Repair Design Furniture

What material are nails made from? Articles about fasteners and hardware. What and how nails are currently made of

First way. Simplest. We take a brass wire of the required diameter, a sharp scalpel or a knife and begin to cut off a piece of brass wire, rolling it on something hard. When cut in this way, an annular bead is formed. I use this method for attaching very small parts, where you need to imitate small nails. For example, rudder hinges on a boat. A hole is drilled clearly along the diameter of the wire in the loop and in the base, a nail is inserted, and the collar prevents the nail from flying through the hole. To prevent the nail from flying out of the base, it must be slightly bent.

Second way. Nails with hats sunk in. To do this, you need to make a small adaptation. It is necessary to take a metal plate 2-3 mm thick, drill a hole in it with a diameter for a wire, for example 0.5 mm. Next, with a 1 mm drill, we make a countersink to the depth of the conical part of the drill or a little deeper. The device is ready.

Rice. 1. Countersink holes.

Next, you need to make blanks of nails. To do this, you need a gas burner or a household gas stove, as well as baking soda as a flux. With their help, we will form thickenings for hats at the end of the wire. Add a few drops of water to a small amount of soda to make a solution of liquid sour cream. We dip the wire in a solution of soda. Holding the wire vertically, we bring it to the flame of the burner, while the brass begins to melt, and folds into a kind of drop.

Rice. 2. Formation of a droplet on the tip of a brass wire.

Rice. 3. A drop at the end of a brass wire.

We cut off the desired length from the wire with a drop and repeat this operation the required number of times. Next, insert the blanks into the fixture and flatten the top of the blank with a hammer.

Rice. 4 and 5. Insert the wire into the fixture.

Rice. 6. Flatten.

Then we remove the excess metal with a file.

Rice. 7. Processed hat.

The result is such a nail.

Rice. 8. Nail after processing in the fixture.

After removing the flash, we get the finished nail.

Rice. 9. The nail is clamped in the collet at the deburring stage

Rice. 10. Finished result

Advice. Before you form a ball at the end of the wire, it must be stretched a little. The diameter of the wire will decrease slightly and the workpieces will be easy to insert into the fixture.

Third way. Nails with semicircular heads. Here, too, it will be necessary to make an adaptation, rather complicated.

Rice. 11. Devices for making nails with semicircular hats

First you need to make a guide. It is made of arbitrary metal and arbitrary length. One condition, the hole must be calibrated with a reamer. In this example, the diameter is 6 mm. Next, we make an anvil. It is made from a slightly larger 6mm drill shank. and machined to the size of the guide hole. The anvil should fit into the guide hole without play, but not tight. Next, you need to make punches. They are made from needle file shanks. Since the diameter of the needle file shanks is smaller than the guide hole, I had to make adapters that should also fit into the guide hole without backlash. All this is done so that the hats are in the center of the nail. In this figure 12, the head of the pan-head nail is displaced due to wear on the fixture.

Rice. 12. Left - normal nail, right - defective.

How to make a semicircle in a punch. To do this, you need a ball from the bearing, the diameter is selected, the guide and the punch adapter. Anneal the shank of the file to make the metal soft. On a lathe, we make a shallow countersink in the center of the end of the shank, assemble the punch and adapter and insert them into the guide. We put the ball on a powerful metal base and drive the ball into the punch. The balloon may burst, so there should be several of them. Next, on a lathe at the punch, we make a cutting edge, an angle of at least 120 degrees. At a smaller angle, the punch will prick.

Rice. 13 and 14. Punches

When the recess and corner are made, the working side of the punch must be hardened. The hardness of the punch should be such that when it hits the anvil, the edge of the punch does not crumple or prick. We heat the working part of the punch to a cherry color and holding it vertically, lower it into the water. Only the working part should be heated, the rest should be soft. If necessary, we also heat the anvil. I managed to make a working punch somewhere on the third try. The first tempered the whole, at the first blow it split. In the second, the cut angle was too sharp, it also split. It only worked out the third time. On fig. 15 the left punch is a little overheated, the cutting edge is chipped, but nothing, it works.

Rice. 15. Comparison of the cutting edges of poissons.

Using balls of different diameters, we get hats of different sizes. We make blanks for nails and processing according to the technology described above.

Rice. 16 and 17. Insert the wire with the ball at the end into the anvil until it stops.

Rice. 18. Place the anvil with the wire in the guide.

Rice. 19. And from the other end of the guide enters the poisson.

Rice. 20. A hammer blow on a poisson forms a nail head.

Rice. 21. Formed hat.

Nail making is one of the most cost-effective manufacturing processes. For a full work cycle, you will need special equipment and several additional devices. An important step is to get acquainted with the specifics of the design of the nailing machine and the principle of its operation.

Description of the nail design

Modern nails is a complex production complex, which is designed to perform several types of operations. Because of this, it will be very problematic to do it yourself.

The main material of manufacture is wire made of steel, copper or brass. It is supplied in coils, so before starting production it is necessary to carry out its processing - unwinding and straightening. Then you can proceed to the production of finished products.

Stages of production of nails using a special machine.

  1. Installing the wire in the gripping mechanism of the equipment.
  2. Broaching the workpiece, as a result of which it is aligned.
  3. Formation of the nail head. With the help of screw-cutting heads, the workpiece is fixed. The deformation of the end of the wire occurs with the help of a percussion mechanism. As a result, the flattening and formation of the cap is performed.
  4. The workpiece is pulled to a predetermined length. A pair of cutters on both sides make a cut, thereby forming a sharp end of the nail.

This is a general description of the production process using a nailing machine. Despite a slight difference in the layout of equipment models, the technology of the production process remains unchanged.

In order to optimize the cost of purchasing equipment, the unwinding device can be made by hand. It is a conical metal structure mounted on a supporting vertical post.

List of main technical characteristics

The next step is to determine the required technical and operational qualities of the machine. The determining indicator of nailing equipment is its productivity, i.e. the speed at which the machine manufactures finished products. But besides this, a number of other factors should be taken into account.

The drive of all moving mechanisms is often carried out through cam units. They are connected to an electric motor. It determines the speed of operations, as well as the maximum diameter of the steel billet. Setting up the equipment is carried out by adjusting the wire feed units, setting the force of the impact mechanism to form the nail head. Thus, you can set the frequency of operation of all mechanisms of the machine.

Main technical characteristics of nail making equipment:

  • maximum and minimum rod diameter;
  • limits for changing the length of the workpiece;
  • performance;
  • weight and dimensions of the equipment;
  • power consumption of the electric motor.

The diameter of the finished nail head depends on the wire section. The impact mechanism has a standard size. In the production process, you can only change the magnitude of the impact force on the workpiece.

The advantage of modern devices for the production of nails is the almost complete automation of their work. It is important to correctly set the primary parameters and timely feed the wire into the gripping unit of the machine.

Optional equipment

In addition to the above, it is recommended to purchase several additional units for the production plant to optimize the production process. They are intended for the subsequent processing of nails and their packaging.

The used wire has a protective layer of lubrication that prevents it from rusting during storage. However, this gives the finished product a non-marketable appearance. Therefore, for the final processing of nails, it is recommended to purchase or make an industrial rotating drum with your own hands.

It is a container mounted on a support structure. On the one hand, the drive from the electric motor is connected. The drum is filled with a small amount of caustic soda and finished nails. In the process of rotation, the surface of the products is cleaned. After this treatment, the nails are completely ready for packaging.

Additionally, you can buy a filling machine. With its help, it is possible to make packaging of finished products for further storage or sale even at the production stage. You should first purchase containers for packaging finished products.

For a detailed acquaintance with the principle of operation of the machine for the production of nails, it is recommended to watch the video material:

One of the main products made from low-carbon steel wire GOST 3282-74 are nails, so the wire received another name - nail wire. Uncoated round steel wire is used for the manufacture of nails.

Rigid wire for nails

In production, wire with a diameter of 1.2 to 6.0 mm is used, which is supplied in coils weighing 180-200 kg or in coils weighing 800-1000 kg.
Nailing surface wire GOST 3282-74 should not have scale, cracks or folds. Minor dents or scratches may be allowed within tolerance. Wire intended for the production of building nails is not heat treated, which allows it to remain strong, but at the same time it must withstand at least four kinks without breaking.

General purpose low-carbon steel wire


Nominal wire diameter

Limit deviation for wire diameter

Increased accuracy

normal precision



nail wire

Currently, inexpensive nails are stamped on special nailing machines. Skein or bay wire GOST 3282-74 is installed on an unwinding device, from which it enters the working area with the help of a feeder, where the nail is formed. Depending on the purpose, nails are made with different cap sizes and are divided into:
— construction nails GOST 4028-63;
- roofing nails GOST 4029-63 with an increased head size;
- slate nails (the hat is made of galvanized steel);
- molding nails (small head and long nail shaft).
For outdoor construction or finishing work, it is necessary to use galvanized nails in order to avoid the appearance of rust on the cap and around the nail.
High-quality galvanized nails (nail wire can be purchased from our company) are made from uncoated nail wire and then galvanized. It is impossible to use galvanized wire for production, since the integrity of the zinc coating is violated at the time of the formation of the cap and cutting.

Nails are not only one of the oldest, but also the most common fastener. Any construction, repair, any activity related to the assembly of any product is not complete without nails. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the demand for these fasteners does not decrease over time, which means that the production of nails can bring considerable benefits.

To start this business, it is enough to have equipment such as a nail making machine. Moreover, the production of fasteners can be set up in any volume - from industrial scale to the manufacture of nails purely for their own needs, which will not interfere, for example, with furniture makers or builders who get an excellent opportunity to save on the purchase of fasteners.

What material are the nails made of?

At the same time, the cost of finished products, that is, the nails themselves, will depend solely on the cost of materials purchased for their manufacture - wire, which is made of low-carbon steel and is sold in reels of various weights. Also, the size of the produced nails will also depend on this wire. A conventional nail machine is capable of producing nails with a diameter of up to 1 to 6 mm.

Features of the machine for the manufacture of nails.

The most important feature that the machine for making nails has is that it works in a fully automatic mode. The only operation that in this case has to be performed manually is the change of the wire spool. By the way, the fact that the wire is sold in reels greatly facilitates the whole process, since the reels fixed on a special machine holder are simply unwound, which ensures a long continuous production process.

All nail making machines can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. machines capable of producing nails with a diameter of up to 2.1 mm and a length of up to 60 mm;
  2. machines producing nails with a diameter of up to 4 mm and a length of up to 120 mm;
  3. machines that produce nails with a diameter of up to 6 mm and a length of up to 200 mm;
  4. machines that produce nails with a diameter of up to 9 mm and a length of up to 320 mm.

Regardless of the category of the machine, all of them can be called universal, as they are able to produce nails of various types, depending on the settings entered at the beginning of the production process, for example, tare, construction, finishing or roofing nails, nails with a flat or conical head.

Among other technical characteristics that this equipment possesses, the most important are:

  • machine weight - depending on the design features, the machine can weigh from 800 kg to 2 tons;
  • machine power - is selected based on the planned amount of output and can vary from 3 to 20 kW;
  • machine productivity - depending on the category of equipment, the machine can produce from 100 to 600 pieces of nails per minute of work.

Another feature of this equipment, based on its automatic mode of operation, is that the craftsmen who work on it do not need to be highly qualified or undergo any additional training. In addition, the production of nails does not require a large number of workers. For example, if the production room is equipped with one such machine, two people are enough to complete all stages of work quickly and conveniently.

The principle of operation of the machine for the manufacture of nails.

The process of making nails using a machine is quite simple and consists of several stages.

  1. A special device on the machine, equipped with a cutting knife, receives a wire of the diameter that the product should have, unwound from a reel fixed to the holder.
  2. In the device, the supplied wire is cut into pieces, depending on the required length of nails set in the settings.
  3. After that, the resulting piece of wire falls into another device - a punch equipped with drummers, with the help of which a hat is formed on one side of the wire, and a pointed end on the other side.
  4. The finished nail is dropped into a special receiving container using a slider.

The nail manufacturing process is not interrupted as long as there is wire on the reel, as a result, up to 3 tons of products can be manufactured in one work shift, depending on the category of equipment.

As you can see, the manufacture of nails of various types is a fairly simple process that requires investments only in the purchase of a machine and wire, as well as in the rental of premises. According to technological standards, to install two such machines (and this will be enough to start a fairly large-scale production), a room of 50 square meters is enough. In addition, additional premises will be required for storing finished products and wire in reels - that is, starting such a business does not require very significant funds.

If we are talking about not too volumetric production, then one machine will be enough, which can be installed, for example, in a garage. Moreover, for these purposes it is quite possible to buy used equipment, spending even less money.

Articles - How nails are made (manufacturing and manufacturing). What steel are nails made of?

Nails are one of the most popular and oldest metal products in its history.

The first nails were essentially forged products, at the moment, due to the invention of wire, and its huge distribution, this technology has been safely forgotten. A better and much easier way to produce nails was found than ordinary forging (and there were not enough blacksmiths).

The appearance of wire not only simplified and reduced the cost of the method of producing nails, but also made it possible to significantly expand the range of products.

Following the wire, special nail machines appeared, the task of which was to make nails from wire.

Data Nailing machines create nails according to the principle of cold forging.

Considering the modern process of creating nails, it is worth noting that not any metal is suitable for the production of nails (soft metal is not suitable, because when a nail is driven in with a hammer, it will simply bend). As a rule, general-purpose low-carbon steel wire (GOST 3282-74) is used for these purposes, while this wire should not be thermally treated.

To create such a wire, four steel grades are used: St 1 KP, St 2 KP, St3 PS, St 3 KP.

For working with wire coil nail machine it is necessary to wind the wire from the coil; for this purpose, a special device is used, which is shown in the figure.

After the wire from the coil, having passed through the straightening device, entered the feed mechanism of the machine, the direct creation of the nail begins.

The speed of the feed mechanism determines the length of the nail.

The wire moves and enters the area of ​​the "cutters", where it is "bitten off", after which the wire cutters diverge, and a special impact device hits the end of the wire, thereby forming a hat future nail.

After the formation of the cap and the departure of the percussion device, the process is repeated. So, one by one, nails are stamped.

Formation of the sharp end of the nail(opposite from the cap) occurs at the biting stage. The cutters of the machine are made in such a way as to not only detach part of the wire, but also form a point. According to GOST, the taper angle of the tip should be no more than 40 degrees.

Nailing machines from different manufacturers may differ from each other, but the process of creating a nail with their help remains the same, simple and understandable.

Own production of building nails and mesh.

Read also:

Types of screws and their scope

Basic properties of tool steels

Strip, description, scope and production

If earlier nails were made by forging, now they are made from steel wire on special machines. Production is quite simple and does not require significant material and labor costs.

Activity registration

First you need to register with the tax office, a form is suitable for this type of activity Individual entrepreneur, as a form of taxation, you can choose UTII.

Room selection

For the organization of production, any room is suitable, the main thing is that it has heat and electricity (380 watts). The rent of the premises will be approximately 20,000 rubles. per month.

Equipment selection

The Internet presents a wide selection of equipment for the production of nails, the price from 500 thousand rubles and higher.

Nail production technology

But if we consider used equipment, then we can meet 300-500 thousand rubles.

After analyzing the proposals for the implementation of machines, as well as having studied the information on specialized forums, it turned out that the most multifunctional machine is the nailing machine AG4116 (Productivity 125 kg. / Hour).

The price of a new machine is 700,000 rubles, a used machine can be purchased for 450 000 rubles.

Cost price

Raw material.

The raw material for the production of nails is wire. Each type of product uses its own wire size, its own material. The price of raw materials for the production of the most popular building nails (120 mm) is 32,000 rubles per ton.


The engine power of the machine is 5.5 kW / hour, the price for 1 kW is 3.35 rubles.
It takes 8 hours of work (125 kg/hour) to produce a ton of products. Electricity consumption for the production of 1 ton will be: 5.5 * 3.35 * 8 = 147.4 rubles.


Finished products are packed in wooden boxes. (50 kg).
The cost of 1 box is 400 rubles,
The cost of packing 1 ton of nails will be 8,000 rubles.


When buying an automatic machine AG4116, 1 person can handle the production (s/n piecework 750 rubles for the manufacture of one ton of nails).

Product prices:

Product prices depend on the purpose and standard size of nails, so the price of the most popular brand M120 is 50,000 rubles per ton.

Calculation of income and payback for the production of nails

Based on the planned production volumes of 20 tons per month, the planned revenue will be 1,000,000 rubles per month
The cost of production will be 817,940 rubles (the cost of 1 ton is 40,897 rubles * 20 tons)
Gross profit: 182,060 rubles
Administrative expenses (rent, fuel, communications) + taxes: 50,000 rubles. months
Net profit: 132,060 rubles per month.
Net margin: 13%


  • When purchasing a new machine = 132,060 rubles / 700,000 rubles. Payback 5.3 months
  • When purchasing a used machine = 132,060/450,000 rubles. Payback 3.4 months

Viktor Stepanov, 2012-03-01

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- one of those areas where large production capacities and technological equipment are not needed to organize a profitable business. At the same time, the products are in demand in the construction market, the scope of application is huge and this simple product does not need advertising.

Nails are one of the most used types of fasteners, so it's hard to stay here without a buyer.

Nails as a product are a very simple subject, especially when it comes to their most common types - round construction, wallpaper, and so on. Manufacturing is a more complex process, it will require special devices and a more complex production line.

For most types of products, the production technology is very similar.

  • The basis for them is a wire of different sections and from different materials. We offer wire in reels, so the first stage of production consists of unwinding and straightening the material.
  • Then the wire enters the roller straightening device - these are 2 tines fixed in mandrels. The chisels grab the wire and advance it into the impact structure of the nailer.
  • On a nailing machine, blanks are cut to the specified dimensions. To do this, the wire is inserted into the impact device until it stops, clamped and cut off. During the return movement, the workpiece is released and held by the sleeve. In place of the cut off fragment, a hat will be formed on the workpiece. The impact device returns to its original position.
  • Cap shaping, notching and point production – the heads are obtained using 2 semi-circular grooved discs. During formation, the clamping device fixes the discs so that the grooves are opposite each other, forming a round hole. Due to it, notches are formed on the head. The sharp end of the nail with a sharpening angle of no more than 40 degrees is formed automatically due to the design of the wire cutters.
  • Finished products are dumped into the bunker, sent to the warehouse and packed.

The production of different types excludes some operations - for example, a machine nail does not have a point, or includes additional ones - the application of a protective layer of zinc, copper, brass, but the general technological scheme remains unchanged.

The video below discusses the technology for the production of nails:

What you need

For the manufacture of products, you will need a room, raw materials and a production base. All 3 components are quite accessible, since the production process does not require any special conditions - pressure, humidity, or complex technological operations.

Raw material

The vast majority of nails are made from low-carbon steel grade St. 1, Art.2, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 10, Art. 15. The material is manufactured at any metal-rolling production, regulates the parameters of the wire GOST 3283-74. Wire is supplied in reels weighing from 0.7 to 1.8 tons. The latter is important not only for the cost of the material, but also for equipment: with a large weight of the reel, you will have to purchase a more solid unwinding device.

The price varies quite widely - from 24 to 35 thousand rubles. per ton, as it is determined by the nature of the material and the diameter of the wire for the production of nails.

  • For example, for manufacturing, you can use ordinary steel wire, and then cover the finished products with zinc. You can do otherwise and purchase galvanized wire. Raw materials in this case will cost more, but due to the absence of such an energy-intensive stage as galvanizing, the production itself will be cheaper. The choice here depends on the supplier.
  • For production, you will need high-carbon steel that has undergone heat treatment. This type of raw material is much more expensive, and the production of nails is not cheap. Conventional hardened nails are only by-products, as their scope is limited.

Raw material control is very important. It is necessary to organize a check not only of the weight of the bobbin, but also the characteristics of the wire: colors, steel grades and other things.

Another nuance is the container. As a rule, finished nails are packed in cardboard boxes, and the products are poured into boxes at the last stage of production.

About equipment for the production of nails, its price, we will burn below.


A mini-nail shop can be opened even in an ordinary garage, the corresponding equipment is so compact. The simplest production line consists of 2 modules.

  • Telfer- device for unwinding the bobbin. The simplest manual apparatus with a carrying capacity of up to 2 tons costs about 20 thousand rubles. and is considered sufficient for small production. Automatic will cost more.
  • Wire nail machine or machine (or mini nail machine)- A wide variety of devices, manual and multifunctional, are produced. Here the choice depends on the volume of the intended production and on the type of nails. In order not to make a mistake when considering options, consider the following factors:
    • power - ranges from 3 to 20 kW, which is decisive for the volume of finished products;
    • the ability to produce nails of different lengths - from 12 to 32 mm;
    • the ability to work with wire of different diameters - from 1.2 to 9 mm. This option significantly expands the range;
    • production speed - on average ranges from 100 to 600 products per minute;
    • adjusting the diameter of the head allows you to produce different types of nails -, construction, and so on;
    • weight - this matters when choosing a room. A device weighing 0.7 tons can be placed in a garage, but a device weighing 2 tons will require a solid concrete foundation.
  • thread rolling machine appears on the line if a different kind of release is expected. The device is controlled by a controller and performs knurling according to the specified parameters.

A special module will also be required if the finished products are coated with an additional layer - brass, copper, zinc. With sufficiently large production volumes, it is more profitable to galvanize products on site than to use ready-made wire.

The price of a machine for the production of nails depends on all of the above factors, as well as on the country of origin. Taiwanese products are considered optimal today. The price range is very wide - from 350 thousand rubles. up to 900 thousand rubles Used equipment can be purchased at a much lower price - from 120 thousand rubles. You can also try to make a machine for the production of nails with your own hands.

Now you know how much the nail making machine costs, then you will find the model of the business plan for the production, which according to the reviews is the most acceptable.

This video will tell you what nail making machine:

Manufacturing as a business

Judging by the reviews of manufacturers in this area, the complexity of organizing an enterprise is average. Most of the difficulties are not related to the equipment and installation of the industrial line itself, but to the documentation and registration. The latter is obligatory, since wholesale buyers do not agree to cooperate with enterprises that do not have registration.


Setting up a business will require a fairly simple sequence of steps.

  • Product Selection - There are many types of nails, and it is important to know what kind of products you intend to produce in order to develop a plan. The nature of the raw materials, the power of the machine, and the capabilities of the production line for the production of nails depend on this.
  • Registration of the form of conduct - the choice here is small: a private entrepreneur or a limited liability company. You also need to choose a taxation system. The most common choice is the simplified tax system, that is, 15% of the profit. You will need legal advice on this matter.
  • The choice of premises - the requirements for it are minimal. To accommodate and maintain 1 nailing machine, it will require 15–20 square meters. m. The second condition is high-quality electrical wiring. For the operation of most devices, a 380 V network is required. Additional space is also needed for storing raw materials and warehousing products.
  • Acquisition of equipment corresponding to the project.
  • Recruitment of personnel – one trained person is enough to operate the machine. Preference is given to physically strong persons: such work requires physical effort.
  • Search for buyers - the best option is wholesale buyers, especially permanent ones: construction companies, hardware stores, wholesale depots, furniture manufacturing enterprises and so on. The search is carried out by various methods: from advertising in the media to cold calls.


The profitability of the nail business is determined by the demand for products in a given region and the cost of raw materials. Despite the average occupancy of the market, the competition here is quite high.

The initial estimate includes the following costs:

  • the cost of equipment - depends on the power and functionality of the devices, their number and variety of assortment. You can reduce costs by purchasing used machines. On average, the figure will be 400-550 thousand rubles;
  • renting a room - depends on the region, but, as a rule, fits into 15 thousand rubles. per month;
  • purchase of raw materials - including containers. The amount depends on the nature of the material, usually it is 25–35 thousand rubles. per ton;
  • company registration;
  • staff pay.

The average payback period is 6 months. In practice, everything depends on the established marketing. Provided that all products are sold and the productivity of the workshop is 4.0–4.5 tons per month, it is possible to recoup the initial costs in a year, which means that the profitability of the enterprise will be 29%.

The production of nails is a rather promising option for small and medium-sized businesses, since this type of fastener is always in demand on the market. However, the success of an enterprise is determined not only by the type of product, but also by the demand in the region and the cost of raw materials.

The business plan for the production of nails is covered in this video:

How did the ancient people make nails? The first nails were invented in primitive times, they were made of hardwood, fastening together the wooden parts of a dwelling or other buildings. Nails were also made from other natural materials, using fish bones or sharp plant thorns for this. There is a nail museum in the Borovichi district, where you can see nails of different times, ranging from wooden ones, of different sizes and brands.

By the way, wooden nails have never lost their relevance. At the beginning of the 20th century, village shoemakers skillfully drove miniature birch carnations into the soles of their boots. The birch studs swelled with water and held the soles firmly.

The answer to the question of when and from what metal nails were made in the old days suggests itself. The first metal nails began to be made in the Bronze Age, casting or forging them from copper and bronze, and later, in the Iron Age, from a more durable material - iron.

Depending on the purpose, the nails had their own names. For example, “baroque nails” were used for the construction of river ships, and “ship nails” for marine shipbuilding.

In the 19th century in Europe, the production of nails in factories was carried out manually in an artisanal way (small-scale production using manual labor): blacksmiths brought a metal rod to a furnace in a furnace, stretched it on an anvil and sharpened it at the end. After that, the blank at the head was chopped off and flattened in a bar with a hole with a hammer to give the shape of a hat.

Nails only became a common commodity in the early decades of the 19th century with the invention of hammered and wire nail machines. Wikipedia states that the nail machine was patented in 1790. However, in the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron we will see a different date: “Sir Davis Bulmer received a patent for the first machine for making nails in England in 1606,” while it is noted that this invention had no effect on practice.

What are nails made of and how are they currently made?

Today they are made mainly of steel. For special tasks, nails are made of copper, brass, bronze, zinc and other materials. There are examples of the use of more unusual materials. Germany produces steel nails with a thin polymer coating. Their use is justified in the furniture business, thanks to the protective coating, rust does not spoil expensive wooden products. Fiberglass English nails are no less durable than iron fasteners. They are also used for fastening furniture parts, in shipbuilding, etc. Nails are made of plastic in Japan. They are very durable and easily driven even into oak boards.

Rotary press machines are predominantly used in modern nail production. Products - products with a length of 6 to 400 millimeters and a thickness of 0.8 to 8.8 millimeters. For the manufacture of nails, wire with a round cross section is used as semi-finished products.

The mechanism of the machine for nails is a simple algorithm: the device cuts the nail of the desired length, forms a hat and forms a pointed end.

The video shows the process of making nails on the machine.