Repair Design Furniture

Split systems with forced ventilation mode - prices. Air conditioner with fresh air supply: device and choice of supply split system Duct split systems with supply ventilation

Since most apartments are now characterized by hermetic conditions (the main reason is metal-plastic and plastic windows), the inflow fresh air. Therefore, natural ventilation of this is simply impossible, and the level of oxygen in the air decreases, along with the activity of the person who is there.

It may help to solve this problem forced ventilation. There are many variations of installations for ventilation of rooms by this method. One of them is the supply air conditioner.

What is an air conditioner with forced ventilation

An air conditioner with forced ventilation is different from a conventional similar device. It supplies street, purified air flows into the room.

An air conditioner with a supply ventilation mode can create a comfortable microclimate in the room, performing two functions at the same time:

  • regulation of temperature and humidity air currents;
  • saturation of the room space with fresh air masses.

With an objective assessment of the capabilities of air conditioners with the function of supply ventilation, then a more correct name for such units is air conditioners with an admixture supply air. All this is because the volume of air flow that is supplied from the outside is no more than forty percent.

Device and principle of operation

An air conditioner with an air supply can be of several varieties.

Among consumers, devices with a system of forced inflow of air masses are in demand, the location of the block of which is channel or wall. The difference between the design of such systems and standard ones is:

  • air duct - it connects the indoor unit to the external one;
  • purification of the supplied air mixtures.

Duct air conditioners for ventilation are equipped with heaters, which are designed to heat the flow of air masses, regardless of the season. They can be water or electric. Supply air conditioner equipment:

  • Indoor (evaporative) block

It consists of a heat exchanger, fan, filter, electronic control unit.

If the air conditioner is wall-mounted, the indoor unit is mounted on the wall.

If the ventilation unit is a duct unit, the indoor unit is mounted in a box or above false ceiling. Installation, therefore, does not violate the design of the room, because all the equipment is hidden behind the ceiling, while the air supply is carried out through decorative grilles.

  • Outdoor unit

It consists of a compressor, a condenser heat exchanger, an air cooling fan, a suction turbine, and a chamber for mixing air masses.

The outdoor unit is mounted outside. If such a unit is equipped with a centrifugal fan, it can be installed indoors.

Principle of operation:

  • Fresh air flows to the conditioner through the external block by means of the soaking-up turbine.
  • Through the air ducts, fresh air enters the mixing chamber of the indoor unit.
  • With the help of the chamber, the process of mixing incoming fresh air flows and outflows of air masses of the room is carried out.
  • The already mixed air is then cleaned.
  • Before air flows are supplied to the room, they are additionally processed (heating, cooling, humidification, etc.) according to the parameters set by the user, which can be maintained automatically.


How to distinguish classic split-air ventilation systems for an apartment from a supply air conditioner? Their difference is only in the arrangement of the air duct channel, which combines the internal and external system units. It could be:


In air conditioners with forced ventilation, the operation of the air duct channel is regulated by a special membrane. It has high throughput.

Molecule penetration rate various gases twice less speed penetration of oxygen molecules. Such throughput contributes to the maintenance of natural indicators of oxygen levels.

Due to the high pricing policy of the device itself, its installation, such units are not in great demand among consumers.

Modular system

She complements installed system conditioning. The recuperator is taken as a basis, which is equipped with an air duct, a separate external unit. This unit is mounted next to the already installed outdoor unit.

The outdoor unit of the modular system is equipped with small air tubes through which air flows and exchanges heat.

  • Massive wall box.
  • Air exchange is approximately 20m3/hour. Such volumes are not enough for a full-fledged human life. Therefore, such air circulation cannot be considered complete.

With the advent of forced ventilation modular systems have become irrelevant. They are being discontinued.

Application area

Often the system supply air conditioning installed in apartments elevated level tightness. Also used for rooms to which special requirements for circulation and air quality are put forward.

System Benefits

  1. This system is able to function even during low temperatures air. This makes it possible to operate the supply air conditioners all year round.
  2. Purified air supply. Such an air conditioning system is equipped with a highly efficient air filter, due to which fresh air masses, purified from gases and odors, are supplied into the room.
  3. Microprocessor control. Promotes automatic support system of the characteristics of air streams set by the user.

System Disadvantages

  1. The additional fan creates noise, the level of which is on the brink of the allowed sanitary standards.
  2. These air conditioning systems cannot fully replace the ventilation system.
  3. Equipment price. The cost of such a unit is 15-20% more expensive than the price of climate control equipment, which is in no way inferior in power, but on inverter control.

The air conditioner is not designed for air exchange, it cleans and cools the environment in a closed space. But the ventilation shafts that have fallen into disrepair apartment buildings, installation of airtight plastic windows deprived of an apartment natural ventilation. The air in the room becomes unhealthy, there is not enough oxygen, the proportion of carbon dioxide increases. Can an apartment air conditioner be a supply air conditioner?

It is not yet possible to combine the two functions of air preparation in a full-fledged mode. Most best systems can only use the air supply from the street for 30% of the total capacity. At the same time, the air conditioner becomes much more complicated and the price rises.

For houses and apartments, only single-block air conditioners, various modifications, split systems can be used. They serve to ensure the regime on an area not exceeding 100 m 2. We will not consider cassette and column air conditioners.

Duct air conditioner with fresh air supply

The device of the channel system is two-module. One block, compressor-condenser, is outside the perimeter, evaporator is located inside the room. They are connected to each other copper pipes with freon and electrical wiring. The evaporation unit can be hidden in the lining of the room. Air conditioners with the function of fresh air inflow from the street produce air exchange into the room for 2-3 hours. Physiologically, the air becomes healthy, saturated with oxygen. These air conditioners include systems from Daikin "Ururu Sarara". Hitachi and Haier created their own models with an influx of fresh air.

The technology for cleaning and mixing air flows is complex. In a special block outside the perimeter, the air taken from the street passes through a manganese catalyst, adsorption of impurities, including odors, occurs. At the inlet to the air conditioning system there is a filter on which remains small trash, insects and other external dirt. After the gas flows are mixed and passed through a photocatalytic filter, where they are biologically disinfected. Clean air is enriched with vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The healing product is fed into the room.

Duct air conditioner with fresh air admixture

The apartments use multi-split systems. They represent an installation with one unit placed outside, there can be 2-4 indoor modules. The system is equipped additional device for outdoor air preparation. In such air conditioners, fresh air intake does not exceed 10% of the total volume in circulation system. A specialist can install and correctly calculate a multisystem. At all exit points, the air parameters will be the same. This is the main disadvantage of a multi-point split system. More than 4 sampling points are not provided, because it is difficult to balance such a system in terms of performance.

Using the admixture of air from the street, a split system with a wall-mounted indoor unit operates. But at the same time outdoor node the air conditioner is modified, a fan and a mixing chamber are used. Near the perimeter, an air preparation unit is installed, providing for winter heating and a grid coarse cleaning from debris and living creatures.

Air conditioner that takes air from outside

The channel split system uses supply schemes most competently. Does this air conditioner take air from outside? One remote unit is located outside the circuit, the evaporators are connected to it by piping, mounted in a suspended ceiling or false wall. An outdoor air preparation unit is used, which is supplied to the system in several places. Condition - a place behind the wall or under the floor, sufficient to accommodate the equipment. The system is programmable, the regulation is carried out by an electronic unit. The installation for preparing the air supply from the street and the ducted air conditioner have different control panels. The admixture of fresh air can be 30%. As a result of renewal, the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen content changes.

Fresh air conditioners for apartment

Another type of split system is supply and exhaust air conditioner in the Hitachi product line, they are not very powerful, air exchange reaches only 8 m 3 per hour, but this amount is enough for a bedroom. An example of a supply and exhaust split system is the Hitachi RAS-10JH2 air conditioner. The model has inverter compressor, 2 pipes are used - supply and exhaust. Air is removed forcibly, fresh air from the street can be heated. The remote control has separate options for supplying air from the street and removing exhaust. One mode is chosen, then the system is tuned to an equilibrium state.

Haier offers 2 models of premium fresh air conditioners: Aqua Super Match AS09QS2ERA and LIGHTERA HSU-09HNF03/R2(DB). In these settings supply system air is an optional extra. But having bought the equipment, it is possible to provide air renewal with a flow rate of 25 m 3 / hour. Both models of conditioners have the built-in function of an admixture of air from the street. For this on outdoor unit there is a pressure fan and a chamber for mixing two gas streams. flexible hose with outdoor air can be introduced directly into the room in one way or another.

Rules for placement of block air conditioners with air supply from the street

When installing evaporators on the ceiling, it is important that the flow of cool air does not reach the location of people. Therefore, narrow slotted blinds are used. The higher the ceiling, the better the oncoming gas flows are averaged. In a channel split system, the distance between the normal and suspended ceilings is at least 25 cm. The same applies to the false walls behind which the channels pass.

In any case, ducted air conditioners or split systems with an influx of fresh air will cost more and are more difficult to operate than a separate supply and exhaust system and an air conditioner. Devices 2 in 1, naturally, have somewhat truncated capabilities.

Air conditioner with forced ventilation

Modern ecology, especially in cities, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the presence of fresh air in a residential area is, first of all, a concern for the health of everyone who lives there. But if in country house enough to open sash, then in the conditions of gas contamination and dustiness of the urban atmosphere, such a solution looks doubtful.

Air conditioner

How to provide yourself with fresh air? Many people see a way out in the installation of an air conditioner, mistakenly believing that it takes in outside air, purifies, cools (or heats) it, and releases it into the room already in this form. However, this is not at all the case.

An air conditioner is a device used to create comfortable conditions in a room. First of all, this applies to summer, when unbearable heat sets in on the street, when it is difficult not only to walk along the street, but also just fall asleep at night. What does the air conditioner do in this case? Cools the air. But what kind of air? The same one circulating in the room. Yes, he cleans it of harmful impurities as much as he can. A cheap one does not clean well, trapping only large particles of dirt and dust, as well as accidentally flying insects, on a special grate. Expensive "catches" pathogens, pathogenic fungal spores, pollen and other allergens and smaller dust particles. However, the air remains the same and each time the percentage of oxygen in it decreases, and the percentage of carbon dioxide increases. And the apparent freshness is due to its purification from harmful impurities and cooling. But harmful impurities do not go anywhere - they settle on the air conditioner grille, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the condensate accumulating there can become a comfortable environment for the development of bacteria, mold and other unhelpful microorganisms.

An alternative to traditional recirculation air conditioners can be an air conditioner with a forced ventilation mode. However, on this moment this additional function the indicated devices are poorly developed and, if you use it, the air conditioner starts to emit increased noise. And the more air you need to "draw in" from the outside, the louder this noise. Is it comfortable for those living in the apartment? Hardly. Although a person gets used to everything ...

According to the norms, for one person in the room, 30 cubic meters of fresh air are needed per hour. Air conditioners with forced ventilation, in which the indicated function is set to the maximum, can provide an influx of fresh air in the amount of about 20 cubic meters per hour. This is clearly not enough.

Another mistake of those who want to buy an air conditioner is the opinion that it is able to heat the air, providing warmth in the house in winter. Yes, it heats up the air. However, he is able to do this “painlessly” for himself only if the temperature outside is above zero. If you try to turn it on in the heating mode at minus outdoor temperatures- very soon it will just break. For cheap models, the compressor will fail, and for expensive ones, the equipment itself will refuse to ruin itself and simply will not turn on. Real benefit from such a split system there is only in autumn or spring, when there is a plus on the street. The risk here lies in the accelerated rate of formation of condensate, which should be removed in time - otherwise the device may break.

And finally, installation. As you know, the air conditioner consists of two parts - internal and external, called blocks. The installation of an outdoor unit is equivalent to a redevelopment, for which a permit is required. If this action is inconsistent, the unauthorized air conditioner installer may be complained about by neighbors, the city, or Management Company. The main threat in this case is the obligation, by a court decision, to dismantle the unauthorized structure. Yes, and the installation process itself involves the use of a puncher, the “zeal” of which is some especially old and fragile walls may not endure.

ventilation unit

Another class of devices that perform more important and vital purposes is supply ventilation installations (or, in other words, ventilators).

Installation is carried out special equipment for diamond drilling. Its high accuracy allows punching a hole in the wall without any concern for its overall integrity and is acceptable even in a newly renovated room. At the same time, on outer wall no need to hang any outdoor units - just install a protective grill with a visor. It can be painted to match the color of the wall. Such an action is not considered redevelopment and does not require additional permission.

The part of the ventilation unit placed indoors has an attractive casing made of safe eco-materials. Its main advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • heat resistance;
  • high sound insulation.

The ventilation unit draws in fresh, oxygenated outside air, purifies it, and supplies it to the room already in this form. IN winter time an additional function of heating the air to a comfortable temperature is also activated. What's more interesting than more difference outside and inside temperatures, the more efficient the heating will be. In the most simple models although there is no install function set temperature, but there is a power regulator.

Using the iFresh installation as an example, let's consider several speeds at which the ventilator fan can operate:

  • the first, providing fresh air supply in the amount of 40 cubic meters per hour, is absolutely silent and especially comfortable at night;
  • the second, supplying air in a volume of 80 cubic meters per hour, is suitable for daytime use;
  • the third involves active ventilation in the presence of a large number people and provides the room with air in the amount of 120 cubic meters per hour.

At the same time, active purification of the air supplied from the street is ensured, due to which, no matter how terrible the street atmosphere is, only clean, oxygenated air is inside the room. A similar effect is achieved due to double filtration through dust and active carbon filters, which trap all harmful particles - dust, industrial gases, pathogens. microorganisms, chemical compounds, etc. As a result, there is always enough fresh air in the room, and everyone who is in it feels great.

Summing up, we note that the use of air conditioning is limited to hot summer days and off-season, and we need fresh air every day.

If we talk about the material component of the issue, then from the point of view of the efficiency of investing money, the installation of forced ventilation is a more rational and priority choice. Having provided yourself with clean, oxygenated air, you can decide to install an air conditioner for "hot days".

February 2019

What kind of air blows the air conditioner?

"The air conditioner blows air that it takes from the street." This is a common misconception. Perhaps with these words we can begin this article. Every second client believes that since the air conditioner has an external unit outside the window, the air conditioner itself takes fresh air and supplies it to the room. If you were present during the installation of the air conditioner, you could observe that a route is stretched to the outdoor unit from the indoor one, which consists of:

  • copper gas and liquid tube for freon;
  • a tube for drainage (when condensate is removed to the outside);
  • cable for interunit control and power supply.

As you can see, when installing the air conditioner, no air ducts are laid that can supply the room atmospheric air. In other words, the air conditioner passes room air through the indoor unit, which is cooled by passing through a thin plate heat exchanger.

Communications to the external unit only serve to remove heat, and not to supply air from the street to the room. Split system is not ventilation unit!

In the outdoor unit, freon is compressed by a compressor, the condenser is blown by a fan to remove excess heat, and already liquid freon is supplied to indoor unit for evaporation and cooling.

But there are exceptions! And more about them below.

How is air supplied to the room through the air conditioner?

The most efficient supply of fresh air is carried out by ducted air conditioners and cassette split systems. Structurally, in these types of air conditioners, it is possible to connect air ducts to take fresh air from the street. Duct air conditioners with supply ventilation do not provide 100% supply of air passing through them from the street, but they do exactly mixed: the volume of air left in the room from the street reaches a maximum of 30-40%.

indoor unit channel type with an air duct connected to it for supplying fresh air.

Adapters for grilles through which both cooled and fresh air will be brought into the room.

Decorative grilles for air distribution from duct air conditioner by premises. They can also be ceiling-mounted.

An air duct is connected to the indoor unit, which takes in atmospheric air from outside the room and provides a more comfortable environment compared to a conventional air conditioner without fresh air supply. But so that street dust, soot, leaves do not get into the room - filters are installed on the way. And for the possibility of heating cold (in winter) air - heaters. All this economy must also be "stretched" through the air duct, which exerts resistance, which is why the implementation of such a ventilation scheme requires a calculation for resistance and an assessment of the possible volumes of air from the street into the room.

And now the purified air enters the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, and then through the air ducts it is distributed to ventilation grilles by premises. You can get more detailed information from the sections of our website or by consulting a manager.

One drawback of duct and cassette air conditioners with air admixture: their installation is possible at the stage of repairing the premises, because the installation of indoor units and the laying of the freon circuit with air ducts is carried out covertly (under the ceiling or sewn into the space between the walls). For those who want to experience the beauty of forced ventilation combined with air conditioning, there are only a few models. The best of them are presented below.

Models of wall-mounted split systems with a supply ventilation function

IN Lately several Chinese manufacturers, which replenished their line with air conditioners with forced ventilation. We would not advise considering this option: the level technical solutions in these split systems is far from perfect: high level noise, low air flow values ​​in cubic meters and so on. At first sight a simple function Few have succeeded in introducing domestic split system. Even Panasonic was forced to abandon the sensational XE-DKE series in 2007-2009, removing it from production as inefficient.

Air-fed air conditioners are becoming more and more popular and there is one leader in the HVAC industry, the Japanese giant Daikin.

Air conditioners Daikin with air admixture

If Hitachi is (was) the most popular, then Daikin is the most advanced model to date! The Ururu Sarara series of air conditioners with fresh air is a state-of-the-art system that is designed to improve the quality of life modern man in the conditions of the city new level! That was the goal of Daikin's Japanese engineers.

Combining the functions of cooling/heating, humidification/dehumidification, ventilation, air purification and oxygen enrichment in one unit provides an unsurpassed level of comfort. In your city apartment you will breathe clean air with an optimal level of humidity, air saturated with oxygen. This split system is far from cheap, but with its help you improve your sleep, well-being, and get sick less. This is both an air conditioner and an air purifier - two in one!

To learn more about the series of air conditioners with air supply: UruruSarara series air conditioners.

Fresh air from the street enters the filter in the outdoor unit, through which it enters the blades of the cassette made of zeolite (a hygroscopic material that provides moisture transfer), which in turn supplies air to the heating zone, thereby increasing the humidity of the air supplied to the room. In automatic mode, the air conditioner will independently select the optimal humidity.

Air is supplied to the room through a special reinforced hose included in the delivery set and designed for a length of 8 meters. Made from antibacterial material. The air supplied to the room undergoes the finest cleaning:

  • dust, pollen, exhaust gases - everything is retained by a coarse filter and a catalyst at the first stage, before air is supplied to the indoor unit;
  • Titanium dioxide photo catalytic filter ensures the destruction of the membrane of odor molecules, spores, mold and viruses, followed by decomposition into harmless amino acids. The filter is recoverable!
  • streamer discharge (cold plasma) destroys the remnants of viruses and bacteria, providing a clinical cleanliness in your home!

About other features this air conditioner(timer control settings, flow control, easy cleaning, 3D airflow, wide-angle louvres, turbo mode, safety and durability, etc.) can be written for a long time. But it can be summarized this model A: She's perfect. The best air conditioner has not yet been invented by any of the manufacturers.

  • air conditioner
  • domestic air handling unit

Similar schemes have been implemented at dozens of our facilities. You can learn more about this option of air conditioning and air supply on the pages of our website in the article Air conditioning and air handling unit

Another option, as already mentioned above, would be to install a ducted air conditioner with an air outlet to take in fresh air from the street. When implementing such a scheme, it is often installed in the duct after the intake grate duct fan(to ensure the proper volume of air supply to the indoor unit of the split system), filter (for air purification) and heater (if necessary, heat cold air in winter).

Supply ventilation provides fresh air to the building, and at the same time cleans it from dust and heats it. characteristic feature of this whole system is the injection of air into the building, while the displaced air is removed through special ducts and outlets. The advantage of such a device is the ability to thoroughly clean the air, the humidity and temperature of which can be controlled.

Conventional ventilation systems are air ducts, which are mainly located in bathrooms and kitchens. Through them natural way polluted air leaves, and the cracks in the windows and doors act as a pump, supplying fresh air from the street. This simple scheme is called forced natural ventilation.

But such ventilation has certain disadvantages - its capacity depends on wind speed, temperature and other factors. And with the advent of plastic windows, it became ineffective.

Supply ventilation characteristic

To increase air exchange, they began to use a special supply ventilation device. These devices come in a variety of configurations. by the most simple method is to install the supply fan in a hole in the wall or window. The disadvantage of this method is the entry of very cold air in winter.

The supplied air must be at least +16 ºС. Otherwise, a temperature drop can contribute to people getting sick or damaging furniture and peeling wallpaper. Based on this, a normal system for such ventilation should include multilevel system overheating protection and heater. In addition, there must be air filter so that a lot of dust does not get in with the air, and good sound insulation.

The supply ventilation system has three modes of operation:

  • winter mode, air heating using a water heater;
  • summer mode, cooling it with a water cooler;
  • standby mode, there is a control against freezing of the water heater and air temperature when the mode is off.

Supply ventilation modes

Summer ventilation mode It can be with or without heating. Heating occurs when the fresh air temperature is 5 degrees lower than the set temperature. Such a device operates in ventilation mode, but when the temperature drops relative to the limit, heating is turned on to the set temperature. After the required temperature has been reached, the regulation ends after 30 minutes.

Summer mode without air heating is presented as follows. The system also operates in ventilation mode. If the temperature drops below +5 ºС, then the device switches to standby mode.

By the way, if the operating mode of the system does not correspond to the season, that is, the air temperature outside, the device will emit sound signals.

Winter mode has a heating function. Supply ventilation with heating heats the outside air to the set temperature. It can be set within +15 ºС to +30 ºС. If you turn on this mode at a temperature of more than +5 ºС, then the system will beep and switch to summer mode.

In addition, there is also a mode of operation when high humidity, for example, during rain. The supply air is warmed up to the set temperature from +15 ºС to +30 ºС, and the fan speed remains minimal and does not change.

One of the popular devices is a split system with forced ventilation. This is an excellent replacement for air conditioning and ventilation, so it successfully solves the problem of ventilation.

In addition, it is better to use filters for supply ventilation with any device. They purify the air that enters the building. They also carry out the middle and fine cleaning, their use guarantees a longer life of ventilation and no need to repair it.