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Congratulations in verses happy birthday and anniversary, wedding congratulations and cool toasts. Wishes good luck in verse

Good luck wishes will be useful to everyone. Someone said that our whole life is a game. Game gaming and unpredictable, if certain. What card will fall into our hands: ace or six, trump or simple? Shooters are not so much, so you have to believe the wishes of good luck.

In verse

  • I wish good luck to you in everything!
  • Good luck let the house filled!
  • Good luck let go into the windows and doors,
  • In good luck, let your darling believes!
  • Good luck is knocking on your doors,
  • Good luck I wish you in love,
  • I wish you success in life
  • And let him take you further into fate!
  • Good luck,
  • In the garden and in the country
  • At home, on the sea, on the beach,
  • Let Luck Luck Nearby.
  • Let her help you
  • To be pleased with the face,
  • So that everything aroused, worried
  • And perfectly happened!
  • Good accomplishments I wish you
  • In work, in love, and, of course, in fate,
  • Successful hunting, and successful plans,
  • Successful trips to the village, to the cottage.
  • Have a good holiday in the mountains, the sea,
  • Successfully drive trouble, attack, grief,
  • Successful to fall in love, successfully love,
  • Successfully resentment to forget.
  • Let it be in the life of the "Okay" permanent,
  • And let no one seem strange
  • That everything is so successful in fate!
  • I wish you great good luck!
  • I wish good luck
  • Successful, bright days,
  • Good luck let you kisses
  • You are the heart of her Gray.
  • So that everything is done,
  • So that all the plans come true,
  • Lucky fate was
  • And people were surprised.
  • Let everything you need!
  • Walk let luck nearby
  • You take care of her, keep,
  • And everyone will be beautiful days!
  • Good luck let you laugh
  • Good luck to the house let's bursts,
  • Good luck by a bird let him fly
  • Crystal ringing squeezed.
  • Good luck i wish everywhere
  • Let it be served on the dish,
  • Let them bring her in the parcel,
  • I will send in the Internet mailing list.
  • I wish good luck!
  • It will be so, not otherwise!
  • She will fly to you,
  • And success will be in fate!
  • Let a good day be a day,
  • Run rather too lazy
  • Let luck goes nearby
  • Constantly not a look.
  • Good luck I wish you fishing
  • So that the fish roared is always
  • Good luck I wish you at work,
  • Good luck in the heat and in the cold!
  • Good luck in the store, on the market,
  • To buy something cheap,
  • Good luck in your customer - sadness
  • You wish you forget!
  • Good luck with great, good luck everywhere,
  • Good luck always, everywhere
  • Lucky let people call you,
  • With good luck, after all, it is interesting to live!
  • What I wish? Good luck!
  • Everywhere everywhere!
  • On fishing, and in the country
  • And on vacation, in labor!
  • Let luck to the door rushes,
  • Let the legs knock
  • And let him not join her,
  • "You let me" - shouts!
  • You let her rather
  • Healthing more fun
  • Will you happily live,
  • World and all people love!

In prose

Mark Twain said that one day Fortuna knocks at the door of every person. But he does not hear this knock, because it comes up the pants in the nearest pub around the corner. The most important thing in life is not to miss an important minute into which your success can pass by. I wish the culprit of the celebration to always be at home when luck would knock on the door. Catch the moment: screams widely their smile and entrance doors so that your fortune felt a worthy reception!

The Chinese proverb states that the lucky way is impossible. Throw it into a stormy, mountain river, and he will definitely fall out, and even with a goldfish in his hands! I wish you always to be lucky, the Balna fate. Let luck do not bypass you, but goes around. And if you bring you life into a stormy river, then leave it dry and with a dozen goldfish. He will lead you fate in the forest of the dense, come back from it with hearts and mushrooms. Be lucky!

Do you know why fortune is such a capricious, changeable, non-permanent and characteristic?! Yes, all because she is a woman. But sooner or later she meets a beloved man and goes with him in life nearby, hand in hand. I wish the luck to fall in love with you and chose your companion. And when you go with her in life nearby, do not forget to look carefully on the sides, because Fortuna is very attractive. Let it be true only to you and never change with others.

When serious misfortune happens, many say that this and the enemy do not wish. People are accustomed to good farewells and in any affairs to wish each other good luck. But it turns out, it's better not to do so. And first of all, refrain from this follows Orthodox. Why? Today we will try to answer this question.

What or who is this - good luck?

By definition of scientific encyclopedia, good luck is a special positive event that has occurred in the proposal of uncontrollable and unpredictable circumstances. You can also find a happy ending of any action that happened without interference from the interested personality. And maybe somewhere in addition to his will. But this is a scientific!

In Orthodoxy, luck has a negative meaning. And Archimandrite Cleop (or in his writings, he wrote in his writings, that this is another name of Besa - Moloch. He expressed such a point of view that "it was one of the biggest and strong demons who fought millions of innocent children's souls. And to enter it into a snan - this is a great sacrant, and wish the coming - the more greater sin."

Who is the moloch really?

Moloch (luck) - God of happiness in Carthaginian, Sumerov and Romans. His statue, poured out of a significant amount of silver or copper, was taken by cities on a large two-wheeled trolley. The statue in the statue was a copper skillet, oil was boiling in it. Behind there was a stove made of the same material. The fire in it was constantly maintained by the priests. These people kept the big and sharply sharpened piers in their hands, clapped loudly into his hands and called out those who wish from the side, shouting: "Who wants good luck, bear the victim of luck!" It seems to be nothing terrible, right? But…

Why was the molor was terrible?

Ancient Romans, especially women, without thinking, could answer why good luck to man could not be desired. The thing is that Molokh loved to take bloody sacrifices. And as it, the most often accepted breast babies - the firstborn of noble and not very families. Babies were taken and threw in a terrible fire. It was believed that the flour of the burning kids brought pleasure to God of good luck, and the tears of Mom - quenched his severe thirst.

In gratitude, the "cruel ruler of the country of the country" was supposed to give a family that went to such a sacrifice, good luck, well-being and rich harvest. Whatever it was, once it was believed that it was precisely such a sacrifice saved Carthage from destruction. Such madness continued until 586 BC. er, i.e., right up to the Babylonian captivity. And this is even though, according to the law of Moses, by that time they were already banned.

How do Christians treat good luck?

It is clear that such cruelty could not cause approval from Orthodox people. They considered the mulfur with the real weighing of hell. They said that wishing close or even enemies need well-being and helping God, and not "Diavolsky Byrodes". And they prohibited their kids to even remember the name of the bloodthirsty demon. However, it was not the only reason why it is impossible to desire good luck to Orthodox.

There is another one, not so terrible. Just Christians believe that all events are sent or allowed to Most High. The Lord, according to beliefs, gives each person the opportunity to escape after a terrible trial and return to the "Land promised". And it is hope for God, and not for an unintentional case will help them. The fishing of God is what they believe all Orthodox. On this occasion there is even a whole parable. You can read it further.

What is said in the parable of God's fishery?

One hermit, knowing why good luck in Orthodoxy should not be desired, asked God to show the way of his fishery and began to fast. Once he went to the far way, on the way he met ink (he was an angel) and offered to be a companion. He agreed. In the evening they stood on a trip to one pious husband, who offered them food on a silver saucer. But, to the surprise of hermit and host of the house, ink after biting food took dishes and threw out in the sea. Well, okay, no one said anything, the travelers went on.

The next day, hermit and ink stopped at the other husband. But then trouble! Before the expensive owner, I decided to lead to my guests a little son so that they blessed it. But ink was touched before the hotel and took his soul. The old man and the father of the child could not pronounce a word. Satellites left again. On the third day they remained in a dilapidated house. The hermit sat down to eat, and his "friend" disassembled and gathered a re-wall. Here the old man has no longer suffered and asked why he does all this, with some kind of purpose.

Then Inok admitted that he was actually angel of God. And explained his actions. As it turned out, the first owner of the house - a person's man, but the dish was acquired by him wrong. Therefore, I had to throw dishes so that my awards did not lose the man. The second owner is also a beige, but his son, if he had grown, became a real villain, capable of the most malicious deeds. And the third husband is a lazy man and immoral. Grandfather His, built a house, hid in the wall of precious gold. But the owner through him could continue to die. Therefore, I had to fix the wall so that this did not happen.

In conclusion, the angel commanded the old man to return to the celia and not to think about anything, because, as the verbs of the Holy Spirit, "the path of the Lord are non-defaments." Therefore, you should not experience them, there will be no benefit from it. All God gives - and grief, and joy, and sin. But one thing - on the favor, otherwise - by house-building, and the third - in the boss (Luke 2:14). And it all depends on his will. However, as from yours. After all, the Lord does not take away the freedom of choice. And luck, as you see, there is no place.

Why can not be desired good luck on folk signs?

People who are not inclined to believe in God or Moloch, there are samples relating to fortune. For example, doctors. If you ask anyone, why it is impossible to desire good luck to doctors, first will be short silence. Well, after you hear that any wish, for example, "Good night!", "Have a nice day!" Or "good luck in affairs" will lead to the fact that all duty will be very restless, fussy and unhappy. For the same reason, the doctors in the hospital should not speak after the operation that everything is good and nothing hurts. From such phrases surgeons (and not only they) run like from fire.

If you wanted to thank the doctor or say goodbye to him, say simple phrases "Thank you!" And "Goodbye!". And do not forget that for folk signs, if you wish anyone, not just a doctor, good luck, you can stick the evil eye or misfortune, "replenged" the fortune from a person or damage. And also to invoke in the life of the interlocutor in misfortune. Of course, you can not believe it, but still it is better to be careful. As they say, what if?!

Why can not be desired good luck before the exam?

It is said that a student for successful exams should, according to the signs, remain unprompected until the moment of their offensive, refuse to buy new clothes in favor of "happy", enlist the support of the house and stand on the appropriate day only from the left leg. Superstition, of course. But almost all students are among the serious seriousness. Many of them refuse to desire fellow students, they say "neither fluff, no feather and get a joking wish" to hell. " But on the question of why good luck on the exam is not desired, they answer that if this is done, 2 or 3 will be turned on in the counters, despite the long-term training and knowledge.

But then how can I desire success?

If you are faced with a person who sincerely believes that good luck cannot be desired, do not refuse to communicate with him. Just try to choose a more soulful phrase, depending on the current situation. For example, it is perfect for the wishes of the success of the word: "all the best!", "All the best!" Or "Nadeya for the best!". You can even pronounce a phrase from "Star Wars": "May the strength be with you!" Or more show it is believed that this is also a special wishes of success. If a person is absolutely close, you can also say: "erect them into powder!", "Rushing them" or "I know you can cope." And it will be only for the benefit! Well, or just hug it and say parting words.

They say good luck likes strong people, but it or not, it does not matter, good wishes of good luck in verses .... no one prevented anyone!

Let everything be fulfilled and everything will come true
Successes Beginning will be bold.
Good luck to all dreams will help come true
And any business arms in the hands!

So important and valuable instant any,
After all, there are no minor in life.
Let it be luck all the time with you,
And waiting ahead of many bright victories.
The path to the goal of you every step is near,
To success, any roads lead
Support for loved ones in everything helps,
Warm and care for them? Forces give!

We want you to wish good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

Let the luck smiles
The world will be full of warmth,
Secrets of happiness life does not hide
And embodies all the dreams!

On the witch exam
Let you, friend, will visit!
Easy will be the task,
You can solve it!
On the exam, do not be afraid,
Be calm, do not rush!
Once again, do not worry
All think about, write.
For good luck, you hope
Itself, of course, is not a bad!
On the exam, we break
At "excellent" answer!

From the heart of only joyful days,
Successes and happiness big!
Let life become brighter, light,
Good luck is waiting again and again!

I wish the feelings of new
Friends cheerful,
Days of clear
The news of the beautiful
Stylish life
Stable work
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

Let there be a friend of the present,
Success - Otrada for the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and big.
Health is strong, limitless,
Cozy and beautiful - house,
Well, luck is everywhere
Accompanies you in everything.

I wish to live easily and just
Among the good luck, among victories,
And even on every intersection
You burn green light.

We wish the mood
Only excellent always
And health by year,
Happiness let their eyes burn
And leads you a path
Contrary to any interference,
Only to good luck and success!

We wish you bright happy days!
Caring for loved ones, warm friends!
Love and joy in the soul keep!
In good luck to believe and love life!

We wish the ocean of happy years
Call on the ship good luck!
And let the dreams cherished bright light
It will not fumble in the heart of the bold and hot!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And easily to any task
Brilliant to find the answer.
Achieve more career peaks
And in personal life succeed
Serve friends in the whole example
And with optimism in the distance to watch.

How sweet life taste when she
Saturated, beautiful and rapidly,
Events of good, joyful full,
In any of his moments amazing.
Let life be this year after year,
It gets better mood,
And every day will bring as a gift
Success, good luck, happiness and luck!

Good luck, happiness, gentle words,
And in the heart? feelings of beautiful
Tender silk petals,
Sveley than noon clear!
Warret let every mig
Love those who are near.
To the wonderful moment
Watch a happy view!

Interesting discoveries, the success of large,
To have dreams achievable!
And more often the concerns of people expensive,
Understanding loved ones, loved ones.
Let confidence give to support friends,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life with each hour of light,
Every day more interesting and brighter!

Achieve all goals successfully
Nice to desire all the soul!
Let's happiness will be wildly
Success is expecting great
And male career gave
Miraculously grow savings!
Good luck to life decorated
We would accompany the lucky!

Let the joy of the moment they do not end,
Cherished dreams are carried out,
Welcome and decrease to win
The willingness of everyone who is near, support!
Let him be waiting for luck and lucky,
There will always be excellent.
Let them manage plans and cases,
So that brighter and happier life was!

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if wrinkles - then only from laughter,
And in order not to meet in the life of unhappiness,
And if tears are only happiness!

In affairs? Successes and luck!
In the shower? Heat and kindness!
It is interesting to live, with the attitude,
In good luck to believe in dreams!
Give love relatives and loved ones
With a smile to meet a new day
And all that is the best in life,
Be able to see and know!

From a pure heart with an open soul
Today we wish you a big life.
To be health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years flew and were not in a burden!

Love, harmony, heat,
In all luck so that I waited!
And life has always been in bloom,
Given joy and dream!
In the soul, let the spring sings,
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
From us Flowers and congratulations!

Days are amazingly happy
Flowers, smiles, gentle words!
Let everything that heart is cute:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish the brightest days
Delicate feelings, good luck in everything
And that life is sigtish
Caress, joy, warm!
Kindness and words beautiful,
As affection on colors
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Inspiration, good luck day by day
And we want to wish success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present
And for the future - the prospects of brilliant.

Lifestyle Golden moments,
Every minute of her values
In the designs, let the luck helps
Course for success and good luck.
Move boldly to the appointed goal,
To the distant horizons strive
For dreams to come to incarnate,
So that any welcome come true!

Can people be desired "good luck"?

Be vigilant, wish each other well-being and God's help, not a demon!

"I see, in some cubs you mentioned the demon, I wrote:" On the luck of my daughter "," about the success of the Son "," about the successful family. " What did you fit me the devil in the pastry? Do you know who was such a good luck? It was the biggest demon who squeeed millions of shower. Moloch, or "luck", was God of happiness in the Romans, Sumerians and Carthaginians. How was this god of moloch, or "luck", how do we call it today? His statue, cast out of copper or silver, was drunk on a two-wheeled cart. From his back he had a copper furnace, and in front of him - a copper frying pan; the firewood was thrown into good luck until the sculpture was rare. And the priests carried him in the hands of piers, big and honed. What kind of victim did luck? Only chest babies from the hands of mothers. Come in the village where you live. They dragged the chariot of good luck with a frying pan, red hot, and called, clapping in your hands: "Who wants good luck, carrying the victim to good luck!".

- Archimandrite Cleop (or)

Can people be desired "good luck"? "This and the enemy do not wish!", "They say in cases where the misfortune or trouble occurs. However, we are accustomed to constantly wishing each other "Good luck", even if no terrible curse is sent to the one who is meant this wish!

The fact is that luck or, as we know more - Moloch, - was the main deity at the Semitic peoples, which was one of the incarnations of Baal (or Waal, Velzevulaa, Valtasar), that is, the devil. About Wale in the Bible is mentioned several times in the Book of Sudios - 2:11, 3: 7, 10: 6; Ohloh - in the book of Amos 5:26 and 3 Book of Kingdoms 11: 7.

The cult of Molohu-Waal at Semitov consisted of wildly dismissed solvents, looking for artificial excitations. An external symbol constantly served by the phallus, which was depicted in the form of a column with a truncated vertex. With the heads of Waal, the so-called Kedeshima and Kedasy, the sacred clouds and the harmnitsa, who ordered themselves in the ministry of the Capshin through the earning of money by their bloodyness.

The appointment of this cult was to deeply depravate the people resorting to him. The fruits of this worship became all known sad events that occurred with the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, where the cult Waal was particularly expressed.

Both now, and earlier, the main feature of the Semitic peoples - fans and servants of Satan, is a lie and a lucavism. There were no exception and priests of the Waal Moloch, who, trying to trigger the true goal of the cult, in order not to scare away from its diabel's essence of people, distributed the idea that they serve as a fertile sun, a source of heat and life fire, manifested in it.

As in all pagan cults, the ministers of Moloch brought him victims. As a rule, these were human sacrifices, which were accomplished in honor of the milk through the burnt, allegedly conducting them through the sunny vitality. Newborn babies were considered the most pleasant victims of Waal, especially the children of noble names: "And the heights of Tofeta in the valley of sons of sons were arranged to sow their sons and their daughters on fire, which I did not command and that I did not come on my heart." (Ier. 7 : 31). The children lay on the hands of the idol who had the face of the Taurus, the bonfire burned down below. These monstrous sacrifices took place at night with the sounds of flutes, Tamburins and Lire, who drowned the cries of unfortunate children, and also increased arousal in the people. Altari gods were constantly organized by the blood of children, during the years of large festivals or in the goodwill - people and in particular children sacrificed hundreds and thousands.

"At first, the molor is approaching, the terrible king spattered with the blood of human victims and tears of fathers and mothers. But because of the noise of the drums, the cries of their children are not heard when they are thrown into the fire in honor of the terrible idol "(John Milton" Lost Paradise ").

"Moloch statue is built specifically for the adoption of human sacrifice and burn them. It was a tremendous growth, all of copper, and empty. The head was a bench, because the bull was a symbol of strength and the sun in his layer. The statues of the statue were a monstrous length, and victims were placed on huge handproof palms; the hands moved by chains on the blocks hidden behind their backs, raised victims to a hole in the chest, from where they fell into a burning bake, which was placed inside the statue, on the invisible grille , and those who dropped through it and the coals were formed an ever-increasing bunch between the feet of the colossus ... The children were placed on terrible hot-dear palm of the monsters. Native setting was not allowed to show sorrow. Children, if they shouted while they were prepared for a terrible rite, soothed by caresses. As it should seem ugly and impossible, the mother was obliged not only to be present on a terrible celebration, but to refrain from tears, sobbies and every manifestation of sadness, because otherwise they would not only lose any honor with them as a result of the Great Honor, But they could put anger of an insulted deity for the whole of the people, and one reluctantly made offering could destroy the action of the whole sacrifice and even get worse for the people of the trouble. Such a slightly accrastful mother would be disgraced forever. Drums and flutes supported continuous noise not only to drown out screaming victims, but in order to strengthen the excitement of the people. " (Ragozina Z. A. History of Assyria. SPb.: IE A. F. Marx, 1902. P. 151-152).

As mentioned above, Molok Valaam also had a nickname "luck". Why? Because it was believed that the family, who sacrificed his child's deity, would certainly wait a good year in terms of agricultural work and harvest. Therefore, when the priests of the Moloch brought out of the copper or silver of their idol on a two-wheeled cart into another village, they clapped their hands and shouted: "Who wants good luck in affairs, carrying the victim Waal!" Then insane women took their babies and gave them to servants of Satan ...

This kind of ritual setubides were subsequently prohibited by Moses law and punished the death penalty (Lev. 18:21; Lev. 20: 2), however, until the Babylonian captivity (586 BC), semites did not stop practicing them.

After the revolution of 1917, when the Russian land was defiled by the Faith and the apostasy of God, the ritual sacrifices of babies were planted by permission at the state level of abortions. Russia has become the first country in the world, submitted abortion. In consequence, this "legitimate" horror spread throughout the world. And so far, these monstrous sacrifices are committed, but already disguised as a medical procedure ...

Or do you think that aborted babies, is it not a victim of a demon luck? After all, it is precisely to avoid sorry and for good luck at work or in a personal life, for the sake of a comfortable life, people sometimes make a decision: "Baby in the mother's womb should be killed!" And from the fact that the honest word "decorating" was replaced by cunning and harmless on the word "abortion of pregnancy", and the child on the soulless word "fruit" - the nurse does not change - the child in the womb will ruin live on the pieces or burn alkaline solid, and then Destroy. Moloch is satisfied and for a short time can reward the detects luck, but sometimes he can simply laugh with his demonic laugh and say: "Why do you need good luck, are you so mine?!"

© Dmitry Litvin, Text, 2016

© Book Lark, Publication, 2016

When some of your relatives or friends faces a problem or experiences certain difficulties in life, quite a natural desire is to take care or wish good luck in life. If you just say "Successes!" You are not satisfied, then there are a number of options. How to wish good luck. We will talk about this in our article. But first let's find out what it is?

What is luck?

The experience of noticeable, positive or incredible events is customary to refer to luck. The natural interpretation of this word is that positive and negative events occur all the time in human life, both due to random and even unlikely events and completely thoughtful and natural processes. From this point of view, "lucky" or "unsuccessful" is just labels that indicate positive, negative or incredible events.

If you know people who constantly feel good luck, know is not just an accident, you can attract it to yourself. The actual studies of scientists have found a certain pattern between the success and the right plants of their behavior in life.

How to attract luck

Most people associate luck as a random game. And although this is an element of chance, it does not define our lives. Being lucky is really a reflection of the choice that we do.

What makes us lucky?

  1. People with whom we are accustomed to communicate with them well and comfortable. With those who can wish success and good luck.
  2. The media that we look or read.
  3. The environment in which we are daily.
  4. The ability to perceive the surrounding environment.

In the aggregate, these characteristics affect our emotional and psychological development every day. They make us perceive the world at a certain level and give us the possibilities that flow out of it.

For example, the method of perceiving the surroundings for each person is different, but only optimistic people are achieved in the life of large heights. Because optimism has a magical component, it holds us towards our goals in life. A negative and pessimistic attitude usually repels any opportunities that a person can achieve.

How to wish good luck to others

In order for Fortune to turn to our face, you need to adhere to some rules. One of which says: Be useful others! It is possible to do this very easily, it is not necessary to be all "on the blisters" and perform any desire. It's just enough to desire good luck to others under any circumstances, but do it sincerely. Make so that around you heard sincere word "luck", thereby you can not only learn how to wish good luck, but also create the soil to bring it to yourself.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. Tell me a man "Good luck!" Or "success!", At the same time, the main thing will be what you say it sincerely. An insincered approach of said words can be interpreted as sarcasm or mockery.
  2. Use other words for this: since ancient times in Russia, the phrase "Neither Pooh or Feather" wishes a successful event, no one knows where she went from, but applied so far.
  3. To give a horseshoe person perceived how to let go to the house.
  4. In many nations, it is customary to give different coins that mean the acquisition of wealth.
  5. And many protect their relatives and close to different amules.

Given the above methods, you can not only learn how to wish good luck to people who are the roads, but thereby you can attract fortune to yourself.