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Maybe in kindergarten to be autonomous heating. Ensuring the heat supply of kindergarten. The heating system of kindergarten, school, educational institution - a list of works on the organization and reconstruction of the heating system

Nite enough, but the term for the inclusion of heating to children's preschool institutions, schools and hospitals in Moscow depends directly from the head of the children's preschool institution, the chief doctor of the hospital or from the School Director.

Of course, no matter how cool the head, no one will include heating with warm weather, but in the transition period from summer to winter in September-October, when at night real frosts (as in Moscow), and during the day not very warm , it all depends on the head and only from it.

First, the head of the kindergarten, school or hospital should take steps to timely and high-quality preparation of the buildings of its institution to the future heating season and get from the MOCE to the corresponding act of readiness for winter.

After that, the head at the occurrence of the transition period (if necessary) should directly refer to the management of his branch of the MOEK, to the management of his area and the prefecture and strongly ask to open the heating valves. If the head of the institution supports his request to the Warranty Letter to the MOCE on the payment of heat supply services, the heatpagen without problems will include heating themselves.

The heat supply system of children's and medical objects technologically allows you to connect these objects autonomously, while the rest of the subscribers are not powered.

Everything is very simple. So why are heating not included in children's institutions? And because if the budget is paid earlier for heating, now the school or kindergarten pay for heating themselves, and it is a pity.

But so that the head of the children's institution began to move, parents should hardly demand from him to create their children of normal living conditions.



In the social institutions of Moscow included heating, from today began the connection of Moscow's social institutions for heating. This is due to the cool and rainy weather established in the capital and rainy weather, told Interfax of the Museum of the city on housing and communal services and landscaping Peter Biryukov.
According to him, the start of heat into the clinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and social service centers are provided at the request of the leaders of these institutions submitted to OAO MOKEK.
At the moment, the heating is incorporated by more than 80 urban properties of the Social

Heating in kindergartens

Unfortunately, recently, some gardens and schools are connected to the heating network as ordinary homes, so in such objects, the heating includes with residential houses. To find out the situation in your case, you need to contact the head.
There are sanitary standards - Sanpins, in which temperature and humidity are prescribed in various premises in kindergartens (nursery gaming, gym, swimming pool, bedrooms in the ages, ...). If the temperature does not match the standards in your garden, then write a collective application with the requirement to comply with the conditions.
If the kindergarten is just cool or raw, and the temperature is normal, then you can agree with the administration of the installation of heaters (you can bring from the house before the start of the heating season).

Activity and perseverance Parents - to achieve the content of your children under normal conditions!

Given with some abbreviations

Air room

Due to the enhanced exchange, the growing child's body needs increased oxygen delivery to tissues. The amount of air passing through the lungs of a one-year-old child is 1 minute by 1 kg of weight, equal to 220 ml, while in an adult only 96 ml.
By the end of the first year of the child's life (with a minute volume of respiration, equal to 2600 ml), about 4000 liters of air passes through the lungs per day, and older children are even more.
Breathing in children has features associated with the incompleteness of the formation of the breathing apparatus. It is more superficial, and to satisfy the need for oxygen, the child breathes often. What he is younger, the more often his breath.
So, in 1 minute, a 5-6-year-old child produces 25 respiratory movements, one year old - 30-35, 6-month - 35-40, and a newborn - up to 40-60.
All this indicates that for the normal life of the children's body, it is especially important that the surrounding air has the necessary chemical composition, physical properties and was deprived of harmful impurities. These conditions satisfy fresh atmospheric air.
As for air in closed rooms during their children, it largely loses its positive properties.
As a result of the vital activity of people in the air of the residential premises, harmful substances are emitted by the skin (sweat, decaying surface layer of the skin - epithelium), intestines, dirty clothes, residues and food garbage, etc.
The worsening of air quality in residential premises is usually judged by the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2), which increases simultaneously with other harmful substances. Based on the research it was found that the air should be recognized as harmful to those located in the premises, if the carbon dioxide content in it exceeds 0.1%.
Children during their stay in a closed room in one hour allocate: heat (up to 30-50 calories), moisture (about 20 g), carbon dioxide (10-12 liters). As a result, the temperature and humidity of the air increases in children's rooms, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases.
The electrical condition of the air is changed, in particular its ion composition, which is considered as a kind of criterion of benignness of the air.
It is known that the cleaner of the air, the greater the light of the lungs of negatively charged particles of aeroimes and the less severe positive. In pure country air, about a thousand light ions are usually contained in one cubic centimeter and about as many heavy ions. In contaminated urban air, the concentration of heavy ions reaches tens of thousands, and the lungs are incomparably less (150-200).
The number of positively charged ions adversely acting on the human body of positively charged ions, the number of beneficial negatively charged ions decreases from the presence of children in a closed room.
The air indoors often has a specific, often unpleasant odor due to the presence of gaseous organic matter in it. The reasons for their appearance may be poor care for untidy children, drying up polluted children's clothing and linen, as well as wet outerwear after walking, drying rags after cleaning. Air penetration from poorly contained toilet, closely located laundry, kitchen can also cause air pollution with organic substances and significantly reduce its quality in children's rooms.
In the gasified buildings, the microclimate of children's premises may deteriorate through the products of incomplete combustion of gases and the formation of carbon monoxide. This happens during the wrong layout of children's premises (proximity to their kitchen) and the absence of complete ventilation in the installation places of gas appliances.
Studies have been established (M. N. Troitsky) that the three-hour combustion of one gas burner in the kitchen cubature 21 m3 increases the carbon dioxide content of up to 5% o and carbon oxide to 0.1 mg / l (the permissible concentration of carbon oxide is 0.002 mg / l).
With faulty ventilation of the content of carbon monoxide reaching up to 0.3 mg / l. Many times increases the number of heavy horses in the air. Such a deterioration in the air environment in gasified kitchens is reflected on the air quality of nearby rooms, including children's.
To maintain a full-fledged air in gasified kitchens, you need to constantly use exhaust ventilation, it is necessary to organize auxiliary fans that are mounted directly from the holes of the exhaust ventilation channels, regularly air the kitchen.
It is advisable from a hygienic point of view to arrange advanced gas burners and plates with a gas burning products with a decomposition of gas combustion products.
In the air of closed rooms there is always dust. There are lighted dust, consisting of large dust particles, which, with a calm condition of air, quickly settle, and fine dust remaining in the air even with its calm condition. The duration of dust stay in the air depends on the size of its particles, temperature, humidity and air movement speed.
Dust particles together with air fall into the respiratory tract of the child and mechanically irritate their mucous membrane, more delicate than in an adult; Therefore, the dusting of premises for children is more dangerous. A large cluster in the air of dust can serve as a reason for the emergence of painful processes in the lungs.
The overwhelming majority of microbes in the air of closed rooms are harmless to humans, but there are also pathogens.
The degree of airborne seed and bodies of microorganisms is directly dependent on the number of children and the duration of their stay indoors.
Flare flu causes an increase in the number of microbes in the air. In kindergarten during the outbreak of flu for 2 days, the number of microorganisms in 1 m5 of air from 6460 increased to 9072. After discontinuation of the disease, the number of microbes in the air gradually decreased.
Microbes that do not fall into the respiratory tract are settled on the surrounding items and, subside, form bacterial dust, which is again easily rising into the air when it moves. It has been established that some pathogenic microbes are capable of fairly long survival.
After removing the patient with streptococcal infection in the dust of the room and on children's clothes, viable microbes were detected within 4-5 days. Consequently, the microbes can be maintained in the room even in the absence of sick children. This should be taken into account by employees of children's institutions.
One of the conditions for ensuring children is a full-fledged air is quite large sizes of children's premises. In the group room, 2.0-2.5 m2 is given per child, and a group of 20 people - 50 m2, with a height of the walls 3.0 m.
But not enough to provide children with the right amount of air, it is necessary to take care of his quality.
The air temperature should contribute to the preservation of the thermal equilibrium of the children's body.
The incompleteness of the thermostat makes the child more prone to overheating and supercooling; Therefore, in children's institutions, significant fluctuations in the air temperature indoors are extremely undesirable.
In the heat transfer of a person with the environment, the humidity and movement of air have great importance. The high humidity of cold air in the room enhances the heat transfer, and the person is feeling a feeling of zray. Increased air humidity during its high temperature disrupts the return of heat, and the body overheats: the body temperature increases, the pulse is increased, the abundant sweat appears.
Such a temperature is favorable at which children both alone and in motion in the usual clothing, adopted in children's institutions feel good, that is, such a temperature that does not cause a significant voltage of thermoelae-legacy mechanisms.
Children's physiological responses have shown that the air temperature in children's institutions for breast-age children is most favorable + 22 °, for children 2-3 years old - from +19 to + 20 °, for children 3-7 years old - from + 18 to + 20 °.
The above-mentioned air temperature standards are not established forever. They are subject to some extent and can change mainly due to the expansion of adaptive opportunities of the children's body as a result of its training, hardening. However, the group may have children with nutritional disorder (hypotrophy) and rickets patients. In such children, heat exchange is somewhat violated: therefore they are overheated faster and cooled. Such children need special attention from adults.
It is also necessary to take into account the content in the air of water vapor. For a person, the relative humidity of 35-65% is most favorable. Increased air humidity has a negative impact on the human body. With a constant significant humidity of the air wall in the room become raw and cold, fungi, destroying wooden walls and equipment develop.
The reasons for the appearance of damp in the building are the most diverse: raw plot, shortcomings in construction (for example, poor insulation of soil waters), malfunction of water supply, drain or heating pipes, improper operation of the premises (cooking, washing and drying linen in residential areas), irregular furnace premises, insufficient ventilation.
To avoid increased air humidity in children's premises, you should first of all pay attention to the correct operation. It is necessary to ensure that baby clothes are not dried in group rooms, diapers, as well as clothes and shoes (coats, coats, mittens, shoes, boots after a walk of children). For this purpose, in children's institutions should be drying cabinets or specialized special premises (away from the place of stay of children).
An effective measure of fighting dampness is a combination of good heating of premises with their ventilation. The task of combating dampness is more difficult when it is caused by the lack of building construction. In these cases, it is necessary to interfere with construction organizations.


Different heating systems can be used in children's preschool institutions. However, any of them should not only maintain the desired and uniform temperature in the room, but also to satisfy others, including hygienic, requirements.
In children's institutions, both local and central heating systems are used. Under the local heating, the burning of fuel and the transmission of heat released in the air into the air of heated premises is constructively combined in one heating device.
Local heating is carried out mainly with heating furnaces with high heat capacity. With this type of heating, the air should not be contaminated with dust, soot, soot, smoke, as well as harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide. The latter can occur from the wrong furnace device and premature closing of the view. With furnace furnaces, the rules of fire safety must be followed.
The furnace heating is allowed temporarily in cases where other types of heating on technical and economic considerations are not applicable. At the same time, large heat capacity furnaces are installed, providing daily temperature differences of no more than 2-5 °.
In rural settlements in single-storey buildings of nasal-gardens with the number of seats, no more than 50 is allowed furnace heating.
In case of furnace heating, the device of the fuel holes in children's rooms, toilet, is not allowed toilet. Heat the furnace in the morning, before the arrival of children. In the presence of round-the-clock groups in the children's institution, it is prohibited in the night of the clock.
In cities, most children's institutions have central water heating. The advantages of central heating in front of the local are obvious. Operation and care for central heating devices are incomparably easier and require fewer people.
The best kind of central heating for children's institutions is low pressure water heating. Such a system consists of a boiler located in the basement of the building, and pipelines connecting the boiler with heating devices located in heated rooms.
The water in the boiler is heated (up to 70-90 °) and the pipelines are sent to radiators, the heating of which up to 60-70 ° is sufficient to maintain the uniform air temperature in the rooms. With this system, you can reduce or increase the water temperature in the boiler and adjust the temperature of the air in the rooms.
To maintain the normal air temperature in the premises, it is necessary that the water temperature in the boiler and the outer air be in a certain ratio.
In those children's preschool institutions, which still use another, less convenient view of local heating, such as a furnace, can be recommended to re-equip the heating system on the so-called local consumer water heating.
In this method, a small cast iron boiler is installed, produced by our industry. Hot water comes from the boiler in heating appliances (radiators of the "Moscow-132" and "Moscow-150") on the pipes laid at the top of the wall, and then back to the boiler on the pipes in the lower part of the wall (at the floor).
High heat production of boiler, long fuel combustion (up to 8-10 hours between downloads), the ability to burn various types of fuel, less than 45% compared to the oversee labor costs for the device and operation of this type of heating, as well as large sanitary and hygiene and fire prevention benefits Allow it to recommend him in return of furnace heating.
Radiators, housing convectors and tubular heating elements built into concrete panels are taken as heating devices.
To protect children from bruises, it is necessary that the heating devices in the children's premises have removable fences that do not delay heat.
Recently, in the practice of construction, a panel heating is widely used. At the same time, heating instead of radiators use massive heating panels included in the structure of the floor, ceiling or walls. Hot water goes along tubular coils or registers designed to enclosing buildings designs (ceiling, wall or floor).
Sometimes heated air is used as a coolant, circulating through the calorifer and panels in a closed channel system located in the thickness of the enclosing structures. Panel heating gives a more uniform distribution of warm air indoors and retains comfortable conditions even at low air temperatures.
Therefore, with such a system, it is possible to use more intensive ventilation. When panel heating to create a favorable microclimate, the location of the heaters panels is crucial.
According to D. I. Ismailova (1970), the most favorable conditions of the microclimate are provided at the location of the heater panels in the outer wall (the external heating system) or at the contour partition system. It is unacceptable for the placement of the heating elements in the partitions of the inner walls, as it creates an uneven temperature in the room, it does not allow to conveniently place the furniture, it makes it easy to use the room for recreation and classes, etc.
The calculated temperatures of the heating surfaces during panel heating are set as follows: with the ceiling system of radiant heating, the ceiling temperature should be 28-30 °; with outdoor - 25-27 °; At wall - 40-45 °.
In children's institutions, the premises in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's stay is particularly important. This can be provided with a system of floor radiant heating in combination with another, for example with a wall panel heating.
In kindergartens, having a common heating system with residential buildings, a single time of the heating season is established. With unexpected cooling in spring or autumn, the temperature in children's premises falls below the norm, and this can affect the health status of children. From fear of even greater cooling room, ventilation stops.
Therefore, it is desirable that the heating of buildings of preschool institutions does not depend on the residential house heating system. It is allowed to design embedded boilers as a source of heat only buildings of children's institutions. To create a sustainable climate in children's premises, it is good to provide an automated flow to the heat of the hot water of the desired temperature corresponding to the season and the state of the weather.

Ventilation of the room

To maintain a normal air regime in the room, it is important to regularly remove the poor-quality air and replacing it outdoor, in its composition close to atmospheric. This is achieved by ventilating the room. Permanent, but the slight flow of outer air into the room occurs through the walls (through the pores of the building material), through closed windows, doors.
This is the so-called natural ventilation. It arises, on the one hand, under the action of wind, on the other, due to the difference in the air temperature outside and indoors. However, this kind of ventilation is absolutely insufficient. Under these conditions, for one-time air exchange in the room, a long time is required - 6-9 hours. If the walls are completely covered with oil paint, natural ventilation through them is terminated, since the pores of the building material become impenetrable for air. But maintaining air purity in the room only by natural ventilation is ineffective.
To enhance natural ventilation, it is resorted to ventilation through windows, fraamuga, forms. So at the same time there was a good result, their size should be at least 1/50 of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthis room. Framuga and the windows must be in the upper third of the window, since the higher they are located, the more air is driven and exchange. Forms and framugues arranged at the bottom of the windows (at the level of the growth of the child), moreover, make it difficult to ventilating the premises in the presence of children in the cold season.
The most appropriate for ventilating in the cold season of the year, framugues, designed in such a way that, through their outer sash, the air comes from below, and then through the inner pass up.
The outer air, falling into the room, in the mass of it rushes up, mixing with warm air, heats up and fills the room. To avoid the flow of cold air down, side panels are made on the inner flam of fraamuga. Such a device allows you to widely use the fraumuga not only for periodic, but also for constant ventilating room in the cold time even with children.
In order for the ventilation of children's premises to be regular, you need to carefully monitor the health of the devices that serve to open and close the fraumug. During the repair of children's institutions, it is also necessary to correct fraumuga, arrange comfortable devices to them, levers for opening and closing instead of the cord currently used, stick, etc.
The most convenient mechanism is mounted on the vertical bar of the middle deaf window sash. Framuga opens with a turn of the handle down, when turning up, the framugue is tightly closed. The manufacture of such devices is very desirable not only in the construction of new, but also for already existing children's institutions.
For construction standards in all rooms, the upper folding framugues with lever devices are provided for no less than 50% of windows.
In the absence of Framug, children's rooms most often (especially in the cold time) are ventilated through the velocity, less often through the open window. If their area is sufficient, the difference in the temperature of the outer air and the room is significant, and the wind movement occurs towards the open window or window, the full exchange of air in the room will be provided pretty quickly.
However, in the absence of listed conditions, the complete replacement of room air will be outdoor will require a very long time. For a permanent flow of fresh air in children's premises, you can use the counter-prefix. It is attached to the inner window frame and provides long-term or even round-the-clock air ventilation during the cold season.
The outdoor air flow across the open window, passing through several honeycomb holes (with a diameter of 5 mm), the console attached to the inner window is divided into a plurality of small jets and quickly mixes with warm room.
Forms and framoufs are not allowed to glue for the winter. In addition, in winter it is necessary to leave the unclosed one by one window in each room. In the yawls, designed for areas with the calculated temperature of the outdoor air -40 ° and below, windows and balcony doors with triple glazing should be provided. At a warmer time of the year, fraamuga, windows and windows need to be kept open throughout the day.
We must also provide such a trifle: hooks should be attached to the fortakes and windows of windows, which in the gusts of the wind would protect them from slamming.
Rooming the premises, and even more so constant inflow of fresh air significantly improves air quality, in particular reduces its bacterial dissemination and, therefore, is one of the effective means for the prevention of air infections.
Observations conducted in a children's institution showed that ventilating for 30 minutes through the window at an outdoor temperature from +8 to + 10 ° reduces the bacterial interface of air by 40%, and at an outdoor temperature from -3 to -9 ° - 65%.
Opening the sash of the window, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 4 times more of the window, it is possible for 10 minutes at an outdoor air temperature from +8 to + 10 ° to reduce the bacterial contamination of air indoor by 70%, and in 30 minutes - by 85%.
As mentioned above, the ion composition of the air of the premises can also serve as an indicator of goodness of air, determining at the same time the effect of ventilation.
A long (2-3-hour) ventilation in combination with a thorough wet room cleaning was provided by a different effect depending on the time of year and the associated view of the ventilation (open windows or subcords).
In all cases, the number of heavy airoons, indicating air pollution, as a rule, decreased, and light aeroions increased, but with open windows the effect was the greatest.
Fast and complete air change in the room is achieved through ventilation.
Open the vents, fraamuga, windows in the restroom. To ventilate the restrooms, enhanced exhaust ventilation is provided, and fresh air flows through the adjacent room with it. The opening in the restroom will cause air movement (and at the same time the smell) in the corridors, group rooms.
Air update with end-to-end ventilation in winter through the velocity occurs 5-7 times faster than with one-sided ventilation.
Through ventilation is possible if the windows are located on two opposite walls or at an angle. If windows are located on one side of the room, then through ventilation is possible to apply, opening the windows and the door to the adjacent premises: in the receiving (edible), lobby, on the veranda.
The duration of end-to-end ventilation depends on the temperature of the outer air, the strength and direction of the wind. In winter, cold days sufficiently short-term through ventilation to completely change the air indoors.
At a very low temperature of the outer air (below -20 ° C), in order to avoid supercooling of the room, through ventilation is used for two or three minutes. In the transition time of the year it is carried out at least 10-15 minutes.
In the bedrooms, in the absence of children, it is advisable to keep the vents and framugues open for a whole day; In the cold season, the vents and framugues should be close 30 minutes before departing to sleep, and in a warm time, sleep is recommended for widely open windows.
In the summer, to protect against the Sun is often practiced by hooking by curtains of open windows. This makes it difficult to access fresh air to the room. To this end, it is better to use such sunscreen such as marquises, visors, blinds, preferably with a mechanical regulator (lifting-swivel). The use of them reduces the air temperature in the room and does not interfere with the access of fresh air.
Note. Construction standards (1972) in the nursery-gardens designed for construction in a hot climatic area, the south of 45 ° northern latitude, in the premises of the long stay of children include sunscreens (blinds, visors, curtains, etc.).
Sunscreen devices are allowed in the premises of group, playing and canteens, bedrooms, on the verandas of nasal-gardens, designed for construction in other climatic areas. Polymer materials are not allowed for sunscreen devices.
For the prevention of group rooms from overheating, windows should be opened on the sun illuminated by the sun.
Very often in children's institutions to combat flies in the summer, the window openings of the shallow metal mesh or gauze are tightened. This leads to a sharp slowdown of the air exchange, in hot weather - to the cessation of fresh air intake.
To change the air through the window of the room where children are located, did not cause a sharp decline in temperature and tangible currents of cold air, in frosty days and with strong winds can be allowed through the velocity, tightened with gauze.
At a distance of 1.5 m from the window, the speed of air movement during aeration through the window, tightened with gauze, three times less than with conventional ventilation. The air temperature during caring through the gauze is still holding at almost the same level: +20, + 20,5 °. If the fortage is not tightened with gauze, the temperature in 30 minutes is reduced from + 20.8 to + 18.8 °.
Tightening the gauze window reduces air shift efficiency; Therefore, in the absence of children, even in frosty days when ventilating, it should not be applied.
The greatest air pollution, especially during the cold season, is observed after a long stay of children in the room, i.e., after classes, dinner, day sleep, by the end of the children in the children's institution, in the bedroom after night sleep.
Therefore, in this watch, children's premises should be most intensively in the absence of children (walking for a walk, home) or briefly withdraw children to another room, for example, in the receiving (changing).
In one of the kindergartens of Moscow, constant ventilation of the group room was organized - in winter after 1-2 fraamuga and spring - through fraumuga and windows.
Under these conditions, we observed the natural fluctuations in the air temperature in the group room and the thermal reactions of children in them. The average monthly air temperature in the kindergarten group room is 1.5 m from the floor (on a generally accepted height for a room thermometer) averaged 19-20 °. Air temperature at the level of 1 m floor (approximate growth of children of this age), as a rule, was lower.
When at an adult height of an adult, the air temperature was equal to + 18 °, the average air temperature at the growth level of the child was + 16.5; Consequently, the difference was 1.5 °.
Our data indicate that it is evaluating the air temperature of children's premises only according to the thermometer that is at the height of the adult growth, as is usually done, incorrectly.
Determination of air temperature and recommendations of the temperature standards of children's institutions, especially with constant ventilation, should be produced at 1 m from the floor.
Our data make it possible to believe that the temperature of the air temperature is +18, + 20 ° with a relative humidity of 40-60% for most preschool age children. In this case, most children have a favorable thermal state.
Permanent ventilation in the presence of children not only supplies the room with fresh atmospheric air, but also contributes to the systematic hardening of the body, an increase in its resistance to the fluctuations in ambient temperature.
The number of colds in children during the cold time with constant air ventilations did not increase.
This means that with good heating and the right organization of ventilation, it is possible and in the cold time to provide a constant influx of fresh air into the room where children are located.
It should, however, remember that in windy weather it is impossible to allow a long stay of children near the open Framug.
The exchange of air indoors is also carried out using central artificial ventilation. Three types of central ventilation distinguish: supply, exhaust and combined - supply-exhaust.
In children's institutions it is advisable to apply only exhaust central ventilation so that the used poor-quality air is removed through it. The receipt of pure atmospheric air into the room is provided through windows, fraumuga, forwarders.
The centrally exhaust system should have separate mines to remove spoiled air from restrooms, kitchens and an insulator and one shared mine for all other children's facilities. On the top of the wall there are exhaust holes: two for each group room, kitchen, hall and one in the rest of the premises. Each exhaust hole is equipped with blinds to regulate air current from the room. The switch to turn on the central exhaust system is located in the locker in the corridor or on the staircase.
The device of artificial ventilation is based on the difference in internal and external air pressure. From the room, the air enters through the channel in the attacker the ventilation chamber, which has a thermal motion that creates an air craving from the room into the canal.
For ventilation, the wind energy is used. In this case, the ventilation channels are removed on a roof in the form of a pipe, they wear special nozzles (flugartes, deflectors), which, at any direction of the wind, suck the air from the exhaust pipe and cause travelers from the room. The effectiveness of this ventilation method is reduced by the fact that its use is limited and depends on the wind.
The advantages of the first two types of artificial ventilation, therefore, in the fact that they enjoy special motivities and can act constantly and evenly, regardless of the oscillations of the outdoor temperature, the strength and direction of the wind. With the help of artificial ventilation, you can adjust the speed of air removal from the room.
In the autumn-winter period, with the beginning of the heating season and before the onset of warm days, central exhaust ventilation is used to remove stubble air. In the spring, summer and early autumn are arranged wide ventilation through open windows, windows, framugues, which sufficiently provides a permanent influx and an exchange of air in children's premises. For the proper functioning of the central exhaust ventilation, the staff of the children's institution needs to learn how to use it.


In the improvement of children's preschool institutions, lighting is tremendous - both natural and artificial. Natural lighting is a necessary condition for the normal life of the body. If a person for a long time is deprived of natural lighting, then the protective forces of the body weaken, the mineral exchange is disturbed, functional disorders of the nervous system are observed.
At the same time, the sun's rays, penetrating the room through the window, also give a minor, but bactericidal effect.
The right light regime contributes to the best visual perception, warns the development in children of myopia.
In preschool institutions, systematic classes are conducted, children play with large and small toys, consider pictures, draw - all this causes a significant tension and is closely related to the common fatening of the body.
The physiological studies (E. D. Demin) show that classes in kindergarten at low levels of artificial lighting affect the functional state of the central nervous system and the visual apparatus: visual acuity decreases, the speed of distinction decreases.
Good lighting causes an active state in children, a cheerful mood. In the bright room, a noticeable disorder, the contamination of the room, furnishings and clothes, the need arises to constantly maintain purity.
Not a single dark, not enough illuminated angle should not be in the premises of children's institutions.
Natural lighting norms are not expressed in absolute, but in relative values: the ratio of illumination indoors to simultaneous outer illumination is taken into account. This ratio is expressed as a percentage and is called a natural light coefficient (CEO).
According to sanitary standards and rules, the coefficient of natural illumination of premises is currently: in group, bedrooms, insulator and a sick-child room, in the hall - 1.5%; In the reception and the separable - 1.0%.
The quality of natural lighting in children's institutions depends on many reasons, first of all from the magnitude of the windows. It is normal that the ratio of their glazed surface to the floor area (light coefficient) in the children's rooms was 1: 4. Windows must be wide, with small seals. The room deeper, the height of the windows should be more.
In order to increase the illumination of children's premises, the windows do not have small intertresses; The distance from the ceiling to the upper edge of the window (most useful in lighting) should be minimal (15-25 cm). The height of the window sill above the floor is 60 cm. This will allow children from time to time to look into the distance and give rest to the tired muscles of the eyes.
To create a normal light mode, the location of children's rooms is of great importance. The best orientation is recognized as South.
In the premises with southern orientation, the most uniform lighting prevails.
In the northern regions it will make it possible to increase the duration of solar illumination, very important for this climatic zone.
In the south, the sun in the hottest clock of the day is in Zenith, and his rays do not penetrate deep into the room, but only slide on the surface of the building, so overheating of children's rooms does not occur.
Note. When orienting the bedroom veranda to the North should provide for additional natural lighting from the Eastern or Western side.
It is important that the sunlight does not only penetrate the room, but also not absorbed. This largely depends on the color of the ceiling, walls, furniture. They should be covered with paints of light tones giving the greatest reflection coefficient of light rays.
Thus, the reflection coefficient of the ceiling, painted in white, is 70% equal to 100%; Walls painted into light yellow, cream, pale pink colors, give a reflection coefficient of 60-75%, light yellow floors - 25-30%; Floors from light wood - 15-30%.
In addition, correctly using a combination of colors, you can make a room for children in elegant, cozy. Conversely, randomly selected, ill-conceived colors create a variety or gray, unsightly furnish. The combination of colors should take into account the purpose of this room.
Windows windows, window sills, doors should be covered with white oil paint. Furniture is also advisable to paint in light tones.
Do not donate window openings with curtains, high colors; Be sure to wash the glasses regularly. All this will contribute to the greatest reflection of light rays and the best illumination of the room.
Artificial lighting should meet the following requirements: to be sufficient, uniform, not flickering, without harsh shadows, do not worsen the air of combustion products, be safe in fire.
With artificial lighting, it is possible to normalize not only the quantity, but also the quality of light.
Artificial lighting is created by the use of incandescent lamps or luminescent. The norm of artificial lighting in group rooms: 100 LCs when using incandescent lamps and 200 LCs - with luminescent lighting. Held by the Institute. F. F. Erisman Research (E. M. Domina) allows us to conclude that the specified norms are advisable to increase.
In this regard, in group rooms for preschool children, you need 8 light bulbs, 200 W; For children of early age 6 light points, 200 W each. In both cases, this is about 25 W per square meter of the floor area, for luminescent lighting - 50 W per 1 m2.
With kerosene lighting, which is used in some children's institutions on the village, only suspended lamps are allowed (not lower than 2 m from the floor), mainly with a round burner at the rate of 3 lines per 1 m2 floor. This norm does not provide good lighting conditions, but it is impossible to increase the number of lamps, since it is extracted extra heat and carbon dioxide, harmful to health.
In addition, kerosene lighting is dangerous in fire.
Lighting reinforcement should provide uniform dissipated light; Therefore, in preschool institutions, it is recommended to use ring-type lamps SC-300 or Lamps type KSO-1; Milk balloons are also allowed with a diameter of 350 mm. Loupe open from below, not reserved by reinforcement, are not allowed, as they cause rapid uncertainment. The use of wall braids, as well as the chandelier is categorically prohibited.
For luminescent lighting, it is better to use white lamps (BS) and heat-white (TBS) light.
With luminescent lighting, type lamps type (school general lighting diffuse). Fluorescent lamps are glowing along their entire length and create uniform lighting. The spectrum is approaching natural light.
In some cases, for example, in the extreme north, ultraviolet insufficiency is observed in a polar night, which leads to a violation of the formation in the body of vitamin D, which causes Rickets in children. In these cases, artificial lighting of a different type is required.
In recent years, Soviet engineers constructed the erythemical luminescent lamp. It is arranged in the type of luminescent lighting lamp, and its inner surface is covered with a special composition emitting ultraviolet rays with small compared to a mercury-quartz intensity lamp.
The irradiation of the erythemical lamps of school-age children has favorably affects their health, the life of the body; Children are added in weight, they are less ill.
E. M. Demin (Institute. F. F. Erisman) conducted observations in the kindergarten of Moscow, where this type of artificial lighting was established. Luminaires and erythemical irradiators were used (4 luminescent lighting lamps and 2 erythemical), and they were mounted so that they could be used together and separately. This allowed in conditions of good natural illumination to include only erytime lamps, giving ultraviolet flow rays.
From November to April, children irradiated daily. At the same time, they did not undress, but only wrapped the sleeves and descended stockings. The exposure to the naked surface of the hands, legs, head and neck for 4-5 hours of stay in the group room turned out to be sufficient, children received the required amount of ultraviolet rays.
Compared to children of another group of this garden, which were not exposed to irradiation, the state of health and the physical development of the irradiated children was significantly better.
According to A. M. Vorobyeva, daily preventive ultraviolet irradiation with erythemcent fluorescent lamps at the rate of 1/8-1 / 6 erythemna dose increases the ability of the organism of children of preschool age to the absorption of nutrients (calcium by 9.3-0.3% and phosphorus by 6.3-17.5% of the injected amount).
Lighting with the use of erythemny lamps is currently recognized as the most effective. Such lamps are very desirable for all children's preschool institutions, but they are especially necessary in the extreme north, where it is important not only to ensure full-fledged artificial lighting, but also to improve the conditions of life during a long-lasting polar night.
In areas north 65 ° C. sh. The sources of ultraviolet radiation (ENU, etc.) are envisaged in the system of general illumination of the premises of group, playing-dining room, bedrooms, in the ward of the insulator and rooms for sick children or in Fotary.
Artificial lighting can be used in two types: general and combined (when combining common and local lighting).
Local lighting is provided in the receptions, lockerness, bedrooms, in the medical room, in the head of the head, in the washers. In other rooms, the use of one local illumination is not allowed.
In the bedrooms, bedroom verandas, the room of ill children and the insulator is provided for duty (night) with a voltage lighting of no more than 36 W connected to the network of emergency lighting.
For duty lighting, lamps with a blue glass should be applied and the shielding grille, installed at an altitude of 0.3 m from the floor, close to the indoor inputs.
In all the premises of the kindergarten, plug sockets are installed to connect local lighting and cleaning machines.
In group rooms, the hall plug sockets and switches should be installed at an altitude of 1.8 m from the floor.


For the correct sanitary content of children's preschool institutions, the nature of water supply, in particular the quality and amount of water plays a major role. Where there is an urban and village water supply, the right water supply is easier to ensure.
In cases where the central water supply is absent, but in the neighborhood there are enterprises, institutions provided by the local water supply, and if water supply and sanitary conditions allow, preschool buildings need to join this water supply system.
Where there are no specified conditions, for the children's institution, it is necessary to provide a local water supply. When the water supply device, the water source selection and the amount of water in it must correspond to the GOST.
With the full impossibility to ensure the children's preschool institution, the water supply is necessary to take water directly from underground soil and artesian sources, such as wells, the device and the content of which should satisfy the main sanitary requirements.
The best kind of local water supply should be considered drilling wells, in particular Artesian. Water in them is not contaminated from the surface of the Earth, and usually the quality of it is quite satisfactory.
If it is impossible to have drilling wells, you can use dummy (mine) wells, subject to established sanitary requirements.
The well should be laid no closer than 25-30 m from the sources of pollution of soil and water (residential buildings, non-banknalized restrooms, cesspools, permanent, old, abandoned wells, livestock yards, etc.). Do not arrange wells in lowlands and wetlands poured with rain and thawed waters.
The inner surface of the well must have a dense concrete, brick or wooden trim. It will protect it from pollution, as well as from leakage through the walls of the mine of the water from the upper layers of the soil.
The ground part of the loader of the well should be 0.8-1 m high. To prevent the pollution to prevent the penetration through the soil, it is necessary to make a clay lock outside, for which it is necessary to get a 0.5 m in the width around the log in the depth Remove the soil, and the resulting deepening is filled with mint clay. From the well there should be a slope for outflow of water. The hole of the cut should be constantly kept closed.
To protect the upper hole from trash and outsiders from entering the well and foreign objects over the well, the folding cover is satisfied, and even better closed booth with the output of the pressure handle and the throat of the drain pipe. The door in the booth should always be kept locked on the castle.
For the fence of water from the well, it is better to have a pump, gate or "crane" with a firmly attached pathway. The drain tube must be equipped with a hook for hanging a bucket. The use of individual buckets to avoid pollution of water should be categorically prohibited.
The territory near the well must be constantly kept clean. It is impossible in the immediate vicinity of the well rinse underwear, wash different items, to allow cattle and transport to it. Around the well need to make a fence. Periodic cleaning of the well is required.
Supply of children's institutions with drinking water from open reservoirs (river, pond, lake, housing storage facilities, etc.) is unacceptable, since the water in them does not have the necessary physico-chemical and bacteriological composition. In addition, their pollution or infection (reset of industrial or waste-fecal waters is always possible, wash off rainwater from the shores of all kinds of sera, water and pasting animals, etc.).


It is most advisable to attach children's institutions to urban or settlement sewage, and in case of its absence, the use of local sewers (by agreement with the nearest enterprises or cultural and household agencies). If there are no other opportunities, local sewage is arranged for the children's institution in accordance with the rules for the design of these structures provided for by the current norms of state sanitary supervision authorities. In case of extreme necessity, a cesspool is allowed with a device of the launcher-balls in the outer restrooms (the latter in the warm and hot areas of the country).
According to sanitary standards, the nurser-garden building with a capacity of up to 50 seats in non-banknized areas is allowed to be designed without internal sewage. Under these conditions, it is necessary to especially strictly observe hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements. The device of the restroom is produced no closer than 25 m from the building, with comfortable approaches.
The most important part of such a restroom is a receiver for unclean. The grazing should be tightly isolate from the soil.
The device of absorbing wells, allowing liquid seeping into the soil, the sanitary rules are strictly prohibited.
To eliminate the pollution of soil and groundwater, walls and bottom receivers for uncleanness (as well as receivers for liquid garbage) must be waterproof - from stone, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete. The outer part of the bred has a double lid. In the restrooms it is necessary to produce daily cleaning, in particular stools and washed with hot water with liquor with hotculor.
Lesuft closets should be arranged outside the main building, in the form of a single-storey annex that is connected with a warm transition with the main building. The play-closet consists of a restroom and a gateway with a stove. The gateway has natural lighting and can be ventilated. The furnace firebox goes into the gateway. The sandwheel snapper is located with the shadow side of the building, but not under the windows of children's premises.
For disinfection of restrooms, it is recommended to use a 10% clarified solution of chlorine lime, which moisturize the stools and the lower parts of the walls. Seats, handles, floor, walls should be wiped off with a single-percent clarified chlorine solution.
In the warm season, the contents of the receivers should be disinfected with dry chlorine lime. For the cleaning of the grazers, appropriate transport should be provided (bulk barrels filled with bias or pumps, automotive tanks).
In winter, when part of liquid garbage and impure frozen, they need to be scattered and exported on special kolymagas, upholstered inside with galvanized glands and covered with covers.
It is necessary to export liquid garbage at least once a month, while not allowing the bump overflows by more than 3/4 of its volume. If necessary, the deadline for removal of garbage can be reduced.

How to competently draw up an agreement on the heating of kindergarten and how to act a guide in the event of interruptions with heat supply, we tell in the article. Let's give an answer which heating systems to choose for kindergartens.

On issues of heating in kindergarten, the head interacts primarily with local governments or with heat supply organizations, which, on the instructions of these bodies, provide heat supply services in the territory of the municipal educational institution.

Organizations supplying heating to kindergartens

Local governments, which are the founders of kindergartens, are obliged to create conditions to ensure normal dough's vital activity, including to take care of heating.

The authority on the organization of heat supply is imposed on the local governments of settlements and urban districts (first level) and local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts (second level).

Children's gardens on the heating of their premises need to be addressed to heat supply organizations. In accordance with Law No. 131PH, local governments for the organization of heat supply can create special enterprises and institutions. At the same time, not municipal, but other (public or private) heating systems on the basis of municipal contracts can be engaged in the heating of Dow on the territory of settlements and urban districts.

How not to freeze in winter in kindergarten

Distribute cards with instructions to each employee and check the execution of the electronic check list in the journal "Directory of the head of the preschool institution"

Is your doo ready for winter ready?

Conclusion of a heating contract in Dow

A kindergarten on behalf of a legal entity concludes a special agreement with a heat supply organization for the supply of thermal energy (heat supply). When concluding this agreement, to avoid negative consequences, the manager needs to pay attention to the following points.

    The amount of thermal energy should be indicated in the heating agreement, which the heat supply organization undertakes to supply DOU. Important moment: the total volume of thermal energy is better divided by months. In this case, the management will be easier to track the work of the Contractor and make a claim in connection with improper performance.

    The heat supply agreement will be correct to establish the requirements for the temperature regime in the premises of the DOU. This item is especially relevant if there is no thermal counter in kindergarten and some other way it is impossible to determine the amount of thermal energy. Requirements are prescribed on the basis of p. 2.6 SanPiN.

    The owner (founder) is mainly done by financing a kindergarten. It depends on it, how timely and in full, the Dow has paid services rendered. In this regard, from the treaty of heating, it is desirable to exclude penalties (fines, penalties, penalties, etc.) in relation to the institution for late or not fully charge the heat supply services. Otherwise, the children's institution will have to be responsible for violation of the terms of the heat supply established by the service contract established by the Treaty (or volumes), although the founder must be responsible.

    In the contract of heating between the DOU and the heat supply organization, it will be reasonable to provide for the procedure for the decline in payment for non-responding thermal energy or not fully.

    In the Garden Heat Garden Treaty, it is also possible to determine the procedure for attracting a thermal energy supplier to material liability for violation of obligations under the agreement. However, it is possible to do it extremely rare.

The price of a kindergarten heat supply contract is determined on the basis of established local tariffs for thermal energy under the section "Budget consumers".

Distribution in the heat supply of kindergarten: the procedure for the head of the head

In practice, there are quite often situations when a kindergarten remains without heat supply (for example, when an accident on heating networks or the suspension of the supply of thermal energy is unilaterally). The head in this case should make every effort to protect the legitimate interests and respect for the rights of pre-school institutions and all participants in the educational process.

Information on interruptions in heat supply The head immediately conveys the founder, local governments, the education authority. Information is also submitted to the heat supply organization and dispatching service (if any). Such efficiency will allow to restore heat supply in kindergarten in a short time.

The pre-school institution is obliged to suspend its activities, if, as a result of limiting or disconnecting heat energy, the air temperature in the premises dropped below the borders allowable to SanPiN, and there is no possibility to heat the rooms with alternative heat sources.

Otherwise, the institution or his head will incur administrative responsibility and will be obliged to pay a fine. In accordance with Art. 6.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions of Education and Training", the institution will pay a fine of 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, and the manager may finf in the amount of from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

The kindergarten refers to the first category of the reliability of heat supply, that is, does not allow interruptions in the supply of heat energy and reduce the air temperature in the premises below the provided GOST 30494.

For kindergartens installed the following heating standards:

    for bedrooms in nursery - 21 degrees, in pre-school groups - 19 degrees; permissible lower temperature for bedrooms - 18 degrees;

    temperature in group premises and changing rooms of preschool groups - 21 degrees;

    for nursery toilets, the optimal temperature is 22 degrees, for pre-school groups - 20 degrees;

    in musical and gymnastic halls - 19 degrees;

    in the pools - 29 degrees;

    in the medical office - 22 degrees;

    in heated transitions - 15 degrees.

These heating standards in kindergartens are required for localities with an average temperature in January below -14 degrees Celsius.

The duties of the company carrying out the heat supply of kindergarten

Sometimes there are breaks in heat supply due to the wine of the heat supply company. In this case, the company reimburses a preschool institution losses in the manner prescribed by law and the heating agreement.

Thus, if, during the absence of central heat supply, the kindergarten used alternative heat sources (for example, electrical heaters), the costs associated with their acquisition and operation pays the heat supply organization.

In addition, the heat supply organization is obliged to compensate for the losses incurred by a preschool institution, in the event that it is necessary to temporarily close the kindergarten due to the lack of heat supply and return part of the parental fee for this period.

Payment procedure for heating in kindergarten

Preschool institutions are exempt from the obligation to pay heat energy using advance payments. That is, kindergartens can pay heat supply services at the end of the estimated period (a month in which the service was actually rendered). This is stated in paragraph 2 of the procedure for calculations for electrical, thermal energy and natural gas, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2000 No. 294.

The heat supply organization at the request of the DOW is obliged to set accounts for the factively adopted by the institution heat, and to recalculate the fee for the period when heat supply was filed with interruptions or was actually absent.

Get a diploma of the established sample

Learn more about contractual relationships, requirements for equipping and obtaining methodical recommendations of experts will help the educational program for administrative and economic activities.

Reconstruction of kindergarten heating systems

When reconstructing heating systems in kindergartens, there are many problems related to

    wear of pipes and heating devices;

    redevelopment of premises;

    insulation of external walls of buildings;

    tightening standards and rules in design;

    the transition to the heat supply system independently from thermal networks.

Often these problems can be solved only by a complete replacement of the heating system. For kindergartens, the most optimal is the horizontal floor deadlocking system of heating.

Bimetallic sectional radiators are allowed as heating devices. This is the most optimal option for today. Heating radiators installed in kindergarten must be closed with gypsum cabps with lattices (for heating devices) from wood or other heat-resistant materials. When using the radiator, it is necessary to air the room every 1.5 hours to 10 minutes.

In the early floors, for group, bedroom and dressing rooms, a warm floor device is recommended. The surface of the floor in winter should be at least 22 degrees.

In kindergartens, as a rule, steam heating is not allowed. For newly under construction and projected buildings of preschool institutions, furnace heating is not used.

The kindergarten heating system is designed according to the following regulatory documents:

    Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of work in preschool organizations";

    SP 118.13330.2012 "Public buildings and structures";

    SP 60.13330.2012 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

Summing up, it can be noted that it is necessary to have a competent agreement on the supply of heat and metering instruments (thermal meters) to protect their interests in relations with the heat supply organization.

Fresh air is a need for young children, he gives them the opportunity to grow, ensures the full work of all organs, helps to prevent the occurrence of allergies, respiratory diseases. Therefore, the institutions that contain and for a long time are young children, the authorities and supervisory authorities impose high demands. It is developed strict, scientifically based norms so that the health and safety of the kids did not threaten. Children's gardens should contain incoming pupils in fully relevant rules conditions - in particular, they need to take care of timely and high-quality ventilation.

In kindergarten kids spend a lot of time. They are going to groups, sometimes quite large, and ensure the quality of ventilation is an important and time-consuming task. Air characteristics (cleanliness, humidity, temperature) - key factors to preserve the health and activity of children. Heating and kindergarten ventilation, established in accordance with the norms, help maintain in immunity, contribute to hardening the body and allow:

  • reduce the level and frequency of diseases caused by viruses and infections;
  • ensure the inflow and circulation of fresh air flows saturated with oxygen;
  • create a favorable microclimate;
  • eliminate air pollution;
  • normalize humidity in the premises;
  • minimize heating and air purification costs.

We offer ready-made solutions for the ventilation of kindergartens and schools

Parameters and restrictions for air ventilation complexes in kindergarten

A kindergarten ventilation project is always worked out carefully. Engineers at the initial stage collect all the information on existing limitations, norms, requirements. It is contained in special tables (for calculated temperatures and air exchange), which are formed in sanitary and controlling instances, and take into account seasonality, regional and all other factors.

The mode of faning of kindergartens includes a variety of restrictions:

  • you can not seal the holes of the natural tributary in the vents (their presence on each window is required);
  • after the children leave the bedrooms, training or sports facilities, you need to intensively ventilate them;
  • if the temperature is not higher than + 20 ° С, then keep windows open longer than a three-minute period;
  • in rooms where children are located, there should be a pair of holes for natural air pulling (at the top edge);
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe ventilation holes (together with the velocities) should relate to floors of floors as 1/50;
  • ventilation in the utility premises (postproke, toilet, kitchen) should not pass through children's rooms.

The downtime of the kindergarten is designed in detail and adjust the SNIP Pl. No. 3-71. One child should be submitted at least 50 m3 / h per hour.

Organization of ventilation in preschool institutions

The main type of ventilation, which is used in kindergartens - supply-exhaust. In all rooms where children spend a lot of time, it is necessary to provide a favorable microclimate. Delete contaminated air is permissible through adjacent rooms, for example, from the bedroom through the game.

Ventilation on the sophistication in kindergarten should be organized especially carefully. It is impossible that the channels and exhaust air vents pass through the rooms where children are located for a long time, play, dinner and sleep. The same refers to toilet and worship zones.