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Yesenin Sergey is good for autumn freshness. Online Reading Book Assembly Poems Good Under the Autumn Freshness The theme of nature in the work of the Great Poet

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin Magnificent Russian poet, who became the history of world literature as a heartfelt and sophisticated author of lyrical works. His poetry is imbued with sincerity and immediacy, these criteria allocate the famous poet among other authors.

Yesenin excellently expressed his feelings, competently selecting each rhyme. Reading his poem, transfer to the world described by the author, becomes a notable distant landscape filled with alive paints and harmony. His creativity, as if a rapid conversation with listeners. The poet himself recognized that he writes his lyrical work, as if for close friends, putting the whole soul and frankness in his lines.

And at the same time, Yesenin was a deep thinker, having complex and sometimes conflicting feelings, injuring passionate notes into his extraordinary lyrics. The Russian author is revered in different countries of the world, and this glory is a magnificent poet gained quite deservedly!

The theme of nature in the work of the Great Poet

Sergey Yesenin was a big patriot of his homeland, he did not imagine life away from her. His crazy love and loyalty to Russian land has always been expressed in creativity, which is why in most works of this author, it is narrating on colorful, and sometimes foggy landscapes of the native land.

The topic of nature covered many lyrical authors, but to sing her beauty and unique species, with such delight and devotional romanticism, was not able to anyone. Yesenin presents Russian nature in the original genre. His poem, as if a pleasant melody, reveal in front of readers a vulnerable soul of natural phenomena, the feelings of which are comparable to human emotions.

Detailed descriptions of landscapes, often encountered in the creativity of Yesenin, are not an artistic transmission of a visual background. The author described the beauty of nature, skipping them through the soul. Often, children's memories that remained with the poet forever served to the lyrical mood.

Creativity Sergey Alexandrovich is recognized by the world community. Hundreds of critics admire his ability to color to convey natural motifs in a rhymed form. Yesenin, like no other, could revive the Russian nature in the eyes of the reader, show the natural beauty and uniqueness of the paints, especially allocated in the autumn period of the year ...

Autumn in the work of Yesenin

Each poet has begrawn his time of year. Someone has been close to winter landscapes, other authors chase spring streams and ringing birds. Yesenin gave preference to autumn, it seemed that this time of the year somehow in particular inspired a talented poet to create another poem, and he did not lose!

Autumn lyrics smelled to the soul and reader. Magnificent rhymes with interest are studied in the school program, even the children of preschool age rapidly grab the melodious lines of the scenery of the native country.

Autumn, in the poems of Sergey Yesenin, is always mysterious and lyric, sometimes sad and somewhat thoughtful. The poet conveys the mood of the tired nature with a special inspiration, although, for this time of year, more relevant a sense of fatigue, anxiety and some depression. It seems that these feelings do not tire the author, but on the contrary, they give unrealistic forces to create brilliant poems that loved by the entire world community.

Yesenin, like no other, managed to describe this wonderful season in a special, sophisticated form. According to his lyrical works, autumn is perceived as a young and gentle time, but at the same time wise and purposeful. In this incredible melancholy, different emotions and feelings are intertwined: passionate love and indescribable loneliness, insane joy and bitter disappointment, a wonderful mood and rainy longing ...

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin always picked up successful rhymes. His verses of autumn are full of touching and warm words that emphasize the magnificent beauty and harmony of Russian nature.

What is the autumn characterized? Cold air flow, choking breeze, protracted clouds and sudden rain. This time of year prepares nature by winter, inexorably approaching the native edges. Consider the entire charm of autumn pores is not always possible, however, it was brilliantly managed by the talented Russian poet of the 20th century - Sergey Yesenin!

Good under the autumn freshness

Good under the autumn freshness
Soul apple tree wind
And watch how the speech cuts
Water blue soha sun.

Glowing a nail song.
And in clothes festively white
Wait for the guest.

I study, I study my heart
Bird's color in the eyes take care of
Only in the misfortunes the feelings are heated,
When the rib breaks to flow.

Silence feces the star bell,
That neither the sheet, then the candle of the dawn.
I'm not imputing anyone in the hubby,
I will not open the door to anyone.

Misty weather, gold foliage, rainy romance and invigorating power of a light autumn breeze skillfully described by the author, nervous to the reader brighter and pleasant emotions. Yesenin greatly depicts each phenomenon, relevant for this pore.

Describing atmospheric phenomena, the poet chooses a picture view, finely expressing its observations. In creativity, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic comparisons are clearly visible. In the poetry of another famous author - Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, the wind appears as astral, and even a cosmic phenomenon. And in verses Yesenin, he acquires some animation.

In many lyrical works, Sergei Alexandrovich meets a wonderful description of the heavenly month and the charming moon. The poet masterfully emphasizes his unique form, an excellent silhouette and simply stunning light "thin lemon" or "lunar blue".

According to critics, detailed descriptions of the moon are contributed to the poems of the Great Russian author special romance and elegic motives. But the rhymes about the picturesque month are compared with the folklore, because this heavenly luminaire acts in the work of Esenin as a glorious character from a good fairy tale.

Yesenin affected the autumn poetry various elements of the environment: the picturesque Russian forest, beautiful trees in gold outfits, animals preparing for winter hibernation and other, no less important and fairly natural images. His autumn poetry is impressive and inspires!

Skilled foliage golden

Skilled foliage golden
In pisosted water on the pond,
Like butterflies light flock
With a slaughterhouse flies on the star.

I am in love with this evening today,
Close to heart yellowing dol.
The wind matches on the very shoulders
Salted on the birch of the hem.

And in the shower and in the valley of the coolness,
Blue Dusk as a flock of sheep,
For the Kalito of the Small Garden
Sneakers and Zatrez Bubenets.

I never break
So did not listen to a reasonable flesh,
It would be nice, like branches of IVA,
Tip into pinkness of water.

It would be nice, smiling on a stack,
Morked month hay chew ...
Where are you, where, my quiet joy,
All loving, nothing to wish?

Analysis of the poem "Leaves fall, leaves fall ..."

The poem "leaves fall, the leaves fall" was written by the author at the end of summer, in 1925. During this period, Yesenin is experiencing a complex crisis of personal life, which clearly affected the written lyrical work. Reading the lines of this verse, the total fatigue of the author is morally felt, his confusion towards himself and others.

The semantic work plan is based on the transfer of emotional experiences, Sergey Yesenin boldly declares his regrets associated with the lost youth. It seems to try to sum up his own life ...

In his rhymes, a malicious premonition of his own death is heard. From the very first lines, the pessimisticity of the author, his longing and heartache is deducted. He is eager for joyful changes or typical calmness, but the wind weather, as if confusing all the thoughts of the Creator, not giving reason to take a right decision and decide on their own desires.

In the last lines of poems, the poet expresses his distrust of the female floor, there is some contempt for the evils of human relations and unjustified love. Now the author reflects that it could radically change the internal contradictions and calm the soul. The lyrical character is trying to find the lover, in the forces of which doubt the sickness of the soul and the broken heart of a distressed poet.

Yesenin has long been looking for such a woman, but, apparently, as well as the hero of this poem, he could not realize the desired reality ...

"Leaves fall, leaves fall ..."

Leaves fall, leaves fall.
Moan wind
Lengthy and deaf.
Who will delight the heart?
Who will calm him, my friend?
With aggravated eyelids
I look and look at the moon.
Here again, the roosters were swaying
In the conjunted silence.
Predained. Blue. Early.
And flying stars grace.
To make any desire
Yes, I do not know what to wish.
What to wish for life wearing
Sitting your home and home?
I would like good now
See a girl under the window.
So that with eyes she is cornflower
Only me -
Not anyone -
And words and feelings new
Soothed heart and chest.
To be under this white lunariness,
Taking happy luck,
I did not melt over the song, not mel
And with someone else's fun youth
He never regretted him.

Analysis of the poem "Autumn"

The first lines of the "Autumn" poem are based on an imaginable comparison of the author "Autumn Redhead mare, scratching back ...". The literary image of the horse is freedom, it was he who chose a poet for comparison to convey the reader an elusive nature of this time of year. However, the dynamism of the real animal is absent in the lyrical work of Yesenin. He puts it in another angle captured for an instant to declare the entire earth about the approaching changes.

The poet fills autumn with bright colors, but at the same time points to the characteristic attenuation of nature at this time. If you combine all the images filed in the poem, you can reveal the basic essence of the lyrics: the image of autumn pore transmits us an understanding of the frequency of human life, it, like a dull time, can not be stopped to keep for a long time ...

The life of natural nature is comparable to the life of every person. Nature loses its paints and summer fragrance of fragrant plants, like our life, leaves without regard, leaving pleasant memories of the lost years of youth.

The wind in the lyrical work of Sergei Yesenin represents the image of freedom, and the red rowan berries can be compared with the bloody wounds of Jesus Christ. In these rows, the idea of \u200b\u200bredemption based on the mistakes and sins of youth is viewed.

"Autumn" is a beautiful poem of the talented poet of Sergey Yesenin, filled with a deep philosophical meaning. Carefully reading the rhymes, you can withdraw the basic essence of the lyrical work that has a genius in a brilliant author to each listener ...


Quietly in more often than the cliff.
Autumn, redhead mare, mane scratches.

Over the river coverage
It is heard blue cladding her horseshoes.

Skimnik wind step carefully,
Mattime on the protrusion road.

And kisses on a mountain coaster
Ulcers are the red invisible Christ.

That's just evening. The dew where the cabbage beds sing Winter - Auukets under the wreath of the forest chamomile dark nights, it was not sleeping good was Tanya, there was no more painted in the village, beyond the mountains, playing the yellow dollars, playproof, play, play, Talianochka, furry fur. The priest of the song was laid on the lake scarlet light dawn. Mother in a swimsuit in the forest walked, looked over Zatona Reeds. Troitsyno morning, morning canon, cloud lace in a grove knitted, smoke flood the cherry fleece snow, a beam hangs on the plowing, the calibium smoked, sleeping the cat on a bar, the edge of the beloved! The heart is shot to go to Sucucia with a humble ink walked the Lord torture people in love, autumn is not winds shower the forest, in the hut on the village of the path of the goy you, Russia, my native, I am a shepherd, my chambers - the side of my, sideways, dries I know the Radunitsa God - the mantists are going on the way, the edge of you are abandoned, drunk drought casting, black, then the masculous toothpone! Topi and the swamp, for the dark strand of the ferrelers, in the very edge where the yellow nettle I am here again, in the family of my native, not to wander, not to mine in the bushes of the crimson about the red evening, the road, butt and field, and a crope of cocks ... about the edge rain and bad weather, dove bell soberly, drank trees drools, did not vain winds, cow under a red veyous porch and courtyard, herd lost a month about comrades of funny, spring on joy does not look like, scarlet darkness in heavenly Farewell, native forest flushed , Your voice is invisible as smoke in the hut. In the lunar lace, the furthest where there is always a mystery, clouds with a fox of a fox about Russia, waving wings, I will look in the field, I will look into the sky - then do not clouds roam the Ovin wake me too early, where are you, where you, father's house, oh Mother of God, about arable land, Pashnya, Pashnyh, Niva compressed, groves goals, green hairstyle I am on the first snow delirium, silver road, take me, the guard is the surround, I believe, I believe, happiness is! Songs, songs, what are you shouting about? Here it is, stupid happiness saved, looked raining the spring, oh muse, my friend is flexible, I'm the last poet of the village of the soul sadness about heaven, I'm tired of living in my native land about God, God, this depth - I left the birthday house, good under the autumn freshness Songs about the dog spinning foliage Golden Now Love My not that in the autumn skiing Owl Songs about the hooligan bread all the lively special Mysterious world, the world is my ancient, the side is mine, the side! Do not swear. What a matter! I do not regret, I don't call, I do not cry, I will not deceive myself, yes! Now it is decided. Without return, they drink again, they fight and cry rashes, harmonics. Boredom ... boredom ... Singy, sing. On the damned guitar, this street is familiar to me, the years are young with Zabbit Glory, I was not tired to the letter to my mother. This sadness is now not to scatter me alone Fun: a fire was noticed, you're a simple, like everyone, let you drink to others, dear, sit down next to you, I'm sad to watch you, you're cool, you don't have a black eyebrows. We are now moving away by Pushkin Low house with blue shutters, Sukin Son dissigned grove Golden Blue May. Garling heat. Dog Kachalova Unpastened, blue, gentle ... The song is dawn in the other, well, kiss me, kiss, goodbye, Baku! I will not see you. I see a dream. Black road. Slepping the nick. Plain dear, I will not return to the father's house, over the window month. Under the wind window. Every work bless, luck! It can be seen, so the leaves fall forever - the leaves fall, the leaves fall. Gori, my star, do not fall. Life - deception with charming fortifications, rash, taguelanka, bello, rash, taluska, boldly I have a beautiful one have not seen ah, how much in the light of cats you drink me that song that before in this world I'm only passersby Persian motives eh you, sled ! And horses, horses! Snow jaws crushed and ourselves, you hear - Sanya rushing, you hear - Sanya rushing. Blue sweater. Blue eyes. Snowy lean twists Boyko, in the evening blue, in the evening lunar are not curved smile, the hands of the tricky, the wrister is poor, it is you blue fog. Snow-rated, fistulate wind, silver wind, melanchie. Steppe and gave. Flowers tell me - goodbye, supplement1

Good under the autumn freshness
Soul apple tree wind
And watch how the speech cuts
Water blue soha sun.

Glowing songs nail
And in clothes festively white
Wait for the guest.

I study, I study my heart
Bird's color in the eyes take care of
Only in the misfortunes the feelings are heated,
When the rib breaks to flow.

Silence feces the star bell,
That neither the sheet, then the candle of the dawn.
I'm not imputing anyone in the hubby,
I will not open the door to anyone.

Reads Y. Bogatarev

Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich (1895-1925)

Yesenin! Golden name. Killed tag. Genius of the land of Russian! No one of the poets who came to this world did not have such a spiritual force of the charming, all-in-law, breathtaking childish openness, moral cleanliness, deep-male love for the Fatherland! Over his poems so much gritting tears, so many human souls sympathetically sympathized and empathized with each Yesenin row, which if it were calculated - Esenin's poetry would translate any and much! But this method of assessing earthlings is not available. Although with Parnassa, you could hurt - the people still did not like anyone! With verses Yesenin, they went to battle in the domestic, for his poems - went to Solovki, his poetry worried about the soul, like a draw other ... One Lord knows about this holy love of the people to his son. The portrait of Yesenin is wicked in the wall-mounted family frames of photos, put on the garbage a par with icons ...
And not a single poet in Russia has not exterminated and did not prohibit with such a distervection and perseverance as Yesenin! And forbidden, and silent, and were detained in dignity, and dirty was poured - and they still do it. It is impossible to understand - why?
The time has shown: the higher the poetry with its secret lightness, the more embarrassing flares, and the more imitatives.
More about one great God's gift Yesenin - read his poems as unique, as created. They were so sounded in his soul! It remained only to pronounce. Everything was shocked by his reading. Note, the great poets always knew how to be uniquely and by heart to read their poems - Pushkin and Lermontov ... Block and Gumilyov ... Yesenin and Klyuev ... Tsvetaeva and Mandelshtam ... So, the young gentlemen, the poetman rejoicing his lines on a piece of paper from the stage - not a poet, but an amateur ... The poet can not be able to know much in your life, but not it is!
The last poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." - another secret of the poet. In the same 1925 there are other lines: "You do not know that it is worth living in the world!"

Yes, in the desert city alleys, not only homeless dogs listened to the easiest Yesenian gait, "brothers smaller", but also large enemies.
We need to know the true truth and do not forget how childishly trampled his golden head ... And again hears his last swelling:

"My dear, choir-root ..."