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Home flowers similar to dracaena. Dracaena. Dracaena care or growing dracaena at home. Types of dracaena with photos and names

When the weather is rainy and cold outside, I want to be in the hot and sunny tropics. Dreams of warmer climes become more real if you dream about it while sitting next to a palm tree. At home, the palm tree is replaced by dracaena, which is so similar to it. Next to my dracaena, I always feel a little bit in the south.

Dracaena is a very unpretentious plant that is often found in residential areas and offices. It effectively decorates the interior and makes it exclusive and exotic.

Some call the plant a shrub and others a tree. Leaves grow on straight stems of the plant, forming rosettes. The average lifespan of a dracaena is 8-15 years. It depends on the type of dracaena, conditions of maintenance and care.

There are more than a hundred plant species. All of them are unique and beautiful. The more popular varieties of dracaena are:


This species is native to South Africa. One of the most unpretentious types of dracaena, even novice or lazy flower growers can handle its cultivation. The bush grows to medium size and reaches 1-2 m.

The main stem of the plant is thick, and a lush mop of elongated pointed leaves grows at its top. They are divided in color with a white border. In summer, in warm weather, the hooker can be taken out into the open air.


In nature, the plant grows up to 5 m, and at home, its average height will be 1 m. This species has a lot of varieties. They may vary in height and leaf color, but most have green foliage with a yellow edging. All of them are bent down, for which this species got its name.


Dracaena Godsef is not very similar to a palm tree. This is a bush plant, the shoots of which have a strong branching. The leaves are not elongated, like the rest of the dracaena, but oval in shape with an unusual color. They are light green in color with blurry white spots.

Often flowers when grown indoors. The flowers are inconspicuous and pale, painted yellow-green, but have a bright and pleasant smell.


Since this species is found in nature only in the Canary Islands, it received the appropriate name. This species is also called the dragon tree. At home, plant height is a maximum of 1.5 m, but only in the right conditions. The leaves, like many dracaena, are elongated, but they have their own characteristics.

They have a bluish tint and a spike at the end. Under special lighting, a red tint may appear on the leaves.

When growing at home, there should be no problems, since the plant has minimal requirements, especially for temperature. It feels great in both warmth and coolness.

Marginata (bordered)

This is the most common variety among flower growers. With the right content, the height of the marginate grows up to 3 m. The leaves are oblong with pointed edges.

They are dark green in color. Under different lighting, the border of the leaves may turn dark brown or yellow. Long leaves on a variegated trunk grow only in the upper part, which makes this variety of dracaena very similar to a palm tree.


Sandera is often compared to bamboo. The trunk of the dracaena really looks like this plant. By planting several plants in one container, their trunks are beautifully intertwined and a spectacular composition is obtained.


She has a very high decorative effect. It has a short trunk, and leathery, elongated and dense leaves of a dark green hue grow on small petioles.

In care, the variety is more capricious than most other dracaena. The temperature above 20 ° C should always be maintained, no drafts, temperature changes and direct sun.

Features of care

For the well-being of the dracaena, its growth and development, the basic requirements and conditions of detention must be observed.


It is easy to create suitable temperature conditions, since she feels comfortable at 18-23 ° C. This is the usual average temperature of any residential or office space. For the summer period, you can take out a tub with a flower on a balcony or loggia. In winter, a temperature of 15-20 o C is more preferable.

Drafts can be detrimental to dracaena, although it needs fresh air. It is necessary to ventilate the room, but avoid drafts.


All dracaena love good lighting, but direct sun is detrimental to them. In this regard, the south side of the plant is not suitable and can ruin it. You can place it on the east or west side, and in sunny time remove the pot from the window. During periods of short daylight hours and in cloudy weather, it is better to additionally highlight the plant.


There are several ways to create the necessary humid microclimate in the room where the dracaena grows:

  • Regular watering;
  • Evaporators (humidifiers, aquariums, towels, water containers, etc.;
  • Foliar spraying and occasional showers.


During the active growing season, the plant should be watered abundantly. It is important to check if the top layer of the soil has dried out. In the winter months, when the dracaena has a rest period, it is necessary to limit watering to 1 time during the week and make sure that the entire earthen coma dries out.

Overflow and waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, since the consequences can be disastrous. It is better to water with filtered water, or throw coal into the water while it settles.


Changing leaves for dracaena is a natural process. She exposes the trunk when dropping foliage. To shorten the plant and promote its branching, pruning is carried out.

Usually cut off 12-15 cm of the crown with the trunk. Then remove the plant to a darkened room and stop watering. This contributes to the renewal and branching of the flower. When new leaves appear, the plant is put in its normal place.


The crown and trunk remaining after pruning are used to propagate dracaena. This layer is placed in a container with warm water, where activated charcoal is diluted. It may take 2 or 3 months for roots to appear with this method. After that, the flower is planted in a permanent pot.

You can also propagate by cuttings.

  • Cut off the stem with a sharp knife;
  • Cut it into pieces of 5-6 cm;
  • Cut each piece and insert into the ground;
  • Cover the cuttings with a jar or a cut plastic bottle, put in a warm place;
  • Periodically ventilate the cuttings and spray with water;
  • After a couple of months, the cutting will take root and can be transplanted.

Landing and transplant

For planting and transplanting, it is important to choose the right size pot. For example, a pot with a diameter of 15 cm is suitable for a plant with a height of 40 cm. A drainage layer is a prerequisite. It can be expanded clay or other drainage material. After planting, the plant must be watered, and a top dressing that stimulates growth must be used.

Young plants should be transplanted every year, adult specimens - 1 time in 2-3 years.

Pests and diseases

Dracaena is quite resistant to pests, but sometimes some of them overshadow the life of the plant and its owner.

  • Spider mite is the most common guest of dracaena. Its appearance can be caused by very dry and hot weather. Their appearance is signaled by yellow punctures and spots on the leaves, and on the reverse side you can see a cobweb. To combat the spider mite, the dracaena is washed in the shower and then treated with an insecticide.
  • Shchitovka loves the plant very much. She quickly takes over the plant, leading it to complete destruction. In the initial stage of infection, you can use a soap solution with the addition of vodka, washing the infected areas with this composition. With a more extensive infection, treat the dracaena with a strong insecticide.
  • Mealybugs - do not tolerate soapy water, therefore, if they are found, carry out processing. However, their appearance is only a symptom. The main cause of infection and disease of the flower lies in something else. It is important to find this cause and eliminate it. After processing the plant, be sure to process the window sill and check neighboring plants.

The main problem with dracaena is yellowing of the tips of the leaves. This affects the general condition of the plant and its appearance. Such problems often arise due to improper care:

  • dry air;
  • lack of moisture;
  • Sudden temperature changes or cooling of the flower.

To cope with this, it is necessary to check the conditions of the dracaena and provide it with the necessary proper care.

Subject to all the necessary conditions, the tropical beauty dracaena will create an atmosphere of exoticism, beauty and comfort in your home for a long time.

Hi all. Today we will talk about such a houseplant as dracaena.

This palm from the agave family is native to the Canary Islands and tropical regions of Africa up to the archipelagos of the Pacific Ocean.

The name of the plant translates as a female dragon and in nature these palms reach a height of up to 20 meters.

However, like most indoor plants, domestic dracaena is already a cultivated species.

There are many types of this palm tree, and the fragrant Dracaena (Dracaena Fragrans) is most often bred in an apartment.

This palm tree is especially popular in offices. A single plant in a pot decorates the interior of the study well. However, in the apartment the palm tree looks quite impressive.

There are several other types of dracaena that are quite easy to grow in a pot. These are bordered dracaena (Dracaena marginata), Godsef dracaena (Dracaena Godseffiana) and dragon dracaena (Dracaena draco).

To care for dracaena, a number of conditions must be observed. But, if we summarize everything, we get the following:

  1. TO Orni plants should not be waterlogged. Dry soil for palm trees is more favorable. But it is not recommended to bring the same to complete dryness. In winter, it is advisable to spray the dracaena twice a day, and once a week - a warm shower.
  2. IN in summer, dracaena is best placed in a slightly shaded place (near the south or west window). In winter, the plant needs much more bright light.
  3. ABOUT The optimum temperature in summer is 18-25 ºC, in winter it is not colder than 12 ºC.

Tips for caring for dracaena at home

There are quite a few types of dracaena, but not all of them are quite popular in indoor floriculture. Those species that are found in offices or apartments are usually unpretentious and do not require any specific conditions.

Types and names of home dracaena with a photo

Dracaena fringed

The most common among flower growers. In nature, this plant grows up to 6 meters. In pots, it forms a slender and bare trunk. The plant is characterized by elongated leaves with a yellow border around the edges.

This species has varieties with leaves predominantly white and green (Bicolor), as well as with red, white and golden hues (Tricolor). There are also plants with completely pink foliage.

This species has a lot of leaves, the trunk is completely covered with them. The green color of the leaves is combined with golden, white and yellow hues. The leaves are much wider than the previous species.

This species also has several varieties that differ in leaf color, with various stripes along the edge: from gray to green and wide white edging.

And another popular species is fragrant gift. It is named so due to the pleasant smell emitted by the inflorescences of the plant.

Varieties of this species reach a height of up to 50 cm and have bright yellow-green foliage.

How to properly care for dracaena

In order for the plant to grow well, several conditions must be observed, which include such as temperature, lighting, watering and fertilizer or top dressing.

The optimum temperature will be at least 15 ° C

As for lighting, the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight. However, he does not like too shaded areas. Moreover, plants with variegated leaves need more light than those with green leaves. In winter, it is better to keep dracaena closer to the window. The same goes for artificial lighting.

As for watering, in summer it is necessary to do this often and plentifully, in winter less often. However, it is not necessary to overfill, so that the water stagnates in the pot, as well as overdry the soil.

Water should be separated, warm. Water once every two days in summer. If the leaves begin to dry, then water a little more often. Also in the summer it is necessary to periodically spray the leaves with water at room temperature.

From April to August, when the plant is growing, every two weeks the dracaena must be fed with complex fertilizers: Rainbow, Ideal, Giant, etc.

Flowering conditions for dracaena

If you comply with all of the above conditions, then your plant will bloom and envelop the room with a pleasant aroma.

Sometimes, especially with a lack of light, the plant may stretch too much. In order to shorten the plant and not give it growth in height, but rather in width, you need to cut off the apical point of growth. To do this, cut off a stem 15 cm long from above. After that, put it in a dark place and do not water it until new leaves appear.

However, the flowering of dracaena is a very rare phenomenon.

Diseases and pests of a flower

Dracaena usually gets sick from improper care. At low temperatures or a draft, the leaves of the plant will begin to curl, or even completely fall off. When overflowing, the roots and trunk begin to rot. If the process has not gone too far, then it is urgent to transplant the plant.

Do not confuse the drying of the lower leaves with the disease - this is a natural process. Worse, if young leaves begin to dry. Try changing the irrigation regime.

If the tips of young leaves turn black and dry, this is a problem with the soil. Try repotting the plant or changing the fertilizer. You can also add more peat and humus.

Another problem is decay. Moreover, it can be caused by both improper care and the influence of pests. If, upon examination, you find that the rotting part of the plant is separated from the healthy green strip, then this is the result of a lack of lighting or heat. If yellow tissue is formed during decay, then this is undoubtedly a bacteriosis.

You can fix this by changing the soil, temperature, and also make sure that the plant does not overflow.

The presence of brown or yellow spots indicates the presence of a spider mite and a thyroid gland. You can remove them by washing the plant with soapy water.

In addition, Fundazol is quite effective. Spray them according to the instructions 2-3 times in 10 days.

When the dracaena is infected with a mealybug, you can remove the pest by washing it with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. You can also spray the flower with a soap-alcohol solution, based on 1-2 g of soap per 200 ml of vodka.

A yellowish or white coating on the leaves indicates the appearance of a spider mite. To get rid of it, you can use a tool such as Actellik.

Reproduction of dracaena

Reproduction of dracaena is carried out in two ways: cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are the most common and more effective method.

To do this, select a young stem and cut off cuttings of five centimeters from it. In this case, it must be borne in mind that there would be two kidneys on each handle. After that, we stick the cutting into specially prepared soil and cover it with a jar on top. As they dry, the cuttings are sprayed with water. Roots will appear in a month. However, they can be transplanted to a permanent place only after the appearance of a lateral shoot. It is best to carry out cuttings from February to May.

When planting dracaena with seeds, they are pre-soaked for a day in water. After that, we plant the seeds in small pots with soil for seedlings. We plant the seeds to a depth of 1 centimeter and close the jar on top. A sprout will appear in two weeks.

Care is not difficult: the main thing is not to overfill and give enough light so that the sprout does not stretch much.

Dracaena transplant

We transplant the plant almost every year, especially if it is young. The need for transplantation is indicated by the roots of the plant protruding from the ground.

The best soil for a plant is the following mixture:

  • peat;
  • turf;
  • leaf land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

However, you can buy ready-made soil in the store. If you prepare the soil yourself, then take all the components in equal proportions.

The pot should be such that the root system would fit in it completely. We transplant the plant with the lump of earth that is on its roots. That is, we do not shake off the roots from the ground.

Having planted the plant in a pot, we fill up the earth, lightly tamp and add more. Water the plant after transplanting.

A young plant is transplanted at least once every two years, an old plant once every three to four years.

With proper care, your plant will grow well and delight you with its healthy color. And finally, a video on caring for dracaena.

Indoor dracaena, the basics of care and reproduction, growing at home

Often found in the homes of amateur gardeners.

This is an evergreen tree with an upright trunk and thin spreading leaves of different widths and colors.

More than 60 varieties of dracaena are known, which differ in the height and width of the trunk, size and color of the leaves.

The homeland of the plant is considered to be the subtropics of Asia, Africa and Europe. And the Greeks gave the name to the flower, “dracaena” means “female dragon”, it is named so for the rich red hue of the juice that stands out from the cuts on the branches or trunk. It reminded the Greeks of dragon's blood.

A distinctive feature of dracaena is rhizomes with an orange tint.

Dracaena is able to accumulate energy and form a positive atmosphere in the apartment, so it is often called a talisman plant.


Trunk. Most representatives of the dracaena species have a tree-like shape, a trunk up to 2 meters in diameter and up to 3 meters high, in some species the trunk is similar to.

Leaves all representatives of dracaena are dense but can differ in shape, color and size. Dracaena bloom with small white or greenish flowers collected in panicle inflorescences.


A lot of signs and superstitions are associated with dracaena.:

  • it is believed that dracaena increase the energy in the house, help create a positive psychological climate in the house;
  • according to feng shui, dracaena are very sensitive to negative thoughts and begin to fade in an unfavorable environment;
  • dracaena is recommended for single people who want to start a family.

Types of dracaena

Dracaena Deremskaya

Under natural conditions, it grows up to 4-5 meters, has narrow lanceolate leaves of a dark green color, the leaves reach 1.5 meters in length.

Varieties of fragrant dracaena:

  • Lindenii distinguished by wide leaves with creamy stripes along the edges.
  • Lemon lime an elegant fast growing tree with a thin trunk.
  • compacta similar to palm trees with dark green foliage.
  • Victoriae leaves are light yellow with a green stripe in the middle.
  • Massangeana has leaves up to half a meter long, arcuate in shape and they are collected at the top of the stem in a kind of bunch. The leaves are pale green with a yellow stripe in the center.

Dracaena bordered or Marginata

Dracaena marginata can most often be found in residential buildings and offices. It grows up to 3 meters in height, has pointed dark green leaves that grow up to 70 centimeters in length.

When growing dracaena marginata at home, it forms a slender tree with a branch-free and elongating trunk, the tops of the shoots are crowned with hard pointed leaves

Dracaena canadensis or dragon tree

They are found naturally in the Canary Islands and West Africa. They grow up to 10 meters in height. At home, they are up to one and a half meters high. The leaves are bluish in color with thorns at the end in length can reach 60 centimeters.

Dracaena Shirmonosnaya

A short-stemmed tree with arched, elongated leaves up to 4 centimeters wide and up to 100 centimeters long.

Dracaena sander

The undersized plant has a thin trunk and dark green foliage, on leaves of an elongated and pointed shape up to 20 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide with silvery stripes. There are species with variegated leaves.

Dracaena Sandera is not quite whimsical, it can grow well in plain water or aqua soil, the main thing for it is good lighting and fresh air.

Dracaena shoot-forming

The evergreen plant grows up to 3 meters, has a large number of branches, up to a centimeter thick. The leaves are green with yellow spots from 8 to 16 centimeters in length.

Dracaena recurved

The tree is tall, in nature up to 5 meters, may have several thin trunks.

The leaves are green in length up to 15 centimeters elongated lanceolate.

Home care for dracaena

The following types of dracaena are the easiest to care for at home.:

  • dragon tree,
  • bordered dracaena and
  • dracaena deremskaya.

It does not require a specific watering schedule and does well on the shady side.

If we talk about the rules for caring for dracaena in general, then the following features can be distinguished.

Illumination and temperature

Dracaena prefer a warm place indoors and the absence of drafts. Indoor temperature must be maintained at a temperature not lower than + 16 degrees.

Dracaena with dark leaves feel great in diffused light, and dracaena with light leaves grow well in lighted places.

In this case, any variety of dracaena must be protected from direct sunlight. It is best to place the dracaena in a well-lit room away from a window.


The irrigation regime is largely dependent on the type of dracaena. So Marginata and Deremskaya dracaena do not tolerate strong soil moisture, otherwise they can shed their leaves. But Dracaena Sander, on the contrary, needs constant soil moisture.

Plants also need to be sprayed periodically, and after watering, drain all the drained water after half an hour to prevent rotting of the roots.

Transplantation at home dracaena

It is necessary to transplant dracaena up to 5 years of age annually!

Choose pots should be larger by 3-4 centimeters. At 5 years old, dracaena practically stop growing, so a transplant is needed only when the roots completely fill the planting container.

Optimal soil composition:

  • peat,
  • turf,
  • leaf land,
  • humus and
  • sand.

Everything goes in equal proportions.

Care for dracaena after transplantation comes down only to spraying and timely watering. You can even not feed a couple of months.

top dressing

After the onset of the phase of active growth, top dressing should be done regularly 2 times a month with universal fertilizers for houseplants, without fluoride.

Reproduction of dracaena

Dracaena at home can be propagated by a segment of the stem, cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by stem cutting

It is necessary to cut off a part of the stem with a length of 5 centimeters, dry it and plant it in a pot with soil. You need to transplant the plant as soon as the roots and side shoots appear.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is better to cut the cuttings from the top of the stem, place it in the soil and cover it with a jar from above, spray it periodically, the roots will appear in a month.

Reproduction by seeds

Suitable for plants with green foliage, but this is a rather long and laborious process.

  1. Seeds before sowing should be soaked in water for 24 hours to activate growth.
  2. Then they are sown to a depth of 1 centimeter in special containers with a mixture for seedlings.
  3. Next, in the seedling container, you need to create a greenhouse effect using cans or plastic wrap.
  4. Sprouts begin to appear after 2 weeks.
  5. Next, you should maintain the humidity of the earth and create sufficient illumination so that the sprouts do not stretch upward.

Having studied all the features of care, and having become acquainted with the variety of evergreen plants of the dracaena family, you can easily choose a specimen for breeding and decorating your home or office.

If you want to create a green oasis in your apartment, keep in mind that dracaena go well in compositions with, and.

Dracaena (Dracaena) - translated from Latin means "female dragon". Belongs to the Asparagus family. It is a shrub or tree: straight stems, similar to a tree trunk, end in a rosette of leaves.

The leaves are oblong, the color is plain or with stripes of various colors. Due to its appearance, dracaena is also called a room palm. It is able to reach a height of about 2-3 m. It is a relative long-liver: under proper care conditions, it lives from 5 to 15 years.

How dracaena blooms

It rarely happens at home. The flowers are small, white-green in color, have a rather unpleasant aroma. Only Dracaena fragrant is an exception in terms of aroma. Inflorescences are collected in loose panicles. After flowering, only one drupe, similar to a cherry, is formed from each ovary. It cannot be eaten.

The birthplace of the houseplant dracaena

Homeland is Africa, but is found in South Asia and the tropics of Central America. There is a legend according to which a young man fell in love with the leader's daughter. A strict father allowed them to be together if the young man stuck a stick in the ground and after 5 days leaves appeared on it. This is how the first dracaena grew.

Due to the beautiful appearance, reminiscent of a tropical palm tree, easy care, dracaena is popular for growing at home, offices and other premises.

Dracaena care at home


The plant loves bright but diffused sunlight. It can also grow in partial shade. The intensity of illumination depends on the color of the leaves: variegated forms require more light.

Air temperature

Keep the air temperature moderate. In spring and summer at 25 ° C, with the onset of cold weather, lower it to 14 ° C, some species will feel great at 10 ° C. It categorically does not tolerate drafts.

How to water dracaena

It is also necessary for the season:

  • In summer, it is enough to produce moderate watering a couple of times a week, in winter - once every 10 days.
  • No overflows, stagnation of water: the earth lump should dry out by 5 cm, the water from the pan is immediately drained!

Air humidity

Dracaena is not recommended to be placed near heating systems. Spray the plant, bathe under a warm shower at any time of the year, but avoid standing water on the leaves. If it is not possible to "bath" the plant, wipe the dracaena leaves with a damp sponge.


The first transplant of dracaena must be carried out a couple of weeks after purchase. Young plants (up to 3 years old) need to be repotted every year. Then transplant as the root system grows - approximately every 4-5 years. Use the method of transshipment of an earthen clod. It is enough for adult plants to renew the top layer of soil annually. Transplant and renew the soil in the spring.


Dracaena requires light, breathable soil. Suitable substrate for palm trees. You can independently mix sand, humus, leafy and soddy soil in equal proportions. In spring and summer, periodically loosen the topsoil. Be sure to put drainage at the bottom.

The container for the plant should be approximately 15 cm in diameter, followed by an increase of 3 cm at each transplant.

How to make dracaena multi-stemmed

In order for new side shoots to appear, it is necessary to carry out. Cut off the top of the plant with a blade or a sharp knife, cover the dracaena with a plastic bag, put it in a sunny place, and water it through the bottom of the pan. Remove cover when new shoots appear.

top dressing

During the period of active growth (spring-autumn), it is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks. In winter, feeding is stopped.

Growing dracaena from seeds

Reproduction of dracaena is also carried out vegetatively (by apical and stem cuttings). Seed propagation is suitable exclusively for species with green leaves.

  • Sow only fresh seeds.
  • Before planting, they must be soaked in a growth accelerator for a day while maintaining an air temperature of at least 30 ° C.
  • It is better to sow in separate plastic cups with wet sandy-peat soil, one seed at a time.
  • The depth of seed placement is 0.5-1 cm.
  • Cover the crops with cling film and place in a warm place out of direct sunlight.
  • Expect germination in 1-2 months.
  • When the plants planted in a common container have reached a length of 5 cm, transplant each into a separate permanent pot. Seedlings grown in separate cups are transplanted by transshipment when the roots fill the cup.

Propagation of dracaena by cuttings

Dracaena cuttings are an easy and affordable way to propagate a flower.

  • To obtain stem cuttings, select a young strong stem and cut it into pieces 3-5 cm long.
  • Strip the lower part of each delenka from the bark and stick it into the ground.
  • Cover with a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle cap.
  • Ventilate periodically, check if the stalk has rotted.
  • After 1-1.5 months, young shoots will appear.

The apical cutting can be rooted in water or soil. Dissolve an activated charcoal tablet in a glass of warm water and place the cutting there. It will take about 3 months for roots to appear. Rooting in the ground is carried out as follows: make a hole in the ground, place the cutting there and press the ground around the stem. You can not even cover with a jar. The most important thing is to maintain the air temperature at 24-26 ° C, regularly water and spray. Choose a place with diffused lighting, without drafts. Do not panic if a few lower leaves fall off the handle - this is quite normal.

Rooting soil is required with a high content of peat. Plant rooted plants in soil intended for adult dracaena. Choose a pot with a depth of about 9 cm and a diameter of 10 cm.

Diseases and pests

Why do dracaena leaves turn yellow and what to do?

In most cases, dracaena die in winter from hypothermia and drafts. In winter, it should not be left on a cold windowsill, often watered or fertilized - the plant should be in a state of relative rest. From hypothermia, the leaves turn yellow with a brown edging, and then fall off. Most likely, the roots of the plant have already begun to rot.

Features of plant recovery depend on the degree of damage. When only the leaves are affected, simply move the plant to a place without drafts and cold. Watering should be minimal. Cut off damaged leaves when they are completely dry. In the spring, transplant such a plant.

If the leaves continue to turn yellow, then the roots are affected by rot. Remove the plant from the pot, cut off the affected roots with a disinfected knife and transplant into a new soil.

If the trunk becomes soft, cut off all the soft spots. Even if only "stumps" remain, by spring he will release new shoots.

Why do dracaena leaves dry and what to do?

  • The tips of the leaves may turn yellow due to dry air - spray the plant more often.
  • The appearance of yellow spots indicates sunburn - protect the dracaena from direct sunlight.
  • If you properly care for the plant, but various spots appear on the leaves (yellow, brown, irregular shapes) and other types of lesions, these can be fungal diseases. It is necessary to remove all damaged areas, treat the plant and soil with a fungicide (phytosporin).

Brown spots on dracaena

The appearance of brown spots that increase rapidly is an alarm bell: these are signs of a fungal infection called fusarium. Without urgent resuscitation and fungicide treatment, the plant will quickly die.

In no case should a diseased dracaena be sprayed with water so that the disease does not spread. Treat the plant with Bordeaux mixture and remove all affected areas without regret, even if you have to part with most of the leaves. The main thing is to remove the sources of infection, later the dracaena will recover. You can use phytosporin, bactofit or trichodermin for processing the plant itself and the soil according to the instructions. After 10 days, repeat the treatment, do not be lazy. For complete confidence that the disease is defeated, the treatments are repeated 3-4 times.

In the fight against fusarium, it is important to remember: you can not overdry and overmoisten the roots, allow the air temperature to rise above 24 ° C and high humidity. Feeding with humic preparations, for example, potassium humate, will help to increase immunity and resistance to the disease.


Dracaena is attacked by pests such as spider mites and scale insects. Moisten the sponge with soapy water and remove the pests mechanically. Then treat with insecticides.

Types of dracaena with photos and names

Dracaena Marginata Dracaena marginata

A plant with narrow long leaves collected at the top of the trunk is very similar to a palm tree. From fallen leaves, scars remain on the stem. The tree can reach a height of about 3 meters.

Dracaena Deremskaya Dracaena deremensis

The plant has wider leaves, green color with white stripes.

Dracaena sander or bamboo of happiness Dracaena sanderiana

The stems are like bamboo. In its normal state, the trunk is erect, but it is artificially twisted in a spiral to increase the decorative effect. The leaves have yellow-green stripes.

You can create amazing weaves: from flat patterns to three-dimensional, in the form of a vase or a wicker column.

Dracaena fragrant Dracaena fgagrans

It has long narrow leaves with stripes in the center of a silvery gray color. The inflorescence is represented by white fragrant flowers.

Dracaena Reflexed Dracaena reflexa

Green leaves with a golden edging are really slightly bent. The stem begins to branch at the root.

Dracaena Godseffiana Dracaena Godseffiana

The species is completely different from its relatives. Has the shape of a bush. The leaves are covered with small spots of cream and golden hue.

Dracaena Dragon or Dragon Tree Dracaena Draco

In the natural environment, it reaches a height of 20 m, with indoor cultivation - 1.5 m. This species is also called the "false palm". The stem-trunk is straight, woody, with sword-shaped leaves that have a reddish edging.

The tropical plant dracaena under natural growing conditions is a large multi-meter tree. At home, this flower grows much smaller, but retains its specific qualities and features. Dracaena are popular for their exotic look, beautiful multi-colored foliage and unpretentious care. Because of this, they are often used to decorate apartments, houses and offices.

Dracaena are trees or succulent shrubs that belong to the genus of the Asparagus family. According to various data in nature, there are from 40 to 150 species. Most of them grow in Africa.

This evergreen tree has a tree-like, straight and even trunk, which thickens with age due to the activity of stem meristems. As an indoor culture, dracaena is grown because of its beautiful leaves. In some plant species they are narrow, in others they are quite wide. But all the leaves have the original color. In young trees, they are directed upwards. With age, the leaves first deviate to the sides, and then bend down. They are located in bunches on the upper rosettes of the trunk. The lower leaves fall off as the tree grows, leaving behind scars on the trunk.

Dracaena - meaning

In the countries of Central and South America, this plant is called " happiness tree". The name appeared thanks to the legend of the Aztecs, according to which, who fell in love with the daughter of the high priest, the war was given the task of growing a tree from an ordinary stick in five days. Only in this case the girl's father agreed to give his daughter in marriage to him. All five days the warrior watered the stick stuck by the priest, and, fortunately, leaves appeared on it. As a result, the dracaena grew, and the warrior and the priest's daughter got married. Since then, many have believed that if, on a full moon at midnight, a part of the trunk is cut off from the dracaena and planted, then this bring happiness in love.

Other signs and beliefs are also associated with dracaena:

It is believed that these beautiful ornamental leafy plants help to improve life, increase energy, help maintain optimism, warm and benevolent relationships in the house.

According to Feng Shui, dracaena sensitive to negative thoughts and begin to fade in an unfavorable psychological environment. Therefore, if you keep the plant in the conditions necessary for it and properly care for it, but it still fades, then you should think about the psychological situation in your home.

Single people who want to start a family are advised to purchase this houseplant and grow it in their home.

Dracaenas have some useful properties- have a good effect on people prone to depression, help cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize benzene, formaldehyde and other chemicals.

A tropical plant has female energy and may not take root well in the house and refuse to grow in male flower growers who have a tough character .

Dracaena - types

All types of plants are divided into two groups:

  1. Trees with strong trunks and comprehensive hard leaves.
  2. Shrubs with slender flexible stems and belt-shaped leaves.

The most popular for growing at home are only six species of these beauties.

Dracaena bordered - photo

The most famous indoor variety of this exotic tree, which grows up to 6 meters in nature. The bordered view of flower growers is called - dracaena marginata.

In room conditions, a slender tree is different:

  • bare trunk, which gradually lengthens;
  • narrow pointed hard leaves located on the tops of the shoots;
  • contrasting border on the leaves;
  • leaf length up to 70 cm.

Marginata has several varieties that differ in foliage color:

  1. Variety Colorama combines several shades of white, pink and green.
  2. Bicolor- a variety with light foliage and a pink border. The main color is white and green.
  3. Tricolor characterized by foliage, which is dominated by a red tint. Also available in gold and white.

Under natural conditions, dracaena Marginata blooms and forms fruits. In a potted plant, it is not necessary to wait for the formation of inflorescences.

Dracaena deremskaya - photo

A tall, slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 meters at home. Is different:

  • powerful trunk;
  • densely decorated foliage located along the trunk;
  • variegated leaf plates up to one and a half meters long;
  • leathery, smooth, linearly expanded leaves.

The following varieties are distinguished, differing in the color of the leaf plates:

  1. Shriveriana variety with leaves, along the edge of which there is a wide white-yellow border.
  2. Bausei distinguished by a wide white stripe in the middle.
  3. Warneckii has gray-green leaf plates and narrow white stripes along the edge.
  4. Janet Craig Compacta- This is a miniature kind of tree. It has a straight dwarf trunk and elastic leaves.

Dracaena deremskaya is very unpretentious in maintenance and care. To ruin this type of plant, you need to try very hard.

Fragrant dracaena - photo

The plant is popular due to its wide leaves and the pleasant smell that the inflorescences that open on an adult tree emit. Is different:

  • sheet plate width of 10 cm;
  • thick, unstable trunk;
  • impressive size.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Lindenii it is distinguished by creamy-white stripes along the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lemon lime has a thin trunk and grows quickly. Requires support.
  3. compacta- a compact palm-shaped tree. Leaf blades are dark green in color.
  4. Victoriae distinguished by beautiful leaves of light yellow color, in the middle of which there is a green stripe.
  5. Massangeana is the most popular variety among fragrant dracaena. Decorative leafy plant in length reaches one and a half meters. It has large arched leaves, which are located in a bunch at the top of the stem. The leaf plate is distinguished by a light green color and a yellow stripe in the middle. To give the dracaena an attractive appearance, several branches are formed on its trunk.

Unfortunately, you can see the spectacular flowering of a plant only at home or in nurseries. A peduncle grows from the center of its rosette, reaching about a meter in length. It reveals fluffy flowers that resemble pompoms in appearance.

External attractiveness and unpretentiousness in care have made this type of plant very popular among flower growers.

Dracaena bent (Reflex) - photo

The name of the flower was formed due to its leaf plates, curved in the shape of an arc. They gather in bunches and grow only at the ends of the shoots. "Reflex" is different:

  • branches extending from the very base of the trunk;
  • lanceolate leaves;
  • green foliage with pronounced veins and a light border;
  • an interesting form of a leaf plate, the length of which reaches 11-16 cm.

The main value of this species are bright leaves with rich color.

Popular varieties:

  1. « Song of Jamaica". A tree with dark green leaves with a white border.
  2. « Song of India» is distinguished by green leaves with cream stripes.

Due to the weak stem and the exactingness of high humidity in room culture, this type of dracaena is the least common.

Dracaena sander - photo

Flower shops often sell a popular plant - "good luck bamboo". It consists of spirally curved cuttings connected together. Many people think it's bamboo. In fact, the correct name of the plant is Dracaena Sander or Sanderiana.

Found this beauty in the humid tropics of Africa. In the second century BC, it began to be widely grown in China. "Good luck bamboo" is considered a talisman that brings prosperity to the house.

Sandera's appearance is an upright stem, on which leathery leaves are located 3 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. At home, "good luck bamboo" can grow up to one and a half meters. May have varieties with variegated leaves. In nature, it blooms with white and pink flowers.

The plant is quite unpretentious. Able to grow in water or a special substrate in the form of helium balloons. Prefers good lighting and ventilated areas.

Dracaena Godsefa or Surculosa - photo

Decorative and deciduous plant of an uncharacteristic species for dracaena. It is a bush up to 60 cm high, on which pointed oval leaves are located. Each leaf plate is covered with cream specks and specks. Its color depends on the variety:

  1. Panctulata has a dark background, on which a small dotted pattern is located.
  2. Milky Way or "Milky Way" it is distinguished by a bright white stripe around which dots are located.
  3. Juanita also has a white, but more washed-out stripe.
  4. Florida Beauty- the most common "Godsefa". It has yellow spots of various sizes. As the tree ages, the spots lighten.

At a young age, the plant blooms with yellowish-green fragrant flowers. After them, red berries appear.

Godsefa does not require special care and growing conditions, so it is quite easy to grow it at room conditions.

From the entire range of these indoor decorative leafy plants, you can choose the most suitable for the interior of your apartment, house or office. It can be a fairly large tree or a compact shrub with green or variegated leaves. Among other things, room Dracaena flower is one of the powerful green "filters". So, for example, bordered dracaena absorbs and neutralizes trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene through its leaves and roots.