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Social Test otnosheniya.doc - Social studies test on the topic: "Social relations". Social relationships

Option No. 3076566

Answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters; do not copy the answer words from the browser, enter them by typing from the keyboard. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the suggested statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is provided by the teacher, you can enter the answers to the tasks of Part C or upload them to the system in one of the graphic formats. The teacher will see the results of the assignments in part B and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to part C. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Write down the word that is missing in the table.


Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Political Party, political system , political norm, state, political ideology.


Below are the names of the needs. All of them, with the exception of two, are names under which the natural needs of man are represented in various classifications.

1) biological

2) physiological

3) social

4) organic

5) natural

6) aesthetic

Find two terms "out of the ordinary", and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.


Please select correct judgments about the person and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) All living beings have the ability for purposeful, including creative, activity.

2) A set of socially significant qualities of an individual that are formed in the process public life is called a personality.

3) The individual needs of a person are associated with the specific conditions of his life, the characteristics of his personality.

4) Human freedom presupposes an inalienable connection with responsibility for the decisions made.

5) The biological needs of a person include the need for communication, for work, life success, taking a certain position in society, etc.


Establish a correspondence between distinctive features and types of companies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



The TV channel broadcast a television series about the everyday life of the city hospital. What allows this series to be attributed to the works of mass culture? Write down the numbers below which the selected answer items are indicated.

1) The media presented the television series as a successful commercial project.

3) One of the main goals of the creators of the television series was their own self-expression.

4) The TV series is designed for the average consumer taste.

5) The TV series is interesting to the circle of connoisseurs.

6) Understanding the TV series requires no special training.


Choose the correct judgments about the role of the state in the market and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) One of the functions of the state in market conditions is to combat the monopolization of the economy.

2) The state in a market economy is called upon to support the unprotected segments of the population.

3) The most important function of the state is the creation of public goods.

4) The state in market conditions regulates the prices of essential goods.

5) The privatization process means the transfer of private property into the hands of the state.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of unemployment and its main types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) arises as a result of an economic downturn

B) is associated with the time spent looking for a new job

C) arises in connection with a decrease in the gross national product and the release of part of the labor force

D) arises in connection with a change in the demand for labor in certain industries or territories

D) is associated with a large-scale restructuring of the economy, changes in the demand for consumer goods and in production technology

1) structural

2) friction

3) cyclic



Petr Fedorovich invests his savings in the acquisition of various securities. Find in the list below securities, which he can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ‚and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) investment share of a mutual investment fund

2) property insurance contract

3) banknotes

5) bonds



Choose the correct judgments about the types of social stratification and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The class type of stratification is characteristic of the early periods of the development of society.

2) In the history of mankind, there have been different types of social stratification.

3) Estate stratification prevailed during the Middle Ages.

4) There is no social mobility in a caste system.

5) One of the manifestations of class stratification in modern society is the legal consolidation of rights and responsibilities for individual social groups.


In the course of a sociological survey of adult citizens of the country Z having children - schoolchildren different ages, they were asked questions: "What do you most often do with your child on weekdays?" (multiple answers could be selected).

The results obtained (in% of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Equal shares of the respondents from each group on weekdays with the child are most often engaged in preparing lessons, checking homework.

2) Among the parents of middle school students, playing sports, sport games as a joint activity with a child on weekdays are more popular than watching TV at home, movies.

3) Half of the parents of high school students noted that on weekdays they usually just talk, talk with their children.

4) The proportion of those who most often go for walks with their child on weekdays, play on fresh air, there are more middle school students among parents than high school students among parents.

5) Among the parents of high school students, household chores as a joint activity with a child on weekdays are more popular than playing sports, sports games.


Choose the correct judgments about political power and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Political power is the ability of one person or a group of persons to control the behavior of citizens, society as a whole, based on national or national tasks.

2) The legality of power is manifested in its unofficial approval by society due to its attractive features.

3) The emergence of political power is due to the need for the regulation of social relations, authoritative resolution of social conflicts.

4) Political power is both an instrument of domination and an effective means of integrating society and maintaining public order.

5) The charismatic type of legitimacy of power is based on the belief in the sacredness of traditions and the right to rule of those who have received power in accordance with this tradition.


Establish a correspondence between functions and subjects of state power Russian Federation who perform them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters:



State Z includes the territories of subjects with a certain political independence. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, institutions are developed civil society... In state Z legislature is exercised by parliament, and a popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Find the characteristics of the Z shape in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) federal state

2) a democratic state

3) monarchy

6) unitary state


Which of the listed positions relate to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) state funding of political parties

2) support for competition, freedom of economic activity

3) welfare state

4) federal structure based on state integrity

5) a single state ideology


Find in the list the legal grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Due to a drop in demand for products, the company was forced to reduce the number of employees by 15%.

2) As a result of an accident, the watchmaker of the watchmaking company partially lost his sight, and the management of the company terminated the employment contract with him.

3) The employer found out that the employee disclosed information constituting a trade secret, which he possessed

due to official obligations.

4) The certification of the employees of the academic institute showed that the level of qualifications of a number of scientific employees does not meet the requirements of the qualification characteristics.

5) The woman went on maternity leave, and based on the fact that she cannot long time fulfill their

functional responsibilities at the company, the management decided to dismiss it.


Establish a correspondence between examples and measures of legal responsibility in the Russian Federation: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The system administrator of the Arktika company is regularly late for work, referring to traffic jams. Choose from the list of concepts, terms related to the characteristics of this offense.

1) labor law

2) administrative violation

4) disciplinary responsibility

5) reprimand


Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“The presidential republic is characterized by the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head ______ (A) and the head of the executive branch. The post of prime minister in such a republic, as a rule, is absent. The president of the country is elected in an extra-parliamentary way: either by the nationwide ________ (B) (as, for example, in Argentina), or by the electoral college (as, say, in the USA). This ensures the independence of the ________ (B) president's source from parliament. The President also receives the right to _______ (D) in relation to parliamentary decisions: he can return any ______ (D) for reconsideration to the highest legislative body. But if the parliament for the second time, by a qualified majority of votes - 2/3 in both chambers - votes for it, then the draft becomes law, acquires _________ (E), regardless of the opinion of the president. The president has no right to dissolve parliament either. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The following table lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



What is the difference between educational potential and educational function? What is the most important condition for the well-being of a family? Do the authors consider the educational function peculiar only to the modern family? Please provide proof.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Over the centuries, the family has made a decisive contribution to the upbringing and socialization of children, to the formation of a worldview, value orientations, to the formation of the character of a growing person, to the development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of the personality. Different families carry out these functions with varying degrees of efficiency. The success of this process depends on the level of the family's educational potential.

The "upbringing potential of the family" is understood as the real, actual ability to bring up children, taking into account specific social constraints, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "upbringing function", the concept of "upbringing potential" allows one to characterize the family's capabilities, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

The indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including the orientation towards the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for performing sociocultural functions, and other possibilities of "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intrafamily relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we generalize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of education is defined as the formation of responsibility, diligence, decency, striving for healthy way life, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" is disappointing.

The set of factors influencing the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial character; 2) intrafamilial, associated with the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage life cycle families, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of family relationships; time budget.

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List the functions of the family and illustrate each of them with an example.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Over the centuries, the family has made a decisive contribution to the upbringing and socialization of children, to the formation of a worldview, value orientations, to the formation of the character of a growing person, to the development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of the personality. Different families carry out these functions with varying degrees of efficiency. The success of this process depends on the level of the family's educational potential.

The "upbringing potential of the family" is understood as the real, actual ability to bring up children, taking into account specific social constraints, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "upbringing function", the concept of "upbringing potential" allows one to characterize the family's capabilities, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

The indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including the orientation towards the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for performing sociocultural functions, and other possibilities of "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intrafamily relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we summarize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of upbringing is defined as the formation of responsibility, hard work, decency, striving for a healthy lifestyle, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" is disappointing.

The set of factors influencing the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial character; 2) intrafamilial, associated with the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, it is possible to take into account socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage of the family's life cycle, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of family relationships; time budget.

The "upbringing potential of the family" is understood as the real, actual ability to bring up children, taking into account specific social constraints, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "upbringing function", the concept of "upbringing potential" allows one to characterize the family's capabilities, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

The indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including the orientation towards the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for performing sociocultural functions, and other possibilities of "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intrafamily relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we summarize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of upbringing is defined as the formation of responsibility, hard work, decency, striving for a healthy lifestyle, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" is disappointing.

The set of factors influencing the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial character; 2) intrafamilial, associated with the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, it is possible to take into account socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage of the family's life cycle, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of family relationships; time budget.

The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Indicate, at your discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic touched upon by the author and reveal it (them). When disclosing the main idea (s) indicated by you in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two facts / examples from various sources... Each given fact / example should be formulated in detail and clearly associated with the illustrated position, reasoning, conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy.“Humanity has no goal, no idea, no plan, just as the species of butterflies or orchids has no goal. "Humanity" is an empty word. " (O. Spengler)

C9.2 Economics.“I firmly believe in one simple thing: the most reliable way to distinguish your company from competitors, to break away from the crowd of persecutors, is to organize the work with information well.” (B. Gates)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology"Stratification is truly a natural social stratification of society." (P. S. Gurevich)

C9.4 Political Science."For the state, all aspects of power and all its constituent elements matter." (B.A. Kistyakovsky)

C9.5 Jurisprudence."All people in the world have the same rights to enjoy the natural benefits of the world and the same rights to respect." (L. N. Tolstoy)

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Municipal budgetary educational institution


Blagodarnensky district, Stavropol Territory

Examination in social studies

in grade 11
on this topic "Social relationships»


history and social studies teacher

Lysenko Lyubov Fedorovna

S. Sotnikovskoe


1.Variant. A.1 Are the following judgments about human social roles correct?A. Social roles of a person are determined by his social status.B) Taking on a social role is personal.1) only A. is true 2) only B. is true.3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect.
A.2. In social science, social stratification is understood as1) the presence in society of various spheres2) division of society into communities and groups3) social support for low-income groups of the population4) increasing social status
A.3 In country X, peasants and the urban poor have limited access to quality education and health care. In this case, it reflects1) social mobility2) social inequality3) social structure4) social control
A.4 Are the following judgments about social group? A. A social group is an association of people who have common socially significant characteristics.B. Relations in any social group are necessarily regulated by official documents.1) only A is true 2) only B is true3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect.
A.5 On what basis are such communities as Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants distinguished?1) territorial 2) ethnic3) social class 4) confessional
A6.Svetlana left one city for another. Which Additional Information will lead to the conclusion that Svetlana's movement is migration?1) she went on a business trip2) she changed her place of residence3) cities are far from each other4) cities are located in different countries
A.7 What is the basis of uniting people in such a social community as the Parisians?1) social class 2) ethnosocial3) demographic 4) territorial
A.8 The caste system is a variety1) political regime 2) state structure 3) social stratification 4) economic system
A.9 In the 20-30s of the last century, a significant part of the population of the USSR changed its social status. So many peasants became workers, representatives of the nobility lost their privileges. These facts reflect the process1) social mobility 2) economic differentiation3) political stabilization 4) social stratification
A.10 This status is inherited. Its owner is endowed with privileges. This is the status1) an official 2) an aristocrat 3) a financier 4) an entrepreneur Part 2. B.1 Read the text, each position is numbered.(1) B modern society situations often arise when a person consciously participates in various cultural traditions. (2) Obviously, they are associated with population migration, modernization. (3) The consequence can be psychological splitting, the formation of a “split” type of personality.(4) Sociologists call the position of such a person marginal.Determine which text positions are wornA) factual natureB) the nature of value judgmentsWrite a letter under the position number indicating its nature. 1 2 3 4

B.2 Read the text. Select the words you want to insert in place of the blanks.“Society is dynamic: both individuals and social groups are constantly changing their _________ (1). This phenomenon is called social ___________ (2). Sociologists distinguish several types of it. Movements that do not change the social status of individuals and groups are called __________ (3) mobility. Examples are transition from one age group to another, a change of place of work, as well as the relocation of people from one locality or country to another, i.e. ____________ (4) .__________ (5) mobility presupposes a qualitative change in the social status of a person. Examples include obtaining or depriving a title of nobility in a feudal society, a professional career in a modern society, etc. Social ___________ (6): family, school, property,army, etc. ".A) migrationB) mobilityB) horizontalD) instituteD) statusE) verticalG) groupH) stratificationI) marginalization
1 2 3 4 5 6
Part 3 С.8 Make a detailed plan on the topic "Social mobility".C.9.4 Sociology Write an essay "Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other."

Option number 2. A.1. The institute belongs to the social sphere of the life of society. 1) religions 2) sciences 3) families 4) production
A2 The expression of social stratification is 1) the difference between the types of economic systems 2) diversity of cultural traditions 3) class division of society 4) ideological pluralism
A3.K upper class in economically developed countries include 1) owners large enterprises 2) engineering and technical workers 3) professorship of higher educational institutions 4) employees of scientific institutions
A4. The social sphere of society includes the institution 1) the state 2) production 3) science 4) families
A5 Are the following judgments about social mobility correct? A. One of the manifestations of vertical mobility is population migration. B. A marriage concluded between representatives of the same social stratum is not a manifestation of horizontal mobility. 1) only A. is true 2) only B. is true. 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect
A6. In economically developed countries, most of the population is 1) marginalized 2) middle class 3), blue collars, 4) the proletariat
A7. Class type of social stratification 1) inherent in European medieval society 2) characteristic of the ancient Eastern civilization 3) is universal 4) characteristic of an industrial society
A8. Classical division of society reflects 1) type of government 2) type of social stratification 3) the nature of economic ties 4) a feature of the political system
A 9. Income, wealth, education, prestige in their totality are 1) indicators of social progress 2) manifestations of social mobility 3) criteria of social stratification 4) a measure of social wealth
A10. After graduation, K. got a job as a programmer in one of the private firms. Soon he was able to get the same job in a company located closer to home. This situation can be seen as an example. 1) social stratification 2) horizontal social mobility 3) professional differentiation 4) vertical social mobilityPart 2
Q1 Set up a match:
STATUS TYPES OF STATUSCHARACTERISTICS 1) inborn status A) man 2) acquired status B) higher educationC) 25 years oldD) engineerD) married Write down the selected numbers in the tableA B C D E
Q2: insert missing words into the text“A family is a small ____________ based on _________ (1) and / or consanguinity.(2) whose members are united by cohabitation and management household, emotional connection, mutual __________ (3) in relation to each other. Also, a family is called a social ___________ (4), i.e. a stable form of relationships between people, within the framework of which the main part of people's life and primary __________ (5) children, a significant part of household care, educational and medical services, especially in relation to __________ (6) and the elderly are carried out ”.
A) children E) instituteB) marriage G) relationshipC) socialization H) groupD) collective I) loveE) responsibilities k) respect
Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.
Part 3 С.8. Make a detailed plan on the topic "Social stratification of society."
C.9.4 Sociology Write an essay "Marginalization is the result of conflict with social norms." (A. Farzhd).

List of used literature:

    Textbook "Social Science", ed. A.I. Kravchenko. M .: Russian word, 2009. Textbook "Social Science", ed. L.N. Bogolyubov. Moscow: Education, 2011. Labeznikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Gorodetskaya N.I., Korolkova E.S. Unified State Exam. 2011. Typical test items. Moscow: Exam, 2011. Baranov P.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V. Social science. Complete reference. M.: Astrel, 2012. Polovnikova A.V. Social studies: tasks with a detailed answer: Part S. M .: AST. 2011. Unified State Exam - 2013. Social Studies. Thematic and typical exam options. Ed. E.L. Rutkovskaya. 30 options. M., 2013.

Option number 1 (simple)
1. Youth, women, pensioners are social communities ...
A) territorial
B) demographic
C) ethno-national
D) professional
2. The position of a person in society in accordance with age, gender,
origin, marital status, it is ...
A) social role
B) social status
C) marital status
D) social stratification
3. The criterion for the selection of strata can be:
A) income level
B) attitude to religion
C) attitude to political ideology
D) the level of development of personal abilities.
4. The social role is -
A) the degree of recognition of the dignity of the individual
B) the assessment that society gives to the status of an individual or position
C) a certain model of behavior that must meet the expectations of others
D) social movement of the individual
5. Are the following judgments about the diversity of social groups true?
A. Small groups are characterized by close, emotionally colored informal
B. Group size does not affect the quality of social interaction.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong.
6. The root cause of social conflicts:
A) character mismatch
B) different views of social groups
C) mismatch of economic, political, spiritual interests and opportunities.
7.C social essence a person's need is associated:
A) adapt to the conditions of the natural environment
B) take care of your offspring
B) provide safe conditions life
D) get recognition in society

8. Social stratification is ...
A) the interaction of people in different groups and groups with each other
B) joint activities of people in different groups
C) the specific form of association and interaction of various groups of people
D) a system of signs of social stratification, inequality
9. Acquired is the status
A) son
B) Russian
C) phlegmatic
D) teacher
10. The totality of large and small social groups, collective and
individual relationship between them is ...
A) society policy
B) the structure of society
C) the nature of society

Test on the topic "Social relations"
Option number 2 (difficult)
1. Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?
A) Social mobility is a set of social movements of people in
society with a change in their status.
B) Social mobility is the prescriptions, requirements and established patterns,
which should correspond to the behavior of people.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong.
2. A set of social mechanisms that regulate the activities of people -
A) internal social control
B) external social control
C) self-control
D) social sanctions
3. Choose a form of social control, which includes harsh measures of
law enforcement parties applied to the offender.
A) the influence of public opinion
B) coercion
C) regulation of social institutions
D) group pressure
4. A group of people who have sunk to the social bottom, beggars, persons without a certain
place of residence is ..
A) marginals
B) lumpen
C) estate
D) social class
5. Are the following judgments about social control correct?
A) Social control is the totality of all norms that determine behavior
a person in society, streamline relationships between people.
B) Social control is a special mechanism for maintaining public order.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong.
6. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior true?
A) Deviant behavior is a deviation from the pattern that prescribes
B) Deviant behavior is of a relative nature, since norms differ
societies, social groups.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong.
7. Nations and nationalities are ...
A) historical types of society
B) ethnic communities
C) demographic groups
D) settlement groups
8. In which of the following situations, the behavior of a person in society can be assessed
how is it conformal?
A) A person consistently defends his principles and even if it is fraught
conflict, tries not to change himself.
B) The person remains committed to his beliefs, although he prefers not to go to
open conflict, he would rather get out of the situation, remain outside of it, than give in to himself.
C) A person, out of a sense of contradiction, always strives to be different from the people around him,
his position is to be different from everyone else.
D) A person skillfully adapts to other people, he does not have his own opinion, for him
it is always important not to stand out from the majority, he is unprincipled and faceless.

9. Are the following judgments about socialization correct?
A) Successful socialization allows the individual to actively participate in many processes,
occurring in public life.
B) The process of socialization is mainly aimed at the formation of a typical
group properties and qualities of a person.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong.

Topic: "Social Relations"

Option 1.

Part 1.

1 . Children, youth, men are social communities that are allocated according to

1) territoriality 2) ethnicity

3) demographic 4) professional

2. Social status is

1) behavior expected from an individual 2) a person's position in society

3) the form of adaptation of individuals 4) the form of implementation of social functions

3. Prescribed status includes

1) nationality 2) educational level 3) income level 4) occupation

4. Upward vertical social mobility includes

1) promotion 2) occupation entrepreneurial activity

3) demotion 4) retirement

5. The teacher becomes a senior teacher, a senior teacher - an associate professor, an associate professor - a professor. This is an example

1) social stratification 2) social adaptation

3) social mobility 4) socialization

6. Almost a third of US presidents come from poor or middle-class families. This example is a manifestation

1) horizontal social mobility 2) vertical social mobility

3) social stratification 4) social adaptation

7. The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by

1) high political activity 2) common life

3) general hobbies 4) professional growth

8. The traditional (patriarchal) family is characterized by

1) the dominant position of the father of the family 2) the increasing role of women in the family

3) mutual respect between spouses 4) active participation of women in production

9. One of the conditions for the emergence of a nation is

1) development of economic and cultural ties between close peoples

2) an increase in the level of education of the population

3) increased fertility

4) formation of the rule of law

10. The concept used in social studies to define those who find themselves on the social bottom

1) stratum 2) marginal 3) lumpen 4) plebeian

11. Workers, engineers, teachers make up a community

    political 2) demographic 3) professional 4) ethnic

12. Are the following judgments about the types of social groups true?

A. Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians are ethnic groups.

B. Men, women, children, the elderly are professional groups.

Part 2.

1. Establish a correspondence between the main social institutions and spheres of social life: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) state 1) economy

B) religion 2) politics

C) education 3) spiritual culture

D) production 4) social relations

D) family

2. Establish a correspondence between the criterion of social status and its type: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) nationality A) attainable

2) profession B) prescribed

3) gender

4) education

5) social background

3. Find in the list below the concepts related to the signs of the stratification division of society, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    income level

    place in the system of social production

    attitude to the means of production

    basic lifestyle features

    role in social organization of labor

    social prestige

4. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

"The concepts" ______ "(1) and" ethnos "are similar, therefore their definitions are similar. There are three types of ethnicity. For ______ (2) the main basis for uniting people into one _______ (3) is blood ties and general ____________ (4). With the emergence of states, ________ (5) appear, consisting of people related to each other not by blood kinship, but by economic and cultural relations of a territorial-neighboring type. During the period of bourgeois socio-economic relations, ______ (6) is formed - an ethnosocial organism, united by ties of cultural, linguistic, historical, territorial-political nature and having, according to the English historian D. Hosking, “a single sense of destiny”.

The words on the list are given in the nominative case, singular... Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap with words. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) origin B) tribe C) community D) nation

E) people E) nationality G) nationality 3) race I) diaspora

Option 2.

Part 1.

1. The position of a person in society, determined by his material capabilities, rights, duties

1) status 2) prestige 3) mobility 4) authority

2 ... Indicators of the achieved personality status include

1) social background 2) age 3) gender 4) education.

3. Democratic (partner) family, in contrast to the patriarchal (traditional), is characterized by

1) living together for at least three generations

2) fair division of household responsibilities

3) the economic dependence of women on men

4) the dominant role of men in the family

4. A small social group includes (belong)

    townspeople 2) teachers 3) school graduates 4) family

5. Upward vertical social mobility is illustrated by an example

1) the actor moved from one regional theater to another

2) the basketball coach has moved from one top division team to another

3) the head of the shop received an invitation to take the position of the chief designer of the plant

4) the lieutenant was demoted to ensign

6. What feature distinguishes youth as a social group

1) homogeneity, lack of differentiation 2) common political beliefs

3) similar behavioral traits 4) unity of income level

7. The concept used fordesignation of a social group occupying an intermediate, unstable position in the social structure

    proletariat 2) intelligentsia 3) marginals 4) lumpen

8. Moving people from one social group to another

1) social mobility 2) social stratification

3) social adaptation 4) social stability

9. Prescribed status includes

    woman 2) wife 3) mother 4) volleyball player

10. The social role is

    social status of a person in society

    change in the position of the individual in the social structure

3) a certain model of behavior that meets the expectations of others

4) the rights and obligations of the individual

A1. Assessment of the social significance of the positions taken by people is called

12. Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?

A. Social mobility refers to the movement of a person from one social group to another.

B. Social mobility is understood primarily as an increase in the level of a person's income.

    only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

Part 2.

1 . A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "ethnic community". Find and specify a term that refers to another concept.

Clan, tribe, caste, nationality, nation.

2. Establish a correspondence between the type of status and a separate social status: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) margin A) acquired

2) Belarusian B) prescribed

3) the chairman of the trade union committee

4) man

5) 16 year old man

6) brother

3. Write down the word missing in the outline.

4. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“The family is based on , (1) and / or consanguinity small ____ (2), the members of which are united by cohabitation and housekeeping, emotional connection, mutual _____ (3) in relation to each other. Also, the family is called social _____ (4), that is, a stable form of relationship between people, within which the bulk of their Everyday life: sexual relations, childbearing and primary _____ (5), a significant part of domestic care, educational and medical services, especially in relation to children and the elderly. These relations are regulated on the basis of certain norms and (6) ".

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular, numbered. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap with words. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) value B) marriage C) socialization D) team

E) duty E) institution G) parent 3) group I) love

Option 3.

Part 1.

1. Social status is

1) the social position of a person in society 2) the expected behavior of the individual

3) a set of rights and obligations of an individual 4) a group of people connected by the unity of residence

    Unemployed 2) intellectuals 3) youth 4) beggars

3. The achieved status of a person corresponds to belonging to a certain

1) profession 2) age 3) origin 4) religion

4. The idea that the student should answer in the lesson is an example

    social mobility 2) social status

3) social status 4) social role

5. Social prestige is

    social significance, attractiveness of a particular profession

    the social position of a person in society, which is characterized by his abilities, education

    social movement of an individual from lower to higher status

    social behavior of an individual, determined by his social role

6. Many Roman emperors came fromfrom ordinary soldiers. This fact is an example of manifestation

1) social stratification 2) social status

3) horizontal social mobility 4) vertical social mobility

7. Name of a person's belonging to an ethnic group

    people 2) nationality 3) nation 4) tribe

8. This status is inherited. Its owner is endowed with certain social privileges. This is the status

1) an official 2) a nobleman 3) a financier 4) an entrepreneur

9. This family includes several generations of relatives living together. The younger ones here unquestioningly obey the elders. This family can be attributed to

1) traditional 2) partner 3) spousal 4) nuclear

10. After graduation, K. got a job as a programmer in one of the private firms. Soon he was able to get the same job in a company located closer to his home. This situation can be seen as an example.

1) social stratification 2) horizontal mobility

3) professional differentiation 4) vertical mobility

11. Social stratification is

    social difference, inequality in the position of people

    the result of interaction within a community group

    any changes in personality status

    individual's assimilation of social norms

12. Are the following judgments about the social role correct?

A. Social role includes a set of rights and responsibilities.

B. Each status is characterized by the performance of one social role.

    only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

Part 2.

1 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of status and the individual status of the individual: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Russian 1) achievable (acquired)

B) lumpen 2) prescribed

C) regiment commander

D) man

E) university professor

2. Write down the word missing in the diagram

Answer: _____________________________

3 . Look for signs of social status in the list below and circle the numbers under which they appear.

1) profession

2) gender

3) eye color

4) following the fashion requirements

5) respect for parents

6) marital status

4. Read the text below where a number of words are missing.

“Society is dynamic: both individuals and social groups are constantly changing their _____ (1). This phenomenon is called social ______ (2). Sociologists distinguish between several types. Movements that do not change the social status of individuals and groups are called ____ (3) mobility. Examples are the transition from one age group to another, a change of place of work, as well as the relocation of people from one locality or country to another, i.e. _____ (4). ______ (5) mobility presupposes a qualitative change in a person's social status. Examples include obtaining or depriving a title of nobility in a feudal society, a professional career in modern society, etc. The channels of mobility are social _____ (6): family, school, property, church, army, etc. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative, singular. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap with words. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) migration B) mobility C) horizontal D) institution

E) status E) vertical G) group 3) stratification I) marginalization