Repair Design Furniture

What fabric are artificial flowers made of. DIY artificial flowers from different materials: interesting ideas. How to steam artificial flowers at home

Now it is even difficult to say when the very first artificial flowers appeared. It seems that they were popular always and everywhere. The first documentary mention of them dates back to the III-II centuries BC. Archaeologists tend to think that they were invented by the ancient Egyptians. Later this art was mastered in Ancient China, Greece and Rome.

Flowers were made from a wide variety of materials - fabric, porcelain, paper, metal, precious stones, clay, wood, feathers ... you can’t list everything. Some copies were a real work of art. And yes, they were very expensive. Just imagine what price, for example, a bouquet of platinum and gold roses adorned with diamonds can have!

In the nineteenth century, the fashion for artificial flowers reached its peak. They began to decorate everything in a row - from hairstyles and clothes to the interior. Since the demand was very high, flower making became a real profession. Special workshops, craft schools and courses were opened. In 1894, a manual for making flowers from paper, leather, wax and fabric was even published in St. Petersburg. Since then, anyone could learn how to make artificial flowers with their own hands.

The twentieth century made its own adjustments - it would seem that they forgot about artificial flowers. But already at the beginning of the twenty-first century, they again became firmly in vogue. Today, these accessories occupy a worthy place in the collections of such recognized masters as Galliano, Valentino, Christian Lacroix and many, many others. And the art of flower making is again gradually moving from the category of a hobby to the category of professional skill. However, it is quite possible to make artificial flowers with your own hands - there is nothing complicated about it. And the materials can be very different. Let's look at some easy ways to create these elegant pieces.

Organza flowers

You will need:

  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • beads;
  • candle;
  • a sheet of thick paper;
  • pencil;
  • organza.

Take a sheet of thick paper and a pencil. Draw three flowers of different sizes - small, medium and large. Each flower should have five petals. Using scissors, carefully cut out the drawings along the contour - you have the templates. Take the fabric and using the resulting stencils, cut out the flowers already from the organza.

Light the candle and carefully burn all the petals over the flame. Just do not forget that organza is very flammable. Therefore, this manipulation should be carried out very carefully. In order for the flower to look like a real one, it is necessary that the material is wrapped in the right direction - inside. To achieve this, hold it with one hand so that the thumb is on the inside. Move the candle flame in one direction.

When all the blanks are processed, put them one on top of the other and fasten them with thread and a needle. To make the knot of the thread “hidden”, first connect only two petals, and then sew the lowest one to them. Use beads or beads - they will represent the stamens of the plant. The last step is to fasten the thread. In order for everything to work out neatly, pierce two layers of fabric with a needle and fasten the thread to the stitches so that a strong knot forms. That's all! The original and surprisingly delicate flower is ready. It remains to figure out what exactly you will decorate with this little miracle.

paper flowers

Of course, the most important thing on the festive table is delicious dishes. But, often, beautiful design plays no less a role. If you are planning to surprise your guests not only with culinary delights, but also with original serving, then flowers from napkins will help you to realize your plan.

For creativity you will need:

  • tubes for cocktails;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • multilayer napkins;
  • threads that match the color of the napkins.

The tubes are best used in plain colors - white or black are suitable. But napkins should be bright and colorful. Then the decorations will be more noticeable. Take a napkin and gently flatten it. Fold in half, and then collect into an "accordion". Tie the resulting “accordion” with a thread strictly in the middle. Take your scissors and trim the edges of the napkin to your desired shape.

If you want the flowers to look more tender and romantic, then cut the petals in a semicircle. If you prefer sharp edges, give the petals a triangular shape. Fluff each of the petals by carefully turning the paper inside out. Take a cocktail stick and carefully glue it to the base of the flower - you get a stem. The flower is ready! It remains to make a few more of the same and decorate the festive table with these original bouquets.

Felt flowers

Making these fluffy, cute and cute flowers with your own hands is very simple. They are ideal for decorating home interiors - for example, curtains or decorative pillows. They can also be used to create various accessories - headbands, elastic bands or hair clips, brooches.

You will need:

  • threads matched to the tone of the fabric;
  • scissors;
  • felt.

Take your felt and cut it into pieces. The length of each piece should be ten, and the width - two and a half centimeters. Using scissors, make a fringe around the perimeter of the entire piece of fabric. Just do not overdo it - it should not be too narrow! Otherwise, the felt will begin to crumble and all the work will go down the drain. After that, fold the fabric "accordion" and tie tightly with threads in the center. Fluff the flower by gently unfolding the petals. Ready!

Flowers from beads

Beads are a very fertile material for creativity. What only crafts and decorations do not do with it! Some of them are real works of art. Of course, it will take time and patience to learn how to work with this material. But you have to start somewhere! Why not make something simple to start with, such as a cute and very uncomplicated bouquet. Perhaps the easiest flowers to make from beads are daisies and forget-me-nots.

For this bouquet you will need:

  • soft wire;
  • green, yellow, white and blue beads;
  • pliers;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

Let's start with forget-me-nots. Take the wire and cut off a piece 8-10 centimeters long with pliers. String one yellow bead on this piece. Add five blue ones to it. Bend the wire and thread its end into the first blue bead. Then - in the second, and then in the third blue bead. After that, pass the wire into the yellow bead and twist it together with the free end. It turned out a forget-me-not with a stem. Make some of these flowers. Now we need to make a leaf. To do this, string green beads on the ends of the wire according to the pattern: 1-2-3-4-4-3-2. Twist together all the free ends of the wire - the bouquet is ready!

With forget-me-nots sorted out. Let's move on to chamomile. In order to make the petals you will need 10 - 12 pieces of wire nine centimeters long. Take white beads and weave a petal. Make sure that the ends of the wire are directed towards each other. Making the center of the flower is very simple - string seven beads onto a wire and twist them into a spiral. Carefully assemble the flower by twisting the center and petals together. In order to make a plant leaf, use the scheme: 1-2-4-4-3-4-3-2-2-1. In the process of weaving, it is recommended to bend the sheet in such a way that it looks like a real one. Well, the last step is to string green beads on the stem of your chamomile and screw the sheet. However, you can leave the stem and "naked". But only if your wire has a silver color - otherwise it will not be beautiful. Chamomile is ready.

Tulle flower

This amazingly romantic and delicate flower is able to decorate any hairstyle or clothes. And it's very easy to make it. You will need:

  • tulle;
  • velvet ribbon;
  • feathers;
  • velvet leaves;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • hairpin in the form of a comb.

Cut the tulle into squares measuring 20x20 centimeters. You will need eight squares. Take one and fold it in half twice, and then diagonally so that you get a triangle. Cut off the wide end with scissors - the petals should have a triangular shape. Repeat this procedure with other squares of tulle. Fold the received blanks one on top of the other. Secure the middle with a few stitches. Firmly grasp the center of the flower and lift its petals up - you get a bud. Fix its base at a distance of five millimeters from the edge with a thread and a needle. Make sure the flower is sewn very tightly.

Take a velvet ribbon 25 centimeters long, fold it so that its ends converge in the middle. Fasten with thread. Should be a bow. Sew three velvet sheets to its base. They can be purchased at a craft store or simply removed from ready-made artificial flowers. Gently spread and smooth the feathers and secure in such a way that their base is hidden under the leaves. Fix the tulle bud on top using thread and a needle. If you will wear a flower as a brooch, sew on a safety pin, if as a hairpin, fasten it to the comb. The work is done.

Of course, these are not all ways to make artificial flowers. We have considered only the lightest of them. As you can see, such creativity does not require any special knowledge and skills. All you need is a little imagination, patience and a great desire to make this world brighter and more beautiful. You will definitely succeed. Just try!

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Fresh flowers, due to their natural beauty and freshness, have long been used by people to decorate the interiors of houses and landscapes, costumes, hairstyles and accessories. But they are so fragile and tender that they quickly fade when cut. And so I want to keep the charm longer! Real flowers will be replaced with artificial ones. The process of making flowers is entertaining. Everyone can make a bouquet with their own hands, which will then please the eye for a long time.

Artificial flowers can decorate hairpins, headbands, necklaces. Can be used as a brooch on an evening or business dress. Recently, even a bridal bouquet has been made from artificial flowers.

What materials are used?

In order to make simple artificial flowers at home, you do not need any special materials. By connecting your imagination and armed with the right tools, they can be made from cloth or leather shreds, napkins, newspapers or plastic. Beads, beads, sequins are suitable for decoration. Our step-by-step master classes with photos will help in the manufacture and design.

paper flowers

Paper of various textures is suitable: plain, newsprint, corrugated, thin napkins and durable cardboard.

Each flower has peculiar petals, the shape of which is important to convey in the manufacturing process. For example, to make a peony, you need to prepare as many petals of a certain shape as possible, because this flower is distinguished by splendor. To make the color of the peony look natural, try making petals from paper of the same color, but in a different tone: darker or lighter. By experimenting with color, you can achieve the effect of "liveness".

fabric flowers

Products from woven materials are much more difficult to manufacture than paper ones, but they also look like living ones. It is better to choose satin, velvet, silk fabrics. For some especially solemn bouquets or compositions, gold or silver brocade is used. Stretch should be avoided as it stretches and loses its original shape. Of course, for such purposes, you can buy fabric of any color in the store, but scraps of old fabrics or old things will also fit perfectly. Leather flowers look original, which decorate handbags, belts, shoes in boho style.

plastic flowers

Some craftsmen have learned how to make flowers from plastic, for example, lilies from disposable spoons, roses from. Even straws for cocktails in skillful hands turn into bouquets.

Compositions of artificial flowers

The decoration of the home, its highlight can be a whole composition, assembled from bouquets and inflorescences that match each other in meaning. For example, a panel of ears of wheat, daisies and cornflowers will look great in the kitchen.

Our master classes and detailed instructions will help you quickly master the technique of creating artificial flowers and bouquets with your own hands, and photos illustrating each action will not make a mistake in the order of actions.

A little patience, work, imagination - and eternal spring will settle in your house!

Olga Ryzhova

The beauty of flowers has captivated people since ancient times. Therefore, they are trying to imitate them, making whole bouquets from various materials.

Such crafts are made now - from paper, fabric, metal. Some of them are true masterpieces. Modern stylists offer them as fashionable additions to your clothes, but you can make such things at home. Let's learn how to make DIY artificial flowers.

paper flowers

The simplest and most affordable material is paper. Flowers from it you can decorate the dining table. To create you will need the available materials:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper napkins;
  • threads of the same color.

Arm yourself with colored napkins. White flowers are beautiful, but bright and flashy ones look better. Fold one of them in half, and then make an "accordion" out of it. Take a thread and tie a piece of paper in the middle. Then cut it with scissors so that it acquires the desired look.

You can make them more tender - cut the petals in a semicircle. You can make a triangular shape. Gently fold back the paper to make the petals look more natural. When the flower is ready, you need a stem. If you plan to decorate the table with it, use a regular cocktail straw.

Felt flowers

Soft and cute flowers are easy to make with your own hands. They can be used to decorate household items, and a variety of accessories are made from them: hairpins, elastic bands, brooches.

Threads, scissors and material - all you need to make such things. Cut the felt into pieces, each 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Now we make neat cuts around the perimeter, but not too often so that the fabric does not crumble. At the next stage, we fold the felt with an “accordion”, and then we tie it with threads in the center. Now it remains to slightly bend the petals, which will make the flower more beautiful.

tulle flowers

Let's move on to one of the most beautiful options that can decorate any costume or item. Take the tulle and make 8 squares out of it. The side should be 20 cm.

Take one of them, fold it in half twice, and then once diagonally to make a triangle. Cut off the wide end with scissors - this will make the petals triangular. Do the same procedure with all pieces of tulle. Now the blanks must be stacked on top of each other. Take a thread with a needle and make a few stitches in the middle. Now lift the petals up to form a bud. Do not forget to fix the base - for this you should use threads. Try to sew as tightly as possible.

Now you know how to make flowers from common materials. All you need is simple tools and a little diligence, and the result will not disappoint.

Master class: Flower compositions "Flight of Fantasy"

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna teacher of the first junior group
Municipal preschool autonomous educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 11 MO Korenovsky district

Work description:

The master class is designed for parents and teachers, all creative people. I bring to your attention five compositions at once, I called the master class “Flight of Fantasy”, each flower tree is your fantasy and such trees also symbolize in different ways, when you make such an original gift, be sure to put “all your soul” into your work and then the result will be 100%.
Not a lot of history, we all know that the art of topiary has a long history. Original small trees, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial materials are used, your imagination and each tree will be original in its own way, it is very nice to receive such a craft as a gift and decorate your home with it.


The flower tree is intended for a gift to friends, acquaintances, as well as for decorating the interior. Learn to create a flower tree from improvised material of artificial flowers, ribbons, beads.

develop creative imagination, fine motor skills of hands, an eye and of course patience.
Develop accuracy, cultivate perseverance when creating a flower tree. In this master class, I will show you how to make five artificial flower topiary at once.
This is the beauty we will create with you:

To create our topiary we need:


1. Flower pots
2. Artificial flower heads
3. Gypsum, water
4. Artificial grass (lawn)
5. Glue gun
6. Various decor (ladybugs, butterflies, grapes)
7. Skewers
8. Plastic ball
9. Ball
10. Penoplen
11. Tape tape
12. Toothpicks
13. Coffee beans

Step by step work:

Each master in the manufacture of topiary uses the basis at his own discretion and for money. I tried many ways to make the base of a tree, the cheapest is to crumple the newspaper and wrap it with cling film to form a ball, flat paper or fabric flowers are easily glued to this shape, foam balls or children's balls are used to insert flowers or fruits with toothpicks straight into the ball, using a glue gun, if you make a heart, you can use foam (sold at any hardware store). To start making trees, you need the pots to be filled with plaster and of course have time to dry
And so we start with the preparation of pouring gypsum into pots, we dilute gypsum with water, we set the “barrel”, in this case I used 6-7 skewers

pre-wrapped with teip tape,

you can add small seedlings to the pot for strength, pour the solution into the pots, insert the trunk and let it dry well, usually one day is enough

You don’t need to insert the barrel right away, after 10 minutes, when the gypsum turns into a thick “porridge”, you can insert the “trunks”

In my master class, I used coffee, poured it on still wet gypsum, when the gypsum dries, the coffee beans will also hold tight

Now our pots are aside and we begin preparing the upper base, in the first example I will show just such a base, I caught my eye here is such an unusual blank with spikes in the form of a ball, on which you can wear artificial grass in this case

And we begin to string grass step by step around the circle

It turns out this is the basis

I decided to make for my trees only such green and fluffy

As soon as the gypsum has solidified thoroughly, using a glue gun, we glue our fluffy green ball and start creating

1. The first tree "Our Kuban sun"

For this tree, I used sunflower heads, coffee beans

To begin with, we revive our sunflower, decorate the middle with coffee beans using PVA glue

We smear the middle with glue and glue the grains

and so all the flowers, it should turn out like this

we start to make out the bottom while our flowers dry, here is your imagination, I used lawn artificial grass and ladybugs

sunflower flowers glued on hot glue, the bottom of the trunk was tied with teip tape three leaves, and at the top as a decoration a butterfly and I got the first tree "Our Kuban sun"

look from different angles

2. The second tree "Passion"

In this tree, I designed the bottom, when the gypsum had not yet hardened with the help of canapes and grass, I inserted it into soft gypsum

I added red flowers and decorative ornaments and I got it like this

Now the crown, I used red flower beads and greens, placed and glued with a glue gun at the top and bottom

Decorated with red beads

It turned out such a tree of passion

3. The third tree "Tenderness"

For this tree, I used very delicate flowers, similar to jasmine flowers. Decorated the bottom with flowers, butterflies glued with hot glue

Now the top of the crown, I glued the flowers in a chaotic manner, on the right, for a shade, a delicate twig with white flowers

It turned out to be a very tender tree.

4. The fourth tree "Vine"

In the manufacture of this tree, I used artificial grapes, artificial grape leaves, purple flowers, and various decor.

I decorated the bottom of my tree with artificial flowers and leaves.

Top, your flight of fancy, definitely a bunch of grapes, everything is glued with thermal glue, it keeps very well

And now the tree in all its glory

5. Fifth tree "Breath of summer"

This tree consists of a different set of wild flowers and you can arrange it at your discretion, the bottom can be arranged like this

The top will be so fun

In the end, our tree will look like this

Previously, in many houses one could find a vase in which, for example, plastic daisies and rag poppies stood. Nowadays, technologies and materials make it possible to create artificial flowers that, in appearance, few people can distinguish from real ones.

Artificial flowers - the history of occurrence

The first mention of artificial flowers dates back to the 3rd century BC. In ancient China and Egypt, artifacts have been found confirming that artificial flowers were kept at home already in those distant times. They were made from a variety of materials: both expensive ones, such as gold and porcelain, and ordinary ones, like clay and paper. Artificial flowers were also used in other countries: in Greece as reservoirs for perfumes, in Italy for the decoration of monasteries. Flowers as decoration were brought to our country from France at the end of the 18th century.

Artificial flowers - pros and cons

Many people do not understand when designers suggest using compositions with artificial flowers in the house as a decor element. Serious disputes flare up about the merits and demerits of "lifeless" flowers. The disadvantages of artificial bouquets are considered to be a sharp chemical smell that allergy sufferers cannot tolerate, burning out of the petals in the sun, fragility of the buds. Artificial home flowers differ in their advantages, among them it is necessary to highlight:

  1. With proper care, the products will retain their presentable appearance for many years.
  2. Ease of maintenance and no need for complex care, unlike living compositions that need watering, fertilizing, transplanting.
  3. Artificial flowers are not poisonous, and can be safely used to decorate apartments and rooms where there are small children and animals.

What are artificial flowers made of?

One of the most popular types of needlework in our time has become the manufacture of artificial flowers. Individual buds and whole compositions are used to decorate festive events, areas for photo shoots, as decorations at fashion shows, in ritual ceremonies, and so on. Materials for the manufacture of artificial plants are used in a variety of ways:

  • paper;
  • polymer clay;
  • cold porcelain;
  • lace;
  • tapes;
  • the cloth;
  • plastic;
  • foamiran.

artificial paper flowers

Paper is an inexpensive material that easily takes the desired shape; needlewomen make various decorations for the home from it. Paper flowers will never wither and will delight their owners for a long time. Compositions of these flowers can decorate the dining table or present them as a present. To connect the parts together, if necessary, it is better to use PVA glue. Craftsmen for making paper flowers use different materials:

  • corrugated paper;
  • old magazines;
  • office paper;
  • napkins.

Cold porcelain artificial flowers

Recently, new materials have appeared in everyday life that make it possible to make realistic flowers. One of these materials is cold porcelain - an inexpensive, affordable and convenient material for modeling. Porcelain flowers can become an original interior decoration. Ready-made kits are available for sale containing porcelain of the desired shades, the necessary additional materials, tools and detailed manufacturing instructions.

fabric artificial flowers

Textile flowers on different holidays and in the interior look dignified and attract attention. They will not wither, will not upset allergy sufferers, and are many times cheaper than live compositions. To make flowers from fabric, pieces of cloth, or ribbons, are used, which are twisted and folded in a special way. The most popular fabrics for making flowers are:

  • organza;
  • silk;
  • felt;
  • atlas.

Artificial flowers made of plastic

Compositions made of plastic can please the eye and be an interior decoration for a long time. Plastic flowers do not lose their shape, do not fade, are easy to clean, for which they are loved by many designers. When choosing modern artificial flowers from this material, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  1. Smell- good artificial plastic flowers do not smell like chemicals.
  2. Fastening- experts recommend checking the strength of the petals and leaves.
  3. Texture- smooth flower petals do not accumulate dust, they are easy to wash, they are suitable for allergy sufferers.

Compositions of artificial flowers

No less advantageous than individual flowers standing in a vase, compositions made from fake flowers look, these can be bouquets and garlands, paintings and wreaths. In stores you can find original floating bowls with artificial flowers, office compositions, flowers in pots, bud-shaped lamps and so on. Depending on the interior, designers suggest choosing tall vases with flowers on long stems, or small trays with low-lying buds. Both monocompositions and products with colors of different shades and types look original.

Bouquets of artificial flowers

People have been using fake flowers as interior items for a long time. Bouquets of satin and plastic flowers in our time are not only popular at weddings and other holidays, because artificial flowers for home interiors in bouquets can decorate a room in any style. When making a composition, it is necessary to adhere to the main principles of floristry. There are different types of bouquets: parallel, spiral, asymmetric, one-sided, contrasting.

artificial flowers in pots

Live houseplants will replace a dummy of flowers placed in a pot. Such products refresh any interior, fill the empty space, they do not need special care and regular watering. Artificial flowers in the interior - an alternative to live indoor plants. Thanks to modern materials, such decorations look good in offices and institutions: schools, hospitals, kindergartens. Large artificial flowers in pots can replace plants such as: monstera, palm, ficus, hibiscus, croton and others.

artificial flower garland

Sometimes it is necessary to make a bright accent in the interior, in this case, designers suggest using a garland - a long ribbon decorated with artificial flowers. It will come in handy for decorating a festive hall, a photo zone, a shop window, a wedding arch. In stores, you can find garlands made on wire frames that easily take the desired shape. Such a decorative product is suitable for various styles, sold by the meter, performed in a variety of colors and will satisfy the most sophisticated taste.

Paintings made of artificial flowers

Paintings and panels are widely used to decorate the walls of the premises. Bright accents on plain walls can add variety and brighten up a boring room, drawing attention to themselves. A panel of artificial flowers, dressed in a classic frame, is perfect for the interior of the living room. It can be supplemented with coffee beans, vegetables and fruits made from artificial materials. Volumetric compositions using flowers must be correlated with the style of the room before purchase:

  • paintings with roses and gladioli are suitable for baroque;
  • to Provence - paintings with sunny and joyful sunflowers.

artificial flower toys

Gifts in the form of animals decorated with artificial flowers are fashionable to give these days. The products are based on a frame made of light material, on which inanimate flowers of the same size are attached. Roses are the most popular. The size of flower bears, dogs, cats can be different - there are toys from 25 to 100 cm in length. This is an unusual decor for both cafes and offices and apartments.

Caring for artificial flowers

I want my favorite things to please with their beauty for as long as possible. Caring for artificial flowers is good because it does not take much time. The main task for the owners is to understand how to wash artificial flowers so as not to damage their shape and not deprive them of brightness. You can do this in different ways:

  1. Daily care of flowers includes blowing dust off the petals and leaves, wiping them with a damp cloth. Such procedures are especially needed outdoor artificial flowers with large leaves.
  2. Once a month, experts recommend treating artificial flowers with a solution of white vinegar and water, mixed in equal proportions. This method can refresh the product and preserve its color.
  3. Flour cleaning. For this method, you need to prepare cornmeal or fine salt, pour it into a bag and lower the flowers or the entire composition there. The bag should be tightly closed and the contents shaken well. This method is suitable for flowers that cannot be wetted.
  4. Heavily soiled artificial flowers can be washed using soapy water or dishwashing liquid diluted in water. Flowers alternately need to be lowered into the water, gently wiping their surface with a napkin. After that, rinse the product in clean water and dry on a towel.

How to steam artificial flowers at home?

Many people face a problem when transporting artificial flowers - compositions and bouquets crumple on the road. You can correct the position and align the artificial flowers for the interior with the help of a fashionable assistant - a steamer, or use the folk method.

  1. Pour water into a deep saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Alternately lower artificial flowers into boiling water, holding them by the stem.
  3. After holding the flower in boiling water for several seconds, it should be removed, carefully lowered onto a towel to dry.
  4. When steaming flowers in this way, care must be taken, there is a high probability of injury. Another trouble that may appear after such a method of cleaning flowers is a violation of the adhesive composition, some parts will have to be glued on their own, it happens that flowers after steaming require restoration. This is more about low-quality products.