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Tomatoes with yellow and orange fruits: a list of the best varieties - their descriptions and characteristics. The best yielding varieties of yellow tomatoes Yellow tomato

Tomatoes, commonly referred to as tomatoes, were grown by the Aztecs as early as the eighth century AD. Then they migrated to the territory of other countries, where they were first cultivated as garden ornamental plants.

Tomatoes are extremely useful vegetables for humans. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve digestion, normalize hemoglobin levels, help overcome stress, remove harmful substances from the body, increase resistance to disease - just countless. But due to an allergy to red tomatoes, some people cannot eat them. Orange and yellow tomatoes come to the rescue in such a situation. Check out the article about .

Orange tomatoes: benefits and varieties

Not only are orange tomatoes known for their hypoallergenicity, their amber pulp contains a large amount of beta-carotene, a natural antioxidant. It is this substance that slows down the aging of the body. In addition, it has a positive effect on human vision, strengthens the immune system and maintains healthy bones and teeth.

Breeding scientists have bred all sorts of orange varieties of tomatoes that stand out clearly from other varieties.

Tomato Golden Heart

First of all, reviews of the Orange Heart tomato characterize it as a high-yielding variety of medium fruit ripening. The height of the plant is 1.8 meters, so it must be supported on a trellis. In addition, spreading bushes need pinching, so that all the strength of the plant goes not to the “violent” growth of foliage and stems, but to the formation of fruits. According to the characteristics of growth, the Orange Heart is an indeterminate variety, the top of which constantly blooms and sets fruits, which increases the yield.

Tomatoes varieties Orange heart - rounded, pointed down, ribbed. Quite large vegetables grow on the bush - one "golden heart" weighs 150-300 grams. The color is very beautiful - sunny orange. A fleshy variety with a small content of seeds in the pulp. The taste is sweet, delicate, with a delicate aroma. This variety is recommended for baby food. Firstly, it is not allergic, and, secondly, it contains a large amount of useful sugars, vitamins, amino acids.

The main characteristics of the variety: easy to grow, practically not susceptible to diseases, good transportability.

Tomato Altai orange handsome man

The Altai orange variety is valued for large orange-colored fruits. The average weight of one tomato is about 350 grams, but sometimes larger specimens ripen - up to half a kilogram. This is confirmed by the reviews about the Altai orange tomato, which gardeners willingly share. The bushes of the plant are sprawling, powerful and tall. Therefore, their foliage must be formed, and the stems tied up. This variety is suitable for open ground without shelter, and for greenhouse cultivation.

The fruits are large, rounded, slightly flattened, bright orange. The amber pulp is sweet in taste, sugary and very tender.

Such tomatoes are suitable for all types of processing: making juices, pasta, pickling, freezing.

Banana tomato or tomato banana?

Interesting reviews about the Orange Banana tomato: the tomatoes are small (100 gr), elongated, mother-of-pearl orange, will decorate any salad and are suitable for whole-fruit canning.

Banana orange tomato is a variety of Russian breeding intended for greenhouse growing conditions. Mid-season variety, vegetation period lasts 105-110 days. Indeterminate, does not require pinching the top. The height of the plant is 1.5 meters, so it must be tied up. Taste qualities are excellent. Suitable for long distance transportation.

Tomato Giant among giants

Numerous reviews about the Orange Giant tomato indicate that the variety is not only tall, but also forms large fruits, which is why it bears such a name. The orange giant is the fruit of the scientific work of domestic breeders. The variety is mid-season, about 110-115 days pass from mass shoots to the appearance of the first fruits. A very productive variety - 3.5-5 kilograms from one bush. Resistant to diseases and low temperatures. The fruits are large, weighing 250-450 gr. The color of fully ripe vegetables is bright orange.

Orange bison tomato

After reading the reviews about the Bison orange tomato, it is impossible to resist and not buy a pack of seeds. Those who have already tried this variety in practice claim that the fruits are so large that sometimes the wooden supports to which the plants are tied break. Garter is a prerequisite for growing such tomatoes. This need arises for two reasons: the variety is unusually tall, and one "orange bison" reaches a weight of 800-900 grams. The fruits are round, flattened, the ribbing is weakly expressed, the color is bright orange. The grade is suitable for cultivation in the covered soil and without shelter. Lush bushes must be formed.

Tomato Orange Miracle

Especially for the Siberian natural conditions, the tomato Orange miracle of early fruiting was bred. The growing season lasts about a hundred days. Plant height is one meter. The fruits are rounded, slightly expanded downwards, juicy orange color. The average weight of one vegetable is 150 grams. Tomatoes are collected in a brush of five or six pieces. The taste is excellent, the flesh is fleshy, the crust is thin - this is how the Orange Miracle tomato reviews characterize this variety.

Tomato Orange Elephant

A lot about the new varieties of yellow-fruited tomatoes can be said about the Orange Elephant tomato, which some gardeners have already successfully grown. This variety belongs to the mid-season varieties. The period of growth until fruit ripening is 110-120 days. Tomatoes grow large - 200-300 grams, flattened-rounded, juicy, orange. The variety is determinant, it grows to a height of one meter. Designed mainly for greenhouses. In the southern regions, it can be planted in the ground without a film.

Tomato Orange Strawberry

The original appearance will please the Orange Strawberry tomato variety. The "tomato-strawberry" variety is the result of the painstaking work of German breeders. The orange strawberry tomato characterizes the most vividly - a description of the variety, which can be read in any reference book or on Internet sites. The plant belongs to indeterminate, grows up to 1.2 meters in height. It is grown both in the soil, covered with a film, and without shelter. Refers to early ripe varieties, the period of growth and fruit formation is about 85 days. The fruits are similar in shape to strawberries. The sugar content and sweet taste of the pulp comes from the fruit rather than the vegetable.

Tomato Orange

Yellow varieties of tomatoes with photos and descriptions for greenhouses and open ground presented in this article are the most productive and popular among gardeners. In taste, they are not inferior to red varieties of tomatoes, they are just as tasty with a pleasant aroma. In addition to bright exotic colors, the fruits have a lot of useful qualities.

Pros and features of growing yellow tomatoes

Growing all varieties of tomatoes is practically no different from each other. However, each species has its own characteristics of growth.

Advantages of yellow varieties:

  • The sugar content of yellow tomatoes is much higher than that of red ones. Therefore, they have better taste: less acid, juicy, tender and sweet.
  • Due to the content in the fruits of a lower percentage of acidity and calories, they are used in various diets.
  • Tomatoes are intended for children and people prone to allergies, as they do not have a red pigment. It is he who causes a negative reaction of the body in many consumers.
  • Yellow tomatoes in their composition have a large amount of beta-carotene, lycopene and niacin, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  • Plants with bright fruits, similar to the sun, are an excellent decoration for a summer cottage.
  • There are varieties that are designed for cultivation in greenhouses, others can be grown outdoors.

Read more about growing tomatoes in this article:

Helpful information:

Sweet varieties of yellow tomatoes

Plant of indeterminate type, fruits ripen quickly in greenhouse conditions and a little later in an open area. At 110-115 days later from the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. In the garden, bushes of this variety grow in length up to 1.2 m, in greenhouses - up to 1.7 m.

This variety of yellow tomatoes is as resistant as possible to such a common disease among solanaceous crops as fusarium. Yellow-honey heart-shaped fruits can be quite large - almost 1000 g.

Tomatoes Honey spas have a sweet taste, but with a barely noticeable sourness. One bush produces a crop of fruits with a total weight of 4-5 kg. These yellow tomatoes are best for making fresh salads, juices, and snacks. The variety is not intended for conservation. Vegetables can be stored for a short time under certain conditions.

Refers to early ripening varieties capable of producing large yields. The plant is indeterminate, which grows up to 2 m in height. Up to 50 tomatoes are formed on massive brushes. From an area of ​​​​1 square meter, you can collect about 4 kg of ripe fruits.

Caramel yellow bears fruit throughout the season. The pulp of tomatoes is fleshy, of medium consistency, the taste is sweet. The fruits are small in size, weighing 30-40 g, which is very convenient for canning. They are also used for making salads, juices and for various preparations for the winter. Due to the strong skin of the fruit, they can be perfectly stored for a long time.

This unusual exotic variety of tomatoes is endowed with a unique taste. In addition, it has a unique color: yellow with orange stripes along the length. The pulp inside the fruit with pink patches.

Bushes of the indeterminate type of this culture grow up to 180 cm and require additional support. The fruits are round, slightly flattened with a ribbed surface and weigh up to 300 g. The taste is sweet, juicy.

Tomatoes of this variety are very pleasant in taste: sweet with the aroma of peaches. The fruits are ball-shaped, yellow in color. A characteristic feature of the variety is a pink spot located on the surface of the vegetable.

Gardeners also call him the Yellow Giant. This tomato got its name because of its large size. The weight of a yellow vegetable can reach up to 300 g. The variety is valued for its excellent taste properties. In addition, the plant bears fruit all summer until the coldest weather. The plant belongs to indeterminate varieties and can grow over 1.8 m in height. It requires a mandatory garter and pruning stepsons.

Mid-season, after the appearance of the first sprouts in 110-122 days, you can harvest flat-round fruits. The tomato variety Yellow Giant is most suitable for cultivation in the regions of the middle zone of the country. Tomatoes are very sweet and have a special flavor. Do not crack during storage and transportation.

The variety of yellow tomatoes lives up to its name. In shape and color, it is very similar to a citrus fruit. In addition, the fruits have a wonderful taste. They are eaten fresh. Tomatoes are recommended for baby and diet food.

Yellow tomatoes for greenhouses


A variety of yellow tomatoes, created for growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Refers to mid-season, 115-120 days later from the moment when the seeds sprout, you can enjoy the first fruits. The plant is medium-sized, grows up to 100 cm in height. Tomatoes have a rounded shape, slightly flattened, the color is orange with a golden tint. The fruits are large. The average weight of tomatoes is about 300 g.

This variety is known for its high yields. When grown in greenhouse conditions, the plant reaches a height of almost 1.5 meters. Mid-season, after 112-116 days, ripe tomatoes can be harvested, the weight of which varies from 250 to 400 g. From an area of ​​​​1 square meter, you can harvest tomatoes up to 10-13 kg.

The fruits have a flat-round shape, on the surface of which small ribs are visible. The variety is resistant to diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The downside is that these tomatoes cannot be stored for a long time. Also, the variety does not tolerate transportation over long distances.

The yellow salad tomato was bred by an amateur breeder. An indeterminate plant has a special quality: it grows up to 3 m in height. At the same time, the stem is strong, but support and a garter are needed. The shape of the fruit resembles a plum with a sharp spout, the color is pleasant yellow.

Tomatoes 7 cm long are somewhat reminiscent of a banana and they weigh almost 120 g. Due to their fruit size and strong skin, they are perfect for canning in general, as well as for various preparations for the winter.

This early maturing variety is recommended for growing in greenhouses. The bush is not very large (1m in height). The first ripe tomatoes can be harvested 100 days after sprouts appear. The weight of the fruits varies from 90 g to 120 g. They have a beautiful shape: oval, and elongated at the end. Almost 6 kg of vegetables are harvested on a plot of 1 sq. m.
This variety of yellow tomatoes has almost no flaws. Among the advantages of the Amber Cup are the following:

  • the ability to maintain quality and appearance for 2 months after harvest;
  • can be transported over a long distance without loss;
  • fruits do not crack;
  • ovaries on the bushes are formed under any weather conditions;
  • not susceptible to diseases characteristic of nightshade plants.

This variety was bred by domestic breeders for cultivation in any region of the country. The plant belongs to the indeterminate type and can reach 2 m in height, so they require strong support and a mandatory garter.

Up to 6-8 tomatoes are formed on the brushes, which do not ripen at the same time. The mass of one such fruit is 150-160 g. Up to 3 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush during the summer.

The fruits are even and round in shape, the color is bright yellow.

The plant perfectly takes root both in the greenhouse and on the open ground and easily tolerates sudden changes in weather conditions. From one bush of this variety you can get 3 kg of fruit.

Tomatoes Yellow ball have good taste, tender, and sugar content is observed in the cut, besides they have a beautiful appearance. The fruits of this variety can be stored for a long time, and also do not deteriorate during long-distance transportation.

The bushes of this type of yellow tomato are quite tall, so without a garter to a support, they can simply break. The size of the fruits is considerable, each of which can weigh up to 250 g. Tomatoes are a beautiful yellow-orange color. Tomatoes are sweet, with a characteristic tomato flavor. Perfect for harvesting juices for the winter.

The fruits of this mid-season hybrid are very similar to peppers, hence the name. Exotic tomatoes grow up to 2 meters in height in greenhouse conditions. They have an elongated shape, rich yellow color, excellent taste. Fruits of small size (65-80g). Harvest on an area of ​​​​1 square meter can be 3-5 kg.

This variety belongs to the variety of tomatoes Japanese truffle. Its application is universal. Tomatoes are used for preparing various fresh salads, as well as for canning. Bushes, whose height reaches about 1.5 meters, are formed into two stems, the rest of the stepchildren are removed. Tomatoes ripen 110-120 days after sprouts have emerged from the ground.

The vegetable got its name because of its similarity with truffles. The taste of tomatoes is sweet, the flesh is fleshy, dense texture. There are 7 seed chambers inside. Tomatoes are collected in brushes of 6-7 pieces. Tomatoes weigh from 100 g to 150 g.

American breeders have bred a peculiar variety of yellow tomatoes. They differ not only in their original appearance, but also in taste. The mid-season variety of tomatoes belongs to the determinant type of plants. It is intended for cultivation in closed and open areas.

In greenhouse conditions, the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height, grows up to 60-80 cm in the open air. Bushes can be formed into 3 stems, if desired, up to 5 shoots are left. Fruits of an elongated shape are collected in brushes up to 10 pieces on each. In open areas, their weight can be 60-80 g, greenhouse vegetables have a slightly larger mass. Harvest from one bush can be almost 5 kg.

The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet, the taste resembles a citrus fruit. With such a taste, the fruits are pleasant to eat fresh. They are also used for preparing various salads, snacks, juices, canning. The variety is practically not subject to diseases.

For open ground

It is very important for summer residents to grow tomatoes on their own in their country house. However, greenhouses are not installed in all areas. In this case, you need to pick up the seeds of those varieties of tomatoes that can be grown outdoors. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for growing these crops. For open ground, breeders have also created some varieties of yellow tomatoes.

This variety is unique in that its fruits can be harvested as early as 82-86 days after the shoots appear. He feels great in open ground conditions. The plant grows to a height of 50-70 cm, does not require the removal of stepchildren. You need to tie the bush only if necessary. After the full ripening of tomatoes, it is covered with fruits that ripen almost simultaneously.

Tomatoes have an oblong shape, the weight of each is about 65-80 g. Each bunch consists of 6-8 tomatoes. On an area of ​​​​1 square meter, about 8-10 kg of delicious fruits are harvested. They are used fresh, as well as for preparing various dishes for the winter. Well preserved during transportation.

Mid-early variety of yellow tomatoes, which is grown in open and closed soils. The yield of greenhouse tomatoes is slightly higher than that grown in open ground. At 105-110 days later from the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. An indeterminate type plant grows to a height of 2 m.

Formed brushes give out 6 fruits each. Fruits of large size have an elongated shape. Taste properties have one feature: apple flavor. From one bush of the Golden Koenigsberg variety, up to 2-3 buckets of selected fruits are harvested. They are used both fresh and for canning.

Golden heart

Ultra early variety. Fruit harvest can be harvested after 80-85 days. Determinate bushes have a strong stem, 30-40 cm high. 5-7 tomatoes are formed on the brushes. The plant needs to be stepchildren.

This variety is intended for cultivation in open and closed ground. In very cold weather, the bushes are covered with a film. Orange tomatoes look like a heart shape. Ribs are slightly visible on their surface. Inside there are 4 or more seminal chambers.

The weight of the fruit can be from 100 to 130 g. Up to 7 kg is harvested from 1 square meter. The fruits are tasty and contain an increased amount of beta-carotene. The variety does not lend itself to many diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The fruits are consumed fresh, and also used for harvesting for the winter.

Buyan yellow

Among gardeners, this variety is also called Fighter. It refers to mid-season tomatoes. At 110-115 days later from the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. The bushes are determinate, the stem is strong up to 50 cm in height. The plant is intended for outdoor cultivation.

Vegetables have a beautiful cylindrical shape without any flaws. They are small and weigh about 60-120 g. Some specimens reach 150 g. 2-5 kg ​​of fruit can be harvested from 1 sq. m. The taste of tomatoes is quite pleasant, but with a slight sourness. Buyan yellow is mainly suitable for fresh consumption or for pickling. The variety tolerates weather changes well. The fruits can be stored and ripen indoors for some time.

Yellow cherry varieties

Cherry tomatoes have always been popular with consumers and those wishing to grow them in their own backyard. This variety can be grown outdoors and in greenhouses.

A hybrid of early ripening tomatoes, fruit ripening occurs 95 days after germination. Belongs to the indeterminate type. The first brush with ovaries is formed above the 9th leaf. Depending on the complexity of the structure, 20 or more fruits are formed on one brush.

Tomatoes have a round shape, in the stage of ripeness - a bright yellow color. There are 2 seed chambers inside. The weight of one tomato reaches 20-25 g. A crop of 3 kg can be harvested from one bush. Pulp of medium density, good taste. This variety is not susceptible to diseases such as tobacco mosaic, verticillium, fusarium.

Gardeners love this variety, as it gives high yields. belong to indeterminate varieties. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground. Early ripe tomatoes. After seed germination, only 92-96 days should pass and you can harvest. 1-3 kg of ripe tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

Small yellow fruits, weighing only 15-20 g, are cream-shaped. They taste sweet with a pleasant tomato flavor. On one brush grows from 50 to 60 tomatoes. Cherry is not stored for a long time. They are immediately consumed fresh or canned.

Tomatoes grow well in greenhouse conditions. But in the southern regions, this variety is recommended to be grown in open areas. The plant can grow up to 2 meters in height, so it needs support and a garter. Stepchildren are also needed. Tomatoes are medium-early varieties and ripen in 105-115 days. The weight of each fruit can be 10-15 g. Up to 40 yellow fruits are collected from one plant in the form of a drop.

yellow date

A feature of this hybrid is its color and taste, reminiscent of a date. The weight of one tomato is only 20 g. Cherries are high-yielding varieties. Its yield is almost 50 fruits from one bush. The plant grows to a height of 90-150 cm. Tomatoes ripen 100-115 days after the appearance of sprouts.

Tomatoes have a sweet pleasant taste, oval-shaped, pointed at the end. Among the advantages of the Yellow Date variety, one can note its resistance to viruses and various pests, as well as good tolerance to the first frosts. If the summer is cold all the time, the yields will be low. The fruits of this variety are well preserved and do not crack.

Even more varieties of gherkins can be found by watching the video

Look visible! Varieties of yellow tomatoes

In the Mediterranean, yellow tomatoes are called golden apples. These sunny fruits absolutely justify this name. Pro-vitamin A contributes to the yellow color of tomatoes.

By the number of useful properties, they are in no way inferior to their red counterparts. And in some positions they even surpass them. Here are some benefits of yellow tomatoes:

  • By vitamin composition superior to other varieties of tomatoes;
  • Contains niacin, which strengthens blood vessels;
  • In the pulp of a tomato contains a lot of carotene;
  • They have more than red tomatoes lycopene enzyme, which is an antioxidant. Lycopene helps cleanse the body, reduces the risk of oncology;
  • Fruit safe for allergy sufferers;
  • They less calories and have less acidity, and therefore are useful during a diet.

All foods that have a yellow color play the role of natural antidepressants, break down fats and speed up metabolic processes.

Let's try to understand the distinctive features of several indeterminate(unrestricted growth), varieties of yellow color, the description of which is presented below.

yellow giant

In search of yellow large tomatoes, you should try to plant the Yellow Giant. It is mid-season (110-122 days), indeterminate, bushes grow from 1.2 m to 1.8 m. The fruits are bright yellow, round and flat-round in shape. The growing zone of this variety is Moldova, Ukraine, the middle zone of Russia.

Grown in film greenhouses. Requires pinching and garters. Pros of data tomato: large-fruited, fruiting long. The variety is valued for its sweet taste and aroma, as well as the high content of beta-carotene in the fruit. Crack resistant.

Altai orange

Like the previous one, the Altai orange variety is high, indeterminate, mid-ripening (110-115 days). In the middle lane it is grown in greenhouses. Since the variety is tall, it also requires garters and pinching. If you grow it in one stem, the fruits are formed larger (up to 700 gr).

The fruits are large, flat-round, with delicate sugary pulp, suitable for fresh consumption, in salads, and can be used to make juices.

Amana Orange

Created in the USA. In many respects it is similar to the two previous varieties: high (up to 1.7 m high in a greenhouse), indeterminate, mid-season (110-115 days). Mandatory formation of a bush in 1-2 stems and pinching, garter to a support is required. The fruits are large, flat-round with slight ribbing, weighing up to 400 g. Resistant to late blight.

Advantages: excellent taste, high yield, large-fruited. The taste is sweet, with a fruity tint, the pulp is dense, juicy, with a rich taste, contains few seeds.

barrel of honey

Another mid-season (100-105 days), indeterminate yellow (orange) tomato variety. When grown, it requires pinching and garters. The average weight of fruits is 400 gr., the fruits are flat-round, slightly flattened, the taste of the fruits is sweetish, very fragrant, the flesh is dense, fleshy, without spreading on the cut. Multi-chamber, few seeds.

bull heart orange

It is considered new, bred by Russian breeders in 2003. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia. Hybrid F1. Indeterminate, 110-160 cm high, mid-season (110-120 days), yellow-orange heart-shaped fruits. Recommended for salads, juices, canned food. Requires early garter, preferably on a loop, wrapping around the stem. Up to 5 kg of tomato are harvested from one bush. Not intended for long term storage.

Features of caring for indeterminate yellow-fruited tomatoes

If we talk about the features of caring for yellow tomatoes, then they are more associated not with the color of the tomatoes, but with their other characteristics. All considered varieties are indeterminate, i.e. unlimited growth. It is with this feature that the basic requirements of agricultural technology are connected. Seed preparation, sowing and seedling care for these tomato varieties are almost the same as for ordinary tomatoes. But the period of growing seedlings is a little longer: it is 50 - 65 days.

In order not to reduce the yield due to crowding, enough space is left between plants during planting for growth and development.

In a medium-sized greenhouse of 6 × 3 meters of tall indeterminate tomatoes, only 30-32 bushes will fit, planted in a checkerboard pattern in two ribbons on each bed.

Nevertheless, the number of connoisseurs of indeterminate varieties is growing all the time. This is due to the fact that it becomes possible to use the airspace, thus, as it were, to increase the area of ​​​​the site. Tall bushes allow more fruit clusters to form. Tall varieties give the first flower brush only after 8-9 true leaves and above. They lay each next flower brush through 3 sheets.

One plant is capable of tying up to 40 brushes with fruits during the growing season!

These tomatoes have higher yields. And its unfriendly return makes it possible to obtain fresh fruits from July until frost.

Support for the stable position of tall tomatoes can be organized using twine, to which the plants are tied up and grow along it. At a height of about 2 m, a trellis is stretched in the greenhouse. First, the stem rises to the height of the trellis, and then it should be thrown over it and gradually lowered, tied to neighboring plants. And at a height of 50 cm from the ground, pinch to complete growth.

Yellow-fruited tomatoes are disease resistant and delight gardeners with good yields. They are responsive to systematic top dressing, it is better to spend them at least 3 per season. If it is necessary to protect against late blight, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments of tomatoes with the Ordan preparation. Given all the advantages of yellow tomatoes, breeders are trying to lengthen their shelf life.

There is now a wide variety of yellow tomatoes to suit every taste! Maybe someone will find their favorite tomato in this article too!

Owners of land allotments have long got rid of the prejudice against tomatoes of a different color than red. Cheerful yellow varieties of tomatoes have found their fans among those who like to tinker in the ground. Though a couple of sun-like ones and flaunts among the scarlet brethren. The love for yellow tomatoes is well-deserved and justified.

In terms of their vitamin composition, they are far ahead of other varieties. Yes, and they have a richer, sweeter taste. Eating four hundred grams of golden fruits replenishes the human body with most of the daily intake of vitamin C, as well as a significant part of the required carotene. Niacin is present in the composition of yellow tomatoes, which makes them useful for people of mature age (niacin strengthens blood vessels). And the optimal amount of acid determines their suitability for the children's table. Read the article about .

Tomato Golden Koenigsberg - a hybrid of the color of the sun

A tall bush is distinguished by thin, fragile stems, therefore, without reinforcement on trellises or other supports, its viability decreases. It is more rational to form a bush in the form of two stems. The second is from the first stepson. After the formation of 6-8 brushes, the top of the plant, all stepchildren and the rest of the brushes are cut off. Each bunch contains 4-6 large-fruited tomatoes weighing from 250 to 400 grams. Under a thin peel - dense pulp of a velvety texture, a small amount of seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet, even somewhere cloying. Neither a salad, nor a sandwich, nor a vegetable stew will spoil the orange miracle.

Wonder of the World - Lemon Tomatoes

Several more varieties have a similar lemon shape of the fruit.
In the seed registry, the description of the Wonder of the World tomato has the following positions:

  • a standard variety that does not have a stem growth end point;
  • the average plant height is about 200 cm;
  • from planting seedlings to fruiting - 100-105 days;
  • designed for closed ground;
  • fruits with 3-4 chambers, about 100 g;
  • lemon yellow color.

Due to the dense pulp and strong skin, it retains its excellent taste during long-term storage. Resistant to most diseases of nightshade crops.

Tomatoes Golden Heart - fruitful kids

Rave reviews about the Golden Heart tomato contain praise primarily about the compactness of the variety.

Its bushes get along well in close proximity to representatives of the same species. If other varieties of tomatoes are placed at the rate of 2-3 per meter of area, then the Golden Heart lives perfectly on the same bed with five of them. All this is due to the fact that the determinant bushes stretch upwards, and not in breadth. The maximum height of the variety is 1 meter. Each plant should be tied to a stake to support the weight of the fruit. And this weight is rather big, since the variety is one of the most productive among the early ones - within 5 kg per representative. Ripening time is early. In the brush, 5-7 heart-shaped fruits are tied and develop, in biological maturity they are bright yellow. The average weight of one is 100-200 grams. The pulp is medium density, juicy. On the transverse dimension, a pattern in the form of a sun with rays.

Yellow candies grow in the garden

Caramel yellow F1 tomato got its name for its sweet candy taste and appearance. Small, only 30-40 grams each, transparent yellow tomatoes with their rounded shape look like a popular caramel without candy wrappers. You should not leave more than 3-4 brushes on a bush, since each can contain from 20 to 50 fruits. The entire crop will be 3-4 kg. Early maturing variety with long fruiting. In one brush there are tomatoes of different degrees of ripeness. Therefore, the harvest from the bushes lasts a long time. An indeterminate plant is formed in the same way as others of the same type. Of the features of the variety - excellent resistance to a complex of viruses. Most often grown for home preservation.

A golden find for lazy summer residents

A low bow to the Siberian breeders for the Golden Eggs tomato, perhaps the tiniest among the early ripe ones. Adult bushes about 40 cm high are strewn with ovoid dark yellow fruits. Despite the modest size of the plant, the tomatoes on it are quite large - up to 200 g. This variety is for the lazy. It thrives without removing excess shoots and strengthening on a support. The yield is good. Resistant to fusarium and verticillium wilt. And it simply does not have time to get sick with phytophthora, all its fruits ripen so quickly and amicably.

Golden Andromeda - orange stars among tomatoes

Bushes grow a little higher in the tomato variety Golden Andromeda, more often it is 60-70 cm. The characteristics and description of the variety are interesting for the gardener. Its fruits begin to ripen on the ninetieth day. This makes it possible to rank it among the early class. In the brush, 5-8 pieces, in especially favorable conditions - 10 pieces each. Fruit weight - from 100 grams, shape - round, smooth. Color - dark orange. This indicates an increased content of carotene, in comparison with other yellows. The variety is determinant, the foliage is medium. Immunity to tobacco mosaic.

Record holders in their segment

Before deciding on the choice of seeds for the current year, many advanced gardeners visit all kinds of forums and websites. If you look for reviews about the Golden Domes tomato, it is likely that you will find such characteristics:

  1. amazing yield - from a square meter of planting from 15 kg;
  2. large round fruits, in the form of church domes, up to 400 grams on average;
  3. rich harmonious taste.

Do not avoid reproaches against the variety. Many note that the keeping quality of tomatoes is not very good; during transportation, some of the fruits burst. This is due to the fact that with increased juiciness of tomatoes, their peel is too thin and weak. On the other hand, the same quality makes the variety indispensable for processing into juices.

tie up the giant

Another giant in its segment is the Yellow Giant tomato, capable of feeding fruits up to 700 grams. In shape, they are flat-round, sunny yellow. They begin to ripen in 100-105 days. The variety is classified as medium early, determinant, but tall, up to 150 cm in height. It should be better to fix the giant's stem and brushes with the largest fruits, otherwise the tomatoes will "lie down" on the ground.

Bull of golden breed

No less large fruits are demonstrated by the Golden Bull tomato of the indeterminate type. Its powerful fleshy fruits are up to half a kilogram. Flat-rounded tomatoes change color from lemon to bright yellow. A reddish-raspberry spot appears at the bottom in the center of a ribbed tomato at biological maturity. There are 4-5 pieces in each brush, a considerable load on the plant, so it is tied to a trellis for stability. The beginning of fruit ripening on the bush after 3-3.5 months.

Golden bull tomato

Yellow light of a truffle bulb

Indeterminate mid-season tomato The yellow truffle is similar in appearance to its "relatives" from the truffle tomato family. In shape, it also resembles a pear or a light bulb, if there are ribbed light bulbs. Medium size, 100-150 g, dense skin, elastic sweet pulp. In the brush 6-7 fruits. They differ only in color - saturated yellow, and a high content of sugary substances. The plant does not have an end point of growth, therefore, in the zone of special attention is constant work on formation. Regular removal of stepchildren, and then extra brushes, guarantees a stable harvest.

Diet Gold

Yellow tomatoes contain enzymes that help improve digestion.

  • determinant, early ripening (100 -105 days);
  • excellent yielding ability in any type of cultivation;
  • type of fruiting - carpal, 6-7 fruits weighing up to 50 grams;
  • fruit shape like "cream",

Due to the high percentage of sugar (3%) and carotene (4%), this variety of tomatoes will bring the greatest benefit in its raw form.

Only for closed ground

Early maturing tomato Golden Jubilee F1 in the southern regions of the country gives a record harvest of 10-15 kg. In more severe conditions of other regions, it is less productive and created for greenhouses. Despite the capricious heat-loving disposition, it is popular for the quality, taste and appearance of the fruit. A determinate bush in a greenhouse grows up to 150 cm in height, requires a garter. Four-chamber fruits with fleshy, juicy and sweet. When mature, they are bright yellow. The weight of one varies from 150 to 350 g. It is tolerant to diseases, immunity is weak.

Not suitable for open ground in most climatic zones of Russia and the Banana tomato is yellow, as the name implies, resembling short fruits of the same name in shape. A tall plant in a greenhouse is always in sight due to the abundance of oblong light yellow fruits, 100-180 grams each. Average fruiting period. Good immunity to a complex of bacteria and viruses.

Cherry in yellow

A variety of honey cherry tomatoes, this is the description of the Yellow Date tomato in the classification of small-fruited tomatoes. On a simple brush of a tall bush, about 20 fruits were collected, weighing 20-25 grams. The taste is persistently sweet. Fruiting begins at the end of July - beginning of August. Ripening is friendly, with the whole brush. The variety occupies a stable leading position in the ranking of sunny-colored tomatoes, reviews of the Yellow Date tomato are always only positive. Of the advantages of the variety - excellent germination of seeds, unpretentious "temper" of seedlings and adult plants, mass ripening of fruits.

Very similar in appearance to the Golden Nugget Date tomato, the same representative of the "cherry" type. Its fruits are even smaller, only 15-20 grams. The variety was selected in Holland, adapted to Russian climatic realities. An excellent, early-ripening type of tomato of a universal nature.

Return on investment is 100%


If, when choosing a variety, the benefits of a vegetable are at the forefront, then yellow tomatoes will definitely become favorites.

There is scientific evidence for this. It is known that the taste of fruits is determined primarily by the amount of dry matter and the ratio of acids and sugars in the cell sap. In red tomatoes, the dry matter content averages from 3.5 -5.5%, in yellow and orange - 5.5 - 7%.

Another important aspect: yellow and orange tomatoes are hypoallergenic, so they are ideal for those who are forbidden red vegetables. In addition, they boast a high content of carotene (provitamin A). Here, again, the numbers speak for themselves: in red tomatoes, the amount of carotene fluctuates on average around 1.2 mg%, and in yellow and orange - 1.45 mg%.

Well, the last, but no less important argument in favor of yellow tomatoes is their bright sunny color, which will give the garden additional aesthetics.



This yellow tomato is of medium early ripening, the growing season is 110 days. The plant is tall, up to 150 cm, and requires a garter. The fruits are medium-sized, orange in color, round in shape, weighing about 200 - 250 g. Not suitable for long-term fresh storage.

Golden domes

The variety is mid-season, the growing season is 115-120 days. Recommended for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Plants up to 1.5 m high, require a garter. The fruits are heart-shaped, large, weighing up to 400 g, yellow-orange in color, excellent taste. Tomato salad destination and first of all will show itself fresh.

Yellow Date F1

The variety is medium late, the vegetation period is 120-125 days. Shrubs with few leaves, 100-150 cm high, require vertical support, can be grown on a trellis. The fruits are small, weighing about 20 g, yellow in color. Tomatoes of an even oval shape, with a pointed tip. The variety is productive, you can collect up to 5 kg from a bush.

The fruits are transportable and have good keeping quality, they can be stored for up to two months.

honey drop

Medium-early variety, vegetation period - 110-115 days. The plant is tall, reaches up to 2 m in height. The yield in open ground is about 2 kg, in closed ground it is higher. Tomatoes of a bright amber-yellow color and a characteristic shape resembling a drop. Very tasty. Collected in bunches of 10-15 pieces. The weight of one fruit is about 15 g. The plant is quite resistant to the black leg, but it is sensitive to changes in growing conditions (humidity and temperature of air and soil).

Honey Spas

Medium-early variety, vegetation period - 110-115 days. Tall, plant height from 100-150 cm, need a garter. The fruits are large, kidney-shaped, sweet, yellow-honey in color, the average weight of the fruit is up to 500 g. With proper care, the yield is about. Suitable for growing both in a greenhouse and in open ground. The tomato has a good yield, resistance to gray rot, tobacco mosaic and late blight.


The variety is mid-season, the growing season is 115-120 days. Bushes strongly leafy, 70 - 80 cm high. Fruits are large, sweet. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the color is golden-orange. The average weight is up to 300 g. The variety is quite productive, when grown in greenhouse conditions, about 6 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush, and 4-5 kg ​​in open ground. Suitable for preservation.


Among the novelties of last year, it is worth noting the late-ripening large-fruited Dutch hybrid Biorange F1 Medium firm but not hard; fleshy, not prone to cracking, weighing 250-280 g, attractive deep orange color; have a great sweet taste with a perfect balance of acidity and sweetness. In addition, this variety has good disease resistance, which allows it to fruit productively throughout the greenhouse season.

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