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Autumn gems, or where autumn has bright colors & nbsp. Gold paints of autumn. Bright colorful autumn paints. Writing Autumn Paints

Autumn brings special, incomparable sensations to the gardens. Autumn soft light, overwhelming silence of fogs, freshness of heavy rain, the special state of the Earth, which rests from hot summer and preparing for their peace.

Also, tart, the smell of fallen foliage and, of course, amazing, bright autumn paints. This article will talk about shrubs, trees and lies who create a bright autumnal palette in the garden.

Not counting the long-term garden plants, the bloom of which comes golden autumn, with its beautiful paints, autumn is obliged to fading the leaves of trees, as well as shrubs.

Changing the color of foliage caused by the chemical exchange of plants: to preserve the necessary substances inside the body, they must return to the root system and the trunk from foliage.

In the fall, the colors of foliage plant ranges from year to year and depends on some factors, the most important of which is the weather conditions of the current season. The best effects of colors are created in those times when the heat is replaced by winter cold.

A good result gives the differences of night and daytime temperatures in the fall. But even in successful years, how long the autumn flashes of paints will last, depends on the duration of the wind.

Alas, a strong hurricane, in one night it is capable of dividing "to the last thread" the tree, which yesterday was completely dressed in the crimson or gold foliage.

But, not all factors are in the power of our element, on some we can also affect. The trees have more chances to disclose their potential, if you observe some conditions for its cultivation - this concerns the illumination and level of soil acidity.

Some trees become beautiful by the end of the season, they specifically plant them in squares and parks for the "autumn presentation".

In the middle lane of Russia, these are nonsense, maples, buggers, oaks, ash. Unfortunately, only some of these trees are suitable for gardens, others are very high.

Yet at our disposal there is a good selection of shrubs, low trees, as well as Lian, who will grow in small gardens and decorate them in autumn, and during the season.

First of all, it is necessary to note the decorative maples Japanese and adhesive, which are combined under the same name "Japanese Maples". Draid maples grow from 3-7.5 m, frost resistance - from 5 zone.

For small gardens, decorative species with dissected foliage, which are no more than 2 m height and can grow in large cadakes. There are many varieties of maples that differ in color of foliage.

Japanese acronitoliste maple is a frost-resistant tree with very beautiful leaves, 5 m height. Japanese maples love wormless places, grow in half, and in the sun.

Maples planted in water are an exciting spectacle all year, especially beautiful maples in October.

Sometimes it is sometimes called a smoking shrub because of her lush blizzard flowers, they surround a bush as smoke.

An adorable whole season is a purple type of skirmism, in the fall of her burgundy foliage acquires an orange color. Screaming unpretentious, well tolerate haircut.

Another hit autumn garden is charming hydrangea, a wide variety of types and varieties of hydrangea permits to choose a bush for every taste.

The main conditions that must be observed during the cultivation of beautiful hydrangeas are frost resistance, the lower limit in hydrangea 3-6 zone, depending on the species, as well as the acidity of the soil.

In addition to the luxurious flowering of hydrangea, which falls at the beginning of autumn, their additional attractiveness is to change the color of foliage in the fall and dried floral heads that are preserved until spring.

The beautiful spectacle can be seen in September: on some hydrangeas, the buds of pink-lilac shades are blown and the red petals of the blurred inflorescences and the buggy foliage.

The double effect of synchronous flowering and changes in the color of foliage has ceratostigma.

A small shrub, about 1 m high, blooms at the beginning of autumn by blue flowers, and then the foliage of the plant becomes red.

Trees and decorative shrubs with fruits occupy an important place.

And if more fruits are complemented by crimson or yellow leaves, the spectacle becomes simply unforgettable.

Probably, the championship belongs to barberries, rowabins, sumams, as well as becklates.

If you have a small garden, stop your choice on Ryabina: Chinese, Cashmere, Joseph Rock.

These trees are very decorative spring blossom, autumn colors of foliage and berries.

Sumy is a spectacular shrub that decorate any garden. In the fall, the red-brown fruits of the suma are perfectly combined with large openwork bright red leaves resembling rowan foliage.

In the fall ripen the fruits of the becklett. The greatest interest is some types of becklets of the Knoplodne and European, not only the fruits, but also foliage, which in the fall is becoming red.

Beautifully looks at the berries of the wild apple tree, rosehip, hawthorn, viburnum, sea buckthorn, skumpies of the Japanese, Kizylnik, Magonia, as well as purple or orange beautiful flowers.

Giroba grapes and delightful Ossennets-driving Clematis (Tangutsky, Vitellal and others) are common, which will add spots of purple, yellow, blue to purple autumn gamma.

Of course, trees and shrubs are not the only decorations of the gardens in the fall.

The autumnal paint palette complements the bright colors of the fruit and vegetables harvest, cold shades of autumn bulbous, multicolored carpet of perennial plants and pegless sea of \u200b\u200bcereals.

Very soon, the harsh winds blow out the bold foliage from the trees, and not at all the warm rain will rush them to wet earth.

Only berries will remain more trees for a couple of months to give the birds to enjoy food in winter weather and please our eyes outbreaks of paints.

And now let's be completely enjoying this warm "farewell beauty" of autumn.

Autumn paints - fox colors.
Wind leaves chasing the city.
Gloomy sky, the wind is north,
Persons gray, views on the sides ...
Feelings of autumn - tears with snot.
On the roads fog and puddles.
Everything is not happy, everything is bored,
Everywhere suddenly became so soulless.
The smell of autumn is taste of sobriety.
After summer congestion.
In it, neither the droplets of humanity,
As during the feed - conscience.
True autumn - in the inevitability.
Breeding is a matter of choice.
Mistakes, counting errors,
Making more accuracy ...

Last warmth!
Nature protests
Before the cold winter
What is waiting on the way.
But autumn is not sad
And colorfully draws
Foliage, flowers, fields,
Continuing your flight.

Beautiful time
On the podium to go up
Hostess beauty
So that all your own
That her land sent
Have time to give in full
To ambulance!

It was time for autumn and paints played.
The world is a motley watercolor around painted!
The forests dressed in gold, the crimson color added,
But as if he did not try, and left the greens.

I sent soft, rustling carpets everywhere.
Woven them for the joy and happiness of the children.
So color outfit worthy of admiration
Century you can admire with great pleasure!

Autumn - wild mare in apples
Gallop flies through the slides and ravines,
All schok yes i skok, for her tirelessly hurry
Towards the sun Single-sided moon. Where to

The hoof will rise, there are red splashes,
Amber wines. Osin Orange Rushenets,
Berezovy Kurzov and Mirror
Rivers transparent, and quiet spots puzzle.

From freshness and call silence
I would like to. And "mare" beautifully gallopy
From under the hooves flies potatoes, pears, onions,
Medical apples fragrance, herbs spicy smell.

And horses red and ...

My heart that autumn waltz,
Swing from feelings of drinking
In heaven from furious caress
From the rays of love of her mounted.

Gold foliage to me in the hair is inlet
I'm flying away with foliage autumn to the sky,
And wave rolling and caressing
Your lips body caress me

Autumn, today is all of the gold foliage,
Autumn, you are spinning with me today,
Out of you, fulfilling all my dreams,
In the waltz hesitated my peace.

Not terrible, autumn blooming time,
Not afraid, love is so late ...

Summer somehow imperceptibly
Dissolved in September,
Autumn leaves on trees
Decaped everywhere.

Golden yellowness
All birks did
And rowan red,
How fires in the forest were lit.

Only spruce green
And decorated with foliage,
Flipping with trees
And circling over the earth.

The rain is knocking autumn in the door, windows,
As if the scurvy is sculpting.
The day is knocking, already cold, Vogly,
As the horizon was hidden in a muddy kashe.
Splashes flow on asphalt,
Wet the jacket, moisture.
Almost float machines, pumped pedals
Drives, on the weather.
October is sports, the wind attack,
Opened autumn stepmother, unkind side,
And the entrances of locked dogs are fractionally
In an effort to semi, we seize homes.
Having slid, plundered to the semoligible pipes ...

Autumn in Israel slowly stretches
As if tired of running.
It will stop as if it looks around,
Then suddenly falls to sleep

Morning cooled by drops
Signing zoom
And breeze foam soream, flakes
Implifts surf.

Palm branch of roofs
Stars backlight "Sukku"
And grapes basket filled,
Year is messed in flour.

New swords will be hopes
On the upcoming contingent
Light paints, easy clothing
Only without Russian birches.

Morning cooled by drops ...

Olga Sinevich
The abstract of the ADD of the integrated classes in the middle group "Bright Paints of Autumn"

Subject: Bright paints of autumn!


Consolidate children's knowledge about autumn phenomena in nature, repeat the signs autumn, poems by Ob. autumn.

Develop a coherent speech, consolidate the ability to respond full response to the teacher's questions.

To acquaint children with the drawing of a gouache, the way - the Estamp.

Develop interest To unconventional image items (trees) on the paper.

Contribute to the emergence interest to experimentation.

Fasten the ability to recognize and call colors.

Develop a creative imagination, fantasy, a sense of color.

Educate love for native nature, educate accuracy, work skills in the team, interest to the visual activity.

Preliminary work:

Excursion with children in autumn Park, Walk through the territory of kindergarten, viewing trees (Clean, oak, birch) in the park (wood structure, stem color, coloring leaves) .

Monitoring change coloring leaf on trees in autumn Park.

Conversation with children on the topic "What has changed with the arrival autumn. Consider illustrations and paintings on autumn.

Memorizing poems, songs, proverbs, mysteries about autumn.

Painting with colored pencils, gouache autumn Leaves by stencil.

Drawing with an unconventional way - the way of imprinting - the Estamp.

Travel course.

Invented by someone just and wisely

At the meeting greeting

Children: Good morning! (friendly).

Guys, I have a small surprise for you today. (I invite children to approach the laptop, turn on the presentation « bright paints of autumn» ).

Guys, what time of year these pictures (photos? (about autumn) .

And where did you go with you? (in the park, watched autumn trees, collected leaves in autumn bouquet).

And tell me about autumnPlease remember, please, we told you what kind of she? ( beautiful, multicolored, bright, kind, generous, rich, fun).

Who can say (remember, signs autumn? (Raise your hands).

Well done, and now everyone will tell the poem about fall(by mpmotable).

Well done guys, and now I suggest you again go to autumn forest, View everything beauty of autumnTo admire it!

Do you agree!

Speech with movements:

Along the path in the forest go

Ludu is passed by

By jumping rod

We looked left

We looked right

Watched the distance in the distance -

Oh, what beauty!

So we came with you to the glade!

(Entering Fall, in the hands of a fruit basket).

Guys, what do you think, who is it?

- Fall!

How did you guess?

The answers of children (because she is yellow, she has multicolored leaves on her dress, her in the hands of a fruit basket).

Fall listens and quietly crying (Jumps like a driver for children).

-Fall, Why are you so sad and cry?

Fall: Oh, guys, the fact is that the evil wizard stole everything from me paints, look at (opens shirms, and there are trees with white leaves)

Trees in the forest are all ugly, gloomy, leaves on the trees are not painted, white, and you know that I Autumn is the brightest, Golden time!

Help me please return my colorful forest.

Well, guys, let's help autumn!


-Autumn we will help you, Find paints.

But before helping autumnlet's remember what color autumn leaves?

(red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Orange)

To do this, I suggest you, create autumn leaves carpet.

Fall: And I have a hint for you - my autumn scarf

Oh, guys, see what scarves gave us fall, and truth bright, multicolored, let's remember with you paints of autumn, call them? (Brown, Yellow, Green, red, Orange).

Guys, you have every two leaflet in the envelope, you need to choose from the envelope autumn leaves. (Children perform a task on the easel). The educator draws the attention of children that the leaflets have a sticky side to keep them.

Here look what autumn carpet happened!

Fall: Beautiful colorful autumn carpet!

Well done boys!

Today I suggest you to become wizards and draw a magical autumn forest.

Why magic? Because we will draw it with an unusual way - the Estamp. We will print it here beautiful leaves(shows the leaves of the Chinese cabbage).

But before proceeding to work, and the trunk at the tree, what color? (brown)

Trees in the park different coloring, the leaves on the trees can be yellow ....

You have a leaf on the jelly, we take a brush and cover it with a gouache. We press the palm sheet with a painted side to paper. Then the sheet should be lifted carefully, so as not to smear the image.

Look at what wonderful trees we did!

So our picture is ready, we will call it ....

Do you like guys? I really liked, you are real wizards.

Output autumn Werellaya, rejoices, thanks the guys.

Oh, guys, what are you great, only thanks to you an evil wizard returned to me paints And my forest stands again bright, Multicolored, look ....

(children are happy)

Fall: Thank you, guys, for good deeds,

And now I want to spin autumn foliage!

(Autumn creates children with autumn foliage) .

-Fall, We still have a surprise for you!

Who said, that fall

Sad time!

Joyful on puddles

Jumps of defores

Yellow leaves

In the air are circling

On the glass rain

Fun knocking

If the sun shines

Can we walk

Run, have fun

Jump and jump.

If cloud frowning

And threatens rain

Hidden under the umbrella

Rain wait!

(Tell me with movements).

Well, now it's time to say goodbye!

(Children say goodbye to in autumn) .

All guests we are on a farewell

Speaking together: Goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

Group \\ "Rainbow \\" - bright colors. I want to introduce you to the middle group "Raduga". This is very intelligent, smart, friendly.

Sky in the autumn breath and generously paint scattered. Inspired by such beauty, we took a bolder. They took bright plasticine and work.

The abstract of integrated classes using ICT in the second youngest group of "Paints of Autumn" Tasks: Educational: 1. Expand the knowledge of the time of the year autumn, the main signs of autumn: overcast, it rains, fall leaves, becomes.

Abstract Classes of "Paints of Autumn" Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children on signs of autumn; Refine the concept of "Reproduction". Tasks: Educational: Fix the views.

An abstract of open activity on artistic activity, plot drawing in the older group of "Paints of Autumn" An abstract of open activity on artistic activity (plot drawing) in the senior group on the topic: "Paints of the Autumn" software tasks:.

Summer is a small life! It was during this period of the year, children receive maximum impressions, pleasure and joy from communicating with peers.

Presentation "Short-term project" Summer in bright colors dressed " Short-term project "Summer in bright paints dressed" short-term project "Summer in bright paints is dressed" the goal of the project. - Completely satisfy.

Short-term project "Summer in bright paints dressed" with children of the middle group Summer is a bright time, loves the summer of the bastard. Summer sunny, warmth, children in summer is good! We have no time to miss, you can play all day! And what.

"Bright colors". Plan of circle work. Unconventional drawing in the second youngest group Prospective Plan of Circuit Work "Bright Paints" (Unconventional Drawing 2nd Ml. Group) Educator: Fedorov AP explanatory.

The project in the preparatory group "Summer in bright paints is dressed" Project in the preparatory group: "Summer in bright colors is dressed." The author of the project: educators of the preparatory group of Artyomova Maria Mikhailovna.

Image Library:

The warm summer flew quickly. Autumn comes to their rights. The color of the leaves is imperceptibly changing. Until now, they are pleased with their flowering plants. What meets us bright autumn?

By the calendar September, but the days are incredibly warm, sunny. At night, it became noticeably cooler. At this time, many chameleon flowers change the color of their leaves. Sometimes become more elegant than in the summer.

Separate varieties of host turn into bright yellow bushes. Burgundy molded in warm time is slightly green, it is reincarnated into saturated cherry specimens. I wonder from the side to watch these changes.

Do not stop pleaseing their pomposhki terry varieties of Echinacea. The number of blurred buds is increasing every day. There comes the second wave at removable phloxes. Sometimes we are surprised: where it takes so much strength in plants for long blossom from July to the most frosts.

The pets of the butterflies of Georgina Cheerful guys are not inferior to the palm of the championship perennials. Sunshine shopping bags every day meet dawn new bulk buds. Before you, they themselves closes, predicting the weather to us. "Paper" Inflorescences Statisa show new paints.

Planting a bright halo bubbleblocks are burning with a fire against a juicy greenery. Small and large, striped, motley, monophonic caps equally beautifully look in the mixture. Zinnia appears in all its glory multi-tiered bizarre colors.

Blue Platicodone launches new huge buds. The branches are so heavy that they are blunting to the ground. It is necessary to tie them to the pegs. From afar it seems that before us pegs with your waves of the blue sea.

Not having time to form new shoots, the dolphinium tries to wash the booms of blue, as a clear sky of inflorescences.

How interesting the flower world is arranged! Each plant wants to show itself in all its glory. Sharply copies often have large leaves and the same dimensions blossomed buds. Admire the Raimania Chatting. She is very good to the "face" of gentle-pink "lanterns" among the dark greenery.

Queen Rosa spreads around himself a unique gentle aroma. It seems that he fell into the fabulous country of the heavenly fairies and elves. Stay among lush bushes in anticipation of a miracle. Sometimes I do not want to leave this magnificence. Aromatherapy and pleasant visual minigulations are beneficial here.
It is only worth to touch the bushes of mint with bluish-gray "legs" at the ends of the stems, how the wondrous fragrance, soothing the nervous system, is distributed.

Blue-purple host bells rise over magnificent close-up leaves. In the shady places, bloom continues to the most frosts, releasing new arrows with buds.
Resuning over the summer and gaining strength, trying to please our bright colors of the introduction of all kinds: hybrid, polyanthovy, ox.

Recently, the first time the anemon hybrid saturated pink gamma dismissed. The semi-world major inflorescences are perfectly combined with the soil clarota of the Zelenchuk, creating a background around the bushes of the anemone. Small "dogs" of clarity are pleasing to pink paints all summer and so far. Fancy of the coloring of the leaves, with light green inserts in the middle, enhances the aesthetic effect.

On the street near the house Ryabina mowed her borders with orange berries. From afar, it looks like a Christmas tree decorated with bright lanterns. Excellent help for birds in frosty days in winter, when it is difficult to find enough feed.
Very soon the green leaves of the maple turn into the crimson, the remaining trees will become yellow. The "Golden" time of autumn will come.
I go through the garden and admire this natural beauty. I make the last pictures with a camera to remember the hot summer in winter and please the eyes with bright colors.

That she is the best artist. And why? In fact, it is easy to guess. Judge himself: in a matter of weeks, autumn is capable of changing the summer landscape to be unrecognizable so that there will be no trace from three year old months. Where does the inspiration draw this time? I can not say, only the idea that autumn is muse, bright and spectacular comes to mind.

Trees that literally recently pleased with their rich green shades, gradually begin to change their "outfit". It happens not immediately, this gradual process makes the overall picture of the autumn even more picturesque, because every tree, changing the foliage takes on the most different colors and shades. Some birchings stand with yellow somewhere else with green Gleie -to with orange leaves. Usin yellower completely, and the poplar still "keeps" - the number of green leaves on it clearly prevails.

The color of not only trees and grass changes, but also the color of fruits. Autumn passes throughout its strokes and is born, the total not the landscape is born, not the still life, which inspires everything and everyone around.

In the summer, even the sky of another color, light, light. In the fall, he acquires a more rich shade, and even more and more often, the snow-white clouds are starting more often, which sometimes just overshadow the sun, and sometimes shed the first autumn rains to the ground, which entail not cool and even greater heat, as happened It is in the summer, but make it clear that cold and freezes and similar rains will come soon - the first evidence of this.

In the autumn, in addition to the paints, which reflect the beauty of this time of the year, also reigns the unique fragrance, which is difficult to describe in words for that person who has never felt it. In this aroma, the echoes of the past summer are mixed, and the smell of bevelled grass, and the flavors of the fruits collected when assembling the crop.

It is very difficult to walk along the street in the fall to pass indifferent past the landscapes, which depicted this artist's artist for us. Autumn does not know in vain from year to year, landscapes presented by her are really impressive and inspired. Poets - on new works, musicians - for good, bright songs, artists - on new masterpieces. But the most important masterpiece is written by a brush of only one artist, and the name is autumn.

It is not necessary to be an artist or therefore or in general a creative person to see and understand the beauty and greatness of this mysterious time of the year. You can be the easiest person, but still not to remain indifferent walking along the autumn parks and streets, to watch how saturated as much as the change is our nature. All autumn paints are intertwined between themselves and create a single unique canvas, to recreate the image of which is not able to even the most talented artist.

Nevertheless, all the pictures of the autumn are repeated from year to year, but they are never fully the same. All trees react to the coming of autumn: some "surrenders" very quickly allowing the autumn to fully paint the foliage color in all shades of yellow and orange, and some "hold" as long as possible and retain the remains of green leaves.

Anyway, autumn affects everything and the sun, the rays of which are all less warm and scorching and in the sky that, becoming higher, begins to a little more and on plants and animals that seek to prepare as soon as possible.