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Geothermal home heating cost turnkey. Types of remote control heating systems

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Extracting heat from the ground and water sources is not such an innovation. The Western world has long used geothermal energy for home heating. This topic is becoming more and more relevant as the prices of public utilities rise. A heat pump for home heating makes it possible to heat batteries in an environmentally friendly, safe and free way.

The heat pump heats the house with natural heat

Heat pump for home heating: principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages

A sample of a device similar to a heat pump is in every home - this is a refrigerator. It produces not only cold, but also heat - this is noticeable by the temperature of the rear wall of the unit. A similar principle is laid down in the heat pump - it collects thermal energy from water, earth and air.

Principle of operation and device

The operating system of the device is as follows:

  • water from a well or reservoir passes through the evaporator, where its temperature drops by five degrees;
  • after cooling, the liquid enters the compressor;
  • the compressor compresses the water, increasing its temperature;
  • the heated liquid moves to the heat exchange chamber, where it gives off its heat to the heating system;
  • the cooled water is returned to the beginning of the cycle.

Heating systems based on heat pump installations have three components:

  • A probe is a coil located in water or land. It collects heat and transfers it to the device.
  • A heat pump is a device that extracts thermal energy.
  • The heating system itself, including the heat exchange chamber.

Pros and cons of the device

First, about the positive aspects of such heating:

  • Relatively low power consumption. Heating consumes only electricity, and it will require much less than, for example, heating with electrical appliances. Heat pumps have a conversion factor that indicates the output of thermal energy in relation to the electrical energy consumed. For example, if the value of "ϕ" is 5, then 1 kilowatt per hour of electricity consumption will account for 5 kilowatts of thermal energy.

  • Versatility. This heating system can be installed in any area. This is especially true for remote areas where there are no gas pipelines. If it is not possible to connect electricity, the pump can run on a diesel or gasoline engine.
  • Full automation. There is no need to add water to the system or monitor its operation.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety. The heat pump installation does not produce any waste or gases. The device cannot accidentally overheat.
  • Such a unit can not only heat a house in winter at an air temperature of up to minus fifteen degrees, but also cool it in summer. Such functions are available in reverse models.

  • Long period of operation - up to half a century. The compressor may need to be replaced about once every twenty years.

This system also has its drawbacks, which cannot be ignored:

  • Prices. A heat pump for heating a house is not a cheap pleasure. This system will pay off not earlier than in five years.
  • In areas where the winter temperature drops below fifteen degrees below zero, the operation of the device will require additional heat sources (electric or gas).
  • A system that takes thermal energy from the ground disrupts the ecosystem of the site. The damage is not significant, but this should be taken into account.

Expert point of view

Andrey Starpovsky

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“If you wish, you can make a heat pump for heating a house from a refrigerator with your own hands. But this will require some technical knowledge.

Which pump to choose

Installations differ in the source of thermal energy and the method of its transmission. There are five main types:

  • Water-air.
  • Ground water.
  • Air-to-air.
  • Water-water.
  • Air-water.

Site survey

Before installing the heating system, it is important to examine the features of the site. This study will help determine which source of thermal energy will be the best option. The easiest way is if there is a reservoir near the house. This fact will relieve from the need to carry out earthworks. Another practical solution is to use a site where the wind is constantly blowing. If there is neither one nor the other, you will have to stop at earthworks.

The heating system can have two installation options:

  • using probes;
  • with the installation of an underground collector.

Ground-water pump and installation options

Geothermal probes are usually installed in a small area, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not allow laying a large pipeline. To install this system, drilling equipment will be required, since the depth of the wells must be at least one hundred meters, the diameter is twenty centimeters. Probes are lowered into such wells. The number of wells affects the performance of the heating system.

If the site area is large enough, you can do without drilling and install a horizontal system. For this purpose, the coil is buried to a depth of one and a half meters. This version of the system is considered the most stable and trouble-free.

Water-to-water pump: easy installation

A water-to-water heat pump for home heating is suitable for areas with water bodies. For the pipeline, ordinary polyethylene pipes can be used. The collected collector is moved to the pond and lowered to the bottom there. This is one of the cheapest installation options that you can do yourself.

Air-to-air heat pump: installation price

In a site where winds are constantly present, a system that uses the thermal energy of air is suitable. Installation in this case also does not require special costs, it can be done by hand. You only need to install the pump no further than twenty meters from the house in the most ventilated place.

Heat pump for home heating: prices and manufacturers

Heat pump installations on the Russian market are represented by the products of Vaillant (Germany), Nibe (Sweden), Danfoss (Denmark), Mitsubishi Electric (Japan), Mammoth (USA) Viessmann (Germany). Russian manufacturers SunDue and Henk are not inferior to them in quality.

To heat a house with an area of ​​one hundred square meters, a ten-kilowatt installation is required.

Table 1. Average cost of different types of pumps with a capacity of 10 kilowatts

ImagePump typeEquipment cost, rubThe cost of installation work, rub
ground water
Import manufacturers
From 500 000From 80 000
Soil-water domestic producersFrom 360 000From 70 000
Air to water
Import manufacturers
From 270 000From 50 000
Air to water
domestic producers
From 210 000From 40 000
Water-water imported manufacturersFrom 230 000From 50 000
Water-water domestic producersFrom 220 000From 40 000

The turnkey price of a heat pump is on average about 300 - 350 thousand rubles. The air-to-water system is considered the most budgetary option, since it does not require expensive earthworks.

Expert point of view

Andrey Starpovsky

Head of the group "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" LLC "GRAST"

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We know that geothermy is the heat of the Earth, and the concept of "geothermal" is often associated with volcanoes and geysers. In Russia, geothermal energy is used mainly on an industrial scale, for example, there are Far Eastern power plants that operate on the basis of the heat of our planet.

Many are sure that making geothermal heating at home with their own hands is something out of the realm of fantasy. Is not it? But this is absolutely not true! With the development of modern technologies, household use of "green energy" has become quite real.

We will talk about the principles of alternative heating, its advantages and disadvantages, and compare it with traditional heating systems. You will also learn about how to position the heat exchanger and how to install geothermal heating with your own hands.

When the oil crisis broke out in the 70s of the last century, a burning need arose in the West. It was at this time that the first geothermal heating systems began to be created.

Today they are widely used in the United States, Canada and Western European countries.

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For example, in Sweden they actively use the water of the Baltic Sea, the temperature of which is +4°C. In Germany, the introduction of geothermal heating systems is even sponsored at the state level.

When referring to geothermal energy sources, we always imagine a valley of geysers or volcanoes, but the sources we need are much closer. And they help keep us warm in winter and cool in summer.

Pauzhetskaya, Verkhne-Mutnovskaya, Okeanskaya and other geothermal power plants operate in Russia. But there are very few facts about the use of the Earth's energy in our private sector.

Real advantages and disadvantages

If in Russia geothermal heating of the private sector has received a relatively small distribution, does this mean that the idea is not worth the cost of its implementation? Maybe it's not worth it to deal with this issue? It turned out that this was not the case.

Using a geothermal home heating system is a profitable solution. And there are several reasons for this. Among them is the quick installation of equipment that can work for a long time without any interruptions.

If you use not water in the heating system, but high-quality antifreeze, it will not freeze through and its wear will be minimal.

We list other advantages of this type of heating.

  • The procedure for burning fuel is excluded. We create an absolutely fireproof system, which, during its operation, will not be able to cause any damage to housing. In addition, a number of other issues related to the presence of fuel are excluded: now there is no need to look for a place to store it, to procure it or deliver it.
  • Substantial economic benefit. During the operation of the system, no additional investments are required. The annual heating is provided by the forces of nature, which we do not buy. Of course, during the operation of a heat pump, electrical energy is consumed, but at the same time, the amount of energy produced significantly exceeds the consumption.
  • environmental factor. Geothermal heating of a private country house is an environmentally friendly solution. The absence of the combustion process excludes the entry of combustion products into the atmosphere. If this is realized by many, and such a heat supply system will be properly widespread, the negative impact of people on nature will decrease many times over.
  • The compactness of the system. You do not have to organize a separate boiler room in your house. All that will be needed is a heat pump, which can be placed, for example, in the basement. The most voluminous contour of the system will be located underground or under water; you will not see it on the surface of your site.
  • Multifunctionality. The system can work both for heating during the cold season, and for cooling during the summer heat. That is, in fact, it will replace you not only with a heater, but also with an air conditioner.
  • acoustic comfort. The heat pump runs almost silently.

Choosing a geothermal heating system is cost-effective, despite the fact that you have to spend money on the purchase and installation of equipment.

By the way, as a drawback of the system, it is precisely the costs that you have to go to install the system and prepare it for work. It will be necessary to buy the pump itself and some materials, to carry out the installation of the external manifold and the internal circuit.

It is no secret that resources are becoming more expensive year by year, so an autonomous heating system that can pay off within a few years will always be economically beneficial for its owner.

However, these costs pay off in just the first few years of operation. The subsequent use of a collector laid in the ground or submerged in water saves significant money.

In addition, the installation process itself is not so complicated as to invite third-party specialists to perform it. If you do not engage in drilling, then everything else can be done independently.

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It should be noted that some craftsmen, in an effort to save money, learned how to collect geothermal.

About sources of geothermal heating

For geothermal heating, the following sources of terrestrial thermal energy can be used:

  • high temperature;
  • low temperature.

Thermal springs, for example, belong to high-temperature ones. You can use them, but their scope is limited by the actual location of such sources.

If in Iceland this type of energy is actively used, then in Russia thermal waters are far from settlements. They are most concentrated in Kamchatka, where groundwater is used as a heat carrier and supplied to hot water systems.

A volcano is not needed to efficiently use the thermal energy of the earth. It is enough to use those resources that are only 200 meters from the earth's surface

But for the use of low-temperature sources, we have all the necessary prerequisites. For this purpose, the surrounding air masses, earth or water are suitable.

A heat pump is used to extract the required energy. With its help, the procedure for converting the ambient temperature into thermal energy is carried out not only for heating, but also for hot water supply of a private household.

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The principle of operation of such heating

If you are familiar with how or works, then the similarity of these processes with the principle of operation of geothermal heating is obvious. The basis of the system is a heat pump, which is included in two circuits - external and internal.

To organize a traditional heating system in any house, it is necessary to install pipes in it for transporting the coolant, and radiators, when heated, heat will flow into the premises. In our case, pipes and radiators are also needed. They form the inner contour of the system. can be added to the schema.

The outer contour looks much larger than the inner one, although its dimensions can only be estimated during the planning and installation period. During operation, it is invisible, because it is underground or under water. Inside this circuit, ordinary water or ethylene glycol-based antifreeze circulates, which is much more preferable.

The composition of the geothermal heating system includes two circuits - internal and external, as well as the heart of the heating system - a heat pump, which, by compressing the coolant, increases its temperature (+)

In the external circuit, it warms up to the state of the medium in which it is immersed, and is sent in a “warmed up” form to the heat pump. Through it, concentrated heat is transferred to the internal circuit, as a result of which the water in pipes, radiators and underfloor heating is heated.

Thus, the key element that revitalizes the entire system is the heat pump. If your house has an ordinary washing machine, then you should know that this pump will occupy approximately the same area.

It needs electricity to operate, but, consuming only 1 kW, it generates 4-5 kW of heat. And this is not a miracle, since the source of "additional" energy is known - it is the environment.

Two types of heat exchanger arrangement

There are two options for heating a private house using the low-temperature energy of the elements of the environment. The basis of the system in all three cases is a geothermal pump.

The internal circuit remains unchanged for any heating method, and the main difference lies in the location of the external circuit.

Geothermal heating comes with a heat exchanger located:

  • vertically- are located in wells that open or do not open an aquifer;
  • horizontally- heat exchangers of systems are laid in a pit or an open reservoir in the form of a kind of coil.

Each of the types of heating given here is characterized by its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

If you intend to create such a heating system with your own hands, you will be interested to learn more about each type.

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Option 1. Vertical placement of external collector

This type of heating is based on an interesting natural phenomenon: at a depth of 50-100 m or more from its surface, the earth has the same and constant temperature of 10-12 ° C all year round.

To be able to use this energy of the earth, it is necessary. The technology is almost similar to the preparation of a water intake source.

In order to preserve the landscape as much as possible, several pipes can be drilled from the same starting point, but at different angles.

The external contour of the system will be mounted directly in these wells. This will effectively remove its heat from the earth. Of course, this method can hardly be called simple and low-budget.

To create a vertical geothermal heating system, you need to use equipment for drilling wells, without the use of a drilling rig, solving the problems of setting up the system will be quite laborious (+)

It is relevant in the case when the territory adjacent to the house is already equipped, and the violation of its landscape is inappropriate. The drilling depth of the well can reach from 50 to 200 meters.

The specific parameters of the well depend on the geological situation at the site and the parameters of the future structure. The service life of such a structure is approximately 100 years.

For the installation of a vertical version of the system with a heat exchanger that extracts the energy of underground water, it will be necessary to drill two aquifers.

From one of them, called debit, water is taken with the help of a pump, which, after heat transfer, merges into the second, receiving working.

The minus of a geothermal system with two wells is insufficient efficiency for heating a country house. Too much energy is wasted by the circulation pump. But for the supply of coolant to the circuit of the warm floor, the received thermal energy is quite enough

Option #2. Horizontal location of the ground collector

To lay the external circuit with a horizontal type of heating, you need to know how deep the ground freezes in your area.

Pipes are laid below the freezing level in pre-prepared trenches, while capturing a fairly large space: to heat a house with an area of ​​​​200-250 square meters. m, you need to use approximately 600 sq. m heat exchanger. That is six acres.

The disadvantage of this design is the large area it occupies. If you need a lawn covered with grass and flowers on the site, this is your option. And it is better to keep the collector pipes away from fruit-bearing trees (+)

It is clear that under such conditions, the volume of earthworks will be significant. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of trees and other vegetation on the site in order not to freeze them. For example, you can not place collector pipes closer than one and a half meters from trees.

This installation method is used, as a rule, in cases where the site is just being developed for construction. All calculations and plans for the construction of a cottage, the organization of its heating and the planning of the land plot are best done simultaneously.

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Immersion of a horizontal heat exchanger in a reservoir

This method requires a special location of the household - at a distance of about 100 m from the reservoir, which has sufficient depth. In addition, the indicated reservoir should not freeze to the very bottom, where the external contour of the system will be located. And for this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir cannot be less than 200 square meters. m.

The obvious advantage of this method is the absence of mandatory labor-intensive earthworks, although you still have to tinker with the underwater location of the collector. And you will also need a special permit to carry out such work.

However, a geothermal plant that uses water energy is still the most economical.

With your own hands: what and how

If you already install geothermal heating with your own hands, then it is better to buy the external circuit in finished form. Of course, we consider only the ways of horizontal location of the external heat exchanger: under the soil surface or under water.

It is much more difficult to mount a downhole vertical collector on your own if you do not have the equipment and drilling skills.

A heat pump is not a very large piece of equipment. It won't take up much space in your home. Indeed, in size it is comparable, for example, with a conventional solid fuel boiler. Connecting the internal circuit of your house to it is a simple task.

In fact, everything is done in exactly the same way as when organizing and using traditional heat sources. The main difficulty is the device of the external circuit.

This arrangement of the house relative to the pond is more common. The main thing is that the reservoir should not be further than 100 meters from the cottage

The best option would be to use a reservoir if there is one at a distance of no more than 100 m. It is necessary that its area exceed 200 square meters. m, and the depth is 3 m (average freezing parameter). If this body of water does not belong to you, then obtaining permission to use it may become a problem.

If the reservoir is a pond that you own, then the matter is simplified. Water from the pond can be temporarily pumped out. Then work on its bottom can be done easily: it will be necessary to lay the pipes in a spiral, securing them in this position.

Earthwork will only be needed to dig a trench, which will be needed to connect the external circuit to the heat pump.

After completing all the work, the pond can be filled with water again. In the next hundred years, the external heat exchanger should work properly and not cause trouble to its owner.

If you have at your disposal a land plot on which you only have to build housing and grow a garden, it makes sense to plan a horizontal ground-type heat exchanger.

To do this, you should make a preliminary calculation of the area of ​​​​the future collector, based on the parameters already indicated above: 250-300 sq. m collector per 100 sq. m of heated area of ​​the house.

If you got a site without buildings and vegetation that you would like to keep, the soil can simply be removed when constructing an external horizontal soil contour: this is easier than digging trenches

The trenches in which the pipes of the circuit are to be laid must be dug below the freezing level of the soil.

And even better - just remove the soil to the depth of its freezing, lay the pipes, and then return the soil to its place. The work is time-consuming, difficult, but with a great desire and determination, you can do it.

Costs and payback prospects

The costs of equipment and its installation during the construction of geothermal heating depend on the capacity of the unit and on the manufacturer.

Everyone chooses a manufacturer, guided by their own considerations and information about the reputation and reliability of a particular brand. But the power depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be serviced.

This figure briefly reflects the whole essence of the benefits derived from the use of a geothermal heating system. It is this ratio of incoming and outgoing energy that allows the system to quickly pay off at first, and then save money for its owner (+)

If we take into account exactly the power, then the cost of heat pumps fluctuates in the following ranges:

  • for 4-5 kW– 3000-7000 conventional units;
  • for 5-10 kW– 4000-8000 conventional units;
  • for 10-15 kW– 5000-10000 conventional units.

If we add to this amount the costs that are needed to perform installation work (20-40%), then we will get an amount that for many will seem absolutely unrealistic.

But all these costs will pay off in quite acceptable terms. In the future, you will have to pay only minor expenses for the electricity needed to operate the pump. And it's all!

Due to the insufficient efficiency of geothermal systems for heating residential buildings, they are used as a supplement to the main heating networks or are built in combination with two or more heat exchangers.

As practice shows, geothermal heating is especially beneficial for houses with a total heated area of ​​​​150 square meters. m. For five to eight years, all the costs of arranging heating systems in these houses are fully paid off.

If geothermal heating is not particularly in demand among the owners of private houses, then the effectiveness of solar systems has already been appreciated by residents of the southern regions. The technology is quite simple, and its efficiency and practicality have been confirmed by many years of experience in use by Western countries and our compatriots.

For more information on alternative energy sources, see.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If it’s easier for you to perceive visual information, then this video will allow you to see with your own eyes exactly how the geothermal system works, as well as learn more about who and why this type of heating is beneficial.

We invite you to watch a short video in which the owner of a horizontal subsoil collector will talk about his impressions of its operation. In addition, after watching this video, you will learn about the ongoing costs associated with the operation of a geothermal heating system.

Each owner of a private house chooses for himself whether to buy the services of resource-supplying organizations or rely only on himself. In doing so, he is guided by a whole list of considerations.

Do you have something to add, or do you have questions about geothermal heating of a private house? You can leave comments on the post. The contact form is in the bottom block.

The significant cost of energy sources, the difficulty and high cost of connecting gas and centralized power supply, and in some cases the technical impossibility of supplying networks, makes us pay attention to alternative installations that can provide heating and electrical appliances.

Under certain conditions, a mini-CHP for the home, operating on various fuels, can solve this problem.

An example of an installed mini-CHP

Differences between mini CHP and traditional generators

Generator - a device capable of converting various types of fuel into electrical energy. Most mass-operated plants are powered by internal combustion engines or gas turbines. At the same time, a significant part of the thermal energy obtained as a result of fuel combustion is simply thrown into the wind.

The main losses occur in the engine cooling system, exhaust (exhaust) gases, heating of lubricating fluids. For this reason, the efficiency of all existing generators that can be used privately is low.

Mini CHP for a house on solid fuel (or other types of energy sources) allows you to use the heat losses characteristic of generators to obtain a significant amount of thermal energy. On an industrial scale, heating plants (CHP) operating at large enterprises are able to meet the needs of even a large city. Recently, CHP plants of relatively small capacity, which can be used for individual purposes, have become increasingly in demand. At the same time, the main emphasis is on units capable of operating on alternative energy sources (biofuel, peat, briquettes and pellets, wood waste, firewood).

Modern CHP plants can operate in two main modes:

  1. cogeneration - Reception of electric energy and accompanying generation of heat.
  2. trigeneration - supply of electricity and additional production of not only heat, but also cold for refrigeration units.

The principle of operation and existing types of CHP

If for a traditional CHP the internal combustion engine is considered the main unit, then a mini-CHP using wood or wood waste works by direct combustion of fuel in boilers.

Therefore, the principle of operation of the installations is somewhat different:

  • ICE shaft rotation (internal combustion engine) drives a generating plant that generates electricity. Thermal power is removed from the engine cooling system and from the products of fuel combustion.
  • mainly work in conjunction with a steam turbine that generates electricity. The combusted fuel makes it possible to obtain the steam needed to run the turbines. Waste water vapor and combustion products (smoke) are used as a source of thermal energy.

In practice, the following modifications of CHP are most often used:

1. ICE-based units . These include equipment with gasoline and diesel engines, gas piston and gas turbine units. Gas modifications are considered the most productive.

Mini CHP plant running on diesel fuel

The operation of a CHP plant with a diesel drive is complicated by the fact that the plant must operate at almost full capacity. Otherwise, the engine does not warm up enough and it is rather problematic to remove thermal energy from it.

The average cost of a mini-CHP of this type depends on the generated power. Today it is about 20-30 thousand for each kW of electricity. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the minimum power of such installations is 25-30 kW, and their use for personal purposes is quite problematic.

2. Thermal power plant on woodworking waste may well be used in forested areas or in the presence of a cheap source of fuel.

Mini thermal power plant operating on wood waste

For a private house, a mini CHP from SUN SYSTEM is quite suitable. Such an installation is quite capable of meeting the needs of a residential building with an area of ​​​​up to 400 square meters.

The power of mini-CHP of this series is 3 kW for electricity and 10 kW for heat. The basis of the unit is the Stirling engine, pellets are used as fuel. The average installation cost is 19 thousand euros.

3. To date, various companies offer mini-CHP for a biofuel home various modifications. When choosing such installations, one should take into account the fact that the economic feasibility of using these devices will be present only with an annual consumption of at least 3000 kWh of electricity and 20 thousand kW of heat.

Mini-CHP on biofuel from MW Power

At the same time, only the equipment that operates at maximum load quickly pays off. Otherwise, the payback period of the equipment may increase significantly. This option is most suitable for collective use, for example, for 3-5 cottages or a whole small village.

Modern developments of micro CHP

So, micro CHP based on the same Stirling engine,


  • Ideal for a small country house (subject to access to natural or liquefied gas).
  • The average cost of this installation is 10.5 thousand euros.
  • It allows you to receive 1 kW of electrical and 6 kW of thermal energy.

The main advantages of the unit include efficiency, low level of noise generated during operation. Another advantage is simple installation (no more difficult than a conventional wall-mounted boiler).

The question of why a circulation pump is needed in the heating system of a private house is not so common today. Consumers have long understood that this small device solves many problems associated with the efficient operation of the heating system as a whole.

First, it increases the efficiency. Secondly, there is an opportunity to save on materials and heating elements. All this below.

Features of forced circulation

The circulation pump installed in the system creates a slight pressure inside. At the same time, the coolant moves at a low speed, evenly distributing heat over all radiators.

Can't the natural circulation of the coolant distribute heat energy evenly?

Maybe, but due to the fact that suburban private houses under construction are becoming larger in size, and, accordingly, the layout of pipe lines is becoming more and more complicated, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the coolant to overcome the configuration of pipe circuits. And in such houses, one simply cannot do without a circulation pump.


Under the action of the pump, the coolant passes faster through the entire circuit of the heating system, returning to the heating boiler. At the same time, its temperature will not be low. This means that it will be easier to heat a not very cool coolant. Less fuel consumption costs.

For the natural circulation of the coolant, a large volume of it is necessary so that in its mass it can keep the required temperature. Accordingly, for the normal operation of the heating system in a private house, pipes with a large diameter, radiators with wide cavities, and valves to match the pipes will be needed.

For a system in which a pump is installed, there is no need to keep a large volume of coolant. Therefore, you can safely use pipes and valves with a smaller diameter. And this is a reduction in the price of all products and savings on materials.


In principle, such heating has only one drawback - it is volatility. The device is powered by electricity. First, it is, albeit small, but the cost. Secondly, when the power supply is turned off, the pump unit stops working.

Of course, the craftsmen, given this situation, install a bypass through which the heating begins to work on the principle of natural circulation of hot water. And this is a decrease in work efficiency, plus a decrease in efficiency.

Instrument selection

The crucial moment is to correctly calculate the power of the installed pump. Two indicators are taken into account here:

  • volume of distilled water mass, m³/h;
  • pressure measured in meters.

It is very difficult to make the correct calculation if you are a non-specialist in this matter. Here it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the layout of pipe lines, the number of radiators and valves, the power of the heating boiler, the materials from which the pipes and other heating devices are made. Therefore, this stage is best left to the shoulders of a professional.

If, nevertheless, you decide to take responsibility for yourself, then it is best to purchase a pump in which you can switch the speed of movement of the coolant.

The ideal option is with automatic adjustment. Such a device costs several times more than a conventional sample, but you are calm that you can configure it yourself to the necessary parameters of the heating system at home.

Calculation example

Before choosing a pump, the following calculation must be carried out. For example, a heating boiler is installed in the basement. Your house is a two-story building. The heating system is a single-pipe wiring.

That is, it turns out that the highest point of the heating system is the upper edges of the radiators installed on the second floor. This is despite the fact that the house has a closed heating system.

Head calculation

From the return pipe, which enters the boiler (it is this section that is the installation site of the device), it is necessary to measure the distance to the upper edge of the radiator on the second floor. This will be the pressure of the pumping device. Essentially, it will go like this:

  • 2.5 m - basement height;
  • 3 m - the height of the first floor;
  • two floors - 0.5 m;
  • the distance from the floor to the upper edge of the radiator is 0.6 m.

The sum is 6.6 m. This means that you need a pump with a head of 7 m.

To do this, you need to know the heated area of ​​​​a private house. For example, let it be 200 m². In order for a private house to be warm, it is necessary to adhere to the ratio: 1 kW of thermal energy per 10 m². That is, you need 20 kW.

The next indicator is the temperature difference between the supply and return circuits. Experts recommend within 10 ° C. That is, if at the exit from the boiler the temperature of the coolant is +70 °C, then at the entrance it is +60 °C. Now perform this mathematical action: 20:10=2. This is the pump power, measured in m³ / h.

As you can see, choosing a pump is not so difficult. Of course, this is the simplest calculation without taking into account various nuances. But it can be taken as a basis, adding 20% ​​just in case.


It is better not to install the circulation pump on your own, if you do not know all the nuances of the installation process. But you need to get acquainted with the technology and the sequence.

Installation location

The pump is installed on the return line next to the heating boiler. This is done for one single purpose - to reduce the temperature loads on the seals, cuffs and gaskets that are used in the design of the unit itself. Under the influence of high temperatures, they quickly fail.

There are two types of devices: wet rotor and dry. Usually the first option is low-power pumps used for heating small private houses. It is cut directly into the pipeline, connecting on both sides with a thread. The second is a more powerful setup. Such pumps are most often connected using flanges.

Stop valves and filter

The pump is cut off from the pipe by two valves (ball valves), which, if repairs are necessary, are closed.

A bypass must be installed. This is a pipe that connects the pipeline, bypassing the pumping unit. A valve must be installed on the bypass. It blocks the flow of the coolant when the pump is running. And opens when the device stops working or in the process of repair. That is, the bypass works in emergency cases so that the heating does not stop if the pump itself stops.

Today, a coarse filter is often mounted in front of the pump. He is responsible for the quality of the coolant.

Popular manufacturers

The question of how to choose affects not only the technical characteristics of the device. Most often, consumers understand the brand or manufacturer as it. The modern market offers a fairly wide range. Here are foreign analogues, and domestic ones. Here are just a few models.

Italian pump Aquario

His model AC204-130 is one of the most popular. Used for small private houses. Its power is 2.4 m³ / h, head up to 3 m, power consumption 0.64 kW, weight 3.4 kg.

The connection is flanged, has three speed modes.

Italian device DAB VA-VB-VD

It has a wide range of technical characteristics: head up to 6 m at power from 0.5 to 3.3 m³/h.

This sample is equipped with a special thermal relay that turns off the pump if it starts to overheat. Many experts advise choosing this particular model.

The Danish company Grundfos offers pumps of five modifications. In Russia, the UPS model has gained great popularity as the most economical in terms of electricity consumption (0.55 kW).

At the same time, its head is 3 m, and the volume of the pumped coolant is 3 m³ / h.

Russian models

Among domestic manufacturers, it is necessary to single out pumps of the brand "Khozyain" from Podolsk and "Compass" from the company "Dzhileks". A few technical specifications:

  • Owner 4.25.180 - head 4.2 m, power 3 m³ / h;
  • Owner 8.32.180 - head 8 m, power 9.6 m³ / h;
  • Compasses 25/40 (head 4 m, volume 2.5 m³ / h) - the smallest sample;
  • Compasses 32/80 (head 8 m, volume 3.2 m³ / h) - the largest.

Both brands produce pumps that are connected to the pipeline with a flange connection.
So, knowing the brands and models offered by manufacturers, you can choose the right pump, taking into account not only its technical characteristics, but also the price.

Heating in a small house is quite simple to do. If you understand the topic a little, it becomes clear that there are no difficulties in creating it. A simple system can be made with your own hands, if, as they say, "you know how to tighten the screws."

But, even having invited specialists, you need to know how the heating system is made in a small house in order to speak the same language with them and control the work. Below is a brief instruction for arranging a private one-story house.

Insulate first

Warm up the street? Not worth it. It is necessary to invest in insulation, so that later in 5-10 years this money will be “recaptured” on heating, and then receive net savings.

How to insulate a house - you can find as much information as you like, but you need to use trusted sources, otherwise you can do something .... As a result, building envelopes must at least comply with heat loss standards.

Heating power

After that, decide on the power of the heating system - no more than 1 kW per 10 sq. m. house area. Total, to an ordinary house of 150 sq. m. a boiler of 15 kW is suitable. Therefore, the total power of the radiators should be about 18 kW.

If there were no insulation, for a cold house with an area of ​​​​150 square meters, much more equipment would be needed. It is difficult to say which one exactly - it all depends on the specific heat loss.

But for a typical "cold house" 150 sq. m. with an under-insulated attic and walls of 1.5 bricks, etc., you will probably need a 30 kilowatt boiler, no less, and 35 kW radiators, so that you can at least somehow, but not comfortably, exist in it. Notice the difference in monetary terms and in the complexity of creation when dealing with an under-insulated building.

Select the power of the radiators

Now you need to scatter the power of the radiators across the rooms. It is not worth taking into account the area of ​​​​rooms, only an indirect assessment of heat loss is important - the length of the outer walls, the presence of windows and doors and their dimensions.

On the building plan, we place radiators under each window, near the outer doors, and determine how many pieces they will need. Then we calculate the required power of each radiator in proportion to their total number and total power.

The main criterion for a "manual" assessment of heat loss is the glazing area. The larger it is, the more you need a radiator.

No gas hassle

If the main gas is stretched along the street, then the choice of the boiler is obvious - a gas wall-mounted boiler for a small private house is the best choice. Even if it is possible to deliver cheap firewood, comfort still wins - nothing compares to the ease of operation of an automated gas boiler.

If they live in the house permanently, then a backup boiler is also installed - usually a solid fuel one.

If there is no gas

If there is no gas, then such a tandem is also possible - the main solid fuel on wood and coal, and the backup and auxiliary - electric, with the power that the energy supervision will allow (it is desirable for a private house to immediately arrange a three-phase power supply, then there will be no problems with the electric boiler).

Electricity is expensive, but it is a thousand times more comfortable than coal. Engaging in the furnace of a boiler or stove is another job that takes an hour of time every day. And when the solid fuel goes out, you can warm up and electric. And when we are not in the house, and there is no one to heat? It is better not to freeze the building, even if it is not frozen, but to warm up a little with an electric automated boiler.

But if there is no permission for high electrical power, then it remains to live "on firewood".

Liquid fuel boilers are expensive to operate, and require additional fuel storage and boiler supply equipment. They are used when there is no other way out - no gas, no electricity, no coal really, just firewood, and even those are expensive and damp. ....

Gravity heating - is it right?

If the power supply is not at all reliable, then gravity heating can also be done for a small private house, but it will cost 2 times more than forced heating with a pump, due to the large diameter of the pipes.

When the power supply is “moderately unreliable”, which basically happens, then in a private house a modern scheme with a pump is used, and the power supply is also necessarily reserved by a diesel generator.

The generator must be equipped with an automatic switch-on in the absence of power supply. It is unacceptable to keep the generator without full readiness, i.e. in the absence of electricity, you need to go to the shed and try to dig it out and run it ....

Pipe layout

The piping layout for a small house is usually used as a dead end, with radiators separated by 2 arms - up to 5 radiators in a shoulder. Then a minimum of hydraulic losses and balancing of radiators in dead ends (the liquid tends to leave through the first one) is possible.

If there are 4 or fewer radiators in a shoulder, then there are no problems with a dead end at all. But if in one shoulder it turns out 4 and in the other already 6, then with six radiators there is nothing to suffer and it is better to choose a more expensive (due to the increased diameter of the pipes) but stable associated scheme.

Not bad for a private house and a passing scheme for connecting radiators, but it is more expensive - a larger diameter of the pipeline will be needed, it is better implemented on large areas, when balancing problems already arise with a dead-end scheme.

Single-pipe schemes are not at all cheaper, but they have a pile of problems and cannot be recommended. It is better to abandon the beam scheme as well - complex adjustment and gasket.

Water heated floor in the house - is it a problem to do?

Making a water floor is not a problem if you know how. There are many nuances in creating a warm floor, it is better to invite a specialist with experience in creating a warm floor. You need a solid foundation - a heated floor screed should not crack from vibration. Then the instructions for creating underfloor heating on water are studied, this scheme, by the way, is easily integrated with a radiator heating system.

It is important to make the foundation absolutely horizontal to avoid large air pockets, and it is also necessary to divide the entire floor area so that the heating pipes are approximately the same length.

The laying density - as well as the selection of radiators by power - is largely based on heat loss in the rooms. And many other subtleties that will have to be put into practice.

A water heated floor can only be an addition to radiators that create special comfort. The building cannot heat the warm floor on its own due to the large thermal inertia of this system and the lack of power - the temperature is limited to +35 degrees, according to comfort and thermal expansion of materials.

What radiators are suitable for a small house

If someone once said that some type of radiators has the best energy efficiency or something else, for example, “increased corrosion resistance”, then this is just an advertising ploy that has little effect on the choice of radiators.
For a private house, any type of radiators is suitable. Therefore, we boldly choose those that are the most beautiful and cheap. Unless, it can be taken into account that steel all-panel ones do not have intersection joints, therefore they are “on you” with anti-freeze, i.e. do not flow with time.

Further, we pay attention that the radiators must be connected correctly. It is best to apply the "diagonal" scheme - supply at the top, return at the bottom on the opposite side. But for short radiators (up to 1m), the reverse scheme is also suitable - supply at the top, return at the bottom on the same side. Other connection schemes cannot be used.

Pick up pipes

It is more difficult with the choice of pipes, since the cheapest "penny" polypropylene ones are fraught with a serious threat of poor-quality soldering with partial overlapping of the section with the deposited material. And it's impossible to find it from the outside.

But the risk of allowing this is still not taken into account against the background of the price of these pipes, and especially their fittings. In addition, polypropylene welding is easy to master. And if so, then you can practice, ruin a couple of fittings and see what it means to overheat or exceed the investment depth, or scroll through the parts to be welded. And gradually learn to solder the pipes yourself.

When soldering the polypropylene pipeline itself, you need to observe excellent caution, excellent slowness, and be ready to even redo it, if anything.

It is also possible to use metal-plastic pipes for a small private house, but their fittings are expensive, and a specialist would be better off sealing them. In addition, for a radiator system, laying open such pipes is undesirable - they are too vulnerable. A child will stand on the pipe and bend - an accident and a system shutdown.

It remains to find out the diameter of the pipes, but it must be calculated according to the required amount of hot liquid, while the speed should not exceed 0.7 m / s. Without going into complexity, let's say that for the removal from the boiler and the supply of power up to 15 kW, a 32 mm (outer diameter!) Polypropylene pipeline is needed. For one wing with a power of 7.5 kW - 25 mm. And for connecting one radiator or a group of radiators up to 4 kW - 20 mm (inner diameter 13.2 mm).

Strapping schemes and fittings used

It is important that now everything is correctly mounted, for example, first an American, then a piece of pipe, then a filter, again an American, then a tap. In general, for installation, in principle, the experience of a plumber is needed.

But even doing it for the first time with your own hands, you can avoid mistakes, and if an error creeps in, then you can redo everything. It will still be cheaper than hiring this locksmith.

It is only important to be guided by the wiring diagrams for the boiler, radiators, taken from a reliable source, and clearly follow the entire sequence of fittings to be installed. You need to print these diagrams, and then check.

The apparent simplicity is deceptive. For example, the mud filter should be only where it should be, and be sure to turn the garbage collector down, not up, and the expansion tank - according to the piping, and the air outlet should be right here, and in front of it is a tap ....

How to mount

It is better to draw the location of pipes and fittings on the walls, distribute the fasteners - do everything slowly.

If a hired specialist installs heating in the house, then it is advisable to look at what he is doing and talk with him about how to prevent marriage when soldering polypropylene or joining other types of pipes.

We chose a suitable boiler and its location (according to the gas supply project, for example), we made its piping correctly. We correctly chose the power of each radiator and placed them strictly under the windows (thermal curtain).

They also chose the right connection scheme - a two-pipe hitch (or dead-end) with a pump, and did it all with the right pipes. All. You can fill in the coolant and turn on the system.