Repair Design Furniture

Semykin's foundation from car tires - construction technology. Foundation from tires Foundation from car tires without soil removal

Abroad, the Earthship eco-house construction technology has long been popular - from tires stuffed with earth and straw. Such houses began to be built back in the 70s as conceived by the American architect Michael Reynolds. After the technique migrated to Mexico, Spain, Great Britain, Canada, Israel, and finally, slowly reached Russia.

In Samara, a “tire house” appeared in Chernorechye, at the Yubileyny state farm. It was built by the Kachalin family. More precisely, it began to build five years ago, and now the construction of the building is experiencing its apogee - the first floor is completed, the second is partially completed, the veranda is already laid out from the tires.

Neighbors laugh

The instigators of the unusual construction are three women: a mother and two daughters. They laugh from the threshold, they say, they built, built and, finally, built, although there are at least two more years before the full completion of construction. The future owner of the house, Irina, plans to finish building it for retirement. However, even now the house looks like a house, and nothing that on the first floor, piles of boards and window openings are littered with tires, and on the second, an adult can fall into the holes between the floorboards.

When we were just starting to build, everyone laughed at us,” says Irina. - In the district, they also built houses, cottages, builders came to us and asked: “What kind of nonsense are you doing?” We started with three. I, Ksyusha and the eldest daughter Natasha. Natasha's husband frankly whinnied and twisted his finger at his temple. My husband also did not support me in any way - it is now he boasts to his relatives. While the first floor was being built, we crawled home on all fours - try to wave a four-kilogram sledgehammer all day long!

Gradually, friends, friends of friends began to join the construction, whole groups of students from the institute, technical schools, cadets came. Refugees from Ukraine lived here, in an old house, they also helped us build. Everyone reacted positively: firstly, it was interesting to see, and secondly, why not help? Moreover, not to go anywhere, but to nature, near the river. In the morning you can help, and in the evening - fry sausages, barbecue ...

I have hands but no money

The idea came to Kachalina suddenly after bitter thoughts about an early retirement and the lack of her own living space. She could not build a solid house of timber or brick - it was expensive. And so I began to look on the Internet for alternative types of construction. There were houses from bottles, glass and plastic, from bags with earth, from straw, etc. The choice was made on tires after a friend from the USA told about her neighbors. The government took away their housing on a mortgage, and with the money that they nevertheless returned, they bought a piece of land and built a house ... from tires.

- Only there they hired a company that builds tire houses. Everything is done there at once: heating is thought out in advance, water, light, sewerage. We do everything ourselves. We have hands, no money... But we also think through everything - and there are air ducts, sewerage is already included in the project.

A tire house is many times cheaper than a regular one. The family spent 200 thousand rubles on the roof, and the rest is all “mined”.

Irina says that a tire house is many times cheaper than a regular one. The family spent 200 thousand rubles on the roof, and the rest is all “mined”. A house made of timber costs at least 450-500 thousand. And if you start a stone one, then you need at least 1 million. Plus foundation! And they are all on tires, for free.

- Tires were taken in tire shops - they went and begged for old wheels. At first I rode the bus and noticed where the tire shops were, then I went to negotiate. They are not allowed to store more than 10 used wheels, so any workshop is happy to get rid of them! I took a “gazelle” and drove around them all at once, collecting wheels. The diameter came across different, but I tried to take the 16th diameter. Then in one tire fitting shop, in Igris, I already asked twice, and on the third time the director himself calls, says, take more. But I don’t have a car ... Then he himself began to carry me, in large quantities.

- The materials were searched, as they say, by the whole world. Neighbors called, they said where they could get what they didn’t need… They still have about a dozen window frames near the entrance to the house. Half plastic, half wood. Old tires are piled high in the garden...

“Straw could not be found for a long time. One friend calls me: “You, she says, were looking for straw in the fields, and here at the Dynamo stadium we have a lot of it. There were races, and then they didn’t take them out.” I turned to the director, so and so, and he says: “Yes, take it! We will deliver it to you!” And soon four KamAZ trucks with soldiers brought straw. You should have seen the faces of your neighbors! Such a landing!

Established technology

The construction of an "exotic house" Irina Yuryevna leads by the simplest method - according to the principle "the cheaper, the better." I must say that the family generally refused the foundation. They just dug a pit according to the technology found on the Internet and laid it out with tires.

— Earthship is not made like us. They are building dugouts. They pour a mountain and inside this mountain they already make a house: one solid wall turns out to be warm, due to it the whole house is heated, the rest are made of tires.

We examine the walls, try to knock on the wheel - the sound is like knocking on a brick. Tight and kind. There will be nothing like this material even in a hundred years. As if hearing my thoughts, the mistress of the house adds:

- The material is very durable, does not let water through. It can lie in the ground without damage for many, many years. We fill the inner space of the tire with soil, compact it well. Tires filled with soil are laid close to each other in several layers until the desired height is reached. The voids between the tires are smeared with clay mixed with straw. Between the wheels, in addition to straw with clay, there are plastic bottles, glass bottles ... Between themselves, the “bricks” are fastened with reinforcement, self-tapping screws.

We wonder how such a tire can be lifted at all. Filled, it weighs, probably, twenty kilograms ...

- First, you arrange a row of empty tires according to size. Then you throw clay-straw and go, you score everything in turn. We didn’t have money for special clay or putty. Therefore, they hammered soil into the wheels, which we immediately took, under the house. The clay is all our hands ... and mixed with our feet. The first layer should be like plasticine, and we kneaded it and hammered it with big sledgehammers. Each of us made 15 such “bricks” a day. Abroad - pressing machines, and we - like this.

Cheap and environmentally friendly

You rise from the gloomy dungeon of the first floor to the second and immediately feel that this is a real home. A bright room, huge windows, smells of wood, floorboards creak…

- The most important thing is that the house breathes. We were worried about the question of whether there would be a persistent smell of rubber and how it would affect a person. Natasha has three children. Is it harmful ... So until we read authoritative opinions that it is safe, we did not start building. According to laboratory studies, all harmful substances evaporate from tires during driving. If we take a used tire for analysis and ordinary earth, then the composition will be almost identical. Notice it doesn't smell! And they lie in the sun in my garden - and there is no smell. By the way, at first the question was not even about environmental friendliness, but how cheap it was.

There is no risk of fire. Doesn't burn and that's it! I read somewhere that a house made of tires burned down, so the tires remained intact, only the roof burned down.

Nevertheless, reasonable questions arise. How do the climatic features of our lane or, for example, precipitation affect the tires? How to make a roof for such an unusual house? Will it freeze in winter and collapse? And the question of good flammability of the tire in general makes you think deeply, but is it worth it ...

- There is no risk of fire. Doesn't burn and that's it! I read somewhere that a house made of tires burned down, so the tires remained intact, only the roof burned down. Inside - clay, outside too - the tires are smeared with clay. Such a cinder block turned out, concrete, brick, in fact, and clay does not burn, if you know. In addition, tires do not tear at very low and very high temperatures. Neither the sun nor the frost are terrible! If such a house is well plastered with clay, then rain and melting snow in the spring are not terrible. Tires spring well and dampen vibrations, so abroad they are often used to build houses in seismically active areas.

- It is interesting that the heat loss in such a house is minimal. If you install high-quality windows, you can do without the usual heating system. In Europe. But we live in Russia, so I did not dare to experiment in this regard - it is planned to install a boiler and a conventional stove-stove in the kitchen.

— With the roof was still more interesting. I also went around asking for boards from everyone who was doing repairs in the apartment, dismantling the floors. They dragged it from friends, found out through Avito, from ads ... I spent many nights on the Internet, reading how to properly cover the roof. She climbed the ladder herself, she did it herself. One guy was standing upstairs, one was downstairs, and sheets of iron were passed through my back. Beams bought, bought and cement with fittings. They did thermal insulation, they also thought about electricity, of course there will be. The roof of such a mansard type came out, however, I decided to make the tires all the same to the windows. Lots of windows, wide window sills. The second floor will be brighter than the first. By the way, we were allowed to pick up plastic windows in one hostel - they broke them out at night.

Nobody will believe

The Kachalin family came to Samara from Tashkent. We rented an apartment in Samara and worked from morning to evening.

“I still work at 5 jobs “for the power of the Soviets”, I only run home to 8, and that’s how we spin,” Irina shares. - Everyone likes the new house: the grandchildren have already distributed everything, who will sleep where. You, grandma, they say, you love children - you will be with us. I'm 53 now, and I want everything to be finished by retirement. We never really counted on anyone. Slowly, slowly. All instruments were borrowed. If someone helps us, we can build it over the summer. We are happy with any brick.

We ask, how to legitimize such a house ... Is it really so to say, they say, blinded from what was? It's not a single organization that will undertake to do documents for him.

Irina says there are no problems. The dwelling is designed as an adobe house, such as a mud hut, the same clay, only in a “packaging”.

- We will hide all the wheels, there will be decoration on the walls, plaster, the walls will be smooth, for firefighters this is the first point. Then you can siding, and anything. Of course, we will say that the house is made of wheels, we just need to provide it ready-made in order to call the experts. In Europe, in houses made of tires, then a window is left where a clean tire is visible, under glass. We will do the same! When everything is over, only those who were present at the construction will believe that the house is made of tires.

Building even a small garage with your own hands seems to many to be an expensive and overwhelming task..

In reality, everything is not so scary.

To create a foundation, all that is needed is to get worn out tires.

They are made of high quality rubber, so they can withstand heavy loads, isolate from moisture, are reliable and durable.

It is easy to get them - there are a lot of car tires at any service station. The cost of wheel tires at the service station often does not exist at all - give for free or sell for a penny.

Do not forget friends, neighbors who have a set or two of old rubber in the garage that they can’t throw away.

If you believe the reviews of experts, the foundation of tires will have to just right for small buildings.

On it you can build:

  • a barn or garage for several cars (if you fill tires with broken bricks, screenings or loam, they will not bend even under the weight of a truck);
  • terrace and summer veranda;
  • gazebo and garden house;
  • small bath.

On a tire base, it is also possible to build a residential building of small sizes, like a one-story cottage or an outbuilding of a cottage. In this case, the tires should not be laid in one layer, but in several. Before building a house need to dig a hole.

For block or brick buildings above one floor tires as the basis of the building unsuitable.

They should be used for foundations of light residential structures only.

Bookmark on heaving soils

Loams and other types of heaving soils have a high water content. When it freezes and expands, such soils begin to rise, swell. Therefore, you can’t just build anything on them.

However, you can:

  1. Remove all raised soil and replace it with coarse, well-compacted sand. In it, water "does not linger", it does not freeze and does not swell.
  2. "Heat" the soil. Put a layer of some kind of insulation between it and the house.
  3. Drain water using a special drainage system.

Tire foundation for heaving soils is a good choice, because:

  • rubber - a material that perfectly withstands extreme cold and does not deteriorate for many decades;
  • the foundation of tires, unlike many other foundations, seamlessly withstands soil vibrations that are characteristic of heaving soils;
  • rubber does not absorb moisture, it has excellent waterproofing performance, so the base of the tires under the influence of frozen water will not expand much and will not move.

Construction options

From rubber tires, you can create several types of foundation. The most reliable of them, which were developed by specialists, are columnar and solid.

To create a columnar or solid base, no hard-to-reach tools or materials are needed.

But in any case, you can’t do without:

  • rakes or pipes for ramming;
  • brick (whole and broken);
  • sand, roofing material or linoleum;
  • formwork boards;
  • building levels;
  • metal fittings;
  • shovels.


A columnar foundation made of tires is especially needed for buildings that are being built in an area with increased seismic activity.

When will shake, tires become a kind of soft buffer capable of absorbing even strong tremors.

They will protect the building from cracks.

The tires of trucks, agricultural and special equipment such as tractors or large snowplows are best suited for the foundation of a building.

They have a larger diameter, due to which the weight of the building is distributed more evenly. The foundation of large tires is stronger and more reliable.

  1. We clean the soil, get rid of roots and stones.
  2. We remove the top 20-30 cm of soil saturated with moisture and dig a foundation pit to lay the foundation. We do only two-layer laying, then it will be much stronger and more reliable.
  3. Marking the borders with pegs . I put the tires on the pegs. We place the first tire exactly in the middle. Using a special tool (called a level), we make horizontal alignment. It is very important that tires placed on the same plane to each other, otherwise a normal reliable foundation will not work out of them.
  4. We fill all the voids between the tires with broken bricks.
  5. Cover with rubble and tamp.
  6. We moisten the crushed stone.
  7. We pour a solution of concrete (into the inside of the tires).
  8. The concrete will set in 4-5 days. Then it will be possible start installing formwork(the height of the sides should be at least 10-12 cm). You can remove it at least a week and a half.


A solid layer can create a foundation in different ways. The most common is the tiled option.

Such a foundation is two-layer, evenly laid base from tires.

We create a tiled base from tires as follows:

  1. We clean the territory, remove a layer of soil rich in moisture. It is not necessary to make a pit deeper than the freezing point of the soil.
  2. We stack tires. Tires must be the same preferably larger diameter. These tires are more durable.
  3. voids between tires fill with fine gravel or broken bricks. Sand is not suitable for this. If they fill voids, the foundation can quickly sink.
  4. For tires we lay roofing material. Thanks to him, the surface intended for pouring concrete will become more even, and there will be no need to spend money on expensive waterproofing.
  5. Along the perimeter of the bus base of the building we build a formwork with wooden sides not less than 10 cm high.
  6. Within the territory delineated by the formwork, laying reinforcement.
  7. Coated with concrete mortar.

Without soil removal

The foundation of automobile wheel tires can be built without removing the soil at all. There is nothing difficult in this. We do this:

  1. We lay tires around the entire perimeter of the building.
  2. Fill with concrete.
  3. We tie tires with channels.

At the end, we bind the lower part of the building.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the reviews of members of the forum about building a foundation from tires for a barn, for a bathhouse or at home with your own hands on the Forum House website.

Building a house from tires

From tires you can build not only a foundation, but also real strong and reliable walls of the house:

  • we put the tire foundation on the belt (made of reinforced concrete);
  • we build tire walls, while doing mutual dressing (similar to the one used when laying a brick);
  • we fill the voids between the tires with a solution of clay (an alternative is plastic clay);
  • We cover the "yard" and the inner sides of the walls with wood and drywall;
  • so that the tires cannot ignite, we must plaster the walls;
  • we reinforce the walls with reinforcement to make them stronger and more stable.

Tire-walled home built with your own hands is characterized by a high level of thermal insulation. This advantage allows significant savings on heating.

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From tires it is quite possible to build a foundation for small residential structures, a barn, gazebos or baths. This helps to significantly save money, not to spend money on expensive building materials.

In addition, a tire foundation is a good way to recycle the huge amount of rubber that lying around in landfills and only harming the environment.

If everything is done “according to science”, strictly adhere to the rules for building a foundation from tires, then the result will certainly be of high quality. The foundation for the construction will be strong and reliable.

In contact with

Tires that have realized themselves in their original purpose can still serve for a long time for other purposes. For example, tires are good in construction, in laying foundations, in erecting walls, both as fences and for the purpose of building a whole house. Below are 10 photos of the use of tires in construction. It is possible to build a house from tires, and this is all with your own hands.

Excellent houses turned out, several dwellings under one roof.

The circular wall has already been built by workers, it remains to work on the roof.

In this example, the house in the form of a turbine is ready, equipped with a roof, special beams are used, there is a kind of veranda under which you can stand in inclement weather.

A real house and tires with their own hands is original and practical, even the exterior decoration is made, such a house resembles a kind of cake.

Huge tires served the construction of a small hut.

The work is being argued, the work is being done, the foundation and walls are ready, the roof equipment remains.

A small house, but small expenses will gather many people under this roof.

Capital houses, although tires served as the basis.

This building looks more like a dugout, but tires were needed here.

The finished construction of a house made of tires - it will shelter from bad weather and intense heat.

What can be made from tires (with your own hands) - photo essay: 10 ideas

Tires are one of the most versatile materials; you can make home and garden furniture, a variety of tables and chairs, children's swings, mazes, a variety of garden decorations and much more from it. Let's imagine what you can do from tires with your own hands in 10 photo essay ideas.

The most original crocodile from a tire covering a hatch on a personal plot.

An excellent example of country furniture from tires.

This composition has no equal, a few tires and a little fittings can embody a real masterpiece.

Excellent round table from an old tire.

Swings for children from old tires will always be relevant in the yard or in the garden.

Tire car for the playground, original, fun and cost-free.

A donkey with a flowerpot made of tires can even decorate a park.

The "funny" piranha will brighten up the garden and arouse the curiosity of friends and neighbors.

Wonderful firebirds can become not only a beautiful decoration for the site, but also a great place for your child to play.

A playground tire maze is a great solution that will always find a response in children's fun.

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The roof of my house is a shelter from all bad weather, as well as from adversities of a very different nature. Roofs are now made for every taste, from classic slate, tiles, corrugated board, to soft roofing and the latest fashion trends. This includes flexible tiles, membrane roofing, self-leveling. And we'll talk about the roof of tires. Let's present 10 ideas for using roof tiles with your own hands.

A roof dome made of tires is the right solution, it is easy to make, and also attaching is not difficult.

Covering the surface of the walls and roof with tires will protect from moisture, from any bad weather.

But this building is completely made of tires, here is the roof and walls, all from failed tires.

Tire tiles will last a long time.

Synthetic roofing is a great and inexpensive solution.

Car tires are a great idea for creating a roof at home, the following example is a clear confirmation of this.

Another example of roofing from car tires - everything is done by hand.

Roofing made by hand from processed tires is a durable solution.

Another example of a roof made of tires in a kind of "gazebo".

Amazing tire shingles, on a beautiful, chic country house.

Do-it-yourself tire car. 12 great playground ideas

It is interesting that since childhood, children have an interest in mechanisms. In this situation, in order not to be afraid that the baby will climb where it should not, it is worth creating an analogy for him, there will be no limit to happiness. Just as they used to make wooden horses, now children's cars are made from obsolete tires. Below are 12 super ideas for a playground made of tires.

A great idea from tires, it turned out to be a super crossover, a great sports car.

A machine resembling a tank with a sight, great fun for kids.

A car made of tires that combines a sandbox at the same time.

Machines - tractors, a bold and bright solution for skillful hands.

The car is made of tires, highchairs are inserted as seats.

A car for a playground made of tires will always delight children.

An excellent hypercar made of tires, designed for four seats.

Tire car, spacious, enough space for everyone.

And here is a tire tank, a great solution for a playground.

Single car, comfortable, dad did his best.

At least four kids can perch on this car made of tires.

An excellent car made of tires, even the most indefatigable child will cope with this.

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Do-it-yourself tire well (decorative) -10 photos

A great idea for a summer cottage is to create a well from tires. Tires themselves, the correct round shape, durable, and can be at hand in any household. Moreover, three tires are enough for a decorative well, a well - a flower bed. It is easy for a skilled owner to build such a well. And if you decorate and decorate it beautifully, it will be a kind of masterpiece on the plot.

A beautiful well of tires, in this model the roof is made of tires.

The following photo shows the stages of creating a decorative well.

A great idea for a well decorated with stone, a very realistic well turned out.

Decoration of tires in the form of a well made of "red brick".

An excellent decoration for the garden, in the form of a turquoise tire well with graceful flowers in a blue pot.

"Birch motifs" are good in any interpretation, as well as in creating a decorative well from tires.

A simple craft, it would seem, and a flower garden in the form of a well will always decorate a personal plot.

A tire well decorated with African giraffe motifs is a great idea for children's games.

In the next work, the tires are decorated with cement, everything is simple, but quite attractive.

A wonderful decoration of the garden is a full-fledged decorative well with a roof and a bucket that falls into the flower garden. Decorative white pebbles bordering the well stand out effectively.

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Armchairs made of tires with their own hands - 12 photos (The best)

Furniture for home, cottage or garden performs a completely natural function of convenience and comfort. However, the creation of furniture can be approached from an alternative point of view, furniture is created from the most controversial materials, such as tires, or tires. Tire chairs can be made with some design finds, which we will present below in 12 photos.

Tire garden seating set with air-covered seats and backs.

Blue painted chairs made from tires, even the armrests are made from the same material.

Armchairs made of tires, where the back smoothly passes into the armrests.

A beautiful invention of chairs and a table for giving, which ensures comfort and coziness in nature.

Tire covered with fabric smoothly turned into a mini chair.

And here are some more variations of chairs made of tires with interlaced seats.

Such a "brutal" execution of the chair will inspire its future owner.

Such a large set of chairs lacks a company of ten people.

The next chair can compete in style and beauty with other works.

The set "Armchairs, ottomans and a table" invites you to a tea party on the lawn.

Covered tires have given a new life to items that have gone out of use.

On such a chic red set of chairs and a table, 100% rest and a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed.

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In the modern world, more and more people are practicing to build their residential buildings and other buildings (structures) from non-traditional materials and recycled materials.

Such construction was called "non-traditional construction". This article will discuss the construction of buildings and its elements from used car tires.

Tire house - non-traditional construction

For the first time, the construction of buildings from tires was undertaken in the USA by Mike Reynolds (video on the progress of its construction), and in Russia by Mikhail Semykin from St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Semykin first built a garage from tires, and then a foundation for a three-story house with an area of ​​260 m 2. The buildings of the inventor Semykin have been standing for more than a dozen years.

American Mike Reynolds in 1970 began building houses from tires. He began to call his buildings - "earth ships". His construction technology has found application in England, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Estonia and other European countries, photo 1.

Photo 1. Examples of the implementation of used houses car tires

With the help of used car tires, you can build the foundation and load-bearing walls of the building. Of these, not only residential buildings are being built, but also outbuildings, baths, stairs, retaining walls, septic tanks, drainage pits, etc. - see. photo 2.

Photo 2. Application of tires

The foundation of car tires

Let us briefly consider the main points of the foundation of automobile tires, the disadvantages and advantages of using tires for construction.

The device of the foundation of tires is performed in approximately the following order:

  1. The construction of the foundation of tires begins with the breakdown of the foundations directly at the construction site.
  2. Excavation work is being carried out on the construction of trenches for the foundation or foundation pit. The width of the foundation is equal to the outer diameter of the tire.
  3. Laying tires in a trench photo 3. It is done differently:
  • continuous laying of tires - to each other;
  • laying tires in increments of 0.5 ... 1.0 m.

Photo 3. Laying tires as a foundation

  1. With each layer of tires, the internal cavities are filled with gravel (or crushed stone) mixed with sand, photo 4. The backfill is carefully compacted to achieve a minimum settlement of the foundation under the weight of the building. As a backfill, you can use soil or construction debris, but sand with gravel is better.

Photo 4. Backfilling the inner space of tires

  1. Laying waterproofing on top of the foundation of tires.
  2. Installation of foundation blocks (1 ... 2 rows) or armored belt (0.1 ... 0.2 m high), and then the installation of wooden floor beams of the 1st floor is carried out, photo 5.

Photo 5. Installing wooden beams on a tire foundation

Benefits of a tire foundation

  • Free source material that can be reused or recycled.
  • Low cost foundation of tires.
  • High durability of the tire foundation - more than 100 years (with the exclusion of exposure to UV rays, the rubber does not decompose or rot).
  • Increased seismic stability of the foundation. Tires serve as a kind of pillow for the building as a whole.
  • High resistance to seasonal deformations of soils and foundations.

Disadvantages of a tire foundation

  • In summer, the upper (open) part of the foundation can smell like rubber.
  • The foundation of tires has an unaesthetic appearance. Although the foundation of tires can be covered with facing materials.
  • This technology is applicable only for shallow foundations without a high plinth or basement.

Building walls from car tires

Tire walls are performed as follows:

  1. Install the foundation and reinforced concrete belt.
  2. The walls are erected from tires with their mutual dressing (as in bricklaying).
  3. The internal voids and the space between the tires are filled with clay mortar or plastic clay, photo 6.

Photo 6. Tire walls

  1. The inner and outer sides are sheathed with drywall and wood or plastered with various plaster mixtures to prevent tire fires, photo 7.
  2. For more reliable stability of the walls, they are reinforced with a metal frame or reinforcement.

Photo 7. Interior view of the walls after the construction of the house

The advantages and disadvantages are almost the same as those of tire foundations. Walls made of tires have a sufficiently high thermal insulation and heat capacity, which can significantly reduce the cost of heating the building and increase comfort during the operation of the premises of a residential building.

The publication was prepared by an expert

Konev Alexander Anatolievich

The foundation serves as the basis of any engineering structure. The cost of erecting the underground part of the building takes up a fourth of all construction costs. An interesting, cost-effective solution is the construction of a base from car tires.

The technology of its laying does not require special experience and skills. In this article, we will consider how to build a foundation from tires with our own hands, its types, advantages, disadvantages.

For what buildings use the base of the tires

The foundation on tires is not suitable for every housing construction.

Before deciding to use this type of foundation, you need to study the geological features of the area, compare the weight of the building with the bearing capacity of these products.

It is used to build the foundation:

  • baths;
  • gazebos;
  • sheds;
  • garages;
  • summer kitchens;
  • small light buildings.

The foundation of the tires for the gazebo, decorated with timber, natural or artificial stone, will look beautiful.

A base made from old tires is perfect for building small buildings, but can behave unpredictably when used in the construction of large objects.


Rubber is a good shock absorber between the structure and the ground

The decay time of rubber is more than 100 years, provided that it is not exposed to ultraviolet light. This led to the idea of ​​using rubber from old car wheels as the base of buildings.

The standard types of foundations include: slab, tape, pile grillage. Seasonal fluctuations in the soil can lead to cracks in the foundation and walls of the building. An alternative to using columnar foundations was the use of a foundation made of old tires, which, due to their elasticity, are a good shock absorber between the soil and the structure.


  • tires serve as a buffer during soil vibrations, dampen vibrations, and protect the building from cracking;
  • suitable for installation in seismically unstable areas;
  • serve as a reliable barrier to moisture penetration;
  • cheap and easy material to install.

When laying, it is important to cover the rubber with a thick layer of earth or roofing felt so that no harmful substances are released and the material does not decay when exposed to sunlight.

Do-it-yourself columnar base device

Consider how to make a foundation of tires with your own hands. Service stations store old wheels. Tires are available free of charge or for a nominal fee. It is better to choose dense products of a larger section, ideally these should be tractor tires.

Preparatory stage

Tires should be located in increments of 2 - 3 m

The first stage of construction is the preparation of a project and an estimate.

We calculate the load of the building, taking into account the weight of building materials, objects, people, the maximum layer of snow that can lie on the roof in winter.

Snow load is determined by the map and depends on the climatic zone.

We determine the type of soil, the depth of the location of underground sources.

We make a drawing of housing construction on paper. We mark the location of the tires in the corners and at the intersections of the supporting structures. We divide the distance between these points into equal parts so that the tires are located in increments of 2 to 3 m.

DIY device

Tires are put on installed bars

When all the loads are calculated, there is a project, an informed decision is made to use this type of foundation, we invite an assistant and proceed to work.

Measures for the device of a point foundation:

  1. We are preparing the construction site. We remove garbage, remove fertile soil.
  2. If the base is buried, then dig a pit or well for installing tires.
  3. We drive in the pegs, according to the location on the drawing. We check that they are installed in the same plane, we measure the diagonals.
  4. We put tires on installed bars or put them in wells.
  5. Align the outer surface of the tires so that they are located in one line.
  6. We fill the inside of the tires and the distances between them with crushed stone, gravel or other dense material.
  7. To get an analogue of bored piles, fill the inside of the tire with concrete mortar. Until the cement is completely dry, we periodically moisten it, cover it with polyethylene.
  8. We cover car tires with roofing material.
  9. We mount the formwork from boards 100-150 mm in height. For greater strength, we lay reinforcement inside, fill it with concrete. For information on how to fill the tires under the foundation, see this video:

With proper installation, this type of foundation will last from 50 to 100 years. This type of foundation does not require deepening below the freezing point of the soil.

The device of the tiled base from tires

The tire slab foundation is a reliable foundation that can withstand fluctuations in unstable soil, mounted deep or elevated, suitable for areas with high groundwater levels.

Device steps:

  1. The soil layer is removed to a depth of 20-30 cm. The construction site is leveled on a horizontal plane using a level.
  2. We lay the tires close to each other over the area of ​​the construction site, in one or more layers. The larger their diameter and height, the better the cushioning and waterproofing properties of the material.
  3. We fill the inside of the tires and the distance between them with crushed stone, gravel, the remains of a dense building material, and tamp. Fill with cement mortar of sour cream consistency.
  4. We spread the roofing material over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200btires with a margin on the sides.
  5. We mount formwork along the perimeter of load-bearing walls and partitions from boards 100-150 mm high. We fill it with fittings.
  6. Pour the concrete solution, cover with polyethylene, periodically moisten. For details on building a foundation for a frame barn, see this video:

When laying the bottom row, we make sure that the tires are in a horizontal plane, if this is neglected, then it will be very difficult to correct the defect. We arrange the last row according to the level, otherwise the base will be uneven.

The foundation of automobile tires does not require maintenance; during installation, it is required to close it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.