Repairs Design Furniture

Forced bathroom ventilation. How to make ventilation in the bathroom. Ventilation device in a private house

Natural ventilation in our homes is organized as follows: the air, entering the windows, passes the living rooms, and removes through the ventilation channels at the top of the kitchen and the bathroom. Then it rises along the vertical duct, after which it is reset to the ventilation mine. Together with him, the apartments leave dust, moisture and carbon dioxide. This is ideal. In fact, in our housing reigns the smell of neighboring broth, cigarette smoke and sewage. What to do when the ventilation channels cease to work on the projected power? The only way out is the installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

But do not rush to run to the store for the most powerful and expensive fan. At a minimum, you need:

  • check craving;
  • determine the reason for bad ventilation work;
  • pick up the fan type;
  • figure out how to properly make an exhaust in the bathroom and toilet, what materials will be needed for installation;
  • explore the attached instructions on how the fan is installed in the bathroom.

Checking traction

To check the thrust it is necessary to ensure the flow of air, the opening window. Apply narrow paper strips to the ventilation channel lattice. If the strips come to the lattice, then the ventilation is functioning normally. But if the paper does not pegs, or the opposite deviates from the drawing, then there is a reverse thrust effect. We will identify the reasons and eliminate them.

Anneometer measuring the speed V (m / s) of the air flow passing through the ventilation channel. Air flow through the channel of the ventsystem is determined by the formula: D \u003d V x F, m³ / h, where: F is the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe channel, m². After that, the calculation is checked for compliance with the regulatory parameters.

For a bathroom or toilet, consumption through an exhaust hole must be at least 25 m³ / h, for a combined bathroom - 50 m³ / h.

Causes of bad (or reverse) thrust in the toilet and bathroom.

Consider several reasons for bad ventilation in the bathroom or toilet:

Choose an exhaust fan

Want to know how to make ventilation? Pick the model of the electrical fan, taking into account the characteristics and functions specified below.

Fan performance

To calculate, we use such a value as the multiplicity of air exchange. For the bathroom (toilet and the bathroom), this indicator lies within 6 ... 8 and means how many times in 1 hour the air in the room should be updated.
Example. The area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom is 9 m², height - 2.5 m.

Calculate the size of the room:
V \u003d 9 m² x 2.5 m \u003d 16.8 m³

VVent \u003d 16.8 m³ x (6 ... 8) \u003d 100 ... 135 m³ / h

By calculating the power of your fan should be at least 100 ... 135 m³ / h. But this calculation is not suitable for ventilation systems with a reverse order effect. In order to "sell" channel resistance, a more powerful cooler will need. How more powerful? We recommend increasing the calculated fan performance by 30% vvent. This should compensate for the air-resistant channel on the segment "Apartment - Entrance to Shakht."

Council. Avoid installing fans with a capacity of more than 1000 m³ / h. For the efficient operation of such equipment, a large amount of supply air will be required. Working "frightened" it will overheat and quickly fail.

Installation of fan

Before starting the installation of the fan in the bathroom or toilet, we consider it necessary to convey to you one fact.

By reworking your natural circulation into forced, without the permission of the State Housing Inspection, you make an administrative offense. Exception - low-power equipment up to 100 m³.

In fact, fines for an unauthorizedly installed fan are extremely rare, so, choosing between the aroma of neighboring sewage and mounting the fan in the toilet (bathroom), the majority preferred the latest option.

Installation of axial fan according to the "LIGHT-FAN" scheme

This scheme will interest those who want to know how to make ventilation in the toilet quickly and without unnecessary "frills".

Before making an exhaust in the toilet for this scheme, you need to know about its "weak places." Since the connection goes through the light bulb, then you will have to use a two-core cable (phase-zero). Equipment will be ground, only if you throw a separate wire between the "earth" of the fan and the "earth" of the socket or switch.

Installation of axial fan with built-in delay timer

For those who want to make ventilation in the bathroom, we recommend purchasing a model with a built-in timer. The scheme of its work is as follows: when the light is turned on, the extractor starts to work. When a person leaves and extinguishes the light, the delay timer includes (from 2 to 30 minutes) and the fan continues to pull the wet air.

Below is the order of installation, for those who do not know how to set the exhaust in the bathroom along this scheme.

  1. We make the shoes or if the bathroom is already finished, we are making plastic boxes for open wiring.
  2. Remove the decorative (facial) device cover. We produce wires (zero and phase) through the fan case and the opening of the built-in terminal block, but not yet fixed.
  3. Expose the delay time. There are models where settings are made from the console, but in low-cost models, this parameter is set using a slotted screwdriver on the TIME knob.
  4. We screw the body with self-draws to the wall or garden it on silicone sealant.
  5. Cleash the wires in the fan terminals. Connect the stripped conclusions of the wires from the fan and the light bulb through the terminal block. From the light bulb, I pull the wiring on the switch. Before making an exhaust in the bathroom, decide where the switch will be. For considerable reasons, we recommend transferring it to the inner wall of the bathroom, but the degree of protection of the shell must be at least IP44.
  6. We put the cable in the box.
  7. Close and secure decorative fan cover.


Let's summarize? We learned:
- determine the degree of functionality of our natural ventilation;
- discussed the reasons for which the thrust in the ventilation channels can weaken or disappear at all;
- Dali tips on choosing a fan of hoods on a bathroom or toilet;
- they told how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet using two, most popular schemes.

The improvement of ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet will save a healthy microclimate in your apartment and keeps out of many problems.

For each bathroom characteristic is an elevated level of humidity. In order to prevent such a phenomenon as the formation of mold or fungus, it is worth checking the self-functioning of the ventilation system or install additional equipment. Very often, many people arise how to make ventilation in the toilet with their own hands.

Check ventilation operation Simple: the paper sheet applied to the ventilation hole should not fall.

In order for the mold on the surfaces does not occur, there are several options to combat it:

  • insulate all surfaces - this method will prevent the formation of condensate;
  • a very efficient method is a device forced ventilation.

Cleaning natural ventilation

To clean the ventilation from dust, garbage Use the rash with a long flexible handle.

If a natural ventilation system is bad in the toilet, it is necessary to clean the channels. To do this, it is from the channel to eliminate all the accumulated dust and web. To carry out such a procedure, it is worth using a rash with a long flexible handle.

Specialists who are engaged in cleaning ventilation channels can use a more dangerous purification option, which uses a gas can be used with flammable liquid. This method involves burning dust. To conduct such a procedure independently, not having experience, is strictly prohibited, it is better to entrust all specialists.

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Forced ventilation

In order for high-quality air exchange in the toilet, it is worth doing ventilation that will work automatically. It is very important for the air with heavy smells and evaporation to penetrate the living quarters. Forced need to be equipped with its own exhaust channel. Before the owner will be presented to the selection of ventilation systems of the ceiling and wall species.

Diagram of the device of general ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

For the premises of the toilet it is worth picking up a suppressive ventilation system as forced ventilation. Such a system will regularly circulate the air indoors. In addition, it does not imply the cutting of additional ventkalanal, which subsequently can break the strength and reliability of the wall.

Ventilation in the toilet, with your own hands constructed, the case is quite simple, the main thing is to understand all the nuances. The need to make ventilation often arise at the time when natural ventilation does not fully fulfill its basic functions.

This problem is especially manifested in the summer, this is due to the fact that the temperature outside and indoors is almost the same, and the Bernoulli effect does not work. Also, the deterioration in the work of natural ventilation is due to the fact that plastic windows are installed in apartments and homes, which are hermetically closed the premises and prevent fresh air penetration. Also, the doors that are tightly closed, prevent air penetration into the room of the toilet. This problem is especially traced on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, where the temperature in the summer is significantly higher than in the room. It is less noticeable to this problem on the lower floors, where the temperature difference remains even at minimum indicators.

As an option, an automatic exhaust system can be installed, in which case the air will be forcibly output from the room outward. But it is worth considering, due to the lack of air in the premises of the maximum efficiency of such a system, it will not be achieved.

The best option is to make ventilation in the toilet of the supply and exhaust type.

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What may be required in the process of work

Fan connection diagram to light switch.

In order to make ventilation in the toilet with your own hands, it is worth purchasing all the necessary tools and materials. Everything you need can be bought in a special department of the construction store. Buying everything at once, after pre-reaching the plan for which the forced ventilation system will be mounted.

Examples of materials to create forced ventilation:

  • corners are tin - today they are represented by various forms;
  • plastic box;
  • air ducts are flexible, which are made in the form of flexible aluminum pipe;
  • plastic pipes corrugated;
  • plastic ducts flexible;
  • fans;
  • recoverators.

In order to carry out installation work on installing the ventilation system, it is worth preparing the necessary inventory:

  • roulette and labeling pencil;
  • hacksaw and scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • hammer to clog dowels;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • screwdriver with different nozzles;
  • fastenings - dowels, screws, self-tapping screws.

In winter, it is very important to equip the ventilation system with supply valves.

Fan power circuit from light switch with timer.

This element is a conventional hole in the wall with a nozzle with one or two sash. The location of the sash can be performed manually or an automated way. For maximum comfort, such a hole is located behind the convector or heating radiator.

This location contributes to an increase in thrust and simultaneous heating of air. This will allow you to use the ventilation system without additional fans. One valve is enough to ensure normal air exchange in one room. In order to protect the room from the penetration of garbage, it is worth installing the grille.

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Application of recuperators in the ventilation system

For the premises of the toilet, it will still be the best option to equip a special fan system, which will significantly improve the performance of the entire system. This is especially necessary for the summer period. Modern technologies go ahead, and one of the modern elements that the ventilation system can be equipped is a recuperator. This device will circulate air regardless of weather conditions on the street. In order to establish the supply and ventilation system, it is necessary:

The diagram of the supply and exhaust installation with heat recuperator and air filtration.

  • 4 holes that are connected in pairs with special components "Street - Room", "Room - Street";
  • the main essence of the system is that clean air is taken directly from the street and enters the premises, and the worked output is outward;
  • recuperators are equipped with special filters that purify the incoming air from dust;
  • recovers operate automatically either using the control system.

High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is an integral element of the comfort and purity of indoor data. Unlike other rooms, the increased requirements for convenience and accuracy are put forward.

The purpose of such sanitary premises implies the need to constantly maintain the purity close to ideal. The ventilation system plays one of the leading roles in this process.

Cleanliness and freshness of air are an indisputable condition for a comfortable stay in the room. But if in residential rooms this condition is just enough to observe with the help of ventilation through the windows, then there are some difficulties in the toilet and bathroom. The presence of a sufficient window opening can boast of not every private house bathroom. The features of the location of the premises in the apartment extremely rarely imply the presence of a window as such.

Typical apartment buildings, as a rule, "hide" the sanitary zone into the "deaf" box of a small area with a common air ventilation channel. It is implemented as a small hole under the ceiling, working on a natural supply and exhaust principle.

The consequences of poor-quality ventilation

Sanitary facilities in apartment buildings, equipped with windows, is most of its joint bathrooms in non-standard type heights. However, even if there is a window opening, ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet may not be enough intensive, which will certainly cause discomfort of residents and visitors.

In fact, rooms that most need high-quality cleaning from smells and moisture, possess the most difficult exhaust mechanism. In addition, the appearance of unpleasant odors is not the most dangerous problem of poor ventilation of the sanitary zone. The accumulated excess moisture is a favorable environment for the development of fungal mold and pathogenic microorganisms.

To avoid violations of hygienic standards, it is recommended to select a suitable type of ventilation for the bathroom and toilet in a timely manner.

It is also allowed to improve existing ventilation - this can be done independently. This measure is quite relevant for typical high-rise buildings.

Two types of ventilation systems

Approval of the optimal way, how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, usually comes down to the choice between the two main variants of the system - natural and forced. Each of them has its advantages. A comparison of options should be compared, based on the current need and the effectiveness of the system established at the moment.

Difficulties with how to check the ventilation in sanitary rooms, it practically does not occur. If there is a unpleasant smell in the room for a long time, a feeling of stagnant, front air appears, the level of humidity is noticeably increased - this is a signal to check the condition and efficiency of the beads. The appearance of fungus on walls and wet plaque is a direct evidence of the need to urgently upgrade the air exchange system.

At the time of layout of the interior and finishing works in the bathroom, you need to pay attention to a very serious question, this device of normally functioning ventilation. Well-arranged ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet performs not only the role of the main air exchange, but also guarantees admission to the room of fresh air.

With the help of a well-equipped ventilation system, the opposite stench is eliminated from the bathroom and the toilet and excessive humidity. Therefore, at the expense of a competently thought-out and clearly mounted system of correct ventilation, the owners, in the apartment of which such an air extractor is installed, should not worry about the appearance of various molds and smells of dampness.

Ventilation system.

In construction standards, prescribed in reference books, the necessary norms that need to be performed to achieve a good result are performed, when carrying out the premises of the bathrooms with a large concentration of wet air.

According to the standards, ventilation provides a fresh condensation in the amount of 25 cubic meters per hour for the premises of the bath and toilet, and for room with combined bathrooms, the norm will be 50 cubic meters per hour. These are average standards for ventilation systems. Sometimes such rules may recommend to increase to 150 cubic meters per hour.

Depending on the air ventilation method, ventilation can be divided into natural and forced system . In the first embodiment, the ventilation of the room is performed due to the difference, which is due to different air pressure outside and indoors.

Air flows pass through doors and windows, as well as special ventilation holes in the toilet and bathroom. True, it should be noted that due to the special internal arrangement of the premises of the bathrooms, the use of a natural way to ventilate the room does not always make it possible to obtain the desired result. To improve the natural way to ventilate the room, you need to make the opening, connecting the hole for natural ventilation in the house, with a bathroom.

During the implementation of a forced or artificial method of ventilation of sanitary nodes, use specialized fans giving an intense stream of fresh air, providing a good air exchange.

Often the electric fan sends air flows from the sanitary node to the street, while fresh air penetrates the bathroom from the rest of the apartment.

Very often owners install in the toilet with their own hands small electric fan - Inventory, even considering the fact that there is excellent natural ventilation in the house, it is done to accelerate the cleaning of airspace in a room from disgusting smells.

If the owners fail to obtain good, natural ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet, the forced ventilation in the premises must be installed.

Types of ventilation.

Ventilation is divided depending on its application on:

  • Exhaust type of ventilation, installed indoors.
  • Ventilation type of ventilation.
  • Mixed ventilation indoors.

Exhaust ventilating room , We have previously described - this is when fresh air enters the room through external sources, squeezing the old air mass due to the pressure drop in pressure.

Ventation of ventilation In the bathroom and toilet rooms are performed in another way, the air mass is heated from the outside, it is squeezed through special intensity.

During operation mixed system Air ventilation uses an adjustable air mass flow in rooms of various purposes.

The ventilation system may also have or not have a channel for air flow ventilation, so it is divided into channel and infantal.

If it is possible, you must avoid the channel ventilation device. The best way out in this case, expand a little hole in the wall, which serves the access to the general ventilation channel of the multi-storey house, and mount a small fan for an air exhaust.

In a separate toilet and bathrooms, if you have only one hole for airing with access to the overall ventilation in the house, one more hole with a fan is made between the bathroom and the toilet.

Installation of a special channel for ventilation makes sense in those places where it is necessary to increase the room from contaminated or wet airspace.

Diagnostics of the ventilation system.

Before improving ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, you need to very carefully familiarize yourself with its device, and diagnose its condition.

How to check the ventilation in the easiest way to learn everything in order with her. For this, first of all studies air pullTo the vent hole, you need to bring a burning match or lady. The fluctuations or displacement of the flame in the direction of the ventilation channel are proof that everything is in order with the air burden. In hot or windless weather, the air thrust is significantly reduced, compared with windy or cool weather. Such a diagnosis is preferably carried out at the open, and with a closed door to the bathroom room, in addition, for a more improved effect, you need to open the window in the apartment overlooking the street. In the event of a decrease in the receipt of fresh air, it is best to establish funds that will complement the ventilation system. Usually in this case, special gratings are mounted in the door in the bathroom and toilet in the doorway in the bathroom and toilet, due to which the normal supply of fresh air mass is carried out with tightly closed doors.

Even if there is good air thrust in the system, it is not always possible to make a conclusion about the normal functioning of ventilation. How to make ventilation in the toilet and the bathroom normally working, the output is quite simple. To do this, you need to check the operating condition of the channel for an air exchange, which may have ceased to function normally as a result of non-professional repair work or due to some unidentified reasons. Completely eliminating various blockages and clogging in the channel, it is possible to change the operation of the air ventilation system for the better.

Features of fans.

By acquiring Fan for Extenuina , It is mandatory to give an assessment of noise that comes when the device is operational. With normal operation, noise amount should not be higher than 35 decibels. At the same time, in the room as a result of air circulation, fresh air should update the room from 5 to 8 times in one hour. To calculate the device's performance, the room is needed, calculated in cubic meters to multiply by 5, and the result obtained increases by 20%. The fans differ in the installation method, the device of one species are installed in the channel for ventilation, there are radial devices mounted at the output from the channel. Such fans have a kind of look, as hidden from the inside. Radial type models typically have a decent appearance to fit into the overall interior of the room.

Models of fans may also have a strong difference:

  1. Conventional axial devices Support an air mass along the axis of the structure using the use of blades used for champless devices.
  2. IN diametrical devices Low performance applies a drum wheel wheel.
  3. Centrifugal models have an increased efficiency factor in work, as well as a large level of noise.
  4. Centrifugal axial fans Make less noise, but give the same effect when operating as centrifugal instrument models.

Improving ventilation in the toilet and bathroom, on the fans in some cases, the timers and gyrostats are mounted, with which it is possible to extend the operation of the device to achieve a greater result.

Devices whose power is extremely weak, cannot perform effectively weathering of odors and moisture, but also to operate high-power models is not desirable. Devices having high power can give such a highly intente air flow that air will not come from outside, but from various holes for ventilation, in this case, the edge air will again come to the room.

Ventilation system.

If there is no ventilation system in the room for some reason, it is necessary to immediately make ventilation in the bathroom, it is not too complex process.

High-altitude houses are designed so that the ventilation shaft is placed behind the wall of the bathroom or toilet room. Mount properly forced ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet is not very difficult. It is necessary to make a neat outlet if it was not, then attach from the inside the hole of the radial axial type fan, and connect it to electricity in compliance with all the rules and requirements for the operation of electrical devices in high humidity conditions.

Extension for aesthetics is covered with a beautifully made lattice. If the living area has a separated sanitary assembly, and the vent hole is located on the wall between two rooms, the installation of the second fan occurs in the method described above. In some cases, it is very convenient to use decorative lattices specially designed for the device in them fans.

It is much more difficult to establish ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet when the ventilation shaft is bordered by another room, in this case there is an installation of a channel exhaust. To start work on the device you need to choose a place for the inventory of the bathroom and in the toilet. After that, you need to consider the device plan for ventilation, the air masses will go to the mine.

Ventilation boxes Have a difference in the following characteristics:

  • The box is rectangular or round shape made of plastic.
  • Hard and soft type boxes made from corrugated iron.
  • Box of rectangular shapes made from ordinary or galvanized tin.

Plastic products lightweight and very simple when applying forced ventilation in the bathroom. They are much longer than metal products, have the price below and easier to care. For this reason, today in the market of building materials, products from plastic actively displaces metal products. As for the use of corrugated products, its use is extremely rare, and this does not have any influence on the overall picture.

The box is best set even before the start of the main repair work, but the installation of electrical equipment and lattices on the outstand are carried out after the main finish. At the final stage, the mounted equipment is inspected.

Errors that are possible when ventilating device.

Sometimes it happens that the newly installed forced ventilation in the bathroom, gives malfunction and does not meet its requirements. This is a consequence of improper installation of the device and some errors performed at the time of installation. Even before the start of installation, it is necessary to clearly know how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

Here are some mistakes, often allowed in operation:

  • The ventilation channel is incorrect, it creates difficulties for the movement of the air flow.
  • Range of sealed ventilation channel connections.
  • Incorrectly installed fans, while they make a big noise.
  • The ventilation channel stretches through the rooms, creating unnecessary noises with its work.

Most of these unpleasant problems may not allow. How to make ventilation properly, for this it is necessary to pay attention to the stage of compiling and thinking on the plan of the future installation of the structure. If this is not fulfilled, and unpleasant problems have already arisen during the work of the ventilation system, in this case it may be necessary to complete the alteration of the entire design.

Another way to make forced ventilation normally functioning is to apply various noise absorbers and installation of a more powerful fan .

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Ventilation plays a huge role in creating a favorable microclimate in the apartment. Its incorrect device or malfunctions can lead to very unpleasant consequences: the appearance of condensate, the spread of unpleasant odors, the formation of fungus or mold. This is especially true of premises with excessive humidity. Therefore, ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet requires special attention.

Types of ventilation

In its nature, ventilation may be natural or forced.

In the overwhelming majority of apartment buildings of the old building, at the design stage, it was planned to install a natural type ventilation. In this case, the air movement in the apartment is carried out only due to the pressure drops in the room and beyond. Taking into account these factors and calculated the size of exhaust frams and aircases, their configuration. But such ventilation in the toilet and the bathroom does not always cope with the task assigned to it. And the point here is not always in incorrect calculations of designers.

The fact is that for good circulation, a constant influx of fresh air is necessary. In the Soviet period, it was carried out at the expense of the deficiencies used at that time of the materials: through the slots in wooden window frames, walls, loosely closing doors. Having improved its home, people gradually eliminated these sources of fresh air intake. Heat insulation of walls, installation of seals on the doors, replacing windows on plastic windows - all this reduced air exchange with the environment to a minimum. Therefore, they are increasingly resorted to the installation of forced ventilation, especially in the bathroom and toilet.

The operation of ventilation of this type is based on the use of fans to ensure air circulation. It has become almost the norm in the construction of private houses, but also in apartments they are moving more and more. Mechanical ventilation allows you to provide the necessary microclimate indoors without changing the parameters of the available air ducts.

With all the shortcomings, natural ventilation has one big plus: it always works. If, for example, electricity is disconnected for a long period, then the system does not affect the system. The effectiveness of forced ventilation in this case will decrease very significantly.

What kind of ventilation to choose for an apartment?

On the principle of operation of the air exchange system can be divided into the following types:

  • Exhaust ventilation is the most frequently used scheme. Air flow occurs naturally, and the fan captures and displays the warm air to the ceiling through the ventilation channel. It is this option that is most suitable for enhancing natural ventilation in cases where it does not cope with its task.
  • - The air in the apartment is injected forced, and its extract takes only due to the pressure drop in the room and on the street.
  • Supply-exhaust - fans provide both air flow and its exhaust room. A rather expensive option, in conditions of urban apartments, is urgent rarely. The area of \u200b\u200bits use is premises with a large area, such as country cottages.

How to check and improve natural ventilation?

Before proceeding with indigenous changes, you must first check the operation of ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet. It is possible that their work can be improved without resorting to serious alterations. How to do it?

To the ventilation grid, you must lower the sheet of regular paper. With good ventilation, it should stick to the lattice, especially if you switch the door to the bathroom. If he fell, the air exchange system clearly does not cope.

On the Internet you can find a description of the method of checking with a burning match or candle. They work, but when they are used, there is always the likelihood of unpleasant surprises. No one knows what gases can get into the shared air conduit at home from neighboring apartments. The likelihood of their explosion or ignition is small, but it is. In addition, if you do not follow a little behind the flame, you can ignore the garbage there, for example, a web. So the way with paper is much safer.

How to try to improve the work of regular ventilation?

  • The problem may be in a closed air conductor. Residents of apartment buildings independently clean ventilation channel is not recommended, it is better to call a specialist from the service company. But it happens that the simple cleaning of the ventilation grille helps.
  • It is necessary to ensure air flow in the apartment. Special air intakes are installed on plastic windows, in some models they are present "by default". There are ventilation devices that are mounted in the walls. They are recommended to be placed under the windows, not far from radiators of heating. So they will be less noticeable, besides, the air entering the apartment will immediately heat up.
  • In the apartment itself, too, there should be no obstacles to air circulation. It is for this between the door and the surface of the floor they leave a period of 1-2 cm. If it is impossible to make it in the bathroom or toilet for some reason, then ventilation grids installed at the bottom of the door will come to the rescue. In some models, the lattices have even sound-absorbing valves, and the proper ventilation will prevent the spread of the toilet.

If all these activities have not led to the expected result, you will have to install the fan and circulate forcibly.

What should pay attention to when choosing a fan?

By design, fans are divided into axial and radial, at the place of installation - on channel and wall. In apartment buildings, most conveniently use axial overhead fans. The main part of this device is placed in the aircraft channel, and only the air intake grille remains on the wall surface. It contains fastenings, which is quite convenient when installing the fan.

There are several important points on which it is necessary to pay attention to when buying a forced ventilation device:

  • The fan will work indoors with high humidity, therefore must have a certain degree of protection against moisture penetration. On the case of the device there is a mark showing the level of such protection. You should choose a fan with marking not lower than IP 44.
  • The noise of the device should not exceed 35 dB. Usually this parameter is indicated in a technical passport. It should be noted that the fan power is better to choose with a reserve: when working on maximum revolutions, no longer increases the noise level, but also significantly reduces the service life of the device.
  • The power of the forced ventilation device can be calculated, knowing the air flow of the room. Such calculations are quite complex, but they can be omitted: for the overwhelming majority of bathrooms, a fan requires a capacity of at least 100 m3 per hour.
  • Additional devices. You can run forced air circulation in manual mode through the fan or automate the process. The easiest way is the device turns on simultaneously with the turning on the lighting. But in this case, the ventilation system will not have time to remove couples from the bathroom. More expensive, but more convenient options - regulating the delay of shutdown, or humidity sensors.