Repair Design Furniture

Scenario of the competitive and entertainment program for students “Autumn Ball. Scenario "Meeting of Autumn" for adults

(light instrumental music sounds,

leading evenings come out - Autumn and Leaves)

IN 1. And again autumn portrait

Nature hangs in the living room

To the sounds of the crane's song,

Golden light under the leaves...

Good evening friends!

IN 2. Good evening, dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall

romantic, mysterious

(B.1. charming, unpredictable) Mrs. Autumn.

IN 1. She is veiled from the rain

We will not miss her arrival

And indulge in light sadness,

She couldn't find an explanation.

IN 2. Autumn invited us here to give everyone their last wonderful

Moments, charming, barely perceptible, the aroma of autumn flowers,

The bright, tempting beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, in the autumn

Thoughtful yet joyful mood.

IN 1. Autumn comes out at the edge of the forest -

With a soft gait red fox.

Let the sun shine sparingly from the sky,

But the groves and forests shine.

At such a time, wise nature

We discover miracles on weekdays ...

IN 2. Friends! For a dance evening

You came to visit us again

We have been looking forward to this meeting.

And they tried their best!

IN 1. (waving magic wand)

Let the wonderful autumn ball begin,

Let the music flow again

May youth, love and friendship

Today they won't leave you!

(couples - Leaves dance to waltz music)

IN 1. Royal Ball!

IN 2. Royal ball? So, by tradition, we choose a king and queen today?

IN 1. Yes, but only the one who is the most elegant today,

IN 2. who is the center of attention all evening,

IN 1. who dance and play

IN 2. and behaving gallantly

IN 1. will be able to put on the royal crown at the end of our ball!

IN 2. Have a great mood, dear kings and queens!

IN 1. A lot has been said about the waltz -

He is sung in songs and poems.

And no matter how many dances happen,

And better than a waltz, right, no!

IN 1. And which of you can dance the waltz? After all, do not forget that the theme of our evening is a ball, an autumn ball! A ball - what is it?

IN 2. These are dances in pairs: gentlemen invite ladies and whirl in a waltz!

IN 1. Right! What is a girl without a boyfriend?

IN 2. This is a unit.

IN 1. Right! What is a guy without a girl?

IN 2. This is zero.

IN 1. Yes, zero without a wand. To be honest, looking at your faces, respected zeros, I would in no case trust you with a lady! That's why the Fab Five deadly ride is now announced! I need five brave volunteers! Who can prove that it is not zero? Any brave volunteers? Go on stage...

IN 1. So the set is complete. Now before we trust

daredevil volunteers to invite ladies to the waltz tour, we will hold a training event for them.

IN 2. Take in your strong hands air balloons and hold them gently like a girl! Whoever knows how to handle the ball best of all can later be entrusted with a real girl! So, music!

(short waltz with balls)

IN 2. Here! Here is this man! He held his partner the best! A few words about yourself: who are you, what is your name, what do you do? We have marked you, and now you have the honorable right to choose a real dance partner for yourself.

IN 1. As you understand, friends,

You can't be bored at the ball.

Now let's have a contest

Find a better couple

We will give them a beautiful prize ...

In general, we will generously reward.

(The “Waltz-Boston” by A. Rosenbaum sounds, everyone is dancing,

the best couple gets prizes)

IN 2. Danced - tired

Well, let's take a break.

You will sit in a circle,

Well, we will entertain you!

IN 1. When you hear the line

Know you gotta keep going

Just one, one word

You will have to prove it.

And we will work together

So that everyone can understand.

IN 2. All clear? Well, good luck!

(Don't you dare scream)

IN 1. Lots of dresses, lots of crunch. What is her name? (cabbage)

IN 2. Not fire, but burning zealously. What is my name? (nettle)

IN 1. Striped and fat, sweeter than sugar? (watermelon)

IN 2. Well, dresses are all needles, they are constantly worn .... (Christmas trees)

IN 1. In autumn, the first leaves, like tears, are quietly dropped to the ground .... (birches)

IN 2. Sad, beautiful weeping ... (willows)

IN 1. A crow in a clearing plays on .... (accordion)

IN 2. We rarely see blue in the sky. Clouds, rain, it's .... (autumn)

IN 1. Only pine needles are green - afraid to paint them .... (autumn)

IN 2. I know for sure myself: after autumn - ... .. (winter)

IN 1. Sit back, relax and ready to play again

All girls and guys to entertain Autumn.

IN 2. You are saying something in verse and in verse, can I, announcing the next

Dance, use prose?

IN 1. Try it, it might work.

IN 2. For the game we need to take different scarves. You and I take them in a fist and hold tight. Now we need five young men. Everyone picks up one end of any scarf. (After they did it) Now we invite five girls.

IN 1. You can choose your partner. To do this, each of you must take hold of the free end of the scarf. Attention! Let's open our fist... There is!

IN 2. Exactly! We got couples for the next dance. Music!

(slow music sounds, (you can, the song "Candles")

the rest of those present join the dancers)

IN 1. Golden Autumn, wait a little!

Do not go beyond the forest and mountains!

Your amber earrings glow,

Golden beads glitter on the chest.

IN 2. Quiet steps on the rustling leaves

In the golden, evening, pre-sunset hour

You walk by in a golden dress,

Golden smile illuminating us.

IN 1. We know that every school student dreams of learning more about their teachers, especially about class teachers. We want that today, this festive evening, the desires of the disciples were fulfilled. Class leaders are invited to the stage.

IN 2. We will ask you questions, and you, pulling out the answer from this pumpkin, will answer them. Started?

(soft music plays)

IN 1. Thank you for your participation, our dear teachers.

IN 2. Autumn melodies...

I hear them everywhere.

With its quiet beauty

They beckon me.

To a wonderful tune

Easy, breathable.

And all this was inspired by the handsome leaf fall.

(The song “Yellow leaves are spinning over the city” sounds, those who wish can dance)

IN 1. You know, I came up with a fun game.

I will ask all young men in love to play it.

Blindfold them, seat the girls in a circle

And let them go. They must know their love by the cherished pen.

Well, how? Shall we try? Are there knights in the world?

(a competition is held to the music of fun. Prizes for the winners)

IN 2. Everyone is dancing in pairs! (Music is either slow or rhythmic)

IN 2. I see a marvelous miracle - multi-colored leaves

They fly, dancing in the air, gracefully and easily ...

IN 1. Certainly! I completely forgot! What ball can take place without beautiful outfits, what show can take place without a fashion page? Look how hard our girls have done today! They are smartly and stylishly dressed, they have hair and makeup! Efforts should not be in vain. Now our podium is working for them! We invite all girls (you can be accompanied by boys) to demonstrate the autumn collection of the outgoing year. Maestro, music!

(Rhythmic music playing)

IN 1. Who do you think should get the prom king and queen prize?

Please write down your ideas on a piece of paper and put them in a pumpkin, and our jury will calculate the results, which we will learn about at the end of our holiday.

Non-amateur performances.

IN 1. And it was when the summer was noisy,

And rang, and turned green,

When the warm days are gone

And the moths didn't fly anymore.

And then inaudibly Autumn came

And quietly stood at the gate:

Cap-cap, open, it's me who came

Drop-drop, it's my turn.

At the entrance Autumn silently waits,

But nobody opens the door for her...

(song, optional with dance accompaniment)

IN 2. So I was happy, so I enjoyed.

Quiet joy, reveled in delight ...

And where's the fun of a quick day?

Rushed by the summer of dreams.

Withered the charm of pleasure,

And again a shadow of gloomy boredom surrounds me! ...

IN 1. What are you sad about?

IN 2. It's time to say goodbye to beautiful boys and girls.

Our ball is coming to an end.

IN 1. Wait wait. After all, we still don’t know who will receive our prizes in the lottery today, we don’t know about the most important winners - the king and queen of the ball ?!

IN 2. So let's move on to congratulations. There are winners in our autumn lottery today. This

(to the music there is a presentation of comic prizes)

IN 1. And now…. By general recognition, the queen of today's ball is appointed ... ..

IN 2. And will accompany her…….

(to the music of E. Doga for the film “My gentle and gentle beast”, crowned persons come out and begin to dance the waltz)

IN 1. Our bouquet gives you an autumn smile.

Last try - hello from autumn!

May it charm the hearts of my friends

Let it bring joy to you all autumn days!

IN 2. And by tradition, our ball ends with a “white dance” (voice accompaniment is possible)

B.1 and B.2 See you soon, friends!

Comic questions for class teachers

  1. Do you hide your "left" earnings from your family?
  2. Is it true that classroom management is your hobby?
  3. They say that you make a living by checking notebooks. This is true?
  4. Is it true that you hide from the children under your desk during breaks?
  5. Do you often have to change your appearance, hiding from the headmaster?
  6. Would you like to sit in the director's chair?
  7. Is it true that you dance the lambada alone in the evenings?
  8. Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?
  9. Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?
  10. They say that you are writing a dissertation on the topic

"Problems of using cell phones in the process of delivery


  1. They say that you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?
  2. They say that you sell potatoes in glasses at the market. It's true?
  3. Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?
  4. It is said that you often flew in your sleep and became a 1st class pilot. This is true?
  5. They say that you are a very kind and polite person, especially if a weight is dropped on your foot. It's true?
  6. Do you believe that all people are descended from monkeys, and you personally are an alien?

Yes, I still wear second-hand clothes

Yes, I still cross stitch.

I am writing a book about this.

All this is the machinations of our enemies.

I will answer you, and they will put me in jail for it.

Well, maybe a person has at least one flaw!

Only for big money

Meet me around the corner in half an hour and discuss this.

I give out military secrets only in captivity

Only after the third drink

When I drink, I can do a lot

Mom forbids me to do this.

And you know about me?

And can't I see?

So fate decreed

There's nothing you can do, that's the kind of person I am

Questions like these should be asked in the evening over a cup of tea.

There are so many things in my life

I'm ashamed, but it's true

It's just the genes in me naughty

I'm totally unique

If that were the case, I wouldn't be talking to you right now.

Ask the neighbor on the left, he's smarter

To answer your question, you need to at least know the alphabet

For this I live

For money I can do anything

It happens somehow by itself

Only at the request of friends

This is my secret passion

How much do you pay to get off me?

Quiet! I don't want others to know about it

Alas, this is beyond my power.

Once a year I can afford it

Why is everyone asking me about this?

You would only discredit an honest man

Did you understand what you were asking?

Will you keep me company?

Do I look like a clown?

You beat me to the ground with this question

A holy place is never empty

Who gets up early, God gives him

Only when I'm on public transport

Yes, I have almost no flaws

This is how myths are debunked

School Autumn Festival. Scenario

Goals: organize children's leisure; develop their creativity.

Registration: dry maple leaves, balls, bouquets of autumn flowers.

Event progress

I. Introduction

Lead 1.

Autumn is knocking at our door

Dressed in gold.

Throw a handful of leaves in the window

And cry with rain.

Y. Shevchuk's song "What is autumn?" is performed.

What is autumn? This is the sky

Crying sky under your feet

In the puddles, birds fly with clouds.

Autumn, I haven't been with you for a long time.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would be away from the earth

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? These are the stones

Loyalty over the blackening Neva.

Autumn again reminded the soul of the most important thing,

Autumn, I am deprived of peace again.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would be away from the earth

Where sadness drowns in the sea -

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? It's the wind

Again plays with torn chains.

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach the answer,

What will happen to the motherland and to us?

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach dawn,

Autumn, what will happen to us tomorrow?

II. Game "Autumn volleyball"

A rope is pulled between two chairs. Teams get on different sides. They are given an equal amount autumn leaves- 15-20 pieces. Leaves are scattered across the floor. The task of the players is to transfer their leaves to the side of the rivals in 1 minute. The team with the fewest leaves wins.

III. Musical pause

Lead 2. Bravo! Here is the leaf fall! Simply pleasing to the eye! Autumn is good for everyone, and especially the harvest! We bring to your attention a hymn to the garden - zucchini ditties. Chastushkas are performed.

Put your ears on top

Listen carefully.

Zucchini ditties

We sing great.

In the garden for cleaning day

There were miracle slides.

It has grown a large vegetable!

Can't get up, need help!

I look at my garden

There it turns yellow under the foliage

And lay down on the barrel

Yellow squash.

I go out to the garden

There is a whole platoon of squash there.

I will collect them in a basket,

Let them hurry on the window.

Like in our garden

The boys grew up

Juicy and large

Those are so round!

In the garden near the river

The zucchini grew

Just like piglets.

But where are the patches?

Soon I will have

Holiday - birthday!

Mom will cook for me

Zucchini jam.

Oh, I didn’t gasp, I didn’t stomp. I ate a lot of zucchini, Yes, I did not burst.

IV. Game "Obstacles"

The facilitator asks the participant to do the following:

Walk along the rope lying on the floor;

Step over the clock;

Crawl under the rope held by the presenters;

Walk around the chair.

Then the player is blindfolded and offered to repeat these actions. At this time, all obstacles are removed and the player walks through the free hall. The guys tease him with remarks.

V. Dance competition - 1

Lead 1.

Late fall. The whole sky is in tears.

The cold wind sings in the wires.

And, leaving for the last flight,

The leaves dance the autumn foxtrot.

All participants dance the apple dance. Each couple receives an apple, which is pressed between their foreheads. You cannot hold an apple with your hands. Slow music plays and the couples begin to dance. After some time, the task is complicated by the fact that you have to dance blindfolded and to a fast melody. The pair that holds the apple the longest wins.

VI. Congratulation of autumn birthdays

Presenter 1. I ask those who were born in September, October and November to come here. A gift has been prepared for you, autumn birthdays.

They bring in a black box, pretending to be heavy.

Lead 2. This treasure will go to the one who guesses what is in the box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer "yes" or "no". I promise you won't be disappointed.

Black box draw. You can put in the box Maple Leaf, soft toy, apple, zucchini, etc.


Born in autumn Congratulation.

September sighed suddenly with a chill,

Slightly touched the yellowness of the foliage of birches,

But this house is joyful and happy:

The stork brought you to your mother in autumn...

And on your birthday, the air is fresh and clean,

The day is transparent, the distance is a little golden,

A yellowed leaf flew off the aspen,

Stuck to the glass like a round medal.

Your holiday smelled like a ripe watermelon,

Starch tablecloths rustle,

And you are on your feet this morning,

But for some reason, the look is slightly moist.

Now it's time to accept congratulations,

Listen to toasts and accept flowers.

Love and happiness, light and goodness,

Health, dreams come true!

VII. Dance competition - 2


If autumn suddenly comes

And throw a leaf into your hands,

So there is nothing to stand -

Come dance with us!

Dance-game with an autumn leaf to the song of the Lyceum group "Autumn, autumn, well, let's ask the leaves ...". The sheet is passed into the hands of the dancers, whoever receives it goes into a circle and dances.

VIII. Competition "Dress a friend"

Leading. It's getting colder, my friends! You need to dress warmer. I see that there are out-of-season individuals among you.

One girl and one boy recruit a team of four people. The players come up with a team name. Then, in 1 minute, the participants of each team must put on the captain as many of their things as possible.

Leading. You have real friends! They are not sorry to give you the most valuable things! For the most close-knit and generous team, a concert number sounds.

A. Rosenbaum's song "Waltz-Boston" is performed.

On a carpet of yellow leaves in a simple dress

From wind-blown crepe de chine

Dancing in the gateway autumn waltz-Boston.

A warm day flew by

And the saxophone sang hoarsely.

And from all over the area people came to us,

And birds flew from all the surrounding rooftops,

Golden dancer, flapping her wings...

How long, how long ago did the music sound there.

How often do I dream

That amazing dream

In which autumn waltz-boston dances to us.

There the leaves fall down

Records spinning disc:

"Don't leave, stay with me, you are my whim!"

Drunk with pleasure, forgetting about the years,

An old house long in love with its youth

It swayed with all the walls, opening the windows,

And to all those who lived in it,

He gave this miracle.

And when the sounds subsided in the twilight of the night -

Everything has its end, its beginning,

Saddened, autumn wept with a little rain ...

Oh, what a pity this waltz

How good it was.

IX. Relay "Drivers"

Two young men are given children's cars on a string. The task of the participants is to drive the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knock them down. The winner of the race - a poetic gift (" Golden autumn» B. Pasternak).


Autumn. Fairy tale,

All open for review.

clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, ash, aspen

Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -

Like a crown on a newlywed.

The face of a birch under a veil

Scenario of a competitive and entertainment program for students Autumn Ball»

(To the soundtrack of a song from the repertoire of A.B. Pugacheva “Autumn Kiss”, the Host enters the stage).


Autumn Ball! Autumn Ball!

October called us all here.

Through the fall of the leaves and the blue sky

Let's say to her together: "Hello, Autumn!"

Everyone in this room is glad to see

And now there will be a surprise for you -

We will choose by the end of the program

Beautiful Mister and Miss!

Miss Autumn - Lady Perfection ...

To match her Mister should be.

Watching them is pure bliss!

But, where can we get a couple ...?

There is an opportunity for everyone.

Having passed the program of competitions,

Any couple in this room

This title will be acquired in jest!

Well, everything! It's time! We begin

And we open the carnival!

Welcome everyone please

To our Autumn, wonderful ball!

(The presenter leaves the stage, giving way to the pupil of the association " six string guitar". He performs a song from the repertoire of the group "7 B" "Autumn").


So, the Autumn Ball is in full swing,

We need to choose Mister and Miss!

Please, all couples in this room

Take part in the contest, please!

(The 1st contest is being held called "Take care of the fish soup.")


The mountain ash brushes are already burning with fire,

And the birch leaves turned yellow.

And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,

And quietly, autumn comes to us.

(The song from the repertoire of G. Sukachev "Autumn" is performed by a pupil of the "Six-string guitar" association.


I still burn with curiosity

Who will be Mister and Miss today?

I ask you to take part in the competition,

Whatever the competition, then a big surprise!

(The 2nd competition is held under the name "Fish".)


To the sound of rain and the crunch of fallen leaves

It's nice to think and write poetry.

And remember, who did not become love,

Your summer novel. Lamp, moths...

And a pretty face a little further away ...

All this was, but, alas, passed.

And the autumn rain washed away the remnants of pain,

And it suddenly became calm and easy.

(The song “Yellow Leaves” is performed by a pupil of the “Six-string guitar” association).


That destiny will come true soon

We will know the names of the lucky ones.

Beautiful Romeo and Juliet

On the stage they will find their throne, but for now,

We, approaching the hour of their coronation,

Let's try again to test everyone.

And we invite you, oh gentlemen and ladies,

Participation in the next competition to accept.

(The 3rd competition is being held under the name "Zachka".)


Oh, time, how inexorably you are,

After summer - autumn, and then - winter.

Our ball, alas, has exceeded the middle

And close to completion, and for now,

beautiful autumn nature

Changes its scenery

I suggest you fight again

For the title of "Miss" and "Mr. Autumn", Se La Vi!

(The 4th competition is being held under the name “Calfetka. Further, a song from the repertoire of V. Tokarev "Autumn" is performed by a pupil of the "Six-string guitar" association.


The last stage is already left for us,

We are all almost at the finish line.

And the Autumn-Queen favorably

Nods his golden-haired head.

And waiting for his pages, all in impatience,

I want to know her as soon as possible

Whom with his hand, motherly tender,

She will have to crown herself.

(The 5th competition called "Wonderful Balls" is being held).


So, friends, get ready, it will be hot!

We invite you to the stage

All the most dexterous contestants,

Who overcame all trials without loss.

Their names are no longer a secret,

And in autumn they are the sweetest of all.

Greetings - "Miss Autumn", "Mr. Autumn",

And these are the ones we chose!

(All the couples participating in the competitions rise to the stage. The winners are determined by the number of tokens collected. Awarding ceremony).


The Ball is over, the candles are out,

But the Carnival is not over

And we invite you all again

To our fun dancing - a ball!

(The evening continues with a disco).

Children to the music of "Autumn Blues" dance into the hall.

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in different kinds activities.


- The development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech in preschoolers, the formation of the experience of self-knowledge of the child.

— Help the child to believe in himself, teach him to be successful in his activities, to find his place in the system social relations, the world around, to contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relations with peers and adults.

- Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

LEADING: Autumn again, birds again, in warm edge hurry to fly.

And again the autumn holiday came to us in Kindergarten.

REB: The leaves are turning yellow again,

Light rain drizzles in the morning

Summer went by very quickly.

It's time for autumn.

REB: A cool breeze blew,

And the evening comes faster

Let sometimes the sky is gloomy

Autumn also brings joy to us

REB: Ripe full baskets of apples,

It brings us every year.

Paves soft paths

Mushroom and fabulous calls to the forest.

REB: Decorate the leaves, and mountain ash,

And gliding on a thin web,

A ray of sunshine will smile at us.

Fires flare here and there

REB: Autumn us to our holiday,

Has extinguished.

So that no one is late

Autumn asked

REB: And here we are, the hall sparkles,

Warmly warmed faces

It's time to open our holiday,

And spin in the dance.

REB: Well, where is Autumn,

Has she forgotten the way to us?

You can be alone with business

A little delayed?

LEADING: Let's call Autumn, guys. Let's all say together: "Autumn, Autumn, we are waiting for you!" (All speak in unison)

(Phonogram, Spider descends along the line)

But the leaf is not simple, it is autumn, golden!

LEADING: Hello, spider, beloved Autumn friend! Let's have an autumn letter, let's read it... (Read, the spider is leaving)"My dear children, devilry she bewitched me and does not let me go to the holiday. Hurry up, help me out, don't leave me in trouble." Well, guys, let's not leave Autumn in trouble? (children's answers) Then, let's go! But where do we just go, you guys do not know? (children's answer). And let's ask the starling, maybe he will tell us?

The song "Skvorushka says goodbye."

(At the end of the song, the GNOME appears, he sleeps near the stump)

LEADING: Guys, look, the starling has brought us to the forest! The forest is full of wonders here! Guys, look, who is sleeping there?(fits) So it's a Gnome! Forgive the Dwarf, our good Dwarf, that disturbed your sleep. Leave the stump, your old stump. Get up Dwarf, it's daytime!

(The gnome turns on the other side and starts snoring)

LEADING: Our good Dwarf does not get up, he is sleeping very sweetly.

Guys, look what sticks and bells are here in the clearing, let's wake up the Gnome with a cheerful song.

The song "Merry Dwarf".

Performed with the accompaniment of children's music. tools.

GNOME: This is a miracle, so a miracle, guys, where are you from?

HOST: We, Gnome, are looking for Autumn, but we don’t know where to look for it. Dear Dwarf, we ask you very much, help us find Autumn.

GNOME: Why not help the good kids! Yesterday a crow flew to me and whispered in my ear that the beautiful Autumn was bewitched by evil spirits!

HOST: Yes, we know that, Dwarf! But who bewitched, and where is she?

GNOME: I don't know…. Maybe Baba Yaga knows?

BABA YAGA (quietly sneaks up and eavesdrops): I hear, I hear, they are talking about me! What is this I know!

GNOME (scared): Fu you, scared Yaga!

BABA YAGA: My profession is, my dear, to scare everyone and scare everyone! From such a job and run wild for a short time. Terrible boring stuff, even if someone would cheer me up - you look and I’ll be kinder!

HOST: Hello, Grandma Yaga! Guys, say hello to Baba Yaga! (hello)

BABA YAGA: Hello, hello, and you won't get sick! So what do I know?

GNOME: The guys are looking for Autumn, maybe you know where she is?

BABA YAGA: I know, I know, why not know, I have it. But I won't give it to you!!!

LEADING: You hide Autumn at home .... Isn't it a pity to hide such beauty from people and not let it go to the holiday?

BABA YAGA: That's why I'm hiding it, because Autumn is painfully beautiful. Everyone loves her, they arrange holidays for her. And everyone forgot about me - I live alone in the thicket of the dense. And I also want to chat, have fun.

GNOME: Guys, let's play with Grandmother Yaga! You're like Yaga, don't you agree?

BABA YAGA: FAQ, play something! But how! Just, mind you, don't cheat!

HOST: Well, our guys always play fair!


DWARF. Here I have 3 leaves, different colors. Children are divided into 3 circles, in the middle of each circle there is a leader (Baba Yaga, dwarf, presenter). To the cheerful music, the children run loose, as soon as the music stops, each circle should gather around its leader. The first time the leaders stand in their places, the next time they change places.

BABA YAGA: Look how nimble and dexterous they are!

HOST: You know, Grandmother Yaga, our guys can also tell fairy tales!

BABA YAGA: (surprised) What are you talking about! Come on, let's hear it!

HOST: Listen and look!


Characters: Amanita, Mouse, Hedgehog, Hare, Bear, Rain.

Fly agaric comes out.

presenter : In a clearing near the fir trees, where the forest expanse is wide,

A slender fly agaric has grown in a red cap with polka dots.

Amanita grows to the music.

presenter : A cloud walked across the sky, bored alone.

The cloud thought, wondered. How can she surprise the earth?

And then she decided to pour rain from the sky and pour.

Sounds like rain. Then, to the music, the rain child moves around the hall, waving a transparent “salut”.

Rain : I scared away all the animals.

Hide, animals, hurry up!

The rain runs away.

presenter : From - under a wet bush, from under a yellow leaflet

The poor mouse ran, squealing very plaintively.

Mouse runs to the music.

mouse : Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee, Fly agaric, help!

Hide me under your hat. You see how cold I am.

presenter : Fly agaric was not surprised, bowed low with a hat

And said:

fly agaric : Go, go. Hide, wait out the rain.

mouse hides under the fly agaric hat.

presenter : The mouse darted under the hat,

Fly agaric stroking his paw,


mouse : Good! How dry and warm it is.

presenter : Suddenly from the forest to the clearing,

Directly to the fly agaric

A wet bunny jumped out,

Cheerful and mischievous.

Bunny runs out to the music, shakes himself off, washes his ears, muzzle

presenter : I galloped to Fly agaric,

He said very politely:

Bunny : Fly agaric, help, save from the rain,

Hide me under your hat, you see how chilly I am!

presenter : Fly agaric was not surprised, bowed low with a hat,

And said:

fly agaric : Go, go, hide, wait out the rain.

The bunny hides under the fly agaric hat.

presenter : Zainka jumped under the hat,

Amanita stroked his paw,

And then he hugged her leg.

Bunny : I'm already a little warm!

Host: Between pines, between the fir trees, a ball of needles rolls.

Prickly from head to toe.

Of course, this is a gray hedgehog.

Hedgehog runs to the music.

Hedgehog : Fly agaric, help, I wet my boots.

Hide me under a hat, you see how chilly I am.

presenter : Bunny and Mouse got scared.

Bunny and Hedgehog: You prick, Hedgehog, us!

Presenter: Fly agaric said:

fly agaric : Panties! grow up now for you!

to the music of the fly agaric "grows"

(gets up from chair).

presenter : The hedgehog hid under the hat.

Amanita stroked his paw.

And he said:

Hedgehog : The beauty! Here is the height

Even very interesting.

The three of us are not crowded at all!

presenter : Suddenly the deadwood crackled, cones flew.

A clubfoot Mishka approached Amanita.

The bear is walking along with the music.

Bear : Wu-u-u, u-u-u! Now I will disperse everyone.

I don't want to live with you, I don't want to be friends with anyone!

Fly agaric hugs animals.

Presenter: Fly agaric in response to him:

fly agaric : There is no place for you here!

Go away, you bastard.

Do not wave your paw angrily.

Hedgehog : We are not afraid of him. Even though it's big and scary.

There is nothing stronger than our strong friendship!

Bunny : Nowhere to hide in the clearing, Mishka gets wet in the rain.

There is no place for a brawler and a bully under a fungus!

presenter : And the Hedgehog went to the Bear for the future.

He decided to ask for forgiveness from all the animals.

Bear : You, friends, forgive me, let me go under the fungus.

I will live peacefully with you, I will be friends with you.

fly agaric : Come in, we are glad to see you, there is no need to quarrel anymore.

Bear rises under the fly agaric hat.

You can't live without friends for anything in the world!

Bear : For each other, without a doubt, we will be able to stand up.

So let's have fun and continue our holiday.

BABA YAGA: Oh, Christmas trees - pines, I liked you guys! What an instructive story!

GNOME: Grandmother Yaga, so can you let Autumn go then?

BABA YAGA: Why do you need it! She walks forever with her friend, what is his name there, she forgot, it drips everywhere, it breeds dampness!

HOST: Guys, who is Baba Yaga talking about? .... What about the rain?

BABA YAGA: Yes, yes, exactly about the rain. Forever in the forest I have damp here !!!

LEADING: Baba Yaga, and for this we have umbrellas to hide from the rain.

BABA YAGA: Umbrellas, what is it?

HOST: Look here.


BABA YAGA. What an interesting thing these umbrellas of yours are!

GNOME: Well, Baba Yaga, can you let Autumn go?

BABA YAGA. Yes, I would let her go ... But I then bewitched her, but I don’t remember how to disenchant her! Here's what to do now!!!

HOST: Yagusha, well, maybe the guys can help you with something?

BABA YAGA: Of course they can!I really like to guess riddles, and hide clues in the forest. Maybe you will find Autumn!

LEADING: Yes, the guys and I will guess any of your riddles.

BABA YAGA: Yes! Everything - can you guess everything?

LEADING: Of course we will guess, right guys?

BABA YAGA: Well, then listen, but don't say you haven't heard.


1. Who doesn’t know those berries

Helps with colds.
They hang on the bushes
And, like poppies, they burn.
Only it's not a raspberry.
What is a berry? - ...... (KALINA)

(Children find viburnum)

HOST: Well done guys!

BABA YAGA: Well, listen to the next riddle.

2. They fly, spin, lie down on the ground,

They don’t get up from the ground, they will disappear here. (LEAVES)

BABA YAGA: Well done, of course the leaves! Autumn leaves, beautiful, colorful! Where are they, find them in my forest.

LEADING: You guys take them, dance merrily with them!

(Children take the leaves and start dancing).


(After the dance, the children remain in their places, with leaves).

BABA YAGA: How great you danced! Well done!

Well listen to the third riddle.

3. Came without paint
And no brush
And repainted all the leaves.
( Autumn )

BABA YAGA: That's right, it's Autumn. Look for where she is in my forest?


During the song, Autumn comes out and dances with the children. At the end of the song, the children collect the leaves in a bouquet and give them to Autumn.

REB: How good it is to visit Autumn,

Among the golden birches!

They wouldn't drop the gold longer,

There would be a forest, crimson and quiet.

REB: Autumn comes imperceptibly,

He walks cautiously towards us.

Will paint the leaves on the branches,

Gathers migratory birds.

REB: The breeze sweeps the path,

And rustling with fallen leaves.

You came to us golden autumn,

We are glad to meet you again!

AUTUMN: Hello my friends! I'm glad to meet you!

Thank you all for helping me out! I love you very, very much!

Guys, I came to you with gifts! I will give the most lively, the most nimble fungus, I'm delicious! But my fungus is not simple, in the middle is not empty! Let's say together: "One, two, three" and see what's inside!(watch) You take a gift and remember about Autumn! See you soon, kids!

(Autumn says goodbye to the guys, and leaves)

HOST: Well, guys, and it's time for us to return to kindergarten, try the delicious treats of Autumn!

The scenario of the festive disco "AUTUMN BALL"

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Host 2: Hello!
The students respond randomly.
Presenter 1: Oh, no, no, no, that's not good! It seems that you are not happy with our meeting. You need to greet cheerfully, loudly, distinctly. Shall we try again? Hello guys!
Host 2: M-yes, unconvincing, unconvincing. Are you in a bad mood? Is this a greeting? Now the guys from DC _____________ will show you what the mood should be at our autumn ball. Please meet!

Presenter 1: I see that the mood has become much better.

Track #1 (background)

Host 2: And in our hall today - a carnival of youth and beauty - the competition "Autumn Ball".

Presenter 1: Today, beauty rules the show here.

She, stepping in all her majesty

On this stage, will light up the whole hall

Wonderful girlish smiles.

Host 2: Our program is opened by the creative number of DK __________________

Before we start our autumn ball, let's get to know each other.

We invite you to present...

Let's support with a round of applause!

  1. DK Mayak
  2. DK Eaglet
  3. DK M. Koretskaya
  4. DK A. Gaidar
  5. DK V.Tereshkova
  6. DK A.Matrosov
  7. DK Y. Gagarin
  8. DK Kazachok

Presenter 1: Dear friends, may luck and inspiration accompany each of you today. Be active and friendly.

dance block.

Host 2: So let's start our first autumn competition

"Sports Competition"

If you play sports and drive healthy lifestyle life, then a couple of fitness exercises are not a problem for you. Music sounds, and you show a set of fitness exercises. Is the assignment clear?

(Track "Sports competition")

dance block.

Presenter 1: "General house cleaning"

"General cleaning in the house" - this is the name of the following creative task. I need 8 volunteers for this contest. And what would be more fun for you to do it, we will help you with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 - wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 - wipe the dust (Letka-enka)

3 - washing dishes (Lambada)

4 - preparing dinner. (Macarena)

5 - ironing clothes (Tango)

6 - hand wash (Twist)

7- watering flowers (Lezginka)

8 - take out the trash can (Rap)

Creative number DK ______________________________________

dance block.


Lead 2 : The next contest of our program “WE REMEMBER THE OLD, WE HONOR THE OLD” I will read the proverbs, and each contestant must choose the correct continuation of the proverb and show the number on her fingers.

1. Without difficulty, you can’t pull out a fish from:

1. pocket

2. from under the ice

3. pond

2. Have patience, will and:

1. lots of money

2. skill

3. good weather

3. To live without work is the sky:

1. smoke

2. prop up

3. not to be seen

4. A bird is recognized by flight, and a person:

1. in the teeth

2. by hairstyle

3. business

5. Craftsman and needleworker for himself and for people:

1. something will throw

2. bring joy

3. creates trouble

6. The earth is painted by the sun, and a person:

1. beautiful hairstyle

2. labor

3. new dress.

7. Kind word and cat:

1. nice

2. useful

3. not needed

8. Wolf Legs:



3. wear

Creative number DK ______________________________________

dance block.

Presenter 1: The theme of our evening is the autumn ball! A ball - what is it? That's right, these are dances in pairs: the gentlemen invite the ladies and whirl in a waltz, and we choose which pair is the best. Maestro, waltz!

Creative number DK ______________________________________

dance block.

Summing up, awarding.

Host 2: So our testing is over. You have shown yourself in all its glory. And to sum up the results, I ask you to count your tokens to the clubs. We invite you here to congratulate the winners ... A creative number from (for) the winners ... (fanfare)

Creative number DK ______________________________________

Creative number DK ______________________________________

Presenter 1: We once again congratulate the winners and the winners, we inform you that this is our competitive program came to an end.
Host 2: See you soon! And then the disco!

dance block.