Repair Design Furniture

Shiritsa plant. Amaranth is an edible amaranth. Diseases in which the use of amaranth is contraindicated

Among the many weeds, amaranth can be noted, which is quite common in our area. How does she look? What do you need to get rid of weeds in your garden? Despite its medicinal properties, it has no place in the garden.

Description of the weed

Shiritsa, its other name is amaranth. Compared to uprooting other weeds, such as dandelions, quinoa, upturned amaranth is quite difficult to remove. This herb was brought to China, India, Europe from South America over a century ago. Under natural conditions, the grass was torn and eaten by the natives. The grass is also called "Inca bread" because its small seeds were ground and used as flour. In Spain, the flower was associated with evil spirits, so plants were not planted in this country.

In Asia, amaranth is put in salads, grass is used as a seasoning for meat. In Greece, olive oil, lemon juice are poured onto the grass and amaranth is put as a side dish for fish.

The note! Young amaranth leaves can be added to salads, they contain a lot of iron, ascorbic acid and carotene.

Infusions from the herb of amaranth are drunk with diarrhea, constipation, diseases of the stomach and intestines. For cooking, collect the grass, cut it finely. Pour 1-3 tbsp. spoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then filter. The drink is divided into 3 parts, the infusion is drunk three times a day before meals.

In case of skin diseases, the prepared dried amaranth is finely chopped, 400 g of grass is poured into 2 liters of boiling water in a saucepan. Then boil for 15 minutes. Then leave for half an hour and pour into the bath. The bath is taken three times a week. The upturned amaranth grows only 1 year, the stems can be up to 1 m high. The amaranth, in the photo the plant has a straight stem, has a slight pubescence on it, and a long red rhizome in the form of a rod, extending to a depth of more than 2 m.

The weed amaranth perfectly tolerates drought, as the root can absorb moisture from great depths. As the photo shows, amaranth grass has large diamond-shaped leaves. In the photo, the amaranth has grayish-green leaves on the outside, and on the lower part they are reddish. The grass has petioles and veins with reddish stripes. She has black shiny seeds up to 1 mm in diameter, they germinate in early spring at a temperature of 5 degrees.

The note! The buds open from June to October. One plant can have both female and male red small flowers. They are collected in long inflorescences in the form of panicles.

Fruits are in the form of a box in the form of eggs. They are grayish green and contain black seeds. From 1 plant, up to 1.7 million seeds can be obtained. The number of seeds depends on the lighting, without sunlight, the plant produces much less seeds.

Control measures

With a favorable summer, up to 1 thousand stalks of amaranth grow per 1 m². Culture well withstands frost, drought. Grass grows on any land.

Shiritsa, how to get rid of a weed? Control measures can be:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.

mechanical pull-out

This is the most commonly used method for removing grass. First, in autumn and spring, they dig deep into the ground, and then pull out the stems along with the rhizomes.

It is impossible for the grass to begin to bloom, so it is pulled out during the season as often as possible. You can dig the soil not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork, then you will remove the amaranth roots whole, do not cut them into small pieces, otherwise new shoots will sprout on those pieces of roots that remain in the ground. And you can use a cultivator, walk-behind tractor, tractor.

biological method

In order for the common amaranth to grow, it needs good lighting. Therefore, if it is dark for a long time, then it can destroy the shoots and roots.

To darken, you can put mulch, for example, cardboard, roofing material, boards, black film. If you mulch the space where the amaranth grew with a material that does not let the sun's rays through, then the seeds will not germinate. In addition, it will be quite hot under such material, so the amaranth sprouts will burn out. But this method will require a fair amount of patience, as the plants may not die in one growing season. Another disadvantage of this method is that if earth accumulates on the surface of the covering material, then amaranth seeds can get into it.

But the covering material should be chosen carefully, since under the dark film the soil will become very hot, and the roofing material can release harmful resins.

Note! Instead of these materials, you can use organic mulch, pouring it with a layer of 5-10 cm. This is the bark of trees, pine and spruce spruce branches, sawdust.

But you need to remember that fresh sawdust oxidizes the soil. And also they do not saturate the earth with nutrients, but draw them out. Therefore, sawdust is mixed with fertilizers or poured into a compost heap for 1-2 years, and only then used. During this time, bacteria appear on the sawdust, saturating them with useful substances.

It is highly recommended in the spring to mulch the beds with needles from pines or Christmas trees. If it is placed near strawberries, then it will protect the berries from gray rot, they will remain clean after showers. But the needles also oxidize the earth, so ash is poured onto the soil, which, on the contrary, reduces acidity.

If you decide to put the bark, then it should be crushed into pieces 1-5 cm in size. The bark is perfect as a mulching material under trees and shrubs.

Mulch Benefits:

  • with it, the site becomes more beautiful, neat;
  • it suppresses the growth of amaranth, its seeds do not spread over the site;
  • the soil is protected from compaction, erosion and erosion by rainstorms;
  • it protects the soil from excessive water loss and moisture evaporation;
  • in winter, mulch retains heat in the ground, so plants planted in spring grow faster;
  • berries and vegetables do not fall directly to the ground, so they do not rot;
  • it protects the soil from the appearance of slugs, snails;
  • organic mulch rots and then enriches the earth, it activates the activity of worms.

Depletion of amaranth

This can be done if you have a small area. Constantly cut the weed with the shiritsa upturned, that is, the stems that rise above the ground. Since in a culture the stems and roots are interdependent, if the stems die, the roots may also die. If you do this very often, then the amaranth will die.

Sowing green manure, herbs

This method is used near tree trunks and between bushes. Grass is sown in these spaces. You can sow the area near vegetable plantations with marigolds and marigolds, as they not only prevent amaranth from growing, but also repel pests from vegetable crops.

And on a flower bed it is better to sow a perennial aquilegia. You can sow green manure - rye, mustard. When the plants sprout, they are covered with a dark film and left until spring. Then the grass will perepreet under the film and serve as fertilizer, and besides, the amaranth will not be able to sprout.

Chemical method

Shiritsa weed, how to fight with chemistry? Herbicides can only be used on amaranth growing near fences, on paths in the garden, and also where there are no plantings.

Herbicides used:

  • Tornado;
  • Hurricane;
  • Roundup;
  • Glyphos;
  • Lapis lazuli and others.

But when applying, remember that herbicides are toxic, poison from them accumulates in the ground and plants.

Prevention measures

Don't forget about preventive measures. When lining the mulch under the plants, do not use dry grass with seeds. Do not add fresh manure when fertilizing the soil, as amaranth seeds can sprout even after a cow's stomach, and fresh manure can be infested with helminths.

When you want to make a compost heap, do not put mature grass with seeds there, but put grass that has not yet begun to bloom. After collecting fruits, vegetables, sow free places with green manure. Cut small amaranth plants with flat cutters.

At the same time, references to a wonderful plant are also found in the Slavic world, from time immemorial. actively ate in Rus', only it was called a shrimp. From the seeds of this plant, our ancestors made flour and baked bread, and also made the famous Spelled. In his reforms, Peter 1 forbade the cultivation of amaranth and the use of amaranth bread, which was previously the main food of the Russian people, which destroyed longevity in Rus' (according to legend, the elders lived for a very long time, even the figure of 300 years is mentioned).

The word AMARANT. Mara is the goddess of death, and the prefix "A" means negation in the language - for example, moral-immoral, etc., linguists are aware.

So it turns out that AMARANTH literally means denying death, or rather granting immortality!!! The word AMRITA - literally we get the same mrita - is death, the prefix "a" is negation.

Pro amaranth and his products (many good things, this is just a part):

The healing properties of amaranth have been known since ancient times. Amaranth oil is a well-known source of Squalene.
Squalene is a substance that captures oxygen and saturates the tissues and organs of our body with it. Squalene is a powerful antitumor agent that prevents the destructive effects of free radicals on the cell. In addition, Squalene easily penetrates through the skin into the body, affects the entire body and is a powerful immunostimulant.

Unique chemical composition of amaranth determined the infinity of its use as a remedy. The ancient Aztecs used amaranth for feeding newborn children, warriors took amaranth grains with them on difficult campaigns as a source of strength and health. Being a real pharmacy, amaranth was used to treat the royal nobility in ancient India and China. Currently, amaranth is successfully used in different countries in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in women and men, hemorrhoids, anemia, beriberi, loss of strength, diabetes, obesity, neurosis, various skin diseases and burns, stomatitis, periodontitis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, atherosclerosis. Preparations containing amaranth oil reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from the effects of radiation exposure, promote the resorption of malignant tumors, thanks to squalene, a unique substance that is part of it.

Amritadrink of the gods, the nectar of immortality, also the herb from which it was made.

The word AMARANT. Mara is the goddess of death (among the ancient Rus Slavs and Aryans), and the prefix "A" means denial in the language - for example, moral-immoral, etc., linguists are aware.

So it turns out that AMARANTH literally means denying death, or rather granting immortality!!! The word AMRITA literally gets the same thing - mrita is death, the prefix "a" is negation.

In addition to the wonderful culinary properties that Amaranth oil has, it contains a number of unique substances, trace elements and vitamins, the benefits of which for the body can hardly be overestimated.
The healing properties of amaranth have been known since ancient times. Amaranth oil is a well-known source of Squalene.

Squalene- a substance that captures oxygen and saturates the tissues and organs of our body with it. Squalene is a powerful antitumor agent that prevents the destructive effects of free radicals on the cell. In addition, Squalene easily penetrates through the skin into the body, affects the entire body and is a powerful immunostimulant.

The unique chemical composition of amaranth determined the infinity of its use as a remedy. The ancient Slavs and Aryans used amaranth for feeding newborn children, warriors took amaranth grains with them on difficult campaigns as a source of strength and health. Being a real pharmacy, amaranth was used for treatment in ancient Tartaria (the country of the Aryans). Currently, amaranth is successfully used in different countries in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in women and men, hemorrhoids, anemia, beriberi, loss of strength, diabetes, obesity, neurosis, various skin diseases and burns, stomatitis, periodontitis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, atherosclerosis. Preparations containing amaranth oil reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from the effects of radiation exposure, promote the resorption of malignant tumors, thanks to squalene, a unique substance that is part of it.

Healing properties of amaranth known from ancient times. In ancient Slavic medicine, amaranth was used as an anti-aging agent. It was also known by the ancient peoples of Central America - the Incas and Aztecs. Among the ancient Etruscans and Hellenes, it was a symbol of immortality. Indeed, amaranth inflorescences never fade.

It is good and tasty to make bread and add it to soups, especially mushroom soups - you will lick your fingers, you get saturated from a small plate, as it is very satisfying, but you don’t get better from it, but on the contrary, you get a feeling of lightness in the body.

Amaranth seeds are small, like poppies, and the height of the plant is over 2 m. And if it grows alone, then one plant occupies an area of ​​almost 1 m. precious seeds, reddish or golden giant! The yield of amaranth is fantastic - on fertile lands - up to 2 thousand centners of high-quality green mass and up to 50 centners of seeds per hectare.

Amaranth is drought-resistant and frost-resistant in the presence of a high agricultural background does not require top dressing, and animals eat it completely. He is the champion in protein content. It is not without reason that amaranth greens are equated with the most high-calorie sea products - squid meat, because, in addition to protein, the most valuable amino acid for the human body - lysine, it contains 2.5 times more than wheat, and 3.5 times more than in corn and other high lysine cereals.

Excellent food for pets and birds. If you feed it with green mass (up to 25% of other feeds), piglets grow at 2.5, and rabbits, nutria and chickens grow 2-3 times faster, cows and goats significantly increase milk yield and fat content. The green mass of amaranth is fed to pigs with a small amount of turf, and the animals grow rapidly, gaining up to 60 kg of live weight in 4 months.

A large amount of vitamin C and carotene makes amaranth food especially valuable and has a good effect on animals and birds, so they do not get sick.

Amaranth is well ensiled, but it is better to do it in a mixture with corn, sorghum. Since there are a lot of sugars in the green mass of corn, and a lot of protein in the green mass of amaranth, the silage from them is much more nutritious than from the amaranth itself.

But amaranth It's also a great product. It is used in first and second courses, dried, salted and fermented like cabbage, pickled for the winter, soft drinks are prepared that cost more than Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

Amaranth oil has the highest price among vegetable oils and animal fats, surpasses sea buckthorn oil by 2 times in all respects and is used during the complex treatment of radiation sickness, and germinated seeds are similar in composition to mother's milk.

Scientists have found that amaranth also has effective medicinal properties. Scientists explain this by the fact that especially strong biofields are inherent in amaranth seeds, which determine its miraculous healing properties. Or such a fact. Rickets chickens after two days of feeding with amaranth remains from seeds (chaff) immediately recovered. And further. All owners of rabbits in the neighborhood had a case of animals - both adults and young animals. And those who used amaranth as feed did not have a single one.

Especially effective for successful beekeeping.

Pantry squirrel, culture of today and the future - this is how biologists of the world call this plant. Experts from the UN Food Commission recognized it as a culture that will help provide the growing population of our planet with high-quality protein.

It is advisable to sow amaranth on green mass with row spacing of 45 cm, then thinning the crops after they reach a height of 20-25 cm, leaving 10-12 plants per linear meter. If for seeds - then with row spacing of 70 cm, leaving 4-5 plants per linear meter. Sowing dates are the same as for corn, when the soil warms up to 8-10 gr. C heat.

After germination, the main concern is to prevent weeds from drowning them out. Care is needed for three weeks, then the amaranth itself oppresses all its "opponents". Its roots are strong and can penetrate to the soil water, taking away not only moisture, but also the necessary mineral elements, which contributes to the formation of a huge biomass. Thus, amaranth can play the role of an ameliorant and provide valuable feed with high-quality protein.

For regions with risky agriculture, it is very promising, because. in drought conditions it is able to produce constant yields, and in optimal conditions - high yields of biomass and grain.

When collecting amaranth for medicinal purposes, it must be borne in mind that it can be used for greenery even when the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm; leaves can be collected from the lower tiers of plants throughout the summer until late autumn, while it is still growing, eaten, harvested for the winter and for the manufacture of medicinal preparations

Grain should be harvested when the top leaves turn creamy and the seeds show signs of easy shedding. It is necessary to dry the greens under a canopy, in drafts, without access to sunlight.

Amaranth should be stored in a dry, dark and well-ventilated place, preferably hung in linen or paper bags.

Meanwhile, it has a huge list of useful properties that our ancestors always knew about and successfully used them.

The chemical composition of the plant

In their composition, the leaves and amaranth are truly unique. First of all, it should be noted that the amount of vegetable protein and fiber in them is greater than in wheat and other cereals. Amaranth leaves are rich in amino acids, including lysine, tannins, and carotene. The ground parts of the plant contain vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as rutin, which is able to replenish vitamin P. Of the valuable minerals, this plant contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Did you know?In Sweden in the 17th century there was the Order of Amaranth, the presence of which distinguished the nobility from ordinary people.

Useful properties of amaranth upturned

Although not included in the list of medicinal herbs, people have known about its benefits for a long time.

In folk medicine, its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative properties are often used. A weed called amaranth found its place in the manufacture of cosmetics and in the preparation of various dishes.

Decoctions and infusions

As decoctions and infusions, amaranth helps to strengthen the body, increase potency, and get rid of worms.

The cardiovascular, genitourinary and circulatory systems respond well to their use. Infusions from the stems of amaranth have a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, and stomach. Amaranth tea helps to normalize blood glucose levels and is useful for diabetes.

Infusions are prepared both on alcohol and on water - their beneficial properties do not change from this.


Amaranth oil is rich in vitamin E and a carbohydrate compound called squalene. Vitamin E helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove excess cholesterol. Due to its high content, the oil is used in food for the prevention of thrombosis.

Did you know? The Indians used amaranth seeds during rituals, and therefore in Europe it was long considered the “devil's plant” and was forbidden to grow.

Squalene promotes the release of oxygen from body fluids, which is so necessary for all organs and tissues, and it is also involved in the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones, which is very important for the endocrine and immune systems.

Without vitamin A contained in large quantities in amaranth oil, it is difficult to maintain normal health of the eyes, skin, and teeth. Also, this tool helps to cope with insomnia, depression, get rid of headaches.
It is recommended to add this product to your diet for people suffering from osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, muscle cramps. In general, the oil has a rejuvenating and strengthening effect on the human body.

Where is amaranth used


There are many recipes for the treatment of various diseases. Here are some of them:

For medicinal purposes, the oil should be taken inside only in its pure form or added to various dishes. Usually it is prescribed according to the scheme: 1 dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals for a month. The course is repeated every 5-6 months.

For those who do not tolerate the aftertaste, it can be advised to rinse your mouth with acidified lemon juice or apple cider vinegar water.

To lower cholesterol, you need to take 2 teaspoons with meals.
Joint diseases and skin diseases are treated with rubbing or compresses, which are applied for 20-30 minutes twice a day. For recovery in the postoperative period, as well as for anemia, you can prepare an aqueous infusion from the leaves of the plant: take 3-4 tbsp. l. dry leaves, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take three times a day half an hour before meals. Single dosage - 0.5 cups.

Important! Amaranth has a very pleasant smell, which is liked not only by people, but also by rodents. Therefore, in the house it must be stored in closed containers so that the smell does not spread.


For those who care about the state of the body and believe that it is better to take preventive measures than to be treated, amaranth is just a godsend.

For the purpose of prevention, to strengthen immunity and as an additional source of vitamins, amaranth oil is taken twice a year, as a rule, in spring and autumn, 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
You can also season it and add to cereals. For one course you can use no more than 200 ml.

To rejuvenate the body and keep it in good shape, you can drink tea from dried amaranth leaves - 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes.


Amaranth has found its use in cosmetology in the form of oil, which many manufacturers introduce into the composition of hand and face creams, shampoos, masks and hair balms.

To nourish the skin of the hands, the easiest way is to simply rub them well with oil, put on natural mittens and sit for an hour or two. You can add some of this product to your usual hand cream.
Dry skin will be given additional nutrition by a simple mask: mix 1 egg yolk with a teaspoon of natural liquid and pour in 2 teaspoons of amaranth oil. This mask should be held on the face for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. Its use once a week will make the skin supple and toned, relieve dryness and tightness.

Instead of a purchased hair conditioner, an infusion of amaranth leaves will be useful: 4 tbsp. l. dry raw materials or 8 fresh leaves put in a liter thermos and pour boiling water. Leave for 24 hours, strain and dilute with water 1:1, rinse hair 2 times a week.

How to prepare medicinal raw materials

The easiest way to prepare amaranth leaves for the winter is to dry them. They do this in two ways:

  1. The plucked leaves are washed, allowed to dry, cut and laid out on paper in a single layer in a well-ventilated room or outdoors in special dryers that are closed with glass. You need to dry in the shade, periodically checking and mixing the raw materials. When it will be rubbed with your fingers into powder - then it's ready.
  2. Another way is to form bundles and hang them in the attic (or balcony).

Stems and leaves can also be frozen - just washed and dried bundles are packaged in bags and put in a chamber.

The leaves of amaranth are also good for making green soups, for this they are salted. You can put them in a jar separately, or together with,

The amaranth or amaranth plant is a very valuable food crop in the world. In the USA, there is even an amaranth institute and research centers that study and introduce amaranth into the food industry.

Useful properties of amaranth grass

Shiritsa grass has a large amount of useful substances, especially in seeds, but all parts of the plant can be raw materials for medicines. They contain betacyanidins, nitrogen-containing compounds, amaranthine, organic acids, betanin, vitamins and trace elements, as well as dyes. And the seeds additionally contain essential amino acids, a protein that is equated to mother's milk. Such a seed component as squalene is the main one, it is also present in the human skin and is involved in oxygen metabolism, radiation protection, and ensuring the body's resistance to diseases.

Medicinal properties of amaranth:

  • bactericidal and protistocidal;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • antifungal;
  • antitumor.

Depending on the method of preparation of the medicinal product, the benefits of amaranth are obvious in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and throat, skin diseases, heart, liver, malignant tumors, fungal infections, endometriosis, metrorrhagia, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Ways to use amaranth herb

Young leaves and seeds of amaranth are used for cooking as a condiment.

Oil from the seeds of amaranth is used to treat burns, insect bites and bedsores.

Diluted plant juice in a ratio of 1: 5 gargle for the treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes in this area. If you take the juice during the flowering period, then it will have anti-aging and cosmetic properties, as well as promote the roots and their growth. Baths with amaranth, chamomile and string allow you to fight eczema, psoriasis, diathesis and other skin diseases. For the treatment of diseases of internal organs, decoctions and infusions from this plant are used.

decoction recipe


  • crushed roots or aerial part of amaranth - 15 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

Preparation and application

Pour boiling water over the prepared plant material and simmer for half an hour in a water bath. Then cool for 10 minutes, strain and divide the resulting portion into three doses during the day before meals, i.e. turns out 1/3 tbsp. for one visit.

Infusion recipe number 1


  • amaranth leaves - 20 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

Preparation and application

Pour boiling water over the prepared plant material and simmer for half an hour in a boiling water bath. Let cool for 10 minutes, strain. The resulting portion is intended for three doses during the day before meals, i.e. turns out 1/3 tbsp. for one visit.

Infusion recipe number 2


  • amaranth leaves - 20 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

Preparation and application

Pour boiling water over the leaves and boil for 15 minutes. in a boiling water bath, then the broth is infused for 45 minutes, only after that it can be filtered. Take the infusion should be before meals two or three times a day for 1/3 cup.

Bath Recipe