Repair Design Furniture

Prefabricated timber garage. How to build a garage from a bar with your own hands. Garage roof construction

When choosing a method and material for building a garage, preference is given to options in which the building box is obtained with maximum tactile comfort, that is, smell, color and touch do not cause a negative reaction. In this sense, a tree, and even better a processed log or timber, is out of competition. In addition, a log garage has excellent thermal insulation and low weight, which allows the use of relatively simple foundation systems.

How to build a garage from a bar with your own hands

From the list of various options for the construction of one-story buildings, the two most accessible are most often used:

  • The use of timber for the construction of the supporting frame of the garage, which is sheathed with SIP-panels or OSB-plates, followed by "manual" insulation using foam, XPS or mineral mats;
  • Assembling a garage box in the form of an array of specially processed timber. The building made of profiled timber has an order of magnitude stronger and more durable walls, which allows you to build two-story buildings with a residential attic or attic.

For your information! For especially loaded load-bearing parts of the garage, glued beams are used. Thanks to deep processing, this type of material has a high stability of characteristics and reduced sensitivity to humid air and condensate.

The technology for the production of glued laminated timber is reduced to the selection and gluing of several boards into one piece of wood. Previously, the board material is dried in the most thorough way and discarded according to the presence of fiber defects and surface geometry. Under high pressure, the adhesive penetrates deep into the surface of the wood, which ensures high strength and resistance to moisture penetration.

How to build a frame garage from a bar

More than half of the frame buildings of garages, baths, residential buildings are made using glued and ordinary timber. Good material workability and stability allows you to choose projects for building a small garage from a bar with your own hands that do not require complex checks for the strength and stability of the structure.

A typical construction of such a garage comes down to three stages:

  1. Arrangement of a tape or pile-grillage foundation. In this case, the binding of piles is carried out from ordinary or glued beams. A wooden grillage is attached to a concrete tape or pile heads with anchor bolts;
  2. According to the project, a garage frame is assembled from a bar. This is the most critical part of the job, requiring good carpentry skills to connect individual beams at corners and at the intersection of horizontal and vertical elements. The ceiling is laid, and a frame is installed from the rafters of a single or gable roof;
  3. The walls and ceiling are sheathed with ready-made slabs of pressed wood fibers or tongue-and-groove boards. The outer part of the walls is finished with protective coatings, for example, painted with enamel or plastered with acrylic compounds. For warm garages, walls are laid out with pressed mineral fiber mats and covered with plasterboard trim.

Often, instead of chipboards or boards, the space of cells formed by the intersections of horizontal beams and vertical posts made of glued laminated timber is filled with foam blocks and sealed with sheets of corrugated board. Outwardly, such a garage made of timber with your own hands is almost impossible to distinguish from structures based on a steel frame and a metal profile.

Garage made of profiled timber

Buildings for a garage made of profiled or glued beams are used much less frequently than frame options. The main obstacle to the use of fine material is its high price. The most expensive is the glued version, since its manufacture requires not just a machine for cutting logs, but a whole complex for drying and gluing packages of boards.

Assembling the walls of the garage from profiled material

The construction technology using profiled timber is more like an assembly from a grooved board. Spikes and grooves are cut out on opposite surfaces with disk machine cutters, which makes it possible to connect a package of timber beams into a solid and rigid solid wood wall. Separate rows are interconnected by steel plates and fastening brackets. To seal the seams, use polyurethane foam, sealant or home-made flax fiber compounds and oil-based putties.

Building a building from profiled material is quite difficult even for a carpenter with practical experience, in addition, the high cost of the material requires accurate execution of all joints at the corner joints of supports and ceiling beams.

Building a garage from a bar is simpler than a two-story house or a cottage with an attic, but it also requires no less experience and care in making connections. In addition, profiled beams tend to shrink and settle at the joints. Therefore, the walls of the garage can shrink, which affects the initial position of the roof rafters and ceiling.

From an ordinary edged timber, it is easiest to build a standard version of a garage with your own hands, such as in the photo.

A shallow concrete strip was used as a foundation, the first row of profiled material is laid on roofing felt or mastic waterproofing. The lathing for roofing and the gate are made of grooved board. The roof itself is made by laying bituminous rolled waterproofing. The average cost of materials for such a garage will be just over $ 1,600, which is somewhat more expensive than the frame version.

Glued laminated timber, schemes and projects of the garage

A beam obtained by gluing several layers of sanded board is an ideal material for private construction. In addition to the fact that the glued solid wood is perfectly cut, drilled, milled, polished, it retains a very beautiful natural texture and color of wood. The high cost of the material, which is about 300 dollars per cubic meter, stimulates the rational use of each kilogram of wood.

Important! For walls made of glued laminated timber, special finishes and coatings based on paints and polymers are rarely used. Most often, these are varnishes and impregnations that increase the durability of wood and emphasize the pattern of fibers.

The classic option can be called a garage made of glued laminated timber, shown in the photo.

The walls of the garage at the same time serve as the supporting frame of the building. During assembly, a guide surface is assembled from two beams, along which the plane of the walls is aligned. After laying the beam along the lower and upper edges, strapping runs are stuffed, with the help of which the roof rafters are attached, and the garage frame is “tied” to the concrete base of the foundation.

Profiled and glued beams are made with various surface options, it can be a profile for a log, a beveled asymmetric edge, a concave surface and even a small comb. After assembly, the garage looks very unusual and beautiful.

The inner walls of the garage room made of profiled timber are most often left unfinished, but can be subjected to additional grinding and even polishing.

Despite the impregnation and protective coating, the tree retains the ability to absorb diffusion water, condensate and water vapor, so they try to raise the garage body at least 20-30 cm above the ground. For this, brickwork, tape or a grillage with partial penetration into the ground are most often used .

The garage refers to those types of outbuildings that, at first glance, can be made of absolutely any materials. In fact, this is not entirely correct: if you decide to build it from wood, you can be sure that the walls of the building will be breathable, will be able to pass moisture vapor, thereby neutralizing possible unpleasant odors, but keeping warm. Let's find out how to build a garage from a bar with your own hands.

Advantages of a timber garage

It turns out that it is very easy to make such a structure with your own hands: the building materials available today are already completely ready for use, they are treated with special compounds that eliminate the danger of rotting or catching fire, and also do not need additional adjustment. Of the unconditional advantages that distinguish timber construction, we separately highlight the following:

  • environmentally friendly building material of the walls makes it possible to create a favorable microclimate inside the building. This point is of particular relevance if the garage space is also planned to be used as a home workshop (and this happens quite often);
  • optimal humidity level. Wooden walls ensure the preservation of normal humidity in the room, preventing its increase, which means that your car is better stored;
  • ease of construction. Wood is considered a material that can be processed well, respectively, with minimal building skills, you can independently build a garage from a bar with your own hands, without involving expensive outside specialists;
  • attractive appearance. Such a building will ideally fit into the overall concept of your site.

The only controversial point that should be noted is the increased fire hazard of wooden buildings, which is why they should be regularly coated with special fire retardant compounds.

Construction stages

Like any wooden building, a timber garage requires the construction of a foundation. What it will be - slab, pile or tape - you decide on your own, the main thing is that the tree does not come into contact with the soil surface, otherwise your garage will begin to rot very soon. Ideally, the foundation should rise about 20 cm above ground level. In addition, a layer of waterproofing material must be laid between the top of the foundation and the lower bars of the garage walls.

As a rule, the walls are formed from a specially prepared beam, laying the elements in a log house. You can make it easier for yourself and order a completed log house, leaving behind only the assembly of the structure. In this case, the price increases quite a bit, and the scope of work is significantly reduced.

As for the floor, it can be made both wooden and concrete. If you stop at the second option, then take this into account even at the stage of laying the foundation: by choosing the option with slabs, you will simultaneously form the floor.

Roof options can be different: it can be single-pitched or gable. The way you organize the rafters will depend on which roof option you choose. Thinking about organizing additional insulation is only worth it if you plan to heat your future garage.

Construction technology

First of all, you need to build a foundation. With the slab option, everything is more or less clear, let's look at the option of a columnar foundation. First you need to determine the size of the building site, clean it from the top fertile soil layer and carefully level it. Next, we draw up the markup with the help of pegs and twine.

The column foundation must be installed in all corners and around the perimeter of the future garage, while the distance between the columns cannot exceed 2 m. They are erected from brick or concrete blocks on cement mortar, not forgetting to first form a special sand cushion. When the cement finally hardens, a layer of waterproofing is laid on top and everything is covered with a layer of roofing material. Now it's time to lay the embedded beam, into which the floor slabs are cut, made of a bar with a diameter of 4 cm.

The distance between the mortgages directly depends on the planned load on the floor in the future: when building a garage, it is better to lay the logs more densely, at a distance of no more than 1 m from each other. All subsequent rows of timber are stacked on top of each other, connecting them with each other using dowels. When the construction of the walls is completed, it is necessary to cut the truss frame into the upper crown, forming it, depending on the chosen roof shape. As soon as the roof is installed, it is better to immediately cover it with roofing, using any material you like - roofing material, corrugated board, slate, ondulin or tiles.

Pay special attention to the so-called "skates" - they need enhanced waterproofing. Now you can start working on the inside. If the option of a garage on a columnar foundation is chosen, you need to lay the floor. It is made from tongue-and-groove boards, fastened to mortgages with self-tapping screws. The floor, as well as the inner walls of a wooden garage, must be treated with a flame retardant to protect yourself from accidental fire.

Now we will form a gentle entrance to the garage: it is made of boards (60 mm) laid on a support beam, which is attached to the lower mortgage. It is important to properly maintain the angle of inclination of the entrance - it should not exceed 30 degrees. That's all, it remains only to install the gate. It is noteworthy that a timber garage is a fairly strong structure that can easily withstand the installation of both swing and lifting automatic gates.

Video "Building a garage from a bar"

From this video you will learn how to build a garage from a bar with your own hands.


The most environmentally friendly garage is wooden: its structures have high thermal insulation characteristics, "breathe" - they neutralize odors, absorb excess moisture, let air and water vapor through. With the right selection and preparation of materials, a wooden building can last longer than any other analogues. For the construction of a garage, timber is the most convenient.

The choice of garage design and foundation type

If you are going to build a wooden one, you first need to decide on the design of the walls and roof, as well as the type of foundation. There are the following types of garage construction:

  • log house - the most expensive option;
  • frame;
  • prefabricated - similar to the previous one, but instead of sheathing, ready-made modules are used.

Foundation types:

  • reinforced concrete monolithic slab;
  • tape;
  • columnar or pile.

Regardless of the type of foundation, its height above the ground should be at least 20 cm. For a wooden garage, the first option is preferable. Such a foundation will not only be a reliable support for the walls, but will also become the floor of the garage. If you need to equip the pit, then this nuance is thought out before the foundation is poured and the formwork is mounted in advance.

The other two options are easier to implement and more affordable. They are mainly used in the construction of a log house. In this case, the floor of the bars and boards is laid directly on the foundation. It is not necessary to fasten the tree to concrete and bricks, since the weight of the walls will provide a secure fixation. If you are building a garage from a bar, frame or prefabricated with your own hands, then you need to make a monolithic foundation. The frame is lighter than a log house and it will be possible to fix the wooden flooring in

Log cabin - a garage made of solid timber

We draw up a sketch drawing indicating the dimensions of the garage and the dimensions of the gate. We order an array of timber. The manufacturer will supply this material cut to the dimensions of the garage, profiled to length and with prefabricated ring fittings.

In order for the garage to be durable, you should choose high quality wood with low humidity.

It is better to purchase a chamber-drying timber (it is more expensive than natural moisture material). This will avoid serious shrinkage of wood and the appearance of cracks in the log house, which will require additional caulking.

When deciding what to choose, round logs or profiled timber, it is better to give preference to the first material. It has less cracking and shrinkage. It is easier to assemble it into a single structure.

Manufacturers of profiled timber claim that there is no need to insulate its interventional connection. Despite this, it is still better to lay a jute or linen ribbon between the crowns.

The lower belt of the garage log house should be made of hardwood material, and the remaining crowns can be made of pine. There are a lot of ways to fasten the bars to each other at the corner joints. The most hermetic and reliable - combined "in half a tree". When it is used, a large area of ​​surface contact of the bars is provided, and it also contains plug-in and root spikes. In the case of self-cutting corner joints, it is better to use a simpler option - "butt on the root tenon".

At the end of the assembly of the walls, the timber is processed:

  • outside - with an antiseptic to protect against decay;
  • from the inside - flame retardant (composition that does not support combustion).

Timber frame garage

We start assembling the frame with the installation of the support frame. It is made from a bar 100 × 100 mm (it is advisable to use larch or oak - they are more resistant to moisture). We lay the frame horizontally along the perimeter of the foundation on roofing material, which will exclude the possibility of moisture getting into the wood. On a strip or slab foundation, it is fixed by means of anchor threaded studs with a diameter of 14–16 mm, which are pre-buried into concrete by 20–25 cm.

After checking the horizontal level of the frame, install the corner posts. After making sure of the verticality, we fix them with inclined temporary jibs from the boards. Then, along the top of the racks, we stretch the cord, along which we set the intermediate supports. The spacing of their arrangement depends on the dimensions of their own cross-section, as well as the thickness and width of the outer skin of the garage and can be 0.5–1 m. We fasten the intermediate racks to the frame with temporary braces. Then we fix them on top with a strapping beam. It will serve as a support for the roof truss system. We cut grooves in the strapping beam for the rafter “legs”, which will ensure reliable fastening of the latter.

You can sheathe the frame with a board, wooden clapboard, block house, siding, metal profile or other material. In the case of garage insulation, wall cladding is carried out simultaneously with the layer-by-layer filling of the frame space with ecowool. Another option is also possible: first sheathe the building from the outside, and then clad it from the inside with semi-rigid mineral wool tiles. The insulation should be closed with a vapor barrier from the inside and waterproofing from the outside. A ventilated gap must be provided inside the skin. It is impossible to insulate a garage from a bar with polystyrene foam - this material retains moisture and the wood at the point of contact with it will begin to rot.

Various materials can be used to build a garage. One of the most popular among them is. A timber garage has a number of advantages: vapor permeability, low cost, environmental friendliness, etc. In addition, a wooden timber garage will look much more attractive than a brick or concrete one.

Before you build a garage from a bar with your own hands, you need to decide on the structural features of the future structure.

First of all, you need to stock up on a pencil and a piece of paper in order to make at least a rough plan for the future garage. When creating a plan, you should take into account the dimensions of the car, as well as the dimensions of the various shelves (if any). Do not forget about the free space that is necessary for repair work.

If you plan to carry out any welding or other work related to elevated temperatures inside the garage, then you should think about creating additional fire protection. The fact is that the tree ignites quite quickly, and sometimes one spark is enough for a wooden garage to catch fire.

Foundation and floor

To build a garage from a bar, you first need to figure out the choice of foundation and floor.

As a rule, people choose a reinforced concrete slab as a foundation. It will not only be a reliable support for future construction, but will also perform the function of the floor.

In order to prevent the absorption of groundwater into the foundation, it is lined with roofing material waterproofing. If there is a need for thermal insulation, then before making a screed, foam sheets 1-2 centimeters thick are laid on the concrete.

The thickness of the foundation must be chosen so that it exceeds the ground level by about 20 centimeters. This is necessary so that water does not penetrate into the garage. To protect the walls from moisture, it is recommended to make a concrete blind area no more than 40 cm wide.

A cheaper and more accessible material for creating a foundation is strip rubble concrete, which is usually placed about 20 cm underground. Due to the fact that the tree is a fairly elastic material, heaving formations will not be able to harm the structure. However, concrete pillars or piles need to be placed deeper than the freezing level of the soil, since heaving formations can “throw them out”.

timber frame

In order to avoid problems during the construction of the frame, you must first make a sketch or plan on a piece of paper.

On the sketch, you need to draw all the contact nodes and additional structures. If the owner does not have enough experience, and there is not enough knowledge to create an accurate sketch, then you can take a ready-made design from the Internet. When planning a garage frame from a bar, the connecting elements must also be applied to the sketch. Racks can be connected to beams with both brackets and metal plates with holes for self-tapping screws.

Also, in the manufacture of the frame, it is better to avoid various complex connections (for example, cuts). It is most convenient to overlap the beams or, as the builders say.

The assembly of the frame itself begins with the lower crown. It is necessary to fix the corner posts on it, and the upper crown is already attached to the corner posts. The optimal length of the bars is 3 m. In order for the racks not to change their position after installation, temporary fixation can be made using boards.

Sheathing and insulation of a frame garage

Sheathing the structure from the inside is usually done with clapboard. This material contributes to the creation of favorable climatic conditions inside the garage. It is suitable for both wall cladding and ceiling cladding. Its advantages also include ease of installation, as well as low cost.

A wooden lining is attached to a metal crate. The fastening of the crate to the wall should not be carried out closely, but in such a way that there is a small gap between it and the wall. This is necessary for ventilation, as well as to reduce the risk of deformation of the lining.

When installing a heat insulator, you need to place it in such a way that there are no gaps in the frame. If it turns out that it is impossible to install without gaps, then the empty space can be filled with mounting foam. After the foam has cooled, you need to remove its excess with a knife.

When insulating the floor, many experts recommend using expanded clay. It will not only insulate the floor, but also create excellent sound insulation. Plus, it's pretty durable. Therefore, it does not have to be replaced after a few no use (unlike other heaters).

Do-it-yourself log garage

Often, timber is used as a material for making a garage.

The advantages of glued beams include:

  1. No risk of temporary deformations, it will always have a smooth surface;
  2. Glued laminated timber is not subject to shrinkage and shrinkage;
  3. It has optimal moisture, due to which the risk of rotting or the appearance of fungal formations disappears;
  4. Great for complex projects;
  5. Easy to mount.

Despite the large number of advantages, glued laminated timber has its drawbacks. One of them is the high price. A garage made of glued laminated timber will cost about 2 times more than the same garage made of profiled timber.

A profiled beam is a beam that has protrusions on one side. These protrusions create additional reliability of the connection. The disadvantages of profiled timber include its poor thermal insulation. In winter, being in a garage made of profiled timber will be quite uncomfortable.


Roofing for a garage from a bar can be any. When choosing a gable roof, it is worth remembering where precipitation will roll. So, when installing a gable roof on a garage that is close to the house, it should be borne in mind that corrosion may appear in the place where liquid accumulates.

If there is a need to store a large amount of inventory, then you can make a gable roof. At a price it is a little more expensive than usual, but more spacious and has good thermal insulation.


As a basis for the gate, a wooden frame sheathed with clapboard or steel profiled sheet is well suited.

If the car is very expensive and stronger and more reliable gates are required, then steel roller shutters or automatic sectional gates can be installed. It is recommended to paint the gate under the general color of the garage - this way the structure will look more harmonious.

The work plan is the following.

  1. General provisions, foundation.
  2. Lumber layout for a garage measuring 6x4 m with a shed roof.
  3. The bottom trim of the garage frame.
  4. Installation of vertical racks (100x100x2685 and 100x100x1900) and cross beams.
  5. Final frame assembly.
  6. Wall cladding.
  7. Swing gate installation.

According to the type of construction, wooden garages can be divided into solid and frame ones, according to materials - into garages from CBM and garages from timber and boards. A columnar foundation in the form of monolithic concrete pillars, pile, screw or prefabricated pillars made of reinforced concrete blocks is quite suitable for a frame garage made of timber. The need to build a more solid foundation may be due to moving, weak soils, high soil moisture, the proximity of groundwater, and large elevation changes at the construction site. The frame consists of a base (lower) trim, support posts, struts and upper trim. Strengthening the rigidity of the lower rims is made by strips attached to the inside of the strapping. The connection of vertical racks with the upper trim is made with special spikes or anchors / staples / nails.

Number of lumber

To build a 6x4 meter garage according to the drawing shown in the figure below, you will need: 100x100x6000 timber for the frame - 1.08 cubic meters or 18 pieces. Beam 100x150x6000 for the gate / door and basement trim - 0.63 cubic meters or 7 pieces. Board 25x100x3000 for the crate and sheathing - 1.5 cubic meters or about 200 pieces. Board 50x150x6000 for rafters, floors, gate / door frame - 2.03 cubic meters or 45 pieces.

Garage bottom frame

The lower rims of the building are made of a bar with a section of 100x150 connected “to the paw”, impregnated with used machine oil. It is possible to process the lower edges of the crowns at the frame assembly stage, and postpone the impregnation of the remaining sides until the flooring. You can additionally strengthen the connections of the plinth rims with each other with a steel corner or brackets.

Installation of vertical racks and cross beams of the frame

Having finished with the lower trim, you can proceed to the vertical racks from the timber 100x100x6000. They, according to our drawing, will have a height of 2685 mm on the high side of the frame and 1900 mm on the low side.

After installing the racks, we connect the opposite sides of the frame (high and low) with transverse beams. Racks for garage doors with wings 1700x2500 and under the door - timber 100x150. Fastening racks with bottom trim and cross beam - connection type "