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Decor without problems: Create decorations for the new year with your own hands and correctly combine them. New Year's decor: how to decorate a living room and a festive table How to decorate a Christmas table

The new year has always been for people a special - harbinger of change, new achievements and victories. Whenever the time of the solemn festivities comes, many seek to give their apartment as a festive look. But people do not always know exactly how to decorate the apartment for the new year, and now, when the 2016 meeting is approaching, this is especially important.

Many of us mistakenly believe that the main decoration of the apartment for the New Year - a New Year's table and in the scenery of their apartment is often limited to the design of a festive dinner. At the same time, few people think about the room decoration for the new year, despite the fact that the arrangement of the rooms contributes to the atmosphere of the festive coziness and family harmony. It will be nice, if items for the decor for the year of the fire monkey, what is 2016, you will make it yourself.

Interior design rules for the new 2016 year

When choosing a color gamut of jewelry for home, stop at bright red, fire-and yellow colors, fire symbols that can please the mistress of 2016 - the fiery monkey.

Do not forget also about the candles, lamps, homemade toys and derivative origami in the form of Christmas trees. Penguins from plastic bottles must be arranged by drawing them bright orange caps, according to the colors of the fire.

At the same time, bright colors should be harmonized with the rest, not cutting eyes with shades - beige, green flowers and pastel tone in the design.

Above the entire fiery monkey appreciates comfort and comfort. You can please the hostess of 2016 homemade decorations for the house for the New Year.

Christmas tree for 2016

The Christmas tree has been a holiday symbol for many years. Without a New Year's tree, no one represents a full festival. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the details. When decorating a tree, we are familiar with the toys in the form of balls, rain, tinsels Try more often to use bright colors that match the flame color, symbol of the upcoming year.

Do not forget to also decorate the walls with snowflakes and other types of Christmas decorations.

Home decorations for the new year do it yourself

To dress up a Christmas tree or walls for the house you can conquer pine cones, toning them with bright ribbons of yellow or red.

According to the eastern belief, the main mascot of the year the monkey becomes the bell tape. A bright and brilliant bell tape is important to hang over the door so that every guest, entering your house, could call it and make a desire.

You can also build a garland from bells, toning the beep from above and hang them on the doorway at the entrance to the living room, to the kitchen or to the bedroom.

The symbol of the upcoming year of the monkey

You can purchase a statuette of any kind - ceramic, wooden, plastic or plush monkey. Such a decoration successfully will fit into any of the types of interior. You can put a monkey anywhere - on the windowsill, on the coffee table in the living room, under the Christmas tree. And if you have a small wooden statuette of a monkey, you can put it in the center of the New Year's table.

You can also cut a paper monkey and attach to a window in the form of snowflakes. Snowflakes on the windows you can cut out of the paper or draw toothpastes. Do not forget also about ordinary snowflakes - a symbol of any New Year's interior.

Kitchen decoration for the new year

Do not forget that the kitchen is an important part of the New Year's home, because it is in the kitchen that a solemn festive dinner is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. To make the kitchen correspond to the symbol and the theme of the holiday, do not forget to repair the kitchen, and also do not forget to decorate the walls and the ceiling.

For the kitchen, any tinsel, rain or garland will be suitable. The main thing is Tone - Light Beige, Red, Yellow. Tablecloth bed red with beige edges. In the middle of the table you can put a small statuette in the form of a monkey. It is important to observe symbolism. Also do not forget to throw beige covers on chairs. The whole kitchen must match the theme of the new 2016. If you wish, you can decorate the kitchen with branches or cones. In the middle of the table you can put a vase with a fir paw - one kind of room decoration and tables on holidays.

Tablecloth on the table and covers on the chairs are a mandatory decoration element for the new year. The main thing when decorating is to comply with the proportion so that in the kitchen it was not closely, and the decorations put the owners and guests at the table.

Features of the new year symbol

In the year of the fiery monkey, you will have to upset on the elements of the scenery for your home, because the monkey is eccentric and loves everything in the house is made from the soul. She does not like when the owner saves on the improvement of its apartment, so it will be especially favorable to people who do not regret the decorations.

In the coming year, it is recommended to change the curtains to brighter or choose patterned with original ornaments. Decorating the living room is extremely important. You can also decorate the entrance door, hanging the festive wreath over the opening in the combination of needles and bright festive ribbons.

During the preparation for the holiday, do not forget that the new year is a family tradition, so try to attract your family to decoration. To this type of activity, like cutting with snowflakes or the compilation of artificial garlands, you can safely attract children, offering them to combine pleasant with useful.

Ways to decorate an apartment for the new year will be better to come up with everyone together. You may, in this way you can think of how to organize your interior originally, while not spending extra money, - you can make all the elements of the scenery.

Regardless of whether you believe in signs, it is beautiful to arrange a New Year's interior - the main task to create a warmth and comfort atmosphere in the festive atmosphere.

Examples how to decorate the new year room with your own hands It never happens much, because the trends in the home decor are changing from year to year, and interesting ideas that you want to take advantage of. At the same time, of course, there is a difference, whether you use or go to the shop of the finished decor.

In the second case

for truly stylish and fashionable decorations, you pay a lot of enough, even though the appearance of the room will definitely be what is called to envy everyone. Looking for examples of beautiful decorative elements and their placement in the interior, you can independently decide what way to move on to the desired result.

How to decorate the room new year with your own hands fast

Without which it is simply impossible to imagine a traditional holiday - this is sparkling electric garlands. In the distant childhood years, the light bulbs in these garlands were glass, they not only forced the electric meter to spin faster, but also were an object of increased fire danger, because their surface was strongly heated from incandescent lamps. Inside the modern products, there are LED lamps, thanks to which we can now actively use a lot of shining garlands without fears.

In the photo you can see examples, how to decorate the room new year with your own hands fast With the help of just electrical garlands. They create a stunning beauty glare, especially at night, and excellent are suitable for the design of the corridor, a near-room space and so on. The ceiling, tightened with several rows of such garlands, will resemble the starry sky and give a fabulous atmosphere. You can also see an example of creating a traditional Christmas wreath, in which bulbs are woven into the metal frame. However, it is possible to use garlands not only as an independent decor element and only use them for a task. As a basis, you can take the following examples in which the garlands become the main, but still not the only part of the decoration.

The original idea that is actively used in modern interiors is to make photos and garlands. Such a tendency as drying, that is, hanging photos on the ropes, imitating their drying (the traditional method of production of photographic cards), is combined with New Year's theme. All you need to do is type in photos of a small image of each family member, significant events of the year, which goes or hopes, dreams that you make a year coming. All this with small clothespins must be twisted along the garland, in horizontal orientation on the wall, or vertical if the garland is, for example, make a door jamb.

How to decorate the room new year with your own hands beautiful

A charming trend that appeared literally a couple of seasons back, but the greatest distribution receives now - the installation of a festive town, houses from plywood and cardboard, which will give a festive mood. Examples how to decorate the room new year with your own hands beautiful With such an idea, you can see in the photo below.

These houses are ideal for most modern interior styles, such as Scandinavian, Rustic, Loft. Depending on what shade of the walls in your room, what is its color solution, you can choose a model, appearance for the city. Of course, electric light bulbs (or candles-tablets are stacked to enhance the effect of each house, but without supervision, it cannot be left inside wooden structures), then it will seem that this is a small decorative settlement inhabitants. The choice of material for work, again, depends on you. To work with plywood, you will need and the tools (at least the simplest), after the assembly, all crafts will need to be painted, paint so that they can rejoice you for a long time. With paper or cardboard, all these steps can be skipped with a clean conscience, but wooden or plywood houses will remain in primemandous form at least for several seasons, which makes it happy if this option approached.

How to decorate the room new year with your own hands ideas

You can call the most fashionable options, how to decorate the room new year with your own hands ideasin which the tree is actively used in all its varieties. Maybe the coming year and does not pass under the sign of this material on the Eastern calendar, but nothing better for the task, give it a fabulous, New Year's face, and imagine difficult. At the same time, there are two main tendencies in the use of wood as the main material, one proclaims its natural beauty, and the second is the formation of more traditional and usual interior decoration items.

In the photo you just can see how the second approach to the use of the wooden texture is working when small decorative things create a fabulous, magical mood are created with drinking. It is enough for the main material even a small piece of wooden board or cracker. You will need to give the right form of the product, carefully polish it, and then cover with paint or transparent varnish, if the natural color of the product is completely satisfied. You can recreate the same exactly small things, as demonstrated in the photo, or you can increase them in proportion to the wooden decor to take a central place in the interior, attracted the greatest attention.

But on the following photos you can see how the first approach is working to place in the interior of the texture of the tree in its natural form. In our articles about, we touched wooden products many times, but last year the number of such a decor simply broke. Often designers offer us to take picturesque twisted branches, roots of trees, thin twigs and all this in compositions, basics for mobile, suspension, eaves and other things. With each season, this topic is becoming more and more development, and you can already admire the next generation of interesting crafts. For example, a pendant with a branch, juniper, berries and leaves, and wooden lamps as stands for photos and postcards is a fresh and original solution.

The architectural element, which, as nothing else, creates the right christmas atmosphere is a fireplace, because it is him traditionally an important role is given. On it you can fix garlands, on the fireplace shelf, arrange decorative miniature crafts, rave multi-colored socks. In fact, for an urban apartment to make a false fireplace - it is not difficult, even if you do it exclusively on holidays. You will need plasterboard or plywood, wallpaper with brickwork imitation.

How to decorate the room new year with your own hands

The wall is a huge canvas, which is necessary to use to solve the problem. It is here that you can apply the simplest, and therefore the most budget options for decorating. In the photo below you can see examples, how to decorate the room new year with your own handsUsing garlands, interior stickers and crafts from papier-mache.

Colored paper is almost the only material that you will need to create a bulk garland. The lessons to create such large balls can be found on the net, they are very simple - there are several identical semi-chairs and they are placed one after another, and the place of consolidation is not in the same points, and in a checkerboard. After you take a sufficient amount, another cardboard base is pasted on top, the entire workpaper unfolds and the shape of the ball is fixed. The finished balls of various sizes and shades are attached to the guide, there are also small pompons from the rain or another suitable bright decor. Also paper elements of garlands can be large palm leaves, this is a great embodiment of a fashion trend. Even more will decorate the handicraft, if you are cutting leaves with golden, silver or other paint with a metal tide.

To secure the thought of the beauty and simplicity of the Wall Decor, let's see an example, how to decorate the New Year room with your own hands. Master classes To create all sorts of wall trees, there are very often found, and we have chosen one of the most budgetary and spectacular ways to draw pictures on the wall. You will need small wooden rails, they are even not necessarily painted or polished, as they will not be visible anyway. Cutting them to such a size so that they can be located on the wall as the length increases, and their form resembled a triangle, the most appropriate shape for the recreation of the Christmas tree. You can take or natural chewa, or part of artificial, or generally the garland from Mishura, the principle of crafts is important here. Glue is applied on the rail, the finishing material is applied with a dense layer, two-way tape is glued to the opposite direction. It is advisable to schedule the point on the wall to which the rails will be glued, and these points determine not only with the help of a roulette and a ruler, but also a horizontal level so that the resulting panel looked perfect.

How to decorate the room new year do it yourself photo

Among a variety of ideas, how to decorate the room new year with your own hands, photo Which we showed you, I would like to highlight a couple of interesting master classes that will help you make a fashionable decor personally, without buying expensive materials.

The first is wooden snowflakes for the design of a photo zone or angle in the room. For their formation, they are ideal for wands from ice cream or other material with a similar texture.

And the lunar pinyata from paper fringe on a cardboard basis is a wonderful idea both for the interior of the bedroom of children and the festive design of the main room on the festive night.

This kind and favorite holiday from childhood will make it possible to create an appropriate atmosphere long before the battleship itself. You can decorate the house in a week or even two before the new year. Since in 2016 we will meet the red (fiery) monkey, then the design for the holiday will require appropriate: bright and fiery.

To take care of the decor we recommend that you in advance so that you will not get into the long queues and do not face the problem of the lack of the right goods in stores. If you are going to make part of the jewelry with your own hands, then be sure to take care of the necessary materials. You can always choose interesting souvenirs and gifts in any online store, but experts advise you to select the decor to each specific interior. To make it easily and simply, you should decide in advance with the full list of jewelry. If you take a picture of your home to a hike to the store, then surely buy the right amount of tinsel and toys. We visited the online store "Empire dishes" and found many interesting ideas: gift statuettes in the form of monkeys, decorative plates and vases, beautiful candles and much more.

New Year 2016 color

The fiery monkey will be glad to bright colors. But, of course, her beloved was red. It is this color that, and any of his shades should be the most. Red can be like christmas toys and garlands adorning the facade of the house. Barden and scarlet, cherry and grenade - all options are suitable. Do not forget about other "fiery" colors: orange, yellow and golden. They should also be present in the New Year's decoration palette. All of them are fully combined with each other, but such a selection of bright colors will certainly need to be "diluted" by less than causing colors. The combination of red and white, for example, will save your home from an excessive exciting action of the primary color. Also popular with combinations of orange and blue are also popular. Make sure that the colors are not very much. It is best to choose two or three main colors, which will determine the overall tone of the composition. And two or three shades or colors will help to allocate individual items, properly arrange accents.

How to decorate the Christmas tree to the new year 2016

How can I meet the new year without a luxurious fluffy christmas tree?! Regardless of whether you prefer a natural tree or use one artificial model every year, you need to decorate. And for the New Year of the Fiery Monkey, we advise you to choose tinsel and the balls of red. Of course, a monophonic decoration is unlikely to look very impressive. You can choose one of the most luxurious combinations: red with gold. For example, balls can be gold, and rain and tinsel - almy. This version of the decor will look stylish and bright, the monkey will definitely have to taste your Christmas tree.

Do not forget about luminous garlands that will help transform any Christmas tree. If you use white balls, we recommend taking garlands changing color. So you can change the appearance of the Christmas tree with one touch. The garlands will project the light on the balls, giving them the red, then blue, then yellow shade.

Do not forget about those subjects of decor that are associated with the symbol of the year. You can decorate the Christmas tree with small tangerines or multi-colored candies in beautiful wraps.

How to decorate windows to the new year 2016

For the mood to appear even when looking out of the window, you need to take care of the decoration of all surfaces. This is especially true for residents of the South, where in the last days of December may not be snow. To appear a special festive mood, the windows can be decorated with large paper snowflakes. They are made very simply, and the windows are fastened with the help of a soap solution. If you like to draw, special paints will help you to decorate the windows on your own by various patterns, without waiting for strong frosts. But those who are not endowed with the abilities of the artist, it is possible to turn glass into a real canvas. To do this, you need to purchase not only paints, but also stencils. And here on your window there is already a cute and cozy house in the snow or Santa Claus, bringing gifts in the sleigh.

To please not only yourself, but also all others, attach luminous garlands to the window and turn them on in the evenings. A festive atmosphere will arise in the house, and part of it will be welcomed by all people passing by. In addition, this decoration will help you transform the house if you do not plan to put the Christmas tree.

Decor of walls and furniture for the new year 2016

If you think that beautiful artificial or natural Christmas tree is capable of becoming the only decoration of the house, then you are mistaken. To create a unique and magical atmosphere, it will be necessary much more effort. Multicolored tinsel, rain and christmas toys will decorate the whole house. For example, using tinsel and transparent screws or buttons, you can create a real symbol of the coming year directly on the wall. The fiery monkey is best to do from a mushura of red, yellow or orange. Such a bright and juicy decor will not definitely remain unnoticed.

And personally, we decorate the apartment for the new year :)

If you prefer simpler decorations, you can make asterisks, snowflakes or spirals on the same principle. Mishur and the rain can be simply fixed along the wall or between two different objects. Just consider the fact that the entire decor should not impede access to things, interfere with the passage around the rooms, cause discomfort.

A stylish addition to other decorations will be ordinary glass or crystal vases filled with tangerines and colored balls. They can also be decorate with tinsel and highlight garlands. It all depends on your imagination.

How to decorate a new year table

Festive design must be performed in the colors of the year symbol. We recommend that you choose the classic combination of red and white, which is ideal also to another holiday, christmas. To please a monkey, place a large dish with fruits on the table: oranges, bananas, tangerines and pineapple. You can even make the original composition of the fruit to please the monkey and call good luck in the coming year.

Thought about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2016 do it yourself?

It's time to make a collection of interesting ideas! The brighter and more diverse there will be the design of your room, the more accurate you can convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and rampant: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, take care that for each accessory there is its place in the interior. The creation of a harmonious and pleasant design for Christmas topics is easy, but this process requires preparation.

How to decorate the house for the new year 2016? The brightest and stylish decorations can not only be purchased in the store, but also make with your own hands using braid materials. Let's create a fabulous setting together!

Materials for the New Year decor
New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a solemn environment. If we are talking about decorating the Christmas tree, then standard jewelry come to mind, which can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2016 with the help of other materials? You can even need!

For decorating you can use:

plastic bottles. Plastic - practical and convenient to use material for creating candle holders, elements for garlands, small figurines for decorating the Christmas tree and even mini-chips for decorating a festive table;

textile. Since the fabric can be deformed, take care of a solid basis or use felt: from these materials you can sew christmas toys or garlands with elements on Christmas topics. From soft fabric you can sew volume toys;

decorations. Who said that ordinary beads and earrings cannot be used as an element of decor? Small accessories perfectly suitable for decorating small artificial Christmas trees, and beads with unnecessary decorations can be applied in the design of the candle, candlesticks, figurines, christmas wreaths;

the bumps are a fairly common option to create decorative accessories for the new year. Color them in bright or white color, sprinkle with sparkles or artificial snow - and use as a Christmas tree or element of the New Year's composition on the table;

candy, cookies and fruits. With edible gear, you can make a festive table or garlands, raised around the room.

Any material can be used in decorative purposes. For example, from the threads and glue you can create volumetric compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang under the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard there will be excellent drawings for the design of walls and windows.

Show fantasy and do not be afraid to implement the most bold ideas: the source of inspiration will serve you a photo of New Year's decor 2016.

Tip: deciding how to decorate the house for the new year 2016 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious location of accessories.
The shade and shape of the jewelry also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so you will disperse the room accessories, stick to a single style in design and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

So that you do not have to redo job work several times, plan in advance, in which place and how the New Year's atmosphere will be created. Take care that not only furniture, but different surfaces in the house were decorated festive: it applies to walls, windows, doors, ceilings, window sills, separate niches and protrusions, fireplace areas.

It is desirable that the home decoration for the new year 2016 was made in a single style and was not characterized by excessive abundance of contradictory shades: the most successful in such design is considered white, red, golden and green colors.

Table setting
The place where guests will gather - the central zone of the festive decor. Therefore, it is not necessary to save, drawing up the table only with dishes and dishes. Given that many accessories can be made personally, you do not have to spend money on a stylish serving.

Accessories used to decorate the table must match the New Year's decor at home. It is not necessary to make the table bright and catchy due to the corresponding shades: even in white and soft blue color, the serving will look stylish and exquisite, because light shades are associated with the winter holiday.

How to decorate the house in the year of the monkey, it is easy to find out by contacting the symbolism of the next year: the red color may be present in textile elements, food, decorations and toys; The topics of the fire can be supported using a candle or garlands with characteristic lanterns, choose figurines, drawings and Christmas candles with symbols of monkey 2016.

The brightest decoration of the table will be a candle: you can choose ready-made options for Christmas topics and even flavored candles that will enjoy relax and enjoy the holiday.

If you wish to draw a table and interior in a single style, you can make a candle to the new 2016 on your own.

To do this, lay the molds for future candles, melt wax, fill - and wait for it to harden. Do not forget to pre-insert wick. The finished wax figures are decorated with varnish, paint, sequins, beads, napkins (decoupage technique), cutting, ribbons and many other suitable accessories.

Candlesticks in the New Year table table 2016 will play not a latter role. It is believed that the monkey loves everything bright and brilliant, so why not pick up metal or transparent candlesticks that are transfusing under fiery glare.

Glass candlesticks on a long leg will become a stylish addition to the classic decor of the table: they can be made using glasses - and place in the center of the table.

The decoration of the festive table will not be finished if you do not pick up textiles. The tablecloth can be white or have a bright shade, but it is better to use one-photon options without patterns.

If you do not plan to decorate the table tablecloth, take care of the availability of cloth napkins: they can have a standard square shape, be openwork or embroidered.

Simple cloth wipes can be decorated with stylish grips or bright tapes. It should not also forget that even the food laid out in an unusual form (for example, in the form of a Christmas tree) can be a spectacular decoration of the New Year's table.

Let's find out how to decorate the house in the year of the monkey if you do not plan to stop on only serving. Even the window zone can become space for creativity: here you can apply a few bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option to decorate the window is a sticking cut from paper plots on the glass. To emphasize the New Year's decor of the window, look for interesting pictures on this topic on the Internet, print on white paper and cut down the contour. It can be deer with sleigh, grandfathers frost, snow maiden, christmas trees, houses, blizzards, gifts, Christmas toys and other plots.

To decorate the windowsill, you can also implement several interesting ideas. For example, to furnish the surface toys and statuettes for Christmas topics.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out the Christmas trees, houses, faucets, among which are riding a sleigh with deer - spread out several layers throughout the windowsill and divide the garlands that the flickering light will create in the evening.

For realistic, create a New Year decor from foam: it will imitate snow. With this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for cornice, garlands, curtains or christmas trees.

Interior decoration for the New Year 2016 can be complemented even by decorating curtains. Attach a bows, bumps, christmas toys on the fabric, rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festive.

Other zones of the room
Where else can you show your skills? Of course, the blowing materials will be useful for decorating the Christmas tree, because without it, it is not necessary for her New Year's Eve. In addition to the standard purchased jewelry, decorate it with candy, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons and even thematic cookies. And do not forget about gifts!

For those who like the size and restraint in design, the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the Christmas tree decoration is attractive only with the help of garlands. Bright lanterns will replace multicolored balls, and in the evening, this room zone will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for handmade, you can use light bulbs, clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas toys from existing ones, but outdated: for example, to beat a few bright balls - and harvesting a brilliant powder for new jewelry.

Another zone that requires decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main in your home, you can apply several common decor options: rain rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or glue paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is the wreaths are considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made of fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, mandarins, cones, toys, sweets, beads and other accessories. Wreath parameters Determine, focusing on the dimensions of the door.

With the fireplace in the apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or caps: you can attach small presents for guests. Also, the fireplace can be made by candles, garlands, rain, toys, fir branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace corresponds to the decor of the New Year tree.

New Year's decor 2016 can assume the corresponding furniture design. You can stick thematic pictures (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If there are chairs with backs, take care of the creation of stylish covers: they can portray sheds of frosts, deer, snow maiders. The best shades for covers on chairs - red, white, green and golden.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. New Year's decorations with their own hands 2016 may include homemade chain garlands, compositions of Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, bulk lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is the use of ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.

With such a decor, the new 2016 will be remembered for a long time! Your room will be homely warm and cozy, and bright accessories and jewelry, iridescent and sparkling under highlights, will emphasize the solemnity of your interior.

It has long been so it happened that the preparation for the celebration of the New Year many people start a few months before its start and 2016 are no exception. For each person, the new year is associated with different things. Someone, when mentioning the New Year holidays, recalls the crisp under the feet of pure snow, and for someone the new year is associated with fireworks, the aroma of Mandarins and ate. But one of the main attributes of the holiday, is clean and skillfully decorated to the New Year holidays an apartment or a house and a beautifully decorated festive table. It is enough to show a little fantasy in the design of the dwelling and the atmosphere of the New Year holiday will enter your home.

Many elements for the decor are now possible to purchase in various New Year's souvenir shops. But spending some time from the girlfriend, which are available in almost every mistress, you can make individual, unique elegant little things to design an apartment for the holiday.

I propose to get acquainted with creative ideas for the New Year's design of the apartment with your own hands. Very soon comes 2016, according to the eastern calendar, this is a year of the Red Fiery Monkey. Astrologers prophesy for this year for positive people have great change and the ability to creative growth. Playful and noisy patronage of the year, the fiery monkey will appreciate creatively decorated for the celebration of 2016 housing.

At the meeting of the upcoming year, elements from natural materials should be used in the decoration of the apartment. And the main thing at the design of the housing is not bought up on the juicy and bright colors that will come up with an extravagant monkey.

We begin to draw up your home to the celebration of the New Year, of course, with the decoration of the entrance door. For many, the traditional became a beautiful wreath of fragrant pine or fir branches decorated with all sorts of tinsel (garlands, christmas toys and rain).

But in the year of the Red Fiery Monkey would appropriate to make the original wreath with elements of the leaves of other evergreen plants, decorated with small figures of playful monkeys or without them. Make such a wreath and patroness of the year's babe monkey will undoubtedly bring good luck to your home.

New Year's design of furniture and interior doors.

There are many options for the decor of interroom doors and furniture for the holiday. But we propose to consider the most affordable of them.

You can cut cute Snow Maiden figures, Santa Claus or Snowman from ordinary napkins or simple paper for writing. Such applications will not be difficult to fix on the doors of furniture or the door canvase with small pieces of stationery skotcha.

On the perimeter of the door with the help of the same tape, the garlands of beads, rain, serpentine and other Christmas tinsel can be consolidated.

Soft toys of small size attached to doors or furniture are very stylish. What to give toys a festive view can be entrusted to them by making funny hats and scarves from multicolored flaps or tinsel.

You can put a bright and stylish bedspread from bamboo fabric on the sofa.

More inspirational ideas of the decor of rooms for the new year, look for the photo:

New Year's design windows.

Of course, it is possible to gear on the windows, independently carved snowflakes from paper. But try in the year the monkeys show a little fantasy. Make various stencils from the paper with festive figures.

Silhouettes dressed in New Year's coats, reindeer or just snow-covered hills will be very pretty.

And you can make such a stencil, which, applying to the window, you can with the help of paints on a water basis, draw beautiful festive drawings.

Handbook made of colored paper, balls and other materials available to all materials, christmas garlands can be placed on the balcony or around the window perimeter.

Other ideas How to decorate the window for the New Year can be spacked in the photo:

Registration of the New Year tree.

The chief attribute of the New Year - the beauty of the Christmas tree in 2016 it is better to decorate with toys and a mishet purple-red or bright orange.

Very winning will look at the Christmas tree rave bright tangerines, oranges, bananas and all sorts of figures made from their skins. Examples of such jewelry are looking at the photo.

Also, on the Christmas tree you can hang funny face of funny monkeys, just printed on a color printer.

And at the end of the festive christmas tree, decorate the branches of the New Year Beauty with artificial snow.

Registration of the New Year's table.

For registration of the New Year's table in 2016, use as many bright elements as possible.

You can use colored napkins, colorful dishes, festive candles and tablecloth.

Tablecloth for the table is best to choose bright red or lemon yellow. Beautifully will look napkins selected in the same color scheme with a tablecloth.

And multicolored candles lights will add a highlight to the decoration of the festive table.

Also, it will not be superfluous on the table to put several glass or ceramic monkeys.

And, of course, finish the design of the New Year's table will help effectively decorated festive dishes.

And the main decoration of the New Year's table will be smiles of your loved ones and festive mood.