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How to organize moving to a new apartment yourself? Moving to a new home and apartment - tips, rules, things and stress. Moving to a new apartment is it possible to move to a new apartment

Once again I move ... because this "process" in my life goes far from the first and not the last time, I know how to move correctly. I want to reveal your own and acquired secrets of moving. Some nuances save nerves and opening hours, and the stressful situation will not turn into a catastrophe with lost or spoiled things.

Sort things for moving

Preparation of things for moving

  1. Take up cleaning carpet and curtain curtains before moving. I say in personal experience - You will have a bunch of other problems after moving. It was always glad that it was not lazy to do this in advance.
  2. I do not admit that nestless underwear remained before moving. Try Refresh thingswho were shuffled.
  3. Collect emergency box of essential - With bag of coffee, toothbrushes, pair of sandwiches, napkins and toilet paper, a first-aid kit, a set of disposable tableware, a combination of linen. I throw a clean T-shirt myself and my husband.
  4. Clear the bottom of each box.
  5. Try not to make large grocery purchases 1.5-2 weeks before moving. Free the freezing chamber.

Packaging of things

Moving with animals

The dog is easier to survive moving if it is part of the process - do not scold her for curiosity and interest in the boxes. Speak encouraging voice, pay attention to the dog as often as possible, because it does not understand what is happening. Interrupt the game and walk during fees, do not forget about feeding into the usual time for a pet. This is a member of your family who can not be neglected.

Do not touch dog things until the last moment. A week or two before moving, go to the vet on the planned inspection, because after moving you will be very busy. The dog should go along with you, in no case leave her one in an empty house.

Let the animal be the first visitor of the new place of residence. His things should be the first to get into the room. The first weeks we walk on the leash, say "home" at the door of the house so that the dog gets used to a new place and accepted it with his refuge as soon as possible. If your dog has a microchip, do not forget to update information with the address and telephones. I have no experience in the cat with a cat.

Preparation of premises for moving

Out new home before moving. What I will write is not obligatory, and someone will at all seem a diagnosis, but my experience makes me make each of the items - so I can be calm for my family's health. This is especially true for moving to eliminate housing without pure repair. So:

  • Bathroom, bath, kitchen sink I treat chlorine-containing means. I use gloves and respirator. My kitchen cabinets also with chlorine in places of contact with dishes. This directly concerns your health, do not neglect cleaning with chlorine before settling.
  • My refrigerator with soda and it is open to check-in.
  • Dressers, cabinets, vacuum shelves in slots and grooves, mine with vinegar (weathered very quickly, kill other dust ticks). I wipe the sofas and chairs with vinegar, pre-speaking repeatedly.
  • Bitter experience taught me to handle floors around the perimeter of the plinth of dichlofos (or analogues). Selfiece carpets cleaner on the street and also running around Dichloofos.
  • If something somewhere leaks - sealing, tenting sockets twisted.
  • Kitchen slab I bring to the possible perfection of specials. means, the oven is cleaned by the ammonia. Other people's cutlery, including plates and cups - soak in a bucket with a whiteness solution (liquid chlorine).
    7. Carrying the room. It is important for me to surround yourself with a pleasant and familiar smell in a new accommodation, so I take care of it in advance - a few drops essential oil Orange in drawers of the chest and cabinets.

My cross-hour crossings are becoming increasingly familiar and less troublesome, and the above recommendations should relieve moving and you.

Each of us at least once in life came across a desire to move to new apartment and knows that this is connected not only with the beginning of a new life, but also stressful stress. The question immediately arises: "How to organize moving to another apartment yourself?" Below are given effective adviceHow to minimize the loss of nerve cells and independently avoid mistakes. But you can also refer to specialists who are engaged in the organization of apartment moves and once again not worry about transporting your items.

Required items that you must follow:

  • Choose a convenient date to change housing so that it suits all his participants.
  • Make a list of assistants, taking into account that someone can get sick or quarrel with you and just refuse to help. In this regard, you need to take into account all the options.
  • Calculate the time you order the car. It will be better if you give yourself an extra hour to check again and get together with thoughts.
  • Thought up in advance how you will take out overall furniture.
  • Packing things so that during transportation they are not damaged.
  • Chery door openings and staircases In the old new and apartment to know how to put furniture.
  • To organize a convenient loading plan for things into the car, think about how to distribute things in the cargo compartment to minimize an empty place, because everyone played in the famous Tetris game, the task is similar.
  • Take care how to deliver assistants to moving to the final destination.
  • Take care immediately about where it is better to first put furniture, so as not to interfere with further discharge and movement of people.

Get rid of unnecessary things

Let's start with how to properly organize an apartment relocation. First, spend a thorough sorting of things, and in the process of this rearrange, whatever you can help a particular thing. Nothing comes to mind? Do not be afraid to throw out things unnecessary to you, because it's still sooner or later you will have to do this, not now, so after 10 years, when your apartment will not have a place for trash. If this is some kind expensive thingBut you don't need it anymore and you really feel sorry for you, take advantage of the service of free ads, for sure, there will be people who need these things.

Sort and pack right

Sore things by category. For example, "Things of a husband / Wife / Child", " kitchen appliances"," Technique "," Books ", etc. As for clothing and shoes, it is recommended to sort the seasons. Do not regret money on packaging materials, as they say, I pay a miser twice. They may be vacuum packages, packaging film. You do not want your things to deform when transporting? Also note every box where it is to be not to open each box in search of the necessary things, it will simplify the organization of the apartment moving.

Calculate how many boxes you need for all things, and buy 2-3 boxes more, as practice has shown, they will not be superfluous. You can buy a packaging container, alas, you can not always purchase in the store across the road, cheaper to order it on the websites of companies that help with moving.

What to do with furniture when moving

Often it happens that they made high-quality repair, and money on new cabinet - No, and move with old, which does not fit into new design Apartments, with the idea that in a short time will acquire another. But you will only present how many new problems along with such a solution you create. Old furniture Not so easy to change to a new one, firstly, you will have to spend money on transportation, and such pleasure is not from cheap. Secondly, when transporting a large non-collapsible chair, you risk damageing your new renovation. You must understand that, getting rid of the old trash, you save big money. Transfer to a new apartment only antiques or worthy high-quality furniturewhich will still serve for many years. And the old grandmother's closet, better, sell and put in a new one.

Transportation of furniture

In the case with antiques, then trust it with special transport companies. With ready-made programs for fixed cost, the protection, the transported, packaging, machine, loading and unloading is included. Certified companies, before starting, work must inspect all things and indicate its condition. So you should not worry that they will say about the new scratch "so it was."

But also, if you decide to save on transportation and engage in moving to another apartment yourself. That, first of all, protect the corners of the furniture, can be foam. It is better not to save on this to not pay two times more for repairs. Special attention is paid to the glasses, if possible, it is worth removing all the beating elements and pack separately, if there is no such possibility, close the cardboard. No one occurs, does not carry the glass and the mirrors horizontally - only on the edge. In order for the items not to beat each other when moving, lay the foam or foam rubber between them. As for chandeliers and sconces with ceramic or glass beams, they need to disassemble and pack every detail separately.

Take care of fresh repairs in the new apartment. Protect all walls and processes that you can damage. Prepare formerly sheets of cardboard that can be protected more vulnerable places.

It should be calculated

Before ordering a car for transportation or to load the furniture yourself, consider one point: will all your things on dimensions be able to crawl into the doorway? If this is available, the output one is to lift through the window or balcony. There are special winches that are firmly fixed in the opening or on the roof of the building.

Pay attention to the weather

Also calculate the weather conditions, it depends very much from them. It is not recommended to do it in a slush-frost-snowfall, especially in the rain, during loading and unloading things you all wet that in the end will bring even more inconvenience. Humidity and sharp temperature differences can greatly harm furniture and clothing.

The cost of moving

Before hurrying to order a car for reversing things, carefully examine the parameters such as a car brand, how many loaders you need and how many hours you need a car. From all the above parameters varies the price, select the most optimal option for you. average price for one loader and two-hour work equals 2000 rubles, therefore, the more loaders and hours, the more price. Maximum you can pay 20,000 rubles for six six-hour workloads. Pleasure, not cheap, but you are guaranteed high-quality transportation and you can be calm for the safety of your furniture.

Moving to a new apartment is a very serious stage for each person, as a result, people usually change work, educational institutions. This is a new environment, a new life. Perhaps, many would like to change the place of residence, sell their old apartment, and move closer to work, or you simply tired of your view from the window, but you are afraid of difficulties, as they say the eyes of the eyes are great. If you really want to start the life of pure sheet, then forget all the obstacles that exist only in your head. Sit, gather with thoughts and sensibly weigh everything.

Additional assistance for those who are planning to move to a new apartment are the signs and the rules dictated by them. Today it is not listened to them, but when this is not done, there is a chance to bring the trouble. The ancestors paid attention to such attention. We will understand in the tradition related to moving traditions.

In the article:

Moving to a new apartment - Believers

When they moved, the ancestors must. Do not pick up with me - he will suffer, throw at night and interfere with new owners.

When part of the family remains in the old place, it is not taken. In the new, others lived before, there is a house in it, and it is important to make friends with it. When the dwelling is new and built recently, the good spirit is invited to it.

The old broom closes with him. There are two reasons for it. The first - under it hides the house. The second is that the broom is a strong damage.

When you leave the old place, leave coins to have new owners. And so that it waited for both newcomers - what you wish the other, you will get himself. Before settlement, coins on the floor for a secured life also throw.

The relatives not engaged in the carriage of things kneaded the dough. And baked bread in a new house.

In the past it was believed that the one who first goes to new house, die. So takes himself a sacrifice for the well-being of new tenants and the long service life. Therefore, the first family members came first. Then they began to start first into the cat's house. Cat, not a cat. Black. It will not be harmful to him. It was believed that the ladder for the unclean was not offended.

Watch where the cat falls, what places will choose for sleep and rest. There put beds or cradle for a child. They choose favorable places in the house and bypass negative. Now they do not all hold the cats, so the first statuette "comes" in the house, which depicts black cats. They stand near the door and guard the house from unclean strength.

After done general cleaning premises. A salt for cleansing was added to the water.

In the villages and today before moving to new housing, they launch in it for the night of a rooster. In the morning, the catcakenis drives out all unclean powerWhat settled in the house. And after the birds are preparing a colder and serve guests to the housewarming. The rooster is considered a symbol of wealth and fertility.

The corners of the new house were lubricated with honey to live sweetly.

They fured out wormwood, juniper or other herbs with cleansing and endless properties. Purified the room also with candles and special prayers. "Our Father" is universal, suitable for any situation.

Signs about moving to a new home - Feng Shui

Feng Shui specialists believe that it is important to choose the right date when you want to move to new housing. To facilitate the task, there is. Move better in one day, so as not to return to the old place. But not in the evening.

The doctrine does not advise residents to independently make things from the old house. Ask relatives or hire movers.

And those who are going to live in a new apartment should be entered into a new apartment. Fully this is impracticable, but it is important to take part.

The first to enter the house valuable things. This will bring wealth and prosperity.

Do not leave the old housing dirty. Be sure to move in it before departure to the new home. This expresses gratitude to the old for the heat and comfort, which will allow living in a pleasant atmosphere at a new address. Say goodbye, thank over the years of concern out loud, take with you pleasant memories, and negative release.

There is another reason for cleaning in an old apartment, but does not have a relationship to Feng Shui. The ancestors believed that damage was damaged. Optionally, special, negative words and emotions also matter. No one will be happy when he sees dirt in a new home, and definitely not thanks for this previous owners. For this reason, small malfunctions are eliminated like leaking cranes.

Cleansing a new place to live - an important stage of moving. Open the windows to let fresh airAnd then briefly all cranes in the bathroom and kitchen. Light the light in each room, turn any pleasant music and put the kettle on the stove to drink tea for the first time in this house.

Signals about housewarming

The ancestors arranged two holidays included. The first was a festive dinner for all residents of the new house, and the guests were invited to the second and took gifts.

The first celebration is now noted simply - they prepare nomudrenny dishes in advance and after checking open champagne. When the celebration ended, treat the house where there is on the table. Do not forget that he does not like meat and eggs.

When all questions that are associated with apartment arrangement, decide, call guests and arrange a feast. Merry gatherings with friends and relatives attract positive energy. Well, when children's laughter sounds during the newly skid.

When guests are sitting behind a generous table, and people in this house will live in prosperity. A beautifully decorated table with a clean tablecloth and the "parade" dishes foreshadow. The feast is talking about pleasant, do not discuss the things and phenomena of a negative nature.

In the center of the table put a trench with embroidery of red and green colors, and a loaf on it. It is decorated with rods rowabins, viburnum or other berries, which grow in that region where you live.

Each coming guest throws over a coin through the threshold, inside the house. This money rain attracts the energy of obtaining material goods and career growth. Well, when the owners will fall under him.

When invited disagree, instead of the words of the farewell say:

Peace to your home!

Try not to turn the housewarming in a banal drunk, nothing positive will bring it. Spend a tour of a new home, exchange experience in repairing and buying furniture, arrange dancing and spend interesting contests for friends. Do not forget O. good words And to spend nice time to you and guests.

What to give to the housewarming - Signs

About what to give to the housewarming, signs converge in opinion - almost everything other than money. When you are handing them, you can call for a house.

Acute objects - unwanted gifts. As in all other cases (upon receipt of such a birthday present), give a fine money in return. Do not give the clock and mirrors.

There are things that are superbly suitable for a gift for a housewarming. In the past, gave spoons, mugs and pots with wishes of satiety and prosperity. Now the service is appropriate, a set of glasses, a saucepan or pan or a technique - a blender or a food processor.

With such wishes in the old days, there are tables and tables. An optional dining, suitable magazine or special for breakfast in bed.

Magnificent gift Newslays - Horseshoe. Choose stylishly decorated, and it will become a talisman, which attracts good luck and decorating the hallway.

The ancestors gave sheep wool with wishes of wealth. Now - blankets, blankets and pillows are good analogues of genuine sheep wool. And here linens It is undesirable, it is believed that they choose his those who will sleep on it. Symbolizes heat and wealth fire, which makes heaters, electronic fireplaces, lamps and candles with good options for presenting newsnels.

Get fond of Chinese teachings - to give

Add to such an exciting and stressful event as moving a bit of magic! And you will see how things will go easier, and the joy of the process will add. Yes, the rules of moving is good, but align them with magic signs and rituals and life will become easier and happier.

Let's help you to plan moving

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What should be done before moving

To say goodbye to the old housing! After all, there were many events in this house too: joyful, sad, exciting, which will certainly remain in memory. So, first of all, leave the apartment clean, remove trash, trash, bags, sweeping and wash the floor.

Make a simple ritual "Farewell Pie", which is that in the old apartment you are preparing any simple treat and eat here with all the households. This is a farewell to the house and a kind of transition to new life. Slices and rest of the cake to take in a new apartment should not be!

During preparation for moving to a new apartment, try to fully take into account and not forget. Consider bad admissionif you have to come back again and again an old house For things. Check alternately all rooms, bathroom, balcony, loggia, look at all storage rooms and mezzanine.

Another simple ritual is performed after it will be taken out when moving. Watch the apartment, go around it and mentally or aloud, say goodbye to her. It is very helpful to thank her for protection, comfort and everything is good that it was here.

And still be sure to take with you from old apartment broom! It is believed that with him you pick up the spirit of the house, the house, your defender. Moreover, before picking a broom, quickly sweep them the floors and remove it into a separate package.

What day is better to move

There are several magical rules:

  • Moving is best planned for the morning, and the sooner the case will pass.
  • Saturday is considered a suitable day, and on oriental beliefs and medium.
  • It is considered to be favorable if it rained or snow on this day. This is fortunately and light road.
  • You do not need to wash your head on this day, sew or wash!
  • If you meet on the way to a new house of the beggar, a dog or a pregnant lady is a luck and good news.

Before moving to a new apartment, it is advisable to schedule and the day of the new school. It will help to adapt in place faster.

In your new apartment

First, let's let the cat! If it is not, but there is a dog - it will also fit. Let your defender be the first to enter a new home. And then you drop a few coins through the threshold - for wealth and monetary luck. After this procedure, you can make things, boxes and furniture.

After movers and moving to another apartment can be considered performed, it is worth making a small rite-charm. You will need church candle And 10-15 minutes of free time. Light a candle and go around all the rooms, reading the prayer (better than our "Father"). Consecrate the corners, storage room, toilet and bathroom, all-all home space. It will clear it well and protect you.

Another simple way to "make friends with the house" is to light your favorite incense and go through the rooms. After 10-15 minutes, the apartment stands slightly to ventilate. Do not worry, the aroma of incense and their poor strength will be preserved!

We recommend you in the new apartment hang amulet - horseshoe. Best hang her ends up entrance door. If there is no place there, then over the entrance to any of the rooms. And even advice: buy something new from the kitchen utensils for the house. This will also be considered a sign of good luck!

Housewarming - Be sure!

Now you know what you need to move and arrange in a new place. But that's not all! Be sure to organize a housewarming, and it is in the first weekend after entry. Several rituals are also associated with this home holiday:

  • Invite only relatives and favorite people as well as children of different ages. Children's laughter and burning in a new house is a great start and a favorable sign for everyone.
  • If you are important to invite colleagues, then do the second housewarming for them, which you can spend when things are already decomposed. In addition to colleagues, you can call friends familiar.
  • A lot of food on the housewarming - fortunately and sufficiency! You can even make a kind of buffet, where there will be many sandwiches,

  • fruit, sweets. All this makes the table (and therefore the house!) Abundant and generous.

Gifts for housewarming must be taken, especially if it is homemade utensils, dishes, interior items!

Add to such an exciting and stressful event as moving a bit of magic! And you will see how things will go easier, and the joy of the process will add. Yes, the rules of moving is good, but align them with magic signs and rituals and life will become easier and happier.

Let's help you to plan moving

Just leave an online application, advice free

What should be done before moving

To say goodbye to the old housing! After all, there were many events in this house too: joyful, sad, exciting, which will certainly remain in memory. So, first of all, leave the apartment clean, remove trash, trash, bags, sweeping and wash the floor.

Make a simple ritual "Farewell Pie", which is that in the old apartment you are preparing any simple treat and eat here with all the households. This is a farewell with a home and a kind of transition to a new life. Slices and rest of the cake to take in a new apartment should not be!

During preparation for moving to a new apartment, try to fully take into account and not forget. It is considered a bad admission, if you have to go back to the old house for things again and again. Check alternately all rooms, bathroom, balcony, loggia, look at all storage rooms and mezzanine.

Another simple ritual is performed after it will be taken out when moving. Watch the apartment, go around it and mentally or aloud, say goodbye to her. It is very helpful to thank her for protection, comfort and everything is good that it was here.

And still be sure to take with you from the old apartment of the broom! It is believed that with him you pick up the spirit of the house, the house, your defender. Moreover, before picking a broom, quickly sweep them the floors and remove it into a separate package.

What day is better to move

There are several magical rules:

  • Moving is best planned for the morning, and the sooner the case will pass.
  • Saturday is considered a suitable day, and on oriental beliefs and medium.
  • It is considered to be favorable if it rained or snow on this day. This is fortunately and light road.
  • You do not need to wash your head on this day, sew or wash!
  • If you meet on the way to a new house of the beggar, a dog or a pregnant lady is a luck and good news.

Before moving to a new apartment, it is advisable to schedule and the day of the new school. It will help to adapt in place faster.

In your new apartment

First, let's let the cat! If it is not, but there is a dog - it will also fit. Let your defender be the first to enter a new home. And then you throw a few coins through the threshold - for prosperity and monetary success. After this procedure, you can make things, boxes and furniture.

After movers and moving to another apartment can be considered performed, it is worth making a small rite-charm. You will need church candle and 10-15 minutes of free time. Light a candle and go around all the rooms, reading the prayer (better than our "Father"). Consecrate the corners, storage room, toilet and bathroom, all-all home space. It will clear it well and protect you.

Another simple way to "make friends with the house" is to light your favorite incense and go through the rooms. After 10-15 minutes, the apartment stands slightly to ventilate. Do not worry, the aroma of incense and their poor strength will be preserved!

We recommend you in the new apartment hang amulet - horseshoe. It is best to hang it up, over the entrance door. If there is no place there, then over the entrance to any of the rooms. And even advice: buy something new from the kitchen utensils for the house. This will also be considered a sign of good luck!

Housewarming - Be sure!

Now you know what you need to move and arrange in a new place. But that's not all! Be sure to organize a housewarming, and it is in the first weekend after entry. Several rituals are also associated with this home holiday:

  • Invite only relatives and your favorite people, as well as children of different ages. Children's laughter and burning in a new house is a great start and a favorable sign for everyone.
  • If you are important to invite colleagues, then do the second housewarming for them, which you can spend when things are already decomposed. In addition to colleagues, you can call friends familiar.
  • A lot of food on the housewarming - fortunately and sufficiency! You can even make a kind of buffet, where there will be many sandwiches,

  • fruit, sweets. All this makes the table (and therefore the house!) Abundant and generous.

Gifts for housewarming must be taken, especially if it is homemade utensils, dishes, interior items!