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Presentation by a social worker. Social worker. Charismatic Data and Personal Attractiveness

Psychology, pedagogy, social work

Kind of activity

Communicate with people (help, serve, advise)

Short description

Social worker is a specialist who helping vulnerable people(for example, lonely elderly, disabled people, orphans, large families). People who are cared for by a social worker are called wards.

The main task of the social worker is improvement of material and living conditions lives of wards, psychological support, provision of social and legal protection. The specialist provides the wards with food, cleans and prepares food, buys medicines, goes to the clinic for prescriptions for medicines and test results, and visits the wards in the hospital.

The social worker collects documents for various government agencies, seeks the appointment of benefits and subsidies. In addition, specialist consults on legal, psychological and pedagogical problems, and also offers ways to overcome difficult life situations. For example, he offers the parents of a child with learning difficulties to transfer him to a specialized educational institution.
The duties of a social worker also include tracking and identifying those in need in helping people. In addition, the social worker can also youth work: carries out the prevention of asocial phenomena among the youth, organizes assistance to young families, identifies and solves the problems of youth in the field of employment.

Where to study

Directions of education:
Socio-economic direction


39.03.02 Social work

    • Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO)
    • Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics (MGGEU) Faculty of sociology and psychology
    • Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MGMSU) Faculty of Social Work
    • First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (MGMU) Faculty of Higher Nursing Education and Psychological and Social Work
    • Moscow State Regional University (MGOblU) Psychology faculty
    • Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow (MGUU)
    • Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
    • Faculty of Social Work, Pedagogy and Juvenology
    • Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov (RNIMU) Psychological and social faculty
      39.03.03 Organization of work with youth
    • Moscow State University for the Humanities M.A. Sholokhov (MSGU Sholokhov) Institute of Politics, Law and Social Development
    • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK) Humanitarian Institute
    • Russian State Technological University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI) Institute of Management, Economics and Social Technologies
    • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU) Faculty of Social Communication
    • Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU) Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations
    • Russian State Social University (RGSU) Faculty of Pedagogy, Social Work and Juvenology
      Colleges, technical schools, schools:
    • Social College of the Russian State Social University (SK RSSU)
    • Socio-Pedagogical College of MSUPU (SPK MSUPU)
    • College for the Training of Social Workers No. 16 (KPSR No. 16)
    • Technical school of service and tourism No. 29 (TSiT No. 29)

Where to work

    • social services
    • Departments for work with youth of the city administration
    • Departments of social security of enterprises and educational institutions
    • Nursing home
    • Homes for the disabled
    • Orphanages
    • Social Security Committees
    • Guardianship authorities
    • Pension fund, social insurance fund

The professions "social worker", "social teacher" and "specialist in social work" were officially registered in Russian state documents in March - April 1991 and were created to solve social problems of a person and society, including:

Social and psychological conflicts, crisis, stressful situations;

Emotional and psychological problems;

Need and poverty;

Alcoholism and drug addiction;

Violence and discrimination;

National Issues and Migration;

Crime and offense;

Unemployment and professional adaptation;

housing problem;

guardianship, guardianship, adoption;

Parental cruelty and others.

Currently, the profession of a social worker and its skills are in great demand. We need, in fact, a specialist with a wide profile, who owns the basics of legal, medical, psychological knowledge. Such a specialist is a social worker, whose main labor operations include:

Collection and analysis of personal information;

Diagnostics of the microenvironment;

Forecast of further development and socialization of the individual;

Prevention and social therapy of negative environmental phenomena;

Organizational and communicative pedagogization of the environment;

Protective and legal protection;

Educational and educational tasks;

Compilation and maintenance of documentation;

Working with the teaching staff.

Now it has become real, but a new problem has arisen - the threat of discrediting the profession.

Heads of institutions, when determining the scope of duties of a social worker, proceed from the needs of their institution. But, as often happens, they try to cover the entire subject field of the profession. Therefore, the practice of "patching holes" has become widespread. The task of a social work specialist is not this, it sounds like this:

“Timely identify emerging problems in the immediate environment; understand and eliminate the causes that give rise to them; to ensure the prevention of various negative phenomena that can be revealed in the microenvironment. At the same time, the social worker should not wait to be contacted for help. In an ethically acceptable form, he himself "gets in touch" with a person and his family.

The problematic field of social work is huge and includes all the variety of life situations and collisions of people of different ages and social status. The problematic field of a social worker of a particular institution is formed on the basis of a real social order, the specifics of the contingent of the institution, its departmental subordination, type and type, as well as the professional background of a specialist.

Each institution needs a special approach, for example, in a rural secondary school there are 8 children per 100 students who have behavior called maladaptive, in a social rehabilitation center this figure is much higher, it is 24 out of 100 according to the results of the survey, and here the specifics of the work of a social worker in various institutions are manifested.

In his practice, a social work specialist performs various social roles. First of all, he is an intermediary in the context: "man - family - society", a link between the citizen and the state-social strata called upon to take care of the citizen.

At the same time, a social worker is a defender of the interests of a person, a defender of his rights and the rights of every family.

Also, a social worker should be a participant in joint activities, a leading organizer of these activities. He is a kind of spiritual mentor who, as it were, leads a person and his family, provides psychological support for a long time, takes care of the formation of social values ​​in society.

At the same time, he is a social therapist, preventing and resolving conflict situations of his wards.

Social protection, social assistance to the population are institutions that characterize a humane and conscious civil society. In this area, the role of a professional providing such support - a social worker - is very important. It is worth familiarizing yourself more thoroughly with the features of his work, as well as the documents regulating his work.

Social protection

In general, social protection of the population is a set of measures aimed at observing the rights of a citizen and meeting his social needs. The high level of such protection of the population is a sign of a strong and prosperous state.

Social protection is mainly provided in three forms - social security, social assistance and social insurance. In the Russian Federation, its guarantor is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, whose head today is M.A. Topilin. It is provided by state Russian extra-budgetary funds:

  • compulsory medical insurance;
  • social insurance of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian pension fund.

These organizations operate at the local, subject and all-Russian levels.

Types and measures of social protection

Social protection of the population consists of a number of measures:

  1. Protecting the rights of children and monitoring compliance with this.
  2. Help in overcoming unemployment.
  3. Material and moral support for families with many children.
  4. Payment of benefits to low-income families.
  5. Determination of the minimum wage, the smallest amount of scholarships, allowances, pensions.

Social protection is divided into state and non-state. The first one is:

  • free education;
  • payment of pensions;
  • privileges;
  • free healthcare;
  • social services for the population, social services.

Non-state social protection is represented by:

  • charity;
  • voluntary social insurance programs;
  • affordable private programs for the protection and restoration of health, etc.

Today, there are two models of state social support in the world:

  1. Beveridge (English). Minimum social assistance to every citizen, regardless of his social status.
  2. Bismarckian (German). A citizen receives support from the state according to the amount of social contributions that he deducts to the treasury during his life. For socially unprotected categories, other rules and state protection programs apply.

Social help

Social assistance is either monetary support or in-kind (in particular, it is provided by the social assistance center) to citizens in difficult financial situations. Such payments are financed either from the state treasury or from a fund of voluntary donations from those who are not indifferent.

Social assistance is provided both as a result of checking the sources of income for those in need, and without these measures. Usually, assistance to people in especially difficult living conditions exceeds support to other citizens living more or less tolerably.

Social work with family

One of the most priority and necessary areas of social protection is work with the family. Its key tasks are:

  • support for cells of society that find themselves in difficult conditions;
  • help them overcome intractable problems;
  • prevention of the emergence of new difficulties;
  • carrying out work, as a result of which "difficult" families learn on their own to overcome such difficulties on their way.

The Social Assistance Center mainly works with the following types of families:

  • whose members are supported by the state (disabled people, pensioners);
  • created by minor parents (parent);
  • with a high risk of depriving the mother and / and father of parental rights;
  • found themselves in a difficult situation: a parent’s disability, alcohol or drug addiction of a family member, forced migration, HIV infection, a parent in prison, faced with unemployment, cruel treatment, violence, orphanhood, homelessness.

Functions of the social center for working with families

Social work with the family is multifunctional:

  1. Coordination of work on social support of "difficult" families.
  2. Preparation of personal files of such families.
  3. Social inspection.
  4. Development of a family support plan, taking into account the wishes of the latter.
  5. Providing targeted support and assistance.
  6. Prevention of domestic violence.
  7. Notification of the relevant services and authorities about the fact in the ward families.
  8. Protecting the interests of families in court when such a need arises.
  9. Providing other government agencies interested in assistance with information about wards families.
  10. Distribution of social advertising.

Requirements for a social worker

A professional social worker may not have work experience, but must have a secondary or higher education in social, legal or pedagogical areas. The requirements for a professional II and I (highest) qualification are much stricter: higher narrow-profile education, work experience in the previous categories.

The job description of a social work specialist assumes knowledge in the following areas:

  • relevant legal regulations relating to social protection and assistance, support for families and socially vulnerable citizens, protection of motherhood and childhood, state policy in relation to these categories of citizens;
  • effective ways to improve the quality of social assistance;
  • the basics of psychology: a child, a pensioner, a disabled person, people in a difficult situation, etc.;
  • fundamentals of the Labor Code, labor protection;
  • sanitary and hygienic rules and the disabled.

Also, the job description of a social work specialist says that knowledge in philosophy, political science, cultural studies, history, pedagogy, social medicine is actively used in his professional activities. It is important to know the stages of development of a social institution and its current state in the Russian Federation and in the world, forms, principles, methods of helping people of different ages and social status, general tools, key concepts, methods of analysis and monitoring in social work.

Necessary human qualities of a professional:

  • unselfishness;
  • purposefulness;
  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • social intuition;
  • diligence;
  • stress resistance;
  • analytical type of thinking;
  • observation;
  • performance.

Functions of a social worker

The current job description of a social work specialist assumes the assignment of the following functions to the employee:

  1. Formation of a database of "difficult" families (social card) in need of help from single pensioners, disabled people.
  2. Determination of the sources of trouble, the size and nature of the assistance provided, the provision of it itself.
  3. Caring for disadvantaged cells of society, especially those that include children with developmental disabilities or disabilities, families of internally displaced persons, participants and victims of military conflicts, with orphans, as well as disabled (including due to disability), elderly people.
  4. Assistance in the employment of wards and other ways to overcome their financial difficulties.
  5. Conducting joint work with the internal affairs bodies for the prevention of illegal activities and antisocial lifestyle of the wards.
  6. Analysis of the work done, forecasting the results of social assistance.
  7. Implementation of federal and regional social programs, preparation of their projects and proposals.
  8. Participation in methodological unions to improve the quality of social assistance provided.
  9. Coordination of the activities of non-profit charitable associations that also provide assistance to the wards.
  10. Consultation of interested citizens on the subject of their activities.
  11. Documentation of the work done.

Rights and social work

Social worker's rights:

  • propose and implement projects to improve the quality of social services provided;
  • contact management for assistance in the performance of their functions;
  • demand for familiarization the documentation and information necessary for their work;
  • improve your qualifications.

The job description of a social work specialist ascribes to him the following responsibilities:

  • liability under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance of their official functions:
  • liability under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses for offenses in the course of work;
  • liability under the Criminal Code, Civil Code, Labor Code of the Russian Federation for causing material damage.

A social worker is a responsible and necessary profession in any developed society. Social protection itself and have a lot of areas of activity, ways to improve and update them.


social work specialist

1. General provisions

1.1. A social work specialist belongs to the category of specialists and directly reports to the director of the Social Shelter, his deputy for social work

1.2. A person with a higher (secondary specialized) professional education, high moral and business qualities, no bad habits, without presenting requirements for work experience is accepted for the position of a social work specialist

1.3. When providing social services to orphanages, a social work specialist must carry them out in strict accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” dated January 1, 2001, as well as with the principles established by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”:





Prioritizing the provision of social services to minors;


Preventive focus.

1.4. When providing pupils (graduates) with social services, show them maximum sensitivity, courtesy, attention, endurance, foresight, patience, take into account their physical and psychological condition

1.5. The social worker must:

Ensure the safety of the social services provided for the life and health of pupils, the safety of the property of the shelter;

Constantly improve their qualifications and professional skills through retraining from the institution, self-training.

1.6. A social work specialist in the performance of his functional duties must demonstrate professionally important qualities:




2. Job Responsibilities

The social worker must:

2.1. To receive newly admitted children, draw up a personal file for them, organize a photograph of the child for a personal file

2.2. Maintain the personal files of the pupils assigned to him, seek to obtain the missing documents and ensure the order of conduct and safety of the personal files of the pupils of the shelter.

2.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the personal files of the pupils of the Social Shelter.

2.4. Correspond with the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, higher organizations and government agencies on issues of ensuring the social protection of minors.

2.5. Deal with issues of studying the personality of minors in the context of institutional education, develop and implement an individual plan for the social rehabilitation of minors in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, with their age, physical and intellectual characteristics.

2.6. Prepare documents for the acquisition of citizenship, a passport, a survivor's pension, a savings book, a foreign passport, an insurance policy of compulsory medical insurance, a TIN, a Muscovite's social card, a pension insurance certificate, updating a financial personal account and an extract from the house book and other necessary documents for the orphanages.

2.7. Issue to specialists in social work and inmates of the shelter, accept against signature in the register of issuance of original documents from the personal file of inmates (safe) for submission to various state institutions of the Russian Federation

2.8. Work with children and adolescents living in the shelter to identify problems and crisis situations that are relevant to them, look for ways out of them, assist them in their further life arrangement and continuation of education.

2.9. Check the living conditions of the pupils in the shelter and in Moscow at the place of registration.

2.10. Prepare a package of documents for the withdrawal of funds from the personal accounts of the orphanage pupils.

2.11. Carry out career guidance work with graduate students, prepare documents for the admission of students to educational institutions for primary vocational education, secondary vocational education and higher education, or employment and further patronage of graduates.

2.12. Form a package of documents, draw up and submit a list to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossotsgarantiya" for receiving housing for graduates of the orphanage.

2.13. Conduct an inspection of the housing provided to the graduate, sign an agreement, register at a new place of residence, carry out military registration in the military registration and enlistment office.

2.14. Make a list for the implementation of cash payments to graduates of the shelter: a lump sum cash allowance and compensation payment.

2.15. Deal with the search for pupils who left the institution without permission: transfer to the police department, the municipality information that the child has escaped from the children's institution. Put into action if necessary.

2.16. Form a package of necessary documents for sending pupils to the City Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Commission.

2.17. To put on military registration in the military registration and enlistment office pupils subject to conscription.

2.18. Issue and collect social cards of Moskvich pupils traveling to Moscow.

2.19. Prepare and timely submit reporting documentation and necessary information to the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow.

2.20. Make a list, prepare the pupils of the shelter, transfer all the necessary documents to educational institutions for their further education on full state support.

2.21. Transfer information about children admitted to the shelter to the head of the regional operator of the state data bank of orphans and children left without parental care, fill out a questionnaire and the necessary documents.

2.22. Carry out registration of documents in the registration books of incoming and outgoing correspondence.

2.23. Prepare documents for orphanage pupils leaving for Moscow for weekends, holidays and vacation days.

2.24. Transfer documents of graduates to be registered with the CSO at the place of registration.

2.25. Organize and implement social patronage of graduates of the institution in accordance with the requirements of the governing documents of the Russian Federation and Moscow.

2.26. Submit a package of documents to the MHI and receive compulsory medical insurance policies for pupils.

2.27. Submit documents to the OUFMS in Stupino and receive foreign passports for pupils.

2.28. Regularly keep a diary of a social worker. Once a week, report to the management of the institution on the work done for assigned pupils and graduates. At the end of the month, submit to the Deputy Director for Social Work a report on the social rehabilitation of orphanage inmates.

2.29. Regularly, on the first day of each month, update the lists of the information stand of the social department:

- –, passports, citizenship;

- - survivor's pensions, insurance pension certificates;

- - children of the orphanage, departure, admission;

- training in a specialty, deprivation of parental rights;

- - apartments, lump-sum monetary compensation, lists of children in the shelter, benefits;

- - savings books, social cards of Moskvich;

Accounting in the CSO, TIN;

- - registration of pupils in the military registration and enlistment offices (VUS), international passports.

2.30. Follow additional instructions of the director of the Social Shelter, his deputy for social work, arising at any time of the day in the performance of official duties of a social work specialist.

2.31. When leaving for the next vacation, a social work specialist temporarily transfers his job duties to another specialist in agreement with the deputy director for social work.

3. Employee Rights

The social worker has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

3.3. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. Constantly improve qualifications in the manner prescribed by law.

3.5. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Employee Responsibility

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of Human Resources _______________

Head of Social and Legal Department _______________

I am familiar with the job description:

"." _______________ 2010 _____________________________

Ticket 1. Standard requirements for social specialists. work. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of a specialist in social work. Professional tasks of a specialist in SR. Tasks and functions of a specialist in SR in health care.

to standard requirements SR specialist in terms of skills and abilities include:

    ability to conduct professional practical work: counseling, mediation, specialized assistance, etc. in medical institutions and healthcare organizations and social services;

    provide medical and social services to persons in difficult life situations;

    organize and coordinate the work of public and state organizations of medical institutions and organizations of health care and social services;

    conduct scientific and analytical activities on the problems of the medical and social situation of the population;

    participate in the organizational, managerial and administrative work of institutions and organizations of healthcare and social services.

The social worker must have practical skills:

    methods of providing advisory medical and social assistance to the population;

    methods of psychosocial assistance to individuals and various groups of the population;

    methods of carrying out advisory and preventive measures with objects of medical and social work;

    methods of socio-psychological prevention, diagnosis and treatment;

    methods of psychocorrection;

    methods of individual and group medical-social-psychological therapy;

    methods of conducting analytical, predictive-expert and monitoring work.

Professional qualities of a specialist's personality

The specialist must have the following prof. qualities: knowledge of the goals, objectives, laws and methods of SR, have good professional training, knowledge in various fields: psychology, pedagogy, physiology, economics and organization of production, computer science, etc.; sufficiently high general culture, to be an erudite specialist; information about modern political, social and economic processes in society, to have broad awareness of various social groups of the population; the ability to foresee the consequences of one's actions, to firmly hold one's position in the social work. assistance to the client (group, community); professional tact, the ability to arouse sympathy and trust among people, to keep professional secrecy, to be delicate in all matters affecting the intimate aspects of human life; emotional stability, be prepared for mental stress, avoid neurotic deviations in their own assessments and actions, in case of all sorts of failures, remain calm, friendly and attentive to the client, conscientiously fulfill their duty; the ability to make decisions in unexpected situations, clearly articulate their thoughts, express them competently and intelligibly, always maintain high standards of their behavior.

Professional and spiritual and moral qualities: compassion, mercy, a sense of civil and social justice.

Professional activity of social employee is determined by the totality of his personal qualities, value orientations and interests, which have a decisive impact on the system of emerging relationships. Main The qualities that a SR specialist should possess are empathy and the ability to establish such relationships with a client that would help win him over in order to change a difficult life situation.

Among the significant personal qualities, without which a social worker is not wealthy as a professional, and which must be developed if they are initially unusual for him, there are 3 main groups:

1.) psychophysiological characteristics, on which the ability to this type of activity depends;

2.) psychological qualities that characterize the social worker as a person;

3.) psychological and pedagogical qualities, on which the effect of personal charm depends.

The qualities of the first group reflect mental processes(perception, memory, imagination, thinking); mental states(fatigue, apathy, stress, anxiety, depression); attention as a state of consciousness, emotional and volitional manifestations(restraint, indifference, perseverance, consistency, impulsiveness).

The second group of qualities includes such psychological qualities as self-control, self-assessment of one's actions, characteristics of the Self-concept, the orientation of his personality; as well as stress-resistant qualities - physical fitness, self-suggestion, the ability to switch and manage your emotions.

The third group includes communication skills (the ability to quickly establish contact with people); empathy (empathy, identification of expectations, attitudes, states of other people); attractiveness (external attractiveness); eloquence (the ability to inspire and convince with a word).

Job Responsibilities of a Social Worker.

    Performs and forms a data bank on dysfunctional families, single elderly and disabled citizens living in the service area and in need of social support.

    Establishes the causes of social disadvantage, determines the nature and volume of necessary social assistance and services, and facilitates their provision.

    Makes up the "social passport" of the family. Carries out social patronage of socially disadvantaged families, families with disabled children and children with special needs of psychophysical development, families of refugees and internally displaced persons, families of internationalist soldiers and participants in military operations in peacetime; families where orphans are brought up; lonely elderly and disabled citizens, disabled people.

    Provides assistance in the preparation and execution of documents for the acceptance of those in need for permanent or temporary social services, for guardianship and guardianship, hospitalization. Assists in the employment of family members, the activation of its own potential, and the expansion of self-help.

    Collaborates with the internal affairs authorities on the prevention of antisocial forms of behavior of family members. Participates in the organization of recreational activities for children.

    Analyzes the quality and range of services provided, predicts the prospects for their development, the dynamics of those in need of social patronage.

    Takes part in the work on the formation and improvement of social and family policy in the region, in the preparation and implementation of regional social programs. Participates in the work of the methodological council, methodological associations of social workers, in organizing and conducting seminars on social issues.

    Advise citizens on social issues. Coordinates the activities of various state, public, religious organizations and institutions to provide assistance to families with children, lonely elderly and disabled citizens. It promotes the creation of clubs, self-help groups that help bring families and citizens together according to their interests. Organizes family, children's holidays, contests, competitions. Maintains required documentation.

Rights of a social worker

Persons providing social services they have a right: to create the conditions necessary for the provision of social. services; to protect professional honor and dignity; improve professional qualifications; independently choose the forms and methods of work with various categories of the population; establish the order of carrying out various types of work; draw up draft research programs in the direction chosen and agreed with the management; participate in the implementation of social projects.

Persons providing social services obliged: conscientiously provide social. services to those in need; be guided in their activities by the principles of social services, respect the dignity of citizens, families and their right to self-realization; prevent inhumane discriminatory actions against citizens and families receiving social services; provide service providers with complete information about the types of social assistance they are entitled to; keep confidential information obtained in the course of performing their duties, as well as information that can be used against the served person; take care of maintaining the necessary level of their knowledge required for the provision of social services.

Responsibilities of the Social Worker: for maintaining documentation in accordance with the established procedure; for the quality and timely execution of their duties.

Practical professional activities are carried out in institutions of health care and social protection systems: outpatient clinics, hospitals, specialized dispensaries, hospitals, departments of medical and social assistance, boarding schools, territorial centers for social assistance to the population, crisis centers, etc. In healthcare, medical workers perform a number of functions of social workers.

Tasks and functions of a specialist in social work in health care

In health honey. workers perform a number of functions of social workers. At the same time, due to the specifics of modern clinics, when the staff is overloaded with a mass of specific documents, the patient with his fears and experiences, personal problems falls out of the doctor's field of vision. Employees do not have enough time to provide the patient with the necessary information and explanations, to provide peace of mind and social support. In the process of finding a patient in a hospital, a person has many problems that he is not able to resolve on his own. These are financial issues (for example, to receive a pension), material interest (if an unfavorable outcome and limitation of physical abilities are predicted, then it is necessary to issue a disability), legal issues (make a will if the disease is incurable) and collecting information for registering death and organizing funerals. A social work specialist should take on some of these functions, clearly delimiting functions from medical workers.

The specialist is able to solve the following professional tasks :

    managing the process of social assistance in its state and non-state forms;

    regulation of relations and interactions in the social environment at the level of structural social work;

    determination and use of optimal forms in the process of social assistance and protection of the population;

    organization of social support for various categories of those in need (group, community);

    protection of the individual in a difficult life situation;

    conducting scientific and practical research.

in number main tasks and professional responsibilities social the worker includes: to provide assistance to individuals and groups, to recognize and eliminate the difficulties of a personal, social, environmental and spiritual nature that adversely affect them; help people cope with these difficulties through supportive, rehabilitative, protective and corrective action; protect the helpless in accordance with the law; promote wider use by each client of their own opportunities for social self-defense; use all means and sources for the social protection of people in need, etc.

Tasks of social work specialists in health care:

in hospital - participation in the reception and registration of the patient in the emergency room; adaptation of the patient to the hospital regime; moral and psychological preparation of patients for surgery, especially children; organization of assistance and care after surgery; facilitating contacts between the doctor, the patient and his relatives; drawing up a program of work with seriously ill patients and persons with disabilities; providing support to parents whose children are seriously ill and undergo long-term treatment; work with relatives of the deceased in the clinic; social assistance to needy patients; continuous monitoring of mental well-being of patients; mastering the skills of first aid and patient care.

after the patient is discharged from the hospital moral and psychological support(adaptation to new conditions if, as a result of an illness or injury, an individual has lost his ability to work; psychological support for relatives, assistance to parents in communicating with disabled children and their adaptation among their peers and at school); social support(improvement of living conditions, selection of a floor of residence, organization of home care, placement in a boarding house in the absence of relatives, registration of guardianship, assistance in obtaining orthopedic devices, prostheses, wheelchairs, assistance in choosing a new profession, professional orientation for disabled children; material aid– registration of disability, the implementation of benefits provided by the state, control of the issuance of sick leave, sponsorship and humanitarian assistance.

Ticket 2. Functions of professional activity. Medically-oriented functions of a specialist. Socially-oriented functions and integrative functions of a specialist in SR.

Functions of professional activity.

A specialist can perform the following functions: diagnostic; prognostic; advocacy;

organizational; preventive and preventive; socio-medical; socio-pedagogical; psychological; social and domestic; communicative.

Functions of specialists in the provision of medical and social assistance conditionally divided into 3 groups: medically oriented; socially oriented and integrative.

Health-Oriented functions include: - organization of medical care and patient care; - provision of medical and social assistance to the family; - medical and social patronage of various groups; - organization of palliative care; - prevention of relapses of the underlying disease (secondary and tertiary prevention); - sanitary and hygienic education; - informing the client of his rights to medical and social assistance and the procedure for its provision, taking into account the specifics of the problems.

In socially oriented functions includes: - ensuring social protection of the rights of citizens in matters of health protection and the provision of medical and social assistance; - representation in the authorities of the interests of persons in need of medical and social assistance; - assistance in the prevention of socially dangerous actions; - participation in registration of guardianship and guardianship; - carrying out social and hygienic monitoring; - creation of a rehabilitation social infrastructure for needy categories of the population; - providing access to information on health issues, the state of the environment, the quality of food raw materials, food products; - informing clients about benefits, allowances and other types of social protection; - assistance to clients in solving social and housing problems; - family counseling and family psychocorrection; - psychotherapy mental self-regulation; - communication training, social skills training.

TO integrative functions include: - a comprehensive assessment of the client's social status; - assistance in the implementation of preventive measures for socially significant disorders of somatic, mental, reproductive health at the individual, group and territorial levels; - formation of client's attitudes, population groups for a healthy lifestyle; - questions of family planning; - conducting medical and social expertise; - implementation of medical, social and professional rehabilitation of disabled people; - carrying out social work in psychiatry, narcology, oncology, geriatrics, surgery and other areas of clinical medicine; - assistance in preventing the spread of HIV infection, ensuring social protection of the infected and their families; - social and legal consulting; - organization of therapeutic communities of self-help and mutual assistance of a rehabilitation, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal nature; - participation in the development of comprehensive programs of medical and social assistance to needy groups of the population at different levels; - ensuring continuity in the interaction of specialists of related professions in solving customer problems.

Thus, a specialist in the field of SR - social. employee - a person who, by virtue of official and professional duties, provides all or certain types of social assistance in overcoming problems that an individual or group has encountered.

Ticket 3. Key concepts, categories of the theory of SR: SR, social protection, social support, social service, social assistance, social. adaptation, etc.

Social work- a specialty, the subject area of ​​which is the impact on a person in order to ensure the cultural, social and material level of his life, to provide individual assistance to a person, family or group of people.

Social protection - a system of measures carried out by society and its various structures to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, maintain life support and the active existence of a person.

Social support- special measures aimed at maintaining conditions sufficient for the existence of "weak" social groups, individual families, individuals who are in need in the course of their life and active existence.

Social Services - the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, social and legal, psychological and pedagogical services, as well as financial assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of a person in a difficult life situation.

Social help - it is a system of social measures in the form of assistance, support and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by the social service to overcome or mitigate life's difficulties, maintain their social status and full life, adapt in society.

Social adaptation - the process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or a social group with the social environment.

Social rehabilitation - the process of restoring the basic social functions of an individual, a public institution, a social group, their social role.

Difficult life situation- a situation that objectively violates the normal life of citizens and is difficult to resolve on their own.

Social work technology a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services to achieve the goals in the process of social work, solving various social problems, ensuring tasks for social assistance to the population.

Medico-social work- professional activity of a medical, psychological and socio-legal nature, created on an interdisciplinary basis and aimed at restoring, preserving and strengthening the health of the population.

Medical and social assistance to the population- preventive, medical diagnostic, rehabilitation, prosthetic-orthopedic and prosthetic care, including social measures to care for the sick, disabled and disabled, containing the payment of benefits for temporary disability.

Medico-social assistance is provided in the institutions of the healthcare system and the social protection system. The essence of medical and social assistance lies in the coordination work of medical, social and other specialists who ensure the provision of medical and social services to people in need.

The concept of "medical and social work" is broader than the concept of "medical and social assistance". On the one hand, medical and social work is considered as a kind of social work aimed at protecting, supporting physical and mental health, and on the other hand, it is a type of activity aimed at achieving social well-being. Under " social welfare" understand such a state of interaction between the vital forces of a person and social systems, which ensures the constructiveness of resolving social conflicts. This is a kind of unit for measuring the effectiveness of social work. "Social well-being" is comparable with the concepts of "well-being" of a person, group, society and with "well-being" in mental, ethical, pedagogical and other aspects.

Health - a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease; harmonic unity of biological and social qualities due to congenital and acquired biological and social influences (illness is a violation of this unity); a state that allows one to lead a life unrestricted in freedom, to fully perform the functions inherent in a person (primarily labor), to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e. experience mental, physical and social well-being.

individual health - individual health; assessed by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition.

Group health - health of individual communities of people: age professional, etc.

Public health - health of people living in a certain area.

Public Health - such a state of society. provides conditions for an active productive lifestyle, unrestricted by physical and mental illnesses, i.e. this is something without which society cannot create material and spiritual values, this is the wealth of society.

Public health potential - a measure of the quantity and quality of people's health and its reserves accumulated by society.

Public Health Index - the ratio of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles of the population.

Disability - a state of limitation of life activity due to persistent disorders of body functions, leading to the necessary social protection, i.e. it is a permanent loss of working capacity; a complex social phenomenon that leads to a change in the social status of a person and the need to provide him with social assistance, the creation of special production conditions.

Ticket 4. Factors affecting the development of SR. Historical stages of formation of the SR.

Factors influencing the development of social work.

History of practice and theory of medical and social. work is rooted in the deep humanistic traditions of human existence. SR as a social phenomenon is a model of social assistance that has arisen on the basis of the prerequisites that have developed in the history of human culture. The historical prerequisites include various forms of social assistance that have developed since ancient times in the East, West, and America.

Factors that influenced the development of professional social work: socio-cultural; socio-economic; socio-political; ideological; socio-legal; training of professional personnel and creation of scientific schools.

Socio-cultural factors include the activities of philanthropic and charitable organizations to coordinate social and medical institutions;

socio-economic ones are manifested as a result of social upheavals of industrial and technical progress;

the socio-political experience the influence of social and liberal ideologies on public consciousness;

development of social legislation, creation of special medical and social services;

training of professional personnel for the provision of medical and social assistance; creation of specialized departments and centers;

conducting scientific research on the formation of a theoretical base of special knowledge; publication of professional periodicals, monographs, textbooks;

formation of scientific schools for the study of the theoretical foundations of medical and social work;

activities of professional public organizations and associations.

Historical stages in the development of social work

It has been established that medical and social assistance in different historical epochs was provided everywhere, expressed in specific forms and had several names. So, in a primitive society in the Neolithic era, the community provided medical assistance to the sick, the elderly and children. The process of formation of modern man ended about 40 thousand years ago. The formation of primitive society took place on the basis of the collective mind, which manifested itself in mutual assistance between people.

In the Ancient East, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Babylon and other ancient civilizations, various forms of providing medical and social services developed. assistance to the population. So, in Babylon in 1750 BC. the Codes of Justice were established - civil acts that call people to care for the poor and love their neighbor. These documents are the first written records of social work. In ancient Greece, social work was seen as "philanthropy": the manifestation of love towards a person. In ancient Rome, medical and social work was identified with the "folk tradition" of helping the sick and the poor, and the Christian understanding of charity was seen as the most important area of ​​church activity, which was developed in Western European culture in the Middle Ages. The Christian Church participated in helping the sick and the needy, and for a long time in Western Europe played a major role in public and private charity.

In the XIV century. In Italy, a social movement was born, imbued with the ideas of "humanism", which, with regard to helping the needy, influenced the development of social legislation: in the 16th century in England, in North America, laws on the poor were in effect. In the countries of Western Europe in the 18th century, in the field of charity, the ideas of the Enlightenment were reflected in the creation of educational institutions based on the principles of philanthropy. So, in England in 1884, the Protestant priest Barnett created a charitable institution: Toynbee Hall, where students helped poor people. In the 90s of the XIX century. The London charitable society organized lectures, practical classes on providing medical and social assistance to the population. Thus, at this stage in the development of the theory and practice of medical and social work, it was mainly carried out by representatives of various philanthropic movements.

In modern society, the development of medical and social work is associated with the flourishing of industrial progress. The technical improvement of production caused an aggravation of social problems, manifested in the form of unemployment, poverty, crime and social diseases. At the end of the XIX century. - early XX century. In the countries of Western Europe, according to statistical reports, medical and demographic indicators have changed dramatically: the birth rate has decreased, mortality has “younger”, the number of suicides and crimes has increased.

In European countries, scientific research was carried out in the social sphere, the causes of various diseases from the social environment were studied. The scientific substantiation of medical and social processes is formulated in the works of the German physician A. Grotyan, whose merit is that he substantiated the science of health with sociology, social and political economy. In A. Grotyan's monograph "Social Pathology" - in the first textbook on social medicine of the XX century - the main groups of diseases are studied from the point of view of their social conditionality, distribution laws, social consequences and ways of social counteraction.

By the end of the 9th century at the beginning of the 20th century in the countries of Europe and America, a system of state assistance to the population, consisting of:

legislation regulating relations in the social sphere;

special bodies and institutions whose task was to carry out the social policy of the state;

educational institutions in which persons who provide assistance to those in need professionally and receive material remuneration were trained.

In 1899, the Institute for the Training of Social Workers was established in Amsterdam. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 14 schools of social workers in Europe and America.

In 1940, the Institute of Social Medicine was established at Oxford University under the leadership of J.A. Ryle. The main scientific focus of the institute was the study of the state of public health. In organizational terms, the Institute of Social Medicine has completely separated itself from hospitals, clinics, and institutions involved in disease prevention. Its activity was interrupted by the Second World War, it turned into an ordinary military hospital.

In the postwar years, institutes, departments, laboratories were opened everywhere, associations, foundations were organized both in Europe and in the USA. Scientific conferences and symposiums on social medicine were held.

In 1946, the Institute of Social Medicine was opened in the USA at the New York Medical Academy.

Under the influence of scientific achievements in the field of social medicine in Europe and America, colleges were opened to train social educators, social lawyers, and social doctors. In the United States, this profession was called social work, in the countries of Western Europe - social medicine. Thus, the infrastructure of medical and social assistance to the population was created everywhere, by the middle of the 20th century. completed the formation of medical and social work.

The analysis of literary sources on the topic allows us to identify the main historical stages in the development of medical and social work: Stage I - helping the elderly, children and the weak in primitive society (from 1 million years ago - to X-V millennium BC); Stage II - the formation of a social structure in the states of the Ancient World (from the 4th millennium BC to the 5th century AD); Stage III - philanthropic, charitable, monastic-merciful assistance in the Middle Ages (from the 5th-10th centuries - the 11th-15th centuries); Stage IV - the creation of a system of medical and social assistance to the population during the period of technical and industrial progress (from the 17th century to the 18th-20th centuries); Stage V - the development of a medical and social institution in modern society (XX century - present).

Currently, medical and social assistance throughout the world is provided professionally, i.e. when in the formulation of a social diagnosis and the choice of methods of medical and social work, they are guided not by general moral philanthropic criteria, but by scientifically based approaches and technologies.

Ticket 5. Theoretical approaches to the provision of social assistance: socially oriented; psychologically oriented; complex-oriented.

Theoretical approaches to the provision of social assistance.

The results of scientific research by scientists of various schools are reflected in the variety of models of theoretical approaches to the provision of social assistance to the population. There are three main groups of models for the theoretical substantiation of the practice of social work, which determine its content:

        socially oriented;

        psychologically oriented;


socially oriented the models are closely related to sociological concepts, based on the structure of social work associated with the optimization of the activities of social institutions that provide social protection to various social groups in need and increase the effectiveness of social policy in society. Among modern socially oriented models, there are: “models of life” of ecological theory, a socially radical model, a Marxist model.

"Models of life" of ecological theory is one of the concepts of interaction between psychological and social systems. The activities of a social worker within this model are related to the client and his environment. This approach is called system-ecological. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the relationship between a social worker and a client in the context of the theory of social roles.

Social radical model manifests itself as a model for the protection and development of self-consciousness of representatives of various social groups. It is based on the fight against discrimination and for human rights.

Marxist model is based on understanding the activity of a social worker as a force contributing to the implementation of their own collective actions aimed at raising self-awareness and bringing about changes in society. The social worker acts as a social "controller", a social "lawyer", a social "doctor".

Psychologically oriented models social work is associated with the possibility of social work to optimize the client's own efforts to change the situation that has arisen at the personal and social levels. Allocate psychodynamic model (based on works on psychoanalysis by Z. Freud, A. Reid, E. Bern, etc.); existential model (changing the meaning of life); humanistic model (works by V. Frankl, K. Rogers, A. Maslow, etc.). All these models are associated with the provision of individual assistance to the client, from the standpoint of his personal problems, with his self-knowledge and self-actualization.

Complex-Oriented Models – interdisciplinary and integrative concepts of the theory and practice of social work. Allocate: role-playing, socio-pedagogical, cognitive models and the concept of vitality.

role model built on the idea of ​​personal roles. The provision of social assistance is carried out on an understanding of the role of the individual in various life situations.

Socio-pedagogical model considers issues of social assistance from a pedagogical point of view. Education is part of the process of socialization, self-actualization with the direct participation of various social factors.

cognitive model substantiates the possibility of regulating the client's social behavior by teaching conflict resolution in a specific social situation in adequate ways.

The concept of vitality considers the concept of "life force" as the ability of a person to reproduce and implement life as a biosocial being. Social work is an activity to optimize the formation and implementation of human vitality.

Thus, various approaches to social work imply a variety of ways to implement them, depending on the goals and socio-cultural capabilities of society.

Ticket 6. The structure of the SR: subject, content, management, object, means, functions, goals.

The main components (elements) of the structure of social work

The structure of social work consists of several independent, but interconnected components (elements): subject, content, management, object and means, functions, goals linking them into a single whole. Any activity in medical and social work is performed from the subject to the object, which is the main and determining factor in social activity.

Subjects of social work perform the function of helping those in need. Entities include individuals and organizations that conduct and manage social work. The main subject of social work are people engaged in social work professionally and on a voluntary basis.

Objects of social work weakly protected sections of the population (categories and social groups that are in a difficult life situation) act. The objects of professional activity of a specialist are: an individual, a family, groups, a community that are in a difficult life situation; the system of human-society relations; human-environment interaction; social environment (society) as a condition of human life; state and non-state institutions and organizations of social support and protection of the population; bodies of public education, production teams; penitentiary institutions; scientific and higher educational institutions.

Content and means of social work. An obligatory component of medical and social work is its content, which follows from the functions of social work. Social work is carried out with the help of means (objects, devices, actions, with the help of which the goals of the activity are achieved). The variety of functions causes a variety of means (word, special means of communication, psychotherapy techniques, personal charm, etc.). The richer the arsenal of means, the more effective medical and social activity.

Governance and objectives of social work. Management includes: assessment of the state of the object, planning, decision making, accounting and control, coordination, organizational and logistical support. And all these managerial actions are performed by any social worker, regardless of his official level.

Management of medical and social work is carried out promptly because the object is in a difficult life situation and postponing the solution of the problem can cause irreparable consequences.

Thus, object, content, means, management, subject, make up basis of social work structure, but this structure is not yet a system, and activity becomes a system if all components are combined into a single whole with the help of functions and goals.

the main objective social work is the provision of assistance to those in need, and the activity of the subject is subordinate to this goal; accordingly, the content, organization, management, selection of adequate means, forms and methods of social work are formed. The goal connects all components of a single system and integrates functions.

Ticket 7. Goals and principles of social. public services: targeting, humanism, social. justice, social equality, accessibility, voluntariness, confidentiality, general preventive orientation.

social services– activities of legal entities and individuals in providing social support, providing household, legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical services and providing material assistance, creating conditions for social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens and families in difficult life situations.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On social services", social services for the population of the Republic of Belarus are based on principles:

    targeting - this is the provision of social services personalized to a specific person;


    social justice,

    social equality,

    availability - means that the state provides the opportunity to receive free social services that are included in the lists of social services guaranteed by the state;

    voluntariness - this principle means that social services are provided on the basis of a voluntary application of a citizen, his guardian, custodian, other legal representative to the appropriate body of social security and social services. At any time, a citizen may refuse to receive social services.

    confidentiality - personal information that has become known to employees of a social service institution in the course of providing social services constitutes a professional secret;

    general preventive focus.

The goals of social service are:

assisting citizens in overcoming difficult life situations that they are not able to resolve with their own means and available opportunities;

forecasting and preventing the occurrence of difficult life situations;

activation of the own efforts of citizens and families, creation of conditions for independent solution of emerging problems.

Ticket 8. The structure of social. protection of the population: Ministry of labor and social. protection; region, district administrations and departments (departments, committees) of social protection; Fund of social protecting us. RB; Centers for assigning the payment of pensions and benefits; specialist. institutions and enterprises; non-judgment. public organizations; TCSON.

A unified structure of social protection is being created in Belarus, which unites the following institutions:

    Ministry of Labor and Social Protection;

    Regional, district departments and departments (departments, committees) of social protection;

    Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus;

    Centers for assigning the payment of pensions and benefits;

    Special institutions and enterprises;

    Non-governmental public organizations;

    Territorial centers of social services for the population.

All these organizations take part in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of social protection of the population.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection manages the finances of social insurance, manages the system of bodies that organize social insurance; pensions, social assistance to the population. Prepares proposals for improving the social protection of the population, participates in the development of general principles of state policy. Develops and implements measures to develop the social protection network. The Ministry prepares draft laws, programs and agreements. The ministry coordinates the activities of other ministries, cooperates with the ministries of health, architecture and construction, migration authorities, etc.

Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus was formed on the basis of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. This fund is an independent financial and credit organization and is subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Tasks and functions of the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus:

    Financing the costs of pensions, allowances, scholarships and other social benefits;

    collection and accumulation of insurance premiums;

    implementation of expanded production of the fund's resources;

    international cooperation related to social insurance;

The Fund prepares Regulations on the amount of insurance premiums, determines the procedure for the use of funds and control of their correct spending; coordinates the work of local bodies of the fund; organizes a state data bank for all categories of payers of insurance premiums to the fund.

Fund resources are formed at the expense of insurance premiums of employers and persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities, from the mandatory contributions of all working citizens and banknotes from the state budget, from voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities and income from the capital of the fund itself.

All enterprises, institutions, organizations, working citizens are required to pay insurance premiums to the Funds for Social Protection of the Population. Contributions are charged on all types of wages.

A social worker must be able to use funds wisely in solving client problems.

Territorial centers of social services for the population carry out activities on the basis of the following acts: Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Social Services"; Approximate regulation on the Territorial center of social services for the population, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus; Charter of the institution "Territorial center of social services for the population", Regulations on the Territorial center of social services, etc.

The exemplary provision does not apply to normative legal acts. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Local Government and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus", decisions on determining the structure and staffing of territorial social service centers that meet the needs of the population are taken by local executive and administrative bodies at the suggestion of the relevant bodies for labor, employment and social protection.

Ticket 9. Types of social. provision: pensions, allowances and additional payments to pensions, allowances, benefits, natural services, material benefits.

All citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the event of old age, illness, complete or partial disability, loss of a breadwinner, to help families raising children are provided with types of social security.

Types of social security: * pensions

    allowances and additional payments to pensions,

  • natural services

    material wealth;

Pension- this is the material support of citizens in old age, in case of disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner, pensions paid from the funds of the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus. Types of pensions: labor (appointed by age, by disability, for special merits, for length of service, for the loss of a breadwinner); social (appointed to people with disabilities since childhood, persons who have reached the age of 55 (f) - 60 (m) years, children in case of loss of a breadwinner; children with disabilities under the age of 18 years).

Benefit These are cash payments to citizens. They can be one-time and monthly; are carried out at the expense of the state, enterprises of all forms of ownership or collective farms. Paid to compensate or make up for lost earnings due to illness, pregnancy or childbirth; cover additional expenses caused by the birth of a child, the death of a loved one; the need for sanatorium treatment; provide assistance to large families, low-income families, single mothers and wives of conscripts in raising children, as well as all families and citizens with the aim of their social protection in connection with inflation and unemployment. Benefits are paid in amounts depending on past earnings or in a fixed amount.

Privileges- these are socio-economic measures carried out by the state, enterprises and collective farms at their own expense, aimed at alleviating the financial situation of citizens and their families who, due to old age, disability, marital status and other reasons, are not able to bear the full costs of meeting their household and other needs.

The benefits include: the purchase of medicines; payment of expenses for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions; payment of expenses in organizing children's recreation in health camps; partial payment for vouchers to sanatoriums, dispensaries, rest houses, boarding houses, tourist camps, children's sanatoriums and rest houses for mother and child; payment for prosthetic and orthopedic products; use of public transport; payment of the cost of fuel, electric lighting, gas and apartment.

Wealth- provision in accordance with the law of working prostheses, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, means of physical therapy, special means for the movement of the disabled. Natural material benefits are provided by enterprises and collective farms at their own expense and are of an alimentary nature.

Types of social services

Services- these are the socio-economic measures that are carried out by the state, enterprises or collective farms at their own expense in the form of various actions: the provision of sanatorium treatment and recreation; maintenance and social services in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled; maintenance, upbringing and service of disabled children in preschool, school and other institutions. Unlike pensions and certain types of benefits, the provision of services does not depend on the duration of socially useful activity. Their size is not determined by earnings and other conditions.

social services include:

provision of advisory and information services;

provision of material assistance in cash and in kind;

provision of temporary stay in social shelters;

provision of day stay in social service institutions;

implementation of social services in stationary social service institutions and at home;

provision of social and rehabilitation services;

provision of intermediary services;

rendering of other social services determined by the legislation.

Grounds for the provision of social services

Social services are provided in cases of: low-income; orphans; homelessness;

neglect of persons in need of constant care, education and other social assistance;

unemployment; disability; temporary disability or limited (lost professional ability to work);

inability to self-service due to age or for other reasons; substance abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism;

family trouble;

return from places of deprivation of liberty;

natural or ecological disaster, man-made disaster;

in other cases when social support is needed.

A priority direction in solving social protection issues is the provision of services to elderly citizens and the disabled in non-stationary conditions. To provide assistance to single disabled elderly citizens, a home-based social assistance service operates in the system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. When the possibilities of home care are exhausted, a stationary form (boarding houses) is used.

Ticket 10. Definition, goals of social. politicians. The tasks of social states. State. wage policy. Main tasks of state policy.

social policy- state policy aimed at changing the level and quality of life of the population, at mitigating contradictions between various participants in market relations and preventing social conflicts on economic grounds.

The main goal of social policy is to provide each person with a working ability, through his work and enterprise, to create his own family well-being through his work, and disability. and needy citizens to provide reliable social protection.

The formation of the state policy in the field of social protection is carried out by the Parliament - the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. The main links in the management of social development and the conductors of the state social policy are the Government - the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health, and on the ground (at the level of regions, cities and districts) - specially created structures.

Basic principles of state social policy in the context of the transformation of society:

    comprehensive opportunities to secure sufficient income through wages;

    self-sufficiency, (if not salary, then other legal income);

    protection of the population from social risks (illness, disability, unemployment, old age, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), linked to income and various needs (insurance systems);

    caring for low-income citizens with special needs;

    unified system of social assistance;

The main conditions for the implementation of this social policy:

    budgetary sustainability;


    support for the formation of human capital and accumulation of savings;

    economic efficiency.

Thus, social protection is a system designed to ensure a certain level of well-being of citizens who, due to circumstances, cannot provide themselves with income.

Youth policy is aimed at solving the pressing problems of youth life - education, employment, improving housing conditions, supporting students and students, fostering patriotism and conscientious attitude to work, increasing the prestige of youth work in the real sector of the economy. This support consists primarily in giving the young person the opportunity to work and earn a living. Work will continue on reforming the pension system of the republic on the basis of a rational combination of state and non-state pension insurance and budget financing. To this end, it is necessary to introduce individual (personalized) accounting of insurance premiums in the state social insurance system, and bring the level of pension provision in line with the subsistence minimum budget, and in the future - with the minimum consumer budget. Particular attention is paid to improving the criteria for determining the size of pensions and the mechanism for calculating them so that the size of pensions directly depends on the length of service and the amount of paid insurance premiums.

Ticket 11. The main principles of state. politics: social justice; regularity; succession, succession, gradualness.

The state policy is aimed at a gradual increase in family income, as well as the targeting of social services. assistance in difficult situations.


    planning - nah. its expression in a gradual increase in the living standards of the population;

    sequence - nah. its expression in the implementation of a strong state. authorities. Preservation of the most valuable, the use of modern technologies in new conditions without abandoning the accumulated experience (in the social sphere);

    social justice - targeted social. help, social guarantees for certain categories of the population;

    succession - nah. its expression in the preservation of noun. social structures;

    gradualness is the key to a smooth introduction to the social. sphere of new technologies and innovations.

Ticket 12. Social. guarantees within the framework of the Belarusian model. The meaning of effective targeted protection. Execution in social the sphere of min-x state-x standards.

Social guarantees within the framework of the Belarusian development model are expressed in: - guarantees of equality between men and women in education and employment;

Guarantees of the right of youth to spiritual, moral and physical development;

Guarantees of the right to work as the most worthy way of self-affirmation of the economic, moral and social content of human life;

Guarantees of a fair share of remuneration in the economic results of labor, but not below the level that provides citizens and their families with a free and sufficient existence;

Guarantees of the right to health care, including free treatment in public health institutions;

Guarantees the right to social security in old age, sickness and other reasons.

The main goal of social policy in the republic is to provide every able-bodied person with the opportunity to create his family well-being through his work and enterprise, and to provide reliable social protection for disabled and needy citizens. At the same time, social protection should be exclusively targeted and aimed at specific, the most vulnerable groups and sections of the population.

The point of effective targeted social protection is to concentrate limited resources on meeting the needs of socially unprotected segments of the population. A characteristic phenomenon in the evolution of social policy will be its further municipalization, i.e. shifting the focus of targeted social protection to the local level: assistance should be brought closer to the consumer. It is planned to move from general social programs to targeted programs that take into account the needs of specific strata and groups of the population, as well as certain regions.

social standards

State minimum social standard- the minimum level of state guarantees of social protection, ensuring the satisfaction of basic human needs, expressed in the norms and standards for the provision of cash payments, free and public social services, social benefits and payments.

System of state minimum social standards- a set of interrelated state minimum social standards. The system of state social standards has determined the minimum level of guarantees for the inhabitants of Belarus in all socially significant areas. In other words, this is the bar against which it is unacceptable to reduce the volume and quality of services to the population.

The legal basis for the implementation of social standards was the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On State Minimum Social Standards", adopted in 1999. This law defines the criteria for the formation and application of state minimum social standards that ensure the implementation of the social rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

The conditions and procedure for establishing state minimum standards are determined by the Labor and Housing Codes of the Republic of Belarus, the laws “On the Living Wage”, “On Pension Provision”, “On Education” and other legal documents.

State minimum social standards are applied to address the following tasks :

meeting the basic needs of citizens in material goods and services;

regulatory support for the formation and use of funds from the republican and local budgets and funds from state non-budgetary funds for social needs;

providing state support for the development of the social sphere and social protection of citizens;

providing the necessary social assistance to the needy and those in difficult life situations.

The system of state social standards for servicing the population of the Republic of Belarus was developed and approved on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 30, 2003 No. 724 “On measures to introduce a system of state social standards for servicing the population of the republic” and includes 44 norms. The system of state minimum social standards includes state minimum social standards in the field of: wages; pension provision; education; health care; culture; housing and communal services; social support and social services.

Principles of formation and application state minimum social standards:

observance of the constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social guarantees on the basis of ensuring state minimum social standards;

comprehensive validity of the establishment and application of state minimum social standards based on the economic capabilities of the state;

general availability of social protection and social services provided by state institutions;

targeted and targeted financing of state minimum social standards;

wide awareness of citizens through the media about the state minimum social standards;

social partnership.

Thus, social standards are designed to provide state support for the development of social protection of citizens, to provide the necessary assistance to low-income citizens and those in difficult life situations.

Ticket 13. Social. legislation on social family protection. State principles. family policy. Main directions of state policy to improve the system of social. family protection.

Social legislation on social protection of the family

The well-being of society and the state depends on the physical and spiritual health of the nation. The health of the population depends on the well-being and strength of the family. Therefore, the stable functioning of the family is a necessary condition for the stability of society, which is associated with the successful socialization of the personality of the individual, with the prevention of social anomalies in its development, the morale of men and women, their labor activity and civic maturity.

Social services for families and children include social assistance and support for families in difficult situations, providing them with a range of services, and implementing their social adaptation and rehabilitation. Social services are carried out by a multi-level system of bodies and institutions of public service and public charitable organizations.

The activities of these institutions are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus: the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus; Laws of the Republic of Belarus "On social services to the population"; "On the rights of the child"; "On state benefits to families raising children"; "On social protection of disabled people"; "On the employment of the population"; "On pension provision"; "On state support of youth and children's public associations"; “On Healthcare” and other laws, as well as the Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Marriage and Family” and the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On Approval of the Main Directions of the State Family Policy of the Republic of Belarus” and the state programs “Children of Belarus”, “Women of the Republic of Belarus”, “Children of Chernobyl”.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus enshrined the main principles of the social and state system. The Constitution proclaimed a person, his rights, freedoms and guarantees of their realization as the highest value of society and the state. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, every citizen has the right: to life; to a decent standard of living, including decent food, clothing, housing, etc.; social security in old age, in case of illness, disability, disability; for education; for work and leisure; to participate in the cultural life of the community.

Of particular importance are the articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, expressing the attitude of the state to health and measures to preserve it. According to Article No. 32, "marriage, family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state."

According to Article No. 41 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care”, every citizen has the right, for medical reasons, to free counseling on family planning, on medical and psychological aspects of family and marriage relations, as well as on medical genetic and other examinations in public health organizations, in order to prevent possible genetic hereditary diseases in offspring.

Article No. 42 “in the Republic of Belarus, motherhood is protected and encouraged by the state. Conditions are created for women to combine work with motherhood, legal protection, material and moral support for motherhood and childhood are provided. A pregnant woman is guaranteed medical supervision in public health institutions, inpatient care during and after childbirth, as well as therapeutic and preventive care and medical supervision of newborns. The state guarantees pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under 3 years of age, full nutrition through specialized food outlets and shops according to a medical report in the manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On State Benefits for Families Raising Children” defines the general procedure for assigning and paying benefits and allowances to them, and provides for an increase in their amounts based on the minimum wage. In accordance with this, the following benefits are assigned:

allowance for pregnancy and childbirth, in connection with the birth of a child, in connection with the birth of a child, of a mother who has become registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy; caring for a child under the age of 3; for children aged 3 to 16, taking into account the total income; care for a sick child; caring for a child under the age of 3 and a disabled child under the age of 18; allowance for children under 16 years of age infected with the HIV virus or suffering from AIDS; a single mother raising a child under the age of 15; sanatorium treatment of disabled children;

One of the measures aimed at providing favorable conditions for raising children is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on providing mothers with 3 or more children who are also raising a disabled child under 18, as well as single mothers, widows, divorced women who have 2 or more children, one free from work with payment in the amount of average earnings. Single mothers have the right to establish for her part-time work or part-time work week with proportional pay. According to article No. 49 of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to satisfy the request of the mother.

Principles of state family policy

family policy- organized, directed and financed by the state social protection of families from poverty, poverty, the provision of material assistance to the family to partially compensate for the decline in living standards. Family policy is understood as an activity aimed at developing the family, family lifestyle, strengthening the social functions of the family as one of the main institutions of society. The need for family policy is determined by those adverse consequences of changes in the structure and function of the family that have occurred in the course of historical development, during the processes of urbanization, industrialization, and which, taken together, characterize the crisis of the family as a social institution.

The main goal of family policy is to help eliminate the negative consequences of family measurements or compensate them. The long-term goals of family social policy are focused on overcoming the current crisis of the family, the implementation of guaranteed provision for families, its social functions for the birth, maintenance and socialization of children and the younger generations.

Also, family policy has private short- and medium-term tasks that are associated with the solution of specific urgent problems of a particular period. Strengthening the family means creating conditions for the realization of the potential of individual families in solving their specific life problems that each family encounters throughout its life. This aspect of family policy is called family social support.