Repair Design Furniture

Rules for storing a bicycle on a balcony in winter. Storing a bicycle in winter: useful tips How to store bicycles in an apartment without a balcony

In the central zone of our country, cyclists, as a rule, are forced to put away their bicycles “for the winter” in the fall until next summer. So that the performance of your transport is not affected, you need to know how to store your bike in winter. There are many nuances that need to be taken into account: the preparation of transport, the choice of location and the creation of good conditions, fastening systems and other little things that need attention.

Winterizing your bike

By understanding how to prepare your bike for winter storage, you can avoid many problems with its performance in future use.
  1. 1. It is required to thoroughly clean the transport with a dry brush of medium hardness, while paying attention to sand and dirt in the chain. Then moisten it with plenty of water and wait until the dirt is soaked. It must be washed with a special detergent, preventing water from entering the closed elements. Next, you need to wipe with an oil rag all the moving components - the carriage, chain, bushings and others.
  2. 2. Inspect the frame and wheels for deformation. Eliminate pockets of rust - it is worth priming and painting problem areas. Correct all major and minor breakdowns by replacing worn parts in a timely manner.
  3. 3. First of all, it is necessary to lubricate the bicycle chain, carefully process the bearings, carriage, cables, shock absorption systems. Be sure to remove excess grease with a soft, clean cloth. If your vehicle is going to be stored in a cold room, then as an extra protection, apply silicone grease to the frame and all chrome surfaces - this will protect it from corrosion.
  4. 4. It is necessary to loosen the tension of the brake cables and springs in order to eliminate unnecessary stress on the parts during the cold season.
  5. 5. The pressure in the chambers must be reduced to 1-1.5 atm. Tires can be lubricated with glycerin or special silicone glue inside and out, which will prevent the rubber from cracking at low temperatures.
  6. 6. Remove the power supply elements. Free transport from all electronic devices - bike computer, navigator, lighting lights. Store batteries separately.

Where to store a bike in winter

There are several options for convenient bike storage during cold weather.

Storage Options

1. The ideal option is to store a bicycle in an apartment. A stable warm temperature and dryness in the room guarantees you a safe and high-quality transport maintenance.
2. If there is not enough space in your apartment, then it is possible to store a bicycle in a garage or in a shed. Here you can store it in a suspended state, without disassembling it into parts. In this case, special attention should be paid to the lubrication of all parts, frame and wheels.
3. Bicycle storage on the balcony and on the loggia - this option is possible only if the balcony or loggia is closed. Otherwise, this is tantamount to storing transport on the street, which is the worst option for its “wintering”.
4. In our country, it is also customary to keep your two-wheeled vehicles at the entrance, on the stairwells.

How to properly store your bike in winter

Keeping a bike in the cold without damage is not so easy. Transport will endure temperatures below 0 without damage, but brake mechanisms and tires may suffer. Especially dangerous are sudden changes in temperature, precipitation in the form of rain and snow. Transport standing under a canopy will be in greater danger than being suspended. Wheels standing on frozen and wet ground will quickly become unusable. The chain on the street in winter is subject to rapid decay and rust.

Thus, the following places would be good storage options:

  • apartment;
  • garage;
  • any type of room without temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

Where to store a bicycle in an apartment

For storing a bicycle in an apartment, ideas are varied. Storage spaces can be the most unexpected: a closet or dressing room, a hanging shelving unit or a closet door. A metal friend can be hung on the wall or mounted on the ceiling, or hidden in a niche or narrow space between the wall and the closet. An original and creative solution is to use it as a part of your interior.

Where to store a bike in a small apartment

Even in a small apartment, you can find a place to "winter" your "iron horse". It is very good if it is disassembled into parts, then the storage places will be as follows: the upper shelves of the cabinet, the pantry, the mezzanine and even the podium under the bed.

How to store a bike in an apartment

My home is my castle. Where, no matter how at home, you can create the best conditions for the quality maintenance of your transport. Often, hobbyists have nowhere to put their bike, and therefore they have to show imagination and find unexpected ways of storage. In the summer, it is best to find a place in the hallway at the front door so as not to carry dirt into the house. This place is not suitable for winter storage, especially if there are two or three bicycles in the apartment.

Bicycle storage in the room

In the room you can use wardrobes for outerwear, mezzanines, wardrobes, retractable podiums. Two bicycles can be placed in the wardrobe without even disassembling them. If the height of the room allows, you can attach your vehicle to the ceiling - in this case, three copies will fit. For greater safety, the ceiling suspended structure must be built in the corner of the room. The simplest solution is to put the "iron horse" behind the bed or sofa, where it will not interfere. If there is space between the wall and the closet, feel free to take this place. If the room is spacious, then use the transport as an interior or decor item, for example, turn it into a flower stand by placing indoor plants in baskets on the steering wheel and trunk.

Keep your vehicle away from heaters because the heat and dry air will damage the wheels and fork seals.

Bike storage on the wall

The most popular way in Western countries is to store the bike on the wall. So it is less prone to wear, the wheels are not deformed. If your transport is attached to the wall vertically, it does not clutter up the free space and can even complement the interior of the apartment. Currently, you can purchase any bicycle storage system - a bicycle lift, a bicycle cabinet, a hanger or a shelf for a bicycle, a bicycle file for several copies.

You can draw a cyclist on the wall - if you do it with contrasting colors, and build mounts in the right places so that the bike matches its contours, you get a bright and stylish decor element. To save space with this storage method, you need to loosen the side nuts and turn the handlebar 90 degrees, in which case the frame is parallel to the wall.

Special mounts

To store your iron friend on the wall or on the ceiling, there are many different devices. Basically, these are bike hooks, all kinds of racks and shelves. You can find a place for such storage in almost any room, in the hallway, bedroom, pantry and even in the toilet. There are a lot of bike hook designs: some are screwed in like screws, while others are attached to a common base. Hooks can be designed for vertical or horizontal mounting.

Mounts in the form of special racks are much less commonly used in apartments, as they take up a lot of space. But the plus side is that the racks can accommodate multiple bikes. Racks are made of metal pipes or wood, they can combine elements of hangers and storage systems.
A beautiful and simple way of fastening is a shelf. Many options for various shelves are sold in specialized stores, and with a certain skill, it is not difficult to make a shelf with your own hands. On such a shelf you can put books, flowers, candles, any decorative elements, if the fastening system is equipped in the hallway - it is convenient to put bags on the shelf, put gloves or keys.

Disassembled storage

With a shortage of space, it is easier to store transport in a disassembled state. This work is painstaking and difficult, but the results will please you: a disassembled bike will fit on almost any shelf in the pantry. It is also very convenient to store it under the sofa or bed - there it certainly will not bother anyone.

When disassembling your vehicle, adhere to the following order:

  • first of all, remove the steering wheel, after loosening the fasteners;
  • dismantle the pedals and the seat;
  • to properly remove the wheels, loosen the nuts and remove the front wheel and then the rear.

Is it possible to store a bicycle in the entrance?

If in the summer your transport is always at hand, and you often use it, it is much more convenient for you to leave it on the landing than to carry dirt home and clutter up your hallway. But bicycle “parking” at the entrance in winter can be a big problem. First of all, relations with neighbors can deteriorate, since not everyone will be able to appreciate the beauty of such a neighborhood. Vehicles left at the entrance can be stolen, and fire safety requirements are categorically against such storage, because your vehicle will become an obstacle to the evacuation path.

Also, the bike will interfere with the cleaning of the room. But if you can overcome all these obstacles, get the consent of your neighbors, permission from the fire department, and your entrance is carefully guarded, then choose unused places on the wall or ceiling for storage, using reliable fasteners. Usually, such entrances are well heated, and the bike will not be afraid of sub-zero temperatures.

How to store a bike on a balcony

For many owners of small apartments, the only option is to store the bike in the winter on the balcony. Here it is worth considering that temperature changes, sunlight, high humidity and precipitation will be detrimental to your transport. Even if you cover it with a waterproof film, you will not be able to avoid corrosion and rust due to condensation. Therefore, only one storage option is possible - on a glazed balcony. Here you can store the frame in a suspended state, but do not expose it to direct sunlight.

Be sure to cover with a thick cloth to prevent paint fading, damage to the seat and steering wheel. It is better to remove the wheels from the balcony altogether - for example, to the pantry. If this is not done, then ultraviolet rays will lead to a loss of elasticity and cracking of the wheels. A great solution is to use a special bike bag.

If the balcony is not glazed, and you have not found another storage place, you need to know how to store the bike on a cold balcony and at what acceptable temperature. At any temperature, try to protect it from rain and snow, be sure to use a cover for the frame, and store the wheels separately at room temperature.

Important Storage Rules

Pack your bike in a waterproof bike bag to protect it from the elements.
Remove the wheels and store separately at room temperature, because UV rays degrade the quality of rubber, it loses elasticity and cracks. But if the balcony or loggia is on the north side and the sun's rays do not get there, then you can store the bike on the balcony in winter without removing the wheels.

For wheels stored indoors, be sure to check monthly and inflate as needed.

How to store a bike in a garage

A cyclist who has a garage can be called lucky, because it is simple and convenient to store such vehicles in the garage in winter. It does not interfere in the apartment, it is under lock and key, and the storage conditions are almost ideal. When carrying out work on the preservation of vehicles for the winter, pay special attention to lubrication, carefully process the chain, brake cables and switches. Find a free space on the wall or ceiling and use a secure bike rack.

You can buy a bike bag with handles and hang it on special hooks. It is undesirable to equip a storage place in a viewing hole or in the basement where vegetables are stored, high humidity forms in such places.

The issue of bike storage is quite relevant for almost all bikers. Now there are more and more daredevils for whom the riding season never ends, especially in the southern parts of the country, but they also have the issue of parking their bikes between rides.

The issue of bicycle storage can be considered from two sides:

  1. Where and how to put the bike between rides?
  2. Where and how to keep your “iron horse” for a long time in the off-season: from late autumn to spring?

Let's look at both options.

First of all, I want to dwell on the issue of folding bikes.

The main advantage of folding bikes

If you know in advance that there is not enough space for storing a bicycle in an apartment or garage, then you can look after yourself or. One of its main features is precisely the ability to take up much less space during storage and transportation. Such a bike will easily fit in the pantry, on the mezzanine, even if you put it or hang it on the wall in the garage or in the basement, it will not take up much space.

Moreover, modern models fold up and return to the assembled form in just a couple of minutes, such as, for example, g mountain folding bike for men and women (Formula Hammer).

The bicycle storage place must meet the following conditions:

  1. Provide easy and quick access to the bike if necessary.
  2. A bicycle should not take up too much living space from people, not interfere with the aisle and not dirty the storage place.
  3. The bike should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this has a bad effect on the paint and varnish that cover the parts of the bike, on its plastic and rubber parts (for example, boots, seals).
  4. It is desirable that the temperature in the room where the bike is stored be at least above +5 degrees.
  5. No temperature fluctuations. From it, rubber and plastic parts lose their elasticity and mechanical properties. It also leads to moisture.
  6. Not located near heating appliances - high temperatures will have a bad effect on tires, rubber seals, etc.
  7. Absence of high humidity and exposure to water. This is especially true for basements and balconies.

What bike storage facilities are available.

  1. To begin with, the simplest and ideal option: there is my house with a heated garage, a basement or a large apartment with a good entrance hall, in which "at least walk a horse." Everything is clear and cool here - the bike is always warm and at hand. You need to ride - took it and went.

    In the case of long-term storage in the off-season, the bike can simply be hung on the wall or under the ceiling on special hooks or a rack. It can even become part of the design.

  2. Standing separately heated garage also a great place for long-term storage. Here, his position relative to the place of residence plays an important role. If it is close to home, then it is also suitable for storage between trips.
  3. unheated garage- the option is, of course, a little worse, but after competently carried out preparation for long-term storage, the bike will survive the winter perfectly.
  4. Balcony. The most common place to park a bike. If it is heated or at least glazed, then you can store a bike there. If not, then this is tantamount to outdoor storage with all the bad consequences for the technical condition. And sometimes it will even have very bad consequences.

    When storing on the balcony, you need to protect the bike from direct sunlight by covering it with a cover, oilcloth, dark film.

    Another disadvantage of balcony storage is the need to wash the wheels after each ride, carefully drag it around the apartment, do not scratch the furniture, do not touch the curtains at the exit to the balcony, and you won’t turn around much on our balcony. Although if anyone has wide and long balconies or loggias, then they are much more comfortable. I personally met the “Kulibins”, who, living on the 2nd or 3rd floors, in the summer raised their bikes to the outside of the balcony on a system of blocks and hooked them there, covering them from light and precipitation with oilcloth. I can’t say that it provides perfect safety - but life is life and there is not always enough space in the apartment for people, not to mention bicycles.

    For summer storage, this is a possible and viable option, but for autumn and winter it is definitely not suitable.

    Storage on the balcony or in the basement carries the danger of getting high humidity from stored items in the neighborhood. Vegetables, such as cabbage, “breathe” during storage in the winter, releasing moisture. Moisture is also released when vegetables rot. Again, when drying clothes on the balcony, the humidity rises.

  5. Apartment. If the footage allows, then the most convenient option. The bike is always at hand, always in a dry and warm room. The question of washing between trips is still worth it, but the bike will always be clean.

    Often they wash it on the landing, and after it dries, they bring it into the apartment.

    There are several options for storing a bicycle in an apartment:

    • In the hallway on wheels
    • On a wall or stand in a hallway or rooms
    • On the ceiling in the hallway or rooms
    • In a pantry or a special closet in an upright position

    The storage option on wheels in the hallway is convenient for the skiing season, and for long-term or winter storage, it’s a good idea to hang it on the wall to the ceiling, pressing the wheels against the wall.

  6. Entrance or staircase. From the point of view of dryness and temperature conditions, the place is not bad, but from the point of view, the place is not the best. hardly help here. There is also the issue of neighbors. According to the law, it is impossible to clutter up stairwells and spans with various objects that interfere with the passage of citizens. If you solve issues with security and restless neighbors, then the place is good for any bike storage.

  7. Tambours in the corridors. In my opinion, one of the best places. Now, in many high-rise buildings, the layout is such that several apartments are located in one vestibule and, uniting, put one common door at the entrance. If adequate neighbors live next to you and the place in it allows, then storing a bicycle there is a great idea. It can also be mounted high on the wall or placed in a vertical position so as not to interfere with others.
  8. There is another option separate winter storage bicycles in special warm parking lots, which are organized by some entrepreneurs (usually done by bicycle repair shops) or enterprising residents among the owners of apartment buildings in warm basements or in the attics of their high-rise buildings. For example, in Nikolaev in ours there are such premises in which you can.
  9. If there is extra money and space on the plot, then for summer use you can put a special bicycle garage. True, I personally have never seen anything like this here - most likely this is only relevant for Western bikers. In winter, it is impossible to store a bike in this iron box.

A few more nuances when storing bicycles that I would like to recall:

  1. Before putting the bike into long-term, most often winter storage, it is necessary to properly prepare it. How to do this, you can read in the appropriate one on our website.
  2. After any trips through the mud, when the bike is dirty and wet, it is a must. Don't put it off until later. The fact is that it is wet mud that greatly contributes to the appearance of rust, and dirt on the transmission dramatically enhances the sprockets.
  3. Often, to save space, it is recommended to turn the steering wheel along the frame and twist the pedals (they can be screwed in from the back so as not to look for later). This recommendation is well suited for long-term storage, but for everyday it is not very convenient. Every time before and after a trip, unscrewing the nuts will not be a pleasure. And the bike itself is not very useful. If there is not enough storage space, then you can do it differently: remove the front wheel and fender, turn the steering wheel along the frame, and put the wheel with the fender on the frame or even separately.
  4. It is easy to hang on the wall and ceiling and the models are light. also not very heavy, but with this it will not always be easy. Still, it is not always easy to lift and hang 15-20 kg on hooks if they are above shoulder level.
  5. If there are utilities near the storage area, for example, heating, sewerage and plumbing pipes often run in basements, do not put bicycles under them. Condensation accumulates on them, which drips onto the bike standing below - and by spring you will get rust.
  6. For long-term storage, it is better that the bike does not stand on wheels, but hangs on hooks - the tires will feel better. It is the method of winter storage in suspension by the top tube that many manufacturers recommend for their products.
  7. Visit, from time to time, your iron friend and check if everything is in order. If it's on wheels, rotate them a bit so it's on different parts of the rubber. If the bike is hanging, attached to one or both wheels, then during long-term storage it is advisable to rotate them at least 90 degrees from time to time so as not to deform the rim.
  8. In continuation of the previous paragraph, I would like to say the following - if possible, then during long-term storage it is better to have the bike hanging, not standing on wheels.
  9. Interesting ideas and design solutions for storing a bicycle in an apartment can be found on the Internet or see this link, although, it seems to me, most of them are hardly suitable for many of our apartments on 5 and 9 floors.

And so, on a dark and cold autumn evening, we decided to write an article on the topic: "Storing a bicycle." Let's get started!

To begin with, we will look at two types of bike storage - short-term and long-term.
Short-term storage of a bicycle is an issue that has not been considered by many, unlike storage of a bicycle in winter.

What it is?

Many cyclists are faced with the problem of storing a bicycle at home after a trip.

The ideal option is to live in a private house 🙂 But not everyone has such an opportunity ... How to store a bicycle in an apartment? That is the question!

Every day, when you come home on a bicycle, you need to leave it in the corridor for half an hour - let the dirt drain and dry a little. Then we take either a simple broom, or a brush, and a simple dry rag. First, we clean off all the dirt with a brush (the brush should be as soft as possible, in no case hard!), And with a rag we wipe the frame first, then the mechanisms and finally the wheels. All this takes a real 5 minutes.

A simple operation that:

a) increase the service life of all mechanisms;

b) keep your house clean;

c) your wife will not panic.

And what is so interesting about long-term storage of a bicycle in winter?

To begin with, we will tell you all the possible situations that can happen to a bicycle if you just put it on a balcony or in a garage.

1. Rubber deteriorates.

2. Condensation builds up inside during temperature changes. This is fraught with the following consequences:

- formation of rust;

- stretching of spring mechanisms and cables.

How to avoid all this?

First, you need to perform a series of standard operations that everyone does before the start of the cycling season. This is lubrication of all bearings (and, if necessary, replacement), cleaning of all mechanisms, sorting out the fork (suspension), lubrication and replacement of brake cables and gear cables, lubrication of the chain (for the winter it is better to lubricate the chain with paraffin, we described the instructions). You also need to pump up the tires to working pressure if the bike will stand on its own two feet. If it is possible to hang the bike, it is better to blow off the wheels.

Some do this: the wheels are removed separately, and the bicycle frame is placed under the bed. Convenient and saves space. But it is better to pack the frame in a plastic bag. Where to get? A large trash bag, or buy plastic sheeting from the hardware store, which is used to cover furniture during repairs.

How to store a bike on a balcony?

It is clear that not all of us have a garage, a barn, a glazed balcony. But storing a bike on an open balcony without preliminary preparation is not an option.

What is the best way?

It's safest to do all of the above and pack your bike in a large cardboard box. It would be even better to take off with cameras and put them at home, behind a closet, for example. Put the frame in the box, put the wheels on the side and preserve, so to speak. It seems that this is an uneconomical use of space on the balcony, but if you don’t put the box, but put it up, the space is used minimally, and besides, you can put something else on top of the box. See for yourself.

And now it's time to talk about proper bike storage in winter.

It is best to periodically, at least once a week, ride it! After a ride, let the bike stand for the snow to melt, brush and re-oil the chain. When the bike rides, contrary to all laws, it will receive less wear and tear than standing on the balcony for 6 months. And your health will improve!

Therefore, do not forget about the bike for the winter! And it's time to find yourself warm and light clothes, buff, gloves. By the way, in our publics, in albums, you can find warm cycling gloves, made to high quality standards, and low price. Better to watch than to read, so please!

P.S.: How to prepare the bike for the winter - see this video.

A bicycle is an excellent means of transportation, loved by many for its simplicity, affordability and health benefits. However, nothing in the world is eternal, just as cycling is not eternal. Iron "horse" is also supposed to rest. Sometimes short - for the night or for several days. And sometimes the bike is left idle for the whole winter. And so that the health of your "horse" is not shaken, it needs the appropriate conditions. In this article, we will give recommendations on the best ways to store a bike in various situations.

In terms of the duration of bike storage, all cases can be divided into short-term and long-term. In the first case, we are talking about storing the bike between trips during the active season. Usually this is a period of two or three days, a maximum of a couple of weeks. If you do not plan to use the bike for more than a month, it makes sense to prepare it for long-term storage.

Short term storage

For short downtime, the main thing is not to leave the bike in the mud, in the rain / snow and in the sun. Dirt and dust will "eat" into the lubricant, which will subsequently lead to increased wear of moving parts. Atmospheric precipitation is an increased risk of corrosion of the steel elements of the bike. And the sun can heat many parts of a bike to very high temperatures in a short time. Black rubber and plastic parts especially "do not like" this (For example, a tightly inflated tire can even burst if overheated!). Yes, and the paint in the sun may well burn out.

Bicycle storage bag Thus, the bicycle can be stored almost anywhere between trips: in the hallway, shed, garage, or even on an unglazed balcony. However, when stored in "outdoor" conditions, like a balcony, you should definitely cover it with a cloth, oilcloth or a special cover: in general, anything that will protect the bike from rain and sun.
By the way, one case is known when a bicycle often remained in the back room of a medical laboratory. So, after a couple of months, almost over the entire metal surface, it turned out to be a small red speck. It is not known what kind of reagents were flying in the air. But it is better to keep your pet away from any chemical activity.

Let's focus on one more thing: safety! Some novice cyclists who live in apartment buildings like to leave their bikes on the landing, tethered to the railing. Of course, the temptation to leave it there is great: it is both clean and space-saving in the apartment, and at the same time, the bike is reliably protected from rain and sun. Unfortunately, such cyclists very quickly move into the category of pedestrians. The entrance is a public and easily accessible place, even if the entrance is equipped with an intercom. And the landing is deserted 99% of the time. This is enjoyed by the so-called "bike hunters". Ordinary cables are easily cut with a special tool, and the railing is sawn with a hacksaw in a few minutes. So, if you do not want to part with your steel friend ahead of time, choose a more reliable place for yourself.

Although improper storage during the cycling season is harmful to the bike, nothing fatal will happen to it in a couple of weeks. If before each trip you will, as expected, check its condition (inflate tires, lubricate the chain, etc.), then you will have time to notice the problems that have arisen and take action. Careless long-term (usually winter) storage can end much more unpleasantly.

Long term storage

With long-term storage, the owner of a mountain bike usually faces three main questions: where to store the bike; how to store a bike so as not to spoil it; how to fold a bike more compactly.

The rules for long-term storage are generally identical to the rules for short-term storage, only compliance with them is more important. Plus, there are a number of highly desirable measures used when preparing a bike for long term storage. About them below. In the meantime, let's touch on the potential dangers of improper storage.

Since the bike will be left unattended for several months, a lot of trouble can happen to it during this period. For example, with constant exposure to the sun, rubber can crack and plastic parts lose their original shape. And with high humidity, steel elements can rust through. And this, depending on the specific model, can be a fork, and a chain, and brake cables, and even a frame. It will be extremely unpleasant then at high speed to suddenly be without brakes, or even without a steering wheel.

Incidentally, high humidity is not only from precipitation. If your clothes are often dried on a closed balcony, or vegetables and fruits are stored, the humidity will also be very high.

Storing your bike in the winter In winter, the dangers that lie in wait for a bicycle are added to by one more: a sharp temperature drop. In addition to the negative impact on materials (especially rubber), it is also dangerous due to the ingress of moisture into microcracks in the frame or into any other cracks and bottlenecks. When water freezes, it turns into ice, which, as you know, expands. Remember childhood experiments with a glass water bottle in the freezer? Several such cycles, and instead of a microcrack, there will already be a completely full-fledged crack. We believe it is not worth explaining why you do not need to go on the road with a cracked frame.

So, let's choose where to store the bike in winter. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that outdoor conditions are completely unsuitable for long-term storage of a bicycle (especially in winter): unglazed balconies and hanging on hooks outside the window.

Glazed uninsulated balconies, unheated garages, sheds and cottages are more or less suitable (provided that they are protected from direct sunlight). Cellars can also be used as a last resort, but it should be borne in mind that there is always very high humidity, which is detrimental to all iron.
Good options would be warm glazed balconies, as well as any premises in apartments and residential buildings. You can, by the way, store a bicycle at work, if there is a suitable room. The only condition: the bike should not be in close proximity to batteries / heaters / air conditioners and other active sources of heat or cold.

For apartments, by the way, you can purchase, or make your own, special devices for hanging a bike on the wall. From a space saving point of view, it is very convenient.

There is even an ideal option - storage in a specialized warehouse with constant temperature and humidity. However, it requires additional financial costs, and besides, your bike will not be available at any time, you will first have to go to the warehouse.

Preparing your bike for winter

Now let's dwell on how to store, or, on the actual preparation of a two-wheeled friend for wintering (or just a long rest).

First of all, you should wash it of all old dirt and dust (just don’t try to bathe your bike in the bathroom! A brush and a damp cloth are your choice!).

Second, lubrication! Lubricate everything that rubs and what you can get to (depending on your skill. Still, you should not disassemble the nodes that you will not be able to put back together later). Just do not use lubricants like the good old thick grease. Bike is not an old gate. Go to a bike shop and buy a special lubricant, even the cheapest one. It is inexpensive, and the bike will last longer. Although, if exposure to negative temperatures is expected, it is better to take a more expensive lubricant. There are cases when low-quality lubricant in the cold broke up into components and actually stopped lubricating.

Thirdly, take care of the wheels. Since the air from the tires, like it or not, gradually leaves, the tires can deform during prolonged idle time under load. If the bike will stand on wheels, pump them up to the maximum allowable by tires. If he spends the winter in limbo - on the contrary, the tire pressure should be reduced (but not lowered at all!).

Fourth, you need to relax all possible tense elements. To loosen the tension on the cables, "unfasten" the brakes (if you have a V-brake) and shift the forward and reverse gears to the smallest sprockets (as far as the position of the switches allows). This will also loosen the chain tension. It would be even better to remove the chain altogether, and wrap it in oiled paper and store it somewhere in the pantry.
If you have adjustable dampers, loosen those as well.

Fifthly, remove all electrical accessories: flashing lights, lights, bike computers and remove batteries from them. If the batteries leak, in half the cases the device can be thrown away.

You can also treat the tires with a special silicone spray, which can be found in car dealerships. This treatment will prevent them from drying out.

These are the basic steps to take regardless of the storage location. If you have chosen an unheated balcony, garage, cottage as a winter storage, we recommend a number of additional manipulations.

Remove the brake pads if you have a V-brake. If the brakes are hydraulic - in the spring, be sure to check the integrity of the hoses. In general, it is better not to leave hydraulics in the cold.

Remove and put away the wheels (at least tires and tires). There are cases when, after frost, the rubber begins to actively crumble.

Treat all metal surfaces with an oiled cloth. This is an additional protection against corrosion (high humidity in unheated rooms in winter).

In principle, there is an even deeper approach to storage. For example, you can think of a static load on the rims, and every few weeks turn the wheels a quarter of a turn, and other things like that. But these are already the concerns of professional cyclists, who, even without this article, know well how to handle their bike. For an ordinary amateur cyclist, such efforts do not make much sense, anyway, he will not feel the difference.

And the last thing we will focus on is the compact folding of the bike for storage. Everything is simple here: we remove everything that we can quickly remove. Front wheel, seat, bike bags, depending on the design of your bike - the rear wheel. We unscrew the pedals from the connecting rods and screw them in from the inside (well, or don’t screw them in, but simply put them on a shelf along with the rest of the bike parts). We turn the steering wheel along the bike (just do not damage the cables). In this form, the dimensions of your pet will be reduced by almost half.

Well, if you have nothing to store yet - in our online store you can buy a bike with delivery or come to pick it up yourself, and then experienced staff will advise you on any questions of interest. Come!

Edited: 10/23/2018

The skiing season has come to an end and the bike needs to be prepared for off-season long winter storage.

In this article, we will look at how to prepare a bike for storage in winter. But why only for winter? They apply to all cases when you stop riding and put your iron horse into storage for a more or less long period and this is not only the off-season. There are also situations when the eldest child has already grown out of his great, and the youngest has not yet matured. The bike should lie in the garage for a long time without moving.

The preparation rules apply to all storage places, both in warm rooms (apartments, heated garages and balconies) and in unheated rooms (unheated garages, sheds, basements, balconies).

The storage option is great on the open balcony and the street is quite bad, but it happens in life.

Rules for preparing a bicycle for long-term storage point by point:

  1. First of all, the bike before winter needs to be washed.

    Wash off all dirt from the frame, wheels, tires, cassette, chain tensioner, etc. If the dirt remains, then most likely rust will begin to appear in this place.

    When washing a bicycle, you do not need to completely immerse it in water, throwing it into a river or bath. You need to wash the bike with a jet of water or by wiping it with a damp cloth, the water should drain quickly from it. And this pretty girl cyclist in the photo washes the bike correctly and it is clear that with love!

    After a thorough wash, remember to make sure that no water gets inside the frame (especially for steel and carbon frames) and the bike is completely dry.

    There were cases when a steel bicycle was washed, then hidden wet in a basement or unheated room, and by the spring they got rust. The carbon frame inside does not have a protective layer and water can destroy the carbon. Even more fun if the water starts to go out inside the frame.

    You can read more about how and how to wash a bike in the article "".

  2. After washing, you need to renew the lubricant, wheel hubs, chain tensioner, bottom bracket, steering column and pedals.

    Moreover, when preparing the bike for winter, it is desirable to apply more to the chain (and from all sides of the chain) than as with conventional chain lubrication for riding.

    If it is supposed to store the bike in an unheated room (in a cold garage, on a glazed balcony, etc.), it would be good to apply a layer on chrome parts, scratches and chipped paint. Although often they cover all the metal parts of the bicycle in general. What is it for? Silicone grease will protect the metal from corrosion and the paint from cracking. You can completely wipe the entire bike with an oiled cloth. This is especially important for bikes with a steel frame. , and all this is not necessary.

    A wax polish can also be used to protect paint and varnish on painted metal surfaces.

    Shifter cables, disc brakes and vibrake brakes can be lubricated with ordinary household, cheapest oil or WD-40 spray. Just remember that you need to lubricate them only dry. Oil will not lay on top of water. Steel cables must be lubricated, and Teflon cables are optional.

    Just do not in any case lubricate the rotors of disc brakes.

    Pedal threads are best lubricated with grease. If this is not done, then it will be difficult to unscrew them later. How to unscrew the pedals on a bicycle is described. If plus and minus temperatures alternate in the place of storage, then the pedal in the thread can “become boiled”.

  3. According to the experience of many cyclists, it is better to immediately fix all minor breakdowns, replace worn parts, for example, a chain (you can read how to check chain wear), cassette stars, and so on. Everything that had no time to repair during the season and was postponed for later, it is better to do it before winter. If it was not possible to repair everything at once, then try to bring your iron horse to mind over the winter. Moreover, in winter there is more free time, and bike shops make discounts on their goods - after all, it’s not the season.
  4. The chain must be put in position on the smallest stars in front and behind. In this position, the rear derailleur has the least load, and the chain is not under tension. This, by the way, is generally better to always do after trips.

  5. should be reduced to 1-1.5 atmospheres. With this pressure, the tire retains its shape, but it is quite easy to squeeze with your fingers and the bike does not stand on the rims. Even if the bike does not stand on wheels, but hangs on a rack or hooks on the wall, you do not need to keep the wheels completely flat or fully inflated.

    If the bike will stand on wheels, then from time to time it will be necessary to pump up the chambers, because. they will blow air.

    Remember, the tires must not be completely deflated and the bike must not be on rims.

  6. If the bike is stored in a cold room, and your tires are of high quality (expensive) and are not intended for use in the cold season, then they can be lubricated with glycerin or a special lubricant to prevent cracking in the cold.
  7. If the floors freeze in the garage or basement where the bike will be stored, it is recommended that the wheels not be placed directly on the floor, but that boards or foam be placed under them.

  8. If various electronics are installed on the bike (navigator,), then it is better to remove it from an unheated room and take it home.

    Remove all batteries and accumulators from the front, lights and other electrical devices so that they do not run out and do not leak (it does not matter if the bike is stored in a warm or cold room).

  9. If you do not forget to loosen the fastening clamps , and . This must be done to reduce pressure on the carbon.
  10. For, if the storage is in places with a change in plus and minus temperatures, you can remove the seatpost with the seat from the seat tube. It happens that the surfaces "stick" with each other.
  11. Remove the tension of the springs and cables, and the brakes. It is better to separate the brake levers to loosen the tension of the springs.
  12. If the bicycle is equipped, it is advisable to loosen the mounting screws so that the pads do not touch the brake disc. Often, rust begins to appear at the point where the disc touches the pads.
  13. If the fork is a shock-absorbing one, it is necessary to pour abundantly the legs of the fork (rubbing surfaces) with silicone or Teflon grease. After that, press the fork several times as far as possible and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the oil will drain down to the seals, and its excess will need to be wiped with a rag.
  14. If the bike has an air or air-oil suspension fork, reduce the pressure in it.
  15. If your bike is equipped with an oil suspension fork, then if possible, try to keep it from turning upside down during storage.
  16. If a good leather is installed on the bike,
    then either take him to a warm room or smear him with Proofide ointment (based on calf fat). Remember that the skin does not like direct sunlight and a lot of water.
  17. To reduce the space occupied, you can turn the steering wheel along the frame and. Sometimes they are screwed on the back of the crank (to the frame) to be stored with the bike.
  18. If possible, cover the bike with a cover.

If you have prepared your bike well and correctly for storage, then next season it will be much easier and faster.

Video on preparing the bike for winter storage