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Cockroaches are back! Cell phones, microwaves or GMOs

After a long hiatus, red-haired Prussians re-populate city apartments

Extinct across Russia

Irkutsk is by no means unique in terms of the rapid disappearance of cockroaches. At the beginning of the 2000s, a mass exodus of "stasiks" from city apartments was noted in a number of regions. Suffice it to say that a couple of years ago, Chelyabinsk scientists even proposed to include some species of cockroaches in the Red Book. I was lucky to get rid of the mustachioed tenants and residents of the Mother See. In a word, if we talk about a reduction in the number of insects, cockroaches, then not otherwise than on a national scale.

It is clear that this fact did not pass by the public: the hero of the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky became the objects of close attention of the press and the scientific community. A lot of hypotheses were put forward - from ecological and social to alien in the literal sense of the word. They say that a red cockroach is not a cockroach at all, but a space guest who, having collected information about human life, hastened to leave.

The rapid decline in the population of the red-headed Prusak and its larger brother, the black cockroach, has worried even those who have fought them for decades. People of the older generation drew a parallel with the end of the 30s, when, on the eve of World War II, cockroaches, they say, also rushed to leave a person's home.

Cell phones, microwaves or GMOs? ..

In general, among the probable reasons for the large-scale flight, several main hypotheses can be distinguished. These are the consequences of a careless attitude to nature, that is, bad ecology; an increase in the number of European-quality repairs with the use of toxic synthetic materials; high-frequency cellular communications and radiation emitted by household appliances, in particular microwave ovens. Plus the effectiveness of new generation pesticides, as well as the abundance of genetically modified foods in the human diet.

At the same time, almost every hypothesis gave rise to well-reasoned arguments in the opponents' camp. For the most part, they boiled down to one thing: cockroaches are distinguished by a rare ability to adapt to any changes (in this regard, they are often compared to rats, which are promised immortality even in the event of a nuclear war). Like, what finishing materials or genetically modified products could nullify uninvited tenants, when in the absence of crumbs and other "delicacies" the Prussians can easily be content with paper, cloth, or even do without food for several weeks.

It is also difficult to believe in the hypothesis according to which the red barbel were driven from the habitable expanses of the radiation of cell phones and household appliances. Moreover, the favorite place of residence of cockroaches in city apartments was often the very same microwave ovens, ovens, coffee makers and other delights of our time.

Gone but not quite

For the sake of fairness, we note: there was, of course, no talk of the complete disappearance of cockroaches on the scale of this or that city. It was only about the fact that the majority of the Prussians left the city apartments. In warehouses, dormitories, at food enterprises (the same bakeries, canteens and meat processing plants), cockroaches did not disappear.

This fact is also confirmed by the company's specialists, who, day after day, go out on the warpath for sanitary and epidemiological well-being. - Of course, cockroaches in the city did not disappear anywhere. There were, and are, applications for their destruction, - comments Tatyana Kokorina, technical director of the Irkutsk disinfection station "Desirs". - Yes, their population has decreased, but I think there is no need to talk about their complete extermination.

Is the multi-colored Chinese poison to blame?

Meanwhile, even among the scientific community of Irkutsk, opinions on the reasons for the decrease in the number of cockroaches were different. Someone adhered to one of the above versions, someone set forth their own, original hypotheses. Svetlana Dobrynina, a teacher of additional education at the Irkutsk Regional Station for Young Naturalists, an entomologist by training, believes that nothing more than a mysterious Chinese remedy against cockroaches is to blame for the mass extermination of the Prussians.

This remedy was sold on the shelves of the "shankhaika" only in the year when the number of cockroaches was rapidly declining. The product was a scattering of small multi-colored balls with a pungent smell of dust, which has been banned in Russia for a long time, - notes Svetlana Dobrynina. - The fact is that this poison has the ability to accumulate in the body and be transmitted along the food chain from the cockroach to the bird that ate it, from the bird to the cat and so on. There are cases when dust was found even among penguins, although it would seem that they are oh so far away.

Undoubtedly, this version has a right to exist. And yet, if so, then, most likely, the miracle of the Chinese chemical industry only added fuel to the fire exterminating the cockroach genus in Irkutsk. It is difficult to assume that the fact of mass death of cockroaches on a national scale from the multi-colored Chinese poison would go unnoticed.

Viktor Shilenkov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at Irkutsk State University, adheres to the point of view that a combination of several factors, most likely, led to a large-scale reduction in the number of red cockroaches.

And yet the main reason, I think, lies in the means of struggle of the new generation. On the one hand, I believe that the reason for such a sharp decline in the population of red Prusaks was fungal, bacterial preparations that cause massive infection, on the other, no less effective chemical preparations. Although, in fact, this phenomenon has not been fully studied, and therefore it is probably difficult to assert for sure.

Super cockroaches are replacing cockroaches?

Meanwhile, the situation is now developing exactly the opposite. The cockroaches are back. This is confirmed by ordinary Irkutsk citizens, and sellers of pesticides, and specialists whose professional duties include the extermination of red Prusaks.

For the most part, we work with legal entities, including cafes, shops, warehouses and other potential foci of distribution. As for individuals, they rarely use our services. More often they call, consult, ask for advice, - comments Oksana Shcherbakova, an employee of the DezMaster company. - The only thing I can say is that the number of such calls has grown significantly lately. People are interested in everything: what and how to poison, which means are better to use.

Judging by newspaper publications, along with the Irkutsk Prusaks under the roof, their brothers from Moscow, Belgorod, Izhevsk, Cherepovets and other cities of Russia are in a hurry to return. What does that mean? According to experts, there is only one thing: the population is restoring its former size, and now the cockroaches are more adapted to the changed living conditions. Including due to an additional portion of immunity against the modern miracles of the chemical industry and the achievements of microbiologists. - Any organisms tend to adapt to changing living conditions. Perhaps now a population of cockroaches is being formed that is resistant to the effects of chemicals, more resistant to specific diseases, '' suggests Viktor Shilenkov, head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at Irkutsk State University. “In other words, a certain population of super cockroaches is emerging, and it may not be so easy to cope with them.

Who manages to make money?

Meanwhile, the number of cockroaches is growing. Someone, again, worries and troubles, and someone a source of additional income. “There has always been a demand for this type of drugs, but since the beginning of autumn, people have literally been knocking down,” comments Nina Tarasova, sales consultant at the Desirs store. - Most often, retirees and young mothers come for funds against cockroaches. In general, the demand is growing, the volumes of supplies are increasing.

The sales consultant partly confirmed the version of super cockroaches. According to Nina Tarasova, for the most part, instead of inexpensive, traditional means of struggle, Irkutsk residents are increasingly forced to purchase more expensive professional drugs. In general, their cost varies from 12 rubles for a standard crayon, similar to the famous "Mashenka", to more than three hundred rubles for modern miraculous foreign poisons.

And the battle continues again!

In the midst of the hype about the massive reduction in the number of cockroaches, the exclamations of a number of environmentalists sounded quite loud, claiming that this does not bode well except for disturbing the imbalance in the ecosystem. Even from the lessons of elementary school natural history, we all know that every insect-cockroach is for something, yes, it is needed. And if so, then maybe you shouldn't grieve a lot because of the appearance of cockroaches.

Only facts

In total, there are over 3.5 thousand species of cockroaches in the world. And only about 20 of them live in close proximity to a person.

Certain species of cockroaches run at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour and can do without food for more than a month.

- A “family” couple of cockroaches that have settled in a new building can easily provide the entire nine-story building with their own kind, having produced offspring of up to 1 million individuals.

If you remember, 15-20 years ago, cockroach control was a serious problem for many housewives. It is clear that the main root of evil is the lack of proper sanitation, but you cannot row everything with the same brush. No matter how clean and tidy the owners of the house or apartment are, there will still be food in the kitchen that can lure cockroaches. In addition, children can actively contribute to this, frivolously leaving crumbs or spilled sugar on the table.

Also the sensational question “how to deal with cockroaches? ”Was often asked in hostels, hospitals and even Soviet canteens, which could be teeming with these insects. But after a while, the cockroach population began to decline significantly, and this was clearly noticed by many apartment owners. So, what could this be related to?

Cockroaches and the end of the world

There are rumors that cockroaches are hiding together before the invasion of serious cataclysms. It was rumored that their disappearance was associated with the impending end of the world. But it is unclear whether this is the end of the world in 2000, the "advertisement" of which had been rattling for several previous years, or 2012, about which many words were also said both in official and unofficial sources. But, as we can see, the end of the world did not happen, the cockroaches also made sure of this, and therefore decided to return to people again, and in recent years their activity has significantly increased again.

Development of the chemical industry

If we approach thinking on this topic without jokes, then it is worth reporting that, according to entomologists, the rampant flight of cockroaches was associated primarily with a sharp rise in the chemical industry, which provided people with effective means to combat insects, whose immunity is ready for this. was not.

Myths about the disappearance of cockroaches

Also, many associate the disappearance of cockroaches with the destruction of the ozone layer, the development of the Internet, even with the Svobodny cosmodrome, and, of course, with mobile communications. The answer of scientists to this is that the only true opinion here is just about the effect on cockroaches of high-frequency signals from mobile communications, which have a detrimental effect on them. All the rest is nothing more than fiction.

Why are cockroaches coming back?

As for the return of cockroaches and the new development of their population, here the explanation is obvious - many of their species simply developed immunity to the once powerful drugs and the effects of mobile frequencies. This is not surprising, because the cockroach is one of the most tenacious creatures on Earth, so you have to adapt ... True, human development does not stand still, therefore today we can also give a worthy chemical rebuff to these domestic pests.

Prices for pest control from cockroaches

Worked area Price
1-room apartment 1200 RUB
2-room apartment 1450 RUB
3-room apartment RUB 1,750
4-room apartment 2250 RUB
5-room apartment 2650 RUB
MNP * RUB 1000

* MNP - common areas

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"This is a consequence of the decline in the social conditions of people's lives"

Cockroaches are returning to Yekaterinburg a decade later

Sigurd Tao Lyngse / Flickr

In Yekaterinburg, for the first time in the last 10-15 years, local residents began to seriously talk about the fact that cockroaches and bedbugs are rapidly returning to the city. Biologists warn that insects now have an active population rise, which, among other things, has led to a decrease in the standard of living of people. The disinfection offices also confirm that in Yekaterinburg there is an unprecedented surge in applications for baiting cockroaches. And the familiar to all pencils "Mashenka" have returned to the shops of household chemicals.

The readers have been reporting that cockroaches have reappeared in Yekaterinburg over the past few weeks. So, one of them said that several small cockroaches appeared in his apartment in the kitchen near the sink, although this had never happened before.

Two other readers told our online newspaper that they found cockroaches in reputable establishments in Yekaterinburg. So, one of the girls told how she saw in one of the restaurants in the city a crawling cockroach right on the table at which she was having dinner. According to the reader, the restaurant manager was embarrassed by this fact, but not surprised.

“She took the cockroach straight with her hands and threw it away, saying that nothing terrible had happened,” the girl added.

As our online newspaper was told in the press service of the Rospotrebnadzor department in the Sverdlovsk region, their department does not keep separate statistics on rodents and insects.

However, the candidate of biological sciences of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Ural Federal University named after V.I. B.N. Yeltsin Maria Ulitko confirmed the site that "now [the cockroaches] have come a new population wave, which is inherent in any living organism when the most favorable conditions for this develop." According to her, at the beginning of the 21st century, an effective chemical attack was used to control cockroaches - insects were etched out with special means. Besides,

The emergence of mobile communications also influenced the disappearance of cockroaches and other invertebrates in the early 21st century.

“As evolution continues, the cockroaches have managed to adjust. Some strong individuals survived, adapted to mobile waves and chemicals and began to give birth to offspring. Now, as expected, there will be much more of them, ”says Ulitko.

The biologist also emphasized that the breeding cycle in cockroaches is intense - several generations (egg laying) can occur in one month.

“Perhaps the emergence of cockroaches today is a consequence of the decline in social conditions for human life, which occurred due to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country.

Moreover, people have become unaccustomed to cockroaches and have become less concerned about not creating conditions for their appearance, ”Ulitko noted.

The biologist does not exclude that cockroaches and bedbugs, or rather, their new populations, are brought by migrants who, arriving in the Ural capital, live in large numbers in small areas, for example, in hostels. All this, according to Ulitko, provides material for population transformations, which is why cockroaches and bugs adapt better to their environment.

“There will still be a decline, if only because the natural population wave will go down. The invertebrates will again compete with each other for food and space. In addition, new means of dealing with them will be invented, ”the biologist reassures.

The fact that cockroaches in Yekaterinburg have really become active is also said in the company whose employees are engaged in disinfection.

“Calls have increased significantly over the past 1.5 years - by 50%.

We are sure that this is due to the endless flow of migrants from the former Soviet Union countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Most complaints about uninvited insects come from the Sorting area - there are more calls from there ..

The disappearance of domestic cockroaches in the early 2000s was rapid. Probably, only oil prices, consumer lending and the popularity of Vladimir Putin grew faster. At the same time, they started joking on the Internet that the Putin regime ...

The disappearance of domestic cockroaches in the early 2000s was rapid. Probably, only oil prices, consumer lending and the popularity of Vladimir Putin grew faster. At the same time, they began to joke on the Internet that the Putin regime even exterminated cockroaches.

I think that in another ten years they will quite seriously say that "there weren't even cockroaches under Putin!" or, they say, "even cockroaches did not show their noses!" In general, then one of the most important signs of our life disappeared. For two hundred years we lived side by side with them - and here it is. The phenomenon has sparked controversy. Various hypotheses have been put forward. Of a conspiratorial and even otherworldly nature. But the cockroach exodus was only the beginning.

City rats, bugs and even May beetles gradually disappeared from the eyes. Moles have disappeared somewhere, having ceased to disfigure the English lawns of the Rublev dachas. “A cockroach or any other synanthropic animal is very sensitive to changes in human life. Society as a whole. Changes in the economy, social and political structure affect them no less than a person ... By the middle of the decade in Russia, changes in these factors, a sharp increase in well-being, forced nature to retreat. The advance of civilization caused a depopulation of cockroaches. But as soon as we take a step back, they will return, ”said Dmitry Zhuzhikov, the country's leading entomologist, professor of the biology department at Moscow State University. But his words were then lost among the glamorous theories.

And this step back seems to have been made. First, after the New Year, cockroaches reappeared. Then the rats became active. In the summer, the moles went. And again, all these incredible coincidences with oil (already cheap), loans (which are not given), etc.

The main thing in the office of Moscow State University professor Zhuzhikov is not to peer into the interior. Otherwise, it will seem that walls, shelves and furniture are moving. Subtle movement is everywhere. Only Dmitry Pavlovich Zhuzhikov sits motionless, surrounded by large glass jars. This short elderly man is enthusiastically examining the contents of one of the containers (everything is moving there too, I will not list). It's been three minutes since I came in, and he is watching everything. This "Professor Beetle" or "Professor Tarakanov", as he is affectionately called by the students of the biology department.

Excuse me, I have a small coup here, ”Professor Zhuzhikov said quietly, not looking up from the cans. - The "Grays" almost crushed the "Americans".

Probably, this is a grandiose event for science, - I suggested.

You think? - the professor finally raised his eyes to me. - But in my opinion, these gray animals simply left me without American cockroaches.

About five years ago, journalists went to Dmitry Zhuzhikov in droves. They needed a solution to the mystery of the disappearance of the cockroaches. More precisely, confirmation of pseudo-scientific hypotheses that cockroaches were killed by mobile communications, genetically modified products or secret developments of Rospotrebnadzor. Professor Zhuzhikov disappointed journalists. He gave them simple, logical, non-charm science fiction and, apparently, therefore, boring explanations of the reasons.

The disappearance of domestic insects went hand in hand with the growth of the country's prosperity.

The better we lived, the worse the cockroaches. ”After covering the jar with a rag, the professor put it in the closet. - Amazing, right? But what do I mean by better? Traditionally, cockroaches live in historical centers, where age-old communications, wooden floors. And in Moscow, from the good life, the center began to mutilate with offices. Of course, in some cases cockroaches and wires gnaw, but the office is not food.

Cockroaches furiously hounded restaurants and supermarkets, furniture factories and dumplings factories. Disinsection took on a national character.

Of course, all this increased the sanitary and hygienic conditions. In general, the result is remarkable, it was possible to significantly reduce the number of cockroaches. Not to eliminate completely, it is absolutely unrealistic, but to make sure that they are not conspicuous. But if you look at other countries, everything is much calmer with cockroaches, cockroaches are perceived as inevitable companions ...

The professor dipped his hand into a box of papers and a second later showed the following data: "An ordinary US resident can safely tolerate five cockroaches a week seen in his house." But America cannot be called a poor or underdeveloped country.

You know, the ideal condition for our cockroach is a cataclysm. A huge jump in numbers, one might say, was in front of my eyes after the war. Around the devastation, unsanitary conditions. In obese, stagnant years, a certain decline was recorded. Then restructuring, the nineties, and up again. The current crisis also has the properties of a cataclysm. People are no longer up to cockroaches. Tolerance appears.

The director of a small rodent and cockroach breeding company, Lev Akinchenko, appointed the time and place of the meeting with the categorical nature of a young Moscow intellectual. Friday, 6 pm, cafe "Gogol". Given the topic, it would probably be difficult to suggest a worse place. But Akinchenko dismissed all my doubts at once with one phrase. “You can eat something,” he says, opening the menu. “I guarantee the quality is quite ...” Then numerous illustrated brochures and booklets land on the table.

In half an hour we will go together for an urgent order: a resident of New Riga will pay 15 thousand for a caught rat and traps for the future. Master Konstantin, a two-meter tall hulk in overalls, will pick us up: "I eliminate cockroaches, rats, moles - quickly and reliably." In the salon of his "Gazelle" a giant Maine Coon cat Vasily will sit in an aristocratic pose ... And while we are in a cafe. Akinchenko orders fish and one hundred grams of vodka to the waiter who has approached.

It is impossible to restrain cockroaches, - shouting over music and extraneous voices, said Akinchenko and poked at the booklet. - The moment has passed, people no longer consider them a serious problem. Many companies cut their sanitation costs last fall, and in a couple of months a cockroach started. We are sitting idle, orders have fallen one and a half to two times. Plus, there is a weakening of control by the sanitary services. A significant part of small and medium-sized businesses understood this in such a way that now it is possible to save on hygiene as before. With us, when you loosen your grip, it only gets worse.

But there were many complaints about the abuse of checks.

This is nonsense - in the end it even disciplined people. I will say more - there were even "cockroach wars". Competitors threw insects and rats to each other, and then called where necessary. But here everything is very interesting: if sanitary work is carried out in a store or in a warehouse honestly, then not a single pest will linger there.

Akinchenko emptied the decanter. Only now did I feel the gazes: the neighboring tables were looking at brochures and my interlocutor. “For thirteen years of working as a murderer, you learn to treat things simply,” Akinchenko said later.

On the porch of the elegant Novorizhsky mansion, a woman in a robe was waiting for us. Her name was Alla. Alla frantically rubbed her temples:

It's in the bedroom and squeaks terribly, take it away, please ...

Konstantin walked around the house, closing the windows and doors. Then the cat Vasily was taken to the threshold. “The old old-fashioned way, ideal for suburban orders,” Akinchenko said. For a couple of seconds, the cat froze in position, stretching out its ears. The woman looked incredulously at the half-meter Vasily. Suddenly he jerked. There was a hiss, claws scraping the parquet floor. Half a minute later, the Maine Coon was carrying a rodent in its teeth.

A scout rat, if you don't catch it, there will be a whole flock here tomorrow, ”Akinchenko said. - And so only after one or two months. So get ready. You can buy a half-year service card. Poison trap plus weekly check.

Frightened Alla bought two cards at once.

Many are worried about the question of where the cockroaches have gone. By turning on the light in the kitchen, people no longer see insects hurrying away. Nobody fumbles around the trash can. The owners carelessly, out of habit, leave a bowl of cookies on the table. And some have even almost forgotten what these insects look like.

Finally, the pests that carried a bunch of pathogenic microbes into human dwellings no longer bother. But something prevents people from rejoicing and enjoying freedom, strange doubts plague them. Can a person feel completely safe in buildings, from where even insects leave? This question has been asked more and more often lately.

Indeed, maybe all this is not good? After all, cockroaches, who are masters of survival even in unfavorable conditions of existence, could not go anywhere without a good reason.

Scientists are puzzled, psychics are puzzled, disinfectants are bored. There are a lot of explanations for this phenomenon, and some of them are quite unexpected ...

Let's take a closer look at the suggested explanations.

The cockroaches couldn't stand the electromagnetic radiation?

One of the most reliable explanations for why cockroaches disappeared is the constant high-frequency electromagnetic effect on them in human dwellings. Residential buildings and institutions are crammed with a variety of equipment. During operation, it forms an electromagnetic field, which creates unfavorable conditions for.

Here are the devices that researchers are ready to name the culprit behind the death of cockroaches:

  • Mobile phones.
  • Microwaves.
  • Computers.

In recent decades, such devices have become part of our life. The issue of their safety for humans and animals is still being discussed, and there are more and more arguments about the harmful effects of radio frequencies every year.

Scientists suggested that the Prussians, with their inherent sensitivity, were the first to react to electromagnetic radiation, so they left the cities, left the high-rise buildings in which they were so comfortable before.

It was noticed that for some reason there are no cockroaches in those regions where the previous GPRS and GSM standards are in effect. These include Russia and most of the countries of the Near Abroad.

Are GMOs to blame for the death of cockroaches?

People are not without reason worried about where the cockroaches have gone, because they ate our supplies? Increasingly, genetically modified foods began to appear in the human diet. Is this what is designed to save humanity from hunger or what will ultimately destroy it?

More than one large-scale experiment in reputable laboratories has been devoted to the study of the safety of GMOs (genetically modified organisms, primarily for agricultural purposes). And the first results are not comforting.

Most experts sound the alarm. Missing cockroaches? This is a trifle compared to the consequences of tampering with the genetic code. They are difficult to predict. All links of the food chain suffer: an insect that has tasted a product of genetic engineering, a duck that ate an unfortunate insect, a mammal whose victim was a bird.

Unfortunately, while the harm of this or that product is proven, more than one generation of people will suffer. Researchers are convinced that cockroaches have disappeared as a result of systematic food poisoning from the human table. I wouldn't want to be the next victim.

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test different agents on them - see the results ...

Created the perfect insecticide that kills cockroaches

People who are tired of fighting unpleasant synanthropes want to believe that cockroaches have disappeared forever. Probably, the workers of the disinfection stations began to work perfectly and, armed with a powerful insecticide, rid the apartments of insects, just as doctors defeated smallpox through vaccination.

That is why there are no cockroaches in Moscow. Chemicals for a long time and often to no avail were scattered and sprayed by people in their own homes, but the moment came when new advanced technologies made it possible to create drugs that are many times more effective than the previous pesticides.

This is what worries skeptics. Insects sooner or later adapt to any poisons, and it is highly doubtful that certain unique insecticides capable of finally destroying them already exist. It looks like the cockroaches just gave us a break.

Science does not stand still. Despite the successes achieved, scientists are preparing for the next stage of the battle with insects. The new weapon, according to their calculations, will lead to the fact that the cockroaches that live in human dwellings will finally die out completely.

High Hope's Medium Is A Virus- the causative agent of a deadly infection, fortunately, exclusively among cockroaches. It attacks the cells of their digestive tract. Before the insect dies, it has time to transmit the infection to a heap of its relatives. Then people will finally stop wondering where the cockroaches have gone.

Plastic and linoleum were too tough for cockroaches

We ourselves are to blame for the fact that the cockroaches disappeared somewhere. No one can argue that the appearance of modern apartments is significantly different from the conditions in which people lived 20-30 years ago. Paper wallpaper was replaced by plastic panels, and the owners began to hide the wooden floor under a polyvinyl chloride covering, and they also learned how to make furniture from artificial materials imitating wood or stone.

Not every citizen of average income will afford expensive repairs using natural raw materials. This led theorists to the idea that it was precisely the excess of synthetics in the room, which often had a pungent odor, that was the reason that the cockroaches left in an unknown direction.

Cockroaches could not stand the competition

The fact that the Prusak gradually ousted the Black Cockroach from human buildings has been known to entomologists for a long time, and they easily interpret this fact. Fertility, rapid maturation, caring for the offspring allowed the red cockroach to prevail over its black brother.

But the question of why the Prussians themselves disappeared from the apartments remains open. Could these peace-loving creatures eat each other? Cannibalism is not alien to cockroaches. However, it is not so widespread that a whole nosological category of insects ceased to exist. And, as a rule, flawed individuals are eaten, or clutches of eggs recklessly left in a conspicuous place.

But cockroaches have another rival, claiming the same habitat, - a domestic ant. Some seriously believe that this creature, much better organized and, like the Prussians, omnivorous, has a better chance of winning the competition.

Natural rivalry in the animal kingdom is an integral part of life, a way of regulating the size of a population, the basis of evolution. But still, this is not a very convincing argument explaining where the cockroaches have gone.

Is the disappearance of cockroaches a harbinger of an economic crisis?

What were the Prussians afraid of? After analyzing the current situation, scientists from different countries came to an unexpected opinion: the cockroaches felt the approach of the economic crisis that broke out in 2008.

This bold conjecture of entomologists is indirectly confirmed. Recently, a huge thriving colony of cockroaches was found in the Indian state of Goa. No financial cataclysms affect this territory, which is probably why insects live there so freely. Now we know where the cockroaches have gone.

Cockroaches completed their mission on Earth and left

Perhaps the most incredible version of where and why the cockroaches disappeared was put forward by ufologists. They are sure that these insects, living side by side with humans for thousands of years, are space spies. Pretending to be stupid creatures, they were able to obtain comprehensive information about the life of Homo sapiens, penetrating into the most intimate corners of our life, without needing either passports or passes.

The cockroaches disappeared because now their honorable mission has been accomplished, they were able to safely leave our homes and return to their planet. Only it is unlikely that someone will provide undeniable evidence incriminating cockroaches in espionage.

Cockroaches will definitely return

It would seem that the cockroaches have nowhere to disappear. Either they were frightened by the bell ringing of the restored churches, the high noise level of megacities, the roofing felts were killed by the E450 food additive, or they flew to their planet - no one knows for certain.

Where did the cockroaches go? This is certainly not the most terrible problem that should worry humanity. According to biologists, the number of insects is characterized by undulating fluctuations. This is a natural process.

And, finally, the most important thing that is designed to reassure suspicious people: it seems that soon a somewhat different question will stir up the Internet: why cockroaches have appeared again. Information about their "safe" return to apartments and cottages has already appeared.

They are no longer hindered by renovation, an abundance of mobile phones and modern poison, they are still ready to eat food from our table, including GMOs. No need to be surprised, because cockroaches have proven their ability to adapt more than once ...

Someone's news that the cockroaches have not disappeared anywhere, if not please, then comfort. But you need to think about something else. Will the current stasik, as before, be peaceful and fearful, or will people have to deal with a mutant - brave, wiser, resistant to poisons, capable of gnawing the skin of sleeping people at night (there is a lot of evidence that cockroaches do this).

Be that as it may, but a new stage of the struggle for the freedom of the home from insects has begun.

Interesting video: where did the cockroaches go?