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The main reasons for the arrival of Hitler to power. Hitler's arrival to power and legislative fixation of the fascist dictatorship

January 30, 1933 President of the German Reich Aged Feldmarshal Gindenburg Assigns Adolf Hitler For the post of Chancellor (Prime Minister).

Less than a year before, in March-April 1932, Hindenburg and Hitler were competitors in the presidential election. Hindenburg was elected in the second round, gaining 19, 2 million votes, while Hitler received 13, 5 million. The Social Democratic Party, the strongest in the postwar years, called on to vote for Hindenburg as "less evil".

Chancellor von Papen (by the origin of the landowner, like Hindenburg) dismisses Reichstag (Parliament) twice, in July and November 1932. In July, the National Socialist Party (abbreviated "Natsi", Hitler's party) receives the greatest number of votes - 13.7 Million, 230 places out of 607. But in November, it loses its influence: having received 11.7 million votes, it is deprived of 34 seats. The Communist Party, receiving 6 million votes and 100 seats, establishes its historical record.

Such a provision seems anxious, and therefore the background Papen, who was fired from the post of Chancellor, advises Hitlerburg in January 1933. To call Hitler to compile a coalition government together with the classical right faction. The background Pappen seems to be neutralized by Hitler and they lead.

He will be very soon disappointed: for several months, Hitler will free from his allies and destroy all the opposition.

As opposed to popular belief, Hitler did not come to power by elected way: His party at the top of his influence, in July 1932, received only 37% of the vote. And in the last elections in Reichstag, in March 1933, in the midst of the Nazi terror, it scored only 44%.

Hitlerovsky fascism

The term itself and the concept fascism Arise in Italy. Mussolini, the former socialist leader, having passed to nationalism, organized his movement in the "bundles, ligaments" ("Fascio" in Italian), and his party took the name of the "fascist party". Corrected by King Viktor Emmanuel in 1922, he gradually eliminated freedom and parliamentary institutions to establish a dictatorship mode in 1926.

The National Socialist Party of Germany, created in 1918, remained a marginal group for a long time. She is obliged to crisis. In the 1930 elections, it increases the number of votes received eight times, and its representation grows from 14 deputies to 107.

Post-war time in Germany is marked by a deep social and political destabilization. The revolution in Germany forced Emperor Wilhelm II on November 9, 1918. To renounce the throne. She developed under the strong influence of the Russian revolution. The advice of workers and soldiers have been created, universal eligible law has been introduced (including for women). The working day is limited to eight hours. The Social Democratic Party preserves a dominant position. In January 1919, Social Democrat Sock with the help of the General Staff crushed an attempt to an uprising extreme left, "Spartakovtsev", and their leaders of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg were killed. The Soviet Republic in Bavaria existed not long.

Approved in 1919 in Weimara, the Republican Constitution establishes a certain federalism With 23 lands, kings and princes of which are devoid of thrones.

Weimar Republic Survives social difficulties. To facilitate the payment of reparations, the government systematically practices inflation (in December 1923, 4,200 billion grades give per dollar!). All the burden falls on workers who do not receive salaries, and on average classes whose savings in government bonds are completely destroyed.

The bitterness of the lesion nourishes the extremely right movements that systematically resort to violence (attempts to coup Kappa in 1920 in Berlin, Field Marshal Ludendorf and the Nazi Party in Munich in 1923, killing political opponents). For this reason all parties, including Social Democratic, create half-forming formations. Extremely right is defeated to the account of "betrayal" of politicians, it is "Marxists" (socialists and communists) and the Jews.

In the ideas of the National Socialist Party, you can find general foundation Classic right: decision of democracy, cult of leader, nationalism (It is necessary to combine in the framework of the Great Germany all nations, speaking in German, that is, to question the boundaries established by the Versailles). Nazis are also peculiar racism and anti-Semitism (The superiority of the Aryan "race", the prototype of which are Germans; at the bottom stage - Slavs, doomed to be slaves and the land of which should be the "living space" of the highest nation. At thenime, both Jews are guilty of all sins; they must be rejected from the German people and destroyed).

However, at least at the beginning, the Nazi Party joins nationalist and racist slogans. certain social demagogy. It binds from the extreme left of some elements of their program ( nationalization trusts and large trading expropriation Large ownership). This, however, conversations will stop when approaching power. The party also borrows the left red banner (with the image of a broken cross) and repeats almost the word in the word in its name "German National Socialist Workers 'Party" name of the Social Democratic Party ("German Social Democratic Workers' Party").

Installation of Nazi dictatorship

It is much faster than Mussolini in Italy, for several months, Hitler was able to push himself to the side of his allies from among the traditional right and assign himself limitless power.

In February, he uses in his own interests. fire Reichstaga (provoked by the Nazis) to declare communists outside the law and eliminate all civil liberties. The Communists in the concentration camp followed the Jews and oppositionists of all the masters, socialists, Christians.

Despite the terror latest elections In Reikhstag, March 5, 1933 gave the Nazis only 44% of votes. But the raised raestag votes for the transfer of the completeness of Hitler's authority. The rest of the parties are dissolved, the main semi-leading organization of the right "steel helmet" is included in the "assault detachments" (CA) of the Nazi party.

At night on June 30, called "At night long knives", the main leaders of SA, which seemed to have tried to implement the initial social policy of the party, were killed by SSEsov.

The organizational network of the Nazi party enlisted literally all society, surveillance and inflation are made norm. The fascist greeting by raising the hand, accompanied by the "Haile Hitler" formula, becomes almost mandatory, and the refusal of it immediately attracts attention.

The successes of fascism in Europe

Italy, as we saw, before Germany stood on the path of fascism. In Portugal and Poland in 1926, military coups lead to power, respectively Oliveius Salazara And Marshala Pilsudsky, which install dictatorships, inspiring the ideas of traditional right and relying on the Catholic Church.

In Spain dictatorship Primo de River (1923-1930) with its "Falanga" is related to fascism. He eliminates the replacement of the republic in 1931 Civil War (1936-1939) will lead to power the fascist regime of the general Franco.

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Chapter 1. Hitler's arrival to power

1 Beginning of the Fascization of Germany

2 parish of the Nazis to power

Chapter 2. Legislative Consolidation of Fascist Dictatorship

1 Establishment of Nazi dictatorship

2 racial policy of the Nazis

3 Legal System of the Third Reich




World events recent years Create fertile soil for the revival of the law Extremist movements. World economic crises, social tensions, growing abyss between rich and poor, increasing migration to European countries, problems of illegal migration, which give birth to xenophobia and nationalism. All this contributes to the increase in extremism, radicalization in society and questioned the peaceful future of mankind, which in his pursuit of money and the authorities begins to forget the past.

The fascism is based on a racial theory, according to which the leading role in the world is destined for the Aryan (German!) Race, which is the only one in the world characterized by courage, a high concept of honor, loyalty to the homeland, organized, intelligence and creative potential. The advancement of the Aryan nation occurs in history gradually, ending with the conquest of Germany Polmir and the establishment of its "the center of the Aryan race - creator". Other races, according to this theory, as a result of "in-eyed impurities" received "negative" qualities and therefore should stand below the Aryan. So, after the last, Scandinavians and the British go, then the French and Spaniards, then Romanians and Italians, and even lower - Slavs. From the peoples of Asia, the elected race was proclaimed by the Japanese, and the Indians, then Koreans, are even lower than the Chinese and negros. Significantly below all listed - Arabs and Gypsies. Jews are called Hitler "Neochochkami", attributed to the nation, "unsuitable for life", only the poisonous life of other races and first of all, Aryan. According to this concept, Jews must be subjected to complete extermination. Slavs first, through exorbitant work, hunger and sterilization of men should be sharply reduced in numbers, and the residue is turned into slaves. In the please of this theory, proclaimed in Germany from all the stands, a lot of people were destroyed, representatives of the "lower" races. The German Hitler is divided into two large groups - clean Aryans and unclean Aryan elements. According to the concept of the companion of Hitler Panze, the German race, depending on the purity of blood, was divided into the best part, the so-called nordic element, then to the dinar element, then to the East Baltic and oriental elements. The reduction in the purity of the race was explained by impurities, first of all, Slavic, and then, Romanesque blood. In order to "increase" racial "purity", special science was taken into service - Eugene, that is, the doctrine of racial purity and how to improve it. It was based on the principle of selection and disposal of rocks, that is, on the basis of the special anthropological selection of men and women - "elimination" of children's "clean" race. For this, a special organization "Lebenssborn" ("Source of Life") was created, in which the "production" of the Aryans children was created.

The concepts of honor and loyalty were only to the Aryan race. In relation to the Slavs, the Romantic and Other Arian had the right to do everything that he would like. Murders, violence, bullying were not considered crimes against lower races.

Only persons who did not have "non-anarchy impurities" were accepted into state structures, not less than five generations. Soon after the arrival of Hitler in March 1933, the Ministry of Propaganda and Folk Enlightenment is created. Its task was the eradication of everything that contradicted or simply did not support the Nazi ideas, as well as the change in the worldview of the Germans.

Each family had to have a house flag at home, many books were forbidden to read and keep at home, and besides all this, the "militarization" of the civilian population of all ages and ranks was carried out, especially young people. Mercency, cruelty, blind faith in the Fuhrera, willingness at any time to fulfill any order, inspired to all the Germans, and especially how we have already emphasized youth. "Every word, even said at home, should be known to the Führer," people were brought up under such a slogan: as a result, a neighbor came to a neighbor, colleague on colleague, housewife on a housewife, etc. The cult of power, faith in the unprecedented human mind opportunities, Hearts conquered young people.

In this work, we will try to consider how such a rigid totalitarian dictatorship, with a racial ideology, came to power and as the Nazi Tips could legally consolidate his ideology in Germany.

Chapter 1. Hitler's arrival to power

.1 The beginning of the fascization of Germany

With the beginning of the Rurassic Crisis, the right-old political groups began to prepare a decisive attack on the constitutional system. However, the experience of Kappovsky pounding showed that the violent liquidation of the republic could create a dangerous vacuum of power. It was necessary to enter the arena of a new political movement, fundamentally not associated with the Weimar parliamentary system and sufficiently massive to ensure the visibility of the legality of the state coup. The basis for it was the right-handed groupings. The origins of the ideology of law-revital groups are found in the software plants of conservative movements of pre-warning germany. And its final design is associated with the extreme exacerbation of the national feeling against the background of military defeat, in the context of the most severe socio-economic crisis of post-war years. Ideologists of the conservative revolution - O. Spengler, Meller Van Den Brug, K. Schmitt, E. Jung, M. Schpp, F. Junger, and others - Protesting against liberal ideals, rejected and monarchical legitimistic conservatism, thereby creating a spiritual environment for numerous Launch estimist movements. Their core was the volunteer corps of war veterans (fraykory), traditional "Youth Unions", Felkish and Anti-Semitic Organizations. Thus, in Germany, the process of formation of an early fascist movement began, with political radicalism, militant, rebellion, a predominance of negative, destructive goals. A peculiarity of the early fascist movement in Germany was a significant role of nationwide consolidating ideology and less, compared with similar movements in other countries, the influence of corporate and anarcho-syndicalistic ideology, the minimum role of social Catholicism. Special specificity had a leading organization of such a sense - the National Socialist Party.

In January 1919 Under the guidance of a locksmith Munich railway workshops, Anton Drexler was created by the German Workers Party (DPE). Then she was headed by the retired Epreitor A. Hitler. Soon the DAP was renamed the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NSDAP), developed software installations Parties in the spirit of the ideology of the "National Revolution" and radical solidarism. NSDAP fell into the field of view of Edward Stadler, which represented the interests of the right political circles, which from 1920. After the failure of Kappov Putch, work began on the consolidation of nationalist mass organizations, capable of withstanding the influence of the ideas of "Jewish socialism" (Marxism) among the working class.

In the first period of its existence, the NSDAP was a few and insignificant even on the scale of Munich group. However, her fate has changed radically in 1920, when the party had powerful patrons from the "German Order". This semi-face occult organization featured the ideas of spiritual renewal of humanity, based on a racial hierarchy with overcoming the limited human mind through an introduction to the highest mystical sources of life. Propaganda of the occult ideas of the Order found fertile soil in spiritually dismissed German society. It was very quickly acquired and a clear political character - racial ideas were very consonant with the theory of the National Revolution. The "German Order" possessed a unique feature of the political style. Particular attention was drawn to mystical, occult aspects of propaganda. The rate was made on the irrational aspects of human behavior. The priority value was attached to the search for the mission - "a person among people", which passed through earthly trials capable of "seeing his apostolic debt" and destroy the obstacles to the "spiritual path of the Earth."

In 1920 Members of the "Society of Tula" (the Spiritual Center of the German Order) Dietrich Eckert and Alfred Rosenberg began to patronize the DPP. They were attracted by the figure of the party leader - Adolf Hitler. He was ideally suited for the role of the mission.

In the shortest deadlines, the party of Hitler was transformed. Under the influence of the representatives of Tula, the ideas of National Socialism in the ideological doctrine of the party were connected with mystical occult motifs. The emblem "Tula" is a swastika, which is an ancient mystical symbol of the eternal movement of the Sun, became the official emblem of the party, denoting the connection of the Aryan ancient traditions with the heroic of the ancient Germann Nibelung. Based on the Runic Signs, a system of other party characters was developed, a party standard was introduced, the flag of imperial colors, special rituals (including saline raised up with hand, mass torch processions). All this created a completely unusual picture of the party, attracted even sophisticated people in politics. The patrons of the NSDAP helped the batch acquire their own newspaper - "Felkisher Beobachter". From 1921 Under the leadership of Captain Ernst Rem, who was responsible for the connection of the Bavarian Government with Fraikura, began to create assault detachments (CA) - militarized formations of NSDAP. But the main weapon of the Nazis was considered a personal genius of Hitler. From 1921 He becomes a furent party - a dictator with unlimited powers. german fascism Nazi racial

Ruhr crisis 1923g. He became a signal to the active actions of opponents of the republican system. The Nazis was assigned an important role to organize a wide patriotic movement in Bavaria. Chancellor Kuno was ready to convey the full power of the army. However, in the summer of 1923. Reichstag decides on the formation of the Government of the "Big Coalition" (from the SDPD to the NDI). He was headed by Gustav Schrtseman - the leader of the NDI, one of the leaders of the right camp. Not being a supporter of Weimar democracy, Strezman still believed that the "catastrophe policy" could cause a new global conflict with the Entente and bring the country to death.

An important reason for the consolidation of the centrist forces during the Ruruga crisis was the activation of the left wing of the conservative and revolutionary movement - National Bolshevik. The ideas of National Bolshevism were popular among members of many fraycores.

In the context of the escalation of political violence and threats to the consolidation of extremist movements, the Government of Strezman has set it to combine liberal-democratic and right-republican forces to protect the constitutional system. The events came out of control only in Bavaria, where the leaders of the NSDP still decided on an open speech. November 8, 1923 Nazis, taking hostage visitors to the beer hall (beer coup), put forward the demand of the dissolution of the Bavarian Land Government and the proclamation of the National Revolution. However, the march of the Nazis on the streets of Munich the next day was dispersed by the police. The leaders of the party were at the dock and were convicted of minor terms of conclusion. The lawsuit itself was turned by Hitler to a propaganda performance. Despite the unsuccessful result, it was the "beer coup" that turned the NSDAP into the political force of a generallyman scale.

In the mid-20s, Germany first fully breathed political freedom. For several years, she did not know any serious workers' strikes, nor government crises. According to the results of the elections 1924. The leading position in Reichstag was taken by the Centrist Parties. Radical Parties of the CSG and NSDAP also formed their fractions (respectively 45 and 14 seats), having made a bet on parliamentary forms of activity, refusing extremist actions. However, the visibility of national unity hid the symptoms of the upcoming crisis. The uneven development of the socio-economic sphere, the preservation of the non-equivance position of Germany in the international arena, the rejection of new democratic values \u200b\u200bby many social groups of German society accumulated explosive social material.

Anxious signal for the ruling elite of the Weimara Republic became presidential elections 1925, when Field Marshal Hindenburg won a victory thanks to the hands-on nationalist propaganda campaign. Results of extraordinary elections in Reichstag 1928. showed the rapid growth of the electorate of the most radical parties. NSDAP retained a small fraction (12 seats). The new "big coalition" office, united by the SDPG, the Center, NDP and NNP headed the Social Democrat Müller.

1.2 The arrival of the Nazis to power

Began in 1929. The global economic crisis revealed all the relativity of political and economic stabilization in Germany. The German society turned out to be in a distinguished position, the growth of social pessimism began, despair. The political crisis has increased.

Government of Bunning, formed in March 1930. He took a course for a rigid anti-crisis policy. In September 1930 Brynging convinced President of Hindenburg ahead of time to dissolve parliament. However, the results of new elections were unexpected. The second largest fraction after Social Democrats formed NSDAP (107 mandates), which received votes of 6.4 million Germans.

In 1930 The Nazi Party was very different from that small, amorphous, extremist party, which took the "beer coup". The preceding years Hitler used to consolidate his movement. While in a prison sentence in Landberg, Hitler wrote the book "My struggle." In it, Führer outlined his vision of the foundations of national socialism. The doctrine of Nazism was focused on the creation of the Third Reich - the Millennium State of the Aryan race. The racial hierarchy in which the Germans held a dominant position should be the basis of a new world order. The struggle for world domination was considered by Hitler not as a pragmatic expansion in economic and political purposes, but as a total war, the burned, in which the German nation would be cleaned of the bad and return their right of the highest race. The concept of national socialism was closely connected with the occult rhetoric, it was considered by apologists as a higher knowledge of mystical origin. Along with usual for fascist movements, the ideas of the Craparative System, the prevailing role of the state in the economic life, a single-party system, National Socialism justified the special moral and ethical and aesthetic code, the cult of strength, struggle, blood as an expression of a genuinely healthy human essence. Mystical and fanatical faith in the idea of \u200b\u200bnational socialism, blind subordination of the will of the Fuhrer, readiness for personal self-sacrifice was considered by Hitler as natural norm in-party life.

Along with the design of the ideological doctrine in the mid-20x gg. Hitler conducted organizational restructuring of the party. NSDAP became the state in the state, the prototype of the future of the Third Reich. The assault detachments of SA and the personal Guard of Fuhrera SS were created as the core of the new army and the system of state security. Party courts were created, political departments duplicating the most important government agencies, the system of subsidiaries (for young people, women, intelligentsia) and professional corporate unions. From 1928 The territorial organization was introduced into the NSDAP. The whole country and regions of Czechoslovakia, Austria, Belgium, Poland with a compact German population were divided into GAU, followed by dividing up to street and quarterly blocks. Within the framework of this structure, a pyramidal system of Führianism was created. Oddinky the experience of the "beer coup", Hitler elected a new party coming strategy to power. He made a bet on legal forms of activity in the framework of parliamentary democracy. "Relaying opponents faster than to defeat them in the elections, but the guarantee of our authority will be their own constitution," he argued.

Elections 1930s. Strengthening the positions of the left parties. Staying the NSDAP, the Communists at the same time joined the sharp criticism of the Versailles heritage. The activation of the left-radical movement has significantly worried government and entrepreneurial circles. It became obvious that two political policy is formed in the country, from which the fate of Germany itself depends. The change in the image of the NSDAP made it a more attractive partner. From autumn 1930s. The largest organizations of industrialists in Germany are beginning to increasingly demand the arrival of Hitler to power.

Elections in 1932. Gave the Nazis the greatest number of places in Reichstag. Hitler seemed to the majority of Germans with the only hard and serious politician capable of restoring order within the country and its sovereignty on the world stage.

The agony of the Weimar Republic regime took place in the last two months 1932. In the situation of the growing government crisis on January 30, 1933. President Hindenburg suggested Hitler the post of Reichskansler. Before the full establishment of the Nazi dictatorship remained another year, but the fate of Germany was solved.

Chapter 2. Legislative Consolidation of Fascist Dictatorship

.1 Setting Nazi dictatorship

Having come to power, Hitler began to methodically transform the republican system to the totalitarian dictatorship. The practice of National Socialism is not at all at all, and not everywhere became the practice of the state and society, but in all places the process of totalization immediately began. In the field of propaganda, National Socialist innovations replaced the institutions of the former states that received only initial development. Catholic Church He managed, the price of severe victims and considerable loss of prestige, maintain their own position, and even lawfully consolidate it. Party submissions agriculture I was able to introduce into the relevant ministry, in any case, its chapter and a number of important employees; But the party department of foreign policy could not be implemented in the Cash Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it remained relatively powerless. Sa in vain attempt to establish control over ReichSver; But the SS managed to subjugate the police in several techniques. Gaulyakers, depending on their personal qualities, achieved more or less influence on public administration His districts. Many National Socialist Ministers were, in a certain sense, "tamed" by the large extent of the central institutions, the price of some concessions. In certain areas of life, the introduction of the "principle of Fürrtia" went towards a tangible need, and in others it led to fad consequences. Some events, for example, the burning of books, caused screams of horror throughout the world; Others, such as the energetic persecution of the Communists, met in many foreign circles explicit or hidden approval.

Provocative arson of Reichstag February 27, 1933, in which a mentally unbalanced Dutch communist Van der Lyubboy was accused, gave rise to the unleashing of a noisy anti-communist company. On her background, the Nazis prepared new parliamentary elections, which were supposed to provide a NCDAP qualified majority in 2/3 in the Reichstag, which is necessary for constitutional transformations. Elections took place in the fifth of March, and the Nazis really were able to significantly increase their fraction (288 seats). But this was not enough. Hitler entered a coalition with the Party Faction (NNPP 52), which sought guarantees of the rights of Catholics with a new mode. The votes of the two factions, as well as most nationalists who willingly supported Hitler, was enough to hold on March 24, 1933. In the Reichstag of the Emergency Powers of the Government.

In accordance with the law "On the elimination of the plight of the people and the state" of March 24, 1933. The government received legislative rights, including by publishing laws contrary to the Constitution (with the exception of issues related to Reichstag and Reichsrat). On the same day, the law was adopted "On the protection of the government of the national rebirth from insidious encroachments", which implies criminal liability for the "rude distortion of reality, condemnation capable of causing severe damage to the well-being of the empire." In accordance with him, the Communist Party of Germany was banned in March, after all trade unions were dissolved later. In June, the SDP has been outside the law. And soon and other parties announced a "samorem". In July 1933 The law was adopted, the final forbidden the existence of any political organizations except the NSDAP. The exceptional functions of the Nazi party in the system of the German state were consolidated by law on December 1933. "On ensuring the unity of the party and the state." In accordance with this law, Reichskanzler as a Führer of the only legitimate party received the right to personally form the composition of the Reichstag and appoint senior officials.

Imperial device underwent substantial restructuring. In the spring of 1933 Landstags were removed from the formation of land governments. By law of April 7, 1933. "On the merger of the regions with the empire", headgalkers (governors) began to be put on the land administration, as a rule, from among the Gaulyakers of the NSDAP. By law of January 30, 1934. Landstags were generally eliminated, and the staffs were redeemed by the Imperial Government. A month later, Reichsrat was eliminated. The last act of consolidation of the new regime was to focus in the hands of Hitler's authority of Reich kansler, President and Commander-in-Chief after the death of President Hindenburg on August 2, 1934. The principle of Fürrtia was extended to all the state. In Germany, with the formal preservation of the Weimar Constitution, a totalitarian dictatorship was created.

At the same period, 1933-1934. Hitler has taken decisive steps to consolidate their own party - the destruction of the opposition inside the NSDAP. The existence of the so-called "left", or antihytler, the wing of the NSDAP was associated with the legacy of the National revolutionary movement. The "Left Flow", headed by Brothers Gregor and Otto with Strassers, took shape in the NSDAP after the failure of the Munich coup in 1923.

Open confrontation of Strasserners and Hitler began with 1926. Hitler achieved the elimination of the "working community", but until the beginning of the 30s. Gregor Strasser remained man number two in the party. Until certain time, he was even useful to the Führer, as he made a great contribution to the expansion of the NSDAP's social base, in establishing contacts with financial and government circles. Otto Strasser with the group of the most consecutive supporters was forced to get out of the party already in 1930. and form an autonomous party "Combat Commonwealth of Revolutionary National Socialists". A year later, on its basis, a wide movement of the national-fragile sense "Black Front" was formed. It was the "black front" was considered by Schleicher at the end of 1930. Like one of the main partners of confrontation with NSDAP. However, to play any noticeable political role of the organization O. Strasser failed. After the arrival of the Nazis, the position of supporters of the city of Strasser inside the NSDAP changed to power. Hitler could not tolerate such a dangerous opponent. During the "Night of Long Knives" June 30, 1934 Representatives of the "left current" were destroyed. At the same time, many leaders of attack aircraft were killed, including their commander Ernst Rem. In the ranks of CA, the group was eliminated, dissatisfied with the excessive tightening of the principle of Fürrtia and the Waste of Hitler from the "Revolutionary Principles". By the end of 1933. More than 200 thousand people were expelled from sa. Thus, the monopoly domination of Hitler in the NSDAP was enshrined and the beginning of the creation of a completely unique totalitarian model, which was significantly different from both the totalitarian-communist system in the USSR and from the fascist regimes in Italy, Austria, Spain and Portugal.

2.2 Racial policy of the Nazis

He consisted mainly of three large legislative jokes separated by significant breaks in order to consolidate the achieved and develop a habit of these activities. At the rapid beginning of 1933. He followed a half relatively calm years, before Nuremberg laws marked a big and fundamental further step. Then for two and a half years there was no special change, but from the beginning of 1938. The events simply overtook each other, reaching the highest point in November 1938.

"The Law on the Restoration of the Public Service" of April 7, 1933, first containing the "Aryan paragraph", which provided for the retirement of all officials of non-Russian origin, with the exception of former front-line and their family members. Very soon, this paragraph was distributed by analogy to lawyers and doctors of hospital cash desks, and a little later - on writers and artists, students and schoolchildren; Very soon the majority of Germans were forced to show "evidence of Aryan origin."

june 1933 Reichs minister of the Interior declared the threat of the death of the German people due to a decline in fertility. The first legislative measure in this sense was the "law on preventing damage heredity", published July 14, 1933. The hereditary diseases listed in it are very diverse in nature and diagnosticity, the main and unusual is the fact that the will of the most patient or its legal representatives does not have, according to this law, decisive; An officially authorized doctor or head of the institution may make a proposal for sterilization, which makes the decision of the "court of hereditary health".

On the same day, the "Law on the abolition of naturalization and deprivation of German citizenship was published. It makes it possible to cancel the "unwanted" acts of naturalization committed from 1918 to 1933, thereby fulfilling the old demand of the party, but at the same time cancels the principle of state continuity.

Nuremberg legislation 1935 He represented two racist legislation ("Basic laws") - "The Law on the Citizenship of Reich" and "The Law on the Protection of German Blood and the German honor", proclaimed on the initiative of A. Hitler on September 15, 1935. At the Congress of NSDAP in Nuremberg and unanimously adopted by the Reichstag session, specially convened in Nuremberg on the occasion of the party congress.

"The Law on Citizenship" and the "Law on the Protection of German Blood and the German Honor", divided the residents of the state in the category of "citizens" and "subjects". All of the fullness of political and social rights was recognized only for the "citizens" - persons of German or German-related nationality ("Folksdoch"). "Cases" lost political rights and were limited in a number of civil rights. At the same time, the legal status of "citizens" had a certain internal differentiation. An important criterion for the completeness of legal status, especially in the field of political rights, was the degree of racial purity. For persons with a ridiculous race, including admits of Jewish blood, were established of different kind Interim categories of lesions in rights. To the "racially clean" citizens presented additional requirements to their behavior to constantly prove their desire and the ability to "correctly serve the German people." Failure to comply with this obligation could serve as a basis for deprivation of citizenship or partial defeat in rights.

year brought with you an energetic resumption of politics racial recovery . In the new instructions on the implementation of the Law on Imperial Citizenship, the posts of doctors were abolished, and still remaining exceptions for lawyers and attorneys on patent law were abolished. For this followed cleaning All health care. Even the tax law was subjected in 1938 rasky Complete, for example, for the Jews were canceled benefits for children. The order of Gering on the registration of Jewish property made it possible to foresee the future course of events. In July, some crafts were also prohibited. In October, there was an order for which foreign passports of the Jews marked the seal J. . A law on changing the names and names of January 5, 1938 has already served such a goal. In it, like naturalization, the assimilation of names was canceled. The instruction on the implementation of this law, introduced in August, prescribes the forced addition of the Jewish name (Sarah or Israel).

After the murder in Paris on November 7, 1938. Secretary of the Embassy of the Background of Rata 17-year-old Jews Gershlem Greenspan, the practice of "direct action" was renewed, quickly interrupted in 1933. The authorities staged a gigantic Jewish pogrom and established a special tax in one billion brands. The National Socialist Policy turned Germany to prison for most German Jews - the poor and deprived of foreign relations. In the summer of 1939, the Jews were forbidden to attend German cultural institutions, to appear at a certain time in certain places and led any vehicles.

Summing up, you can recall that A. Hitler himself thought about racial politics in Germany. In his appeal to the "Imperial Party Congress of Labor", 1937, Hitler said: "... Germany made the greatest revolution, he was sacrificed for the first time by folk and racial hygiene. The consequences of this German racial policy for the future of our people will be more important than the action of all other laws, because they create a new person. "

2.3 Legal System of the Third Reich

The formation of totalitarian statehood in Germany was generally completed by 1934-1935. The activities of state institutions of management, control and suppression, acquire direct social functions, invading a person's privacy, destroying an independent human being. However, it was not so much about the creation of a certain supercantralized police state, how much about the change in the foundations of the relations of a person and the state, on the formation of the original legal doctrine, closely related to the discharges of the national socialist ideology. In contrast to ordinary authoritarian systems, a person seems to be here not only as an object of political will state, but also as an active personal beginning. Only the individual nature of the person denied, its opposition to society, inherent in the liberal constitutional and legal tradition. The person was considered as an organic, an integral part of society, and its legal status - as a derivative of the status of the main socio-legal entity - the German people. As a result of the basis of the right status of a person, his public loyalty becomes the recognition of the "Interest of the People" (as a real and non-division for interests, group and private) as a higher one's own interest. The personality was not called for a detachment of private interests, but was to strive to combine them with prevailing public interests.

The specifics of the national-socialist doctrine compared to other fascist concepts of state-building was the narrowing of the legal concept of "people" to a separate social Groupwhich was declared a higher entity of legal relations and genuine carrier of power sovereignty. The Aryan Race appeared in this role as a special ethno-cultural appearance. The real legal status of the personality was already determined not only by the degree of public loyalty, but also the direct affiliation of a person to the highest carrier of sovereignty, that is, "racial purity". At the same time, a certain dualism of the legal doctrine, justifying the existence of the German National State and, at the same time, the creation of the Aryan Reich. This problem was finally solved by Nuremberg Legislation 1935.

The doctrine of the Aryan People's State has become a basis for the deep transformation of the entire legal system of Germany. In 1937 The main arch of German law is a civil code of 1896. - was replaced by a set of separate laws processed in accordance with racial legislation. From 1939 The preparation of the new Civil Law Code began - "folk deployment". Its leitmotif was the formula that determines the essence of the National Socialist Occupational Conduct: "The right is that it is useful to the people and Rehih." The changes are indicative from this point of view. Which were listed in the science marriage. Designed to ensure the racial purity of the German society, the new rules have limited even the freedom of marriage - for marriage required a mandatory sanction of special "health courts".

The provision and role of criminal law changed in the system of branches of law. Based on the concepts of the fundamental interests of the individual and society, the criminal law system was focused primarily on the establishment of responsibility for state crimes, and not for crimes against the personality. The interpretation of the compositions of state crimes was expanded - both from the point of view of offenses in the field of new legislation (for example, racial) and the possibility of preventive punishment of dissent. At the same time, the legal category of the "enemy of the people", belonging to the subjects, not only who committed certain criminal acts against public security and the public good, but also simply not separating national-socialist (folk) beliefs, opposing their private interest to the people etc. Accordingly, the "anti-people" image of thought also became a sufficient composition of the crime against the state. Responsibility for state crimes has been significantly tightened. So. For example, a crime against members of the NSDAP and officials of the state treated the death penalty or imprisonment for over fifteen years. From 1933 introduced new form The death penalty is hanging.

As part of the new edition of the Civil Procedure Code (1934) and the Criminal Code (1935), the system of legal proceedings was undergoing significant simplification. The legislation of the Reich was predicted by the return force - the crimes committed before the adoption of the relevant laws were subject to punishment. The hearing was made in the abbreviated procedure. The course of the hearing acquired underlined the "immediate" character, was not focused on compliance with the principles of formal legality, but to find out the essence of the case. Resolution 1935 The judges were prescribed to be guided by the principles of "National Afficient" and the ideas of National Socialism. In cases where the existing legislation did not give direct regulations, his own legal consciousness of judges was considered as a sufficient basis for the decision of the court. The institute of advocacy was completely loosened, but the procedure for judicial protection remained mandatory. Even the obligation to preliminary justifying persons refused by poverty from the payment of preliminary court costs, the degree of prospects for consideration of the case, the possibility of its positive outcome, was assigned to the courts. The judicial system itself was not substantial restructuring, but along with conventional courts since 1933. Special courts have been introduced to consider anti-government crimes. Such courts consisted of three members of the party, and their meetings were shludred without the presence of jury. The decision on the direction of the case into an ordinary or special court was taken by the prosecutor. The system and party vessels preserved, who considered the cases of NSDAP members. In 1936 For consideration of particular important affairs, a People's Court was established, consisting of appointed life judges, jury and advisers. It is characteristic that the main part of the resolutions of the People's Court did not differ in great rigidity. During its existence, he sentenced 225 thousand people. A total of 600 thousand years of conclusion. At the same time, 5 thousand death sentences were made (however, most of them had already had a period of war).


Thus, the socio-economic and political situation of the 20s. In Germany, contributed to the radicalization of political movements. The 20s have become the arena of the struggle of two opposite, but related political movements, which drew "human material" from similar in their psychological peculiarities of people. The struggle of the left and law-radical groupings determined the course of the further history of Europe. Strong social contradictions in society facilitated the leaders of radical parties their propaganda work. The German people, tired of the shocks of wartime, post-war ruin and humiliation, and enthusiasm followed his leaders. Faith in the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism and communism was stronger than the danger of another war. The left movement was strong enough to resist the fascism, but it was compromised in the eyes of Europeans the horrors of the Red Terror in Soviet Russia.

It should be emphasized that the German fascism, unlike other fascist regimes, was unique. If the fascists considered the state as a total concentration of the People's Spirit, the Nazis saw only the formal structure in it. Race and Personality, these are the main factors of the worldview of the Nazis. The state is a means to goal, and is underlined temporary, limited nature. Before society stood the highest, great goal - New world racial order, and it is this goal that all spheres of life were subordinated.

Having come to power, the Nazis using several legislative acts that are racial nature, among which Nurenberg legislation emphasized emphasized, focused on the ideology of national socialism in Germany.

The worst war, which broke out after this, millions of human victims will always make this topic with themselves. History lessons do not give people the right to forget the past.


1. A. A. Oparin "Fascism"

Big Soviet Encyclopedia

Galkin A.A. Reflections on fascism // Social transformation in Europe of the twentieth century. M., 1998.

Dame V.V. Totalitarian tendencies in the twentieth century // The world in the twentieth century. M.: Science, 2001

The history of fascism in Western Europe. M.: Science, 1987

Melgunov S.P. Red terror in Russia. M.: JV "PUICO"; "P.S.", 1990.

7. The newest history of the countries of Europe and America. XX century: studies. For stud. Higher. studies. Vehicles: at 2 h. / Ed. A.M. Rodriguez and M.V. Ponomareva - M.: Humanit. ed. Vlados Center, 2001. - Ch. 1: 1900-1945. - 464 p.

Rakhshmir P.Yu. The origin of fascism. M.: Science, 1981

Totalitarianism in Europe of the twentieth century. From the history of ideologies, movements, modes and their overcoming. M.: Monuments historical thought, 1996

Ernst Zolte. Fascism in his era.\u003d1

Yuri Kuznetsov 2004 - 2010 "New look at fascism"

Secrets of the Third Reich: As Hitler came to power. In today's article, do you learn how Hitler came to power and what influenced the consolidation of his personality in power?

How Hitler came to power briefly

In 1929, the economic crisis, which generated the crisis of moral ideals began in Germany. The country, practically, was collapsed: people were left without work, wounds from loss in the First World War were still fresh (15 years since the beginning of 1 World War), the government, according to citizens, was weak. Germany needed simultaneously in a strong hand and a god-like leader capable of inspiring and negligent - so Hitler came to power.

Hitler's biography was not the most iris: did not take it to the art academy, it was not for what, had to move, went to serve. Adolf Hitler managed to come to power thanks to the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. In essence he spoke on behalf of ordinary work, which accounted for the most difficult in those days.

What's in your name, Hitler?

What was special in Hitler? Schizoid personality (cheat. NLP) with dusting speeches and extraordinary talent for oratorical art. Undoubtedly, he attracted fellow citizens. The desire for change and successful speech helped Hitler come to power. As they say, there is a demand will also offer. In other conditions, when the country is not on the verge of collapse, it is difficult to imagine that this personality will be required as Hitler.

Hitler promised:

  • Improve the quality of life of workers;
  • Return the former glory of Germany;
  • Raise small workers low middle class, artisans and farmers;

The Third Reich thought, as a single ruling force for a thousand years, but she existed, fortunately, for the rest of the countries, 12 years. The date of appearance is considered to be January 30, 1933.

Key dates:

  • 1929 - crisis.
  • March 1930 President Paul von Guildenburg failed to agree on financial policies. Appointment of a new Reichskanzler. Rigid savings mode.
  • September 1930 Elections in Reichstag: The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NSDAP) increased the number of mandates.
  • 1932: Victory in elections - 37% of the vote and the largest party in Reichstag.
  • January 30, 1933, the appointment of Hitler Reichskanzler.
  • August 2, 1934: Death Paul von Hindenburg. Taking the decision of the Nazi government to unite the post of Reichskanzler with the Presidential - the authority of the authorities switched to Hitler.

Exit from depression or the miscalculation of the elite?

Supporting Hitler The conservative elites clearly calculated - the hope of the introduction of "their" views was disappeared along with the first introductions in the new post.

Politics of several months:

  • In 1933, cancellation of freedom of printing and assembly;
  • March of the same year - deprivation of the actual power of the Parliament;
  • April - the abolition of management of federal lands;
  • May - overclocking free trade unions;
  • July - Ban of parties, except for national-socialist;
  • Boycott of Jewish stores;
  • Prohibition of Jews work with doctors, journalists, teachers (schools, universities), lawyers;
  • Spring 1933 - the creation of concentrated camps for political.

Pros of the internal policy of Hitler:

  • Elimination of unemployment;
  • Gasket of motorways, channels, defensive structures;
  • Centralization of the economy;
  • Association in Corporation: Energy, Trade, Banking, Industry, Crafts and Insurance;
  • Card distribution system of goods;
  • Introduction of the standard for metal products, machine parts;

(While there is no estimates)

The program leads Mark Krutov. Radio Radio Correspondent Radio Liberty Yuri Veksler.

Mark Krutov : In Germany, today recall the date, forever changed the course of history not only of this country, but also the whole world. January 30, 1933, Exactly 75 years ago, German President Paul Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler's Reichskanzler. This day is considered the day of the arrival of the Nazis to power. In our program, the material on this topic has been prepared by the Radio Correspondent Freedom in Germany Yuri Veksler.

Yuri Veksler : Although in the first government of Hitler there was only three members of his party (he himself, Frick as Minister of Internal Affairs and Goering in the post of Minister without a portfolio), but also the Nazis themselves, marched in the night Berlin, and many thousands of their fans celebrated victory .

Sounds music

Yuri Veksler : And on the establishment of a dictatorship of Hitler, it took quite a bit of time - less than two months. I have been living in Germany for 15 years, and often with surprise Mimmering his German period with the Nazi episode of German history. Only 12 years old - 6 peaceful and 6 military. Only 12 years old from the appointment of Hitler by Chancellor to the complete surrender of his such confident army to almost complete destruction of German cities.

No, he is not a small terrorist in Stalin's era, as stated in one joke. The 12th anniversary of the Renuities of the Nazis is characterized by colossal changes in life. In the first 6 civilians, it is stacked with all the devise, robbery and deprivation of all civil rights of German Jewry, which has developed in the direction of assimilation over the centuries. German Jews, for example, the heroic fought in the German army in the First World War. He did not save German Jews and the fact that many of them, including famous artists, have long switched to Christianity. It did not prevent the Nazis to prohibit so favorite the authors of Henry Heine and Felix Mendelssoh-Bartold. Among the propaganda success of this prone to theatricalization of the regime were the summer Olympic Games of 1936 in Berlin. Games opened Adolf Hitler himself.

Adolf Gitler : I declare 11 Olympic Games in Berlin, the games of the new era, open.

Music sounds, guns

Yuri Veksler : The capital of Reich looked at the then free and tolerant, hospitable city, in which Black American Jesse Owens became a universal favorite and hero. In the film Romma "Ordinary Fascism" is shown, as Hitler is experiencing about the success of Owens, who defeats the German favorites. Maybe the Führer was worried, but the dramatization in general does not spoil.

In Hitler, you can see anything, as you can do different authors, and a zombie, and crazy, and a homosexual, but this does not explain anything and does not change that Hitler was a man of a particular policy - power politics. Consider the results of only the first 100 days of the board of Hitler. Let me remind you, he is appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933.

Already on February 1, President Hindenburg in the please of Hitler dismissed Reichstag and announced new elections. On February 4, the Communist Party was prohibited based on the Decree on the Protection of the German People. Less than a month after the arrival of Hitler, on February 28, was issued a decree of the president about the protection of the people and the state, which was introduced by the right of the state to arrest on suspicion. And soon thousands of communists and social democrats were behind the bars. On March 20, the first committee of Dohau was created. But even before his appearance, numerous opponents of Hitler were planted in temporary places of conclusion, temporary camps, organized by CA in basements of houses, gymnastic halls and barn. The creation of Doha and followed by camps in Germany the population was explained as a measure to combat crime.

On March 22, 1933, the Department of Racial Hygiene was created at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and already on April 7, a decree was published on the dismissal of all non-Aarical civil servants. On April 26, the Secret State Police was established - Gestapo. The main achievement of Hitler on the way to the completeness of power was the adoption of the law heavily by Parliament on March 23, 1933 of the Law on overcoming the needs of the people and the country. Since this law provided the government, but, in fact, Hitler, the right to publish and put into force new laws without making them by parliament and even without approval by their president, then this new law De facto and approved the transition to dictatorship. This law was adopted as a temporary measure for 4 years, but his action was held twice with Reichstag, and in 1943 just by the decision of the Fuhrer, which has long combined the function of both the president and the head of government in this title.

The famous German historian Goetz Ali has shown in his studies as Hitler's regime constantly bribed the German people to improving the standard of living, bribed due to the robbery first, the Jews and then all the countries enslaved by the Nazis countries. The historian concluded that if today I had to return the looted then with interest, today's salary and pensions in Germany would have to be reduced twice.

Hitler was a great seductor of the masses. Already in the first months of the board, he was elevated in the monumental film of Lazy Riephentstal "Trumf Will". But if Liza Riephentstal never repentedly in the fact that he was a temptation, then here is the personal secretary of Hitler Traudel Jung, shortly before his death, repented to the TV game. Traudel Jung:

Traudel Jung : I was satisfied for a long time that I personally did not commit any crimes, and I didn't know anything about the crimes of Nazism, at least about their scale before the end of the war. But in one beautiful day I saw in Munich a memorial plaque in honor of the anti-fascist Sophie Show, and then I saw that she was my row, and that that year I came to work for Hitler, she was executed. At this point, I first felt that my youth does not apologize to anything that it was possible to learn the truth and then it was possible.

Yuri Veksler : Modern Germany is a country, extracting his lessons from the past. This was well told in his famous speech on May 8, 1985, the then President of the country Richard von Wezzekker.

Richard von Wezsecker : We saw from our own history, for which a person is capable of. But we have no right on the basis of our knowledge and experience to believe that we have become different, the best people. We are not talking about overcome the past. This is absolutely impossible. The past does not allow yourself to change or do not existed. He, however, who closes his eyes to the past, he will be as a result of the blind in the present. He who does not want to remember inhumanity, he can again be defenseless in the face of a new plague.

Yuri Veksler : Richard Vayzsekker spoke Richard.

The arrival of fascists to power. Fascism in Germany appeared immediately after the end of the First World War as one of the species of reactionary militaristic nationalist currents, when anti-liberal, anti-democratic movements have acquired a pan-European character. In 1920, Hitler made a program from "25 points", which subsequently became the program of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Penetrated by the nationalist, chauvinistic ideas of the superiority of the German nation, the program required a revenue to restore "justice, filled with versalem".

In 1921, the organizational foundations of the fascist party based on the so-called Führer-principle, the unlimited power of the "Chief" (Fuhrera). The main goal of the creation of the party becomes the spread of fascist ideology, the preparation of a special terrorist apparatus for the suppression of democratic, anti-fascist forces and, ultimately, to capture power.

In 1923, after the universal strike of the German proletariat, the fascists are attempted to capture state power ("beer coup"). The failure of the couch makes the fascist leaders to change the tactics of the struggle for power. Since 1925, "Battle for Reichstag" begins by creating a mass base of the fascist party. Already in 1928, this tactic gives its first fruits, the fascists receive 12 seats in Reichstag. In 1932, according to the number of mandates, the fascist party receives more places than any other party presented in Reichstag.

On January 30, 1933, Hitler, by order of Hindenburg, is held by the post of ReichCanzler in Germany. He comes to power as the head of the Coalition Government, since his party did not even have a majority in Reichstag. This circumstance did not have, however, the meaning, since Hitler's office was a "presidential office", and Hitler is a "presidential chancellor." At the same time, the results of the elections of 1932 gave a certain halo of legitimacy to his chancertery. A variety of social sections and groups of the population voted for Hitler. The widespread social base of Hitler was created at the expense of those who, after the defeat of Germany, the soil was knocked out from under the feet, the very confused conclusion of an aggressive crowd, who felt a deceived, who lost his life along with the property, experiencing fear of tomorrow. The social, political and psychological unpleasurness of these people, he managed to use, showing the way to save himself and humiliated Fatherland, promising various circles and groups of the population, all that they wanted to monarchists - restoration of monarchy, workers - work and bread, industrialists - military orders, ReichSweru is a new elevation due to the grand military plans, etc. Nationalist slogans of the fascists attracted Germans more than calls for "mind and patience" of social democrats or to "proletarian solidarity" and the construction of "Soviet Germany" of the Communists.

Hitler came to power, relying on direct support for the official and informal ruling circles and the reactionary socio-political forces standing behind them, which were considered necessary to establish authoritarian regime in the country to end with the hated democracy and the republic. Experiencing fear of increasingly gaining strength left movement, before revolution and communism, they wanted to install authoritarian regime With the help of a "pocket" chancellor. Hindenburg clearly underestimated Hitler, calling him for the eyes of the Boghemian Efreitor. He was filed by the Germans as "moderate." At the same time, all the scandalous, extremist activities of the NSNRP were betrayed. The first collapse of the Germans came the day after the arrival of Hitler to power, when thousands of attack aircraft arranged a formidable torch before Reichstag.

The coming to the power of the fascists was not the usual change of the office. He marked the beginning of the systematic destruction of all institutions of the bourgeois-democratic parliamentary state, all democratic conquests of the German people, the creation of a "new order" - a terrorist anti-people regime.

Initially, when the open resistance of fascism was not finally depressed (in February 1933, anti-fascist demonstrations were held in many places in Germany), Hitler resorted to "emergency measures", widely used in the Weimar Republic on the basis of emergency presidential powers. He formally never refused the Weimar Constitution. The first repressive decree "On the Protection of the German People", signed by President Hindenburg, was adopted on the basis of Art. 48 Weimar Constitution and motivated by the protection of "social peace."

To justify Hitler's emergency measures in 1933, a provocative arson of the Reichstag was required, in which the Communist Party of Germany was accused. Following the provocation, two new emergency decisions were followed: "Against the treason of the German people and against bankruptcy actions" and "On the protection of the people and the state" adopted, as announced, with the aim of suppressing "harmful to the state of communist violent actions." The government was given the right to take on the powers of any land, issue decrees associated with violation of the secrets of correspondence, telephone conversations, inviolability of property, trade union rights.

See also: