in peacetime. Robbery and robbery, adultery and homosexuality were common. Respect for the woman disappeared. It was used as a commodity. Moreover, some tribes, following their completely wild beliefs, went so far as to bury their own young daughters in the ground.
It was at such a time that the last Messenger was born, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. This happened in the city of Mecca on the night of the 12th day of the month Rabi'ul-Auval, corresponding to the 20th of April 571 in the modern calendar. Until the age of forty, Muhammad (meib) did not know about his destiny. But, nevertheless, from the time of his birth, he was already endowed with the qualities inherent in prophets. His exceptional truthfulness, honesty, noble deeds won the respect of all the inhabitants of Mecca. The trust of all strata of the city's population was also expressed in how they called it: "Muhammad" ul-Amin "- Muhammad the Faithful. That is, a man of honor.
Having received from Allah Almighty the news of his destiny through the Angel of Jabrail, Muhammad (meib) exactly fulfilled his Prophetic mission. He canceled false beliefs on behalf of Allah subhana wa ta'ala and saved humanity by indicating the True Faith. He gave people the keys of salvation in this and the other world in the form of a real religion - Islam.
As we have already said, with the sending of the last Holy Scripture - the Noble Quran through the Messenger of Muhammad (meib), all the Commands transmitted by the previous Prophets (not included in the Quran) were canceled by Allah Almighty. From now on until the Day of Judgment, Allah, great and glorious, Has ordered all mankind to follow the Path indicated by the Prophet Muhammad (meib). Therefore, when one day the Prophet of Allah (meib) saw in the hands of his companion Umar the pages of Taurat (Torah) canceled by Allah Almighty, he made the following remark to him: “Do you, as well as Jews and Christians, doubt the truth of the Noble Koran sent down to me? Truly I say to you, and Allah is witness to this, that if the Prophet Musa (Moses, peace be upon him), to whom Taurat (Torah) was sent, was alive, then he would have had no choice but to obey the Holy Quran and follow me. "
Let's take a closer look at the life of the Prophet of Allah (meib):
Without a good knowledge of his life, it is difficult to love the Prophet. Without true love for the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (meib), it is difficult to follow his lifestyle and become a good Muslim.
The name of the Prophet of Islam - Muhammad; his father's name is Abdullah; mother's name is Amina. His father died when Muhammad (meib) was seven months old in his mother's womb. He was born in the city of Mecca on the night of the 12th day of the month of Rabi 'ul-awal, corresponding to the 20th of April 571. At birth, he did not look like an ordinary child. it took a long time to watch. ”It was a clear sign that the chosen one of Allah was born.
Until the age of four, the boy was raised by his wet nurse Halima. Then the child was returned to his family. When he was six years old, his mother died and he was taken to the house of his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib. But two years later, my grandfather also died. This time the eight-year-old boy was taken by his uncle Abu Talib.
The whole life of the Messenger of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, including childhood, youth, single years and family years, passed miraculously, among the signs. His life was spiritually completely different from the life of an ordinary person. Although he himself seemed to be a very simple person.
At the age of 25, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, married Khatija, may Allah be pleased with her. From childhood, he felt a dislike for idols and never worshiped them. He prayed to the Almighty according to the legends that came down from the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him. Very often, Muhammad (meib) climbed the closest mountain to Mecca Khira and reflected there on the Power and Greatness of Allah subhana wa taal.
Once, when Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was in a cave, and his soul was filled with love for God, Allah Almighty sent Archangel Jabrail, peace be upon him, to notify him of the upcoming prophetic mission.
"Read!" said Jabrail, peace be upon him, the savior of mankind, the favorite of Allah Almighty.
"What to read?" he answered. "Read!" repeated Jabrail (peace be upon him). Muhammad (meib) repeated his question. Jabrail (peace be upon him) squeezed the chest of the Prophet of Allah three times. After that, lo and behold, Muhammad (Meib), who did not know the letters, began to recite the verses of the Holy Quran from memory. He repeated after Jabrail (peace be upon him): "Read! In the name of your Lord, who created - created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the most generous ..." (96 / 1-3).
Each time receiving the verses of the Qur'an, Muhammad (meib) memorized them with great zeal, trying to memorize everything exactly and pass it on to people. Allah (praise be to Him the Almighty), knowing about his excessive zeal, and in order to calm him down and help him, once sent down the following verse: “And at least he expounded his apologies ... gathering it up and reading it. And when we read it, then follow it. Then, verily, it is on Us to explain it "(75 / 15-19).
Thus, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was commissioned by Allah Almighty to become the transmitter of His last Message to humanity. The sending of the Holy Quran lasted for 23 years. For 13 years, the Prophet of Allah urged the inhabitants of Mecca to follow the True Path. He had to endure many trials. His prophecy ran into misunderstanding, which then grew into an open enmity of his fellow tribesmen. But nothing could stop him. With exceptional patience, he continued to preach Monotheism. Then, according to the Command of Allah Almighty, he performed Hijra - resettlement to the Blessed Madina (formerly called Yathrib). And here the Prophet of Allah (meib) tirelessly fulfilled his prophetic mission for 10 years. He taught people to be human, softening their hardened hearts with the True Faith. The Messenger Muhammad (meib) fulfilled the messenger mission entrusted to him by Allah Almighty - he gave people the Holy Quran and his Sunnah as a guide leading to salvation. He died at the age of 63, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
The Messenger of Allah (meib) was the owner of all the best qualities of character inherent in any of the people. These qualities were not acquired by him throughout his life. Being the favorite of Allah subhana wa taal (he is great and glorious), the Prophet was awarded these qualities long before his birth. He never cast a curse on anyone's head. Moreover, calling by name. He never took revenge on anyone for the insults inflicted on him personally. He fought only for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. He was extremely polite and modest with his servants and Companions. With households - soft, courteous. He always visited the sick and did not miss the funeral. If any of the Companions needed help in their work, he certainly took part. However, his heart was not here. His noble soul was constantly in the world of angels. Peace and blessings be upon you, O Messenger of Allah! You were and remain the favorite of the Creator of the worlds Allah Subhana wa Taal! You, Muhammad Mustafa Habib-ul-Lahu - the Messenger for all people on earth and jinn up to the Day of Judgment!

Companions (Ashab; singular number - Sahab) are the contemporaries of the Prophet Allah, who converted to Islam and at least once saw, spoke to him. These were people whose faith was strengthened by the spiritual influence of the Prophet himself (meib), since they saw him with their own eyes, helped him in the most difficult times, committed jihad with him, sacrificing their property and their lives to spread the Faith and Islam. Having thus earned the favor of the Messenger of Allah (meib), they achieved such a degree of faith that their faces radiated light. No man of that time, no matter how great he was, can compare with the Sahaba. Muslims are obliged to love and respect all Companions, not with a single word condemning their disagreements and conflicts. Since they were all Mujtahids and acted in accordance with their Ijtihad. One who condemns any actions of the Sahab cannot be a true Muslim. The faith of such a person begins to weaken and he will have to make a lot of repentance to strengthen his faith. For a Muslim, the explanation is enough that Allah Almighty has forgiven all the Companions. It is said in the Qur'an: "And those who were ahead, the first of the evicted and the Ansars and those who followed them, are in beneficence: Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. And He prepared for them gardens, where rivers flow below, - for eternal stay there . This is great luck! " (9/100).

According to the majority of Islamic scholars, any Muslim can be a Sahab - a woman, man, adult or child who at least once saw the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and a blind man spoke to him at least once, and if they all followed Islam until their deaths. One cannot be called a Sahab who, during the life of the Prophet of Allah, was not a Muslim, but became one after. Also, the one who saw the Prophet as a Muslim and then departed from the faith is not a Sahab - he became an apostate apostate. If this apostate again became a Muslim after the death of the Prophet, then he can again be considered a Sahab. Since Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (meib), is the Messenger for the Jins, then the Jins can also be Askhab. A Muslim is obliged to respect all Sahaba without singling out anyone. To speak about them without condemning their actions, believing in their high morality, in unlimited devotion to Allah Almighty and His Prophet - the Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him subhana wa taal.
It is impossible to say against any Sahab that he acted wrongly in such and such a situation and that is why he is a kafir - may Allah save us from such a great sin. They could be wrong in choosing this or that decision, but their intentions were pure, since the purpose of their actions was not to acquire property or power, but to serve Allah and His religion - Islam. Allah forgave them according to their intentions. Allah Almighty, Knowing all that was and all that will be, informed the believers about this in advance in his verses. " You were the best of the communities ..."- (3: 110)." And those who were ahead, the first of the evicted and the Ansars and those who followed them, are in beneficence: Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him ... "- (9: 100). In the hadith from Munawi (d. 1031/1622) and Bayhaki (d. 458/1066) The Prophet of Allah said: “My Sahaba are like the stars in the sky. Following any of them, you will receive salvation. "Another hadith that Munawi and Tirmidhi cite:" He who has seen me and who has seen me will not burn in Hell. "It follows that all the Sahaba, without exception, were worthy Muslims. excludes the fact that some are liked by someone more, others less. ”According to Sharia law, no one is allowed to oppose them to each other, to scold and stick labels on them.
Allah Almighty is Merciful to all people without exception. After all, everyone uses the blessings of the Creator, with His permission. At the same time, the Merciful Allah shows people the ways to protect themselves from everything harmful to them and gain the True Path. It is only in the Power of the Almighty to determine the measure of punishment for someone, sending him on the Day of Judgment to one of the levels of Hell. It is also in His Power to show His Infinite Mercy towards believers who have committed sin. Praise be to Allah! Peace and blessings to His Beloved - the Prophet Muhammad! And also we bring our prayers in honor of the family of the Prophet Allah and in honor of each of his Companions, may the Creator of the Worlds forgive them and be pleased with them all!
Allah Almighty obliged Muslims to follow the Noble Quran and unite around this Holy Scripture. The Companions of the Prophet Allah fully carried out the orders of the Almighty and were united, sincerely nourishing brotherly love for each other. Allah Almighty informs us about this, speaking about them with praise: " Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are fierce against the unbelievers, merciful among themselves. ..."(48:29). Believers need to remember this. Yes, they were" merciful among themselves. " the so-called "scientific works" of people who have strayed from the True Path. We will also not listen to the fervent speeches of schismatics, enemies of Islam, who misinterpret the Holy Hadiths and ayats of the Noble Quran. Only Islamic scholars from the MUDU category can interpret the verses of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah. "who received the most complete knowledge through the Companions from the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
[In different centuries, pseudoscientific works of the Companions' detractors were announced, who in fact did not know even a tenth of the sciences that exist in Islam. Unfortunately, not all of them were genuinely wrong. Most of them were trained by opponents of Islam. They published their "scientific works" and sent them free of charge to various countries, hoping to divide the Ummah into warring groups; direct their energy against the authorities, provoke a response; poison the consciousness of Islamic youth with their perverted interpretations of the Holy Hadiths and ayats of the Noble Quran. It is a pity that they have succeeded many times. Usually, groups of young people with very approximate and sometimes significantly distorted ideas about Islam fell for this bait.
But, glory to Allah, the widely educated, brilliantly erudite Imams - Tabi "un (Disciples of the Sahabs), Tabii Tabi" in - (disciples of the disciples of the Sahabs) and the next generations of Islamic scholars have passed on hundreds of thousands of proven hadiths over the centuries. They wrote more than one hundred books, in which, step by step, relying on the Koran and Sunnah, they gave a worthy rebuff to these absurd inventions. The Islamic world knows the names of great imams - the real heirs of the Prophet (meib): Hasan Basri, Zainalabidin, Zuhri, M. Bakir, Ja "far Sadyk, Abu Hanifa (al-Numan bin Sabit), Malik bin Anas, Abu Yusuf, Muhammad ash -Shaibani, al-Shafi "and, Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Ash "ari, Maturidi, al-Ghazali, al-Arabi, an-Nawawi, Imam Rabbani (Ahmad Farouk), an-Nablusi, Khalid Baghdadi, Ibni Abidin, Abdulhakim Arvasi and others. One listing of the names of the great imams was It would be a whole book. ”It is enough to read the work of any of them or their students on this topic to see how baseless the arguments of the schismatics are.
(Be careful in choosing books by unknown authors. When reading such works, first of all look at the list of sources).
Those interested can be referred to the works of some authors: " Kitab-ur-Raddi alal-Jahmiyya vaz-Zanadika"Ahmad bin Hanbal, who lived in Baghdad /164-241g.h./;" Khujaj-i Katiyya"- A. A. Suvaidi from Baghdad / 1104-1174 AH /;" Kurrat-ul-ainayn"- a scientist from India Shah Waliullah Ahmad Sahib / 1114-1176 / 1702-1762 /;" Shawahid-ul-Haq"- Yusuf Nabhani: / 1265 -1350 AH Lebanon / may Allah have mercy on them. Yusuf Nabhani - a scientist of our century (died in 1932) He graduated from" Jami-ul-Azhar "in Cairo. Studied the books of scientists Islam in the libraries of Beirut, Damascus, Istanbul. He lived and worked for a long time in Mecca, in Medina. Having studied the archives of these two holy cities, he wrote more than 50 books on various topics. A brilliant writer - a scientist of Islam of the 20th century. His work " Shawahid-ul-Haq"- the closest to us in time. It was printed three times in Egypt. It was last published in Beirut in 1410/1990. The book contains 574 pages, 450 of which the author gives convincing refutations to the arguments of the reformers, various followers of Ibni Taymiyyah (d. 728/1327), incorrect from the point of view of the followers of the Sunnah The remaining 120 pages of the book describe the merits and merits of the Companions, which is essentially the answer of the Shiite scholars.
(The latest edition of this book, made in Beirut by the publishing house "al-Makatib ..." and printed by the printing house "al-Fikr" in 1410/1990, can also be found in the bible.
The scholars of Islam divide the Companions into three groups:
Muhajirs- Companions who made the Hegira - who moved to Medina from Mecca or from other places. They left their property, close relatives, homeland for the sake of Islam.
Ansara- Muslims living in Medina or nearby, as well as Muslims of the Aws and Khazraj tribes, who actively supported the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Other Companions- Those who converted to Islam in different places and in Mecca itself, after the capture of this city. They are not called either Muhajirs or Ansaras, but only Sahaba.
After the Prophets, the Companions are the most worthy among people. And among the Companions there are four Righteous Caliphs in turn - Abu Bakr, "Umar," Uthman, Ali, may Allah be pleased with them subhana wa ta'ala. Followed by the remaining 6 companions out of 10, who were informed during their lifetime that they would go to Paradise, as well as the grandchildren of the Prophet Allah Hassan and Hussein. After these 12 people, - 313 participants in the Battle of Badr. 700 participants in the Battle of Uhud. 1400 Companions who swore an oath to the Prophet of Allah in the 6th year of AH - "Victory or Death", later called: "Oath under the tree."

In one of the hadiths, the Prophet of Allah said: "In my Ummah: The most merciful is Abu Bakr. The strongest in religion is" Umar. The most God-fearing - "Uthman. An expert in all the subtleties of Islamic law (Sharia) - Ali. The best versed in the forbidden and permitted is Muaz. The best reader of the Koran is Abiy bin Kaab. The best discerning hypocrite is Huzaifat ibn Yaman. Those who want to see the characteristic features of Jesus - look at Abu Zarr Paradise feels love for Salman Farisi The sword of Islam is Khalid bin Walid The Lion of Islam is Hamza The best youth of Paradise is Hasan and Husayn Jafar bin Abu Talib will fly in Paradise with the Angels. Bilal is allowed. The first will drink water from my reservoir "Kausar" - Suhaibi Rumi. On the Day of Judgment, the Angels, first of all, will greet Abu-d-Darda. Like all prophets, I have a friend - Saad bin Muaz. Prophets were chosen companions, Talha and Zubair were my chosen ones. All prophets had assistants in secret affairs, mine was Anas bin Malik. Each ummah had its own sage, in my community, Abu Hurayra. wa Hasana bin Thabit. The calling voice of Abu Talha during the battle is stronger than the cry of a large group of warriors. "
(Hadith is given in the book "Bahr-ul-Ulum" by Alauddin Ali Samarkandi; died in Larenda in 860 AH)


Bazan, appointed by the ruler of Yemen by the Persian Shah Khosroy, converted to Islam, and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) left him as ruler (wali) of Yemen. Thus, Bazan became the first ruler in Islam. They were also appointed by the Prophet of Allah as rulers: the city of Sana'a - Khalid bin Said; the city of Hadhramaut - Ziyad bin Assad; Adena - Abu Musal Ashari; the region of Najran - Abu Sufyan bin Harbi; the city of Taima - Yazid, brother of Mu'awiyah; Mecca - Attab bin Asyad; Amman - "Amr bin As.

The first assistant to the Prophet of Allah was Abu Bakr. Further, the duties of the secretary were alternately performed by: "Umar," Usman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Saad bin Abu Wakkas, M. bin Salama, Arkam bin Abu Arkam, Abdullah bin Arkam, Mugira bin Shuuba, Abiy bin Kaab, Zayd bin Sabit, Abu Sufyan bin Harb, his son Mu "Aviya and the second son Yazid bin Abu Sufyan, Khalid bin Walid, Amr ibn As, Khuzaifa ibn Yaman and others. 43 people in total. Zayd bin Abu Sabit and Mu" aviya bin performed this duty for the longest time. Abu Sufyan - may Allah be pleased with them.
For connections with other countries, the Prophet of Allah sent 14 Ambassadors. One of them was Amr bin As, may Allah be pleased with him. He was sent to Oman. Subsequently, he was appointed the ruler of this country. (From the book "Khamis" written in 940 AH by Qadi Husayn. Died in Mecca in 960 AH)
In the book "Istiab fi marifetil Askhab" by Yusuf bin Abdullah Kurtubi / died in 463/1071 /, the biographies of 2770 companions are described. In the book "Mevahib-i Ledunniyya" Kastalani (d. 923/1517), it is said about a large number of people who converted to Islam during the life of the Prophet of Allah. When Mecca was taken, there were 10,000 of them. In the Battle of Tabuk, the number of Muslims was already 70,000. Participants in the Veda Hajj were 90,000. At the time of the death of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, there were more than 124,000 believers around the world who chose Islam as their spiritual basis.
Except for some of the Prophet's relatives, all of his Companions were younger than their leader. In the book "Fevaih-i Miskiyya" Imam Wakidi writes about the Sahaba who were the last to die: Abdullah bin Abu Avfa died in the 86th year of AH (AH) in the city of Kufa. Abdullah bin Yasar - in 88 AH. in Syria. Sahl bin Saad - in 91 A.H. at the age of 100, in Medina. Anas bin Malik - died in Basra in 93 A.H. Abuttufail Amir bin Wasil died later than all the Sahaba in Medina in the 100th year of AH.
The first Caliph, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was two years and several months younger than the Prophet of Allah. His father's name was Abu Kukhafa "Uthman. In the seventh generation, the ancestor of Abu Bakr - Murr, was also the ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. father Bakr. However, he did not have a son under this name. According to the customs of the Arabs, men, wishing that they had sons, sometimes called themselves father in advance, adding any male name: Abu Wakkas - father of Wakkas; Abu Sufyan - father of Sufyan and etc. This combination became part of the name.
Before converting to Islam, Abu Bakr was one of the most influential representatives of the Quraysh tribe. He was rich and generous at the same time. He was one of the first to believe in the mission of the Prophet of Allah and to accept Islam at the first call of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). With this, he surprised the rich people of Mecca, who saw in the new faith a threat to their well-being. Before converting to Islam, he never drank wine and was very friendly. He was a friend of the childhood and youth of the Prophet Allah. Loved him very much. Having become a Muslim, he placed all his fortune at the disposal of the Prophet for a common cause. On this occasion, in a hadith, the Prophet of Allah says: "No one's wealth has brought me so much benefit as the property of Abu Bakr." His mother, Ummulhair, was among the first to believe. His father accepted Islam only when he took Mecca, in old age. At this time, Abu Bakr was the only Sahaba in whose family both mother and father, and children and grandchildren were Muslims.
Both in Mecca and in Medina after Hijra, Abu Bakr was constantly with the Prophet of Allah. He was there both during the campaigns and during the battles. Absent once or twice with the permission or request of the Prophet Allah. A sincere, fraternal friendship bound them until their death. How highly the Prophet of Allah Abu Bakr and "Umar" was seen from the following hadith: "Allah Almighty strengthened me with 4 helpers. Two of them are angels - Dzhabrail and Mikail. Two of the people. These are Abu Bakr and "Umar." When the Sahaba sat next to the Prophet of Allah, they formed a semblance of a ring. Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, seated Abu Bakr to his right, and Umar to his left. In the absence of Abu Bakr, the place to the right of the Prophet remained vacant.
As Caliph, Abu Bakr, when solving complex issues, first looked for an answer in the Noble Quran, then in the Holy Hadiths collected by him, and only then turned to the Sahaba for help. If even among them there was no unanimous opinion on this issue, he made his own decision. The second Caliph Umar, in a similar case, after referring to the Qur'an, hadith and Sahabam, relied on the decision of Abu Bakr. And if Abu Bakr did not have a solution to a similar problem, then he made his own decision.
Muhammad (meib) said: "The one who knows the Noble Koran most of all becomes the Imam." Therefore, appointing Abu Bakr as imam 8 days before his death, the Prophet of Allah thereby made it clear that it is Abu Bakr who knows the Quran more than anyone else and deserves to be the first successor. He was one of the few Companions who knew the entire Koran by heart. Abu Bakr knew both the hadiths of the Prophet and his habits better than other Companions. The Companions constantly turned to him for clarification on both the Qur'an and the Sunnah. After the death of the Prophet of Allah, false prophets appeared in the provinces, hypocrites and apostates rebelled. Trouble began. Almost all of the Sahaba were at a loss, not knowing how to face so many enemies. "How can we fight against all of Arabia," they said. At this time, the first caliph Abu Bakr showed an enviable composure. His exceptional organizational skills, leadership wisdom, personal courage and courage made it possible to defeat enemies, pacify the troubled tribes and return the population of all Arabia to peaceful, creative work.
Abu Bakr was Caliph for two years, three months and ten days. He died in 13 AH, bequeathed the rule of the Caliphate to Umar bin Khattab. The fact that Abu Bakr is worthily above all mortals after the Prophets is said in the verses of the Noble Quran and numerous Hadiths. For example, in the “Repentance” verse 40: " … Both of them were in the cave, and he says to his companion: “Do not be sad, because Allah is with us!"... The second, after the Prophet of Allah, here undoubtedly is Abu Bakr. In the" Cow "verse 274:" Those who spend their property night and day, secretly and openly, their reward is with their Lord; there is no fear over them, and they will not be sad! “And here, according to many scholars, Abu Bakr is spoken of. His generosity is well known. To be worthy of the goodness of Allah Almighty, Abu Bakr gave alms both secretly and openly. He did it night and day, distributing 10 thousand gold pieces each. from Khatib Baghdadi and Munawi it is said: “On the Day of Judgment, all people are to be counted, except Abu Bakr.” Once, meeting Abu Bakr and “Umar, walking along with other Sahaba, the Prophet of Allah said:“ These two are my eyes and ears ”. Glory to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!