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"We go to the second." Latest direct presidential elections in Georgia moved to the second round

Goodbye, first class!
Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the end of the first class
To the music "Air Corn" T. Spencer Children enter the music hall and perform rebuilding: go through the center with each other, diverge in different directions through one. Then go through the center of pairs, fours, bypass the musical hall "Snake", again go through the center after each other, diverge through one in different directions and are built in a semicircle at the central wall.
Teacher. The expensive guys ended our first academic year. He was not only very interesting, but also difficult. Today we say goodbye to. Him, as with a good, smart friend.
1st child.
First grade! In the first time ago, you accepted us. I went to the second way to say goodbye to you.
2nd child. Rustam
Chalk, board, paintings, the card will move with us, a little higher will be the parties. Then you will grow up with us.
3rd child. Rumitt
We love each otherFor friends we stand the mountain, and my manifolds in the second one.
4th child. Matvey
And the teacher, what? Would you like us with you? No, the teacher is also at the second.
Teacher. And remember, guys, how did you come to the first class? What did you wait from school?
Song "What is taught at school"
Teacher. Guys, let's now remember your first letter lessons, where you learned to write smooth sticks, hooks, tails. Who wrote in the working line, and who and by.
5th child. Lera
Yes, the letters write a very difficult thing!
And today I confess that I boldly.
Others are written easily and beautifully,
And I, that I will do, Coso and crooked.
We will warm, happened, in other people's notebooks
Words like soldiers stand on the parade.
And then ... As if the storm went on the page.
It's time, eh, it's time for me to learn!
Teacher. It is necessary not only to write beautifully, but also right.
6th child. Artyom T.
Student you will be nice
Kohl will start writing with the title.
And take awareness
Point to cum suite.
Do not forget the other signs:
Comma, ellipsis ...
Punctuation marks
We need like breathing.
7th child. Idel
In combination of life
Only write.
In combinations of chop
We write only the letter A.
In combinations of Chu-Schu
Write only the letter W.
Teacher. Guys, do not forget these rules when familiar proverbs will be made from individual words.
A contest "Compose the proverb" is held.
Wishing to participate in the game children are distributed envelopes, in which there are cut on separate words Proverbs. From these words, children should make famous proverbs and read them out loud.
There is no friend looking for, but I found the take care.
Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Red Bird Feather, and man mind.
Good start half of the case.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
Case time, fun hour.
Teacher. You worked well, now you can relax. I declare a musical pause!
Performed song from the repertoire passed for the year.
Teacher. Mathematics Science of all sciences! Who is of you know how to count? Well, of course, everything!
8th child. Nathan
I really like learning
I am not afraid to answer.
I can handle the task,
Because it is not lazy.
And beautiful and strong
9th child. SAMI
There is a job everywhere.
All count something:
How many charcoal domains
And chocolate kids
How many stars in heaven
And freckles on the noses.
10th child. Olya
How many in the room corners?
How many legs at Vorobiev?
How many dokens in the kindergarten?
How many in the peng of kopecks?
The table has four legs,
Five kittens from our cat.
One, two, three, four, five
All I can recount!
11th child. Rufina
One, two, three, four, five
We will count your fingers.
If you lay hands together.
How many fingers will be? Ten!
12th child. Vika
Mathematics is complex
But I will say with reverence:
Mathematics need
Everyone without exception!
Mathematics everywhere!
Eye will only take
And examples of different uyma
Be sure to find!
10 children participate in the game. They hold the cards with numbers from 1 to 9 in the hands of the cards. Under the fun music, the participants of the game run by a swarming around the hall. When music stops, children should find a pair so that in the amount it turned out 10 (1 and 9; 2 and 8; 3 and 7; 4 and 6; 5 and 5).
"Mathematical marathon"
All children class have a swarming. Music starts to run easily. Music stops, the teacher gives the team: "Two!" Children must quickly stand in pairs. Game continues. According to Teacher's team, children are rebuilt on three, four, five, six people in a circle. Children who did not have enough space are squatting.
"Well, count!"
Children sit on chairs. In the hands of the teacher, two cards on which "+1" and "-1" is written. The teacher calls the number and shows any card. Children calculate and call the answer.
Teacher. We are all in perfect order with mathematics, well done! But how carefully you read books, we will now find out. Our quiz for lovers read
She was never on the ball. Cleaned, soap, cooked, spilled. When it happened to get to her ball, then the head of the prince lost it. ("Cinderella" sh. Perro.)
The fat man lives on the roof, he flies all above, jam loves and playing with the baby. ("Carlson who lives on the roof" A. Lindgren.)
Grandma girl loved her little woman, her red hat gave her. Girl name forgot your own. Well, tell me, what was the name of it? ("Red Cap" S. Perro.)
The enemy of people and all animals of the evil robber ... (Barmalei)
Someone will declare your mouth, someone swallowed something. Doubled everything around, and what everywhere fright! ("Stolen Sun" K. Chukovsky. ")
Now I will remember the book another. There is a blue sea and the sea shore. The old man goes to the sea and the nem will throw, someone will catch and ask something. ("Fishing about fisherman and fish" A. Pushkin.)

Teacher. Well done, and with this task coped. Do you want to play a little more?
The game is held "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!"
Who is neat and cheerful early in the morning rushes to school?
Which of you come to the class late for an hour?
Which of you keep in order books, handles and notebooks?
And who learn laziness, who is in bed all day?
Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
Who does a home lesson performs exactly on time?
Who among you today aloud in the lessons caught flies?
Which of you your work is decorated with class and house?
Who is whimping and lazy? Well, quickly answer!
Teaches who poems and multiply table?
Which of you want to know, loves to sing and dance?
Movable dance is performed from a familiar repertoire.
Teacher. Today, our holiday has important guests, these are your parents. Dear parents
What a pity that our holiday is committed to an end
But we should not be discouraged!
Now you will learn at school
I will wait with you a new meeting.
13th child. Elvina
We were all kids,
When came first in class
And, having received notebooks, books.
For the desks sat for the first time.
14th child. Dalner
Did not know letters, we did not know how
And removed sticks with difficulty.
But led a teacher to the cherished goal
From an hour to the hour, day after day.
15th child.
We did not have time to look back
And days like birds flying.
We know the letters, we know the syllables,
We can say, count.
And gradually gradually
We learned to read everything.
16th child.
Be sure to say goodbye, first class, with a defense.
They soon go into the second.
Performed song "Friendship strong"
Teacher. That ended, guys, your first academic year. And ahead of you are waiting for a wonderful summer holidays!

The scenario of the holiday "We go to the second".

Purpose:summing up the learning of first-graders.


Promote the development of communicative skills, culture of behavior;

Organize a psychologically comfortable situation for self-discharging personality.

Show everyone together and everyone individually;

Slide the team of children and parents.

Holiday traffic.

Teacher. Hello expensive guys, moms, dads, grandparents! Today in our class a solemn and beautiful holiday! We complete the classes in the first grade. And you, dear guys, will soon become second-class students.

Teacher. First grade! First grade! How many competent do we have?

Children. We are 31 children!

Teacher. Who is in the order of books and notebooks?

Children. We have!

Teacher. Let's turn together the first school pages together.

Presentation. "1st grade"

Alina Sh.

First class, first class,

A year ago, you took us.

We switched in the second

And say goodbye to you.


We say goodbye and dance,

We do not cry, but by me,

Because failures

We will not meet in the second!

I know how to show Moscow on the map.

We are fun with the song

Forgive with the school

So that in autumn to school

Back again.


And teacher? What?

Will you quit us with you?

Not! Teacher too

Goes into the second!

Song: First steps.

Top top
Tops baby

Little legs are hurrying so
In school 80 everyone wants.

Very difficult
In the unknown, the first steps.
School Walkway So Length -
It stretches straight to the sky.

Top, top. (2p)

Soon grow up -
And in graduate school you will get.
And you will be able to
Earth to get around the circle.

Time do not lose
All items are better to learn
Walk all the twins side,
After all, the friend is your teacher.
Top, top.

Soon grow up
And you will go expensive -
It will not be easy to kid, sometimes
Start all in life for the first time.
Top top

Tops baby
With mom and bouquet - cute haircut
Little legs are hurrying so
In school 80 everyone wants.

And now, let's play a little.

Game x- 0.The guys are divided into 2 teams (1st - crosses, 2nd - Noliki.).

Purpose of the game: fixing in the process practical activity Theoretical knowledge.

Each command performs the task and gets chips for the correct answers.

The playing field is closed by cards (cross or zolik). The team who won the next competition receives the right to choose the next contest.

Questions are compiled taking into account the software content of the 1st grade.


This is the academic year.

Oh, how we are tired.

But on the whole year

We are adult steel.

Alina Araslanova.

My school and I made friends forever.

Not lazy, even though Shalii sometimes!

Say goodbye, first class, with a defense

- We go to the second today!


There are parents from us

We can't do without them.

Let them from class in class

Transfer too.

Teacher.Dear parents, let me make gratitude for active participation in class life. (Presentation of gratitude to parents).

Guys worked all year. For their work, they are awarded diplomas about the end of the 1st grade. (Presentation of diplomas for children).

Guys, tell me, that's the academic year ended, and what awaits you ahead?

Children. Vacation - Summer.

Teacher: Let's tell your parents what summer is.

Song "Summer". (Sl. Yu.ntina, music. E. Krylatova).

Here it is, our summer,

Summer bright greenery dressed

Summer hot sun sogreto,

Blowing up summer breeze.

On green solar downturn

Green frogs jump

And dancing butterflies-girlfriends,

While flourishing around.

We are on the road with a song about summer

The best song in the world

We are in the woods of Hedgehog, you can meet,

It's good that the rain passed.

We are covered with a bronze tan,

Berries in the forest are burning with fire.

Summer is roast no wonder

Summer is good.

Teacher.You coped with all the tasks, and switched to the second class.

And now we invite everyone to festive table. Tea drinking.

Director / Os.v.lukoyanov

Right holder illustration Getty Images

Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, a former citizen of France Salome Zurabishvili, which enjoys the support of the ruling party "Georgian Dream", in the first round of the presidential elections scored 38.64% of the votes. Opposition candidate Grigol Vashadze received 37.74%.

Exit-floors, held by order of Zurabishvili, gave her victory from 52% of votes, but after counting the votes, it turned out that the 66-year-old native of Paris scored much less.

For victory in the first round, the candidate needed to gain more than half of the votes. Thus, the country is waiting for the second round. According to the CEC, Georgia, it should take place no later than December 2.

"Election elections took place," said Grigol Vashadze, nominated by the Opposition Association "Power in Unity". According to him, despite the "tons of money, falsification and different tricks," the authorities could not attribute to Salome Zurabishvili.

"I have a request - no euphoria, no celebration in advance - we have ahead of the second round, in which we will definitely win, and the power change will begin in Georgia," Grigol Vashadze said.

  • Georgia chooses the president. Last time direct vote
  • The prosecutor's office of Georgia told how the murder of Patarkatsishvili was planned

In the ruling party, the second round is considered an indicator of democratic and equity of elections.

"It is the" Georgian Dream "there is a guarantee that in Georgia the elections will never be falsified," the Secretary General of the ruling party, the mayor of Tbilisi Kakha Kaladze.

At the same time, according to him, these elections are sobering for the ruling party and send from the people: "Much in the country needs to be changed, and do it quickly and efficiently." This message was adopted, said Caladze.

In total, 25 candidates fought for the presidency.

The head of the election commission Tamara Zhvania announced that there were no serious violations during the vote.

This is the latest direct election of the President of Georgia.

Recommendation ahead

Earlier, the data of the exit-floors conducted by the Consultation Center "Psychoproekt" on the order of the Georgian Dreams were observed.

The survey gave the victory with the candidate Zurabishvili in the first round from 52%, although exit-floors commissioned by other candidates indicated that the second round would be.

The policies gathered at the electoral headquarters, the policies were admitted after the announcement of these results, but Zurabishvili itself was more restrained, reports from Tbilisi a correspondent for the Russian BBC Nina Achmeteli service.

"I love caution. I am very happy, but carefully happy," Zurabishvili said, noting that she would still wait for official results.

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. Supporters Salome Zurabishvili (right) began to celebrate victory ahead of time

Zurabishvili, Vashadze from the "Unified National Movement" and Candidate of "European Georgia - Movement for Freedom" David Bakradze was considered the main competitors in the elections. Zurabishvili called the favor of the race.

Bakradze recognized his defeat shortly after the closure of the plots.

All three were held by ministerial posts in the government under President Mikhail Saakashvili. The ruling party "Georgian Dream" did not put forward his candidate, supporting the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Zurabishvili.

Zurabishvili was born in Paris in the family of Georgian family of Georgian politicians - her father and mother were part of the Menshevian government of independent Georgia until 1921.

Salome worked in the structures of the European Union, NATO and in Foreign Affairs of France. In 2003, she moved to Georgia, having received the post of Ambassador France to Tbilisi, and the next year Saakashvili appointed it by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. Already in 2005, she was resigned and went to the opposition.

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The war of the compromant before the elections in Georgia

During election campaign Zurabishvili became the object of ridicule in social networks Due to what he speaks in Georgian with errors.

Proms of power

The representative of the ruling party explained the relative failure of the candidate who enjoyed the support of the authorities, a negative election campaign against the background of a difficult economic situation.

"Unfortunately, as in the case of any government, the concentration of our government added to us excessive self-confidence and, accordingly, in general, there were no adequate feedback, communication with society," said the head of the Georgian dream of Kaladze.

At the same time, he is confident that Salome Zurabishvili wins in the second round.

Zurabishvili enjoyed the support of the ruling party and at the parliamentary elections of 2016, winning in one of the majority districts of the Georgian capital. Against this background, many consider its independence rather formality.

Low Yavka

According to the Central Election Commission, 46.74% of voters took part in the latter direct elections. Approximately the same turnout was in previous elections.

The President will be elected for a six-year term and will change Georgy Margvelashvili, who occupies this post since 2013.

According to the new constitution, which will act after the inauguration, the powers of the newly elected president will be limited.

This is the latest direct presidential elections in Georgia. The next president in 2024 will be chosen by the electoral board consisting of 300 delegates.


  1. To summarize the joint activities of the teacher, students and parents for the school year.
  2. Promote the development of parents and students initiatives, the ability to communicate and form the culture of interaction.

The melody of the song "School Years of Wonderful" sounds (Sl. E. Dolmatovsky)

Year 2005! Solar May has come!
A fun and happy holiday we have gathered all today!

1 student:

Kids many times
We played first class
Even dreamed of me in a dream
Class with a table of 1st "A".

2 student:

Repeated once a hundred
Marshak or Barto
And sighed day by day:
"We grow very slowly!"

3 student:

Dreamed of class us more than once
In September, the dream came true.
In the morning we put on,
They took new portfolios
And we went the first time
In the first class!

4 student:

We were all funny kids,
When was the first time in this class,
And, having received a notebook with pencils,
Beyond the desk the first in life once!

5 student:

Everyone in life
The only time
It happens your first
Your memorable class
And first tutorial
And the first lesson,
And the first sliding
School ...


Rates school bell.

6 student:

You remember it was around
Sea colors and sounds.
From warm mom's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He introduced you to the first class
solemnly and respectfully
Your hand is now in your teacher's hand.

Teacher:Dear Guys! Dear Parents! Today we are all worried about a little. Today we have an unusual day - the day of farewell to the first class! It seems that you have recently came to our school, keeping hands for moms. But flew year. You learned a lot during this time, read a lot of books, spent a lot of interesting things, made friends tightly. Hard was the first class - the first step on the ladder of knowledge. Difficult for both you and your parents. But all of you really coped with the task. And I sincerely congratulate you on another serious victory!

Song "What is taught at school" (Sl. M. Plyatkovsky, Muses. V.Shinsky)


I'm at the lesson for the first time
Now I am a student.
Included teacher in class -
Get up or sit down?
I have been told: "Go to the board" -
I raise my hand.
And handle how to hold in hand
I do not understand at all.
I'm at the lesson for the first time
Now I am a student.
At the desktop correctly,
Although I am not sitting.

Teacher:Guys, and let's look at our cool archive! These were our lessons!

Pupils: Russian language.

1 student:

Oh, and a difficult task -
Letters to write correctly.
And Dima has a desire
You tell about it.

2 student:

Long Elena Ivanovna taught us exactly,
And about a year later I wrote the word "cat."
It turned out that "the cat" did not immediately, he came out as requesting:
The entire row, the tail of the pipe, floods any.

(M. Burtenhev)


I really want the guys
Quickly grow up ...

3 student:

We already know how in the word
Emphasis Find.


In our class, not in the forest, we have long called the Fox.
We were looking for all stress in the "fox."
We shouted: "Fox!". Slipped voices.
I thought, and suddenly a fox comes running on the sound?
We are at your desk from behind next to the windows.
"Sit we, fox, will wait for your forests!"

(L. Fadeieva)

Teacher:And now a change!

Game "Collect a briefcase"

(According to my team, when music starts to sound, you must put in your portfolio only training equipment, a briefcase to fasten and put on yourself. The one who will do it quickly and correctly.)

Pupil: second lesson - mathematics.

Teacher:Probably, each of you had to hear that mathematics loves smeared and resourceful. And now you can make sure of it.

Scene "Two and Three" (B. Zagider)

Severe seizhes in the first class,
With seryle, do not joke!
Consider knows us
Almost up to ten!
Not sin such a sage
Touch a smoky nose:
Here is somehow at the table
He asks a question ...


Two pies here, dad, yes?
And you want to bet,
I can always prove
What are them not two, but three!


Here is one, but two. Look!
One yes two ...

Seryozha:Just three!

Father:Well done!


And in fact three!
And because I will take two
And the third you take!

Teacher:But most of all in mathematics you like the tasks.

Pupil: Adic - Mathematics.

Although you laugh, even though you cry,
I do not like to solve problems,
Because no good luck
On damned tasks.
Maybe the textbook is bad
Maybe there is no talent.
But I found a way true -
Immediately look in response.
How many cups, how many spoons?
It is possible easier, without clauses.
He folded the clock and cats,
Moved for people.
Exercise on health
If you do not feel sorry for the strength!
Well, why read the assist?
Once - added, two - I decided.
In general, Nepitra science,
If you look in response,
Only grandfather younger grandson
Found for five years.
And to Sverdlovsk city Nalchik
It became closer than Kamyshov,
And one indian boy
Ate 125 elephants.
Before Marsa, the way is untenal -
200 meters from the ground ...
Two boys and a half
Half the school went to school.
Adic - Mathematics Boyless!
Multiple, divides in half ...
I wonder how many bodies
Is there a little kilogram?


Dance (execute girls from class)

Pupil: Third lesson - reading.

1 student:

Native school, light class,
Merry circle of friends,
How many ahead of us,
Happy school days!
All these days sometime
Related to friends ...
Opened the book to us.

2 student:

Us manites the distance of the gray seas
And mountain ranges.
Let in life brighter and complete
Dreams come true.
All these days sometime
Related to friends.
In a big way to a wide way
Opened the book to us.

3 student:

After all, without a book, as without light,
As a good advice,
We are without a book, like without hands,
The book is the first friend.

4 student:

Who with a book in life steps,
Who with her knows how to be friends
This book always helps
Learn, work and live.

5 student:

We are smart and richer
We have to grow and be friends
She asks us the task
And teaches how to think and live.

Teacher:In addition to poems in reading lessons, we played the scenes. Let's remember one of them.

Scene "School in the Forest" (L.Mironova)



Teacher: Well worked. Well done! And now a change!

The game "most attentive"

I will tell you a story:
One and a half dozen phrases.
Only I say the word "three",
The prize immediately take.

Once pike we caught,
Planted, and inside
Small fish saw,
And not alone, but as much as ... two.

Dreams of a boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, at the start not the fuck,
And wait for the team: "Once! Two! .. March!"

When you want to remember poems,
You are not a bang until late night,
And about them to repeat
Spear-other, and better ... five.

Recently train at the station
I had to wait three hours ...
Well, what are you, friends, did not take,
When it was possible to take.

Pupil: Next Lesson - Music!

We also sing. And now we will show it with pleasure.

Children sing a chastushka on the school theme

Pupil:Yes, the poor are our moms and dads!

Schoolgirl:Why are they poisoned?

Pupil:Sit, look at us and, I noticed, cry!

Schoolgirl:Cry? So they want it! Let's give them this opportunity?

Pupil:Okay, let them play. I do not mind. When they also have such an opportunity!

Competition for parents

Teacher:Your parents not only know how to play well, they are also very good helpers.

A teacher for solemn music presents letters of thanks from the school administration for help in the work of the class teacher.

Song for parents "We wish you happiness" (from the repertoire of S.Nakhna)

Teacher: Today we can boast and our creativity.

(Exhibition of Pictures, DIY)


Smile in the morning puppy
And Rosinka and flower,
Petrow Butterfly in the meadows,
Sun in lung clouds.
Butterfly waving the wing,
Sun - affectionate beam.
And Rosinka will flash, glad
Seven-color wonder-rainbow.
And then you will see
How many in the world of beauty.
Excavating kindness
There will be a world to be friends with you.

Song "if good you"

Teacher:I understood! The lesson began - the world around.

Game "If you know the beasts, call them soon!"


First grade! First grade!
A year ago, you took us.
We switched in the second
And say goodbye to you.

Chalk, board, paintings, cards
Together with us will go.
Easily higher will be parties,
Together with us will grow up.

Fell in love with each other,
For friends standing.
And my girlfriend is with me
Goes into the second.

And teacher what?
Will you quit us with you?
No, teacher too
Goes into the second.

First grade! First grade!
A year ago, you took us.
We switched in the second
And say goodbye to you.

At school, lessons are over
We switched to the senior class,
Leave on the sun
Invites the river us.

Let calm in our class
Sleeps to autumn a call.
Hello, grass!
Hello, field!
Hello, sunny day!

List of used literature

  1. MA Besov. Jokes, games, songs will collect us together. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2000.
  2. MMDavydova. 30 children's matinees. M., Aquarium, 2001.
  3. I.Y. Ryabtseva, L.F.zhdanova. Come to us for a holiday. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2000.
  4. I go to the lesson in primary school. Extracurricular work. M., the first of September, 2001.

Natalia Nikolaevna Aliyev
Scenario of the holiday "Farewell, grade 1! We switched in the second "

Farewell to 1 class« We switched to the second ...»

First-graders Part lounge is included.

1. B. class We have turmoil and noise.

2. Soon will start?

3. Where is my suit?

4. What's the the holiday is preparing here?

5. Seen honorary guests will come!

6. Can the generals come?

7. Can admirals come?

8. Maybe hero, having flown over the whole light?

Teacher: No no no!

Give darling!

See, here are the guests!

Honorary. Important most!

Khor.: Hello, our parents!


We welcome everyone who came to our holiday! Farewell holiday with 1 class!

He is very joyful, but a little and sad: After all, first class It happens only once in life.

Song "How cool that we all gathered here today!"


You remember how it all began,

Everything was for the first time for you.

Toys and games, you, at home, leaving,

Mama went to the first class.

Children read poems.

1. Baby many times

We played first class,

Even dreamed of me in a dream

Class with a sign 1-"in".

2. DEPENDED class us more than once,

In September, the dream came true.

In the morning we put on,

They took new portfolios

And we went the first time

First class!

3. For my mother's hand, I securely keeping my hand,

Then we first went to class.

The lesson is most first in life.

Who met the first to us? School bell!

4. I remember that the bell is cheerful,

What has gone to you for the first time

When came with flowers to school -

Your best first class.

5. We met the teacher at the door -

Our true friend for many days.

And noisy family big

Girlfriends new and friends.

6. We were all ridiculous kids,

When they entered for the first time in this class,

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

For the desks sat in the first time in life.

7. I'm at the lesson for the first time,

Now I am a student.

Teacher V. class.

Get up or sit down?

Tell me: "Go to the board!"

I raise my hand.

And how to keep the handle in your hand?

I do not understand at all.

I'm in the lesson for the first time.

Now I am a student.

At the desktop correctly,

Although I am not sitting!

8. Everyone in life is the only time

It happens your first

His memorable class!

And the first textbook, and the first lesson,

And the first grinding school bell!

Rings bell

Teacher. Here the call rings is poured.

The guys now begins.

In life, a new band.

Student. Sitting at the desk cautiously

So that school units do not grab.

We revealed their alphabets,

Opened a clean notebook. Teacher.

So guys, now we go on a trip through the pages of the lessons passed ...


Teacher. Guess the riddle.

Teaches - tormenting

And he will teach - pleases.


Login ABC

- Hello, my favorite first-graders! I taught us a lot ... and remember, sometimes it seemed to remember all the letters, not to confuse them, merge the first syllables, read the first in the life of the word, put the emphasis in them, make up sound schemes... But fortunately, all of you coped with it! All students class Not just learned letters, but became real readers!

Letters first we did not know

Moms of fairy tale we read.

Now read yourself -

There are fairy tales with us!

Now we know letters, syllables,

And gradually gradually

Song "If you want to know a lot ...

Exercise 1.

Alphabet And now I suggest showing my skill. You need to take any ticket and read the riddle. And let my parents guess. Check if our mothers fairy tales forget?

With a host walks to school

Wooden boy

Fits instead of school

In a linen bolav.

What is this book?

How is the boy himself called? (Buratino)

He was born in Italy.

He was proud of his family.

He is not just a bow-bow,

He is reliable, loyal friend. (Chipollino)

My question is not difficult at all,

He is about the city of Emerald.

Who was Nice ruler there?

Who was there a wizard chief? (Goodwin)

from the fairy tale A. M. Volkov "The Wizard of Oz"

Who did not want to work, but playing and sang songs?

For brother, the third later came running in new house.

From the wolf of the tricky was saved, but long the tails were shaking.

The fairy tale is known for any child and is called .... ( "Three pigs")

Give a new trough, and a new home, and servants in addition.

But if she is angry, good luck together with her!

Everything will disappear, and in the sea it melts .... ( « gold fish» )

Surprised people: rides the stove, smoke goes,

And he eats big kalachi on the oven!

Tea himself is poured on his ownness,

And the fairy tale is called ...

("By magic")

Sits in a basket The girl has a teddy bear behind his back.

He himself, without knowing, carries her home.

("Masha and the Bear")

Near the forest, on the edge, three of them live in the hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three cribs, three pillows.

Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale?

("Three Bears")

Alphabet That's what great! (Praises children for reading, and parents for knowledge)

I read the story I first.

And dad wondered: "After all, you read a funny story and didn't even laugh!"

At first I will learn something, and then I'm fine!

ABC. And now, we reward our fastest readers class gram ...

Teacher. Dear alphabet! The guys have prepared another song for you!

Song "Bukov"

ABC. Thanks guys! Well, here it's time for us to say goodbye! I wish you success in school and remember ... who reads a lot, he knows a lot! (Goes to the music.)

Oh, and a difficult task

Letters to write correctly.

The guys have a desire

You talk about it.


Guys, let's remember what we studied in the lessons

russian language.

We are now disciples,

We are not up to Gulia.

Hooks asked the house -

The first task!

Here we are with my mother over the table by singing together.

We behave down, lead, we are writing - PLA-A-Avno spin.

But nasty hooks with sharp noses

I crawl out of my hands yourself.

Do not look tv, do not read a fairy tale

Three hours sit down, sit - Plan-ahno spin.

Evening. Late. Go go. Immediately fall asleep.

And in a dream: We are conducting - PLA-A-Avno spin.

Teacher now check how you learned how to write letters ...

Task 2. Game "Guess the letter written on the back" Two teams stand each other ...

Task 3. Game "Change the word"

And now, I will call you a word in units. h., And you change the word so that it turned out. h.

Raft rafts, Greek Greeks,

Mole Moles, Uzbek Uzbeks,

Hand-hands, man-,


Amateur lovers,


Task 4. Game "Gather Proverbs"

Teacher and now a parent team playing against the team of children. You need to assemble the proverb, getting up with your word on a plate where you need (who loves to work, there is nothing to praise. Earth is colors, and a person is a hard way.)

Check, sticks, cutting sticks!

Become in order to my first notebook.

For the line not to get out, the back is to keep straight!

What are you not listening? What do you study well?

What are you standing like? I again got for you!

But my teacher knows and does not even know Mom,

How hard you teach you to stand straight.

And now the awarding of the winners in the nomination "The Pure Notebook" ...

The game "Charper".

* Chloat all those present.

* Only those who have never been late for lessons are chloride.

* Only those who love school changes morethan lessons.

* Only those who love to eat tasty are clapped.

* Only those who love holidays are clapped.

* Only those who do not love holidays are clapped.

* Only those who have never received comments during the year in the lessons during the year.

* Only those who have a great mood have been clapped.

Third Page "MATH LESSON".

On mathematics found out

We are that before sleery:

Build numbers in a row

They say many things.

Ten of them, but these sisters

Consider everything in the world. Student.

I really like learning

I am not afraid to answer.

I can handle the task,

Because it is not lazy.

Task 5. "Task on logic"

The teacher was a fox on a path and carried in her basket

Five oh, three foxes, seven nuts, mittens,

Podberezovik, leaf and wide view.

Who is the answer is ready? How many mushrooms in the basket? (9 mushrooms)

Teacher: And now, we will tell you about funny mathematical cases.

Mini- scene"Hard science"

Mum: And well, novel, answer me lesson:

In your pocket your 3 walnuts, friend.

Pamper Mom Roman decided

Two more walnings put him.

I remember? Now all the nuts are lying.

How many are in the pockets of nuts, tell me?

Novel: How many nuts? Yes, not one!

Mum: You, upset so my father!

Novel: Leaky, Mom, My Pockets (turns into pockets).

Mini- scene"Share"

Mum: Here, 4 sweet pears lie on a plate.

Do not eat, and listen!

If one of them is brother gets

How much do you have on a plate?

Stepan.: Two!

Mum: But why? One thing you give your brother!

Stepan.: Yes, I would be happy

I am clear for me!

But only my brother does not agree to one!

Task 6. "Questions"

How many legs from the beetle?

How many legs of the worm?

How many wings do owls?

And at the butterfly?

How many tails are two donkeys?

How many seats have five cranes?

How many tails have seven cats?

How many noses have two pieces?

How many ears have five kids?

Task 7. "Rebuses with numbers"

O 5. (again) 1 Oky (alone)

100 kkka (bone) 100 k. (Post)

40 A. (magpie) 3 Buna (tribune)

Poem- scene. Pupil with dad and mom.


Selery went to the first class.

Do not joke with her semen!

He knows how we

Almost up to ten!

Not sin such a sage

Touch a smoky nose!

That's somehow my father's table

And he asked the question:

Serezha: - Two pies

Here, dad, yes?

And you want - on betting! -

I can always prove

What are them not two, but three!

We consider together:

Here is one

And here are two, look!

One yes two, - graduated from the son -

Just three!

Dad:- Well done! Said Father.

And in fact three!

And because I will take two

And the third you take!

And now we will learn the names of the best connoisseurs of mathematics ...

Fourth page "The lesson of the surrounding world".

Look, my young friend is around:

Sky light blue, the sun shines golden,

The wind plays the leaves, the tuchka swims in the sky,

Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, beasts and forests, thunder, fog and dew,

Man and season is all around - nature!

Task 7. "Questions"

Friends, I ask you a question, and you think about it,

One of the two - yes or not - answer out loud!

Since you are pleased with the right, help rhyme, but she

So the tricky with us, which may have a susceptible to knock off.

Ready, children? Chorus:. Yes!

Tell me, welcoming dawn,

Sathers satisfied? (not)

A, cutting in a pond,

Do you know how to swim geese? (Yes)

And if the sun is warmed by the sun,

It will be ice cold? (not)

Answer, and maybe

Blossom in the garden in winter? (not)

And crocodile gather a bouquet

From white lilies can? (not).

Camel is capable of answering

Go three days without food? (Yes)

At the end, it's time to ask

Did you like the game? (Yes)

Song "Cat outstanding?"

And now we will learn the names of the best connoisseurs of the surrounding world ...

Fifth page "DRAWING LESSON".

Student. An afternoon drew handsome man - horse.

And all for the drawing praised me.

First my mother said sleepy:

"Wonderful, Vladik, lamb came out!"

But with the same pattern, I went to the dad.

And dad told me: "Great goat!"

Then praised baby sister nKA:

"You're very beautiful made a kitten".

And brother my eldest me praised:

Yawned and said: "Not bad crocodile!"

Teacher: Well, this is, of course, a joke.

And now we will learn the names of our best artists. class ...

Sixth page "Physical Culture Lesson".

Dealing with this case

We will become dexterous, strong, bold,

Plus - a good figure.

That's what the Phys-Kul-Tu-Ra!

The game "Who will scroll down the hoop longer"

And now we will learn the names of the best athletes of our class ...

Seventh page "MUSIC LESSON"

There is a music lesson,

We do not even hear the call.

Everyone really wanted to have time

Proper song to keep!


In old people holidays loved singing chastushki, and we are for you today m.:


We guys seventels,

You are presidency.

We are in your favorite school

We live remarkably.

We love we solve problems,

Who is faster and who is forward

And what kind of tasks are

Professor himself will not understand.

Eh, Topney, Leg,

Topney is a right

I came to school to learn

Although small. All science will overcome

Everything will turn out

Because our moms

We also learn from us

We guys seventels

We love to run and play,

And I promise to learn

On the "four" and on {!LANG-17c6ed69260e98fba8f251416c12cf04!}

{!LANG-c4b3c170b20d0f370e798c27fb838acf!} {!LANG-26b3dd2aab4e6f597a6466f449611045!}




















{!LANG-110060301fc23d87b0a668628db3f2ef!} class ...







Competition for parents:



{!LANG-7d1d01ca1f9a6179b8cc3548c6286509!} {!LANG-56cf89bdd2628872bcd8c877bddc2dd2!}?


{!LANG-2ef2ac0a93a286cadea3978e600f782d!} class?

{!LANG-b5fc0106e8af45c9a5599175c7c73fcb!} class?


{!LANG-a470e7fdface0679b0a038d55c85008a!} class?

{!LANG-a5ce77baff0be299f9a1ccaeaaf981b6!} {!LANG-a82f6e122eacfbde523a02ef5c34faa9!}{!LANG-bf21428547d17b89999f3a1a0c361c96!} class?


{!LANG-36f55d6816c8c069225843a96531bdf8!} {!LANG-0dba1f2699d3f6f2c1990f05c2fa5f3c!}{!LANG-404eb400f44e821dfb4e6fa3ee7d83d4!}




{!LANG-afec7443a1901c52bba7487167821587!} {!LANG-52c822b4fd6921488f990e4c2ff303b1!}

{!LANG-65c9e35098d9071f8a282eee0f613d19!} class{!LANG-1137ad9acf7dcbe7bb2b545d27fe03bf!} class!



{!LANG-45a7ccaad8f91f424b3ff3da80aa1d05!} {!LANG-7c7e11c66d80473d1ad5707d5c21aa2c!}!









Teacher{!LANG-d477b703800d7da218754751a6a40da0!} {!LANG-1d629941b2dc355ce6943f116a7da42d!}{!LANG-2a629fb60af2766b8604354ac6d0ad38!}

{!LANG-da488f706a2cc06caea736edcfdd5716!} class ...

Teacher{!LANG-23492a8f27dc6b6fc7953ec71ac49f2d!} {!LANG-780d4a2c03997ed9b71dd7f52634216d!}{!LANG-a5f2670f2a7a4df922bce74acd1184d2!} class. {!LANG-fc1cc75390e8dcd5e10f8727338be56c!}{!LANG-69b1db826a6a0382a9c9aafbad2af8ba!} {!LANG-2d700610c17acd96e3811ebcf813b80d!}{!LANG-61693ac522f431259cf03082c8310d27!}


{!LANG-6d71b463724d65c3087dab5913c609a7!} {!LANG-96a5658e72c6ebc63b59e70b5a6e25ab!}!