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Dramatization of songs for February 23rd. VIII. An excursion into history. The Great Patriotic War. Variants of sketches for Defender of the Fatherland Day for primary school

The following scene can be used with equal success both as part of a school event and for a corporate party.

Scene for February 23 "How to kill the army"

On the stage is a table on which a sign

[Agency "Slopes from the Army"]

Leading: In today's world, more and more conscripts are trying to find a way to avoid military service... For each conscript who turns to us, we will find a decent way to get rid of the army.

Method number 1

In the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts are sitting at the ophthalmologist's office. The first conscript enters the office.

Doctor: Do you see the top line?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And the second one?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: Do you see the next one even lower?

Conscript: No!

Doctor: So you're going to be snipers! Next come in!

The second conscript enters.

Doctor: See the top line, young man?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And lower?

Conscript: No, I don’t see!

Doctor: So you go to the navy to serve. Next, come in!

The third inductee enters.

Doctor: See the top line?

Conscript: No, doctor, I don't see!

Doctor: Sly what. You will go to serve in intelligence!

Leading: Yes, not really good example... Well, then we offer one more, more reliable way avoid service.

Method number 2

Two conscripts are sitting at the door of the medical board. One is calm, the other is praying. The first one asks:

- Why are you praying so?

- I don’t want to go to the army, I’m afraid.

- And I know how to help you!

- Let me knock out your front teeth now, and then no one will certainly take you into the army!

— (uncertainly) Well, if only it will definitely help ... come on.

(The first conscript swings and imitates a punch in the face. The second covers his face with his hands and goes to the doctor. During this time, he must close up his front teeth with a piece of black paper. After a while, the recruit leaves the doctor's office, cheerful, smiling with his “toothless” mouth.)

- Well, didn't they? I told you ...

— (interrupts, speaks lisp) Nope, they didn't get it! I have a flat darn!

Leading: The method is somewhat bloodthirsty, well, what our conscripts sometimes do not agree to do in order to avoid the army.

Method number 3

The conscript sits in the neurologist's office and says:

- This is all Santa Claus is to blame, he confused everything. I asked him fifteen years ago to give me a gift New Year military uniform. And only now I received it.

Psychiatrist at this time he writes something. Then he asks

- Do you have mental disorders?

Conscript: (scared) - N-no.

The psychiatrist jumps up abruptly and, bending over to the conscript, shouts:

- And if I find it !!!

Leading: And these are not all the options that our agency is ready to offer to everyone ...

(all the recruits enter, by the collar they push the presenter from the stage. The sign with the inscription is thrown out after him.)

About the beloved army
Knows old and young.
And she is invincible
Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army
Tankmen, sailors
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!

And we are ready to serve too,
Become the defenders of the country.
Day and night native land
Protecting from war!

Scene on February 23 at the school "Three heroes"

In a glorious city ...
Once upon a time, did not grieve
Three heroes.
Every kid here knows them,
He knows, and you, and me.

(three heroes enter the stage

Ilya Muromets:

Yes, life is good now
Agree with me, Alyosha.
There is peace and quiet in the world,
Our army is resting.

Alesha Popovich:

Our strength is with us,
Brave druzhinushka.
Just let the enemy stick his nose
Let's show him what and how!


To make people sleep sweetly
We will be on guard of the world
Day stand, and night stand,
Let there be grace in the country.

Ilya Muromets:

Russia has always been strong
Impenetrable as a wall!
Proud of his army
Our country is strong.

Alesha Popovich:

Our swords are ready
We will lie down for Russia, they will only say.


Ilya Muromets:

And the young boys
Our parting order.
You must serve in the army
This is your duty, not an order!

Scene on February 23 for schoolchildren

1 princess: Oh and boring! Nothing interesting, nothing to do at all.

2 princess: Well, let's come up with something like that!

3 princess: For example?

2 princess: For example, we will declare war on someone.

1 princess: Oh, I beg you! War is out of fashion now!

2 princess: Maybe we can find suitors for ourselves?

1 princess: I wonder where are you going to look for them?

3 princess: I don’t need any kind of groom. I want strong, sturdy, smart, worthy!

1 princess: Yes, and I would not refuse such, if they exist at all.

2 princess: Look around you! There are so many of them divorced, grooms! Can't we find a single worthy one in our kingdom?

1 princess: I propose to arrange a competition between the stronger sex. Let's test their strength and dexterity, ingenuity and erudition. We will choose the best as grooms.

2 princess: Come on! Herald! ( The herald enters with a scroll. One of the princesses says something to him quietly, he pretends to write it down. After that, he goes to the middle of the stage, unfolds the scroll and reads loudly):

Listen! Listen!
And don't say you haven't heard!
The entire male population needs
Report to the royal palace
To participate in competitions!
A worthy prize and a royal dinner await the winner!

(After this announcement, the guys-participants go up to the stage).

Comic scene for February 23 for schoolchildren "Recruits"

(The recruits arrived in part. The ensign built everyone)

Ensign: So, youngsters! Come on, let's get lined up! Leave talking! Alignment with me! Attention! Set aside! Be equal! Attention!

(While the warrant officer speaks, he walks along the line all the time. Finally he stops near one of the recruits)

Ensign: Explain to me, soldier. Why did you join the army?

Soldier: I want to defend my homeland.

Ensigns k: Right, but what else?

Soldier: Service will make me strong and strong!

Ensign: You are right.

Soldier: And in general, no one asked my consent!

(The ensign frowns and moves away from the soldier, stops in front of the formation)

Ensign: Well, let's get to know each other! Ivanov!

Ensign: Petrov!

Ensign: Sidorov!

Prapor: Are you brothers?

- No, namesakes!

Private 1: Smirnov. Education: eight grades.

Private 2: Zaitsev, specialized secondary.

Private 3: Novikov, Moscow State University.

Ensign: What? What?

Private 3: MSU ...

Ensign: Why are you all humming there? Do you even know how to write?

Private 3: (shrugs) I can ...

Ensign: Who of you knows how to cook, step forward!

(one soldier steps forward)

Ensign: - You will be a cook! Have you ever had to cook in large cauldrons?

Ensign: And what did you cook?

- Asphalt!

Ensign continues along the line.

Ensign: Why is the belt loose? What are you, Rimbaud, or what? And you, private, that you are spinning like a fly on a moped?

(Stops beside another recruit)

Ensign: What's with the hand?

Private: And this blood was taken from a finger.

Ensign: Why is the hand in a cast?

Private: I didn't give ...

A latecomer runs in.

Ensign: Where have you been?

Private. In the toilet.

Ensign: You would still go to the theater! Now remember: on the command "Become!" all must immediately take their place in the ranks. Most of all I hate being late!

Sidorov: Is there such a word?

Ensign: I see, comrade soldier, you are too smart!

Sidorov: Who am I?

Ensign: Well, not me ?! Consider that I do not like latecomers!

(Ensignstops in front of one of the recruits who has no arm)

Ensign: Eco are you so ?! Where have you lost your hand?

Soldier: Torn off ... when they dragged here ...

Where should I wear a headdress? On the head. Otherwise, you can get meningitis. Meningitis is a very terrible disease. After her, they either die or become fools. My brother and I were sick: my brother died, but I was lucky.

Private: Comrade Warrant Officer, can you ask ...

Ensign (interrupts): Well, why are you? Then ask. Now, Rota! Left! Step-march! One, two! (everyone leaves the stage to the sound of the march)

Scene for February 23 for preschool children

Small nursery rhymes about dad.

My dad is the best
He is kind, a little strict.
Works as a driver
Traveled all roads.


Not true, best dad
Of course I have!
He is affectionate and glorious
Gave me a horse!


My dad is not a driver
He catches bandits at night.
My dad is a cop
He is very, very brave!


And mine comes in the evening
He hugs me.
My dad is the best
He reads me fairy tales.

My dad is the best!
He is a doctor, he heals people.
Playing games with me
Spends the whole evening!


Without a doubt,
My dad is the best.
He prepares the jam himself,
She gives us flowers with my mother!


My dad is the best in the world
He is smart, the most honest.
My dad's hero to me
And there is no more wonderful!

Today is an important occasion
And there is an opportunity
Tell you you're daddy

Together: The best in the world!

In addition to hackneyed traditional greetings and gifts, dramatized performances are just as welcome as a surprise or an unusual lead to the competition program. These scenes will perfectly fit into any scenario of the February 23rd holiday.

Do you want to learn how to assess students, how to effectively work on mistakes, about reflection and self-reflection? Pre-register for the webinar and we will let you know the date.
The number of listeners is limited! Hurry up to register.

Leading. Once a warrant officer built a young replenishment on the parade ground, bypasses the formation, to whom he straightens the belt, to whom - the collar. He goes up to one, takes a hat out of his pocket, puts it on the soldier's head.

Ensign. The headdress must be worn on the head. Otherwise, you can get meningitis. Meningitis is a very terrible disease. After her, they either die or become fools. My brother and I were sick: my brother died, but I was lucky.

So, we begin our classes. Here is a plane flying, it is made of luminous ...

Sidorov. Not from luminescence, but from aluminum, comrade warrant officer!

Ensign. Who said?

Sidorov. Private Sidorov ...

Ensign. Break down! Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. What is the plane made of?

Sidorov. Made of luminous ...

Ensign. Let's continue. Here is a plane flying. It is made of luminous and carries a bomb ...

Sidorov. Not edrenu, but nuclear.

Ensign. Sidorov again? Break down! Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. What kind of bomb?

Sidorov. Edren ...

Ensign. Having flown up to our unit, he drops a bomb! What is the company doing?

Sidorov. Rescues a comrade warrant officer!

Ensign. Who said?

Sidorov. Private Sidorov.

Ensign. Sidorov, get out of order! Company! Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. Lie down - get up. You will work for me, work and work again!

1st soldier. What about “learn, learn, and learn”?

Ensign. Who said that?

1st soldier. Lenin said that.

Ensign. And you, Lenin, I will send to the outfit, to the outfit and again to the outfit! So, now the first platoon will go to load the aluminum pipes ...

2nd soldier. Not aluminum, but aluminum.

Ensign. And the smartest will go to load cast-iron pipes!

3rd soldier. Comrade Warrant Officer! Can you solve the question?

Ensign. Allow me ...

3rd soldier. Comrade ensign, if there were no army, who would you be?

Ensign. A firefighter.

4th soldier. And if there were no firemen?

Ensign. Then a policeman!

5th soldier. Well, what if there were no police?

Ensign. Well, why stuck! I wouldn't work anyway! Company! On the left! Step - march! Hay, straw! Hay, straw! Hay, straw!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

Goals: to acquaint with the history of the holiday on February 23, to expand the students' ideas about The armed forces Russia, to foster a sense of patriotism and pride in their homeland.

Form of carrying out: holiday.

Registration: presentation, posters, musical accompaniment, clothes of bogatyrs, headdresses of combat arms, dramatization ( Application).

Holiday progress

The holiday is opened by the students "Parade March".

Leading: Every year on February 23, we celebrate an important public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And on this day it is customary to congratulate men - dads, grandfathers, brothers. Men are rightfully considered the defenders of our homeland, our Fatherland. No wonder even the words "father and fatherland" begin in the same way: they are close to each other in meaning. Fatherland is our country, homeland. This is also a day of remembrance for all those who did not spare themselves for the sake of the Fatherland, who remained faithful to their military duty to the end. ... (SLIDE 1)

Our army day today
There is no stronger her in the world.
Hello to the defenders of the people,
Hello to the Russian army!

Glory to our army -
On the banners of victories
There is no more beautiful army,
And he is not stronger.

We are not afraid of any bad weather!
The country of labor has a reliable shield
Guarding peace, happiness and freedom
Soldier Russian Army costs.

About the beloved army
We are talking today
And to her, invincible,
"Thank you" we say.

The song "Invincible and Legendary".

Leading: On February 23, 1918, the first regiments of our army entered the battle with the enemies and won, therefore this day is considered the birthday of the army and the navy. (SLIDE 2)

On the fierce days of February
The army fought for good reason
She crushed enemies near Narva
Deserved victory in battles.

Then this holiday was born
We praise heroes now
To be proud of my strength
Russian fearless soldier

The trumpets are singing loud
Our army - salute
Ships are sailing into space
Our army - salute
Peace and work on the planet
Our army - salute

Leading. Our homeland is great and immense. We have rivers and mountains, fields and forests. But Russia is famous not only for its vastness, but also for its brave, intelligent, strong spirit. Enemies attacked our land many times. But to this day Russia is still alive - mother. Always in Russia, the heroic strength was honored and glorified in legends and songs that were sung by guslars and called epics. Everyone who could hold weapons in their hands stood up to defend their native land, but among them strong and courageous wars stood out, whom we call heroes. Who is this? ( SLIDE 3)


For a long time a mighty force was ripening in him,
And she woke up from grief.
The hero stood up for the Fatherland
And he fought boldly - not sparing himself and the enemy. (Ilya Muromets)

The hero bore a good name -
He did not spare his enemies, he loved his Motherland.
Served together with Muromets,
He crushed the adversaries. (Nikitich)

Brave and courageous - a brave daredevil.
The priest's kind is our merry fellow.
The youngest of the three heroes,
Russia defended, he smashed enemies. (Alesha Popovich)

Three Bogatyrs come out, tell about themselves.

(Ilya Muromets) My first feat was the liberation of the people from the power of the enemy, from the Nightingale the Robber, who was sitting guarding the people passing by on the road and with his whistle-whistle killed and crippled many people.

(Nikitich) In a difficult battle I defeated the Fiery Serpent and freed many people from the field, among them the niece of Prince Vladimir Zabava Putyatichna.

(Alesha Popovich) I saved the prince's wife Anastasia and the Russian people from the hardships, incredible taxes from Tugarin Zmeevich at a feast at Prince Vladimir from Tugarin Zmeevich.


But most of all we served the Russian people.
Do not gallop enemies on our land,
Do not trample their horses Russian land,
They cannot overshadow our red sun.
Russia stands for a century - does not stagger!
And it will stand for centuries, will not budge!

Quiz. (SLIDE 4)

  1. Who is the oldest and youngest of the heroes?
  2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from Murom)
  3. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)
  4. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya is kind, great, Nikitich is a winner, brilliant)
  5. Which of the heroes could forge weapons for himself? (Ilya Muromets)
  6. 6 Which of the heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich)
  7. What was the name of the clothes of the heroes, woven from metal rings? (chain mail)
  8. What showed the way to the heroes? (a stone lying at the fork of 3 roads)
  9. Who was Alyosha Popovich fighting with? (Tugarin the Serpent)
  10. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burushka)

Leading. For many centuries, our homeland has repelled endless attacks from enemies from all over the world. First, the Polovtsians were rushing to Russia, then the innumerable Tatar-Mongol horde, then the knights - crusaders marched from the west like a heavy wall. Poles and Lithuanians rushed to Moscow, and an ordinary soldier always went to defend their land. In the Patriotic War of 1812, the heroism of the Russian soldier manifested itself. It was thanks to him that the invincible Napoleon "got stuck" near Moscow, and in 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. And again, all the people, young and old, stood up to defend their homeland. (SLIDES 5-7)

- Let's remember those who became heroes defending our Motherland. These are Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov. (SLIDES 8-11)

Russia, home, motherland
I speak with love
For the Motherland, for my mother
If I have to go into battle

I don't like battles
And the world is to my liking
But if the enemy wants
Come to us with war
The rebuff will get strong
We'll get in the way

Like great-grandfathers and grandfathers
In the harsh and fearsome hour
Stood up for the defense
Fatherland and us

Song about the border guard.

Leading: Veterans of the Great Patriotic War live on the territory of our villages, and we must not forget about them.

The soldiers fought in the name of peace and dreamed of a future peace in the respite between battles.

(SLIDE 12) And even in the most difficult moments, they did not lose their sense of humor, which helped them to survive in the war, they sang the songs that we now know and sing. (SLIDE 13)

How many songs about the army have been composed,
How many songs about the fleet have been composed!
We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,
And we don't mind singing them either!

Song "Katyusha"

Leading: What a dear price does this world get for us. Soldiers leave, young 18 - year - olds to serve in the army. There was Afghanistan, Chechnya. How many are their dead, killed in these wars ... (SLIDE 14, 15)

Guys from middle Russia
For the first time in service
For a long time native aspens
You left behind

Civilian youth lagged behind
Lost in the road dust
Into the iron channel of the statutes
You come in like ships

And there is a lot to do
So that the winds beating obliquely
You were not thrown aboard in a storm
And there was no need to cut the masts.

Glory to our generals
Glory to our admirals
And to ordinary soldiers
Hiking, floating, equestrian
Weary, hardened
Glory to the fallen and the living
Thanks to them from the bottom of my heart!

Leading. To become a military man is the dream of many guys. After all, the military - special people... These are hardened, strong-willed, courageous men. Who doesn't want to be like that? (SLIDE 16)

Since childhood, I have always wanted to become a military man
I will never be cowardly again
I will be a military man like my older brother
He is already a paratrooper, he is already a soldier
We salute our native army
There is only one such valiant in the world


We are still guys
And we walk like soldiers
We will serve in the army
Let's keep our homeland
So that we always have
It's good to live in the world

I will be a brave tanker
Will drive my tank all over the place
I am formidable with my rocket
I will get the target in the starry sky

I guys will certainly be a military pilot
I will sail the oceans as a fearless captain

We dream, we dream
That when we grow up
Then we will become tankers
And let's go to the navy
To the border and to the sappers
In pilots, in the submarine fleet
We will grow up very soon
Until the game goes on

Leading. Guys, what military professions do you know? Tell us about this now.

(SLIDE 17)

Our tricolor flag is on the mast
There is a sailor on deck
And he knows that the seas of the country
The boundaries of the oceans
Both day and night should be
Vigilant guard (sailor)

Sails through the menacing waves,
Goes to the secret outfit
The military fleet of the native country,
Swift, rocket.

Out into the blue seas
Reliable outpost.
And the people say for a reason:
"Glory to the Navy!"

We guys love the sea.
Over the seas and over the waves
We go on patrol in combat -
"Here today, there tomorrow!"

Visor and vest
And on the ribbons of the anchors,
Large buckle on the belt
They were given to the sailor for a reason.

The song "The Crew - One Family".

(SLIDE 18) Song of the Marines.

(SLIDE 19)

It's like an all-terrain vehicle everywhere
On tracks, the tank will pass
Gun barrel in front
Dangerous, enemy don't come near
The tank is firmly protected by armor
And he will be able to meet the battle. (tankman)

(SLIDE 20)

Paratroopers descend from heaven in minutes
Having untangled the parachutes will comb dark forest
Ravines, mountains and meadows will find a dangerous enemy. (paratrooper)

(SLIDE 21)

A soldier at enemy heights was wounded early in the morning
The brave military doctor will save, he will dress the wounds
He will remove two small fragments from the soldiers' wounds.
And he will say no need to be discouraged, brother live long. (military doctor)

(SLIDE 22)

Our pilots are heroes
The sky is vigilantly guarded,
Our pilots are heroes
Protect peaceful labor.

Bell golden
Spun over me
We are flying parachutists
Over the native country

The song "Fly Steel Squadron".

(SLIDE 23)

Birds fell asleep on the branches
There are no stars in the sky.
Lurking at the border
Border guards detachment.
Border guards do not sleep
At the native border.
Our sea, our land
Our sky is guarded.

The song "Halt Who Goes."


Who is needed in the army?
Rocketman or tanker?
Tanker or pilot?
Pilot or sailor?
Sailor or Airborne Trooper?

It is not possible to answer these questions. Which finger is more important - everyone is needed. You cannot hit with one finger - you need to clench all fingers into a fist. And the enemy will receive a strong blow when missilemen, tankmen, pilots, sailors and airborne troops strike at him together.


The three boys watched the parade
Our soldiers have beautiful uniforms
But which is better, but whose is better
Let's see - friends decide.

The pilot has golden wings on his cap
And like the sky is blue and shoulder straps, and buttonholes.
Look: a sailor in a striped vest.
Sailor in peakless cap and anchor on the buckle

A young tanker follows them
Star on the cap, belt with a star
And together the three boys say:
Our soldiers have beautiful uniforms.

Song "Young Soldier".

Leading: (SLIDE 24)

Congratulations, hello, heartily
Dads, grandfathers
We wish you good health
To their defenders, relatives

Leading: All of Russia today rejoices and congratulates our dads and grandfathers on the holiday. And also boys - our future defenders of the Fatherland. Our boys really want to be like their fathers.

Staging (Application).

Leading: The Russian army will be strong until then, as long as young boys grow up in our cities and villages, ready, in case of danger, to defend the Russian land. We believe that our boys will be skillful, courageous, strong, courageous defenders of the Fatherland, they will know the history of Russia, its glorious heroes. (SLIDE 25)

Everyone honors this glorious day
He has all the courage and features on his face.
Any man keeps a fragile world.
Serving the Fatherland with valor "on you"

Not every feat can accomplish
Especially in the stream of peaceful days
But everyone should serve the motherland
To hurt soul and heart only about her

February brought us a great holiday.
Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!
We will save you from storms and thunderstorms
A Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.

(SLIDE 26)

Let the sky be blue
Let the smoke not swirl in the sky
Let the terrible cannons be silent
And machine guns do not scribble,
So that people, cities live.
Peace is always needed on earth.
Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.
Take care of her peace and quiet,
This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table
And a native window in a forgotten village ...
Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.
Take care of her to be forever
With our truth and strength
With all our destiny.
Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

Song about Russia.

February 23, this is a famous and respected holiday for men. It is simply impossible not to celebrate it. And to make the celebration as fun as possible, we offer you a script for this celebration. This scene can be used in a friendly company, and also at a corporate party.

Cool scene for February 23rd with Queens, Princesses and Princes
Queen (teacher), Princesses, Princes (all 6th grade students). Before the start, the boys-Princes are presented with emblems; some emblems are red, others are blue, to split all the boys into 2 teams for the competition.

Host: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there were 13 little princesses. They were both serious and strict, kind and funny, obedient and mischievous, different. In the same kingdom-state, 15 brave little princes lived. They studied with the princesses in the same class, sat together at desks, rejoiced and had fun together.
This is what happened one day.

(The princesses enter the hall)

First princess: It has become quite boring in our kingdom-state. There is nothing interesting.

Second princess: What to come up with such one thing?

Third Princess: Perhaps we will declare war?

Fourth Princess: No, war is not in vogue this day.

Fifth Princess: How do we know if our princes are brave or not?

First princess: Is it possible to declare a knightly tournament?

Second Princess: Good luck! We will invite all the boys from our class to the tournament.

Third Princess: Let's have a competition.

Fourth Princess: Decide the winner.

Fifth princess: Let's knight everyone.

First Princess (Unfolds and reads the scroll): Attention! Attention! We invite everyone to the knightly tournament!

Second princess: Only now and only with us!

Third princess: All princes with a red emblem stand to the left.

Fourth Princess: All princes with the blue emblem stand to the right.

(Boys are divided into 2 teams, one team has blue emblems, the other has red ones. Boys perform tasks. 1-2 people from a team or the whole team participate in competitions. Competitions are held by princesses.)

Competition 1."Who's Faster There"
On command, 2 people begin to wind the rope around the stick. Whoever gets to the middle as soon as possible won.

Competition 2."Walk the ladder"
There is a rope (or line) on the floor, you need to walk blindfolded and not stumble.

Competition 3."Who will assemble the mosaic as soon as possible?"
Children are given a mosaic. The guys collect the mosaic for a while. The one who is there faster will win.

Competition 4."Dead Eye"
Throw a sandbag and get on a chair.

Competition 5."Who will get dressed as soon as possible"
On the chairs there are jackets (jackets) turned inside out. Whoever here quickly turns out his jacket, puts it on, sits on a chair and says: "The fireman is ready," he won.

Competition 6... "Dexterous hunters"
There are toys on the floor - domestic and forest animals. Any participant knocks down the "beast" and puts it in his hoop circle. A point is awarded to the team if the "forest beast" is shot down.

Competition 7."Collecting peas"
There are balls (or kinder gift cases) on the floor. Each participant in turn receives a shovel, a bucket, an apron, and a kerchief. At the signal, he puts on an apron, a kerchief, takes in right hand a scapula, and in the left - a bucket. It is necessary to drive the ball onto the shoulder blade without using the left hand, put the ball into the bucket, and then pass everything to the next player. The team with the most balls wins.

Princesses: So the tournament is over. Time to take stock.

Princesses (in turns):
Time moves forward sensitively
It blows over fields and forests.
Here comes our turn
Prove what we stand for ourselves.

And marching into formidable battles
Into battle from school doorstep
My dear peers,
Knights without fear or reproach.

How much heart and soul is needed
How much strength and courage is needed,
To walk in an unknown wilderness
Through the forest, swamps and ravines!

New lights are lit
Far from habitation,
And they themselves do not know that they
Knights without fear or reproach.

You would have disappeared many times already
If not a fierce faith,
If it were not for their hearts to fuse,
Their impulse and the power of their example.

They gave everything clearer at dawn,
And the hard road is easy
Because they are alive on this day on earth
Knights without fear or reproach.

The princesses call the princes one by one and knight them. The decree is read: "I, the Great and Almighty Queen of the Knightly Order, by my power consecrate them to the Knightly Order of Courage, Friendship, and Honor."
The knight kneels, the queen touches his shoulder with a sword. Princesses present him with a certificate.

Lovely peers, boys,
Knights without fear and reproach,
You love computers and books,
Sometimes you run out of class.

The sea beckons you with a magical dream.
You are always persistent, stubborn
And you are ready to sacrifice yourself
For the sake of a girl - a beautiful beloved lady.

And your swords are always in place,
Fit knightly armor for you.
Your loyalty and courage are with you
And your victories and successes.

We wish you adventure not from a book,
That you would always be together on the way,
Dear peers-boys,
Knights of courage, friendship, honor!

(this scene will help to have fun with the presentation of the most ordinary, but very necessary gifts in the bosom of a family consisting of a husband, wife and two sons)

Wife (to husband):

Roll up your mustache-
I give you panties! (donate family panties)
Well, and to them - leotards in the load, (give home leotards)
Yes, perhaps for a snack
I'll give you brandy
So that you can celebrate the holiday! (hand over a bottle of brandy)

(To the eldest son):

It's a pity Zhenya doesn't have a mustache,
But remember: no panties
Life, believe me, is much worse
So my gift is needed! (donate panties)

Waist purse
Let it be like a spare!
If you are going to the south-
In it you will stock up on money! (donate a waist belt-wallet)

(To the youngest son):

Look, Sergei at my brother:
Most of all, he is glad to cowards!
So there's nowhere to go
Get how younger brother,
You are a little narrower panties
But believe me - they are not worse! (donate panties)

Take a T-shirt in the bargain,
They gave it to me for change! (give a T-shirt)

(says toast):

My lovely men
You are my protectors!
And there's no reason today
I hide my feelings!

Cool universal scene for the holiday (February 23, March 8, wedding)

It was written specifically for theatrical performance. Written with humor. Suitable for any fun holiday. Can be used on February 23rd and March 8th, for a wedding. Easy to read and learn. Written in the style of Pushkin's fairy tale.


Three maidens by the window
They talked about one thing:
How to pick up the groom,
To live better.

(1 girl)
I wanted, girls
Live life like all queens.
Husband to dress better
Every day to entertain
I performed all the whims,
And to be sad, so as not to give.

(2 maid)
I would find such a groom
In the full sense of gold,
To have a huge cottage,
"Mers" is cool, not modest at all,
I would take me around the world,
He wore it in his arms.

(3 damsel)
It's not a sin to fly in the clouds
But will success come to you?
Where can you find such
Modest, smart, golden?
Life is not a fairy tale, girls!
It is worth relying on yourself!

Guys all - doo-ra ki !!!
Arguing with you is not out of hand!

The groom, of course you need!
We must try together.
The goal is set - go ahead!
Good luck awaits us together!


I could only finish,
Someone started calling them all.
“Hey, Marina, Tanya, Ksyusha!
I am your friend, Andryusha!
Aren't you bored sitting there?
Isn't it time to warm up the legs?
Me with my dudes
Please take a walk with us
For deeds, for words
Roll the ball in the bowling alley.

“Oh, you are our dear, Andryusha!
How nice it is to listen to you!
Everyone is ready to play
We'll come at exactly five! "

“Everything is swept away, girls! (Andrey)
All of you guys will be waiting! "
(1 girl)
“Here's luck!
To make us all rich! "

(2 maid)
You have to work hard
Dress up well

(3 damsel)
And let the cilia down
So as not to take your eyes off.

Here are all three girls,
How beautiful queens ...
And the lionesses are ready for battle!
The main thing is not to be lazy
And the guys are all up,
So that it is impossible to stop loving!


It's time to have fun
Love and make friends.
Played bowling
And then we danced
Everyone went for a walk until late,
And they came together in character,
And in the morning they parted.

How long did the friendship last?
Maybe a month, maybe a year ...
Relationships strengthened
Business goes to the wedding ...

So the weddings were off,
All the people remembered for a long time.
Where are our three girls?
What awaits them all now?

Our first girl
She became a glorious queen.
From Cardin - stylish, you can see!
And everyone is jealous of her friends.
Every day is just fun
And sweets and cookies
They overwhelmed their lives
Reality was forgotten ...
She got tired of everything quickly
Suddenly everything has grown cold towards my husband
Now he dreams of a friend
She wants a new husband ...

Our second girl
Well done, doves
Everything is there that your heart desires,
And the cottage is cool, huge!
Only happiness is so far away
She is terribly lonely ...
She sits alone in the mansion,
Even my husband doesn't need it.
Flies around the world, floats
And it doesn't take it anymore.

Our third damsel
Doesn't get bored, has fun ...
The house is filled with noise, laughter
He is not a hindrance to her ...
She has both a son and a daughter.
There is no quiet night.
The beloved husband is at hand
Only money is not a river ...
Always not enough money
She scolds her husband.

Lived your life - do not regret it!
Everything is not OK!
Bitter pepper is sweet honey ...
Who does not understand this?
Always add to tears in laughter
A whirlpool in a storm, in the sun, dreams ...
So that life is not boring,
Nothing to forget!
And to amuse yourself!

February 23 is the famous and respected holiday of men. It is simply impossible not to celebrate it. And to make the celebration as fun as possible, we offer you a script for this celebration. This scenario can be used in a friendly company, and also at a corporate party.


The topic is undoubtedly military. It is better to decorate the place where this day will be celebrated with khaki posters, stars, pistols, so that without any doubt one could understand that it is men's holiday.


Today the main ones at the evening are men

This is all for a reason

And this means it's time for the holiday,

And to confirm these moments,

I will ask you from everyone - applause!

(everyone applauds)


Well, let's move on right away,

Let's make a toast with you:

For men, for our brave,

Very strong and skillful!


Who knows how to shoot,

I ask you to show everyone now!


The competition is called: "Sharp Singer". Everyone is welcome to participate. For this competition, you will need balloons from small size(in advance in them is put on a small note, with the text of a ditty), a pistol with plastic bullets. The balls are attached at a distance of 6 meters from the participants. Each one fires one shot and takes away a note. The presenter turns on ditty music and the men begin to sing in turn:


We are the defenders of Russia

We will protect you from everything

There will be rats or snakes

We will quickly pacify them!

In honor of men today is a holiday -

This business is to our liking,

Just have a drink first!

Women are shy people,

They are not called into the army,

Only these phrases are false

Whoever you want, they will smash!

I came home today

I have a permutation

My wife answers me:

I did it without you

It means a holiday for me!

Happy holiday everyone congratulates

Defender's Day is with us,

The mood amuses

I would not start dancing!

(applause, participants take their seats)


Oh, well, you and the musicians,

It is immediately obvious that there are talents,

Then come on, we are for you,

Let's drink at this idle hour!

(musical break, meal)


Everyone's task is simple

We protect everyone and everything!

But to protect us all,

You need to be in good shape!


The competition is called: "Push-ups". Everyone is welcome to participate. Participants take turns in a recumbent position, and at the command of the presenter, they begin to push-ups. All this is done for a time - 30 seconds. Whoever does the most push-ups is the winner. Prize: a can of stew and a folding camping spoon.


Well, now and rest,

Have a snack, sip some wine,

I'm bye new competition to the master,

And I will definitely surprise you all!

(musical break, meal)


Now I will ask you riddles,

Who is responsible, I present a gift.


The competition is called: "Military Riddles". The presenter makes riddles, who guesses, receives a gift. Suitable for gifts: flashlights, bandanas, thermo mugs, T-shirts and T-shirts of a khaki.


This part has an army, the land will be taken care of,

And all because her name is ...?

(answer: infantry)

You will walk kilometers with them,

They are only in help, yours ...?

(answer: boots)

Shoots as accurately as a karate fighter shoots,

And the name of this soldier will be ... 7

(answer: tanker)

She is always with her, hanging by the machine,

There is also a toy, but still ...?

(answer: pomegranate)

Everybody says she's a fool

And it will only be ...?

(answer: bullet)


All the riddles have been guessed

I was surprised, they lifted my spirits!

Now I propose to dance

I ask gentlemen, I will invite you!

(slow music sounds, guests dance in pairs)

Host (toast):

Now let's drink to the ladies,

Because they are always faithful to you,

Without women, of course, because you just can't,

They are your feeling, love and family!

For lovely ladies!


Dear men, today you showed yourself in all its glory, you are even a little tired.

Now you will sit on the spot and on the scene, congratulations, from women, look.

Congratulations in Russian-Italian.

Characters: Italian and translator.

Foreigner: Rusis soldier is the most nakachante, brave and ofigente.

Translator: Russian men are the best.

Foreigner: And we congratulate segente, penta songs and drinking wine.

Translator: Today is a celebration in your honor.

Foreigner: Togde zhelante healthy, tablet not edente.

Translator: We wish you good health.

Foreigner: To make your zhente love, satisfy, crazy shoente from you.

Translator: May your wives appreciate you.

Foreigner: All Rociento knows that you are not some kind of kidiente.

Translator: All of Russia is confident in you.

Foreigner: Pozdravlente, nabukhanto, not blevante.

Translator: Congratulations again, celebrate this holiday with dignity!


Well women thank you

I will give you the applause!

Well, now, again to the table,

For salads, and for wine!



Now let's go outside

And we'll stand in the fireworks rain!

(everyone goes outside and watches the fireworks, then they return to the premises and the holiday continues, only without a presenter)

Objectives: to tell about the holiday of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day; foster respect for the army, develop ingenuity.

For several decades, on February 23, we have widely and popularly celebrated the holiday of the defender of the Fatherland, we celebrate it with dignified solemnity and special warmth.

February 23 is the day of Russia's military glory, which Russian troops gained on the battlefields. Initially, this day has a huge meaning - to love, honor and defend your Motherland, and, if necessary, to be able to defend it with dignity. The soldiers had to defend their native Russian land very often, but the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.

1st girl:

Another snowball sparkles like winter,

The creak of the sleigh is still sharp,

But every morning the song of the titmouse

It becomes softer and longer.

2nd girl:

So February is almost over.

We hear more and more cheerful drops.

And river ice is not so strong now,

And we are not afraid of a snowstorm.

Today is not just a February day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates.

The winds blow in February, the trumpets howl loudly,

A light drift rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, flights of airplanes rush into the distance,

It celebrates the February army's birth.

At night, a blizzard raged and a blizzard of chalk.

And at dawn, daddy brought us a holiday quietly.

And today over the wide white tablecloth of the fields

From above you can see the planes of our military units.

Father's holiday is the main holiday

All boys and men.

And congratulate the dads of your beloved

We are in such a hurry today!

6th girl: Our dear men! We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! We wish you success in your business, happiness, kindness, a clean, peaceful sky over your head. Boys grow up strong, courageous, courageous, kind and noble; remember about the noble title of men!

Competition program(for boys).

Good soldier differs not only in dexterity and strength, but also in intelligence and ingenuity. We will check it now. Let's see how you can guess riddles.

1 there are no clouds on the horizon

And an umbrella opened in the sky.

A few minutes later, he dropped down .... (Parachute)

2. Without acceleration, it flies up, reminds a dragonfly -

Goes flying

Our Russian ... (Helicopter)

3. He hums and draws with chalk, he draws in white and white

On blue paper, He draws himself, he sings. What is this? (Airplane).

4. At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret,

(Border guard)

5. Who walks in the parade,

Ribbons curl behind my back

The ribbons are twisted, and in the detachment

There is not a single girl.


6. Grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier

I will help him

Protect your ...


7. The brother said, “Take your time!

You better study at school!

Will you be an excellent student -

You will become ...

(By the border guard)

8. You can become a sailor,

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And on the military ...

(To the ship)

Future man (read by boys).

I still have toys:

Tanks, pistols, guns,

Tin soldiers

Armored train, machine guns.

And when the time comes

So that I could serve calmly,

I'm with the guys in the game

I train in the yard.

We play "Zarnitsa" there

They drew a border for me

I'm on duty! Guard!

Once entrusted, I can!

And the parents are in the window

They look after me with alarm.

Do not worry about your son,

I'm a future man!


2 people participate. You need to sew on the button as soon as possible. The winner is the one who quickly and efficiently completed the task.


A circle with a diameter of 1 m is outlined on the floor. Two participants are tied behind their hands. Jumping on one leg, the player must push the opponent out of the circle or unbalance him so that he stands on both feet.


(The envelopes contain a proverb cut into words. Who will fold it faster.)

1. Hero - mountain for the Motherland.

2. To live - to serve the Motherland.

3. Where there is courage, there is victory.

4. If the Army is strong, the country is invincible.


1. Push up. (Who is bigger.)

3. Execute commands: left, right, around. (Who will never be wrong.)

Every boy can become a soldier

Fly in the sky, sail in the sea,

Guard the border with a machine gun,

To protect your Fatherland.

But first on the football field

He will protect the gate with himself.

And for a friend in the yard and school

He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -

Harder than playing war.

If you didn't protect your little sister

How will you protect your country?

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations to dad

Happy men's holiday:

In my youth, I know

He served in the army.

Means also a warrior,

Not a commander, though.

Worthy of the holiday

Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.

You will not give me the abyss:

I am the glorious Motherland

Small part.

February, February, winter and sun!

And the first birds have a call!

Today I looked out the window:

Frozen, pressed his face to the glass.

My friends are boys yesterday -

Today they grew up and suddenly

All as one, abandoning books,

They took hands, stood in a circle

And they promised to mothers, sisters

Protect the boundaries of joy

Protect our world - both the birds and the sun,

Protect me in the window!

Defenders of the Fatherland

Thanks to everyone who gave their lives

For native Russia, for freedom,

Who forgot fear and fought

Serving the beloved people.

Thank you,

Your feat is eternal

As long as my country is alive

You are in our souls,

In our heart, we will not forget the heroes, never!

Boys, dads and grandfathers are cute,

Happy men's holiday!

You are kind, smart, strong!

We want to congratulate you!

You always protect our happiness,

Do not let evil come to us.

You serve, you work and you dream -

Everything to make it light for us!


A package is hidden in the classroom. It contains a task that must be completed. Contestants are looking for a package. The package contains sweets and a note: "You are given sweets for winning this competition, you must share this prize among everyone."

The game had been going on for a long time, but the spectators in the stands were still jumping, stomping, hugging and bludgeoning each other. Claptooth, slightly pale, stared downward. No, he is not wrong. The guys did not play in their usual manner. Either they were tired from the road, or they were not in the mood, but the team's game was not going well. It was still a great game that delighted the audience, but lacked the excitement and excitement needed to win. Meanwhile, the Reds played like eleven devils, and the Klapzubovtsy were on the defensive for the entire first half. When the referee's whistle heralded the end of the first half 1-0 in Australia's favor, Klapzubov returned to the locker room depressed. None of them said a word, they sat down on chairs and benches, and only Gonza blew his nose endlessly, trying to hold back the tears that welled in his eyes.
In the next room whole army massage therapists and coaches pounced on Australian players to rub and clap their tired muscles. It was quiet in the Klapzubs' locker room, and the shadow of inevitable defeat hung over the Bukvich team. If only the father would come! But just today, as if on purpose, he, who had always been waiting for them in the dressing room, hesitated. Minutes passed, but my father did not show up!
- Lord, hasn't something happened to him? - said Frantik with eyes wide with fear.
Everyone shuddered. Indeed, there is no other way to explain its absence. The guys were overwhelmed with despair. They jumped up and rushed to the door. Outside, a long whistle was heard - the referee announced the start of the second half. But klapzubovtsy did not raise an eyebrow. They were interested in one thing: what happened to their father?
At that moment, old Klapzuba appeared at the door.
- Father! Father!
Everyone rushed to him happily. He stood in front of his sons slightly flushed and with difficulty fought them off.
- Well, well, the devils are crazy, wait!
They stepped back, realizing that he was going to tell them something. And the pevolpo lowered their eyes. But the father was not angry. On the contrary, his voice sounded soft, even too soft.
- Wait, guys, don't strangle me! Everything has a measure! I watched you play. Very good, really very good. I have never seen such a clean job here ...
The tonic looked up suspiciously - he didn't like that sweet tone at all. And the father continued:
- Indeed, the game is pa miracle! Running, teamwork, and what strikes! You made me very happy! One fat gentleman came to me and said that, they say, in Sydney there is a club of heavyweights from a hundred kilograms and above. They say they also play football sometimes, so would you agree to play with them next Sunday! But first, let them, they say, have a little rest in order to be worthy opponents. And then a young lady came to me and said that a game of handball was being introduced here. And, they say, mine (uh, it would be more pleasant and convenient for you than to be confused with football. And besides, I heard two old grandmothers arguing about whether they lost the ball so often during their youth, like today's Europeans ...
- Father!..
It was more of a scream than an exclamation. Everyone sobbed with rage. Old Klapzuba could not stand the stinging tone. He melted and softened.
“I had a snack on His English Majesty’s pipe because of you. Damn it, team, what do I tell my mother? ..
The guys could not stand it any longer and jumped out, where the judge was already whistling angrily, and the tribunes were yelling, demanding the defeat of the Czechs. Before leaving the corridor, Tonic stopped:
- Guys ... my God! ..
The last "to be or not to be!" Everyone felt the significance of his words. They wiped their eyes with their sleeve and silently shook hands. It was more than an oath.
And they went and began to play.
Their performance was amazing and devastating like a hurricane. There were times when the Australians stopped running to see what was actually going on around them. White attack? Eight people were rushing around the field in a whirlwind, and somewhere between them a ball flew, invisible until it hit the goal net. Protection? Dineteen people like white wall... Combinations?